Morter report 2 15

M rterReport FEBRUARY 2015 L TM ove’s healing energy is part of the foundation of B.E.S.T. philosophy, and so we celebrate the amazing thing called LOVE, appropriately, in this February edition of The Morter Report. Life is filled with lessons to learn – “challenges” in some circles – and love is always a part of those lessons. From learning to find love in even the most unlikely circumstances and places, to experiencing the unconditional love of family, to realizing the passion in doing what you really love, to giving of yourself to help others, to leveraging with love’s healing energy with each B.E.S.T. treatment you give, the power of love is strong and supportive all the time – even when you forget for a moment! And, put all of our loving thoughts together – yours, mine, the guy next door, city employees, shop clerks, and all the rest – and what do you have? Corporate thought energy. The combined thoughts of mankind – corporate thoughts – direct the course of history. So open your heart and join the love and energy we are sending your way! Celebrate with us this amazing gift we’ve all been given – Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique and the whole Morter System. Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.


The latest news from Morter HealthAlliance on health, happiness and success!

Transcript of Morter report 2 15

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M rterReport



ove’s healing energy is part of the foundation of B.E.S.T. philosophy, and so we celebrate the amazing thing called LOVE, appropriately, in this February edition of The Morter Report. Life is filled with lessons to learn – “challenges” in some circles – and love is always a part of those lessons. From learning to find love in even the most unlikely circumstances and places, to experiencing the unconditional love of family, to realizing the passion in doing what you really love, to giving of yourself to help others, to leveraging with love’s healing energy with each B.E.S.T. treatment you give, the power of love is strong and supportive all the time – even when you forget for a moment!

And, put all of our loving thoughts together – yours, mine, the guy next door, city employees, shop clerks, and all the rest – and what do you have? Corporate thought energy. The combined thoughts of mankind – corporate thoughts – direct the course of history. So open your heart and join the love and energy we are sending your way! Celebrate with us this amazing gift we’ve all been given – Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique and the whole Morter System.

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

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Caught in the Act!Janna and I were sitting in the local coffee house, the Iron Horse, before heading into the office, when my phone lit up. It was a text from someone I really didn’t care to answer or reply. The text, although a trivial act, surfaced something from deep inside, which I had obviously worked quite hard to subdue. My head – my thoughts – began to creep back to the time and space of the prior relationship. Like in the movie Ground Hog Day, it all was coming back. And, as I slowly slipped back to re-live the prior relationship I caught myself. Well, truth be told, Janna caught me in the act of being the victim. Every time I re-live the relationship, even though it’s long gone, I solidify the pattern from within. Have you ever experienced this type of mental self-banter? I’d guess the answer is a resounding yes! So, what’s a person to do?

Well, the first step is to re-frame the pattern. What if I were to look at the previous situation with a completely different perspective? What if it all had happened in a perfect way? Was I looking at this from a tainted viewpoint? Is it that bad or do I just perceive it that way? So, here’s what I decided that morning. Based on my training, I remembered that no person or group of people has the power to make me feel a certain way. Only I can determine how I feel. I’m a strong individual; I’m a great guy; and I’m a good person. Everything that happened before was perfect, and it happened for a specific reason. And, I didn’t need to understand the reason in its entirety; I just had to know that there was a reason. Once I let go of the past I instantly felt better – much more calm, hopeful and happy. I remembered reading that it’s impossible to start a new chapter in life if I keep reading the previous chapters over and over. I suggest you look at the chapters in your life, the experiences which you have deemed as “wrong” or “upsetting,” and re-write them with a different outcome. Use the experience to realize it was just something that happened on the road to success. It wasn’t your fault; it’s not for you to take on the responsibility for the outcome; and it’s just what happened on the road to success and happiness.

Dr. Ted Morter, III

2 March 27-28 in Los Angeles

At Living Your B.E.S.T., Be Your B.E.S.T. and all of our other trainings, we started you on the path to personal success. It’s time to shore up that foundation again. Time to re-think some of the personal and business distractors you may have experienced, and time to again take charge of

your life . . . to KEEP LIVING YOUR B.E.S.T.! Join all your BEST friends for this ALL NEW 2-day event created to meet you where you are right now, re-visit your basics, and give you advanced training to master your success! Limited Seating! Call 800-874-1478 for information and registration!

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Open Your Heart and Mind

The human heart is an amazing organ! Have you ever wondered what actually makes you tick? Do you remember the last time you had the feeling: “my heart was so happy” or “it made my heart sing”? How about experiencing a child or grandchild tugging at your heartstrings? These are all fairly common phrases or words we use to describe a feeling for our hearts. Could they be that and so much more? Absolutely! You see, these emotions and feelings actually create an entire overall body feeling or response. Even though we may actually put our hands over our hearts when we say or think them!

Your thoughts can actually raise or lower your heart rate. They have a direct effect on your blood pressure. Pay attention to the thoughts you choose to think and the words you actually speak. They both affect your heart as well as your body.

Your heart is comprised of a very specialized group of muscle cells. They are cardiac muscles, which are different than any other tissue in your body. Yes, that same amazing body that was created in the image of perfection. That same body that grew into a trillion cells from that one original cell. That body that developed cells and tissues and organs and organ systems and YOU!

Your heart is just one part of one system, the circulatory system. Even as important as it is, it can’t simply run your body without the integration of many other systems: the nervous, muscular, skeletal, endocrine, and immune systems.

So, what is the point of all of this? Simply put: you must pay attention to your heart. You must open it up to the wonders of thoughts and words, so you can live up to your genetic potential; that potential that you were given in your original cell. When you hear, think, and speak true and pure thoughts and feelings you have the greatest chance to fulfill that original potential. Open it up to all possibilities.


Dr. Tom Morter

A LookInto TheArchives

From The Soul Purpose – Unlocking the Secret to Health, Happiness, and Success, Dr. M. Ted Morter, Jr., Copyright 2001

All the positive encouragement in the world is not enough if you don’t remove the interference that caused the problem in the first place. As I’ve taken this journey through life, I’ve come to realize that we must pass through three steps in order to do that.

First, we must be in a state of awareness. We must become aware of this perfect spiritual power. Second, we must believe in this power. Third, we must know that the power that created us is the only power that can heal us. It is in this state of “knowingness” that one has reached the highest level of consciousness. Faith is not thinking that God can solve a problem, but knowing that He will.

Mothers of young children need to be positive and thankful in order to raise the healthiest child possible. Does this mean that every sick child is that way because of the mother? Absolutely not. Remember, energetics also plays a role in each person’s health. The energy in your field, which was there before you were one cell old, has a direct affect on your health.

Here’s an intense thought. The energy of your great-great-great-grandmother on your mother’s side and the energy of your great-great-grandfather on your father’s side may come together in the formation of you to create a weakness or tendency for disease if it is not neutralized by the love and positive energy of your current surround-ings. Most people don’t even know that this phenomenon exists. Therefore, they do not realize that they can impact their lives and health by overcoming this tendency for disease with the power of positive feelings and the belief that the power within them can heal them. Not only that, these positive feelings will improve the energy you leave in the universal information, thus affecting future generations of your family. If your body can heal a cut or broken bone, why can’t it heal cancer and other diseases? I know that it can.

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the power of ThankYou! Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

I’m going to let you in on a fabulous marketing technique. Not only does it deliver a high impact message, it also effectively breaks through advertising clutter - AND - best of all, it’s exceptionally low cost.

The technique is Thank You cards. No, I’m not joking. The power of saying “Thank You” is vastly underestimated.

Why send a Thank You card? Think about it. Do you remember the last time you received a Thank You card? How did it make you feel? Be honest.

The very words “Thank You” are magical - they make you feel good. We don’t get many Thank You cards and, even then, some of them are pretty boring. Some feel scripted, dra-matically weakening their impact.

Common CourtesyTaking the time to write a Thank You card may seem old-fashioned, but it’s one of those little acts of kindness we all ought to cultivate. It’s common courtesy to express appreciation to people who help you succeed in the business world. And nothing expresses this appreciation better than a handwritten card.

Let’s face it. When your mail comes in, whether at home or at the office, which envelopes do you open first? Only 4% of the mail we receive today is personalized. The rest is laser-printed, mass-produced, and largely unread. So it’s not surprising that research shows people pay the most immediate attention to a handwritten envelope.

Point of DifferentiationFrom a marketing perspective, the fact that so few people take the time to write Thank You cards, equates to a golden opportunity for you to differentiate yourself.

As an example, I send a Thank You card to every new client on my office. Here is the reality of their experience; I made them feel amazing, special, even lifted their doubt about what is possible in their life. Then a couple of days later they open their mailbox and there is a handwritten addressed envelope with their name on it from me. They open it and read the words “Thank You,” and the gratitude they feel from this small gesture reassures their decision to continue the care I recommend just for them.

Stay Top of MindThink about Thank You cards as an adverting vehicle that keeps you top of mind. Again, let’s go back to your personal experience. What do you do with the cards you receive? I’m willing to bet you don’t throw them out - at least not right away.

People like getting cards. More importantly, most people keep Thank You cards a lot longer than other mail. I often set Thank You cards on my desk. Every time I look at them I feel good all over again, and remember the person who sent me the card. How often do your other advertising efforts have such a long-lived effect on your target audience?

Build Referral BusinessIf you and your company are top of mind with customers and prospects, it’s more likely your name will be passed on when someone asks them for a recommendation.

A simple Thank You card helps you to differentiate yourself from other competitors and stay top of mind - perfect ingredients


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Want to learn more about building your self confidence and

marketing yourself?

Join us for the B.E.S.T. BootCamp 2015

in Dallas on July 10-12.

Increase your confidence in communication on every level. You will be shocked at what a new pattern of success – achieved by updating inap-propriate emotional patterns and learning proper communication techniques – can do for you once you understand more about how the mind works and what motivates people to take action!


for building referrals.

So ask yourself, when was the last time you sent a Thank You card? If it’s been a while, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity that can add to a successful marketing program.

Thank You Tips for Your Success

1. Don’t send your Thank You by email - it simply does not have the same impact. Plus, no one displays Thank You emails on their desk!

2. Hand write both the card and the address on the envelope. Remember, only 4% of the mail we receive today is personalized.

3. Include specifics of what you are thanking the person for. This helps make a stronger connection.

4. Be brief. Be sincere, but don’t write a short story.

5. Use a stamp on the envelope. Receiving a card that has been run through a postage meter just doesn’t have the same impact.

6. Send it now! Although it’s human nature to procrastinate, you get the biggest bang for your buck when your card is received in a timely fashion.

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For those of you who don’t know, I also have a B.E.S.T. and massage practice, which I schedule one client each evening following my work day. It allows me to shake off the analytical part of my day, sink into my service heart, and leave work feeling centered and connected. I absolutely love working with my clients and feel so blessed that I am able to end my workday this way.

I recently returned from an exciting, action-packed B.E.S.T. Training class in Los Angeles, CA. Thankfully, I returned to a fully booked week of clients. Between the excitement of the class, travel delays, and playing “catch-up” when I returned, I was feeling a bit run down and tired by Tuesday. I had a weekly client scheduled for Tuesday, and as much as I love being with my clients, I knew in my heart my tank was on empty. I also knew, I could probably push through the rest of the week and hope to physically recover over the weekend (this is my mother’s voice in my head). Then I heard a stronger voice in my heart that said, “When are you going to start following your own advice?”

If one of my clients had presented with a similar scenario, I would have encouraged them to honor their body and take care of themselves. While my mother’s impeccable work ethic-tinged voice rang in my head, I sent a message to my client and asked if we could move her appointment. Of course, she was completely supportive and encouraged me to take care of myself.

I recognize that honoring myself in this way allows me to strengthen my foundation AND my client’s. Because I took action, it reinforced the belief of “it is important to ask for what I need” in my client, too. As a result, she receives more fulfilling service and continues to refer more people to me. Win-Win!!!

Your Own Advice?by Melissa “Mel” Higby


Do You Follow

I am such the analytical personality. I tend to over think everything. I create false barriers to my successes; I create false realities to my situations, and I sometimes allow myself to become paralyzed by my perceived fears. I think everyone can identify with this to some degree, and we have all chosen to put ourselves in that type of situation.

Then, when I wake myself up and realize the journey that I have taken, I shift from my head space to my heart space, and the solution becomes so obvious. Heart energy is so powerful and clear, but we can virtually mute it with our conscious mind. For me, I know that I am in my heart energy when I feel warm, inviting, loving and open.

I invite you to dig deep into your heart space this month and be open to what comes out of that space. Then love those thoughts, energies, feelings and words up to a higher level of consciousness. Meditate with each of the thoughts. Buzz with them, communicate about them, and incorporate them into your everyday life. You will be amazed at the clarity that comes to your situation and the action steps that just fall into place. Be open to your heart and it will open you up to new experiences and opportunities.


by Dr. Bruce Phillips

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There’s a saying that goes, “An average man buys fish from a master fisherman. A wise man pays the master fisherman to teach him how to fish.” Throughout history, the most successful people in the world have always reiterated the need to have a mentor. No matter what you desire in life, the right mentor can help you get there much faster than if you tried to do it on your own.

Before I became a B.E.S.T. practitioner, I heard Dr. Roland Phillips – a man that I respect enormously – affectionately recall an experience he had on a trip he took during which he found Dr. Morter passionately reading Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn. Dr. Phillips commented that he was amazed that Dr. Morter, a genius and an immensely successful human being, was still teachable and wise enough to never stop learning. Very few men have walked the earth, in my opinion, that have been as inspired as Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr. This was a man with a passion for life and a passion for helping the human race.  On that day, his simple act of reading a book served as a wonderful example to all of us of the need for a mentor, even through literature.

Morter HealthAlliance is founded on the backs of great mentors. Drs. Ted and Tom go around the globe teaching thousands of people every year the principles of abundance. They are assisted by a team of Elite Master Instructors. These are the best of the best at B.E.S.T., and each one is dedicated to helping us become as successful as they are. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Roland Phillips, who graciously allowed me spend some time in his clinic in Arizona observing how he does things when I was first beginning my journey into B.E.S.T. It was largely due to his influence that I was

able to eventually establish a successful B.E.S.T. practice of my own. What an amazing mentor he has been to so many of us. We would all be wise to look up to the Morters and their team of trainers as our mentors.

If you want to reach your highest potential, find someone who has what you desire in life, and do what they do. If possible, be in regular contact with them. Compensate them generously for their time and knowledge extended to you, as doing so will keep you committed to increasing your results so that you receive a return on your investment. Put what they say into practice in

your day-to-day life. Then turn around and teach others how to do the same. Your results will thank you, and so will all the people whose lives you touch for the better.

by Eric Bailey

The Need ForGREAT



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8All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice.

Please call or visit our website for updated information.

February14-15 B.E.S.T. Relationships – Dallas, TX22 B.E.S.T. Workshop - Manhattan Beach, CA 27-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ

March13-14 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Noosa, Australia15 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia22 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA27-28 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA28 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Marietta, GA27-29 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

April10 B.E.S.T. Life – Paris, France11-12 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France12-13 Personal Care – Paris, France24-25 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Calgary, Canada25-26 B.E.S.T. Treatment Day – Calgary, Canada30-2 Elite Master – Las Vegas, NV

May15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Animal B.E.S.T. – Toulouse, France24 Animal Mastery – Toulouse, France29-31 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

June5-6 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France15 Give It Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL16-17 Be Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015
