MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus...

MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia (province of Asia) Issues of Jewish Christians being persecuted and ostracized by Jewish authorities Themes: Jesus, as the Word and Son of God, is the perfect revelation of the Father Believing into Him is the only way to the Father, and the only way to eternal life His disciples would face the same kind of persecution from “the Jews” as Jesus did Outline: I. Prologue [1:1-18] II.Signs and Public Discourses [1:19 – 12:50] A. Witness in Judea, Samaria, and Galilee [1:19 – 6:71] B. Tabernacles and Hanukkah [7:1-10:42] C. Introducing the Passion [11:1 – 12:50] III.Farewell Discourse [13:1 – 17:26] IV.Passion and Resurrection [18:1 – 20:31] V. Epilogue [21:1-25] References: Craig S. Keener, “The Gospel of John” Leon Morris, “The Gospel According to John”

Transcript of MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus...

Page 1: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.




• The situation• By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD • To the churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia (province of Asia)• Issues of Jewish Christians being persecuted and ostracized by Jewish authorities

• Themes: • Jesus, as the Word and Son of God, is the perfect revelation of the Father• Believing into Him is the only way to the Father, and the only way to eternal life• His disciples would face the same kind of persecution from “the Jews” as Jesus did

• Outline:I. Prologue [1:1-18]II. Signs and Public Discourses [1:19 – 12:50]

A. Witness in Judea, Samaria, and Galilee [1:19 – 6:71]B. Tabernacles and Hanukkah [7:1-10:42]C. Introducing the Passion [11:1 – 12:50]

III. Farewell Discourse [13:1 – 17:26]IV. Passion and Resurrection [18:1 – 20:31]V. Epilogue [21:1-25]

• References:• Craig S. Keener, “The Gospel of John”• Leon Morris, “The Gospel According to John”

Page 2: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Prologue – I(John 1:1-3)


• “In the beginning was the Word (Logos)…”• Recalls Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God…”; the eternal source, beyond time• Logos encompasses and exceeds both Wisdom and Torah:

“The lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old. From everlasting I was established, from the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth.When there were no depths I was brought forth….” -- Prov 8:22-24a

“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations;You established the earth, and it stands.They stand this day according to Your ordinances,For all things are Your servants.” - Psalm 119:89-91

• Logos is the authoritative and powerful agent both for creating and for sustaining the creation

“All things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” -- Colossians 1:16,17

• It is by and through the Logos that God interacts with the creation, and that the creation expresses and fulfills God’s purpose

• “The Word was with God…” -- “pros ton Theon” : a dynamic interaction with God• “And the Word was God…” -- Not just “divine”, but fully God

“Theos hen ho Logos” -- God was the Word

Page 3: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Prologue – I(John 1:4-5)


• “In Him was life”• The source of all present life, and the one source of life eternal in the new

creation• He is the force that drives all creatures to fulfill God’s purposes (e.g. “be

fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”)

“For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself” -- John 5:26“I am the bread of life…”-- John 6:35“I am the resurrection and the life” -- John 11:25“I am the way, and the truth, and the life” -- John 14:6

• “And the life was the Light of men”• Life in Him is prerequisite to enlightenment

“For with you is the fountain of life;In Your light we see light.” -- Psalm 36:9

• Must share in His life, and walk with Him, in order to truly know Him“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” -- John 8:12

• “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”• Forces of darkness did not prevail; the Light was victorious

“I have overcome the world.” -- John 16:33

Page 4: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHN Witnesses - John 1:6-8


• John the Baptist• Sent from God (a prophet); but not “the Light”• Clarification probably for those who continued as disciples of John

“Paul…came to Ephesus, and found some disciples. He said to them, ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?’ And they said to him, ‘No, we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.’ And he said, ‘Into what then were you baptized?’ And they said, ‘Into John’s baptism.’” -- Acts 19:1-3

• Other witnesses, all essential, but all distinct from the true Light, or Word:• Works and signs

“This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” -- John 2:11

“the works which the Father has given Me to accomplish – the very works that I do – testify about Me, that the Father has sent Me.” – John 5:36

• Scripture

“You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.” -- John 5:39

Page 5: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHN The True Light - John 1:9-14


10 He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him,and the world did not know Him.

11 He came into His own things,and His own people did not receive Him.12 But as many as received HimHe gave the power to become children of God(to those believing into the name of Him 13 Who was begotten not from bloods, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of a husband, but from God.)

14 Indeed, the Word became flesh and tabernacled in us,and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

• Contrasting parallels between 10 & 14; also between 11 & 12• Those who did not receive Him versus those who did receive Him

• Those who “believe into His name” become children of God• Alternative Greek text for verse 13 – “Who was begotten…”, referring to Jesus

• Attested by early church fathers• Teaches the virgin birth, consistent with the point that all He did was from the Father

“Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” -- John 5:19

Page 6: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHNThe Word became Flesh - John 1:14-18


• Other key texts on the incarnation:“although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, being made in the likeness of men.” -- Philippians 2:6-7“He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature…” -- Hebrews 1:3“What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life -- and the life was manifested…” -- 1 John 1:1-2

• Revelation of God’s glory (character):• Full of grace and truth (faithfulness)• Compare to revelation of glory to Moses:

“Moses said, ‘I pray You, show me Your glory!’ And He said, ‘I Myself will make all my goodness pass before you…” -- Exodus 33:18-19“Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, ‘ The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness and truth; who keeps loving-kindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin…”

-- Exodus 34:6-7

• A higher ranking than John the Baptist• Fullness – grace upon grace, ever abounding• A Revelation greater than Moses, and greater than Law (Torah)

Page 7: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHNThe Witness of John the Baptist - John 1:19-34


• Who is John the Baptist?• Not the Messiah, nor Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6), nor the Prophet (Det.18:15-19)• A voice crying in the wilderness (Isaiah 40:3-5)

• Why was he baptizing? By what authority?• The “Jews” claimed he had no such authority (see Matt 21:23-27)• John defers to the authority of the One yet to come, who is much greater

• John points to Jesus as this greater One• The Lamb – Passover and Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53:7)• Identified by descent of the Spirit, in form of a dove

• Possible reference to Noah’s dove, a harbinger of new life and hope• Jesus would baptize in the Spirit, not just with water (Matt 3:11)

• The Son of God -- Anointed King (Messiah)“‘But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.’ I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You.” – Psalm 2:6-7

Page 8: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Calling Disciples - John 1:35-51


• The first three disciples:• Disciples are students/followers, distinct from “apostles” (those sent out)• Two disciples of the Baptist: Andrew, and another (perhaps John)• Andrew finds his brother Simon, confessing Jesus as the Messiah• Jesus gives Simon the name Cephas (Peter), meaning “rock”

• Philip and Nathanael• Jesus finds Philip, who then finds Nathanael• Jesus greets Nathaniel as “an Israelite, in whom there is nothing false”

• “Israel” vs. “Jacob” ( Genesis 32:24-28)• Nathaniel’s experience under the fig tree, known by Jesus• Confesses Jesus to be “Son of God”, King of Israel

• Angels will ascend and descend on the Son of Man• Reference to Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:12-13)

• God’s interaction with His people, to fulfill His promise• Jesus is the ladder

• “Son of Man” – title Jesus uses, so that He can define it’s full meaning“One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom…” – Daniel 7:13,14

Page 9: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The First Sign: Cana - John 2:1-11


• Running out of wine at the wedding banquet: a serious problem• Jesus’ relationship to His mother

• Addressing her as “woman” – respectful, but distant• “what to me and to you?” -- “what business is there between us?”• Jesus must take direction only from His Father, and no one else

• His hour had not yet come• The hour of glorification, on the cross

“…knowing that His hour had come that He would depart out of this world to the Father…” --John 13:1

• It should not be rushed, before the appropriate time• The waterpots were designated for ritual cleansings specified in Leviticus 15

• Using these for wine would defile them, making them unsuitable for purification• Jesus is thus teaching that compassion, for practical needs, is more important

than traditional rules of ritual

“The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” – Mark 2:27

• Manifested His glory• Power and authority• Grace and truth

Page 10: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHN The First Passover: Cleansing the Temple - John 2:12-25


• Moneychanging and selling doves at the temple• Reasonable and justifiable activities in themselves• But a commercialized atmosphere that detracted from genuine worship

“Zeal for Your house consumes Me” -- Psalm 69:9

• It represented the larger issue of the entire political system: failure to serve God’s purpose for His people

• The “Jews” ask for a sign• To establish Jesus’ authority to take such action – e.g. a sign of the Messiah• His answer: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

• Referring to His body – death and resurrection• Compare to “sign of Jonah”:“…no sign will be given but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” -- Matthew 12:39-40

• Two messages of chapter 2 that introduce the conflicts presented throughout this gospel:

• God desires compassion rather than sacrifice, love over ritual• God condemns the commercialized and politicized system of the Judean


Page 11: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Nicodemus Discourse - John 3:1-15


• Nicodemus’ Question• From the Pharisees, a ruler of the Jews• Accepts Jesus as a teacher from God, because of the signs• One must be born again to see the kingdom

• How can one be born again?• Of water and Spirit• What is born of flesh is flesh; what is born of the Spirit is spirit• A mystery, like the wind:“Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.” -- Ecclesiastes 11:5

• Belief• Jesus is the only One that can testify about heaven• If you do not accept His earthly instruction, you cannot receive His teachings

about heaven• It is only when He will be “lifted up”, as was Moses’ serpent, that people will

believe“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” -- John 12:32

Page 12: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


God So Loved the World - John 3:16-21


• God loves the world• His love is for all peoples, for each and every person• He is unwilling that any would perish

• That He gave His only Son• His only Son, unique• In this gift, we know the love of God• In knowing God’s love, we know God

• Whoever believes into Him• Placing trust in Him, in order to know Him• Knowing Him, in order to unite with Him in life

• Came to save, not to judge• The world was already under judgment• Those who refuse to believe will remain under judgment

“I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” -- John 12:47b

• Choosing Light or darkness• Some people love darkness, to cover their evil deeds• Others come to the Light, because they live by truth

Page 13: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The Baptist’s Testimony- John 3:22-30


• Background: • Jesus and His disciples, baptizing in Judea• John and his disciples, baptizing in Aenon

• Concerns of John the Baptist’s Disciples• Dispute over purification• John’s authority• Success of Jesus: “all are coming to Him”.

• John the Baptist’s reply• Jesus’ followers were given to Him, from heaven• Jesus was the Christ (not John)• Jesus is the bridegroom, John is the friend (shoshbin)

“My joy has been fulfilled.”“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

• Christian joy is fulfilled in God’s purpose

Page 14: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The Uniqueness of Jesus- John 3:31-36


• Jesus is from above, John is from the earth• Only Jesus has seen and heard the things of heaven• He can therefore speak with authority, on things that no one else can speak

• Most people do not receive His testimony• But those who do, affirm that God is true:

• God speaks the truth through Jesus• God has the same “grace and truth” that is revealed in Jesus

• Jesus has the Spirit “without measure “• Unlike all others: who are only partially filled, and have only some gifts• What God has given to Jesus:

• All judgment (John 5:22, 27)• Life in Himself (John 5:26)• His people and sheep (John 6:39; 10:29; 16:15; 17:6)• Authority over all flesh (John 17:2)

• Therefore belief in Him, and obedience to Him, are both necessary and sufficient to attain eternal life

He who believes in the Son ---- has eternal lifeHe who does not obey the Son ---- will not see life

Page 15: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The Living Water- John 4:1-14


• Passing through Samaria• Leaving Judea, for Galilee, to reduce the confrontations with the “Jews”• Stopped at Jacob’s well, near Shechem (Gen 33:18-20; Joshua 24:32)

• The Samaritan woman• Contrary to tradition, Jesus asks her for a drink• Jesus disregards ritual purity for the sake of His higher mission

• Jesus offers her living water• Water that flows (like a river or spring): fresh and boundless

“And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem…” -- Zechariah 14:8“…water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east… It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes, will live… everything will live where the river goes.” -- Ezekiel 47:1, 9“Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” -- Revelation 22:1“He who believes in Me, as the scripture said, ‘from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water’. But this He spoke of the Spirit…” -- John 7:37,38

Page 16: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Worship in Spirit and Truth- John 4:15-42


• Five Husbands• Probably 5 successive husbands and divorces, and present unmarried co-

habitation• Confession is first step to obtaining the living water• She acknowledges that He must be a prophet

• Where should we worship?• Controversy between Samaritans and Jews: Mt Gerizim or Jerusalem?• The hour is coming, and now is: “the last days”• In Spirit-and-truth, i.e. Spirit of truth

• Ears to hear the Spirit (Revelation 2:7…)• A heart devoted to truth

• She responds by witnessing to the men of the city – sowing the seed• Jesus’ food: to do the Father’s will, to accomplish His work

• No delay between the sowing and reaping: the work is urgent• Those who reap and sow will rejoice together

• The Samaritans’ response: belief because of His word“We have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world.”

Page 17: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The Royal Official’s Son- John 4:43-54


• A Prophet without honor in His own country• Jesus left Judea to avoid anticipated persecution (John 4:1-2)

“He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him.” – John 1:11

• He was welcomed in Galilee, because of His works in Jerusalem

• A royal official (member of King Herod’s court) meets Jesus in Cana• Asks Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal his son• Jesus’ comment: “unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe”

• Expressing generalized disappointment with the people• He would have preferred faith based on the content of His teaching

• Jesus then immediately heals the son, saying: “Go, your son lives.”• The official believes what Jesus spoke, and departed

• The healing confirmed• The fever lifted at the hour Jesus had said: “Your son lives”• This sign is effective in raising his faith to a higher level – a belief in Jesus’

divine authority• His entire household also believed; this was typical in those times, for a

household to follow the lead of the father in religious faith

Page 18: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Healing at Pool of Bethesda- John 5:1-16


• Returned to Jerusalem for another (unknown) feast• Pool of Bethesda

• Large pool (~200 by 315 feet, 20 feet deep), with 5 covered porches• Believed to have healing properties – a local superstition, not endorsed by

Jewish authorities

• The situation:• The man did not ask for healing, nor did he know anything about Jesus• Jesus took the initiative (not based on a request or on expression of faith)• Jesus made sure that he wanted to be healed (since he had been ill 38 years)

• Healing by command: “pick up your pallet and walk” • Shows the effectual authority and power of His spoken word• It was on the Sabbath

• Leads to controversy and opposition, pertaining to the Sabbath• The “Jews” (probably Pharisees) confront the man for carrying his pallet on the

Sabbath• Jesus later meets him, and tells him to sin no more (suggesting a relation

between the illness and sin)• The man then reports Jesus to the “Jews”, resulting in persecution

Page 19: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The Son and the Father- John 5:17-30


• Jesus calls God His own Father• “My Father is working, and I am working” – to justify His works on the Sabbath• The Jews claim He is “making Himself equal to God”• They therefore began seeking to kill Him

• Jesus explains His subordination to the Father• None of His works are by His own initiative • He does only what He has seen the Father doing• The Father has shown Him everything that He does

• They shall see greater works• Giving life to the dead (both now and in the resurrection)• Executing judgment – because He is the Son of Man

“I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and he came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.” – Daniel 7:13-14

Page 20: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Witnesses to the Son- John 5:31-47


• There are other witnesses that provide the needed verification of His claims• Witness of “Another” (i.e. the Father) is the verification that convinces Jesus• Witness of John the Baptist

• Not what Jesus relies on for Himself• Yet was a necessary witness, and “lamp”, for others

• The works that He performed• Testify that the Father had sent Him • Nicodemus’ confession in John 3:2 -- “We know that You have come from God as a

teacher; for no one can do these sign that You do unless God is with him.”

• The word of the Father• But they had neither heard His voice nor seen His form• His word does not abide in them

• The Scriptures, which they searched, but failed to comprehend• They seek glory and approval from men, instead of from God• They claim to honor Moses; but it is Moses who accuses them

Page 21: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Feeding the 5,000- John 6:1-15


• Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee -- Bethsaida• “Where are we to buy bread…?”

• Testing Philip• More than they could afford (200 denarii would not be nearly enough)• Andrew finds a boy who offers 5 loaves and 2 fish

• Jesus distributes the food• Giving thanks• They were filled• Twelve baskets of left-overs

• Similar sign performed by Elisha:

“His attendant said ‘will I set this before a hundred men?’ But Elisha said ‘give them to the people that they may eat, for thus says the Lord: They shall eat and have some left over’. So he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the Lord.” -- 2 Kings 4:42-44

• The people’s response:• This is truly the Prophet

“The Lord you God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him…I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.” -- Deuteronomy 18:15, 18

• Intended to make Him their King

Page 22: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


Walking on the Water- John 6:16-21


• Jesus sends out the disciples to cross the Sea to Capernaum• The sea became stirred up by a strong wind• They see Jesus walking on the sea

• Frightened, thinking it was a ghost (see Mark 6:49)• Jesus identifies Himself: “I, I AM”

• They arrived immediately at the shore• An “epiphany” -- manifestation of God

• Only God walks upon the waters:

“Who alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea” - Job 9:8

• Reaction of the disciples:

“they were utterly astonished…” -- Mark 6:51

“Those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, ‘You are certainly God’s Son!” -- Matthew 14:33

Page 23: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.


The People Want Bread, and Demand Signs - John 6:22-34


• The crowd crosses the Sea, and finds Jesus at Capernaum• Jesus says they just want to be fed

• In ancient Rome, politicians often gave away free food to gain popular support• The crowd was probably expecting Jesus to do the same

• Jesus challenges them to not work for perishable food, but for the imperishable

• The “work” to obtain this imperishable (eternal) food, is to believe on Him• The people then demand a sign, as a condition for belief

• They ask for manna, as had been provided by Moses“He rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them food from heaven” – Psalm 78:24

• Jesus answers that the manna was not from Moses; and true bread is from “My Father”

• They then ask for this true bread• Similar to the Samaritan woman’s request:

“Sir, give me this water…” - John 4:15

Page 24: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHN Jesus Offers Himself, as the Bread of Life - John 6:35-71


• Jesus says: “I am the bread of life.”“He who comes to Me will not hunger, He who believes in Me will never thirst”

• He gives assurance that He will not cast out or lose any who come to Him • They grumble, in disbelief

• How can the son of Joseph and Mary, of Nazareth, claim to have come down from heaven?

• Jesus’ response is that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws them

• Jesus then says: “The bread that I will give for the life of the world is My flesh” “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life”

• Extremely crude and provocative challenge• Corresponds to the teaching of the prologue: “The Word became flesh”

• We must accept His sacrificial offering, on the cross• The primary spiritual message and meaning: Unite with Him in His death, in order

to abide with Him and to share His life• The Lord’s Supper, as an ordinance, is a means of representing and maintaining

this spiritual unity• A difficult teaching that separates believers (such as Peter) from non-believers

(such as Judas)

Page 25: MORNINGSTAR JOHN Introduction 1 The situation By the apostle John, ”the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20-24) ~ 90 AD To the churches at Smyrna and.

MORNINGSTARJOHN Jesus Goes to the Feast of Booths - John 7:1-31


• Jesus’ brothers urge Him to go with them to the feast• Jesus refuses, because it is not His time (because the Jews seek His death)• The brothers’ unbelieving attitude

• Jesus later goes, privately• The crowds look for Him, and “mutter” about Him, with divided opinions• In the midst of the feast, He begins teaching, in the temple• The people are amazed at His teachings, as in the other gospels:“When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; for he was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.” -- Matthew 7:28-29

• Jesus explains the authoritative source of His teaching: • “the One who sent Me”• Anyone who does God’s will could discern this

• Jesus accuses them of violating the law of Moses• They seek to kill Him for “one deed” (healing a man on the Sabbath)• But the law of Moses permits circumcision on the Sabbath• How much better and more righteous to heal an entire person on the Sabbath?

• Controversies and disputes• They knew where He was from (Nazareth); but that could not be for the Messiah• He says He is from the One who sent Him; whom they do not know

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Rivers of Living Water - John 7:32-52


• He will go to the One who sent Him• A place where they cannot find Him• They thought He was speaking of the “Dispersion”

• On the last day, He cried out: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink”

• “He who believes in Me, ‘from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water’”“In that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem…” -- Zechariah 14:8

• He was speaking of the Spirit“But one of the soldiers pieced his side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out.” -- John 19:34

• The background of the Feast of Booths ceremonies:• Daily procession of the people carrying water from the pool of Siloam, into the

temple, to be poured out at the base of the altar• Prayers of thanksgiving, and asking for rain for the upcoming season

“O Lord, we beseech you, do send prosperity!” - Psalm 118:25

• Controversy and opposition• The people were divided, as to whether He could be the Christ• The priests and Pharisees reprimand the officers for not arresting him, and mock

Nicodemus when he seeks a fair and lawful hearing