MORAINE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 9000 West College Parkway Palos Hills, IL 60465 Governing Board of Moraine Valley Community College, Community College District #524, Public Hearing, 6:00 PM, Wednesday, December 16, 2015, Board Room D219, 9000 West College Parkway, Palos Hills, Illinois 60465. A G E N D A 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TAX LEVY 4. ADJOURNMENT


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Palos Hills, IL 60465 Governing Board of Moraine Valley Community College, Community College District #524, Public Hearing, 6:00 PM, Wednesday, December 16, 2015, Board Room D219, 9000 West College Parkway, Palos Hills, Illinois 60465.






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Palos Hills, IL 60465 Governing Board of Moraine Valley Community College, Community College District #524, Regular Meeting following Public Hearing on the Tax Levy, 6:00 PM, Wednesday, December 16, 2015, Board Room D219, 9000 West College Parkway, Palos Hills, Illinois 60465.



1) Unapproved Minutes of November 11, 2015 Regular Meeting 4. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION 5. BOARD REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS

1) ICCTA Meeting Report (Coleman) 2) Student Trustee Report (Awwad)

6. REPORTS OF ADMINISTRATION 1) Presentation to Yolanda Flores (retirement) 2) Presentation to Toula Karnavas (retirement) 3) Presentation to Theresa Michalow (retirement) 4) Presentation to Irene Zaker (retirement) 5) President’s Report

• Certificates of Achievement in Financial Reporting • Grants Report

7. COMMUNICATIONS 1) Letter from Association of School Business Officials re Certificate of Excellence for

FY2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

2) Thank You Letter from Judge for Skyway Writers' Conference (Carey Millsap-Spears, Lisa Kelsay, Ted Powers)

3) Letter from Student re Faculty Member (Karen Harrigan) 4) Letter from Illinois Board of Higher Education re Student Selection for Art Exhibit

(Pericich Mikayla)

8. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1) Treasurer's Report 2) Budget Summary Report

CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Items 9 - 12) (*items included for action)


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Agenda for the Regular Meeting following Public Hearing on the Tax Levy of December 16, 2015

Page 2

1) * Account Expenditure Summaries 2) * Education Fund 3) * Operation & Maintenance Fund 4) * Operation & Maintenance (Restricted) 5) * Bond & Interest Fund 6) * Auxiliary Enterprise Fund 7) * Grants & Contracts Fund

a. *College Activity Clubs 8) * Restricted Purpose Fund 9) * Federal Fund

a. * Tort & Audit b. * Working Cash Fund

10. REPORT OF PERSONNEL 1) * Full-Time 2) * Part-Time/Supplemental/Other 3) Salary Revisions 4) * Leave of Absence (FMLA)

a. * Sabbatical Leave - Faculty 5) * Resignations/Terminations

a. * Retirement - Support Staff b. * Retirement - Administrative & Professional Staff

6) * Reclassification (Promotions, Transfers, Corrections, etc.) 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS

1) * Review of Closed Session Written Minutes and Audio Tapes 2) * Adoption of Resolution Setting Forth Tax Levies for 2015 and Approval of Tax

Certificate of Tax Levy for 2015

3) * Property Tax Limitation Resolution 4) * Resolution to Amend and Restate the Moraine Valley Community College Section 125

Flexible Spending Account Program

5) * Affiliation Agreement with Addiction Recovery Services (Addictions Studies) 6) * Education Affiliation Agreement with Franciscan Saint James Health (Respiratory


7) * Intergovernmental Agreement with North Palos School District No. 117 for Evacuation and Temporary Emergency Shelter

8) * Parking Lot L Rehabilitation Bid 9) * Building T Roof Replacement Bid

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Agenda for the Regular Meeting following Public Hearing on the Tax Levy of December 16, 2015

Page 3

10) * Online College Catalog Request for Proposal (RFP) 11) * Student Success Center Furniture Bid and Purchase 12) Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the year 2015 to Pay Debt Service on

the Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2012D, and General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013, of the District


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Agenda Item 3.0 December 16, 2015

MINUTES Approved Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Enclosed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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APPROVED MORAINE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 9000 West College Parkway Palos Hills, IL 60465 The Governing Board of Moraine Valley Community College, District No. 524, Regular Meeting, was held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, in the Board Room D219, 9000 West College Parkway, Palos Hills, Illinois 60465. I. CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Joseph Murphy at 6:00 PM.

II. ROLL CALL Present: Joseph Murphy, Chairman; John Coleman; Kimberly Hastings;

Michael Murphy; Susan Murphy; Eileen O’Sullivan; Sandra Wagner; Karim Awwad, Student Trustee

Absent: None


The Board of Trustees, having reviewed the unapproved Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 16, 2015, and the unapproved Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 16, 2015, and there being no further corrections to the minutes, the minutes are approved as recorded.


Mr. Awwad reported that Constitution Day was held September 17. Students answered trivia questions and saw presentations by the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. An Interfaith Dialogue panel was held on September 24 on the topic of death and dying with representatives from various religions, including Baptist, Catholic, Orthodox, Islam, Judaism, and Sikh. The panel was attended by more than 200 students and faculty members, and the panelists shared traditions and


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 2

beliefs about death and dying. The college’s honor students participate in community service events each month and this month they worked in food pantries or food kitchens in the community. Money Talk Mondays take place on Mondays in the U building from 12 to 1 p.m. to share financial aid topics to help students increase their financial literacy. The college’s Alpha Iota Lambda chapter of Phi Theta Kappa will host a student conference showcasing various topics of interest to students in October. More than 160 students are expected to attend. Mr. Awwad concluded his report with a short video of students expressing their pride in being Moraine Valley students.

VI. REPORTS OF ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Presentation to Sue Linn

On behalf of the Board and the administration, Mrs. Wagner and Mr. Coleman presented Sue Linn, Executive Director of the Foundation, with a retirement gift and thanked her for her many years of service at the college since 1991 and to the community as the Director of the Foundation. 6.2 Presentation to Frances Hoak

On behalf of the Board and the administration, Chairman Murphy presented Fran Hoak, Library Assistant, with a retirement gift and thanked her for her years of service to students since 2002. 6.2 President’s Report

� Campus Safety Procedures – Chief Patrick O’Connor reviewed the

qualifications and continuous training of the college’s police department staff and the procedures in place for handling security and threat situations on the campus.

