Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ...€¦ · THE MORNING GALL. SAN...

THE MORNING GALL. SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1800-EIGHT TAGKS. 5 LOST. ' . POCKET-BOOK CONTAININ(r~KEV?~iriTEAsT X pin, small sum money] reward. 1434 Golden Gate aye. -- . - - \u25a0 : \u25a0 . It* •ffljCRK\VAKI>— LOST, \u25a0 ON SUNDAY. SEPT iipO 21<t. a'small. light colored Italian greyhound with ta-.'of 1 -is:i and 1899 on collar. The an >ye re- ward will be paid by returning to W. K. BPRODL, 50«Va Fulton St. IBM 2t» TOST A REDDISH-BROWN SKTTER DOG. XI with white breast, lloliirn to 425 .Ellis st. ii'iil receive reward. .. »e2-' 3t* T OST—SEPT. 10; GORDON SETTER DOG; AN- JJ swers to name or Iloy. Keturn to A. VALENCIA. Sixteenth St., bet. Guerrero aud Dolores, and get reward. se2l at* DIAMOM) KING; NAMES INSIDE: LI 1...: AI. reward. 1 St., near FlMmore. se-:l .if T OST-SfcPT. IS; WHITE SPITZ DOG. RE- J-* turn 10 534 Jesse St., near .Sixth, and rece.vo \u25a030 reward. se'Jl at* lOST-SMALL BLACK AND TAN MALE DO!J with dog license 1913: answers to the name of Prince. Return to 512 Bush St., an. l receiv. liberal reward. se'Jl 3t* LOST— IN SAN FRANCISCO, SKPTEM 20. -J gold watch. No. 237.949, with foil attached. Finder will receive suitable reward for ri'tnrnlui: same t0 529 Eighth at., Oakland. s«2l _ t l)lii IRISH SETTER ON N. P. C. R. If., NEAR It Black Point. Sunday: tail cut: has white and \u25a0• law; answers name of Sport. Any Inform will he thankfully received by l-:i>. CONVEY, 11.;.i Green st. se2o it" OSI-A PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBKI'.NIA -I Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, m the name or ROGER POWER, Number 171,1923, The finder willplease return to bank. se'JO .">t* OST—THURSDAY KVK. SMALL TAN FEMALE J OST—THURSDAY EVK. SMALLTAN HvS.ll.K J do?, c rs trimmed: Isblind; answers the name of Clio, Return t0832 Valencia St.; receive liberal re- ward, se'io :it* i OST—A PASSBOOK WITH Tin: lIIIIEIIMA JU Savings and Loan Society of Ban Frauelsiro. In the name of MICHAKLMCLAUGHLINor MAUY McLAIGHLIN, No. 138,640. The tinder will ple:,se return to BanJL selS st» LOST— $15 BY NOT PURCHASING A MER- chant tailor-made business suit for $15, made hy a leadiu^ merchant tailor lor $30. ORIGINAL Misni CLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post and Dupont sts. |_ rpHE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK, 531 1 Kearuy si., lends money at 2 per cent per nxotil 1 on watchi'S, diamonds and jewelry. ]yls liiu FOUND. TT'OUND—BROWN HUNTING DM. WITH X white breast; had collar on; can be had by prov- ing property aud paying expenses. Apply at gro- cery-store, cor. Twenty-fourth and Harrison". 21 ;\u25a0:\u25a0 T>»;i;s3.HT»Ki : ;l;"s^ " JVsTITFKVED-DIfr^SSMAKIN'Ci PARLOHS B1 tf nrst-class dressmaker from the Bast. Miss HELEN M. RECK. 139 Taylor St. sol»7t MISS AGNES KELTEK, REMOVED \u25a0 O x:,7 MHS- sion St.. near Filth;stylish suits from -\u25a0«.! 50 11;': cutting and Bitingaspecialty; 75c: perfect nt.an7tr VI ME. FLESHER'S SCHOOL OF UUKSt-CIII- -I*lting and areas-making, 208 Powell St.- lam using your system with entire satisfaction itis the Duly system by which you can cut a dress to fit per- fectly. Mlts. M. A. BROWN. au3l 6mo * TTENTION, LADIES1 si lIS MAM.: M\;, -V Ish draping; perfect tit; work flnlsUed ou time. 1028 ; 1 Twenty-second St., v•_>block above Valem 1 1 best city references. sel:i 151* TYLISII DRESS-MAKING AT REASON AHLii |J prices. 44 Hartford, nr. 19th and Castro. s.'7 ti DRESS-CUTTING TAUGHT THOROUGHLY 1: 1 ; aiitli-n'icKri-nch t 'ilor si stem, 'ill) l'n«t. If i 5 tf 11 MM) JD¥ERTIS M IS. OAKLAND KKAI, ESTATK.' rvAKXAND AGENCY -ADVERTISEMENTS \N:> ". ' sunscrii'tlons received at the Oakland Branch Omce of 111K Miihnis'i Call, SS7 Broadway, 11 mi Seventh St. Olllcu hours 'J F. it. Ol (\(\ WILL BUY A LOT IN THE BROADWAY .7 lUU villa Tract; only $.'5 east and «10 per month; this tract fronts on Broadway and third art-. : Broadway being 100 feet wide, is the m lii business street of Oakland: onlya few lots at ii price, SHe owner, R. B. iinn;;y, lii Ninth st.. Oakland; omce open until 7 o'clock each Light. 't: iL('(i(\(\ FINEMODERN HOUSE OF' H ROOMS dTDUUU.bath, laundry, full basement, etc.: Stone walks, tine lawn; lot 60x150; San ,lo:0 avc-.; no reas-'iKiblo oiler refused. CIIAS. E. LLOYD, la Montgomery st. se2l Xt_ i;|i||| FOR LOTS IN THE BROADWAT L\'\J Villa Tract; only a few at this lee; terms $25 cash, balance 910 per month; secure one now, as they are worth Jouble the price as;.- : the Broadway VillaTract fronts on Broadway, thl only boulevard which is 100 feet wide leading into 11, center of the city of Oakland, belli)? the main busi- ness street. See owner. 11. 11. PINNEV, 484 Mmii St., Oakland, near Broadway; office open until' 7 o'clock each night. se2l tf OAKLANC REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIVE home centrally located: modern cottage of i large rooms and bath: handsomely decorated; plate ami cathedral glajs front: large closets: cement basement: complete sanitary drainage: lot 80x100: centrally located and near caMe and horse car lines, reaching all parts of the city: convenient t. station of ferry railroad: very low price for 30 (lays; easy terms 11 desired. Apply to E. A. HERON, IOiO Broadway, P. O. Box 232, Oakland. se'Jl 7t 0 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFFICE BUSINESS 1221 Market St. ? _r_L"i* /•HEAP LOTS—WE WILL OFFER IOR THE V next 30 days 50 choice lots fronting 011 Seminary aye., only 3 blocks from Seminary station, ... the remarkably low figures of $100 to $500, with pay- ments of $'20 down, balance at $10 pir month: Seminary aye. Is now sewered and the electric road 1 block from the property. For further particular* apply to JEKKKESS ,v WHITE, Twenty-tinrd-ave. . Station, hast Oakland. se!7 linn IMEDMONT CABLE RAILROAD- LOIS FBOM $15 per foot upwards, fronting ou the cable; lots from $10 per foot upwards within 1 blocs of the cable road; easy terms; this is the plnce to make a quick profit with a small outlay. W. K. BABNARD A- SON. 483 Ninth St. >i-':l tf 2 BEAUTIFULLOTS. BACH 40 lEM FKO.V r on San l'abloave., only 1 block from station and 35 minutes from city on Berkeley local; these lota will be worth $3000 within one year; do not fail to see them at once; price $1400; terms easy. A. 11. BREED & CO., sole agents, -'8 Montgomery st S.F. se!3 101 ©1 O- PER LOT— s2s CASH AND $10 PER Cl-"month will buy a choice lot In beautiful Fruitvale, surrounded by the most elegant homes in Oakland: no such bargains ever offered In Oakland; If you want one of these see the owner at once at Twenty-third aye. Statiun East Oakland: local, trains take you to the office. I. S. SHERMAN. 11 lm £.Q-.".%~L0TS 40x136. NEAR DWIOHT WAY: »T«J_t). 1 block electric lights and electric rail road. $200—Lots at Golden Gate: come quick. SALS- BURY & FITZGERALD, 475 Ninth St., Oak- land. si' 9 tf V OR SALE AT A GKEAT SACRIFICE— LOIS 1 near line of the new Piedmont cable-cars; price only $300 each: also 2 beautiful lots In 1 rui'.v i only $125 each; these lots are worth double this price, but I must have money; see owner. T. T. TKLSLER. 464 Ninth st. s •! 1 m QtljUifkWILL PURCHASE 480 ACRES Oi O_vniW fine land, well timbered with sugar pine; has abundance of water and is a spleaul I range for cattle: about 40 acres cleared, with or- chard and vineyard; a rare bargain; terms easy; title perfect. For further particulars apply tottta proprietor. Nevada stables, cor. Eighth and Harri- sou sts., Qaklan'l. »o!»tf « RUSTIC COTTAGES ILT $200 A «>>OM. \l. J\ ,1. BRADFORD, 11l Hannah St.. oaklainL]y-'7 tf \\MLLIAM X7>INGEK—OAKLAND REAL ES- \u25a0 ' tate tor sale or exchange; ottlce, Nos. 460 a-i I 462 Eighth st., Oakland, Cat. ; bend for UliMtra'.r) 1 irlie-list- ;e2-l tt «IAJiI.AM> m».\l:l)IN« AND BOOMS. ANICIIRE— FINGER-NAILS BEAI 111 li 1056 Market st., Oakland, by an artist, an:il tf "j/LKGANTROOMS, SINGLE OU EN SUITE, At 11' the Albany, Fifteenth and Broadway. Oaklaid: one block from the narrow-gauge depot: table lsao surpassed; elevator and artesian water: Urat-clau In every way, G. A. MaUEKHAN. Propr ctor. 11 :>in llinnllnTiliC ALAMEDA KKAI. ESTATE. *JT«i ir- HW'!«"oTTrW)>I» AND BATH; C*— l «.)''• lot 30:6x132; 1 block from business center- terms $7.">0 down, baiauce $25 per month. Apply to JOSEPB A. Leonard, Park st.. Ala- meda. or 630 Market St., S. F. (28&) sell t r C. 1 OAA HOUSE 4 ROuMS; LOT tOxIUD, JJ>J-UU. $1600— llojso 4 rooms: lot 50x121. $4000— Cottage of t> rooms: modem; lot 50x150. $5500— Beautiful cottage 6 rooms; furßiabed; part cash. $5800— Splendid cottage 7 rooms; extra location: part cash. Fine property In Los Angeles for exrbangeor».iie. Apply to THOMASA. SMITH* CO., Part lit . Al- ameda; take broad-gauge ferry. m- if / HEAPI AND BEST LOT INALAMEDA FOR V.the money. Apply to F. SMITH, 310 Ha . goincry st. se'JO lit* CSOI (lh COTTAGE; .4 LAUGE ROOMS; MOO- •J^— i' 'V. em Improvements: good 10.-.m m; lo: 41'xlllO: $300 cash, baiauce $20 per month. $22U0— Cottage; 6 rooms; One locution; lot 50: 150: $KOO cash, balance easy terms. $4000— Cottage: H rooms: all modern Improve- ments; nice location; lot 50x150; one-third cash. $4000— Cottage: 5 rooms (new): all the latest Im- provements: macadamlaad street: sewer: stun-.; walks: lot 50x143; finest view In Alaineda; one- half cash. We are now prepared and are building first-class homes to suit purchasers; on large tots; all street work done; call ami see plans; easy terms. .11 U.\ HANLEY A- Co.. 1508 Park St. se2 tf AlTcl'SF. * LESSER OFFER THE FOLLOIV- IIiS special bargains this week : INSTALLMENT HOMES. $150 cash. $20 per mouth; new cottage: near st «- tlon; modern Improvements: price $JO0O: 33x8-f. $200 cash, $18 per month: new cottage: uoarstv tion: modem Improvements; price $2100; .i.K-t* $330 cash, $'.'3 per mouth: fine cottage; sta- tion: price $2200; 42x100. $400 cash, $25 par mouth; fiuecoitage; near sty tlon; price $2300; 42x100. $150 cash. $:<0 per mouth: 8-room cottage (new); price $3600: 50x1SO. A few clieap Installment lots for sac. We have a few houses of 4, 5 and 6 rooms to let at a bargain If applied for at once. jiakcisi.4 LESSER— San lr.lnclsco. 628 Mar- ket St.. opp. Palace Hotel; Alameda, Bay-atreet St» , llou (broad gauge). _• a:r.-.s tf_ \u25a0SirrTT/rcASH— "BALANCE $S5 PER MONTH;' feOUU Iot50x20»: cottage of 4 rooms and bath: fine marine view; price $2250. (No. 39.1) $2500— Lot 41xlU0: cottage of 4 rooms and bath; high basement; $-100 cash; balance $-'.'> |'«r mouth. (No. 125) $^550— Lot 5(1x75; cottage of 6 rooms and bun. good neighborhood; '•< cash; balance easy terms. b (No. 4*3) $3000— Lot 27x115; new 2-story house of 7 rooms and beta; stabla, etc.; near station: «;\u25a0:>>,. cash: balance $35 per month. (No. 455) $3700—Lot 40x150; new cottage of 5 rooms and bath; high basement; fine gardeu and lawn ; $15')) cash; balance $30 per mouth. . \u25a0 '. . (No. 410) $4000— Lot 50x125:0; new 2-story house •\u25a0! 7 rooms and bath on Central aye.; $500 cash: balance 135 per monta. (No. 413) $4 .so—Lo t 70:6x153: cottage of 8 rooms an 1 bath; line garden, etc. : $2000 cash; balance $:W 50 per month. (No. 103) $BOoo—Lot 50x136; new 2-story house of 7 roo :is, and bath; a >E. corner on Central aye.: $Jsoj cash: balance $30 per month. (No. 3«a) Choice building lots In all parts of Alsmeda. Houses to rent ami money to loan by 11. P. MOKE A.. .* CO., 1428 Park st., Alaineda, and 402 Moutzmn- cry st.. San Francisco ivJttf Al.A.l!KI>\ KOIMIS AMI IHUSts. uu^nishedTJiTunfuknished rooms with * X board In a new house near Mot ton st Station. M. A. M.. Alam.da I'ostoilico. »«19 7t« " Dekkel7kT"l;i:ai. \u25a0 kstat*:. h&k (\(\l\ 6 fine laroe buildinu LOTH ON ft) OUU . a comer InN. Berkeley, with house of 14 rooms. Addreu S. I)., Vox lt>. this omen. mil 3t» -!-' : :!A' .•;..'--.:'" FKRSOXTAX& \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•-\u25a0Tr*-'"- -] A TIMES THE QUANTITYOF ICE IS USED IN -1 " the East per capita than here, on account or Its cheapness; it Is low here now, and the demand Is increasing largely since the Consumers' Ice Com- pany, 420 Eighth St., started. It "\ * EBY IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS— T W hen they can 3. - 11 men's cadt-olf clothes at their own price by sending postal to Ul2i-.» Laguna 6t.. and I will call at one. seB3 7t* I ADIES-WALNI'T IIAIKDYE, WARKANTED Jj to dye re.l, white, gray or bleached hair any shade from light bi. , tide to seal brown; absolutely harmless: ready in a few minutes: no smell; one liquid only. M.ME..M. I>L VAI/S hair parlors. 110 Stockton st.. next to Wigwam. 6015 Mo tf ANY LADYON SKNDINU Mil: ADDRESS AND Vie enclosed will receive a letter. "How to be happy"; Is the absolute truth and no Imposition; It tells you how to retain your husband's love, keep your youth and beauty, make home pleasant, get rich, and it does not cost: a little thought and effort combined willdo It. which the letter clearly ex- plains: Itla worth hundreds of dollars, but follow the rule. ItIs by an old lady who Ins mad* a close study of mankind for the last half a century, and wants to do some good. Address MBS. DUGLBSS, 509 Bryant St. San Francisco. a»2l 6t» GREAT FIRE SALE, 23 GRANT AYE.: 50 DOZ. v-T ladles' jersey waists' and blouses reduced to 35c; former price $I:also 40 doz. fine all-wool jersey waists reduced to 50e each: former price $1 50. 3t_ GREAT UliE SALE $30,000 WORTH OF VJ cloaks, suits, wraps, jerseys, etc. Note the fol- lowing special lines: 35 sealrtt. 1 jackets at $3. $7 50 and $10. regular price $10, $15 and $20; 25 34 Imported scalene jackets, raised sleeves. beauti- fully lined and finished, price $12 50, $15, $17 60 and $22 50. former price $25, $30, »35 and $45. Come to the BERLIN CLOAK AND SLIT HOUSE. 23 Grant aye., and see those extraordinary bargalus.3 do; reward for any case ok KrlrfuMA- V 1 —*-' tlsm, neuralgia, ftout, liver, kidney or stomach troubles that DR. C. H. WEBH'S 11.KMONY falls to cure. 40 O'FAItUKI.L It;$1 per bottle. 8 for $5. Send for clrcnlars;consultation frei\ 21 lm MMi:. SLATER, WONDERFUL TKANCE :h.- tliuni; just from Europe; .led 1 1 Taylor st. ; 10 to 5. »e2l 7t» VAPOR BATHS; BEST MEDICAL REFER- V ences. 416 McAllister St., block from city Hall. - se'.'l 3t* 7\IVOKCKS, WILLS, ETC. ."BANK KENNEDY, JL7 Attorney. 83 Murphy Building. 12 tt MEDICAL LIBRARY, INSTRUMENTS AND skeleton for sale cheap for cash. Address S., Box 1215, Call Brauch office. se'Jl St* ACCORDION SB I RTS AND CAPES: KING \u25a0n kulle pleating. 9 Geary St., Rui 1. 22 SuMoTn tt UTTos-MULKS AND BUTTONS MADE, PINK* \u25a0»\u25a0> ing latest style, plaiting. 18 O'Farrell. se3otl lessons by German LADY; HALF hour 25 cents. t)3l Market, Room 32. my10 12m AT 126 KEARNY, KOOM 9, YOU CAN BORROW money at low rates; private looms lor ladles; Idolizes for sale; take elevator. . au7 tf COLOMBAT'S FRINGE AND 'HUMMING MAN- ufactory, 113 O'Farrell, opp. old place. se:B 3m MAN OF LIMITED MEANS CAN DRESS AS well as the millionaire by purchasing a mer- chant tailor-made Dohby sack suit fur $15. made by a merchant tailor for $.>O. ORIGINAL misfit CI.OTIIINUPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sis. _ ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY; NO publicity:terms reasonable; no fee unless suc- cessful, and costs advanced to reliable parties. CHARLES ABIGER, attorney, 120 Suiter street, 1:00111 Til. au!7 tt ,\u25a0 mm BUSINESS INVESTMENT CAN BE \J made by purchasing a merchant tailor-made business suit for $15. made by a leading merchant tailor tor $30. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Poet and Dupont sts. ACCORDION PLEATING HONK AT MME. BUHOL'S,SO9 Sutler (formerly 118 McAllister); branch office. MMJB. MICHAUX', lit; McAllister, tf KE ADVISED IN TIME AND SAVE MONEY BY purchasing a merchant tailor-made 3 or 4 but- ton cutaway suit, suitable for business or dress, for $20. made by an artist tailor for $10. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Du- pout Hl*. REST easy AND save money, as WE Ifwe II trousers of the latest designs and styles for s4, made by tue best merchant tailors for $8 to $10. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. r-111.:-: OF CHARGE, INSAN FRANCISCO. OAK- X land, Alamcda or Berkeley—Flrst-dase, large and elegantly finished photographs taken of l>u*lness- houses, residences, family or society groups, of Mock. etc.. free of charge; mine is equal to any and far superior to most 01 the so-called first-clas.s work done anywhere: my residence pictures, wherein the family is also taken, are uuequa.ed. As proof that 1 mean what Isv.y, 1 will,fora short time. take sample pictures free of charge, after which, if satisfactory, any number, of pictures may be purchased at a reasonable price. 1 have recently placed on exhibition In the show- window at Tub Call Branch Office, onHarket St., near he.irny. a large frame of pictures taken by me this last ring in the celebrated raisin district of Vresno County, and it will pay any one to call and Inspect these tine pictures of that famous aud most prosperous section or our State. Good results obtained at any time from daylight until evening, sunshine or cloudy; send me your address and 1 willcall and make appointments. A photographic description of either city or coun- try property for sale or rent is reliable and invalu- able. N. D. SICKELS, Photo Artist, 012 Eddy St., Ban Francisco. se!7 tf COME IMMEDIATELY AND SAVE TROUBLE V and expense by buying a merchant tailor-made dress overcoat for $12, made by a Chicago merchant tailor for $28. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOiHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. I'OR1 'OR THE BEST LIST OF HOUSES, COTTAGES ' and Hats call IIADT, JACOBS t BRANDON, 313 Montgomery st- sel7_7t \\IVIS AND MOTHERS— INCLOSE 2-CENT »' stamp for circular entitled "Motherhood; How Regulated and Controlled." Address PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL AGENCY. 104 Market St.. S. F. 7* Invalid LADIES SURE, safe, BEST cure ail cases: monthly periods restored in few hours; no failure; family secret, safeguard; consult free, confidently', only DR. D'AN.TiIAN. 229 Kearuy st. : 9-4; sterility, weakness, apathy, pain, ulcers cured. TJIOR ASTYLISH. WELL-FITTING SUIT TO X order go to SCHEIBLI, 5.iH Clay St. Belts lm ATCIIES CLEANED AND WARRANTED, 750 at WEN/EL'S, 260 Third St. JylHtt I>EP.FECT-FITTING DRESSES MADE IN 24 hours for $15. $20, $25: goods all found: also ready-made suits. MRS. M.DAVIS, 234 Taylor st. tf 1 OANS MADKON LIFE IN SU KAN POLICIES. Xj Mercantile Bank, New Chronicle Bldng. all lin i\|ME. M. DESHAVES, 601 POST ST., WILL i*l teach you to make fragrant perfumes from flowers, and all toilet requisites. sell lit ON THEINSTALLMENT PLAN-DRESS-GOODS, silks, sealskin aud aealette cloaks: also carpets, furniture, lace-curtalus, blankets and foidiug-t>.^is at M.FRIEDMAN i 00. 228 and 230 Stockton Bt. Why pay ready money when you can buy Just as cheap by making a small cash payment down, balance weekly or monthly ? An Inspection of our Block Is respectfully solicited: orders by mail for goods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and i;:;o Stockton St.. cor. Post; open evenings. aplJtf 1 ADIES, SEND FOR OUR PAMPHLETS-WE J i have something new which will save you trou- ble: price $5. Address KIRKWool) HARD Rl'li- BER CO., Market and Jones. 4th floor. Room 124, San Francisco: send stamp: lady agents wanted, otr T adles-our syringes and safeguards 1 J for especial use, save lots of trouble and anxiety. Acme Rubber Co.. 235 Kearny st. se7 3m I .K. POPPER, SPECIALIST FOrt ALLFEMALE » ' troubles, no matter from what cause; safe la all cases. 127 Montgomery St. seitf mHB ONLY COURT COSMETICS TO HE Oli- -1 talned in this city at MME. ELITE'S, 701 Sutter St.: letters from nobility. an 1 tf A CCOKDIONPLAITING(GENUINE) at SHORT £m notice; also pinking, stamping and button- holes: country orders solicited. 137 sixth. au3l tf A WHISPER TO LADIES ONLY—FOR Mil!- rled bliss and single blessedness; by mall $1; we send no circulars. Address W. .1. HARRISON .v CO., L.Box 1040. Spokane Falls. Wash, au2B lm S.> -/I FOl: A DOZEN CABINETS WITH ONE 0 .'M' beautiful colored picture and gut frame at WILSON'S Gallery. 22 Kearuy st. myiß tim LTTONS, BUTTONS. BUTTONS—ALL SIZES. Including the large trimming buttons made to order, at the button factory, 110 Taj lor st. je*J2 3:n I>RIYATE HOME IN CONFINhMFNT. 9iil , FolSOin tt., MRS. M. E. ROGERS, Midwife. aS tt I AROEST STOCK, LARGEST STOKE, LOWEST l-i price: easiest terms on new and second-hand furniture and carpets, stoves and ranges; highest price paid for secoud-naml goods; open evenings, 017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission St., bet. Sixth and Seventh, J. NOON AN. au7 tf U'OLDING BEDS EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001 X mirrored with large plate ISx4O; walnut, oak an 1 cherry: cash price elsewhere SOS; our Installment mice only $30. M. FRIEDMAN A- CO., 238-330 Stockton st.. cor. Post: open evenings. apl3tt I 'AM.OFF CLOTHING —JEWELRY BOUGHT ('AST.OFB CLOTHING —JEWELRY BOUGHT \J and sold; highest price paid. 1123VJ; Market, tf |-\t UOREST PATTERNS: FALLSTYLES CATA- X) Icgues free. Agency 430 Sutter st. Jy3 3m mAILOR BUTTONS MADE FROM ANY M.V 1 tertal; also lvory-riln buttons. 110 Taylor St.. the only button factory on this Coast. )c22 3m RESSMAKING— LATEST STYLES; REASON- abIe prices: orders by mall promptly executed; guaranteed. MRS, M. t>E HAG v." .'.'o7 Missiou.6in I>OSITIVE CUREFORCATARRH, BRONCHITIS, asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 22D Kearny. Jen tt MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES; EVERY DR- scriptlon of collateral; old gold and silver bought. CQLE.MAN'S. 41 3d st., Sail Francisco. m3O t'ASHIONABLK ESS MAKING AT MRS. DARLING'S. 710VJ Taylor St. ]yJ-'5 tt HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTH lug,gold, jewelry, books. KLEIN,10» Sixth. :t IJIONEER CAKPET- BEATING MACHINES DO the best work. J. SPAULDING & CO., 353 To- liamast.: telephone 3010. apl'J tt /'AKPET-CLEANING;3 TO 5 CIS, PER YARD; V. the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone ggga. S. STKATTON. 1211 Market st, aptStiia ftARPET-CLEANING, 80 PER YARD; CHEAP- V 1. 1 ami best In the city. J. li MITCHELL a l-).. 'JoO Fourteenth st. apJ tf VDVICB FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY; no publicity; terms reasonable; no fee unless succi-sslui; costs advanced for reliable persons. Ad- dress Attorney. P.O. Box 1!)22. S. K. )y 25 tt CITY STEAM CAKPET BEATING AND RESO- J vating works: dyeing aud cleaning. 24nud2u° Eighth St. O. H. STEVENS', proprietor. JyW 6111 V ill CAN BUY OR FTJRNI ON IN- -1 stallmo.its; easy terms. BARB I'.iios.. 322 nl VH Hayes st. bet. Franklin and Gough. mrISCC All LADIES WISHING TO II AYE ELEGANTLY fittingsuits made, handsomely draped, rors3,or with goods, making and trimmings, for $15, please call at Jilts. MORRIS. 73.21 ,, Geary st. seal 7t* COMI'LEXINE POWDER OR CREAM FOR FACE. v ami hands; Invisible, harmless; 2jc. At nil- BoIS', Clay& Leavenworth. A all druggists, jy'2 3in pARFETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT \J beating; refitting a specialty. CONKLIN BROS., 333 Golden Gate aye.; telephone 2120. 13 tf U' AISTS CUT, KITTED. HTITCHEI". COLLAR* sleeves In; skirt cut, stltche I, braid drapery belts put on; $3. MM II MICHAUX. lit) McAlllilr. WINDOW SHADES MANIiFACTUKKDTO OR- derby WILLIAM McPHUN. 11913 Market -Hit UTIFICIAL rA YEMEN' TS— L. BAUER. CON- .iV tractor, rock and brick work. 3015 Buchanan, tt \u25a0PORTRAITS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK, X crayon, water colors and pastel. PaciHo Por- trait Ca, J221 Market »t., T.J. O'BRIEN. M'»r.20 tt \u25a0 * WEEK'S NEWS FOR 8 CE.NTS-THE WEEKLY J\ Call. in wrapper, ready for mailing. ClllLllitKNHOAKDEII. .. T" ADY^wTsHES TO"BOAKD CHILD; MOTIIKR'S J J rare; best of references. Address or call 1621 Geary st., Monday and Tuesday, from 10 to 1 : terms moderate. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--- - «e2S 2t» ADY WANTS 1 OK a CHILDREN TO BOARD, J. 15 Minna .-I, sel(i7t« •JAKTENTKK9 AND BUILDEKS. - lIDEHREK 4 CO., CARPENTERS AND . Hullders. 113 Leldesdorg st. . s*Btf \u25a0 JV. LAWRENCE, CARPENTER AND BUILDKIt, ; 810 Sacramento st.; cabinet worKand fittingua •aici.3 promptly alteuUod to; leleaUoue uiloit "\u25a0 1 ROOMS TO \u25a0LET-COXTINUEI). j "1 OQ TUEK-3 FINE ROOMS; ALSO SUITE: 1— reasonable. - - Be2l 3t* OQ FOTTER-LAKGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2 —O gentlemen; rent cheap. Be'Jl 3t* Bl •_> GOUGH— I NICE, SUNNY, BAY-WINDOW. OXO room, for I or 2 gentlemen. Be2l 3t* Btl' GROVE ST.— LARGE, FURNISHED OOU housekeeping rooms; gas and bath. se2l3t* NIN 1 11-'J LARGE. SUNNY ROOMS; RENT *i O?i'.'; Kitchen and parlor. sc'Jl tf 1(l('l FOLSOM, COR. OF >EVKNTII-KK' "NT IUU I sunny roeii) : private family. se^o lOC 1/1/1 ( FOLSOM— SUNNY SUITES FOR GEN. X'JL'Jt'X tlemen or man and wife. seSMlOt l nfl VAN NESS ATX.—FINETABLEBOARD; 1 \JV homo cooking. se'-'O at (1 Q FOURTH—I ROOM FURNISHED FOR tip light housekeeping. te26 *__ Q/l 1 EIGHTH, CORNER FOLSOM-3 FUU- O"1hished rooms. se2O7t* 7 LANBTON, OFF HOWARD, UPSTAIRS-TWO I furnished sunny rooms. se'JO st* «J no LINDEN AYE. NICE SUNNY ROOM QUO nicely furnished: cheap. ae2o 3t« .< 1 TENTH-2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Oii'j-i 8;'J0 71* "I LARKIN HANDSOMELY FUR.\"l> II i Tl" I_O sunny bay-wluilow rooms: other rooms. 'it) 3* kIAASTOCKTON, COR. GEARY-SUNNY FROST £AJ\J single rooms, upsUirs: references. se'JO lot* 17 OAK-LARUE NEATLY FURNISHED BAY- I window room; gas; bath: privilege parlor and nlnno: in private American family. te'JU If I||.J MoALLISTBB— SUNNY FURNISHED AND •j:U-S unfurnished rooms; $8 and $9. ae'JO 31* grovk-2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOX Oc/'i housekeeping; rent 412, se'JO 3t* OJ TWELFTH—2 NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS O"i and use of kitchen. .se'JO 3t» llj-ll MISSION NEAREIUIITII— FURNISHED XX U 1 •> aunuy front room suitable for 3. 20 3t» I"I Q EDDY SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS IXO from $8 up. se2o st* /)<\7 LEAVENWORTH—FRONT A.LCOVESUITE rtVJ I rooms; references exchanged. se2otf •>Q BO vr*aBD— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT U— O rooms, reasonable; small room. se2o 3t» QA£? VALENCIA— 3 OK 4 ROOMS; CHEAP TO Out) good tenant. se'JO 3t* I"! I Q MARKET— FURNISHED FRONT AMD 1 X~I.O rooms; cheap. sell* lot "I 1 ,-7 MAKKKT - SUITE OF FURNISHED XXO I rooms, for two gentlemen. soli* lot H'_> THIRD-SUNNY FRONT SUITE; 1 SUNN) •' front double room; also double and single rooms; gas and bath. -- ' \u25a0'• * sel9 it* Q7Q HOWARD- SUITABLE FOB DOC- -0 I U tor or dressmaker; also housekeeping rooms; new house. sely tf 1 AQ7 MISSION—NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS, Xv'OJalso unfurnished housekeeping, with stove. se!9 6t* Cftl LAGUNA— LARGE SUNNY FRONT BAY- Oyj i window room, cheap. se!7 tf 0 I A POWELL— NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS 1/ 1"i or gentlemen; sunny. se!9 4t* 1 EflQ SACRAMENTiI ST., NEAR HYDE— XOUO handsomely furnished sunny front al- cove room; .strictly private family, best refer- ences. .. ae!9 4t* "1 71;- LEAVENWORTII ST. A SUITE OF XI O furnished rooms, bay window, fine view, rent reasonable. sc!9 tf 1 •_>>> FOURTH-SUITES AND SINGLE; ALSO I >— housekeeping rooms. selU lot* O'jO GROVE SUNNY SUITE FRONT l'AR- ,)Z. lors; gentlemen only. sel9 101 'J'-J'-> O'FARREI.L—NEWLY F U R N I S II E I) «-QO rooms, en stiite and single. se!B tf 11 i,/. VALENCIA, UPPER FLAT— I OB 2 J IoUsuuuy rooms, furnished or unfurnished; references. selS 71* RAP. BRANNAN, CORNER FOURTH—NICF: HI N- O\JO ny front rooms, $5, $8. $7 and *•<. SelB 6t» -II STOCKTON—NICELY FURNISHED PAR- «-> I 1 lor suite: rent reasonable. se!B 7t» ill ROSS, NEAR HOWARD LARUE FUR- OX nished front mom. sel Bst* I,]- MARKET (STATE HOUSE)— SUNNY FUR- t/X I nished rooms. snlte and single: transient. lot 4*}(\ SIXTH - FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING V rooms, reasonable. sel7 lot won THIRD (COLTON -HOUSE)—FURNISHED £.*-\J and housekeeping rooms. se!7 lot QQ~ FURNISHED ROOM, SCITA- -000 bie tor doctor; also housekeeping, sel" tt 711 w US TE R—ELEGANT BAY-WINDOW X I suite, or singly: bath: grate; gas. sel7 tt Ql I' TlllliD-MCELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SS OIUand upward: also double. sel7 7t* '_> (KI)HY— SUNNY SUITES AND SINGLE ROONS, 01nicely furnished; transient; reasonable. sill lit ri I I Iif.AKY-FINE SUNNY ROOM; NEWLY till;; furnished with all new furniture. selb' 10t» EDDY. THEARGYLE— FURNISHED DOUBLE ''ami single rooms; permanent and transient; re- cently changed hands; everything new.firbt-class.lui /•I JONES— ONE SINGLE AN I) ONE DOUBLE Ul I room; nicely furnished; private family. 16tf (7 SECOND— FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. in I $1 and upwards per weo*. TOM CilAlii, liruprletor. ae!6 lot Q>)/' ELLIS 2 UNFURNISHED PARLORS; O— single rooms en suite and single. sel?> 7t 'JOQ EDDY— FI KNISIIKD FRONT BOOM; AL- >•>\u25a0'>.. alcove: cooking If desired. selß lot ONK SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, SMALL room. 210 Turn st. sclStf 777 MARKET— SUNiST' FURNISHED ROOMS, iI Isuites and single, housekeeping, ullices. ll 15t >.)' FIFTH -CLEAN, SUNNY furnished O— O rooms, $9; 2 housekeeping, $16. sel4tf r-r».il VAN NESS AYE.—NEWLY FU RN"I SHED I \J— •> sunny rooms: desirable. ael 3 tf U"~ LAFAYETTE, LAFAYETTE HOUSE-FUR- nished single and double rooms:'J 14 1 l'l\\ NATOMA— FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS Ul/cJ* tor housekeeping; also single. st>l3tf l.)|r. HOWARD NICKLY FURNISHED li) 1 ! Orooms,wlth or without board, reason able, lm QQQ PARLOR SUITE AND OTHER t/OO nice rooms, single or en suite; separate bath: well lighted and sunny ; sunny side of street, sell l-U 71 Ql HOWARD-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; I XU'> one with bay window: cheap. au'J4 lip 071 NATOMA— TO RENT. A LARGE FUR- *) >\u25a0• nished front room, suitable tor man and wife or two gentlemen. aull) tf •_>/k OAK GROVE— LAKIiKSUNNYROOM; PKIV- )' ' iii..,\u25a0 •\u25a0! M-, 1 1 mi. no children. J>3o :t •> ELEGANTLY Fl-ICNISHED SUNNY PARLORS 0 withdressing-room attacheiL 918 Valencia. 28 tt lUWI GOOD ROOMS AT LOW RATKS-715 BOW. *jUV.' «rd st., Third: gas and water In each room; reading-room and bath lice; linen changed dally; Louse open all night- best beds In the w»rid.ap'JU:t INGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 15c A NIGHT. SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 15c A NIOHT. Lludell House, cor. Sixth aud Howard, jyll If C n CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY lAL.L O\J fur lour months to any part of the Unite.: Stale-. i:UAl;l)IN« ANU ROOMS. 119.) VAN NESS AYE., COR. (.ROVE ST.—NEW- »>— ly furnished rooms with board. se'Jl tf (\u25a0'Art HYDE ST.—2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, UyiU newly furnished, with board. seJO st__ fTIHE MARII'OSA. 824 LAGUNA—FINK SUITES; 1 first-class board; terms moderate. aul6if Q«>Q GEARY— ANT ROOMS: SINGLE OR •'Orn suite; furnished of unfurnished; board optional. i-c9 14t Y~~ 7 OSEMITE HOUSE. 1045 MARKET ST., HEE Sixth and Seventh; 35cto$l pernlght; per weak, iljO to iv : single and 111 suite: families. mrl tr I MEBICAN KXCIIANUK HOTEL. 819 AND 331 /V Sansotnn st., Sa:i Francisco; board and roomyl. *1 25 and $1 DOpirday; free coauh. W.M. MONT- GOMERY, proprietor. jyJltf HOTEL MARQUETTE, 1211* market st. ; newly furnished and renovated: transient and family accommodations; rooms single or en suite; withor without board; all Market-sL. ears pass the door. JyJO tt ARLINGTON" HOUSE. 127 KEAKNY—PLEA3- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; firstctau Hi every respect: terms reasonable. JalOU \|ONTGOMFRY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 22? l»l antl 229 Second St.—Single meals 25c; hoard inI room per day, 7uc to $1; by thd week. »i to «5; tr»9 coach to and from the limel. "_ ap2 l if TIIK WEEKLY CALL, WITH A WEEK'S NEWS, X for ji'. In wrapper for mailing ~ ; s; >i in i: 1 BJESOBTB. OAMPLE COPY OF THK HOTEL GUIDE, CON- O talnlng a directory of California hotels and r<»- sitis, scut tree to any address. Hotel I, aide, 310 Post St., I tin". Club bullJ-lng. leBtt U ' 11. kins HOUSE THE MOST CHARMING, convenleut ami best conducted hotel In Santa Cruz. IiOYT a » HITMAN, proprietors. Jyl 3m OANTA SUNNYSIDE; A NI- W FIRST- -0 class boarding-house: $1 to $1 25 per day; wal- lilltave. MRS. P. J. DUTCHKK. )e27 Bin lIKALTII BBMOBTB. OSE MARIE FARM.SANTA CLARA COUNTY; open all year; picturesque scenery: fishing, hunting; circular showing house. McGURRIE BROS.. Box 19, Gllroy. »eln I in STI)l;l> TO 1.1.X. <&AJ\ 93% HOWARD " ST., MBAB FOURTH; «IrTV". large new store. $75—1117 Mission st., near Seventh; largo new store, with large, dry, light basement. *:,0— Valencia St.; stole aud 3 rooms, suit- able for a barber, etc. - $23— Valiejo st: new largo plate-glass win- dows. (HAS. ASHTON, 111 Montgomery st. se'Jl It TORE WITH 2 ROOMS NEXT TO HUTCHER- shop. Inquire lv grocery corner Twenty-fourth and York sts. seal Bt* TV' EW STORE, WELL LOCATED, SB. COR. OF IN Minna and eighth sts. ; splendid opportunity for drug-store. Apply to MADISON A; BURKE, 401 Montgomery st. ae'Jl 7t* liny POLK VERY HANDSOME STOKE —,\JO and 4 rooms, for any kind of business. 21 3t* \tf:w BUILDING, SW. cor. OF ELLIS AND i.' Scott sis.: good location for drug-store or gro- cery; with three livingrooms; 7 rooms in upper Hat: rent reasonable, with lease; call and see. 21 2* lAM O'FARHBLL—MILLINER'S WINDOW OF I'M) 4 years' business standing, $10: also a nicely furnished room, $7. ae2o at* 1 IOR HOWARD STOKE, 3 ROOMS, "HASE- XI £\j meat; cheap. selStt \'EW BUTCHER SHOP, SITUATED ON NW. 1> cor. of Unlou aud Kearuy sts.; rent $25. Apply 406 Union at. se!6 Ist* CARRIAGE PAINT SHOP TO LET, INQUIRE \J 426 Ninthat. se!6tf 1/IKST FLOOR OVER 109 MONTGOMERY, OP- -1 poslto occidental Hotel; size 17x60: suitable for merchant tailor. Apply ou the premises. SOI6 7t WEEK'S NEWS FOR S CENTS-THE WEEKLY Call, iv wrapper, ready for mailing. : OFFICES TO LET. Vc'n I MARKET^ELEGANT, NEW OFFICES, X 0U i i cheap: opposite Now City Hall. CHAS. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery st. se'Jl It \u25a0.*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0- STABLES TO LET. "I/INK 2-STOKY STABLErKOOM FOR 3 HOItSRS.' J 507 Hough St. \u25a0\u25a0 - ae'Jl M* - STOIiH , AND OFFICE FIXTtIKES. V /CHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS, SHELVES, \J afaow-cases :oftices * stores titled. 33 1 Geary.3ott AK.STOKK FIXTURES, SHOW CASES, doors, sash; goods taken on storage, money ad- vanced. Pioneer store, 21 to 25 Tenth St. 1e22 tf OAK FIXTURES, COUNTERS. SHELVING, 13 show-cues, sash-doors, eta, at 225 Post st JetfiC FLATS TO LF.T-CONTINI'KD. Q;-;A 350 MINNA ST., HF:T. FOURTH AND © V. Fifth; 5 rooms and bath. $111— 428 Ciemeutlua St., bet. Fifth and Sixth; 3 rooms and bath. , \u25a0.- - $25—11 Hollis St., oft Ellis, bet. Webster *__ Buchanan. . *\u25a0* $22 60—223 Valencia St., near Ridley: 5 rooms and bath. $17—38 Turk at., near Market; 4 rooms. $65— 1030 Valencia St., 16 rooms and 'J baths. \u25a0 $80— 1119 Mission St., neat Seventh; 16 rooms and 'J baths. $18—207 Eighth St.. near Howard; 7 rooms. CHAS. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery st. _s>e2l 41 5 ROOMS 'AND BATH— 3OB6 MISSION ST.. NEAR «-> .seventeenth: tey In grocery. nie'Jl -If UPPER PAIiT OF HOUSE, 4 ROOMS; KENT *J $12. 2883 Mission st. »egl 3t* tt'Lat, 5 ROOMS, BATH, modern IMPKOVE- I liK'nts. Twentieth and Dolores sts. se2l 3t* CblQ-NEW FLAT; 4 ROOMS: BATH; BAY- •"IDXO. window. 1203 Guerrero St., cor. Twenty- fuurth. ac2o 3t* C I Q LOWER FLAT, i ROOMS; ALL- MODERN 0 IV. Improvements; 16 Pond at., half block from Market and Sixteenth. Key at 13.... Pond street. si'2o tf TVESTRABLE CORNER FLAT 6 BOOMS; HAND- -L/ some finish; cheap; $35. 1315 Webster. seJO tf TT-LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 1035 POST STREET. Xj se JO 3t* GROOMS; BATH: SANITARY PLUMBING: NO children. 1318 Fell st., near Baker. Be2o 9t« VTEW FLATS, 1516 VALLEJO ST.. NEAR VAN II Ness aye; 6 and 7 rooms and bath: latest im- provements; cheap rent. Key at grocery. sel9 7t I O LEWIS ST., OFF TAYLOR, NEAR POST-4 10 rooms. $20; also 3 rooms. $14. 8019 41* "I O I 71 GKAKY— FLAT; 6 ROOMS AND HATH: XO 1I 8 Choice location: new carpets for sale. 18 5 ©on NEW UPPER FLAT: 6 ROOMS, BATH; <P^U. 119 P.Utfest.. cor. Yurie. se!B 7t» !)/) UPPER FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH. MODERN ijO\J. Improvements. 280'jy;.Lagiina St. ae!7 7* YEW SUNNY UPPER FLAT. 726 FELL; 8 _< rooms; all improvements; rent low. st*l6 7t* $'>'> ~\t\ FLATS ROOMS AND BATH, WATER ZiA.OXJ. Included. 15'J1 California St. se__tf C;'_)|k FINE FLAT OF 8 ROOMS, BATH, ALL tITOV. modern conveniences. 1705 Devisadeio, cor. Sutter. ses tf AfiZ_l OCTAVIA— NICK SUNNY FLAT OF 6 jW«_>3 rooms; bath and basement : sel4 tf fIIOLET— NEW SUNNY FLATS ROOMS; BATH, 1patent water-closet, etc.: will be leased cheap, furnished or unfurnished, for 3 or more years, to respoaslule parti-. Apply to 304 bteiuer at., cor. of llaight. y sel 3 tf &17 FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH: WATER ijll. free. B"_'li,.. Nineteenth st., near Guerrero; key upstairs. sel3tf I /'Aft WBBSTER, INEAB BUTTER; 7 SUNNY XWO rooms; all Improvements, sc7 tf (•1Q STORE, 4 BOOMS, BATH; $15, 4 ROOMS C I' '. ami bath. 1914 Union at. se-2 tf \u25a0 fiiTiisKKKiTriiNO. ROOMS. OOR K<)I«IsnFuTrMsIiED~FOR " IKHJSe"- -_ keeping. 1540 Howard st. se22 gt* A'JZ. TI:HAMA-*7 UP; FURNISHED ROOMS "I > complete for housekeeping. It* "I AK(i E SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING R«'OM; 1 j stove, closets. 371 Minna, near Fifth. 8e22 at* •J.iQ THIRD— 2 FURNISIUCD HOL'SEKEEFINU O— O rooms. $7: also single rooms. It* i/7 CLEMENTINA 8T.,"NEAR SIXTH: HOUSE- XUI keeping rooms furnished complete; cheau. 1* 009 VAN" NESS AYE., COR. GROVE; NEWLY •>— furnished rooms for housekeeping; separate kitchens. se'Jl tf r.'JAI VALENCIA ROOM, WITH USE UOUii of kitchen: furnished. sc'Jl 3t* 1.1(1 LARKIN— 2 SUNNY ROOMS, FURNISHED rtiitJ for light housekeeping, se'Jl If I ABUSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTH 1 1 large ruruishcd or unfurnished front room; housekeeping. ae'Jl2t* Of MINNA— FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING U rooms. ao2I __ I AHOWARD—3 OR 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS UVtJ for housekeeping. se'Jl 2t* SUNNY ROOMS WITH GAS AND BATH FOR housekeeping for man Mild wire. 36 South Park. se2l 2t* jnl 1 VAN NESS AYE.; NICELY FURNISHED I I'X'j sunny housekeeping rooms ; gas and bath. se'Jl 7t* 8 NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS FOR 0 housekeeping. 566 Mission St., near Fifth. 21 3* '>(•"•-> THIRD ST.; LARUE SUNNY FRONT *-vOroom for light housekeeping : also slngle ! se2l 3t» '->"\u25a0)') FIFTH: 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR , '__ housekeeping: cheap rent. se'Jl 2t* (1I 7 MISSION-SUNN V FRONT ROOMS FOR <JX I housekeeping. ae'Jl 'Jt* t>7 LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; LIOHT •„ I . housekeeping. r>-'5 Polsom st. seal 8t» VICE SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; ALSO HOUSE- Ivkeeping. 'JjVS, Sixth st. seal 'it* >) I MINI ATE. FURNISHED ROOM FOX i housekeeping; single $j to $8. se'Jl 2t* V ICKLY FUItNISUED UOL'SEKEEI'I.NG ROOMS. i.> 824 Fulsom st. aeJl St* I 11 V POST; WELL FURNISHED ROOM FOR IXIOlight housekeeping; t ii.sei; gas: $10. 'JO tf (\ I ' LSI) .11 IS ON ' AND BACK PARLORS UOXj unfurnished; $8. si-20 3l« rnwo rooms furnished COMPLETE for 1 housekeeping. 1133 Steiner >t., nr. fcllts. se'JO tf 1A [ MASON" FIKMSIIKI) ROOMS FOR IV1 housekeeiilng; also other rooms, se'JO 3t* •_>.) SILVER— NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- O— Keeping rooms: bath. s---jii 31* 1')(| TAYLOK— 2 ROOMS; KITCHEN NICELY OO furnished: reasons seBo 3t* '-.)- BUSH-VERY NICE ROOMS: to.MPI.KIK- t 1)|) lurnlshed fur'kueplug. aeiw tf 0 I •.' 2 I.AKiil. SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS, 10. housekeeping; others. 448Vji Third. 19 5* 1 JED-ROOM AND PARLOR, WITH USE OP i> kit.hen, if desire. l; line view; will rent separ- ate It desired. 1725 Leavenwortn si. sel9 tr "1 ILOUISA. OFI FOURTH, NEAR FOLSOM—2 X "X housekeeping rooms. se!9 4t* At) SOUTH PAKK— LOWER FLOOR 3 BOOMS; *it<3 ranee: suuuy yard. sclB st* •>1 D MINNA—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, FUR- -0 IO nished. with bath; no children. selßtf fro FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IIOUSE- -1 keeping. 016 Minna St. &elBtf 1)1 'J JONES— 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEKPI NI! rooms; $IH. 8017 lot 1 ')A TENTH ST.—FRONT SUNNY FURNISHED X.— ' ' rooms lor housekeeping: parlor floor. sel7 tf >).)\u25a0> UOL'ull ST., NR. FELL-HOUSEKEEPING ____n to let. eel 6 71* )•_>•_> EDDY ST.—A FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND 000 bath, unfurnished, and a suite of furnished parlors. ael'J tf 11 TWENTY-FIRST— LARGE SUNNYFCR- XXOUnlshed housekeeping rooms. sel'J tf 00l SIXTH— I UNFURNISHED ROOMS; KENT -jO-S $27 50. _ sell tf 1A 1 MISSION SOB 5 FURNISHED HOUSE- 11' I'l keeping rooms, also single rooms. se6 tf •'(10 THIRD LARGE BUNNY FURNISHED O' * O front rooms complete for housekeeping. S3 tf AY-WINDOW DOUBLE PARLOR; »JoT TUT Kearny st., opp. White House, top floor. aul2 tr (,>>.> POST '-\u25a0 OR 3 SUNNY FURNISHED */ rooms for housekeeping. nuS If I II CASIRO, BET. 14 1 II AM) 15TI1-3 OR \u25a0'• ill sunny largo unfurnished rooms: lath. 20 tr MALL ADVEIiTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- vj lions ta.- en at Call Branch othces, 603 Larkln at., 339 Hayes at. and 2518 Mission st.; open till 9:30 I. M. ROOMS TO LET, •>i 11 FIFTH—S II KNISHED BOOMS, COM- )''»' piete for housekeeping; rent cheap, scjj i: r\f\R O'FARRELL 2 UNFURNISHED SIDE OUU rooms to let. se22 3t* /'|l7 BUSH CHEAP DOUBLE FRONT AND >i' '4 back parlors, and single rooms. It* 111 TEHAMA, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH "II .sunny front room, auitable 2 gentlemen, $."> each; also single rooms. S-'J-J 3t* 81111 li.i:(TWELFTH ST.), near MARKET— Suite furnished lor housekeeping It* 7 I1 F::.LIS—FURNISHED ROOM; FRONT BAY- I 11 window. _\u25a0'-"_• 3t /•I #| J.KSSE— LARGE, SUNNY FRONT ROOM; U.U' nlso small room. Be'J'J 71* (il I BUSH-PLEASANT FURNISHED BOOMS; i/llin suite and single; use of kitchen. Be'J2 2t* - VAHSAR PLACE," OFF HARRISON. NEAR 0 Second— Sunny furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. BeS] 2t* Tlf Xl <\u25a0 II T II -VERY PLEASANT FRONT 11 v) room: private family: gas, bath. se2l st* TTesPI-.i TAISI.K GENTLEMAN WILL FIND A ' It large, sunny room 1 nice neighborhood; Cali- fornia and Sutler st, cars convenient; . no other roomers: references exchanged. Please address G. 11, Box 101, Call Branch Office. se'Jl 4t« t jOA 1 TKHAMA-2 FURNISHED ROOMS; £\r±i cheap rent. se'Jl 2t* OAK VALENCIA— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, *-V'tJ running water, bath; (8. ae2l 3t* Q9A VALENCIA-SUNNYSUITES ANDOTHER OOu rooms furnished. ae'Jl 2t* 11 (O HOWARD— SUNNY SUITES: SINIJI.E X I*l— rooms, newly furnished; use kitchen. 21 2* 001 i) MISSION-LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; £—UX.£i sunny; for gentlemen. ae'Jl 31* CnO O'FARRELL 1 furnished front OVO suite or single rooms. se'Jl st* 4 HENRIETTA SQUARE, OFF ELEVENTH, tr bet. Howard and Folsom— 2 nicely furnished rooms for llgnt housekeeping. ae'Jl 2t* '1 7 O'FAIJREI.L-NICELY FURNISH D Oil front room; $10 to a gentleman. seJI tf QOA* GEARY, NEAR LARKIN 2 SUNNY O—.V' newly furulshod rooms; now house: private family; no children. \u25a0 se'-'l 3t» inI TEIIAMA, COR. FIFTH— LABOB, FUK- \u25a0jU'i nl'lied room: rent reasonable. se'Jl 2t* (HI lIUWAIIII- LARGE FRONT ROOM, iM 1 nicely furnished, suitable for two. se2l 3t» P(' SOUTH PARK-FURNISHED SUNNY *)\) rooms; also housekeeping. se'Jl 6t* \u25a0 I/- 11 THIRD - NICELY FURNISHED BAY- •n) I,; window suite with plauo; private family; -.11. \u25a0- \u25a0 - - - ____________ fTfkQ I'OST-PARLORS FURNISHED OR PART- I UO ly furnlshe<l; alsi other sunny rooms. 11 2t* CIOR. TWESTY-rOUKTU AND HAMPSHIRE— / Furnished rooms; suites or single; suitable for doctor. - ao2l 2t* . 17 SEVENTH— NICELY FUKNISIIKI) SINGLE X I and double front sunny rooms. ______* n-)'> HOWARD-LARGE FURNISHED SUNNY VSO parlor for 2 gentlemen. ae'Jl 'Jt* DOI POST ONE ALCOVE SUITE; ALSO O-iX other rooms; .ill newly furnished: private family. - \u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0 ae'Jl 3t» /•I Q STEVEN SON, BET. SEVENTH AND Hit/ Eighth—Furnished back parlor; suitable for 2 gentlemen or gentleman and wife. ae2l 7t* 7j71l MINNA— FURNISHED ROOMS. ZZL __________ C 1 •> GEARY-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR OXO gentleman. ae'Jl 21* QQQ MARKET FRONT SUITE, $20; NICE OOP single rooms, $8. \u25a0 «e2l 3t« IAAI FOLSOM, COB, SIXTH— NEWLY FUR- XUUX nlsbed room, suitable for doctor or den- tlst; rooms en suite or single. se2l 3t* ('1 •) EDDY-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED AL- UXO cove suite: running water, baths; $20.312*, 17 POLK, NEAR MARKET-LARGE, SUNNY X I room; gentlemen or housekeeping: also single, ',\u25a0-,- - :: ; \u25a0 se'jl 21* * COUNTRY RKAL STATE-Ci NTIM'KI". I/OR SALE-CHICKEN RANCH CONTAINING I about 150 old chickens. 175 young ones, 125 yonugand old dans, goat, Horse, wagon and har- ness, hussy, duck stable aud 0 hogs: price *4 , d. Inquire at 552 Fourth St. se'Jo7t* P'OK HALE-IN KNIGHTS VALLEY, 6 MILKS T from Callstoga and 1 mile from Kellogg, 21 acres or level land: all cleared, fenced and cultivated: 150 bearing fruit trees: house 5 rooms: stable and n-huuse; there Is a small stream running through it; good water; fenced In three lots: price, If taken within 30 days. $1600 (one thousand six hum] dollars). Apply to my agent, G. vv.John- son, at Callstoga, Cal., who will show you the land. N. LOCKWOOD. sell' 4t QiTA/l/l 78 ACRES: IVi MILES OF KE L Y- «p ( UwU. vlllc. Lake Co.; silchtly rolling: 30 acres under cultivation, with rabbit-proof tence; house of 3 rooms, good condition: 10,000-gall«u eisteru: 1400 French prune trees, 2 years old: 250 peach trees. 3 years old; 700 pear, apple and cherry trees; terms to suit; a great bargain. Now Is the time to trade your city property for Bearing orchards, vineyards, Grazing and timber tracts. Improved farms. Unimproved fruit and vine laud. Country seats and villa sites, Dairy ranches, etc. V\ rite or call for our mammoth new catalogue. CAKNALL-FITZUUGH-HOI'KINSCO., 6JI Mar. Icet st. sclS lm n;i A WEEK buys A fruit farm; look at %pX this offer; Oakwood Colony tract. 5 acres, $75. payable $1 a week. 10 acres, $160, payable $2 a week. •JO acres, 9t»00. payable *4 a week. 40 acres. $600. payable $8 a week. No Interest and uu taxes un deferred payments; Is all fine A 1 fruit land; 110 irrigation required: near large town and railroad; some oaks; water handy: title perfect: no investment is as safe, sure or as profitable as fruit lands. For Information or circu- lars appiv to WEST COAST LAND COMPANY. 630 Market st. ; lelatt CONOJIA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE AND EX- -0 change; .scud lor Hat. ANDREW PRICE, Bealdsburg, Cal, au'J4 if /•HOICK FARM IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY; I. : 385 acres, all improved; rents now for $1200 per year; 1:. rich bottom laud; $55 per acre: I bar- gain. Apply VICTOR WILLIAMS, 830 Sansonia St., 1:00111 59. between 2 and 4 o'clock _. m. SCIS71 11 /CALIFORNIA CHEAP HOMES— WE CAN 1.0- V 7 cale 10.0U0 families on Government land; charges moderate for showing the land. c. 11. sI'Ki.KT Si. CO., 415 Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco, i-.ii. sell tt I/O It SALE OR TO EXCHANGE FOR BUSINESS 1 or Income property: $7 per acre; mountain ranch of 502 acres; 18 miles from Ukiah; small house and barn; plenty running ami spring water: delightful climate, nothing better for lung aud throat troubles; can be made profitable by industrious man; fine for cattle. hogs or sheep: excellent for trult: large quantities of black and post oaks, with nr Umber sufficient lor small saw mill. A ledge of tine, soft, gray sandstone on this tract; will make a Bice mountain home ami willbe good investment. Apply or address IKVINI-; A KLEIN, Us lab, Cat ; se:i tf _ QCHOOL LANDS, $150 TO $3 AN ACRE: lIM 0 very easy terms; sold by the State in tract) to suit; no residence or Improvement required; all kinds of lands, in many different counties; soml stamp forlist. Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur- day evenings. f W. lake, 6 Flood Building. 13 tt \\'K have A choice selection of 10, 20 M or 40 acre tracts, convenient to town anil rail- road, ou easy terms; send lor catalogue. A. A. HOI IA- CO., 63 1Market St. _U_ _ Q] WILL PAY~YOUK FAKE TO SEE LAND I.V 0 1 Contra Costa and the bay counties; send Bta 1 p tor new catalogue. MATTHEWS A; HAIIDI.NGE, Si/a KearnT St., San Francisco. Jy*J4 tr piIKAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J eight-page WEEKLY CALL, scut to any address in the United States or Canada year for $1 2 5. postage free. lIOUSB3 TO i.i:t. "roT7~piN:; m •., bet. oduoH aSd"octavia; 101 l 8 rooms and bath; $38: water free. Apply i" P. C. HOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. st'Jl 3t IQI71 PINF; ST.. NEAR GOUGH: ROOMS 101 tt> asd bath: $33: water free. Apply to p. c. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery at. geSl 3t If>Ai;BTOCKT IN ELEGANT 2-STORY lIOU S E 1 "UV'U of 8 rooms aid bath: rent $15; water free. Apply to P. 1. Mi. 1.1.1 ' V. 138 Montgomery »e'Jl St 1 ,- •> I i..' 1.1 1 1 GATE AYE., CORNER SCO iT— I <>'> I Handsome 2-story 9-room residence; $15: water extra. Apply to P. C. JIOLLOY, 138 Mont- gomery st. se'Jl at 1," 1 I BROADWAY, NEAR VAN NESS \ r. »)l 1 7 rooms and bath: new sewerage and plumbing; large yard; $32 50: water free. Apply to p. c. Moi.i.tiv, 138 Montgomery -;. .te'Jl 3t /-<|] UEAKY, COR, CONSISTING OF ww-I store anil 2 rooms below and 9 rooms and bath above: a choice location. Apply to P. C1 MO..- LOY, 13S Montgomery st. sc'Jl 3t - I 7 FOLSOM— ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE; 0 1 I all Improvements; rent $40; water extra. Apply to P. C MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery'Jl 3t Ol A Valencia— 9 booms and bath : $35: _1U water free. Apply to P. 0. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery St. segl SI l/'LEGANT NEW 9-ROOM 2-BTORY HOUSE, 1 * complete in all appointments; fancy mantels and liitures; 1531 Geary St.: nuts $5. >. water ex- tra: keys at omee. Apply to p. C MOLLIIY,138 Montgomery st. se'Jl 3t 11' ATER-IRONT ROOMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS <> and store Kith 1 rooms and lasement: all new; Brannan St., nr, I'acltic Mail Dock. Apply P. C. mi'1.1.i ii. 138 Montgomery st. . se'J 1 :t BEAUTIFUL NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE— 2I3B SUT- 1> ter: rent $SS, water free; keys at office. Apply to P. _. MOLI.OV, las Montgomery st. se2l .it PHARHISO HEW B-BOOM HOUSES Vl-.ilY yj complete and 1 noli 2325-2327-2329 Bush St., near Fierce: rents $50, water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery St. . __n 81 pHOICE HOME- KB. COR. BEVISADERO AND \J Waller; richlypapered new '.'room 2-story resi- dence; all appointments complete: rent 860: water extra: keys at office. Apply to P. C iIOLLOV, 138 Montgomery St. se'Jl at <jl!(',\ 1700 GEARY ST., COR. WEBSTER, 10 Cot), rooms anil bath: $40, 719 Devlsadero St., nr. Fulton, 8 nun and bath. .CUAS. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery st. . se'Jl 4t ] \u25a0pi LET—HOUSE; 017 WEBSTER ST., SEAB 1 Ha>es:7 rooms and bath: modern Improvements: tine location; near 2 lines of cars; sunny side; rent 16. ' __________ I! A '"'I O7 CLAY ST.—HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS 'jOU.aiul bath; modem improvements: large sunny yard and basement. _ 31 4t* >_..)- 2105 WEBSTER, BET. SACRAMENTO »^ O. and Clay house of 5 rooms, bath, large cel- ar; modern Improvements: large, sunny yard. 214* 0 BUNNYBOOMS; lIH'K' )KYA BET. \u25a0\u25a0< >< i.ll U and Octavla. Apply312 Fell st. seal 3t* I lUUSK OF 4 ROOMS AND YARD. 134 CLARA 1 1 street. . se'Jl 3t« O/JAQ CLAY ST., RET. WEBSTER AND FILL- «*iuO more; houso of 9 large, sunny rooms, bath and stationary wash-room: all modern Improve- ments; large, sunny yard; house ; newly painted and papered: elegant view from upper story: rent rea- sonable. sc2l -It* FINK BAY-WINDOW HOUSE: ALL FRESCOED r and modern improvements: 619 Nineteenth St. Key at 631 Nineteenth St., bet. Valencia and Mis- sion, seji tr SOO Pi A UPPER PART HOUSE 7 ROOMS, iS—tZi.oyt. b^th: water tree. 462', Sixth. 'JO 3* AO'FARRELL ST.— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS: —.OV' sunny side. 8020 4t* O-STORY HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND HATH; -70:1 -* Butter St.; rent $27 50. Apply THOS. BROWN, Superintendent California Market. se2o 31* /•; I ROOMS TO LEASE FOR 5 YEARS; Fl'KNl- ")'' lure for sale; otic of the best located and sun- niest houses in the city, containing about 60 rooms, including dining-room, kitchen, laundry, bar-room, with billiard table card-room; ail completely furnished and always full of guests: no dark rooms; tenant must be prepared to buy furniture: present tenant i 10years) retiring on account ofheath. An- ply to p. C. MOLI.nY,138 Montgomery st. «eI7 7t ah iii FOB i;i..i:NW. CORNER OF BU- O tv, chauau and Pell si.*.; 2-story house, 7 rooms and bath; also upper Hat fed story, 133 Balgbt at., 6 rooms and bath, *.:o. Apply 10 11. J. IIV- LAND. 10 Nevada block. sell it '>•"-> I'KKK* ST., BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH— *-»'•> rooms .mil stable: always rented asacoal- yard. For particulars inquire at 330 Fremont. au3 tf COTTAGES TO LET. C. 1<\u25a0) COTTAGE; 3 ROOMS; COR. BUTTEAM' 0 I—, Tennessee sts.,;, nr. Union Iron Works, »e3O 3t« PLEASANT COTTAGE 7 ROOMS; $18. 171 1• -- I Clay st.. In rear. scjl 7t» /.".->•_> POST ST.— 4 ROOMS AND STABLE. —O—dO Be2i at* |)AY-WINDO\Y COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS: BATH; i>s22 50. llOTwellth st. se2l3t* C; I Q SUNNY COTTAGE 5 ROOMS AND BATH C \u25a0'\u25a0• yard. Cor. I'ul'.resautl Flrtee nth st. SlB '\u25a0'« IIKMslllii HOUSES. &777» 1324 11. 1. is sr.; ii ROOMS BATH; OUU. completely furnished. CUAS. ASHTON, ill Montgomery St. hp'Jl 4t /"ton. M. U.l. is rER AND WEBSTER; SUNNY \J furnished Hat: 4 rooms, bath; rent cheap. a'Jl 3* C; .1 C FOR FURNISHED, FOR A YEAR, tip i*-)*house of 12 rooms, bath and piano; very line view or city aud bay. Applybet. 1 and 4 at 1250 Montgomery st. se'jo lw* I TKNIMH Ii HOUBE, 10 ROOMS, BATH; ALL r rented; lor sale cheap. 365 .Minna. sel I 91* C'","v FURNISHED HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND ijl»». bath. Apply 325 Filth at. sel Itr FLATS TO LKT, 0 NEW FLATS. 4 AND 5 ROOMS, 1006 FLOR- -j da. near Twenty-second; all modern Improve- ments: warm belt; rent $16 and $20 se'JJ 71* I -UK SALE—FURNISHED FLAT, 26 DIAMOND 1 St., near Eighteenth; modern furniture, only two months Inuse; must be sold; no reasonable offer refused; rent id flat $22 50, also new. Call betnotn 10 a. m. and 3 r. M. \u25a0 U_ OAQ TWELFTH— ROOMS, HATH; STABLE -jVO for horse anil buggy. It* fli; jU UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS, BATH AND 1I O. cellar. 1117 Pacific si., bet. Hyde and Lar- kin. near Jackson, Polk and Hyde st. cables. se-1 tf "I Cl A DEVISADEEO— B LABOB BOOMS AND <)1 i bath: $30; water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Moutgoinery st. se'Jl 3t IQQI O'FARRELL-ELEGANT 6-BOOM FLAT: 1 iWI bath, etc.: $32 50: water free. Apply to P. 0. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. scji 3t _ WALNUT AYE., NEAR BUTTER AND LAB- kin $25 for 5 rooms and bath ; water free. Apply lop. C. .Mo I.i.i iv, 188 Montgomery St. ae'Jl 31 _ /< 1 A PAGE ST.-NEW; 7 ROOMS AN'l) HATH: 011 $50; water extra. Apply to P. C. MOXLOY, 138 Montgomery at. se'Jl 3t 7"l n WALLER ST., NR. DEVISADERO— UPPER XO flat: 7 rooms and Improvements; $25: water free. Apply to P. c. MOLLO 138 Muntg'y st.'Jl 8t YEW ijl'l'Kß SUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS. MOD- li em couvenlouces. 1156 Guidon Gate ave- line. . ae'Jl lf_ 1, UNRISUEO FLAT; 4 ROOMS COMPLETE FOR 1' housekeeping: $16. 2025 Mason at. ae'Jl 31* 1/LATS OF 4 AND 6 ROOMS. SE. COR. JONES I and Pacific sts. sc'Jl 3t* ffl.iln NEW, SUNNY LOWER FLAT, 6 ROOMS, tgl^U.bath. IIH-'!4 Langton st. se_l_7___ PAPERED BAY-WINDOW FLATS,COR. < Fulton and Webster sts. ; 6 rooms, bath; $-5 and $27 50. W. 11. < ' I ; IM A Co., JO', Munlgoiuery. 21 -I I/< I A TURK ST. 5 ROOMS AND BATH ; lOli/ sunny; completely furnished, with piano and sewlug machine; $10; without, $35. Key ji. \u25a0 - Be'Jl Bt* (WOO NEW ELEGANT UPPER FLAT; BROOMS, H[i—\—4. with modern Improvements; nice view. 1 118 N I netcent ii St., bet. Sane he/ ami Noe. ae'Jl 3t* O NEW FLATS; 1824 FILBERT ST; 5 AND 6 Z rooms, bath; $22 ana $27; with all the latest Im- provements. -'- ' - - : - se'Jl 3t* I.Ki.ANT NEW upper flat, 7 rooms AND bath: $37 60. 721 McAllister St. - se'Jl 3t* m7l LEAVEN WORTH ST.; NEW UPPER I 3 bay-window flat; * rooms and bath, $23. Apply 1713 LeavenwortU st. f se2o 31* CITY IJKAL, KSTATE. O-liivii DSBIBABLB LOTON DIAMONDST.. «Ir-^" 'V'U. near Castro-st. cable and proposed Market-st. extension: street improvements com- pleted. O. H. DMBSBM & CO., 14 Moutgomery.l3 tr 'OCLD YOU LIKE TO RENT. YOUR FLAT? Then go to the firm that will advertise It free of charge. C. E. MAYNE & CO., 322 Montgomery street. \u25a0 ae'-'I lino I \O YOU WAN I TO KENT YOUR HOUSE? THEN I 'go to C. K. MaVNK« CO., who advertise in all the papers, oflice 322 Montgomery st. sel!l lino ONE WEEK ONLY:AN IMMENSE BARGAIN list of San Francisco realty. C. E. JIAYNE & CO.. 322 Montgomery st. sc2l 7t |J(IQ FELL ST,, NEAR OOUOH—LOT 27:6x120 Ovu to rear street: front anil rear houses; 4 flats and store: price $13,500: rents $100, seal 3t» IF YOU WANT TO SELL PROPERTY IN SAN Francisco call or send your name and address to the hrm ihat advertise everything. C. E. MAYNE A CO.. 322 Montgomery st. se'.'l lm MO TOWNSE Ni)^2-STOHY HOUSE 3 ROOMS upstairs, 8 downstairs and saloon: nice stand. Apply on premises. se2l 31* IT'OK SALE-COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS, WITHLOT f 25x100. 1112 Hampshire st. se2l 7t* STOP PAYING. RENTS AND SECURE A HOME before itIs too late. Only I of the 20 not Sold. The Handsomest Block of Cottages ever built in the city. 2 of 5 Rooms and Bath, 2 Of 7 Rooms and Kith, will) all the latest Improve- ments: Electric Bella and <>as-llghtltig appliances; Wood Mantels and tiling: Artificial Stone Sidewalks: Iron Fences and Cresting, In fact everything to make acosy home. la. down what yon can And make yonr Installments to suit. This chance it offered to —— Purchasers, This Property is but one block from the ever-beautifying Golden Gate Park, witha magnificent marine view. Now Is your chance to secure a Home In a locality that' will double In value In a few years. Take the McAllister-st. Cars to terminus and you are at the Buildings. Applyon Promises any day from 9 to 4. .1. M. COMF.HFORD, Builder and Dealer InReal Kstate. se2l 71* Si! Cl 111 '\u25a0'"' 25x100 ON" CALIIORNIA ST., NR. <JPOI'U. 12th live. $S5O-Lot 25x120. Oth aye., N. Point Lobos; lot graded, streets macadamized. &S4o— Lot 25x120, S. of the Park; adjoining lots selling for $350. B. SMITH. 328 Kearny st. se2l 3t* 14- lI V DO YOU ALLOW YOUR FLATS TO BK- " main idle when C. E. MAYNE & Co., will ad- vertise them free of Charge? 322 Montgomery strt-et. _^_ BeSl lm VF.W MAP OK CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA— J-l Most complete ever issued— offered asa premium to the DAILY and WEEKLY CALL;sent by mail, postage prep. Un the DAILY CALL for »« 25 per year: with the WEEKLY CALL for $1 50 per year. PUT YOUR PROPERTY IN THE HANDS OF 1 C. E. MAVNK A CO. IT you want it rented at once; they advertise in all the papers. Olllce 322 Montgomery st. ge'Jl lm CHtJAI" BUILDING LOTS: $1500: POSITIVELY the cheapest buildinglot Inthe city: W. tine of Treiuout are., near Frederick st. (which is Ashbury Heights); size 23x80; street graded, macadamised and cruient sidewalk laid; an unsurpassed marine view; also overlooking the Golden Gate Park: only 3 blocks fromHalgbt St. cable-cars; lots directly op- posite, no view, on the E. line of the street, have sold for $1650, and they are now asking $1750; to the home-seeKer we would say, "Look Into this at once, for it is positively a pick-up"; only four lots left at this price, For further particulars apply to O'FAIiRELL d- LANG. 11 Montgomery St. Se2l 7t Ql Ofi EACH—AFEW VERY DESIRABLE LOTS Cp 1 —»}south of Golden Gate Park, near extension of .Mark,-; street and the new race-track, which Is Boon to be built. FRANK COLLINS .V CO., 930 Market s:. si-21 71 IF YOU WANT TOBUI REAL ESTATE, GO TO C. E. MAYNKSi. CO.. 322 Montgomery -I. s'Jl lm QQ-ivfi RED CEI> TO SELL AT ONCE: DE- jjpOiJUU. Rir;ible lavestment: cor. on California St.. west of Kearuy: substantial brick bonding In good repair; will rent readily for $bO per mouth; this price Includes the furniture aud carpets. FRANK COLLINS A CO.. 930 Market St. real 71 V " '. t\l 111 INVESTMENT AND SPECULA 'JO<).\JW. tlve property on Market street; 153 ie»'t frontage; this property will double in two years. FRANK COLLINS CO.. 930 Market- -ji 71 II YOU WANT TO LET TOE' KNOW J. that your property Is for sale, list It with i. 1:. MAYNE A CO., 322 Montgomery st. s<-21 irn Ct I U'ld NW. COR. KANDF;LLAND DAME; 2 OIU'JU. blocks from ears; 25x125: Fuirniount lract. JONES A ULEGO, 324L^ Montgomery sirtet. se3o 3t \l\ EACH—3O LOTS IN EXCELSIOR HOME- V- Ijv1 jv stead: level and reaily to build on: close to Mission road: 25x100 each. JONES Jl 1:1 EGG, 324V-2 Montgomery st. se'JO 3t 111- Om A EACH 18"loTsT"soI"T1I san fran- k^ *-''V Cisco; on Installments; Z blocks from cars; Dice cottages are already built dose by these lots. JONES A Rl 1' i....i '/ Montgomery si. s, _.i at < itii/i A WHOLE BLOCK: SOUTH PABK; OXJ'JXJ. lays well and close to ocean, JONES A- 1.1 EGG. 324 1- 8 Montgomery st. BC'JO St 9 LOTS ON J ST.. SOI 111 PARK. BET. 31ST and - j'l ayes. ; owner going away: mortgage can remain o! *250: willsell cheap. JONES * RUEGG, 321'™ Montgomery st. se'-'O St VI MM '" "'- LOTS; 25:6x114 BACH; O— i""» mar Church: view cannot be obstruct- ed; must Do so, JONES A lii BUG, ;i2 I 1 * Mont- gomery st. k3O ut C-Tp:/ 1 A ELEUANT COTTAIiE OF 8 ROOMS O I «JVJv'. and bath, on Ilalght st.. bet. Buchanan aud Webster: lines! Block 011 the street: lot has 2 frontages; slze:;uxl2O; house cost $J5OO. JONES a 1:1 btiu, .i^.i;..Montgomery St. se2o 3t C;l.)/l/i 17TH BT.T WEST CASTRO CABLK: CM— .Ui'. nice level lot for cheap home: 3 front- ages; 2SxU2:O. JONES A BUEQO, 3'J4V% Mont- gomery st. t>e2O3t ftV^f 111 AYES ST. 68 WEST OF I.VUN; ALL «J"— »>'"'. street work done: this is the cheapest lot In that locality; '-u\luo. JONES & 1:1 1.1.1., 321 Montgomery St. -t) it C"'>l\l\(\ CORNF:R: 25 AND HOMESTEAD; C 3POI/UI/. lots: i'.",xlmi. Including corner;. bar- gain; only -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 blocks from cable road; nearly level. Jones*, 324M1 Montgomery at. a»3O 8t £P YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY, GO toll K. M AVNE &Co.. 322 Montgomery st. 31 lm VTKW MODERN HOUSES. SITUATED SUNNY i-> side Ingest., bet. Lyon and Lott; commanding line view ot Goulen Gate Park and city; lots 25x112 each; terms easy. Applyon premises. sel9 51 C-->~(\ L..T ~" 5Oxl60~~IN BERKELEY: to O ijyi. monthly. $450-40x135; sidewalked and sewered; $10 monthly. $100-25x2u0; $10 cash and $5 monthly. $300— 50H23: $7 monthly: with creek. Houses for sale; $25 monthly and upwards. Houses built on easy payments. piii-.i.p.-s ,v RICHARDS, 11 Montgomery St. S. F., and opposite Berkeley Station, land owners, selB tf V~lllin EXTRA PINK BLOCK OF 50 LOTS, 0 I UUU. entirely level, beautiful marine view, a few feet from Great Ocean Boulevard and near Golden Gate Park. Cheap at $200 per lot. Apply toDFJBERNARDI, WEBTPHAL .v CO., 122 Davis ret, se!4 15t SEE CHE BARGAIN'S FOB SALE BYC. E. U WNK Ji: CO. this week. 322 Montgomery at. se2l 7t "Irvine 4- KLKIN of URIAH,DEALERS in 1all kinds of town, farm, ranch and redwood tim- ber property: Investigate titles: attend to any busi- ness placed In their hands tor non-residents: refer- ences to an] responsible citizen or tinu in Mendo- clno County. CaL Be 3 tt C;^. MONTHLYON NICE BERKELEY LOTS. C" $325— 40x100; slduwaiked; level. •350— Lot 80x100, with creek. $150— Lot 40x135, Bldewalked and sewered. '.'OO other lots: all kinds; send for maps, CHARLES A. BAILEY, owner, 624 Market. se6 tf I, INi; BUSINESS PROPERTY; CHNTRALLY r located; pays $1000 year!;-. PHILLIPS, 93 Flood Building. Bel 7 7t* si 11 1 ."^IIM FOR SALE ELEGANT RESI- «S)XU.O\J\J. denee on Pacific Heights; nearly new: elegantly finished: all modern Improvements; grand marine view that cannot be obstructed; lot 32:6x101 et. BADT,JACObS & BRANDON. 318 Montgomery st. sol 7 11 1F YOIT\v ANT TO BOY PROPERTY IN SAN I Francisco call or send your name and address to tbe'lirm that advertise everything. C. E. .MAYNE A CO., 322 Montgomery st. se2l lm \l'->:>Z.l] 233 PERRY ST., BET, FOURTH AND »)*>O\K Firth: lot and house In good repair, Including large stable; always rented as a coal-yard : rents $38 per month. For particulars Inquire at 330 Fremont It . bet. Folsom and Harrison. fc!4 tf JUST COMPLETED BY R. P.ERGFELD, 5 AND 6 room cottages on the E. and W, side of Dia- mond St., near 241h, 1 block W. of Castro-sl cable; all large and sunny rooms: ail modern Improve- ments; high,planked basement, etc,: also 0-room cottage on sunny side 30th St.; only small amount 1.1 ii : balance on easy payments: no reasonable of- fer refused. Go and see th^m and call at 1521 Do- lores St., near 20th. \u25a0 Be6tf £•1 I'll: WEEK WILL BUY A LOT IN Till: «35l luiuber-tluiue town of Sanger. PATTISON & SON, 630 Market St. set; if IST BE SOLD: MAKE OFFER: SANCHEZ, nr. 29th; store, 6 rooms; 2-story, brick founda- tion; well built neighborhood; street done: lot 25x100: 25 feet adjoining: together or separate. Applyon pit in Ist -. or 315 Chestnut st. sel6 7t 'ALL FOB OUR INVESTMENT BARGAINS \J this week, they are Immense. C. E. 3IAYNF!! A: CO., 322 Montgomery st. ae2i 7t tTNIVKIISITY PARK (STANFORD I.MVKIt- U slty)—Five elegant buildinglots, 60x188; south front; third blocs from depot: streets now being graded and graveled. SIIEPARD A N'ORRIS, 319 Pine at-. Room 41. sell if C. I 111: WEEK WILL BUY A LOT IN THE Up 1 railroad junction town of Satiger. rATTISON &BON, 630 Market at. __. scti tf ii<'.li(\ "NLY ONE LEFT— ON N. SIDE OF >u*)O«)Ul'. Clay at., bet. Broderlck and Baker; 9 large rooms, reception-hall, saloon parlors; elec- tric ns-llghters and bells; line stained glass, and finished in natural wood throughout: can be bought on very easy terms. Applyat 2112 stein at. se!4 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 11. is THE WEEKLY Call, In wrapper, ready for mailing. VIiCMKV KEAXi KSTATI":. JUQ -- \ WIIK BUYS A FRUIT FARM; £*G. I O California Colony Tract, Tehama County; .11 .Hielot $400; payable $25 down, balance $15 monthly; no Interest or taxes: 1 lot In town site free to each purchaser: only 50 lots at this nrlce. balance willbe raised 25, 50 and 75 per cent; no better or surer Investment: don't wait; secure one at once. sau Francisco Land Company, 330 Pine Btreet. 8e22 7t ffi.'l(i (Win REDUCED TO $32,500— THE <iT»>U. UUV/. stock and general farm, consisting of 1800 acres (hall rich river bottom) and valuable Improvements in Stanislaus County, and including 300 head or cattle, 40 bead horses and mules. 1 thor- oughbred lack, 20 head of hogs, farming I mplcmeuts, etc., which we have been offering at $36,000. Is re- duced at owner's request to $32,500 for 15 days only. If not sold will lie withdrawn. Those who want a great bargain should Investigate this prop- erty. If It is not worth more money we will pay all expenses. Terms, '/ ;i cash; balance on easy terms. The first payment willnot cover the stock. Title Is perfect. San FRANCISCO LANDCOMPANY, 330 Pine st.. San Francisco. seiilUt SI [C(IA 60 ACHES OF ALMOST LEVELLAND, tJJ) IiJ'MI.4 miles from a large town: deep loam 8011, especially adapted to fruits and vines; good house, barn, etc., marl)- new; all fenced; smill or- chard and vineyard. A. A, HoVT i. CO., 634 Market street. \u25a0 - se2l tf < IlKlii lt)0 ACRES, SONOMA COUNTY; 6 «3ru.UUv'. miles from town: splendid fruit aud vine laud; well watered with living springs: ISO fruit trees In full bearing; the land Is actually cheap at $50 an acre: this is a good profitable home. w. It. MABSHUT7. A C0. ,0.10 Market st. Be2l 7t vnK SALE— B(i' ACRES OF GOOD LAND, 11A JT miles Iroin Callstoga, Napa County, Cal.. and 1 mile from elegant residence id A. L. Tubbs: 40 acres In cultivation: 7 acres in full-beariiiK fruit trees, prunes, apples, pears, pasclMi and plums: good water: new house 6 rooms; new barn; good road: no frost: for residence or Investment this prpperty Is unsurpassed, hut must tie taken soon. Apply to O. W. JOHNSON, Callstoga. Cal. ais2l 7t VINE FRUIT FARM IN VAIA VALLEY. BV4 I I miles from Vacaville, on county road; well Im- proved place, with fine large vineyard and orchard or bearing trees, choicest varieties; price low and terms easy. Apply to C. S. I.'APP A. CO., Real Kji.stu Agents. 415 Montgomery at. sc2o 31 LODMNG-IIOfSES FOR SALK. C;O.";A 25 ROOMS; RENT ONLY $59; ALL •IT^'-'*'. walnut but one room; greatest bargain ever offered in San Francisco. I. D. BARNARD, 1148 Market St., near Taylor. it* rpoiiUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE GO TO i- I. 1). BARNARD. ins Market at., bit. Mason and Taylor: established 1859. it* 1 M, I LODGING-HOUSES AT FINE BARGAINS. iv" I] -rooinhouse; fine location $:;uo 10 rooms: new furniture; inpayments 1,000 10 rooms: worth $1000 650 28 rooms onMarket, In payments 1,300 ] 1rooms, near the Baldwin hoo 40 rooms; fine corner; clears $150 3.000 37 rooms: fine paying house 2.000 50 rooms; corner; willexchange !.. 5,000 6t>o other houses | \u0084., $_iHt to lr, I) hi For sale by11. C. I>l i KEIt, 8.'.0 Market s't'.'se22 7t ti')-() GREAT RARGAIN— 7 ROOMS AND »li>V. bath: Rood locution; cheap rent. 11. 111 IK. 765 Market, ' ' It* Vi I *-?fin - s ROOMS ; MARKET ST. ; FINE CiOl'U. place. WHITE. 70S Market st. It* < Ifi( I rt U RANDBARGAIN:S UNNY CORNER („ n. U(^. bouse 30 rooms, ur. Kearny and Cal- ifornia; all steady gentleman roomers; clears $100 per month. Apuly W. V. iieai.y, iooi Market, it* SftevT'i LODGING-HOUSE OF 25 ROOMS: ALL sl " I "• on first floor; near city front; cheap at $800. lIEALV, 1004 Market St. It' fftftflfl CHEAPEST, BEBT-PATINOHOIIBI IN <STOU\F. city: cheap rent; 27 rooms and store; account other business. Apply MS Howard. sal 'Jt* *J(i(in A Vl:itY NICE SUNNY HOUSE; 10 Xi VJy'\'. rooms: on McAllister •treet- cheap as owner must leave City. FRANK COLLINS ,v CO., 93iUMarket^t. «, jjj 7t '>(• ROOM LODOINO-HOUSE; ON MARKET ST.; U good, plain turn it ure: clearing »100 a month: price $1300. J. W. DONNELLY a CO., 777 Market street. _^^ scJl 21 ui-X.'sn LODGING-HOUSE; 9 ROOMS, BATH. v \u25a0'•'". 331 Jessie St., ne;ir Market. se2l 31* HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS; NEW FURNITURE; account sickness. 4:i7Eddyst. se2l 7l* HARGAIN - FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 I BOOHS; all rented. Apply 1to 5 p. M.. 653 Howard.3l 6* Q()r:f\ HOUSE 38 ROOMS, CLEARING $80 \u25a0 O\J. over expenses: In good order; very best location; rent 8100; must he sold on account of go- ing last. Applj Call Branch Office. se'Jl 2t* L'ci;; BALE, THE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM r house on Post St. ; cheap rent. Apply 89 Ninth street. so2l 7; . LODGING-HOUSE-, 8 ROOMS: $200; MUST BE 1; Bold Immediately. 113 Third st. se2o 3t» 1 I BN'ISHKI) lIOUSKOF 10 ROOMS FOR SALE. r a ply 817 Mission it. sel7 "t* sl iii LiiDGIN(i-HOL'SE. 10 ROOMS, BATH; QOv". newly furnished. Call Branch. ~t» Q7AII 15 SUNNY ROOMS; GOOD LOCATION. y I Ul'. ApplyCall Uraucb Office. a 16 7t* I?ORNISHIiD LODGING-HOI iN OAKLAND; -L do rooms; close to railroad depots and Postofllce; thorough investigation allowed. Address J.. P. O. Boi 1-7, "a::l:um. Jy2s tt 1 Qft lB-ROOM HOUSE, ALL RENTED: X_O\J modern conveniences: very cheap. J>l7 tr A WEEK'S N EWS FOB 5 CENTS^THIi wiiEK"L7 Call, in wratH.or. ready for mailing. fii:mt: km: SALE. Or HAIGHT— UPPFnTTL^T^TF^rRoToisTT) —\J let, aud un tern furniture for sale. s«2l 3t* \u0084 CRNITURK—4 ROOMS CHEAP: FOR HOUSE- < kci lug; front room pays half of rent. 5.'i7 ! .. Natoma st. se2l 3t* DON'i FAIL TO VISIT THE STANDARD niruro Company, 1045 Market st., before fur- nishing your house or your rooms. selil tf V 1 I'HAMr.EITVI-.'l OF 7 PIECES. 415 CASH, 1> or lnaiallllielit. WILLEYBROS. 931 Mission, tf i -I't'N 1 I.V BUYERS WISHINH SECOND-HAND V -' furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call «; ROSEN 1 HAL'S, 1 Fourth st. :Batisfactloa guaran- teed or money refunded; goods shipped free. iilir.' f\ 1.1. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES; lON IN. - V Btallments, wlthont Interest, you cau furnish your home as cheap i- lor cash elsewhere at HEN- j.V'.-s large lurmturd ami carpet warLlooius, IS t3 i.'4 Kills SU 24 tf \ GOOD CUANCE—YOUR lIOI'SE FURNISHED -'* complete with tnrnlture, carpets, stoves, cur- i.e. blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices, on easy Installments; small deposit. M. FRIED- MAN & CO.'S, largest Installment house on taa coast. 228 and 230 Stockton at., cor. Post; open * vt-nlugs: prompt attention paid to country orders STEULINii FIRnTtI:RE CO.—CARPETS '.:i 0 funiiturd. jUJ» and lOil Market »i., i:useutiiai . I'klKin.g. au7 tt I 11 Ml' GOODS Ml. DOWN TO BED-ROCK .. » prices; parlor spit $2. : >. ranges $6, new cham- ber M'ts complete $15: reductions all round: cash>>r llislaliiuents. T H. M.I. I . 136 Fourth st :<U if CAKPETS. Pr ! assortment PLO 'i: OILCLOI H- I I 25c per yard ni-t rece.veil: Brussels carpets, elegant patterns, at 60c per yard lewe I and laid. S. W. Ml I i.i K. 1234 Stockton St., di Broadway. 12 tt /'ALP! rS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS, Cso A YARD; V Installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M. PRIEDMAN & CO.. 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. I'.-it- /\u25a0'LOSING IP ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED, V'laid.tSOc; 2-ply,2sc:oil-clotb,l2>'jc:ciirtaln-poles^ matting. loe. MiWM*< l:l:ov. llTMimt. PIANO9. VIOLIN'S AMI SIIKKT Mi SIC. I^IRST-CLASS ITPRI 111. very cheap for I cash. 344 McAllister it. It* JAMES XXI.I SOLE AGICNT FOB THE UN- equaled Schubert Pianos or New York; 410 Mc- AlllslL-r st. Store open evenings. se2l 7t* C; .1- I 1 ONLY NEARLY NE W UPKIUHT «3r * " piano: splendid tone: a bargain. J. O. ROUN'TKLK, J. Pine st., Boon I1 and 2. se2o 7,' •J STEI « CHICKEP.ING AND HAZLETON 0 Bros. *s pianos cheap for cash or easy payments; pianos for rent. 3257 Mission, near Nineteenth.' 17 7 ill," GOOD ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR SALE: \u25a0_ I I"' $5 mat i liuents. 213 Powell st. sel7 7t IMMENSE STOCK 01 PIANOS, NEW AND 1 secuud-lianil. tff prominent makers. Anttsell, Odd Fellows iiall. Seventh and Market sta. sell tt >-; 1 '>\ UPRIGHT PIANO: WALNUT CASE: A •„" I _•). bargain. 91 7 Mission st. 15 tt I BANDDISPLAY OF OICAND AND UPRIGHT VJ piano-, comprising Chkkcrlug \u25a0> Sons, Conover Bros., Colby and opera pianos: Wilcox & White organs. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 7.3 Market st.. History Building, second noor. .se7 if I >EST PLACE ON THE COAST To BUY A PIANO I> or an organ: pianos from «100; organs from $50: leading makes, finest stock, i. W. SPENCER & CO., 723 Market -:.. second ::-or. my 27 tf YEW HAL1.1.1 r A DAVIS I PR] .11 C; LESS i> than cost. ANTISELL, 7th and Market, sea tf UAI.LET 4 DAVIS AND KI.MIIAI.L PIANOAND Organ Agency, W. a BADUEH. 725 Market st.t: DABX3AINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT Ii KOHLEK A CIIASi-.'S, in;] Market St. au2ltf ECKEK BROS.' M ATCIIL I. S s PIANOS. KoIILERa CHASE, 1041 Market St. au2l tf EM.MEi LONG PIANOS: WAREROOMS 109 O'Farreli st., above Stockton; sold on Install- ments: send for 111u [rated catalogue and terms,seltf L' L. NKI MANN IMAMS; A NEW ' SHIPMENT r . just arrived. h2 Ninth \u25a0;. _^ au2B_tf_ m, - PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER; NEW •J* I I . pianos on easy Installments ;pianos tuned and repaired. FAY.1729 Mission st. aaB7 6111 JUST RECEIVED, 10 GOOD SECOND-HAND pianos: terms low. STATIIAM, 1322 Mart 2tf I)YKON MAI /.\. AGENT SOIIMER, HALLETCit Jj Cpuistou. Newby A Evans. 3<)ft Post. uiy22tt ECKER V SON'S PIANOS. MUSICAL INSTRU- meiits, and full stock of 10c sheet-music. ZENO MAI i 118 M ' BIC CO.. 769 Market st. jyll tt OK STEIN WAY. KKAMI'H * BACH. ROB- JT nisch. Oabler pianos. M. GRAY CO., 20«Post.!»tt i,AND INSTRUMENTS. PACKARD ORGANS, I.' -beet music. -M. UKAV CO., 20ol'ost st. 25 tt _ TECK. lIAKDMAN. V'OSE AND STERLING pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BENJ. CURTA2 I SON, sole agents. 20 o'Farreli st. au7 .'._ \u25a0rill. BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKET 1 sole agents tor the Miller.Be inlng. BtulU4 and Kurumauu pianos and first class organs. Tel 4 ct SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND STJBSCBIF- tious taken at Call Branch oflices, uO3 Larkln st 889 Hayes -- and 2518 Mission at.; open till 9:30 f. M. l>*«tf HOUSES. t-ci|; BALE VOCNG 5Si i : CHEAP: CART, harness, whole rig ;or separate. Butcher shop, corner Twenty-fourth and Folsoni. se22 »t* L'OK SALE-FAMILY HORSE AND BUGGY; r child can drive it: buggy nearly new; price $150. Addres».J. C. Box 100. Call Branch. It* roi! SALE—CAR-LOAD FINE YOUNG HORSES I and mares: some well-matched t<;.:ms. Can be seen at McKENNA'S stable, Mission St., between Eleventh and Twelfth. se2l 4t» FOR WANT OK USE 6-YEAR-OLD KJ work horse. »15 SbOtwell st. seal 3t« HOUSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR -Ml . 120 Nineteenth st. \u25a0 -1 3t* .1- HEAD OF HORSES, FROM 1000 TO 1450 _.) lbs., suitable lor all kinds of work, 22 Potter at, near Twelfth and Market sts. Be2o '.t 1, INE BUSINESS HORSE; ALSO A STYLISH I saddle pony; must be sold. 2640 Howard. tl FXLINO OUT—I 4 BEAD OK HORSES AM) i i several buggies on account of removing to the country. l-i'.. Howard U. se!7 141 \u25a0rv.ii V.ELL-MATCHEDPONIES, CHEAP. 5 AND I 6 years old: gentle withbuggy and harness. Can be seen by calling, 1206 Stockton. -.ei.'i:i:' It." OBK-HORSES TO HIRE, $15 PER MONTH; •' bones, 1050 to 1100 pmuds, for sale; $511 to $80 apiece. 228 Valencia St. . se!2 tf U-E WILLTRADE LARGE FARM HORSES AND mares for hay. 623 Howard st. au2B tf /CENTRAL PARK HORSE MARKET;SELL OK I ' pun-has* bores. WOODS ,'..-: ICK. au.litf WAGONS AM» CAKKIAGEB. 2 SECOND-HAND KXPEBSS WAGONS AT 21 J. lienlest. A. W. SANIIOIiM-: ]V2IItt SEWING M iIINKS. fa"1.1. KINDS til SKWIM. MACfiINKa in RENT; A $2 per month. 1308 Market st. selS 14t SEWING J" MACHINES POR BALK AND KB- paired. W. 11. IIIG(ilNS, 628 Hayes St. inrltt ij,,,-; NEW VOKK (Til HELPMATE; BRAND <!*">; latest; best f,.r $:'.5; allkinds repaired; rented ciiean. .1. I- HICKS. «67 Mission, 101 l It ToB SAI.K-MIS< i:i I. '.M.OI >. D~ UCK-HON i BBS-FINB QUALITY 10-BORE ,„,? now.atlalf price. HICKS, 667 Mission, near Third. st '-- 21 ' . I -OR SALE CIIEAP-THOROUOHHRED MALE I* Better pup: 5 months old. Inquire 115 Valencia street. _____•_ Jo?—-± I,'Olt EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES: A (lIKAP r Washington hand-press: business proposition for an amateur printer. Aduress Printer, 103 Main st., upstairs, city. seal 3l UPHOLSTERY SHOP FOR SALE: OLD STAND; low rent. 152 Eddy St. »»8i 2t» lj-'OK SALE-EXTRA COW. SECOND CALF", -T fresh 12ih, milk very rich, a child can milk her; can be seen Monday, 22d. Inquire of WHEELER MARTIN, 2536 Market St. se2o 3t* I/OR SALE CUKAP— 2-STORY FRAME BUILD- I L0g, 75x75; suitable for factory; can remain or lie removed. Apply Monday. 9 to 10, Milk Depot, Third and Mis-lonst*. ae2o 3t» \ T KW JOB-PRINTINU OUTFIT; COST $175; 1\ will sell for $S5. Address i'rlntlng. Box 31, this office. se!9 7t* VTEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE 1> cheap. 42 Main st. mr3o tf SAFE, SCALE. LETTKE-FKESS, STORE-TRUCK and money-till, cheap. 102 Clay Bt. au2B tf HEPARDB FOOT AND POWER LATII Ei" UICKs,. agent. 667 Mission at. _ ae27U _ SKCONDHAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, ahaftlus, pulleys, belting, water pipes etc. - Mo- -INTOSH i WOLPiIAN, 137 lJealß at. do 4 tl ii.'in 1 miiwimiiw»i,ii iiiit 1WFiiiai^«ffl'rrTrv'f*"-rf-?'rnri _^ BUSINESS CHANCES. W('(i|in BOTBL POR SALE; ONE OF THE •l/UV.most desirable corner locations In the. city; containing 62 bed-rooms, dining-room and klti hen; bar is Handsomely fittedup with best class of liquors, . .etc.; receipts of bar $20 per day- this is .i first-class mechanics' house, and newly fur-' ulshctl; satisfactory reasons given forscuins: ad- lily W. F. Hi:\l,Y. 10J4 Market St., opp. Fifth, it* CAI.OHN FOB SALE-VICISITYOF BALDWIN 0 Hotel: lor ij active, enterprise men this place Is °. s "rrJ7i ?.""J : re !< >" "B e offer ref ased. Apply -At. t. Ilfc.AL\. JOO4 Market st. it» SSfiflO '"'\u25a0'-'' ' : '\u25a0'-\u25a0•' ANDBAR; VICIn"- -• VyU. Ityol Mall Dock; doing large bar trade: 4 llvlni rooms; full value. UEALY. ,IOO4* T.-i:l lIAND PRODUCE STORE: Al CORNER- J nestern Addition; 2 horses, wagon etc busi- ness of $30 per day; come prepared, as first cash tiler takes it. Hi: a I.V. 1001 Market st. It* <"l"lO BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY AND VA- IWU. rlety Store; business of per day ono month's trial If llred 111. . un,;* TfOP. S.ALIi-UROCEKY AND BAB, WITH FINE ,MnV." c au.l trade; inuft sell; owner leaving city. t>l3 Post st. ___J se23 3t* (MU Al;. 1 AM V AND FRUIT STORE ON PBOM- \J Inent corner, clearing over $120 a month: Rood reason lor selling. Northeast corner Howard and loth stg. se22 St* V*'" SALE—AT LESS THAN COST. CIO AK.TO- \u25a0I- baccoaud notion store: low rent. 319 Third. 22 3 lADY PARTNER WANTED. ADDRESS, AP- J "luting Interview, (i. T., Hoi 17. till* of- -s££; sc22 St* 4i? % ->^(l RESTAURANT— GREAT SACRIFICE •'•' '. to-day. McLAPUHLIN. 26 Kearuy. It* ><IK SALK CHEAP- PINE paying kestau- rant: sickness cause; no reasonable oiler re- fnged, 2801 Folsom St., cor. Twenty-fourth. se22 5* pooTIiLACK-STAND AND LAUNDRY OFFICE; -1 ' party going East. 308 Bush st. se22 7t* ( ' IRPI II !. JOBBING-SHOP i HEAP; GOOD \> locality. Apply 270 Stevenson st. / se22 3t* ©'./Oft SALOON WITH 6 ROOMS; RENT $30 C-v". 1',;!.. > ithst.: rooms rented. se22tr LINEGROCERY AND BAB FOB SALE. -AP- -1 ply Call Branch Oftice. se'22 3t» •" : H I II SINESS FLACKS FOR SALE. o»'V» Country hotel, 60 rooms $6,500 tulfff-saloons \u25a0 from $250 to 700 candy-stores from 200 to 1.5U0 Cigar-stores from 100 to 1,000 Drug -tores from 1,500 t05,i)»0 Saloons from 300 to 2.500 Mallouery-stores from 301) to l.ouo Or.irery-storcs from 450 to l.b'uo Apply to H. c. DECKER. 860 Market St. av22 7t mo SELL OUT It'll; BUSINESS PROMPTLY 1 for cash, co to 1. I). BARNARD, 1148 Market st., bet. Mason anil Taylor; established 18,-.:'. it* Corn RESTAURANT. 5 ROOMS: A BAB- .. .),)V». gaiu. ,l. S. VAN WINKLE ,v CO., 783 Va ilarkcL It* i< ! *)lU\ I IRST-CLASS QKOCI AND BAR. > i —""• M, LAUU ULIN , JJ£ Kea rni .-:. It* \fILK RANCH AND BOUTS; SOOD PAVING -*** business; an honest bargain; steady man; clears »150 luuutiiiy. Mclaughlin. 26 Kearny st. It* v.,; «, i / 1 SALOON NEAR THE MAIL DOCKS, COUU. M. 1..M i, 111. 1N A CO., '-\u25a0\u25a0 Kearuy St. It* O 1 •>f)<) COSIEST FIRST-CLASS SALOON IN liiUH.fin; very central location. Apply M liiu.iN a ca, 26 Kearuy st. It* ' C; v l W 1 SALOON AN I) BOARDING-HOUSE: »_ P»». splendid location; great bargain on ac- count of sickness. McLAtGHLI X. 26 Kearny st. 1* V Iliil DRESSMAKING BUSINESS: OWNER IUU.niust leave. HcLACUHLIN. 26 Kearny street. . seli> 3t* <8 1 Hfl RESTAURANT: BARGAIN THIS SAT till 1 \l\J. B. WHITE. 765 Markets!. if V|-" PARTNER IN GOOD SALOON: FINE '. I*<>. Chance. WHITE. 765 Market. It* V j Ii CORNER CIGAR-STORE: SPLENDID •- -' "•\u25a0 lnvestiuent. V. 111 l , . 765 Manet. lt» < 1 .";A BRANCH BAKERY ANDCANDY; FINE CltlU. i !.i. \u25a0\u25a0. WHITE. 763 Market. lt» QllOfl CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; A QWV. sacrifice. WHITE. 765 Market, l: \u25a0 <JX|W» SALOON, NEAR MARKET; BARGAIN' C""''' WHITE. 765 Marhet st, It* QJ \r. A ONE OF THE Bl ST PAYING CIGAB- jT'^v-vi/. stores in Oakland; near the depot; i:-- \u25a0\u25a0! corner; doing a rushing business; is actually worth doul'ie the ainoi'.m asked; the best of reasons! for selling; the best opportunity ever offered. Apply to It. WHITE. 765 Market St. It 17 7t« "iM'^fl PARTNER WANTED AT ONCE IN »_«J«J<'. Mr-i-i is. i : e-saloon and restaurant: owner is first-lass coos:; wants good man for din lng-rt^>m and cash counter; splendid i ice, band- sumely fitted up and doing large trade; it ri?ht in business center of city, is popular and crowded all the time; no better bargain; is well worth *550; must sell: needs help; don't miss this. GEO. STEW- ART, 135 Kearny st. It Q I ()f\l\ PARTNER WANTED; LIVERYAND »_ !'"'\u25a0'. boarding (table; one of the molt ele- gant north of Market St.: hastllenni stot-k :-\u25a0\u25a0-. carriages, buggies, roikawavs, etc., to be found in the $1 iti , with large run boarders at htgnest prices; stable has all latest modern Improve its and con- veniences for large business; clears $250 per month aud Increasing rapidly; owner young working roan with large practical experience in the business; woiil.ilike to meet an energetic, industrious, sober Dan to assist In general business, keep the books, look after help, etc., and to Boeh will be given .ibai- gin never met with in this city before. i,li*. sTrWAlir, 135 Kearny st. It O> Q A ELEGANT CANDY-STORE; SPLENDID <_ Oi)U. place to a. 1.1 branch baker] ; first, lass location; cheap rent with 3 nice rooms and yard : lias cbcncestocK »nd fine-paying trade: must be sold at once; rir-t \u25a0 Her gets it; never sucu a bar al . GKO. SI ART. 135 Kearny st. It »'jrn GROCERY: A BARGAIN; 4 ROOMS. ij>)OV.J.S. VAN WINKLE A CO., 783V4 -Mar- ket st. it* Q [•)'-< SALOON"; A BARGAIN". J. S. VAN O »—<->. winkle * CO., 7S3i :_. Market. li* t--;i|fl "RESTAURANT: A BARGAIN". J. S. C— >'". VANWINKLE CO.. 7>,ii_, Mark't, It* <4t ) i'mii HOTEL— Hi: LEASE AND l:M- -•W^*_! Uvl« turoof a good-paying kotel. In Santa t rnz Count*" i COLLINS .V CO., 930 Market struct. X se2l 7t I ;'.Mil PLAYSMIRROR G6148 IN.. LARGE X oil painting, lot liquors. C. F. MOORE, 5:18 Kcan.y. seal .'t* Q1 -f\ FRUIT-STORE AND BRANCH BAK-: O I ')\f . cry, with horse and wagon; must be sold luok at this. 1434 Howard. sc'-'l :<\u25a0» 0 --A CI'iAU-STOUE. WITH ROOM 17- -t^ *)fi\J. tabbed, especially adapted for manu- : :ri;ig purposes. Inquire at store, 152 Second street. se2l3t* .- OFFEE SALOON FOR SALE. ENQUIRE CALL \ Branch Office. seitl 2t* ECUND-HAND FURNITURE BUSI HESS: 0 cheap; sickness cause of selling. 1070 Howard street. ee2l 3t* V" I ST-CLASS OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSI ; J dears $250 over expenses per month. 121 Fifth struct. se'2l 7t» C- -" A EXPRESS BUSINESS; CLEARING $130 •/\u25a0'''• per month; - good horses and wagon; wurkaU the year round: has hauling for 3 whole- sale bouses; selling on account of other business. Apply at Stable, cor. Fourth said Brannan. seal at* S~ TEAM LAUNDRY FOR SALE. APPLY 345 Seventeenth bu »c2l 8t» /"•ROCEKY AND BAB CHEAP; NEW STOCK; <J good location. 335 Sixth st. ae'2l at* ]7>OK SALE, SALOON WITH ROOMS: GOOD X bargain for man and wife: does a good business. Applyat noon to G. SCHAEFER, Jackson Brewery, JSlis-sion St., betweci Eleventh and Twellth.se2o 3t* Q I -fin PI B SALE, MARKET AND PORK \u25a0* l-'v"'. racking; all cash business; averaging a^O per day: net -am $15* month. Address H. N., Hoi 112, Call inch Office. se 20 St* I 1 1AA BAKERY. BAKINU iV, BARRELS <j I ''I', of flour per day; horses and wagon. Inquire CallBrancn Office. »-\u25a0_'\u25a0 7t» PRESS BUSINESS FOR BALE: FINEDOU- I-» bie team aud good stand. Inquire at this of- ;i c. c le^io .iud eoud stand. In'iuiri; at this of- ( igt» , OKNER GROCERY AND BAB; 1 LIVING KJ rooms; good stand. 180 pley si - .'" 3t* t/-OOD BARGAIN": GROCERY ANDBAB; LONG ' » lias-. Apply Call Branch Ollice. se2o 3t* 11- ANTED-UOOD PAYING COFFEE SALOON »> In center of city, from $1500 to $2000. Ad Cress B. U. Y-. Box IC3, Call Branch Onice. 20 SI C'V'Afi PALOON FOR SALE: « LARGE ,>iUlf. rooms. 91 Howard st. se2o ,it» L-Ai.OON: •-• LIVING !. "MS: GOOD FIXTURES: v'to be sold account departure cheap. Apply 328 Fourth St. SC2O 71* 01 1l\(\ AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FRUIT AND ft-1 vegetable business In a thicklynettled location near Mission St.: average dally receipts guaranteed $100 and over; 2 weeks' trial allowed to any bona fide purchaser; this Is without excep- tion the best paying business: ever offered In this city: good reasons for selling. Call soon on W. B. M \RSHUT7. A CO.. 630 Market St.. rear office. 16 7t 021 AAA SALOON, POTRERO, INCLUDING J~;i_UUU. building(ground leased at $12 50 per i th), good stock, tixtuK-s and furniture: Doe \u25a0 place and good business. ApplyCall Branch Office. Must sell. ; sel9 7t» I,'ARGAIN OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER 1> grocery; good living rooms; reLt cheap; must sell ibis week; obliged to leave city; no age its. Ad- dress L. H., Hoi Mm, Call Branch office. ael6 7t* .>-n GROCERY AND BAR, FINE STOCK i^ZDV. and fixtures; bargain. 6C F;verett.al9 HOP-HOUSi:, SUITABLE FOR MAN AND wire; good living room: rent $25; good chance: selling heap. 1 1 19 Market st. si»l9 4t« . .)- /| BUTCHER BUSINESS] CLEARING ®^iUU. $125 monthly: horse and wagon In- cluded. Address Biz, Box 161. Call Branch. 19 4* -OR SALK— FIRST-CLASS FAMILY LlO.UOR- store on Fourth st. For particulars apply to 13 Irunt st. se!B 7t* I>ESTAURANT; ONLY ONE OS CABLE LINE: cheap. ApplyCall Branch Office. s-JKi6t'_ /-IOOD 2-HORSE TEAM EXPRESS BUSINESS; VJT cheap. Apply NF^ cuf. Fifth and Brannamel7 tl /-IOOD PAYING DRESSMAKING BUSINESS; " J excellent locality. Address Business. Box 162, Call Branch ofllee. ae!B 7l^ .-•_/•» i FRANCISCO ST. $600 RESTAURANT; 00 I good location; clears $125 per mouth; sold on account of sickness. se!7 7t* JOB SALE IN OAKLAND— A TAIL"!: SHOT J? doing Rood business. . 421 Seventh St., near i'.r.»adway. ael i 7t» T>ARTJ«ER WANTED IN A THRIVING CASH J saloon business. Address A. 11., P. O. "ox 155, Valiejo. Cal. se!7 15t* •JJOTFIL BUSINESS IN CITY FOR SALE: 5 XI years' lease. Apply this onir.e. se!7 7t* tCQilli BARGAIN; FINE CANDY AND VA- «J7O'"'. rlety store. 1220 Mason «t. ae!7 6t» "si I 1,11 FIRST-CLASS BAKERY AND CON- -0 1 •''"". fettionery for sale; on one ol the principal streets In the city: lias a first-class outside < torn ana More custom. Apply at the Call Branch onice. 710 Market St. se!6 7t* ' /"11GAR-STOI1E; ROOM Foil MANUFACTORY; \J also 4 rooms. 526 Fourth st. sel6 7t* I/OK SALE, TOCLOSEEBTATEOP ADECEASED J' partner, a one-third Interest In an ol'l-cßtab- li-ti. il and prosperous brewing business inthis city; the Interest offered embraces plant, cooperage, fiorses, wagons, all equipments; negotiations with clpall only. Address X.. Box S. this ofnce.l4 10* /iIIFAP SALOON": CHEAP KENT; MUST BE VJ sold at once. Apply317 Paclf.e at. seie 7t» 1/IRST-CLASS HOTELOF 69 ROOMS FOR BALE. i Applythis office. t sell 14t* KARGAIN-FOR SALK CHEAP: CORNER SA- J> loon: centrally located; rent very reasonable. For particulars apply to A. McLEOD & CO.. NW. cor. First ana Mission sts. tcßlt «: 1-M11 1 NEWSPAPER ROUTES FOR SALE: «S>JLt)UU. morning and evening papers; pays »80 per month, and business can be Increased by a reliable man; splendid opportunity. Apply this unice. I "u:n tf \u25a0v STOKAt.I . IJACIFIO STORAGE CO.. 801 STOCKTON ST.; A furniture and merchandise; advance* tt !^DBNITUIiK~STOKKD - STEKLINO FOKSI X luio Co., 10J9. 1041 Market. lio»»nthai Bid? 7 tf

Transcript of Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ...€¦ · THE MORNING GALL. SAN...

Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ...€¦ · THE MORNING GALL. SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1800-EIGHT TAGKS. 5 LOST. '. POCKET-BOOK CONTAININ(r~KEV?~iriTEAsT


LOST.' .

POCKET-BOOK CONTAININ(r~KEV?~iriTEAsTX pin, small sum money] reward. 1434 GoldenGate aye.

--. - -\u25a0 : \u25a0 . It*

•ffljCRK\VAKI>—LOST, \u25a0 ON SUNDAY. SEPTiipO 21<t. a'small. lightcolored Italian greyhoundwithta-.'of 1-is:i and 1899 oncollar. The an >ye re-ward willbe paid by returning to W. K. BPRODL,50«Va Fulton St. IBM2t»TOST


XI with white breast, lloliirn to 425 .Ellis st. ii'iilreceive reward. . .»e2-' 3t*T OST—SEPT. 10; GORDON SETTER DOG; AN-JJ swers to name or Iloy. Keturn to A. VALENCIA.Sixteenth St., bet. Guerrero aud Dolores, and getreward. •

se2l at*

DIAMOM) KING; NAMES INSIDE: LI1...:AI.reward. St., near FlMmore. se-:l .if

T OST-SfcPT. IS; WHITE SPITZ DOG. RE-J-* turn 10 534 Jesse St., near .Sixth, and rece.vo\u25a030 reward. se'Jl at*

lOST-SMALL BLACK AND TAN MALE DO!Jwith dog license 1913: answers to the name of

Prince. Return to 512 Bush St., an.lreceiv. liberalreward. se'Jl 3t*

LOST—IN SAN FRANCISCO, SKPTEM 20.-J gold watch. No. 237.949, with foil attached.

Finder willreceive suitable reward for ri'tnrnlui:same t0529 Eighth at., Oakland. s«2l_t

l)liiIRISH SETTER ON N.P. C. R. If.,NEARItBlack Point. Sunday: tail cut: has white and \u25a0•law; answers name of Sport. Any Inform willhe thankfully received by l-:i>. CONVEY, 11.;.iGreen st. se2o it"

OSI-A PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBKI'.NIA-ISavings and Loan Society of San Francisco, m

the name or ROGER POWER, Number 171,1923,The finder willplease return tobank. se'JO .">t*

OST—THURSDAY KVK.SMALL TAN FEMALEJ OST—THURSDAY EVK.SMALLTAN HvS.ll.KJ do?, c rs trimmed: Isblind; answers the name of

Clio, Return t0832 Valencia St.; receive liberal re-ward, se'io :it*

iOST—A PASSBOOK WITH Tin: lIIIIEIIMAJU Savings and Loan Society of Ban Frauelsiro. Inthe name of MICHAKLMCLAUGHLINor MAUYMcLAIGHLIN,No. 138,640. The tinder will ple:,sereturnto BanJL selS st»

LOST— $15 BY NOT PURCHASING A MER-chant tailor-made business suit for$15, made hy

a leadiu^ merchant tailor lor $30. ORIGINALMisni CLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post andDupont sts. |_rpHE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK, 5311Kearuy si., lends money at 2 per cent per nxotil 1on watchi'S, diamonds and jewelry. ]yls liiu

FOUND.TT'OUND—BROWN HUNTING DM. WITHX white breast; had collar on; can be had by prov-ing property aud paying expenses. Apply at gro-cery-store, cor. Twenty-fourth and Harrison". 21 ;\u25a0:\u25a0


JVsTITFKVED-DIfr^SSMAKIN'Ci PARLOHS B1tfnrst-class dressmaker from the Bast. MissHELEN M. RECK. 139 Taylor St. sol»7t

MISS AGNES KELTEK, REMOVED \u25a0 O x:,7 MHS-sion St.. near Filth;stylish suits from -\u25a0«.! 50 11;':

cutting and Bitingaspecialty; 75c: perfect nt.an7tr

VIME. FLESHER'S SCHOOL OF UUKSt-CIII--I*lting and areas-making, 208 Powell St.- lamusing your system withentire satisfaction itis theDuly system by which you can cut a dress to fit per-fectly. Mlts.M.A. BROWN. au3l 6mo* TTENTION, LADIES1 si lIS MAM.: M\;,-V Ish draping; perfect tit; work flnlsUed ou time.1028 ;1Twenty-second St., v•_>block above Valem 1 1

best city references. sel:i 151*TYLISIIDRESS-MAKING AT REASON AHLii

|J prices. 44 Hartford, nr. 19th and Castro. s.'7 ti

DRESS-CUTTING TAUGHT THOROUGHLY 1:•1;aiitli-n'icKri-nch t 'ilor si stem, 'ill)l'n«t. Ifi5 tf 11



sunscrii'tlons received at the Oakland BranchOmce of 111K Miihnis'i Call, SS7 Broadway, 11miSeventh St. Olllcu hours 'J F. it.

Ol(\(\ WILLBUY A LOTIN THE BROADWAY.7 lUU villa Tract; only $.'5 east and «10 permonth; this tract fronts on Broadway and thirdart-. :Broadway being 100 feet wide, is the mliibusiness street of Oakland: onlya few lots at iiprice, SHe owner, R. B. iinn;;y, liiNinth st..Oakland; omce open until 7o'clock each Light. 't:

iL('(i(\(\FINEMODERN HOUSE OF' HROOMSdTDUUU.bath, laundry, full basement, etc.:Stone walks, tine lawn; lot 60x150; San ,lo:0 avc-.;no reas-'iKiblo oiler refused. CIIAS. E. LLOYD, laMontgomery st. se2l Xt_i;|i||| FOR LOTS IN THE BROADWAT

L\'\J Villa Tract; only a few at this lee;terms $25 cash, balance 910 per month; secure onenow, as they are worth Jouble the price as;.- :theBroadway VillaTract fronts on Broadway, thl onlyboulevard which is 100 feet wide leading into 11,

center of the city of Oakland, belli)? the main busi-ness street. See owner. 11. 11. PINNEV,484 MmiiSt., Oakland, near Broadway; office open until' 7o'clock each night. se2l tf


ATTRACTIVEhome centrally located: modern cottage of i

large rooms and bath: handsomely decorated; plateami cathedral glajs front: large closets: cementbasement: complete sanitary drainage: lot 80x100:centrally located and near caMe and horse carlines, reaching all parts of the city: convenient t.station of ferry railroad: very low price for 30(lays; easy terms 11 desired. Applyto E. A. HERON,IOiOBroadway, P. O. Box 232, Oakland. se'Jl 7t


/•HEAP LOTS—WE WILL OFFER IOR THEV next 30 days 50 choice lots fronting 011 Seminaryaye., only 3 blocks from Seminary station, ... theremarkably low figures of $100 to $500, with pay-ments of $'20 down, balance at $10 pir month:Seminary aye. Isnow sewered and the electric road1block from the property. For further particular*apply to JEKKKESS ,v WHITE, Twenty-tinrd-ave. .Station, hast Oakland. se!7 linn

IMEDMONT CABLE RAILROAD-LOIS FBOM$15 per foot upwards, fronting ou the cable;

lots from $10 per foot upwards within 1 blocs ofthe cable road; easy terms; this is the plnce tomake a quick profit with a small outlay. W. K.BABNARD A- SON. 483 Ninth St. >i-':l tf

2 BEAUTIFULLOTS. BACH 40 lEM FKO.Vron San l'abloave., only 1block from station and

35 minutes fromcity on Berkeley local; these lotawill be worth $3000 within one year; do not fail tosee them at once; price $1400; terms easy. A. 11.BREED & CO., sole agents, -'8 Montgomery stS.F. se!3 101

©1O- PER LOT—s2s CASH AND $10 PERCl-"month will buya choice lot In beautifulFruitvale, surrounded by the most elegant homes inOakland: no such bargains ever offered In Oakland;Ifyou want one of these see the owner at once atTwenty-third aye. Statiun East Oakland: local,

trains take you to the office. I.S.SHERMAN. 11lm

£.Q-.".%~L0TS 40x136. NEAR DWIOHT WAY:»T«J_t). 1block electric lights and electric railroad.

$200—Lots at Golden Gate: come quick. SALS-BURY & FITZGERALD, 475 Ninth St., Oak-land. si'9tf

VOR SALE AT A GKEAT SACRIFICE— LOIS1near line of the new Piedmont cable-cars; priceonly $300 each: also 2 beautiful lots In1rui'.vionly $125 each; these lots are worth double thisprice, but Imust have money; see owner. T. T.TKLSLER.464 Ninth st. s •! 1 mQtljUifkWILL PURCHASE 480 ACRES OiO_vniW fine land, well timbered with sugarpine; has abundance of water and is a spleaul Irange for cattle: about 40 acres cleared, with or-chard and vineyard; a rare bargain; terms easy;titleperfect. For further particulars apply totttaproprietor. Nevada stables, cor.Eighth and Harri-sou sts., Qaklan'l. »o!»tf

« RUSTIC COTTAGES ILT$200 A «>>OM. \l.J\ ,1. BRADFORD, 11l Hannah St.. oaklainL]y-'7 tf


tate tor sale or exchange; ottlce, Nos. 460 a-i I462 Eighth st., Oakland, Cat. ; bend for UliMtra'.r)1

irlie-list- ;e2-l tt

«IAJiI.AM> m».\l:l)IN« AND BOOMS.ANICIIRE—FINGER-NAILS BEAI 111 li1056 Market st., Oakland, byan artist, an:il tf

"j/LKGANTROOMS, SINGLE OU EN SUITE, At11' the Albany, Fifteenth and Broadway. Oaklaid:one block from the narrow-gauge depot: table lsaosurpassed; elevator and artesian water: Urat-clauIn every way, G. A. MaUEKHAN. Propr ctor. 11 :>in


*JT«iir- HW'!«"oTTrW)>I» AND BATH;C*—l«.)''• lot 30:6x132; 1 block from businesscenter- terms $7.">0 down, baiauce $25 per month.Apply to JOSEPB A. Leonard, Park st.. Ala-meda. or 630 Market St., S. F. (28&) sell trC. 1 OAA HOUSE 4 ROuMS; LOT tOxIUD,JJ>J-UU. $1600— llojso 4 rooms: lot 50x121.

$4000— Cottage of t> rooms: modem; lot50x150.$5500— Beautiful cottage 6 rooms; furßiabed;

part cash.$5800— Splendid cottage 7 rooms; extra location:

part cash.Fine property InLos Angeles forexrbangeor».iie.

Applyto THOMASA.SMITH*CO.,Part lit. Al-ameda; take broad-gauge ferry. m- if

/ HEAPI AND BEST LOT INALAMEDA FORV.the money. Apply to F. SMITH, 310 Ha .goincry st. se'JO lit*

CSOI (lh COTTAGE; .4 LAUGE ROOMS; MOO-•J^— i''V.em Improvements: good 10.-.m m; lo:41'xlllO: $300 cash, baiauce $20 per month.

$22U0— Cottage; 6 rooms; One locution; lot 50:150: $KOO cash, balance easy terms.

$4000— Cottage: H rooms: all modern Improve-ments; nice location; lot 50x150; one-third cash.

$4000— Cottage: 5 rooms (new): all the latest Im-provements: macadamlaad street: sewer: stun-.;

walks: lot 50x143; finest view In Alaineda; one-half cash.

We are now prepared and are building first-classhomes to suit purchasers; on large tots; allstreetwork done; call ami see plans; easy terms. .11 U.\HANLEY A- Co.. 1508 Park St. se2 tf

AlTcl'SF. * LESSER OFFER THE FOLLOIV-IIiSspecial bargains this week:

INSTALLMENTHOMES.$150 cash. $20 per mouth; new cottage: near st «-

tlon; modern Improvements: price $JO0O: 33x8-f.$200 cash, $18 per month: new cottage: uoarstv

tion: modem Improvements; price $2100; .i.K-t*$330 cash, $'.'3 per mouth: fine cottage; ue.irsta-

tion: price $2200; 42x100.$400 cash, $25 par mouth; fiuecoitage; near sty

tlon; price $2300; 42x100.$150 cash. $:<0 per mouth: 8-room cottage (new);

price $3600: 50x1SO.A few clieap Installment lots forsac.We have a few houses of 4, 5 and 6 rooms to let at

a bargain Ifapplied forat once.jiakcisi.4 LESSER—San lr.lnclsco. 628 Mar-

ket St.. opp. Palace Hotel; Alameda, Bay-atreet St» ,llou (broad gauge). _• a:r.-.s tf_\u25a0SirrTT/rcASH— "BALANCE $S5 PER MONTH;'feOUU Iot50x20»: cottage of 4 rooms and bath:fine marine view; price $2250. (No.39.1)

$2500— Lot 41xlU0: cottage of 4 rooms and bath;high basement; $-100 cash; balance $-'.'> |'«rmouth. (No. 125)

$^550— Lot 5(1x75; cottage of 6 rooms and bun.good neighborhood; '•< cash; balance easy terms.b (No. 4*3) •

$3000— Lot 27x115; new 2-story house of 7rooms and beta; stabla, etc.; near station: «;\u25a0:>>,.

cash: balance $35 per month. (No. 455)$3700—Lot 40x150; new cottage of 5 rooms and

bath; highbasement; fine gardeu and lawn; $15'))cash; balance $30 per mouth. . \u25a0 '. . (No. 410)

$4000— Lot 50x125:0; new 2-story house •\u25a0! 7rooms and bath on Central aye.; $500 cash: balance135 per monta. (No. 413)

$—Lo t 70:6x153: cottage of 8 rooms an 1bath; line garden, etc.:$2000 cash; balance $:W 50per month.

—(No. 103)

$BOoo— Lot 50x136; new 2-story house of 7 roo :is,

and bath; a >E. corner on Central aye.: $Jsojcash: balance $30 per month. (No. 3«a)

Choice building lots In all parts of Alsmeda.Houses torent ami money to loanby 11. P. MOKEA...*CO., 1428 Park st., Alaineda, and 402 Moutzmn-cryst.. San Francisco ivJttf


uu^nishedTJiTunfuknished rooms with* Xboard In a new house near Mot ton st Station.M. A. M.. Alam.da I'ostoilico. »«19 7t«

"Dekkel7kT"l;i:ai. \u25a0 kstat*:.

h&k(\(\l\ 6 fine laroe buildinu LOTH ONft)OUU .a comer InN.Berkeley, withhouse of14rooms. Addreu S. I).,Voxlt>. this omen. mil3t»

-!-'::!A' .•;..'--.:'" FKRSOXTAX& \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•-\u25a0Tr*-'"--]A TIMES THEQUANTITYOF ICE IS USED IN-1"

the East per capita than here, on account or Itscheapness; it Is low here now, and the demand Isincreasing largely since the Consumers' Ice Com-pany, 420 Eighth St., started. It



-11 men's cadt-olf clothes at

their own price by sending postal to Ul2i-.» Laguna6t.. andIwillcall at one. seB3 7t*IADIES-WALNI'T IIAIKDYE, WARKANTEDJj to dye re.l, white, gray or bleached hair anyshade from light bi.,tide to seal brown; absolutelyharmless: ready in a few minutes: no smell; oneliquid only. M.ME..M. I>L VAI/S hair parlors. 110Stockton st.. next to Wigwam. 6015 Mo tf

ANYLADYON SKNDINU Mil:ADDRESS ANDVie enclosed willreceive a letter. "How to behappy"; Is the absolute truth and no Imposition; It

tells you how to retain your husband's love, keepyour youth and beauty, make home pleasant, getrich, and it does not cost: a little thought and effortcombined willdo It. which the letter clearly ex-plains: Itla worthhundreds of dollars, but followthe rule. ItIs byan old lady who Ins mad* a closestudy of mankind for the last half a century, andwants to do some good. Address MBS. DUGLBSS,509 Bryant St. San Francisco. a»2l 6t»

GREAT FIRE SALE,23 GRANT AYE.:50 DOZ.v-T ladles' jersey waists' and blouses reduced to35c;former price $I:also 40 doz. fine all-wool jerseywaists reduced to 50e each: former price $150. 3t_


$30,000 WORTH OFVJ cloaks, suits, wraps, jerseys, etc. Note the fol-lowing special lines: 35 sealrtt. 1 jackets at $3.$7 50 and $10. regular price $10, $15 and $20; 2534 Imported scalene jackets, raised sleeves. beauti-fullylined and finished, price $12 50, $15, $17 60and $22 50. former price $25, $30, »35 and $45.Come to the BERLIN CLOAK AND SLIT HOUSE.23 Grant aye., and see those extraordinary bargalus.3do; reward for any case ok KrlrfuMA-V1—*-' tlsm, neuralgia, ftout, liver, kidney orstomach troubles that DR. C. H. WEBH'S 11.KMONYfalls to cure. 40 O'FAItUKI.LIt;$1 per bottle. 8for $5. Send for clrcnlars;consultation frei\21 lm

MMi:. SLATER, WONDERFUL TKANCE :h.-tliuni; just from Europe; .led 11Taylor st. ;

10 to 5. »e2l 7t»

VAPOR BATHS; BEST MEDICAL REFER-V ences. 416 McAllister St., block from city


se'.'l 3t*7\IVOKCKS, WILLS, ETC. ."BANK KENNEDY,JL7 Attorney. 83 Murphy Building. 12 tt

MEDICAL LIBRARY, INSTRUMENTS ANDskeleton for sale cheap for cash. Address S.,

Box 1215, Call Brauch office. se'Jl St*

ACCORDION SB IRTS AND CAPES: KING\u25a0n kulle pleating. 9 Geary St., Rui 1. 22 SuMoTn tt

UTTos-MULKS AND BUTTONS MADE, PINK*\u25a0»\u25a0> ing latest style, plaiting. 18 O'Farrell. se3otl lessons by German LADY;HALFhour 25 cents. t)3lMarket, Room 32. my10 12m

AT126 KEARNY,KOOM 9, YOU CAN BORROWmoney at low rates; private looms lor ladles;

Idolizes for sale; take elevator. . au7 tf

COLOMBAT'S FRINGE AND 'HUMMING MAN-ufactory, 113 O'Farrell, opp. old place. se:B 3m

MAN OF LIMITED MEANS CAN DRESS ASwell as the millionaire by purchasing a mer-

chant tailor-made Dohby sack suit fur$15. made bya merchant tailor for $.>O. ORIGINAL misfitCI.OTIIINUPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sis. _ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY; NO

publicity:terms reasonable; no fee unless suc-cessful, and costs advanced to reliable parties.CHARLES ABIGER, attorney, 120 Suiter street,1:00111 Til. au!7 tt

,\u25a0 mm BUSINESS INVESTMENT CAN BE\J made by purchasing a merchant tailor-madebusiness suit for$15. made by a leading merchanttailor tor $30. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHINGPARLORS, cor.Poet and Dupont sts.

ACCORDION PLEATING HONK AT MME.BUHOL'S,SO9 Sutler (formerly 118 McAllister);

branch office. MMJB. MICHAUX',lit;McAllister, tf

KE ADVISED IN TIME AND SAVE MONEY BYpurchasing a merchant tailor-made 3 or 4 but-

ton cutaway suit, suitable for business or dress, for$20. made by an artist tailor for$10. ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Du-pout Hl*.

REST easy AND save money, as WE IfweIItrousers of the latest designs and styles for s4,made by tue best merchant tailors for $8 to $10.ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor.Post and Dupont sts.r-111.:-: OF CHARGE, INSAN FRANCISCO. OAK-Xland, Alamcda or Berkeley—Flrst-dase, large andelegantly finished photographs taken of l>u*lness-houses, residences, family or society groups, ofMock. etc.. free of charge; mine is equal to any andfar superior to most 01 the so-called first-clas.s workdone anywhere: my residence pictures, wherein thefamily is also taken, are uuequa.ed.

As proof that 1 mean what Isv.y, 1 will,fora shorttime. take sample pictures free of charge, afterwhich, ifsatisfactory, any number, of pictures maybe purchased at a reasonable price.

1have recently placed on exhibition In the show-window at Tub Call Branch Office, onHarket St.,near he.irny. a large frame of pictures taken by methis last ring in the celebrated raisin district ofVresno County, and it will pay any one to call andInspect these tine pictures of that famous aud mostprosperous section or our State.

Good results obtained at any time from daylightuntil evening, sunshine or cloudy; send me youraddress and 1 willcall and make appointments.

A photographic description of either city or coun-try property for sale or rent is reliable and invalu-able. N. D. SICKELS, Photo Artist,012 Eddy St.,Ban Francisco. se!7 tf

COME IMMEDIATELY AND SAVE TROUBLEV and expense by buying a merchant tailor-madedress overcoat for $12, made by a Chicago merchanttailor for $28. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOiHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts.


Montgomery st- sel7_7t\\IVIS AND MOTHERS—INCLOSE 2-CENT»' stamp for circular entitled "Motherhood; How

Regulated and Controlled." Address PACIFICCOAST MEDICALAGENCY. 104 Market St.. S. F. 7*

Invalid LADIES SURE, safe, BEST cureail cases: monthly periods restored in few hours;

no failure; family secret, safeguard; consult free,confidently', only DR. D'AN.TiIAN.229 Kearuy st. :9-4;sterility, weakness, apathy, pain, ulcers cured.TJIOR ASTYLISH. WELL-FITTING SUIT TOX order go to SCHEIBLI,5.iH Clay St. Belts lm


I>EP.FECT-FITTING DRESSES MADE IN 24hours for $15. $20, $25: goods all found: also

ready-made suits. MRS. M.DAVIS,234 Taylor st. tf

1OANS MADKON LIFEINSUKAN POLICIES.XjMercantile Bank, New Chronicle Bldng. all lini\|ME. M. DESHAVES, 601 POST ST., WILLi*lteach you to make fragrant perfumes fromflowers, and all toilet requisites. sell lit

ON THEINSTALLMENT PLAN-DRESS-GOODS,silks, sealskin aud aealette cloaks: also carpets,

furniture, lace-curtalus, blankets and foidiug-t>.^isat M.FRIEDMANi00. 228 and 230 StocktonBt. Why pay ready money when you can buy Justas cheap by making a small cash payment down,balance weekly or monthly ? An Inspection of ourBlock Is respectfully solicited: orders by mail forgoods or samples promptly attended to. 228 andi;:;o Stockton St.. cor. Post; open evenings. aplJtf

1 ADIES, SEND FOR OUR PAMPHLETS-WEJihave something new which will save you trou-ble: price $5. Address KIRKWool) HARD Rl'li-BER CO., Market and Jones. 4th floor. Room 124,San Francisco: send stamp: lady agents wanted, otrT adles-our syringes and safeguards1J for especial use, save lots of trouble and anxiety.Acme Rubber Co.. 235 Kearny st. se7 3m

I.K. POPPER, SPECIALIST FOrt ALLFEMALE» ' troubles, no matter from what cause; safe laallcases. 127 Montgomery St. seitfmHB ONLY COURT COSMETICS TO HE Oli--1 talned in this city at MME. ELITE'S, 701 SutterSt.: letters from nobility. an1 tfA CCOKDIONPLAITING(GENUINE) at SHORT

£m notice; also pinking, stamping and button-holes: country orders solicited. 137 sixth. au3l tf

A WHISPER TO LADIES ONLY—FOR Mil!-rled bliss and single blessedness; by mall $1;

wesend no circulars. Address W..1. HARRISON .vCO., L.Box 1040. Spokane Falls. Wash, au2B lm


—.'M'beautiful colored picture and gut frame

at WILSON'S Gallery. 22 Kearuy st. myiß timLTTONS, BUTTONS. BUTTONS—ALL SIZES.Including the large trimming buttons made to

order, at the button factory, 110 Taj lor st. je*J2 3:n

I>RIYATE HOME IN CONFINhMFNT. 9iil,FolSOin tt., MRS. M. E. ROGERS, Midwife. aS ttIAROEST STOCK, LARGEST STOKE, LOWESTl-iprice: easiest terms on new and second-handfurniture and carpets, stoves and ranges; highestprice paid for secoud-naml goods; open evenings,

017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission St., bet. Sixth andSeventh, J. NOONAN. au7 tfU'OLDING BEDS


X mirrored with large plate ISx4O; walnut,oak an 1cherry: cash price elsewhere SOS; our Installmentmice only $30. M. FRIEDMAN A- CO., 238-330Stockton st.. cor. Post: open evenings. apl3ttI'AM.OFF CLOTHING —JEWELRY BOUGHT('AST.OFB CLOTHING —JEWELRY BOUGHT\J and sold; highest price paid. 1123VJ; Market, tf|-\t UOREST PATTERNS: FALLSTYLES CATA-X)Icgues free. Agency 430 Sutter st. Jy3 3m

mAILOR BUTTONS MADE FROM ANY M.V1tertal; also lvory-riln buttons. 110 Taylor St..the only button factory on this Coast. )c22 3m

RESSMAKING— LATEST STYLES; REASON-abIe prices: orders by mall promptly executed;

guaranteed. MRS, M. t>E HAG v." .'.'o7 Missiou.6in

I>OSITIVE CUREFORCATARRH, BRONCHITIS,asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 22D Kearny. Jen tt

MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES; EVERY DR-scriptlon of collateral; old gold and silver

bought. CQLE.MAN'S. 41 3d st., SailFrancisco. m3O


HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHlug,gold, jewelry,books. KLEIN,10» Sixth.:t


liamast.: telephone 3010. apl'J tt/'AKPET-CLEANING;3 TO 5 CIS, PER YARD;V. the best workguaranteed or no pay; telephoneggga. S. STKATTON. 1211 Market st, aptStiiaftARPET-CLEANING, 80 PER YARD; CHEAP-V 1.1 ami best In the city. J. liMITCHELLal-)..'JoO Fourteenth st. apJ tf

VDVICB FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY;no publicity; terms reasonable; no fee unless

succi-sslui; costs advanced forreliable persons. Ad-dress Attorney. P.O. Box 1!)22. S. K. )y25 tt

CITY STEAM CAKPET BEATING AND RESO-J vating works: dyeing aud cleaning. 24nud2u°

EighthSt. O. H. STEVENS', proprietor. JyW 6111VillCAN BUY OR FTJRNI ON IN--1 stallmo.its; easy terms. BARB I'.iios.. 322nlVHHayes st. bet. Franklin and Gough. mrISCC

AllLADIES WISHING TOIIAYEELEGANTLYfittingsuits made, handsomely draped, rors3,or

with goods, making and trimmings, for $15, pleasecall at Jilts. MORRIS. 73.21 ,, Geary st. seal 7t*

COMI'LEXINE POWDER OR CREAM FOR FACE.v ami hands; Invisible, harmless; 2jc. At nil-BoIS', Clay& Leavenworth. A alldruggists, jy'2 3inpARFETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT\J beating; refitting a specialty. CONKLINBROS., 333 Golden Gate aye.; telephone 2120. 13 tf

U'AISTSCUT, KITTED.HTITCHEI".COLLAR*sleeves In; skirt cut, stltche I, braid drapery

belts put on; $3. MMIIMICHAUX.lit)McAlllilr.


UTIFICIALrAYEMEN' TS—L. BAUER. CON-.iV tractor, rock and brick work. 3015 Buchanan, tt

\u25a0PORTRAITS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK,X crayon, water colors and pastel. PaciHo Por-trait Ca, J221 Market »t., T.J. O'BRIEN. M'»r.20 tt


J\ wrapper, ready for mailing.

ClllLllitKNHOAKDEII. ..T"ADY^wTsHES TO"BOAKDCHILD;MOTIIKR'SJJ rare; best of references. Address or call 1621Geary st., Monday and Tuesday, from 10 to 1:termsmoderate. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


-«e2S 2t»

ADY WANTS 1OK a CHILDREN TO BOARD,J. 15 Minna .-I, sel(i7t«

•JAKTENTKK9 AND BUILDEKS.- lIDEHREK 4 CO., CARPENTERS AND. Hullders. 113 Leldesdorg st. . s*Btf\u25a0

JV.LAWRENCE,CARPENTER AND BUILDKIt,;• 810 Sacramento st.; cabinet worKand fittingua•aici.3 promptly alteuUod to; leleaUoue uiloit



"1 OQ TUEK-3 FINE ROOMS; ALSO SUITE:1— reasonable.

- -Be2l 3t*

OQ FOTTER-LAKGE ROOM, SUITABLEFOR 2—O gentlemen; rent cheap. Be'Jl 3t*Bl•_> GOUGH—INICE, SUNNY, BAY-WINDOW.OXO room, forIor2 gentlemen. Be2l 3t*Btl'GROVE ST.— LARGE, FURNISHEDOOU housekeeping rooms; gas and bath. se2l3t*


O?i'.'; Kitchen and parlor. sc'Jl tf

1(l('l FOLSOM, COR. OF >EVKNTII-KK'"NTIUUIsunny roeii):private family. se^o lOC

1/1/1 ( FOLSOM— SUNNY SUITES FOR GEN.X'JL'Jt'X tlemen or man and wife. seSMlOtlnflVAN NESS ATX.—FINETABLEBOARD;1\JV homo cooking. se'-'O at(1Q FOURTH—IROOM FURNISHED FORtiplighthousekeeping. te26 *__

Q/l 1 EIGHTH, CORNER FOLSOM-3 FUU-O"1hished rooms. se2O7t*

7 LANBTON, OFF HOWARD,UPSTAIRS-TWOIfurnished sunny rooms. se'JO st*


NICE SUNNY ROOMQUO nicely furnished: cheap. ae2o 3t«



I_Osunny bay-wluilowrooms: other rooms. 'it)3*kIAASTOCKTON, COR. GEARY-SUNNY FROST£AJ\J single rooms, upsUirs: references. se'JO lot*

17 OAK-LARUE NEATLY FURNISHED BAY-Iwindow room; gas; bath: privilege parlor

and nlnno: inprivate American family. te'JU IfI||.J MoALLISTBB—SUNNY FURNISHED AND

•j:U-S unfurnished rooms; $8 and $9. ae'JO 31*grovk-2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOX

Oc/'i housekeeping; rent 412, se'JO 3t*

OJ TWELFTH—2 NICELYFURNISHED ROOMSO"i and use of kitchen. .se'JO 3t»

llj-llMISSION NEAREIUIITII—FURNISHEDXXU1•> aunuy front room suitable for 3. 20 3t»I"IQEDDY


IXOfrom $8 up. se2o st*/)<\7 LEAVENWORTH—FRONT A.LCOVESUITErtVJIrooms; references exchanged. se2otf

•>Q BO vr*aBD—NICELY FURNISHED FRONTU—O rooms, reasonable; small room. se2o 3t»

QA£? VALENCIA—3 OK 4 ROOMS; CHEAP TOOut) good tenant. se'JO 3t*I"!IQ MARKET—FURNISHED FRONT AMD1X~I.O rooms; cheap. sell* lot"I1,-7 MAKKKT-SUITE OF FURNISHEDXXOIrooms, for two gentlemen. soli* lot

H'_> THIRD-SUNNY FRONT SUITE; 1SUNN)•' front double room; also double and singlerooms; gas and bath.

-- '\u25a0'• * sel9 it*

Q7Q HOWARD- SUITABLE FOB DOC--0IUtor or dressmaker; also housekeeping rooms;new house. sely tf

1 AQ7 MISSION—NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS,Xv'OJalso unfurnished housekeeping, withstove. se!9 6t*

Cftl LAGUNA—LARGE SUNNY FRONT BAY-Oyj iwindow room, cheap. se!7 tf

0 IA POWELL— NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS1/1"i or gentlemen; sunny. se!9 4t*

1EflQ SACRAMENTiI ST., NEAR HYDE—XOUO handsomely furnished sunny front al-cove room; .strictly private family, best refer-ences. .. ae!9 4t*"1 71;- LEAVENWORTII ST.



O furnished rooms, bay window, fine view,rent reasonable. sc!9 tf1•_>>> FOURTH-SUITES AND SINGLE; ALSOI•>— housekeeping rooms. selU lot*O'jO GROVE


,)Z. lors; gentlemen only. sel9 101

'J'-J'-> O'FARREI.L—NEWLY FU R NIS IIE I)«-QO rooms, en stiite and single. se!B tf

1 1 i,/.VALENCIA, UPPER FLAT—IOB 2J IoUsuuuy rooms, furnished or unfurnished;

references. selS 71*


«-> I1lorsuite: rent reasonable. se!B 7t»illROSS, NEAR HOWARD


OX nished front mom. sel Bst*I,]-MARKET (STATE HOUSE)— SUNNY FUR-t/XInished rooms. snlte and single: transient. lot

4*}(\SIXTH-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING—V rooms, reasonable. sel7 lot

won THIRD (COLTON -HOUSE)—FURNISHED£.*-\J and housekeeping rooms. se!7 lot

QQ~ FURNISHED ROOM, SCITA--000 bie tor doctor; also housekeeping, sel" tt

711 w US TE R— ELEGANT BAY-WINDOWXIsuite, or singly:bath: grate; gas. sel7 tt

QlI'TlllliD-MCELYFURNISHED ROOMS, SSOIUand upward: also double. sel7 7t*'_> (KI)HY—SUNNYSUITES ANDSINGLEROONS,01nicely furnished; transient; reasonable. silllitriIIIif.AKY-FINESUNNY ROOM; NEWLYtill;;furnished with all new furniture. selb' 10t»

EDDY.THEARGYLE—FURNISHED DOUBLE—''ami single rooms; permanent and transient; re-

cently changed hands; everything new.firbt-class.lui/•I


UlIroom; nicely furnished; private family.16tf(7 SECOND— FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS.

inI$1 and upwards per weo*. TOM CilAlii,liruprletor. ae!6 lot

Q>)/' ELLIS—

2 UNFURNISHED PARLORS;O— single rooms en suite and single. sel?> 7t

'JOQ EDDY—FIKNISIIKD FRONT BOOM; AL-• >•>\u25a0'>.. alcove: cooking Ifdesired. selß lot

ONK SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, SMALLroom. 210 Turn st. sclStf

777 MARKET—SUNiST' FURNISHED ROOMS,iIIsuites and single, housekeeping, ullices. ll15t•>.)' FIFTH -CLEAN, SUNNY furnishedO— O rooms, $9; 2 housekeeping, $16. sel4tf

r-r».il VAN NESS AYE.—NEWLY FURN"ISHEDI\J—•> sunny rooms: desirable. ael 3 tf

U"~ LAFAYETTE, LAFAYETTE HOUSE-FUR-nished single and double rooms:'J 14 1

l'l\\NATOMA—FURNISHED FRONT ROOMSUl/cJ* tor housekeeping; also single. st>l3tfl.)|r.HOWARD


li)1!Orooms,wlth or without board, reason able, lm


PARLOR SUITE AND OTHERt/OO nice rooms, single or en suite; separate bath:well lighted and sunny ;sunny side of street, sell l-U

71Ql HOWARD-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS;IXU'> one with bay window: cheap. au'J4 lip


—>\u25a0• nished front room, suitable tor man and

wife or two gentlemen. aull) tf•_>/k OAK GROVE— LAKIiKSUNNYROOM; PKIV-• )''

iii..,\u25a0 •\u25a0! M-,1 1mi. no children. J>3o :t

•> ELEGANTLY Fl-ICNISHED SUNNY PARLORS0 withdressing-room attacheiL 918 Valencia. 28 ttlUWIGOOD ROOMS ATLOW RATKS-715 BOW.*jUV.'«rd st., Third:gas and water Ineach room;reading-room and bath lice; linen changed dally;Louse open all night- best beds In the w»rid.ap'JU:t

INGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 15c A NIGHT.SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 15c A NIOHT.Lludell House, cor. Sixth aud Howard, jyllIf

C n CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY lAL.LO\J fur lour months to any part of the Unite.:Stale-.


»>— lyfurnished rooms with board. se'Jl tf(\u25a0'Art HYDE ST.—2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS,UyiUnewly furnished, with board. seJO st__fTIHE MARII'OSA. 824 LAGUNA—FINKSUITES;1first-class board; terms moderate. aul6if

Q«>Q GEARY— ANT ROOMS: SINGLE OR•'Orn suite; furnished of unfurnished; board

optional. i-c9 14t

Y~~7OSEMITE HOUSE. 1045 MARKET ST., HEESixthand Seventh; 35cto$l pernlght; per weak,

iljOto iv:single and 111 suite: families. mrl trIMEBICAN KXCIIANUK HOTEL. 819 AND 331

/V Sansotnn st., Sa:i Francisco; board and roomyl.*1 25 and $1 DOpirday; free coauh. W.M. MONT-GOMERY, proprietor. jyJltf

HOTEL MARQUETTE, 1211* market st.;newly furnished and renovated: transient and

family accommodations; rooms single or en suite;withor without board; all Market-sL. ears pass thedoor. JyJO tt

ARLINGTON" HOUSE. 127 KEAKNY—PLEA3-ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; firstctau

Hievery respect: terms reasonable. JalOU\|ONTGOMFRY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 22?l»l antl 229 Second St.—Single meals 25c; hoard inIroom per day, 7uc to $1; by thd week. »i to «5; tr»9coach to and from the limel. "_ ap2lif

TIIKWEEKLY CALL,WITH A WEEK'S NEWS,X for ji'.In wrapper for mailing~

; s; >iin i:1BJESOBTB.OAMPLE COPY OF THK HOTEL GUIDE, CON-O talnlnga directory of California hotels and r<»-sitis, scut tree to any address. Hotel I,aide, 310Post St., Itin".Club bullJ-lng. leBtt


11. kins HOUSE THE MOST CHARMING,convenleut ami best conducted hotel InSanta

Cruz. IiOYTa » HITMAN,proprietors. Jyl 3mOANTA SUNNYSIDE; A NI- W FIRST--0 class boarding-house: $1 to $125 per day; wal-lilltave. MRS. P. J. DUTCHKK. )e27 Bin

lIKALTIIBBMOBTB.OSE MARIE FARM.SANTA CLARA COUNTY;open all year; picturesque scenery: fishing,

hunting; circular showing house. McGURRIEBROS.. Box 19, Gllroy. »eln Iin

STI)l;l> TO 1.1.X.

<&AJ\ 93% HOWARD"

ST., MBAB FOURTH;«IrTV". large new store.

$75—1117 Mission st., near Seventh; largo newstore, with large, dry, lightbasement.

*:,0— Valencia St.; stole aud 3 rooms, suit-able fora barber, etc.

-$23— Valiejo st: new largo plate-glass win-

dows. (HAS. ASHTON, 111 Montgomery st. se'Jl It

TORE WITH 2 ROOMS NEXT TO HUTCHER-shop. Inquire lvgrocery corner Twenty-fourth

and York sts. seal Bt*TV'EW STORE, WELL LOCATED, SB. COR. OFIN Minna and eighth sts. ;splendid opportunity fordrug-store. Apply to MADISON A; BURKE, 401Montgomery st. ae'Jl 7t*linyPOLK VERY HANDSOME STOKE—,\JO and 4 rooms, for any kind of business. 21 3t*

\tf:w BUILDING, SW. cor. OF ELLIS ANDi.'Scott sis.: good location for drug-store or gro-cery; with three livingrooms; 7 rooms in upperHat: rent reasonable, with lease; call and see. 21 2*

lAMO'FARHBLL—MILLINER'S WINDOW OFI'M) 4 years' business standing, $10: also a

nicely furnished room, $7. ae2o at*


STOKE, 3 ROOMS, "HASE-XI£\jmeat; cheap. selStt

\'EW BUTCHER SHOP, SITUATED ON NW.1> cor. of Unlou aud Kearuy sts.; rent $25. Apply406 Union at. se!6 Ist*


1/IKST FLOOR OVER 109 MONTGOMERY, OP--1 poslto occidental Hotel; size 17x60: suitable for

merchant tailor. Apply ou the premises. SOI6 7tWEEK'S NEWS FOR S CENTS-THE WEEKLYCall, iv wrapper, ready for mailing.


Vc'n IMARKET^ELEGANT, NEW OFFICES,X0Uiicheap: opposite Now City Hall. CHAS.ASHTON. 411 Montgomery st. se'Jl It

\u25a0.*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0- STABLES TO LET.

"I/INK2-STOKY STABLErKOOMFOR 3 HOItSRS.'J 507 Hough St. \u25a0\u25a0

-ae'Jl M*-



\J afaow-cases :oftices *stores titled. 33 1Geary.3ott

AK.STOKK FIXTURES,SHOW CASES,doors, sash; goods taken onstorage, money ad-

vanced. Pioneer store, 21 to 25 Tenth St. 1e22 tf

OAK FIXTURES, COUNTERS. SHELVING,13 show-cues, sash-doors, eta, at 225 Post st JetfiC


—V.Fifth;5 rooms and bath.$111— 428 Ciemeutlua St., bet. Fifth and Sixth; 3

rooms and bath. , \u25a0.--

$25—11 Hollis St., oft Ellis, bet. Webster *__Buchanan. . *\u25a0*

$22 60—223 Valencia St., near Ridley: 5 roomsand bath.

$17—38 Turk at., near Market; 4 rooms.$65—1030 Valencia St., 16 rooms and 'J baths. \u25a0

$80—1119 Mission St., neat Seventh; 16 roomsand 'J baths.

$18—207 Eighth St.. near Howard; 7 rooms.CHAS. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery st. _s>e2l 41

5 ROOMS'AND BATH—3OB6 MISSION ST.. NEAR«-> .seventeenth: tey Ingrocery. nie'Jl -If

UPPER PAIiT OF HOUSE, 4 ROOMS; KENT*J $12. 2883 Mission st. »egl 3t*tt'Lat, 5 ROOMS, BATH, modern IMPKOVE-IliK'nts. Twentieth and Dolores sts. se2l 3t*

CblQ-NEW FLAT; 4 ROOMS: BATH;BAY-•"IDXO. window. 1203 Guerrero St., cor. Twenty-fuurth. ac2o 3t*C IQ LOWER FLAT,iROOMS; ALL-MODERN0IV. Improvements; 16 Pond at., half blockfrom Market and Sixteenth. Key at 13.... Pondstreet. si'2o tfTVESTRABLE CORNER FLAT6BOOMS; HAND--L/ some finish;cheap; $35. 1315 Webster. seJO tfTT-LAT OF 4 ROOMS. 1035 POST STREET.Xj se JO 3t*

GROOMS; BATH: SANITARY PLUMBING:NOchildren. 1318 Fellst., near Baker. Be2o 9t«

VTEW FLATS, 1516 VALLEJO ST.. NEAR VANIINess aye; 6 and 7 rooms and bath: latest im-provements; cheap rent. Key at grocery. sel9 7tIO LEWIS ST., OFF TAYLOR, NEAR POST-410 rooms. $20; also 3 rooms. $14. 8019 41*"IOI71 GKAKY—FLAT;6 ROOMS ANDHATH:XO 1I8 Choice location: new carpets for sale. 18 5

©on NEW UPPER FLAT: 6 ROOMS, BATH;<P^U. 119 P.Utfest.. cor. Yurie. se!B 7t»

!)/) UPPER FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH.MODERNijO\J. Improvements. 280'jy;.Lagiina St. ae!7 7*

YEW SUNNY UPPER FLAT. 726 FELL; 8_< rooms; all improvements; rent low. st*l67t*

$'>'> ~\t\ FLATS ROOMS ANDBATH,WATERZiA.OXJ. Included. 15'J1 California St. se__tf

C;'_)|k FINE FLAT OF 8 ROOMS, BATH,ALLtITOV. modern conveniences. 1705 Devisadeio,cor. Sutter. ses tfAfiZ_l OCTAVIA—NICK SUNNY FLAT OF 6jW«_>3 rooms; bath and basement : sel4 tf

fIIOLET—NEW SUNNY FLATS ROOMS; BATH,1patent water-closet, etc.: willbe leased cheap,furnished or unfurnished, for 3 or more years, torespoaslule parti-. Apply to 304 bteiuer at., cor. ofllaight. y sel 3 tf

&17 FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH: B"_'li,..Nineteenth st., near Guerrero;key upstairs. sel3tfI/'AftWBBSTER, INEAB BUTTER; 7 SUNNYXWO rooms; allImprovements, sc7 tf(•1Q STORE, 4 BOOMS, BATH;$15, 4 ROOMSC I''. ami bath. 1914 Union at. se-2 tf

\u25a0 fiiTiisKKKiTriiNO.ROOMS.OOR K<)I«IsnFuTrMsIiED~FOR



keeping. 1540 Howard st. se22 gt*

A'JZ. TI:HAMA-*7 UP; FURNISHED ROOMS"I• '» > complete for housekeeping. It*

"I AK(i E SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING R«'OM;1j stove, closets. 371 Minna, near Fifth. 8e22 at*

•J.iQ THIRD—2 FURNISIUCD HOL'SEKEEFINUO— O rooms. $7: also single rooms. It*

i/7CLEMENTINA8T.,"NEARSIXTH:HOUSE-XUIkeeping rooms furnished complete; cheau. 1*

009 VAN" NESS AYE., COR. GROVE; NEWLY—•>— furnished rooms for housekeeping; separatekitchens. se'Jl tfr.'JAI VALENCIA ROOM, WITH USEUOUiiof kitchen: furnished. sc'Jl 3t*1.1(1 LARKIN—2 SUNNY ROOMS, FURNISHEDrtiitJ forlight housekeeping, se'Jl IfIABUSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTH 11 large ruruishcd or unfurnished front room;housekeeping. ae'Jl2t*


I AHOWARD—3 OR 3LARGE SUNNY ROOMSUVtJ for housekeeping. se'Jl 2t*

SUNNY ROOMS WITH GAS AND BATH FORhousekeeping for man Mild wire. 36 South

Park. se2l 2t*jnl1 VAN NESS AYE.; NICELY FURNISHEDII'X'jsunny housekeeping rooms ; gas and

bath. se'Jl 7t*

8 NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS FOR0 housekeeping. 566 Mission St., near Fifth. 21 3*

'>(•"•-> THIRD ST.; LARUE SUNNY FRONT*-vOroom for light housekeeping : alsoslngle! se2l 3t»'->"\u25a0)') FIFTH: 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR,'__ housekeeping: cheap rent. se'Jl 2t*

( 1I7 MISSION-SUNN V FRONT ROOMS FOR<JX Ihousekeeping. ae'Jl 'Jt*

t>7 LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; LIOHT•„ I. housekeeping. r>-'5 Polsom st. seal 8t»

VICESUNNY FRONT ROOMS; ALSO HOUSE-Ivkeeping. 'JjVS, Sixth st. seal 'it*>)IMINI ATE.


ihousekeeping; single $j to $8. se'Jl 2t*VICKLYFUItNISUED UOL'SEKEEI'I.NG ROOMS.

i.> 824 Fulsom st. aeJl St*

I11 V POST; WELL FURNISHED ROOM FORIXIOlight housekeeping; t ii.sei;gas: $10. 'JO tf(\ I




UOXj unfurnished; $8. si-20 3l«rnwo rooms furnished COMPLETE for1housekeeping. 1133 Steiner >t., nr. fcllts. se'JO tf1A [ MASON"


IV1housekeeiilng; also other rooms, se'JO 3t*•_>.) SILVER—NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE-O— Keeping rooms: bath. s---jii31*

1')(| TAYLOK—2 ROOMS; KITCHEN NICELYOO furnished: reasons seBo 3t*


—1)|) lurnlshed fur'kueplug. aeiw tf

0I•.' 2 I.AKiil.SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS,10. housekeeping; others. 448Vji Third. 19 5*

1JED-ROOM AND PARLOR, WITH USE OPi> kit.hen, ifdesire. l; line view; will rent separ-

ate Itdesired. 1725 Leavenwortn si. sel9 tr"1 ILOUISA. OFI FOURTH, NEAR FOLSOM—2X"X housekeeping rooms. se!9 4t*At) SOUTH PAKK—LOWER FLOOR 3 BOOMS;*it<3 ranee: suuuy yard. sclB st*•>1 D MINNA—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, FUR--0 IOnished. with bath; no children. selßtffro FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IIOUSE--1 keeping. 016 Minna St. &elBtf

1)1 'J JONES— 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEKPI NI!rooms; $IH. 8017 lot


''rooms lor housekeeping: parlor floor. sel7 tf

>).)\u25a0> UOL'ull ST., NR. FELL-HOUSEKEEPING____n to let. eel 6 71*•

)•_>•_> EDDY ST.— A FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND000 bath, unfurnished, and a suite of furnishedparlors. ael'J tf

11 TWENTY-FIRST— LARGE SUNNYFCR-XXOUnlshed housekeeping rooms. sel'J tf00l SIXTH—IUNFURNISHED ROOMS; KENT-jO-S $27 50. _ sell tf

1A 1 MISSION SOB 5 FURNISHED HOUSE-11' I'lkeeping rooms, also single rooms. se6 tf•'(10 THIRD


O'*O front rooms complete for housekeeping. S3 tf

AY-WINDOW DOUBLE PARLOR; »JoT TUTKearny st., opp. White House, top floor. aul2 tr

(,>>.> POST—


—rooms for housekeeping. nuS If

I IICASIRO, BET. 14 1II AM)15TI1-3 OR \u25a0'•illsunny largo unfurnished rooms: lath. 20 tr

MALL ADVEIiTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP-vjlions ta.- en at Call Branch othces, 603 Larklnat., 339 Hayes at. and 2518 Mission st.; open till9:30 I. M.


•>i 11 FIFTH—S IIKNISHED BOOMS, COM-• )''»' piete forhousekeeping; rent cheap, scjj i:


2 UNFURNISHED SIDEOUU rooms to let. se22 3t*

/'|l7 BUSH—

CHEAP DOUBLE FRONT AND>i' '4 back parlors, and single rooms. It*


.sunny front room, auitable 2 gentlemen,$."> each; also single rooms. S-'J-J 3t*

81111 li.i:(TWELFTH ST.), near MARKET—Suite furnished lorhousekeeping It*

7I1F::.LIS—FURNISHED ROOM; FRONT BAY-I11window. _\u25a0'-"_• 3t/•I #| J.KSSE— LARGE, SUNNY FRONT ROOM;U.U' nlso small room. Be'J'J 71*

(ilI BUSH-PLEASANT FURNISHED BOOMS;i/llinsuite and single;use ofkitchen. Be'J2 2t*-

VAHSAR PLACE," OFF HARRISON. NEAR0 Second— Sunny furnished front room, suitablefor 1or2 gentlemen. BeS] 2t*

Tlf Xl <\u25a0 IIT II-VERY PLEASANT FRONT11v) room: private family:gas, bath. se2l st*TTesPI-.i TAISI.K GENTLEMAN WILL FIND A'Itlarge, sunny room 1 nice neighborhood; Cali-fornia and Sutler st, cars convenient; . no otherroomers: references exchanged. Please address G.11, Box 101, CallBranch Office. se'Jl 4t«tjOA1TKHAMA-2 FURNISHED ROOMS;£\r±i cheap rent. se'Jl 2t*

OAK VALENCIA—SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM,*-V'tJ running water, bath; (8. ae2l 3t*

Q9A VALENCIA-SUNNYSUITES ANDOTHEROOu rooms furnished. ae'Jl 2t*11 (O HOWARD—SUNNY SUITES: SINIJI.EX I*l—rooms, newly furnished; use kitchen. 212*

001i)MISSION-LARGE FURNISHED ROOM;£—UX.£i sunny; forgentlemen. ae'Jl 31*


1 furnished frontOVO suite or single rooms. se'Jl st*

4 HENRIETTA SQUARE, OFF ELEVENTH,tr bet. Howard and Folsom— 2 nicely furnishedrooms for llgnt housekeeping. ae'Jl 2t*'17 O'FAIJREI.L-NICELY FURNISH DOil front room; $10 toa gentleman. seJI tf


2 SUNNYO—.V' newly furulshod rooms; now house: privatefamily;no children. \u25a0 se'-'l 3t»inITEIIAMA,COR. FIFTH—LABOB, FUK-

\u25a0jU'i nl'lied room: rent reasonable. se'Jl 2t*(HI lIUWAIIII-LARGE FRONT ROOM,iM1nicely furnished, suitable for two. se2l 3t»P(' SOUTH PARK-FURNISHED SUNNY*)\) rooms; also housekeeping. se'Jl 6t*

\u25a0 I/-11 THIRD-

NICELY FURNISHED BAY-•n) I,; window suite with plauo; private family;-.11. \u25a0- \u25a0

- - - ____________fTfkQ I'OST-PARLORS FURNISHED OR PART-IUO ly furnlshe<l; alsi other sunny rooms. 112t*

CIOR. TWESTY-rOUKTU AND HAMPSHIRE—/ Furnished rooms; suites or single; suitable for

doctor.- ao2l 2t* .

17 SEVENTH— NICELY FUKNISIIKI) SINGLEXIand double front sunny rooms. ______*n-)'> HOWARD-LARGE FURNISHED SUNNYVSO parlor for 2gentlemen. ae'Jl 'Jt*


ONE ALCOVE SUITE; ALSOO-iX other rooms; .ill newly furnished: privatefamily. -

\u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0 ae'Jl 3t»

/•IQ STEVEN SON, BET. SEVENTH ANDHit/ Eighth—Furnished back parlor; suitable for2 gentlemen or gentleman and wife. ae2l 7t*7j71l MINNA— FURNISHED ROOMS.ZZL __________C1•> GEARY-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOROXO gentleman. ae'Jl 21*



OOP single rooms, $8. \u25a0 «e2l 3t«

IAAIFOLSOM, COB, SIXTH—NEWLY FUR-XUUX nlsbed room, suitable for doctor or den-tlst; rooms en suite or single. se2l 3t*('1 •) EDDY-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED AL-UXO cove suite: running water, baths; $20.312*,

17 POLK, NEAR MARKET-LARGE, SUNNYXIroom; gentlemen or housekeeping: alsosingle, ',\u25a0-,-

-:: ; \u25a0 se'jl 21*



I/OR SALE-CHICKEN RANCH CONTAININGIabout 150 old chickens. 175 young ones, 125yonugand old dans, goat, Horse, wagon and har-ness, hussy, duck stable aud 0 hogs: price *4,d.Inquire at 552 Fourth St. se'Jo7t*

P'OK HALE-IN KNIGHTS VALLEY,6 MILKST from Callstoga and 1mile from Kellogg, 21 acresor level land: all cleared, fenced and cultivated:150 bearing fruit trees: house 5 rooms: stable and

n-huuse; there Is a small stream runningthrough it; good water; fenced Inthree lots: price,If taken within 30 days. $1600 (one thousand sixhum] dollars). Applyto myagent, G. vv.John-son, at Callstoga, Cal., who willshow you the land.

