More Nines for Your Dimes: Improving Availability and Lowering Costs using Auto Scaling and Amazon...

© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified, or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc. More Nines for Your Dimes: Improving Availability and Lowering Costs using Auto Scaling Derek Chiles, AWS Solutions Architecture (@derekchiles) July 10, 2014


Running your Amazon EC2 instances in Auto Scaling groups allows you to improve your application's availability right out of the box. Auto Scaling replaces impaired or unhealthy instances automatically to maintain your desired number of instances (even if that number is one). You can also use Auto Scaling to automate the provisioning of new instances and software configurations as well as to track of usage and costs by app, project, or cost center. Of course, you can also use Auto Scaling to adjust capacity as needed - on demand, on a schedule, or dynamically based on demand. In this session, we show you a few of the tools you can use to enable Auto Scaling for the applications you run on Amazon EC2.

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© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified, or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.

More Nines for Your Dimes: Improving Availability and Lowering Costs

using Auto Scaling

Derek Chiles, AWS Solutions Architecture


July 10, 2014

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Topics We’ll Cover Today• Auto Scaling introduction

• Console demo

• Maintaining application response times and fleet utilization

• Handling cyclical demand, unexpected “weather events”

• Auto Scaling for 99.9% Uptime

• Single-instance groups

• Cost control and asymmetric scaling responses

• CloudFormation, custom scripts, and multiple inputs

• Using performance testing to choose scaling strategies

• Dealing with bouncy or steep curves


The Weather Channel




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Ways You Can Use Auto Scaling

Launch EC2 instances

and groups from

reusable templates

Scale up and down as

needed automatically


Instances and

maintain EC2 capacity

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Common Scenarios

• Schedule a one-time scale out and flip to production

• Follow daily, weekly, or monthly cycles

• Provision capacity dynamically by scaling on CPU, memory,

request rate, queue depth, users, etc.

• Auto-tag instances with cost center, project, version, stage

• Auto-replace instances that fail ELB or EC2 checks

• Auto-balance instances across multiple zones.

Prepare for a Big Launch

Fit Capacity to Demand

Be Ready for Spikes

Simplify Cost Allocation

Maintain Stable Capacity

Go Multi-AZ

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Learn the new terms:

Launch Configuration

Auto Scaling Group

Scaling Policy

Amazon CloudWatch Alarm

Amazon SNS Notification

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What’s New in Auto Scaling

Better integration

• EC2 console support

• Scheduled scaling policies in

CloudFormation templates

• ELB connection draining

• Auto-assign public IPs in VPC

• Spot + Auto Scaling

More APIs

• Create groups based on running


• Create launch configurations based

on running instances

• Attach running instances to a group

• Describe account limits for groups

and launch configs

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Why Auto Scaling?

Scale Up Control CostsImprove Availability

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Why Auto Scaling?

Scale Up Control CostsImprove Availability

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The Weather Company

• Top 30 web property in the U.S.• 2nd most viewed television

channel in the U.S.• 85% of U.S. airlines depend on

our forecasts• Major retailers base marketing

spend and store displays based on our forecasts

• 163 million unique visitors across TV and web

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Wunderground Radar and


100 million hits a day

One Billion data points per day

Migrated real-time radar mapping system to

AWS Cloud

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StationsSource: Wunderground, Inc. 2013

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Why Auto Scaling?

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Why Auto Scaling?

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Why Auto Scaling?

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Why Auto Scaling?

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Why Auto Scaling?

Hurricane Sandy

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Before Migration – Traditional IT Model doesn’t scale well

Server Count(110 Servers)

Avg. CPU Load HTTP Response Latency(~6000 ms)

HTTP Response Latency(5-15ms)

Server Count(from 110 to 170 Instances)

Avg. CPU Load

After Migration - Wunderground Radar App

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Radar on AWS Auto Scaling Architecture

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Radar on AWS

CPU Utilization

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Radar on AWS

Host Count

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Radar on AWS

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Radar on AWS

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Radar on AWS

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Scale up to ensure consistent

performance during high-demand

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Why Auto Scaling?

