More about scandinavia finished

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Denmark, Iceland,

and Finland Created byMr. Raponi

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Denmark Most of Denmark

is made up of the

_______________ peninsula and hundreds of nearby islands.

In addition, tiny Denmark rules the gigantic island of


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A Quick Bit About Greenland

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Denmark is poor in national resources, but has some of the

richest _____________ in the area.

____________ makes up much of Denmark’s exports.

Danish farm products include butter, cheese, bacon and ham.

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Lego is a line of building toys based in Denmark.

The modern Lego brick was patented on January 28, 1958, and bricks from that year are still compatible with current bricks.

Children from around the world have been playing with Legos for more than 50 YEARS!

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Opened in 1968 in Billund, Denmark. The park receives 2 million visitors per


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People The 5.2 million

____________, have a high standard of living.

_________________, Denmark’s capital lies on the largest island.

Denmark is the most densely populated Scandinavian country.

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Iceland A small island that

lies just south of the

________________ in the Atlantic Ocean.

Once part of

________________, Iceland declared its independence in


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Land of Iceland

Since Iceland is so far north, it is a land of


The North Atlantic Current keeps temperatures from getting too cold.

Iceland has few mineral resources and must depend mostly

on _______________.

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Today, nearly all 300,000 Icelanders live near the coast.

About half live in

_______________, the most northern capital city in the world.

Iceland has a 100% literacy rate.Hallgrimskirkja

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Hallgrímskirkja is a church in Reykjavik, Iceland. At 244 ft, it is the largest church in Iceland.

Many people of Iceland say that it has an “evil” look to it.

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The Capital City, Reykjavik

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Ruled first by Sweden and then by Russia, Finland became an independent republic

in __________.

Thick green forests and thousands of

______________ cover most of the country.

In the far north, Finland has a subarctic climate.

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I’m All Set Thank You

Within Finland they practice something called Avantouinti, literally "ice hole swimming", means swimming in a frozen lake or sea.

Swimmers cut a large opening through the ice and either take a quick plunge or swim for a few minutes at a time.

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It is said to help a person’s blood pressure, as well as to keep people from

catching a cold.

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Economy of Finland

Most of Finland’s wealth comes from its


_____________ and

_____________ are the country’s major industries.

In southern areas, farmers raise wheat, rye and livestock.

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No Donald Allowed

Donald Duck cartoons are banned in Finland

The reason being, is that HE DOES NOT WEAR PANTS!!!!!!!!!

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Most of Finland’s people belong to an ethnic group called

the _____________.

Most of Finland’s

__________ million people live in towns and cities.

_______________ is the capital and largest city of Finland.

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A Tour of Iceland