Mother j Child I ir -...

THE EVENTXG WSll1NGTO FRIDAY JULY 11 fl02 3 r lIMES SURVEYS BEGUN ON IRRIGATION PROJECT Carrying Out Provisions of the New Law AT PJORK IN EIGHT STATES Sites to Be Selected for Reservix Prom Data Collected by Field Parties Civil Engineers in Demandh Charge of Geological Survey The demand for engineers to be employed on irrigation surveys author ized by Congress is making work for the Civil Commtssea SurvEYing parties are now at work in California Utah Nevada Oregon Colorado Washington and Arizona others are sent out na rapidly as they can be organized The data collected by these wlll be forwarded to the Survey and clasIfied in orier to I suitable sites for the erection of i zesexroirs All data will be arrJged I by the Irrigation Bureau and forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior I The Secretary in approvIng the sites I suggested will be in his by the water supply the cost of the work the amount of land which j be rnclairled ultiviOL It will likely be a matter of two or years before work struction can bf begun r any loeiity Sixty Million Acres to BeReclaimed F H Newell chief the division of of the Geological Survey zmd secretary of the American I who bas subject of irrigation a that in the next century itwU be to Irrigate more than RtOO9ooc acres of arid claim has that it will be possible to reclaim 000000 aCres In that time Yr Morris F Blen of the Land Office was transferred today to the Geological Survey as assistant to Mr New EoIl in the Irrigation work UGLY GIRCUMSTANGN3 SURROUND Body Found at Point Look out Bad Condition Cannan Bulldog Killed and Bloody Hatchet Put in the Sand S FREEPORT L I llIn the of the investigation into the mystery of the ileath man Smith whose body ws found the beach dt I Point Lookout yesterdaTo two men were held as witnesses uDder heeds of iO I each this morning The Dfen are Capt I Richard Dawson and Daniel Creery of the sChooner Sarah A Carpenter which has been in the bay loading sand Smith w s a wellknown bay man ItE was a veteran and member of the C R vast at Freeport His body was found on the near the Point Lookout Life Saving Station with the feet in the water The dead body of his bulldog lay about two hundred yards away Smiths head was crushed in there were bruises on back and blood hadcome from the nose and ears as a result ot concussion A hate et was buried In the sand nearby BOY SOLDIERS COMING I TO WASHINGTON civil V Service Idaho and being parties Geological deter- mine governed de- cislona and can or thee the actual on 1L Mr of hydrography Forestry Associatten made the life study estimates Inwosetbie land The heel made OO specia DEATH in Smiths Also I 4 July course of on a A beech the Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment Will Arrive Tomorrow The Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment boys brigade is expected to arrive in Washington tomorrow and will remain here until Monday when resume its march for Lancaster By way of Mount Grittou and Gettysburg The regiment is traveling In true military style and Into camp while here The boys were yesterday the guests of Battery B of the Brigade of Baltimore arriving in that city yes terday morning on the steamer banna for Port DepsIt to which place they marched from their homes In Lan caster DRIVEN FROM HOME NOW GETS Virginia Finds Himself It will will go Maryland Sueque FORTUNE Cattle Thrnther Suddenly Rich NEWPORT NEWS Va July William Howard cattle has just Word that he has heir to a fortune ot IlftOOO Howards famIly lives at Fort Warn md His father was the or a bank there Seven years ago the hey was expelled from school for some of tense and his father drove hIm from home Since that me has drifted about under an assumed name ODdly coming to and a job as cattle puncher HIs father died without leaving a will and his relatlver IDiba1 ted every means to the wanderlBg boy but in vaIn Howard became the the other day and wrote home An an- swer came yesterday telling his good fortune WAR DECLARED ON GAMBLING MACHINES ATLANTIC CITY N J July 11War- on machines hen been by the police departmenL A raid was made today along the ot floors captured two nlckelinthe810t machines By dropping it cents Jo the machines and placing the money on col- ors which revolved on a is possible to win from cents 6 iL puncher received fallen president be Newport News lakiug locate homesick of gambling begue t boardwalk and wheel 1t 26 to I CHILD LABOR DECLARED A DEMORALIZING EVIL of lowe As I ATLANTIC CITY N July ILTite1- 1Iatlonal of Green Glass Botti Blowers Association strong resolutions ueousci generally callIng the attent- ifIU of the public toits magnitude 3rnl- in addition other resolutions sympafuiz- ing with the striking coal miners I Penusylvanfa and approprIating JOO for their aid were unanimously dOltt led Prior to the appropriation o PX for the President aaie a speech reviewing the there aft said it was not a strike Interest miners but a struggle of ii- ganized labor everywhere against enl con iUons The resolutions adopt eel unanimously the will be iorW1U dod to President of the United Mine Workers Association Am DECLINED TO QUELL DISTITREANGES Pennsylvanias Governor I l- ilon s Appealof Sheriffs JaDg of Serious Conflict in Some Towns in the Mining Regions Grows Hourly WILKESBARRE PA July llGov ernor Stone has etuaOO the request Of Sheriff Gombert of Carbon county claims tb t he needs aid In dis- turbances are daily occurring at the towns of Summit Hill and Lansford The Lehigh Company claims that workmen are being abducted beaten marched out of tows and threatened with violence if they to work Each night this week there have been disturbances The sheriff that he deputies Last night two of the workers were abducted and Wednesday night one and OIl occasion the company organ Ized a force of twentyIve citizens Winchesters and determined to rescue the workers it they could be They were not however located Two men this week have been captured and marched out of the town All of the strikers are armed and there is said to he danger ot The company Is determined to protect its men the strikers are aroused to high pitch of Sheriff Beddall of SchuylkIll la which Is the town of just across the line Carbon county ports that there has been no serions disturbances yet and is able to pro serve order In his So far the violence has been confined to marches and small assaults IAY WIN FORTUNE3 IN THE CORN DEAL Several Sf Louis Men on the GroundS Floor I The Spencers C edited With I Having Made chases ac Resolution Glass Bottle aociation 1 convenUon the yesterday dozLrd i labor ol I miners Hayes condItions in thE of were axti money Mitchell a wh 0 quelling which mining Coal and Naviga- tion Its continue seerts Is unable to ob tam siDleient each ained with toned a serious conflict a excitement r county Coaldale frost re he county and Others Large Par ST LOUIS July 11Several St Louis mba stand to win fortunes on the f Chicago corn deal chants Exchange talk Prominent among them are Corwin H Spencer his son Harlow E Spencer and D F It ta the prevailing inrpressloa that C H Spencer has bought about 2000000 bushels lu Chicago and is not yet ready i Gossip also credits Harlow Spencer wIth MIIO bushels D F Coon with and a friend or the Spencers with The supposition is that they did through the Gates ring I and are prepared to take advantage of the