� Enrollment Report – Sadya Khan, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, provided an enrollment report, indicating that enrollment is down by less than two percent in headcount and three percent in credit hours this fall compared to last fall. She indicated that nationally, colleges and universities are experiencing declines in enrollment, due to such factors as economic recovery, which can flatten enrollment because more jobs are available, and a decline in numbers of graduating seniors. While official figures from the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) are not available yet, an informal poll showed that no area colleges are up in enrollment for this fall. Most are down anywhere from three to five percent and some community colleges are in double-digit negatives. In conclusion,


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 3

Ms. Khan reported that, thanks to the work of Marketing and Student Development, dual credit enrollments have increased substantially, which has had a positive effect on enrollment figures for fall. She also indicated that a more detailed enrollment report will be available on the webpage for Institutional Research at the end of the month.

Dr. Jenkins reported that Dr. Jo Ann Jenkins will provide a report to the Board on dual credit at the next meeting or at the Board retreat in December. She reported that the state still has not approved a budget. Monetary Award Program (MAP) grants for students are a major issue. Federally funded programs, such as Adult Basic Education and Perkins, which flow through the state, are also on hold as a result, although the college is continuing to support these programs. Dr. Jenkins reported that she and other college presidents have been invited to a meeting at the Governor’s office on October 22. She will go to the meeting prepared with information about the hardships that Moraine Valley students are facing as a result of the state’s stalled budget.

VII. COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 Letter from Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and Certificate of Recognition 7.2 Tree Campus USA 2014 Chronicle of Higher Education Recognition VIII. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 8.1 Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report showing an ending balance of $ 160,093,712.76 will be filed for audit. (DOCUMENT A - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES)

8.2 Budget Report

(DOCUMENT B - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) CONSENT AGENDA (IX – XII): It was moved by Mr. Coleman and seconded by Mrs. Wagner to approve the following consent agenda items: IX. WARRANTS

Mr. Sterkowitz read the warrant summaries as presented to the Board.


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 4

9.1 Account Expenditure Summaries 9.2 Education Fund $ 5,556,493.30

9.3 Operation & Maintenance Fund 1,113,776.76 9.4 Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) 466,152.63 9.5 Bond & Interest Fund -0- 9.6 Auxiliary Enterprise Fund 1,952,252.25 9.7 Grants & Contracts Fund 258,267.11 9.7A College Activity Clubs 13,643.74 9.8 Restricted Purpose Fund 28,520.70 9.9 Federal Fund 196,793.84 9.9B Tort & Audit 45,000.00 9.9C Working Cash Fund -0- (DOCUMENT C - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) X. REPORT OF PERSONNEL

Chairman Murphy publicly identified the nature of the agenda items contained in the Report of Personnel.

10.1-1 Full-Time

Jehan Chapple - Library Acquisitions Assistant, Learning Resource Center – effective 10/19/15 Amanda Mesirow - Coordinator, Code of Conduct, Student Services – effective 10/19/15 Nagieh Omer - Admissions Recruiter, Enrollment Services – effective 10/19/15 Lori Sanders - Director, IT Project Management, Information Technology – effective 10/19/15

(DOCUMENT D - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 10.1-2 Part-Time/Supplemental/Other (DOCUMENT E - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 10.1-3 Salary Revisions None.


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 5

10.1-4 Leave of Absence Scott Leturno - Academic Technology Professional and LMS Administrator, Information Technology - L.O.A. (FMLA) Intermittent 9/14/15-9/13/16 Michelle Miller - Research Analyst, Institutional Research & Planning – L.O.A. (FMLA) 11/9/15-2/26/16 Shelita Shaw - Assistant Professor, Communications, Liberal Arts - L.O.A. (FMLA) Intermittent 9/17/15-9/16/16

(DOCUMENT F - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 10.1-5 Resignations/Terminations

Lisa Cockerham - Walmart Brighter Futures 2.0 Project Manager, Corporate, Community and Continuing Education - resignation effective 10/2/15 Jermaine Ford Business Services Consultant, Corporate, Community and Continuing Education - resignation effective 10/7/15

(DOCUMENT G - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 10.1-6 Reclassifications (Promotions, Transfers, Corrections, etc.)

Jeffrey Christ – from Instructor, Philosophy, Liberal Arts to Assistant Professor - effective Academic Year 2015-2016


Chairman Murphy publicly identified the nature of the agenda items contained in New Business. Secretary Susan Murphy read into the record by title the resolution for Agenda Item 12.2 as follows:

Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $10,250,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds of Community College District No. 524, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of said Community College District, providing for the levy of a direct


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 6

annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.

Chairman Murphy explained that this is a first step in a process that will allow the Board to refinance existing debt and possibly save money for taxpayers. He clarified that this action would take place only if the market conditions were advantageous; it does not obligate the college to do so. Mr. Sterkowitz indicated that additional information will be shared with the Board at the November meeting.

12.1 Annual Life Safety Submission: Building F Re-roofing & Campus Security Upgrades

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the life safety project as outlined on the attached application.

(DOCUMENT I - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 12.2 Resolution Providing for the Issue of General Obligation Refunding

Bonds of the District for the Purpose of Refunding Certain Outstanding Bonds of the District, Providing for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient to Pay the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds, and Authorizing the Sale of Said Bonds to the Purchaser Thereof

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $10,250,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds of Community College District No. 524, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of said Community College District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.

(DOCUMENT J - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 12.3 Affiliation Agreement with Palos Community Hospital (Nursing

Refresher Update)

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the affiliation agreement with Palos Community Hospital for Nursing Refresher Update.



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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 7

12.4 Affiliation Agreement with Lakeview Family Medical Care (Medical Assistant)

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the affiliation agreement with Lakeview Family Medical Care for Medical Assistant.

(DOCUMENT L - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES) 12.5 Affiliation Agreement with Treatment Alternatives for Safe Community

(TASC) (Addictions Studies)

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the affiliation agreement with Treatment Alternatives for Safe Community (TASC) for Addictions Studies. (DOCUMENT M - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES)

12.6 Clinical Education Agreement with Adventist Midwest Health

(Respiratory Therapy, Medical Assistant)

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the clinical Education agreement with Adventist Midwest Health for Respiratory Therapy and Medical Assistant. (DOCUMENT N - SUPPLEMENT TO MINUTES)

12.7 Chrysler Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) School Agreement

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Chrysler Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) School Agreement.


ROLL CALL VOTE TAKEN on Consent Agenda Items 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.7A, 9.8, 9.9, 9.9B, and 9.9C; 10.1-1, 10.1-2, 10.1-3, 10.1-4, 10.1-5, and 10.1-6; and 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, and 12.7:

Yes: Coleman, Hastings, M. Murphy, S. Murphy, O’Sullivan, Wagner, J. Murphy Student Advisory: Yes Motion carried. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS None.