Scale Up Control CostsImprove Availability

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Auto Scaling

for 99.9%


Page 28: More Nines for Your Dimes: Improving Availability and Lowering Costs using Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2 Local Search Application

• Local Search app

• First customer facing

application on AWS

• Obvious need for


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Frontend Group

Backend Groups


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Frontend Group

Backend Groups


Single-Instance Auto Scaling

Groups (Zookeeper)

1. Auto-healing: Instances auto-register in

DNS via Route53

2. Dynamic: Auto Scaling Group Names

are used for cluster-node lookups


3. Used Standard Tools such as DNS

instead of Queries or Elastic IPs

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Auto Scaling when upgrading

without any downtime

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Map Data on S3




old old

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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data


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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data


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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data


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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data


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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data





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Map Data on S3




old old

New Data





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“Auto scaling”

Web Server Fleet(Amazon EC2)

Database Fleet(RDS or DB on EC2)

Load Balancing(ELB)

v1.1 v1.1

v1.1 v1.1





Auto scalingMax instances

Min instances

Scaling Trigger

Custom Metrics

Upper Threshold

Lower Threshold

Increment by

Common scenario: Blue Green Deployments

Using Auto Scaling

Page 40: More Nines for Your Dimes: Improving Availability and Lowering Costs using Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2 Local Search Success

• Increased Uptime to 99.9%

• All detected health problems have been successfully replaced by Auto Scaling with zero intervention.

• Zookeeper setup has performed flawlessly

“We’ve been

paranoid so it still

pages us; It’s

beginning to feel


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Why Auto Scaling?

Scale Up Control CostsImprove Availability

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Adobe Creative

Cloud Runs on


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Adobe Shared

Cloud Architecture

on AWS

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Auto Scaling the Web Layer

Based on Number of HTTP requestsAverage CPU loadNetwork in/out

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Auto Scaling the Web Layer

Auto Scaling the Worker Layer

Based on SQS queue length

Based on Number of HTTP requestsAverage CPU loadNetwork in/out

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Scale up fast, scale down slow

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Cost Control

• Scheduled scaling: we analyzed our traffic and

picked numbers. – scale up in the morning, scale down in the evening

• Policies for slow scale down

• Stage environments: downscale everything to

“min-size” daily (or more)

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CloudFormation + Auto Scaling"ScaleUpPolicy" : {

"Type" : "AWS::Auto Scaling::ScalingPolicy", "Properties" : {

"AdjustmentType" : "ChangeInCapacity", "Auto ScalingGroupName" : { "Ref" : "WorkerAuto ScalingGroup" }, "Cooldown" : {"Ref": "cooldown"}, "ScalingAdjustment" : { "Ref" : "adjustup" }

} },"WorkerAlarmScaleUp": {

"Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm", "Properties": {

"EvaluationPeriods":{"Ref" : "evalperiod"}, "Statistic": "Sum", "Threshold": {"Ref" : "upthreshold"}, "AlarmDescription": "Scale up if the work load of transcode queue is high", "Period": {"Ref" : "period"}, "AlarmActions": [ { "Ref": "ScaleUpPolicy" }, { "Ref" : "scalingSNStopic" } ], "Namespace": "AWS/SQS", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "QueueName", "Value": {"Ref" : "queuename" }}], "ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanThreshold", "MetricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible"

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How – Custom Metrics. . .

Sat Oct 6 05:51:03 UTC 2012

Number of AZs: 4

Number of Web Servers: 16

Number of Healthy Web Servers: 16

ELB Request Count: 9523.0

Request Count Per Healthy Web Server: 595.1875

Network In Per Healthy Web Server: 51 MB

Network Out Per Healthy Web Server: 1 MB

CPU Per Healthy Web Server: 25.23875

Publishing Custom Metrics: InstanceRequestCount, HealthyWebServers, InstanceNetworkIn, InstanceNetworkOut, InstanceCPUUtilization to namespace WebServer in us-east-1

. . .

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How – multi-input scaling

Scale up

Scale down

+2 instances if more than 50 visible messages for >5 min

+50% instances if more than 1000 msg for >2 min

+ fixed 100 instances if more than 10000 msg for >1 min

-10 instance if 0 msg for more than 10 min

-25% if 0 msg for more than 30 min

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Adobe’s Advice

• Use CloudFormation!

