MOPC High School and College · Dear MOPC, In April, while in...

The mission of Mount Olympus Presbyterian Church is to invite people to experience Jesus Christ and become his passion- ate followers. Volume LI, Issue 6 June 2016 MOPC High School and College Graduates Read about their accomplishments & plans on pages 4 Kenya Medical Mission Trip See pages 8 & 9 Vacation Bible School/Service Camp Registration has begun: Details on page 11 June Sermon Series: “Hear, O Lord”

Transcript of MOPC High School and College · Dear MOPC, In April, while in...

Page 1: MOPC High School and College · Dear MOPC, In April, while in Washington D.C. for a meeting of pastors sponsored by Interna-tional Justice Mission,

The mission of Mount Olympus

Presbyterian Church is to invite

people to experience Jesus

Christ and become his passion-

ate followers.

Volume LI, Issue 6 June 2016

MOPC High School and College Graduates Read about their accomplishments & plans on pages 4

Kenya Medical Mission Trip See pages 8 & 9

Vacation Bible School/Service Camp

Registration has begun: Details on page 11

June Sermon Series: “Hear, O Lord”

Page 2: MOPC High School and College · Dear MOPC, In April, while in Washington D.C. for a meeting of pastors sponsored by Interna-tional Justice Mission,

Dear MOPC,

In April, while in Washington D.C. for a meeting of pastors sponsored by Interna-tional Justice Mission, I attended several presentations on ways churches can be involved in the work of justice. I began to think of the mission of our church, and I became grateful for the way MOPC tends to God’s heart for mercy and justice.

We currently have a team in Na-kuru, Kenya running a medical mis-sion for children in the slums, put-ting a new roof on a medical clinic, and restocking the pharmacy. We have sent teams to serve in this par-ticular area of Kenya before and we will continue to do so.

This month a team of 20 youth and adults will serve among the homeless pop-ulation in the “skidrow” section of Los An-geles. They will work in shelters, daycare centers, and soup kitchens. And they will make contact with people on the streets, to talk, listen, and maybe even share a meal.

Helping immigrants is a way to do jus-tice. Our Executive Administrator, Sheila Barnish, has been helping Pastor Vankha-ma of the Chin Christian Church secure permanent residency. It has been a very challenging process. His church hopes he will be able to stay and lead them. Provid-ing a place for that church to gather has been one of our missions for several years.

Every month many of you go downtown and feed the hungry and homeless at St. Vincent de Paul’s soup kitchen. Some of you go to the Utah Food Bank and help their ministry of feeding the hungry.

When Wasatch Presbyterian Church hosts Family Promise, which helps home-

less families get back on their feet, many people from MOPC help by pre-paring and serving meals, visiting with the people, and helping in other ways.

Our Presbyterian Women’s group raises and gives money to a number of local and global missions. Many MOPC

members volunteer on their own at places like the Fourth Street Clinic, the Road Home, Rescue Mission and Rescue Haven. Some travel to other countries to serve. Many of us sponsor chil-dren through World Vision and

donate to other charities. And then we are always finding ways

to answer God’s call to justice in every-day, unplanned opportunities that we encounter.

Justice is feeding the hungry, caring for the orphan and the widow, and lov-ing the hurting person. It is doing the right thing before the Lord for people with heavy burdens. It is binding the brokenhearted, helping those who are down, and bringing encouragement to those who are struggling. God wants his people to do these things.

Healthy churches don’t dichotomize “spiritual” and “justice” matters. These two things are interconnected. We wor-ship so that we can “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly” with our God (Micah 6:6). And doing justice is part of our faith and worship.

In His Grace,

Phil Pastor Phil

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Hear, O Lord: A series on prayer (May 29, June 5, 12, 19)

Luke: Good News For Those On The Fringes (series begins June 26) Luke had a sense for the “outsider.” Luke was a Gentile himself and paid a lot of attention to the tax collectors, widows, and rebellious sons, among others. His Gospel tells us that any and all can be saved through Christ’s love. Truly he tells good news for those who are on the fringes of life and religion. Each ser-mon will look at various “outsiders” and how Jesus made them “insiders.”

Pastor Phil preached at the service for the Chin Christian Church on May 1st. He is pic-tured here with Pastor Vankhama, and his wife, Sun Par. Pastor Phil is wearing a sport coat of the traditional material and design of the Chin people. Burmese Christians made it for him during his visit in 2009.