bulling ue Gates crowd are giving the corn market A railroad man makes the statement that It has arranged to bring of corn to St Louis from Chicago during the present month I TAX SALE SHOULD BE CANCELED I according to Mar Coon to sell aoo000 1000000 no buy 100000- beshels NOT Finds Against Applicaticn of Title Company The application made by Mr George Llnkius secretary of the Washington Title Insurance Company recently to the District for the cancel lotion of the tax sale of 1889 or lot Washington Heights is not approved lJy the The appUcaUoD having been referred to the Assessor he lies repnrted that the same ease brought before his lee an application by Walter E Hilton E Welsh Ash furd date of April 10 upon which an report wu submitted The I Assessor statca that there are no new facti presented which would give son of the action then taken LOUISVILLE TO HAVE NO PACKING CHICAGO July iiI sever heard of the or of the men in Louis Swift Co last night shown sAying plans had a mimondollart- t ktug plsat at that point So far is I know there Is no interest in an by anyoL the ChIcago packIng houses Assessor It Cpmmlsalosers 21 Assessor was through flied for Mr under adv rse rae for the reversal PLANT pins Itsaht Swift of irhan aLoulsviile dilpatch been perfected tar being taken suqh arrangement MR GOUGH TELLS I ACCIDENT I Was on I 1 in I sCENES OF CONFUSION Only One Life Lost But Five Minutes Later List Might Have Been AppallingMore Than Six Hundred Passengers Floated in Dark for Hours I LeRoy Cough or this city or the firm of Hensey Cough at torneys 1r02 F Street was one of the passengers on the Long Island Sound steamer Priscilla when that boat run into and nearly sunk on Tuesday night of this week on the return journey of the boat from Fall to New York city Gough was just completing a short vacation trip to I Marthas Vineyard Mass when the ac- cident occurred I of the scenes following the I collision Mr Cough who lives at I Street northwest said last flight a dense fog when the ac jcident occurred We had left Fall Mass at 740 oclock that bEg and were Point when he Powhatan of the Mine ue struck the Prlscllla I At we had on or fish lorminJ only part of large and all the staterooms over jn number were occupied ditlon to a number of steerage gars aboard who did not have rooms As we were going out through the fog we j could hear clanging bells of small launches and trade ships lying at anchor and knew that navigation It andy a fog was a Very and dangerous matter Awakened by Two L uisd gone to sleep early and at n- ock awakened two distinct sboekt I niy stateroom door but before I had tIme to don ten and step out the electrIc lights went oit This we afterwards discover eel was because In the collision electric light plant in the prow of had been disabled i UIn the people were going around the decks making inquirIes as to the extent of damage but all bayed admirably This was espectal1y tree of the women of whom there have several hundred at least one third of the whole passenger list Tin crew began to throw the cargo and thin we knew that the damage must have been severe The boat had gon down in the bow and was so high up in the stern the rudder showed out of the wuter The PrIscilla signaled the Powbatm that she was disabled but the other boat was also injured and both simply Seated In the darkness For four hours distress call four shal1t blasts in succession blown continually no assistance was obtained Finally It 3 oclock the Puritan came up pretty good I can tell you to see thai great sister ship the on3 we were o come up out or the dark with deck brilliantly il- luminated with Incandescent carryin relief to us In ot help The people I on the Priscilla cheered and clapped their bands then for the first time breathed easily for too danger of drifting about in the dark with tin rudder tar out ot water as to be appreciated by Towed Into Port Stern First The Prtacllla was then towed into port stern first to keep the steamer out of the Water as much as possible Four snapped in the work and then a- Jiveply cable was rigged up and with this the boat was towed The Puritan found it could not make very great speed this way however and the steamer City ot FaIl River pressed into service and towed Purl tan thus making a threefold procession into the harbor i El- FPiIfflLLk Board Sound Steamer the CollIsion WILD Denth Mr R was River Mr Speaking ifli Seventeenth There was River even rown4lng Judith R- I Merchants and Nevprt taken i50- brrels our cargo 000 in ad pas the coast difficult Shocks was by opened a clothes the the i boat darkness the be mimi been off tat the was ye Itloket I sternser of ness every need ana so useless wan alL cables wm the Only oue life was lostthat or a stevedore who was caught In his bed and crushed If the had oc curred live minutes later the number victims would have been much great- er for then other men would been sleeping at the same place it was we were going round Point Judith and all the other members of the crew on deck at their posts ot 1uty- If it had been a rough night with the vessels pitching and tossing there would have been times too We got to at 9 a m and took the boat to Junction and then the train from there to Wlckford A train from there took us to York arriving just a fey minutes too late the last train of the afternoon for Wash ington This necessitated ray staying over for one the owl trains bring ing me back here just one day late Ormsby tcCammoD this city was one of the passengers on the Pris cilia He had been cruising on the old Cup Columbia and took pas sage on the steamer at Newport just be fore the accident occurred He was by Cramp Queer Scenes During Excitement accident of also have As were worse Newport Wicktord New for of Mr of defender ac- companied Mr There were many strange scenes dUr- Ing those hours or uncertainty and now that the danger Is over the thought or these returns very plainly There a minister who went racing up down the deck like a cOllege sprinter lie car- ried a life preserver in his hand hut that was all the good it to do hIm In a corner were a lot of Hebrews who prayed constanly for deliverance and they were a hap py lot the Puritan hove at last The crew put on life pre servers at the and seeing this the passengers did likewise One woman who had an old darky mammy with as a caretaker and companloD I to put on a Ufo preserver until hr vant had been provided with one The Priscilla has been In corapriaston eight years making regular trIPS i yet In all that time previously she had not had sn aeeldenL The hole stove In I this time was Jive feet below the water line and big enough to drive a team f into it worst scared lot Of Dassengers were some young fellows who had been the cafe directly next to the side damaged a SUd den the side came tumbling In rush of water They all seemed dazed heard and frozen to the spot The bartcndc ra8 first to stir them Into action He told them the boat was sInklngand that I theY to be saved they had better scoot They took the and scrambled on deck They probably wilL notre1isba drink below the water line uS a boat soon again I u was and seemed likely when In- sight flrst her refused sr for The j drinking in afterward All of with a we afterward were absolutely the it wanted advice j CAUSE OF HEADON COLLISION Msinterpretation of Signals by Train Crews The ollicials or the Southern Railway