MORNING, SKSasESseatu:::::::: ilirhmoittl jlfsptclithe dispatch (X>WARDIN &EULYSON. |, onl|NVAKI\nLY...

the dispatch (X>W ARDIN & EULYSON. | , onl|NVAKI\nLY IN AOVANCK. nvll.Y DISPATCH J* dettvwrwIloMrtwcrl- 1( » I'TKKX ritNTJsiH'r «T»-V,iwvy.iWct<>Hu:<5tr-1 , Kiv. MMIrtl l*r annrnit; fj ft>r *U r'" ''*. r month for * shorter pt>rin<U w£» sK Ml-W KKKI.Y IMHTATUH Ht fa jut *n- ... l«>r *'x month*. pl w i-RM.V l>tSl'ATCH«l#3|wrjmmim. ilirhmoittl jlfsptcli j ili KSHA V JUNE 27. 1*72. f . Til K CIHCCI.ATION OF THK I>IS- vjiii i- i.akukr than thk com bin Kb1 ',! < |.\T1«»N OF A l.fa THK OTHKK DAILY s \\ >r \TK.Ii> OK THK CITY. \ I rriox Hll.KS THIS DAY. , . T v I « v HF.f.l- CO. will 10 A. M. <lry v Mhkw, rkitltlnr* hat.H, malting. ,<r. A <.<»|i|MN Will sell *t « I*. M. thirty hiilhnn* I,.;. i! tlx «»»> »n<l wwt lino of Fifth and blxlb . "" » \i' n*1«sl tiryond I»nV«-r ntn-rf . \\ M F>FF willr«ll«l liN r«w>m« at Mo'clock .... an'l cit-slrahh: aiKiuliiwnt of hniiM-ho]<] ,i Mfnr<\ &<"- LOCAL M A ITERS. I-: xCMi..- Governor Walker transacts) to-day at the Executive Mansion. Kw.f ok Tiiermomktkk at Distntch Of-, \\ < 'iiu-Mby, June 2ii: S A. M., 7>* de-| ..v, . P. M., .s.'» degri-cx ; r. M., 8.5 do hKsti.-n-iti».- William Marshall, convicted eini>e/v!ing the funds of the James River «(. » '..inpany. has been sentenced I* ( iiiiirui* t<» three years' imprisonment ,ji i j> uiteiiliary. Tm o.oi-T. < Bennett.. A jury has been in the ease of T. C. HwniU'tt, ,rir,.(| with the killing of William R. ,nl... and yesterday t tie examination ol was commenced. I : .1 Is MA l LAM UK LctTKBS REMAINING! Kiru.uoNn Post-4)fkichJcnk 2<». 1H72. \li Katie Anlow, Georgetown; l>o)ian, i \ Co.. New York ; William B. Shtiff, \ w Hope; 31 irss Ann Mina, Fredericks !>;u -. Iti ..risrrtoN koh a Prison kk. . The Go- v.nioV "I West Virginia has issued Itis ,iii*iii<»n on Governor Walker for Levi .».'» stands eliarged with lareenT . 111 i:>v comity, Keller it ia pi i>on in \V inetu. * *' j I mi Natioxai. Mask of VhmjikiaV iu it* j'iw fi- iui iif toilay, declares a Heinkinnual !(.n«l <-l per cent. 'J'his was ticU-nninwd ii ;tl the meetm^ of stockholders jester-j IV. 'I lie hll-ille.sS Of tllf Uvulf hfiy lyi^n v., !i managed, and it is iu a prosperous con» ijilioii. 0' cosvi. rs Rhx-KivKD..The following were « iv< ilat the penitentiary yesterday : From < impi rli rounty, Nancy llavth (colored), iv\i> attempted arson; from Prince llilward. .John Ferguson, three, nod l<Nse\ Ji.lvxoii. H-viMi ycai^. for house-breaking. .. '¦*.* * .*r ai.-o eolored. fiii n >io\n Kkm ai.k Inrtiti tk. . The annual ..,.iumcne»iuenl of the llieliniond Female 1ii-| iMIte will lake pl.ier al the First Ikipti^l Iturt Ji this evening at s.{ u'elock. The pro- -11111110 » in braces reading of ess;iys, pre- ut :il »n ol medals, annouueeinent of <lis- i i;i« tioii -. and m«i>ie. Kev. l)r. Curry Will; pi» -eiit the medals I. o. U. It. . Flection of Ofkickws.. Ata] meeting of Heniamiu Lodge, No. i»!i, I.O. U.! |{.. Isi'hl at Covenant Hail on the 21th in-; nit, ! be following oflicei s were elected for louing lerui : Marx N'«l«on, piv»Uleiit;j <i'rt*cnwal<l, vie« -president ; 11. Whiiloek. Jitasuivr; S. 1'ike, recording seeretary ; iker, (i i i t i m 1 -l eietary ; IJei iiwu Murris. -i i. ml mentor; II. Fislier. J. G ; .S. Fox. < G. i!i.m |,,v. oi i ifi- it i ks. The following arc ilieers eleeted by Kiehiuond (Vmniand- t'\. N". Iviiiglils Templar, on Tuesday t vi ning: William F. Tanner, comniander; \ , Lee. irciiendissiino ; L. L. Bass, captaiu- . r:tl; William T. Allen, prelate; Thomas I I Mn I ley, treasurer; William J. L'iddick, - .riier; A. ordway. senior warden; -1. F. I. ni-liton, junior warden; C. W. 1*. Rrock, iinl ini-b»"arer; J. T. Si/er, swi»rd-hearer; 1 s. Tower, warder; .1. T. Brown, W. ii. i . Hi r. Ilem > Hodcker. guards. !iip Lodge, No. IU, I. U. t). P\, has . ti ll Hie follow-in; «>l!i ers for the ensuing it-nu: .Noble («nmd, l'». 1?. Cook ; Vice- * -i .oul, T. H. While; Secretary, William ,1. «. i-;in; TrcasuriT, »J. A. Collins; Chaplain,. Holier! F. .lows. _ ? <o>riiiania Lodge, No. l»>, Knights of Pyihia-, eleeti d the following officers Tues- .> niulil : llenrv llu'hmer, chancellor coui- M-o'leV: AUnin si-heil, v ice-elm mr I lor. >Kl I'oiniuion Lodge, No. 4, Knights of j eleeied the following orticeWiOfi t'lesday Might: Charles A. Spenee, ehau- < lior couiuuiiidei" ; \\ . 11. W eisigcr, vice- *i me -II -r: C, W. M' Farlaae, prolate. \t a regular ineeiiug of Richmond ruction, \o. -. 1. o. C. of 11. and T., held in Ooltim- i-iu Hall Tnc-sday night, Ihe follo.wiug olli- , | , were elected" for the next, semi-annual :. i n) : Fiist Assistant (»., 1>- W. Bohamum ; cond Assistant <i.. M. S.Conrad; Third \ -i^iant (»., W. If. I'ugh, .lr.; Graud Arch- on. I-'. T. Hates; Grand V. Archon, («. 12. ...>11: Treasurer, S. Waggoner; Assistant ITeusiirer. (». 1C. Cnskie; Secretary, L. C. It-ul v ; Assistanl Secretary. W. Moore; Usher. Will e child; Assistant Osher, W. W.Sinith; I. \V.« «. 11. Moshy; O. P., F. F. Hartsook. \siilam» Loim.'k. . At the last meeting ot \«hland l.odge, No. 108, of A. F. and A. M., i |i< following ollieers were elected for the ensuing year : (ieorge W. C'arrington, W.i M.; W illiam .Tosiah Leake, S. W. ; Henry aunders. J. W. ; Edwin Vauglmn, tre^i- -iirer; 11. c. l'aulette, secretary; J. 11. I'lowies, !>.; r. r. Bowles, J. 1). ; Thomas t . Kllett, tiler. " . , The Lodge, is in a very flourishing condi- lion. I'oiick CoraT, Wkdnkspav . Justice J.J. u ,itv pretidiry.. The following awes were ih-jioscd of : , . * raw ford Anderson and Trank Meyers (i >lored\ charged with stealing iron, the rojiertv of the Tredegar Company, were -tut to" jail for tit teen days each and chain- fiig. -i Henry Braxton (colored), cliargetl with '. iiig a suspicious character and also with! -viiiiing and striking policeman W. L. :ioii).i> while in the discharge of his duty, i nied $Ci, and surety for g'.x^d l»eba\ioi it* 'i'.'ired in the sum of $o00 tor twelve months. Ii- rman GiH»ham (colored), charged with --. .ting and Ufiting Francis Gresham. Cti.iti uiicd to 27th instant. , - charlotte Smith (eolored), eliarged wit# '"i nii'ii ion, and Mary Horsey (colored), 1 !. o ueil with perjury in making oath t<^ tlj<; w.irnmt for the arrest of Charlotte Smith. I »' »! It «ws continued to the 27th iustant. l.oui> < ilue/er, charged on warrant with ah;:,Mug L. iiowniau. Fined tfi. .I.uin's Owen (colored), charged on warrant with a r>»uulting and threatening to shoot "ii .lasjiar, a nd also with threatening to set. !<> Hit- house of said Jaspar; and hanntcl .' i -par, charged on warrant with tresi>assing ..ii the promises of James Owens and carry¬ ing away >. undry articles of wearing apparel, the properly of the said Owens. Both eases co'iiiaued the 27th instant. -adore Landaw, charged on warrant an ltu '. .smMing L. Bowman, and L. Bowman iiMfged t',11 warrant with assaulting and neat- in- i»adore Landaw. Fincd^l each. !.ilij.o:iia Robinson (eolored), charged on v.iirmnt with abusing and threatening Ll- .vi Fined $2.50. , Andrew Davis aud Elvira Davis (eolored), eliarged on warrant with abusing and threat- eiiing Kdnionia liobinson. Andrew Davis was lined §5, and Elvira Davis committed to ja.l for twenty-four hours. .John Farrell, charged on warrant with asMauliing and beating Hugh JlcCuwlcy, DUcharged. no prosecutor, i>> it* 7! K*y- ')?v fi*r PJCHM0NIX ! VA.,' THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE . 27. 1872. .i ... »w-* ! '*»< rVlir « I # , -J I' ! ? f RICHMOND SPEAKS I'OR. <ji K KELET AND BKOWKj _ IMMENSE OUTPOURING OF THE ' PEOPLE. | GltAND TOUCH-LIGHT PKOCESSION AND ENTIir 181 ANTIC SALLY. r ' f ';t ' * s ¦- . ; NIhwIicm hy Governor Walker* Cev. IK»ngln«i)i, Judge Farrar, W. W. Walker, Colonel Illnton, I ._ ; (> - J < " : ' V > J ndgc Oultl, and Otben. S <r EXEH A t j ohUFWA TIO X. One of tlie grandest political demonstra¬ tions ever witnessed In Richmond was that oi last, night in ratification of the Cincinnati platform and of the nomination of Grcelcv and Brown. It was ixirlici|xited in l>v thou¬ sands, and the enttuisiasm of the masses in [ every font nro of the. demonstration was almost without parallel. raOOKgglOK FOHSIKP. The Hnn of the procession was formed at I a'M)l,t S o'clock, in the following order: Bruin Corps. Detachment of jwlicc, under command of Major Poo. Carriages containing Speakers and General Committee of Arrangements. Metropolitan Greeley and Brown Club, i German Greeley and Brown Club. { i Old Dominion Greeley and Brown Clul>. Old Dominion Conservative Club. Columbian Conservative Club. Band of Music. ' , ) National Greeley and Brown Club. Marshall Ward Greeley and Brown Club. Jackson Ward Greeley and Brown Club. Republican (ireeley and Brown Club. Young Men's Ceptr.d (ireeley and BTojvn Club. rOLICK. The following marshals were, in charge of tin* line, and discharged their dulim cfli- ciently: Chief, Genera! Peyton Wise. As¬ sistants: Metropolitan Club, L. b. Bass, J. 11. Richardson. Republican, W. W. Put- man, F. Johnson (colored). National, N, M. Lee, J. C. Pride. Young Mens Central, W. L. White, Dr. A. S. McRae. German- George Klein, 11. Schott. Old Dominion 'Greeley, .Tolm Morton, George W.£av*w. Al nmliu || W«w4 W-- '*. ". ii'-'HiHll, IJ . Mefzger. Jackson Ward. Club, George C. Jiiuvn- ". .Lynneiuan. Old Dominion Conservative Club, J. M. Tyler, John M. Higgins. Columbian Conservative, James R. Fisher, R. B. Munford. AtTEAHANCK OK TflK CLl'BS. The clubs turned out in full force. Few Hel tons had before any idea of the strength of the organized (ireeley movement in this city. The. ranks were filled with working voters, the procession proper Iteing fifteen squares in length, while thousands of en¬ thusiastic jteople lined the sidewalks and rent the air with applause. The linos were; brilliant, with torches, lanterns, and trails-1 paivucies, and the frequent discharge of miuature artillery and the display of lire- works lent not a little to the attractions of the scene. : a i»j:ai> cock in tub i-it. rJ'he most striking ami originalof the trans¬ parencies were borne on a large express wh- gon bv the Metropolitan Greeley and Brown Club, which took the head of the line. These were two line cartoons, designed and execu¬ ted by Colonel W. A. Caskie. On one side of t he wagon was :i representation of a cock¬ pit at I h«- last stage of a tight between Gree¬ ley and Grant. Greeley is digging his qtrill- peii-pms into tin* flanks of the other cock, while the latter ((.'nut), his bayonet spurs broken, skulks into a corner. The other re¬ presented a jackass with Grant's physiog¬ nomy d nigged by ( 'onklir.g and pushed by Butler, but. sf ill unable to move its bandaged legs along. These pictures were everywhere applauded. OTIIKK TRANSIWKKNClKfl, hundreds in number, were scattered along the line, and the Young Men's Central Club deserve special credit for their successful efforts in this part of the demonstration. Among them we noticed the following striking inscriptions: " Cassnr, beware of the ides of November." .'( . rant's administration. oppression athome and degradation and humiliation a broad. 7 "Thieves, go home.*' "llarry of the Kast.'' "Lifted by luck and the for-: tunes of war to the President's chair to smoke a cigar." oh, how 1 would like to be taking a brown-stone front from thee, if. S. G." "Tlie farmer of Chapi>a- .' ilia will, iu November, 1872, ditch our lauds .and drain oil' thj? carpet-baggers.'.' " Grand (Jill Enterprise. Morton, Ohaudler& Co/; {I'mler the Patronage of Useless the First: United States Treasury the Capital Prize." .' Grant's Pets. the Swamp Angels of North Carolina. 4 We kill only Democrats.' *. Plough Deep if You would Eradicate Rad¬ icalism.'' " What we know about Farming : We want no more Dead Beats: Give us a ( hapjKupia Pumpkin for a Change?" r A We go for a Wood-Chopper in preference* to,a Horse-Jockey." " This Country wants Grub¬ bing: Farmer (ireeley slings a ileal thy Axe." " No him* and gray. In llerec array. Nor local hates dissever; t?hake hands once more, front shore to shore. Tlie North aud South forever. ' * . " For Jioraev and (iratz, they aro Uie chap's M lio-e n:unes iire on our banner, And this fall we'll vole for an old while eoat Instead of a miuiMiii? turner." The Bepublican ( 'hib made a fine turn-out under 'Captain Putnam. They carried nu¬ merous transparencies, with good inscrip¬ tions. The National Club also deserve-i t ice for specialties In I his line, and, itideed, all the clubs deserve credit lor the display. I AT TQE TIIKATRK an immense crowd. thousands iu number- had assembled long before the head oi the procession reached its destination. There was a great rush for admission, and soon tho building was packed from the pit to the gal¬ lery. It was a brilliant, spectacle. The stage was decorated with the flags of all nations. Alcove all floated the flag of Virginia, and the President's chair was draped with the Federal colors. In the rear of this chair were seated a huge number of distinguished citizens, and the auditorium was filled with an excited crowd. }i 'J. OA LLKD TO OltDHK. At half-i«ist !> o'clock, when the last bit of standing room iii t be Theatre hiid been1 occu¬ pied and the audience began to clamor for speeches, the''immense assemblage was called to order by General Peyton Wise, chairman of the City Central Committee, who came forward weuringu Greoley bat. 11 is remarks were eloquent, and at once arousal the au¬ dience to the. highest pitch of enthusiasm. Altera brilliant exordium he nominated his Kxceileney Governor Walker for president' of the meeting, aud the nomination was re¬ ceived with w ild applause. KEXIAKKSOF GOVKKNOR WALKKIV [, The Governor, coming to the front, was received with most enthusiastic and uproar¬ ious applause. The whole audience arose to their leet and gave him cheer idler cheer. When the tumult subsided he briefly and gracefully accepted the chair. He thought no one who knew him could doubt where he stood in this great ]>olitical crisis. The Cincinnati movement was born ou Virginia soil of a Liberal Republican conference in I860, and it had expanded and swept from State to State until it was now about to over¬ whelm tlie ltadiaTl party of the Union in irretrievable defeat, aud, find a happy consummation in the triumphant election-, of Greeley and Brown. Old Virginia had been redeemed and disenthralled, and the whole couutry will in like manner be re¬ deemed fix) m* vile corruption and disen¬ thralled from military rule on the ides of next November, Virginia wjU stand by Greeley herons^ he stSood b'j- us in th(f hour of olir extremity. ¦ Ho was our friend in 18W), afid has been ever since. But he did not intejid to make a speech ; our friends from the coun¬ try are hen?, and must Ikj heard from ; he wanted thin to he an old-fashioned love-teal- 1, and the brethren must l>egin to give in their experience. [Great applause.]' '''A ' " ' ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ' -'Ms Tiie following gentlemen were then elect¬ ed yhjopresidenls and secretaries : President. . Governor Gilbert C. Walker. Vice-l'rc*ideh($.. FWnklin Stearn^'l'nul- ley T. Johnson, A. M. Bailey, James A. Co- wardin, William B. Isaac*, Colonel John C. Shields Judge \V. W. Crujnp, William F. Taylor, Isaac Davenport, Jr.. James Jfaesoiij David J. Bhrr, Raleigh T. DaiifelJ'T. W* McCance, Judge John A. MeriditW; /Walter H. Martin, Henry K. Ellyson, Thomas A. Brauder, J., McD. Carrington, E. O. Noft- irig, C. G. G ri» wold, Wynne, George D. Wise, Gencnd P. T. Moore, T. H. Bramlette, John 15. Davis, Alex. Moseley, William English. Julius Fischer, General J. I). linl>oden, John PureMI, E. J. Enker, Joseph Mayo, Jr., F. W* Ma hood, - Colonel John K. Connully, Colonel'. Xhomw Jf. Owens, Colonel W. P. Burwell, A.&Lee, W. W.'Putuani, W.* P. M. Helium. Secretaries. . Jauiex P. Cownt'din, W. S. Gilman, W.' D. Chesterman, W. C. Elam, Moses P. Handy, Jofttf H. Pein,T5. Hussel, William Lovenstein. SPKKCII OK BKV. DOUGLASS. Governor Walked then1 advanced and ill- troduced to the audience the first si>eaker <i the evening. that old war-horse Colonel Bev. Douglass, of King, William county. After alludiT^J? happily to the canvass of'GsJ, and fcliowirtg that its issues were those in¬ volved iu this, he humorously compared 'the character and claims of the Radical and Lit* end Republican candidates. Islamism cot*- quercd 4l»e world under - the grqen breecliej? of Mahomet, and he thought we mh?ht con¬ quer under the old white coat of Horace Greeley. {Applause..} Certainly the -old white coiit was better than the dirty apron of the Galena tanner. One of'the transpsirnn- cies in the procession this, evening bore the inscription, " The j»en is mightier than the sword." It might have said, "or the awl., He challege J a comparison, jbet ween Greeley and the tanner and (1 rant and the .Natick cob¬ bler. ' ' ' Mr. Greclcv was th«^ representative ot the Liberal sentiment of the country, and as such the people ot' Virginia hailed his nomination with gladness and would give him a hearty support. The speaker,, ,as. , an Old-Line Democrat, who never voted any other than, vote for the Cincinnati ticket, with pleasure and believing he was discharging a patriolio duty, ire was nob to be ttrught lessdns iu Democracy bv such men as Toombs, Stcpheus,' Mosby, "and James Lyons, however much Lhcy might lie entitled to respect. In conclu¬ sion he pledged Tidewater Virgiuia U> Gree¬ ley and Brown. | JOHNNY KRB ON THE n.ATFORM. Judge F. K. Farrar, of Amelia^ (Johnny. Itch), Was then introduced, and was received with applause. He spoke eloquently ot the course of Virginia since the war, and hope¬ fully of the prospect for her complete rc-, dempiion iu the lirst national political cam¬ paign in which she has engaged iutwelvelong vears. The motto of this light should be. "Honesty and Liberty," for under this ban¬ ner and the name of Greeley.. all ol us can unite without compromising ourselves. It affords us- 'the long-looked-lbr oppor¬ tunity to redeem our State. As the Diapatch mi|d a. few days ago, Greeley might not be the * first, choice of everybody, but, thank God, he is the second choice of enough people to elect hiip President of Uic United States, lie has made blunders, hut he has never blundered info) the public treasury., and tilled his pockuto with the people's mo¬ ney. lie IS* a brave, noble, high-spirited man, as clear iu intellect as lie Is stionji in moral conviction.*. His moral courage in -i"ning the bail b.-nil of Jefferson Davis and defending it aftcrwasds should al-Mie entitU him to the adniihitiMi, t lie:res|M'cl, and the hearty support of the South. Judge Farrar also made numerous good humorous hit* in the course of his remarks. . . \V. W»*JVA1.KBK INTRODUCED* " . ' Bev. W. W.' Walker, of Westmoreland, being ioitdlv called for, was next introduced. He rev it i wed in brief) tile political history ot Virginia during the past lew, years, and re¬ capitulated the glorious results of the A\ alker cainiud,,n. Part of those results arc nowjust uIhjuL to be rcali/td. The blessing wc have, .received we wish to extend to others, and we propose to sow the seeds ot Liljcrahsm and Conservatism' throughout the land. Grant's promises of peace have been mere (mockery. Our suffering southern ' sisters RshoW to-day how lie has betntyed us. G.ruul has failed to give us peace; and now it he reallv wants peace let him support. Horace iOnSutov, Svlib cah 'give it to in. 'But Gree¬ ley's record is ruked up, and we art ucggeu not to support an abolitionist. , I, he mm that stirs the asbe* or strife h not to be trusted. But, alter all,. Greeley's record is not a bad .augtiiy. He fought, slavery, and slaverv went down ; he fought ^pec^iou, anu, secession failed; and now he is; do>vn on Grant, it, is safe to exjwt thai Grant will go, the road of. slavery and secession. Mr. Walker concluded by an earnest ap4>eai joi oblivion of> i lie i«wi, chaiffing upon the^.h- cal party the continuance ot Iwte and bitter-* uess, and ttdling u])on all now to mlty to the sunnku'd of G rceley and PdfU-e; ' ' ; COLONEL IllNTON, OK KORPpLK^ , . The Governor now begged the indulgence of the audience in order that lie might ^in¬ troduce an oLd friend, of Ins. Colonel W d- liam E. Hintoii, of Norfolk. Tins gentleman spoke briefly, hiuivorqusiy, and earnestly in behalf of the Cincinnati ticket, and was wariu- Iv received- His denunciation of the carpeU baggers and scalawags was a masterpiece of its kind, and brought itown' the hortso m tremendous applause. His hatred of'carpci- baS was such that if there were no other bond of sytupathy between hun and Horace Greeley he would rote lot him cause he talked prettier than anybody else about the carpet-baggers. . _ . Colonel Hinton's speech was the best effort of the evening. He sat down aim4 great ap¬ plause and loud cries of " Go on. OTHER srEAKEKS. Colonel William Martin, of jllf tiry, and Colonel W. F. C. Gregory, of leU'i>huig, followed Colonel lliuton. !They'w:iriid> Roused the tyu^o of Greeley and elotpieutly pl|«cuc^^mSc^ in the chair, w-ad an extraet from a letter jusU'ecen ed-by ihim froui Mr. Greeley. In th« 1^ ^ Gneley- st^U'd that in the lieatsid ida.r 18tS. whett the whole North had lierti tere<i by- the assassination of Lincoln against everv southern man, he (Horace Greeley) be- in,T asked bvi President .JollHs'on t<> .i mean ire of peace, advised that Kobert h. Lee the Invited to confer with the Cabinet on tb ssss^'sssri- ««*««> lateness of the hour, lu ld hLs autlienceJ in frint attention. His deckiratibn m favor of ^Greeley and Brown was »>old, earnest, and enthusiastiic, and* nis p\>i»enl tor a timou of Thirties hi favor i of liberty and honesty %JTSZ ol-.qu.-nt. The crowd m*rv«l his spcech «1th gwyt; 'cptlMMBS m. VPJCI li he concludedThe meeting vyas (at 1 o clock tins nioruing) adjourned.. OUTS!!*; *E*X1NG. » While the meeting wss going on in the Theatre,, .the thonsandr outside others, which were addressed by Hon. A. flolladiy, Gencntl lnlboden, General Bradley T.11Johnson; B. H. Magruder, of Albemarie, Captain MeCaul ol Koanoke, and Abram Hall of rjchmond ln the mean time the enthusiasm of the crowd wn» manifested in many noisy ways. : rrrr Pic-Nio at RivgHsriite. UndineTejlip pie of Honor 'atitr T^tnliCWnco wdi lia>cu pic-nic ut Riverside Park to-day. Public EsuniiuUltfiM Col»rtd \ Schools Yesterday morning the examinations in the public schools, commencing with the co¬ lored pupils, wan begun. Superintendent Binford, acconlpanied by Mr. Alfred Moses, secretary of the city schools, and repre*enfc»- tivds of the Richmond press, made a tour, starting with the third grammar school, taught by Miss Harris, in the building occu¬ pied by the colored normal school, at the ex¬ tension of Twelfth street. Here the pupils w«re rigidly examined in mathematics, con¬ cert readiug, spelling, and grammar, and p each branch they gave ev idence of the mwt careful training and thorough instruction. Immediately in the vicinity of this school the schools taught by Misses Bass, Colin, and Lacy were visited, and the pupils here, as m the, first school, were found to be well in¬ structed, orderly, and attentive. Perhap* the most interesting feature in Miss ( olnvs M-.hool WW the gymnastic exercise, which the scholars have acquired to a remarkable de¬ gree through the careful and systematic train- |Tng ofthe teacher. In passing from this school a brief stay was made at the Central building, where 100 of the white children of the fourth,* fifth, and sixth grades of the primary school were as¬ sembled to present Mr. S. T. Pendleton, principal, with a set of handsome shirt-, e studs -and sleeve-button**. Superintendent ' Binford made the presentation address; after which the schools of Miss Snyder ana I Jtr. Tuck were visited, at Springfield Han. 'Next In order, the New-Street and Valley schools were ybited . the former taught by Miss Anderson, and the latter by Mrs- Hughes (principal), assisted by Mrs. and Miss Chapel, Misses Moon, IJirchett, and Harwood. In the former school tho smallest, and by the way the blackest pupil, a smart little girl, received the first honor; and in the laiter group the performance of Rachel tiUcadoo upon the organ was Hie most notice¬ able feature of interest. The organ for this school, as well as where other schools are grouped, was purchased in part by the pupils. At Wesley Chapel, a sehool taught by Miss Bingham, which has only been in operation about three months, the visitors made but a brief Stay, but the ex¬ aminations were satisfactory, and they nqxt halted at the Navy-Hill school, of which Mfea Kuowlcs is .principal. She is assisted by Miss I>ixon, Messrs. O. Mi Steward,. »T. D, Bowser, 1\ Woolfolk, Misses T. K. Troy, Kate Gilmore, Mag. Woolfolk, and l" . L. Roeers. In Miss Knowles's school Roberta Smith, a little girl who at the beginning of the session knew nothing of music, presided most, creditably at the organ. This school, ~ *v*.|l as most ol the others, was tastefully awui.itcd with (lowers 'and evergreens, and they were commented upon I specially for their iw-tm-H unti. (order. Here, at a tap of the bell, the pu¬ pils from the nine schools vacated the rooms noiselessly, and stationed themselves at aj>- propriate distances in the street and yard ad- I joining the schools. A visitor Irom a neigh- I boring city, and who, by the way, is con- Ineeted wit h tho public schools of the State, I expressed his astonishment at our system I aud the admirable discipline of the schools. Miss Rogers, a teacher in one of the schools I in this group, entertained her visitors with a novel exhibition on the part of her pupils, which she termed "the wind the children I imitating a calm, a breeze, a storm, aud a hurricane, by motions of the hands, feet, and a hissing sound from the mouth, which was Very striking and natural. The last sehool visited was the Baker- Street. school, of which Mr. T. P. Crump is principal. The assistants here are Misses Brown, P. A. Payne, Ella Hillyard, Mc- William, JO. U. S. Karrar, Mary (rwatluney, Louisa I>lxon, M. If. Barber, and Mrs. L. 1>. I SliLh. This school (the group) numbers I about siiioLvrs. The visitors were here j entertained by Mr. Crump and his assistants j and pupils most pleasantly. By a tap ot the drum ttie rooms were emptied below, and each (school proceeded up stairs to the main hall, and were there allotted dill'erent posi¬ tions in the room. The examination con¬ sisted ol dialogues, arithmetical calculations, I grammar, «fcc. The singing, "Our Greet¬ ing " and " Beautiful Zion," rendered by I more than live hundred voices, was most en¬ joyable, the harmony being commented on j especially. The examination in this branch I of the public schools was agreed by all to be I uiost satisfactory, and showed a marked im- I provemont upon last year's work. Yester- [ diy medals and diplomas were awarded to I the following schools not grouped at the I clone of the public examinations. Others ( will be awarded to-day. Third Grammar School. Miss Harris.. First honor, silver medal, to Sarah Bossieux. For scholarship, deportment, and attend¬ ance: Diplomas for attendance, to Ann Smith, i Martha Trice, and Annie Scott; for deport¬ ment, to Ann Smith and Mart ha Trice; for 'scholarship, to Marcia Robinson, Mary \ W.