Mood board

+ Mood Board By Swara Sawirs

Transcript of Mood board

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Mood Board

By Swara Sawirs

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+My first idea is for domestic violence in the younger age gap, either between a parent and a child or violence between a professional and a child.

This can be a campaign that targets children and how they are getting abused, but obviously because they are children they don’t feel like they should talk about it, they will think it’s their fault and that if they tell anyone they would think they are lying. Things I can do to show them that they should talk about it and that it’s not their fault are listed below…

I will use bright colours on the poster to catch their attention, if I use dark colours it can make them feel more upset, so therefore if I use bright colours, it will make them or help them feel happier. I will use a children's font that will attract their attention, fonts similar to star wars etc… because those fonts will be recognized by a lot of the children so therefor they will want to read the poster. I will include little headlines and catch phrases that they can read or it can be read easily to children and they will understand it, I wont make it too complicated.

I'm using dark images with bright colours because I want the children to see themselves in that image, but then to see that there is a rainbow behind every rain drop, that’s why I'm using bright colours to show them that it’s not the end and that it gets better eventually.

Idea One

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+ExtrasHaving bright colours against dark images will make the children happy, they will see the colour and think oh that’s colorful! It will take their mind off it and they will carry on to be interested in the poster.

Using children’s fonts will attract their attention because it’s the type of fonts they will see on TV, in games, or in books. So therefor I'm tricking them into thinking that the poster is just a bit of fun when actually it’s looking out for them.

This is a potential layout I could use, clearly it’s a children's layout, I wont add that much writing though. There will be less writing and more pictures.

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+My second idea is for domestic violence in the adult age gap, either between a married couple, a casual couple or between a friendship.

This can be a campaign that targets adults and how they are getting abused, they don’t feel like they should talk about it because maybe they love the abuser so therefore they start to think that it’s their fault when its not. What I can do to show them that it’s not their fault, that they shouldn’t put up with it and that they should talk about it, are listed below.

I will have a little paragraph talking about how the abuser is mentally ill, they are selfish and protective so the victim will understand that they are not doing anything wrong and that it’s not their fault they are getting abused. I will also have a headline and a catch phrase to be able to grasp their attention. I will use dark colours against mid-tone colours so the poster is not dull and sad. I'm going to use fonts that are suitable for adults, that they can clearly read and understand with no problem.

I'm having a plane and a basic layout so all that will be featured is the main image in the middle with writing all around it. I want to make the audience feel something not just read something. The best way to get a message through to someone is through images, so I'm going to use a very powerful image as the main image on the poster.

Idea Two

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+ I'm going to use dark colours and mid-tone colours because the image itself will be of a person so it wont be very dark. The dark writing will show that we understand they are hurting. The colours are settle and dull, it will get to the victims as it will go along with their mood.

Using the right fonts means that the audience can read it clearly with no problem. Using an ‘action’ looking font makes them feel like they should do something about what's happening to them. Against the plain background, those fonts will look eye catching if we put them in the right place and match them with the right colour.

Having a plain layout is great because you have a lot of free space and you can place everything around the poster where ever you like. It means that you could either put a lot of details on it or put hardly any writing on it. It all depends on the message you’re putting through. In this case, I'm using hardly any writing, so this layout is brilliant as the model will be the main focus of this poster and she will be in the middle surrounded by a bit of writing.

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+My third idea is for domestic violence in the adult age gap, this time it’s based on stopping the abuser from carrying on.

This campaign could be a twist to the situation. Rather then trying to get the victim’s attention, we could try to get the abuser’s attention. This will help us reduce the domestic violence rates around the UK and if successful enough then hopefully around the world too. We could try to get to the abusers through campaigning against them using posters, videos/adverts and putting online campaigns out there also.

In the posters or the online campaign the colours that will be used will be either a cold red or really dark sour colours. One of the ideas is to have a man getting beaten up by a women or a child (reversing the story) with a headline saying ‘how would you feel if it happened to you?’ to get them thinking about their actions. Another idea is to have an insecure guy as the main image, he is ripping his clothes and a monster vision is coming out of his chest to give away that effect that the abusers are killing themselves inside and well as hurting victims on the outside.

I could have the video/advert of a man sat alone in the living room waiting for his wife, he is sat there on the sofa constantly talking to himself about how she may be talking to another guy or dressed in the wrong clothes. He starts to cry then she walks in through the door and he starts to shout and get angry at her. So then when the abusers watch the video they can see themselves in it and what they are really like.

Idea Three

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+ All those colours are dull, they all show how horrible and nasty the abusers are. They are usually colours that everyone tries to avoid because they are just horrible. The colours are ‘dirty’ they look like they have been burnt and over used. It represents the abuser because inside, he will of burnt all his love and he will just have pure evilness.

Those fonts are the type of fonts you would see on a action magazine, they are the type of fonts you would use for a rough sport or an action that involves violence. The edges of the fonts are very rough and worn out. It represent the abuser because they are not kind, they are rough.

I will use a plain layout with just a view words underneath to create more of an effect on the readers and the viewers. Pictures speak more than words, I need strong powerful images.