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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015 Page 8


It was moved by Ms. O’Sullivan and seconded by Mrs. Murphy to move to closed session for purposes of discussing matters related to pending litigation pursuant to Section 2(c)(11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Chairman Murphy indicated that no action would be taken after the closed session. ROLL CALL VOTE TAKEN on motion to move to closed session: Yes: Coleman, Hastings, M. Murphy, S. Murphy, O’Sullivan, Wagner, J. Murphy Student Advisory: Yes Motion carried. The Board moved to closed session at 6:57 PM, returning to open session at 7:35 PM. Roll Call: Coleman, Hastings, M. Murphy, S. Murphy, O’Sullivan, Wagner, J. Murphy, Awwad

XVI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.


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Agenda Item 5.0 December 16, 2015

BOARD REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS 5.1 ICCTA Meeting Report – J. Coleman Verbal 5.2 Student Trustee Report - Awwad Verbal


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Agenda Item 6.0

December 16, 2015 REPORTS OF ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Presentation to Yolanda Flores (retirement) Verbal

6.2 Presentation to Toula Karnavas (retirement) Verbal

6.3 Presentation to Theresa Michalow (retirement) Verbal

6.4 Presentation to Irene Zaker (retirement) Verbal

6.5 President’s Report Verbal

• Certificates of Achievement in Financial Reporting • Grants Report


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Agenda Item 7.0 December 16, 2015

COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 Letter from Association of School Business Officials re Certificate of Enclosed

Excellence for FY2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

7.2 Thank You Letter from Judge for Skyway Writers' Conference (Carey Enclosed

Millsap-Spears, Lisa Kelsay, Ted Powers) 7.3 Letter from Student re Faculty Member (Karen Harrigan) Enclosed 7.4 Letter from Illinois Board of Higher Education re Student Selection Enclosed

for Art Exhibit (Pericich Mikayla)


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July 6, 2015 Sylvia Jenkins, Ph.D. President Moraine Valley Community College 9000 W. College Parkway Palos Hills, IL 60465 Dear Dr. Jenkins: Congratulations! The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International is pleased to announce that Moraine Valley Community College has received ASBO’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ending 2014. As the only award program specifically designed for school district financial reporting, the COE represents a significant achievement and reflects a high level of commitment to fiscal integrity. To receive the award, the district must satisfy specific guidelines for effective, high-quality financial reporting recognized by school business officials. Your school district merits special recognition for receiving this prestigious award. Please feel free to use the attached press release to share this important achievement with your local press and the community. Congratulations to you and the members of your staff who worked so hard to earn the COE this year. Sincerely,

John D. Musso Executive Director, CAE, RSBA Attachments: as JM:hc


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From: Laura L. Enright Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 8:42 PM To: President Subject: Skyway Writer's Dear Dr. Jenkins, Friday I had the great pleasure of taking part in the Skyway Writer's Conference at Moraine Valley College. I wanted to take a moment to contact you and tell you what a wonderful time I had and how well the staff and volunteers did in facilitating the event. They were extremely welcoming, which is always a nice thing at this type of event (and not always something that the staff achieve) and helped the event run smoothly with a great deal of humor that helped brighten an already wonderful experience. I'd particularly like to compliment Carey Milsap-Spears, Lisa Kelsay and Ted Powers who handled the arrangements from the moment I was contacted and through the event very professionally, making it easy for me to take part. I'm grateful to them and the college for letting me take part in the event. Sincerely, Laura L. Enright (Judge for Nonfiction)


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Dear, Dr. Sylvia M. Jenkins

My name is Nuer Alshaikh. I believe I have written to you before about an outstanding professor a year later I must bring this professor to your attention again!

Since I was a young adult I thought I always wanted to major in psychology. It was always my goal. Last fall, around this time after having Mrs. Harrigan’s Psychology 104 class, I learned that I wanted to use psychology but in a different approach. Mrs. Harrigan helped me believe more in myself just by the information she taught. Her class was my first class that I truly enjoyed as a college student. I really hated having to miss her class for an unexpected event that would take place in my life. Not once did she not fill me in on what I missed though. She was always on top of things and kept the whole class active in every discussion. The way she was such a strong forward leader that always made class interesting supported my choice in becoming a teacher.

One day after class I asked her if we could set up a date and time for me to interview her and get more information about her journey to get to where she stood, and still stands. Even with her busy schedule, she took time out of her day and sat with me while sipping on a cup of coffee as I asked question after question. Honestly, I sat there listening to this professor thinking, I want to be her. The heart, the love, the kindness, the supportive role model she is too many, I wanted to fill her shoes one day. After I finished asking her questions I had no idea she would put more time and turn the table on me. As I began to thank her for all her information and started putting my notebook away she looked at me and began asking my life goals, my plans to reach those goals, and motivated me to believe in myself. It worked.

Since the fall semester of 2015, my grades have been amazing. I was always struggling to find my love for school, even though I wanted to be educated, I never had the motivation. After just that one interview, my whole life changed. My grades are pretty good. Not to sound cocky, but I’m just very proud of who I am because of a professor here at Moraine Valley. Many times you will hear students say how going to a 4 year university is better than a community college but, had I thought that way I would have never met and amazing motivator like Mrs. Harrigan. The best part about it is that now she’s my mentor. Without getting paid extra, or without seeking anything in return, she stays in contact with me daily and always reminding me that I can be the best of the best. There are days I’m beyond stressed, and I know she has enough on her plate so I try to keep it to myself, but somehow she figures it out and helps me fight the stress and get comfortable with any situation that may occur.

I guess I’m writing to you to just say thank you for having such an amazing Professor on your team. She is definitely one to be proud of. I am sure that you care about the success of the students here at Moraine and having her on the team will definitely keep that success rate rising. Trust me, I am living proof.

Thank You for your time, I hope to hear back from you soon!

Sincerely, Nuer Alshaikh


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November 25, 2015 Call for Student Artists: Long-term art exhibit at IBHE headquarters Dear Mikayla Perecich: We are very grateful for all the submissions we received to our long-term art exhibit contest. The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) would like to congratulate you on being chosen to display your submission named “Passing Her Prime.” Artwork was selected by a committee of IBHE employees. Artwork will reside on loan to IBHE for one year (through November 2016). IBHE offices are open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please deliver or have your artwork delivered to the above address during the month of December. You are responsible for preparing your artwork for wall mounting prior to delivery to the IBHE offices. Once we receive your submission in our offices we will provide you with a letter and certificate of recognition. Please be sure to provide your permanent address and phone number. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Deitsch at [email protected] or 217-557-7380. Again, congratulations! Sincerely,

Dr. James L. Applegate Executive Director

Phone: (217) 782-2551 � Fax: (217) 782-8548 � TTY: (888) 261-2881 � Printed on Recycled Paper

Bruce Rauner Governor

Lindsay Anderson Chicago


Jane Hays Champaign Vice Chair


Jay D. Bergman Joliet

Miguel del Valle


Alice Marie Jacobs Danville

Allan Karnes


Paul L. Langer Lincolnwood

Lazaro Lopez

Hoffman Estates

Santos Rivera Chicago

Robert J. Ruiz

Oak Lawn

Christine Wiseman Palos Heights

Addison E. Woodward, Jr.


Student Members Tyler Solorio


Sean Anderson Chicago

Executive Director

Dr. James L. Applegate




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EDUCATION FUND $45,275,122.17 $4,866,176.85 $6,621,225.21 $43,520,073.81 OPERATION & MAINT FUND 6,501,508.32 17,166.55 765,727.17 5,752,947.70 OPERATION & MAINT (RESTR.) 20,286,975.05 510,298.06 1,361,829.48 19,435,443.63 AUXILIARY FUNDS 7,308,215.90 1,018,539.86 462,223.34 7,864,532.42 RESTRICTED PURPOSE FUNDS 24,674,552.95 1,215,170.59 1,314,230.73 24,575,492.81 BOND & INTEREST FUND 56,524,027.62 527,307.82 5,709,389.76 51,341,945.68 TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS 124,971.75 7,282.71 21,521.56 110,732.90 TOTAL $160,695,373.76 $8,161,942.44 $16,256,147.25 $152,601,168.95




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9.2 EDUCATION FUND $6,621,225.21



9.5 BOND & INTEREST FUND 5,709,389.76


9.7 GRANTS & CONTRACTS FUND 246,053.63



9.9 FEDERAL FUND 993,687.77

9.9b TORT & AUDIT 29,465.50


TOTAL $16,256,147.25


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Agenda Item No. 10.0 December 16, 2015

10.0 R E P O R T S OF P E R S O N N E L

10.1-1 Full Time Enclosed

10.1-2 Part Time/Supplemental/Other Enclosed 10.1-3 Salary Revisions None

10.1-4 Leave of Absence (LOA) Enclosed 10.1-4(a) Sabbatical Leave – Faculty Enclosed 10.1-5 Resignations/Terminations Enclosed 10.1-5(a) Retirement – Support Staff Enclosed 10.1-5(b) Retirement – Administrative & Professional Staff Enclosed 10.1-6 Reclassifications Enclosed

(Promotions, Transfers, Corrections, Etc.)


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-1

December 16, 2015 S U B J E C T R E P O R T – Full Time Gregg Beglau Coordinator, Student Success and Veterans Student Success Effective: 1/11/16 Alfred Gary Warehouse Supervisor Purchasing Effective: 1/6/16 Randall Guinn Police Officer Police Department Effective: 12/17/15 Nathan Lewis Student Development Specialist Enrollment Services Effective: 1/6/16 Matthew McDougall Groundskeeper Campus Operations Effective: 1/6/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N That the above be employed at the indicated salary conditional upon receipt of a drug screening and a background check from the State of Illinois.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-4 December 16, 2015 S U B J E C T R E P O R T – Leave of Absence (LOA) Sarah Bales Professor, Biology L.O.A. (FMLA) Science, Business & Computer Technology 11/11/15-2/3/16 Darren Howard Manager, Grants Accounting and Compliance L.O.A. (FMLA) Finance Intermittent 11/9/15-4/30/16 Deborah Sievers Director of Disability Services L.O.A. (FMLA) Center for Disability Services Intermittent 11/2/15-11/1/16 Bridget Spencer Custodian L.O.A. (FMLA) Campus Operations 1/18/16-3/4/16

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N That the above leaves be granted.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-4(a) December 16, 2015

Sabbatical Leave - Faculty In accordance with the Faculty Negotiated Agreement, two (2) applications for sabbatical leave were received. The applications were reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee, the appropriate Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs. It is recommended that the following faculty members be granted a sabbatical leave:

Sheryl Bundy, Associate Professor, Communication Fall 2016 Semester with full pay

Joanne Delany, Assistant Professor, Nursing Fall 2016 semester with full pay

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N That the above leaves be granted.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-5 December 16, 2015 S U B J E C T R E P O R T - Resignations/Terminations Grant Matthews Assistant Dean, Learning Enrichment Resignation and College Readiness Effective: 1/15/16 Rhett Wheeler Laboratory Technician Resignation Science, Business & Computer Technology Effective: 1/15/16

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N That the above be approved as presented.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-5(a) December 16, 2015

Retirement – Support Staff

The following employee has submitted a notice of retirement per date listed:

Yolanda Flores Secretary II 12/31/15

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N It is recommended that the request for retirement be approved as presented.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-5(b) December 16, 2015

Retirement – Administrative & Professional Staff

The following employee has submitted a notice of retirement per date listed:

Andrew M. Duren Executive Vice President, 5/20/16 Administrative Services

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N It is recommended that the request for retirement be approved as presented.


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Agenda Item No. 10.1-6 December 16, 2015 S U B J E C T R E P O R T – Reclassifications (Promotions, Transfers, Etc.) Name Present Position Action Taken Cynthia Anderson Asst. Dean, Academic

Development/Outreach Center for Teaching & Learning

Reclassified to: Dean, Academic Development/Academic Outreach

Effective: 1/4/16 Randall Basick Telecommunications Manager Reclassified to: Information Technology User Support Services Manager Effective: 2/1/16 Terra Jacobson Manager of Library Services Reclassified to: Learning Resource Center Dean, Learning Resource Center Effective: 1/4/16


R E C O M M E N D E D A C T I O N That the above be approved as presented.


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Agenda Item 12.0 December 16, 2015

NEW BUSINESS *12.1 Review of Closed Session Written Minutes and Audio Tapes Enclosed *12.2 Adoption of Resolution Setting Forth Tax Levies for 2015 and

Approval of Tax Certificate of Tax Levy for 2015 Enclosed *12.3 Property Tax Limitation Resolution Enclosed *12.4 Resolution to Amend and Restate the Moraine Valley Community

College Section 125 Flexible Spending Account Program Enclosed *12.5 Affiliation Agreement with Addiction Recovery Services

(Addictions Studies) Enclosed *12.6 Education Affiliation Agreement with Franciscan Saint James Health

(Respiratory Therapy) Enclosed *12.7 Intergovernmental Agreement with North Palos School District No.

117 for Evacuation and Temporary Emergency Shelter Enclosed *12.8 Parking Lot L Rehabilitation Bid Enclosed *12.9 Building T Roof Replacement Bid Enclosed *12.10 Online College Catalog Request for Proposal (RFP) Enclosed *12.11 Student Success Center Furniture Bid and Purchase Enclosed *12.12 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the year 2015 to Pay

Debt Service on the Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2012D, and General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013, of the District Enclosed


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Agenda Item 12.1 December 16, 2015

REVIEW OF CLOSED SESSION WRITTEN MINUTES AND AUDIO TAPES In January 1989, Public Act 85-1355 became law and requires that public bodies meet and review, at least on a semi-annual basis, written minutes of all closed session meetings to determine whether the need for confidentiality still exists. In January 2004, Public Act 93-0523 became law and requires that public bodies also keep a verbatim record of all closed session meetings in the form of an audio or video recording. The verbatim recording is to be kept confidential for a minimum of 18 months and may be destroyed after the public body approves the written minutes of that closed session and approves the destruction of the recording. It has been at least 18 months since the adjournment of several recorded closed session meetings; the Board has previously determined that the written minutes of these meetings can be released. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the written minutes of the closed session held on October 13, 2015 not be released. Additionally, it is recommended that the audio tapes of December 18, 2013; February 19, 2014; March 19, 2014; and April 16, 2014 closed session meetings be destroyed.


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Agenda Item 12.2 December 16, 2015


This resolution sets forth the levy recommended at the November 11, 2015 Board meeting. The Certificate of Tax Levy is a part of this resolution. See attached resolution. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt the Resolution Setting Forth Tax Levies for 2015 and approve the Certificate of Tax Levy for 2015.


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SECTION 1: That the sum of Twenty One Million Three Hundred Fifty-One Thousand

Nine Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($21,351,975) be levied as a tax for Educational purposes;

and the sum of Seven Million Four Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Seven

Dollars ($7,423,667) be levied as a tax for Operations and Maintenance purposes; and the sum of

Five Hundred Nine Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($509,268) be levied as a

special tax for the purposes of Local Government and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity

Act; and the sum of Ninety-Four Thousand Dollars ($94,000) be levied as a special tax for

Financial Audit purposes; and the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) be levied as a special

tax for Protection Health and Safety purposes on the equalized assessed value of the taxable

property of Community College District 524, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the year

2015 to be collected in the year 2016; and that the levy for the year 2015 be allocated 50% for

Fiscal Year 2016 and 50% for Fiscal Year 2017.


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SECTION 2: That the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Community College District 524,

County of Cook and State of Illinois, is hereby authorized and directed to file a Certificate of

Levy in substantially the form that is attached hereto with the County Clerk of Cook County,

Illinois, on or before the last Tuesday of December 2015.

SECTION 3: That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its

passage, approval and filing, as provided by law.

SECTION 4: That the Chairperson is authorized to execute the attached Certificate of

Compliance with the Truth in Taxation Act.

PASSED this 16th day of December , 2015.




Chairperson, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Trustees


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CERTIFICATE OF TAX LEVY Community College District No 524 County Cook Community College District Name Moraine Valley District 524 and State of Illinois hereby certify that we require: the sum of $ 21,351,975 to be levied as a tax for educational purposes (110 ILCS 805/3-1), and the sum of $ 7,423,667 to be levied as a tax for operations and maintenance purposes (110 ILCS 805/3-1, the sum of $ to be levied as an additional tax for educational and operations and maintenance

purposes (110 ILCS 805/3-14.3), and the sum of $ 509,268 to be levied as a special tax for the purposes of Local Government and

Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, (745 ICLS 10/9-107), and the sum of $ to be levied as a special tax for Social Security and Medicare insurance purposes,

(40 ILCS 5/21-110 AND 5/21-110.1), and the sum of $ 94,000 to be levied as a special tax for financial audit purposes (50 ILCS 310/9), and the sum of $ 1.000,000 to be levied as a special tax for protection, health and safety purposes (110 ILCS

805/3-20.3.01. the sum of $ - to be levied as a special tax for (specify) purposes, on the

taxable property of our community college district for the year 2010. Signed this 16th day of December , 2015 .

MVCC Chairperson of the Board . MVCC Secretary of the Board

When any community college district is authorized to issue bonds, the community college board shall file in the office of the county clerk in which any part of the community college district is situated a certified copy of the resolution providing for their issuance and levying a tax to pay them The county clerk shall each year during the life of a bond issue extend the tax for bonds and interest set forth in the certified copy of the resolution. Therefore, to avoid a possible duplication of tax levies, the community College Board should not include in its’ annual tax levy a levy for bonds and interest. Number of bond issues of said community college district, which have not been paid in full five . This certificate of tax levy shall be filed with the county clerk of each county in which any part of the community college district is located on or before the last Tuesday in December.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

DETACH AND RETURN TO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT This is to certify that the Certificate of Tax Levy for Community College District No. 524 County of Cook and State of Illinois on the equalized assessed value of all taxable property of said community college district for the year 2015, was filed in the office of the County Clerk of this county on 2015. In addition to an extension of taxes authorized by levies made by the board of said community college district, an additional extension(s) will be made, as authorized by the resolution on file with this office, to provide funds to retire bonds and pay interest thereon. The total amount, as approved in the original resolution(s), for said purpose for the year 2015 is $ . . Date County Clerk and County


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I, Joseph P. Murphy, hereby certify that I am the presiding

officer of Community College District No. 524, Moraine Valley

Community College, and as such presiding officer I certify that

the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was adopted

pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the

provisions of the Illinois Property Tax Code - Truth in Taxation

Law, 35 ILCS 200/18-55, et seq. (2002).

This certificate applies to the 2015 tax levy.

December 16, 2015 Joseph P. Murphy, Chairman Date Board of Trustees


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Agenda Item 12.3 December 16, 2015

PROPERTY TAX LIMITATION RESOLUTION (See attached resolution) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Board adopt the Property Tax Limitation Resolution as presented.


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Property Tax Limitation Resolution BE IT RESOLVED that the following funds not be limited by the Tax Limitation Act and that levies be no less than the following amounts:

Life Safety $ 1,000,000 Auditing 94,000 Liability Ins. and Tort 509,268

Funds to be limited if necessary: Education 21,351,975 not below 21,100,000

Building 7,423,667 not below 7,250,000

Adopted this 16th day of December 2015 Chairman Board of Trustees


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* * *

WHEREAS, Moraine Valley Community College (“College”) maintains a Section 125 Flexible Spending Account Program (APlan@), initially effective January 1, 2006, for the benefit of its eligible employees; and

WHEREAS, the Plan is intended to qualify as a Acafeteria plan@ within the meaning of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Code@), and other applicable sections of the Code and the Treasury Regulations issued thereunder; and

WHEREAS, the College intends to restate and amend the Plan to update and clarify the benefits available under the Plan, and to add benefit options including a Health Savings Account (HSA) component and a Limited Purpose Health Flexible Spending Account (Limited Purpose Health FSA) component; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the College and its employees to amend and restate the Plan at this time.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved by the College as follows: 1. The preamble recitals of this Resolution are hereby adopted as if fully set forth

herein. 2. The College hereby approves and adopts the amended and restated Moraine

Valley Community College Section 125 Flexible Spending Account Program (“Plan”), which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, effective as of the date set forth below.

3. The Board of Trustees directs and authorizes the College’s Administration to

perform all administrative tasks that are necessary and appropriate to implement the amended and restated Plan, and for the ongoing administration of the College’s Plan, including preparing and maintaining a Summary Plan Description, the most recent version of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

Adopted this 16th day of December, 2015, by the following vote: AYES:



Board of Trustees

By: Chair

Attest: 518878v1


Agenda Item 12.4December 16, 2015

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Agenda Item 12.7 December 16, 2015




THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into as of the effective date set forth in

Paragraph 14 below and pursuant to the authority of the Illinois Constitution and Illinois State

Statutes, by and between the Board of Trustees of Moraine Valley Community College District

No. 524, Cook County, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as “MVCC”), and the Board of Education

of North Palos School District No. 117, Cook County (hereinafter referred to as the “School

District”). Collectively, MVCC and the School District shall be referred to as the “Parties”.

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10, of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois

encourages intergovernmental cooperation and authorizes units of local government and school

districts to contract and otherwise associate with individuals, associations, corporations, and

other units of local government in any manner not prohibited by law or by ordinance; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq.,

(the “IEMAA”) encourages thoughtful planning and preparedness, and coordination among units

of local government and State and Federal agencies in order to preserve lives and protect

property in the event of natural and/or manmade disaster and/or in the event of a public health

emergency or emergency management response; and

WHEREAS, because the MVCC campus in Palos Hills, Illinois has multiple large

buildings and is in close proximity to the campuses of the School District, the Parties have

identified MVCC (the “MVCC Facilities”) as an appropriate site for a temporary emergency

shelter in the event one or more of the School District’s campuses must be evacuated due to a


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natural and/or manmade disaster and/or in the event of a public health emergency or emergency

management response; and

WHEREAS, in consideration of the foregoing, this Agreement by and between the

Parties has been presented to the governing boards of each of MVCC and the School District for

their approval and execution; and

WHEREAS, MVCC and the School District find that it is in the best interests of their

respective communities that this Agreement be executed and in effect.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein

contained, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Request for Emergency Use of MVCC Facilities. If the School District

determines that it is affected by an emergency situation, such as a natural or manmade disaster,

including but not limited to fire, flood, storm, hazardous material spill, public health emergency

and/or emergency management response that necessitates the use of the MVCC Facilities, the

School District shall notify MVCC’s emergency contact liaison and explain the nature of the

emergency, the extent of its need for MVCC Facilities, and the anticipated duration of the use.

The duration of the use shall be reassessed at the conclusion of each 24 hour period and MVCC

may limit use as determined in MVCC’s discretion in consultation with the School District.

MVCC may consider its responsibilities to its students, faculty, officers, employees, and agents,

including without limitation its uninterrupted operation before granting permission to the School

District to use MVCC Facilities.

2. Area of Use of MVCC Facilities. MVCC shall determine a suitable area of use at

the MVCC Facilities to be provided to the School District for the purposes of this Agreement.

MVCC shall at all times be the sole owner of the MVCC Facilities and the School District shall


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have no right or interest in any portion of the MVCC Facilities, except for the right to use

portions of MVCC Facilities as provided in this Agreement. MVCC may prepare and establish a

partial floor plan for the MVCC Facilities which shall designate those areas that may be utilized

for emergency purposes. A copy of the partial floor plan shall be provided to the School District.

The School District acknowledges that MVCC has limited capacity and that MVCC may limit

capacity based on a determination of the best interests of MVCC.

3. Limited Emergency Use. The School District expressly acknowledges and agrees

that MVCC Facilities shall only be used by the School District, pursuant to this Agreement,

during bona fide emergencies. The School District shall only permit its students, employees,

agents, and evacuees in need of the emergency shelter to utilize the MVCC Facilities. MVCC

Facilities shall not be used by the School District for any commercial purpose and the School

District shall not charge those taking shelter any fees for such use.

4. Return, Repair, and Replacement. The School District shall exercise reasonable

care in the conduct of activities in the MVCC Facilities. At the conclusion of the School

District’s use of the MVCC Facilities, the School District shall return MVCC Facilities to

substantially the same condition as at the outset of use. The School District shall replace or

reimburse MVCC for any foods or supplies that may be used in the conduct of the evacuation

and sheltering activities at MVCC. The School District shall also be responsible for the cost of

repair and/or replacement of any damage to the MVCC Facilities which occurs as a result of or

in connection with its use of any portion of the MVCC Facilities under this Agreement. If the

School District does not repair the damages within fourteen (14) days after MVCC sends written

notice to the School District of the damages, MVCC may make such repairs. In such case, the


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School District shall reimburse MVCC for the reasonable repair and/or replacement costs MVCC

incurs within fourteen (14) days after MVCC sends a written invoice to the School District.

5. Indemnification. The School District hereby agrees to defend, hold harmless, and

indemnify MVCC against any and all liabilities, loss, claim, demand, lien, damage, penalty,

interest, cost, and expense, including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation

costs, incurred by MVCC for injuries to persons (including death) or for damage, destruction, or

theft of property arising out of any such temporary emergency operations activity authorized by

this Agreement.

