Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · GUAS'C ITKMS. HrieTNotes Fr>.m...

GUAS'C ITKMS. HrieT Notes Fr>.m Pacific Stntes and TVr- rl tori's. A field of wild oats near Banta M.irla stand* 6 feet 2 inches hUh. Two rlecirlc light companies are raclo,' to zee the first llsbi turned un lv Victoria. A three-pound cucumber was plucked in the garJ-n of a physician at Santa Marti last week. A meetloE of Orange County farmer* will be held on July l-'.n, to make arrangements lor a fair. W. W. Byrne of San Jose was «eatene<Mlo fonr years 111 Ban Quentiu fur killinga CM. >•>\u25a0;; cook. Tlie first drive of logs on IheTruclcoe River made by a local lumber company coulaiued 4,000,000 feet. 1 lie hlorlde li-it In the name of .inew piuer of Ciudelaria, Kiuieralda Couuly, Xev. W. VV. 11". .Hi is editor. The Democrats of San Diego have subscribed money to liny the Daily San Dlogau. Il isi!:« only oik hiIn that city. Some boys a Sacramento touch"d oft a sky- rocket on Saturday night. It struck a scUool- liouse ana caused $3000 damage. A drunken farm-naud went on a, none In Clil the other li.iv. Ha was run 111 ami •earetlfil, wlieu $454 'JO was found loose in Ills clothing. The Gait Gazette says Hie watermen) 1 cop around 1.0.1 i will not amount to inucli this Mia hi on account of the lODgCuuiluueJ cold ni^lits a id days. Among the students at Pomona College n xi year will lie a young man wlin com all Ilia w>y lroin Nashua, N. H., to receive tlie Quistlln;; l ourli. D.iytoa A. Beed lias been elected principal o.' the Arizona Normal School at 1 run.', it-*11 s taucl 1In Plioßuix for some years aiM li \u25a0» .\u25a0 \u25a0•!!• known educator. '1lie Silver state says the losses or (?^n •• Won of Lander County last winter In uor**-, cattle and sheep wer \u25a0 (100.000. lining a plo veer of -11 years, be Is no. discourage*]. The Winters Express says: A fruit-growisr of tills vicinity, who lias been .iit|> vtnis fruit Kirn, has received icturns for the first shipment), II \u25a0 received from the sale of 1 101 crates, clear of at! expense!), a little over (1600. l'retiy pood ( ir an off year! The monthly output of the works it BboJns Marsh, Ktmsralda Cjunty, Nev, la 100 ton- of borax and 300 tons of salt In four qualities ta- ble, dairy, mill and stock. Tins w»rK gives em ploymeut to twelve whites, eighteen Cuiume auJ 200 Indians. Says the White i'lmS NotHln; ha* been heard Irum SKenlf i:ns.-etl and Jolin Henry since they started out on the trail of hor?e-ltnrve« leu days ago, auU their frlemls are aixiiKH abuut them lest the pursued may have taken In the puisueis. A boy named Hence was riding toward bit home from school near Uokelumue Hill last Krl- day alteruooti. His Bocae shied at a cow lylti^ Demi the roadside, and Hence was thrown upon Her hoi us, which Indicted gome severe wounds onMs back aud legs. A mail (if Uiieailand Imported a prize polul r from Englaud lecenlly mid paid «luo fur It* tralnlug. The first time lie look the animal out for shooting the dot; came to a point while on li.>: railroad grad •. He made a beaulltul point, bu the train came along and smashed the combina- tion. U.S. Warren, the sole survivor of the bark Martha lloud, atrlved at Port Towosend, Wain., last Thursday. Tbe Teasel wit wrecked off Ihe Fiji Islands, on August 27. 1889, and Warren lived on a small coral reef until April of IS!>.>. when lie was picked up by the schooner Mi cyon. A patent was put on record at Monterey List week 1 0111 the Culled Stales to KoDeil l.lver- more aud Joseph >ioilc-i;o. Itwas \u25a0tale 1 N.iv in- ber -'-, 188'J, aud emtracss the Kancho CauaJ 1 de lo.s liaqueros, 17,700 acres. The oii^iuil grant was made Iv is 14 to lltguera aud Mir anda. The Lompoc Record says: It Is reported that the Santa Vuez Syndicate has made a $200,000 deal with so.ue Kisteru parties who have pur- chased several thousand acres of the College aud ranchos. The land will beuividedamoui; thu new purchasers and planted pil.iclp.Uiy to olives. An eight year-old girl of J. W. Ituntajr of Pleasant Vail, y, Tulare County, went t > Hie we.i last 1 inlay to draw some water. Sue was 111:1-1 twice on bur leu fool by a large rattlesnake. Her father lanced the wound an.l .sucKed the pot- son so that she soon recovered. The snake was soon after killed. Says the Los Angeles Express: On* of the stone-cutters preparing stone toi me Santa Bar- bara Court-house fence recently found a curious fossil Iv the center ot a stone, lires 'inble* a piece of black walnut, blguly polished. Some say II is a bill of a 01. d aud others a shark's tooth, but II is not yet known what It really Is. A man In Honolulu, sniiiwicn Islands, bas sent an order to a lend in Trav«r for a dozeu live rabbits. The Advocate says Tulare Couuly can spare 1.000,000 littlepets; but if KaUk.tu.t permits this dozen to laud on bis little kingdom, in a few years they will eat bun out of house and home, lie will do well 10 take a lesson from Australia. The Calistoii»n says: Sunday last a quantity of shoes, winch cost {til a. whole-ait 1 , was found In tlie back yard of one of th c stores In town. The shoes bad been placed there the night previous by 'somebody who had tnkeii them the morning of tho tire. It other persons would return goods in this manner the owners would be very llianKful. A physician ot Tacoma got himself into hot water on Friday by causing lbs arrest of two school teachers fur whipping a boy. H was piovediu court that the teachers hud been m- stiucted by me father nt tha boy to whip him soundly, so they were discharged and the doctor was charged with $100 costs. He could not re- spond and was taken to jail. The Folsom Telegrnpb says: Two years and a half ago the managers of the Orange Vale Col- ony had two acres of figs planted us an experi- ment, and Ithas proved a profitable venture for them. Last fall they picked on an average twelve pounds to each tree, aud the coming tall they ex- peel to pick, If the indications are to bo depeix&d upon, twice as much. Another year stittiMeul will be picked to pay (or the land uud the '""<\u25a0 •..: cultivation. . . The Kern County Callfornlan say«: It Is alleged that combined harvesters waste a great deal of grain aud promote the growth oi weeds. Where they are used weeds are gaining ground every year. The grain must be allowed to sSttMk. until It is thoroughly ripe and dry, ana by that time the weeds are bo also, 1 hen, as IDs bar- vester does Its work, their seeds are evenly strewn over the field. It follows that every ye r the grain becomes fouler and the price less. The aver Advocate says: A rumor Is current that the Wilbur- r&ige-I'ursalt road-bed, willed li graded for a distance of seventy mites uortbwest from a point ten miles west o! Fresno, has been purchased by tbe AtcbUou, roues* .md Santa Fe Railroad. Several gangs ol surveyors In the employ of that company have been making sur- veys recently through the Lucerne Valley, oue as recently as a few days ago, and tue wish of our people for a competing Tine may not be so visionary as II Is ordinarily regarded to be. Has the Pomona Progress been victimized? Tbe last number says: A new swindle Is re- potted from Santa Barbara County. It Is per- petrated by means of a double fountain pen, one end of which Is filled with good, substantial Ink, tbe other with Ink tbat fades away In a day or two. The sharper writes bis agreement, coo- tract, or whatever particular thing he may nave chosen with Ink that fades, and lias his victim sign with the other end of the pen that lasts. \u25a0 Iv a few days he lias a slip of paper with nothing on It but a good slguature, over wliicihe writes any sort nl uotr that he can easiest turn Into cash. Look out for the 111 1:1. SEES THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY. JUNE .10, 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. 5 GAXLAKO MM; . \u0084 - OAKLAND JIKAL KSTA JJJi_^__ S~i7»nn MOffisatti 0011 COTTAGE: COR- JJr-IUI/u. Ncr lot, l(ioxl:;5: stable, chicken- house, windmill and tank; In N. oa.-iand: cable and st. am can pass wttblu a bloik of the house: $1500 tin remain on mortgage. Inquire of li. C. DUFFY, 997 Market St., cur, glxth, a. r. ].-\u25a0_'\u25a0.• SnMoWeFr 8t ( VA LANDA ENCY- AD V ERT I KM ENTS AND * / mi .it [ttlons received at the Oakland Branch omce of iksi Mwufute Call, Broadway, near Seventh st. Oltlce hours 6a. m. to a r. v. ILLIAiI J. DINGEE—OAKLAND REAL ES- »' tr.te lor sale or exchange: oth'ee, Nos. 160 and >.i^iitu st, Oakland, Cat. : send for Illustrated price-list JC24 tf 1 OTS t LOTS! LOTS!-5»00. $325. $:!st): LOIS Xj 40x135 teet; south frontage; o;. y 3 blocks from Dwigat way-station; local train* to Sau Fran- cisco: only 10 more left; come Quick; easy term:; sco owner. L. L. SALSBURY, 47.1 Ninth sr., Oak- land. je!7 lm *.i'|wi MDK-HII.L LOT 300x100: SHKL- .J-U*'W. tend; 8. frontage; SCO cash: $10 month- ly. (HAS. A. BAILEY, owner, t>24 .Market. je!9 tf TVTEW 2-STORY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND XV bath; stone walks; lot 25x103; In a central location, near San Pauloar*.; !?:si><>o; on easy terms. McDonald * cameron, 479 Ninth St. oak- land. jelj tf at i Una 2-STORY 6-KOOM HOUSE AND IOV/W. small store; lot4sxli.'o: cornering on 3 streets; bargain, W. E. BARNARD & SON. 4SJ Ninth st _^ jclstr C' I- - JUST LOOK AT THIS! A FEW LOTS d" <). In the beautiful Pleduiool Villa Tract, offered for a few days at »175 per lot: on easy terms or monihlv payments; this tract fronts on web- ster or Piedmont aye.: on Washington-it. car line running to Piedmont: no such bargain ever otfered before In Oakland: take the chance to secure a lot close to center of city thai willdouble In value In 6 mouths. See owners, SHERMAN a- iiNNi.v, 463 Ninth st., near Broadway, Oakland, omee open every night until H u'cHwlt. ; jnUI lin OAKLAND HOARDING AND KOOMS. o_V7n FURNISHED COTTAGE"OF 4 ROOMS tjf^*''. and bath; 5 minutes' walk from station. W. 11. (RIM.v im.. 205 Montgomery It je_7 4t 1.-LKGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, AT lit the Albany, Fifteenth ami Broadway. Oakland i one block from the narrow-gnnge depot; table Is un- surpassed; elevator and artesian water: nrsC-class In every way. Q. A. M AUEUHAN. »m W'lLI-SON HOUSE. OPP. CITYHALL - l' »' gant sunny rooms: reasonable rate ; special at- tention given to Hie comfort of guests, botb sleat and regular. 14th and Washington, jelu 3m rpilK HOUSE IS a BEAUTIFUL SUM- -1 nier and winter resort: has a number of elegaut cottages, large grounds and garden; has been thor- oughly renovated, and Is first-class i;iev ry appoint- ment Apply Telegraph aye. and Twenty-fourth st., Oakland. jelo lm LAKE ULOCK(COR. TWELFTH AND WASH- 1> lugton, Oakland), recently completed: elegant sunny rooms, unfit ruish'd, for ol&cesof private. 10 la TpLEQANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS TO J-i rent, with board; all un"ler . conveniences; pri- vate family. 5b".! Eighth St., between Cay and Jef- fi-rs.Mi; 1 li'nek from local Ira \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0HI In ItLAMEUA U1.'.1. ISXATK. »LAHI I) I I ABUAINB— »I7OO— IiOT 25x115; -V nice modern cottage 4 roams and b:ttlj; i block from Park st : WSOcaMh; *\u25a0.'"> per month.(4ls) J27(Ul—lot :'.;!: :il "5; 5 rooms and bath: on Cen- tral aye. : $500: balance $\u25a0>'> per month. (No. 355) $2760—Lot 53x117: new modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 3 Dlocka troin station; t.iiio cash; bal- ance (4U per mouth. (No. it) J.3ooo— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 rooms and bath at station: $600 cash: $35 per month. (X) *4000-Lot 50X125; fine new modern 2-atorv house 7 rooms and bath un Central aye. on easy terms: a good bargain. (No. 41.1) $7800— Lot 150; elegant new 2-story house 10 rooms, withstable; well located; part cash. (401) Houses bum to suit; 15 per cent down, balance easy Installments; cheap lout In an pans of Ala- meda; nouses to let and money to lean. 11. P. MoItEAI. ft CO.. 1428 Park st, Alameda, and 4'W Montgomery st. San Fran'-lsco. mySltf BXBKXUaVS ROOMS AND BOAItUING. CALIFORNIA HOTEL, EAST BERKELEY; GOOD rooms: family itsingle men: hoard opt.i-nal. 1ill' . ' rKB.SON-AT.«». 'piilS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON AND AFTER IJnly1,1890, I nil! not be responsible for Rny debts contracted by any number of my family. F. WHITE. \u25a0 ... Je;;u __ •pATENTKE WISHES TO hEi.L 2 VALUABLE -I patents; Investigation Invited, at 115 Kearny St., Loom I'J. jv'JO It* iLii Af !:\u25a0>. ANNIE BARUY. I WOOLDLIKE Tn SKK HI yon on business of Importance. Addrem .*., Hot t)3. Call Branch Omi ,-. \u0084«\u25a0\u25a0.' i 3t» A.LBEKT— MEET \u25a0.:;\u25a0. AT sixii Pllll.HAß- moulquo masquerade, Mechauics' Patlllon July 3d. ]e23 4t fPIIE INVENTORS OF THE " LADIES' TAILOR" 1 system of dress-cutting desiring to speedily make known the merits of their system a. id to establish a permanent school or cutting in San ETraaciseo, will cut dreM-llnlugsand give Instructions In <lre**-<;nt- tlng free of charge for Iwodays only: everybody Invited to caM; classes afternoon and evening at 110 O'Farrell st. Je_J 3t« 4 T MECHANICS' PAVILION. SOCIEIK PHIL barmonlqne niasqnerade, July 3d. j.-29 4t VI.KYIiODY WILL tit: AT SOCIETK I'll 1 1." i barmonlque masquerade, MecLaniea' Pavilion, July 3d. je29 4t ••'l'llE 01-EIJA" MILLINERY-STORE; GREAT i clearance sale for 30 days only: elegant trim- med hats. $1 00 a piece. MIIE. BLANCHE OULIF, 110 Kearny st __ ' St AT CRAVEN* SISTERS', 11 GEARY. LAHY agents wanted; bigpay. je29 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ACCORDION SKIRTS AND CAPES; FINE XV knife pleating. '.' Geary St., Rm 1. 38 SnMoTn tf DR. HAMPTON-EYE, EAR. THROAT AND XJ chronic ailments. Room 6, Murphy 1.1dg.23 Lra »IA RESP. YOUNG GENTLEMEN TO (lIJIIA.MZK *-Vf an amateur orchestra for borne, chnrrh or so- cinl purposes. Call 814 Geary st jc'-'(i 12m im KISSP. YOUNG LADIES To ORGANIZE A U ladles' amateur orchestra for home, church or Social pu. Call 814 ueary st je26 12m » RUSTIC EUROPEAN MANICURK. SIMS. .1 USE, 401 Post st, cor. Powell. Je2* lino AT 12b i;i:\l;NV. ROOM ft, YOU CAN lIOBROW money at low rates; private rooms lor ladles; pledges fur sale; take elevator. nu7 tf rpTIE 8. F. TAYLOR SYSTEM TAUGHT AND 1 sold. MKS. Pond, Room a, 121 ro.,tst. je4 lm HANDSOME ITS, *:< UP; CUTTING. FlT- tlng. $1. MRS. WALKER,HI Geary, je!4 Urn rpo MOUNT WHITNEY—A SCIENTIFIC AND 1pleasure trip for the summer vacation: emlueut scientists to go. For circular addresi i'KOF. » 11. WALES. Prin. San Joaiiuiu Valley Polytechnic ln- btitute. Tulare City, Cal. jell lm » I.L PEOPLE HAVING ARTIFICIAL TEETH -iV.sbnii.l use NELSON'S AMTCoSK twice aday: It strengthens the gums ami prevents inflammation. lm TIAILQB BUTTONS MADE FROM ANY MA- Iterial; also ivory-rim buttons. 110 Taylor st, the ouly button factory on this Coast. je2j gm 1 HUVATE I ESSONS. SINGING, PIANO, VIOLIN 1 »nd cello. W. DE JUNG, 14 09 Van Ness. 22 l'n MRS. DR. THOMAS (COLORED). ELECTRO MAS- saga: hygienic speclallrt. IDII Leavenworth. Km 4 DVHE FREE— DIVORCES, QUICKEST Tlalß, -'» no publicity; damages: collection: wills, etc T. ENGLEV. Attorneys' Ass'n. 11 Kearny st. je9Bm ON THEINSTALLMENT PLAN-DRESS-GOODS, silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets, lumitiiro, la-i-eiirralus, blankets and folding-beds at M. I uikii.MAN a CO."8, 228 and 230 Stockton st. Why pay ready money Mien you can buy just as cheap by making a small cash payment down, balance weekly or monthly '•' An Inspection of our stock Is respectfully solicited; orders by mall for poods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and *uQ Stockton i>t. cor. Post: open evenings. np)2tt "1 > A I NTI NO TAUGHT; 4-HOUR LESSON 50c. X dally:portraits crayoned $5 50. 1121.4 Ninth, lm £101.1>1.'... BEDS EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001 X lniiroreil with lar^eplatc 18x40: walnut, oak and cherry; cash price elsewhere #!)5; our Installment price only $50. M. FRIEDMAN A- CO., 2VB-330 Stockton st.. cor. Post: open evening I*.1 *. anlßtt Oi: iI:N T A L COMPLEXION BATHS AND beauty treatments. MME. VIDA, Oriental Beauty Physician, 22 Geary st. jezl 6in \u25a0\,l MB. BETANCOURT'S CELEBRATED RIIEU- m niatl.- pad: price *1. 104 Grove. P.m. 8. Jci» lm DRESSMAKING LATEST STYLES; REASON- Is able prices: orders by mill promptlyexecuted- iranteed. MRS. M. HE lIAGAN,9o'7 CLOTHING, ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTION, bought and sold. BENJAMIN, loin' Howard 51m POSITIVE CUKE FOB CATARRH,BRONCHITIS, 1 a-t ; uiin. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearny. Jes tf CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE T<) HAVE Viyour carpets cleaned and relaid. JONES' Per- fect Carpel-cleaning Worm, ii and 27 Eighth st; telephone 3424. oca ct »«'E HAVE ANUMBER OF FULLDKESS SUITS '* to hire lor balls, parties or funerals at a reason- able price. ORIGINAL MISFIT tLOTdINU I'aK- LOKS, cor. Post and IMipout sts. pERFKCT-FITTINci TAILOROR TRAVELLING -1 dress made in 24 brt.. $15, £-0. $25: goods found. MRS. M. DAVIS. 234 Taylor St.. upstairs, mrl tt MMI KELLOGG'S TAILOR STSTIiM OFDRESS- cutt ing taught. Rm 16. gliti Kearny st. )e:< lm MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES^ EVERY DE- i'j scrlptlon of collateral; old gold and silver bought. CoLEMAN'S. 41 3d St., Sau Francisco. m3O G-.J fLi\ cabinets PEB dozen: El EGANT >jp-i.U\J. water-color picture In gilt frame free withevery dozen, « ILSO.VS, 22 Kearny, my2s Urn PORTRAITS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK, i- crayon, water color* and pastel. Pacific Por- trall Co., 1221 Market st. T.J. O'HKIEN. M'gr. 20 tf ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY; NO publicity; legal everywhere. R. scoULAK. Attorney,34 Kearny st mylBBm jjfeßfl REv7aRD~WILL BE PAID FOR THE A if V O\J rest and conviction of any person or persons caught tearing down signs of 0. A. Klinkuer Jt Co. at 320 Sausome st, from telegraph poles or lamp- posts. my 14 tl MISS HOGG, 52H GEARY ST.; FUNERAL AND 111 nntnral Bowers of a I kinds preserved. apjiil2m Cl *K. SNOOK, PLUMBERS, ROOFERS, GAS- litters, tin.Conner and sbeet-lron workers. 630 Sacramento St., near Kearny ; telephone 1727. al9 tf Dicv GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, WITHOUT interest: dress irootls, cloaks, furniture, carpocj, bedding, jewelry, pictures, mirrors, hanging lamps, Clocks, etc. ; carpets from 65c upward. J. nooNAN 4 CO., IU2I and IU3S Mission St. bet KiTth » iJ Seventh; opnu evenlu^^ apl7 tf HIIiHEST PRICE LID FOB CAST-OFF CLOTH HIng, gold, jewelry. books. KLEIN,109 Sixth, tt WINDOW .SHADES MANUFACTURED TO OK- »' tier by WILLIAM McPHI 111)5 Market 24 tt » GREAT BUSINESS PROPOSITION— WK CAN •"i save you 50 per cent by purchasing a merchant tallor-uiaile business suit for $15; merchant tailor's price $30. ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PAR I.PIiS,cur. Post and Dupout sis. PIONEER CARPET-BEATING MACHINES DO i.the best work. .1. SPAULDINO & CO., 353 Te- hamast.; telephone 3040. apl2tf VNDREW— MEET ME CORNER POST AND J. V Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made by i> merchant tailor for $30. our price $15. ORIGI- NAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and luipont sts. I -ARPET-CLEANINU; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD; VJ the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone 5228. B. STRATTON, 1211 Market st. apt; SCHOOL OF MASSAGE AND PHYSICAL CUL- _ ture. A. O. ORETH, 921 Post st ap6 tf |>E ADVISED IS TIME To PURCHASE A MEIT 1 ' chant tailor-made spring suit in 3 or 4 button cutaway for * - .O: merchant tailor's price $40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTUINU PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. riARPET-CLEANINi), SC PER YAKD; CHEAP- \J esc ami best In the city. J. E. MITCHELL & CO.. 230 Fourteenth st. ap2t£ T\ OVTWAIT UNTIL it IS TOO LATE 100 ' pairs spring styles light-colored trousers made bycrack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15; our price $4 50 to $8. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dnpont st 3. CARPET BEATERS: CITY Steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Works, 24 and 20 Eighth St.: largest works in the city; irkguaranteed. Address A. W. MANNINU, pro- prietor; telephone 3250. - mr 6 tf YEN A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHABBILY -j dressed when we can M you In a merchant tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, for $18; mer- chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL .MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sta. I 'IVE A TALLSLIM MAN A CHANCE—WE CAN 'I fit you, no matter how tall, lv a merchant tailor- made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's price $40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dnponl its, h \u25a0;-...-. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT beating; rehltlni; carpets a specialty. CONKLIN BROS., 333 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone 2126. 13 tf AISTS CUT. FITTED, STITCHED. COLLARS sleeves lv; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery belts put on; $3. MME. MICIIAUX, 1lti McAllistr. I>RIVATE HOME Tsi CONFINEMENT. Bdl Folsom st MRS. M.E. ROGERS. Midwife. A3 13a KNKY H. DAVIS. AT TOKNEY-AT-LA W. 423 California St., Rooms and 9; AII VICE YOU CAN BUY YOvJR. FURNITURE ON IN 1sUllmeutv, easy terms. BARE BROS., 323 IN stallmeuts; easy terms. BARK i;uos.. ::i.'n I Hayes __ bet Frauklln and Hough. inristt en CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL OU for lour months to any part of the United States. DKKSSMAKKRS. DRESS-CUTTING TAUOIrrTrHOROCUHLY BY authentic French tailor system. 610 Post. jels 6m \IISS AGNES KELTER, 119 STOCKTON. NEAR 111 Geary; stylish suiU from $3 50 up; f.ttli g.i speclaltv: 75 cents: perfect ft apt tt - KIJUCATIONAL. S"^ I'ANISH LADY desires A FEW PUPILsTfO join a class or for single lessons. 148 Sixth St., Room 44. \u25a0- JeB9 lm KROPP'S NEW MUSIC NOTATION IS A PER- fect, rapid and easy method. 814 Geary 12m CERTIFIED TEACHER FROM EUROPE DE- Vysires pupils for pianoforte: terms $3 per mouth. 40 Husa St.. off Howard, near Sixth. jc2o 7t* ELKGIt A PHY ANDRAILROADING; 640 CLAY; 1 refer to our operators now in offices. Je2o pin FIELD SEMINARY 1825 TELEGRAPH AYE., Oakland, will open August 4, 1890. MRS. W. 11 , HYDE, Principal. ]e!7 3m TmANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY; HALF 1 hour 25 cents. 931 Market. Room __ my 16 12in /GUITAR AND PIANO LESSONS GIVEN, $3 TO \J $5 per month. 39 Fifth st. - my 29 6m SV. SCHOOL OF ORATORY-ALLBRANCHES . of eluclltluil Uught. (iUV DURRELL, 527 Post. El). (RANDALL, TEACHER OF SINGING. 403 . Golden Uate aye. my1 1 6m MARIE HALL'S MUSIC PARLORS ;PIANO harp and vocal lessuns. 120 Eddy st. Apia 12m CHOOLOF CIVIL, MININGAND MECHANICAL O Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, DrawUuc Assaying. A. VAN DEK NA11.L1iN.723 ait? EALD'S BUSIINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST Double-entry book-keeping, penmanship, short- hand, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., all UioTudedU business course under oue lee of $75. je3d PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 330 POST St J. Llfeseholarshln. $75: day ann evening. oo'iOit ATTOIISKVS-AT-LAW. . ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY; positively no publicity; shortest time; legal everywhere: tee after divorce: collections, etc. ; es- tabllshed 10 years. O. W. HOWE. 30 Kearny. 