I cannot fully express how much your love, kindness and support have meant to me during my recovery from the ski accident. Thank you for all your visits, calls, cards, meals, cheery gifts and countless ways you helped this past 6 weeks. There is nothing like the Body of Christ when you are in need, so thank you for all your prayers. Once again you have seen me through. Thank you and God bless you!

Love, Kathy Terrion

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Paul Bridgman is continuing classes this summer to finish his degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Nuclear Engineering. He will also continue to work as a Manager at Big Apple Pizzeria, where he has worked since before he could even drive! He may take some time after the summer for some sort of hu-manitarian service. Then, he will decide to either go to work and perhaps pursue his Master's Degree while working or go back to school full-time to get it.

Cara Hughes graduated from Whitworth University on May 22 with a Bachelors degree in Theology and minor in History. She plans to live and work in Spo-kane for 1-2 years, and then pursue an mDiv degree at an East Coast seminary. Cara served on dorm leadership for two years and was a vocalist on the chapel worship team. She spent a summer as a day camp counselor at Mount Hermon and this past summer in Scotland as one of five selected Church of Scotland interns through Whitworth's Office of Church Engagement Ekklesia program. Cara studied in Greece and covered over 2,000 miles on the mainland with pro-fessor and 20 classmates, which included presenting a research paper on wom-en in Paul's letters at Lydia's Baptistery in Philippi. She currently attends a two-year-old Anglican church plant called Christ our Peace, and has been asked to

serve as an intern there while also working outside the church.

Cole Perschon graduated from Olympus High School on May 27th with straight A’s and received a Regent and Presidential Scholarship at the Universi-ty of Utah, where he will focus on computers and the sciences. During high school, Cole played Lacrosse, went on a senior trip to Canada, and worked at a country club.

Claire Templeman will graduate from Brighton High School on June 2nd. Claire lettered in swimming and was an honor roll student. In the fall, she will study Nursing at the University of Utah.

Will Templeman will graduate from Brighton High School on June 2nd. Will lettered in swimming, took 4th place in a state robotics competition, and was on the honor roll. He plans to study Mechanical Engineering at the Univer-sity of Utah.

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Everyone is welcome to join us at The Mount. If you have never been to The Mount and have wanted to come, even just to say you have been, you are invited. Our current series is called “Spiritual” and focuses on encountering the Holy Spirit in an ordinary day. “Spiritual” will wrap up the evening of June 5th. Spen-cer Young, a graduate student at Fuller Seminary, will teach on June 12th. Then we will start a 6-week series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians.

If you are an adventure seeker, we will lead Hike Church hikes every 3rd Satur-day of the summer months (May-August). Our June hike will be on the 19th, and we will trek up Millcreek to the lookout on the desolation trail. Join our hik-ing group at MOPC at 9 a.m. to carpool to the trailhead.

Position Description: Plan Sunday classes including topics, studies, and

teachers. Lead and involve Adult Ministry Team in implement-

ing classes. Oversee Bible studies and other small groups,

providing resources as needed. Coordinate with Pastor Phil.

Time Commitment: Approximately 5-8 hours per month.

This is an unpaid staff position, but the benefits of prestige, honor and glory are immeasurable! Contact Pastor Phil or Maggie Loring (elder), for more info.

If you want to explore baptism and/or membership at MOPC, it’s not too late to sign up for an introductory class taught by Pastor Phil on Sunday, June 12th from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Lunch will be provided and childcare available upon request. Contact the church office at 801-277-2674 to register.

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Prayer Requests?

Call the church office at 801-277-2674 or e-mail your requests to [email protected]. If you would like to join the prayer chain, call 801-277-2674.

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Jamie White and our Kenya medical mission team have asked that we pray for

them. Specifically:

For safe travel and protection.

For their emotional and physical health.

For open hearts to discern what the Spirit is leading them to do.

For God’s leading and wisdom in their efforts to run the medical clinics

and serve in the schools.

That they would come to know and love God in more profound ways be-

cause of this trip.

That the Kenyan patients would be blessed with health and healing.

That the love of Jesus would spill out of all they do and say.

That God would be glorified.