6. Waiver and Release. For and in consideration of the use of the MVCC Facilities,

the School District and its employees, and agents hereby waive, release, and warrant that they

shall not bring any claim, by lawsuit or otherwise, against MVCC, its officers, employees,

agents, directly or on behalf of the School District, its employees, or agents, or any other person

in connection with use of the MVCC Facilities unless the claim is related to the breach of this


7. Insurance. The School District, at its sole cost and expense, shall keep in full

force and effect at all times during the term of this Agreement comprehensive general liability

and property damage insurance, insuring against all liability of the School District arising out of

its use of MVCC Facilities, with a minimum combined single limit of Ten Million

($10,000,000.00) dollars per occurrence, (which can be achieved by umbrella limits,) as well as

contractual liability coverages, workers’ compensation insurance with statutory limits, and such

other types of insurance in such amounts and with such companies or self-insurance pools as are

reasonably acceptable to MVCC against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property

that might arise from the School District’s use of MVCC Facilities. Automobile liability limits of


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$1,000,000 are required if student transport is planned. Such policies shall name MVCC, its

officers, employees, agents, and successors as an additional insured and provide that it is primary

to, and not contributing with, any policy carried by the School District covering the same loss

with a waiver of subrogation in favor of MVCC. The School District shall make its certificates

of insurance available to MVCC upon request and MVCC may terminate this Agreement if the

School District is unable to provide certificates of insurance that evidence the insurance

requirements provided in this Paragraph. All policies of insurance shall provide by endorsement

that no coverage may be canceled, terminated, or reduced by the insuring company without the

insuring company having first given at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to MVCC by

certified mail, return receipt requested8. Liability. The Parties intend on carrying out this

Agreement to fully utilize the provisions of Section 10-22.35 of the Illinois School Code, 105

ILCS 5/10-22.35, and Sections 15 and 21 of the IEMAA, 20 ILCS 3305/15 and 21, such that, to

the fullest extent permitted by law, neither party, nor any of its officers, agents, employees, or

representatives engaged in any emergency management response or recovery activities including

the use of the MVCC Facilities, while complying with or attempting to comply with the IEMAA

or any rule or regulations promulgated pursuant to the IEMAA, will be liable for the death of or

any injury to persons, or damage to property, as a result of such activity, except to the other party

to this Agreement as provided in this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is any

liability, the School District shall assume such liability, including such liability as may be

properly imposed by law, for its use of MVCC Facilities as an emergency shelter.

9. No Waiver of Tort Immunity Defenses. Nothing contained in this Agreement is

intended to constitute nor shall constitute a waiver of the defenses available to the Parties under


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the Illinois Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, 745 ILCS

10/1-101 et seq. with respect to claims by third parties.

10. Term. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for an initial period of one

(1) year from the effective date as set forth in Paragraph 14 and the term of this Agreement shall

be automatically extended and/or renewed for nine (9) additional one-year periods for such

purpose, provided, however, either party to this Agreement may also terminate this Agreement

upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party, but notwithstanding the foregoing, if an

obligation for reimbursement or indemnification of MVCC by the School District pursuant to

Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Intergovernmental Agreement arises during the term of this

Agreement, the School District’s obligation to provide such reimbursement or indemnification

relative to such claim shall survive and continue after the termination of this Agreement.

11. MVCC and School District Liaisons. MVCC and the School District shall

designate in writing one or more representatives as a primary liaison and alternative liaisons

authorized to act on their behalf to plan for and facilitate the implementation of this Agreement

and to provide and receive information pursuant to this Agreement.

12. Notice. All notices shall be in writing, sent by certified mail, return receipt

requested, with proper postage prepaid, shall be deemed to have been given on the date of the

mailing, and shall be addressed as follows:

TO MVCC: Executive Vice President for Administrative Services

Moraine Valley Community College 9000 W. College Pkwy. Building D, Room D201 Palos Hills, IL 60465

TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICT: Superintendent of Schools North Palos School District No. 117 7825 W. 103rd St.


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Palos Hills, IL 60465

13. Entire Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement

between the Parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the Parties

regarding the subject matter hereof. This Agreement shall not be amended except by written

agreement of the Parties.

14. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be deemed dated and become effective on

the date the last of the Parties signs as set forth below the signature of their duly authorized


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MVCC and the School District have caused this Agreement to

be executed by their respective duly authorized officers.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES, MORAINE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Cook County, Illinois By: ___________________________

Its Chair

ATTEST: _____________________________ Its Secretary

Dated: _______________



Its President

ATTEST: _____________________________

Its Secretary

Dated: __________________


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Agenda Item 12.8 December 16, 2015

DATE: November 30, 2015 TO: Andrew Duren Vice President of Administrative Services FROM: Jane M. Bentley Director of Purchasing RE: Parking Lot L Rehabilitation Bid The bid was duly advertised in a local newspaper as prescribed by law. The bid was also advertised on the college’s web site. The bids were opened on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 2:00 PM, in room L 145. Five (5) bids were received. The results of the bid are delineated on the attached sheet. The pricing for this bid was not via State contract or consortium contracts. The last time the L Parking Lot had significant work was in 1988. The current lot has reached the end of its useful life. The general scope of the project includes, but is not limited to, labor and materials for milling and resurfacing the existing L parking lot, drive aisles and north entrance ways, as well as pole mounted light fixture replacement. The recommendation of a bidder for the award of this project is based on the bidder’s responsiveness to the identified qualifications, requirements of the project, and the bid amount. Upon review of the bid submittal and vendor meeting by the College’s architect exp., it was found that K-Five Construction, of Lemont, Illinois, the apparent low bidder, understood the scope of the bid and alternate and met all bidding requirements for the project including all the necessary bidding documents with their submission. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Whereas K-Five Construction, of Lemont, Illinois, is the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, it is recommended that the Board of Trustees award this bid and authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $ 372,236.00 to K-Five Construction for the Parking Lot L Rehabilitation Bid.


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Agenda Item 12.9 December 16, 2015

DATE: November 30, 2015 TO: Andrew Duren Vice President of Administrative Services FROM: Jane M. Bentley Director of Purchasing RE: Building T Roof Replacement Bid The bid was duly advertised in a local newspaper as prescribed by law. The bid was also advertised on the college’s web site. The bids were opened on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 3:00 PM, in room L 145. Eight (8) bids were received. The results of the bid are delineated on the attached sheet. The pricing for this bid was not via State contract or consortium contracts. The current roof on T Building is twenty three (23) years old. The existing roof membrane is worn thin and is deteriorating. The scope of the project includes the tear-off and replacement of the existing roof. The recommendation of a bidder for the award of this project is based on the bidder’s responsiveness to the identified qualifications, requirements of the project, and the bid amount. Upon review of the bid submittal and vendor meeting by the College’s architect exp., and engineer, Hutchinson Design Group, it was found that Sullivan Roofing, of Schaumburg, Illinois, the apparent low bidder, understood the scope of the bid and met all bidding requirements for the project including all the necessary bidding documents with their submission. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Whereas Sullivan Roofing, of Schaumburg, Illinois, is the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, it is recommended that the Board of Trustees award this bid and authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $ 1,093,000.00 to Sullivan Roofing for the Building T Roof Replacement Bid.