N. LOCKWOOD. sell' 4t

QiTA/l/l 78 ACRES: IViMILES OF KEL Y-«p ( UwU. vlllc. Lake Co.; silchtly rolling: 30

acres under cultivation, with rabbit-proof tence;

house of 3 rooms, good condition: 10,000-gall«ueisteru: 1400 French prune trees, 2 years old: 250peach trees. 3years old; 700 pear, apple and cherrytrees; terms to suit; a great bargain.

Now Is the time to trade your city property forBearing orchards, vineyards,Grazing and timber tracts. Improved farms.Unimproved fruitand vine laud.Country seats and villa sites,Dairy ranches, etc.V\ rite or call for our mammoth new catalogue.CAKNALL-FITZUUGH-HOI'KINSCO., 6JI Mar.

Icet st. sclS lm

n;i A WEEK buys Afruit farm; lookat%pX this offer; Oakwood Colony tract.

5 acres, $75. payable $1a week.10 acres, $160, payable $2 a week.•JO acres, 9t»00. payable *4a week.40 acres. $600. payable $8 a week.No Interest and uu taxes un deferred payments; Is

all fine A 1 fruit land; 110 irrigation required: nearlarge town and railroad; some oaks; water handy:title perfect: no investment is as safe, sure or asprofitable as fruit lands. For Information or circu-lars appiv to WEST COAST LAND COMPANY. 630Market st. ; lelattCONOJIA COUNTY LAND FOR SALE AND EX--0 change; .scud lor Hat. ANDREW PRICE,Bealdsburg, Cal, au'J4 if

/•HOICK FARM IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY;I.:385 acres, all improved; rents now for $1200per year; 1:. rich bottom laud; $55 per acre: Ibar-gain. Apply VICTOR WILLIAMS, 830 SansoniaSt., 1:00111 59. between 2and 4 o'clock _. m. SCIS71 11

/CALIFORNIA CHEAP HOMES— WE CAN 1.0-V7cale 10.0U0 families on Government land;charges moderate for showing the land. c. 11.sI'Ki.KT Si. CO., 415 Montgomery St., San Fran-cisco, i-.ii. sell tt


$7 per acre; mountain ranch of 502 acres; 18miles from Ukiah; small house and barn; plentyrunning ami spring water: delightful climate,nothingbetter for lung aud throat troubles; can bemade profitable by industrious man; fine for cattle.hogs or sheep: excellent for trult: large quantitiesof black and post oaks, with nr Umber sufficient lorsmall saw mill.

A ledge of tine, soft, gray sandstone on this tract;will make aBice mountain home ami willbe goodinvestment. Apply or address IKVINI-;A KLEIN,Uslab, Cat ; se:i tf _QCHOOL LANDS, $150 TO $3 AN ACRE: lIM0 very easy terms; sold by the State in tract) tosuit; no residence or Improvement required; allkinds of lands, in many different counties; somlstamp forlist. Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur-day evenings. f W. lake, 6 Flood Building. 13 tt

\\'K have A choice selection of 10, 20M or 40 acre tracts, convenient to town anil rail-

road, ou easy terms; send lor catalogue. A. A.HOIIA-CO., 63 1Market St. _U_ _Q] WILL PAY~YOUK FAKE TO SEE LAND I.V0 1Contra Costa and the bay counties; send Bta 1 ptor new catalogue. MATTHEWS A; HAIIDI.NGE,

Si/a KearnT St., San Francisco. Jy*J4 tr

piIKAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA—\J eight-page WEEKLY CALL,scut to any addressin the United States or Canada year for $1 25.postage free.

lIOUSB3 TO i.i:t.

"roT7~piN:; m•., bet. oduoH aSd"octavia;101l8 rooms and bath; $38: water free. Applyi"P. C. HOLLOY,138 Montgomery st. st'Jl 3t

IQI71 PINF; ST.. NEAR GOUGH: ROOMS101 tt> asd bath: $33: water free. Applyto p. c.MOLLOY,138 Montgomery at. geSl 3tIf>Ai;BTOCKT IN ELEGANT 2-STORY lIOUS E1 "UV'Uof8 rooms aid bath: rent $15; water free.Apply to P. 1. Mi.1.1.1

'V. 138 Montgomery »e'Jl St

1 ,- •> I i..'1.11 1 GATEAYE.,CORNER SCO iT—I<>'> IHandsome 2-story 9-room residence; $15:

water extra. Apply to P. C. JIOLLOY,138 Mont-gomery st. se'Jl at

1," 1 IBROADWAY, NEAR VAN NESS \ • r.—»)l 1 7 rooms and bath: new sewerage and

plumbing; large yard; $32 50: water free. Applyto p. c. Moi.i.tiv,138 Montgomery -;. .te'Jl 3t

/-<|] UEAKY, COR, CONSISTING OFww-I store anil2 rooms below and 9 rooms andbath above: a choice location. Apply to P. C1MO..-LOY, 13S Montgomery st. sc'Jl 3t-I7 FOLSOM— ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE;

0 1 Iall Improvements; rent $40; water extra.Applyto P. C MOLLOY,138 Montgomery'Jl 3t

Ol AValencia— 9 booms and bath:$35:_1U water free. Apply to P. 0. MOLLOY, 138Montgomery St. segl SIl/'LEGANT NEW 9-ROOM 2-BTORY HOUSE,1* complete in all appointments; fancy mantelsand liitures; 1531 Geary St.: nuts $5.>. water ex-tra: keys at omee. Apply to p. C MOLLIIY,138Montgomery st. se'Jl 3t11' ATER-IRONT ROOMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS<> and store Kith 1 rooms and lasement: allnew; Brannan St., nr, I'acltic MailDock. Apply P.C. mi'1.1.i ii.138 Montgomery st.. se'J 1:t

BEAUTIFUL NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE— 2I3B SUT-1> ter: rent $SS, water free; keys at office. Applyto P. _. MOLI.OV,las Montgomery st. se2l .it


Vl-.ilYyjcomplete and 1 noli 2325-2327-2329 Bush St.,

near Fierce: rents $50, water free. Apply to P. C.MOLLOY,138 Montgomery St. . __n 81pHOICE HOME-KB. COR. BEVISADERO AND\J Waller; richlypapered new '.'room 2-story resi-dence; allappointments complete: rent 860: waterextra: keys at office. Apply to P. C iIOLLOV,138Montgomery St. se'Jl at

<jl!(',\ 1700 GEARY ST., COR. WEBSTER, 10Cot), rooms anil bath: $40, 719 Devlsadero St.,nr.Fulton, 8 nun and bath. .CUAS. ASHTON,411 Montgomery st. . se'Jl 4t ]\u25a0pi LET—HOUSE; 017 WEBSTER ST., SEAB1 Ha>es:7 rooms and bath: modern Improvements:

tine location; near 2 lines of cars; sunny side; rent16.

' __________I!A '"'IO7 CLAY ST.—HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS'jOU.aiul bath; modem improvements: largesunny yard and basement. _ 31 4t*>_..)- 2105 WEBSTER, BET. SACRAMENTO»^

—O. and Clay house of5 rooms, bath, large cel-

ar; modern Improvements: large, sunny yard. 214*

0 BUNNYBOOMS; lIH'K')KYA BET. \u25a0\u25a0< >< i.llUand Octavla. Apply312 Fellst. seal 3t*IlUUSK OF 4 ROOMS AND YARD. 134 CLARA11street. . se'Jl 3t«

O/JAQ CLAY ST., RET. WEBSTER AND FILL-«*iuO more; houso of 9 large, sunny rooms, bathand stationary wash-room: all modern Improve-ments; large, sunny yard; house ;newly painted andpapered: elegant view from upper story: rent rea-sonable. sc2l -It*

FINK BAY-WINDOW HOUSE: ALL FRESCOEDr and modern improvements: 619 Nineteenth St.

Key at 631 Nineteenth St., bet. Valencia and Mis-sion, seji tr

SOO PiA UPPER PART HOUSE 7 ROOMS,iS—tZi.oyt. b^th: water tree. 462', Sixth. 'JO 3*

AO'FARRELL ST.—HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS:—.OV' sunny side. 8020 4t*O-STORY HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND HATH;-70:1-* Butter St.; rent $27 50. Apply THOS. BROWN,Superintendent California Market. se2o 31*/•;IROOMS TO LEASE FOR 5 YEARS; Fl'KNl-")'' lure for sale; otic of the best located and sun-niest houses in the city,containing about 60 rooms,including dining-room, kitchen, laundry, bar-room,with billiard table card-room; ail completelyfurnished and always fullof guests: no dark rooms;tenant must be prepared to buy furniture: presenttenant i10years) retiring onaccount ofheath. An-ply to p. C. MOLI.nY,138 Montgomery st. «eI7 7tah iii FOB i;i..i:NW. CORNER OF BU-O tv, chauau and Pell si.*.; 2-story house, 7rooms and bath; also upper Hat fed story, 133 Balgbtat., 6 rooms and bath, *.:o. Apply 10 11. J. IIV-LAND. 10 Nevada block. sell it

'>•"-> I'KKK*ST., BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH—*-»'•> rooms .milstable: always rented asacoal-yard. For particulars inquireat 330 Fremont. au3 tf

COTTAGES TO LET.C.1<\u25a0) COTTAGE; 3 ROOMS; COR. BUTTEAM'0 I—,Tennessee sts.,;, nr. Union IronWorks, »e3O 3t«


IClay st.. Inrear. scjl 7t»• /.".->•_> POST ST.—4 ROOMS AND STABLE.—O—dO Be2i at*|)AY-WINDO\Y COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS: BATH;i>s22 50. llOTwellth st. se2l3t*C; IQ SUNNY COTTAGE 5 ROOMS ANDBATHC \u25a0'\u25a0• yard. Cor. I'ul'.resautl Flrteenth st. SlB '\u25a0'«

IIKMsllliiHOUSES.&777» 1324 11. sr.; iiROOMS BATH;OUU. completely furnished. CUAS. ASHTON,illMontgomery St. hp'Jl 4t

/"ton. M. U.l.isrER AND WEBSTER; SUNNY\J furnished Hat: 4 rooms, bath; rent cheap. a'Jl 3*

C; .1C FOR FURNISHED, FOR A YEAR,tip i*-)*house of 12 rooms, bath and piano; veryline view or city aud bay. Applybet. 1 and 4 at1250 Montgomery st. se'jo lw*

ITKNIMHIi HOUBE, 10 ROOMS, BATH;ALLrrented; lor sale cheap. 365 .Minna. sel I91*C'","v FURNISHED HOUSE. 7 ROOMS ANDijl»».bath. Apply 325 Filth at. sel Itr


0 NEW FLATS. 4 AND 5 ROOMS, 1006 FLOR--j da. near Twenty-second; all modern Improve-ments: warm belt; rent $16 and $20 se'JJ 71*I-UK SALE—FURNISHED FLAT,26 DIAMOND1 St., near Eighteenth; modern furniture, only twomonths Inuse; must be sold; no reasonable offerrefused; rent id flat $22 50,also new. Call betnotn10 a. m. and 3r.M. \u25a0 U_OAQ TWELFTH— ROOMS, HATH; STABLE-jVOforhorse anil buggy. It*fli; jU UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS, BATH AND1I O. cellar. 1117 Pacific si., bet. Hyde and Lar-

kin.near Jackson, Polk and Hyde st. cables. se-1 tf"I Cl A DEVISADEEO—B LABOB BOOMS AND

<)1 ibath: $30; water free. Apply to P. C.MOLLOY,138 Moutgoinery st. se'Jl 3t

IQQI O'FARRELL-ELEGANT 6-BOOM FLAT:1iWIbath, etc.: $32 50: water free. Applyto P.0. MOLLOY,138 Montgomery st. scji 3t _


—$25 for 5 rooms and bath ; water free. Apply

lop. C. .MoI.i.iiv, 188 Montgomery St. ae'Jl 31 _/< 1 A PAGE ST.-NEW; 7 ROOMS AN'l) HATH:011 $50; water extra. Apply to P. C. MOXLOY,138 Montgomery at. se'Jl 3t

7"lnWALLER ST., NR. DEVISADERO—UPPER• XO flat: 7 rooms and Improvements; $25: waterfree. Applyto P. c. MOLLO 138 Muntg'y st.'Jl 8tYEW ijl'l'Kß SUNNY FLAT, 7 ROOMS. MOD-liem couvenlouces. 1156 Guidon Gate ave-line. . ae'Jl lf_1, UNRISUEO FLAT; 4 ROOMS COMPLETE FOR1' housekeeping: $16. 2025 Mason at. ae'Jl 31*

1/LATS OF 4 AND 6 ROOMS. SE. COR. JONESIand Pacific sts. sc'Jl 3t*ffl.iln NEW, SUNNY LOWER FLAT,6 ROOMS,tgl^U.bath. IIH-'!4Langton st. se_l_7___

PAPERED BAY-WINDOW FLATS,COR.< Fulton and Webster sts. ;6rooms, bath; $-5 and$27 50. W. 11. <'I;IM A Co., JO', Munlgoiuery. 21 -I


5 ROOMS AND BATH;lOli/sunny; completely furnished, with pianoand sewlug machine; $10; without, $35. Key

ji.\u25a0- Be'Jl Bt*

(WOO NEW ELEGANT UPPER FLAT;BROOMS,H[i—\—4. with modern Improvements; nice view.1118 NInetcent iiSt., bet. Sane he/ ami Noe. ae'Jl 3t*

O NEW FLATS; 1824 FILBERT ST; 5 AND 6Z rooms, bath; $22 ana $27; with all the latest Im-provements. -'-

—' - - :- se'Jl 3t*

I.Ki.ANTNEW upper flat,7 rooms ANDbath: $37 60. 721 McAllister St.

- se'Jl 3t*

m7l LEAVEN WORTH ST.; NEW UPPERI3 bay-window flat; * rooms and bath,

$23. Apply 1713 LeavenwortU st. f se2o 31*

CITY IJKAL, KSTATE.O-liiviiDSBIBABLB LOTON DIAMONDST..«Ir-^" 'V'U.near Castro-st. cable and proposedMarket-st. extension: street improvements com-pleted. O. H. DMBSBM & CO., 14Moutgomery.l3 tr

'OCLD YOU LIKE TO RENT.YOUR FLAT?Then go to the firm that will advertise It free

of charge. C. E. MAYNE & CO., 322 Montgomerystreet. \u25a0 ae'-'I linoI\O YOU WANITO KENTYOUR HOUSE? THENI'go to C. K. MaVNK« CO., whoadvertise inallthe papers, oflice 322 Montgomery st. sel!l lino

ONE WEEK ONLY:AN IMMENSE BARGAINlist of San Francisco realty. C. E. JIAYNE &

CO.. 322 Montgomery st. sc2l 7t

|J(IQ FELL ST,, NEAR OOUOH—LOT 27:6x120Ovu torear street: front anil rear houses; 4 flatsand store: price $13,500: rents $100, seal 3t»

IF YOU WANT TO SELL PROPERTY IN SANFrancisco call or send your name and address to

the hrm ihat advertise everything. C. E. MAYNEA CO.. 322 Montgomery st. se'.'l lm

MOTOWNSE Ni)^2-STOHY HOUSE 3 ROOMS—upstairs, 8downstairs and saloon: nice stand.

Applyonpremises. se2l 31*

IT'OK SALE-COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS, WITHLOTf25x100. 1112 Hampshire st. se2l 7t*


Only Iof the 20 not Sold.The Handsomest Block of Cottages ever built in

the city.2 of 5 Rooms and Bath,2Of 7 Rooms and Kith,will)allthe latest Improve-

ments: Electric Bella and <>as-llghtltig appliances;Wood Mantels and tiling:ArtificialStone Sidewalks:IronFences and Cresting,

In fact everything to make acosy down what yon can

And make yonr Installments to suit. This chance itoffered to

— —Purchasers, This Property is but

one block from the ever-beautifying Golden GatePark, witha magnificent marine view. Now Is yourchance to secure a Home In a locality that' willdouble In value In a few years.

Take the McAllister-st. Cars to terminus and youare at the Buildings.

Applyon Promises any day from9 to 4..1. M.COMF.HFORD,Builder and Dealer InReal Kstate. se2l 71*

Si! Cl 111 '\u25a0'"' 25x100 ON" CALIIORNIAST., NR.<JPOI'U. 12th live.$S5O-Lot 25x120. Oth aye., N. Point Lobos; lot

graded, streets macadamized.&S4o—Lot 25x120, S. of the Park; adjoining lots

selling for $350. B. SMITH.328 Kearny st. se2l 3t*14- lIV DO YOUALLOW YOUR FLATS TO BK-"

main idle when C. E. MAYNE & Co., will ad-vertise them free of Charge? 322 Montgomerystrt-et.


BeSl lmVF.W MAP OK CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA—J-l Most complete ever issued— offered asa premiumto the DAILY and WEEKLY CALL;sent by mail,postage prep. Un the DAILYCALLfor »« 25 peryear: withthe WEEKLY CALLfor $1 50 per year.

PUT YOUR PROPERTY IN THE HANDS OF1C. E. MAVNK A CO. ITyou want it rented atonce; they advertise inall the papers. Olllce 322Montgomery st. ge'Jl lm

CHtJAI" BUILDINGLOTS: $1500: POSITIVELYthe cheapest buildinglotInthe city: W. tine of

Treiuout are., near Frederick st. (which is AshburyHeights); size 23x80; street graded, macadamisedand cruient sidewalk laid; an unsurpassed marineview;also overlooking the Golden Gate Park: only 3blocks fromHalgbtSt. cable-cars; lots directly op-posite, no view,on the E. line of the street, havesold for $1650, and they are now asking $1750; tothe home-seeKer we would say, "Look Into this atonce, foritis positively a pick-up"; only four lotsleft at this price, For further particulars apply toO'FAIiRELL d-LANG. 11 Montgomery St. Se2l 7t

QlOfiEACH—AFEW VERY DESIRABLE LOTSCp 1 —»}south of Golden Gate Park, near extensionof .Mark,-; street and the new race-track, which IsBoon to be built. FRANK COLLINS .V CO., 930Market s:. si-21 71


QQ-ivfi RED CEI> TO SELL AT ONCE: DE-jjpOiJUU. Rir;ible lavestment: cor. on CaliforniaSt.. west of Kearuy: substantial brick bonding Ingood repair; willrent readily for $bO per mouth;this price Includes the furniture aud carpets.FRANK COLLINS A CO.. 930 Market St. real 71


'JO<).\JW. tlve property on Market street; 153ie»'t frontage; this property will double in twoyears. FRANK COLLINS CO.. 930 Market- -ji71IIYOU WANT TO LET TOE' KNOWJ. that your property Is for sale, list It with i. 1:.MAYNE A CO., 322 Montgomery st. s<-21 irn

Ct IU'ld NW. COR. KANDF;LLANDDAME; 2OIU'JU. blocks from ears; 25x125: Fuirniountlract. JONES A ULEGO, 324L^ Montgomerysirtet. se3o 3t

\l\ EACH—3O LOTS IN EXCELSIOR HOME-V-Ijv1jvstead: level and reaily to build on: closetoMission road: 25x100 each. JONES Jl 1:1 EGG,324V-2 Montgomery st. se'JO 3t111- OmAEACH 18"loTsT"soI"T1I san fran-k^ *-''VCisco; on Installments; Zblocks fromcars;Dice cottages are already built dose by these lots.JONES A Rl 1' i....i'/ Montgomery si. s, _.i at< itii/iA WHOLE BLOCK: SOUTH PABK;

OXJ'JXJ. lays welland close to ocean, JONESA- 1.1 EGG. 324 1-8 Montgomery st. BC'JO St

9 LOTS ON J ST.. SOI 111 PARK. BET. 31ST—and

-j'layes. ; owner goingaway: mortgage can

remain o! *250: willsell cheap. JONES *RUEGG,321'™ Montgomery st. se'-'O St

VIMM'" "'- LOTS; 25:6x114 BACH;

O— i""»mar Church: viewcannot be obstruct-ed; must Do so, JONES A liiBUG, ;i2I1* Mont-gomery st. k3O utC-Tp:/ 1A ELEUANT COTTAIiE OF 8 ROOMSOI«JVJv'. and bath, on Ilalghtst.. bet. Buchananaud Webster: lines! Block 011 the street: lot has 2frontages; slze:;uxl2O; house cost $J5OO. JONESa 1:1 btiu, .i^.i;..Montgomery St. se2o 3t

C;l.)/l/i 17TH BT.T WEST CASTRO CABLK:CM—.Ui'. nice level lot forcheap home: 3 front-ages; 2SxU2:O. JONES A BUEQO, 3'J4V% Mont-gomery st. t>e2O3t

ftV^f111 AYES ST. 68 WEST OF I.VUN;ALL«J"— »>'"'. street work done: this is the cheapestlot In that locality; '-u\luo. JONES & 1:1 1.1.1.,321V» Montgomery St. -t) it

C"'>l\l\(\ CORNF:R: 25 AND HOMESTEAD; C3POI/UI/. lots: i'.",xlmi.Including corner;. bar-gain; only -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 blocks from cable road; nearly level.Jones*,324M1 Montgomery at. a»3O 8t

£P YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY, GOtollK.MAVNE&Co.. 322 Montgomery st. 31 lm

VTKW MODERN HOUSES. SITUATED SUNNYi-> side Ingest., bet. Lyon and Lott;commandinglineview ot Goulen Gate Park and city;lots 25x112each; terms easy. Applyon premises. sel9 51C-->~(\ L..T


5Oxl60~~IN BERKELEY: toO


$450-40x135; sidewalked and sewered; $10monthly.

$100-25x2u0; $10 cash and $5 monthly.$300— 50H23: $7 monthly: with creek.Houses for sale; $25 monthly and upwards.Houses built on easy payments.piii-.i.p.-s,v RICHARDS,11 Montgomery St. S. F.,

and opposite Berkeley Station, land owners, selB tf

V~lllin EXTRA PINK BLOCK OF 50 LOTS,0IUUU. entirely level, beautiful marine view,a few feet from Great Ocean Boulevard and nearGolden Gate Park. Cheap at $200 per lot. ApplytoDFJBERNARDI, WEBTPHAL .v CO., 122 Davisret, se!4 15t

SEE CHE BARGAIN'S FOB SALE BYC. E. U WNKJi: CO. this week. 322 Montgomery at. se2l 7t

"Irvine 4- KLKIN of URIAH,DEALERS in1allkinds of town, farm, ranch and redwood tim-ber property: Investigate titles: attend to any busi-ness placed Intheir hands tor non-residents: refer-

ences to an] responsible citizen or tinu in Mendo-clno County. CaL Be3ttC;^. MONTHLYON NICE BERKELEY LOTS.C"$325— 40x100; slduwaiked; level.

•350—Lot 80x100, with creek.$150— Lot 40x135, Bldewalked and sewered.'.'OO other lots: all kinds; send for maps,CHARLES A. BAILEY,owner, 624 Market. se6 tf

I, INi; BUSINESS PROPERTY; CHNTRALLYr located; pays $1000 year!;-. PHILLIPS, 93Flood Building. Bel77t*

si 111 ."^IIM FOR SALE—

ELEGANT RESI-«S)XU.O\J\J. denee on Pacific Heights; nearlynew: elegantly finished: all modern Improvements;grand marine view that cannot be obstructed; lot32:6x101 et. BADT,JACObS & BRANDON. 318Montgomery st. sol 711

1F YOIT\vANT TO BOY PROPERTY IN SANIFrancisco call or send your name and address totbe'lirm that advertise everything. C. E. .MAYNEA CO., 322 Montgomery st. se2l lm

\l'->:>Z.l] 233 PERRY ST., BET, FOURTH AND»)*>O\KFirth: lot and house In good repair,

Includinglarge stable; always rented as a coal-yard :rents $38 per month. For particulars Inquire at330 Fremont Folsom and Harrison. fc!4 tf

JUST COMPLETED BY R. P.ERGFELD, 5 AND6 room cottages on the E. and W, side of Dia-

mond St., near 241h, 1block W. of Castro-sl cable;all large and sunny rooms: ail modern Improve-ments; high,planked basement, etc,: also 0-roomcottage on sunny side 30th St.; only small amount1.1 ii:balance oneasy payments: no reasonable of-ferrefused. Go and see th^m and call at 1521 Do-lores St., near 20th. \u25a0 Be6tf

£•1 I'll: WEEK WILL BUY A LOT IN Till:«35l luiuber-tluiue town of Sanger. PATTISON &SON, 630 Market St. set; if

IST BE SOLD: MAKE OFFER: SANCHEZ,nr. 29th; store, 6 rooms; 2-story, brick founda-

tion; well built neighborhood; street done: lot25x100: 25 feet adjoining: together or separate.Applyon pit inIst -. or 315 Chestnut st. sel6 7t

'ALL FOB OUR INVESTMENT BARGAINS\J this week, they are Immense. C. E. 3IAYNF!!A:CO., 322 Montgomery st. ae2i 7t

tTNIVKIISITY PARK (STANFORD I.MVKIt-U slty)—Five elegant buildinglots, 60x188; southfront; third blocs from depot: streets now beinggraded and graveled. SIIEPARD A N'ORRIS, 319Pine at-. Room 41. sell ifC. I111: WEEK WILL BUY A LOT IN THEUp1railroad junction town of Satiger. rATTISON&BON, 630 Market at. __. scti tfii<'.li(\ "NLY ONE LEFT—ON N. SIDE OF>u*)O«)Ul'. Clay at., bet. Broderlck and Baker;9 large rooms, reception-hall, saloon parlors; elec-tric ns-llghters and bells; line stained glass, andfinished in natural wood throughout: can be bought

on very easy terms. Applyat 2112 stein at. se!4 tf

AWEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 11. is THE WEEKLYCall, In wrapper, ready for mailing.



\ WIIK BUYS A FRUIT FARM;£*G.IO California Colony Tract, Tehama County;.11 .Hielot $400; payable $25 down, balance $15monthly; no Interest or taxes: 1 lot In town sitefree to each purchaser: only 50 lots at this nrlce.balance willbe raised 25, 50 and 75 per cent; nobetter or surer Investment: don't wait; secure oneat once. sau Francisco Land Company, 330 PineBtreet. 8e22 7tffi.'l(i(Win REDUCED TO $32,500— THE<iT»>U.UUV/.stock and general farm, consistingof 1800 acres (hallrich river bottom) and valuableImprovements in Stanislaus County, and including300 head orcattle, 40 bead horses and mules. 1 thor-oughbred lack, 20 head of hogs, farmingImplcmeuts,etc., which wehave been offering at $36,000. Is re-duced at owner's request to $32,500 for 15 daysonly. Ifnot sold will lie withdrawn. Those whowant a great bargain should Investigate this prop-erty. IfIt isnot worth more money we will pay allexpenses. Terms, '/;i cash; balance oneasy terms.The first payment willnot cover the stock. Title Isperfect. San FRANCISCO LANDCOMPANY,330Pine st.. San Francisco. seiilUt

SI [C(IA 60 ACHES OF ALMOST LEVELLAND,tJJ) IiJ'MI.4 miles from a large town: deep loam8011, especially adapted to fruits and vines; goodhouse, barn, etc., marl)- new; all fenced; smill or-chard and vineyard. A. A, HoVT i.CO., 634 Marketstreet. \u25a0

-se2l tf

< IlKlii lt)0 ACRES, SONOMA COUNTY; 6«3ru.UUv'. miles from town: splendid fruit audvine laud; well watered with livingsprings: ISOfruit trees Infullbearing; the land Is actually cheapat $50 an acre: this is a good profitable home. w.It.MABSHUT7. A C0.,0.10 Market st. Be2l 7t

vnK SALE—B(i'ACRES OF GOOD LAND,11AJT miles Iroin Callstoga, Napa County, Cal.. and 1mile from elegant residence id A. L. Tubbs: 40 acresIn cultivation: 7 acres in full-beariiiK fruit trees,prunes, apples, pears, pasclMi and plums: goodwater: new house 6 rooms; new barn; good road:no frost: for residence or Investment this prppertyIs unsurpassed, hut must tie taken soon. Apply toO. W. JOHNSON, Callstoga. Cal. ais2l 7t

VINE FRUIT FARM IN VAIA VALLEY. BV4IImiles from Vacaville, on county road; wellIm-proved place, with fine large vineyard and orchardor bearing trees, choicest varieties; price low andterms easy. Applyto C. S.I.'APP A. CO., Real Kji.stu

Agents. 415 Montgomery at. sc2o 31


C;O.";A 25 ROOMS; RENT ONLY $59; ALL•IT^'-'*'. walnut but one room; greatest bargainever offered in San Francisco. I.D. BARNARD,1148 Market St., near Taylor. it*rpoiiUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE GO TOi-I.1). BARNARD. ins Market at., bit. Masonand Taylor: established 1859. it*1M,ILODGING-HOUSES AT FINE BARGAINS.iv"I]-rooinhouse; fine location $:;uo10 rooms: new furniture; inpayments 1,00010 rooms: worth $1000 65028 rooms onMarket, Inpayments 1,300] 1rooms, near the Baldwin hoo40 rooms; fine corner; clears $150 3.00037 rooms: fine paying house 2.00050 rooms; corner; willexchange !.. 5,0006t>o other houses |\u0084., $_iHt to lr,I)hi

For sale by11. C. I>liKEIt,8.'.0 Market s't'.'se22 7tti')-() GREAT RARGAIN— 7 ROOMS AND

»li>V. bath: Rood locution; cheap rent. 11.111 IK.765 Market,' '


ViI*-?fin- s ROOMS ; MARKET ST. ; FINECiOl'U. place. WHITE. 70S Market st. It*< Ifi(Irt URANDBARGAIN:S UNNYCORNER

(„n. U(^.bouse 30 rooms, ur.Kearny and Cal-ifornia; all steady gentleman roomers; clears $100per month. Apuly W. V. iieai.y, iooi Market, it*

SftevT'i LODGING-HOUSE OF 25 ROOMS: ALLsl"I"• on first floor; near city front; cheap at

$800. lIEALV,1004 Market St. It'

fftftflfl CHEAPEST, BEBT-PATINOHOIIBI IN<STOU\F. city: cheap rent; 27 rooms and store;account other business. Apply MS Howard.sal 'Jt**J(i(in A Vl:itY NICE SUNNY HOUSE; 10XiVJy'\'. rooms: on McAllister •treet- cheap asowner must leave City. FRANK COLLINS,v CO.,93iUMarket^t. «, jjj7t'>(• ROOM LODOINO-HOUSE; ON MARKET ST.;—

Ugood, plain turniture: clearing »100 a month:price $1300. J. W. DONNELLYa CO., 777 Marketstreet.


scJl 21ui-X.'sn LODGING-HOUSE; 9 ROOMS, BATH.•v \u25a0'•'". 331 Jessie St., ne;ir Market. se2l 31*

HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS; NEW FURNITURE;account sickness. 4:i7Eddyst. se2l 7l*


FURNISHED HOUSE, 8IBOOHS;allrented. Apply 1to 5p. M..653 Howard.3l 6*

Q()r:f\ HOUSE 38 ROOMS, CLEARING $80•\u25a0 O\J. over expenses: Ingood order; very best

location; rent 8100; must he sold onaccount of go-ing last. AppljCall Branch Office. se'Jl 2t*L'ci;; BALE, THE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOMrhouse on Post St.;cheap rent. Apply 89 Ninthstreet. so2l 7; .LODGING-HOUSE-, 8 ROOMS: $200; MUST BE1; Bold Immediately. 113 Third st. se2o 3t»1 IBN'ISHKI) lIOUSKOF 10 ROOMS FOR SALE.r a ply 817 Mission it. sel7 "t*

sl iii LiiDGIN(i-HOL'SE. 10 ROOMS, BATH;QOv". newly furnished. Call Branch. ~t»Q7AII 15 SUNNY ROOMS; GOODLOCATION.yIUl'.ApplyCall Uraucb Office. a 16 7t*I?ORNISHIiD LODGING-HOI iN OAKLAND;-L do rooms; close torailroad depots and Postofllce;thorough investigation allowed. Address J.. P. O.Boi 1-7, "a::l:um. Jy2s tt

1Qft lB-ROOM HOUSE, ALL RENTED:X_O\J modern conveniences: very cheap. J>l7 tr

AWEEK'S NEWS FOB 5 CENTS^THIi wiiEK"L7Call, in wratH.or. ready for mailing.

fii:mt: km: SALE.

Or HAIGHT—UPPFnTTL^T^TF^rRoToisTT)—\J let, aud un tern furniture for sale. s«2l 3t*

\u0084 CRNITURK—4 ROOMS CHEAP: FOR HOUSE-< kci lug; front room pays half of rent. 5.'i7!..Natoma st. se2l 3t* •

DON'i FAIL TO VISIT THE STANDARDniruro Company, 1045 Market st., before fur-

nishing your house or your rooms. selil tfV1 I'HAMr.EITVI-.'l OF 7 PIECES. 415 CASH,

1> or lnaiallllielit. WILLEYBROS. 931 Mission, tfi-I't'N1 I.V BUYERS WISHINH SECOND-HANDV -' furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call «;ROSEN 1HAL'S,1 Fourth st. :Batisfactloa guaran-teed or money refunded; goods shipped free. iilir.'

f\ 1.1. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES; lON IN.-V Btallments, wlthont Interest, you cau furnish

your home as cheap i-lor cash elsewhere at HEN-j.V'.-s large lurmturd ami carpet warLlooius, IS t3i.'4 Kills SU 24 tf

\ GOOD CUANCE— YOUR lIOI'SE FURNISHED-'* complete with tnrnlture, carpets, stoves, cur-i.e. blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices,

on easy Installments; small deposit. M. FRIED-MAN & CO.'S, largest Installment house on taacoast. 228 and 230 Stockton at., cor. Post; open*vt-nlugs: prompt attention paid tocountry orders

STEULINii FIRnTtI:RE CO.—CARPETS '.:i0 funiiturd. jUJ» and lOilMarket »i., i:useutiiai .I'klKin.g. au7 tt

I11 Ml' GOODS Ml.DOWN TO BED-ROCK.. » prices; parlor spit $2.:>. ranges $6, new cham-ber M'ts complete $15: reductions all round: cash>>rllislaliiuents. T H. M.I. I.136 Fourth st :<Uif


Pr! assortment PLO 'i: OILCLOIH- I

I25c per yard ni-t rece.veil: Brussels carpets,elegant patterns, at 60c per yard lewe Iand laid. S.W. MlIi.iK.1234 Stockton St., di Broadway. 12 tt

/'ALP! rS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS, Cso A YARD;V Installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M.PRIEDMAN & CO.. 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. I'.-it-/\u25a0'LOSING IP ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED,V'laid.tSOc; 2-ply,2sc:oil-clotb,l2>'jc:ciirtaln-poles^

matting. loe. MiWM*<l:l:ov. llTMimt.


I^IRST-CLASS ITPRI 111. very cheap forIcash. 344 McAllister it. It*

JAMES XXI.I SOLE AGICNT FOB THE UN-equaled Schubert Pianos or New York; 410 Mc-

AlllslL-rst. Store open evenings. se2l 7t*C;.1-I1ONLY


«3r—*" piano: splendid tone: a bargain. J. O.

ROUN'TKLK, J. Pine st., Boon I1and 2. se2o 7,'

•J STEI « CHICKEP.ING AND HAZLETON0 Bros. *s pianos cheap for cash or easy payments;pianos for rent. 3257 Mission, near Nineteenth.' 17 7ill," GOOD ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR SALE:\u25a0_ II"'$5 mat iliuents. 213 Powell st. sel7 7tIMMENSE STOCK 01 PIANOS, NEW AND1 secuud-lianil. tff prominent makers. Anttsell,Odd Fellows iiall.Seventh and Market sta. sell tt>-; 1 '>\ UPRIGHT PIANO: WALNUT CASE: A•„"I_•). bargain. 917 Mission st. • 15 tt


VJ piano-, comprising Chkkcrlug \u25a0> Sons, ConoverBros., Colby and opera pianos: Wilcox & Whiteorgans. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 7.3 Market st..History Building,second noor. .se7 if

I>EST PLACE ON THE COAST To BUY A PIANOI>or an organ: pianos from «100; organs from$50: leading makes, finest stock, i.W. SPENCER& CO., 723 Market -:.. second ::-or. my27 tfYEW HAL1.1.1 r A DAVIS I PR] .11 C; LESSi> than cost. ANTISELL,7th and Market, sea tf




EM.MEiLONG PIANOS: WAREROOMS 109O'Farreli st., above Stockton; sold on Install-

ments: send for111u [rated catalogue and terms,seltf


r. just arrived. h2 Ninth \u25a0;._^



•J* II.pianos oneasy Installments ;pianos tunedand repaired. FAY.1729 Mission st. aaB7 6111

JUST RECEIVED, 10 GOOD SECOND-HANDpianos: terms low. STATIIAM,1322 Mart 2tf

I)YKONMAI/.\. AGENT SOIIMER, HALLETCitJj Cpuistou. Newby A Evans. 3<)ft Post. uiy22tt

ECKER V SON'S PIANOS. MUSICALINSTRU-meiits, and full stock of 10c sheet-music. ZENO

MAIi118 M'

BIC CO.. 769 Market st. jylltt

OK STEIN WAY. KKAMI'H * BACH. ROB-JT nisch. Oabler pianos. M. GRAYCO., 20«Post.!»tti,AND INSTRUMENTS. PACKARD ORGANS,I.' -beet music. -M. UKAVCO., 20ol'ost st. 25 tt _

TECK. lIAKDMAN. V'OSE AND STERLINGpianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BENJ.

CURTA2 ISON, sole agents. 20 o'Farreli st. au7 .'._\u25a0rill. BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKET1 sole agents tor the Miller.Be inlng. BtulU4and Kurumauu pianos and first class organs. Tel4ct

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND STJBSCBIF-tious taken at CallBranch oflices, uO3 Larkln

st 889 Hayes--

and 2518 Mission at.; open till9:30 f.M. l>*«tf


t-ci|; BALE VOCNG 5Si i : CHEAP: CART,harness, whole rig;or separate. Butcher shop,

corner Twenty-fourth and Folsoni. se22 »t*

L'OK SALE-FAMILY HORSE AND BUGGY;r child can drive it: buggy nearly new; price$150. Addres».J. C.Box 100. CallBranch. It*

roi!SALE—CAR-LOAD FINE YOUNG HORSESIand mares: some well-matched t<;.:ms. Can be

seen at McKENNA'S stable, Mission St., betweenEleventh and Twelfth. se2l 4t»i-lll.irFOR WANT OK USE


KJ work horse. »15 SbOtwell st. seal 3t«

HOUSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR -Ml.120 Nineteenth st. \u25a0 -1 3t*

.1- HEAD OF HORSES, FROM 1000 TO 1450_.) lbs., suitable lor all kinds of work, 22 Potterat, near Twelfthand Market sts. Be2o '.t

1, INE BUSINESS HORSE; ALSO A STYLISHIsaddle pony; must be sold. 2640 Howard. tl


iiseveral buggies on account of removing to thecountry. l-i'..Howard U. se!7 141

\u25a0rv.ii V.ELL-MATCHEDPONIES, CHEAP. 5ANDI6years old: gentle withbuggy and harness. Can

be seen by calling,1206 Stockton. -.ei.'i:i:'

It."OBK-HORSES TO HIRE, $15 PER MONTH;•' bones, 1050 to 1100 pmuds, for sale; $511 to$80 apiece. 228 Valencia St. . se!2 tf

U-E WILLTRADE LARGE FARM HORSES ANDmares forhay. 623 Howard st. au2B tf

/CENTRAL PARK HORSE MARKET;SELL OKI'pun-has* bores. WOODS ,'..-:ICK. au.litf




fa"1.1. KINDStil SKWIM. MACfiINKa inRENT;A $2 per month. 1308 Market st. selS 14t

SEWING J" MACHINES POR BALK AND KB-paired. W. 11. IIIG(ilNS, 628 Hayes St. inrltt

ij,,,-; NEW VOKK (Til HELPMATE; BRAND<!*">; latest; best f,.r $:'.5; allkinds repaired;rented ciiean. .1. I-HICKS. «67 Mission, 101lIt

ToB SAI.K-MIS< i:iI. '.M.OI>.

D~ UCK-HON iBBS-FINB QUALITY 10-BORE,„,? now.atlalf price. HICKS, 667 Mission,

near Third. st'--21'.I-OR SALE CIIEAP-THOROUOHHRED MALEI*Better pup: 5 months old. Inquire 115 Valenciastreet. _____•_ Jo?—-±I,'Olt EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES: A (lIKAP

r Washington hand-press: business proposition foran amateur printer. Aduress Printer, 103 Main st.,upstairs, city. seal 3l

UPHOLSTERY SHOP FOR SALE: OLD STAND;low rent. 152 Eddy St. »»8i 2t»

lj-'OK SALE-EXTRA COW. SECOND CALF",-T fresh 12ih, milk very rich,a child can milk her;can be seen Monday, 22d. Inquire of WHEELERMARTIN,2536 Market St. se2o 3t*

I/OR SALE CUKAP—2-STORY FRAME BUILD-IL0g,75x75; suitable for factory; can remain orlieremoved. Apply Monday. 9 to 10,Milk Depot,Third and Mis-lonst*. ae2o 3t»\TKW JOB-PRINTINU OUTFIT; COST $175;1\ will sell for $S5. Address i'rlntlng.Box 31,this office. se!9 7t*

VTEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE1> cheap. 42 Main st. mr3o tf

SAFE, SCALE. LETTKE-FKESS, STORE-TRUCKand money-till,cheap. 102 Clay Bt. au2B tf

HEPARDB FOOT AND POWER LATIIEi"UICKs,. agent. 667 Mission at.


ahaftlus, pulleys, belting, water pipes etc.-

Mo--INTOSHiWOLPiIAN,137 lJealß at. do 4tl

ii.'in 1miiwimiiw»i,ii iiiit1WFiiiai^«ffl'rrTrv'f*"-rf-?'rnri

_^ BUSINESS CHANCES.W('(i|in BOTBL POR SALE; ONE OF THE•l/UV.most desirable corner locations In; containing 62 bed-rooms, dining-room andkltihen; bar is Handsomely fittedup with best classof liquors, . .etc.; receipts of bar $20 per day-this is .ifirst-class mechanics' house, and newly fur-'ulshctl; satisfactory reasons given forscuins: ad-lilyW. F. Hi:\l,Y.10J4 Market St., opp. Fifth, it*CAI.OHN FOB SALE-VICISITYOF BALDWIN0 Hotel:lor ijactive, enterprise men this placeIs °.s"rrJ7i ?.""J:

"°re"»!<>""Be offer ref ased. Apply-At. t. Ilfc.AL\.JOO4 Market st. it»

SSfiflO'"'\u25a0'-'' ':'\u25a0'-\u25a0•' ANDBAR; VICIn"--• VyU. ItyolMall Dock; doing large bar trade:4 llvlnirooms; fullvalue. UEALY.,IOO4*

T.-i:l lIANDPRODUCE STORE: Al CORNER-J nestern Addition; 2 horses, wagon etc •busi-ness of $30 per day; come prepared, as first cashtiler takes it. Hi:aI.V.1001 Market st. It*

<"l"lO BRANCH BAKERY,CANDY AND VA-•IWU.rlety Store; business of per day ono

month's trial If llred 111. . un,;*TfOP. S.ALIi-UROCEKY ANDBAB, WITH FINE

,MnV."c au.l trade; inuft sell; owner leaving city.t>l3 Post st. ___J se23 3t*

(MUAl;.1 AMV AND FRUIT STORE ON PBOM-\J Inent corner, clearing over $120 a month:Rood reason lorselling. Northeast corner Howardand loth stg. se22 St*V*'" SALE—AT LESS THANCOST. CIOAK.TO-\u25a0I- baccoaud notion store: low rent. 319 Third.22 3

lADY PARTNER WANTED. ADDRESS, AP-J "luting Interview, (i. T., Hoi 17. till* of--s££; sc22 St*4i? %->^(l RESTAURANT— GREAT SACRIFICE• •'•' '. to-day. McLAPUHLIN.26 Kearuy. It*

><IK SALK CHEAP- PINE paying kestau-rant: sickness cause; no reasonable oiler re-

fnged, 2801 Folsom St., cor. Twenty-fourth. se22 5*pooTIiLACK-STAND AND LAUNDRY OFFICE;-1'

party going East. 308 Bush st. se22 7t*('IRPI II!. JOBBING-SHOP iHEAP; GOOD

\> locality. Apply 270 Stevenson st. / se22 3t*

©'./Oft SALOON WITH 6 ROOMS; RENT $30C-v". 1',;!.. > ithst.: rooms rented. se22trLINEGROCERY AND BAB FOB SALE. -AP--1 plyCall Branch Oftice. se'22 3t»

•":H IIISINESS FLACKS FOR SALE.o»'V» Country hotel, 60 rooms $6,500tulfff-saloons —


from $250 to 700candy-stores from 200 to 1.5U0Cigar-stores from 100 to 1,000Drug -tores from 1,500 t05,i)»0Saloons from 300 to 2.500Mallouery-stores from 301) to l.ouoOr.irery-storcs from 450 to l.b'uo

Applyto H.c. DECKER. 860 Market St. av22 7tmo SELL OUT It'll;BUSINESS PROMPTLY1for cash, co to 1. I).BARNARD, 1148 Market st.,bet. Mason anil Taylor; established 18,-.:'. it*Corn RESTAURANT. 5 ROOMS: A BAB-.. .),)V». gaiu. ,l.S. VAN WINKLE ,v CO., 783 VailarkcL It*•

i<!*)lU\ IIRST-CLASS QKOCI AND BAR.>i—""•M,LAUUULIN,JJ£ Kearni.-:. It*

\fILK RANCH AND BOUTS; SOOD PAVING-*** business; an honest bargain; steady man; clears»150 luuutiiiy.Mclaughlin.26 Kearny st. It*

v.,; • «,i/ 1 SALOON NEAR THE MAIL DOCKS,COUU. M. 1..M i,111. 1N A CO., '-\u25a0\u25a0 Kearuy St. It*

O 1 •>f)<) COSIEST FIRST-CLASS SALOON INliiUH.fin; very central location. ApplyM liiu.iNa ca, 26 Kearuy st. It*


C; vlW 1 SALOON ANI) BOARDING-HOUSE:»_ P»». splendid location; great bargain on ac-count ofsickness. McLAtGHLIX.26 Kearny st. 1*V IliilDRESSMAKING BUSINESS: OWNERIUU.niust leave. HcLACUHLIN.26 Kearny

street. . seli> 3t*

<8 1Hfl RESTAURANT: BARGAIN THIS SATtill 1 \l\J. B. WHITE. 765 Markets!. ifV|-" PARTNER IN GOOD SALOON: FINE'. I*<>. Chance. WHITE. 765 Market. It*V jIiCORNER CIGAR-STORE: SPLENDID•- -' "•\u25a0 lnvestiuent. V. 111 l,. 765 Manet. lt»<1 .";A BRANCH BAKERY ANDCANDY;FINECltlU. i!.i. \u25a0\u25a0. WHITE. 763 Market. lt»

QllOfl CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; AQWV. sacrifice. WHITE. 765 Market, l:\u25a0


QJ\r. A ONE OF THE BlST PAYING CIGAB-jT'^v-vi/. stores in Oakland; near the depot; i:-- \u25a0\u25a0!

corner; doing a rushing business; is actually worthdoul'ie the ainoi'.m asked; the best of reasons! forselling; the best opportunity ever offered. Applyto It. WHITE. 765 Market St. It17 7t«

"iM'^fl PARTNER WANTED AT ONCE IN»_«J«J<'. Mr-i-i is. i : e-saloon and restaurant:owner is first-lass coos:; wants good man fordinlng-rt^>mand cash counter; splendid i ice, band-sumely fitted up and doing large trade; it ri?ht inbusiness center of city, is popular and crowded allthe time; no better bargain; is well worth *550;must sell: needs help;don't miss this. GEO. STEW-ART, 135 Kearny st. It

Q I()f\l\ PARTNER WANTED; LIVERYAND»_ !'"'\u25a0'. boarding (table; one of the molt ele-gant north of Market St.: hastllenni stot-k :-\u25a0\u25a0-.carriages, buggies, roikawavs, etc., to be found inthe $1 iti,with large run boarders at htgnest prices;stable has alllatest modern Improve its and con-veniences for large business; clears $250 per monthaud Increasing rapidly;owner young workingroanwith large practical experience in the business;woiil.ilike to meet an energetic, industrious, soberDan to assist Ingeneral business, keep the books,look after help, etc., and to Boeh willbe given .ibai-gin never met with in this city before. i,li*.sTrWAlir,135 Kearny st. ItO>Q A ELEGANTCANDY-STORE; SPLENDID<_ Oi)U. place to a.1.1 branch baker] ; first,lasslocation; cheap rent with 3 nice rooms and yard:lias cbcncestocK »nd fine-paying trade: must be soldat once; rir-t \u25a0 Her gets it;never sucu a bar al .GKO. SI ART. 135 Kearny st. It»'jrn GROCERY: A BARGAIN; 4 ROOMS.ij>)OV.J.S. VAN WINKLE A CO., 783V4 -Mar-ket st. it*

Q [•)'-< SALOON"; A BARGAIN". J. S. VANO »—<->. winkle*CO., 7S3i :_. Market. li*

t--;i|fl "RESTAURANT: A BARGAIN". J. S.C—>'".VANWINKLE CO.. 7>,ii_, Mark't, It*

<4t )i'mii HOTEL— Hi: LEASE AND l:M--•W^*_! Uvl«turoof a good-paying kotel. In Santa

t rnz Count*"i COLLINS .V CO., 930 Marketstruct. X se2l 7t

I ;'.Mil PLAYSMIRROR G6148 IN.. LARGEXoil painting, lot liquors. C. F. MOORE, 5:18Kcan.y. seal .'t*

Q1 -f\ FRUIT-STORE AND BRANCH BAK-:O I')\f. cry, withhorse and wagon; must be soldluok at this. 1434 Howard. sc'-'l :<\u25a0»

0 --A CI'iAU-STOUE. WITH ROOM 17--t^ *)fi\J. tabbed, especially adapted for manu-: :ri;ig purposes. Inquire at store, 152 Secondstreet.

• se2l3t*.- OFFEE SALOON FOR SALE. ENQUIRE CALL\ Branch Office. seitl 2t*

ECUND-HAND FURNITURE BUSI HESS:0 cheap; sickness cause of selling. 1070 Howardstreet. ee2l 3t*V"IST-CLASS OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSI ;J dears $250 over expenses per month. 121 Fifthstruct. se'2l 7t»


•/\u25a0'''• per month;- good horses and wagon;

wurkaU the year round: has hauling for 3 whole-sale bouses; selling on account of other business.Applyat Stable, cor. Fourth said Brannan. seal at*

S~ TEAM LAUNDRY FOR SALE. APPLY 345Seventeenth bu »c2l 8t»

/"•ROCEKY AND BAB CHEAP; NEW STOCK;<J good location. 335 Sixth st. ae'2l at*

]7>OK SALE, SALOON WITH ROOMS: GOODX bargain for man and wife: does a good business.Applyat noon to G. SCHAEFER, Jackson Brewery,JSlis-sion St., betweci Eleventh and Twellth.se2o 3t*

Q I-fin PI B SALE, MARKET AND PORK\u25a0* l-'v"'.racking; all cash business; averaginga^O per day: net -am $15* month. Address H.N.,Hoi112, Call inch Office. se20 St*•I11AA BAKERY. BAKINU iV,BARRELS

<j I—''I',of flour per day; horses and wagon.

Inquire CallBrancn Office. »-\u25a0_'\u25a0 7t»

PRESS BUSINESS FOR BALE: FINEDOU-I-»bie team aud good stand. Inquire at this of-;ic.

c le^io.iud eoud stand. In'iuiri; at this of-( igt», OKNER GROCERY AND BAB; 1 LIVINGKJ rooms; good stand. 180 pleysi


t/-OOD BARGAIN": GROCERY ANDBAB; LONG'» lias-. Apply Call Branch Ollice. se2o 3t*11- ANTED-UOOD PAYING COFFEE SALOON»> Incenter of city, from $1500 to $2000. Ad

Cress B.U.Y-. Box IC3,Call Branch Onice. 20 SI

C'V'Afi PALOON FOR SALE: « LARGE,>iUlf. rooms. 91 Howard st. se2o ,it»


LIVING!. "MS: GOOD FIXTURES:v'to be sold account departure cheap. Apply 328Fourth St. SC2O 71*

011l\(\ ANOLD-ESTABLISHED FRUIT ANDft-1 vegetable business In a thicklynettledlocation near Mission St.: average dally receiptsguaranteed $100 and over; 2 weeks' trial allowedto any bona fide purchaser; this Is without excep-tion the best paying business: ever offered In thiscity: good reasons forselling. Call soon on W. B.

M \RSHUT7. A CO.. 630 Market St.. rear office. 16 7t

021 AAA SALOON, POTRERO, INCLUDINGJ~;i_UUU. building(ground leased at $12 50 peri th), good stock, tixtuK-s and furniture: Doe

\u25a0 place and good business. ApplyCall Branch Office.Must sell. ; sel9 7t»I,'ARGAIN


1> grocery; good living rooms; reLt cheap; must

sell ibis week; obliged toleave city;no age its. Ad-dress L.H.,Hoi Mm,Call Branch office. ael6 7t*

• .>-n GROCERY AND BAR, FINE STOCKi^ZDV.and fixtures; bargain. 6C F;verett.al9 4«

HOP-HOUSi:, SUITABLE FOR MAN ANDwire; good livingroom: rent $25; good chance:

selling heap. 11 19 Market st. si»l9 4t«. .)-/| BUTCHER BUSINESS] CLEARING®^iUU. $125 monthly: horse and wagon In-cluded. Address Biz,Box 161. Call Branch. 19 4*

-OR SALK—FIRST-CLASS FAMILY LlO.UOR-store on Fourth st. For particulars apply to 13


cheap. ApplyCall Branch Office. s-JKi6t'_/-IOOD 2-HORSE TEAM EXPRESS BUSINESS;VJT cheap. Apply NF^ cuf.Fifthand Brannamel7 tl

/-IOOD PAYING DRESSMAKING BUSINESS;"J excellent locality. Address Business. Box 162,

Call Branch ofllee. ae!B 7l^.-•_/•» i FRANCISCO ST.


00 Igood location; clears $125 per mouth; soldon account of sickness. se!7 7t*

JOB SALE IN OAKLAND—A TAIL"!:SHOTJ? doing Rood business. . 421 Seventh St., neari'.r.»adway. ael i7t»

T>ARTJ«ER WANTED IN A THRIVING CASHJ saloon business. Address A.11., P. O. "ox 155,Valiejo.Cal. se!7 15t*

•JJOTFIL BUSINESS IN CITY FOR SALE: 5XIyears' lease. Applythis onir.e. se!7 7t*

tCQilliBARGAIN; FINE CANDY AND VA-«J7O'"'. rlety store. 1220 Mason «t. ae!7 6t»

"si I 1,11 FIRST-CLASS BAKERY AND CON--0 1•''"".fettionery for sale; on one ol theprincipalstreets In the city: lias a first-class outside< torn ana More custom. Apply at the CallBranch onice. 710 Market St. se!6 7t*'

/"11GAR-STOI1E; ROOM Foil MANUFACTORY;\J also 4rooms. 526 Fourth st. sel6 7t*

I/OKSALE, TOCLOSEEBTATEOP ADECEASEDJ' partner, a one-third Interest In an ol'l-cßtab-li-ti.iland prosperous brewing business inthis city;the Interest offered embraces plant, cooperage,fiorses, wagons, all equipments; negotiations with

clpallonly. Address X..Box S. this ofnce.l4 10*

/iIIFAP SALOON": CHEAP KENT; MUST BEVJ sold at once. Apply317 Paclf.e at. seie 7t»


tsell 14t*

KARGAIN-FOR SALK CHEAP: CORNER SA-J> loon: centrally located; rent very reasonable.For particulars apply to A. McLEOD & CO.. NW.cor. First ana Mission sts. tcßlt

«:1-M111 NEWSPAPER ROUTES FOR SALE:«S>JLt)UU. morning and evening papers; pays

»80 per month, and business can be Increased by areliable man; splendid opportunity. Apply thisunice. I "u:n tf


A furniture and merchandise; advance* tt


STEKLINO FOKSIX luio Co., 10J9. 1041 Market. lio»»nthai Bid? 7 tf