MOOCS - Which Way Now?

MOOCs – Which Way Now? Association for Learning Technology MOOC Special Interest Group June 2014

Transcript of MOOCS - Which Way Now?

MOOCs – Which Way Now?

Association for Learning Technology MOOC Special Interest Group

June 2014

Are MOOCs delivering what they promised?

•Mostly taken by those with a university education

•Need to broaden the reach of education, not just access to it

•Digital divide – do MOOCs help to close it or widen it?

•Need to concentrate on the meaningful impact MOOCs make on lives rather than the number of people signed up

•Are MOOCs e-enabling traditional education rather than transforming it?

Benefits of developing MOOCs

•Can enhance the reputation of both teacher and institution

•Develop transferable skills

•Brings people together – can be useful for building relationships with other departments and faculties

• Creating a MOOC doesn’t have to break the bank – webcams and phones can film videos, websites can be easily created

Creating a community•Need to stop thinking about MOOCs as courses and start thinking about them as ways to connect communities

•MOOC learners cite community membership as a perk of taking part

•Mini-MOOCs can promote online collaborative innovation

•MOOCs should enable people to share their ideas – that way everyone can learn

•Teach people what they want to learn, not what you want them to learn

•Learning is not broadcasting – needs to be a two way system