25 tf « DVICE FKKE; divorces LEGALLY, QUlCK- iviy; no publicity: correspondence confidential. U. S. Attorneys' Association, P. O. Box 1735. 3. F. 19 tf ADVICE FREE- DIVORCES. QUICKEST TIME, no publicity;damages: collections; wills, etc. T. ENGLEY, Attorneys' Ass'n. 11 Kearny st. je96m DIVORCES, WILLS, ETC. FRANK Kennedy, Attorney. 83 Murphy Building. - latl. ADVICE FREE, ROBERT SCOULAR, ATTOR ney. 34 Kearny St. my! 3 6in JOHN A. WALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 230 tiansome St., Rooms 10, 11 and 12. myIS tinui , W~ W. DAVIDSON, AT IORNEY-AT-LAW, «M . California St.. Rooms 11-15: advice freo. dJtt SITMMF.U . KESOKTS. OTEL DE "WINDSOR; ST/MMZB AND WlN- ter resort: beautifully located. Address L. I'IEPKR. Windsor. Sonoma Count). je22 cod lin* SANTA CRUZ—RIVERSIDE HOTEL AND COT- Otßges; the favorite family l.otel In Santa Cruz: 0 mhiutes' walk from beach: beautiful grounds; terms reasonable. FRED lIARSOX. je2Blin A Hi. INI, TON HOUSE, SANTA CRUZ. CAL.— XI Furniture of 14 rooms for sale, * 1200; rent very reasonable: corner house, few doors from ocean Hotel. F. A.-E. HOLT. _\u25a0'.'-- 71* SANTA CRUZ— SUNNYSIDE: A NEW FlRST- class boardlng-liotise; »1 to SI SB per day; Wai- nut aye. 3IRS. V. J. D UTCIIEK. jc27 3m 1/OLLIN COTTAGES, SANTA CRUZ. CAL.— J? Best summer resort on Beach Hill, overlooking the bay, o. W. FOLLIN. proprietor. j''27 3m SEA VIEW-A BEAUTIFULSUMMER RESOttl'- -10 miles from CazHdero; 8 miles from the ucea:i; 1500 feet above sea level: fine climate: beautiful scenery; hunting and ashing unsurpassed. JAMES HENRY. Proprietor. Jc7 lin \ NDEBSON SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY; HOTEL XV and cottages now open to visitors: beautifully located: free hot and cold water aud hut siilnhur baths: first-class board *10 to $14 per week: train to Calistoga, stage to Mlddlctown, private carriage to Springs; fare from San Francisco $5 80. J. AN- PERSON. Proprietor. . Jel9 tf "~]?L MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO - HOT i-i salt-water baths. iny3 4mo JAUREL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACCOM- J 111od.uions. Address P. O. Box 159. N.ip.i city. AETNA HOT MINERAL SPRINGS. THISAMEKI. -^V can Ems 'waters; unsurpassed; pleasant place; pure air: no fogs: warm swimming bath: table good; reasonable. Write for circulars to W. 11. LIDELL.Iin KNFIELD HALL. 21/ a MILES FROM SANTA Rosa; beautiful grounds; lovely scenery; mod- ern bouse; lovely rooms. MRS. A. SOLOMON. Box 322. Santa Rosa. je!B 14r S WANTON HOUSE. lE.SCADEKO. SAN MATEO kj County, cal., the favorite resort of the Pacific Coast; hotel and cottages all newly furnished; lovely grounds; also the famous pebbly be'ich. where are found agates, opals, top:iz, moonstones, emeralds, water crystals and many other precious stones; good trout Ashing and wildgame; board reasonable; spe- clal rates fcr lamilies. MRS. S.W. ANTON, Itt SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS—BOARDERS AC- kj cointnodated at ocean View Fruit-farm: grand view; oak groves; special new cottages. Aiidre« iIIOS. SLAUGHTER. W rinhts.Saula Clara Co.. (IIAMALPAIS VILLA. TAMALPAIS STATION. 1 Ross Valley, nr. San Rafael: salt water bathing; commodious grounds: tine drives: pavilion; take \u25a0Sangalito lerrv. MRS. PETER SMITH, proprietress AMPLE COPY OK THE HOTEL IDE, CON- -0 taining a directory of California hotels and re- serts, sent free to any address. Hotel Guide, 120 Suiter at. |eBtf SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SDllSCKrP- tions taken at cm.i. Branch oiiiees, 808 Larkin ft., SMI Hayes st. and 2518 Mission st. i open till 0:30 p. v. Eost.~~ ATURDAY EVENING, BETWEEN ED~t)Y~AND i~j Taylor and J. J. O'Brien's, purse containing ring and suull change. Suitable reward by returning to IllsStevenson st. It* \u25a0 oaI— WILL THE GENTLEMAN THAT CALLED J J at the oniee of the snttor-st. Railroad Saturday evening, June 21st, with gold coil bracelet with knobs on both ends, found iv the car, please call with it at 2522 Sutler St. and receive suitable re- ward. ]e29 2t 1 OST-$lO REWARD; BRINDLE AND WHITE XJ .-i.Bernard dog; right side of face a.iric. left side white; white spot iv right eye: name •\u25a0 Doc " on collar: license 3301. Return to Room 31, 1104 Market St. je29 3t» I OST—JUNE 13, LIGHT YELLOW COW; LEFT J J ear cut; right hipmarked V. Finder please return to Potrero aye.. bet. Nineteenth and Twentieth, and receive reward. li. KKLI.EY. je2B at* rpilK S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN HANK, 5.M X Kcarny St., lends money at '2 per cent per moutn on watches, tii.iinoiols and lewcirv. jaJO 'im FOUND. I,'OUND— if2o IN HOLD BY PIJRCIIASINIJ A 1 merchant tailor-made dress suit for $10; mer- chant tailors' price. *40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post aud Dupout streets. 1)1. .Ml MS. DX. THOMAS "LT HILL, ODDFELLOWS' BUILD- Iug; o.ilce hours, 9 to 5. ap24 e^d R. H. AUSTIN. SURIiKoN DENTIST, RE- moved to 719 Market, near Bancroft's. 18 lvi DR. CASSILLVB PAINLESS DENTAL rooms, 920 Market st; best teeth $4 to »7; ex- tracting or lining "Joe. to *1 ; half price to poor.a 6 tf SYLVKSTKK, SUBLKTT .V SYLVESTER, DENT- ists— UK. W. A. SUBLETT has exclusive charge or our mechanical department, while DUS. HENRY and William SYLVESTER . n.i .-.-•..\u25a0 operative; teeth extracted or lilted, positively without pain, by the use of our celebrated vitalized air. Claces Mi cor. Sixth and Mission sts. ; hours 9to 6. JoB ly KAUTIFULSET «7; PAINLESS EXTRACTING l> soc; gold plates: bridge work: crowns: Ullin-r-i: at lowest rates. DR. ('. A. PKRRV. 8 Mason St. Ues tf DR. BEA. 923 MAKKEI'. EXTRACTS TRET! / mr 60c: with gas lor 81; open evenings, helltf \ LL*NEWSPAI'rJKS HAD LONG ARTICLES IN .'1 them stating that the insane asylums are full or people who took gas only once for painless tooth Of* lruction and went crazy My secret painless moth 1 Is wonderful. By Itsuse any dental operation may be done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tootn that I cannot extract without sleep or en. tin though a dozen dentists have failed to extract lE. All operations done better than elsewhere, sluca L have seven first prizes [or beautiful nlllugs, plat*, and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists. OSes open till9:30 p. M.; Sundays tin 3 tr. m. DR. GEOKGB W. LEKK. 6 o'Farrell SI OC9 tt DR. C. 11. WILSON, DENTIST/ 825 MARKET St., bet. Filthand Sllth. opp. Mason. dels[r i(IlON DENTAL ASSOCIATION,SOS MARKET V.-' st. (l'lielan Building): gas specialists ; positively e3Etraet teeth without pain: only olliee that makM mid gives the ce'.jbratM •Coltou ia"; 30.0 re; (reuces; cgtabllsbril 18J.1; all ope.r.aiau? In dentistry Kttonne.L i)K.CHARLES W. DECKER le7 tf DX. A Ll !>LI M1111.1. I**3 MABKET ST.. BET. Tenth and Eleventh; no charge tor extracting when plnles ure made; old plates made over HKa new; teeth from $s i>er set: extrnctlng 50c. mitt \u25a0•- A .-hi FOB TEETH; WARRANTED A3 0 I good as can be made; filling HI. DR. Bl ' '- 930 Market St.. next Baldwin ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•..••: ct MALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSORIr I tlons taken at Call Ur.incn unices. VO3 Larlcla St.. :::c> Hayes st. mid 2518 Mission v.; open till D&0 t: v. !V»tf ASXKtll,l)(i>. . UfONDEBFUL KKSS, Tlii.l.s PAST.PKKS *• cut and futurtf In hn.-iucs-, stocks and lite; reading bis no equal : fee 25c, 50c. 211 Third. 30 4 LAIR VOYANT— FEE 25C; LADIES ONLY. 440 \J i lilrd st.. Room 4. Je29 3t* MX. HOREAU, 73 FOURTH ST.. REVEALS past, present and future; fee 25c. jc2B 4t* I UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE-TELLER AND A clairvoyant; magic charms; love tokens: shows true pictures of future husbands and wives; teaches fortune. 2328 Mission st , ur.2oth; fce?l.je27 lvi* ISS ANGELLA WISCHAKD. GREATEST MISS ANGKLLA WISCHARD. GREATEST fortune teller; gives Information on stocks and lottery: love and Wish charms given: future hus- band i un wife; also marriage bureau connected. Office hours, tf-Ua. m., 2-7 r. m. 3534 th. je27 bm MK£ EXODIUS, CLAIRVOYANT, REMOVED IVI to 10ti7 Market, bet. Bib and 7th, Room 2.a17 tf MRS. NORMAND READS YOlKENTIRE LIFE; past, present and future, and R.Tes lu<*kyuuiu- bers. 112 O'Farrell at., basement Boor. jel3 Urn . 1SIE.HAMILTON-OARD-READER: INFORMA- i'Itlou on slot us; lucky numbers. 1035 Market, lm TOLAMANNING. LATELY ARRIVED FROM EU- .I rope, reveals p.i.sC, present and future with cards. Hours, 9 a.m. to Br.H. 917 Va Mi sloti, top noor.JB Buj MX WALTERS, 317 TEHAMAST., Ni;. 4 111: fortunes told: ladies, 25c; gents, 80c : open Sun. fIiHE GREATEST FORTUNE-TELLER IN THE 1 city; reveals past, present and future. Call and seoMME. OCEANIC, 32 Fourth St., Rooms 43 and 45, tiA. M. to 10 P. m. inyS Cm pREATEST FORTDNE-TELLER INTHECIT*: VJf reveals past, present and future. Call and . m MISS LELAND. .789 Mission, near Fourth; fa* ladies soc ; gentiemau 111; lucky charms. mySlt _ MMX. SIIMID. FROM VIENNA: MOST nowned:revealiiu life's future events: ladles SI, gentlemen #2, by mult $3. otheoHsu* .Mis-ion. utr'-J tf Pianos^ VIOLINS. KTC. 57CiT~ iC '" E "^' T ~ r^A'' o^ FOB SALE AT *3 tJ[!i)U. per month. 213 Powell st. je29 7t I) ARGAIN-FINENEW UPRIGHT; MUST SELL. 1> 616 Ellis St.;rear. jc24 tt HEST I'I. ACK ON THE COAST TO BUY A PIANO or an organ; pianos from $100; orgaus from »50; leading makes: linest stock. F. W. SPENCER A- CO.. 723 Market St., second lloor. my 27 tf BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT XJ KOHLER & CHASE'S. 1041 Market St. au24 tt DECKER BROS.' MATCHLESS PIANOS. Kol ILEB * CHASE, 1041 Market St. au24 tt H ALLOTitDAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO AND Organ Agency. W. (i.BADGER, 725 Market BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and save agents' profits tind freight; 25,000 of our pianos Inuse: established 25 years; second-band Chkkerlug, Knalie, Opera, llaliett ,v Davis, Vote, etc.; installments or cash. AN'iISELL, Odd Fel- lows' Hall, Seventh and Market «ts. my 29 tf (JJ. ,-1 ISO.UARK PIANO,GOOD CONDITION: NEW «|pOU|,l.i;ios on Installments. FAY. 1721) Mission. PIANOS: VARIOUS MAKES; HALF-PRICE: 1 easy terras, at AT HAM'S, 1829 Market, niy'-'tf LOR STEINWAY, KKANICII * BACH. ROK- r nisei). Galiler pianos, M. GRAY CO., 200 Post. Jslt I AND INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGANS, I > sliest music M. gray CO., 208 Post st. 25 tt TKCK. lI ARDMAN. VOSE AND STEKLINd Opianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN/. CUBTAZ A SON, sole agents. 20 O'Farrell st au7:t L' W. SPENCER i CO., AGENTS OHICKERINQ 1 . .1 Sons, Couover Bros.. Colby and Opera pianos, 723 Market St., History Building, second noor. 2o tf BY ICON MAUZY, AGENT SOIIMEK, HALLETr* Cumstou, N«w by dc Evans. 808 Post. iny*J*Jt< rpilE BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKETST., X sole agents for the Miller.Banning, Stultz A Bauer and KurUuiann pianos and first-class organs, lei It! WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THIS WEEKLY Call. in wrapper, ready lor mailing. :J>l»lt >At.i.-.Hi»i »-.1.1..-\-M.<HJs. UNION RANGE STOVE NO. 7, WITHWATER- I cheap; $10. 106 Julian aye. je2B 'it* (Jlj.j.l- FOR SALE COTTAGE, 6 KOOMS, %s>>>AO. bath, conservatory; to be removed Im- mediately; Lyou St., bet. Sutler and Bush. It. McDOUOALL A SON. Architect!, 330 Pine St.; hours 1 to 4. Je2it 14t ifOK SALE-HOUSE TO BE REMOVED, ON W. 1 side Jones St., bet. Bush and Pine; make an offer. Apply (i. B. UMUSEN a: co., 14 Montgomery. 18 tf m"allfire-proof safe for sale "cheap. 42 Main st inr3o tt GAS FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS VERY CHEAP. HUFSCHMIDT, 637 Clay St. my 9 3ni CREAM OK MILK DELIVERED AT AGNEWS. Narrow gauge. Box 4b'B, Santa Clara. my* tt HKFARD'S FOOT AND POWEK LATIIE3, HICKS, agent, t»B7 Mission St. »e27 tt TVTEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. MHi HELL 1> A RICHARDS, cor. Hush and Market ms.olo Win QAFE, SCALE, LETTER-PRESS. STOKE TRDUIi Oanil money-till cheap. 102 Clay st. au2B 12m QKCOND-HANO BOILERS. ENUINES. PUMpX O i .\u25a0! i .u ;. pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc Mo- -IMOSII A- I'M AN. 1:17 He»le st. 110l tt *^. .'.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0 STOKAiJK. _'. .~~.- -I~ftURNITI(RE UEXOVATED; ALSOSTORAGe! 606 Geary at. -•-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 Je23 7t PACIFIC STORAGE CO., »01 STOCKTON ST.; X furniture and merchandise; advances mads. 15 tt y'UKNITIJRK~~~KTOKED STERLING I'UR-iT ftore Co.. 1039. 1011 Market. Un-enthal Hldg. 7 t| "^ . ~~ »XA~ITL.UB TO I, 1,!'. .:. ' STABLE TO RENT WITH Two STALLS; BOOM for wagon and reed. Apply210 Hickory aye.27 tf ROOMS TO LET-rONTTNUKD. IQI 7 MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS" FOR I OX I housekeeping: alsj single rooms. Je2B st« 07 LAFAYETTE— 2 FUKNISUED AND '2 UN- -0 I furnished rooms. je2B 3t* _i|O GEARY—LARGE, SUNNY ALCOVE; ALSO rr£.(3 single room. je2Btt 1 ,r. RINCON PL., OFF HARRISON, ME. FIRST-2 XO unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 283* 6')?\ STEVENSON NICELY FURNISHED O large front room for 1 or '2. je2B 3t* 1/»C JULIAN AYE., NEAR SIXTEENTH X \t\J Large, furnished, b.y-window, .sunny room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; *8. Jang lit" ,[>),"i STEVENSON- NICE, FB.ONT I URNISHED i O room; thirdlloor; $5. JO2S3l* 1 999 MISSION-ROOM FOR HOUSEKEEPING! \u25a01 ——^j closet and stove. },e3B 3t* II A TURK FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING XXrX rooms; other furnished rooms. je2B 7t* 1 \>.4l SEVENTH-NICKFURNISHED DOUBLE -I'J'J Iront roomj_veran(la; $7. Je2B 3t* Ol '_> GEARY-LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED *-> 1 O room. je"B3t* VOW EDDY-SUNNY FRONT ROOM, HOUSE- £.\r(J keeping, aud single rooms, cheap. je2B 31* 9f'l POTTER-NICE SUNNY BACK PARLOR, +*yf'4 bath, sis and use kitchen; suitable r«r couple or two ladles; »12. Je23 3t__ li I A THIRD —NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS, ___U man and wife; also single. Je'2B 7t» ii I Q Mi -ALLISTER-3 OK 4 UNFURNISHED »i" rooms. Including kitchen. je3B 31* 1 I .11 WELSH. OFF FOURTH—2 OR 3 FUR- -I -i ~-I~ niahed rooms housekeeping; cheap. j26 31* A 1"}! ti<>LI)EN GATE ATE.—2 SUNNY CON- -3* J I ueCting^boUiyekeL-itliig rms; reasonable. 28 tr I 'i(l PINE," OOR~."I'OLK— 2~LXIUJE BUNNY I >)\>_ bay-window furnished rooms: suitable for doctor or gentleman. J027 st*_ S-)l i 1 (ILSO.M. NEAR FODKTH-$1 50 A WEEK; i-^— " fnrnlsbea room; double bed. Je27 tf I t>t> JESSIE— FURNISHED BOOMS, WITH TOO kitchen for housekeeping. Je-JT ..: t>•) I I SEVENTH, IN THE REAR 2 NICE «J-«-t2 rooms to rent to respectable party for housekeeping ; unfurnished; $ii. je27 tt OS. FIFTH NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE tit/ sunny rooms; reasonable. Je-'7 st* 1 VQ SEVEN lI—FIRST FLOOR SIDE ROOM; -I —^ sunny all day: gents. Je27 st* 1i) 1 7 POLK newly- FURNISHED Sllll! iOX I room; sunny: bath; private family.27 71* I o*-*7 MISSION—NI< 11.. FURNISHED ROOM; -Iv'ul also unfurnished housekeeping; sunny yard. je27 at* 191 V TENTH NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS i —VI lorhonsekem Ing. jc27 51* 9 1 fll SIXTH - CHANGED HANDS; NICELY I » -.' furnished rooms with kltcheu for house- keeplng; also single: rent reasonable. je27 7t* ()•> IMISSION-SUNNY, CORNER, BAY-WlN- >>_!)\u25a0. .low room; nicely furnished. )ea7 St» rpHE victorTa, iiBi/ 2 11.1.15, HAS changed 1 bands, and is new and elegantly furnished; en suite or single; transient accommodated. je2t) lin ,'.11; MINNA - FURNISHED ROOMS FOB O'V) housekeeping. je2li tf '-',07 VAN "ESS—ELEGANTLY FURNISHED OV/ i corner suites; also other rooms; gents.2B lm 19'_> NINTH— 2 UNFUKNISHKD ROOMS. SUIT. J— O able forhousekeeping; »10. je'Jßtf I '_) POLK-NEW HOUSE AND FURNITURE; 1 <> window suites; single; ail sunny: botand cold water. je'Jti lit 700 POS 1— ALCOVE SUITE: SINGLE ROOMS; I W with or without board: references. je26 51* XIV)WASHINGTON— SUNNY OFFICES AND OV/w housekeeping rooms. je26 71* |9^J HOWARIT-LARGE CORNER lIAY-WIX- -1 —0~l .tow room; unfurnished; light housekeep- lug. je2tf st« 9] NINTH— FRONT SUITES; BAY-WIN- •- 1 (low: sunny: bath. je'.'9 7t* >'Jj'l SIXTH. HET. HOWARD AND FOLSOM^- i>U^ Furnished aud housekeeping rooms. 20 10* 1 1 (1NINTH— NEW CORNER HOUSE AND FUR- -1 1t ' nlture; suites and slugle; sunny; bath. '-6 10* 1 -~>-){\ MI S S I O N— SUNNY UN * URNISHED 1— v-' rooms for housokeeplug suitable for adults. je26 7t» 7 1 I STOCKTON - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, I 11 .TIP; single rooms, »5. j-26 51* 9(« liKAKV"si'.. XEAR KEAKNY-3 LABOE *wU rooms, table tor club- rooms, manufacturing or offices. Inquire ou the premises from 10 a. m. to If.*. je!Btf 099 LABKIN— NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF vj*w*iti parlors; also housekeeping, sunny. jc's lm I 1 it- MISSION - FRONT PARLOR SUITE; J It).) single and housekeeping. je2s lot A NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; COMPLEI'E * for housekeeping: with bath-room; Golden (Jut \u25a0 aye.: a splendid location; references exchanged. Applyat yi7 Golden Gate aye. jc'-'5 ti I (\l\il LAKKIN-NICEI.YFURNISHED FKONT lUul room; use ot kitchen: bath. je2s 7t' I Q MINNA— 2 KOOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE JO for housekeeping. Je2s "t* 1 (|O L.VKKIN. COR. GROVE NEWLY FUR IWO nished sunny bay-window room. je24 tf I j./« ELEVENTH— S OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSE- I UU keeping rooms; references. je'Ja lit* "li'V-'i 1 FOLSOM-FitONT PARLOR ; USE PAR 1 YOU;; lor, b suitable for professor.2s9* *)I It FULTON NICELY FURNISHED FRONT —» I ,) room; housekeeping; kitchen; single. 24 71 II O POST— BAY-WINDOW SUITE: ALSO AL- l lO cove room, furnished or udfurnlshed: board optional. j.'Jin^ \u0084|i- NAT().MA-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOB UUu housekeeping; also single. je24 it (U'J HOWARD-LARGE FURNISHED FRONT Vit-/ room. Je24 7t» 9. inMARKET— LARUK, SUNNY, HAY-WINDOW —V' suite, or si gle; suitable for offices. je22 lm C<;r.l MARKET— ROOMS I'UR.NISHED F.K CU'Vi housekeeping and single rooms. Je2l lOt * (•')t\ GOLDEN ' GATE KLEUAXTLY , FUIT- —I/ nlstaed parlors; nicely furnished bay-win. low front; also single rooms; bath. Je-'l lot 9J 1 Q CLAY. NEAR FILLMORE— 3 LARGE 'lit/ rooms; yard and water: $l - _'. Je2l tf MINNA— 3 ROOMS FURNISHED COM- -010 plete for housekeeping, with bath. je'.'l tf I !•)(' PINE— CORNER ROOM: NICELY FUR IIUU nished; sunny. le'JO 151 91 POWELL, OPP. PARK BRIGHT, SUNNY 1 rooms, en suite or single; suitable lor doctor or dentist. jel9 If '»\u25a0) (l ELLIS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 01 with or without board. Jel7 151* 9 I II W F: IIST ER NICELY FURNISHED •j 1 1 i. sunny Iront room; gas, bath; gent*. jel7 tf 1 i\Q ' x ' " - FURNIBHEDBOOMS FOB housekeeping. jel6tf II JO H O W A R D NEWLY' FURNISHED X I i— suuny housekeeping rooms; all Improve- ment^ Jell If !/>•>- MARKET-FURNISHED HOUSEKEKP- I \Jt)t) Ingrooms: everything found; 8*20; cheap; gas aud bath; sunny single rooms, *8 to $10, jel1 l in 117 THIRD-SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS; Xtt I nicely furnished: »1 and up. jel2tt 19 1 O'FABBELL - HANDSOMELY I URN 18 H- i^Ieilbay-window rooms; suite or single. jcl2 tt OOC KEARNT( MELDRUMHOUSE)— FURNISH- .),).- 1 rooms from s;S: snperb suite $50; transl- ent: changed hands; renovated. MRS. F. KUCK.3 lm 1 (\(iA lIOWARD-NICELY I'UII.MSIIE I) J-'/UO romns for gents. jelOliu UENO HOUSE— 63I SACRAMENTO ST., BELOW II Kearny; 150 rooms, 26c to 60c per Light: *1 26 to 93 per week: open all night. jel lm •_» ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY' PARLORS «> withdressing-room attached. 918 Valencia. 28 tt .1 OR 6 ROOMS, RENT CHEAP. AND 4 ROOMS, 1 rent *.* per mouth ; 3 rooms. Seventh St., rent $7. Applyat 740 Brannan st. my 27 It 9(1(1 GRANT AVE.,NIC"POST— LARGK SUNNY' ' m ' front suite of rooms; sultable : physician . 26 tf I •>•>-% M"X~B KET, INDIANAI'OLIS BOUSE— 1. .t>t) furnished sunny rooms to let. my2s tf V'O.SKMITK HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST., BET. 1 sixth and Seventh; 35c tosl per night; per week. fl 60 lo $8: single and en suite: families. mrl tr 9/11 1(i ioi) ROOMS AT LOW RATES— 7IS HOW." •-' '" ' ard st.,nr. Third: gas and water In each room; reading-room and bath Iree: linen changed dally, bouse opeu all night* buds in the Vforldj»p2oct G O'FARRELL 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUB- nlshed single r.uiins: all sunny: cheap. ap!7 tr ISOAKI>IN<> AM) |:<)<).1I M. >> I FULTON SINNY FKONT ALCOVE ROOM: 0 1U 2 closets; hot and cold water: private family; references; with board. Je'JO 2t Q'JA BUTTER—DB. BOERICKE AND DEWEY'S 001 parlors, and sunny suite; board. je26 st* OKIENTA1 TAYLOR; ELEGANTLY FUR- mshed sunuy rooms, with board. my3o If AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 331 Sansoiue St., San Francisco; board and room $1. $1 25 and »1 60 per day: free coach. WM. MONT- GOMERY, proprietor, jyaitt rpIIKHARIPOSA. 821 I.AUUNA— FINE faUITES; X first-class board : terms moderate no 7 tf INGLE ROOMS 150 A MUU'C LINDKLL SIN(iI.K ItooMS lftr- A NIGHT LTNDSLL House, cor. Sixth aud Howard. null a KLIN GTON HOUSE. ISrT" keakny— plka? /V ant buutiy romns, en suite and bluglo; l.rsti'liii ill every respect; terms reasonable. jalOlt ONfTiOMEiIY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL. 2jf and '2 ::i Second St.—Single meals 25c ; board ami room per day, 75c to Jl; by llio ween. »1 to $5; lr?» coach to and from '.lie ap'-'l tr STOItKS TO \u25a0 I.IIT. 6VKKY HANDSOME NKW STORES; 4 ROOMS inrear of each: suitable for any kind of busi- ness. Apply MADISON * HI'RKK or cor. Polk and Grove Je'-'i» St» |?OB KKNT-211 STEVENSON' ST., 75 FEET ! from Third, store, with 5 rooms Iv rear, suitable for grocery, saloon or coffee-house. Key at '22 Third street. je29 2t 1 1»> TAYLOR ST. HALF STORE; LARGE 1 I O plate glass window; rent *30. je"i» St* ffltiir STORE- ROOMS, BATH: SUITABLE 0 t). dry-goods -lore, 1040 McAllister. 3t* JAKIiE STORE, 4 KOOMS AND LARGE XJ stable. 202 Twenty-thirdat. Je27 7t* STORE TO LET— FOLSOM; 25x70, WITH 2 rooms and yard; has been used as turnIt ure- store for 7 years. Je23 7t* rpo LET—BIS SANSOME. NEAR JACKSON I 1 x Door, 21011 Mission, nr. 17th. $30: 21,)2 Howard, near. 17th, butcher-shop, $25: N I-:. 24th and Church; 2 new stores, cor. Valencia, and (Juitiii. YON KHE.IN &CO., 624 California. je!Btt TjHIB RENT-ON MILL ST., GRASS VALLEY, J? Cal., lire-proof brick store, suitable for dry-goods business; counter?, shelving and show-windows all In place. Inquire of R. FINNIK, Grass Valley. JIS tf 1 I •_> A HOWARD-LARGE STOKE. 25x65: -1 1 l«)'l rooms; yard; large basement. jeHtf T ARGK ROOM, WITH POWER. 12 STKVEN- Jj son st. KKfii Vineyard Compruiy. my2o tf I)l' l'iVtt.i 10 l,hf. F.SK-ROOM tTTrKNT CHEAP; OAS AND ter; lawyer preferred. Apply Room 17, 4 Sut- ter St., bet 1 and 2 o'clock. Je3o 3t UNNY' FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS; FIRST floor: suitable for office: opposite Phrlaii liu'.ld- lng: rent moderate. 765 Market at. Jc29 21* . KFICESCOR. FKONT ANDCALIFORNIA; COIt. V 7 California and Kearuy; 015 BanSOPie, near Jucksou. top floor. YON KIIEIN * CO.. 524 Call- foriila st. ni' 11 tt STOflsC AM> i>lii<i. I'IX'IUIIHS." -DAB, STORE FIXTURES, SHOW CASES, DESKS, -13 doors, sash; good* taken on storage, money ad- vanced. Pioneer Store, 21 to 25 Tenth St. lii tf HAR FIXTURES. COUNTERS. SHELVING Miow-ens'-s. Bash-doors, etc.. at 225 I'ost je9if CHEAPEST PLACE for COUNTERS. SHELVES, show-cases; onices a stores lilted. 334 Geary. 1-A FLATS TO LKT-CONTTXUEB. a ruovs: bath. im§ kislinu st. bkt. O El even tn and Twelfth. je29 3t« IT I.XV HANDSOME FLATS; COR. POLK AND V Grove. Apply MADISON .v HUItKK ]e23 3t« \- IKY HANDSOME FLAT: 6 ROOMS: MODKRN > ImpruYements: rent »22 50. 055 llarrlson.a9 3* 1017 OEaRY-1 Nil \u25a0:\u25a0: ROOMS: BATH; FUK- -IJH nished hall; gas; cellar: cheap. je23 8t» 7>»CI MINNIA ST., NEAR NINTH-ELEGANT I OOz bay-window Hal l> .mis, bath. 1«29 at* I 999 A TWENTY-SECOND ST.; 6 SUNNY I \u25a0££ rooms, bath; double parlors; near l)e- -lorca 6t. je2» 3t* rpo LET—3 NICE SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLATS, i 1 and 5 rooms and bath each; '-'5 Ford St., bet. Seventeenth and Eighteenth, Sanchez and Noe, 1 block from Castro-st. cars: rent low to good tenants; also small Bat, 3 large rooms, 27 Ford St., rcut *8 Keys i- grocery, cor. Seventeenth and Noe. - jean tf V EW FLAT, 4 BOOMS, HATH, MODKRN IM- II provements. 603 Twenty-third St.. near Ala- bama; ]e29 :it« 1 1 WEBSTER. COR. LINDENAYE.— FLAT,5 <'1"1 rooms; Inside blinds; marble mantel; planked yard; large cellar and water. je2B 3t* •Jfl MOSS, NEAR SEVENTH— UPPER FLAT OF v" S rooms; rent »16; water free. Je2B 7t* <(!;'? 7 "li FLAT6 LARGE ROOMS. HATH AND t>Z4..)U. pantry; Hue view. 221 Khlley St., near Market. je2B 3t* Vii.AT OF 5 ROOMS: SEPARATE YARD; RENT J $17 50. -<jU.S', Mission St. je2B tf 9 FINE NEW SUNNY UPPER FLATS OF «AND ' fa? looms and bath. 27 'lhiiteen' 7* I?LAT; 5 ROOMS; BATB; STATIONARY WASH- J tubs. 223 Thirteenth at., bet. Folsom and Har- rison; Je2B 31* C! I A FLAT; 4 LAKOE ROOMS; WATER FREE. _________ a_Vi Tweuty-ttlthst. , near Church. 2i_3* (ft 1 = NEWS SUNNY ROOM FLATS; BATH 0I O. audsas. 820 Oai st. je2Bat* \*KW FLAT: MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 17-0 iA Folsom, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. 28 at* VIEW H.A1 OF 3 ROOMS TO LET. INQUIRE -__ 45-' Tehain a_i t 14127 71* A.' FLATS TO LET IN ALL PARTS OF THE ->city; rents from $22 to $:b. Apply to I. 0. M_ol.L<>^, 138 Montgomery st. je2U 7t \u0084 }•> WEBBTKR- FLAT 7 ROOMS, HATH; BET. 'J Pago and Ilalglit. Inquire 3Ml^%. je26 7t* Of 1 Q AND8:(l-MiW FLATS, 4 AND5 ROOMS; <3V_Oj_ilh. 1203 Guerrero St. je24 7t*_ BANTONE Si.. OFF .U.NI.S. NEAR E1.1.15-5 sunny rooms and bath: $¥5. je24 7t* 1 1On HOWARD—NEW FLAT OF 8 ROOMS; IJLOU bath, speaking-tubes, electrical beil.jg-17l» fIUVO NEW BAY-WINDOW FLATS: MODERN i. improvements; rent fIS. 2222 Greenwich st., near Flilmore. j.-.jir I. 1 . \r 5 ROOMS, BASEMENT; HOUSEKEEP- J Ing. Apply 333 Eddy st. Jel7 tt 9(7 CLEMENTINA LOWER FLAT OF 4 1 I rooms: large yarcL McEWEN BROS., 608 California at. jeH tr iu>(>.>i» TO i.i-,i. > I (i.1 KssTK^miuls^K^EpTNCritWJM^^FlJlN »->l 13 nished complete. it". QAQ FIFTn-2 FURNISHED ROOMS COM- O\JQ pleie for housekeeping; rent cheap. je3o 4t» 1C 1 MKB AN LI UNFURNISHED SUNNY 1OV~± front room and kitchen. ]e3U \u25a0-•!•_ 11/|V MISSION -FUKNIBUED BOUREKKEP- IuUO Ingroom. slo ;2uiif'rnlsh'd,sr2:s)nglets.2* 9 UNFURNISHED FEONT ROOMS; *0. 133 *- Diamond st., cor. Ninctceuth, Oil Castro; alter H I-. m. )e»0 3t» QQQ MARKET— SUNNY FRONT SUITE, $20; COO unfurnished room, first floor, »1 1. je3o 3t* \u25a0t7u;' pink—sunny FRONT booms. " I UUi jkw at* <EW* LARCE SUNNY FRONT ROOM, FUR- _____J^S ______ 4 Powell st. __tOJ_t__ \u25a01 7 LEAVKNWORTH— FURNISHED ROOMS Ox i for housekeeping. Je3o 3t* . lAQ SECOND FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 1 \JO with use of kitchen, and others. It* 91 IJ THIRD-SUNNY FRONT ROOMS. SUIT- —II able 2 persons, cheap; single, SI week, ao 6* I (1-/Q MISSION— VERY LARUt. FURNISHED, 1 ' '—*' front room, with water inroom and large closet, use bath and gas, $16; handsome suite of unfurnished trout parlors, cheap to right party; furnished sunny room, $8: also one fort>o; other rooms for light housekeeping. 11* _ I Q kremont" FURNISHED room with 1 IO use of uiulng-rooin and kitchen. It* /' HYDE SI SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLE- I* man; ifti. It* 1 (17 HYDE-PARLOR FLOOR: 3 ROOMS, HATH I.U I and closet; light housekeeping. jeao lit* -..».-. PINE-2 FURNISHED ROOMS; RENT S7 OS O and $8. j -30 at" .)•>•_; TIIIRD-a NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS _. ).) for housekeeping: also others. JeHU 3t* S->9 FOLSOM— 3 ROOMS: KNIBIIhD COM- ______ple!c for housekeeping. Je 99/; OAK-SUNNY BAY-WINDOWFURNISHED \u25a0' room for light housekeeping. je.;o st* I 1 X FRANKLIN 2 FURNISHED BOOMS; lit' will arrange for housekeeping II desired. 11* 9 I <• LKAVENWORTII, N':AR EDDY— NICELY —1 " furnished rooms; rent reasonable. je/U) 1 .- -1- TENTH— A LARGEbJ. FRONT ROOM; X ,'J suitable for 2; hath. JeM at* 7777 CLEMENTINA FRONT ROOM KIT.- lul nished for housekeeping; $8. Je3o 2t* 9(11 HOWARD-2 FURNISHED BOOMS SUIT- '-' ; able 2 gentlemen, or man and wire. j;jo3t* Q'_M THIRD—TWO SUNNY ~HOUSEKEEPINU >»i 1 rooms; unfurnished; in rear. Je3o tr \u25a0 •> MOSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SEVENTH— IO 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping. je.-fOlot* C 1 »> iiKELI^ AN UNFURNISHED ROOM 010 to rent. ]e3O tf Q.lO Mission -HOUSEKEEPING AND OTHER O'iO furnished rooms reasonable. Je3o 3t* JO,-. TEH A MA- FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM TOw for housekeeping, cheap. It* 1A I A WASHINGTON SUNNY fck.msiTkd I\J l\J housekeeping rooms: yard. je3U 2t» «•)•;> JESSIE— 2 NICKLY FURNISHED SUNNY >O housekeeping rooms. It* QQQ MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET; 000 double and single. je3o It* 7AOPINE 9 UNFURNISHED lIOUSEKREP. I VO ing, second floor: also furnished. je22 cod 5* {{MAMIXNA. CORNER SEVENTH LAP.CiE. U'/U sunny, neatly furnished front room; use of kltcheii ; also single r.iom: home comforts. je.'lt 2* ,•• .- Q I IRY— NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR » ' —t ) suite: also sunny single rooms; bath. gas. 29 3* I •. - PA'iE-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, $7. tIU; XOO private family; gas, bath. Je'^f* tf \u25a0 19/I<riTi)WAUD-Ti("KKE PLEASANT ROOMS I - ,VO with use ot kitchen If desired; no chil- dr- 11. je 29 tf 7 it) TWENTIETH. NEAR MISSION—SI -NY I "1 f nrnlshe I rooms to let. je29 st* ', Ay 17 HARRISON, OPP. EIGHTEENTH 4 U'-> I to to let; $13: key 2031. jeaa 8t« PL MASON, BET. TURK AND EDDY SUITES •' housekeeping rooms and transient. je29 71* I |A TAILOR 2 FRONT SUNNY ROOMS, 11 V one large and one small, In private laiu- ily. }<r2»3f "j n RUBS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTII-1 FUR- J v nished front room: man ami wifeor 1 lady. 2t* KM HOWARD KITCHEN AND BED-KOOM* 011 furnished for housekeeping. ___(__• 907 OAK NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY <-OI rooms. In quiet family. Jc29 3t* f\9QJ OKAKV— FURNISHED SINGLE O~ot room for gentleman; private family. 29 3* 1 ,-7 SEVENTH LARGE SUNNY HAY-WIN- IOIclow suite: single rooms. Je'^9 st* 1.1 RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 1 237 Sevf nth st. Je29 3t» QO"J FOLSOM-2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; OOP kitchen, yard: complete housekeeping. ¥9 6* 41 I)MINNA - -FRONT AND BACK PARLOR 111/ and kitchen; first floor. Je29 51* 1 i'(l! MISSION—SUNNY, SINGLE FURNISH- -IUUI ed front room; bath. je"J» 2t* 1 Q HARRIET, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTH X O Furnished housekeeping rooms; rooms for gentlemen, $\u25a0> per month; bath. )e39 3t* 0I A WARD -ItEDROOM AND KITCHEN; Ol<7 furuished for housekeeping; $12. Je29 3t* I ll'i I 1 """A B " SUNNY BAY-WINDOW i VO^ij room nicely furnished. J___o______ \>l>l GEARY-SUNNY OFF I TO LET; SUN- <v>; ny suite of rooms; also single. je29 7t* 1 ARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT BOOM; FINE Jj location; cheap. Address 434 Second. |e3O 6t* On 1 UNION, COR. MASON 3 FURNISHED OV/1 housekeeping rooms; also single. ]ej'.) 3t* IAC STEVENSON-« FRONT ROOMS; FUR- XVO nisaed or unfurnished; bousekeeplni;. 29 31* '-{<"> MINNA LARGE BOOM FOR LIGHT )V>— housei:eepinj. jo2'J 3t« ,- j"| MINNA LARGE, FURNISHED, SUNNY till room for housekeeping. je29 2t* 1 "v'-Jsi EDDY—NICELY FURNISHED HACK. 1 000 parlor; use of kitchen: $8. je2» Hl* •i|(l TEHAMA, NEAR FOURTH-NICE FUR- Ol V nished front room suitable for Si; «7 and *0, with plain washing anil mending. ]e29 at* 79- BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— BED- I Z.O room and kitchen furnished: $H. jc29 3t« iU m JONES - NEATLY FURNISHED SUNNY U'/O front parlor; alllmiiroveineiils; rent reason- able. Je2» 2t_ 8V» I FOI.SOM— 1 HAY-WINDOW ROOM, SUIT- t)~I able for dressmaker; no children. je2ll2t* I AI Q HOWARD-SI BAY-WINDOWSUITE IV IOand kitchen, completely furnished for housekeeping: no children. jc-'.i:it* 'J9Q THIRD— FURNISH XII OR UNFURMSIIEU « housekeeping rooms; rent low. ]e'.".l 2t* BA Y- i.NDOW ANDHALL ROOM; M, *10. 125 at. je2fl 3t« WASHINGTON, NEAR POWELL— FUR- «-'—Vnlshed very large bay-window front room; private family. Je2U 2t» lAt P. LARKIN, NEAR CALIFORNIA— 4 UN- I'll O furnished rooms for housekeeping. Je_!i___ 1 11 11 OREEN-5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH) KINE XV X 1 marine view. Je29 7t* •>/;*J THIRD- SUNN V HACK ROOMS~SUIT- _U ) able for housekeeping; also single, je'29 2t* 7>J ,- hakrison— furnished front room, I OO 2, tlO: single back room. $1 1e29 at* 7"-ill HOWARD, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH— I •>' ' Furnished single room; also very large room, suitable for •_\u25a0 or for light housekeeping. Je'J'J at* QA C MISSION—9 NICK FRONT ROOMS AND ij XO kitchen, complete tor housekeeping. je29 tf I l^(; MINNA ' NR. FIFTEENTH—FURNISHED 1 IcIU rooms for housekeeping. ' Jc2« 3t« I 'HOWARD— I.ARUK FRONT BAY-WlN- lUUltilow furnished room, suitable for 81 gas. bath and piano; private family. je'-'3 2t* 9JA HICKORY AVIi— FURNISHED ROOM IN private family; rent «4 60 per month. Je'2!l tt •JO" FELL— SUNNY ROOM IN PRIVATE FA.M- OZiO lly.with bath and gas; IB u,er month, JeL'9 tf 99>J Fit A N X LI N— a OR 3 UNFURNISHED JjjjQ rooms: no children. . Je2« 2t» DIQOOUtIH— 9 NICE SUNNY FURNISHED 010 rooms, wl or without liouBeteeplng.3e29 «>A7 HAYES-NICELY KUKNISnED FARLOK OV suite; also other double rooms; reasonable. 2* A 1 '-i FOURTH— 2 SUNNY KOOMS, FURNISHED •dXO for honsekeeplng. - - \u25a0 j«^9 2t* 9 NICE SUNNY ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN; $5 Z. to »>j. Apply4151 a Minna st Je".9 'Jt« U I C POST— i SUNNY ROOMS. NICELY FUR- \}IO ulshed for housekeoplna:prlvate lainlly.'JB3* UA'J MINNA, BET. SEVENTH AND EIUHTH— U i>> Cottage of 4roouii; auuiiy yard,* « ITV lIKATj KSTATE. vJ'"),'.(l IH'I'S" -' iiAiS. I AN!) okooms »J^«>i\lU. and 2 extra rooms, near tith and ir>- ant: rents $;!'..'; genuine bargain: this week only; lot 25x80. W.B. MAKKHIiTZ * CO., 630 Market St., rear i Bee. Jl \u25a0-!' at _ C; 1 -11(1 HEiiE- IS A CHANCE FOR A QUICK ti7-i<JWV'. turn: ISlots.Ulft Map 3, near Virginia aye.: single lots arc selling right here at $100 earn; l!owar.!-st. extension thin HO feet. W. MAR- SHI ; /' .v CO.. 630 Market St., rear office ; _Je29 3t flj I OKA COSY BRIGHT SUNNY HOME 1 0 !—•)('. rooms and b.ith: good cellar: warm belt of the Mission: few st :ps fr"in cable. W. B. MAliMlllZ * CO., 60 Market St., rear of- fice. je29 ;!t ©*>?; nan I.KAMI investment: U:, LOTS O i«J.V/UU . In one body. Excelsior Homestead; a bigprofit sure in subdividing this tract. W. B. MAKSHLIZ i CO., 830 Market st., rear'9 3t 0.1 C f\(\(\ BUSINESS PROPERTY IN OAK- tJ^Iv'.Ul'U. laud; 3 Stores an.l 28 rooms; In- come $ISSO per annum: will rapidly Inereas in value. *5000—Must be sold by order of administrator: lot 85x100; Alabama st., near 25th; with2 houses; one of 4 flats, 4 rooms ea-h. and the other, small house wltn store and 3 rooms. CHARLES E. LLOH>. 1- Montgomery it. ]eJB SI w .|a n PER FOOT; PICK IT UP; PACIFIC «J) [\>V Heights; lot cheap; 81x127 feet to rear .street- flue marine view; .1 bargain: call at office. A. H. BBEED & CO., 282 Montgomery at. Je29 ,<t C! I " mill PACIFIC HEIGHTS; FINE P.ESI- £* 1 O.UUW, deuce: lovely marine view; abeau- tifulhome: on Broadway, sunny side; 8 rooms and bath; laundry and servant's room; pateut atone sidewalk: a good chance to secure a nice cosy home Call for particulars A.11. BREED &CO., 232 Mont- go-.nery st. 1-23 3t HO! SK 1 F3 ROOMS AND LOT 2SxS9 ON COBT- laud aye.. off Mission St., near ids! ]e2U 151* J. i.ijuj ALABAMA ST., NEAR 24T11; i (JP"j«JVM", and 5 rooms, bath, laundry, wooden mantels, large basement, brick foundation: lot 25x 100: just completed. and will pay 9 percent net. Apply to owner, K. WILBBBO, at building. Je^B 7t^ 0 1 \l\i\ NEWS-BOOM ViT CASH, M il'v.balance *12DO per mouth. Apply to E. E. WHITNEY. 1513 Valencia St. Je29 7t» |)AKiiAINS IN HOLLY PARK LOTS; LEVEL L*and ready for building: few feet from Mission road; easy terms. '.OSU Market st. )e29 3t» AM AGAIN COMPLETING 2 8-ROOM RESl- dences on Hill St., 200 feel from Castro cars. Ap- ply to ISAAC ANDERSON, premises. je2B4t* V'".' II LOT 25x100; NEW MODERN" COT- ijp—U' '\s. tage. c rooms; unfinished, high base- ment; brick foundation; stables; street work and .sewers done: easy t.r.ns. 805 York, nr. 2Wh. 29 7* £-(i"(id FIRST-CLASS, centrally Lo- <J>i/i)V'U. cat cd. double. 3-story and brlclc base- ment how-window residence and lot; W. side of Yerba ISuenast., bet. Mason and Taylor. Clay and rameuto; contains 12 rooms and bath; latest ap- proved sanitary plumbing; the basemen; parti- tioned firli additional rooms; street block paved; patent stone sidewalks; alleyway on each side of Hie premises; size, 45x80. KASTON, ELDBIDGE .> CO., 818 Market at. je'.'4 7t |I|>U SALE CHEAP, A 2-STORY FRAME HOUSE 1 about 25x60 feet situated N\v. cor. of Broadway and Mnrey alley, to be removed at once. Apply to EUGENE KOI3INET.*II« California St., Rooms 2 and S. le2B tf_ j-UK SALE— FELL ST., NEAR COUGH : LOT 1 27:6-120 to re r street: front and rear houses: I Bats and store: price *.13.500; rents s,mo. jewat' 1 'OR SALE-TIUS I'KOPEKTV WILL BK SOLD I chop; 42x130. ith a St- room house, and 4-room house ou rear of lot. Apply 5 Fair oaks at., near 18t!u ]e2B 3t» PLATS FOR SALE— S AND 6 ROOMS; MODI J improvements ; on Potrero aye, bet. 23d and 241h 6ti.; lot 25x100: Howard-st. cars pass the bouse; the lest prospective business property In the city. Apply on the premises through the day or at 3000 California at., to A. J. WEIR. jell tt OTTAGB FOR BALE; ALL MODERN IM- provements: tot 25x95; on St., bet. I'otrero aye. aud Hampshire st : just finished; the Howard- »t. line In front of the house; terms easy to suit. Apply to A. J. WEIR, on premises, through the day, or at 3000 California st. jell tt ©It MONTHLY FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOW- V lug level lots lvBerkeley: $275— Lot, 40x120, near railroad. $350—Corner, 75x100. livingcreek. •300—Lot 40X100; sldewalked. 5-175— Lot 24&10t); graded anil sldewalked. $450—Lot 4UX120; sewered and sldewalked. ' HUH! other lots: send for maps. ('HAS. A. BAILEY, owner. 624 Market st. Jel7 tt 1 AIiUK LOT. 61111-25, IN THE BEST PART OF li Berkeley, for 9400, on small Installments; will be worth double in one year; beautiful, new. mod- ern cottage; 5 rooms, batu, etc. ; large lot, #2500, on Installments; genuine bargains In new houses and choice residence lots. PHELI'S a RICHARDS, opposite Berkeley Station, and 11 Montgomery st., Ban Francisco. je2o tt S- (\i\ CASH, BALANCE INMONTHLY PAY- f\)> ' moots; new, handsome cottage of 5 rooms and bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement. patent sidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling, wltnall modern Improvements: 'iblocks fromrabie- i.ii-. Apply 1.. LAN Ell. 22f»'.!_, Montgomery. S Im IOIMKY KRAI. ESTATE. /_\u25a0--( I CASH 30 ACRES. ACRES GRAPES; C •\u25a0'' ' fluuil on tim\u25a0•, or will trade or rent tine chicken ranch, Santa Rosa. W. J. BWYNN, 328 Montgomery »L Je29 3t* _ CjOl'KK AOBE 840 ACRES FINE LEVEL V— 1 land. San Diego; half cash, balance 7 years. W. J. GWYNN. S'Ji.i l . Montgonnry st. )e29 3I« HOTEL FOR SALE IN A COUNTRY TOWN; only a few feet 'roui railroad station: fine loca- tion: only two hotels In town; house contains '20 rooms; hot sulphur baths connected; good transient trade: fine opportunity for man and wife: bu little capital required. Apply to A. KOEXIO, 900 Bri *d- w;.y. "aKlniid. Cat. Je'JH 5t y. 1 (111 WILL PURCHASE A FIRS'! 1 L.ASS tjj IuUU ranch or 310 acres, 126 miles from San Francisco, on well-traveled stage road, about 13 miles from railroad; good stopping place for hotel, and store; Improvements ;s-roomed house, witii bar-room, barnand outhouses: 5000 vines and -_•).> fruit trees, all bearing; plenty or water: 15i> acies Clear land, etc.: terms, J /y cash; balance on luns terms at 7 per cent. Full particulars address Proprietor, Nevada Stables, corner Eighth and Mar- rison sts. t Oakland Je23 «i ACRES—2 MILES FROM STATIiJn- ~2 DACBES-2 MILKS FIIOM STATION- 2 miles from Stanford University; undulating land at base of foothills: sprinkled county road: 300 bearing fruit ttr<: few vines: Menlo water ply; 2-story bouse, 8 rooms, hath, etc,: substan- tial fences: improvements 4 years old; easy terms; delightrul climate, beautiful views, rich soil. CAK- NAI.I.-FIT/.HUGU-HorKI.NS CO., «24 Market it., San l-'ra ICO. je!B 141 CEN DSTAMP FOB W. R. MATTHEWS A CO.'S 0 new catalogue of grain, fr::it. raisin, wine and crazing lands: the lined list ever printed. W. K. iIATTHEWS * CO., Bvi Kearny si. my:u lino VN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE J\. State will sell i.i property at a sacrifice for cash or good mortgages Sant:i Clara County stock, grain and fruit farm, 1000 acres, 12 50 per acre; stock, crop and Implements, low valuation; 10 acres, Wrights Station, $400: 15 and IBacres, Ska Joss, part ill fruit,$350 per acre; Monterey county, aid acres, 180 In volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 180 un- improved. $5 per acre; livery stable, barn and cot- ;:: c, San Miguel, $.'>000: also 3 lots. $700 each; also some gno'i mines; two-thirds "can remain 011 mort- gage on any of these: particulars on aj plication. Address a. W. 8.. 2811 Sacramento St., San Fran- cisco. ap2b'tf HOOL LANDS, *1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; ON 0 very easy terms; sold by the Stntß in tracts to suit; in. residence or improvement required; all Kinds of lands, in many different counties; bend stamp for list, open Monday. Wednesday and Satur- : ..> erenliigs. F W. LAKE. ii Klood Building. 1:1 If \u25a0r^. BOTJSBB TO I.IT. HOI i.i i LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; BASE- ment and yard. 7 Cleveland St., off 7th. 30 at* HUE OF 9 ROOMS TO LET: ALL CARPETS, parlor-set, 3 beds and mattresses. 12 chairs, sewing-machine, marble-top bureau and wash- stand, pictures, wringer, etc., for sale, for 9100; Dower-garden and fruit-trees; rent only $18; at 825 Broadway, rear. It* < >«) UEABY, NEAR LABKIN, 7 ROOMS •' and hath. f7»: 1219 Jones, nr. Clay, 9 rooms and bath, $70; 521 llalght, near Steiner. ti rooms and bath, $35: 2603 Clay, nr. Flllmore, 8 rooms and bath, $45: 916 Oak. nr. ricott, 6 rooms and bath. $35; 1031 Dolores, nr. Twenty-fourth, 9 rooms and bath. $42 50; 125 Sixth, 11 r.Folsom. 7 rooms and hath. $37 50: 4 hew flats, cor. Valencia and Qnlnn: 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia, 8 rooms, bath. $45:2118 Union, nr. Webster. 7 rooms, bath. $30; ••\u25a0<! ' \u25a0\u25a0 llalght, nr. Stelner. 8 rooms, bath, $40: 930 Broadway, near Taylor, rent $25; 1627- -29 Post, ur. Buchanan, 10 rooms, bath. $45 each: 2102M1 Howard, nr. 17th, $14; 621 llalght. near Fillmore, ti rooms, bath, $35; 1138 Valen- cia, near 23d, 7 rooms and bath, $35: 10<U 22d. nr. fiurrrero, 3 rooms, $12 SO; 923 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9 rooms, bath, $50: 636 Vi Valencia, nr. 18th, 6 rooms, bath, 820: 839 l!»tn, nr. Guerrero. 6 rooms, bath, « 5; 618 21st, nr. Harrison, 6 rooms and bath, $20. yON lill lIN ,v CO, 524 California st. ]e2i> it IfINE TWO-STORY HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS AND two baths 011 sunny side Pine St., near Hyde; rent cheap. Apply <;. 11. OMBBEN, 1; Montgomery.29 3t ELEGANT COTTAGE OF 5 SUNNY ROOMS, hath, gas fixtures, cellars and largo yard; $25, with water. 438 Seventh St. ie-;9 7t» ©\)n. COTTAGE: 4 LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS; >'.:ili conveniences: partly nirnl.slied: large flower-garden; nochltdren. 405 Castro St., near Sev- enteenth. je2l tt Hill SEOF6 ROOMS AND A 111. S'-'J 1 \u25a0\u25a0 NA- toma St., near Eleventh. JeiW it' <£l') r 7 -".<! HOUSE OK 0 ROOMS AND BATH. W_£J .t)\J. '•pU '"' 4 Powell st - ]e-'8 tf 2-BTOBY BAY-WINDOW BOUSE, 7 rooms, bath, laundry, basement; rent $40. In- quire 100l Bosh St., cor. Liguna. Je27 7t* 1 O ROOMS TO 1.11 AND FURNITURE FOR 1O sale; these are beyond question the finest and best lightedrooms In the city; very central: house always full of good paying tenants; furniture for sale cheap to a goon tenant. Apply to I*. <;. MOL- i.i.y.!.'\u25a0\u25a0< Montgomery lit. |e2B 7t >*: I < I Ml HOUSE 8 BOOMS AND BASEMENT. l£il i).O\J. 626 Locust avo., bet. McAllister st. and Golden Hate aye., off Laguna st. lean 6t* <CQ HOUSE 5 ROOMS; 1555 KEARNY. NEAR O. Greenwich. UAI'P ft CO., 415 Mont'ry. 2871 C; ICEACH-3 new HOUSES ON dkvisa- \u2666 «*'•' dero St., near Fulton, In full view of nil the park travel; 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences; sunny and pleasant, AHHTON, 411 Montgomery street. Je24 lot $|Q HOUSE, 5 NICE BOOMS; 1011 V. MASON «J) I •'• st. : cable-road at door. H. I". SIOKEAL, 402 Montgomery st. Jell tf /IOTTAiiI.; 0 LARGE ROOMS; BATH;PATENT Vj watereloset; room for stabling: largo basement; front und back garden. Apply *14 Dolores, jell tr n KNisiii.i> nooses. "l AI 7 ''EARY, NEAR OCTAVIA HAND- 1i 1I sou. furnished sunny flat: yard. je:;o tf TVTICKLY FURNISHED SUNNY CORNER FLAT 1> 6 rooms. 1201 Hush st. je'.'S .it QiiA BOSH—HOUSE TO KENT: ICKMTUKB ,>,)'' for sale. je27 7t* FLATS TO I.ICT. Tj-'LAT S ROOMS; YARD, CELLAR; $18. 183 X J Q'Farrell st. Je3o 'if Ql - EDDY—UPPER FLOOR: 4 SUNNY UNFOR- VlO nlshed rooms: private family ; Jf~ '•\u25a0 )e29 3t* r-.)U MiALI.I.srKI: ll'l'KK FLATOVS ROOMS, i i-O bath; modern Improvements, $30. m>29 tt Y'LAT. 5 ROOMS. li.MII: NEW HOUSE. 67 I Henry St., 1 block from Fifteenth aud Mar- ket. Je2H 2t» KENT 91260: FLAT. 6 BOUMS; FURNIT RE $150. 2102 Howard St., cor. Seventeenth. 29 3« rpWO FLATS. 5 AND 4 ROOMS AND BATH IN J each: rent cheap. 506 iSholwcll St., bet Mue- teouth and I'wentletli. Jo'i9 21* : v ,To7 UNION ST. FLAT OF 4 ROOMS; FURNl- 'i—' ture of 2 rooms for sale. Je29 31* \u0084.>- S'AToMA SUNNY PI.AT 6 ROOMS; BAY- U<) I window, speaking-tubes and patent donr- bjiener: bath and all linproTeinents. ]e'2'J 3t* ?V)A TENTH-B M'.NNV KOO11S; BATH AND 4?y ; 's and all linpioveaients: rent $25. 29 if 7JIK HAVES SE. COR. FLAT OF 7 -ROOMS \fO and bath; with all modern improvements; ! bride basement: «ater Included; rent reasonable. ; lJ,ulrcsH Webster st. ]c 29 of BUSINESS ( I! nOK.S-i ONTIMM). IC"OTICE : SUV] SEVEEAL BUYERS WILL- J. Ing to Uivest 111 legitimate business. Parties de- BlHng to sell apply to TV. K. HEALT, 1004 Market. 1* <T "(1 UKCCEKY AND UAR, WITH 3 SUNNY <IT I «-'V/. rooms: good business corner- rout only $25 month. W. V. JUCALY, 10U4 Market St. it" $-r.A SALOON, WITH10 WELL-FURNISH KD «jp I t)V. rooms; clearing $;oo per mouth; cheap rent; owner selling for best of reasons. Apply W. 1. Ml \:.\. l'Mi. Mark el st., opp. Fifth. It* atonnn ••HHOXirLK route, WITH team. COx'l'V. W. C. MYhELL, S2O Bauanuifl st., Room 51. ji'JTT:- Ty ANTED—PARTNER IN MANUFACTURING " business with $1000. Address Partner, l:ox 163. Call Branch Office. je2B 7t* I^IRST- I.ASS RESTAURANT FOR SALE; I' doing good business; good location; must be a >1 ' on account of sickness. Apply810 Kearny. 21 7t* SILENT PARTNER WANTED IN AN OLD-EB- -0 tabllshed business; 10 yeara running ou Market st.: lull Investigation: capital $5000: no agents: principals only. Address A. Z., Box 181, Call Branch our c. je2'J tf IjRU IT- STOKE FOR SALE CHEAP. 247 FIF- -1: . >L. ] C 7t* SALOON FOB SALE CHEAP. 112 JACKSON i street. je2*J 7t* 1 (KASCH BAKERY; CONFECTIONERY, VARI- 1> eiy store; rent $15. Apply 1105 Fulfom. 28 71* S>9AO RESTAURANT: DAILY RKCBIPTS «v —V".'. from $14 to $18; furnished complete In good order; cheap rent: good reasons lor selling. Applyi mi Branch OHice. Je267t* PARTNER WANTED IN RESTAURANT. 29 i Third st. je2B 7t* Q."."; RESTAURANT FOR SALE: SUIT- •Jf 1 •> i O. able for man and wife;must he sold at once. Call at 105 Nintn st. jcljS lit* <\(l(in'° * 10 .<> 0 niOFIT PER ANNUM; «n .11 HHI small lap.til required. Apply Room 11, 284 Montgomery St. je'Ja 7t* -...!>::. BASH, DOOR AND BLIND FAC- tory run by steam; doing a good business: estab- lished ten years; in county seat; northern part of the State: no other factory of the kind near: lum- ber cheap. Address W. I. McKAY,207 Montgom- ery St.. Sau Frr.ncisco. '.\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0.\u25a0' l it* KESI VURANT; -' FURNI II ED BOOMS; CHEAP XV if taken this month. 537 Howard. Je2sBt* [/•IRST-CLAHS GKOiERY-SIORE. BAR-ROOM, I billiard-table, for sale; reasonable figure. Apply Cai.i. Branch oilicp. je'.'4 71* li'llwl BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY- *iiOVM'. store; great bargain. CAi,i.HraiiCh. -4 7* V<IR SALE-BRASS WORKS; COMPLETE; 3 J latbi \u25a0. tools, boiler,, shafting and mold- ing outfit: can be sold In parcels to suit. Apply 3i '-".._. Fulton st. jcl2 tt Q.l-J) COFFEE-HOUSE; CHEAP; 2 I'UK- c)''. ntsheu rooms: account of departure. •J4S Fourth st. i^i?.^* C- 1 Ci|f| SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOX THE (iT J i^i'u. riglit man; route on morning and even- ing newspapers Tor saie; pays CBi) per mouth profit. Ajiplyat this office. jels tf MILLINER? BUSINESS ON LEADING STREET. C., Boi 134, Call Urancli Office. jell tf I OK SALE HOOD PAYING HOTEL AND BAB. £ ApplyCall Branch orace. _ jeis 14t* q.> iTo\v3Ta^xd 60 cents PER shake per «jP— month will purchase shares In t:ie Republic Savings. BulUtlnz and Loan Association* $18 per in nth willpay oil a Ran if $1000 call or semi for prospectns; ojen daily and evenings until 9 o ock. 624 Market st. Mr 30 tf ST~J7I7I GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE C i"it/U. for sale: a good corner; handsomely fitted up; Rood stock and business: owner will givea long lease. Apply M. uooliwiN. 407 Halter). i; --t THE WEEKLY CALL, WITH A WEEK'S NEWS, fur ."»e. in wrapper ready for mailing. J.01K.1N.. HOUSES M)H SALE. t 92500 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED LODG -V ing-bouse of 40 rooms for sale; Is really worth ?-loiii>; Full all the time aud paying largely; Is on most prominent part of Market st. :owner Is com- pelled to sell on account of leaving the city on Im- portant business. Apply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny. It fl. I ~(\ TO-DAY WILL BUY LODGING-HOUSE 0 ' ••'" of 9 rooms on Taylor st. 1.1). BARNARD, 1 1<8 Market St., near Taylor, it* «t9fthn LODGING-HOUSE, 40 BOOMS, FUK- %T— WV. nished mostly with Eastern walnut; centrally located vii Market st.; clearing $175 per month; cheap rent; will trade for city or Oakland property; good reasons for selling. W. L. GLKA- SON A CO.. 8*5% .Market St. 11* •tt 1,-/1 A NICK HOME LODGING-HOUSE OF 0 '*'"'. 10 rooms: clearing 940 ;\u25a0\u25a0 r mouth. Ap- ply W. F. HEALY, 1004 Market »t. It* QlAj.ii 24 ROOMS: CITY FRONT; ALL ON ; w IvlyU.oae floor: clearing *10J per month. Call to-day. W. F. HEALY. 1001 Market st. It* L'OK SALE-FUKNITI'RK 5 ROOMS; CHEAP. !' 1301 Mis; ion St.. cor. Ninth. It* (A LODGING-HOUSES. FROM 5250 TO $2000: ~l\j <»\ b-trgaln-i. FLETCHER.. I Eddy St. It" •2. I Q(iA S9-11OOM GOOD LOimiNG-HOI'SK: 0 I OW. positively clearlugover f1.'.0 monthly, must sell. McLAUUHLIN ,v 1.... 2b' Kearny. It* TO LET— LODGING-HOUSE OF4O ROOMS; JUST 1 nhished: adjoins cor. Ilurd aud Hunt sts.. near Howard Apply 10 to 12 on premises. |e29 81 fe I il/ll) .- KOOM LODGING-11OCSE: MOST- t^ 1 -V'l. |y black walnut furniture; rent ami v. . \u25a0. i $100. W.M. ENGLISH .'. C0. .23 Kearny.2B7* /•Ol'.NiiK HOl's'i:, 40 ROOMS; I WAYS FULL: Vj all male roomers; present owner has had It 5 years; g-md loc.iliou. 507 Mission st, 828 71 L'I'KN.SUEirFLTiT, S ROOMS; CLEARING $.!5 i monllily. Adorers 1; . Box £». this ornrf. je2S t*l* II::n ITI KB ; 1 .,; - . i £\u25a0 i -,<v FOX FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS; 4 •„ lUv rented: rent .-23. 1108 Mission. je3i) 3t* PATENT KITCHEN- TABLES. 94 50 EACH. AT 1 H. SCH K.LHAAS'Furniture Store, 408 Eleventh. tt., Oakland. <l> C cod tt l' CHEAP— HOI SEHOLDFUKNI FJ R^"; J. rooms can be rented. .' Mint aye. je29J!t* TV'EW CHAMBER SETS OF 7 PIECES, $15 CASH, 1> or Installment. WILL! '. HRoS. 931 Jon, tf /COUNTRY BUYERS WISIIINU SECONDHAND VJ furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, cull ,1; 1 HALS,1 10 Fourth st. ; utisfactlou guaran- teed or money refunded: goods shipped tree. :ii4** A. IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN- -"A Btailments. without Utter -;. you can f:;ruu'i your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEX- EY'S laige lurulture and carpet wardrooms, 18 to 24 Ellis St. 21tf i GOOD CHANCE—YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED *** complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices, on easy installments; small deDOSlt. M. FRIED- MAX * CO.'S, largest installment house on tbe Coast 223 aud 230 Stockton St.. cor. Posts opea evenings; prompt attention paid to country orders. TKKi.iNu Furniture co.-carpet-Ta nd STERI.INU FI'RNITURK CO.— I kRPETS \S!> furniture, JUJW anil 1041 Market St.. Kosentnai Bonding. auT tf A I 1. MY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED ROOK .A prices: parlor suit; $25, ranges $8, new cham- ber sets complete 815: net inns all round; cash or Installment*. T H. NELSON. 138 Fourth st S<):t FUlc.Nin RE \\ \s : i ii. S~T-:i.L TOUR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE TO WILEY BROS, tor cash. 931 Mission. je27 tf CCABE. 128 FOURTH PAYS THE~H Hi H- est price for furulture, stoves, ranges, carpets. IGH PRICE PAID Foil HOUSEHOLD FCR- UPBICK PAID FOX HOUSEHOLD FUR- nltnre. GALLAGHER. 1241 Market. nr.9th-6 tt \ LWAYS SELL YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS, A etc., to MARK i.i.i Room UK, Murphy Building, and receive extra money. ap22 tt A" LARGE QUANTITY OF SECOND-HAND FUR- utture wanted; 20 per cent bald more than else- where. MaLONE, 34 Fourth St.; new .stora miUSI MJ. SIMMONS a CO.. AUCTIONEKBB, WILL . buy your lumlture, pianos and books. Ui7 Market st. api) tt AFTEB TRYING OTHERS, DON'T SELL UN- til you have seeu (Has. LEVY. 53« and 53d California St.. as he pays the highest cash prices for furniture; office lixtures, etc. ap24 tf TANDARD FURNITURE COMPANY WILL buy your furniture tor cash or exchange new furniture for old. 1045 Market st. apl9 Bin LL SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND GAB- peu bought, large or small lots; call or s^al poslaL ROSENTHAL, 110 Fourth st. uo!4lf T\ LUNDY, 829 MARKET ST., PAYS HIGHEST 1/. price for second-hand furniture. aps tf YOU CAN GET MORE~MONEY FOB YOUR i ond-hand furniiure from J. NOONAN & CO., 1021 Mission st.. nr. Mitn. than elsewhere lal4 tr " (Altll Is I BRUSSELS 1 IRI'ETS, ELEGANT PATTERNS J' Bile per yard, sewed and laid; best value ever offereu. S. w. SIIIREK, 1234 Stockton st |e!2 tt /"IAHPETS-^SMITH'S BRUSSELS. 000 A YARD; Vy lustallmcut price elsewhere $11 a yard. M. FRIEDMAN A CO.. 228-230 Stockton st., cor. Post. /\u25a0ILOSING UP ESTATE: lIR USSELS SEWED, laid.uuc: S-p1y,25e»11-cloth,l2i \u25a0 r:curt.iln-poles, Bt»c;in.ating. lOC NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Sixth MUKSK9. JUST aKKTVED 2 CAB^LOADS" FINE YOUNG horses. 1325 Eddy st. j...0 7t» HOKSE FOR BALE—OOOD MARE. APPLY grocery, cor. Ellis anil Lagiina sts. Jn36 It* I -hi: SALE CHEAP— HORSE, HARNESS JT and second-baud business wagon. 1140 Folsoiu street. Je'.'9 at* tV)R BALE— 2 Ij^>OD HORSES AND GOOD spring wagon; very cheap. 623 Pacific St., Room I. je29 71* Two > strong, FRESH HORSES FOB sale, X new from ranch. Apply 43 Silver st. Je29 3t* BROWN PACING HORSE, 6 YEARS OLD-AND sound, can pace in 2:36 1 bay mare, 4 years old, sound. Hue roadster; bay mare, 8 years old; line business mare; good road mare, stand without bitching, and sound: brown horse, 12 years old, sound, can trot iv 2:30 or better. 1310 Market street. Jc2B M' MOB SALE— HORSE AND BUGGY; OWN I has no use for it willhe sold to highest bidder. 228 and 230 Stockton St. Je2B Tt Q GENTLE PONIES, BROKE I0 HARNESS AND 0 saddle, cheap. 1325 Eddy st )e2B 31* BALE—LIUHI BUSINESS HORSE AT 287 Brno .lose aye. P. MCCARTHY. Jc2B ti DOUBLE OR .'.1.1. TEAM FOR SALE, WITH Stand at Fifth and Braunan sis.; accommoda- tions forsingle or double team: 3 rooms to let for small family. Apply311 Tenth st, je..'i 71 DRAUGHT HOUSES; BROKEN * UNBROKEN; Perchernn and Clyde stock. Address J. It. \u25a0\u25a0-( MM-.111111. Cornwall Stat'n. Contra CostuCo.l in-* U.i<.«)Ni AM) «.'AllltlA«tKS. VTEW" ASU Si i O.I) HANI) BAKEK-WAUONB i.l and buggies cheap. 828 Harrison st. ft* V ok SALE-FAMILY CAttBIASEj CHEAP. 1424 1 Greenwich at, \u25a0 Je29 7t 1.-OK SALE—NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUO- T gies: cheap. BOS (iolden Gate aye. je-^y 7t« IriOß BALK -SECOND- HAND 11UGGY; GREAT 'bargain. 1310 Stockton st. ' Je23 7t SECOND-HAND 2-SEATED BUGGYAND BUTCH- Ocr wagon: cheap. 856 Howard. ai)s Sin bMVLMi 4IACJIINKS. KWINIPTHACIIINKS FOR" SALK AND KB- paired. W. B. HIUUI.NS. 618 Hayes St. mr4 tf J..jr NEW YORK OK HELPMATE: BRAND «5).) O. new; latest; best for $35: all kinds repaired; rented cheap. .1. 1., HICKS. buT Mission, inrl tt\ _ _____ TO^LKASIi. rpo LEASE. THH 3-SIOKY AND BASEMENT X brick building southwest cor. .Mission and First 6ts., as a whole or In part; the attention of whole- sale wine and liquor men 1-4 called to tins excellent location. Applyto JOHN CARROLL, 607 Mission streot. \u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 le2stf FINANCIAL. iifCMirTHTiT 70 loan AT lowest" mai*- »TJ)«JUI/.UUI» ket rate* on city and country ro.U | OiUte, any auiuiiuts. 4-0 Ualllsrula. II j 1 smtßH&mmn^ltyßEHCMttSßifMßttSl&iMdlßSß^StitSßlfHKßKK&E&tl*- BfsiyFss riiAXCKS. (.- -|||| HOTEL FOR SALE-lIANDSuMKI.V , <i<;vfv». lurnisued hotel and cottages across . t c bay; bo rooms; magnificent grounds; fine loca- . '-li^n: paying largely both winter and summer: kept IT present owner 17 years: lie is retiring from Tr»iisluei>s; a longlease at low rent will be given; this is st-clus iii every respect. Apply to K. Im.NNY. 22 Kearny Et. It I^7^(l HOOD CHANCE FOR A MAN WILL- «!,. I *J\J. ing to work—Express business ror sale; Mir« steady trade from stores, etc., of $'.50 per iMonth, which will be fully secured to Incoming man; is one of very best stands on Market at.; a tine horses and first-class wagon; you can have IS days* trial before buying; iwner will remain with you until fully posted. ApplyK.KENNY, 22 Kearny. ll C«I'JAA GROCERY -STORK AND BAB FOR ')'"". sale; is upon a moat prominent corner In be center of the city; has handsome fixtures and fine stock: owner Is connected with another liusiness outside of the city and has to depend solely . <m hired heip for this storn; this Is an opening sei- pom otterwl. Apply I. KENNY. 22 Kearny St. It ><r7(ili CLEARS 9180 PER MONTH OVER «ipi lUU.all expenses: owner does nothing else I ut collect three days In the mouth; milk route for - Riie: any one can run it as the milk is deliver) to \u25a0' bdro by wholesale milk dairymen each day: owner lias kept it 15 ysarsi employs 2 men to deliver; has \u25a0 "3 burses, 2 wagons, cans, etc.: you can have a trial of tbe business until tully satisfied before bin tut: owner Is retlriug from the business. Apply K. KENNY,22 Kearny st. It ' V 111 l ll I FINE SALOON ON MARKET ST., C* M'<"'. near the Baldwin Hotel, for sale; doing a fine business: ii.-- long lease; well titled op and Blocked; Tery best reasons for soiling; also a lino s;tioou ou Mnrket st. connected with a first-class livery stable: only $t-50. Apply K. KENNY, 22 Kwirnyst. It ' V! I |n| I J'APKK ROUTE FOR SALE: IS I TON •%. 1\J\J\J . one or our very best morning papers: Is . very central downtown; making good wages; only requires 2 hours 10 deliver each morning: any one can run it ami make good wages: this in vest men t is fes sure as real est.ite: 2 weeks' trial allowed before \uu ... Applyto K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st. i: 1 ASS FOUNDRY FOR SALE IN ONE OF "Ii: .-i' largest towns, a short distance from San Frau- rlsco; full value for the money; good urufitable business; 1.-; of is., us for selling. Apply K. KhN.\Y. 22 Ream] \u25a0: It V'liKl PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON; V«-'"v< first-class. ,1. W. GALE a FEAZELL, :-*'.*">Kearny st. Je3o 31* et'/in PART>HK WANTED IN COMSIIS- «Ip.)UU. slim business. J. W. GAL] A FEAZKLL, HO5 Kearny st. je.;O 3t* .^.--(i PARTNER WANTED, !\u25a0• !A X !•: •_ UU\>. orders in the store and assist in looking alti-r general details in a plain cash business credit ever thought of) in this city; estaiilisiied ft years; clearing »;',OO per month: you can try it 2 weeks beture buying; no night or Sunday work; no previous \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0..».:-\u25a0 partner will "' " lenrlt you the business; a man with any ordinary Indulgence, and steady, lober, industrious disposi- tion will get along and l>er-<>me his own master: a rare opportunity. W. L. ULEASON ft CO., 865 1 j Market st. It* re CIHAK-STOKKS; FINE PLACES. 0 : i. groceries and bars: bargains. . 15 branch bakeries and eaniiy-STores. IS coffee saloons and resuura its. 20 saloons at all i rices 4 good partnerships: all bargains. VI.F.TCHKK. 1 Eddy St. It* (JJ. j-- RESTAURANT FOP. SALE. ACCOUNT «£) I f«'. having 2 'places; will sell others also. Apply 33j'j Third si. jejW 3t« (T. - , / . Iii:; M.l: WANTED in AN OLD i .C'" " '. talili>hed cash liusines*. paying md- Bonicly: previous experience not required; no i. {hi or Sunday work; fine cbanc? for a -...;>\u25a0 man. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 7 Grant avenue. It QALOOX.-'JYITH >. LIVING-BOOMS, CHEAP; k- must sell at once. 317 Pacific st je:-;o 7t* 0 ! ~\l\ sa loo x, WITH 3 LARGE LIVINQ- t>I»V- rooms. Apply 4Hi ThirdSt. je.0 M* a'O SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY I i for cash go to 1. D BARNARD. 1148 Market St.. Ift. Mason and Taylor: established 1859. It* sl'-t'vM MILLINERY STOKE. WITH 2 NICE «., OOU. living rooms; N. of Market St.; rent only S-i': has a good-paying trail.). I. D. BARNARD. IllsMarket st.. ne:ir Taylor. It* fltfinn SALOON. WITH ROOMS, 3 HACK V. " 'V. ami upstairs; verycentral: near Fourth i.L.I Market: low rent; positive bargain. I. D. BAR- IV* I:D. 1148 Market St.. near Tajlor. It* < I '-iOH WOOD AND COALY KEPT BY IV 1 CUV. present owner 21 years ; retiring from business; tias large established trade: solvent, legltl- luhte lnvestmetit; choice central location, 1. D, HAKNAKI),1148 Market St., hear Taylor. 11*_ II- YOO WANT TO BUY OR SKI.I. A BUSINESS call on SIIOAFF 6 ROSS. 873'j;Market sr. It Q'J^A SALOON, WITH LIVING ROOMS; \u25a0 . .)i>l'. cheap rent; a sure bargain. SHOAFI ROSS. 873 9 Market st. It Q I im/i CIGAR-STOKE; CLEARING $200 A «4. l-UU. month: one of the finest stands on tM;ir»et St.: leasvd .it low rent: best or reason* Tor Belling at a sacrifice. SHOAFF A- BOSS S73i/ 3 Market st. It* OJOXn RESTAURANT ON MARKET ST.; f«C«JiJL'. doing a good business: iiiruisbed com- I . ' >.- in goovl order; cheap rent; fine bargain: good r.-a*.ni3 lor selling. SIIOAFF * ROSS, 8731., Market St. It ClQAlll"! CORNER SALOON IN COUNTRY •'''\u25a0 and \u25a0 ling beer business; bottling .' 40 barrels per week: 4 wagons, 7 horses: wine and liquor business; house 7 rooms: cheap ie:.:. .'<>'. _• lease; clearing from ;i"i \u25a0 i c 00 per month; line large briCK cellar; well worth 812,000; owner sell- ing: account of going to Germany. Si. LESS A- C')., : !'.\u25a0•\u25a0 Market st. It* Cm i:l)ii -SALOON and i.ysti-r- -«^p I Uv'V. house, near Uar el st.; elegant flx- ' ture3; fine ptock: clearing S'-*>o to S3OO month: <lls<reeme::t partners M. LlisS, 9»S Marget st. It* COA A ? RESTAURANT: » RECEIPTS I * 20~~TO «_ '\>. j;5 per day; must be soid (it ouce; ac- ' ccunt sickness. ': LESS. »95 Market »t. It* QfTHH SALOON AND LUNCH-HOI S] . WITH •^ UUU. 5 [igrooms, between factories: well Stocked. M. LESS A: CO.. 9!'5 Market st. lt»^ ' -• I It'll SALOON IN CITY FRONT. OPPO- O - "IV'U. si:e the ferry, doing a large Business; c Ije^p rent and long lease; sellir.g on account of ilis- tfigr»-ement vt'ith partnership. M.LESS A CO 995 >ijr;.ct st. It* fli JAM PRODI I -STORE, «I 111 3 LIVING V'iW. rooms. Inheart of city: doing fi:ie liusl- lir?s. M.LESS A CO.. ft»s Market st. It* (J7|l(| FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE. DOING A «j: I U\/. good business; fine stock and fixtures: cheap rent and long lease. Apply ii. LESS, 935 J!» St. It* >^ I "id WORTH *800; SALOON; BKST LOCA- *£" 1 O\J. t:..:,; 7 rooms, completely .furnished; fine trade: rent only$30: must sell at once: see •t. -. GEO. STEWART. 138 Kearny St. lt_ IC' 1 Xn PAKTXEB WANTED; EMPLOYMENT C I O\J. Office: trade Jl to SlO per day and In- ricuslng rapidly;this is no price for this business; is worth $350. but must have help: best location; rht'ap rent; leading street; ground-Moor: not nrces- ssry to understand the business: is easily learned; vi ill sultan] one willing toassist: will find plenty to d>: never MteMa chance: don't miss It: full iuvesti- £.:ion. GKO. STEWART, 135 Kearny St. It CJ-Q^A DOWNTOWN DAY I'.KSIACI'.ANT- .- . I. }( i . Among who!es.i!e lions-s; patronized al- most exclusively by mercantile and business men; best place in city; doc 1 very tine business; no meals less than 25 its, and upwar 1; 46 chairs, first-class !...;. -e. and furniture complete: closes nights aud Bandars; must -oil on account of sickness; grand r.'.a.'ire. See GEO. STEWART. 136 Kearny st. it c ..i-(\ PARTNEK WANTED TO-DAY IN V? *JV' . tirst-class cash business, suitable ror any 1 liii'i. vober, steady man: has good trade; clears to each J75 to fSS per month; can be Increased with ' lielp of active, indastrious partner: good liia-: VaUied mure than money: prefers partner to hired liilp: no Light or Sunday wort; experience not lie< t i--*'*arT; business >aslly learned; grand oppor- tunity for man with small capital: best of refer- ' i :;ce. See Gl'.O. S I ART.136 Kearny St. It Sit \u0084•-1. COMMERCIAL EXPRESS AND *~ 1 UtJ'/. transfer business; partner wanted to lot as cashier, keep the books, i .:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0> . receiving, skipping and delivering freights and mercbaudisc: 9 good teams, bams; everything complete and in first-cias:* running order: has special tontracts v\ith laiiiu.'d and steamboat companies and many mercantile bouses for transportation of general Irrlcht aud merchandise, with regular trade, cicar- i:ig*\u25a0• 50 per mouth; business established 13 years; \u25a0 best of references; full Investigation and trial. Oi;o. STEWART, 135 Kearny at. lt_ 41J17C SALOON: POOL-TABLE, STOCK AND •„'* > 1 0. fixtures; good location on Market St. L'UOKKK A TEMPLE. till Market St. It* O/in PARTNER WANTED: STRICTLY —'I', cash business: on Market st.; experience titioecessary. BOOKER a TEMPLE. 841 Market.l* ''[ <r. -I r(\ \ I.i "STAUKANT: DAILY RECEIPTS » tuv, from *12 to $1C: line handsome place; greatest bargain In the city; worth $450: sickness cause. L'OOKhR .V TKMPLE.B4I Market. I.l* "0.9 (l rii, WANTED MAN TO LOAN HIS KM- C'Jvv". ploycr this amount, at 8 per cent in- : rirst; *75 per month wages will be allowed. Mo- LAUUHLIN &CO., 26 Kearay St. It* '- C ~T\T\ GROCERY. BAB AND 8 FURNISHED 0 I v'W. rooms; old established business; bar- g.iin. \u25a0 LAI :i I.IX A CO.. 28 Kearny st. It* Ci'->-«n CANDY. SODA AND CONFECTION- . .i.'W. cry: offer wanted on account of sickness, auLAUiiULIN .'. CO.. 2c Kearny St. 11* d>.l,'A|| QROCERY— 3 HORSES AND 2 WAG- . 4JUU. '.m: employing 3 clerks; near city; big bioiness. Mclaughlin a C 0..28 Kearny st. it* 7IORNES FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE. DOING \j good business; flue stock and fixtures; long lease. 145 Third at. Je29 Ht« f RAND CHANCE-FOB SALE: BUTTER, EOOS ' 1 and cheese, groceries, etc. Stills '25 and 28, brand Arcade Market, Sixth si., near Folsoin. 2.) :<_• \ \u25a0.:\u25a0 -.-. LADY WOl ;.[) LIKE rd Ml Xl \u25a0 - \ with a respectable lady of some business ability and small means. Call OUS Folsom St. je29 2 G~ PAYING SALOON AND CIGAR-STORK 1 rot sale cheap: selling ou account of leaving city. 1151 Market st. je29 3t« Q.VALL GROCERY AND (SALOON FOX SALE >J cheap. Inquire 20 Everett st. Jc29 71* S, ITIONKKY- STOKK FOE SALE. 759V4 Howard st. Jc29 at* / 1 OOD-PAYINIi RESTAURANT, IN A FIRST- ' J class location: clearing $150 per month: full time glveu to Investigate to Intending purchaser; l' resent owner retiring from business. Apply ror location and price by letter to Restaurant, Box '.' i, (a1.1, r.rani I. office; no agents. je2j)3t* C-'An * 0B SAI.E-OLI>ESTABLISHED AND , ,)'Mf. neli-paylug saloin on the city front, on account of sickness of proprietor. 2120 Mason st., second floor: no agents. je'-'8 31* IiUTCHER BUSINESS FOI< SALE IN A MOST 1 > desirable pan of the cl'.y; doing a splendid liusl- ii' s<; well established; must lie sold: foMiarticulars apply to F. UKI A CO.. 630 Clay St. J«2l 7t* ' .1-/. FOB sale-bakery, CANDY, to- •if ••)!'. ijnceo and notions; 3 rooms with store; rent 1 15, 1828 Howard st. i Tt- Gl PAYING DAIUY PRODUCE AND V.I- -VT r.ety store; line location; low rent; 3nlce living rooms. ApplyCall Branch Ofnce. je2B t*_ L I V lIOKSC AND COVERED wagon, with ' -T good paying route; selling on account of alek- iim. Apply In evening, 01:11,3 Natoina st. Je2B M* I,'KUIT-STOKE; ESTABLISHED 4 YEARS; 1 inustbesnld; health cause or selling. Address 1-rult, Box yT. 1 \u25a0 1.1. Branch OBlce. Je2H 3t* OO1) PAYING SALOON; TERMINUS OF 4 V lines of cars: also lodrlng-liouse; parties going \u25a0£ast. Inquire 413 ronrth m. Jea3 4t» AUNDiiY Tor sale~run by machinery. JAUKDRY lOK BALE— KUN BY MACHINERY. j 315 at. je2n 71* I,'OR COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE; jrnicely fitted up: good location. 15 Mason.2S 3* rOR HALE-IN OAKLAND. AN OLD-KSTAB- -1 lished bakery at Point Station. Seventh St., (loin? a lusiness of upward of $IV per day, with nor»« in. I wagon, and one of the best routes In West Oak- laud- present owner owns the premises and Is re- tiring from business. Icqulreal 1812 Seventh st., Oakland. |e27 7t« V I 7An CORNER SALOON AND HOTEL; . •_ I i\l\l. good business place: selling account I til other business; no agents. 113 Part aye., bet. j II lib and Sixth, Bryant and Brannau. ]e27 7t* IK QAiI LODGIXG-HOU"SEAND SALOON; CEN- j «ipt/UV'. trolly located. Apply Call Branch.27 7* A1..00N K"lt SALE CHEAr. APPLY 898 ILLI- O uols St., Potrero. Jcviti 7t*

Transcript of Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · GUAS'C ITKMS. HrieTNotes Fr>.m...

Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · GUAS'C ITKMS. HrieTNotes Fr>.m Pacific Stntes and TVr-rltori's. A field of wildoats near Banta M.irla stand* 6 feet

GUAS'C ITKMS.HrieT Notes Fr>.m Pacific Stntes and TVr-

rltori's.A field of wild oats near Banta M.irla stand* 6

feet 2 inches hUh.Two rlecirlc light companies are raclo,' to zee

the first llsbi turned un lv Victoria.A three-pound cucumber was plucked in the

garJ-n of a physician at Santa Marti last week.A meetloE of Orange County farmer* will be

held on July l-'.n, to make arrangements lor afair.

W. W. Byrne of San Jose was «eatene<Mlofonr years 111 Ban Quentiu fur killinga CM.>•>\u25a0;;

cook.Tlie first drive of logs on IheTruclcoe River

made by a local lumber company coulaiued4,000,000 feet.1lie hlorlde li-itIn the name of .inew piuer

ofCiudelaria, Kiuieralda Couuly, Xev. W. VV.11"..Hi is editor.

The Democrats of San Diego have subscribedmoney to liny the Daily San Dlogau. Ilisi!:«only oikhiIn that city.

Some boys a Sacramento touch"d oft a sky-rocket onSaturday night. It struck a scUool-liouse ana caused $3000 damage.

Adrunken farm-naud went on a, none In Clilthe other li.iv. Ha was run 111 ami •earetlfil,wlieu $454 'JO was found loose in Illsclothing.

The Gait Gazette says Hie watermen) 1 coparound 1.0.1iwillnot amount to inucli this Mia hion account of the lODgCuuiluueJ cold ni^lits aiddays.

Among the students at Pomona College n xiyear willlie a young man wlin com all Ilia w>ylroin Nashua, N.H., to receive tlie Quistlln;;lourli.

D.iytoa A.Beed lias been elected principal o.'

the Arizona Normal School at 1 run.', it-*11• s

taucl 1In Plioßuix for some years aiMli\u25a0» .\u25a0 \u25a0•!!•known educator.

'1lie Silver state says the losses or (?^n••

Won of Lander County last winter In uor**-,cattle and sheep wer \u25a0 (100.000. lining a ploveer of -11 years, be Is no. discourage*].

The Winters Express says: A fruit-growisr oftills vicinity, wholias been .iit|> vtnis fruit Kirn,has received icturns for the first shipment), II\u25a0received from the sale of 1 101 crates, clear of at!expense!), a little over (1600. l'retiy pood (iran off year!

The monthly output of the works it BboJnsMarsh, Ktmsralda Cjunty, Nev, la 100 ton- ofborax and 300 tons of salt In four qualities


ble, dairy, milland stock. Tins w»rK gives employmeut to twelve whites, eighteen Cuiume auJ200 Indians.

Says the White i'lmS NotHln;ha*beenheard Irum SKenlf i:ns.-etl and Jolin Henry sincethey started out on the trail of hor?e-ltnrve«leu days ago, auU their frlemls are aixiiKHabuut them lest the pursued may have taken Inthe puisueis.

A boy named Hence was riding toward bithome from school near Uokelumue Hilllast Krl-day alteruooti. His Bocae shied at a cow lylti^Demi the roadside, and Hence was thrown uponHer hoius, which Indicted gome severe woundsonMs back aud legs.

A mail (if Uiieailand Imported a prize polul rfrom Englaud lecenlly mid paid «luo fur It*tralnlug. The first time lie look the animal outfor shooting the dot; came to a point while on li.>:railroad grad •. He made a beaulltul point, buthe train came along and smashed the combina-tion.

U.S. Warren, the sole survivor of the barkMartha lloud, atrlved at Port Towosend, Wain.,last Thursday. Tbe Teasel wit wrecked off IheFiji Islands, on August 27. 1889, and Warrenlived on a small coral reef until Aprilof IS!>.>.when lie was picked up by the schooner Micyon.

Apatent was put on record at Monterey Listweek 10111 the Culled Stales to KoDeil l.lver-more aud Joseph >ioilc-i;o. Itwas \u25a0tale 1 N.iv in-ber -'-,188'J, aud emtracss the Kancho CauaJ 1de lo.s liaqueros, 17,700 acres. The oii^iuilgrant was made Iv is 14 to lltguera aud Miranda.

The Lompoc Record says: ItIs reported thatthe Santa Vuez Syndicate has made a $200,000deal with so.ue Kisteru parties who have pur-chased several thousand acres of the College ranchos. The land willbeuividedamoui;thu new purchasers and planted pil.iclp.Uiy toolives.

An eight year-old girl of J. W. Ituntajr ofPleasant Vail,y,Tulare County, went t > Hie we.ilast 1 inlay to draw some water. Sue was 111:1-1twice on bur leu fool by a large rattlesnake.Her father lanced the wound an.l .sucKed the pot-son so that she soon recovered. The snake wassoon after killed.

Says the Los Angeles Express: On* of thestone-cutters preparing stone toi me Santa Bar-bara Court-house fence recently found a curiousfossil Iv the center ot a stone, lires 'inble* apiece of black walnut, blguly polished. Somesay IIis a bill of a 01. d aud others a shark'stooth, but IIis not yet known what Itreally Is.

A man In Honolulu, sniiiwicn Islands, bassent an order to a lend in Trav«r for a dozeuliverabbits. The Advocate says Tulare Couulycan spare 1.000,000 littlepets; but if KaUk.tu.tpermits this dozen to laud on bis little kingdom,ina few years they willeat bun out of house andhome, lie will do well 10 take a lesson fromAustralia.

The Calistoii»n says: Sunday last a quantityof shoes, winch cost {tila. whole-ait 1,wasfound In tlie back yard ofone of th cstores Intown. The shoes bad been placed there thenight previous by 'somebody who had tnkeiithem the morning of tho tire. It other personswould return goods in this manner the ownerswould be very llianKful.

A physician ot Tacoma got himself into hotwater on Friday by causing lbs arrest of twoschool teachers fur whipping a boy. H waspiovediu court that the teachers hud been m-stiucted by me father nt tha boy to whip himsoundly, so they were discharged and the doctorwas charged with $100 costs. He could not re-spond and was taken to jail.

The Folsom Telegrnpb says: Two years anda half ago the managers of the Orange Vale Col-ony had two acres of figs planted us an experi-ment, and Ithas proved a profitable venture forthem. Last fall they picked on an average twelvepounds toeach tree, aud the coming tall they ex-peel to pick,If the indications are tobo depeix&dupon, twice as much. Another year stittiMeulwillbe picked to pay (or the land uud the '""<\u25a0 •..:cultivation. . .

The Kern County Callfornlan say«: It Isalleged that combined harvesters waste a greatdeal of grain aud promote the growth oiweeds.Where they are used weeds are gaining groundevery year. The grain must be allowed to sSttMk.until It is thoroughly ripe and dry,ana by thattime the weeds are bo also, 1hen, as IDs bar-vester does Its work, their seeds are evenlystrewn over the field. Itfollows that every ye rthe grain becomes fouler and the price less.

The aver Advocate says: Arumor Is currentthat the Wilbur-r&ige-I'ursalt road-bed, willed ligraded fora distance of seventy mites uortbwestfrom a point ten miles west o! Fresno, has beenpurchased by tbe AtcbUou, roues* .md SantaFe Railroad. Several gangs ol surveyors In theemploy of that company have been making sur-veys recently through the Lucerne Valley, oueas recently as a few days ago, and tue wish ofour people for a competing Tine may not be sovisionary as IIIs ordinarily regarded to be.

Has the Pomona Progress been victimized?Tbe last number says: A new swindle Is re-potted from Santa Barbara County. ItIs per-petrated by means ofa double fountain pen, oneend of which Is filled withgood, substantial Ink,tbe other with Ink tbat fades away Ina day ortwo. The sharper writes bis agreement, coo-tract, or whatever particular thing he may navechosen with Ink that fades, and lias his victimsign with the other end of the pen that lasts. \u25a0 Iva few days he lias a slip of paper with nothingon Itbut a good slguature, over wliicihe writesany sort nl uotr that he can easiest turn Intocash. Look out for the 111 1:1. SEES


GAXLAKO MM;. \u0084


S~i7»nn MOffisatti 0011 COTTAGE: COR-JJr-IUI/u. Ncr lot, l(ioxl:;5: stable, chicken-house, windmill and tank; InN.oa.-iand: cable andst. am can pass wttbluabloik of the house: $1500tin remain on mortgage. Inquire of li.C. DUFFY,997 Market St., cur, glxth, a. r. ].-\u25a0_'\u25a0.• SnMoWeFr 8t

(VA LANDA ENCY-ADV ERTIKMENTS AND*/ mi .it[ttlons received at the Oakland Branch

omce of iksi Mwufute Call, Broadway, nearSeventh st. Oltlce hours 6a. m. to a r. v.

ILLIAiIJ. DINGEE—OAKLAND REAL ES-»' tr.te lor sale or exchange: oth'ee, Nos. 160 and

>.i^iitust, Oakland, Cat. :send for Illustratedprice-list • JC24 tf

1OTS t LOTS! LOTS!-5»00. $325. $:!st): LOISXj40x135 teet; south frontage; o;. y 3 blocksfrom Dwigat way-station; local train* to Sau Fran-

cisco: only 10 more left; come Quick; easy term:;

sco owner. L.L. SALSBURY, 47.1 Ninth sr., Oak-land. je!7 lm*.i'|wi MDK-HII.L LOT 300x100: SHKL-.J-U*'W. tend; 8. frontage; SCO cash: $10 month-ly. (HAS. A. BAILEY,owner, t>24 .Market. je!9 tfTVTEW 2-STORY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS ANDXV bath; stone walks; lot 25x103; In a centrallocation, near San Pauloar*.; !?:si><>o; on easy terms.McDonald * cameron, 479 Ninth St. oak-land. jeljtf

at iUna 2-STORY 6-KOOM HOUSE ANDIOV/W. small store; lot4sxli.'o: cornering on

3streets; bargain, W. E. BARNARD & SON. 4SJNinthst



C' I--

JUST LOOK AT THIS! A FEW LOTSd" • • <). In the beautiful Pleduiool Villa Tract,offered for a few days at »175 per lot:on easy termsor monihlv payments; this tract fronts on web-ster or Piedmont aye.: on Washington-it. car linerunning to Piedmont: no such bargain ever otferedbefore InOakland: take the chance to secure a lotclose to center of city thai willdouble Invalue In 6mouths. See owners, SHERMAN a- iiNNi.v,463Ninth st., near Broadway, Oakland, omee openevery nightuntil H u'cHwlt. ; jnUIlin


o_V7n FURNISHED COTTAGE"OF 4 ROOMStjf^*''.and bath; 5 minutes' walk from station.W. 11. (RIM.v im.. 205 MontgomeryIt je_7 4t1.-LKGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, ATlit the Albany, Fifteenth ami Broadway. Oakland ione block from the narrow-gnnge depot; table Isun-surpassed; elevator and artesian water: nrsC-classInevery way. Q. »mW'lLI-SON HOUSE. OPP. CITYHALL


»' gant sunny rooms: reasonable rate ; special at-tention given to Hie comfort of guests, botb and regular. 14th and Washington, jelu3mrpilK HOUSE IS a BEAUTIFUL SUM--1nier and winter resort: has a number of elegaut

cottages, large grounds and garden; has been thor-oughlyrenovated, and Is first-class i;iev ry appoint-ment Apply Telegraph aye. and Twenty-fourth st.,Oakland. jelolm

LAKEULOCK(COR. TWELFTH AND WASH-1> lugton, Oakland), recently completed: elegant

sunny rooms,unfit ruish'd, forol&cesof private. 10 laTpLEQANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS TOJ-i rent, with board; all un"ler . conveniences; pri-vate family. 5b".! Eighth St., between Cay and Jef-fi-rs.Mi; 1 li'nek from local Ira \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0HI In


»LAHII)I IABUAINB—»I7OO—IiOT 25x115;-V nice modern cottage 4 roams and b:ttlj; i

block from Park st :WSOcaMh; *\u25a0.'"> per month.(4ls)J27(Ul—lot :'.;!::il"5; 5 rooms and bath: onCen-

tral aye. :$500: balance $\u25a0>'> per month. (No. 355)$2760— Lot 53x117: new modern cottage 5rooms

and bath; 3 Dlocka troin station; t.iiio cash; bal-ance (4U per mouth. (No. it)

J.3ooo— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 roomsand bath at station: $600 cash: $35 per month. (X)

*4000-Lot 50X125; fine new modern 2-atorvhouse 7 rooms and bath un Central aye. oneasyterms: a good bargain. (No. 41.1)

$7800— Lot 150; elegant new 2-story house 10rooms, withstable; well located; part cash. (401)

Houses bum to suit; 15 per cent down, balanceeasy Installments; cheap lout In an pans of Ala-meda; nouses to let and money to lean. 11. P.MoItEAI. ft CO.. 1428 Park st, Alameda, and 4'WMontgomery st. San Fran'-lsco. mySltf


CALIFORNIAHOTEL,EAST BERKELEY;GOODrooms: family itsingle men: hoard opt.i-nal.1ill'

. 'rKB.SON-AT.«».

'piilS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON ANDAFTERIJnly1,1890, Inil!not be responsible for Rny

debts contracted by any number of my family. F.WHITE. \u25a0 . . . Je;;u __•pATENTKE WISHES TO hEi.L 2 VALUABLE-I patents; Investigation Invited, at 115 Kearny St.,Loom I'J. jv'JO It*iLii

Af !:\u25a0>. ANNIE BARUY.IWOOLDLIKETn SKKHIyon on business of Importance. Addrem .*.,Hot t)3.Call Branch Omi ,-. \u0084«\u25a0\u25a0.' i3t»

A.LBEKT—MEET \u25a0.:;\u25a0. AT sixii Pllll.HAß-moulquo masquerade, Mechauics' Patlllon

July 3d. ]e23 4t

fPIIEINVENTORS OF THE "LADIES' TAILOR"1system of dress-cutting desiring to speedily make

known the merits of their system to establish apermanent school or cutting in San ETraaciseo, willcut dreM-llnlugsand give Instructions In <lre**-<;nt-tlng free of charge for Iwodays only: everybodyInvited to caM; classes afternoon and evening at 110O'Farrell st. Je_J 3t«4 T MECHANICS' PAVILION. SOCIEIK PHIL

barmonlqne niasqnerade, July 3d. j.-29 4t

VI.KYIiODY WILL tit: AT SOCIETK I'll11."ibarmonlque masquerade, MecLaniea' Pavilion,

July 3d. je29 4t

••'l'llE 01-EIJA" MILLINERY-STORE; GREATiclearance sale for 30 days only: elegant trim-

med hats. $1 00 a piece. MIIE.BLANCHE OULIF,110 Kearny st __ ' St

AT CRAVEN* SISTERS', 11 GEARY. LAHYagents wanted; bigpay. je29 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

ACCORDION SKIRTS AND CAPES; FINEXV knife pleating. '.' Geary St., Rm 1. 38 SnMoTn tf

DR. HAMPTON-EYE, EAR. THROAT ANDXJ chronic ailments. Room 6, Murphy 1.1dg.23 Lra»IA RESP. YOUNG GENTLEMEN TO (lIJIIA.MZK*-Vf an amateur orchestra for borne, chnrrh or so-cinl purposes. Call 814 Geary st jc'-'(i12mim KISSP. YOUNG LADIES To ORGANIZE A—

U ladles' amateur orchestra for home, church orSocial pu.

—Call 814 ueary st je26 12m

» RUSTIC EUROPEAN MANICURK. SIMS..1 USE, 401 Post st, cor. Powell. Je2* lino

AT 12b i;i:\l;NV.ROOM ft, YOU CAN lIOBROWmoney at low rates; private rooms lor ladles;

pledges fur sale; take elevator. nu7 tfrpTIE 8. F. TAYLOR SYSTEM TAUGHT AND1 sold. MKS. Pond, Room a, 121 ro.,tst. je4 lm

HANDSOME ITS, *:< UP; CUTTING. FlT-tlng.$1. MRS. WALKER,HIGeary, je!4 Urn

rpo MOUNT WHITNEY—A SCIENTIFIC AND1pleasure trip for the summer vacation: emlueutscientists togo. For circular addresi i'KOF. » 11.WALES. Prin. San Joaiiuiu Valley Polytechnic ln-btitute. Tulare City, Cal. jelllm

» I.L PEOPLE HAVING ARTIFICIAL TEETH-iV.sbnii.l use NELSON'S AMTCoSK twice aday: Itstrengthens the gums ami prevents inflammation. lmTIAILQB BUTTONS MADE FROM ANY MA-Iterial; also ivory-rim buttons. 110 Taylor st,the ouly button factory on this Coast. je2j gm

1HUVATE IESSONS. SINGING, PIANO,VIOLIN1»nd cello. W. DE JUNG, 14 09 Van Ness. 22 l'n

MRS.DR.THOMAS (COLORED).ELECTRO MAS-saga: hygienic speclallrt. IDIILeavenworth. Km4 DVHE FREE— DIVORCES, QUICKEST Tlalß,

-'» no publicity; damages: collection: wills, etcT.ENGLEV. Attorneys' Ass'n. 11Kearny st. je9Bm

ON THEINSTALLMENTPLAN-DRESS-GOODS,silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets,

lumitiiro, la-i-eiirralus, blankets and folding-bedsat M.Iuikii.MAN a CO."8, 228 and 230 Stocktonst. Why pay ready money Mien you can buy justas cheap by making a small cash payment down,balance weekly or monthly '•' An Inspection of ourstock Is respectfully solicited; orders by mall forpoods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and*uQ Stockton i>t. cor. Post: open evenings. np)2tt"1>AINTINO TAUGHT; 4-HOUR LESSON 50c.X dally:portraits crayoned $5 50. 1121.4 Ninth, lm£101.1>1.'... BEDS

—EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001Xlniiroreil with lar^eplatc 18x40: walnut, oak and

cherry; cash price elsewhere #!)5; our Installmentprice only $50. M. FRIEDMAN A- CO., 2VB-330Stockton st.. cor. Post: open evening I*.1*. anlßtt

Oi:iI:NT AL COMPLEXION BATHS ANDbeauty treatments. MME. VIDA, Oriental

Beauty Physician, 22 Geary st. jezl6in

\u25a0\,l MB. BETANCOURT'S CELEBRATED RIIEU-m niatl.-pad: price *1. 104 Grove. P.m. 8. Jci» lm


LATEST STYLES; REASON-Is able prices: orders bymill promptlyexecuted-

iranteed. MRS. M.HE lIAGAN,9o'


POSITIVE CUKE FOB CATARRH,BRONCHITIS,1a-t ;uiin. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearny. Jes tf

CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE T<) HAVEViyour carpets cleaned and relaid. JONES' Per-fect Carpel-cleaning Worm, iiand 27 Eighth st;telephone 3424. oca ct

»«'E HAVE ANUMBER OF FULLDKESS SUITS'*to hire lor balls, parties or funerals at a reason-

able price. ORIGINALMISFIT tLOTdINU I'aK-LOKS, cor. Post and IMipout sts.pERFKCT-FITTINci TAILOROR TRAVELLING-1 dress made in 24 brt..$15, £-0.$25: goods found.MRS. M.DAVIS. 234 Taylor St.. upstairs, mrl tt

MMI KELLOGG'S TAILORSTSTIiM OFDRESS-cutt ing taught. Rm 16. glitiKearny st. )e:< lm

MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES^ EVERY DE-i'jscrlptlon of collateral; old gold and silverbought. CoLEMAN'S.41 3d St., Sau Francisco. m3OG-.J fLi\ cabinets PEB dozen: El EGANT>jp-i.U\J. water-color picture In gilt frame freewithevery dozen, « ILSO.VS, 22 Kearny, my2s Urn

PORTRAITS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK,i- crayon, water color* and pastel. Pacific Por-trall Co., 1221 Market st. T.J. O'HKIEN.M'gr.20 tf

ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY; NOpublicity; legal everywhere. R. scoULAK.

Attorney,34 Kearny st mylBBmjjfeßflREv7aRD~WILL BE PAID FOR THE A ifVO\J rest and conviction of any person orpersonscaught tearing down signs of0. A. Klinkuer Jt 320 Sausome st, from telegraph poles or lamp-posts. my 14 tl

MISS HOGG, 52H GEARY ST.; FUNERAL AND111 nntnral Bowers of a Ikinds preserved. apjiil2m

Cl *K. SNOOK, PLUMBERS, ROOFERS, GAS-• litters, tin.Conner and sbeet-lron workers. 630Sacramento St., near Kearny ;telephone 1727. al9 tf

Dicv GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, WITHOUTinterest: dress irootls, cloaks, furniture, carpocj,

bedding, jewelry, pictures, mirrors, hanging lamps,Clocks, etc. ;carpets from 65c upward. J. nooNAN4 CO., IU2I and IU3S Mission St. bet KiTth » iJSeventh; opnu evenlu^^ apl7 tf

HIIiHESTPRICE LID FOB CAST-OFF CLOTHHIng,gold, jewelry.books. KLEIN,109 Sixth, tt


» GREAT BUSINESS PROPOSITION— WK CAN•"i save you 50 per cent bypurchasing amerchanttallor-uiaile business suit for $15; merchant tailor'sprice $30. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHING PARI.PIiS,cur. Post and Dupout sis.

PIONEER CARPET-BEATING MACHINES DOi.the best work. .1. SPAULDINO & CO., 353 Te-hamast.; telephone 3040. apl2tf

VNDREW—MEET ME CORNER POST ANDJ. V Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made byi> merchant tailor for $30. our price $15. ORIGI-NAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post andluipont sts.

I-ARPET-CLEANINU; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD;VJ the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone5228. B. STRATTON, 1211 Market st. apt;



chant tailor-made spring suit in 3 or 4 buttoncutaway for *-

.O: merchant tailor's price $40.ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTUINU PARLORS, cor.Post and Dupont sts.riARPET-CLEANINi), SC PER YAKD; CHEAP-\J esc ami best In the city. J. E. MITCHELL&CO.. 230 Fourteenth st. ap2t£T\ OVTWAIT UNTILit IS TOO LATE

—100• 'pairs spring styles light-colored trousers made

bycrack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15; ourprice $4 50 to $8. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dnpont st3.

CARPET BEATERS: CITYSteam Carpet Beating and Renovating Works,

24 and 20 Eighth St.: largest works in the city;irkguaranteed. Address A. W. MANNINU,pro-

prietor; telephone 3250.-mr6tf

YEN A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHABBILY-j dressed when we can M you In a merchant

tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, for $18; mer-chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL .MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sta.

I'IVEATALLSLIM MANA CHANCE— WE CAN'Ifit you, no matter how tall, lvamerchant tailor-made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's price$40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS,cor. Post and Dnponl its, h \u25a0;-...-.

CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUTbeating; rehltlni;carpets a specialty. CONKLIN

BROS., 333 Golden Gate aye. ;telephone 2126. 13 tf• AISTS CUT. FITTED,STITCHED. COLLARS

sleeves lv; skirt cut. stitched, braid draperybelts puton; $3. MME. MICIIAUX,1lti McAllistr.

I>RIVATE HOME Tsi CONFINEMENT. BdlFolsom st MRS. M.E. ROGERS. Midwife. A3 13a

KNKY H. DAVIS. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. 423California St., Rooms and 9; AIIVICE

YOU CAN BUY YOvJR. FURNITURE ON IN1sUllmeutv, easy terms. BARE BROS., 323IN

stallmeuts; easy terms. BARK i;uos.. ::i.'nIHayes __ bet Frauklln and Hough. inristt

en CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALLOU for lour months to any part of the UnitedStates.


DRESS-CUTTING TAUOIrrTrHOROCUHLY BYauthentic French tailor system. 610 Post. jels6m

\IISS AGNES KELTER, 119 STOCKTON. NEAR111 Geary; stylish suiU from $3 50 up; cuttlus.mlf.ttlig.ispeclaltv: 75 cents: perfect ft apt tt



S"^ I'ANISH LADY desires A FEW PUPILsTfOjoin a class or for single lessons. 148 Sixth St.,

Room 44. \u25a0- JeB9 lm

KROPP'S NEW MUSIC NOTATION IS A PER-fect, rapid and easy method. 814 Geary 12m

CERTIFIED TEACHER FROM EUROPE DE-Vysires pupils forpianoforte: terms $3 per mouth.40 Husa St.. off Howard,near Sixth. jc2o 7t*

ELKGItAPHY ANDRAILROADING;640CLAY;1refer toour operators now in offices. Je2o pin

FIELD SEMINARY 1825 TELEGRAPH AYE.,Oakland, willopen August 4, 1890. MRS. W. 11,

HYDE, Principal. ]e!7 3mTmANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY;HALF1hour 25 cents. 931 Market. Room __ my16 12in/GUITARAND PIANO LESSONS GIVEN,$3 TO\J $5 per month. 39 Fifth st.

-my29 6m

SV. SCHOOL OF ORATORY-ALLBRANCHES.of eluclltluil Uught. (iUV DURRELL,527 Post.

El).(RANDALL, TEACHER OF SINGING. 403. Golden Uate aye. my11 6m

MARIE HALL'S MUSIC PARLORS ;PIANOharp and vocal lessuns. 120 Eddy st. Apia 12m

CHOOLOF CIVIL,MININGANDMECHANICALO Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, DrawUucAssaying. A.VAN DEK NA11.L1iN.723 ait?

EALD'S BUSIINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST STDouble-entry book-keeping, penmanship, short-

hand, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., all UioTudedUbusiness course under oue lee of $75. je3d

PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 330 POST StJ. Llfeseholarshln. $75: day ann evening. oo'iOit


ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY;positively no publicity; shortest time; legal

everywhere: tee after divorce: collections, etc. ;es-tabllshed 10 years. O. W. HOWE. 30 Kearny. 25 tf« DVICE FKKE; divorces LEGALLY,QUlCK-iviy;no publicity:correspondence confidential. U.

S. Attorneys' Association, P. O. Box1735. 3. F.19 tf

ADVICE FREE- DIVORCES. QUICKEST TIME,no publicity;damages: collections; wills, etc.

T. ENGLEY, Attorneys' Ass'n. 11Kearny st. je96m

DIVORCES, WILLS, ETC. FRANK Kennedy,Attorney. 83 Murphy Building. - latl.

ADVICE FREE, ROBERT SCOULAR, ATTORney. 34 Kearny St. my!36in

JOHN A. WALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 230tiansome St., Rooms 10, 11 and 12. myIS tinui ,

W~ W. DAVIDSON, ATIORNEY-AT-LAW,«M.California St.. Rooms 11-15: advice freo. dJtt


OTEL DE "WINDSOR; ST/MMZB AND WlN-ter resort: beautifully located. Address L.

I'IEPKR. Windsor. Sonoma Count). je22 cod lin*

SANTA CRUZ—RIVERSIDE HOTEL AND COT-Otßges; the favorite family l.otel In Santa Cruz: 0mhiutes' walk from beach: beautiful grounds;terms reasonable. FRED lIARSOX. je2Blin

A Hi.INI,TON HOUSE, SANTA CRUZ. CAL.—XI Furniture of 14 rooms forsale, *1200; rent veryreasonable: corner house, few doors from oceanHotel. F. A.-E. HOLT. _\u25a0'.'-- 71*

SANTA CRUZ—SUNNYSIDE: A NEW FlRST-class boardlng-liotise; »1 toSI SB per day; Wai-

nut aye. 3IRS. V. J. DUTCIIEK. jc27 3m

1/OLLIN COTTAGES, SANTA CRUZ. CAL.—J? Best summer resort on Beach Hill,overlookingthe bay, o. W. FOLLIN.proprietor. j''27 3m

SEA VIEW-A BEAUTIFULSUMMER RESOttl'--10 miles from CazHdero; 8 miles from the ucea:i;

1500 feet above sea level: fine climate: beautifulscenery; hunting and ashing unsurpassed. JAMESHENRY. Proprietor. Jc7 lin

\ NDEBSON SPRINGS, LAKECOUNTY; HOTELXVand cottages now open to visitors: beautifullylocated: free hot and cold water aud hut siilnhurbaths: first-class board *10 to $14 per week: trainto Calistoga, stage to Mlddlctown, private carriagetoSprings; fare from San Francisco $5 80. J. AN-PERSON. Proprietor. . Jel9 tf"~]?L MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO


i-isalt-water baths. iny3 4mo

JAUREL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACCOM-J 111od.uions. Address P. O. Box 159. N.ip.icity.

AETNAHOT MINERALSPRINGS. THISAMEKI.-^V can Ems 'waters; unsurpassed; pleasant place;pure air:no fogs: warm swimming bath: table good;reasonable. Write forcirculars to W. 11.LIDELL.Iin

KNFIELD HALL. 21/ a MILES FROM SANTARosa; beautiful grounds; lovelyscenery; mod-

ern bouse; lovely rooms. MRS. A. SOLOMON. Box322. Santa Rosa. je!B 14r

SWANTON HOUSE. lE.SCADEKO. SAN MATEOkjCounty, cal., the favorite resort of the PacificCoast; hotel and cottages allnewly furnished; lovelygrounds; also the famous pebbly be'ich. where arefound agates, opals, top:iz, moonstones, emeralds,water crystals and many other precious stones; goodtrout Ashing and wildgame; board reasonable; spe-clal rates fcr lamilies. MRS. S.W. ANTON, Itt

SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS—BOARDERS AC-kjcointnodated at ocean View Fruit-farm: grandview; oak groves; special new cottages. Aiidre«iIIOS.SLAUGHTER. W rinhts.Saula Clara VILLA. TAMALPAIS STATION.1Ross Valley,nr. San Rafael: salt water bathing;commodious grounds: tine drives: pavilion; take\u25a0Sangalito lerrv. MRS. PETER SMITH, proprietress

AMPLE COPY OK THE HOTEL IDE, CON--0 taining a directory of California hotels and re-serts, sent free to any address. Hotel Guide, 120Suiter at. |eBtf

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SDllSCKrP-tions taken at cm.i. Branch oiiiees, 808 Larkin

ft., SMI Hayes st. and 2518 Mission st. i open till0:30 p. v.


i~jTaylor and J. J. O'Brien's, purse containing ringand suull change. Suitable reward by returning toIllsStevenson st. It*

\u25a0 oaI— WILLTHE GENTLEMAN THATCALLEDJ J at the oniee of the snttor-st. Railroad Saturday

evening, June 21st, with gold coil bracelet withknobs on both ends, found iv the car, please callwith it at 2522 Sutler St. and receive suitable re-ward. • ]e29 2t1 OST-$lO REWARD; BRINDLE AND WHITEXJ .-i.Bernard dog; right side of face a.iric. leftside white; white spot iv right eye: name •\u25a0 Doc

"on collar: license 3301. Return to Room 31, 1104Market St. je29 3t»IOST—JUNE 13, LIGHT YELLOW COW; LEFTJ Jear cut; righthipmarked V. Finder please returnto Potrero aye.. bet. Nineteenth and Twentieth, andreceive reward. li.KKLI.EY. je2B at*rpilK S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN HANK, 5.MX Kcarny St., lends money at '2 per cent per moutnon watches, tii.iinoiols and lewcirv. jaJO 'im

FOUND.I,'OUND—if2o IN HOLD BY PIJRCIIASINIJ A1 merchant tailor-made dress suit for $10; mer-chant tailors' price. *40. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post aud Dupoutstreets.


DX.THOMAS "LTHILL,ODDFELLOWS' BUILD-Iug;o.ilce hours, 9 to 5. ap24 e^d

R. H. AUSTIN. SURIiKoN DENTIST, RE-moved to 719 Market, near Bancroft's. 18 lvi

DR. CASSILLVB PAINLESS DENTALrooms, 920 Market st; best teeth $4 to »7; ex-

tracting or lining "Joe. to *1;half price to poor.a 6tfSYLVKSTKK,SUBLKTT .V SYLVESTER, DENT-

ists— UK. W. A. SUBLETT has exclusive chargeorour mechanical department, while DUS. HENRYand WilliamSYLVESTER .n.i .-.-•..\u25a0 operative;teeth extracted or lilted,positively without pain, bythe use of our celebrated vitalized air. Claces Micor. Sixth and Mission sts. ;hours 9to 6. JoB ly

KAUTIFULSET «7; PAINLESS EXTRACTINGl>soc; gold plates: bridge work: crowns: Ullin-r-i:at lowest rates. DR. ('. A. PKRRV. 8 Mason St. Ues tf

DR. BEA. 923 MAKKEI'. EXTRACTS TRET!/mr 60c: with gas lor 81; open evenings, helltf

\ LL*NEWSPAI'rJKS HAD LONG ARTICLES IN.'1 them stating that the insane asylums are fullorpeople who took gas only once for painless tooth Of*lruction and went crazy My secret painless moth 1Is wonderful. By Itsuse any dental operation maybe done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tootnthat Icannot extract without sleep or en. tinthough a dozen dentists have failed to extract lE.Alloperations done better than elsewhere, sluca Lhave seven first prizes [or beautiful nlllugs, plat*,and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists. OSesopen till9:30 p. M.; Sundays tin 3 tr. m. DR.GEOKGB W. LEKK. 6 o'Farrell SI OC9 tt

DR. C. 11. WILSON, DENTIST/ 825 MARKETSt., bet. Filthand Sllth. opp. Mason. dels[r

i(IlON DENTAL ASSOCIATION,SOS MARKETV.-' st. (l'lielanBuilding):gas specialists ; positivelye3Etraet teeth without pain: only olliee that makMmid gives the ce'.jbratM •Coltou ia"; 30.0 re;(reuces; cgtabllsbril 18J.1; allope.r.aiau? In dentistryKttonne.L i)K.CHARLES W. DECKER le7 tf

DX. A Ll !>LI M1111.1. I**3MABKET ST.. BET.Tenth and Eleventh; no charge tor extracting

when plnles ure made; old plates made over HKanew; teeth from $s i>er set: extrnctlng 50c. mitt\u25a0•- A .-hi FOB TEETH; WARRANTED A30 Igood as can be made; fillingHI. DR. Bl

' ' 930 Market St.. next Baldwin ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•..••: ct


St.. :::c> Hayes st. mid 2518 Mission v.; open tillD&0 t: v. !V»tf

ASXKtll,l)(i>.. UfONDEBFUL KKSS, Tlii.l.s PAST.PKKS*• cut and futurtf In hn.-iucs-, stocks and lite;reading bis no equal :fee 25c, 50c. 211 Third. 30 4


\J ililrdst.. Room 4. Je29 3t*MX. HOREAU, 73 FOURTH ST.. REVEALSpast, present and future; fee 25c. jc2B 4t*

IUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE-TELLER ANDA clairvoyant; magic charms; love tokens: showstrue pictures of future husbands and wives; teachesfortune. 2328 Mission st ,ur.2oth; fce?l.je27 lvi*

ISS ANGELLA WISCHAKD. GREATESTMISS ANGKLLA WISCHARD. GREATESTfortune teller; gives Information on stocks and

lottery: loveand Wish charms given: future hus-band iun wife;also marriage bureau connected.Officehours, tf-Ua. m., 2-7 r.m.3534 th. je27 bm

MK£ EXODIUS, CLAIRVOYANT, REMOVEDIVIto 10ti7 Market, bet. Bib and 7th, Room 2.a17 tf

MRS. NORMAND READS YOlKENTIRE LIFE;past, present and future, and R.Tes lu<*kyuuiu-

bers. 112 O'Farrell at., basement Boor. jel3Urn.1SIE.HAMILTON-OARD-READER: INFORMA-i'Itlouon slot us; lucky numbers. 1035 Market, lmTOLAMANNING.LATELY ARRIVED FROM EU-.Irope, reveals p.i.sC, present and future with cards.Hours,9 a.m. toBr.H.917 Va Misloti, topnoor.JB Buj

MX WALTERS, 317 TEHAMAST.,Ni;. 4 111:fortunes told: ladies, 25c; gents, 80c :open Sun.

fIiHE GREATEST FORTUNE-TELLER IN THE1city; reveals past, present and future. Call andseoMME. OCEANIC, 32 Fourth St., Rooms 43 and45, tiA. M. to 10 P. m. inyS CmpREATEST FORTDNE-TELLER INTHECIT*:VJf reveals past, present and future. Call and . mMISS LELAND..789 Mission, near Fourth; fa*ladies soc ;gentiemau 111; lucky charms. mySlt _MMX. SIIMID. FROM VIENNA: MOST

nowned:revealiiu life's future events: ladles SI,gentlemen #2, by mult $3. otheoHsu* .Mis-ion. utr'-J tf



T~r^A''o^ FOB SALE AT *3tJ[!i)U. per month. 213 Powell st. je29 7t

I)ARGAIN-FINENEW UPRIGHT; MUST SELL.1> 616 Ellis St.;rear. jc24 tt

HEST I'I.ACK ON THE COAST TO BUY A PIANOor an organ; pianos from $100; orgaus from

»50; leading makes: linest stock. F. W. SPENCERA- CO.. 723 Market St., second lloor. my27 tf




BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERSand save agents' profits tind freight; 25,000 of

our pianos Inuse: established 25 years; second-bandChkkerlug, Knalie, Opera, llaliett ,v Davis, Vote,etc.; installments or cash. AN'iISELL, Odd Fel-lows' Hall, Seventh and Market «ts. my29 tf

(JJ. ,-1ISO.UARK PIANO,GOOD CONDITION:NEW«|pOU|,l.i;ios on Installments. FAY.1721) Mission.

PIANOS: VARIOUS MAKES; HALF-PRICE:1easy terras, at ATHAM'S, 1829 Market, niy'-'tf


BACH. ROK-r nisei). Galiler pianos, M.GRAY CO., 200 Post. JsltIAND INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGANS,I> sliest music M.gray CO., 208 Post st. 25 tt

TKCK. lIARDMAN. VOSE AND STEKLINdOpianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN/.CUBTAZ ASON, sole agents. 20 O'Farrell st au7:tL' W. SPENCER iCO., AGENTS OHICKERINQ1. .1 Sons, Couover Bros.. Colby and Opera pianos,723 Market St., History Building,second noor. 2o tf

BYICON MAUZY,AGENT SOIIMEK, HALLETr*Cumstou, N«wby dc Evans. 808 Post. iny*J*Jt<

rpilE BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKETST.,X sole agents for the Miller.Banning, Stultz A Bauer

and KurUuiann pianos and first-class organs, leiIt!WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THIS WEEKLYCall. in wrapper, ready lor mailing.

:J>l»lt >At.i.-.Hi»i »-.1.1..-\-M.<HJs.

UNION RANGE STOVE NO. 7, WITHWATER-I cheap; $10. 106 Julian aye. je2B 'it*

(Jlj.j.l- FOR SALE—

COTTAGE, 6 KOOMS,%s>>>AO. bath, conservatory; to be removed Im-mediately; Lyou St., bet. Sutler and Bush. It.McDOUOALL A SON. Architect!, 330 Pine St.;hours 1 to 4. Je2it 14t

ifOK SALE-HOUSE TO BE REMOVED, ON W.1 side Jones St., bet. Bush and Pine; make an offer.Apply (i.B. UMUSEN a: co., 14 Montgomery. 18 tf

m"allfire-proof safe for sale "cheap.42 Main st inr3o tt


CREAM OK MILKDELIVERED AT AGNEWS.Narrow gauge. Box 4b'B, Santa Clara. my* tt

HKFARD'S FOOT AND POWEK LATIIE3,HICKS, agent, t»B7 Mission St. »e27 tt

TVTEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. MHiHELL1> ARICHARDS, cor. Hush and Market ms.olo WinQAFE, SCALE, LETTER-PRESS. STOKE TRDUIiOanil money-till cheap. 102 Clay st. au2B 12m

QKCOND-HANO BOILERS. ENUINES. PUMpXO i.\u25a0! i.u ;. pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc Mo--IMOSII A- I'MAN. 1:17 He»le st. 110ltt

*^. .'.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0 STOKAiJK. _'. .~~.--I~ftURNITI(RE UEXOVATED; ALSOSTORAGe!

606 Geary at. -•-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 Je23 7t

PACIFIC STORAGE CO., »01 STOCKTON ST.;X furnitureand merchandise; advances mads. 15 tty'UKNITIJRK~~~KTOKED —

STERLING I'UR-iTftore Co.. 1039. 1011 Market. Un-enthal Hldg. 7 t|"^ . ~~

»XA~ITL.UB TO I,1,!'. .:.'

STABLE TO RENT WITH Two STALLS; BOOMfor wagon and reed. Apply210 Hickory aye.27 tf


IQI7 MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS" FORIOXIhousekeeping: alsj single rooms. Je2B st«

07 LAFAYETTE—2 FUKNISUED AND '2 UN--0 Ifurnished rooms. je2B3t*_i|O GEARY—LARGE, SUNNY ALCOVE; ALSOrr£.(3 single room. je2Btt

1,r.RINCON PL., OFF HARRISON, ME.FIRST-2XO unfurnished rooms for lighthousekeeping. 283*


NICELY FURNISHED—O large front room for 1or '2. je2B 3t*


X \t\J Large, furnished, b.y-window, .sunny room,suitable for2 gentlemen; *8. Jang lit"


—O room; thirdlloor; $5. JO2S3l*

1999 MISSION-ROOMFOR HOUSEKEEPING!\u25a01 ——^j closet and stove. },e3B 3t*IIA TURK


XXrX rooms; other furnished rooms. je2B7t*1\>.4l SEVENTH-NICKFURNISHED DOUBLE-I'J'J Iront roomj_veran(la; $7. Je2B 3t*Ol'_> GEARY-LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED*-> 1O room. je"B3t*

VOW EDDY-SUNNY FRONT ROOM, HOUSE-£.\r(J keeping, aud single rooms, cheap. je2B31*

9f'l POTTER-NICE SUNNY BACK PARLOR,+*yf'4 bath, sis and use kitchen; suitable r«r coupleor two ladles; »12. Je23 3t__liIA THIRD —NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS,___U man and wife; also single. Je'2B 7t»iiIQ Mi-ALLISTER-3 OK 4 UNFURNISHED»i"rooms. Includingkitchen. je3B31*1 I.11 WELSH. OFF FOURTH—2 OR 3 FUR--I -i~-I~ niahed rooms housekeeping; cheap. j26 31*

A 1"}!ti<>LI)EN GATE ATE.—2 SUNNY CON--3*JI ueCting^boUiyekeL-itliig rms; reasonable. 28 tr

I'i(l PINE,"OOR~."I'OLK—2~LXIUJE BUNNYI>)\>_ bay-window furnished rooms: suitable for

doctor or gentleman. J027 st*_S-)l i1 (ILSO.M. NEAR FODKTH-$150 A WEEK;i-^—

"fnrnlsbea room; double bed. Je27 tf

It>t> JESSIE— FURNISHED BOOMS, WITHTOO kitchen for housekeeping. Je-JT ..:t>•) IISEVENTH, IN THE REAR


«J-«-t2 rooms to rent to respectable party forhousekeeping ; unfurnished; $ii. je27 ttOS. FIFTH


tit/sunny rooms; reasonable. Je-'7 st*1VQ SEVEN lI—FIRST FLOOR SIDE ROOM;-I—^ sunny allday: gents. Je27 st*1i)1 7 POLK

—newly- FURNISHED Sllll!

iOXIroom; sunny: bath; private family.27 71*

Io*-*7MISSION—NI< 11.. FURNISHED ROOM;-Iv'ulalso unfurnished housekeeping; sunnyyard. je27 at*


NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMSi—VI lorhonsekem Ing. jc27 51*

9 1fllSIXTH-CHANGED HANDS; NICELY—I» -.' furnished rooms with kltcheu for house-

keeplng; also single: rent reasonable. je27 7t*()•> IMISSION-SUNNY, CORNER, BAY-WlN->>_!)\u25a0. .low room; nicely furnished. )ea7 St»rpHE victorTa, iiBi/2 11.1.15, HAS changed1 bands, and is new and elegantly furnished; en

suite or single; transient accommodated. je2t) lin,'.11; MINNA- FURNISHED ROOMS FOBO'V) housekeeping. je2litf'-',07 VAN "ESS—ELEGANTLY FURNISHEDOV/icorner suites; also other rooms; gents.2B lm19'_> NINTH—2 UNFUKNISHKD ROOMS. SUIT.J— O able forhousekeeping; »10. je'JßtfI'_) POLK-NEW HOUSE AND FURNITURE;1 <> window suites; single; ail sunny: botand

cold water. je'Jti lit

700 POS 1— ALCOVE SUITE: SINGLE ROOMS;IW withor without board: references. je26 51*XIV)WASHINGTON—SUNNY OFFICES ANDOV/w housekeeping rooms. je26 71*|9^J HOWARIT-LARGE CORNER lIAY-WIX-

-1 —0~l .tow room; unfurnished; light housekeep-lug. je2tf st«9] NINTH— FRONT SUITES; BAY-WIN-•- 1 (low:sunny: bath. je'.'9 7t*•>'Jj'l SIXTH. HET. HOWARD AND FOLSOM^-—

i>U^ Furnished aud housekeeping rooms. 20 10*1 1(1NINTH—NEW CORNER HOUSE ANDFUR--1 1t

'nlture; suites and slugle; sunny; bath. '-6 10*


—v-' rooms for housokeeplug suitable for

adults. je26 7t»

7 1 ISTOCKTON-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS,I11 .TIP; single rooms, »5. j-26 51*9(« liKAKV"si'.. XEAR KEAKNY-3 LABOE*wU rooms, table tor club- rooms, manufacturingor offices. Inquire ou the premises from 10 a. m. toIf.*. je!Btf

099 LABKIN—NICELY FURNISHED SUITEOFvj*w*itiparlors; also housekeeping, sunny. jc's lm

I1 it-MISSION-FRONT PARLOR SUITE;J It).)single and housekeeping. je2s lot

A NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; COMPLEI'E*forhousekeeping: with bath-room; Golden (Jut \u25a0

aye.: a splendid location; references exchanged.Applyat yi7 Golden Gate aye. jc'-'5 ti

I(\l\ilLAKKIN-NICEI.YFURNISHED FKONTlUulroom; use ot kitchen: bath. je2s 7t'



IWO nished sunny bay-window room. je24 tfIj./« ELEVENTH—S OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSE-IUU keeping rooms; references. je'Ja lit*

"li'V-'i• 1 FOLSOM-FitONT PARLOR ;USE PAR1YOU;; lor,b suitable forprofessor.2s9*


NICELY FURNISHED FRONT—»I,)room; housekeeping; kitchen; single. 24 71IIO POST— BAY-WINDOW SUITE: ALSO AL-llO cove room, furnished or udfurnlshed:

board optional. j.'Jin^\u0084|i- NAT().MA-TWOFURNISHED ROOMS FOBUUu housekeeping; also single. je24 it(U'J HOWARD-LARGE FURNISHED FRONTVit-/ room. Je24 7t»

9.inMARKET—LARUK,SUNNY, HAY-WINDOW—V' suite, or si gle; suitable foroffices. je22 lm

C<;r.l MARKET—ROOMS I'UR.NISHED F.KCU'Vi housekeeping and single rooms. Je2l lOt

*(•')t\ GOLDEN 'GATE


—I/ nlstaed parlors; nicely furnished bay-win.lowfront; also single rooms; bath. Je-'l lot

9J 1Q CLAY. NEAR FILLMORE—3 LARGE—'lit/ rooms; yard and water: $l

-_'. Je2l tf


COM--010 plete for housekeeping, with bath. je'.'l tfI!•)('PINE— CORNER ROOM: NICELY FURIIUUnished; sunny. le'JO 151


BRIGHT,SUNNY—1 rooms, en suite or single; suitable lor doctor

or dentist. jel9If

'»\u25a0) (lELLIS—

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS,01 with or without board. Jel7 151*


NICELY FURNISHED•j11i. sunny Iront room; gas, bath; gent*. jel7 tf


housekeeping. jel6tfIIJO H O W A R D


X Ii— suuny housekeeping rooms; all Improve-ment^ Jell If!/>•>- MARKET-FURNISHED HOUSEKEKP-I\Jt)t) Ingrooms: everything found; 8*20; cheap;gas aud bath; sunny single rooms, *8to $10, jel1 lin

117 THIRD-SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS;XttInicely furnished: »1 and up. jel2tt

19 1 O'FABBELL-HANDSOMELY IURN18 H-i^Ieilbay-window rooms; suite or single. jcl2ttOOC KEARNT(MELDRUMHOUSE)— FURNISH-—

.),).-1 rooms from s;S: snperb suite $50; transl-ent: changed hands; renovated. MRS.F.KUCK.3 lm

1(\(iAlIOWARD-NICELY I'UII.MSIIEI)J-'/UO romns for gents. jelOliu

UENO HOUSE—63I SACRAMENTO ST., BELOWIIKearny; 150 rooms, 26c to 60c per Light:*126to 93 per week: open allnight. jellm•_» ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY' PARLORS«> withdressing-room attached. 918 Valencia. 28 tt.1 OR 6 ROOMS, RENT CHEAP. AND 4 ROOMS,1 rent *.*per mouth ;3 rooms. Seventh St., rent

$7. Applyat 740 Brannan st. my27 It9(1(1 GRANT AVE.,NIC"POST— LARGK SUNNY'—'


front suite of rooms; sultable :physician.26 tfI•>•>-% M"X~BKET, INDIANAI'OLIS BOUSE—1.

—.t>t) furnished sunny rooms to let. my2s tf

V'O.SKMITK HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST., BET.1sixthand Seventh; 35c tosl per night; per week.fl60 lo $8: single and en suite: families. mrltr

9/111(i ioi)ROOMS ATLOW RATES— 7IS HOW."•-' '" ' ard st.,nr. Third: gas and water Ineach room;reading-room and bath Iree: linen changed dally,bouse opeu all night* buds in the Vforldj»p2oct


1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUB-nlshed single r.uiins: all sunny: cheap. ap!7 tr

ISOAKI>IN<> AM) |:<)<).1IM.

>> I FULTON SINNYFKONT ALCOVE ROOM:0 1U2 closets; hot and cold water: private family;references; with board. Je'JO 2t

Q'JA BUTTER—DB. BOERICKE ANDDEWEY'S001 parlors, and sunny suite; board. je26 st*


TAYLOR; ELEGANTLY FUR-mshed sunuy rooms, with board. my3oIf

AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 331Sansoiue St., San Francisco; board and room $1.

$1 25 and »1 60 per day: free coach. WM. MONT-GOMERY, proprietor, jyaitt

rpIIKHARIPOSA. 821 I.AUUNA—FINE faUITES;X first-class board :terms moderate no7tf

INGLE ROOMS 150 A MUU'C LINDKLLSIN(iI.K ItooMS lftr- A NIGHT LTNDSLLHouse, cor. Sixth aud Howard. null

a KLINGTON HOUSE. ISrT"keakny— plka?/V ant buutiy romns, en suite and bluglo; l.rsti'liiiillevery respect; terms reasonable. jalOlt

ONfTiOMEiIY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL. 2jfand '2 ::i Second St.—Single meals 25c ;board ami

room per day, 75c to Jl; by llioween. »1 to$5; lr?»coach to and from '.lie ap'-'l tr

STOItKS TO \u25a0 I.IIT.

6VKKY HANDSOME NKW STORES; 4 ROOMSinrear of each: suitable for any kind of busi-

ness. ApplyMADISON*HI'RKKor cor. Polk andGrove Je'-'i» St»|?OB KKNT-211 STEVENSON' ST., 75 FEET!from Third,store, with 5 rooms Ivrear, suitableforgrocery, saloon or coffee-house. Keyat '22 Thirdstreet. je29 2t11»> TAYLOR ST.


1IO plate glass window; rent *30. je"i»St*ffltiir STORE- ROOMS, BATH: SUITABLE0

—t). dry-goods -lore, 1040 McAllister. 3t*

JAKIiE STORE, 4 KOOMS AND LARGEXJ stable. 202 Twenty-thirdat. Je27 7t*

STORE TO LET— FOLSOM; 25x70, WITH2 rooms and yard; has been used as turnIture-

store for 7 years. Je23 7t*rpo LET—BIS SANSOME. NEAR JACKSONI1xDoor, 21011 Mission, nr. 17th. $30: 21,)2 Howard,near. 17th, butcher-shop, $25: NI-:. 24th andChurch; 2 new stores, cor. Valencia, and (Juitiii.YON KHE.IN&CO., 624 California. je!Btt

TjHIB RENT-ON MILLST., GRASS VALLEY,J? Cal., lire-proof brick store, suitable fordry-goodsbusiness; counter?, shelving and show-windows allInplace. Inquire of R.FINNIK,Grass Valley.JIS tf1 I•_> A HOWARD-LARGE STOKE. 25x65: -11 l«)'lrooms; yard; large basement. • jeHtf •

T ARGK ROOM, WITH POWER. 12 STKVEN-Jj son st. KKfiiVineyard Compruiy. my2o tf

I)l'l'iVtt.i 10 l,hf.

F.SK-ROOM tTTrKNTCHEAP; OAS ANDter; lawyer preferred. Apply Room 17, 4 Sut-

ter St., bet 1and 2o'clock. Je3o 3tUNNY'FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS; FIRSTfloor: suitable for office: opposite Phrlaii liu'.ld-

lng: rent moderate. 765 Market at. Jc29 21* .KFICESCOR. FKONT ANDCALIFORNIA;COIt.

V7California and Kearuy; 015 BanSOPie, nearJucksou. top floor. YON KIIEIN*

CO.. 524 Call-foriila st. ni'11 tt

STOflsC AM> i>lii<i. I'IX'IUIIHS."

-DAB,STORE FIXTURES,SHOW CASES, DESKS,-13 doors, sash; good* taken on storage, money ad-vanced. Pioneer Store, 21 to 25 Tenth St. liitf

HAR FIXTURES. COUNTERS. SHELVINGMiow-ens'-s. Bash-doors, etc.. at 225 I'ost je9if

CHEAPEST PLACE for COUNTERS. SHELVES,show-cases; onices a stores lilted. 334 Geary. 1-A


a ruovs: bath. im§ kislinu st. bkt.O Eleven tn and Twelfth. je29 3t«


\- IKYHANDSOME FLAT:6 ROOMS: MODKRN> ImpruYements: rent »22 50. 055 llarrlson.a9 3*

1017 OEaRY-1 Nil\u25a0:\u25a0: ROOMS: BATH; FUK--IJH nished hall; gas; cellar: cheap. je23 8t»

7>»CI MINNIA ST., NEAR NINTH-ELEGANTIOOz bay-window Hal l> .mis, bath. 1«29 at*I999ATWENTY-SECOND ST.; 6 SUNNYI

—\u25a0££ rooms, bath; double parlors; near l)e-

-lorca 6t. je2» 3t*

rpo LET—3NICE SUNNY BAY-WINDOWFLATS,i1 and 5 rooms and bath each; '-'5 Ford St., bet.Seventeenth and Eighteenth, Sanchez and Noe, 1block from Castro-st. cars: rent low to good tenants;also small Bat, 3 large rooms, 27 Ford St., rcut *8Keys i- grocery, cor. Seventeenth and Noe.

-jean tf

VEW FLAT, 4 BOOMS, HATH, MODKRN IM-IIprovements. 603 Twenty-third St.. near Ala-bama; ]e29 :it«—

1 1 WEBSTER. COR. LINDENAYE.—FLAT,5<'1"1 rooms; Inside blinds; marble mantel;planked yard; large cellar and water. je2B 3t*

•Jfl MOSS, NEAR SEVENTH—UPPER FLAT OFv" S rooms; rent»16; water free. Je2B 7t*<(!;'?7 "li FLAT6LARGE ROOMS. HATH ANDt>Z4..)U. pantry; Hue view. 221 Khlley St.,near Market. je2B 3t*Vii.AT OF 5 ROOMS: SEPARATE YARD;RENTJ $17 50. -<jU.S', Mission St. je2B tf

9 FINE NEW SUNNY UPPER FLATS OF «AND'fa? looms and bath. 27 'lhiiteen' 7*I?LAT; 5 ROOMS; BATB;STATIONARY WASH-J tubs. 223 Thirteenth at.,bet. Folsom and Har-rison; Je2B 31*C!IA FLAT;4 LAKOEROOMS; WATER FREE._________ a_Vi Tweuty-ttlthst.,near Church. 2i_3*(ft1


0IO. audsas. 820 Oaist. je2Bat*

\*KWFLAT: MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 17-0iA Folsom, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. 28 at*

VIEW H.A1 OF 3 ROOMS TO LET. INQUIRE-__ 45-' Tehain a_it 14127 71*A.'E» FLATS TO LET INALL PARTS OF THE->city; rents from $22 to $:b. Apply to I.0.M_ol.L<>^, 138 Montgomery st. je2U 7t

\u0084 }•> WEBBTKR- FLAT 7 ROOMS, HATH; BET.— —'J Pago and Ilalglit. Inquire 3Ml^%. je26 7t*

Of 1Q AND8:(l-MiW FLATS, 4 AND5 ROOMS;<3V_Oj_ilh. 1203 Guerrero St. je24 7t*_

BANTONE Si.. OFF .U.NI.S. NEAR E1.1.15-5sunny rooms and bath: $¥5. je24 7t*

11On HOWARD—NEW FLAT OF 8 ROOMS;IJLOU bath, speaking-tubes, electrical beil.jg-17l»

fIUVO NEW BAY-WINDOW FLATS: MODERNi.improvements; rent fIS. 2222 Greenwich st.,

near Flilmore. j.-.jir

I.1. \r 5 ROOMS, BASEMENT; HOUSEKEEP-J Ing. Apply 333 Eddy st. Jel7 tt9(7 CLEMENTINA


1 Irooms: large yarcL McEWEN BROS., 608California at. jeH tr

iu>(>.>i» TO i.i-,i.

• >I(i.1KssTK^miuls^K^EpTNCritWJM^^FlJlN»->l 13 nished complete. it".QAQ FIFTn-2 FURNISHED ROOMS COM-O\JQ pleie for housekeeping; rent cheap. je3o 4t»


UNFURNISHED SUNNY1OV~± front room and kitchen. ]e3U \u25a0-•!•_

11/|V MISSION -FUKNIBUED BOUREKKEP-IuUO Ingroom.slo ;2uiif'rnlsh'd,sr2:s)nglets.2*

9 UNFURNISHED FEONT ROOMS; *0. 133*-Diamond st., cor. Ninctceuth, Oil Castro; alterH I-. m. )e»0 3t»

QQQ MARKET—SUNNY FRONT SUITE, $20;COO unfurnished room, first floor, »11. je3o 3t*\u25a0t7u;' pink—sunny FRONT booms.


IUUi jkwat*<EW* LARCE SUNNY FRONT ROOM, FUR-_____J^S ______ 4 Powell st. __tOJ_t__\u25a01 7 LEAVKNWORTH— FURNISHED ROOMSOx i forhousekeeping. Je3o 3t* .lAQ SECOND


1\JO with use of kitchen, and others. It*

91 IJ THIRD-SUNNY FRONT ROOMS. SUIT-—II able 2 persons, cheap; single, SI week, ao 6*I(1-/Q MISSION—VERY LARUt. FURNISHED,1''—*'

front room, with water inroom and largecloset, use bath and gas, $16; handsome suite ofunfurnished trout parlors, cheap to right party;furnished sunny room, $8: also one fort>o; otherrooms for light housekeeping. 11*_IQ kremont"

—FURNISHED room with

1IO use of uiulng-rooin and kitchen. It*/' HYDE SI SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLE-I*man; ifti. It*1(17 HYDE-PARLOR FLOOR: 3 ROOMS, HATHI.UIand closet; light housekeeping. jeao lit*

-..».-. PINE-2 FURNISHED ROOMS; RENT S7OS O and $8. j-30 at".)•>•_; TIIIRD-aNICELY FURNISHED ROOMS_. ).) forhousekeeping: also others. JeHU 3t*

S->9 FOLSOM—3 ROOMS: KNIBIIhD COM-______ple!c for housekeeping. Je99/; OAK-SUNNY BAY-WINDOWFURNISHED— —

\u25a0' room forlighthousekeeping. je.;o st*I1X FRANKLIN


lit'willarrange forhousekeeping IIdesired. 11*


"furnished rooms; rent reasonable. je/U) 1.-


—,'J suitable for 2;hath. JeM at*


FRONT ROOM KIT.-lul nished for housekeeping; $8. Je3o 2t*

9(11 HOWARD-2 FURNISHED BOOMS SUIT-— '-' ;able 2 gentlemen, or man and wire. j;jo3t*Q'_M THIRD—TWO SUNNY~HOUSEKEEPINU•>»i 1 rooms; unfurnished; inrear. Je3o tr

\u25a0 •> MOSS, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SEVENTH—IO3 furnished rooms for housekeeping. je.-fOlot*C1»> iiKELI^ AN UNFURNISHED ROOM010 to rent. ]e3O tf

Q.lO Mission -HOUSEKEEPING AND OTHERO'iO furnished rooms reasonable. Je3o 3t*JO,-. TEH AMA-FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMTOw for housekeeping, cheap. It*1AIA WASHINGTON

—SUNNY fck.msiTkd

I\Jl\J housekeeping rooms: yard. je3U 2t»«•)•;> JESSIE— 2 NICKLY FURNISHED SUNNY—

>O housekeeping rooms. It*

QQQ MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET;000 double and single. je3o It*7AOPINE


IVO ing, second floor: also furnished. je22 cod 5*{{MAMIXNA.CORNER SEVENTH


U'/U sunny, neatly furnished front room; use ofkltcheii;also single r.iom: home comforts. je.'lt 2*,••.- Q IIRY—NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR»'

—t ) suite: also sunny single rooms; bath.gas. 29 3*I •.


XOO private family; gas, bath. Je'^f* tf \u25a0

19/I<riTi)WAUD-Ti("KKEPLEASANT ROOMSI-,VO with use ot kitchen If desired; no chil-

dr-11. je29 tf


—fnrnlshe Irooms to let. je29 st*


4—U'-> Ito to let; $13: key 2031. jeaa 8t«


SUITES•'housekeeping rooms and transient. je29 71*


2 FRONT SUNNY ROOMS,11 V one large and one small, In private laiu-ily. }<r2»3f

"jnRUBS, OFF HOWARD,NEAR SIXTII-1 FUR-J v nished front room: man ami wifeor 1lady. 2t*KM HOWARD


011 furnished forhousekeeping. ___(__•907 OAK


<-OI rooms. In quiet family. Jc29 3t*

f\9QJ OKAKV— FURNISHED SINGLEO~ot room for gentleman; private family. 29 3*1,-7 SEVENTH


IOIclow suite: single rooms. Je'^9 st*1.1 RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING.1 237 Sevfnth st. Je29 3t»

QO"J FOLSOM-2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS;OOP kitchen, yard: complete housekeeping. ¥9 6*41I)MINNA--FRONT AND BACK PARLOR

111/ and kitchen; first floor. Je29 51*

1 i'(l!MISSION—SUNNY, SINGLE FURNISH--IUUI ed front room; bath. je"J» 2t*1Q HARRIET, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTHX O Furnished housekeeping rooms; rooms forgentlemen, $\u25a0> per month; bath. )e39 3t*0IA WARD -ItEDROOM AND KITCHEN;Ol<7 furuished for housekeeping; $12. Je29 3t*


iVO^ij room nicely furnished. J___o______\>l>l GEARY-SUNNY OFFI TO LET; SUN-• <v>;ny suite of rooms; also single. je29 7t*

1 ARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT BOOM; FINEJj location; cheap. Address 434 Second. |e3O 6t*On 1 UNION, COR. MASON


OV/1 housekeeping rooms; also single. ]ej'.)3t*

IAC STEVENSON-« FRONT ROOMS; FUR-XVO nisaed or unfurnished; bousekeeplni;. 29 31*'-{<">MINNA

—LARGE BOOM FOR LIGHT•)V>— housei:eepinj. jo2'J 3t«

,- j"| MINNA—

LARGE, FURNISHED, SUNNYtillroom for housekeeping. je29 2t*1 "v'-Jsi EDDY—NICELY FURNISHED HACK.1 000 parlor; use of kitchen: $8. je2» Hl*•i|(lTEHAMA, NEAR FOURTH-NICE FUR-OlV nished front room suitable for Si; «7 and *0,with plain washing anil mending. ]e29 at*

79- BRANNAN,ABOVE SIXTH— BED-IZ.O room and kitchen furnished: $H. jc29 3t«


NEATLY FURNISHED SUNNYU'/O front parlor; alllmiiroveineiils; rent reason-able. Je2» 2t_

8V» IFOI.SOM— 1 HAY-WINDOW ROOM, SUIT-t)~Iable for dressmaker; no children. je2ll2t*IAIQ HOWARD-SI BAY-WINDOWSUITEIVIOand kitchen, completely furnished forhousekeeping: no children. jc-'.i:it*

'J9Q THIRD—FURNISH XII OR UNFURMSIIEU« housekeeping rooms; rent low. ]e'.".l2t*

BAY- i.NDOW ANDHALLROOM; M,*10. 125O.lkat. je2fl3t«

WASHINGTON, NEAR POWELL— FUR-«-'—Vnlshed very large bay-window front room;private family. Je2U 2t»lAtP. LARKIN, NEAR CALIFORNIA—4 UN-I'llO furnished rooms for housekeeping. Je_!i___11111 OREEN-5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH)KINEXVX1marine view. Je29 7t*•>/;*J THIRD- SUNN V HACK ROOMS~SUIT-_U ) able for housekeeping; also single, je'29 2t*

7>J ,- hakrison— furnished front room,IOO 2, tlO: single back room. $1 1e29 at*

7"-illHOWARD,BET. THIRD AND FOURTH—I•>' 'Furnished single room; also very large room,

suitable for •_\u25a0 or for lighthousekeeping. Je'J'J at*

QAC MISSION—9 NICK FRONT ROOMS ANDijXO kitchen, complete tor housekeeping. je29 tf

Il^(;MINNA' NR. FIFTEENTH—FURNISHED1IcIUrooms for housekeeping.

'Jc2« 3t«

I 'HOWARD— I.ARUK FRONT BAY-WlN-lUUltilow furnished room, suitable for 81 gas.bath and piano; private family. je'-'3 2t*

9JA HICKORY AVIi—FURNISHED ROOM INprivate family; rent «4 60 per month. Je'2!l tt

•JO" FELL—SUNNY ROOM INPRIVATE FA.M-OZiO lly.with bath and gas; IBu,er month, JeL'9 tf99>J Fit A NX LIN—a OR 3 UNFURNISHEDJjjjQrooms: no children. . Je2« 2t»

DIQOOUtIH—9 NICE SUNNY FURNISHED010 rooms, wl or without liouBeteeplng.3e29 3»

«>A7 HAYES-NICELY KUKNISnED FARLOKOV• suite; also other double rooms; reasonable. 2*

A1'-iFOURTH— 2 SUNNY KOOMS, FURNISHED•dXO for honsekeeplng. - -

\u25a0 j«^9 2t*

9 NICE SUNNY ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN; $5Z. to »>j. Apply4151aMinnast Je".9 'Jt«

UIC POST— iSUNNY ROOMS. NICELY FUR-\}IOulshed for housekeoplna:prlvate lainlly.'JB3*UA'J MINNA,BET. SEVENTH AND EIUHTH—U i>> Cottage of 4roouii; auuiiy yard,*

« ITV lIKATj KSTATE.vJ'"),'.(l IH'I'S" -' iiAiS.IAN!) okooms»J^«>i\lU. and 2 extra rooms, near tithand ir>-ant: rents $;!'..'; genuine bargain: this week only; lot25x80. W.B. MAKKHIiTZ

* CO., 630 Market St.,rear iBee. Jl\u25a0-!' at _C; 1 -11(1 HEiiE- IS A CHANCE FOR AQUICKti7-i<JWV'. turn: ISlots.Ulft Map3, near Virginiaaye.: single lots arc sellingright here at $100 earn;l!owar.!-st. extension thin HO feet. W. MAR-SHI ;/' .v CO.. 630 Market St., rear office;_Je29 3t

fljIOKA COSY BRIGHT SUNNY HOME 10 !—•)('.rooms and b.ith: good cellar: warmbelt of the Mission: few st :ps fr"in cable.W. B. MAliMlllZ*CO., 6 0 Market St., rear of-fice. je29 ;!t

©*>?; nan I.KAMIinvestment: U:, LOTSOi«J.V/UU.In one body. Excelsior Homestead;a bigprofit sure in subdividing this tract. W. B.MAKSHLIZiCO., 830 Market st., rear'93t

0.1 C f\(\(\ BUSINESS PROPERTY INOAK-tJ^Iv'.Ul'U. laud; 3 Stores an.l 28 rooms; In-come $ISSO per annum: will rapidly Inereasin value. *5000—Must be sold by order ofadministrator: lot 85x100; Alabama st., near 25th;with2 houses; one of 4 flats, 4 rooms ea-h. and theother, small house wltn store and 3 rooms.CHARLES E. LLOH>. 1- Montgomery it. ]eJB SI

w.|an PER FOOT; PICK IT UP; PACIFIC«J) [\>VHeights; lot cheap; 81x127 feet to rear.street- flue marine view; .1 bargain: call at office.A. H.BBEED & CO., 282 Montgomery at. Je29 ,<t

C! I"

mill PACIFIC HEIGHTS; FINE P.ESI-£* 1O.UUW, deuce: lovely marine view; abeau-tifulhome: on Broadway, sunny side; 8 rooms andbath; laundry and servant's room; pateut atonesidewalk: a good chance to secure anice cosy homeCall forparticulars A.11. BREED &CO., 232 Mont-go-.nery st. 1-23 3t

HO! SK 1 F 3 ROOMS ANDLOT 2SxS9 ON COBT-laud aye.. off Mission St., near ids! ]e2U 151*

J. i.ijuj ALABAMA ST., NEAR 24T11; i(JP"j«JVM", and 5 rooms, bath, laundry, woodenmantels, large basement, brick foundation: lot 25x100: justcompleted. and willpay 9 percent net.Applyto owner, K. WILBBBO,at building.Je^B 7t^0 1 \l\i\ NEWS-BOOM ViTCASH,Mil'v.balance *12DO per mouth. Apply toE. E. WHITNEY. 1513 Valencia St. Je29 7t»

|)AKiiAINS IN HOLLY PARK LOTS; LEVELL*and ready for building: few feet from Mission

road; easy terms. '.OSU Market st. )e29 3t»

AM AGAIN COMPLETING 2 8-ROOM RESl-dences on HillSt., 200 feel from Castro cars. Ap-

ply to ISAAC ANDERSON, premises. je2B4t*

V'".' IILOT 25x100; NEW MODERN" COT-ijp—U' '\s. tage. c rooms; unfinished, high base-ment; brick foundation; stables; street work and.sewers done: easy t.r.ns. 805 York, nr. 2Wh. 29 7*£-(i"(id FIRST-CLASS, centrally Lo-<J>i/i)V'U. cat cd. double. 3-story and brlclc base-ment how-window residence and lot; W. side ofYerba ISuenast., bet. Mason and Taylor. Clay and

rameuto; contains 12 rooms and bath; latest ap-proved sanitary plumbing; the basemen; parti-tioned firliadditional rooms; street block paved;patent stone sidewalks; alleyway on each side ofHie premises; size, 45x80. KASTON, ELDBIDGE.> CO., 818 Market at. je'.'4 7t|I|>U SALE CHEAP, A 2-STORY FRAME HOUSE1 about 25x60 feet situated N\v. cor. of Broadwayand Mnrey alley, to be removed at once. Apply toEUGENE KOI3INET.*II« California St., Rooms 2and S. le2B tf_j-UK SALE— FELLST., NEAR COUGH:LOT1 27:6-120 to re r street: front and rear houses: IBats and store: price *.13.500; rents s,mo. jewat'

1 'OR SALE-TIUS I'KOPEKTV WILL BK SOLDIchop; 42x130. itha St-room house, and 4-roomhouse ou rear of lot. Apply 5 Fair oaks at., near18t!u ]e2B 3t»

PLATS FOR SALE—S AND 6ROOMS; MODIJ improvements ;on Potrero aye, bet. 23d and241h 6ti.; lot 25x100: Howard-st. cars pass thebouse; the lest prospective business property Inthecity. Apply on the premises through the day orat 3000 California at., to A. J. WEIR. jelltt

OTTAGB FOR BALE; ALL MODERN IM-provements: tot 25x95; on St., bet. I'otrero

aye. aud Hampshire st :just finished; the Howard-»t. line In front of the house; terms easy to suit.Apply to A. J. WEIR, on premises, through the day,or at 3000 California st. jelltt

©ItMONTHLY FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOW-Vlug level lots lvBerkeley:

$275— Lot, 40x120, near railroad.$350—Corner, 75x100. livingcreek.•300—Lot 40X100; sldewalked.5-175—Lot 24&10t); graded anil sldewalked.$450—Lot 4UX120; sewered and sldewalked.


HUH! other lots: send for maps. ('HAS. A.BAILEY,owner. 624 Market st. Jel7 tt1 AIiUKLOT. 61111-25, INTHE BEST PART OFliBerkeley, for 9400, on small Installments; willbe worth double in one year; beautiful, new. mod-ern cottage; 5 rooms, batu, etc.; large lot, #2500,on Installments; genuine bargains In new housesand choice residence lots. PHELI'S a RICHARDS,opposite Berkeley Station, and 11 Montgomery st.,Ban Francisco. je2o tt

S- (\i\CASH, BALANCE INMONTHLY PAY-•f\)>' moots; new, handsome cottage of 5 roomsand bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement. patentsidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling,wltnallmodern Improvements: 'iblocks fromrabie-i.ii-.Apply 1.. LAN Ell. 22f»'.!_, Montgomery. S Im


/_\u25a0--( I CASH 30 ACRES. 1» ACRES GRAPES;C

••\u25a0'' ' fluuilon tim\u25a0•, or will trade or rent tine

chicken ranch, Santa Rosa. W. J. BWYNN, 328Montgomery »L Je29 3t* _CjOl'KK AOBE


V—1 land. San Diego; half cash, balance 7 years.W.J. GWYNN. S'Ji.i l. Montgonnry st. )e29 3I«

HOTEL FOR SALE IN A COUNTRY TOWN;only a few feet 'roui railroad station: fine loca-

tion: only two hotels In town; house contains '20rooms; hot sulphur baths connected; good transienttrade: fine opportunity for man and wife:bu littlecapital required. Apply to A.KOEXIO,900 Bri *d-w;.y."aKlniid. Cat. Je'JH 5ty. 1 (111 WILL PURCHASE A FIRS'! 1L.ASStjj IuUU ranch or 310 acres, 126 miles from SanFrancisco, on well-traveled stage road, about 13miles from railroad; good stopping place for hotel, and store; Improvements ;s-roomed house,witiibar-room, barnand outhouses: 5000 vines and-_•).> fruit trees, all bearing; plenty or water: 15i>acies Clear land, etc.: terms, J/y cash; balance onluns terms at 7 per cent. Full particulars addressProprietor, Nevada Stables, corner Eighth and Mar-rison sts.t Oakland Je23 «i

ACRES—2 MILES FROM STATIiJn- ~2DACBES-2 MILKS FIIOM STATION- 2miles from Stanford University; undulating

land at base of foothills: sprinkled county road:300 bearing fruit ttr<: few vines: Menlo water

ply; 2-story bouse, 8rooms, hath, etc,: substan-tial fences: improvements 4 years old; easy terms;delightrulclimate, beautiful views, richsoil. CAK-NAI.I.-FIT/.HUGU-HorKI.NS CO., «24 Market it.,San l-'ra ICO. je!B 141

CENDSTAMP FOB W. R. MATTHEWS A CO.'S0 new catalogue of grain, fr::it. raisin, wine andcrazing lands: the lined list ever printed. W. K.iIATTHEWS*CO., BviKearny si. my:u lino

VN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THEJ\. State willsell i.i property at a sacrifice forcashor good mortgages Sant:i Clara County stock, grainand fruit farm, 1000 acres, 12 50 per acre; stock,crop and Implements, low valuation; 10 acres,Wrights Station, $400: 15 and IBacres, Ska Joss,part illfruit,$350 per acre; Monterey county, aidacres, 180 In volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 180 un-improved. $5 per acre; liverystable, barn and cot-;:: c, San Miguel,$.'>000: also 3 lots. $700 each; alsosome gno'i mines; two-thirds "can remain 011 mort-gage onany of these: particulars on aj plication.Address a. W. 8.. 2811 Sacramento St., San Fran-cisco. ap2b'tf

HOOL LANDS, *150 TO $3 AN ACRE; ON0 very easy terms; sold by the Stntß in tracts tosuit; in. residence or improvement required; allKinds of lands, in many different counties; bendstamp for list, open Monday. Wednesday and Satur-:..> erenliigs. F W. LAKE. iiKlood Building. 1:1 If

\u25a0r^. BOTJSBB TO I.IT.

HOI i.i i LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; BASE-ment and yard. 7 Cleveland St., off 7th. 30 at*

HUE OF 9 ROOMS TOLET: ALL CARPETS,parlor-set, 3 beds and mattresses. 12 chairs,

sewing-machine, marble-top bureau and wash-stand, pictures, wringer, etc., for sale, for 9100;Dower-garden and fruit-trees; rent only $18; at825 Broadway, rear. It*< >«) UEABY, NEAR LABKIN, 7 ROOMS•'— —

and hath. f7»: 1219 Jones, nr. Clay, 9 roomsand bath, $70; 521 llalght, near Steiner. tirooms and bath, $35: 2603 Clay, nr. Flllmore, 8rooms and bath, $45: 916 Oak. nr. ricott, 6 roomsand bath. $35; 1031 Dolores, nr. Twenty-fourth, 9rooms and bath. $42 50; 125 Sixth, 11r.Folsom.7 rooms and hath. $37 50: 4 hew flats, cor.Valencia and Qnlnn: 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia, 8rooms, bath. $45:2118 Union,nr. Webster. 7 rooms,bath. $30; ••\u25a0<!

'\u25a0\u25a0 llalght,nr. Stelner. 8 rooms, bath,

$40: 930 Broadway, near Taylor, rent $25; 1627--29 Post, ur. Buchanan, 10 rooms, bath. $45 each:2102M1 Howard, nr. 17th, $14; 621 llalght. nearFillmore, ti rooms, bath, $35; 1138 Valen-cia, near 23d, 7 rooms and bath, $35:10<U 22d. nr. fiurrrero, 3 rooms, $12 SO;923 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9 rooms, bath, $50: 636ViValencia, nr. 18th, 6 rooms, bath, 820: 839 l!»tn,nr. Guerrero. 6 rooms, bath, « 5; 618 21st, nr.Harrison, 6 rooms and bath, $20. yON lilllIN,vCO, 524 California st. ]e2i> it

IfINETWO-STORY HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS ANDtwo baths 011 sunny side Pine St., near Hyde; rent

cheap. Apply <;. 11. OMBBEN, 1; Montgomery.29 3t

ELEGANT COTTAGE OF 5 SUNNY ROOMS,hath, gas fixtures, cellars and largo yard; $25,

with water. 438 Seventh St. ie-;9 7t»©\)n. COTTAGE: 4 LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS;—>'.:ili conveniences: partly nirnl.slied: largeflower-garden; nochltdren. 405 Castro St., near Sev-enteenth. je2l tt

HillSEOF6 ROOMS AND A111. S'-'J 1 \u25a0\u25a0 NA-toma St., near Eleventh. JeiW it'

<£l')r7 -".<! HOUSE OK 0 ROOMS AND BATH.W_£J .t)\J. '•pU'"'4 Powell st- ]e-'8 tf

2-BTOBY BAY-WINDOW BOUSE, 7rooms, bath, laundry,basement; rent $40. In-

quire 100lBosh St., cor.Liguna. Je27 7t*1O ROOMS TO 1.11 AND FURNITURE FOR1O sale; these are beyond question the finest andbest lightedrooms Inthe city; very central: housealways full of good paying tenants; furniture forsale cheap toa goon tenant. Apply to I*. <;. MOL-i.i.y.!.'\u25a0\u25a0< Montgomery lit. |e2B 7t

>*: I<IMl HOUSE 8 BOOMS ANDBASEMENT.l£ili).O\J. 626 Locust avo., bet. McAllister st.and Golden Hate aye., off Laguna st. lean 6t*

<CQ HOUSE 5 ROOMS; 1555 KEARNY. NEARO. Greenwich. UAI'P ft CO., 415 Mont'ry.2871

C; ICEACH-3 new HOUSES ON dkvisa-\u2666«*'•'dero St., near Fulton, In full view of nil thepark travel; 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences;sunny and pleasant, AHHTON, 411 Montgomerystreet. Je24 lot

$|Q HOUSE, 5 NICE BOOMS; 1011V. MASON«J) I•'• st. : cable-road at door. H. I". SIOKEAL,402 Montgomery st. Jell tf/IOTTAiiI.;0 LARGE ROOMS; BATH;PATENTVj watereloset; room for stabling: largo basement;front und back garden. Apply *14 Dolores, jell tr

n KNisiii.i> nooses."lAI7 ''EARY, NEAR OCTAVIA


1i1Isou. furnished sunny flat: yard. je:;o tfTVTICKLYFURNISHED SUNNY CORNER FLAT1> 6rooms. 1201 Hush st. je'.'S .it

QiiABOSH—HOUSE TO KENT: ICKMTUKB,>,)'' for sale. je27 7t*

FLATS TO I.ICT.Tj-'LATS ROOMS; YARD, CELLAR; $18. 183 XJ Q'Farrell st. Je3o 'if


EDDY—UPPER FLOOR: 4 SUNNY UNFOR-VlOnlshed rooms: private family;Jf~'•\u25a0 )e29 3t*r-.)UMiALI.I.srKI: ll'l'KKFLATOVS ROOMS,ii-O bath; modern Improvements, $30. m>29 tt

Y'LAT. 5 ROOMS. li.MII: NEW HOUSE. 67IHenry St., 1 block from Fifteenth aud Mar-

ket. Je2H 2t»

KENT 91260: FLAT.6 BOUMS; FURNIT RE$150. 2102 Howard St., cor. Seventeenth. 29 3«rpWO FLATS. 5 AND 4 ROOMS AND BATH INJ each: rent cheap. 506 iSholwcll St., bet Mue-

teouth and I'wentletli. Jo'i9 21* :

v,To7 UNION ST.—

FLAT OF 4 ROOMS; FURNl-'i—' ture of 2 rooms for sale. Je29 31*

\u0084.>- S'AToMA SUNNYPI.AT 6 ROOMS; BAY-U<)Iwindow, speaking-tubes and patent donr-bjiener: bath and all linproTeinents. ]e'2'J 3t*?V)A TENTH-B M'.NNV KOO11S; BATH AND4?y ;'s and all linpioveaients: rent $25. 29 if


SE. COR. FLAT OF 7-ROOMS•\fO and bath; with all modern improvements;

!bride basement: «ater Included; rent reasonable.;lJ,ulrcsH Webster st. ]c29 of


IC"OTICE : SUV] SEVEEAL BUYERS WILL-J. Ing to Uivest 111 legitimate business. Parties de-BlHng to sell apply to TV.K. HEALT,1004 Market. 1*

<T"(1 UKCCEKY AND UAR, WITH3 SUNNY<ITI«-'V/. rooms: good business corner- rout only$25 month. W. V. JUCALY, 10U4 Market St. it"$-r.A SALOON, WITH10 WELL-FURNISH KD«jp It)V.rooms; clearing $;oo per mouth; cheaprent; owner selling for best of reasons. ApplyW.1. Ml \:.\. l'Mi.Mark el st., opp. Fifth. It*

atonnn ••HHOXirLK route, WITH team.COx'l'V. W. C. MYhELL, S2O Bauanuifl st.,Room 51. ji'JTT:-TyANTED—PARTNER IN MANUFACTURING"

business with $1000. Address Partner, l:ox163. Call Branch Office. je2B 7t*I^IRST- I.ASS RESTAURANT FOR SALE;I'doing good business; good location; must be a >1

'on account ofsickness. Apply810 Kearny. 217t*

SILENT PARTNER WANTED IN ANOLD-EB--0 tabllshed business; 10 yeara running ou Marketst.: lull Investigation: capital $5000: no agents:principals only. Address A. Z., Box 181, CallBranch our c. je2'J tf

IjRUIT-STOKE FOR SALE CHEAP. 247 FIF--1: .>L. ]C2« 7t*

SALOON FOB SALE CHEAP. 112 JACKSONi street. je2*J 7t*1(KASCH BAKERY; CONFECTIONERY, VARI-1> eiy store; rent $15. Apply1105 Fulfom. 28 71*

S>9AO RESTAURANT: DAILY RKCBIPTS«v —V".'. from $14 to $18; furnished complete Ingood order; cheap rent: good reasons lor selling.Applyimi Branch OHice. Je267t*PARTNER WANTED IN RESTAURANT. 29iThird st. je2B 7t*Q."."; RESTAURANT FOR


•Jf1•>iO. able for man and wife;must he sold atonce. Call at 105 Nintn st. jcljS lit*

<\(l(in'° *10.<> 0 niOFIT PER ANNUM;«n .11 HHIsmall lap.tilrequired. Apply Room 11,284 Montgomery St. je'Ja 7t*

-...!>::. BASH, DOOR AND BLIND FAC-tory run by steam; doing a good business: estab-

lished ten years; in county seat; northern part ofthe State: no other factory of the kind near: lum-ber cheap. Address W. I.McKAY,207 Montgom-ery St.. Sau Frr.ncisco. '.\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0.\u25a0' lit*

KESI VURANT;-' FURNIIIED BOOMS; CHEAPXVif taken this month. 537 Howard. Je2sBt*[/•IRST-CLAHS GKOiERY-SIORE. BAR-ROOM,Ibilliard-table, for sale; reasonable figure. Apply

Cai.i. Branch oilicp. je'.'471*

li'llwl BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY-*iiOVM'.store; great bargain. CAi,i.HraiiCh. -4 7*

V<IR SALE-BRASS WORKS; COMPLETE; 3J latbi \u25a0. tools, boiler,, shafting and mold-ingoutfit: can be sold In parcels to suit. Apply3i '-".._. Fulton st. jcl2tt

Q.l-J) COFFEE-HOUSE; CHEAP; 2 I'UK-—c)''. ntsheu rooms: account of departure.

•J4S Fourth st. i^i?.^*C- 1Ci|f| SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOXTHE(iT J i^i'u. riglitman; route on morning and even-ing newspapers Torsaie; pays CBi) per mouth profit.Ajiplyat this office. jelstf

MILLINER?BUSINESS ON LEADINGSTREET.C., Boi 134, Call Urancli Office. jelltf

IOK SALE HOOD PAYING HOTEL AND BAB.£ ApplyCall Branch orace. _ jeis 14t*q.> iTo\v3Ta^xd 60 cents PER shake per«jP— month willpurchase shares In t:ie RepublicSavings. BulUtlnz and Loan Association* $18 perin nth willpay oila Ran if$1000 call or semi forprospectns; ojen daily and evenings until9 o ock.624 Market st. Mr30 tf

ST~J7I7I GROCERY AND LIQUOR STOREC i"it/U. for sale: a good corner; handsomelyfitted up; Rood stock and business: owner will givealong lease. ApplyM.uooliwiN. 407 Halter).i;--tTHE WEEKLY CALL,WITH A WEEK'S NEWS,

fur ."»e. in wrapper ready for mailing.


-V ing-bouse of 40 rooms for sale; Is really worth?-loiii>; Full all the time aud paying largely; Is onmost prominent part of Market st. :owner Is com-pelled to sell on account of leaving the city on Im-portant business. Apply K. KENNY.22 Kearny. It


of 9 rooms on Taylor st. 1.1). BARNARD,11<8 Market St., near Taylor, it*

«t9fthn LODGING-HOUSE, 40 BOOMS, FUK-%T— WV. nished mostly with Eastern walnut;centrally located vii Market st.; clearing $175 permonth; cheap rent; will trade for city or Oaklandproperty; good reasons forselling. W. L. GLKA-SON A CO.. 8*5% .Market St. 11*•tt 1,-/1 A NICK HOME LODGING-HOUSE OF0 '*'"'. 10 rooms: clearing 940 ;\u25a0\u25a0 r mouth. Ap-ply W. F. HEALY,1004 Market »t. It*QlAj.ii 24 ROOMS: CITY FRONT; ALL ON;

wIvlyU.oae floor:clearing *10J per month.

Call to-day. W. F. HEALY.1001 Market st. It*

L'OK SALE-FUKNITI'RK 5 ROOMS; CHEAP.!'1301 Mis;ion St.. cor. Ninth. It*(A LODGING-HOUSES. FROM 5250 TO $2000:~l\j<»\ b-trgaln-i. FLETCHER.. IEddy St. It"

•2. IQ(iA S9-11OOM GOOD LOimiNG-HOI'SK:0 IOW. positively clearlugover f1.'.0 monthly,must sell. McLAUUHLIN ,v 1.... 2b' Kearny. It*

TO LET—LODGING-HOUSE OF4O ROOMS; JUST1nhished: adjoins cor. Ilurdaud Hunt sts.. nearHoward Apply 10 to 12 on premises. |e29 81

fe Iil/ll) .- KOOM LODGING-11OCSE: MOST-t^ 1-V'l. |y black walnut furniture; rent amiv.. \u25a0. i$100. W.M.ENGLISH .'. C0..23 Kearny.2B7*/•Ol'.NiiK HOl's'i:, 40 ROOMS; IWAYS FULL:Vjall male roomers; present owner has had It 5years; g-md loc.iliou. 507 Mission st, 828 71L'I'KN.SUEirFLTiT, S ROOMS; CLEARING $.!5i monllily. Adorers 1;. Box £». this ornrf. je2S t*l*

II::nITIKB ;1.,;- .i

£\u25a0 i -,<v FOX FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS; 4•„ lUvrented: rent .-23. 1108 Mission. je3i)3t*

PATENT KITCHEN-TABLES. 94 50 EACH. AT1 H.SCH K.LHAAS'Furniture Store, 408,Oakland. <l> Ccod tt

l' CHEAP— HOI SEHOLDFUKNI FJR^";J. rooms can be rented. .' Mintaye. je29J!t*TV'EW CHAMBER SETS OF 7 PIECES, $15 CASH,1> or Installment. WILL! '. HRoS. 931 Jon, tf/COUNTRY BUYERS WISIIINU SECONDHANDVJ furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, cull,1;

1HALS,110Fourth st. ;utisfactlou guaran-teed or money refunded: goods shipped tree. :ii4**

A. IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN--"A Btailments. without Utter -;. you can f:;ruu'iyour home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEX-EY'S laige lurulture and carpet wardrooms, 18 to24 Ellis St. 21tfiGOOD CHANCE— YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED***

complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur-tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices,on easy installments; small deDOSlt. M. FRIED-MAX * CO.'S, largest installment house on tbeCoast 223 aud 230 Stockton St.. cor. Posts opeaevenings; prompt attention paid to country orders.

TKKi.iNu Furniture co.-carpet-Ta ndSTERI.INU FI'RNITURK CO.—I kRPETS \S!>furniture, JUJW anil 1041 Market St.. Kosentnai

Bonding. auT tf

A I1. MY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED ROOK.A prices: parlor suit; $25, ranges $8, new cham-ber sets complete 815: net inns allround; cash orInstallment*. T H. NELSON. 138 Fourth st S<):t

FUlc.Nin RE \\ \s :iii.

S~T-:i.L TOUR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE TOWILEY BROS, tor cash. 931 Mission. je27 tf

CCABE. 128 FOURTH PAYS THE~HHiH-est price for furulture, stoves, ranges, carpets.


\ LWAYS SELL YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS,A etc., to MARK i.i.i Room UK, MurphyBuilding,and receive extra money. ap22 tt

A"LARGE QUANTITY OF SECOND-HAND FUR-utture wanted; 20 per cent bald more than else-

where. MaLONE, 34 Fourth St.; new .stora miUSI

MJ. SIMMONS a CO.. AUCTIONEKBB, WILL. buy your lumlture, pianos and books. Ui7Market st. • api) tt

AFTEB TRYING OTHERS, DON'T SELL UN-til you have seeu (Has. LEVY.53« and 53d

California St.. as he pays the highest cash prices forfurniture; office lixtures, etc. ap24 tf

TANDARD FURNITURE COMPANY WILLbuy your furniture tor cash or exchange new

furniture for old. 1045 Market st. apl9 BinLL SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND GAB-peu bought, large or small lots; call or s^al

poslaL ROSENTHAL, 110 Fourth st. uo!4lf

T\ LUNDY,829 MARKET ST., PAYS HIGHEST1/. price for second-hand furniture. aps tf

YOU CAN GET MORE~MONEY FOB YOURiond-hand furniiure from J. NOONAN & CO.,

1021 Mission st.. nr. Mitn. than elsewhere lal4 tr"


IBRUSSELS 1 IRI'ETS, ELEGANT PATTERNSJ' Bile per yard, sewed and laid; best value everoffereu. S. w.SIIIREK, 1234 Stockton st |e!2 tt

/"IAHPETS-^SMITH'S BRUSSELS. 000 A YARD;Vy lustallmcut price elsewhere $11 a yard. M.FRIEDMAN A CO.. 228-230 Stockton st., cor. Post.

/\u25a0ILOSING UP ESTATE: lIRUSSELS SEWED,• laid.uuc: S-p1y,25e»11-cloth,l2i \u25a0 r:curt.iln-poles,Bt»c;in.ating. lOC NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Sixth


JUST aKKTVED 2 CAB^LOADS"FINE YOUNGhorses. 1325 Eddy st. j...0 7t»

HOKSE FOR BALE—OOOD MARE. APPLYgrocery, cor. Ellis anil Lagiina sts. Jn36 It*

I-hi: SALE CHEAP— HORSE, HARNESSJT and second-baud business wagon. 1140 Folsoiustreet. Je'.'9 at*

tV)R BALE—2 Ij^>OD HORSES AND GOODspring wagon; very cheap. 623 Pacific St.,

Room I. je29 71*

Two>strong, FRESH HORSES FOB sale,X new from ranch. Apply43 Silver st. Je29 3t*

BROWN PACING HORSE, 6 YEARS OLD-ANDsound, can pace in 2:36 1 bay mare, 4 years old,

sound. Hue roadster; bay mare, 8 years old; linebusiness mare; good road mare, stand withoutbitching, and sound: brown horse, 12 years old,sound, can trot iv 2:30 or better. 1310 Marketstreet. Jc2B M'MOB SALE— HORSE AND BUGGY; OWNIhas no use for it willhe sold to highest bidder.228 and 230 Stockton St. Je2B Tt

QGENTLE PONIES, BROKE I0 HARNESS AND0 saddle, cheap. 1325 Eddyst )e2B 31*


DOUBLE OR .'.1.1. TEAM FOR SALE, WITHStand at Fifthand Braunan sis.; accommoda-

tions forsingle or double team: 3 rooms to let forsmall family. Apply311 Tenth st, je..'i 71

DRAUGHT HOUSES; BROKEN * UNBROKEN;Perchernn and Clyde stock. Address J. It.

\u25a0\u25a0-( MM-.111111. Cornwall Stat'n. Contra CostuCo.l in-*

U.i<.«)Ni AM) «.'AllltlA«tKS.

VTEW" ASU Si iO.I) HANI) buggies cheap. 828 Harrison st. ft*Vok SALE-FAMILY CAttBIASEj CHEAP. 14241 Greenwich at, \u25a0 Je29 7t

1.-OK SALE—NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUO-T gies: cheap. BOS (iolden Gate aye. je-^y 7t«

IriOß BALK -SECOND- HAND 11UGGY; GREAT'bargain. 1310 Stockton st.'

Je23 7t

SECOND-HAND 2-SEATED BUGGYAND BUTCH-Ocr wagon: cheap. 856 Howard. ai)s Sin



J..jr NEW YORK OK HELPMATE: BRAND«5).)O. new; latest; best for $35: all kinds repaired;rented cheap. .1. 1., HICKS. buT Mission, inrl tt\_ _____

TO^LKASIi.rpo LEASE. THH 3-SIOKY AND BASEMENTX brick buildingsouthwest cor. .Mission and First

6ts., as a whole or In part; the attention of whole-sale wineand liquor men 1-4 called to tins excellentlocation. Applyto JOHN CARROLL, 607 Missionstreot. \u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 le2stf


iifCMirTHTiT70 loan AT lowest" mai*-»TJ)«JUI/.UUI» ket rate* on city and country ro.U |OiUte,any auiuiiuts. Ualllsrula. II j


BfsiyFss riiAXCKS.(.--|||| HOTEL FOR SALE-lIANDSuMKI.V, <i<;vfv». lurnisued hotel and cottages across. t cbay; bo rooms; magnificent grounds; fine loca-. '-li^n: paying largelyboth winter and summer: keptIT present owner 17 years: lie is retiring fromTr»iisluei>s; a longlease at low rent will be given;this is st-clus iiievery respect. Apply to K.Im.NNY.22 Kearny Et. ItI^7^(l HOOD CHANCE FOR A MAN WILL-«!,. I*J\J. ing to work—Express business ror sale;Mir« steady trade from stores, etc., of $'.50 periMonth, which will be fully secured to Incomingman; is one of very best stands on Market at.; a tinehorses and first-class wagon; you can have IS days*trial before buying; iwner will remain with youuntil fullyposted. ApplyK.KENNY,22 Kearny.llC«I'JAA GROCERY -STORK AND BAB FOR

')'"". sale; is upon a moat prominent cornerIn be center of the city; has handsome fixturesand fine stock: owner Is connected with anotherliusiness outside of the city and has to depend solely. <m hired heip for this storn; this Is an opening sei-pom otterwl. Apply I. KENNY.22 Kearny St. It><r7(ili CLEARS 9180 PER MONTH OVER«ipi lUU.all expenses: owner does nothingelseIut collect three days Inthe mouth; milk route for-Riie:any one can run it as the milk is deliver) to

\u25a0' bdro by wholesale milk dairymen each day: owner• lias kept it15 ysarsi employs 2 men to deliver; has\u25a0 "3 burses, 2 wagons, cans, etc.: you can have a trial

of tbe business until tully satisfied before bintut:owner Is retlriug from the business. Apply K.KENNY,22 Kearny st. It

'V 111lllI FINE SALOON ON MARKET ST.,C* M'<"'.near the Baldwin Hotel, forsale; doing• a fine business: ii.-- long lease; well titled op andBlocked; Tery best reasons for soiling; also a linos;tioou ou Mnrket st. connected with a first-classlivery stable: only $t-50. Apply K. KENNY, 22Kwirnyst. It'V!I|n|I J'APKK ROUTE FOR SALE: ISITON•%. 1\J\J\J . one or our very best morning papers: Is. very central downtown; making good wages; onlyrequires 2 hours 10 deliver each morning: any onecan run it ami make good wages: this investment isfes sure as real est.ite: 2 weeks' trial allowed before\uu ... Applyto K. KENNY.22 Kearny st. i:1 ASS FOUNDRY FOR SALE IN ONE OF "Ii:

.-i' largest towns, a short distance from San Frau-rlsco; full value for the money; good urufitablebusiness; 1.-; of is.,us for selling. Apply K.KhN.\Y. 22 Ream] \u25a0: It

V'liKl PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON;V«-'"v< first-class. ,1. W. GALE a FEAZELL,

:-*'.*">Kearny st. Je3o 31*

et'/in PART>HK WANTED IN COMSIIS-«Ip.)UU. slim business. J. W. GAL] A FEAZKLL,HO5 Kearny st. je.;O 3t*.^.--(i PARTNER WANTED, !\u25a0• !A X !•:•_ UU\>. orders in the store and assist in lookingalti-r general details in a plain cash businesscredit ever thought of) in this city;estaiilisiied ftyears; clearing »;',OO per month: you can try it2weeks beture buying; no night or Sunday work; noprevious \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0..».:-\u25a0 partner will"' "lenrlt you the business; a man with any ordinaryIndulgence, and steady, lober, industrious disposi-tion willget along and l>er-<>me his own master: arare opportunity. W. L.ULEASON ft CO., 865 1jMarket st. It*

re CIHAK-STOKKS; FINE PLACES.0 :i. groceries and bars: bargains.. 15 branch bakeries and eaniiy-STores.

IS coffee saloons and resuura its.20 saloons at all irices4 good partnerships: allbargains.VI.F.TCHKK. 1 Eddy St. It*

(JJ. j-- RESTAURANT FOP. SALE. ACCOUNT«£) If«'. having 2 'places; willsell others also.Apply 33j'j Third si. jejW3t«

(T.- , /. Iii:;M.l: WANTED in AN OLD i

.C'""'. talili>hed cash liusines*. paying md-

Bonicly: previous experience not required; noi. {hi or Sunday work; fine cbanc? for a -...;>\u25a0man. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 7 Grantavenue. It

QALOOX.-'JYITH >. LIVING-BOOMS, CHEAP;k- must sell at once. 317 Pacific st je:-;o7t*0!~\l\ sa loox, WITH 3 LARGE LIVINQ-t>I»V- rooms. Apply4Hi ThirdSt. je.0 M*


Iiforcash go to 1. D BARNARD. 1148 Market St..Ift.Mason and Taylor: established 1859. It*

sl'-t'vM MILLINERY STOKE. WITH 2 NICE«., OOU. livingrooms; N. of Market St.; rent onlyS-i': has a good-paying trail.). I. D. BARNARD.IllsMarket st.. ne:ir Taylor. It*


'V. ami upstairs; verycentral: near Fourthi.L.IMarket: low rent; positive bargain. I. D. BAR-IV*I:D.1148 Market St.. near Tajlor. It*< I'-iOH WOOD AND COALY KEPT BY

IV1CUV. present owner 21years ;retiring frombusiness; tias large established trade: solvent, legltl-luhte lnvestmetit; choice central location, 1. D,HAKNAKI),1148 Market St., hear Taylor. 11*_


Q'J^A SALOON, WITH LIVING ROOMS;\u25a0 . .)i>l'.cheap rent; a sure bargain. SHOAFIROSS. 873 9 Market st. It

Q Iim/i CIGAR-STOKE; CLEARING $200 A«4. l-UU. month: one of the finest stands on

tM;ir»et St.: leasvd .it low rent: best or reason* TorBelling at a sacrifice. SHOAFF A- BOSS S73i/3Market st. It*


f«C«JiJL'. doing a good business: iiiruisbed com-I.'>.- ingoovlorder; cheap rent; fine bargain: goodr.-a*.ni3 lor selling. SIIOAFF * ROSS, 8731.,Market St. It

ClQAlll"! CORNER SALOON IN COUNTRY•'''\u25a0 and \u25a0 ling beer business; bottling

.' 40 barrels per week: 4 wagons, 7horses: wine andliquor business; house 7 rooms: cheap ie:.:. .'<>'. _•lease; clearing from

•;i"i\u25a0 i c 00 per month; line

large briCK cellar; well worth 812,000; owner sell-ing: account of going toGermany. Si.LESS A- C')., :

!'.\u25a0•\u25a0 Market st. It*

Cm i:l)ii -SALOON and i.ysti-r--«^p IUv'V. house, near Uar el st.; elegant flx-'ture3; fine ptock: clearing S'-*>o to S3OO month:<lls<reeme::t partners M. LlisS, 9»S Marget st. It*

COA A? RESTAURANT: » RECEIPTS I*20~~TO«_ • '\>. j;5 per day; must be soid (itouce; ac-'

ccunt sickness. ': LESS. »95 Market »t. It*

QfTHH SALOON AND LUNCH-HOIS] . WITH•^ UUU. 5 [igrooms, between factories: wellStocked. M. LESS A: CO.. 9!'5 Market st. lt»^' -• I It'll SALOON IN CITY FRONT. OPPO-O - "IV' the ferry,doing a large Business;c Ije^p rent and long lease; sellir.g on account of ilis-

tfigr»-ementvt'ith partnership. M.LESS A CO 995

>ijr;.ctst. It*

fli JAM PRODI I -STORE, «I111 3 LIVINGV'iW.rooms. Inheart of city:doing fi:ie liusl-lir?s. M.LESS A CO.. ft»s Market st. It*

(J7|l(| FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE. DOING A«j: IU\/. good business; fine stock and fixtures:cheap rent and long lease. Apply ii.LESS, 935J!» St. It*>^ I"id WORTH *800; SALOON; BKST LOCA-*£"1O\J. t:..:,; 7 rooms, completely .furnished;fine trade: rent only$30: must sell at once: see

•t. -. GEO. STEWART. 138 Kearny St. lt_


C IO\J. Office:trade Jl to SlO per day and In-ricuslng rapidly;this is no price for this business;is worth $350. but must have help: best location;rht'ap rent; leading street; ground-Moor: notnrces-ssry to understand the business: is easily learned;viillsultan] one willingtoassist: willfindplenty tod>: never MteMa chance: don't miss It:fulliuvesti-£.:ion. GKO. STEWART, 135 Kearny St. It

CJ-Q^A DOWNTOWN DAY I'.KSIACI'.ANT-.-.I.}( i. Among who!es.i!e lions-s; patronized al-most exclusively by mercantile and business men;best place incity;doc 1very tine business; no mealsless than 25 its, and upwar 1; 46 chairs, first-class!...;.-e. and furniture complete: closes nights audBandars; must -oil on account of sickness; grandr.'.a.'ire. See GEO. STEWART. 136 Kearny st. itc..i-(\ PARTNEK WANTED TO-DAY INV?

—*JV'. tirst-class cash business, suitable ror any

1 liii'i.vober, steady man: has good trade; clears toeach J75 to fSS per month; can be Increased with'lielp of active, indastrious partner: good liia-:VaUied mure than money: prefers partner to hiredliilp:no Light or Sunday wort; experience notlie<ti--*'*arT; business >aslly learned; grand oppor-tunity for man with small capital: best of refer-'i:;ce. See Gl'.O. SI ART.136 Kearny St. It

Sit \u0084•-1. COMMERCIAL EXPRESS AND*~ 1UtJ'/. transfer business; partner wanted tolot as cashier, keep the books, i.:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0> . receiving,skipping and delivering freights and 9 good teams, bams; everything complete andin first-cias:* running order: has special tontractsv\ith laiiiu.'d and steamboat companies and manymercantile bouses for transportation of generalIrrlcht aud merchandise, with regular trade, cicar-i:ig*\u25a0•50 per mouth; business established 13 years;

\u25a0 best of references; full Investigation and trial.Oi;o. STEWART, 135 Kearny at. lt_41J17C SALOON: POOL-TABLE, STOCK AND•„'*> 10. fixtures; good location on Market St.L'UOKKK A TEMPLE. tillMarket St. It*

O/in PARTNER WANTED: STRICTLY• —'I', cash business: on Market st.; experiencetitioecessary. BOOKER a TEMPLE. 841 Market.l*

''[ <r. -I r(\ \ I.i"STAUKANT: DAILY RECEIPTS» tuv, from *12 to $1C: linehandsome place;greatest bargain Inthe city; worth $450: sicknesscause. L'OOKhR .V TKMPLE.B4IMarket. I.l*

"0.9 (lrii, WANTED MAN TOLOAN HIS KM-C'Jvv". ploycr this amount, at 8 per cent in-: rirst; *75 per month wages willbe allowed. Mo-LAUUHLIN&CO., 26 Kearay St. It*'- C ~T\T\ GROCERY. BAB AND 8 FURNISHED0 Iv'W. rooms; old established business; bar-g.iin. \u25a0 LAI :iI.IXA CO.. 28 Kearny st. It*

Ci'->-«n CANDY. SODA AND CONFECTION-. .i.'W. cry: offer wanted onaccount ofsickness,auLAUiiULIN .'. CO.. 2c Kearny St. 11*d>.l,'A|| QROCERY— 3 HORSES AND 2 WAG-. 4JUU. '.m: employing 3 clerks; near city;big

bioiness. Mclaughlin a C0..28 Kearny st. it*

7IORNES FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE. DOING\jgood business; flue stock and fixtures; longlease. 145 Thirdat. Je29 Ht«

fRAND CHANCE-FOB SALE: BUTTER, EOOS'1and cheese, groceries, etc. Stills '25 and 28,

brand Arcade Market,Sixth si., near Folsoin. 2.):<_•\ \u25a0.:\u25a0 -.-. LADY WOl ;.[) LIKE rd Ml Xl

\u25a0-\ witha respectable lady of some business ability

and small means. Call OUS Folsom St. je29 2•

G~ PAYING SALOON AND CIGAR-STORK1rot sale cheap: selling ou account of leaving

city. 1151 Market st. je29 3t«

Q.VALL GROCERY AND (SALOON FOX SALE>J cheap. Inquire 20 Everett st. Jc29 71*

S, ITIONKKY-STOKK FOE SALE. 759V4Howard st. Jc29 at*

/1OOD-PAYINIi RESTAURANT, IN A FIRST-'J class location: clearing $150 per month: full

time glveu to Investigate to Intending purchaser;l'resent owner retiring from business. Apply rorlocation and price by letter to Restaurant, Box '.' i,(a1.1, r.rani I. office; no agents. je2j)3t*

C-'An*0B SAI.E-OLI>ESTABLISHED AND, ,)'Mf.neli-paylug saloin on the city front, on

account of sickness of proprietor. 2120 Mason st.,second floor: no agents. je'-'8 31*

IiUTCHER BUSINESS FOI< SALE IN A MOST1> desirable pan of the cl'.y; doing a splendid liusl-ii's<; well established; must liesold: foMiarticularsapply to F. UKIA CO.. 630 Clay St. J«2l 7t*'.1-/. FOB sale-bakery, CANDY, to-•if ••)!'. ijnceo and notions; 3 rooms with store;rent 115, 1828 Howard st. i-« Tt-

GlPAYING DAIUY PRODUCE AND V.I--VT r.ety store; line location; low rent; 3nlce livingrooms. ApplyCallBranch Ofnce. je2B t*_LIV lIOKSC AND COVERED wagon, with' -T good paying route; selling on account of alek-iim. Apply Inevening, 01:11,3 Natoina st. Je2B M*I,'KUIT-STOKE; ESTABLISHED 4 YEARS;1 inustbesnld; health cause or selling. Address

1-rult, Box yT. 1 \u25a0 1.1. Branch OBlce. Je2H 3t*

OO1) PAYING SALOON; TERMINUS OF 4V lines ofcars: also lodrlng-liouse; parties going

\u25a0£ast. Inquire413 ronrth m. Jea3 4t»AUNDiiYTor sale~run by machinery.JAUKDRY lOK BALE—KUN BYMACHINERY.j 315 at. je2n 71*

I,'OR COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE;jrnicely fitted up: good location. 15 Mason.2S 3*rOR HALE-IN OAKLAND. AN OLD-KSTAB--1 lished bakery at Point Station. Seventh St., (loin?

a lusiness of upward of $IV per day, with nor»«in.I wagon, and one of the best routes In West Oak-laud- present owner owns the premises and Is re-tiring from business. Icqulreal 1812 Seventh st.,

Oakland. |e27 7t«

V I7An CORNER SALOON AND HOTEL;. •_ Ii\l\l.good business place: selling account I

til other business; no agents. 113 Part aye., bet. jIIlib and Sixth,Bryant and Brannau. ]e27 7t*

IKQAiILODGIXG-HOU"SEAND SALOON; CEN- j«ipt/UV'. trollylocated. Apply CallBranch.27 7*

A1..00N K"lt SALE CHEAr. APPLY 898 ILLI-O uols St., Potrero. Jcviti 7t*