^ls.jJIaiT Ross, Willie Tinsley, Mary Meri- weather, and Ann Smith ; for penmanship, to Ann Smith. i Springfield Hall.Miss Snyder's School.. First, honor, to A. (Jwathmey ; diplomas for scholarship, lo Martha Baker, Sarah Dal>- JhVcv, Sal lie Branch, A. White, J. Christian, land H. '1 'ay lor; penmanship, Francis A. Taylor, \ L ..Spriwffield Hall- Mr. Tucks SchooL- {First honor, Fannie Jones, diploma tor de- I Jportriieiit*; /Louisa Dickinson; scholarship, Pauline Anderson. Hester .Jones, Pal tie Crit- I lenden, Josiah Cobb, Klinora Lackland, Jerry J iBuckner, Marv Smith, Mary Harris, Sallie Brown, and liuward Anderson ; penmanship^ Rosa Simnis and Maria Booker. Wesley Chapel. Miss Biivjh avi's School.. Diplomas to Robert Bullock, Thomas Wil¬ liams Thornton Mensar, Maggie Cilden, aud Eliza Fox, for deportment and scholar- I ship. ' >11-. To-morrow the closing exercises ami at¬ tribution of medals aud diplomas will take place at Charity-Street school, Central Br«»ok- A venue, Bellevue, Leigli-Strect, and Bethel schools; to-day at the Valley, Navy-Hill, and I Bakcr-Strect schools. The exercises of the Navy-Hill school will be held at Lbcnezer | church. : : 1 . Celebbation of the Litekakv Societies op Richmond flfcLLEGR..Notwithstanding the meetings an® attractions elsewhere in the city lust night, the spacious audience-room of the Grace-Street Baptist church was well tilled with a large und refined assembly of tidies! and gentlemen on the occasion of the linal celebration of the Mu Sigma Rho and Fhilologiau Societies of liichmond College. I Tbe exerciser of the evening were ojxmed with grayer l»y the Kev. A. L. Owens, of Portsmouth, Va. Immediately following the ojK'Jiing pruver the occasion was enlivened by .music from a tine brass band, profiling flic salutatory, delivered by Howard K. tfayne, Ksij.. president of the Philologiau Society. Tlie orators of the evening were Messrs. Meade Haskins, of Richmond, from tjie Mu Sigma Kho Society, and Mr. S. M. Fro von ce, of Richmond, from the Philolo- gian.the former selecting as his subject V Our Cause,'' and the latter " Great Periods. Produce Great Men..*', ! Each subject was handled with ability by .t|ie gentlemen of the respective societies, they being frequently interrupted by rounds of npplausc. At the conclusion of Mr. Provence's ad¬ dress the medals were delivered by the Rev. C. C. Bitting, of the Second Baptist church, who disposed of this portion of the pro¬ gramme in so graceful and eloquent an ad¬ dress as to receive a handsome testimonial from the audience in the shape of applause. Following Mr. Bittiug, the valedictory waa delivered by Mr. St, George T. Abraham, prcident of. Uio Mu Sigma Rho Society, which was warmly received, and at its dose, . with "Home, Sweet Home," from the band, the entertainment was brought to a close, somaof the audience stopping but a moment 1 to congratulate their successful friends. Richmond Female Institute.. The public cirajjitnceiuent; of this institution will be held in tbe First Baptist church to-uight at 84 o'clock, Conservative State Convention*. Thip body will meet in tlx; Theatre at noon to-day. The following ate pome of the prominent delegates who had arrived last night :. Camm Patterson, of Buckingham; R. A. Rinks, Madison; S. If. Thomas, Warren; Colonel B. B. Douglass, King William ; Cap¬ tain G. O'N. Palmer and Colonel D. J. God¬ win, Portsmouth ;. General D. Groner, Norfolk j John R. Chambliss, Hkksford ; John Goode, Jr., and Thomas W. Pieriv, Norfolk; D. Ci pcJarnette, Caroline; W. "W. Walker, "Westmoreland; Governor Marye, Fredericksburg; Hon. E.M. Braxton, George >L Hundley, Buckingham; Colonel J. M. French, Bland; Judge F. R. Farrar, Ame¬ lia; Colonel J. H. <A. Smith, of Russell; Hon. T. S. Bocock, General G. C. Wharton, Colonel John E. Penn, John A. McCaull, General James L. Kemper, Colonel W. E. Cameron; B. H. Magrfider, Albemarle; A. B. Light tier, Governor William Smith; General Field, of Cul'peper; H. H. Riddle- barger, Shenandoah ^W.Rl Berkeley, Farnl- ville; Paul Ligbtnet,'Highiand ; Hon. John B. Baldwin, G'cnerul John E. Roller, "William Skeen, Hon. Marshall Hanger ;'W. F. C. Gregory, Petersburg; General Stith Boll in?, ex-Governor McMnMin ; Colonel C. K. Mal- lory, Hampton; ColoueL Fitzpatrick, Nel¬ son; Dr. W. JL). Quesenl>ery, Judge H. W. Thomas; Hugh Latham, Alexandria. .< ujgj v: ? " A SrujNMD New Baneing-Housb on Main Strekt.. Yesterday evening Messrs. Isaacs Taylor & Williams (late Wiiliam B. Isaacs Jb Co.) moved into their splendid new banking- house, on the comer of Main and Thirteenth streets, and will commence business there this morning. This building is located on the old' Dispatch corner. It fronts 80 feet on Main street and Funs back 1A feet on Thir¬ teenth street. The site was bought by Isaacs! Taylor & Williams about six months ago at auction, they laying for it the round price of §716 per front foot. The building embraces four stories of fourteen feet pitch and a base¬ ment of ten. Ib is elegantly finished, with iron front and mansard roof. < The basement is light, airy, and commodious, and is reach¬ ed by brood steps from the street. It is well adapted to insurance or banking purposes. The street floor will l>e occupied by the owners of . the building, and it is fitted up with a special view to the accom¬ modation of their business. The en¬ trance is of ample width ; the counting-room is large and conveniently arranged ; and the oflice and parlor are well adapted to their respective puriwses. The vaults are well worth insi>eciion. Than the larger one. there is no better or safer in, the United States. It is 1G feet long.7 feet G inches in height, and \ feet C inches in width. It is hardly proper to describe in detail the meehnnlsin and the material used in the construction of tlio auSu; but wu ituiy ufotc tllltfc ttlO inOfit experienced safemakers in the country pro¬ nounce it absolutely iire and burglar-proof. One of our leading iron-workers thinks that with the best of tools and a fair quantify of gunpowder and nitroglycerine at command it would take him, about two days to work his way into it. The door alone weighs :t,000 pounds, and the improved bankers' chest within the vault weighs not less tlian .">,000 pounds. The vault i* so located, and the lights so arranged, that anybody tamjier- ing with it at night could easily bo seen from the street. Thesccond floor is divided into three large offices and the third and fourth are large rooms . one each floor. The French plate-glass used for the front windows of the Innking-house is the largest in Riehuioud, each pane measuring To by 1 ly inches. It is of tin; best quality. The owners of the building have had the work done as far as l>ossible in Richmond. The following are the builders: Kersey & Davis, carpenters; West & Lacy, bricklayers ; Redford <& Bro¬ ther, plasterers; William L. Montague, painter; G. & A. Bargauiui, plumbei-s and gas-litters; W. B. Cook, iron-worker. The iron front is from the Riclurnnd Stove and Architectural Iron Works, late Snyder & Irby. >Mr. Henry Exall is the architeet. All of tliese gentlemen deserve credit for the ef- ticient apd workman-like manner in which they have discharged their duties. Mortuary Report. . The following is the mortuary report for the week ending Satur¬ day, «J u ue 22, 1S72, compiled from sextons' returns received at the otliejof the Hoard of Health: Whole number of deaths in the city, 36; in addition, 1 still-born was rejwtcd . colored. .Sex: Males, 11); females, 17. Color: White males, 11; white females, il; colored males, S ; colored females, (>. Condition: Single, 2.'J; married G; widowers,! ; widows, 2 ; un¬ known,]. Nativity: United States, .*12; Ger¬ many, .*>; Scotland, 1. Locality: Marshall Ward, 4;- Jell'crson Ward, 9; Madison Ward, 6; 31 on roe Ward, 5 ; ( .'lay Ward, 7; Jackson Ward, 3 : almshouse, 1 ; penitentiary, 1. Age : One day to thirty, 5; one month to six, 6 ; six mouths to twelve, 2; oneyearto three, J; five years to ten, 2; ten years to twenty, 2; twenty years to thirty, 4; forty years to litty,4; tifty years to sixty, 1 ; sixty years to ?e verity, 3; seventy years to eighty, 2; eighty years to ninety, 1. * By whom cer¬ tified: Regular practitioners, 29; Coroner, (i ; Board of Health, 1. Causes of death: Consumption, 3 (2 white and 1 colored); cerebrospinal meningitis, 3 ; cholera infan¬ tum, 2; cholera morbus, 1; convulsions, 2-; dysentery (acute), 4; drowning, 1; gastro¬ enteritis, 1; guirhot wound, t ; hrart dis¬ ease,! ; inaig<*stion, 1 ; intftntjlo lockjaw, 1; infanticide, 1 ; janudice, 1 ; liver disease, 1 ; marasmus, 2; old age, 1";' pulmonary hem¬ orrhage^ 1 ; premature birth, 2 ; paralysis, 1 ; rupture of uterus, 1: stricture of eutum, 1 ; suffocation, 1; teething, 1; unknown, 1. j Honorary Decrees Conferred.. At the annual meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of Richmond College, held yesterday, the de¬ gree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Rev. George I>. Taylor, of Staunton ; Rev. .John C. Long, of Charlottesville ; Rev. Wil¬ liam D. Thomas, of Norfolk ; and Rev. Wil¬ liam E. JIateher, of Petersburg. all alumni of the College. The Board also conferred the degree of Master of Arts on Rev. C. H. Ryland, of Alexandria; Rev. A. E. Owen, of Ports¬ mouth; Rev. D. A. Woodson, of Accomac; Rev. R. W. Cridlin, of Portsmouth ; and Rev. M. B. Wharton, of Kentucky. these gentlemen, with the exception of Mr. By? land, having been interrupted in their stu¬ dies at the college by the war. Speciai, Thanks. . Colonel William C. Car- ringtou aii'l Ocntlrrnrn of the Southern Cross Brotherhood : The Board of Managers of Hollywood Memorial Association desire to express to you esjieeiaUy their tmicere thanks for your valuable assistance in the "noble work of removing to Hollywood Cemetery the remains of our Gettysburg soldiers. As your organization is one strictly of ex-Confederate soldiers that are worthy of bearing a stainless banner, our Associa¬ tion is honored by your cooperation with us in so sacred a duty. Wishing you great success in all your effort*, very"respectfully, E. n. Brown, Secretary Holly wood 31emorial Association. New GAs-Ifoi.i>Ki{.. The Committee on Lijcht, w-companied by other members of the i ,'ily Council :uid a few invited guest*, visited the City U;'a Works laat evening to witness the operations of the new gas-holder built by Messrs. W. E. Tanner & Co., of this city. Alter a rigid test it was found to be in all respects a most excellent piece of workman¬ ship, coming up to tbe requirements of the works, and reflecting great credit on the builders. j A Pink Ihprovkjiso;t.. Tbe ravine at the northern end of b iflh street, which has long been a bar. to improvements in that direc¬ tion, lias at length, been filled up, andean now be crossed by vehicles with ease and safety. The Work is said to lave been done by private enterprise. This improvement will throw iuto tlie market many fine lots well Jtffcuxed to building purposes. MAlT.MI»gMt mora. - J-z * k ' ¦* The Work on* the Canal. -rrTbe u birak " in the water-Hm* near tbe Marshall Mute has beeo so far repaired! as to admit of a portion of the nulla resuming work, and it is pre¬ sumed that all will be under way this morn¬ ing. Most of the establishments profited by the temporary suspension to make neccssary repairs. At the Manchester Cotton Mills* a new foreliay is being put down in addition to other repairs ; and at the Marshall Mills the running-gear is being overhauled and a number of new looms pla« ed in posiiton. At Pun lop's. Stacy's, and other works, the em¬ ploy^ were engaged in refitting and repair¬ ing. MANCHESTER SCHOLARS DlSTCNGtTISHEBi.. At the commencement of the Wesleyan Female Tnst'tute, at Staunton. Miss Maggie Iied- foril, of this place", read the salutatory at the final exercises of the Young Ladies' Chris¬ tian Association, and sbo received the Star 3Iedal for voial music. Auiong those re¬ ceiving medals at the Female Collegiate In¬ stitute, "Richmond, were Misses Ella P. and M'rtlie Gary and Miss Bettic Owen. CmcKKS-FionT.. In the chicken-fight at Vauxhall's Island the winning side embraced a number of Chesterfield chickcns, and they won eight out of ten fights. Pic-JTicsu. The " Owls," a club composed entirely of married men, celebrated the 35t h in tine style at "Forest Home," about twi miles from town. An abundance of good cheer was provided. * The 1. 0. li. B. will leave for Grronwood via Richmond and Danville railroad this morning at quarter-past 9 o'clock. A cotillon band will l>e in attendance, and there will bo refreshments ad infinitum. Concert..The exercises of Mrs. Fox'sj school will close on Friday, and next Tucs-i day night her mpils will* give a concert at} the Methodist CTinrch, ou which occasion they will have the assistance of some of the best amateur talent of Richmond. The con-* eert is for the benefit of the church. * . 5 »»!.<>.. 5- j > J | < bargains In every article kept in a flrst-cl.i&»i dry-goods hoiu-n can he had at LwvT BitOTHERS*.' ] Levy Bkotiikhs liavc marked down the price <*f! every article In their store, so as to sell off as many dry goods as possible. u' The gen tie men attending tlie convent Imi can make their visit to this city i»n»tltahlc to themselves by oil Hup at IjKVY Hkothkhs\ 1313 and 1215 Mailt street, and securing some of Uie greatest l.vtrgains In 'dry goods'evcr offered to the public. The reduction lu j»rlcis at Levy Broth Kits' wand closing-out Kile lias onllvwMd «yoi» lliunn who arc j not apt to have a proper regard to the udvautage oi inlying as reasonably x* possible. Rt vkrsidk 1'akk will be o|»cii to the public from fl 30 "P. M. till 10 o'clock to-night. The Dolly Varden l>onts will inn us usual. Everybody will be there this evening. ......... Dutch BR'ri Liohtxing fly-Killkb swoops them off and deal* lite house speedily. Try It.. Sold by dealers every where. , . Eight casts of sunstroko wore reported hi N'ew York yesterday. If people would wear thlu clothe** :tu<l keep cool they would not have sunstroke. F. }'. Sl'EXCC it Son can prevent sunstroke. Call on litem. , : ~-t ij , t. downier Hoffman, of New York, haa refused to approve llftv-three bill#. making a total of clghty- two vetoed l|il^ session. E. 11. 8j*KfciG«fc £on hav* refused to approve or take a great many bills, but they sell a great deal <>f clothing lor gpotj bills. n.VLTi.Mou b UlAiiKJ'.T.. ' >iir f«i«MMi# may licro-iflcr llnd us at our new store, on .Main street war Fir., I, with ail entire new stcck. OHers taken the night before, and same sent homo early next morning, free of charge, by our "wagon. "We study to plcaae" Is the motto under which we intend to work. Sraj^DPKY. ATKIV'ON & CllAaTBBULAj.T. -.formerly Stuiisbiirv A Atkinson,'' of rit. Allan's Hall. A now lot photographs of Hollywood and Hebrew cemeteries mi memorial Uiy now rnuty at- Kkks'A; ('< ».'x gallery, Main Hlnt-t owtr Ninth. Stn/de *1.50 f.*«oh ; hiw. 17 hy 2o iti< he*., Parties <le- slrlng thein can ho supplied at short notice. Copies Hpenfctlly printed and put up for mailing. No extra cliargc. tj<> to ArcarKTiNB's, nt the' Old Market, and^t three Hue pineapples for flfty cento. Sweet oranges and red tonnnaa at Arrtt/STt.vK'K, eomcr Franklin and Seventeenth stnvts. Alpaca .".ml linen coats for sale hy E. E. SfJCNCE & bos. 1 L 'I White vrstj in groat variety for gale, Ijy E. B. bl'KXCB Si, SON^ Um tut Kt.t. .vs. . Silk, alpaca, and gingham um¬ brellas for sale hy 10. R. Spkvck ifcSox* Coirars and neckties of all the new style3 at K. C. Sl'KXOK k SonX. rvnihrokfl shirts for sale hv' K. B. SrKffOK A Fns. UEPARTVKES OF STEAlf EKH. PO WH AT A N ST FAMHOATV if!OMl'AN"Y'8 L_ SKill-WJ'Kh'I. Y LINK KOIt BALTIMOKIC AN' I) ALL 1'OIKTK HOUTH A NJ> WEST, IN* orNNKCnoN WITH IJAf/ri- ALOItK AND OHIO AND NOKTHfcKN CKNTKAL KAILKOADH. Tin* Hti'anu'rs of this IFim* leavf Qvir wharf *»! ftoelsHt* «jviyy Tuesday nijrht al high tide, uitfi on Hiititr<i«y nrf I o'clock P. M. ! Kndgln, received every duyiip to half-past OoVlwk If. 31. Saturdays until half-] Mat 3 o'clock 1*. 51. f4 V'or fir L hi vr 'imKMKV. apply to . Jc ;7-3m_ WILLIAM V. TtUETT, Agent. T?OR NEW YOKK..Tbc OfU, X Dominion Htrairichip Company 'h intiit skk'-wlHf) Mt-ainhiiln WYANOKK, Captain iiOUCIt. will fall FRIDAY, June 28th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Freight revived until 0 o'clock A.M. Through hills of lading signed, and goods for- wartktl with dispatch to all points north, south., and west. < lose «Tonjn'«ilon» made with CH/iaul Line for foreign port*. Paxwnj?er accommodation* iKisiurpa***!. K»re, *12; t-h-enysj. <«; round-trip tlckeU, i.'o. For iieJght or pissagc;, apply to John \v. wvA'rr, ak> »t, Jp ?f-Jt No. :t Governor stmt T^OR P H I L A 1) EL P II I A.-^vWft r Tlx? Mcamer ALLIANCE, I'm fill ii iWlr«l I'latt. will reeclve frvbrhl for the above port till TliUKSOA Y the 57th Instant at W o'elock. ;T Freight taken for all parts of Pennsylvania, New JriBCf . and Delaware, awofor Norfolk, Boston, and New OrJ earn, at low rate*. Faasave to Pldiadfilpbia, Including weals and stateroom, W. __ " W. F. FOBTEB, Agent, Je f-Sl No. 21 i»ck mrecf. 1'HUOUUH TO LEXlNti-36&2an5I& ton- and BirciiANAN (UNAL PACKBrn-KARK TIUtuuttH WITH¬ OUT A! KA 1.8. £i: WITH MKALS, &7.-On and after (lie 10th lurtaut our PACKKTK will resume fbo oM xhedule, Icailug Lyucli'inrr Muuday. W*d- i!iss«Iav, and Friday at 530 P. M.,and arrive at Lvx- insUiu anil Buchanan at 0 A. SI. PafWMgoi-H for lite above pla*?*# leaving Richmond by railroad on tbew days ran take the l>oai In Lynchburg -'"id go directly on, making the trip In- twenty-four Iiouip. ."Ho change In run Nrtwroeu Richmond and I.YTsett- Mny. \},< iww*J It. KDMQSp. HAVING to lav up-ol Nort'vlk^JS^^j lor reimlrx. the steamer PAT I Jfar«mi3n HA l>K. ('aplaln Nrxsox, will not make her usual trljra betw«t n thl» city and Norfolk. Due notice will I* given of the resumption of trips. my & « T^ALTJMORE SfABKET/'-Anadver- ; 1) tlsenient tmder this head appearing yw- terday'a Dispatch, we, without comment, call the attention the public to the lolluwiug : From the DlapatcU of April 13, 1*72. Having closed out oar stock to Mr. B. G. Morrlvr, of UiIk city, we take ph asoreln recommending hhu to our old patrouft aud Ihe public. Kta NKR1TUY £ ATKIXHOSr. je 27-«t» ltear^fu»J» R q W0RR|8S A CQ.^ CllJCSAFKAKK AXD OlllO H AiLBOAO i'OXr^ff Yi) VlCK-PltEROKHT'S-OKMCK. f>, V*., May IL W* J TO JOHN D. FHINCE.. Take notice thfrt ou MONDAY the flrbt <by of July, l*»,tbe I Chewpevke and Ohio Umlrrwl \ v i tot)* Court nf ihe C-minty I n»int ttf. iWnSereswtt fwchoMtn ofjaw «»Jy M T, In ncut'rfaiit Yftvii will be* ot ui«i irrainin wm-ic»'« ;<. - »-- ¦. l>oficd to 1* taken l»y tbc sud ^u>Pj^,r J|? uoBts In Uw <«on«tnicfton and working of iU bnineh KaaSS a on l£* i>m*nt tine In the city of Ulcljmon<t toUw pfarewlerted lor iUilaiid- lu« and wharves on i^HjgWg*te aaid city. CHK8APEAKJ5 AND OHIO '¦¦ : BAILKOAD.COMPAKY* By Wvs. C. Wjckium, Vlce-Pre*idcnu^ .VTEW FAMILY FLOUK.-Forty U»g8| ll prime NKW FAMILY FLOUK. . . WILLIAM O. DA NOR l DUB k CO., J<j 27 - . tSJ7 Uwjid fttwst# TERMS OF ADVERTJSmGr ^sn»ssi®K^3s?4s SKSasESseatu:::::::: » 2 yuarettbttr tiiOQ^^v.'r struery raNtme. :ffciil*op<^fortite»«ep5^oC ?IsJton? on the roth June. Price of board 5$» Wt Je Virlm T, * M. UlTHByKj, Pgqinfetqrs. B HOARDERS WILL BE, RECEiVEDiAT ¦ OAKLAND DlTjfcf N<J V A C ATION'-jJSM* place Is situated lit h tnoontainoua and hc»!tt»y ro- Igloo of country, two ndles frgra, ftgHUH Orange, Alexandria attit Manassas railroad, gggfj county, at which Uier«\ jsa telegraph T«r» », .?5J per month. KcVreuce, iftrv-J- A. CtiaBaWJaa. >'or particulars. address - RKT. T. TV. K0BKRT8, je tt-Tm Rock fl«h I »<*>*: Nelson cooaiy, Y«. REEK WOOD DEPtffc VA., ON THE VJ CHESAPKAKBAN»>01lf0^tAlLlt0AD. The boarding-honso at this place la now opened for the^ncon at ll»e following rates: '5"- ...».. fksml pcr d»y...4....-....^...».;..i.iw..«.....# S Per week.i .* 10 For four . ... ?90 CohVed servants and children under ten years of vo hxlf pritft* . ^ e Je lo ; WALTE1MHNW1DP1E. ... -,}y Hufccwso* Sfsme*^ "Powhatan COCXTY, VA., JlUHl 1*1*72,, . J Tnis celebrated w at Ering- I'L ACE will bo opened for tire scrotn motion of visitors on the 15th Instant. ,v> ; juv . Mr. J. M. GRA VK8," formerly ojr VortTs HotM, late of,the iJnttipriiiKB. will have ibarjreof the Itotcl. The table will In? abundantly, supplied with alJL the , deUcacie* thO: market cam affortJ.' The BarwlUi choice Wines and liquors. . ,.tu ,ot I Tbums : fs.- x*r month. $1? nor week. $5 j>er <hv. COMKOKTAISLK COACHS& wlllmeeetheiai 'train front Richmond dslly at Coalfield station, Richmond am) L>;m\ Ule railroad, Tickets to 'go and ^'^lm-*^* ' J. R'l^lWtFS^. Proprietor. yiOUSE.Thw wcll- 1.YJL known and celebrated STJVJCER HRSOJfcT, on the Rlue lildge. one mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad. Is now open fo*' visitors. The , climate and scenery are no* qguoUed' In the < State. The-riioms. tattle, and other accommodations, are all Uistean N* desired. " ' . "r. *»**»"' ; Hoard, iter month Hoard, per wcekT. ...... . , , , i*. . /. . . . . 15 Roard, i»cr day...* . 3. :>j Hacks Mill he found at ARon to 'convey persous to ami from the iJotcL .> ^1( //*.»... Jp t-lm K. M. LKFTWlCiy, Mawurer. Bath alum sfki^gs, ., ,0 HATH COTINTY. VtROlNtJu OPKNED TO VI&1TURS JUNK 10, Mfc, situated at the eastern itnse of the Warm Syytlugs motmtaln, t*n miles rftHiv SUIlboron^h dtpm, Ches¬ apeake and <»hio railroad, on the uwiLn stage rend leading to Warm, Ilof. am? Healing Hprlu^s Tlte location Is splendid boU» in polntjfltf^eltnuile'and HceiK-rv, tly> atmosphere .Is pure and e^Uilarating, the niomitiin wenery dhyivtlle^tiaiid pieturcsque. The tine alum and, chalybeate tonic, wateru *ft- surutssod. ,1'Vf elrcalars, giving terms, aual>'sls«4QrOflAtes of cures, &c., address . . t. * . JOSKI'U HAXTERi, Pl*»f»HeWi^ ° jea-im Bath Ajum a|irti»gs, r Y'UJfi 1>K I/1SAU UOTEJU. n,»uv BEWKfA/S I'OlNjT, , ,;,..»¦« UAMVTo» .H<>An5», v«a.< NK.AHLY Ol'COKITK KOUT11KHS -MOJOtOE. , Thlsnew and Mip^rloK hotel will lie opened for vlflrors on MONDA Y, J|tnq 3d, 1*72. under tin* mh ponrlsion or the inworshyneo. mid will lie kept as a W K8T-CLANS WATiillMM'LACK on tbu «w- sidc. HplondW fishing. hoatliiff, salt-water lwthing, siuided groves. tcn-pliH. apd every luxury or the sea and land. can i*- found at this delightful aud convenient summer reaort, J- > rntilgvmcuitilmvv Ihxii made with tho various railroad companies to sell return ticket* to' visitor* to VUK DK J/KAU for.oije fart, provided their <lcketsnrest.nnpcd at'the hotel. tiiivi'Ticrn w ill <- instantly tun between > Norfolk, Portsmouth, and tlie hold. Telegraph oHlrv in tlu> house." Two malls daily. Tkkms ; fa I>cr day, $35 tor two .wieek* <Mi per month. T)0DSON. Proprietor Atlantic iiulei, Norfolk, Va. ; my W-lni dUMJfBR HOME. . Pcmoih wishing to VJ find* PLEAf»ANT TIOMK for the suininw can lv HiH'iiimiKHiiUed nt the FAUUiilMti fc'KMALK INSTITUTE, VVnrrcuton, Va. Anply to ROBERT KRAZER. Tkmms: 4iq per month. Je JU-ThflTn.'w* : A~L LEG H AN V "SPRIXO.C " i/v YJONTUOAiEKY'COUNXr, VA. Tim above watering-phcc, whieh Is univeiwlff recognized oh , A SPKCTl'TC IN ALL CASES yFriVSPEPSIA. will lie open for the reception 6 1 Visitor* on the FIRST DAY OK JUNK. " > / u . < Throe S^riiura are dellghtfullv hUualcd in a bfnd. of TfoanoKo river, among the hlgjicst peaks of (be, AIR'Cliany mountains, wmi'ii niu#rijrfcetit iawii um- Itraclhtf l"it> acres, nos^*/njir<thett»WJ rftt.rao<fdi» of mountain and w«Ur, seencr* combined, witblu 34 inile-s of Alhsrhaiiy 'depot, on trie Atlantic, MIShIu- frlppi and Ohio railroad (tho great th<>rua#'ofcro N"rt h and South), and .i«: accessible to all jiarts of the Union. m . l,!' hhi»* thclastsoJirwm tuany improvements I,mveln>eu maw, and a niuulicr of rie* bnlfdlhgH nave twen " added, making th«-ae springs the. inoft commodious and attractive in tile State. my J7-im W. H. BfiWOPt llaluger. ¦< > jtXTHITJfi HI I LI'H UK BPWINGB/ IT ; (iREKNUICLKR COUKT.Y. W. VA.. famous for flielr Al.TKll ATlVK .WATKBS and fashionable patronage* arc <iiovr open. Theyttro j tMiiw feet above tide-watec, all'ordliig entire ccliuf from proritmtlnK sttmnHrr httit*f'Cfti«MJty for 7,tW0 persons. t, iT i a t'Yr>r CliA«r,K«: Throe dollars per day and,f« per mouth of thirty d;»y«. I I f ! i OTr-n ffl'""" X\r A BM'' SPRINGS,' BATH CfltlNTt: ' iff Va., Imivw lie«'u much iliiproveil, and will' own on tlm 15th June. Pamphlets to lie had of Mcp»m. Colfuiiiu & nogi-TK Bttlmirore ; I'ureell, Laikl A < :o., Ricliniond, or of tin; proprletur»fI> Tkums : *3 iKT «lay ', $90 per inonlh of twenty- dg III days. >>'. . u " I EUliANK, JtKYNOLDS A CO.. , : niv 27-Jm Proprietors, ROCKKItrDGE ALllStf 81'KINGB, VA. ' "OPKSr^UNB. 1,1872, 'Litis /Ivor! t*wl irrtkbratod W AT*® I NOJ'LALB Mil) < attraction.** tola Kcaooii. Among other Improvement*. there ha* tieeii added' nil el"- " j&»nt Hit* I snai'JoaM ball-room, adMijJiiK llw vpr.rJoe;, , the iKirlnrluiH fjeen'eular#ed awT Improved, unci Hie proximity of the two render* each cswily ucoowlblo. > It will l«; kept in a at vie not MU-pauscil anywhere tp Vlndnis. -< 'i1 . *. ' 1,1 The WATKKSof these special Hprlrnw either eure J_ . »i.. «.f M1-riifiil;«. lnclntl'llt .»t<iirwr,MMr llivm) imiliivw'fmw >NV lur to the female (viMUhi^oorfDd^ au appetizer, ,/ i atonic, .uid fri'liorai restorative, tliey nrqt perhaps, mtrtvallod amongst mineral vruUin. The proprietor ' will have provided tot Uie )awiu;and ball-room » firxM'lxvs ffcmd of Mnxte, and In general ail tltc source of amusement and recreation uatwlly fonnd at our Ixa*t wijnrwer rebortH wlil be«frthe coiftiiiaudcf thefniOKlH at ^KOCKHHIIH.'K ALUM." Tlieplaee Id within eleven to thirteen' lionrn'oT, Washington. Ual 1 1 uiore,,ete, , by ail In dayliKlU. I'ro*enger» leave tm citU or the' Chesapeake and i Ohio railroad at (Jo. !.en depot, and new and elegant « Lapre coaches, ua^Mlng rapidly over a smooth and level road of only eight liukavput down . the visitors *' "* 9SB& X: ttkaaik-nbM,: ' i Person* nukln* two ofUho riouada,<fcc., of the Storing and not stopping at tny held, will he crorrod Iialf my regular rate*. The Koekbrtdge water H fot wW nr FtfBCEML LA 1)1 > 4 CO.. Ulcbmond, aud UttOUUK M. Mo '. INTIICK. Ohartottewvlllc. Inscriptive pain phJ eta sent free on application. my 10-im d .if! V? 3; V'1% SB EA BATHING.. <;OBB'8 ISLAND, VA., i* OUW open for tte »c»injwhW»flf: via- . lU>m Unc and safe surf-hatldnff, HeJiifigr* and sntpe-ftbootlntt. A l*uui of music 4a dtteudsott >¦( during the fw*;u*>u, , Tw:mi r *3 it'iv : $1.-1 |*t **«.!<. ' Ifoiitc: fe'rwii SvrMk l*r. "»U'«nwr .V. 1% B«»kA to OfKrrypfone, Monday, \\ 'ehituda yj and Krtday nvinwwu r AiMlra* . !- 1 Jclu-lm ^ Vfi, , /r At the fouthkrn d(##' Wild- h ¦ TH Kit HOOD : <t?J£I,RBK ATfK>N* 'of Uto V*ii flronodaon th«> JtbofJuly uvxt.hvfr *15! be p. prt- .< fcwstou of**4 RA6AKf>'RA NGKStK?* TMee Wish- " Jntr to p:<rUi;i|^tv tu tht» part of (lie umti*<<in«9tU will report to D»:. J. ir. FaTT<VJT, 507 Marshall Mm* nasi before J(oiy ;d.A prtsu? 'of *' ault of r|nth<» win be given to Uk nuwt successful cwiuine. gKIt i ,¦» I.Viili .*r .< MR8. A. C. TURN LEY;' fcivfog returned 1 I from New pleaded tobsvetho imiicj call and examine X*er lar gK, tqent of Ujtrw BtST^vbKIKT^ORSKT^. AEADV-MAJDlE » No. W Uroad street, bctw'eea iHmb twd Tenth. i., T>KIME NEW Q4{t-K, A 44 ga'loiM strictly prl MOLASSES «*» . ' _ WILLIAM Q. IUNJDI * SSaSbut helms t«H*p ,yg i»» »" g"*" %fggfa% ¦BmTtHg SJCAUOg lsM£H8&mii§l9

Transcript of MORNING, SKSasESseatu:::::::: ilirhmoittl jlfsptclithe dispatch (X>WARDIN &EULYSON. |, onl|NVAKI\nLY...

Page 1: MORNING, SKSasESseatu:::::::: ilirhmoittl jlfsptclithe dispatch (X>WARDIN &EULYSON. |, onl|NVAKI\nLY IN AOVANCK. 1(nvll.Y DISPATCH J* dettvwrwIloMrtwcrl-» I'TKKXritNTJsiH'r «T»-V,iwvy.iWctHu:

the dispatch(X>WARDIN & EULYSON. |

, onl|NVAKI\nLY IN AOVANCK.nvll.Y DISPATCH J* dettvwrwIloMrtwcrl-

1( » I'TKKX ritNTJsiH'r «T»-V,iwvy.iWct<>Hu:<5tr-1, Kiv. MMIrtl l*r annrnit; fj ft>r *U

r'" ''*. p» r month for * shorter pt>rin<Uw£» sK Ml-W KKKI.Y IMHTATUH Ht fa jut *n-

... l«>r *'x month*.pl w i-RM.V l>tSl'ATCH«l#3|wrjmmim.

ilirhmoittl jlfsptclij ili KSHA V JUNE 27. 1*72.


. vjiii i- i.akukr than thk combinKb1',! < |.\T1«»N OF A l.fa THK OTHKK DAILY

s \\ >r \TK.Ii> OK THK CITY.

\ I rriox Hll.KS THIS DAY.

, . T v I « v HF.f.l- .« CO. will 10 A. M. <lryv

Mhkw, rkitltlnr* hat.H, malting. ,<r.

A <.<»|i|MN Will sell *t « I*. M. thirty hiilhnn*I,.;. i! tlx «»»> »n<l wwt lino of Fifth and blxlb

. "" » \i' n*1«sl tiryond I»nV«-r ntn-rf .

\\ M F>FF willr«ll«l liN r«w>m« at Mo'clock.... an'l cit-slrahh: aiKiuliiwnt of hniiM-ho]<]

,i Mfnr<\ &<"-


I-: xCMi..-Governor Walker transacts)to-day at the Executive Mansion.

Kw.f ok Tiiermomktkk at Distntch Of-,\\ < 'iiu-Mby, June 2ii: S A. M., 7>* de-|

..v, . P. M., .s.'» degri-cx ; <» r. M., 8.5 do

hKsti.-n-iti».- William Marshall, convicted. eini>e/v!ing the funds of the James River

«(.» '..inpany. has been sentenced I*( iiiiirui* t<» three years' imprisonment

,ji i !¦ j> uiteiiliary.

Tm o.oi-T. < Bennett.. A jury has beenin the ease of T. C. HwniU'tt,

,rir,.(| with the killing of William R.,nl... and yesterday t tie examination ol

was commenced.

I : .1 IsMA l LAMUK LctTKBS REMAINING!Kiru.uoNn Post-4)fkichJcnk 2<». 1H72.

\li Katie Anlow, Georgetown; l>o)ian,i \ Co.. New York ; William B. Shtiff,\ w Hope; 31 irss Ann Mina, Fredericks!>;u -.

Iti ..risrrtoN koh a Prisonkk..The Go-v.nioV "I West Virginia has issued Itis

,iii*iii<»n on Governor Walker for Levi.».'» stands eliarged with lareenT.

111 i:>v comity, Keller itia pi i>on in \V inetu. *

*' jI mi Natioxai. Mask of VhmjikiaV iu it*

j'iw fi- iui iif toilay, declares a Heinkinnual!(.n«l <-l per cent. 'J'his was ticU-nninwd

ii ;tl the meetm^ of stockholders jester-jIV. 'I lie hll-ille.sS Of tllf Uvulf hfiy lyi^n

v., !i managed, and it is iu a prosperous con»ijilioii. 0'

cosvi. rs Rhx-KivKD..The following werer« « iv< ilat the penitentiary yesterday : From< impi rli rounty, Nancy llavth (colored),iv\i> attempted arson; from Princellilward. .John Ferguson, three, nod l<Nse\Ji.lvxoii. H-viMi ycai^. for house-breaking.

.. '¦*.* * .*r ai.-o eolored.

fiii n >io\n Kkm ai.k Inrtiti tk..The annual..,.iumcne»iuenl of the llieliniond Female 1ii-|iMIte will lake pl.ier al the First Ikipti^lIturt Ji this evening at s.{ u'elock. The pro--11111110 » in braces reading of ess;iys, pre-

. ut :il i« »n ol medals, annouueeinent of <lis-i i;i« tioii -. and m«i>ie. Kev. l)r. Curry Will;pi» -eiit the medals

I. o. U. It..Flection of Ofkickws.. Ata]meeting of Heniamiu Lodge, No. i»!i, I.O. U.!|{.. Isi'hl at Covenant Hail on the 21th in-;

nit, ! be following oflicei s were elected for> louing lerui : Marx N'«l«on, piv»Uleiit;j

\ <i'rt*cnwal<l, vie« -president ; 11. Whiiloek.Jitasuivr; S. 1'ike, recording seeretary ;I» iker, (i i i t i m 1 -l eietary ; IJei iiwu Murris.

-i mentor; II. Fislier. J. G ; .S. Fox.< G.

i!i.m |,,v. oi i ifi- it i ks. The following arcilieers eleeted by Kiehiuond (Vmniand-

t'\. N". Iviiiglils Templar, on Tuesdayt vi ning: William F. Tanner, comniander;\

, Lee. irciiendissiino ; L. L. Bass, captaiu-. r:tl; William T. Allen, prelate; Thomas

I I Mn I ley, treasurer; William J. L'iddick,.

- .riier; A. ordway. senior warden; -1. F.I. ni-liton, junior warden; C. W. 1*. Rrock,

s iinl ini-b»"arer; J. T. Si/er, swi»rd-hearer;1 s. Tower, warder; .1. T. Brown, W. ii.i . Hi r. Ilem > Hodcker. guards.

!iip Lodge, No. IU, I. U. t). P\, has. ti ll Hie follow-in; «>l!i ers for the ensuingit-nu: .Noble («nmd, l'». 1?. Cook ; Vice-* -i .oul, T. H. While; Secretary, William ,1.«. i-;in; TrcasuriT, »J. A. Collins; Chaplain,.Holier! F. .lows.


<o>riiiania Lodge, No. l»>, Knights ofPyihia-, eleeti d the following officers Tues-

« .> niulil : llenrv llu'hmer, chancellor coui-M-o'leV: AUnin si-heil, v ice-elmmr I lor.

i >Kl I'oiniuion Lodge, No. 4, Knights of jeleeied the following orticeWiOfi

t'lesday Might: Charles A. Spenee, ehau-< lior couiuuiiidei" ; \\ . 11. W eisigcr, vice-

*i me -II -r: C, W. M' Farlaae, prolate.\t a regular ineeiiug of Richmond ruction,

\o. -. 1. o. C. of 11. and T., held in Ooltim-i-iu Hall Tnc-sday night, Ihe follo.wiug olli-

, , | , were elected" for the next, semi-annual:. i n) : Fiist Assistant (»., 1>- W. Bohamum ;cond Assistant <i.. M. S.Conrad; Third

\ -i^iant (»., W. If. I'ugh, .lr.; Graud Arch-on. I-'. T. Hates; Grand V. Archon, («. 12....>11: Treasurer, S. Waggoner; AssistantITeusiirer. (». 1C. Cnskie; Secretary, L. C.It-ul v ; Assistanl Secretary. W. Moore; Usher.Will e child; Assistant Osher, W. W.Sinith;I. \V.« «. 11. Moshy; O. P., F. F. Hartsook.

\siilam» Loim.'k.. At the last meeting ot\«hland l.odge, No. 108, of A. F. and A. M.,

i |i< following ollieers were elected for theensuing year : (ieorge W. C'arrington, W.iM.; W illiam .Tosiah Leake, S. W. ; Henryaunders. J. W. ; Edwin Vauglmn, tre^i-

-iirer; 11. c. l'aulette, secretary; J. 11.I'lowies, !>.; r. r. Bowles, J. 1). ; Thomast

. Kllett, tiler. "


The Lodge, is in a very flourishing condi-lion.

I'oiick CoraT, Wkdnkspav.Justice J.J.u ,itv pretidiry..The following awes were

ih-jioscd of : , .

* rawford Anderson and Trank Meyers(i >lored\ charged with stealing iron, the

i rojiertv of the Tredegar Company, were-tut to" jail for titteen days each and chain-fiig. -i

Henry Braxton (colored), cliargetl with'. iiig a suspicious character and also with!-viiiiing and striking policeman W. L.

t :ioii).i> while in the discharge of his duty,i nied $Ci, and surety for g'.x^d l»eba\ioi it*

'i'.'ired in the sum of $o00 tor twelve months.Ii- rman GiH»ham (colored), charged with

--. .ting and Ufiting Francis Gresham.Cti.iti uiicd to 27th instant. ,


charlotte Smith (eolored), eliarged wit#'"i nii'ii ion, and Mary Horsey (colored),1 !. o ueil with perjury in making oath t<^ tlj<;w.irnmt for the arrest of Charlotte Smith.I »' »! It «ws continued to the 27th iustant.

l.oui> < ilue/er, charged on warrant withah;:,Mug L. iiowniau. Fined tfi.

.I.uin's Owen (colored), charged on warrantwith ar>»uulting and threatening to shoot

"ii .lasjiar, and also with threatening to set.!<> Hit- house of said Jaspar; and hanntcl

.' i -par, charged on warrant with tresi>assing

..ii the promises of James Owens and carry¬ing away >.undry articles of wearing apparel,the properly of the said Owens. Both eases

co'iiiaued the 27th instant.1 -adore Landaw, charged on warrant an ltu

'. .smMing L. Bowman, and L. Bowman. iiMfged t',11 warrant with assaulting and neat-

in- i»adore Landaw. Fincd^l each.!.ilij.o:iia Robinson (eolored), charged on

v.iirmnt with abusing and threatening Fined $2.50. ,

Andrew Davis aud Elvira Davis (eolored),eliarged on warrant with abusing and threat-eiiing Kdnionia liobinson. Andrew Daviswas lined §5, and Elvira Davis committed toja.l for twenty-four hours.

.John Farrell, charged on warrant withasMauliing and beating Hugh JlcCuwlcy, prosecutor,


7! K*y- ')?v fi*r

PJCHM0NIX !VA.,' THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE . 27. 1872..i ... »w-* ! ' *»< rVlir « I # , -J I'!?f





r' f ';t ' * s ¦- . ;

NIhwIicm hy Governor Walker* Cev.IK»ngln«i)i, Judge Farrar, W. W.

Walker, Colonel Illnton,I._ ; (> -

J <"

: ' V >

Jndgc Oultl, and Otben. S


One of tlie grandest political demonstra¬tions ever witnessed In Richmond was thatoi last, night in ratification of the Cincinnatiplatform and of the nomination of Grcelcvand Brown. It was ixirlici|xited in l>v thou¬sands, and the enttuisiasm of the masses in

[ every font nro of the. demonstration was almostwithout parallel.

raOOKgglOK FOHSIKP.The Hnn of the procession was formed at

I a'M)l,t S o'clock, in the following order:Bruin Corps.

Detachment of jwlicc, under command ofMajor Poo.

Carriages containing Speakers and GeneralCommittee of Arrangements.

Metropolitan Greeley and Brown Club, iGerman Greeley and Brown Club. { i

Old Dominion Greeley and Brown Clul>.Old Dominion Conservative Club.Columbian Conservative Club.

Band of Music. ', )

National Greeley and Brown Club.Marshall Ward Greeley and Brown Club.

Jackson Ward Greeley and Brown Club.Republican (ireeley and Brown Club.

Young Men's Ceptr.d (ireeley and BTojvnClub.rOLICK.

The following marshals were, in charge oftin* line, and discharged their dulim cfli-ciently: Chief, Genera! Peyton Wise. As¬sistants: Metropolitan Club, L. b. Bass, J.11. Richardson. Republican, W. W. Put-man, F. Johnson (colored). National, N,M. Lee, J. C. Pride. Young Mens Central,W. L. White, Dr. A. S. McRae. German-George Klein, 11. Schott. Old Dominion'Greeley, .Tolm Morton, George W.£av*w.Al nmliu || W«w4 W-- '*. ". ii'-'HiHll, IJ .

Mefzger. Jackson Ward. Club, George C.Jiiuvn- ". .Lynneiuan. Old DominionConservative Club, J. M. Tyler, John M.Higgins. Columbian Conservative, JamesR. Fisher, R. B. Munford.

AtTEAHANCK OK TflK CLl'BS.The clubs turned out in full force. Few

Hel tons had before any idea of the strengthof the organized (ireeley movement in thiscity. The. ranks were filled with workingvoters, the procession proper Iteing fifteensquares in length, while thousands of en¬

thusiastic jteople lined the sidewalks andrent the air with applause. The linos were;brilliant, with torches, lanterns, and trails-1paivucies, and the frequent discharge ofmiuature artillery and the display of lire-works lent not a little to the attractionsof the scene.

: a i»j:ai> cock in tub i-it.

rJ'he most strikingami originalof the trans¬parencies were borne on a large express wh-gon bv the Metropolitan Greeley and BrownClub, which took the head of the line. Thesewere two line cartoons, designed and execu¬ted by Colonel W. A. Caskie. On one sideof t he wagon was :i representation of a cock¬pit at I h«- last stage of a tight between Gree¬ley and Grant. Greeley is digging his qtrill-peii-pms into tin* flanks of the other cock,while the latter ((.'nut), his bayonet spursbroken, skulks into a corner. The other re¬

presented a jackass with Grant's physiog¬nomy dnigged by ( 'onklir.g and pushed byButler, but. sf ill unable to move its bandagedlegs along. These pictures were everywhereapplauded.

OTIIKK TRANSIWKKNClKfl,hundreds in number, were scattered alongthe line, and the Young Men's Central Clubdeserve special credit for their successfulefforts in this part of the demonstration.Among them we noticed the followingstriking inscriptions:

" Cassnr, beware of the ides of November.".'( . rant's administration. oppression athomeand degradation and humiliation abroad.7"Thieves, go home.*' "llarry of theKast.'' "Lifted by luck and the for-:tunes of war to the President's chairto smoke a cigar." .» oh, how 1 would liketo be taking a brown-stone front fromthee, if. S. G." "Tlie farmer of Chapi>a-

.' ilia will, iu November, 1872, ditch our lauds.and drain oil' thj? carpet-baggers.'.' " Grand(Jill Enterprise.Morton, Ohaudler& Co/;{I'mler the Patronage of Useless the First:United States Treasury the Capital Prize.".' Grant's Pets.the Swamp Angels of NorthCarolina. 4 We kill only Democrats.' *.Plough Deep if You would Eradicate Rad¬

icalism.'' " What we know about Farming :

We want no more Dead Beats: Give us a

( hapjKupia Pumpkin for a Change?" r A Wego for a Wood-Chopper in preference* to,aHorse-Jockey." " This Country wants Grub¬bing: Farmer (ireeley slings a ilealthy Axe."

" No him* and gray. In llerec array.Nor local hates dissever;

t?hake hands once more, front shore to shore.Tlie North aud South forever. ' *


" For Jioraev and (iratz, they aro Uie chap'sM lio-e n:unes iire on our banner,

And this fall we'll vole for an old while eoatInstead of a miuiMiii? turner."

The Bepublican ( 'hib made a fine turn-outunder 'Captain Putnam. They carried nu¬

merous transparencies, with good inscrip¬tions. The National Club also deserve-i

t ice for specialties In I his line, and, itideed,all the clubs deserve credit lor the display.I AT TQE TIIKATRK

an immense crowd.thousands iu number-had assembled long before the head oi theprocession reached its destination. Therewas a great rush for admission, and soon thobuilding was packed from the pit to the gal¬lery. It was a brilliant,spectacle. The stagewas decorated with the flags of all nations.Alcove all floated the flag of Virginia, andthe President's chair was draped with theFederal colors. In the rear of this chairwere seated a huge number of distinguishedcitizens, and the auditorium was filled withan excited crowd. }i


At half-i«ist !> o'clock, when the last bit ofstanding room iii t be Theatre hiid been1 occu¬pied and the audience began to clamor forspeeches, the''immense assemblage was calledto order by General Peyton Wise, chairmanof the City Central Committee, who came

forward weuringu Greoley bat. 11 is remarkswere eloquent, and at once arousal the au¬

dience to the. highest pitch of enthusiasm.Altera brilliant exordium he nominated hisKxceileney Governor Walker for president'of the meeting, aud the nomination was re¬

ceived with w ild applause.KEXIAKKSOF GOVKKNOR WALKKIV [,

The Governor, coming to the front, was

received with most enthusiastic and uproar¬ious applause. The whole audience arose totheir leet and gave him cheer idler cheer.When the tumult subsided he briefly andgracefully accepted the chair. He thoughtno one who knew him could doubt wherehe stood in this great ]>olitical crisis. TheCincinnati movement was born ou Virginiasoil of a Liberal Republican conference inI860, and it had expanded and swept fromState to State until it was now about to over¬whelm tlie ltadiaTl party of the Union inirretrievable defeat, aud, find a happyconsummation in the triumphant election-,of Greeley and Brown. Old Virginia hadbeen redeemed and disenthralled, and thewhole couutry will in like manner be re¬

deemed fix)m* vile corruption and disen¬thralled from military rule on the ides of nextNovember, Virginia wjU stand by Greeley

herons^ he stSood b'j- us in th(fhour of olirextremity. ¦ Ho was our friend in 18W), afidhas been ever since. But he did not intejidto make a speech ; our friends from the coun¬try are hen?, and must Ikj heard from ; hewanted thin to he an old-fashioned love-teal- 1,and the brethren must l>egin to give in theirexperience. [Great applause.]' '''A ' " '

ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ' -'MsTiie following gentlemen were then elect¬

ed yhjopresidenls and secretaries :President..Governor Gilbert C. Walker.Vice-l'rc*ideh($.. FWnklin Stearn^'l'nul-

ley T. Johnson, A. M. Bailey, James A. Co-wardin, William B. Isaac*, Colonel John C.Shields Judge \V. W. Crujnp, William F.Taylor, Isaac Davenport, Jr.. James JfaesoiijDavid J. Bhrr, Raleigh T. DaiifelJ'T. W*McCance, Judge John A. MeriditW;/WalterH. Martin, Henry K. Ellyson, Thomas A.Brauder, J., McD. Carrington, E. O. Noft-irig, C. G. G ri»wold, Wynne,George D. Wise, Gencnd P. T. Moore, T.H. Bramlette, John 15. Davis, Alex. Moseley,William English. Julius Fischer, General J.I). linl>oden, John PureMI, E. J. Enker,Joseph Mayo, Jr., F. W* Mahood, - ColonelJohn K. Connully, Colonel'.Xhomw Jf.Owens, Colonel W. P. Burwell, A.&Lee,W. W.'Putuani, W.* P. M. Helium.

Secretaries..Jauiex P. Cownt'din, W. S.Gilman, W.' D. Chesterman, W. C. Elam,Moses P. Handy, Jofttf H. Pein,T5. Hussel,William Lovenstein.

SPKKCII OK BKV. DOUGLASS.Governor Walked then1 advanced and ill-

troduced to the audience the first si>eaker <ithe evening.that old war-horse ColonelBev. Douglass, of King, William county.After alludiT^J? happily to the canvass of'GsJ,and fcliowirtg that its issues were those in¬volved iu this, he humorously compared'thecharacter and claims of the Radical and Lit*end Republican candidates. Islamism cot*-

quercd 4l»e world under - the grqen breecliej?of Mahomet, and he thought we mh?ht con¬

quer under the old white coat of HoraceGreeley. {Applause..} Certainly the -oldwhite coiit was better than the dirty apron ofthe Galena tanner. One of'the transpsirnn-cies in the procession this, evening bore theinscription, " The j»en is mightier than thesword." It might have said, "or the awl.,He challegeJ a comparison, jbetween Greeleyand the tanner and (1 rant and the .Natick cob¬bler. ' ' '

Mr. Greclcv was th«^ representative ot theLiberal sentiment of the country, and as suchthe people ot' Virginia hailed his nominationwith gladness and would give him a heartysupport. The speaker,, ,as. , an Old-LineDemocrat, who never voted any other than,vote for the Cincinnati ticket, with pleasureand believing he was discharging a patriolioduty, ire was nob to be ttrught lessdns iuDemocracy bv such men as Toombs, Stcpheus,'Mosby, "and James Lyons, however muchLhcy might lie entitled to respect. In conclu¬sion he pledged Tidewater Virgiuia U> Gree¬ley and Brown. |


Judge F. K. Farrar, of Amelia^ (Johnny.Itch), Was then introduced, and was receivedwith applause. He spoke eloquently ot thecourse of Virginia since the war, and hope¬fully of the prospect for her complete rc-,dempiion iu the lirst national political cam¬paign in which she has engaged iutwelvelongvears. The motto of this light should be."Honesty and Liberty," for under this ban¬ner and the name of Greeley.. all ol us canunite without compromising ourselves. Itaffords us- 'the long-looked-lbr oppor¬tunity to redeem our State. As theDiapatch mi|d a.few days ago, Greeley mightnot be the * first, choice of everybody, but,thank God, he is the second choice of enoughpeople to elect hiip President of Uic UnitedStates, lie has made blunders, hut he hasnever blundered info) the public treasury.,and tilled his pockuto with the people's mo¬

ney. lie IS* a brave, noble, high-spiritedman, as clear iu intellect as lie Is stionji in

moral conviction.*. His moral courage in-i"ning the bail b.-nil of Jefferson Davis anddefending it aftcrwasds should al-Mie entitUhim to the adniihitiMi, t lie:res|M'cl, and thehearty support of the South. Judge Farraralso made numerous good humorous hit* inthe course of his remarks. . .


Bev. W. W.' Walker, of Westmoreland,being ioitdlv called for, was next introduced.He rev it iwed in brief)tile political history otVirginia during the past lew, years, and re¬

capitulated the glorious results of the A\ alkercainiud,,n. Part of those results arc nowjustuIhjuL to be rcali/td. The blessing wc have,.received we wish to extend to others, andwe propose to sow the seeds ot Liljcrahsmand Conservatism' throughout the land.Grant's promises of peace have been mere

(mockery. Our suffering southern ' sistersRshoW to-day how lie has betntyed us. G.ruulhas failed to give us peace; and now it hereallv wants peace let him support. HoraceiOnSutov, Svlib cah 'give it to in. 'But Gree¬ley's record is ruked up, and we art ucggeunot to support an abolitionist.

,I, he mm

that stirs the asbe* or strife h not to betrusted. But, alter all,.Greeley's record is

not a bad .augtiiy. He fought, slavery, andslaverv went down ; he fought ^pec^iou, anu,secession failed; and now he is; do>vn on

Grant, it,is safe to exjwt thai Grant will go,the road of. slavery and secession. Mr.Walker concluded by an earnest ap4>eai joioblivion of> i lie i«wi, chaiffing upon the^.h-cal party the continuance ot Iwte and bitter-*uess, and ttdling u])on all now to mlty to thesunnku'd ofG rceley and PdfU-e; ' ' ;


The Governor now begged the indulgenceof the audience in order that lie might^in¬troduce an oLd friend, of Ins.Colonel W d-liam E. Hintoii, of Norfolk. Tins gentlemanspoke briefly, hiuivorqusiy, and earnestly in

behalf of the Cincinnati ticket,and was wariu-

Iv received- His denunciation of the carpeUbaggers and scalawags was a masterpiece ofits kind, and brought itown' the hortso mtremendous applause. His hatred of'carpci-baS was such that if there were no

other bond of sytupathy between hun andHorace Greeley he would rote lot himcause he talked prettier than anybody elseabout the carpet-baggers. . _ .

Colonel Hinton's speech was the best effortof the evening. He sat down aim4 great ap¬plause and loud cries of " Go on.

OTHER srEAKEKS.Colonel William Martin, of jllftiry, and

Colonel W. F. C. Gregory, of leU'i>huig,followed Colonel lliuton. !They'w:iriid>Roused the tyu^o of Greeley and elotpieutly

pl|«cuc^^mSc^inthe chair,w-ad an extraet from a letter jusU'ecen ed-byihim froui Mr. Greeley. In th« 1^ ^Gneley- st^U'd that in the lieatsid ida.r18tS. whett the whole North had liertitere<i by- the assassination of Lincoln againsteverv southern man, he (Horace Greeley) be-in,T asked bvi President .JollHs'on t<>.i meanire of peace, advised that Kobert h.Lee the Invited to confer with the Cabinet ontbssss^'sssri- ««*««>

lateness of the hour, lu ld hLs autlienceJ in

frint attention. His deckiratibn m favorof^Greeley and Brown was »>old, earnest, andenthusiastiic, and* nis p\>i»enl tor a timou ofThirties hi favor i of liberty and honesty%JTSZ ol-.qu.-nt. The crowd m*rv«lhis spcech «1th gwyt;'cptlMMBSm. VPJCIli heconcludedThe meeting vyas (at 1 o clock tins

nioruing) adjourned..OUTS!!*;*E*X1NG. »

While the meetingwss going on in theTheatre,, .the thonsandr outsideothers, which were addressed by Hon. A.i» flolladiy, Gencntl lnlboden, GeneralBradley T.11Johnson; B. H. Magruder,of Albemarie, Captain MeCaul ol Koanoke,and Abram Hall of rjchmond ln themean time the enthusiasm of the crowd wn»

manifested in many noisy ways.: rrrr

Pic-Nio at RivgHsriite. UndineTejlippie of Honor 'atitr T^tnliCWnco wdi lia>cupic-nic ut Riverside Park to-day.

Public EsuniiuUltfiM I® Col»rtd\ Schools

Yesterday morning the examinations inthe public schools, commencing with the co¬lored pupils, wan begun. SuperintendentBinford, acconlpanied by Mr. Alfred Moses,secretary of the city schools, and repre*enfc»-tivds of the Richmond press, made a tour,starting with the third grammar school,taught by Miss Harris, in the building occu¬pied by the colored normal school, at the ex¬tension of Twelfth street. Here the pupilsw«re rigidly examined in mathematics, con¬cert readiug, spelling, and grammar, and peach branch they gave ev idence of the mwtcareful training and thorough instruction.Immediately in the vicinity of this school theschools taught by Misses Bass, Colin, andLacy were visited, and the pupils here, as mthe, first school, were found to be well in¬structed, orderly, and attentive. Perhap*the most interesting feature in Miss ( olnvsM-.hool WW the gymnastic exercise, which thescholars have acquired to a remarkable de¬gree through the careful and systematic train-|Tng of the teacher.

In passing from this school a brief staywas made at the Central building, where 100of the white children of the fourth,*fifth,andsixth grades of the primary school were as¬sembled to present Mr. S. T. Pendleton,principal, with a set of handsome shirt-,

e studs -and sleeve-button**. Superintendent' Binford made the presentation address;after which the schools of Miss Snyder ana

I Jtr. Tuck were visited, at Springfield Han.'Next In order, the New-Street and Valleyschools were ybited.the former taught byMiss Anderson, and the latter by Mrs-Hughes (principal), assisted by Mrs. andMiss Chapel, Misses Moon, IJirchett, andHarwood. In the former school tho smallest,and by the way the blackest pupil, a smartlittle girl, received the first honor; and inthe laiter group the performance of RacheltiUcadoo upon the organ was Hie most notice¬able feature of interest. The organ forthis school, as well as where otherschools are grouped, was purchased in partby the pupils. At Wesley Chapel, a sehooltaught by Miss Bingham, which has onlybeen in operation about three months, thevisitors made but a brief Stay, but the ex¬aminations were satisfactory, and they nqxthalted at the Navy-Hill school, of which MfeaKuowlcs is .principal. She is assisted byMiss I>ixon, Messrs. O. Mi Steward,. »T. D,Bowser, 1\ Woolfolk, Misses T. K. Troy,Kate Gilmore, Mag. Woolfolk, and l" . L.Roeers. In Miss Knowles's school RobertaSmith, a little girl who at the beginning ofthe session knew nothing of music, presidedmost, creditably at the organ. This school,~ *v*.|l as most ol the others, wastastefully awui.itcd with (lowers 'andevergreens, and they were commented uponI specially for their iw-tm-H unti.

(order. Here, at a tap of the bell, the pu¬pils from the nine schools vacated the roomsnoiselessly, and stationed themselves at aj>-propriate distances in the street and yard ad-

I joining the schools. A visitor Irom a neigh-I boring city, and who, by the way, is con-Ineeted wit h tho public schools of the State,I expressed his astonishment at our systemI aud the admirable discipline of the schools.Miss Rogers, a teacher in one of the schoolsI in this group, entertained her visitors with

a novel exhibition on the part of her pupils,which she termed "the wind the children

I imitating a calm, a breeze, a storm, aud a

hurricane, by motions of the hands, feet, anda hissing sound from the mouth, which wasVery striking and natural.The last sehool visited was the Baker-

Street. school, of which Mr. T. P. Crump isprincipal. The assistants here are MissesBrown, P. A. Payne, Ella Hillyard, Mc-William, JO. U. S. Karrar, Mary (rwatluney,Louisa I>lxon, M. If. Barber, and Mrs. L. 1>.I SliLh. This school (the group) numbersI about siiioLvrs. The visitors were here

j entertained by Mr. Crump and his assistantsj and pupils most pleasantly. By a tap ot thedrum ttie rooms were emptied below, andeach (school proceeded up stairs to the mainhall, and were there allotted dill'erent posi¬tions in the room. The examination con¬sisted ol dialogues, arithmetical calculations,I grammar, «fcc. The singing, "Our Greet¬ing " and " Beautiful Zion," rendered byI more than live hundred voices, was most en¬

joyable, the harmony being commented on

j especially. The examination in this branchI of the public schools was agreed by all to beI uiost satisfactory, and showed a marked im-I provemont upon last year's work. Yester-

[ diy medals and diplomas were awarded toI the following schools not grouped at the

I clone of the public examinations. Others( will be awarded to-day.

Third Grammar School. Miss Harris..First honor, silver medal, to Sarah Bossieux.For scholarship, deportment, and attend¬ance: Diplomas for attendance, to Ann Smith,

i Martha Trice, and Annie Scott; for deport¬ment, to Ann Smith and Mart ha Trice; for'scholarship, to Marcia Robinson, Mary\ W.^ls.jJIaiT Ross, Willie Tinsley, Mary Meri-weather, and Ann Smith ; for penmanship, toAnn Smith.

i Springfield Hall.Miss Snyder's School..First, honor, to A. (Jwathmey ; diplomas forscholarship, lo Martha Baker, Sarah Dal>-

JhVcv, Sal lie Branch, A. White, J. Christian,land H. '1'aylor; penmanship, Francis A.Taylor, \

L ..Spriwffield Hall- Mr. Tucks SchooL-{First honor, Fannie Jones, diploma tor de-

I Jportriieiit*; /Louisa Dickinson; scholarship,Pauline Anderson. Hester .Jones, Pal tie Crit-

I lenden, Josiah Cobb, Klinora Lackland, JerryJ iBuckner, Marv Smith, Mary Harris, Sallie

Brown, and liuward Anderson ; penmanship^Rosa Simnis and Maria Booker.Wesley Chapel.Miss Biivjhavi's School..

Diplomas to Robert Bullock, Thomas Wil¬liams Thornton Mensar, Maggie Cilden,aud Eliza Fox, for deportment and scholar-

I ship. '

>11-.To-morrow the closing exercises ami at¬tribution of medals aud diplomas will takeplace at Charity-Street school, Central Br«»ok-

A venue, Bellevue, Leigli-Strect, and Bethelschools; to-day at the Valley, Navy-Hill, andI Bakcr-Strect schools. The exercises of theNavy-Hill school will be held at Lbcnezer

| church. : : 1.

Celebbation of the Litekakv Societies opRichmond flfcLLEGR..Notwithstanding themeetings an® attractions elsewhere in thecity lust night, the spacious audience-room ofthe Grace-Street Baptist church was welltilled with a large und refined assembly oftidies! and gentlemen on the occasion of thelinal celebration of the Mu Sigma Rho andFhilologiau Societies of liichmond College.I Tbe exerciser of the evening were ojxmedwith grayer l»y the Kev. A. L. Owens, ofPortsmouth, Va. Immediately following theojK'Jiing pruver the occasion was enlivenedby .music from a tine brass band, profilingflic salutatory, delivered by Howard K.tfayne, Ksij.. president of the PhilologiauSociety. Tlie orators of the evening were

Messrs. Meade Haskins, of Richmond, fromtjie Mu Sigma Kho Society, and Mr. S. M.Frovonce, of Richmond, from the Philolo-gian.the former selecting as his subjectV Our Cause,'' and the latter " Great Periods.Produce Great Men..*',

! Each subject was handled with ability by.t|ie gentlemen of the respective societies,they being frequently interrupted by roundsof npplausc.At the conclusion of Mr. Provence's ad¬

dress the medals were delivered by the Rev.C. C. Bitting, of the Second Baptist church,who disposed of this portion of the pro¬gramme in so graceful and eloquent an ad¬dress as to receive a handsome testimonialfrom the audience in the shape of applause.

Following Mr. Bittiug, the valedictory waadelivered by Mr. St, George T. Abraham,prcident of. Uio Mu Sigma Rho Society,which was warmly received, and at its dose,

. with "Home, Sweet Home," from the band,the entertainment was brought to a close,somaof the audience stopping but a moment

1 to congratulate their successful friends.

Richmond Female Institute..The publiccirajjitnceiuent; of this institution will beheld in tbe First Baptist church to-uight at84 o'clock,

Conservative State Convention*.Thipbody will meet in tlx; Theatre at noon to-day.The following ate pome of the prominentdelegates who had arrived last night :.Camm Patterson, of Buckingham; R. A.

Rinks, Madison; S. If. Thomas, Warren;Colonel B. B. Douglass, King William ; Cap¬tain G. O'N. Palmer and Colonel D. J. God¬win, Portsmouth ;. General V« D. Groner,Norfolk j John R. Chambliss, Hkksford ;John Goode, Jr., and Thomas W. Pieriv,Norfolk; D. Ci pcJarnette, Caroline; W. "W.Walker, "Westmoreland; Governor Marye,Fredericksburg; Hon.E.M. Braxton, George>L Hundley, Buckingham; Colonel J. M.French, Bland; Judge F. R. Farrar, Ame¬lia; Colonel J. H. <A. Smith, of Russell;Hon. T. S. Bocock, General G. C. Wharton,Colonel John E. Penn, John A. McCaull,General James L. Kemper, Colonel W. E.Cameron; B. H. Magrfider, Albemarle; A.B. Light tier, Governor William Smith;General Field, of Cul'peper; H. H. Riddle-barger, Shenandoah^W.Rl Berkeley, Farnl-ville; Paul Ligbtnet,'Highiand ; Hon. JohnB. Baldwin, G'cnerul John E. Roller, "WilliamSkeen, Hon. Marshall Hanger ;'W. F. C.Gregory, Petersburg; General Stith Bollin?,ex-Governor McMnMin ; Colonel C. K. Mal-lory, Hampton; ColoueL Fitzpatrick, Nel¬son; Dr. W. JL). Quesenl>ery, Judge H. W.Thomas; Hugh Latham, Alexandria..< ujgj v: ? "

A SrujNMD New Baneing-Housb on MainStrekt..Yesterday evening Messrs. IsaacsTaylor & Williams (late Wiiliam B. Isaacs JbCo.) moved into their splendid new banking-house, on the comer of Main and Thirteenthstreets, and will commence business therethis morning. This building is located onthe old'Dispatch corner. It fronts 80 feet onMain street and Funs back 1A feet on Thir¬teenth street. The site was bought by Isaacs!Taylor & Williams about six months ago atauction, they laying for it the round price of§716 per front foot. The building embracesfour storiesof fourteen feet pitch and a base¬ment of ten. Ib is elegantly finished, withiron front and mansard roof. < The basementis light, airy, and commodious, and is reach¬ed by brood steps from the street. It is welladapted to insurance or banking purposes.The street floor will l>e occupied by theowners of . the building, and it is fittedup with a special view to the accom¬modation of their business. The en¬trance is ofample width ; the counting-roomis large and conveniently arranged ; and theoflice and parlor are well adapted to theirrespective puriwses. The vaults are wellworth insi>eciion. Than the larger one. thereis no better or safer in, the United States. Itis 1G feet long.7 feet G inches in height, and\ feet C inches in width. It is hardlyproper to describe in detail the meehnnlsinand the material used in the construction oftlio auSu; but wu ituiy ufotc tllltfc ttlO inOfitexperienced safemakers in the country pro¬nounce it absolutely iire and burglar-proof.One of our leading iron-workers thinks thatwith the best of tools and a fair quantify ofgunpowder and nitroglycerine at commandit would take him, about two days to workhis way into it. The door alone weighs:t,000 pounds, and the improved bankers'chest within the vault weighs not less tlian.">,000 pounds. The vault i* so located, andthe lights so arranged, that anybody tamjier-ing with it at night could easily bo seen fromthe street.Thesccond floor is divided into three large

offices and the third and fourth are u» each floor. The Frenchplate-glass used for the front windows of theInnking-house is the largest in Riehuioud,each pane measuring To by 1 ly inches. It isof tin; best quality. The owners of thebuilding have had the work done as far as

l>ossible in Richmond. The following arethe builders: Kersey & Davis, carpenters;West & Lacy, bricklayers ; Redford <& Bro¬ther, plasterers; William L. Montague,painter; G. & A. Bargauiui, plumbei-s andgas-litters; W. B. Cook, iron-worker. Theiron front is from the Riclurnnd Stove andArchitectural Iron Works, late Snyder &Irby. >Mr. Henry Exall is the architeet. Allof tliese gentlemen deserve credit for the ef-ticient apd workman-like manner in whichthey have discharged their duties.

Mortuary Report..The following is themortuary report for the week ending Satur¬day, «Juue 22, 1S72, compiled from sextons'returns received at the otliejof the Hoard ofHealth:Whole number of deaths in the city, 36; in

addition, 1 still-born was rejwtcd.colored..Sex: Males, 11); females, 17. Color: Whitemales, 11; white females, il; colored males,S ; colored females, (>. Condition: Single, 2.'J;married G; widowers,! ; widows, 2 ; un¬

known,]. Nativity: United States, .*12; Ger¬many, .*>; Scotland, 1. Locality: MarshallWard, 4;- Jell'crson Ward, 9; MadisonWard, 6; 31onroe Ward, 5 ; ( .'lay Ward, 7;Jackson Ward, 3 : almshouse, 1 ; penitentiary,1. Age : One day to thirty, 5; one monthto six, 6 ; six mouths to twelve, 2; oneyeartothree, J; five years to ten, 2; ten years totwenty, 2; twenty years to thirty, 4; fortyyears to litty,4; tifty years to sixty, 1 ; sixtyyears to ?everity, 3; seventy years to eighty,2; eighty years to ninety, 1.


By whom cer¬tified: Regular practitioners, 29; Coroner,(i ; Board of Health, 1. Causes of death:Consumption, 3 (2 white and 1 colored);cerebrospinal meningitis, 3 ; cholera infan¬tum, 2; cholera morbus, 1; convulsions, 2-;dysentery (acute), 4; drowning, 1; gastro¬enteritis, 1; guirhot wound, t ; hrart dis¬ease,! ; inaig<*stion, 1 ; intftntjlo lockjaw, 1;infanticide, 1 ; janudice, 1 ; liver disease, 1 ;marasmus, 2; old age, 1";' pulmonary hem¬orrhage^ 1 ; premature birth, 2 ; paralysis,1 ; rupture of uterus, 1: stricture of eutum,1 ; suffocation, 1; teething, 1; unknown, 1.


Honorary Decrees Conferred..At theannual meeting of the Hoard of Trustees ofRichmond College, held yesterday, the de¬gree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred onRev. George I>. Taylor, of Staunton ; Rev..John C. Long, of Charlottesville ; Rev. Wil¬liam D. Thomas, of Norfolk ; and Rev. Wil¬liam E. JIateher, of Petersburg.all alumniof the College.The Board also conferred the degree of

Master of Arts on Rev. C. H. Ryland, ofAlexandria; Rev. A. E. Owen, of Ports¬mouth; Rev. D. A. Woodson, of Accomac;Rev. R. W. Cridlin, of Portsmouth ; andRev. M. B. Wharton, of Kentucky.thesegentlemen, with the exception of Mr. By?land, having been interrupted in their stu¬dies at the college by the war.

Speciai, Thanks.. Colonel William C. Car-ringtou aii'l Ocntlrrnrn of the SouthernCross Brotherhood : The Board of Managersof Hollywood Memorial Association desireto express to you esjieeiaUy their tmicere

thanks for your valuable assistance in the"noble work of removing to HollywoodCemetery the remains of our Gettysburgsoldiers. As your organization is one strictlyof ex-Confederate soldiers that are worthyof bearing a stainless banner, our Associa¬tion is honored by your cooperation with us

in so sacred a duty.Wishing you great success in all your

effort*, very"respectfully,E. n. Brown, Secretary

Hollywood 31emorial Association.

New GAs-Ifoi.i>Ki{..The Committee on

Lijcht, w-companied by other members of thei ,'ily Council :uid a few invited guest*, visited

the City U;'a Works laat evening to witnessthe operations of the new gas-holder builtby Messrs. W. E. Tanner & Co., of this city.Alter a rigid test it was found to be in allrespects a most excellent piece of workman¬ship, coming up to tbe requirements of theworks, and reflecting great credit on thebuilders. jA Pink Ihprovkjiso;t..Tbe ravine at the

northern end of b iflh street, which has longbeen a bar. to improvements in that direc¬tion, lias at length, been filled up, andeannow be crossed by vehicles with ease andsafety. The Work is said to lave been doneby private enterprise. This improvementwill throw iuto tlie market many fine lotswell Jtffcuxed to building purposes.

MAlT.MI»gMtmora.- J-z * k ' ¦*

The Work on* the Canal.-rrTbe u birak "in the water-Hm* near tbe Marshall Mute hasbeeo so far repaired! as to admit of a portionof the nulla resuming work, and it is pre¬sumed that all will be under way this morn¬ing. Most of the establishments profited bythe temporary suspension to make neccssaryrepairs. At the Manchester Cotton Mills*anew foreliay is being put down in additionto other repairs ; and at the Marshall Millsthe running-gear is being overhauled and a

number ofnew looms pla« ed in posiiton. AtPunlop's. Stacy's, and other works, the em¬ploy^ were engaged in refitting and repair¬ing. <¦

MANCHESTER SCHOLARS DlSTCNGtTISHEBi..Atthe commencement of the Wesleyan FemaleTnst'tute, at Staunton. Miss Maggie Iied-foril, of this place", read the salutatory at thefinal exercises of the Young Ladies' Chris¬tian Association, and sbo received the Star3Iedal for voial music. Auiong those re¬ceiving medals at the Female Collegiate In¬stitute, "Richmond, were Misses Ella P. andM'rtlie Gary and Miss Bettic Owen.CmcKKS-FionT..In the chicken-fight at

Vauxhall's Island the winning side embraceda number of Chesterfield chickcns, and they

won eight out of ten fights.Pic-JTicsu.The " Owls," a club composed

entirely of married men, celebrated the 35t hin tine style at "Forest Home," about twimiles from town. An abundance of goodcheer was provided. *

The 1. 0. li. B. will leave for Grronwoodvia Richmond and Danville railroad thismorning at quarter-past 9 o'clock. A cotillonband will l>e in attendance, and there will borefreshments ad infinitum.Concert..The exercises of Mrs. Fox'sj

school will close on Friday, and next Tucs-iday night her mpils will* give a concert at}the Methodist CTinrch, ou which occasionthey will have the assistance of some of thebest amateur talent of Richmond. The con-*eert is for the benefit of the church.

* . 5 »»!.<>.. 5- j > J |

< bargains In every article kept in a flrst-cl.i&»idry-goods hoiu-n can he had at LwvT BitOTHERS*.' ]

Levy Bkotiikhs liavc marked down the price <*f!every article In their store, so as to sell off as manydry goods as possible. u'

The gen tiemen attending tlieconvent Imi can maketheir visit to this city i»n»tltahlc to themselves byoilHup at IjKVY Hkothkhs\ 1313 and 1215 Mailtstreet, and securing some of Uie greatest l.vtrgains In'dry goods'evcr offered to the public.The reduction lu j»rlcis at Levy Broth Kits' wand

closing-out Kile lias onllvwMd «yoi» lliunn who arc

j not apt to have a proper regard to the udvautage oiinlying as reasonably x* possible.Rtvkrsidk 1'akk will be o|»cii to the public from

fl 30 "P. M. till 10 o'clock to-night. The Dolly Vardenl>onts will inn us usual. Everybody will be therethis evening.


Dutch BR'ri Liohtxing fly-Killkb swoopsthem off and deal* lite house speedily. Try It.. Soldby dealers everywhere. ,


Eight casts of sunstroko wore reported hi N'ewYork yesterday. If people would wear thlu clothe**:tu<l keep cool they would not have sunstroke. F.}'. Sl'EXCC it Son can prevent sunstroke. Call on

litem.,: ~-t ij , t.

downier Hoffman, of New York, haa refused toapprove llftv-three bill#. making a total of clghty-two vetoed l|il^ session. E. 11. 8j*KfciG«fc £on hav*refused to approve or take a great many bills, butthey sell a great deal <>f clothing lor gpotj bills.

n.VLTi.Mou b UlAiiKJ'.T.. ' >iir f«i«MMi# may licro-iflcrllnd us at our new store, on .Main street war Fir., I,with ail entire new stcck. OHers taken the nightbefore, and same sent homo early next morning,free of charge, by our "wagon."We study to plcaae" Is the motto under which

we intend to work.Sraj^DPKY. ATKIV'ON & CllAaTBBULAj.T.

-.formerly Stuiisbiirv A Atkinson,''of rit. Allan's Hall.

A now lot photographs of Hollywood and Hebrewcemeteries mi memorial Uiy now rnuty at- Kkks'A;('< ».'x gallery, Main Hlnt-t owtr Ninth. Stn/de

*1.50 f.*«oh ; hiw. 17 hy 2o iti< he*., Parties <le-slrlng thein can ho supplied at short notice. CopiesHpenfctlly printed and put up for mailing. No extracliargc.

tj<> to ArcarKTiNB's, nt the' Old Market, and^tthree Hue pineapples for flfty cento.

Sweet oranges and red tonnnaa at Arrtt/STt.vK'K,eomcr Franklin and Seventeenth stnvts.

Alpaca .".ml linen coats for sale hy E. E. SfJCNCE& bos.

1 L 'IWhite vrstj in groat variety for gale, Ijy E. B.

bl'KXCB Si, SON^Um tut Kt.t. .vs..Silk, alpaca, and gingham um¬

brellas for sale hy 10. R. Spkvck ifcSox*

Coirars and neckties of all the new style3 at K. C.Sl'KXOK k SonX.

rvnihrokfl shirts for sale hv' K. B. SrKffOK A Fns.





CKNTKAL KAILKOADH.Tin* Hti'anu'rs of this IFim* leavf Qvir wharf *»!

ftoelsHt* «jviyy Tuesday nijrht al high tide, uitfi onHiititr<i«y nrf I o'clock P. M.

! Kndgln, received every duyiip to half-past OoVlwkIf. 31. Saturdays until half-]Mat 3 o'clock 1*. 51.

f4V'or firL hi vr 'imKMKV. apply to .

Jc ;7-3m_ WILLIAM V. TtUETT, Agent.T?OR NEW YOKK..Tbc OfU,X Dominion Htrairichip Company 'hintiit skk'-wlHf) Mt-ainhiiln WYANOKK, CaptainiiOUCIt. will fall FRIDAY, June 28th, at 10 o'clockA. M. Freight revived until 0 o'clock A.M.Through hills of lading signed, and goods for-

wartktl with dispatch to all points north,, and west. < lose «Tonjn'«ilon» made with CH/iaulLine for foreign port*. Paxwnj?er accommodation*iKisiurpa***!. K»re, *12; t-h-enysj. <«; round-triptlckeU, i.'o. For iieJght or pissagc;, apply to

John \v. wvA'rr, ak> »t,Jp ?f-Jt No. :t Governorstmt

T^OR P H I L A 1) E L P II I A.-^vWftr Tlx? Mcamer ALLIANCE, I'm fill ii iWlr«lI'latt. will reeclve frvbrhl for the above port tillTliUKSOAY the 57th Instant atW o'elock. ;T

Freight taken for all parts of Pennsylvania, NewJriBCf . and Delaware, awofor Norfolk, Boston, andNew OrJearn, at low rate*. Faasave to Pldiadfilpbia,Including weals and stateroom, W. __

" W. F. FOBTEB, Agent,Je f-Sl No. 21 i»ck mrecf.

1'HUOUUH TO LEXlNti-36&2an5I&ton- and BirciiANAN

(UNAL PACKBrn-KARK TIUtuuttH WITH¬OUT A! KA 1.8. £i: WITH MKALS, &7.-On andafter (lie 10th lurtaut our PACKKTK will resumefbo oM xhedule,Icailug Lyucli'inrr Muuday. W*d-i!iss«Iav, and Friday at 530 P. M.,and arrive at Lvx-insUiu anil Buchanan at 0 A. SI.PafWMgoi-H for lite above pla*?*# leaving Richmond

by railroad on tbew days ran take the l>oai InLynchburg -'"id go directly on, making the trip In-twenty-four Iiouip.

."Ho change In run Nrtwroeu Richmond and I.YTsett-Mny. \},< iww*J It. KDMQSp.

HAVING to lav up-ol Nort'vlk^JS^^jlor reimlrx. the steamer PAT I Jfar«mi3n

HA l>K. ('aplaln Nrxsox, will not make her usualtrljra betw«t n thl» city and Norfolk. Due notice willI* given of the resumption of trips. my&

« T^ALTJMORE SfABKET/'-Anadver-; 1) tlsenient tmder this head appearing t« yw-

terday'a Dispatch, we, without comment, call theattention o« the public to the lolluwiug :

From the DlapatcU of April 13, 1*72.Having closed out oar stock to Mr. B. G. Morrlvr,

of UiIk city, we take ph asoreln recommending hhuto our old patrouftaud Ihe public. '«


je 27-«t» ltear^fu»J» R q W0RR|8S A CQ.^CllJCSAFKAKK AXD OlllO HAiLBOAO i'OXr^ffYi)VlCK-PltEROKHT'S-OKMCK. f>, V*., May IL W* J

TO JOHN D. FHINCE..Take notice thfrtou MONDAY the flrbt <by of July, l*»,tbe I

Chewpevke and Ohio Umlrrwl \ v itot)* Court nf ihe C-minty In»int ttf. iWnSereswtt fwchoMtn ofjaw «» M T, In ncut'rfaiit Yftvii will be*

ot ui «i irrainin wm-ic»'« ;<. - »-- ¦.

l>oficd to 1* taken l»y tbc sud ^u>Pj^,rJ|?uoBts In Uw <«on«tnicfton and working of iU bninehKaaSS a on l£* i>m*nt tine In thecityof Ulcljmon<t toUw pfarewlerted lor iUilaiid-lu« and wharves oni^HjgWg*te aaid city.


By Wvs. C. Wjckium, Vlce-Pre*idcnu^.VTEW FAMILY FLOUK.-Forty U»g8|ll prime NKW FAMILY FLOUK.

. .WILLIAM O. DANOR lDUB k CO.,J<j 27 - . tSJ7 Uwjid fttwst#


^sn»ssi®K^3s?4sSKSasESseatu:::::::: »2yuarettbttr tiiOQ^^v.'r

struery raNtme. :ffciil*op<^fortite»«ep5^oC?IsJton? on the roth June. Price of board 5$» Wt

Je Virlm T, * M. UlTHByKj, Pgqinfetqrs.

B HOARDERS WILL BE, RECEiVEDiAT¦ OAKLAND DlTjfcfN<J VACATION'-jJSM*place Is situated lit h tnoontainoua and hc»!tt»y ro-

Igloo of country, two ndles frgra,ftgHUHOrange, Alexandria attit Manassas railroad,gggfjcounty, at which Uier«\ jsa telegraph T«r» »,.?5J per month. KcVreuce, iftrv-J- A. CtiaBaWJaa.>'or particulars. address -

RKT. T. TV. K0BKRT8,je tt-Tm Rock fl«h I»<*>*: Nelson cooaiy, Y«.

REEKWOOD DEPtffc VA., ON THEVJ CHESAPKAKBAN»>01lf0^tAlLlt0AD.The boarding-honso at this place la now opened

for the^ncon at ll»e following rates: '5"- ...»..fksml pcr d»y...4....-....^...».;..i.iw..«.....# SPer week.i .* 10For four . ... ?90CohVed servants and children under ten years of

vo hxlf pritft* . ^ e

Je lo ; WALTE1MHNW1DP1E.... -,}y .» Hufccwso* Sfsme*^

"Powhatan COCXTY, VA., JlUHl 1*1*72,, . J

Tnis celebrated wat Ering-I'LACE will boopened for tire scrotnmotion

of visitors on the 15th Instant. ,v> ; juv .

Mr. J. M. GRAVK8," formerly ojr VortTs HotM,late of,the iJnttipriiiKB. will have ibarjreof the Itotcl.The table will In? abundantly, supplied with alJL the

, deUcacie* thO: market cam affortJ.' The BarwlUichoice Wines and liquors. . ,.tu ,ot

I Tbums : fs.- x*r month. $1? nor week. $5 j>er <hv.COMKOKTAISLK COACHS& wlllmeeetheiai

'train front Richmond dslly at Coalfield station,Richmond am) L>;m\ Ule railroad, Tickets to 'go and^'^lm-*^* '

J. R'l^lWtFS^. Proprietor.yiOUSE.Thw wcll-

1.YJL known and celebrated STJVJCER HRSOJfcT,on the Rlue lildge. one mile from the Chesapeakeand Ohio railroad. Is now open fo*' visitors. The

, climate and scenery are no* qguoUed' In the < State.The-riioms. tattle, and otheraccommodations, are allUistean N* desired. " '

."r. *»**»"' ;

Hoard, iter monthHoard, per wcekT. ...... . , , , i*. . /. . . . . 15Roard, i»cr day...* . 3. :>j

Hacks Mill he found at ARon to 'convey persous toami from the iJotcL .> ^1( //*.»...Jp t-lm K. M. LKFTWlCiy, Mawurer.

Bath alum sfki^gs, ., ,0HATH COTINTY. VtROlNtJu

OPKNED TO VI&1TURS JUNK 10, Mfc,situated at the eastern itnse of the Warm Syytlugsmotmtaln, t*n miles rftHiv SUIlboron^h dtpm, Ches¬apeake and <»hio railroad, on the uwiLn stage rendleading to Warm, Ilof. am? Healing Hprlu^s Tltelocation Is splendid boU» in polntjfltf^eltnuile'andHceiK-rv, tly> atmosphere .Is pure and e^Uilarating,the niomitiin wenery dhyivtlle^tiaiid pieturcsque.The tine alum and,chalybeate tonic, wateru a« *ft-surutssod.,1'Vf elrcalars, giving terms, aual>'sls«4QrOflAtes of

cures, &c., address .. t. * . JOSKI'U HAXTERi, Pl*»f»HeWi^ °

jea-im Bath Ajum a|irti»gs, r

Y'UJfi 1>K I/1SAU UOTEJU. n,»uvBEWKfA/S I'OlNjT, ,

,;,..»¦« UAMVTo» .H<>An5», v«a.<NK.AHLY Ol'COKITK KOUT11KHS -MOJOtOE. ,

Thlsnew and Mip^rloK hotel will lie opened forvlflrors on MONDA Y, J|tnq 3d, 1*72. under tin* mhponrlsion or the inworshyneo. mid will lie kept as a

W K8T-CLANS WATiillMM'LACK on tbu «w-sidc.HplondW fishing. hoatliiff, salt-water lwthing,

siuided groves. tcn-pliH. apd every luxuryor the sea and land. can i*- found at this delightfulaud convenient summer reaort, J-

> rntilgvmcuitilmvv Ihxii made with tho variousrailroad companies to sell return ticket* to' visitor*to VUK DK J/KAU for.oije fart, provided their<lcketsnrest.nnpcd at'the hotel.

tiiivi'Ticrn w ill <- instantly tun between > Norfolk,Portsmouth, and tlie hold.Telegraph oHlrv in tlu> house." Two malls daily.Tkkms ; fa I>cr day, $35 tor two .wieek* <Mi per

month. T)0DSON.Proprietor Atlantic iiulei, Norfolk, Va.

; my W-lni

dUMJfBR HOME..Pcmoih wishing toVJ find* PLEAf»ANT TIOMK for the suininw canlv HiH'iiimiKHiiUed nt the FAUUiilMti fc'KMALKINSTITUTE, VVnrrcuton, Va. Anply to

ROBERT KRAZER.Tkmms: 4iq per month. Je JU-ThflTn.'w*



Tim above watering-phcc, whieh Is univeiwlffrecognized oh ,

A SPKCTl'TC IN ALL CASES yFriVSPEPSIA.will lie open for the reception 61 Visitor* on theFIRST DAY OK JUNK. " > / u . <

Throe S^riiura are dellghtfullv hUualcd in a bfnd.of TfoanoKo river, among the hlgjicst peaks of (be,AIR'Cliany mountains, wmi'ii niu#rijrfcetit iawii um-

Itraclhtf l"it> acres, nos^*/njir<thett»WJ rftt.rao<fdi» ofmountain and w«Ur, seencr* combined, witblu 34inile-s of Alhsrhaiiy 'depot, on trie Atlantic, MIShIu-frlppi and Ohio railroad (tho great th<>rua#'ofcroN"rt h and South), and .i«: accessible to all jiarts ofthe Union. m . l,!'

hhi»* thclastsoJirwm tuany improvements I,mveln>eumaw, and a niuulicr of rie* bnlfdlhgH nave twen "

added, making th«-ae springs the. inoft commodiousand attractive in tile J7-im W. H. BfiWOPt llaluger. ¦< >


famous for flielr Al.TKllATlVK .WATKBS andfashionable patronage* arc <iiovr open. Theyttro jtMiiw feet above tide-watec, all'ordliig entire ccliuffrom proritmtlnK sttmnHrr httit*f'Cfti«MJty for 7,tW0persons. t, iT i a t'Yr>rCliA«r,K«: Throe dollars per day and,f« per

mouth of thirty d;»y«. I I f ! i

OTr-n ffl'"""X\rA BM'' SPRINGS,' BATH CfltlNTt: '

iff Va., Imivw lie«'u much iliiproveil, and will'own on tlm 15th June. Pamphlets to lie had ofMcp»m. Colfuiiiu & nogi-TK Bttlmirore ; I'ureell, Laikl

A < :o., Ricliniond, or of tin; proprletur»fI>Tkums : *3 iKT «lay ', $90 per inonlh of twenty-

dg III days. >>'. . u"IEUliANK, JtKYNOLDS A CO.. ,

: niv 27-Jm Proprietors,


"OPKSr^UNB. 1,1872,'Litis/Ivor!t*wl irrtkbratodWAT*® INOJ'LALB

Mil) < attraction.** tola Kcaooii. Amongother Improvement*. there ha* tieeii added' nil el"- "j&»nt Hit* I snai'JoaM ball-room, adMijJiiK llw vpr.rJoe;, ,

the iKirlnrluiH fjeen'eular#ed awT Improved, unci Hieproximity of the two render* each cswily ucoowlblo. >

It will l«; kept in a atvie not MU-pauscil anywhere tpVlndnis. -< 'i1 . *. ' 1,1

The WATKKSof these special HprlrnweithereureJ_ . »i.. «.f M1-riifiil;«. lnclntl'llt

.»t<iirwr,MMr llivm) imiliivw'fmw >NV

lur to the female (viMUhi^oorfDd^ au appetizer, ,/i atonic, .uid fri'liorai restorative, tliey nrqt perhaps,

mtrtvallod amongstmineral vruUin. The proprietor '

will have provided tot Uie )awiu;and ball-room »firxM'lxvs ffcmd of Mnxte, and In general ail tltcsource of amusement and recreation uatwlly fonnd

at our Ixa*t wijnrwer rebortH wlil be«frthe coiftiiiaudcfthefniOKlH at ^KOCKHHIIH.'K ALUM." TlieplaeeId within eleven to thirteen' lionrn'oT,Washington. Ual 1 1 uiore,,ete, , by ail In dayliKlU.I'ro*enger» leave tm citU or the' Chesapeake and

i Ohio railroad at (Jo. !.en depot, and new and elegant« Lapre coaches, ua^Mlng rapidly over a smooth and

level road of only eight liukavput down . the visitors*' "* 9SB& X: ttkaaik-nbM,: '

i Person* nukln* two ofUho riouada,<fcc., of theStoring and not stopping at tny held, will hecrorrod Iialf my regular rate*.The Koekbrtdge water H fot wW nr FtfBCEML

LA 1)1 > 4 CO.. Ulcbmond, aud UttOUUK M. Mo '.

INTIICK. Ohartottewvlllc.Inscriptive painphJeta sent free on 10-im d .if! V? 3; V'1%

SBEA BATHING..<;OBB'8 ISLAND,VA., i* OUW open for tte »c»injwhW»flf: via- .

lU>m Unc and safe surf-hatldnff, HeJiifigr* andsntpe-ftbootlntt. A l*uui of music 4a dtteudsott >¦(

during the fw*;u*>u, ,

Tw:mi r *3 it'iv : $1.-1 |*t **«.!<. '

Ifoiitc: fe'rwii SvrMk l*r. "»U'«nwr .V. 1% B«»kA toOfKrrypfone, Monday, \\ 'ehituda yj and Krtdaynvinwwu r AiMlra* . !-1 Jclu-lm ^ Vfi, , /r

At the fouthkrn d(##' Wild- h

¦ TH KitHOOD : <t?J£I,RBKATfK>N* 'of Uto V*iiflronodaon th«> JtbofJuly uvxt.hvfr *15! be p. prt- .<

fcwstou of**4 RA6AKf>'RA NGKStK?* TMee Wish- "

Jntr to p:<rUi;i|^tv tu tht» part of (lie umti*<<in«9tUwill report to D»:. J. ir. FaTT<VJT, 507 MarshallMm* nasi before J(oiy ;d.A prtsu? 'of *' ault ofr|nth<» win be given to Uk nuwt successful cwiuine.

gKIt i ,¦» I.Viili .*r .» .<

MR8. A. C. TURNLEY;'fcivfog returned 1

I from New b« pleaded tobsvethoimiicj call and examine X*er largK, tqentof Ujtrw


No.W Uroad street, bctw'eea iHmb twd Tenth.i.,

T>KIME NEW Q4{t-K,A 44 ga'loiM strictly prlMOLASSES «*»





SSaSbut helms t«H*p,yg i»» »" g"*" %fggfa%

¦BmTtHg SJCAUOglsM£H8&mii§l9