were today engaged in investigating the headon collision which occurred be- tween two of trains at the corner or Sixth Street dud Maryland about 16 oelock evening no was Injured but some de lay was occasIoned by having to send following trains into and out of the sta- tion over the Virginia Avenue tracks until the derailed was replaced I and the tracks cleared 1 The collision occurred between north- bound train 510 from Mantissas due at the station at 945 oclock antI train 533 the Florida special The crew of the northbound train that they had been given a red requIrIng them to stop on the single track on Avenue Sixth arnl Sev- enth Streets soutbwett and while wait- ing for further the special which had been signaled that the track a clear wheeled around the curve end befoe it could he brought toa stand still two engines came together JOHNSONS 1ANTI- W AllING INTO ALLEY I of J D otter I I Important Law Omitted From RecentcEdition of Police Regulations The District Commissioners recently received a communIcatIon from D Cotter of 1706 Thirtieth Street north west requesting that rs Johnson the owner of abutting property be notified to take steps to prevent earth from falling into the alley In square 12S2 It that this east and west just north of premi and that the condition of the same has been rendered more or less objec tionable from the washIng down of dirt from the property of Mrs Johnson above the grade of the alley The matter referred to the Police Department for the protetlon of the alter under article 8 23 ot the regulatlons Lieutenant John Swindells of the Seventh Precinct back to headquarters that section of the police regulations had eliminated from the new edition re cently issued and that action could be tsftan ln the premises except under I of sections 2 and 3 the snow law L r Bradshaw chief clerk of the En gineer Department reporting upon the matter stated that section of the old regulations was omitted because it was thought that It was superseded by the snow liradabaw however the view tlt such is not the I caeas appears from an opinion upon the powers of the CommissIoners from the Corporation dated May 17 1SOL Mr Bradshaw held that the old regulatIon is properly enforceable un der the police powers of the Commissioners Capt H C Newcomer has forwarded papers case to his colleagues the recommendation that the ol section ot the regulations he reenacted as he believes that a deal of good was accomplished its enforcement before its recent omission front the new edition of the It Is understood that the Board wit adopt thE recommendation of the Act lag Engilelr VALUABLE MAREB PERISH IN INVESTiGATiNG Responsible thejr Avenue last Forun- ately cite engine state target Mary- land between ordera n the 111118 Complaint Against Alleged Nuisance Covering Such Cases Mr J appears alley runs Mr Cotters Sc which Is was sectIon polee re- ported 21 Old bees no the provisions 01 23 act Mr Counsel general the lathe with 23 pollee greal by regulations Cnmmissloner I FbAIE SEcond Fire at s Meadovbrook PHILADELPHIA July ll For the second time the magnificent stone barn of J Lowber Yelchs Xeadowbrook Farm Belle Mill Stanton Av enue Chestnut Hill was burnd this loss of t80 and t upward I Nine horses including several I brood mares In foal perished in the flames In the live stock and i barn than ilO tons of hay and 200 bushels ot grain were destroYed The Ill on the place amounts to I and it Is believed that is sufficient to cover the loss Xo theory has advanced for the fire and the firemen say It is a mys- tery ERRING COUPLE SAFE HOME WITH PARENTS Destructive V1ch Road sad morning entailng a 1 S valua- ble addlticn tO morn I I surance 31000 been = Mrs OMally and William Rearm Leave Philadelphia YORK July llllrs Austin OMalIey and William J Hearin who were arrested a week ago when so it Is alleged they were about to elope are back In this city their home town They are out on 1200 ball apiece having been held in that sum yesterday in Philadelphia on charges of larceny and conspiracy to rob W A Ellis father or Mrs OMalley was in Philadelphia at the hearIng He accompursied his daughter to this city and took her to his home at 21 Morningaide Avenue the young woman said that she would like to make some remarks about the case but had been forbidden by counsel to talk her father expressed approval that there had been too much talk FATHER IS DYING SON TO BE HANGED t EASTON Pa July llLeis Gretli er tile aged of Charles Grether county murdere is dying at residence of a daugbterin Phil llpshurg NJ to whose home he was removed today from the house in which lie had been living alone in this city Recently the old man said his one de sire was that he might dIe before lila son is hanged NEW yesterday When and said father the Monroe the = I PUSHING PLANS FUll THE GREAT LAT SHOW Washington Club Holds an TO EXHIBIT FlJwer of the RaceValuable I Prizes qfferedProgress of Cat Civi I lization in the Home to Be Built At the regular July meetIng or the Washington Cat Club matters vital importance to the feline population or Washington were transacted A choice of one or three lots one at lrooklanxl and two at Fort Myer Heights wes offered by one of the wealthiest most charitable or Washington ladles for the erection of structures suitable for a cat home on condition that the club raise the neces sari funds for improving the same and tor keeping them free from debt No was expressed but that the build- Ings would be erected at an through the or clubs many warm friends The president reported that a very fine and thoroughly uptodate lethal chamber had been constructed under his directions and that the same Is now at the pound at the t Twentythird Street with the consent of the Health er and of the Pound the reception of unfortu ante felines to whom existence bas be come hopeless burden Since the city I derives revenue from its cat It is to be hoped that the Pound master will not be annoyed by to call for strays and incurables but will he carried to him at once Plans for the Show The contract for cooping the cat show to be held in December was sadsfaeI torn closed One hundred us I used cat coops of the latest approved Lave already been engaged with the probability that at least ftfty Owners of famous prize winning cats from New York Chicago and elsewhere have expressed their Intention to Capital dur- ing their traels next season ThIs information will cause our own not inccnslderable number of unusually fine fireside sphynxes to rally the judge in the hope of retaining some of the Wasbington prizes Judging tlOIr the hands experienced in the and to wbic1 management Washingtons cat show has been left there seems lit- tle room for doubt that as fine a show will he given as has ever been held i the United States the bowls to be given Ull purpose of increasing the funds th Cat Horse committee the prize usually awarded at shows be of here In order therefore to rate prizes a classes Of exhibitin each member of the club wIll be taxel one prize to take any convenient form from cash to solid silver trophIes to be won by the same cat at three shows Doubtless many not members or the club will also wIsh to offer Many Prizes to Be Offered No article whatever will be declined by the while it is desirable that a first and Jl ond prize should be offered in each or the thirty or forty classes represented there will be no objection to being offered in anyone class or to any number of special prizes Persons donating prizes are requested to state the sex and color of the pre ferred recipient in order com- mittee may place them as far as possi Important Meeting FAMOUS FELINES Pussy DistrictFine of and doubt early date generosity the ready city foot of Ol9 roaster for a no popula- tion requests that such large dtsign more will be neded Detroit visit the round work c systematizing organization the Gf firs As fec cf rash gannot ferd fort lI cats succssive Washlngtcnt- ans prizes committee and par- ticularly see several that the ble as desired The club should be tilled as early as possible not Inter than November 1 of the prizes to so that they may be published in the I premium list and all such articles should be deposited with the Treasurer at 3tS E Street northwest not later than December 1 so that they may be dis played in a prominent window for two weeks preceding the The florists of the city have agreed to exhibit potted plants and cut flowers Certain housefurnishers have promised to SUPPlY a dainty reception room Mu sic decorations milk meat pre pared foQd for the exhibits and in tact everything neccsary to make the show II succes is to be by man ufacturers stores and private individ mats Silver Medals From Chicago of two silver medals and a silver cup has come from Chicago al number or valuable things from this t city a highly pedigreed kitten st l00 donated by Washington breeder to the person selling the largest number of admissIon tickets will be only 25 cents Some chart table ladies have agreed to see that poor children and orphan asylums are not debarred from their eyes for once upon some or the most t tOO 0 0 0 I 1 FINE STRAW HATS i- t ito f itr In town 1 All new goods ti JtyleIJ gonothing to be carried srade lanamas 360 t S 225 t tIoo atw li9 de best 1 75 yachts t S150r- a t t fxcelent ennet and 1 rough and ready yachts i I 160 split Alpine IOO 7 5c I and 1OJ Ones for LUDWIGS New Hat Avenue no be offered show and nearly donated 2ro The offer besides valued a Admis- sion feasting ariatoL- UDWIGS NEW titT STORE CLEARiNG SALE OF S Fins k 11ajs hew All t- ot ercr- iiIo grade lanaiass 6 3 8 4- I soo 200 grade Milan and Porte Rican a qiility split 200 line split and sonnet rathts siso flso 5f line Store saul Vcnnaytvania + ++ + + ratic members ot the furry brother bead The greater portion ot the clubs at- tention last night was given to drawing up a lodging protests against a or rules pUblished In the pet stock papers for the purpose governing all future cat shows held in the United States These rules were up by the two the oldest and one of the youngest cat to the total exclusion of the Washington Cat Club and at least six other cat clubs In good standing in the United States The Washington Cat Club like our forefathers protests against taXation and objects forced to adopt rules In reparation of which aU cat clues have not an equal voice These rules it argues are not formulated to fit the peculiarities ot the cat case are only the old rules which the cat have never been able to enforce which they adml to be iriadeqwxte I disguIsed with a sprinkling borrOwed from foreign regulations and a version or the generally accepted rules governing dog horse and chicken shows Rather than submit to anything of this kind the Washington Cat Club to hoist the sign no trusts to promul gate and enforce its own rules to con duct its own shows to draw Its own local prizes to designate the standard ot its jUdging and to re claim Its own and to recognIze no others CHICAGO TRUST COMPANY WILL YORK With Two Millions It Is Proposed to Do Business CHICAGO July ILWhenasked re- brding the objects and or the Trust Company just authorized to begin business In Now Yok city with a capital of 1000000 1000000 sur plus Paul Mton vice president of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe RaIl road who Is one the dIrectors saId the concern was purely a financial In stitution and not connected with mall road matters It is purely a trust company said Mr Morton and s In no affiliated with the railway matters jlrSbontz and are Interested in It but will take no pat In the business b b t a o d criticism of and new code recently of drawn corn ined effortsot clubs without representation to- eing the but f- mernity nd rehashed proposes Independent nte championships off- iaily ENTERNEW purposes Eastern ind ed way mysOif FAILED TO GETSijUARE WITH P A ERSON3 CHIEF Acquitted of Charge of Neg lect of Duty Took Board of Aldennen Only Fifteen Minutes to minetfiM UCl K 3 July llChtef of Police Frederick Graul of this city who was vena hearing last nIght by the board aldermen Was fully ex J nerated after aldermen d listened to testimony that lasted for hours The twentytwo members board voted unanimously acquU the chief on the charges by Mayor Hlnchiffe The mayor through City Counsel Micheal Dunn the chief had been negligent in his duty In not more carefully preparing for an out break of rioting on June iS and that be was incapable of filling isis office Mr GourIey the chiefs legal sought to prove the fact that his honor brought the charges out or spite and that during the election last November he was alleged to have tol1 Graul would get square with him because he did not fix cer- taIn details of police favorable to him in certain election districts His honor denied having male these remarks and his the form lof before God I dont remember sy- lug that and I am on oath A large number oT witnesses were summoned to prove that Chief Grad bad materially changed in appearance and health within the last six months and that be ought to have been more active on the day of rioting It took the aldermen just fifteen rites to decide on their unanimous ver or The resUlt was II great surprise to the crowded court room as many or the aldermen are supposed to be triends ot the mayor COnside Deter PATERSON pkzblic of the eonipritng the 10 preferred charged that physically repre- sentative Chief iliaC be 1eaIaI took main diet oclpsittal ± Mother j Child henefitted by use of AnheuserBusch Assn- 8t Louts U 8 A 1Jreersof the famous BudweIser Micheloh Blaclt Faust Anhousar Standnrda Export Pale and I 151 1I i i III Ii 1 i lili PRICE 2 t o oe 1111 A COMPLETE AND RECORD IIII- III OF THE NEWS HOME AND ABROAD IIII l till YOU MUST HAVE ITIFYOUIN TEND TO KEEP POST I I ED ON WHAT IS GOING ON ArDiN TilE OUTSIDE ill WORLD A PAPER FOR EVERY HOME EASY TO READ FAIR SOME OF BTS MANY Il- ilDAlla Y II II THE BEST AND IIOST COTiIPLETE SPORTING II OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN WASHINGTON STOCKS AND TRADE till i THE LOCAL FIELD THOROUGHLY COVERED II AN EDITORIAL PAGE THAT NOT ONLY INTERESTS BUT EDUCATES AND HAS MANY FEATURES PECULIARLY ITS OWN Ii TEllS THE NEWS Ilil- llOF ALL THE WORLD TERSELY AND CORRECTLY ill I TIifM GT- 6IiSEl I 1 I 1 t ir are both the ANHEUSERBLJSCHS vaisa eases The use of this foodproduct brings robust health to all Malt Nutrrne- contains 14 60 genuine nutrtave extract and less than 2 of a1 hol 2 a Absolutely non intoxicatlng and 0 positively strengthening and invige- t AH5NIK1Wnly IU orating Doctors recommend it S SLrcnct tulsa druggists sell it 2repared onp 1l IQT Ens v- a ifs Tan PaleLager Zxtuisitea- E Ii liE FRII TaEs CENTS I ACCURATE T AT HERE ii CLEAH AND FEATURES555 PAdE FINANCE I PRCE 2 CEfTS Tr ++ = = ° = = =