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Agenda Item 12.10 December 16, 2015

TO: Dr. Margaret Lehner Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Assistant to the President FROM: Kamlesh Sanghvi, Chief Information Officer Jennifer Davidson, Dean, Academic Services Scott Friedman, Dean, Student Engagement

Clare Briner, Director, Marketing and Creative Services DATE: December 3, 2015 RE: Online College Catalog Request for Proposal (RFP) Requests for proposal (RFP) were solicited in fall 2015 for an online academic catalog solution. Use of online catalogs have become the industry standard, allowing staff to edit, review and approve catalog content in a friendly and intuitive manner while also displaying the formatted content to web visitors. RFP’s were distributed to six (6) firms for this project. The RFP was also advertised on the college website. Three (3) firms submitted proposals; Smart Catalog, Digarc, and Courseleaf. Upon receipt and initial review of the proposals by professional staff from four key departments: Academic Services, Academic Advising, Information Technology, and Marketing and Creative Services, all three (3) respondents were invited to provide a web demonstration of their product showcasing the features, the functionality and the ease of use, as well as provide an opportunity for solution-specific questions. After review, the project team determined the Smart Catalog’s solution best fit the needs of the college. Smart Catalog met all the proposal requirements, and is the most cost effective solution. Smart Catalog’s client list includes many community colleges, including Kankakee Community College, and local universities, including Lewis University. The project team reviewed both of those schools’ online catalogs. In subsequent conversations with Smart Catalog, the college was able to negotiate the project cost for an additional $5,500 savings. The revised cost is listed below.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Smart Catalog’s proposal for an Online Catalog and issue a purchase order to Smart Catalog in the amount of $55,000.00 for a one-time implementation fee and yearly maintenance cost of $9,000.00. LIST OF PROPOSALS: Courseleaf $129,980 implementation, $17,980 yearly maintenance Implementation revised to $82,980 Digarc $86,036 implementation, $13,367 yearly maintenance Implementation revised to $81,777 Smart Catalog $60,550 implementation, $9,000 yearly maintenance Implementation revised to $55,000


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Agenda Item 12.11 December 16, 2015

DATE: December 2, 2015 TO: Andrew Duren Vice President of Administrative Services FROM: Jane Bentley Director of Purchasing RE: Student Success Center Furniture Bid and Purchase The bid was duly advertised in a local newspaper as prescribed by law. The bid was also advertised on the college’s web site. The bids were opened on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. in, Room L 187. Eight (8) bidders were bidders of record. Five (5) bids were received. The results of the bid opening are delineated on the attached sheet. Although the majority of the furnishings for this project were bid, certain portions of the project will be purchased via cooperative/consortium pricing. The Student Success Center furnishing requirements were developed with extensive input from Demonica Kemper Associates (DKA), one of the college’s architects and consultants on this project, as well as key Moraine staff. Input included an analysis of product options, availability, durability, sustainability and satisfaction levels for existing or similar furnishings at Moraine Valley. After clearly defining which products would best fit the scope of work, product choices were derived and furniture specifications were finalized for the Public, Classroom/Computer Lab, Orientation, Tutoring, Testing, Veterans, Honors, and various office spaces. The recommendation of a bidder for the award of this project is based on the bidder’s responsiveness to the identified qualifications, requirements, and amount. Upon review of the bid by the college’s architect, DKA, it was found that Henricksen & Company, of Itasca, Illinois, the apparent low bidder, understood the scope of the bid and met all bidding requirements for the project including all the necessary bidding documents with their submission. As both a design and manufacturing firm, KI specializes in classroom and student-use furniture of lasting durability, functionality and ergonomics, which will complement the classroom and computer lab spaces at the Student Success Center. The college is receiving pricing available through the bidding process of the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC). The purchase of this furniture will also be consistent with the positive learning environment that we have produced in partnership with KI over the years. Business Office Systems (BOS), of Carol Stream, Illinois, has been providing workspace design and solutions since 1948. These furnishings reflect the ergonomic and environmental working space and complement the design of the architecture represented at the college for office seating. The college is receiving pricing available through the bidding process of the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC) contract. The college has worked with BOS on other projects and is satisfied with the quality of work. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Whereas Henricksen & Company, of Itasca, Illinois, is the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, it is recommended that the Board of Trustees award this bid and authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $ 275,353.67 to Henricksen & Company for the purchase of furnishings at the Student Success Center. Whereas KI, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, has been approved by the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC), it is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve this purchase and authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $ 256,915.88 to KI, for the purchase of furnishings at the Student Success Center. Whereas Business Office Systems, of Carol Stream, Illinois, has been approved by the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC), it is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve this purchase and authorize the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $ 13,207.84 to BOS, for the purchase of furnishings at the Student Success Center.


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Agenda Item 12.12 December 16, 2015

RESOLUTION abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2015 to pay debt service on Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2012D, and General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013, of Community College District No. 524, County of Cook and State of Illinois.

* * *

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of Community College District No. 524,

County of Cook and State of Illinois (the “District”), by resolution adopted on the 19th day of

September, 2012, as amended by notifications of sale (the “Resolution”), did provide for the

issue of $5,400,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source),

Series 2012D, and $28,290,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source),

Series 2013 (together, the “Bonds”), and the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the

principal of and interest on the Bonds; and

Whereas the District hereby determines that the Pledged Revenues (as defined in the

Resolution) are or will be available to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due in

that bond year (December 1 and June 1), so as to enable the abatement of the Pledged Taxes (as

defined in the Resolution) levied for the same; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the District that the tax heretofore

levied for the year 2015 to pay principal and interest on the Bonds be abated:

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It and It is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Trustees of

Community College District No. 524, County of Cook and State of Illinois, as follows:

Section 1. Incorporation of Preambles. The Board hereby finds that all of the recitals

contained in the preambles to this Resolution are full, true and correct and does incorporate them

into this Resolution by this reference.


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Section 2. Abatement of Tax. The tax heretofore levied for the year 2015 in the

Resolution is hereby abated in its entirety.

Section 3. Filing of Resolution. Forthwith upon the adoption of this Resolution, the

Secretary of the Board shall file a certified copy hereof with the County Clerk of the County of

Cook, Illinois, and it shall be the duty of said County Clerk to abate said tax levied for the

year 2015 in accordance with the provisions hereof.

Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith

upon its adoption.

Adopted December 16, 2015.

_______________________________ Chair, Board of Trustees

_______________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees