Morgan Good. * Amino Acids- broken down becomes fats/carbohydrates * Ammonia- formed when amino...

Morgan Good

Transcript of Morgan Good. * Amino Acids- broken down becomes fats/carbohydrates * Ammonia- formed when amino...

Morgan Good

* Amino Acids- broken down becomes fats/carbohydrates

* Ammonia- formed when amino group removed.

-excreted by fish & other aquatic animals

* Uric Acid- excreted by insects, reptiles & birds

-not very toxic

*Carrier molecules- take up CO2 & NH4, releasing urea.

*Cartilaginous Fish -have rectal glands to rid

themselves of salt

*Marine Bony Fish -Actively transport salt

from body through gills

* Freshwater Bony Fish -Actively transport salt into their blood through gills

* Kangaroo Rat -fur prevents water loss to air -gains water from cellular respiration, so it never drinks

*Seagulls, Reptiles & Mammals -Seagulls & reptiles have salt glands to pump out salt -The gland is controlled by the nervous system

Aquatic Terrestrial

* Planarians- two branching strands-open to the outside of body

-Flame cell- have beating cilia-push fluid through

* Earthworms- each segment has two nephridia-tube with ciliated opening -cilia push fluid through

* Insects-have Malpighian-long thin tubules attached to gut

*Uric acid is transported into Malpighian

* Crustaceans- nitrogenous waste removed by diffusion

-have excretory organs called green glands

* Shrimp & pill bugs- have maxillary glands* Arachnids- have coxal glands

-located on apendages

Green Gland Maxillary Gland Coxal Gland

* Important parts-Kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, & urethra

* Kidney- reddish-brown, bean shaped, fist sized-Located on either side of vertebral column

-Still partially protected by ribcage*Ureter- duct that takes urine from kidney to

bladder* Urinary Bladder- stores urine* Urethra- tube that excretes urine.

* Three major parts: The renal cortex, the renal medulla & the renal pelvis

* Renal cortex-outside of kidney* Renal medulla- 6-10 cone-shaped renal

pyramids-lie on inner side of renal cortex

* Renal pelvis- hollow chamber


Kidney Structure

* Basic unit of kidney-over 1 million per kidney

* Removes waste & water* Each nephron has it’s own blood supply* Primarily in renal cortex but some go

down to renal medulla

* Kidney stones- can fill whole renal pelvis, causing much pain when passed

* Gout- accumulation of more than normal levels of uric acid. Causes pain & deformation

* Nephritis- Damages & closes the microscopic filters in the kidney

Kidney Stones

* Regulates: sodium, fluid, blood pressure-secretes renin

* Plasma Gobulin angiotensin aldosterone-angiotensin: poylpeptides control arterial pressure-aldosterone: steroid controls salt & water