• Know your system, thresholds

• Watch your scaling history

• Scaling up is easy, scaling down not so much

• Mantra: scale up fast; scale down slow

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Scaling strategies we use

Scaling with

CloudWatch alarmsScheduled scaling (onetime, recurring)

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A little background on our application

• Ruby on Rails

• Unicorn

• We teach kids math!

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A workload well suited for auto scaling

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Scaling with CloudWatch alarms

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Performance test to get a baseline• Discover the ideal number of

worker processes per server– Too few and resources go


– Too many and performance suffers under load

• Obtain the maximum load sustainable per server– Our performance tests

measures number of concurrent users

• Find the chokepoint– For us, this was CPU utilization

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Performance testing

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Identify the breaking point

Breaking point was at about 400 users per server

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Our first method to find scale points• Provision a static amount

of servers that we know can handle peak load

• Adjust scale up and scale down alarms based on observed highs and lows

• This worked, but was super inefficient, both in time and money spent

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Let’s do some math – identify variables


• Concurrent users


• CPU utilization

• Memory utilization

• Disk I/O

• Network I/O

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Let’s do some math – find the slope• Adding about 1600 users per hour

• Which is about 27 per minute

• We know that we can handle a max of

about 400 users per server at 80% CPU


• Which is about 0.2% CPU usage per user

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Let’s do some math – when to scale?

• We know (from other testing) that it takes

us about 5 minutes for a new node to

come online

• We’re adding 27 users per minute

• Which means we need to start spinning

up new nodes when we’re about 135

users ( 27 x 5 ) per node short of max

• Which is at about 53% utilization:

(80% - (0.2% * 135))

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How much to scale up by?

• The lowest we can scale up by is 1 node per AZ,

otherwise we would be unbalanced

• For us, this is an extra 800 users of capacity in

five minutes, plenty enough to keep up with our

rate of adding 1600 users per hour

• Adding 800 users of capacity every five minutes,

we could support 9600 additional users per hour

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Evaluate your predictions• In the real world, we’ve inched up from

scaling at 53%

• Our perf test is a little harsher than the

real world

• Numbers derived from the perf test are

only as accurate as the simulation of

traffic you in your perf test.

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Scheduled scaling

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Acceleration in load is not constantRequest count for a 24 hour period

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We can’t use one size fits all• Scale too aggressively

– Overprovisioning: increases


– Bounciness: we add more

than we need and have to

partially scale back shortly

after scaling up, which

increases cost

• Scale too timidly

– Poor performance

– Outages due to lack of


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Putting it all together

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The opportunity cost of NOT scaling

• Our usage curve

from 3/20

• Low of about 5

concurrent users

• High of about

10,000 concurrent


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The opportunity cost of NOT scaling

• No autoscaling

• 672 instance hours

• $302.40 at on-

demand prices

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The opportunity cost of NOT scaling

• Autoscaling four

times per day

• 360 instance hours

• $162 at on-

demand prices

• 46% savings vs no


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The opportunity cost of NOT scaling

• Autoscaling as

needed, twelve

times per day

• 272 instance hours

• $122.40 at on-

demand prices

• 24% savings vs

scaling 4 times per


• 60% savings vs no


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The opportunity cost of NOT scaling




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Demand curve hugs the usage curve…

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…and a (mostly) flat response curve

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“Auto Scaling saves us a lot of money; with

a little bit of math, flexibility of AWS allows

us to further save by aligning our demand

curve with usage curve.” -- Dreambox

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Why Auto Scaling?

Scale Up Control CostsImprove Availability

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Key Takeaways

• Maintaining application response times and fleet utilization

• Scaling up and handling unexpected “weather events”

• Auto Scaling for 99.9% Uptime

• Single-instance groups

• Cost control and asymmetric scaling responses

• CloudFormation, custom scripts, and multiple inputs

• Using performance testing to choose scaling strategies

• Dealing with bouncy or steep curves

The Weather Channel




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Thank You!

Derek [email protected]