See a description of our medical mission team, the objectives of their trip to

Kenya, and Jamie White’s research into short-term missions on pages 8 and 9.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Stephen Ministry


7 am Men’s Bible Study


Children’s Mini. Family Retreat

7 pm Rescue Mission


CM Family Retreat


CM Family Retreat 8:30 & 11:00 am

Worship 9:45 Adult Discipleship

6 pm The Mount


12:30 pm Staff

7 6:30 Men’s Bible Children’s Team



7 am Men’s Bible Study


9 am Sandwich

making for 4:45 pm Serving at Saint Vincent

de Paul Soup Kitchen



8:30 & 11:00 Worship 9:45 Adult Discipleship 12:15 Global Missions

12:30 Intro to MOPC 6 pm The Mount


12:30 pm Staff


6:30 am Men’s Bible

6 pm Finance 7 pm Deacons


Stephen Ministry


7 am Men’s Bible Study




8:30 & 11:00 am Worship

9:45 Adult Discipleship 6 pm The Mount

20 Mark Templeman

David Templeman

Matthew Templeman

12:30 pm Staff


6:30 am Men’s Bible



7 am Men’s Bible Study



26 Youth Mission Trip

8:30 & 11:00 am Worship

9:45 Adult Discipleship 6 pm The Mount


12:30 pm Staff 7pm Personnel



6:30 am Men’s Bible 7 pm Facilities Team



Vacation Bible School and 3,4,5 Service Camp

Youth Mission Trip– June 19-26

June Birthdays

& Events

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Jamie White’s Award-Winning Proposal: “Short Term Missions in Youth Ministry: Developing Disciples Without Harming the Developing World” Meaningful service-oriented mission work is a key ingredient in adolescent dis-cipleship, repeatedly shown to produce growing and lasting faith in the lives of teenagers. The Short Term Mission (STM) industry is booming and access to world travel has never been easier. Because of these trends, increasing num-bers of students are able to go, serve, and be transformed. Yet, what has often been so spiritually transformative for the American teenager and the overall youth ministry of our churches, has taken a toll on the people and places of the developing world. Cultural insensitivity, financial negligence, and religious intol-erance are sadly too commonly seen in much our STM effort. The purpose of this study will be to develop youth ministry training resources and best practices that will better allow STM to develop disciples without harming the developing world. With my dual role as youth minister (15 years) and Kenya Partners Vice Chairman (10 years), I propose to spend 3 months in Kenya, a STM micro-cosm, interviewing various missionaries, pastors, nonprofit staff and directors regarding the issues of STM and then incorporate these findings with my knowledge and experience in North American youth ministry into practical train-ing tools. Description of the MOPC Medical Mission: A team of 12 adults are in Na-kuru, Kenya working with the Kenya Partners Medical Clinic and various school projects from May 26-June 6. They are running two medical camps/clinics—one in a clinic building and a mobile clinic in the slum area. The team is also visiting schools/feeding programs in Nakuru. Due to their fund-raising efforts and gen-erous self-funding, the team brought medical supplies and medications, plus $10,000 designated to re-roof and restock the KP Clinic.

Jamie White, our Youth Ministry Director, has been awarded a Pas-toral Study Project grant from the Louisville Institute and will take a three-month sabbatical this summer. Jamie and a medical mission team from MOPC left for Kenya on May 25th. The team will return on June 6th, but Jamie will stay all summer working on the project that she outlines in her proposal (below). The purpose of the Louisville Institute is to enrich the religious lives of Americans and help find answers to questions that will have a profound impact on the future.

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Utah Food Bank We are back on schedule - the second Saturday of the month from June 11 through December 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Join us for a fun morning while helping oth-ers! See you at 3150 S and 900 W. Remember age 12 and over and no open toe shoes (now that the weather is changing). Blessings and thanks in advance for joining the MOPC team at the UFB.

Crossroads Urban Center The items most needed this month are mac and cheese and ramen noodles. Bottled water and single-serve bever-ages are always welcome. Put your donations in the Crossroads wagon in the

gathering area. Thank you for your contributions!

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MOPC Medical Mission (continued from previous page)

The team had several team meetings and a team retreat to prepare for their

mission. They are prayerfully expectant that God will do great things in and

through them. Team members include:

Jamie White (team leader)