Transcript of Mother j Child I ir -...




Carrying Out Provisionsof the New Law


Sites to Be Selected for ReservixProm Data Collected by Field PartiesCivil Engineers in DemandhCharge of Geological Survey

The demand for engineers to beemployed on irrigation surveys authorized by Congress is making work for theCivil Commtssea SurvEYingparties are now at work in CaliforniaUtah Nevada Oregon ColoradoWashington and Arizona othersare sent out na rapidly as theycan be organized

The data collected by thesewlll be forwarded to theSurvey and clasIfied in orier to I

suitable sites for the erection of i

zesexroirs All data will be arrJged I

by the Irrigation Bureau and forwardedto the Secretary of the Interior I

The Secretary in approvIng the sites I

suggested will be in hisby the water supply the cost of

the work the amount of land which j

be rnclairled ultiviOL Itwill likely be a matter of two oryears before workstruction can bf begun r any loeiity

Sixty Million Acres to BeReclaimedF H Newell chief the division

of of the Geological Surveyzmd secretary of the American

I who bas subjectof irrigation a thatin the next century itwU beto Irrigate more than RtOO9ooc acres ofarid claim hasthat it will be possible to reclaim000000 aCres In that time

Yr Morris F Blen of the Land Officewas transferred today to the GeologicalSurvey as assistant to Mr NewEoIl in the Irrigation work



Body Found at Point Lookout Bad Condition

Cannan Bulldog Killedand Bloody Hatchet Put in the



FREEPORT L I llIn theof the investigation into the

mystery of the ileath man Smithwhose body ws found the beach dt

IPoint Lookout yesterdaTo two men wereheld as witnesses uDder heeds of iO


each this morning The Dfen are Capt I

Richard Dawson and Daniel Creery ofthe sChooner Sarah A Carpenter whichhas been in the bay loading sand

Smith w s a wellknown bay man ItEwas a veteran and member of the C

R vast at Freeport His body wasfound on the near the PointLookout Life Saving Station with thefeet in the water The dead body ofhis bulldog lay about two hundred yardsaway Smiths head was crushed inthere were bruises on back andblood hadcome from the nose and earsas a result ot concussion A hate etwas buried In the sand nearby








governed de-


can orthee

the actual on 1L

Mr ofhydrography

ForestryAssociatten made the

life study estimatesInwosetbie

land The heel madeOO




Smiths Also I







Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment WillArrive Tomorrow

The Seventh Pennsylvania Regimentboys brigade is expected to arrive inWashington tomorrow and will remainhere until Monday when resumeits march for Lancaster By way ofMount Grittou and Gettysburg Theregiment is traveling In true militarystyle and Into camp while here

The boys were yesterday the guestsof Battery B of the Brigadeof Baltimore arriving in that city yesterday morning on the steamerbanna for Port DepsIt to which placethey marched from their homes In Lancaster


Virginia Finds Himself

It will

will go




Cattle ThrntherSuddenly Rich

NEWPORT NEWS Va JulyWilliam Howard cattle hasjust Word that he hasheir to a fortune ot IlftOOO

Howards famIly lives at Fort Warnmd His father was the or abank there Seven years ago the heywas expelled from school for some oftense and his father drove hIm fromhome Since that me has driftedabout under an assumed name ODdlycoming to and ajob as cattle puncher

HIs father died without leaving a willand his relatlver IDiba1 ted every meansto the wanderlBg boy but invaIn Howard became thethe other day and wrote home An an-swer came yesterday telling his goodfortune



ATLANTIC CITY N J July 11War-on machines hen beenby the police departmenL A raid wasmade today along the otfloors captured two nlckelinthe810tmachines By dropping it cents Jo themachines and placing the money on col-ors which revolved on a ispossible to win from cents 6


received fallen



Newport News lakiug



gambling begue

t boardwalk and

wheel 1t26 to



of lowe AsI

ATLANTIC CITY N July ILTite1-1Iatlonal of Green GlassBotti Blowers Association

strong resolutions ueouscigenerally callIng the attent-

ifIU of the public toits magnitude 3rnl-in addition other resolutions sympafuiz-ing with the striking coal miners

I Penusylvanfa and approprIating JOO

for their aid were unanimously dOlttled

Prior to the appropriation o PXfor the President aaie aspeech reviewing the thereaft said it was not a strikeInterest miners but a struggle of ii-ganized labor everywhere against enlcon iUons The resolutions adopteel unanimously the will beiorW1U dod to President of theUnited Mine Workers Association



Pennsylvanias Governor I l-

ilon s Appealof Sheriffs

JaDg of Serious Conflict in SomeTowns in the Mining Regions

Grows Hourly

WILKESBARRE PA July llGovernor Stone has etuaOO the request OfSheriff Gombert of Carbon countyclaims tb t he needs aid In dis-turbances are daily occurring atthe towns of Summit Hill andLansford The Lehigh

Company claims that workmenare being abducted beaten marched outof tows and threatened with violence ifthey to work Each night thisweek there have been disturbances Thesheriff that he

deputiesLast night two of the workers were

abducted and Wednesday night one andOIl occasion the company organIzed a force of twentyIve citizens

Winchesters and determinedto rescue the workers it they could be

They were not however locatedTwo men this week have been capturedand marched out of the town All ofthe strikers are armed and there is saidto he danger ot Thecompany Is determined to protect itsmen the strikers are aroused tohigh pitch of

Sheriff Beddall of SchuylkIllla which Is the town of justacross the line Carbon countyports that there has been no serionsdisturbances yet and is able to proserve order In his So far theviolence has been confined to marchesand small assaults



Several Sf Louis Men onthe GroundS Floor


The Spencers C edited With I

Having Madechases


Resolution Glass Bottleaociation

1convenUon the


i labor



miners HayescondItions

in thEof

wereaxti money



wh 0


miningCoal and Naviga-

tion Its


seerts Is unable to obtam siDleient


ained with


a serious conflict



frost re


and OthersLarge Par

ST LOUIS July 11Several St Louismba stand to win fortunes on the

f Chicago corn dealchants Exchange talk Prominentamong them are Corwin H Spencer hisson Harlow E Spencer and D FIt ta the prevailing inrpressloa thatC H Spencer has bought about 2000000bushels lu Chicago and is not yet ready

iGossip also credits Harlow Spencer

wIth MIIO bushels D F Coon withand a friend or the Spencers

with The supposition is thatthey did through the Gates ring

I and are prepared to take advantage ofthe bulling ue Gates crowd are givingthe corn market

A railroad man makes the statementthat It has arranged to bring

of corn to St Louis fromChicago during the present month



according to Mar


to sell


no buy



Finds Against Applicaticn ofTitle Company

The application made by Mr GeorgeLlnkius secretary of the Washington

Title Insurance Company recently to theDistrict for the cancellotion of the tax sale of 1889 or lotWashington Heights is not approved lJythe

The appUcaUoD having been referredto the Assessor he lies repnrted thatthe same ease brought before his

lee an application byWalter E Hilton E Welsh Ashfurd date of April 10 upon whichan report wu submitted The


Assessor statca that there are no newfacti presented which would giveson of the action thentaken



CHICAGO July iiI sever heard ofthe or of the men in Louis

Swift Co last nightshown sAying planshad a mimondollart-t ktug plsat at that point So far isI know there Is no interestin an by anyoL theChIcago packIng houses





wasthrough flied

for Mrunder

adv rse

raefor the reversal


pins ItsahtSwift of irhan

aLoulsviile dilpatchbeen perfected tar

being takensuqh arrangement



Was onI




Only One Life Lost But Five MinutesLater List Might Have BeenAppallingMore Than Six HundredPassengers Floated in Dark for Hours


LeRoy Cough or this cityor the firm of Hensey Cough attorneys 1r02 F Street was one of thepassengers on the Long Island Soundsteamer Priscilla when that boatrun into and nearly sunk on Tuesdaynight of this week on the returnjourney of the boat from Fall toNew York city Gough was justcompleting a short vacation trip to

I Marthas Vineyard Mass when the ac-

cident occurredI of the scenes following theI collision Mr Cough who lives atI Street northwest said lastflight

a dense fog when the acjcident occurred We had left Fall

Mass at 740 oclock thatbEg and were Point

when he Powhatan of theMine ue struck the Prlscllla

I At we had onor fish lorminJ only part of

large and all the staterooms overjn number were occupied

ditlon to a number of steeragegars aboard who did not have rooms Aswe were going out through the fog we

j could hear clanging bells of smalllaunches and trade ships lying atanchor and knew that navigation Itandy a fog was a Very anddangerous matter

Awakened by TwoL uisd gone to sleep early and at n-

ock awakened two distinctsboekt I niy stateroom doorbut before I had tIme to don ten

and step out the electrIc lightswent oit This we afterwards discovereel was because In the collisionelectric light plant in the prow of

had been disabledi UIn the people were goingaround the decks making inquirIes as tothe extent of damage but allbayed admirably This was espectal1ytree of the women of whom therehave several hundred at least onethird of the whole passenger list Tincrew began to throw the cargo andthin we knew that the damage musthave been severe The boat had gondown in the bow and was so high upin the stern the rudder showedout of the wuter

The PrIscilla signaled the Powbatmthat she was disabled but the otherboat was also injured and both simplySeated In the darkness For four hours

distress call four shal1t blasts insuccession blown continuallyno assistance was obtained Finally It3 oclock the Puritan came uppretty good I can tell you to see thaigreat sister ship the on3we were o come up out or the dark

with deck brilliantly il-

luminated with Incandescent carryinrelief to us In ot help The people

Ion the Priscilla cheered and clappedtheir bands then for the first timebreathed easily for too danger ofdrifting about in the dark with tinrudder tar out ot water as to be

appreciated byTowed Into Port Stern First

The Prtacllla was then towed intoport stern first to keep the steamer outof the Water as much as possible Four

snapped in the work and then a-

Jiveply cable was rigged up and withthis the boat was towedThe Puritan found it could not makevery great speed this way howeverand the steamer City ot FaIl Riverpressed into service and towed Purltan thus making a threefold processioninto the harbor




Board Sound Steamerthe CollIsion



Mr R





There was

River evenrown4lng Judith R-

I Merchantsand

Nevprt taken i50-brrels our

cargo000 in ad





was byopened


thethe i


the be




thewas ye

Itloket I

sternser of

ness every



souseless wan alL



Only oue life was lostthat or astevedore who was caught In his bedand crushed If the had occurred live minutes later the numbervictims would have been much great-er for then other men wouldbeen sleeping at the same place itwas we were going round Point Judithand all the other members of the crew

on deck at their posts ot 1uty-If it had been a rough night with thevessels pitching and tossing there wouldhave been times too

We got to at 9 a m andtook the boat to Junction andthen the train from there to WlckfordA train from there took us to Yorkarriving just a fey minutes too latethe last train of the afternoon for Washington This necessitated ray stayingover for one the owl trains bringing me back here just one day late

Ormsby tcCammoD this citywas one of the passengers on the Priscilia He had been cruising on the oldCup Columbia and took passage on the steamer at Newport just before the accident occurred He was

by CrampQueer Scenes During Excitement


also haveAs






Mr of


ac-companied Mr

There were many strange scenes dUr-Ing those hours or uncertainty and nowthat the danger Is over the thought orthese returns very plainly There aminister who went racing up downthe deck like a cOllege sprinter lie car-ried a life preserver in his hand hutthat was all the good itto do hIm In a corner were a lot ofHebrews who prayed constanly fordeliverance and they were a happy lot the Puritan hove

at last The crew put on life preservers at the and seeing this thepassengers did likewise One womanwho had an old darky mammy withas a caretaker and companloD


to put on a Ufo preserver until hrvant had been provided with oneThe Priscilla has been In corapriastoneight years making regular trIPS iyet In all that time previously she had

not had sn aeeldenL The hole stove InIthis time was Jive feet below the water

line and big enough to drive a teamfinto it

worst scared lot Of Dassengerswere some young fellows who had been

the cafe directly next to theside damaged a SUdden the side came tumbling Inrush of water They all seemed dazed

heard andfrozen to the spot The bartcndc ra8first to stir them Into action Hetold them the boat was sInklngand that I

theY to be saved they hadbetter scoot They took theand scrambled on deck They probablywilL notre1isba drink below the waterline uS a boat soon again




seemed likely

when In-sight





drinking inafterward All of

with awe afterward were absolutely


it wantedadvice



Msinterpretation of Signals by TrainCrews

The ollicials or the Southern Railwaywere today engaged in investigating theheadon collision which occurred be-

tween two of trains at the corneror Sixth Street dud Marylandabout 16 oelock evening

no was Injured but some delay was occasIoned by having to sendfollowing trains into and out of the sta-

tion over the Virginia Avenue tracksuntil the derailed was replaced

I and the tracks cleared


The collision occurred between north-bound train 510 from Mantissas due atthe station at 945 oclock antI train533 the Florida special The crew ofthe northbound train that they hadbeen given a red requIrIng themto stop on the single track on

Avenue Sixth arnl Sev-enth Streets soutbwett and while wait-ing for further the special whichhad been signaled that the track aclear wheeled around the curve endbefoe it could he brought toa standstill two engines came together




of J D otterI


Important LawOmitted From RecentcEdition of

Police Regulations

The District Commissioners recentlyreceived a communIcatIon from DCotter of 1706 Thirtieth Street northwest requesting that rs Johnson theowner of abutting property be notifiedto take steps to prevent earth fromfalling into the alley In square 12S2 It

that this east andwest just north of premi

and that the condition of the samehas been rendered more or less objectionable from the washIng down of dirtfrom the property of Mrs Johnson

above the grade of the alleyThe matter referred to the Police

Department for the protetlon of thealter under article 8 23 ot the

regulatlons Lieutenant JohnSwindells of the Seventh Precinct

back to headquarters that sectionof the police regulations had

eliminated from the new edition recently issued and that action couldbe tsftan ln the premises except under

Iof sections 2 and 3

the snow lawL r Bradshaw chief clerk of the En

gineer Department reporting upon thematter stated that section of the oldregulations was omitted because it wasthought that It was superseded by thesnow liradabaw however

the view tlt such is not theIcaeas appears from an opinion upon

the powers of the CommissIoners fromthe Corporation dated May 171SOL Mr Bradshaw held that the oldregulatIon is properly enforceable under the police powers of theCommissioners

Capt H C Newcomer has forwardedpapers case to his colleagues

the recommendation that the olsection ot the regulations hereenacted as he believes that adeal of good was accomplished itsenforcement before its recent omissionfront the new edition of the

It Is understood that the Board witadopt thE recommendation of the Actlag Engilelr






last Forun-ately cite



Mary-land between




ComplaintAgainst Alleged Nuisance

Covering Such Cases

Mr J

appears alley runsMr Cotters





re-ported21 Old bees


the provisions 01


act Mr



the lathewith

23 polleegreal





SEcond Fire ats Meadovbrook

PHILADELPHIA July ll For thesecond time the magnificent stone barnof J Lowber Yelchs XeadowbrookFarm Belle Mill Stanton Avenue Chestnut Hill was burnd this

loss of t80 andt upwardI Nine horses including severalI

brood mares In foal perished in theflames In the live stock and

i barn than ilO tons of hay and 200bushels ot grain were destroYed The Ill

on the place amounts to


and it Is believed that is sufficient tocover the loss

Xo theory has advanced for thefire and the firemen say It is a mys-tery



Road sad

morning entailng a 1S


addlticn tO


I surance 31000



Mrs OMally and William Rearm LeavePhiladelphia

YORK July llllrs AustinOMalIey and William J Hearin whowere arrested a week ago when so itIs alleged they were about to elope areback In this city their home town Theyare out on 1200 ball apiece havingbeen held in that sum yesterday inPhiladelphia on charges of larceny andconspiracy to rob

W A Ellis father or Mrs OMalleywas in Philadelphia at thehearIng He accompursied his daughterto this city and took her to his home at21 Morningaide Avenue

the young woman said that shewould like to make some remarks aboutthe case but had been forbidden bycounsel to talk her father expressedapproval that there had beentoo much talk



EASTON Pa July llLeis Gretlier tile aged of Charles Grether

county murdere is dyingat residence of a daugbterin Philllpshurg NJ to whose home he wasremoved today from the house in whichlie had been living alone in this cityRecently the old man said his one desire was that he might dIe before lilason is hanged




and said

fatherthe Monroe





Washington Club Holds an


FlJwer of the RaceValuableI Prizes qfferedProgress of Cat Civi

Ilization in the Home toBe Built

At the regular July meetIng or theWashington Cat Club matters vitalimportance to the feline population orWashington were transacted

A choice of one or three lots one atlrooklanxl and two at Fort MyerHeights wes offered by one of thewealthiest most charitable orWashington ladles for the erection ofstructures suitable for a cat home oncondition that the club raise the necessari funds for improving the same andtor keeping them free from debt No

was expressed but that the build-Ings would be erected at anthrough the or clubsmany warm friends

The president reported that a veryfine and thoroughly uptodate lethalchamber had been constructed under hisdirections and that the same Is now

at the pound at the tTwentythird Street with the consentof the Health er and of the Pound

the reception of unfortuante felines to whom existence bas become hopeless burden Since the city I

derives revenue from its catIt is to be hoped that the Pound

master will not be annoyed byto call for strays and incurables but

will he carried to him atonce

Plans for the ShowThe contract for cooping the cat show

to be held in December was sadsfaeItorn closed One hundred us I

used cat coops of the latest approvedLave already been engaged with

the probability that at least ftftyOwners of famous prize

winning cats from New YorkChicago and elsewhere have expressedtheir Intention to Capital dur-ing their traels next season

ThIs information will cause our ownnot inccnslderable number of unusuallyfine fireside sphynxes to rally thejudge in the hope of retaining some ofthe Wasbington prizes Judging tlOIrthe hands experienced in the

and to wbic1management Washingtons

cat show has been left there seems lit-

tle room for doubt that as fine a showwill he given as has ever been held ithe United States

the bowls to be given Ullpurpose of increasing the funds thCat Horse committee the prizeusually awarded at shows be of

here In order therefore to rateprizes a classes Of exhibitineach member of the club wIll be taxelone prize to take any convenient formfrom cash to solid silver trophIes to bewon by the same cat at threeshows Doubtless many

not members or the club will alsowIsh to offer

Many Prizes to Be Offered

No article whatever will be declinedby the while it is

desirable that a first and Jl

ond prize should be offered in each orthe thirty or forty classes representedthere will be no objection tobeing offered in anyone class or to anynumber of special prizes

Persons donating prizes are requestedto state the sex and color of the preferred recipient in order com-

mittee may place them as far as possi

Important Meeting






doubtearly date

generosity the

ready city foot of

Ol9roaster for

ano popula-


that such



will be nededDetroit

visit the


work csystematizing organizationthe Gf firs

As feccf


ferdfort lI cats



committee and par-

ticularly see


that the

ble as desired The club should betilled as early as possible not Inter thanNovember 1 of the prizes toso that they may be published in the I

premium list and all such articlesshould be deposited with the Treasurerat 3tS E Street northwest not later thanDecember 1 so that they may be displayed in a prominent window for twoweeks preceding the

The florists of the city have agreed toexhibit potted plants and cut flowersCertain housefurnishers have promisedto SUPPlY a dainty reception room Music decorations milk meat prepared foQd for the exhibits and in tact

everything neccsary to make theshow II succes is to be by manufacturers stores and private individmats

Silver Medals From Chicago

of two silver medals and asilver cup has come from Chicago alnumber or valuable things from this t

city a highly pedigreed kittenst l00 donated by Washington

breeder to the person selling the largestnumber of admissIon tickets

will be only 25 cents Some charttable ladies have agreed to see thatpoor children and orphan asylums arenot debarred from their eyesfor once upon some or the most

t tOO 0 0 0




t ito f itr In town

1All new goods ti JtyleIJgonothing to be carried

srade lanamas 360t S 225t tIoo atw li9 de best 1 7 5yachts

t S150r-

a tt fxcelent ennet and 1rough and ready yachts


160 split Alpine IOO 7 5cI

and 1OJ Ones for

LUDWIGS New HatAvenue


be offered




2roThe offer

besidesvalued a






Fins k 11ajshew All t-

ot ercr-

iiIo grade lanaiass 6 3 8 4-

I soo200 grade Milan and Porte


a qiility split200 line split and sonnet


sisoflso 5f


Storesaul Vcnnaytvania

+ + + +


ratic members ot the furry brotherbead

The greater portion ot the clubs at-tention last night was given to drawingup a lodging protestsagainst a or rulespUblished In the pet stock papers forthe purpose governing all futurecat shows held in the United StatesThese rules were up by the

two the oldest andone of the youngest cat to thetotal exclusion of the Washington CatClub and at least six other cat clubsIn good standing in the United States

The Washington Cat Club like ourforefathers protests against taXation

and objectsforced to adopt rules In

reparation of which aU cat clues havenot an equal voice These rules itargues are not formulated to fit thepeculiarities ot the cat case areonly the old rules which the cat

have never been able to enforcewhich they adml to be iriadeqwxte

I disguIsed with a sprinkling borrOwedfrom foreign regulations and aversion or the generally accepted rulesgoverning dog horse and chicken showsRather than submit to anything of thiskind the Washington Cat Clubto hoist the sign no trusts to promulgate and enforce its own rules to conduct its own shows to draw

Its own local prizes to designatethe standard ot its jUdging and to reclaim Its own and

to recognIze no others


With Two Millions It Is Proposed to Do


CHICAGO July ILWhenasked re-brding the objects and or the

Trust Company just authorizedto begin business In Now Yok city witha capital of 1000000 1000000 surplus Paul Mton vice president of theAtchison Topeka and Santa Fe RaIlroad who Is one the dIrectors saIdthe concern was purely a financial Institution and not connected with mallroad matters

It is purely a trust company saidMr Morton and s In no affiliatedwith the railway matters jlrSbontzand are Interested in It but willtake no pat In the business






criticism of andnew code recently


drawn cornined effortsot


without representation to-eing the






championships off-iaily









Acquitted of Charge of Neglect of Duty

Took Board of Aldennen Only FifteenMinutes to

minetfiM UCl

K 3 July llChtef ofPolice Frederick Graul of this city whowas vena hearing last nIghtby the board aldermen Was fully ex

J nerated after aldermen d listenedto testimony that lasted for hours Thetwentytwo membersboard voted unanimously acquU thechief on the charges by MayorHlnchiffe

The mayor through City CounselMicheal Dunn the chiefhad been negligent in his duty In notmore carefully preparing for an outbreak of rioting on June iS and thatbe was incapable of filling isisoffice

Mr GourIey the chiefs legalsought to prove the fact that

his honor brought the charges out orspite and that during the election lastNovember he was alleged to have tol1

Graul would get squarewith him because he did not fix cer-taIn details of police favorable to himin certain election districts

His honor denied having male theseremarks and his the form

lof before God I dont remember sy-lug that and I am on oath

A large number oT witnesses weresummoned to prove that Chief Gradbad materially changed in appearanceand health within the last six monthsand that be ought to have been moreactive on the day of rioting

It took the aldermen just fifteenrites to decide on their unanimous ver

or The resUlt was II greatsurprise to the crowded court room asmany or the aldermen are supposed tobe triends ot the mayor

COnside Deter



eonipritng the10


charged that



Chief iliaC be

1eaIaI took


diet oclpsittal


Mother j Childhenefitted byuse of

AnheuserBusch Assn-8t Louts U 8 A

1Jreersof the famous BudweIser MichelohBlaclt Faust AnhousarStandnrda Export Pale andI


1I ii

III Ii 1 i lili

PRICE 2 to oe













ilDAlla Y II















I 1

tir are boththe


vaisa eases

The use of this foodproduct bringsrobust health to all Malt Nutrrne-contains 14 60 genuine nutrtaveextract and less than 2 of a1 hol

2 a Absolutely non intoxicatlng and0 positively strengthening and invige-t AH5NIK1Wnly IU orating Doctors recommend itS SLrcnct tulsa

druggists sell it 2repared onp 1lIQTEns v-

aifs Tan PaleLager














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