Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa...

Best equipped Marble, Granite andBlueatoue yard iu the State. Monuments and Headstones, Cemetery IKO^ of every description.^ Bc«t material and workmanship Prices to suit everyone. Get my designs and prices before ordering your memorials. Newaidewalhs laid, from 9c. per ft. up. Blue etojie for nil purposes. l E. Whlpgle, AMOS CLARK. L. F. HERSH, VICf 211 BROAD ST., ELIZABETH, DOM a O*o«ral d 8«11» Leitenot«aridit AVallabli ui AH Boxes In Safe Deposit Vaults for Rent. CAPITAL 9100,000 SURPLUS end PROFITS $19,000 CRANFORP, N. J.. SATURDAY. AUGUSf 5^899,; vfcv-™. THREE" CENTS, E. Grand St, Elizabeth, M. J Telephone L GR&OLEY. Agt. C. *. FAUUMJ- t -CASH 111 K.T. FotU. Job a MC€U4!M>. UUUto U.U.UB«to>, AmMClwk. IBrrsaa. OUoount day, Thuroday. Aooounta Se<ler|ed> A abwllabW.pur.light,anor«uiMental U|ht and T«J|ptowie: OTtr and you may a»vo iuon»]f. Station Mid Officers 77 Murray Strwt. ? ••:•• W will d.Wa High preBBure for ft; Advance Hose, ReeL with ^«P lete - gauranteed to stand Mrm. V. £%ww. H/KTVmUr.KHuu. l.lL *t«>wt. C. U. -Ow>f uul Hptln»a«lJ lm ••>« it tt. K. UwMnt, J.ltuluuu. \Y. i), UtwVl- M-Cnlua swl i'Urtniuut vnnm. K«n *ita JWjF«<u*aKKA0mJ.<-' Uout. KM. X lra.»!Tc< ITU* BOUND EAuT. Cloa.. -»« Ik) U<i, 8.17 a. m. p. iu. HOUND WfcbT. Clow. Lwta. 7il 7.11 a. m IU l.«Ii>.ai KISSING BUG'S HOME. bug. a»ya "U>» St. UAH* AttKlVE. mi»iiiu««t-4.t&;»,a.Hi.. :!>.«.«; v.< From polnu » « ! - » ITm. oa.,,• IS. Tin Cranford Library-Opera, Huuee, ROOD 4. Opjun Tupaday., Tliureday and On. aubacriplion lPc. . Everyone ia cordially wslcuius to coun aod iiiapect tki ThiB quality advertised by dep^rtrueut storea .MB ua to make the moat satisfactory work. lmepiean Steam Laundry. ' 16 and 17 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth Union Water Company Incorporated 187a. "*~"~The i 'DHioir Organized I801 ^inhabit 1 tanta of the villages of Fanwood, Westfield, Cranford and Roselle vrith water for domestic use. "The Purest and Sweetest that datura can Yield." . llLles*,^'tha wit" n|<»u<d tj th< Comianj ntt aailrud br Alton Saao, E«s-. t "to£•• *t Ha Con c w ' i d to " S i uvtsnat el tbeComps&r ia ldnstifiad with tba »Uli«ta towkfea. rta (.test ia 'ideated.- sostU U Ifes policy of t2» paaaaaataest to do iu fall afeai» to pnn&ct* tbeir arowtii and pn •saritf. " The Company Refers to all its Patrons. > raiir«a*fl«tlT»«)ttt»CaBniaMwUlb»iilaaaarltoeaU<»tt t a r t i w b o do not at peasant «a> «atat ibw» l«a cuias. sad expUla nta*. tar**, m«tiod of ««rrS<». « u . Onion Water Company. At 68 Broad Street, Elbutttth. ui oxiroar. Methodiat—Located on WalauV avauua. Preaching wrviua each Huuday at l^Jo. in. aud 1.45 p. ui. Sunday, school 12 01. Epworth League sarvlca each Sunday 0.50 p. iu. - . Prayer meeting, Fridays, 7.45 p. iu Epworth Loagua uitatasaou day 8.00 p.m. •{Junior Leogua uieota eouh Friday 3.30 p. in. laidieaald aociaty uieeta flrrtThureday each month. Missionary aouiely meata second Thursday »ac1i month. Praabybtrian—liocatud on Union avonuav Public worship each Buudiy at 11. a. m., and t) p. ui. Sunday Schnol at U.30 a. ni. V. P. a C. E., Chapel, Buoday 7 p. in. Junior Kudeavur, dispel, Monday at 3 p. ui. _ Qospal aarvioe, chapel, Friday 9 p. ni. Special BibTe cTSa T6'r"'yo"uniij~w6l«tlU",' Church Study, 10.30 a. nt.We4iiead»y. QaawoOD Chapel-Sunday services at 1030 a. 111?, 8 p. 111. Chr'iatian Huletiee- Hervicea bald at n«iaii occupied by tli» Iloyil Arca.ouni in tbe Opt<ra Hou»» Ulook. : Serricea every .Sunday marniua 'at il o'clock. Hunilay-acbool after tlio aervivtM. iteoUmg Hocni at the raaideuce of Joaaph II. Bee oo Miln alrott, opau we«k il«t»lrnm 10 a. m. to S p. ui. Chriatian Kcienc* litirature may be obtainsd at tin KeodicK Itfxun. Teatiiuonial meeting at the lttadiDK Room each Wedneuday eveuiog at sight o'clock. No service* during August. Epiaoopal—Locatad NorUt artDua, «aat of river. _ Handay aervicea at 11 a. m, and7J30 p. m. Hunday tcbool 020 a. m. Friday, Prayera S p. m. Vaatry meota first Tburaday in each mpQtb at 8 p. m. Pariah circle, firat Wadocaday In each month* S t Agn«»' Guild, firrt Tocaday io eac> Firat Baptiat Church, located oa High •treat—Enacting aanica *acb Lord'a Dy. ft 11 A.M. aucl a P.M. Sunday- B&rffcW •*T(imaif--iwaroft^mier-' stUoe- Tbanday tnanin^, OhrUtian Endeavor Bocietr mwtiog, » P.M. Tha flnt Monday <it etc\i mo^Un Vmtcca' ueetine, 8 P.M. The third Monday of each month, daacona and paitor'a xaart ins. 8 f*~M- OD tha fourth Monday of each month, general Ctiurcii rjjeetiug, H P.M. On tna flrat- I«rd'a day of each month, the Lord'i Supper will be aerved, mvrrit tara It U>n •• . Mr. Jolia N. Worthaiu, a farmer ot Bt. LouU vuuuiy, M*. tbluka ui»d» a tlou to tl«? Loui« tMJl "Tbe tilts," fctya aSr. \Vprtuata,,"t* not tlio b>«u» or tiic^kiMimj bug. andtt will not (Iwipoll butnstj llps.lf given tho proper subalauif to fvfd UIKIO. The wlldwyod aud awampn ar« the natural hauuta ot the luwvt. and out; otvftalotiklly dova It^aivldeutatly Hud Its way tu the crowded huiuuu hatilUi- turn. It fenN upou thick lumen of al- most auy Irw amuiUol with *ol>. tt has IHM'U kuowu to attack auluialv but never uuWaa It atrnja tutu upper- t4|idji' or other pUi-en whips tbo \krdur» devoid uf aap aud woUturv. - "My little ijlrl waa tllli-u by a klM- lug bug the utbvr uljfUt. tWie cried, and I \yaa anakuuvd Iu time to capturu thv aourc« uf her pitlo. I liuprlauurd tu« luuvt .tu a «l»ss. -I tbo.mtht It lyukwl fautlllar,nudu.extday lw«ut nut,011 a awatopy laky ucar uiy IIOUM* lu ncuri-U ot one >f thu bug* r tli»t I bad oHvu »«vu clluitlun to thick leaves In' order to make a couiparlauu, I fouud oue, aud aura t-uuugh It waa a '<Md rliigfr'' for thu bux I bad at bouiu: 1 thvu. fur the sake of vxpt-rluifut, \yeut out aud gathered a buuch of.nrvvu. «ajj)>y leaves, phiced ,Uu'iu In a Jar of wiltvr In tho rooui u*H rvlvased thv bun*. Ill a short tlmu l>oth of thrni ui-j« clinging to tho leaves. They rvmaluetl thert> all night, mid I nlctit In thu room without IH'IIIK luul.'ifitnl. When I awoke lu the liiorului;. iticy wi'n> KtIII murk tu the leaves It) uluuixt tin* Kami' place." _Mr. Wurtlmin sayx that If tlieru la auy kind <if grtn-u vctcvtutlun In a room the oct'iipnut n.'i'it fear no.harm fruui klanliiK bui(. Mr. Worlliui.11 Inat a luas to vlpliilu ivhut r.'iuMuhlmice to a l«nt tin' btiK fluds ID the taate of 0 Up IUI- 11 r. Worthaui IIIHD aant'rts that ... ,_ leaves are the IM-HI iiiii' for n klaslug hat title. He «nys thi-y on- mi nulldutu fur the txjUcju and that when hu houud leave* on the lip* i/f hla.little girl lli« swelling went dovvu swu afturward- COINS THE WORD AUTOBAINE V. B. VV»«d» IMIMI« NewftaaseI ••If rr«B<UI>a V»hl«l.a. O. K. Woods of Chicago bus wrlttiu to U|e editor of thuClili-ogn luter Ucvau suKgvstlux l i u w tumu fur «uU prvpvUlnv vehlctva, lit) »»>»: The int'cu'aulcul ur Hel( propelled v»- btclu for u*e uu strveta UUruwlUKsu much publicttttvutlQU-aud with Us approval and demand so rapidly that It nceuis atraiige no «utls- factofy Uttuui uas aa yvt lut-u gtveu tbese vehicles, aud as. tbli tiuestluu la one ItiBl him cuuii' up rwit-nily lu HOUI« of the |)U[MT8 I have lakvu tbv Idi'a uade'r cuu«|derattou. aud 1 -- have anally solved thu probliiu. To lui'h vcbkka tliu ttiiuie boravleaa carriage, autoiuvbllu. uiuto veblclu, electric carrloitf, autocar, ilwtrlr mo- bile, guolluu wuttou, etc.. cannot ba uawl.when spc-aklnit of thu operator aud ruUlu the uamo of the veblclo, or dlatUlKUjsji. the sex_of the opt^rator, dr. lu fact. dlstluKuUh thu operator"SrilT, U't alum'uay dliilu«tlua_ut runuluii auch a vehicle. What bt rw i|Ulred.l* a uaaie that; lu (peukjlig <J. aii tipferator of either »i'i or tto act of drlvluu, wlU mrfy wVtir 'of tiiB vehicle ItaL-lf, aud aliui a uuniu broad cuuugli lu Its application to ap- ply to any furui of .mtit propelled vn- blt'U', whethyr electrt..-, gasoline, ateaul Vt npy other form uf wullvtt pfiwer- Ttiu uuiuu 1 wish to suggest tu tho public Is a name which fulfill* oil of them reiiulretueuts, and that U tbe nauie autubalue. wlikii, traualated, Weops autoiuatlv wagou. lialuu Iwluu derived from an old Ureek word uieaulug waitoui Ho we hare for tue naQi» of tba vrhlcly «utiib»lu», nut'i- talpeer as appllt-d to a tnau operator, autub«lttevr«js4 as applied to a woinau operatur and autobalnlng or auto- balpeerlDg for Uu> act of u»litjj the vehicle. In addition to which thla oauia la applicable tu any klud or form of self (>rqp«lled vehicle. I sincerely trutt for your co-optxatloa and adoptlvu <if tali tittut. AN A QUARREL THAT PLAVED ABIG PART IN NATIONAL POLITICS. THE t u t k n Trl«mi>b at * T 7 !•'•- I The Atbar^ bs\,\f« cootrai:t bus \>t>t\>- ' ally tKion t>> adverliw Aiueritau [capacity suit ''capability tha" »» uur ' * uf imli *uil «!<•• An exciting quacrd Ktwern y K K mnt'.vf tl.e ei.t.Tpn«>. with " 1 " biun after JacksK>n wiut t>> Ui* While Hoaw. lu thU l e u l v'ulb iau was thv prluclpul tignre en the unit Ja<'k«*<2i aliV Timi|uarT<-l «•» invite) by tn,, vattacs—Jitcluon'a dMvuvriy that (»l hullti. w b o w a s Bi-v'retary i>< war in \I>:u- r«w*a cuhlnet. waa huntilv t.» J.^ck--. 11 durlliH tbe i'kxlda wui In .VKi.t.^ « Jayn. aud tha rifiivriif th.- »v if.-. f «'*1- buuuauil thi^m ^'th.. 1 IUI'IUHM* <^f Jit.k- sijU's calhnet iti \^'V1 tj i.o^ui.-r- Mi» u, wKa'ut J«ct».ir5 xAtotatj vf war, ftocUlly. in if'th» wctal w»r nhich fitctur* lu (mlittt* andindirn 1 ly resulted lu th* turuuttt^vu vu tlw Wuijt party Win.JhU; _ ' , John H Hatk'ti. « v>r»jUjV trirul v-r Jtck'soti, Wa« «ln>.'iuti-d I v Jack*. 11 atcretaryofwurmid t.Kik I1U1. at iutht cabinet lu Mirth. I^.'V. .n JmW*.u'i entrauca Into the W h i l e 11..11V. . Ijt. u a (ew uiMUtlm >'uth>r uiirili.l Mic Tiui- burlake. i|i:ilj.ii nauie «*• Mir- O'Ntttll 11.vl.inn.ul) ciilh-vl I'«K gy 'ONtdllj, a wfiunm «f KrraH" 1 »«v. uf Suuie' sci-iiitipltahttivnti :iutl .'f uu Ixiuiultnl ' . . t'ht. itauglitrr vf ",Wa«liin<- ton tavern kc*l«-r (I. l..d I-.-.H fry* with her nuiim tluriux li. 1 iv..,l.|;d llfd with Tliutwrlakt', mid nlim nflrr un's nmrtlam* toher uiu! Ite ui|..-IH 11 that he wu» to he a nivuiU-r of cahtui't r.'n.*h*Hl th^ |iiit>Hi-. miiu^ t>f Jacksun's tuM him tlml ltat..ii'« lllt.l tha (tthinrt Wi.ilM i'»u* eln\iarr«Miiirut to tin- ii.lniiiil«tia tion. ' . ! K«nvi;il dbrii^iiiuii uf ) this Uinmph »I AmrrUuu 1 M^iiifrfiiin j skill imainiaa.riiUrpriit*.' I Eti^Uvh dlKUK^ivin liiii dwelt njiou > tlu> "I'ldily i.f Tiixtu>n*u> ihui t.itlm I Auirriian liatiit «if .uujiltu I'li'in if j t.ri.ltn HI ,tnck. Thla U nil uium:,. j Two Jiffi-r<>nt tailurco Ly I'.imlUh iiiil',;.. . tuil.i.u u udmitrj llm i:iiillli.|i niili- ! tary 11II11.4J r«<liu. in Kiiypt. .Tim 1 Iridgo l.j.l tolia.luill n:i.i:tln ! au<l drlivvrti] In •iV«ii_M<t \*. «.. ua In i git >t di.ue txtwivn Nllu IKiuda, nti.l It. « bad to1« put .\>i» witlimit tiiulti-r ciii* .iJWUUti'r("'•"AV'ik, whu-li ruiiir.d uu •i «ullr«ly iii'w dtalKn Inr tin) i..viiiH7 e ! ?- Th» Xlif(ll^!i' I.Jt'l.H.) I'liildrT* wnrn j et)Ual to 110 utiu .if thu tiiKki Tiny : BSuttJ Uvii jvara, tli.-» wanted fol«.> vjk. andthi}'t'uuld laillur il.«U!li n.,r aur.o t'i dtUvrrcautnUvrr n\n\nn within ' Itjitnmo wauti-d. Tim hriilKi* WHS llrnt ; plaunnl l««t fall, and it had t.i lio built 1 l*f>r« uvit July. S.'\.<«l vv.-.'k* w.r.i ! u»rd up lu UudiuK >>iit whut l'.li^llnli I baildfJ* cmlld not do. ' After oUtsiuiug luru»' and t'oiii|iri>- ]be»«i»» kuowlvd(j« "'mi UitaViibjrtt, 111- )(ladirj|{ fniluri). mi linn 1 . <Kliv. iv iiMd ; dulijii. it 'Kiutr.-.l to tln< lvnul^li inlli- j tsry eUKluwm t'i tlml out whut Atmii- !<an t<rid|in hiiild.ra 11111I.I tin. On Jim. "tbflCMt.le Wna ai'ltt to HIM I'rllt'.iyil worka, io' rhllad.'ii'hln. It tmik .IIKI Imilui-mi day lu Htiaranlt'uiili'l'ivv'iy iu sweii wwk*. Wh.rn n Week-, Inter th.i j P«BCII).| T*I rW« were t.iM Unit' mi fiiU.i I wiirkc<iuld'U> o«nl nnd n Caavlaai OBI. t l n u l UJr;j» toftttw. AAd iu awi/ tb*r gv. It» an*v° <A J tbat'a t»u»d Is n vfodUod ** to au*at Tar/ plub UMi I111U tuj». B, |y Tlat tWy ait A w<Ki4 caatoff and nbittd with to*elements] W / AM l A n l U f ' n it»« 7 l t W X *J$* aaiiist Ctala UM ail. ] but two ami a half pd'tuid*'. T'lic hare. j wltb the wire.uw<l lu <liliki-n faruri, I aud «tery effort will be made to pro- FOLDING CHA1E3 TO B£ST, nn font at pomlhle tu the i lianzry public." 1 In the' cnljlmt. lie it kimii n-1., I « rf llmiifii i.f tiini' 111* pvrauual frl.-ii'U nftrr 1aleveiluim (lnl|'|)>d tbu udiiiinUtratiun U'ttaii that lir tic j Into Tbnintn mud thin wua unt rtudy in •trad that ilt». lUtuu almtild nu. id ed all the c<>uit««l<<« lu which her «ts- t|nu t utltlcl hrr. Tha wlto ut. Vi.11 I'midenl ralhoun ami thowlvw .if all tin- nieiul«r* of tb.- j lug tu a <'ln«i. cabinet wb.i hud any wlv.a irfuw-.) t.i i Tho Atlnin tirli1|<" «•• 'ther«foru .much ifiui<i thud n uv.-r tluiu. t y It wua hot tluvuthir iluy in I>hilailrl|ililu. Li-it dn.iilit..If t h l i wim a cirnun»taiii'.i' to" tln< ln-iit y•'•nt* nltiy ullthu Nile, win In tlllx lirlilt(i> h i i t i i w Mm. Eaton. Jirtnm look up tier cauav with hie uwnal rurri£y. Rial th" queatlou «otervol t»illti<» VanIt'i ren, tha wcretary of atat,-. ba.l iui wifv (bu wa* a widower)/ Hi- bail u-i daii|(ti- tera, II*wa* thuafire to^itrujto>lrm. Eiiton tbucouventioual i'ourtr«ie«,wlili h «ti'l « ' » • for abdi L.riit. "ti I buililera fall.-d. utb nf will, h 1 Thu Aumrliaii boililrr^provnl atiperior lu di»l«ii. waqnlckrr In drlliK with nuw c ^ llu waaqnlckrr In dralliiK with nuw ci lull tlon'a. Uo •uriuotintc.l mi iili"Xii«-rt«'tl dlfSculty luth mule uliiilily mid iiioru .kllKully. - Tim briilgu uli the Nl|u in 11« ninth th« trophy ot liltrr tiiliulcitl iiavatioo and Inv.'iillvr tkUl in it In of lit did wltbthe which waa notnl Tbls uiada Van Unrru'e i-illtlral f. r __ tuua. There had InD kn-u rivalry \f- [ ( h a s p at>» I and rhrap cml. t'li 11 i.tli.I tWMUt'alhonuanil VaDlUir»npte«iLn« j (ibia bridgn builders nut .uily wmi > ly foi the aucciiukiti to Jink*m hi th» ', they wuu un every point and won nu a presidency. Tho IVni.»r»tlr |iitty wns \ uiarKUi ixiwldtt thut, us WUM nild thu Invincible, and tlm umu«b>i K>>t th*.- 1 tju«4nln-a~iiitruioralil« rni'.Miff tint lulu presidential candidacy was tirtaiu <f of Wlxht, "V.iur majirsly, ii no vlectluu. Jackaoti wa* the |iarly'« dk aecoud thu AIIHTI.U U IIIFI ulnlio." Utor. tjalbuun, l.ybii |i.-itliU ui «n.': president BI.J ly his t>rumln«nc« In th<-) A r.irmr Hr.iiil.lill ,111. iu In «.-»l,-ni . t.. .tjt.d y party, waa popularly next In Hue to Jacknon. la th» Urat y-nr or tw j of Jaikarin'a Ural term Jackaon'a fv^il* healthw«i. tllUUHht tul»-»_liaimr_ln_J!i.«. way uf Ut acceptance of " l W F lilt .IIMIII r*uii«)lvuiila. n< w-,'11 ii,t ' 1 tituua an far <lf»» rniu* 1 Ivcr itti t'ln.'lii- youutf iit.-ii tit All.'UliiHiy Inn.* .-iiiii- l.l.l.-J oriunij.lii. Jii» fur .'xtiililli.lilnu it u^mVDsVi^fo^ of ilt*'..«.*iiiui** ln-lii); tu utvi* iiiuri. mi'l i7arp"po«id'tJJ^UUi«Jltirjh'7r"TT»'^ dlsLUveiy. throuub the 4'ra«fonl dia- •! •"«"«'» "«''' l"l" "' ""' ' ,•„). ; aa>a thr rilJsbuiK "I'llmi. T houn lorJackafto Vn too caUn«i, and the querr#l whkh t!i« lira. Eaton Incidnil kiuaxht. «lrtt>o;rd tbl»bop». Van'aibaupiootilp of Mra. Eatou'»cau»«eBd«r«l»ilui Juckaun. _^ _. Van BurW» call npou Mr*.' EsU.n at. lur ie»UI«nc« hud nii«hty p.Jltk»l r.-u J L U b b f th<i"enjlsit tltd tiiruwrn' 1 at C'jticold tfi<li(*. tho allver kotxke x Mra. Eaton'advorhy Martin Van hd l puii«i-."«, hut «'•'• "«'" '"r InMivl.r ^lul p" i»f mlililt. O-inl »lr.*t-. lnad of IIIH rivi- lnm t f!>«• ^ i>. 'luKgun <if r.i:i r Allcsliaby. WIMI U ut In.' »«-utui<.. wnulK nil lln. I! tbat !.•• can pu*><llily -."in. drt'd*' tiL-i'd.'d to tun* aturt.'d rliflit.'ntid Mr. Tnuifiirl .^ iw't* Uj ai.'iid to IOIIKIIK- for ui l...imt '.','*> pairs. HlH-aLIUiC of the' nn.Ji'i-t, Mr. Waa bt'lild ioun.| the wwM, or at l«it ! '*'a«sart said rect-ully: roppd that part of Ibx wcjld cump'fu»d j "rth«iild»ifr>tliliii{ «>» w.dl In thn-t Ip tba United Htatea j >'f»rs «e will !<•• ulili* I'J put unr llrnt - Aa a r««olt ot the P«cgy OSsill war i t"" 1 "' l ll "" i'»rk.-t. It muy H..«III appleni«nted in C'slb»UD's c u e by the | • lo """'• '""'"• "'" '""'•'•>•" <" >»; ••»• Crawfonra«cl<>«ure»;C'alhoun'waMnbut \ P*u«led will U- .-.-iiMld.iubl.', but w.. OOt from the yrnide-*.-y. wasdwsrf«l ; think it will pay In .ih» IOUK run. \V<- truoi a national Intw a atctlonsl figuri. ; l>wi*>»<i .to rulw l.i>W«yi_luiri'« \»-r «nd bis brooding o»«r. bis eft»«ui«tit j »»w a(jd to sell theui'tuo. \\« will probably assisted ID IDCUIDK tbat »js i kl » » U> 1 •*•''» """» ''•»''/ f»r "'" l»'t. ' Uue IIIIIIIKU looks llki--a whole Int. hut,- It Is ut>t sti tunny whin you ku.nv t h a t / and Van liureo mj^ci-l iu j «h'e p^inlo of i'ltt»imri{ aud Alli'tsbauy April. 1081, in order lo f*cibtst« *.<** 1.««.<««». rabbits .-wry y.ur. T.'U guntral reconrtrnction ut the tahiritt i «ti«u<«uid p^r day durlnic th" M-IWJII U ••' which woaU free Ja/:k»<a fruU) tb« | ""« oi««uut <onHuuii-d. W.- lav., llgur- basUnds of tb« wlvr« wh> t»'l dj«e- 1V> '''"* * « a flusuly. and with tin-_Xlhli> gardsd bit Eaton ok«*»-«ap«.i«lly of L •>«U*i towns, which wivjaju rrauji lu Inghsju. tocreUry of th» truisry,! 12 buura" run. wo can i-uslly IIIMPOMof y y Branch, aecrvtary of tb« JMVJ. aud ' Barieu, attoroer K*MKH\. p l!**>.'*ti hart* p<r y.ur.. I violat.; no Cduttdracv Io nayluK that »'« expect to j!?' •'''*' '" f |lr "l»b the liarit dr«N4>-d ] "1<" U" w "tippll.-i tb<*' uiurkct iair rfalch foonded tba Whig partj. threw] aboot th*- wild rabbit. yeara later, aud that party rKziirtd a< "Tb« U*lglau hart- li hy tar the l..'t- •treogth which It would Dot olh«wi*> j t.-r f«.r our bunlneiM. lit- 111u.l1 Inr- h i d at th» o'jtaet-—Ht. Loaia 1 Ktr. and bit mtut In betti-r. A l!i-l«!;m Olub»-D«ui'».raL ' tare will <l>au nl«>ut four I I fu"'- our <oiiittiiu ml.lilt will vii*nu

Transcript of Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa...

Page 1: Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa joo fear* ted radios tie oif^t- %*• ta out of til* deistntto-oacsaUe maa of'tla

a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e « b la

Uicif oaljbe law: SotMalfta*

whoa joo fear* tedradios tie oif^t- %*•ta out of til* deistntto-oacsaUe maa of'tlarang, playful o a f em-it followed tb« doctor*ulenin M If drtUTbaiJalug •knll betwvea the

todUtKMKd. Old CUOto; brujjen by nervou*-bXJU of flfwn. ""Don't

(btr* aald Buiiannab.Antonle.' taW tola

i too dirt for me. i#a't .b« brillisme looii a*rrv wwylufl ground •[lore It 'aold tods? a id; tirlnga'to U» befjttrtit of thdboum." ' 'm ring, nuuJe'tte aooi-of wlikli be alaat 6a»

went out to order'th*'the tsdtea put ua theirD doalooa aofl theirI For Arfopaut FromVictor da VUllera d» „

I W«Ue PMtry.tat year of Lowell'*d hla father. Dr. LOT*of hla tliite lii' Bom*.•a*, in theattmper of •••rusticated/' or aeut

In o »ort of Studious'ler s pr**otor, M *.pvralJUtfitty falling twprayer?at the cnapel.J gmt conauruatloaoatea. for be tadt d

Best equipped Marble, Granite and Blueatoue yard iu the State.

Monuments and Headstones,Cemetery IKO^ of every description.^ Bc«t material and workmanship

Prices to suit everyone. Get my designs and prices before ordering yourmemorials. New aidewalhs laid, from 9c. per ft. up. Blue etojie for nil purposes.l E. Whlpgle,



DOM a O*o«ral d 8«11» Leitenot«aridit AVallabli ui AH

Boxes In Safe Deposit Vaults for Rent.

t , aud tbe ru*Uo»pretence la Caiflnrid«ejent week.e.8 certain Cambridge-«J sad rlalted BomtrI ua Or. Lowell anilCambridge neir*. Be-b some of the lteiaa:i-umnenwineDt haw

tutus EI1U 1* tbe 0 n ttiave tbe oration."'


CAPITAL 9100,000 SURPLUS end PROFITS $19,000

Uttaedturn to college untilrk.">rewed DO particular

rwa. .-lafe choita bin tbelr

r. Lowell broke out,injea proiuUed me beug poetry and g*o toRU>M11 Lowell sod

i Oaf* anilt.Id. only laugbed <wwnoinrnuna. Url. Olatd-n Impaoaloned apeechion of W«ll»ctla annj:Disraeli, aptakiajt ta'd out that lUp remitUnction of the lnda-people, andtlif only

d.' be tbe reiuura*painted -wild ailmli^.- 'the rhetorician of Unr

adttoae said that beOltj' of th8 BlTet^e4Qdliyt to be'lgporaotHoa.' "tb» rbetorli'bui's Intended for btta-i lotcrtUpted «rtU» tbaour pardqat I really '" OUrifUeatJ

. t a a t \ i o i d o f M a ' _

l».,^..f*!»: *ndlgnatlott.'•' Bfs-oii-I him la the mortify-ppU-log a.remark toul ao aucb pervooajl

le: Tbe liberal leaii^hi* *pe«cb and con-'

ji£*wtaii»h iprorda aud1 of tbe leader of tba

with thtf Miv-anaDlo-era artisans, the cir.tbe KTonnd'.'white a t .r a bench, a strong;nrn before bto, jea»-e» above ground, and *hlsfert. TtefacilBar1

*«k la executed la'Ivaya bees a matteropean workmeu. l a» Enjuah tooto . * »" system of working.<1 under Uie auj>erU»-li officer*, but bvtbb'i the workmen ar»tlttus oa the grwiaa.i Ulla poalttaa j ^ ^tool* belsj formed

'ire efflcleuey vbea- ajuj alteration U.•tea « - • - - - - • • - -fraio*

J^^^^fffr?TS^F^^/J^Sflji(^^M^m^PtW^^4HS^ ' ^ V ^ ? ? ^ y ? ^ ~ ^^* P-/^^? ^W^ y»tf *i?iW^^J^-&^3^*^vf VE^J**> v g w^w—————


CRANFORP, N. J.. SATURDAY. AUGUSf 5^899,;vfcv-™.


E. Grand S t , Elizabeth, M. J Telephone L GR&OLEY. Agt.

C. * . FAUUMJ-• t -CASH 111

K.T. FotU.Job a MC€U4!M>.UUUtoU.U.UB«to>,AmMClwk.


OUoount day, Thuroday. Aooounta Se<ler|ed>

A abwllabW.pur.light,anor«uiMental U|ht and


OTtr and you may a»vo iuon»]f.

Station Mid Officers77 Murray Strwt.

? • • : • • W


High preBBure for

ft; Advance Hose, ReeL with^ « P l e t e - gauranteed to stand

Mrm. V. £%ww. H/KTVmUr.K H u u .

l.lL *t«>wt. C. U.

-Ow>f uul Hptln»a«lJ l m ••>« i t tt.K. UwMnt, J.ltuluuu. \Y. i), UtwVl-

M-Cnlua swl i'Urtniuut vnnm. K«n *itaJWjF«<u*aKKA0mJ.<-' Uout.





Cloa..- » «


U<i,8.17 a. p. iu.


Clow. Lwta.7i l 7.11 a. mI U l.«Ii>.ai


bug. a»ya "U>» St.

U A H * AttKlVE.

mi»iiiu««t-4.t&;»,a.Hi.. :!>.«.«; v.<From polnu » « ! - » IT m. oa.,,• IS.

Tin Cranford Library-Opera, Huuee,ROOD 4. Opjun Tupaday., Tliureday and

On.aubacriplion lPc. .

Everyone ia cordially wslcuius to counaod iiiapect tki

ThiB quality advertised by dep^rtrueut storea


ua to make the moat satisfactory work.

lmepiean Steam Laundry.' 16 and 17 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth

Union Water CompanyIncorporated 187a.


Organized I801


i tbe moat (irtlcu&r-iWtar I .ever kfertr, ->e perfect la fit a$3 "r*o{<ktb{ « k e t b «i repaired to'Mairtei Ctt^i

r of Shu** Henleiwd titeu'be


tanta of the villages of Fanwood, Westfield, Cranfordand Roselle vrith water for domestic use.

"The Purest and Sweetest that datura can Yield."

. l lLles*,^'tha wit" n|<»u<d tj th< Comianj ntt aailrud br Alton Saao , E«s-. •

t "to£•• *t Ha Con c w ' id to

" S i uvtsnat e l tbeComps&r ia ldnstifiad with tba »Uli«ta towkfea. rta (.test ia 'ideated.- sostUU Ifes policy of t2» paaaaaataest to do i u fall afeai» to pnn&ct* tbeir arowtii and pn •saritf. "

The Company Refers to all its Patrons.> raiir«a*fl«tlT»«)ttt»CaBniaMwUlb»iilaaaarltoeaU<»tt tart iwbo do not at peasant «a>

«atat ibw» l«a cuias. sad expUla nta*. tar**, m«tiod of ««rrS<». «u.

Onion Water Company.At 68 Broad Street, Elbutttth.

ui oxiroar.Methodiat—Located on WalauV avauua.

Preaching wrviua each Huuday atl^Jo. in. aud 1.45 p. ui.Sunday, school 12 01.Epworth League sarvlca each Sunday

0.50 p. iu. - .Prayer meeting, Fridays, 7.45 p. iuEpworth Loagua uitatasaou

day 8.00 p.m.•{Junior Leogua uieota eouh Friday 3.30p. in.

laidieaald aociaty uieeta flrrtThuredayeach month.

Missionary aouiely meata secondThursday »ac1i month.

Praabybtrian—liocatud on Union avonuavPublic worship each Buudiy at 11. a.

m., and t) p. ui.Sunday Schnol at U.30 a. ni.V. P. a C. E., Chapel, Buoday 7 p. in.Junior Kudeavur, dispel, Monday at

3 p. ui._ Qospal aarvioe, chapel, Friday 9 p. ni.

Special BibTe cTSa T6'r"'yo"uniij~w6l«tlU",'Church Study, 10.30 a. nt.We4iiead»y.

QaawoOD Chapel-Sunday services at1030 a. 111?, 8 p. 111.

Chr'iatian Huletiee- Hervicea bald atn«iaii occupied by tli» Iloyil Arca.ouniin tbe Opt<ra Hou»» Ulook. :

Serricea every .Sunday marniua 'ati l o'clock.

Hunilay-acbool after tlio aervivtM.iteoUmg Hocni at the raaideuce of

Joaaph II. Bee oo Miln alrott, opau we«kil«t»lrnm 10 a. m. to S p. ui.

Chriatian Kcienc* litirature may beobtainsd at tin KeodicK Itfxun.

Teatiiuonial meeting at the lttadiDKRoom each Wedneuday eveuiog at sighto'clock.

No service* during August.

Epiaoopal—Locatad NorUt artDua, «aatof river. _Handay aervicea at 11 a. m, and7J30

p. m.Hunday tcbool 020 a. m.Friday, Prayera S p. m.Vaatry meota first Tburaday in each

mpQtb at 8 p. m.Pariah circle, firat Wadocaday In each

month*S t Agn«»' Guild, firrt Tocaday io eac>

Firat Baptiat Church, located oa High•treat—Enacting aanica *acb Lord'aD y . ft 11 A.M. aucl a P.M. Sunday-

B&rffcW •*T(imaif-- iwaroft^mier-'stUoe- Tbanday tnanin^, OhrUtian

Endeavor Bocietr mwtiog, » P.M. Thaflnt Monday <it etc\i mo^Un Vmtcca'ueetine, 8 P.M. The third Monday ofeach month, daacona and paitor'a xaartins. 8 f*~M- OD tha fourth Monday ofeach month, general Ctiurcii rjjeetiug, HP.M. On tna flrat- I«rd'a day of eachmonth, the Lord'i Supper will be aerved,


tara It U > n • •. Mr. Jolia N. Worthaiu, a farmer otBt. LouU vuuuiy, M*. tbluka b»ui»d» atlou to tl«?Loui« tMJl

"Tbe tilts," fctya aSr. \Vprtuata,,"t*not tlio b>«u» or tiic^kiMimj bug. and ttwill not (Iwipoll butnstj llps.lf giventho proper subalauif to fvfd UIKIO.The wlldwyod aud awampn ar« thenatural hauuta ot the luwvt. and out;otvftalotiklly dova It^aivldeutatly HudIts way tu the crowded huiuuu hatilUi-turn. It fenN upou thick lumen of al-most auy Irw amuiUol with *ol>. tthas IHM'U kuowu to attack auluialv butnever uuWaa It atrnja tutu upper- t4|idji'or other pUi-en whips tbo \krdur» l»devoid uf aap aud woUturv. -

"My little ijlrl waa tllli-u by a klM-lug bug the utbvr uljfUt. tWie cried, andI \yaa anakuuvd Iu time to capturu thvaourc« uf her pitlo. I liuprlauurd tu«luuvt .tu a «l»ss. -I tbo.mtht It lyukwlfautlllar,nudu.extday lw«ut nut,011 aawatopy laky ucar uiy IIOUM* lu ncuri-Uot one >f thu bug*rtli»t I bad oHvu »«vuclluitlun to thick leaves In' order tomake a couiparlauu, I fouud oue, audaura t-uuugh It waa a '<Md rliigfr'' forthu bux I bad at bouiu: 1 thvu. furthe sake of vxpt-rluifut, \yeut out audgathered a buuch of.nrvvu. «ajj)>yleaves, phiced ,Uu'iu In a Jar of wiltvrIn tho rooui u*H rvlvased thv bun*. Illa short tlmu l>oth of thrni ui-j«clinging to tho leaves. They rvmaluetlthert> all night, mid I nlctit In thu roomwithout IH'IIIK luul.'ifitnl. When I awokelu the liiorului;. iticy wi'n> KtIII murk tuthe leaves It) uluuixt tin* Kami' place."

_Mr. Wurtlmin sayx that If tlieru laauy kind <if grtn-u vctcvtutlun In a roomthe oct'iipnut n.'i'it fear no.harm fruui• klanliiK bui(. Mr. Worlliui.11 In at a luasto vlpliilu ivhut r.'iuMuhlmice to a l«nttin' btiK fluds ID the taate of 0 Up IUI-

11 r. Worthaui IIIHD aant'rts that . . . ,_leaves are the IM-HI iiiii' for n klaslughat title. He «nys thi-y on- mi nulldutufur the txjUcju and that when hu houudleave* on the lip* i/f hla.little girl lli«swelling went dovvu swu afturward-


V. B. VV»«d» I M I M I « New ftaase I••If rr«B<UI>a V»hl«l.a.

O. K. Woods of Chicago bus wrlttiuto U|e editor of thu Clili-ogn luterUcvau suKgvstlux l i u w tumu fur «uUprvpvUlnv vehlctva, lit) »»>»:

The int'cu'aulcul ur Hel( propelled v»-btclu for u*e uu strveta U UruwlUK sumuch public ttttvutlQU- audwith Us approval and demand sorapidly that It nceuis atraiige no «utls-factofy Uttuui uas aa yvt lut-u gtveutbese vehicles, aud as. tbli tiuestluu laone ItiBl him cuuii' up rwit-nily lu HOUI«of the |)U[MT8 I have lakvu tbv Idi'auade'r cuu«|derattou. aud 1 --have anally solved thu probliiu.

To lui'h vcbkka tliu ttiiuie boravleaacarriage, autoiuvbllu. uiuto veblclu,electric carrloitf, autocar, ilwtrlr mo-bile, guolluu wuttou, etc.. cannot bauawl.when spc-aklnit of thu operatoraud ruUlu the uamo of the veblclo, ordlatUlKUjsji. the sex_of the opt^rator, fact. dlstluKuUh thu operator"SrilT,U't alum'uay dliilu«tlua_utrunuluii auch a vehicle. What bt rwi|Ulred.l* a uaaie that; lu (peukjlig <J.aii tipferator of either »i'i or tto actof drlvluu, wlU mrfy wVtir'of tiiB vehicle ItaL-lf, aud aliui a uuniubroad cuuugli lu Its application to ap-ply to any furui of .mtit propelled vn-blt'U', whethyr electrt..-, gasoline, ateaulVt npy other form uf wullvtt pfiwer-

Ttiu uuiuu 1 wish to suggest tu thopublic Is a name which fulfill* oil ofthem reiiulretueuts, and that U tbenauie autubalue. wlikii, traualated,Weops autoiuatlv wagou. lialuu Iwluuderived from an old Ureek worduieaulug waitoui Ho we hare for tuenaQi» of tba vrhlcly «utiib»lu», nut'i-talpeer as appllt-d to a tnau operator,autub«lttevr«js4 as applied to a woinauoperatur and autobalnlng or auto-balpeerlDg for Uu> act of u»litjj thevehicle. In addition to which thla oauiala applicable tu any klud or form ofself (>rqp«lled vehicle. I sincerely truttfor your co-optxatloa and adoptlvu <iftali tittut.




t u t k n Trl«mi>b at*

T 7

! • ' • -

I The Atbar^ bs\,\f« cootrai:t bus \>t>t\>-' a l ly tKion t>> adverliw Aiueritau[capacity suit ''capability tha" »» u u r

' * uf imli *uil «!<••

An exciting quacrd Ktwerny K K

mnt'.vf tl.e ei.t.Tpn«>. with

" 1 "biun after JacksK>n wiu t t>> Ui* WhileHoaw. lu thU leu l v'ulb iau was thvprluclpul tignre en the unit Ja<'k«*<2ialiV Tim i|uarT<-l « • » invite) by tn , ,vattacs—Jitcluon'a dMvuvriy that ( » lhullti. wbowas Bi-v'retary i>< war in \I>:u-r«w*a cuhlnet. waa huntilv t.» J. ck--. 11durlliH tbe i'kxlda wui In .VKi.t.^ «Jayn. aud tha rifiivriif th.- »v if.-. f «'*1-buuuauil thi^m ^'th..1 IUI'IUHM* < f Jit.k-sijU's calhnet iti \^'V1 t j i.o^ui.-r- Mi»

u, wKa'ut J«ct».ir5 xAtotatj vfwar, ftocUlly.

in i f ' t h » wctal w»r nhichfitctur* lu (mlittt* and indirn 1

ly resulted lu th* turuuttt^vu vu tlw Wuijtparty Win.JhU; _ ' ,

John H Hatk'ti. « v>r»jUjV trirul v-rJtck'soti, Wa« «ln>.'iuti-d I v Jack*. 11atcretaryofwurmid t.Kik I1U1. at iu th tcabinet lu Mirth. I^.'V. . n JmW*.u'ientrauca Into the While 11..11V. . I j t . ua (ew uiMUtlm >'uth>r uiiri l i . l Mic Tiui-burlake. i|i:ilj.ii nauie « * • Mir-

O'Ntttll 11.vl.inn.ul) ciilh-vl I'«Kgy 'ONtdllj, a wfiunm «f KrraH"1»«v.uf Suuie' sci-iiitipltahttivnti :iutl .'f uuIxiuiultnl ' . .

t'ht. itauglitrr vf ",Wa«liin<-ton tavern kc*l«-r (I. l..d I-.-.Hfry* with her nuiim tluriux li. 1 iv..,l.|;dllfd with Tliutwrlakt', mid nl im nflrr

un's nmrtlam* to her uiu! Ite ui|..-IH11 that he wu» to he a nivuiU-r ofcahtui't r.'n.*h*Hl th^ |iiit>Hi-. miiu^ t>f

Jacksun's tuM him tlml ltat..ii'«lllt.l tha (tthinrt Wi.ilM i '»u*

eln\iarr«Miiirut to tin- ii.lniiiil«tiation. ' . !

K«nvi;il dbrii^iiiuii uf) this Uinmph »I AmrrUuu 1 M^iiifrfiiinj skill imainiaa.riiUrpriit*.'I Eti^Uvh dlKUK ivin liiii dwelt njiou> tlu> "I' ldily i.f Tiixtu>n*u> ihui t.itlmI Auirriian liatiit «if .uuj i l tu I'li'in i fj t.ri. ltn HI ,tnck. Thla U nil uium:, .j Two Jiffi-r<>nt tailurco Ly I'.imlUh iiiil',;... t u i l . i . u u udmitrj llm i:iiillli.|i niili-! tary 11II11.4J r«<liu. r« in Kiiypt. .Tim1 Iridgo l.j.l t o l i a . l u i l l iui . lt n:i.i:tln! au<l drlivvrti] In •iV«ii_M<t \*. «.. ua Ini g i t >t di.ue txtwivn Nllu IKiuda, nti.l I t .« bad to 1« put .\>i» witlimit tiiulti-r ciii*

.iJWUUti'r("'•"AV'ik, whu-li ruii ir .d uu•i «ullr«ly iii'w dtalKn Inr tin) i . . v i i i H 7

e !

?- Th» Xlif(ll^!i' I.Jt'l.H.) I'liildrT* wnrnj et)Ual to 110 utiu .if thu tiiKki Tiny: BSuttJ Uvii jvara, tli.-» wanted fol«.>

vjk. and thi}'t'uuld la illur il.«U!li n.,raur.o t'i dtUvrrcautnUvrr n\n\nn within

' Itjitnmo wauti-d. Tim hriilKi* WHS llrnt; plaunnl l««t fall, and it had t.i lio built1 l*f>r« uvi t July. S.'\.<«l vv.-.'k* w.r.i! u»rd up lu UudiuK >>iit whut l'.li^llnliI baildfJ* cmlld not do.' After oUtsiuiug luru»' and t'oiii|iri>-]be»«i»» kuowlvd(j« "'mi UitaViibjrtt, 111-)(ladirj|{ fniluri). mi linn1. <Kliv. iv iiMd; dulijii. it 'Kiutr.-.l to tln< lvnul^li inlli-j tsry eUKluwm t'i tlml out whut Atmii-!<an t<rid|in hiiild.ra 11111I.I tin. On Jim.

"tbflCMt.le Wna ai'ltt to HIM I'rllt'.iyilworka, io' rhllad.'ii'hln. It tmik .IIKIImilui-mi day lu Htiaranlt'uiili'l'ivv'iy iuswei i wwk*. Wh.rn n Week-, Inter th.i

j P«BCII) . | T*I rW« were t.iM Unit' mi fiiU.iI wiirkc<iuld'U> o«nl nnd n


Caavlaai OBI.

t l n u l UJr;j» toftttw.AAd i u awi/ tb*r gv.

It» an*v° <A Jtbat'a t»u»d Is

n vfodUod ** to a u * a tTar/ plub UMi I111U tuj».

B , |yTlat tWy ait

A w<Ki4

caatoff and nbittd with to*elements]W


AM l A n l U f ' n it»«

7 l t W X*J$* aaiiist Ctala UM ail. ] but two ami a half pd'tuid*'. T'lic hare.

j wltb the wire.uw<l lu <liliki-n faruri,I aud «tery effort will be made to pro-

FOLDING CHA1E3 TO B£ST, nn a» font at pomlhle tu thei lianzry public."1

§£^^£^£*-;+i?&&M^&2li*:~=£ti- JUI^-~r .- .--...--.i.-'.-1^^ •'-'' ' ' "^

In the' cnljlmt. l ie it kimii n-1., I « r f llmiifii i.f tiini'111* pvrauual frl.-ii'U nftrr 1 aleveiluim (lnl|'|)>dtbu udiiiinUtratiun U'ttaii that lir tic j Into Tbnintn mud thin wua unt rtudy in•trad that ilt». lUtuu almtild l« n u . ided all the c<>uit««l<<« lu which her «ts-t|nu t utlt lcl hrr.

Tha wlto ut. Vi.11 I 'midenl ralhounami tho wlvw .if all tin- nieiul«r* of tb.- j lug tu a <'ln«i.cabinet wb.i hud any wlv.a irfuw-.) t.i i Tho Atlnin tirli1|<" «• • 'ther«foru

.much ifiui<i thud n uv.-r tluiu.

t yIt wua hot tluvuthir iluy in

I>hilailrl|ililu. Li-it w« dn.iilit..If thli wima cirnun»taiii'.i' to" tln< ln-iit y•'•nt* nltiyullthu Nile, win In tlllx lirlilt(i> h i i t i i w

Mm. Eaton. Jirtnm look uptier cauav with hie uwnal rurri£y. Rialth" queatlou «otervol t»illti<» Van It'iren, tha wcretary of atat,-. ba.l iui wifv(bu wa* a widower)/ Hi- bail u-i daii|(ti-tera, II*wa* thuafire to^itrujto>lrm.Eiiton tbucouventioual i'ourtr«ie«,wlili h

«ti'l « ' » • for

abdi L.riit. "ti Ibuililera fall.-d.

utb nf will, h 1Thu Aumrliaii

boililrr^provnl atiperior lu di»l«ii.w a q n l c k r r In d r l l i K with nuw c

^ lluwaaqnlckrr In dralliiK with nuw ci lulltlon'a. Uo •uriuotintc.l mi iili"Xii«-rt«'tldlfSculty luth mule uliiilily mid iiioru.kllKully. - Tim briilgu uli the Nl|u in 11«ninth th« trophy ot l i l trr tiiliulcitliiavatioo and Inv.'iillvr tkUl in it In of

lit did wltb thewhich h« waa notnl

Tbls uiada Van Unrru'e i-illtlral f. r __tuua. There had I n D kn-u rivalry \f- [ (hasp at>» I and rhrap cml. t'li 11 i.tli.ItWMUt'alhonuanil VaDlUir»npte«iLn« j (ibia bridgn builders nut .uily wmi >ly foi the aucciiukiti to Jin k*m hi th» ', they wuu un every point and won nu apresidency. Tho IVni.»r»tlr | i itty wns \ uiarKUi ixiwldtt thut, us WUM nild t» thuInvincible, and tlm umu «b>i K>>t th*.-1 tju«4nln-a~iiitruioralil« rni'.Miff tint lulupresidential candidacy was tirtaiu <f of Wlxht, "V.iur majirsly, ii novlectluu. Jackaoti wa* the |iarly'« d k • aecoud thu AIIHTI.U U IIIFI ulnlio."Utor. tjalbuun, l.y b i i | i . - i t l iU ui « n . ' :president BI.J l y his t>rumln«nc« In th<-) A r.irmr Hr.iiil.lill ,111. iu In «.-»l,-ni

. t.. .tjt.dy

party, waa popularlynext In Hue to Jacknon.

l a th» Urat y-nr or tw j o f Jaikarin'aUral term Jackaon'a fv^il* healthw«i .tllUUHht tul»-»_liaimr_ln_J!i.«. way ufU t acceptance of " l W F

lilt . IIMIIIr * u i i « ) l v u i i l a . n< w-,'11 ii,t '

1 t i t u u a an f a r <lf»» r n i u * 1 I v c r itti t ' ln . ' l i i -

y o u u t f i it .- i i tit Al l . 'Ul i iHiy I n n . * .- i i i i i-l . l . l . - J o r i u n i j . l i i . J i i» fur . ' x t i i l i l l i . l i l n u it

u^mVDsVi^fo^of ilt*'..«.*iiiui** ln-lii); tu utvi* iiiuri. mi'l

i7arp"po«id'tJJ^UUi«Jltirjh'7r"TT»'^dlsLUveiy. throuub the 4'ra«fonl dia- •! •"«"«'» "» "«''' l"l" "' ""' '

,•„). ; aa>a thr rilJsbuiK "I'llmi. Thoun lor Jackafto Vntoo caUn«i, and the querr#l whkh t!i«lira. Eaton Incidnil kiuaxht. «lrtt>o;rdtbl»bop». Van'aibaupiootilpof Mra. Eatou'»cau»«eBd«r«l»iluiJuckaun. _ _.

Van BurW» call npou Mr*.' EsU.n at.lur ie»UI«nc« hud nii«hty p.Jltk»l r.-u

J L U b b f th<i"enjlsittltd tiiruwrn'1 at C'jticold tfi<li(*. tho

allver kotxke xMra. Eaton'advorhy Martin Van

hd l

puii«i-."«, hut«'•'• " « ' " ' " rInMivl.r ^lulp" i»f mlililt.O-inl »lr.*t-.lnad of IIIH

rivi- lnmt f!>«• ^

i>. 'luKgun <if r.i:i rAllcsliaby. WIMI U ut In.'»«-utui<.. wnulK nil lln. I!tbat !.•• can pu*><llily - ."in.drt'd*' tiL-i'd.'d totun* aturt.'d rliflit.'ntid Mr. Tnuifiirl . ^iw't* Uj ai.'iid to IOIIKIIK- for ui l...imt '.','*>pairs. HlH-aLIUiC of the' nn.Ji'i-t, Mr.

Waa bt'lild ioun . | the wwM, or at l « i t ! '*'a«sart said rect-ully:roppd that part of Ibx wcjld cump'fu»d j "rth«iild»ifr>tliliii{ «>» w.dl In thn-tIp tba United Htatea j >'f»rs « e will !<•• ulili* I'J put unr llrnt -

Aa a r««olt ot the P«cgy O S s i l l war i t"" 1 "' l "« ll"" i'»rk.-t. It muy H..«IIIappleni«nted in C'slb»UD's c u e by the | • l o "« """'• '""'"• "'" '""'•'•>•" <" >»; ••»•

Crawfonra«cl<>«ure»;C'alhoun'waMnbut \ P*u«led will U- .-.-iiMld.iubl.', but w..OOt from the yrnide-*.-y. wasdwsrf« l ; think it will pay In .ih» IOUK run. \V<-truoi a national Intw a atctlonsl figuri. ; l>wi*>»<i .to rulw l.i>W«yi_luiri'« \»-r«nd bis brooding o»«r. bis eft»«ui«tit j » » w a(jd to sell theui'tuo. \\« willprobably assisted ID IDCUIDK tbat »js i k l » »U>1 •*•''» """» ''•»''/ f»r "'" l»'t.

' Uue IIIIIIIKU looks llki--a whole Int. hut,-It Is ut>t sti tunny whin you ku.nv t h a t /

and Van liureo mj^ci - l iu j «h'e p^inlo of i'ltt»imri{ aud Alli'tsbauyApril. 1081, in order lo f*cibtst« *.<** 1 .««.<««». rabbits .-wry y.ur. T.'Uguntral reconrtrnction ut the tahiritt i «ti«u<«uid p^r day durlnic th" M-IWJII U ••'which w o a U free Ja/:k»<a fruU) tb« | ""« oi««uut <onHuuii-d. W.- lav., llgur-basUnds of tb« wlvr« wh> t»'l dj«e- 1 V> '''"* * « a flusuly. and with tin-_Xlhli>gardsd bit Eaton ok«*»-«ap«.i«lly of L •>«U*i towns, which wivjaju rrauji luInghsju. tocreUry of th» t r u i s r y , ! 12 buura" run. wo can i-uslly IIIMPOM of



y yBranch, aecrvtary of tb« JMVJ. aud 'Barieu, attoroer K*MKH\.

pl!**>.'*ti hart* p<r y.ur.. I violat.; noCduttdracv Io nayluK that »'« expect toj!?' •'''*' '" f | l r"l»b the liarit dr«N4>-d

] "1<" U"w "tippll.-i tb<*' uiurkct ia irrfalch foonded tba Whig partj . threw] aboot th*- wild rabbit.

yeara later, aud that party rKziirtd a< "Tb« U*lglau hart- l i hy tar the l..'t-•treogth which It would Dot olh«wi*> j t.-r f«.r our bunlneiM. lit- l« 111u.l1 Inr-h i d at th» o'jtaet-—Ht. Loaia 1 Ktr. and bit mtut In betti-r. A l!i-l«!;mOlub»-D«ui'».raL ' tare will <l>au nl«>ut four I

I fu"'- our <oiiittiiu ml.lilt will vii*nu

Page 2: Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa joo fear* ted radios tie oif^t- %*• ta out of til* deistntto-oacsaUe maa of'tla


">>?«'> ?,"

E CranforbPublished every Hut unlay liy

lie fnsf«rJ filttrt (IscwytfiltJ);

Union Airaue, Oranfonl, N. J.

I».>lli«r« Veui1

l'n//ir<l nl III' Crr.iif,.ffl /Wujlrr Hllnu flnllrt. / '

HATIJUDAV. k\mm\\ ft

•vilufnn the wnwciitu of the effort••lire fiiee postal delivery for ("rnnforil,111 Mil* r'-fpfel, iiij> in eyefy other IIXI-teiln! a<lvniil/ipvi Criinfiiiil will l>*'itlii'jul nf ull (illieti town* on tin- HIM••Jet-|it l'illlllllelii1, Kvlilelllly | Holm•jj|(ViJ'iji< Took the |ilrir of "The <'ltiwn,Iflveli wjinc I liiit'-jsinee,.mul exe(1ei| n|>iill to help /IICIIIKIIK" (,"""' Hull;. Wi

thiefIP tinTauter>r the

t h i n k We e o i i M ' iiiniiu'1 t w o <>r

Went fur,In w e i

T h e n .J'i.«t

h lli'li-»livi|Di'illy dewrvr* iniirh rtvillt fvt liy In* |ilhi«>(l ••verylliliitf In Ili

i l( l i lt III1 |lll«llll'IIH llf till- llfTll'C Illtll

••iru^i-il under Sir, Dei by Hinttln< |iri!i('l|'ifilrotii|itl<»i» laid doI III- l>c|inilMM;"t, tlml of illiioiin

HI I | | |-

w ofMi liynf Id'

fully met. The MoneyOrder IMIIIIII-MH Inn I (•<• (,'imvii llmt tin1

liixjxi-tur iiToiiiini'iiili'il it ,l«rB" In-

nil* tit onri' frniiiti'tl |pyHn> J>i'|MiitIliejll. Till'"Illy I'ollillllnil IVIIIIllllIll),'

. iiiifullilli'il IHflliijt.'ill' irii|iil«'il,i)p

liiiiiMi'w. 'J'IIIH IH nil ini'X|ii'iihlvi' IIIIIT-

t e i t o t l i e li«iinellolili>riiiiil nu iy In) a l l

limit1 lon(? Itefoie Oct . I, tln< (Into Kef

f< it* tlit* I'oiiinic'iu'ciiii'nt of Hie Mt'i'vlci1,

Tin* tlltlzt'M Hiitftfrnts ttutt t l io II i int lx' i -

l l i | f IHMIMIH' liy utiirll i iH e/icJiLltiek' 4111

Mil i-vt'ii IIIIIHIIVII, TIIIIM liy till' Hint

HguK' nf n niiii i l i i 'r It.iiuiy lie k n o w n

lit IlllCI'lM'tWIMII Wllflt nllVl't« tll#« ll<>IIXf<•|» loctile'l. 'I'IIIH jiiiiy not Imnf HIImiii'liailvmitjiKi'iiow,.lint imtli* tuwni;mwii It will l«i*touinl to lit1 very I'OII-vi'iili'iit.. Itlfi tin' H.VHli'iiiiiti'iiln iiiitnytllWJIhllllll l'lt|l'H,H(>|ll>')lllVljlf{rl||||l),'|-||

tn It frniii tlu-iiM Hlyloof niini

• * ; . , •'J'tithe f.'iliturvf Of t'itiirii.

Muy I unbuilt tn jnur coliiiiiini wlintIIHS IHM-IIIIIU u very inmtiivi] itMi'Mlilin in

frlimiliol and fed.liy miir or two nymph-tlii'tio families. To few! a frimiilli'HSHiiliualin a ximplo tiling; but, In nroceiiHof liini', tin' (ill in i|lic»liiiM Iwruiiiu \«m•waned of n Inrgo fuuill) of liiltciiH whichthu laWHof XiilUreiluiiiuutli'tl HIIOUM lie

YounK eliiekonn make -vicollpnt mu)e'oliveiiiitiil food for eiitH mul UltteiiB, utitiit liitaooiiiouboul tliut soiiii'tliiiiK Ilk)'Tfiur iKwnilily 100 ehicliohH luive guiiualn<aily t» fenl this ouo fuuilly I Notonly this, hut the young .hnvnalrendy

[in to forage for IIIIMIIRUIVOH, and

nw ni'iirly a half uWen tramp entag elili'liunn, uiul one nf (hum lian' bitten ii luiiiiu'lioldcr who inter'

fi-roil with tlioir liltmttaut puHtiiuo. TIHTOi* only olio yim in tho iioiitlitKjrlitiotl, undtlijt has nut U>on IIIMHI IM'I-UIIBO It" omittr

frit "surry fur tli» |xKir IhiiiK."

'i'ho VIIIUK of tlin- rlili'k* iilrrmly do.etrovi'il. ivhvn Krowii, wiiiiulnpproiiuiiiUi8.'>0, BO that thlv <iU(>»l!oii is ntrietly nn«M<uuiiiniii one. Thi> prtiwut writer wouldlilip to u«k Mr; Miirrison or m>iiit> uuo inthoRI*. C A. ooiiiiwl. Wlint iihoiild

JIIIVO lieeii .donttjivliat uhmiUI ui>w bi>Uoiio If And Iliti i|iiw>tiun in uuhml, not inany spirit of oarpini;. lint m II nomiino

~ pruGivin, tuo hiini for tiif |uk<*|il& wliouiit mod catieuriiB. , '

Tlii) Villoga liii|irov(>uuM.t AiuHi'intionotOanfunl winli to thank tlm public fortheir kilul |>otruntime, nud tor tht>!r lipprceiutioii of the pluy uf " Tlie I'riiu'ous"given mi Hie t>vi>niiiu of .Inly 'JT, ISTho pixititM to bt» piucinl in lite huiuli* i>fthu Asxoviutiitn will 1M> ulxmt t-'>. Wowish to tliunk oiirkiml fricmla who nu•IDIIMI US; Wro. Knight f»ir her untiringzv>\\ in drilling tlie young luilii'H, uiul Mr.'(J. W. HvdeiilHTi; mul his iiwititHntB. Mr.Jowjili ilurt, Mr. Itorkoly Auutiu undMr. (iiHirK« tlutoa for their able BIIIKOluanugouiKiit. Our t!miiknuron1tu> >luoti> Mr. Kdu'arU IIIKIOHIMTI,', uhovoiiturtHliu where ho othpr man ilurcii enter, toenliven the seen* with hia inimitable

Our young liulicndiacluim thr lu-rtl oftbauks to theut ua thoy GO tluirouuhlyvnjoyed their rehonreula, ami were BUbenelitted by the training, hut vvceanhotleuve them out. Kui'h did her^part BO

v Kell, from .Miua Huston's tinialiod inueic,'V nith the dainty nccoiiipnniiiiente aud

eoft cadences to euit every tet'iio, downto the doar little HvruIJa «bo iu theperrons of • Klinor Bailey aud Dorothy

- ~ ~ ~ l>^fS^t^o lines iiud omlttcJno^oliei'eaiice, even though bedt iuie and theeauJ mun nan tuckouiog theui home.Our thauka are due to our casl, theilioseeSanJfrtHio, K<litli _ Jouts, I.uuit*Jones, Mxuriir.VunSiiun, MiB&ea E lnuTeller, Eleauor Ilrackohusli, OcrtrudeMauConnell, Urace iVenooiub, KiuilyJoseph, Beaaiel'lumiiirr, Orarn Kraii6t5,Florence I'hmmier and Dorothy Fui:

toule, and t«j the. college girls who.charmed ue with thuirbeautifultablonuB,the Misses Brarktuliueh, Hinuek, Hoaille,Frew, Hale,Teller, Krnurf und .Mis*-.Tray lor. The play is over and the cur-taiu is down, but tbe girls ore etill liugtu'.

jna and we hear rumors of classes for

tli* study <if •loru>K>'ti and physical eul-ture. ntudieajof > MidsiiBiruer NighU"-Dresm," aiiJ meeting* fur improvementand srteiibility. Perhaps a club JpvoUdta inbtriu-ti\ * resiling may grow out. ofthe pleasant rehearsals tit "The IVitocrss." We dn|* they ttill not be UiUnlfiit, anil har out the !*>)* from the

Tlie Ibieeiln ItormiKh (l.uui-i| tuet tailnl|{lit t<> noneiiier trolley franchise mat-terii. Tlie third reailingof theonlinanc*for the widening of Haooud avenue «>•Inidover. <>•!. Ilinnand K. A. (|.r<'iH'iilinif the WVntllel.l A Kli?ul«Trolloy "On. Were prtntlit t« urfe' theKraiitintiof the franchise aakwl for butno definite action wns taken in tlieuiuiter. Cituhuel was instructed Ut ppare agreement by whluh the Itortiu({hwill be indeinnitled for any dam*|nriHiiijr out of uldviiliiK of the streol*aiid,c'onstructii>ii of the lins, anil U> payuost tit ojieiiiiiii Hwoml svenun. Tliet!ouneil wilt niwtt again n u t Thursdaynight. '

Mr. t'liiin. ltookhout woa severely in-jurnl yoaterilay morning while helpingtwo workmen to remove a trv* from infront of one of the llookhmit huuse* onH|irini;flelil avenue. A ro|i» lint) be«nuttJitlml to tlie tree aa a belp In placing,it when felltHl, lirit a* the tree enmedi.wo.Mt: Ilwikli»n.t.. wrli<>.was..|iipjpitlie IIIHII, w u kniwked <IIIWII, cutting hi*

hrml un ft atonn, and roeileroil uniionlii'ioii* for Home time. Dr. Allen wasniiiiiinoniHl' nt oni-e and *(l»r ilreexingtlie, wuuml, said that Mr. Ilotuklioiil wasnut iiungcrousljr injured This morninglie i* footing much bettor and will soonlie nhoul again.

In Ilivlr flrat rewiitiueiit over the factHint Oiinfor.l had ew-ured free i*mdelivery, aoiiie Weatlleld peoplejchargedthat tlie m«<)iinta of IbeOraNford |ioetolltee bad Iwen " |milde.l." The Inapevtor, Mr. Know, went carefully over tho

i' l ie found that Craiiford had e ieiixhnl tb»>iH|uireil aiiiount of incomefor tho pint two years. Nut only that,mt fiu <<ipri<HMxl surprise that eo muchiimiiiMw had Iweu dou« with meagre fa-

FRINGE AND AMERICA.Consul Bruwacrt Discusses tbe

New Reciprocity Treaty.

tiro linings hnvelieen urdnred svni toCnuifiird.

' Wauit II Heass <e> Walk.The. wan who Is conteul with a

modest average of sli ulles' vralklnj aday scarcely rtalltts that every Ityears be if ilka a distance infflcitnt togirdle the earth at Uie equstur.

HtaxlllDtt a* this slmpla calcoUlionIs, ho may beexcassd a frellnguf In-credulity when h« learns that In walk-lug this dlitauco be has eipt'Uded sdlQ-clenl energy tg raise our ttH Urst classbattleships a foot high.

It la calculated that iu walking anarerstjo in I In a man uwi suQIcisut eo-<ergy to raise 1?', tuna to the height ufa foot, or couvvrM-ly a tuu (uf cuals.say), to three tliueshlaowu height. Theinero thuiigbtuf such affat issaBlcitnttoilnlcr a wan frotu takiug the mustuiodent cuuitltutloiisl. . .

Tlinn every year the man nhu walksail tullesa day dues aufSi'Ieiit work toraise a. toii weight to la height njoslroughly to>l,1, l iuea tint uf MustWane, or to raisa all lbs gold currentthroughuat tha world « foot higherthan bis own head. A Uaujuof 18 miles• day Involves a* much sitrlluu as theday's wurk of an ordinary laborer.

A W H M ' I WU.IIH.—Bald-a-)ibj»UJan:T-"l-wwid«r thatwuiutu fall to ap|ircclaii bow tuqehnvrvous furce as will as physicalstrength tb«y conauuie Iu vmtrytnauverthe little things uf life, twok at thewuther and housewife as she goes abuuther tasks and observe, how often she ut-ters au Impatient eidauiatlon, how uf-,tun ihe «IKII« over her tervaqt's shurt-couilugs, how often aha starts nervous-ly at a noise from oue uf the children.Aud vach tlma that «lm loses controlover herself, her. nerves, her temper,she loees just a little uervoua force, justa little physical well Uing. and mowsa fraction uf an luch farther on in thepath that leads to> immature old. ageaud to luvalidlaui."

Tke Uee.a'e BestrlelleB.If The English Ecclesiastical Oasette

reports correctly, einlneut £nglhvb di-vines are nut above a little fooling, of& Scriptural tenor, of court*.

Tho dt-auof the.Chap>l ruyal waa oneday wated In the Byuod hall, at Dahlia,when a . M.vut bottle, falling! froui theetraugua' gallery, happened to alightupoirbia eoiuewhat bald cracloni. Ris-ing from his chair, lit asked peimUsloato make a verruaal explauatioo.

"My lord piluiate," he said, "I a nalways glad to ae* strangtis at our de-bates, and I feel specially honored, bythe presence of nomu. Bat"—hue beheld up th* sceot bottls—"1st Bat theirPieduas baluii break iiiy hiad."

When a Burmese hoibaBd and wit*decide to separate, tha woman goe* oatand buys two llttls candles of ojoalleugtb, which ais mad* atpcdaQjr forthis use. She brings them home. Sheaud her hatband sit down on to* floor,placlug; the candle* between them, andlight tbeui siuialtaneonsly. One candlejitatids fur" her, th* other for "ntw. "Theonrwbiw raudl* goes onl flrrt rijosand goei< out of the houto fureTer.Nsilhuuthlutc hot what be or she may haT»on. The olie wboaa caudle has survivedthe longer titiie. er«n bja second, take*everythinK. So thedivorceand divisionof the property, if ens can call that adivision, are staled, .


t ts les Y\mcr& am the l a a easl Wllb ISaalanil, ti»rm«D»«ii|« ji»^_Ae»«rl»—*rv/, Tr»d«

fcr* Is prmum-^Veir^Amrfmrmt Are Kepi lrer*t.

a f

Sluch luti'rut was inaulfFKti-d £hother day In New York In the cuurlu•Ion of the reciprocity tivuty betweentne UuUt-d Hlalrs and France, underwhich Atucrlrau export* to r ram «• willlie admitted ouJJt&JHiae.terum withexports from Kagland, tieruiany andother European countries which harehad the bem-Jlt of tlie Frt-uch mlul-mum tariff.

Neither Collector Illdwcll our Ap-praiser VVakrinen bad learned fromWashington the details of tljo treaty,aud Ufltber would venture an opiniona* to lUi effect, say* thti.New YorkHerald. Francois Kdronnd llruwacrt.the Kri'och conaul Kcncrul la'jhn Uult-ed State*, wblbi not Infonnvd a* to the.extent of.thn American conceaalona,eipUlnnd the Reupral scoiie of thet r e a t y . - ' " ' • • ' • '

'"I regard It on an excellent thing forthe United Htnti'S," he said. "Americawas 1be only country which did notuav'i> the bi-ni'flt of our inlhliiiuin tariff.A* mauufucl jrers abroad are *atlsd(|dwltli'a prof i of 5 per cent,- the differ-ence betw een MM maximum and mini-mum ra'"t was sunVtcnt to keep theUnited Atnte* out of the French mar-ket. • . •

"Franco's annual Importation ofmanufactured artlrh-a 1* about I2S0.-000,000, andxlbe ITulted Htntrs will geta good share of this. Auierlcn uuder-•elh Knglaud Iu ruttnu gutnU In China,and thiTo 1* no n-ason why It cannotda tbe same In France. It will be thesamo with dther article*.

"Kngtand. Itflgluin. Ocrinauy andAustria now HiippljF France with herImported uinnuractured article*. Theleading Import* are raw cotton, wheat.1

tobacco, mineral oil. copper and lead.America send* agricultural Imple-meats, sewing iiiucblues, electrical ap-pliance* and pump*.

liable list of tbt< Frtucb tariff, and thetreaty, gives the United Htates thetslotmuui ratn on all except 12. Uer-many, (Cugland and the other countrieswhich have treaties with France doout enjoy the mlulmmu rate ou thtso12 exception*, which are chlvHy agri-cultural products. Tho average difference between the Frvucb maximumand mluliuuiu rate Is It3 per cent, sothat lmport)i from tho United Mate*wilt pay oue third lea* duty wbeu thetreaty goe* luto effect.

"There are 4113 dutiable Item* In thetariff law-of the I'ulted State*, aud Inreturn fur her couceanlun* Frauce willobtain • lower rate ou lea* than 1UU ofthem', the average reduction being ouly10 per ceut. While this aecius onesided, It la uot so much so as It appeara. because American good* have

under thu lnlnluiuui turlff."I do uot think the treuty cau go Into

(Sift before next February, lit mustbe riitltled both here and In Franceaud signed by Trcsldcut I.oubet audl'resldent McKJnU'y. Then,copies ofthe treaty musi bo exchanged.

"Thla treaty mark* a new era for theUnited mate*. There will eventuallybe opposition to American Import* IuAirelgi»-<Hiuntrle»rOUd-lt-vrtll-lio Trtaefur thu I'ulteri Slmen "to make tradetreatle* tH'fun- that opposition become*

ged the treaty fur the United States,ha* lUed much abroad, aud 1 tbluk hetake* u broml view of the situation,foreseeing what inuii happen Iu tbefuture. *

"Frauce ha* given all she can give,because, with her $7,WK>.ln>0,UUU of ua-tlunal debt, nhe cauuut rvdui<e her tar-iff auy further. We did uut get whatwe aiked. by any mean*, but we ob-tained all the United States was will-ing to give. We rvol|xi>d that thetreaty must • be such that congresswould approve It, aud Frauce deferredto President. McKluley'a wishes outhat acvouut."

M. Hruwaert *ald that the UnitedState* had a great commercial futureaud expressed aduilratlou at the easewith which Secretary Oage, burrowedall tbe money nettled for the war withSpalu. ' • ' " ' . .

Stvrec'y Is maintained Iu regard tothe classes of good* upon which theAmerican tariff will be lowered. ThisIs done In order to avoid the oppositionof Interests which might object to for-eign couipetlttou Iu the home market.The details will probably uut be madeknown before, congress meets.

AD Editor'* Vacation.We are golug to take a sneak up

tirass Hollow Iu a week or two. forti-fied wllb a clothe* basket fun of grub.i r t t e d i d If and"woflSad lutlc

cottage at with the rv*ultthat every editor Iu the couutry wa*Jealous.—Itoacoe (Pa.) Ledger.


House formerly occupiedby Mr. Van Order, at cornerof Sprhtgfield-^m!" Ctffii&'ltrvetlluBB, ' All improvemetfta aud perfect condit-ion. Rent $35 per month.Apply to •*• >^_

H. S. SANDERSON, nextdoor.

D, A. EVERETT.(formerly Kv«rett& Pitnon.)

Mason and Builder-



Boot andI(ep«lrl>it{ Neatly Done.

CUSTOf! WOHK A SPECIALTY.• : Also a full Una of

Cigars, Confectionery and


CRAfirORO, R. J.Near Fine Home.



Anewdepartmanthas recently be*nestahllahsd contktlng of

r, CTC.

i' Give me a call and ins]>eot my largeassortment.


DIEDRICH KRBIE,• Carpenter and Builder.

fciiciierofliln»tru<-UnnKl>«> ttft" U I H W Ulaubrauk and

lluinfunl Bihi^il. atunilaii aud Tburauajt.


rbailjimc Union Av«nu».

JOHN iSENMANN.Waahiugton Market Butcher

All Kind* of McaU and Provisions

City Dressed Beef.(No Embalmed lieef)

- "»nJly fre»,d?Umiw In Cranford. Ordersuray bo left at residence, Springlleld avo.or stand 11W Washington Market. N. Y.

W. >V* Mendell,

Carpenter and Builder,«att«»aaCi«><S * o ,

Hessidsuoe, WalLula»ouu«,Uranford. „.

M, F.

Lake Hopatcong IceBux 1, C ran ford.


Lehi-h Valley Coal.Kindling Wood.

OBk-. Cbninicls Ulock. Yanl CsotumialsTstitt*Cnuifunl.

E. K. AUAUSAytnt for

Garman AmarlcaQ Insurance Co.Crun/orJ, A'. J.

A'. V. OJflct, kdom Hi, ii B'aay.

Livtry ami Boarding Stubltt.

Adjoining Opera Hbuae,

- Hew Jersey.

- Ull Adiaat*s» la tb* Oam>.The I'riucv of Monaco will probably^

have eLainvi to Ki't t v n nlth theCount >K- Castt'llaue by tlilut-up a jSure tGIugruuli'tte layout for^li^bene^"t—VTaSu'lnjfli'hl"Star.'" " > - •"""i:~

AdT«ijp* of tk«Utl»t>l.A MaksaOhu^etts^Cutu'auiau ha*'gone

Into tiankruptcy. Thrse moou I'jfilfolk always werv quick to adopt thelatest American Ideas oak-

;.—New YorV Press.


Opp. Engine House.



Y<>u ran be sure you will get yourlaundry It left at my place.

Reasonable Prices.





We do not annoy people who have recently lostfriends, by peddling monuments but endeavor to getour trade by judicious advertising and by dealing withcustomera in a square business way giving an honestpiece of work and material for an honeat dollar wewould be pleased to have your order on theseprinciples. J

Very truly, .

E.105 East Front Street, Plainfield, N.J.

STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES.l rosBl* Veeetabioa Every Day

Good Coffee, per lb 15a.PaU Coffee, per Ib 25c. -Bast Coffee, perlb32o..

Salmon, per can 10c. . 'Fresh Lobtter, cair SUo.ri I VAlIHinMoused Modferel 16*. f# | , I U I J I M M

Oliva OU 1-2 pt but 10a

Dunham cocoannt 1-2 16o,.,.'

CONCENTRATED SOUPS, aasertod, par eon 10c


• • » . - - 1



A Full l ine of EverythingFor The Garden. ,

Onion S«t», par q t ,—io

Tubsraa* Bulbs, aaeh i

CUdlola •• " a

Calsdlum •• Urg* sc

The New Sweet Pea"George Dewey."

Lai-firest and Most Reliable Stoclc-of (5arden S e e d in tbie County.


The ElizabethtowriGas Light Company.

Supplies gas to the-people^-of- Gran-"tiord for light and fuelr~If


Tomorrow wttGracoI iE

& llopateong foiMr. and Jin

goma to North- Tho Comm(Rood Board) i


The familyUBVO today tot


IUT. Qtatguterian Church,moDth'a vacati

R«T.Tbeodowill preach botthe Pmbjrterii

The Y. P. 8.businosme«tiAustin ou Funevening. -

£.-A. JuanlDumbsraoahorequiMmsnU oment for freed, -During A U|jipublished by tlP b t ieditorial chargi

The excavstiihouses ou'^iopleted and Conthe fouudationi

E. Dana Klplace where yoigreatly reduc^cthe Columbia a

The many frWataon, tha efflintjnjjont at thitbe FrihfyteriaKratiiud to koo

A bounolng tfaruUyofE.ILpaper mill, Tl

tootibg-OD theyyesterday.

There will bethe home of &Union avenue, ting at three, prcthe Ladies1 Aidtorian Church.

Louio Hendisonlatiyo of thebaa been very 11is now ImprovinHeld Bud Cranfuof by AfS . Hop

W. K.Embleiranging tors titrun Labor Day,road between \VRace is open to irules. Quite a 1Entnesclcse An

The JohDstowCity aroBchedulC. A.. C. thia iManor QroundipromiMd ae tlBtroDg- and the Cplaying top-note

Any citizen otago* of 21 and '

- eerrlDg Uncle Sisoon have a chatas letter carrimsubstitute will bmen will win und; The Carnivalgood progress iuf«t«of Aug. 19.whiih to hang"hased and musi

alter says that>being taken than

whic& Insures tlmitUa.

Tbe poople of'fused to credit tlterday morningcured free postalday trying to tijof the niaitir. Tle»er, with the tlwill come somenough.

The funsral iHunter ware hihome ot hia eon.Bar. Joh~;"Jgecremain* *rero pivault at Fairviower was 74 yean olepecUUatis diaesoffice being in^Ne

you havenever used gas for cooking-purposestry it and you wjjll be pleased. TheCompany : will furnish and set allutensils necessary to use gas for fuel.A gas range is economical and .con-...venient._- ..: ....-•..,.-'. : ...-

".— Address the Company at124 Broad street,


tbe bridge over tlGarwood land 0

' South avenue 1John Ledley off*iff Kirk got tbe »8135. Thasametbe contract forat«1^5». Normi

i qnired there. •

1IIS.T.A. Faljtb* residence of I


, •igbty-ssreiith y*dent of Cranfordissorrivedby on<« n Th* fucsra

Page 3: Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa joo fear* ted radios tie oif^t- %*• ta out of til* deistntto-oacsaUe maa of'tla

-1 t** >&j&~y v ,« f t.i.,'i. „„, .•**#"•!£•

recently lost _deavor to get 7"dealing with i

•g an boneat i>st dollar we ?ler on these ~

infield, N.J.

i Flour 55o.ry Floor 70o.

1 qt bot . bat ,15c.




Bulb*. each ie

" ae

Urge gc


Town. Xotoo.

Ilis Xovoship Committee meets Tuss-

Tomerrow will be Comniuaiua SunOe;at Grace M. E- Church.

J. Ooi and family are at Lak<

Mr. anil Jlra. Fred E. Woodruff havegoma to Northfleld for • short TtaiL

- Tbe. Catnmituonars of(Road Board) mast Monday night

Mr. Frederick W. Park end family areat Spring Lako for the month of August.

Tbsfmmily of Druggist John Marianleers today for a month's stPark.

Ret. George F. Greene of the Preabyterian Church, taft town Thursday formoDth'a vacation.

RAT. Theodore W. Uarrisof New York,will preach both morning and eveningthe Presbyterian Church tomorrow.

The Y. P. 8. C. E. held their month-,business meeting at the residence ot llr.Austin on Forsat avenue, last Mondayevening. -

t.-'A. Jimael is prepared to place thenumbers on houses to conform with therequirements of the Poet Office Depart-ment for free delivery,, -During Autfiut, the VVVekly Bulletinpublished by the Bulletin Club of thePresbyterian Church, will be under (beeditorial charge of R. W. Blake.

Tha excavation* for T. A. Sperry "a nehouses ou-Roosevelt Manor anil Contractor Everett will startthe foundations the coming seek.

. E. Dona'Ely's'bicycle store is theplace where you can obtain sundries atgreatly reduced prices, lie ia agent forthe Columbia and Winnewood wheels.

The many friends of Miss Charlott.Watson, the efficient and beloved super-intendent of the primary department otbe Prtbbyterian Sunday School, will bogratified to know, that she is on the gain

A bduneing baby boy arrived in thefamily of E. 1L Aldrich, engineer at thepaper mill,' Thurnlar evening.- The

tootingon the whistle at starting timeyesterday. ' . ''••.."

There will be a bread and,cake sale attlio home or Mrs. C. W. JUacConnslI,Union avenue, this afternoon commenc-ing at three, proceeds for the benefit ofthe Ladies'Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church. " '••

ble Stockr-Dunty.


Uendrickson, the able repre-sentative of the Journal in this section,baa been very ill for the past week, butis now improving. His work In West-Held and Cranford has been taken careof by Aft). Hopkins.

W. K. Emble'ton'of WestUeld, is ar-ranging fora tif teen mile rood race to berun Labor Day, Sept. 4,on the Macadamroad between Westlieldand Netlierwood.Race ia open to amateurs under N. C. A.rules. .Quitea list of prizes is ottered.Entnesclcse Aug 28.

The Johnstown Field Club of JerseyCity are scheduled to play ball with theC A., C. this afternoon on ItooseveltManor Grounds. A good- game ispromised as the Johnstown club arestrong and the Cranford team have beenplaying top-notch ball lately. ____...

Any citizen of Cranford between theagesofSl and 45 who is desirous'of

- serving Uncla 8am M$COT per year willsooii have a chance to try for a positionas letter carrier. Two. carriers and asubstitute will be selected, and the beetmen will win under the civil service rules.

The Carnival Committee i s makinggood progress in arrangements for thefete of Aug. 19. Lanterns and wire onwhirh to hang them have been pur-"hased and music provided. Commodore

aller says that much greater interest isbeing taken than before the hut carnival,whicfi insures the success of the com-mittee.

The people of Weetfleld generally re-fused to credit tbe news given out yes-terday morning that Crsoford had se-cured free postal deljvery.' They are to-day trying to figure out the whereforeof the matter. Tbey are comforted, how-ever, with the thought tost their daywill come sometime—if they- growenough.

The funeral services of Dr. RobertHunter were held Wednesday at tbehome of his son, Frederick W. Hooter,Esv. JotejPJgecttmba officiating. Theremains V»ero placed in tbe receivingvault at Fairview Cemetery. Dr. Hunt-er was 74 yean of age. . He was s notedspecialist i s diseases of the lungs, hu

-«ork-of-the bridge over the brook through theGarwood Land Co's property on Use of

1 South avenue has been awarded toJohn LedleyofWsstfield, for 1396, Sher-iff Kirk got the contract for iron work at8195. Ths> tame contractor was awardedthe contract for Vreeland's mill bridge

"attifi&k-™No-mason work-urili- berre--;. q u i r e d t h e r e . - : - • •'•:•• •--'^-•.-'••—•••'•-••••-

lire, T. A. Falyn died last Sunday at, the residence of her daughter.Mrs.Sand-^ford, Weatllsld. lira. Falyn was in her, eighty-seventh year and had been a resi-

dent of Cranford for half a century. Sheis survived by one aoa and three daught-er*. The fosetai serrices were held

j horn* of Mrs. KaefottLE*T. ILCTh«apat>3cIOatTcFrsl o9ci-atiSjf. Ictercitnt .«•>. made in tbefsciily pM tt Fi lnie* CitaeUry.. The maoy' ttitndt of Mrs.F. N. BrunJ-S£e will b» gUti. to t i ro that she isnearly r»oov*r*J frost lair Ulnea* acdable to be> aixsut the house.

'IDerby receired yesterday

the folk>«uss Utitt from the l \ « l OSica

To i t u Posiaiirsa, CaasroBii. N. J.Sin:—Tfee l Mtmaster Ueneral has is-

d d h dS T f e e l M t a s r Ueneral has is

sued an ord« esSahSiahUsg the fre* de-UTery ««Tri<5» ai t^aafdrd, wah t*o car-riers aad on* substitute carrier—satrioetu rrmmttg* Octctxr 1, l&X The CmlS « m » •• Cbwsaiwiqin 'baa 'been re-qoestedtou&e the oecmsary steps toofgauuia a civil service board at your ofcce> COT the #Ta*niri*y*fi'n cf applicants forappointcg*ot as carrier As aoua as anayf'?9tnfltrtn is held and an eligible regist-

b S b the <* "tntrtifttK*iy theer isPostmaster ttexsstal will select thecamera. .

The inspector *&a visited yourr*Ca3tly reports that the bouses are nutnumbered; but that steps will be takenin that diraesion at osce. You w ill pleasesee that this requirement of the RaguUlima ia complied with.

'You will follow l i e instructions of theinspector i s fines the boundaries of thecamera* rout*, and in locating the st i eetletter boxes. Tbe work of the carriersshould be so arranged that neither ofthem will be employed more than eighthoars a day. You will also see that theythey speed DO oonacessary time in theoffice in rooting tbeir msaL. The regular carrier* -and substitutewill be) required to give bond in tbe sumof SljOOOeach,fareiahedby one of theindemnity companies) that have com-plied with tha Act of Gncgress, approvedAugust U; 1391. a list of « hieh Is hite-witb enclosed. /

The necessary'. Setter bouie, satchels,and stnpa will be furnished by the cou-tractora.

You. will have th* street TeR*r borneerected a day or two before the inaugu-ration of the ecrvkcu Have the workdone as rassocably as possible and notifyme of th* amount paid therefor so thatcertificates can be asnt to the Auditor.

Carriers are not permitted to tiebundles of sssil with twine or to userubber bands for that purpose, but in allcases must use the leather postal strapsfurnished by tbe Department. „

Vary respectfully,P I U I a lliitii.

First Ass't P. M, G,this tolls better than we can. of the

success of the effort to secure free postal

aad Repair* were instructed to make upa cat of rules! eoremiCfi fh« work andduties of the iasitor.• TheDittrkMQetk was directed to draw

a •mrrsn't for the payment of interest onschool bonds due SfrpL 1, and to itausa cots for J1.000 to rover this sad othernecessary paj meets to be made beforethe appropriation uf Ust Spring nJay beavailable.'

The Ki.UUty ac4.t>e|iaatl Companyhave settled all outstanding claimsagatnstUie Grant School building «iilthe eiceptiua of those of the^Mews,Haod and Conrad C. Hoffmeter: They.have 'not as yet preeeuteU evidence ofsuch eettleutent, hence no action ia thematter could be takJo. the Iloard stillretaining possession of the 'balance ofthe money due on the contract. TheBond Company hate conceded that theBoard is entitled, to retain out of balance)in hand the amounts expended for heat-ing the new building through the Winterup to the time the heating apparatuswas accepted. This totals several hun-dred dollars.

The matter of grading the grounds ofboth Hhermaa and Grant Schools cameup for discussion and it wss decidedthat should be dona sa soon sspossible, preferably by contract, Trus-teesllunli Kaytor and Ferguson Wereappointed a committee to secure plansand bids fur the grading of Clraut Schoolgrounds, and Trustees Everett > amiWarner the same for Sherman Hchool

4IIM.STI4SFirst Church of Christ, Scientists, will

discontinue their services during themonth of August, as is the custom ufChristian Science Churches, and will toopen their servicee the tlret Sunday inSeptember. ;

. llov.J: Herbert MacConnell is spend-ing the taonlb with hie father, Dr. J. K.MacConnell.

FOU+h. (.-rsalure UuUI BalMtae sa4 Loaa

ASMKUIIUB Utnbf OBkra rHr S>l>->n reasonable terms the following prop-

erty : two sud s half story frame houseon North, avenue near Orchard street,known as the Drown bouse.

Two snd a haltstor; frams house ouLincoln avenue, recently occupied by J.

Somervilte and WeatfieM all wanted theservice but nobs of these tocosthe required population and the postoffice receipts were cot up to the requiredamount. Cranford and Summit ere theonljT towns provided for in the order ofthe Poet Msster'tieiMral.tioticeof Whichis contained u> the above letter to Mr.Derby.;

The free delivery district sill includeroughly on the South Side, Lincoln, av-enue from the upper crossing to the 134 O. crossicg. South Cranford, with <fsw Louisa beyond Lincoln avenue onSouth, Walnut and Centennial•_ avenues.On the North Side, the free delivery dis-trict will U» the territory included ina line roughly drawn from North avenueat Fosters* Brook serves Orchard street

uyonj Mr. Valeotine'e hoijse. to Spring-'Held sveouaat Mr. Felt's place. On theither side of th* river from there theline will be Elizabeth avenue to North.v«nuo. Tha tree delivery serv|ice will;hus embrace aboat all the buil*. up s«c-ons of the Toncahip.There will bo sixteen mail collection

boies, located about as follows: SouthSul», at c6ro>r ot' Soutfi' aoJ Lincolnavenuas; South and Union; Lincoln andrentannial; Trf' vi" sod Walnut, and L.'7B7ll1itatsnB^S'or^&de~l»rBer'of

Spricgtleld and Union avenues; River-side Drive and Casino; North avenue andOrchard street., Oracge and Elizabethavenues; Qamaoct PI and Union;Hampton and Ftf**""*: Wast End PI.and Willow; Elizabeth and Cranford;Etaabvlh » s i i Nortb arenusa; and Cent-ral R. B. station. • •

The two carriers to>\* appointed willave to undergo compel, lire civil serviceiiaminatton which, however, is nut ei-

iiely hard. They will receivery«,ir at the start, with increase for

length of serricn. The substitute carrierwill receive a salary of II par year with

ir diem pay for working when he may*> needed. ' '

Free delivery sill prove of (treat bene-it as well as convenience to the peopleif Cranford. It mil be a great comforto know that the letter dropped in tbeearest bos will leave town by tbe first

mail, and that rain or. shine mail willome direct to the boase as soon as rs-•ived at the post oSce.

m « *

Sc&asJ MatMra.

The Board cf Edocskca met Thursdayigbt in tha board mom, Grant School.rustees Park. Host, Ferguson, Nsylor,

Brundage, Eierett «rd Warner beingpresent. |

The Teachers' Co=;tl«e reportedthat they1 had engaged Miss CorneliaDyke as t i ^ " f ' priaci^l in the Highchool, Miss Olive Smith, tirst Grammar

Class, Hiss AugasUi Fester, secondrammar Clasa, and Bias Sarah L.rusdage, aacocd Primary Class, of

Grant School. These appointments £11pthelistc^taaehersfsrail the Craa-ord schools.Tbe committee appointed st last meet-

ng of the Board to select a janitor forrant School reported that they bad n-

ceived a nmabax of applications for theposition bui were cot yet in position tomake a recoaaaiaadatioB.

Ifce st-asjJg c c = . t t s s ca

Batablialied 1863.— ;

Fepguson and Van J.ame,

Insurance arid Real Estate,.. .. ' *rTu all its branches.

Patrons of:thia office have the ailvatttaijes of

" ~~=- our New York couuect«ou».

Office QpefiiHottest* llloolc,

Bualneaa T»ughl by Bualnees Ben


Business CollegeOf Elizabeth.

Pay* Tuition ,Fof ONE MONTH

Promotion Is Individual.


Tai l i l i t , lux

nun if;r nutMt i:.

Greater New York Ofltcu U4 Street•

- I t U kn'ftwn tctsTeryboiJy in Crawford that the Best and Cheapest iil»>oto pnrvhaas ' "a '..• ' • . i ;y, •

Clothing;; DryGolds; Shoes&Hats


Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed

Bicycle Sundries and Repairs


from S26 to 050.Repairing promptly /Utcndeil to

POULTRY SfUPPUES.u« t« thettmtto oaauilMlfefitur ft»«lt. .

Luinbrrt's llrntti tu'x. /1 tu. Illv; 11 us. S5«; U <M. W «i IU0 u , th

Lambert's Oliitinrut lor Yumi|r

tut. I I n . «V

, 1). Q. Flru Towdfr liir ltugsami Fu*»I«./ ';••

For permit' and inspection sp|JIyletter to the association.

• ForCtl'days from this date proposalsor oilers will be received, the assoclatloureserving the right to reject any'or sibids. . . .

By order of the C. M. U. A L, Ass'u.Cranford, N. J.,

Juns 12th, WfJ.

.__ . will «ul wltli\ Bsoipit bouk uf over


\ acd chavrfullr enlmste for\riRSTCU9SW0RK

tnendinsKpuitaltu KUW1N TOTTEM.2-21-M. \ WssTnsi.u..M.J

FRESjH EGGSStraight Frdm The Farm


IlrollersW c l e a a s t e i .

FsesJi Vegetables in Season.


If you want trade advertise in Tus(TITHES. ~--~ .



"•'"" F O I S A " • ; ;


Two Minutes From Dcpof


Packer's Union Fertilizer.tum boot nod solmal uuktter—Out fruts

t 4 l ruck.iil

"Adv-trtlalng h the life of trade."



Established 1351.





rurtiollo Vfriuln I'ouilcr.

t'lilt li.tar U<«v* llt.tmDslli. *

l.rf'ii Iliiiilit<% Kllli'r.»i Kkl. Wi*; I «sl . Ii»';ft e*l< •'•

ttuiiltu* l»Ulii|V'i'tlnirI'oudiT.lib. bol«iki:»r..rtl,I>. .


House. Sign, and

Fresco Painting,CUin and Oecorjtlvs '

Paper Hanging,

Glaas, OIL Paint, Varnishes




ill l'ilpff.

New Jersey

oovou ncto NI.W

Window Shades?i-!. J.'M Wttltttr ultl oil •*).

KM) ktlowll klll'l, \>t f i l l .

Curtain l

i an.. lM»*ll..'m-t,'u\ uu.l Ml t

Ir s-.lun

W. N. CRflY, Unjgh Awe. Cranford


89; " .LOTS -

1)11 MAI. Kll.t


W l

No. 1 0 i*lr«». I 1 Inch Mmh N... ISO wlr«.ID. •) UU; =t lo. ||.:i;Kllu. SIM; » l IX ID, f i.SO; l« In. ttM: U In. ttiU: mi lu. li . 75i. (J.lli 4J In. ».'.». 00 In. Jj.15. Vilwiu. SI W. ••Ulu.aiJl, Wiu.|H.uu; ejlu. |i.Vi

»Wb n.11 !• IU)f»«l I..DS- IO|*r r«il. dlKouuluuwdHtoMrulU.

Scpoon Doors 75c to $2.00.*U I7o. unuli.r lhduw Slurooii I*rsassk«*ai U«»

tt'tm fork sad N«w in—t A««ul» tat •Prairie Mute Incubators and

/ UroodcrM./ WeetUaUkluUvlUtmeCuttwii. •Don't Forijet Our Hauucr KBB

Foed and Tonic lur Kffffs.I lb. t u »ci 11 lb o»n» llr

Llvo Poultry, Kgg* >>ur "utt-blug.Uu4 (iff H I Uisad Cstslusuo Vtm.

Adtlroas, Excolalor Wlro anil Poultry Supply Co.'£i Veeuy street. New York.

Momjulto Cloth. ,l'<r|wr*iuara(>»il 1» lurbl.. ittioilj In *Mlb

Ilcu't lorifct our llunncr MuiiU

It will fcvep iMUr tuml* In ii Ih ullis t

i lie; nn,4ihg Ihm lutiuu


.-.. Agent for

COLUMBIA HARTFORD and WIHNEWOOD -$30.00 Winnewood Bicyclcu - - $25.00

3.50fGalctum-Ktng Gaa-Litrtip———-——--—--ST)2.50 Brilliant " " - .-- . . - '"•• 2.103.00 Search Light, Oil ',' -! - 2.092.50 20th Century - " n-' •[ - - 2.152 00 Banner " » : • • • - . . . 1.02

75jiui Dandy " " - - s ^1.15 LawHon Carrier • • . - . - - - 75

AVI 'VwTorls: Guarunteed.Potter Building. Cranford.

~: We Give Trading Stamps.

Oold Dost, bm, l'o. CsooeJ i'ess, 1<:. <jt. bottle nil Jlc-. |<t. 12c. Amiuouis Ho

Worcsstsr Sslt 7c. It. A. Coffee, .'(.*«;. !i Il> starch ICo. C'rssiu of wl,e»t l.V-

Colaiubis IU?e Balmua lCc and' IHc. Uaked brass -ilbcsD 'iXta t'oru starch if

7 cakes bursx SOSJI!iT«o. IA-BOD eit. !»c. raaiil/llourSOc. b»g, WlieaUasiik '.'Ma

10 cakes aosp 2T«. Hires' Boot beer 17o Vsnillsext 9c. Dails baking p'wdr 19c

Otogcr Ale, Root Beer, SarsapariUa aoJ Ho<ls. &c. j<er buttle.

Feed, OatB; GrainrHay-aad-$trawr-

T|2€i Railway Wand Laundry.Lewl0Nt., . Haliwuy, N.J.

Highest Grade work.Hand work a speciality; Family workj, all Hat pieces

ironed per lb. 5c; All pieces atarched and ironed,special rates. Shirts ironed by hand 10c. Lace curtainsper pair 50c. Drop ua a postal and wagon will call foryour laundry.

A.. X. CStAJ9& Jr., Prop. n

\Vii.shingt«)ii plan',Kafiiycttc place. •

n»iil>. Kl. l .»«ll«lulu.' oalk fiiijiii ilu

F. E. C. WJncklcr, ovyner.Willow streot.

PAUL JHTTNER,Shaving and Hair

^ Cutting Parlor.'• llmrCuillnii ami


UPHOLSTERY.ttair MattratisvH HomiiJa.

Ib'xiiu II <)|H>rii ilonnij."

Room 0, Opora IIouuo.i'jitiiiist«H furiiiiiliml |iVi/Ni|iUj.

iwke, linrjbu, Ijiitlu, m-roW/i, nuil/i uf u | |kiiiiln uini it»Hi'tu\ liunlniiru fur

•alii at ritawiimhlu |/miHi.


Lehigh Coal, LumberDIZAIN I'I I Mi,



Pliiinl)er ana (ias I'itlerkju ktt'J luA w*u>t lt*niiu#. TittnUim and tot

mil L*Mtiiiaf. IviUiutti** tuttil*tn*\ f«rrWwtir mn'i •>!«•; r^iium OOK*.

Oparra Uitumm U.lw'., (//•lifui-.l, N. J ,

Chairs RecanedLeave your order at the

Myent' reHtutirant.

Union Avenue & Cherry St.

P. <L>. box 'Ml Cranford.

Now open for




ca Cream and Soft Drinks ol all KindsG. RIEMER.Prop.

New Goods In Abundance;

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

~^ \—



•i ;


Page 4: Monuments and Headstones, · a tatweeo ear-set'wonder if e«b la Uicif oalj be law: SotMalfta* whoa joo fear* ted radios tie oif^t- %*• ta out of til* deistntto-oacsaUe maa of'tla

mm E*'* —M «^.(«,1MBA*.J, ,-o *-*»*«.-»,« i - a w U > * X ^




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yen, to endure all tbia en account of awoman*- To tb« Roxtnoltes it was asIndubitable fact that tbe stopping oftbe clock bad directly to do witb tbewhims' of a capricious gltL else whycould It not have stopped yetterdsy. orElizabeth sent back tbe ring tomorrow t

To all overtures looking toward areconciliation, tbe obstinate girl's only

'" iHKMd rather marry tbo devilthan Janos Uolbar'dt"

"Very well." flared op tbs affrontedone, "I_can't; J»and_you .°*»r_*?Li^i"devil." but.'I'll do worse I" and be car-ried tbe matter into court '

The learned Paul Bxakmary waacboM-n na Uotba'rd'a counsel.. StephenMUkukil tbst of Elixabetb. From BOWon these two honorable gentlemen

d all the opprobrium of tbe at-._.. ofi'iiri'to'lb'etr own shoulders. 'Forthree foil weeks they bnrled every pi»slble epithet at each other through tbe

Tltr I urn-

l i* faufth that lurHut I It.


i u '




mBut, •).rn ItTr lrf-a.1 tl

Oli, «)>•• <*>1 trll' Tb* puwrr of nixh titty IMngs

Tu makt U awll. .- Htratitou Truth.

e Clock bonier QCDI SSozono.

Tbiriork fttappod Wfc»B ih»•Una Ckm» OB" Her rlof.r.tint *n»r»»rd U«I*4NOBTtil* Uoun In • Hurry. \

"Tb* followluR Incident* nr«« »i't forthin'an old cbronlcUiof "VillB«e Life In

It la-relnted- how onuilay tlio benutl-ful ElleatM-tbOruublatt returned, with-out warning, to Jauon <lotliBrd, bor be-trotbial. his rlnK Now It can readilybe imagined how lllto llfthtiilnu thenew* uf thla event spread aruuuil tbotown of Roam" and wbut B'duntlt

And why not t Wim Janos Ootiiard,Jr.. 1 ask yon. ln«uy wuy a perron tobo trifled withT Tlio son «f MayorUotbard, whosoXearnnml fiirlicnrii hadalways formed a lmwerfiil dynasty In

tbelr clerks (tbst being tbetlmt stage of the suit); IbeD. whentbelr mutual wrath baa reached there-quired pitch, they opined out upon eachother with tbe ususl charges and coun-tercharges. •

Beven ecclesiastical gentlemen of tb*vicinity were selected as Jury. Tbeypresented exactly tha appearance, intbelr black robes, witb tbe long whitebanda hangiug down from around tbelrnecks, of seven bottles of medicine.-Pale aud agitated appeared tba ex-Danccu Iwforn tbe august body, proudand defiant Elltabetb Orunblatt.

Heavens, bow beautiful *be wastHer unow wbtta gown clang tightly toher perfect form—It bsd been destinedto bo her bridal gown psrbaps— andthree roses glbWrfd in her chestnut half,all three blood red. the color of loveand InextlngulsbabWhatel And wbitthe roses failed to express trsi gifenutterance to by those two stars,, bereyes:

"No, I will never relent-never,never I'.' ' " . '

In vain plalntifl and defendant warewade to confront each otb»>, Tbe rep-resentatives of Justice even'took Elite.-Deth to one side and personally remon-strated with ber. bat to all she wilyshook.ber lovely bead, "Nol"

"Damnation will o'ertake tbee, girl I"^warned the fureman. Oeurge Fsbricsy.

"Thou wilt be boiled In a kettle Inthe next world 1" threatened Paul 8xon-tagh." the ecrlbo who. with bis. mind s«,yo, could already see tbe seething csl-dron luto which the radiant - youngwouiun was to be plunged. Verily, thechurch depnte* overfasclnatlng tasks to'

' " "I Hut throngh' all

men bad reckoned out witb «itr«meulcety the exact way to maka rf th»radiant blorsou a uplese etalb. JacoaOothard anoonnccdiiiioself MtatltSed,*nd ElltaUtb Utt to« room, with down-caat fyee, wlthont a wurd. ' - '

Tbo very neit day Paul Hioctagband Mlik'olczi began to a#t on fool themeat earnest nursaurea to obtain a re-veriaf-^r" tb'e"*ttl|t'SiBiitlc«|-~ilpd«lon.Tb«y even finally reached, with tbelrpetition, the very ttepa of the throneiteelf. tot all In vain. Tb« affair re-mained preclaely when it waa."'Tney^ad* at" "laatr relln<iaitl»t;d allbop» when one da* It rauie la paaxthat, on meeting old Martin Htua(a|(bin tl)« atteet, Jano* U^tiiard, Bf., nutonly did uot return bUgreeliuit, batpointedly turned away lil» bead. Now,1

old HzuutaKh bad th» repotatioo of be-ittlt •*• man WIMI litld blinwlf in »«ybigU eateein. Ho wm lha iu*ker of thefamous cli*k. bad t«ea dworated byroyal liandu for the earn?, and tblewelt ing of a (lotliard head be took «i-tretue'ly ill- Upon arriving home bewrotu opon hla tablet* and bandedtbent to hlaeon;

"Have you any quarrel wltb tbeOotbardat"

Tbe yirang man then related to falnitbe whole eUiry.' How beautiful Elita-bctb OronbUtt had been tried and con-deianed, and how bei bima«lf wai nowcontunied with love for ber.

"JVby haven't you i^ld a word1 tome about ttilil" wrote back tbe father.Hli aoo emlled aadly.' What can adniobman acvviupllih wli»re agile toagueehave failed t lint ths old man onlyabook hla gray head again and againand began hammering and anlppiog,away angrily wl»b bli tooU, for he hadractntly eet to work with great rnal atrepairing the dlaturbed •necbanlun ofIfae tower clock. E*Mer Hunday waadrawing near, and/on..tfaatglorluoamorning be bad prorulaed the clockaboujd rWuuie Ita wonderful career... Itwould be auperb, would It not, (in theday of oar Lord'i rcaurrection, 16 teetha cuck appear again-between bla opendoora and bear ring out. ae hand andabilll aa ever, hla aduionlablng cry t

Tbe old man ipent tha last daya be-fore Eaaler ahnt up In the tower Itself.Finally all wu« lu readtniMa. Exactlyat noon on Eaater Bunday. in the midatof tbe burraba of a (naltttode gatheredfrom tnllee around, the worka of tbe farfamed Huu'no clock aot In motion. The


u i a t n » f K > p r c l i i a U | i v ylieap. Him. too, cainouf u Jlno old «tock,whoaw-offthoota liiid fr«iu»ntly-gracedthn Judicial Iwnch: nuy, were oldJo-«rph Urnnblatt HtlH olive—but that la

lifre u»r thtTf.


Even if yoniiKTmios UoUiiirH weroTtiereonago with whom It wan beat totoko HlHTtloit. surely n hitrotliat ring Istint a fit olijuct for BUCII B paHtium• Honce Rreat was tlio excltt'iiiBUt. Tbepeoplu amiemlilod iu eager groups Intbe niuares and ntrnuU aud diacum-dtbe probublu outruura of tlio (iffair igeneral opinion IrnuinK to tbo beliefthat thoUothnrd futility would not ac-cept the rebuff ill alienee.''

Then broke In upon Ihi'lr disturbedtulnda Ibis second wonderful oveul,which also spread like wllcWm .thetower clock bad stopped that morningat prcclri'ly the hour and the uiiuuto atwhich Elixabetli Uritublalt had drawnthe ring from bur linger I It wua exact-ly is" though ProvidoucB bad dlructlyinterposed to nrrt'st itbu hniida nud In-tended to hold thotq captive nntll thofull trutlVof tho matter should comeout! -

Now this tower clock bad alwaysbeen as great a source of prldo to tho

— Ruxsnultes- as^thp. fair Jfamo of theif^wouicu. aud here, at ona blow of fate,was all over with both I They bad goodreason, too, for their pride, particular-ly intbetiock. for it wiuttruly-A.iuar-_vel of itn kind, so much eo that tbe fa-tuous Albcrtus Turlblns had Journeyedway from tiwiUerland tho precedingyear exprealy to study lt« uwebaulsui.Tbe warden* hud not bveti at all In-clined tii pcruilt this ; profanation, butold Senator Kuuilvua gavo utturaucu totbisreiuurk: "- »'Let us" nut' elsisa our ears tu the

man's reuiu'st. alnco w» cau bo perfect-ly ataured thiit tlu< wuiiilrm uf our clockwill llnd mi rooui iu bin bradl"

And such waa really tho.cnae, Awhole v n k lung ..h«.rummaged- andpoked and |>oiiudtHl about among itsmighty WIKI'IH uud hamuicrtt. ita in-uoiuerable Uttlu rudt aud triggers, witbtho result tbat Saturday evening; wheube had done, b« kuovv precisely ai muchas be did Mouduy muruiuK wben be ho-

jabllatlon was great but, al«». of abortduration! Tha clock went, bnt at-whata conaternatlng' r»t« of speed I Thehour hand galloped around the face 12hours In one, the minute hand flow

tbe honurablo counsel thereby oppor-tunity fur innch vigorous- debate. AtlaiittliB partlea to tha suit were con-ducted from tbe room and the Jury leftto itn deliberations,—Vl-pftt|H»e--t<»4l»i-ie»*rend body,!-.opened tlie furemau, Ueorge Fabrlcsy,"that wo declare the maiden guiltyand seuteucit her as fulloms: For theperiod of seven years she shall nottuurry. ui'lthur shall she during tbattime Indulge In any form of worldlydtveraluu whatever." v •'"Let us put It to tbo vole," said1 an-

other. " 'Yea' aud 'nay s' 'nay' signl-OOB nciitiittol."

Paul Hxuutagh callsd off tbe nameaautl Inscribed after each tb» rsipoBM.

"Peter Balltlusl""Yea." ,"Hnuiuol Urssluyit""Nay.""Charles VltorlsH""Nay."At this puiut MlskoU'xll hurriedly

scribbled a few words on a (drap of pa-per which he passed over to Paul Bton-tagh. The scribe, however, took Bo no-tice, bnt went ou uululerrupudlydowutbe list:


"Oonatantlu HeveocaauT""Nay." I. .' • : '"Bo far two "yeas" and three "naya.

Tbero wereuow " n ' ' lacking; the voices

pearled once every half day, as badbeen bis custom, tbo cock struck openbis doors every 00 minutes and trum-peted forth In a more terrific Voice than,ever: , .—-Lutherans, kok to/your«eirorH

Woe, woo "is upon usl" cried tbapeople/beside tbemselvn with War.The three oldest Wiiiatora betook them-selves, panting, to Martin Bzontagh.

"Ulaaster. matter; diiaaterl" tbeycried. "Our clock Istnadl"-.

A cunnlug smile plsyedover Mar-tin's gray old face. l ie selxed his tab-lets. ' ' ' •• —>—

"Tho clock Is bat doing its duty,gautUuieu. You all admit that tW timeit'sttts must, in every case, ba acceptedby Houuuitvs as tba standard, f"

"Yea, yea; tbat la truif," aOlrmed Ibesenators. The old man pursued:

"You havejtoudeiuued tho girl uiyton would Uko to wife to a suveli years'peUBUce"— -| i „ '

• •B-ia-ml" growled Euierkb Ko-mlves, a light breaking lu upon blm.

"1 have, thurefore. IU adjusted tbeclock that It shall tell off those, sevenytars tu seven uoutiml"

"llot—but you will set It right V"When my purpose Is achieved."

The~ ileliUtation •trulled. ciestfalleu,boiue.

In au hour, 1 should say. IS. thereason tor the clock's uunceoimlaWti.

res mi I *•Tba greatest magician* I havs erer

teen." aald lit- WaahlogtoD Matacw*of tbe array, "tba woft expert la leger-demain, were toe Artckarea Indians,who In my time—to 1 BBS—lived atFort Berlbold. In what U now NorthDakota.. In the aatatnn of that year.wben tbe bartfat was done ond beforetbey went not upon lb«ir winter bunt,weeks and nicDtn«y«re»p»pria cer»-monles of ell .kind*, picturesque scd•ynibolic daoceii. the celebrations andanniversaries of secret socletis*, etc.,siauug not only tbe men, bat Ibo warnea and tbe little children.' "Events of fbis kind occurred ev«ry

day aud every night. They bad la of their village a Brest medicinelodge, probably fiu feet in diameter,circular lu form. In it they bad per-formancta every night, and we idlewhite men. wtu bad nothing etas to do,vial ted these pf-rformanccs more regu-larly than we would visit tbe theatersIn a city. It waa a place of resort wltboa every night Part of toe lodge wasfenced off for the audience and tb* restreamed for tbe performer*. In addi-tion tu songs and dances tbey bad ex-hibitions of legerdemain. I cannotthink of all tbelr tricks, for yean haverolled by since then. Making littlewooden images smoke pipes, nutting aatufled bird on the end of a stick endmaking It chirp, were among tbs mostauiuilDg. Tbe last trick was probablyperformed by the use of a reed In tbemouth of oneof-tba magicians. :' -.

"The fire dance was one of tbelr mostinteresting performancea.' They wouldbuild a tremendous fire, dance around*it. and at a certain point the menwould break oat and roah-Into tba roar-Irig flame*, dance in them and throwtbe embers madly into tne air. It waithen time for us to ruab ont ourselves,because we might be some ofthe flylnif brands.' Apparently tbeywent into tbe Are*, bsrefooted and bare-legged. They wore nothing bat breech-clouts. •

—"Night after night tbey had some-thing new. Another trick was appa-reutly to rou a knife thrgpgh a man'sarm and lit the blood ruih out Tbeywould entertain as for houra witb songsand dances. No admission' fee watcharged, butTwo frequently made thempreiteiit*."

"What Is tbe greateat trick you haveever setn among tha NavaJucaK"

, „ . . . irtalceaplace at nlgu't bythe uncertain light of the fire, whichconfuses the eye of the. spectator. Aparty of Indians come in and dance,bearing nothing apparently about them.Tbey form a ring, singing and dancing.


ttl.w tke Ttre Ilitkea* An r*e« lavIke ttmmmtmirtmti at Mtrrtn-Wbr.

Claeeea A«wa>»e Ba>»e m WO*

It Is a popular fallacy that all mlr-,l k U r



I t e» l r Btaoiee at»tte»e

tocrcury, or . ,matter of toct-not orer V_

per ceot of the mirrora now sold be-long to tbat clot*. Tnojpneroi publickoo* thaw: they cao purchase mlitora'tnucb chaaper now tbao they could teayear* ago. but they do oat know thatthese are not tbe ojd time reliable mer-cury back: mirrors.

The. mirror now , manufactured 14known to tbe trade as tbe "patentbock mirror," not that there 1* 'anj pat-ent- pn the process used, but simply)ko distinguish It from tbe mereuryjback mirror. A number of yean agothe mirror manufacturers began toMubetitute the patent back for tbe mer-cury type of mirrors, without notify-ing tbe consumer or furniture Jobbersof the change; so quietly was tbe evo-lution accomplished it took aomatime for Ibe furniture Sealers to realizetha Chang*, and today many a carefulhousekeeper wears • herself out phys-ically trying to polish tbe speckled orfaded surfaco of a "patent back mir-ror," wheii the causa of the trouble b»Uuperfectlons on tha back and not oathe face, or su'rfocuof tlie glass.

The reoectUMr aurfaee of a "patentback mlrxor" ta composad of a chemicalaoiutlou of nitrate of silver, precipi-tated ou the surface of the glass, whichIs subject to change from exposure tolight, changes of temperature or moist-ure, <whi!e the rent-cling aurfaee of amercury mirror-Is composed of twometals, mercury and tin, wblcli furman amalgam Impervious to and not af-fected by changes of' temperature ormoisture a&d retains Its Initial reflec-tive brilliance unimpaired forages. -

The process of manufacturing a mer-cury back mirror is flrst to clean andtborougbly dry tb« plate of glaaa. tben-sprvad a sheet of tin foil a little larger,tba'u the glass o,u a sllvurlng table, tbotop of which wax be etonu or heavyiplate glaoa. ID either case It musthave a'perfectly level and smooth sur-face.. Brush Ibe. foil out perfectly;smooth aud pour on liquid mercury tothe depth ot a-Quarter of on Inch. Thlsvmercury la retained on the .toll bTi

Haw B>4 «*»B. , . » 4«e« BeWlr attaaT II «»•»•Afrtend of mine who If a •

boabwaa man an4 a v ^ «»chap, and who iffull to thephilosophy. receoUy laid down a grew

ill U tola: N»»«»prlaclple to me,iU tola: N»»«»

"If." h» aaya, "tiere U anytlilsf tfe»tIf. h» a y ,tl absolutely futile. It U eppiojy-stead of making th« pcfsoa t» *1W»» «la tendered f«el any better concjrate*tbe overaHht or piece of tboogbjlas*.ness on account of wolcb It U given,the apology almpljf'Inteuslflea blf per-ception of that oversight and makeahim feel all the wore* abquf UU A f»K


days ago I took luucbton wltb, .WMwho said be was reeling very badly.Be bad borrowed, upon point of tyjuor,from a dear fHead, the only copy n»existence of a treaaored hlatoricBtaaa-

Ue bad prombsed to retoro itstraightway. It wae the oldatory.- 4servant. In quest of paper to atfrt «kitchen fire, got bold of the preej?>»old manuscript and burned it op. Wtatshould my friend do?

"I advbwtt him. from BOOM wpert»ence In auch things. ti> avoid. Wany_appjogy,tosay optbtag wbabis friend about the matter and. fpftbe-aubject should finally be raUed, t«fclgn IndWfereuco and almost 'surpriseconcerning It' In thia way 0»lei»d«rwould think it must Ue tbat *a na«M»*made clear the necessity "f rsWIOlOfithe manuscript or failed 'W IaufflclenUy Its value. f

"Perbaila be would come to U>|nkbiUaeuT-tbat It was of DO valua. At alleveuts. be could not get very *Wtvrltn a man who appeared bardji toreallXD that be. bad cummlt(e4 any; of-fense whatever. This advice.' !.t>ej^vt>was sound. . . • • • • "

"My attention," be goea on. "Iwaa flrstdirected to tbe (utility of apology » » •era! yean ago. I waa a uorta«rn:ttauIn a southern city, new to. tontbciaconditions and inexperienced In- deal-ing with the colored brother.' 0»»afternoon a Georgian friend .urged DMto go somowber* With btm'for tereralhours. I replied that toe onoobjactloato 'ncivpting was the fact that I; had.naked my colored m«s»foge< to !»•$*mo at a certain place at 1 o'clock, a,Dd

l¥ V

- I




gan. 'There was-but one man ullvo who

understood the mechaulfmof the Kotsuoclock, and that waa Martin Bzontagb,its maker, aud ho \va> dumb. Ilut bi>could never, in any cuae. have been

' induced to reveal its m-crcut, elnce it" was positively the only one of its kind

in existence. In tbu recurdiiof tbat dayit ia repeatedly set forth that In all

' cases ct dispute, where tbe knowledger ~ o f lime was a necessity, the law decreedi' that that of Ibe Roxsno clock should be' accepted as the atand«rd.

The remarkablu feature of this clock

luiJnlgUt. of Its face Into two part'a, at-lowing a cock""to coma forth." amid aninsane din of hammers, wbtuls and•prlnga, simnlating tbe while a the crowing of a cock, which rangcat over tbe silent roofs and iuto tb*busy movement of tho streets this warn-ing:

"Lutherans, look to yourselvesl"Now, ail at once, the mighty thing

was stUk-d. §1"was" exactly as thoqitbit'were inakhftthe, inute declaration:

"I move uoltigain by tbe breadth ofa balr. Mornraga can dawn and even:ioga fall for all mo; I remain aa I amsoaureasOodseesine. Ibavaalsoshuttbe cock np away from you forever

Sow ii It really worth while. I **k

uf Huiniagh and tbe foreman. PaulMtitkolcsl atrove. by every meaua In btspower, to gut Hsuntagh to read tbewriting on th« bit of paper which bewaa now crumpling" carelessly iu hishaud; but, all unheeding, be uttered,like the toreuian. a "yea" In bis turn.Thus was iirononuued that hard decleowhich has been broughldown by chron-iclers to this very day.

Now. at Uut. Paul Sxuntagh openedthe paper and read what « u writtenupuii it: word for Word it ran thus:

"Kllxabetb Qrunbhttt aenl JauoaUothard back bis ring because it Isyour reverence she loveal", Tbu world soviued to whirl la a clrclsround PBQI. his blood surg«4 and bisuyra danced. Tbo most beautiful andbest bom girl In upper Uougary ID lovewitb him I How different bar conductappeared to blui-nowl How bad beever brought himself to atur. that"yea?"

"And now. Brother Bxontagb. bepleased to take down the verdict"

Tbe scribe sailed tbs pen with a band.that trembled, and it wsa only by thestrongest effort of will that he waa en-abled to write at the foreman's dicta-tion.

"The partita may re-cater!" an-nounced George Fabricxy. Wben inthe room, Elisabeth and Janosremaincdstanding by tbe <loot wltb averted

7ac«.''In *r"chokrug'yole«"tb<-"ywiiryclergyman-rrad-to them-tbe-decreeWhich ran aa follows:

"Tbat tbe sacredneta of the holy in-stitution of matrimony be preserved,and to ward from as tba wrath, tocome, we'do hereby ordain tbat thegirl, who has held these both ia aa lightcase, shall, for tbe period of sevenyean ..remain unmarried: abesball oiao,in that "time. 'atrictlrabjnre»ach«odevery form of worldly, amusement" ^

Mu»t cruelly was thia conceited.Elitabcth was- juat three-and-twenty,add to that seven years during whichahe was not to lay tbe virgin's wreathfrom ber beautiful dark bead, and weobtain u a result 80. aod-k fullfledged old maid I The rsvcnsd gentle-

porforiuanco bad spread throughout tbetown. • . : ' ,

Tbe chief magistrate took couurslwith hli ulds. ,v

"The clock will bring disgrace uponml"

"In just so much as it was formerlyour prlda will It now work oor.confu-a l o n l " • • • • • - •

"Let ua give In I" • .Again the senators botook tbomselves

to ilaitiu.•'Elltabeth Urunblatt'a time of pen-

ance ahall te measured according tuthe clock'a present rate of spued; but.In Ood'a name, let it in future run asbeseems It and tis I" /

Thus it was that at the v«ry nextgrape pressing Elisabeth QruuhUtt be-csms Mrs. Paul Ssontagh.—TranslatedFroa tbe Huugarian for Short Btories.

- Cause For Tataaks.Lord Braxntgld waa a man of few

wards, and when ho courted hla secondwifinttatu' to her: "Lluie, I'm lock-ing out for a wife, and I thought youjuat tbe person to suit mt Let me haveyour answer tomorrow."

The lady, tbe. next day. replied inthe affirmative. Shortly after tha mar-riage Lord Broxfield's butler came tohim, saying that hewithed to give upbla situation.'as h« ceuld not stand herladyship's continual scolding.

i I " J J a l d U illttle to complain of: je nisyI H I H . ' . a fen •rtaal>*j>t«hl tn \\t»r\**

l:_lJe;be tbank-

Ing-out of lbs bare ground of tbe corrala auiall plant. They slug awhile, andthe ring clown again, When It upon* asecond tliu«. lbs yucca baccata plant Ianoticed^ In Indian rites everythinggoes by fuars. It Is their sacred num-ber, aa three and seven uro sacred num-bers with us. Tbero are four acts In tbsrite. The i-ucoud is tba plant In bud.Tbu third Is tbe plant in flower. Thering closes again, and wben it upenathere ia tbe fruit, witb great beans sixInchi-B IOUK hanging to it. Tbe expla-natluu la that they bring into tbe loclo-sure witb them the various parts of tb»plant, nhldi they deftly place lu properpoaltiou while the ring is closed duringtbe Inciinttttioua. ' /

"Tbey unejlnelr blankets to cover thejwork. ' For rtulo people llko jtuern, withpoor Instruuienta. In th»- days wbeirtboy.hud lllut knives, It muat haveIweu a greut tafk to prepare tor thla,trick. Our wax workers and toymakerawould not find it difficult. The Indiana

intbaoOilitaee believe-the dancers tobo gifted vvilh euperqatoral power. Tbeperfuriuanca ia partly, religious sorohlpand-partly-amu»eu»«ut-'-4l-ui-partlywith a view of making abuudaut fruitaud partly (or entertainment"—Chi-cago Record. /

UatUrmUli ee • Uvdlclac. .-Long cxptrTtuco hoe dtunonstrated

buttermilk tu bo ad agent of superiordlgi'atll.ility. It ts Indeed a true milkpeptuUBr-that It. milk already partial-ly digested, ibe coagulation of tbu co-agulabla pvrtiun fcelng luosoatu) Oakyand not of that firm, Indigestible na-ture which ia tha, result of the action oftbtigaitric Juice upon sweet cow's milk.It is a decided laxative, a fact whichmust be borue lu miud laths treatmentof typhoid fever and which may Iwturned to advantage in the treatmentof habitualcocitlpation. IlUadiurstloand may be ami to advantage in soiuskidney troubles. It resembles kouuilHIn Its natar*. and, with tbs excupUoaof that article, it Is the most grsteful.refreshing and digestible of tba prod-ucts of raUk. K la lnvijuabla in tbotreatment of diabetes, eith'u exclusive-ly or alternating with akimmfik. Insome cases of gastric ulcer and cancerof tbe stomach, i t U tbs only .food thatcan ba'retained.—Elgin Dairy Report

The Petti ef the Soborb»nll«.Every year tbe bo,lk of city mm go

farther afield and each Morning and'night perform their tedious pilgrimage

"ihair ftftiy,'-

Then Bout the plute of gla»» into themercury from the open alde In doingto the gbus caunot be floated on tbemercury, but must be pushed into It sothat from begiuulug to ind Its'loweredge will exit liito tbe mercury. •'•>•'/

This operationi iuuiit tut doua wtlh the.greatest car* and,precision. After theplate of glass has beeu successfullyfloated, heavy Iroa weights Ore placedthereon to give tbu rvtiulred degree ofpressure to force out/the "ilurpjui mer-cury which does not unite Witb theUu foil. The table Is ellgbtiy tilted bymenus of a virt-tlcsj screw under oneof its tiljres ami tb« surplus mercurydraiued offiuto ».#Ultable vewpl- The

boura'to»'tho niualgaw to aoUdl-fy audlcloutly so that It can be turnedover without danger .of free: mercuryrunning- over the surface of the amal-gam, which wouUl spoil tbo mirror. Attbu end of this time-the mirror ia re-moved froui the tal/Je- Wh»o reujovedftom «b» table, th» mirror la placed ona rack to tyry and allowed ta remalafrom 20 to 'SO daya' uutll sijfflcleutlydi-y.-

The progress of manufacturing a"patcat'back mirror" Is as followa:First voab the glass clean, then placei t uu * Ublo heated ta a. txaipemtur*of l'.-O d?gr««SL A solution U preparedcomposed of the following proportions

should be late. It would be prettyhard to keep him watting until 4 ta theafternoon. ' ""•'*'

"•I will tell you,' replied my. frUnd.'how that can be made all right Whenyou go around at 4 o'clock,, you' aj»-proach bliu with the air'of perfect; seltsatisfaction. If auythlng Is ssjd, giveblm the notion tbat It Is Just bis busl-uusa to wait three hours for you andthat you compelled It aa a quitter ofcourse. If to tbe least degrea you apol-oglxe to blm. you have rulne4 bjaiatkamessenger and spoiled him aa,a. cUlsf^.He never will do any thing fgr> }jouagain after an apology.' '.'

"A further aoiualntance wltb tbs)myaterloua ways of the colornd brotherled me to beUuve that tber* was aomeamall amount of wisdom la tills ad-vice or at least that It r«>t«4 vpossome principle's of EttJ^plaA buflW*nature. I theu began to wonder If the,some thing-were not true of the whiteman. 1 believe It la, '.""•""

"Ao apology apoUa everybody and in-jures the reputation,of tl)* man'waft-Ing It. 'Therefore my rul» In life U todo Bomewhere near as well, as J canaud then In cootact w|tb B j feJloWman to assume that I haw done exact-ly right and to affect aurpriia acd ln-dluTerenceln-thei extreme- at any-jragr—geatlon tbat things are ever h l

fnlya're so married to berT

Alle* Is Drtsat.Alice Kry vet Was besieged, and the

lady abouted to'the king'a offlcurs Inthe Engllah of 1161:

"Ualater Twyer, ye be a Juatlce oftbe pesa and. I rrquir« yon tu krpe tbepeas for I wc4V not i«vo tUa rpusatnaiouof thla'castell ta djk th.etefore. and, ifye begyn to breke tbepeoa or niakeanywarra to gete tbe plaoe of iu« I shalldefende toe, for lever 1 had in such.wyie to dy«than to be slsyne when myhoanond cometh borne, tor b« cbargeto « tokepe It."—Calendar of PatentBoUt, U«1-14«T. .

.to.BjuitrwaJtts,scejB«oj[ fj>ejr y ;

jjora. Thgrs can ba no doubt that con-•Unt railway ttaveling oT this ktndlacalculated, sooner nt. later, to pl«Jhavoc with tbe soundest constitution.

While it is. of coarse, impossible tolay down sny exact rale, it inay bestated generally tbat no inch daily ni l -way Journey khoala tie much o v a anhour In length, a apace of, titna that isfur mox».tBantooaah-ti carry ttotlt i-tru into pure air and the, most sylvancf ecen«ty, M every iu*4icai man ofany vxp«rienca can testify, the attenrptto barn a candle at roth ends, one tnthe city aud the other (.0 or 100 milesaway at the seaside, nas cnt 05 raanya valuable life iu tbe flower of its ma-turing manhood--Medical Pus»

of 'cbeniivabr fourouncee ot ultrale ofsilver, 10 ounces of dhttlluid, water, 2ouuees or tartarlc acid and 3 ounces otstronger water of ammonia. Thlafunus a clear, transparent fluid, whichla poured oa the surface of tha glassnail lejft.tb.era tor about one boor. Tbogloss I* then, tilted and tbo surplusaobjtloD Is draiued off. The aUveredsurface Is, trashed with distilled waferand placed on a rack IU a drying room,tho temperature of.which Is. about Wdegnws, anJ left them for half anhour, after which It receives a coatingof shellac varnish, to which ia addeda little later a heavy «o«t.ot ualntThin la allowed to dry;. .TU« mirror Isthen ready, for use.

Such lu brief-Is the method andprocess of producing the "patent backmirror." The great advantage to theailcror manufacturer lu the productionof the1 "patent back." as comparedwltb the mercury back mirror, iaQuite apparent. It ts readily seen, thatthe lJpateut back mirror" can be pro-duced in one-teuth ot the. Umey for oae-fourtb of the labor and about tbe oamsexpense for raw material us comparedwltb the mercury mirror.' It "can alsobe bandied wltb lass danger of damageIn packing and ahlpplsg, which Isgreatly In lt» favor from the mirrortmde point of view.—St Louis G|ob«-DeipocTat.

Uer*dltav>7 Streastai at I k * Ox. .

:JJ.'The:.,, time : Lord Cuwwrites out hla rules of conduct bashould append as one of them, 'Neverapologized' Do things meet for apologyas seldom aa'posslbls, but, having doaethem, do. not apologise far them. • TbatIs BKlf Incrlnilualioo, nud It la a pris-ctjdc, of old EuglUU cowmoQ la,w tb*Jno oue nhoulil be obliged to t^ l fyagainst himself." ' . . ' • • ' .

- i' commend this reasoning, to allthinking persons. I have myself apoi-oglxad a great iuany times, but'I can'not truly say that an apology baa everreally helped my case with tbe'person,who waa »Cten,aed. Of course It psteb-ed the matter up, but did, that, do ojjygoodf It Is Qonceiv»{)le that giving ajiapology may be better toa n taking, a.lidding, but may not A.'a failure to'apologlxe to B. for a alight or an affrontbe construed by B. as proof that A. laconfident that bi cao lick ft, and coa-aeqn^ntly n« apology U oetded and. «>attempt at a licking likely T Th<q*tiling* should be pondered canfultl'.—Boston Transcript.' " ~


.......... TIoTCdldrlt learnto pull so tnajTetouslyT Without doubtthla quiUty Is trs.cea.ble to tbe habitfound arcoug all wild cattle of wagingwar wlA their horns. At GbiUIngbampark. In Ncrtnomberlaad. Englariil,where tbere Is sUU a herd ot naif wildcatt|*. It la found that UHTPUIU deyjpersjtf!"of the berd .beast which baa noX sufflflenl slrengTUof neck to thrust his enemy backwardwould be beaten In the struggle andwould have but few-descendants., Fromage to age the «ivujf »eck*d bulls batsbeeu victorious, and now tha quality,uu'becone a proverb, , . . ' - . - •

Net rer-Spaaa*Sb"< ia little, but abe ta» few own war

of looting at things, and, he;, vj^ws «rol 6 l l Ul '

"Mainms," she said thouzbtfuU}-wb«Q she beard her motner Mil themaid that sue w»s •'not atlsome," "laIt all right to say yau'rw outyou're in?"

0j tf-».-"-tb* '


7 o u k . p ; p f ,. Tbe Uttle one pondered for awhile,and then Inquired. In-ber solemn wayt

"Suppose tba Lord siool4"saj t&itwben we gyt to beavcnT' —

Of coarse, this story oasbi to ppdwttb the statement that tW ravyjer txoncy saw the error of bei; w'ua dever ' after ' Insisted 'that the t ^

a 1 n i ^•- . . - ^ t h T U n t h r t ^ i K l tbougbt-tf wajt;B|

good Joke and told some of he* trbwdaabout It and the nudd still s a " J i ;at bome""wbeotbf mistress.dwish to reetlTe. Thafa'wbyass'usv«r will get Into tbe Bunflaybook* nuless it la rerustd. '