Mick Jones, Family Practice Doctor

Miranda Jones, pre-med college student

Nate McBride, Nurse Practitioner at the U Liver Transplant Department

Maggie Barnish, young adult with preschool teacher experience

Daniel Dupont, pre-med college student, advanced EMT

Deborah Dupont, recent college graduate (social work), medical assistant

Sarah Dupont, fourth year medical student currently finishing rotations

Nancy Pickett-Bean, retired nurse

Johnny Cowan, licensed electrician/welder, photographer, works for Apple

Heidi Cowan, preschool teacher experience, working in marketing

Stephanie Hahn, young adult working for law firm

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Summer at Inverted

There’s some big things coming this summer in youth ministry, here’s some highlights! Serving the homeless in downtown SLC! We need 12-15 youth to volunteer to help us serve our homeless friends a meal on Friday, June 3rd at the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake. Meet at the church by 6:30 p.m. (return around 9 p.m.) and wear close-toed shoes! Congrats to our graduating high school seniors! Congrats to Hannah Bertelsen, Natalie Cheatum, Maddy Lee, Alex Payne, Cole Perschon, Aiden Ridgway, Claire Tem-pleman, Will Templeman, Drew White! We’re so proud of all your hard work and we’ll miss you very much as you head off to the land of grown-ups! Serve & Surf Trip Heading Out! We’ve got a team of JH and HS students heading out from June 19-26 to serve the homeless on Skid Row in Los Angeles for a week of working in shelters, soup kitchens, pantries, and daycare drop centers. We’ll end our week playing in the Southern California sunshine. Please pray for our youth team and leaders as they share the love of Jesus and work alongside some great nonprofits Welcome New 6th Graders! It’s always so much fun to welcome new students into youth ministry. We will do whatever we can to get you plugged in, connected, and com-fortable. We allow incoming 6th graders to start participating in youth ministry activities right away…that includes summer camp and fellowship events. We’d love to have you! Summer Activities We’re planning some fun summer activities so check your youth calendar and the Inverted Facebook page for more info. You can count on some water fights, hiking trips, service projects, and more. It’ll be a great summer!

Continued on the next page

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Family Ministry Retreat on June 3rd-5th: Mark your calendars for our fami-ly retreat at Jordanelle Reservoir! It’s always a fun time full of physical activity, rest, Bible Study, and fellowship. Only two spots left. Contact Ruth Rudy for more information.

Vacation Bible School and 3rd/4th/5th Grade Service


Vacation Bible School and service camp are scheduled for June 13-17th this year! Be ready to explore caves while discovering how to follow Jesus, the light of the world! Registration can be found on the church website on May 1st.

Sunday School is out for the summer...see you in September!

Continued from previous page

High School Tetons Trip July 14-17 Any high schoolers (incoming 9th graders through graduating seniors) are welcome to attend our Tetons Camping Trip. We’ve got a sweet group camp spot and we’ll end our trip with a little white water rafting trip down the Snake River! Cost $200 per person, friends welcome. Registration forms available in the gathering area. Junior High Lake Powell Trip August 5-7 Any junior highers (incoming 6th graders through graduating 8th graders) are welcome to attend our Lake Powell Trip. We’ll be lodging in cabins at Bullfrog Marina, playing in the water all day, bonding over camp-fires and worship at night! Cost $200 per person, friends welcome! Registration forms available in the gathering area. *A reminder that Jamie White is away on Sabbatical this summer so if you have any youth ministry related questions please contact our Assistant Youth Director, Jared McClure at 661-978-8988 or at [email protected] . Jamie will not be checking email or phone messages during this time, but will return to the office on Labor Day.

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Church Staf f Contact Information

Pastor Phil Hughes Pastor Emeritus Jeff Silliman Executive Administrator Sheila Barnish Administrative Assistant Emily Piper Youth Ministry Directors Jamie & Dave White Asst. of Youth Ministry Jared McClure Children’s Ministry Director Ruth Rudy Director of The Mount Matt Cain Treasurer Jeanne Mehlhoff Child Development Director Julie Hessheimer Facilities Manager John Mehlhoff

Office Hours: Mon—Fri 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Phone: (801) 277-2674 Fax: (801) 277-2059 Pastoral Email: [email protected] Exec Administrator: [email protected] Newsletter Email: [email protected] mountolympuspresbyterian Address: 3280 East 3900 South Salt Lake City, UT 84124

Elders Serving on Session

Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Matt Cain Maggie Loring Jackie Longmore Shauna Huston Mark Jackson Erich Petersen Steve Mascaro Armand van Hien Nancy Singer Lauri Winge Jim Wight


Class of 2016: Mike Bicker, Pauline Forster, Betsy Hamilton, Shirley Knox, Melissa Reynolds, Julie Shaheen

Class of 2017: Chris Chytraus, Julie Davidson, Mindy deHoll, Karen Duzy, Karen Jackson, Mary Templeman

Class of 2018: Maggie Frazier, Nancy Harper, Wes Keller, Terry Meidinger, Molly Molenaar, Candy Vila

Stephen Ministers Kathy Terrion*, Candy Vila*, Bruce Bemis*, Barbara Alexander, Don Alexander, Paul Owen, Sheridan Metcalf, Judy Davis, Jane Murphy

Website: Visit Us on Facebook: