&MONTHTJYO OTED H LÉF The PractIca1 Side TheIr Mall Returned 1898.pdf · 2018. 9. 28. · r.. -...

' ". ,. -, . ' ..-.. , *' ; r. . - t- . ,.. .:S .- 8 LÉF &MONTHTJYO . , OTED H OO - - ç -- TheIr Mall Returned The PractIca1 Side _ . r ' - - , . The meh whuffi ROOUPO nee ape.Ii the.eotices.betow are, - Lettere from theßcrivenoter's oece add! tothe fol-. andwftflte2ñPIOYflefl.. Tbiuleuitended.aiaPermUflOflL. lowing me&hflve been returned uncainid Any InfonDe.- A tion as to the preeent addrees of any of these men ahonid who :rPir lab 4W'9 - be promptly. cent to the Scrivenoter. . helping one another. II le hoped the departtnenL wiLl recetveve7 r : , - - --. - .. refuÍattentlon.0ftCb IMUO. r . ' :' 1493-F. P.WCfltW0Tth, Stiliwater, Idinn. t . - : :' - - 2806-A. D. Coard LIncOn Nob. . , iE!EO1 EN00EuENTTeD 'eaye In Io,rdwood e lnupector -. . : buyer, ealolman an manager of yarol and omce. Ive7ear. In my ... 218O-B. S. KflU, Milwaukee. Wie. - .. . pon&o.luon.. Exparlanced In Southorn.bardwoodl. Enet.ern and a 1605-Y W Brown Grand Rapide Wie Ø tbo.oln _ - . 4029-C; G. Bellug, Bremen, Germany. - wanti to correapondwltll a good yeltowpine ç 3563-W. E. Martin, care C. À. Smith Lumber Company, . mncern relative to handling Ita itock oncominleCtODbfl Snuthern - M1nneajO1IB, Mino; - Igan and Ohio. AddrOU No. 89r2, 4gOCbanWIaIn atr Detroil, .: . 8364-G W. Davy 2692 Evanaton Avenue, Bridgewater, DL . - wA.!TED._VopItton4n offie&In-IndlanapOIII or talnity. Baye , 3460-A B Paine, care American Machinlet," New York, agIantI the N Y Ington Jod 3O44-C H. Plàóe, 296 Buck Avenue, BuaIo, N.Y. ' FANTED: poattlonin the 8outb Rs Inipector.- 'Am familiar. . . . : 2Ò24-M. C. Me.Renz1e.Box 424; Denvôr, Col. d ' 1726-F. L. Barrett, Birmlngbam, Ala. Mhland, Wie. . . ;. ... . .-r. - . r , , - 4260-P. R. MoLane,,3OO.LIVe OakSreet,]!aI!. Texal.. ..WANTED.POCIIOfl0» thäroad byatraVeIlDI man, thòroughly 1648-F' M Orilflth care Creed & Griffith, Cach, Ark lflde TeIIOFlj :: . 8198-3. A. Comer, 31 MaIn Street, San 'ranoIico, Cal. et., DnIIae,Toxan.. . .. . - . ; : . . . . ;! 1051-C. Munding, care Central Coal and Coke Company, wANTED.-ILuätInn as t.ruvellna calcinan for eoine yellow pino : Texarkana, Taxas. concern. Well acquiiliited with indiana and Ililnole territory. )_ , - . ThIrteen yenra' experIence. Addroei' C. Wella. nire Sherman Houce, i ' 2118-DH. Miller, Staunton, fi. . JiidIanapolle, lud. .. . . . . ¿. . 4213-W. A. Davia, 812 Security Building, St.Louia, Mo. iPANTED.-ConneOLIOn wiLl, come good Wiccouclic hardwood con- . ' - i538-8. J. Person, 60S Edmund street, St. Joseph, Mo. . cern io cell on commieclon. Eave huul.four yearN' experience with : 2596-LT. L. Thompcon,6OI Fegin BuIldIn,St. Lonja, Mos :. 8212-H. II. Morse, 790 OId Cokiny Buildiàg, Chicago, Ill. WATED.-1'ocltion martet miiltlitWOntY-flVe yenTe ex-.. . . . 3909-G T Lo in Colorado Cit Colo perlenCe lu the lumber and mill.baSlneILln GeorgIa. Uaa unexoep. .. - . . gi ,. Y, . . tional referoiicca inodorateideaIlI toealary,lceiierget.ic,competent .. . . . 780-S. B. Hail, 1{oltneeHotel. Minneapolie, Minn. cud rell,ibIe..AddrOM wo4; . t 3701-L S MCLOnIIOO Glenwood, Wie ? ' °. ....- cñoo_W fi J Iii n Oklh C.t O T wANTED._poaltlon.w1th'Ì-1umber orinall, doorfand blind ? .. . . . . , .. - . J I ' concern.WIll goon ronortakeoharga or yard or fliOtOTVTWCI!e : . ' 2477 -A. Gray,.Port 'Edwarda, Wie. - yearc.experleneeln Iutnbor.bII!inOae, a lleelof-roforoaoe. Addreet 'c. : 4168-E. E. Getëheil, Oshkoeh, \Vfe. r . : - 36l8- N Remmo VieconaIn Cent By Eau Claire, Wie . 8930-L. B. Wilhelm, Genora Delivery; Denver, Col. years in'iIIlnola: Lave eo1dtbree bundxed.carI imm:3anuallt.tO. 1850-W C Phillips, Room 22 175 Dearborn , Chicago 111 1769-J B Pinkham 373 E Superior St , Chicago Ill WANTED -Pouttlon with .omowboleiale concern a manager ofj - 494k J. V. Peroni, Riveraide, Ala. yard ' . - - . - gear of wyard for O3titVeyeaf!j endamonly O.IttrOt ajob on aeeoUnt.,e - 4901-A. Larmn, Avon, a . . : of eale.of yard. I wiintiI permanent poa1tlon.Cjcn glvebeAtOf;refeT" 1484-U R MaxeB Ornaba eb D°'I Adrece48ll,ca!O "P 8orIcnotor 'uhyi1e,Te 7,9 -F E Reynolds Minneapoha Minn ANrrT)-SltuatlOn with corne good lilmber fli'or.nadoor . - ... s5-G. W.PÑatôn, DetíuiL,Mioh ..................... . -. 3742-F. P. Dow,BoiWn,)lam ............. . . . I254-3 P Hubert, 214 0th St S E Minneapolle, Minn - __________________________________________________ .: . 1O25-. C. Anderson, 1520 Marcus Ave., St. Loule, Mo. . . So íh . . lO44-;J. W. Gue, Newporl.NÇWBVL ::- ... .: ............... : : U71--.J..A. McKethiòy Merldian,.Niu'. . . .. . . . : . - W' e 't, 1988)VTOw9Hfl(I 18 Broadway hew York i3&T' : :. 2818-B. A:Waahbflrn, 76O.2øth SL,Milwaukee,Wia. k 2285-Oco M Schank, General Delivery Cincinnati, O ,, .r r-,---. 200-F.J. O'Connell,CoaI Gr6ve. - . ß :2477A.Y,88. . -- ! ,irrna n- :n. . 3212x1 H. M.orso 79O.O1dCoo Bldg., ChIcago, fi. .. TED ... .. 2440-W.N. Leniteim; Cheboygn. Mich. . ;; . 2484-G. 8. Biron, Grand Rapids,Vfle. . . ---.. . .. .00 trete 4419-P. M. Dugan, South Séattle,Waeb. . . . 2251-W. W. Rathburn, Box Sil, Coluinbue, O, . :' 182L-BJ. Sheelty, Duluth,Minn. ... . - . . -.. . ------ -.- 4 _eE:: . =___ . : . :. - -. -_ _____ . . . . . . : MJTED-CI 't.' . IITheHoo_HOO.MarCh,"byNO.1050,DedlCated - it&_::' « to.the SupÑmeNine. . . . Il - The Only *uthortzed Muelo of the OrdCI ' 1tYtiI rv " : to OtdIRKREG% ftjlfoirlftfrelotmulftevoteo'ío /keJrnibsfyoffloof/oo i VoL. II. . NASHVILLE, TENN., JANUARY, 1898. No. 2g J R B2URD1 Scilvenoter, Editor cEnj-I!Ç Publlubed Monthly by the Concatenated Order of Hoe.Heo al (outiiern Dlatrlet). . vine, Tenneuee. NebraalcaIt. Colpotzer, care chIcago Lumber Co., Omaliut, Nob. . ewYork-L. It. Millen, 70 Beßvor st., New York, N. Y. (Cttatr,, . __ New York_J. J. Moman, Com'i Agi. Wnbaab fly., ni,milo, N. Y. :.- TERMS TO MEMBER8 (Weatern Diitriot). One Year .................... Conta. I Single Coplee ................. tCente o. (incetern Diatriet). Cenimunleationa cliould be addreued to TUz BUJLa?ZN, 812 WIll. oJoII.8Ct1neIder, 81. Charlee HotelToledo U. (Weetern l)lIt,rIet). - cox Building, NaaIIviile,Tennej0 le, 0k ilioma Cit, O. J. PenuaylvanIft....Jf. C. Jonce, Bradford, Pa. (Weatern DIctrIul). ., . Titi BULLATZN fi fha oni offlcaj meJum el CbnoWeealed Order of. TannNIe._G. O. Woriand care L. U. Onge Lumber Co., Memphl . ffoeHo, reeegngj bi, the mapreme Mee, and aU eihorpublkalfona are Tono. UflauLhflUo and unaurnorwqj. . TezaaDennja T. Call Orange, Tex. . . WaIIlntonGan. W'. LoaEte, New Whatcom, Wail,. A ; -:. - - - :- N.&SHVJLLIf; TENN;,-3ANUAItY; ¡u W. V, . . . . WIIConaln_W. b!. Eilte, au.au, Wls(Eaetern DIcirlol). I _ - .' 2 Very liportant ¿u. , t- r The new handbook will go to preea about February 15th r _ I, , The Scrivenotor le undir Inetructione from theßuprome Nino . r - - to leave out of the nowbok the name of every man who ha u b The jkuse ofAncients dolmqiiont fo dues br th6 yaiending September 9, 1807, and .. ., . Ç . B. AORF8ON, Cubage, nl.. ........... .. . - . .-. - . ; , , .- C . . . . .1 W B.BABN8, StX.ont., Xe n these Inetrucilona will be rigidly complied with This wIll . B DFEBAUOEOhioago,m I drop from the rolls aeeraPhundred nemea In manycaaee - i,.. ... .,., .............. , . , .r ¿ j ç these (lehinquenfpreen_wbo have nover beenin aympatliy -.. - i ., w:-. _J L .. with the Order,and lio eght never to hiah been Initiated .. ,r ' c " p' ! ? t ,c e In the hle of delinquente however, aro a great many good ._ A_ ... .. . .. . men who have aimply overlooked the nattor of dues Every I - ? memberie iirgedto lookjhrough his papere, and 1f he cannot I xo '- find a reãbipt1orj897jj'jhe eould communicate with'thi veopronpu ' The safeet plan, and the quiokeetif Bojnrt-PEZD RaOAKEB*Roohle - yU are not certain that yourduea for1897 are paid, le to1n n . F cloaethêScrijenoter acheck for 9 centh with inetructjonato , DEFEBLUØfOti,yffla'Ky app1yon you.accÓunt. If your duea for 1897 are already paid, i.'- AHaflOptlCXTk&LYO1t8herm&T.xaa - the amountyou aend will be placed to tyour credit for 1898 - L . wili.be.inajled accordingly. - .,: -t-.. - .... r ' .- u-. . ,- E a- The Vicegerenta ,. Anothertbinj towbich the attention of the memberabip la ¡poIn.cntebave been made, called ie the ooiìeeIin blanke for the ne handbook One of aJtitiWiogrenta for the' Hoá.Hoyear ending Sept o theae blanke has been mailed to every member in the Order 4!9.!:;i;:: ? Only Ahioiit3,fiOOof hee blanks have been returned so far If - et.. Motitgomery, Ala. (eoutbern bave not alrecdy done ao, you are urged to fill out one of thge blanke at once nd send ItJi Correctlong il1 be made T!'Ta .b0x679'Denver Col p maiojjjj . SMett*jIxonoSayannab Ga. 8outhern DlaIrJct f I' ' j .. 7.ç. W I.f«eergta.andEut.rnUilIfrletofWioldn1 4'. 'r come to uand, orjf it baa been misplaced, you-will lind blank Iueergle-R..M unanklin :, ,. j , ,, ,,, , .. , i . IC ne o e- u e n. 1.bar. ou ,. i Ç ndmnil Lo thiít1Ev Jm intii kW': ton a.feotithernnhatrlet) L!'__ -_ _ .. . _________

Transcript of &MONTHTJYO OTED H LÉF The PractIca1 Side TheIr Mall Returned 1898.pdf · 2018. 9. 28. · r.. -...

Page 1: &MONTHTJYO OTED H LÉF The PractIca1 Side TheIr Mall Returned 1898.pdf · 2018. 9. 28. · r.. - t-..:S .-8 LÉF &MONTHTJYO. , OTED H OO- ç-- TheIr Mall Returned The PractIca1 Side


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TheIr Mall ReturnedThe PractIca1 Side

_ .

r ' - - , .

The meh whuffi ROOUPO nee ape.Ii the.eotices.betow are,

-Lettere from theßcrivenoter's oece add! tothe fol-. andwftflte2ñPIOYflefl.. Tbiuleuitended.aiaPermUflOflL.

lowing me&hflve been returned uncainid Any InfonDe.-A

tion as to the preeent addrees of any of these men ahonid who :rPir lab 4W'9- be promptly. cent to the Scrivenoter. . helping one another. II le hoped the departtnenL wiLl recetveve7 r :

, - - --. - .. refuÍattentlon.0ftCb IMUO. r .

' :' 1493-F. P.WCfltW0Tth, Stiliwater, Idinn. t . -:

:' - - 2806-A. D. Coard LIncOn Nob. . ,iE!EO1 EN00EuENTTeD 'eaye In Io,rdwood e lnupector -. .

:buyer, ealolman an manager of yarol and omce. Ive7ear. In my ...

218O-B. S. KflU, Milwaukee. Wie. - .. . pon&o.luon.. Exparlanced In Southorn.bardwoodl. Enet.ern and a

1605-Y W Brown Grand Rapide WieØ tbo.oln _

- .4029-C; G. Bellug, Bremen, Germany. - wanti to correapondwltll a good yeltowpine

ç 3563-W. E. Martin, care C. À. Smith Lumber Company, . mncern relative to handling Ita itock oncominleCtODbfl Snuthern -

M1nneajO1IB, Mino; -

Igan and Ohio. AddrOU No. 89r2, 4gOCbanWIaIn atr Detroil, .:

. 8364-G W. Davy 2692 Evanaton Avenue, Bridgewater, DL . - wA.!TED._VopItton4n offie&In-IndlanapOIII or talnity. Baye

, 3460-A B Paine, care American Machinlet," New York,agIantI the

N Y Ington Jod

3O44-C H. Plàóe, 296 Buck Avenue, BuaIo, N.Y. ' FANTED: poattlonin the 8outb Rs Inipector.- 'Am familiar. .

. .

: 2Ò24-M. C. Me.Renz1e.Box 424; Denvôr, Col.

d ' 1726-F. L. Barrett, Birmlngbam, Ala. Mhland, Wie. . . ;. ... . .-r. - . r

, , -4260-P. R. MoLane,,3OO.LIVe OakSreet,]!aI!. Texal.. ..WANTED.POCIIOfl0» thäroad byatraVeIlDI man, thòroughly

1648-F' M Orilflth care Creed & Griffith, Cach, Arklflde TeIIOFlj

:: . 8198-3. A. Comer, 31 MaIn Street, San 'ranoIico, Cal. et., DnIIae,Toxan.. . .. . - . ; : . . . .

;! 1051-C. Munding, care Central Coal and Coke Company, wANTED.-ILuätInn as t.ruvellna calcinan for eoine yellow pino :

Texarkana, Taxas. concern. Well acquiiliited with indiana and Ililnole territory.

)_ , - .ThIrteen yenra' experIence. Addroei' C. Wella. nire Sherman Houce,

i ' 2118-DH. Miller, Staunton, fi. . JiidIanapolle, lud. .. . . . . ,

¿. .4213-W. A. Davia, 812 Security Building, St.Louia, Mo. iPANTED.-ConneOLIOn wiLl, come good Wiccouclic hardwood con- .

' -i538-8. J. Person, 60S Edmund street, St. Joseph, Mo. . cern io cell on commieclon. Eave huul.four yearN' experience with

: 2596-LT. L. Thompcon,6OI Fegin BuIldIn,St. Lonja, Mos :.

8212-H. II. Morse, 790 OId Cokiny Buildiàg, Chicago, Ill. WATED.-1'ocltion martet miiltlitWOntY-flVe yenTe ex-..

. . . 3909-G T Lo in Colorado Cit ColoperlenCe lu the lumber and mill.baSlneILln GeorgIa. Uaa unexoep.

.. - . . gi ,. Y, . . tional referoiicca inodorateideaIlI toealary,lceiierget.ic,competent .. .

. . 780-S. B. Hail, 1{oltneeHotel. Minneapolie, Minn. cud rell,ibIe..AddrOM wo4; . t

3701-L S MCLOnIIOO Glenwood, Wie !°? ' °.

....- cñoo_W fi J Iii n Oklh C.t O TwANTED._poaltlon.w1th'Ì-1umber orinall, doorfand blind ?

.. . . . . , .. - .J I '

concern.WIll goon ronortakeoharga or yard or fliOtOTVTWCI!e : .

' 2477 -A. Gray,.Port 'Edwarda, Wie. -yearc.experleneeln Iutnbor.bII!inOae, a lleelof-roforoaoe. Addreet 'c.

: 4168-E. E. Getëheil, Oshkoeh, \Vfe.r . :

- 36l8- N Remmo VieconaIn Cent By Eau Claire, Wie. 8930-L. B. Wilhelm, Genora Delivery; Denver, Col. years in'iIIlnola: Lave eo1dtbree bundxed.carI imm:3anuallt.tO.

1850-W C Phillips, Room 22 175 Dearborn , Chicago 111

1769-J B Pinkham 373 E Superior St , ChicagoIll WANTED -Pouttlon with .omowboleiale concern a manager ofj- 494k J. V. Peroni, Riveraide, Ala. yard

' . - - . -gear of wyard for O3titVeyeaf!j endamonly O.IttrOt ajob on aeeoUnt.,e

- 4901-A. Larmn, Avon, a . . : of eale.of yard. I wiintiI permanentpoa1tlon.Cjcn glvebeAtOf;refeT"

1484-U R MaxeB Ornaba eb D°'I Adrece48ll,ca!O "P 8orIcnotor 'uhyi1e,Te

7,9 -F E Reynolds Minneapoha MinnANrrT)-SltuatlOn with corne good lilmber fli'or.nadoor

. - ... s5-G. W.PÑatôn, DetíuiL,Mioh ..................... .-.

3742-F. P. Dow,BoiWn,)lam ............. . . .

I254-3P Hubert, 214 0th St S E Minneapolle, Minn - __________________________________________________

.: . 1O25-. C. Anderson, 1520 Marcus Ave., St. Loule, Mo. . . So íh. .

lO44-;J. W. Gue, Newporl.NÇWBVL ::- ... .: ...............:

: U71--.J..A. McKethiòy Merldian,.Niu'. . . .. . . . : . - W' e

't, 1988)VTOw9Hfl(I 18 Broadway hew Yorki3&T'

: :. 2818-B. A:Waahbflrn, 76O.2øthSL,Milwaukee,Wia. k2285-Oco M Schank, General Delivery Cincinnati, O ,, .r

r-,---. 200-F.J. O'Connell,CoaI Gr6ve. - .ß

:2477A.Y,88. . --! ,irrna n- :n.

.3212x1 H. M.orso 79O.O1dCoo Bldg., ChIcago, fi. .. TED

... .. 2440-W.N. Leniteim; Cheboygn. Mich. .

;; . 2484-G. 8. Biron, Grand Rapids,Vfle. .

. ---.. . ...00 trete

4419-P. M. Dugan, South Séattle,Waeb. . . .

2251-W. W. Rathburn, Box Sil, Coluinbue, O, .

:' 182L-BJ. Sheelty, Duluth,Minn. ... . - . . -... ------ -.-


_eE:: .

=___ .: . :. - -. -_ _____ . . . . . .


't.' .

IITheHoo_HOO.MarCh,"byNO.1050,DedlCated -

it&_::' «to.the SupÑmeNine. . . .


- The Only *uthortzed Muelo of the OrdCI ' 1tYtiI rv "

: to

OtdIRKREG%ftjlfoirlftfrelotmulftevoteo'ío /keJrnibsfyoffloof/oo

iVoL. II. .


J R B2URD1 Scilvenoter, Editor cEnj-I!ÇPubllubed Monthly by the Concatenated Order of Hoe.Heo al (outiiern Dlatrlet).. vine, Tenneuee.

NebraalcaIt. Colpotzer, care chIcago Lumber Co., Omaliut, Nob..

ewYork-L. It. Millen, 70 Beßvor st., New York, N. Y. (Cttatr,,. __

New York_J. J. Moman, Com'i Agi. Wnbaab fly., ni,milo, N. Y. :.-TERMS TO MEMBER8 (Weatern Diitriot).One Year .................... Conta. I Single Coplee ................. tCenteo. (incetern Diatriet).Cenimunleationa cliould be addreued to TUz BUJLa?ZN, 812 WIll. oJoII.8Ct1neIder, 81. Charlee HotelToledo U. (Weetern l)lIt,rIet).- cox Building, NaaIIviile,Tennej0

le, 0k ilioma Cit, O. J.PenuaylvanIft....Jf. C. Jonce, Bradford, Pa. (Weatern DIctrIul). .,. Titi BULLATZN fi fha oni offlcaj meJum el CbnoWeealed Order of. TannNIe._G. O. Woriand care L. U. Onge Lumber Co., Memphl. ffoeHo, reeegngj bi, the mapreme Mee, and aU eihorpublkalfonaare Tono.UflauLhflUo and unaurnorwqj. . TezaaDennjaT. Call Orange, Tex. . .

WaIIlntonGan. W'. LoaEte, New Whatcom, Wail,. A; -:. - - - :- N.&SHVJLLIf; TENN;,-3ANUAItY; ¡u W. V,

. . . .WIIConaln_W. b!. Eilte, au.au, Wls(Eaetern DIcirlol).

I _ - .' 2 Very liportant¿u. ,

t-rThe new handbook will go to preea about February 15thr


, The Scrivenotor le undir Inetructione from theßuprome Nino. r - -to leave out of the nowbok the name of every man who hau b The jkuse ofAncientsdolmqiiont fo dues br th6 yaiending September 9, 1807, and.. ., .

Ç . B. AORF8ON, Cubage, nl.. ........... .. . - . .-. - . ; , , .- C . . . ..1 W B.BABN8, StX.ont., Xe n these Inetrucilona will be rigidly complied with This wIll. B DFEBAUOEOhioago,m I drop from the rolls aeeraPhundred nemea In manycaaee- i,.. ... .,., .............., .

, .r ¿ j ç these (lehinquenfpreen_wbo havenover beenin aympatliy-.. -i ., w:-. _J L .. with the Order,and lio eght never to hiah been Initiated

.. ,r ' c " p' ! ? t ,c e In the hle of delinquente however, aro a great many good._ A_ ... .. . .. . men who have aimply overlooked the nattor of dues Every

I - ?memberie iirgedto lookjhrough his papere, and 1f he cannotI

xo '- find a reãbipt1orj897jj'jhe eould communicate with'thiveopronpu ' The safeet plan, and the quiokeetif

Bojnrt-PEZD RaOAKEB*Roohle - yU are not certain that yourduea for1897 are paid, le to1nn. F

cloaethêScrijenoter acheck for 9 centh with inetructjonato, DEFEBLUØfOti,yffla'Ky app1yon you.accÓunt. If your duea for 1897 are already paid,

i.'- AHaflOptlCXTk&LYO1t8herm&T.xaa -the amountyou aend will be placed to tyour credit for 1898-

L . wili.be.inajled accordingly. - .,:-t-.. - .... r ' .- u-. . ,-


The Vicegerenta ,. Anothertbinj towbich the attention of the memberabip la¡poIn.cntebave been made, called ie the ooiìeeIin blanke for the ne handbook One ofaJtitiWiogrenta for the' Hoá.Hoyear ending Sept o theae blanke has been mailed to every memberin the Order4!9.!:;i;:: ?

Only Ahioiit3,fiOOof hee blanks have been returned so far If -et.. Motitgomery, Ala. (eoutbernbave not alrecdy done ao, you are urged to fill out one of

thge blanke at once nd send ItJi Correctlong il1 be madeT!'Ta .b0x679'Denver Colp maiojjjj. SMett*jIxonoSayannab Ga. 8outhern DlaIrJct f I' ' j .. 7.ç. WI.f«eergta.andEut.rnUilIfrletofWioldn1 4'. 'r come to uand, orjf it baa been misplaced, you-will lind blankIueergle-R..M unanklin :, ,. j , ,, ,,, , .. , i. IC ne o e- u e n. 1.bar. ou ,. i

Ç ndmnil Lo thiít1Ev Jm intiikW':ton a.feotithernnhatrlet)

L!'__ -_ _ .. . _________

Page 2: &MONTHTJYO OTED H LÉF The PractIca1 Side TheIr Mall Returned 1898.pdf · 2018. 9. 28. · r.. - t-..:S .-8 LÉF &MONTHTJYO. , OTED H OO- ç-- TheIr Mall Returned The PractIca1 Side


;, , i -, -

2 TH- - -,- .

- - -- - . . - - ', -L.. '-'

- -í : TJe UnknownU,t.. : .

; Th' attention of every,eader of 'Tho B4tIn" libaned to 9ethe iÇet of unknown men In tb1sJiue Iiil1 be'ObSéVed deIayJnceipithattho list Is unusually long bie I1 jrt 4ie a ci»n-'plete rovMlon of thìathnçIIst, whIchfiiw ig izade

rSome few of the men wlioee names appear oothIa flot are d

', linquent for 1897 dues, but In the niajorftyof caaee the men w1h3iu tIhave recently made change of beee and have neglected to no- 'tify the SrIvenoter TbOjr ae lii o&tifng id1twourdbe a pity to bave thîm left out of the new handbook merely der wiild be fi

L through camleeene Every member Is urged to go carefully ne Ve'rj'r) over the Ifet and see If he cannot furniah th &rlooter with wa8ìe

4 the preeent addreee f eoñe of tliè thin' 'Iii'EinWes If - that hadarIae

: he cannot give the exaotaddre he can give fn1atIoith

-will lead to the addeaaefngjeed to were've

- } Smiths and Jzk The Pirat flonorary Member

, - - -- : _ :ç- -

b r- r s

ahould'bfyethe Vfcegerejth

. . , , - -aemnóttob

i? - _j : dIenaniéSev- - ,-- -- ::; -man'snarneJ

' -': - dropped:aucÏ'eòi,-:- . -- ---- :- -pl1tfbl

L tule office,zrde

{ '?;-4 _4deve1odja

' ' The ogffilJd(-but

, i. fl tiatéïelJtJJ --: . inld

an thenilhe.i r should genz( ' ' : r

. - . . T ; :'4"- 4 oncat: ' L, referencetoto

-. - - -ìImtin1L- . r -.rr= , . . . - ..---

:r . : 7 .;-ç 1 -a -n-i -"-' _ ' --, -, -; .'t __> . -.------ . .BTA, O o nYrp « ç i : uiinua T

t, t thean4L_ -r.

4 .

: Y.;


pt-r - i1:-N -.;


; v,- -- - -

- - .*

eL - - :- - . .- .heaeIi'lty fnPOblootf

-.... L---, In complaining of the - .!cka4!cetweeirotliE

two.Vlcegerenta." TThayYarawioo-1fooame e11ed 11Rîmony and fnvíifibl'attet

B6ther SohheIderwa-inbat a thßjIeaüel cbïrg

mbe of 91toore, iórked'bpby that vetran troc

silly We donot agr - - wlIlìo further and italtip läteiand fmorV"jdeaf M ooLniethanany otherjnanoorder,and It wa;iniur :tying to those men wbo ThfathoMerLflHinfanynaine in theo

L,ba4'aconcathattjn 'fleler

r the ffoo.Hoo m1d 'mpreaentativefn CLima lnce it

n1dd1(e ïían pio

iae a little comp1fcao fieflyeaylibÏftbjfa J

menwhoee namajvere CfltïepQ11rfngintàthe[00 middle names In j 8 o'clock when thOembeie fro

e of the fumeráb1eic-Hoc apelIatonpi

c1aa beingcomnoBedof the f011otenrWaIterPIoom,WULDbb

igéetfon tbatuIdb"3I bt i -ji-; kLna' a no name

-KentEoliand, audicrepreeentatian TlmeDemocrat It was I

'npoiitbb vi if nthh1àdgdVthreenaines Some ofme at the preaent-tiine,

that Urne mirth aù&Jo1lfty.eien¿ " a compeneatory deeb

thlnent f the'mr4 theyjuid wjui the)dttens and'lI,;il ¡I, ' - 'a ree.namea wore

: attendedrtheconferrinìor-tbed-

'aiother thing It atogetherafter the aUjournmenthoapitabe tablee of the'Burnet1

e Eemyahonld not be - aupper Was 8OrVed the hungry, aub5tltnted on hin ap- Ç aoiewbat rab nien

- __; -r:., . '.' '.' n-. -r : Col

'.r tl


- 'v,_- jit4\t '

- -- ,

_i_o . :

.-1-v c ' - -

It le ao far jii8tndWempIe, the

jIiprogreaí at Olevlad, Ohio, Orange, Texag, rndianapolfe

-lud., and Arcate, California. At Cleveland there wee fnidatw!in the utmoetConcatenatfone.

an even dozezr'men, while at 1ndanapoIia a class of eight weepute through ROth meetings were eminentlya:LIma.on theIthigtwaacón.

audcefuI andejoyab!eTh formerwae heldby:Vfaegent WeÌnie, aa- ShniiI., .1:. T

'au;Jargeiy -:

bInä,who gcIaa of


hadone.WDob. fl

theBIac aatgrath. --tiof:thà ai

vas:loi;t tetbecfty

initiadon- '-tllates, .the- ' HIi'Jqbi'- jo!BlOm .-; t1ti4äòtte ' EiO,ork- -

idduring :lo

;.thefun ,.Iata]ltiei -tbìônght


giIathe- ...O-:--



;, ...

.:.:, .:-

:&OWfl, - -., - ..... . - . ... ! -. . .


go to prose wo are In reCeipt of informal report of al.ineetingheid atÂrcata, GalIfòrnia,:Vfregeront 0.3...p ,ollowigTOport, and.!t

ibserved thataixteon.nienwee;infuated. - ... .


. .

myaterIouabIaek.truuk waopeoed InNatfve Sons'rcat1aat evenlng,and itacontenta .

were di8piayed to .radmiring MadEiverkfttehe 'who could notbecon.

which they were

Liwuriung up .belnItIate'dat .-fohent

Page 3: &MONTHTJYO OTED H LÉF The PractIca1 Side TheIr Mall Returned 1898.pdf · 2018. 9. 28. · r.. - t-..:S .-8 LÉF &MONTHTJYO. , OTED H OO- ç-- TheIr Mall Returned The PractIca1 Side

- .-

. ,- -'


: T - .- -

Lookthg ncthweetward, the outlook ls not 1e bright. 0Pk P flUbfll. No 284"andaome Tack" Hammond aerveB notice on the world at -large that be Will inatftute a "drlebund" 'byhoIdIng on suc- (No 284) dIed at h home, in Mlnneapoli8,eceelva days, or rather nlgbta COfltfltiODB at Detrolt Sagi 01 Brght'8 diienac, on the morning of Wedneaday Jìnuary'. Env and Manjetee As one of the Ohicago pa rs puta It, 12th Hie wife of bn little more than a year, was at hi8 mde


I of tbroeeet ManMtee on the 3d " Not leas than thirteen men been feIIng In the beat of health for smaonths. and ubGutat each place will content Mr Hammond, or an aggregate of a month before the regular ending orthe eeason he caitein- thirty nine for the three meetthg&from what baa proven to be h18 last trip For a tim he wasI I Iunder the care of jhyeiò1ana here, but about fciia?vîeìca agoA concatenation at Mobile, Ala , h In proapect. bnt the date went to Mount OlemenatIch , in search of ha1th and ìetbaa not been definitely fixedAfter hav(ng been there abput two weeks he did not iiiproye '-Ra rapidly ea he expected, and o came back to be at home with JObituary hie wife Sincel thatime he has ben rapidly failing, and-thouglxlfevae not d1apared of itwaknown that hewaayery, w B. Pe*rion, to 2u iii Ye the end wee not expected eo söon,ìndtlie neta of,'- w R. Peaon (No 238) died Sunday, January 9th, at Lia hie déthwaa received-with surirne as wi1 ea sorrow by his r

home in $ç toui1, of fatty degeieUon of the heart. Eis iriend8, many OfWhon1hardlymnewthat he bad heenill- deaLb was quite audden Ho was a large; and, to ail appear IOßéÏh PetBübrwirn alMinneapolie, September11,ancea, a very robuet man His death wee a great ahock to a 1864 He engagedin the lumber buaineas in 1884, and conwide drcle of inonda tinuedin thtbtia1neaap o thetime of biadeath E beWealey Robert Pearagn waa born at BrI.tO, N H , Míy 25, 0m äOO-EO atMrnnapolIs, anuaì 24898, at wbihr 184 Re was educated at Franconia, N B, going west IniSög tune he was conneóted withthe ùhdöorjrid buid 1ouse ofFrom the latter date till 1884 he was engaged In the lumber Bardwell & Rohinaon, as traveling ankamen Ee remained- bu8ineaa at Potosi, Mo From l88 upto the time of hie death with this house up to the time of lila death, and was qne of thebe was prealdent and principal eockholder o?tbe W B Pear beat known traveling men in the Northweat. Mrubert weeBon Lumber Company, of Thornton1 A?k , which company an enthuelasUc Hoo-Hooand It wee he who introduced the ,t 'wee one o! the four compriBing the Big Four Lumber Corn Order in North Dakota Be took a great deal of Interest in

f ,. pany, of St Loulo Mr pearson la the fourth olliclal of the thiß work, and labored incaanUy to build up the Order In thelatter company todiewithinthlgsttwo y!a.Jpon..the NorthwestJt w!a lelYto!gh hiaefforta tha-themem---=.death of M J R.Beat, othethlng over a ear ago, Mr berahlp throughoutMlnneaota and Nortband South Dakota Ja4 Peareon became the activeead of theBig Four Lunber Corn lalgd On the afternoonÍofl&w1g hle death a meetinß of the:tT pany at St LoWe, and a few ego be removed hi8 resi Mlaaiseippi ValleTLumber andaeh and DoorTel1Dg 8aadance to that city Mr Person had accznulatd an ample Men's Aoiat1on wp ca1jat*hich mori thaMty5iem

fortune in the lumber buälnes by bjd 'work dtr1ct &'tendetalle. th Southern Whea.God1nchIe '

: .-.man of sound judgment and ideexirIencoBjs deatlwaÉthe oticeejon of'a called 1meetlng f the Lurien'wrfljchange, of St. Lonja, wblehwas largely attded bythe lumbe men of thattributes to Mr Peareon'a meory A iandaome floral oeringwas aent byìhexcltangp( was burrjei at Po-toai,Io. ;_ .

- -w LMeKee, Ito'i 7 " -

w R. ?vIclCee(No 1diaÇbgo, eeday, January-, 11th IrMdee, at t11et1nÏe'rof biBYdÑtb7rf: YelU! before, waaanarofthe New Or1ì44 ¿fljOcag6Beltl CanÏaohjj a buiea8trp,

- !r -Oif'Sunday,January 9thJ hßiefferd1a ÔÇOIC O-, aralyaie,froin hioh he nevör ediou8e?dylg

" cóegion4;a with OUa S Pavor, at ujneataL In Chicago In 1883 he became COnned wfh the


One year, at the end öf which time he wenticith the MunaonBelting Oompany 1e remained lth thQ 1tter drin fr5ñ1884 to 1R02 !Phnkh,., +1. hi 1. ..

r ,. ;' . ? . p:;'-

TI q AD Y9TEDc?rOáòO ROO 6

- --- - -:- - -

reaolutzone of regret. The following reaolntlona were prepared Resolved, that this reaolutlon be epread on the minutes ofi b_y them our Order, and a copy be sent to the family of deceased

Whereas, the all-wise and omnipotent Father baa thought W H WILLIAMS,beet to,takefromrhonjeand friends 6aeph P.-Hubert to a . . F.D.BODMAN, :

r higher sphere1 where the tnala and sicknesa of life on earth are ED J SMITHunKnown,andwhere.thdr le nmoróeuffering.oi 8ro%v and - . .. Whereas, he leaves behind hiíi a bereaved wile and deoted " G White

: We are adviaed'by Vicegerent J. J. Wernpie,of Clovelad,lief, andin love and devotion have aought to lighten

ere Ø of the death of the wife of Bro J G White, No 8844 Webrijhten the last momenta of life, 1bo it are without particnlareol this deab, but awidecircie of fnends

cesolved, By his brotberKoo-oo, that we extend to the in Ohio wilt extend sympathy to Brother White In bis bereaewife who has thus been left alone in the world separated from menta loving husband and to his other relative, the sympath thatcan only be felt In such hours of trial and sorrow anlwith

. themregretthe1ossof:one whO baa endeared himself to all eoncatenatton.. :f!iafldB and acquaintaije, and who will always hive an hou

: pIaceinthethethoiy of!iLböhaveknown him; and be . . ' - .it further .- TResolved, Tbt a copy of these resolutions be sent to the

. lamily and tgtbe(tradepres for puhllcatIon - - .


¡PREARDON -r Committee - - L

.- -. s .i Bleeiman, No 4615 No 485,)Zemphl,, Tuse Dee 30 18ß7

S J Biosenian (No 4618) dIed at biB home in New Orleans Snark G O WorlandNovember 9th last, of the fever prevailing at that time Full Senior Roo Hoo, J A Beichuanparticulaii'Of his death having been misplaced is the reason Junior Roo-Iloo, P Pidgeonwhy it baa not received previous notice Mr Blossinan was BOjum, B P Iownertaken lit on November Ist, but the attack was not deemed Scrivenoter, W W Simmonssevere Complications followed, however1 which aggravated Jabberwock, O O Reedhisilnees,audflnajyeuItd inhisdeath P!IBtOcap, EdJSniith

Syney Jäcijes B1oamhWiibrnìt Covingtn, La , Decaen Arcanoèr, GW Gladding _____

ber 18, 1870 He wa educated,nth Parish school, and in GurdonrJtF Davisl8S7,became clerk iaco'onbouee ...I1895 he became James Davis Allen, Ji,Memphis, Tenotraveling salesman for tleandardOIi Odhpaiy, whichTpo.. 5249 Freeman HotlBiliemphIe, Tenositionlie held u when be - 5250 Thomaslouis BrIhaMepIé,Tenn

-beine f New Or ' Louis Hurd Dorma M$1S Tenaleas alife that 5262 SViIiard MilJimenMempbIs, TenapromMiiuoh IOI (d George Tenuable,and couacientios, d woildjiave ip$Iy earned pro No 439, JexIugton, Ky Dee 2$ 1597motlonfrom his employjrs Re ss unmarriedbut leaves a " ' )

e fahr áid 'êejl tes'abthrs'd Ia circle of Snark,\O S Walker r

. frinds t n(ouru his eí L

Senior Ho-Rog, Bower )Villiaine. -_t - _L -/ i Junior - 2_i' -

----; - - - - Deig. :,-.- .; (rA -r UecN446) Ied'at hiLome-atew Iberia, - ç

Dec27th ,_ lejav1ng been Jabberwock, J J 4Campion t 'oi'Crmn . . ..? MdThiOhs Beire dwards. -- .- tu,i1tlT ;; - - ..- :- I rhefailyvauIt at;Iewbeiia, ec$h, the funeral 5255Fmnk8c'Thner Griffin Louisville K

a e 26 Ohrles hy Groves ¿5íay City Ky -


:: .

-jfj4eathJieas Sje agei*of'thew Yorlr LIfe In 6261 Sydney Madleoii'Mel, OlayOiLy Krr o 5262Andrew Pavidthitb,CiayOftyiy. . . i

splendid business man andka genfiamtn of hIghsoclal attain, . __:,9Qte Ke hadeIefiiain thIfiTii ' !45O,PIttsbupgh, pa. 'Jfl 5, 1551.

ì -1! jc; ,-Snark,-B. D iker

jSenior.Hoo.HoòBd 1f Vietinelerbec8Otbtótäkéjctlon in toTthaäa death of Br -Junioifloo-Ho, O S9Valker - - -

r ke,whichwanoten ourJeceinbor issie A corn D MCLeOd

- ethe aMdei -Ouaanço - -t _ _-- ---rI

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. ..-.8



No. 441, Dubuque, Za., an I 1$98 No 4Snark, C IT Carpenter SnarSenloriloo-Hoo T P Emmona

ri-- Iuilòr Boo4joo, ALF; Pthdden.Bojum,


; .

:;1 O.nth.

&rivenoter,:CIrnt1eBWeb8ter. .

. . -


Jnhbarwock, A Hollister&rlvJabb


Cuetocatlan, J O WalkerArcanoper, . L Brañíi


Gurdon, Thomas S Ives.AraGurd

5268 Paul Androw Aeplf, Dubuque la. 5804 ergo ru6269 Mairlcø Lofloy Chapman, Dubuque Ia. A!ftOd Geo6270 Henry Calhoun Haeberle, Manchester, la. Charles Aj

: 6211

5272Maaon LeRoy Holllatr, WIthtap, la. 5807 Edwardj3aGeorgoItham t'iit, Mafiiiter, TiC- 58 AIbifous J

- 6273 John Edward LilÏÌ1ubnaue,Ja Âne5274 John £ídrw Loetscher, Duuque, In . 5310 Maxaider

. 5276 John Mareu MlleiGlaûbro, la- -- - OwoaTimb

;- 5276 Tinothy 5amea OÓonnell, ubuque, T 52 F1&flk Sln15277278

Joaepb John O uluque,ii.; .

Charlee Ia. -

621ö Arthur Rudolph Beh, Dubuqie1 Ia. ß William An

r:;' :

... ; , : .

Io JanZ$i

eynd,.p. '. fL' . -

ií*n. i,

]eÌMugb. ; -.:.Flóurnây.'

;j--:» .

- -b280 Fhilip Byron Rád,Dubuue, ]a ' :

Indi apol ÍsÍt 5281 Anthony Thomas flobineon, Winthrop, la.Snark W B Barns.*, 5282 Henry Byers Senneff Chadwick, IllSeulorUoo Eoo, fi

ñiorH6HooNo 44e, 1mo O , Jan 14 180M

BoJum L PeckSnark, Josepli SchneiderScivnot.y,. H Bro3enior HOO.Hoo,OharIeWIleon, JrTdunpr OOtOq1fretb; 9akee. ' .

Bojum, P D GallowayScriyonçter,Oeo..W.Ho1bk. . , - ' - _

kf Jabbrwock, L R HiltonCuatqcatian, T, W Po1ìbne 1O Wàjt

-. Arcanopor,I' Er1 G3eaion l7 Oorlurdon, W S Parker 18

r:: Olivar 1oeth 8eI1ridT?tLjma, , ;5284 Olivar Winaton Bloom Llma,'O ' 582ltG

,5285 'Walter PoweilBIoomtnj-O' - i 63225286 lTePbert txn OmjlÏlla, c


t 5287 obertFrceobblnaLjjO-i 6288 Edwn Athuhnson,!i- -

5289 MorrjeJvi TohbsontjItha - - ,

r120o SainuelXan Bo1l : ._ - - ..- :_4

onorar: No 2 Davld,Hugb8waispHnjd nl j. J =tU --- - - ¡,ç-'- .----Y-- * -

No 41!Orango, Tixaiiçzu is-isa .. r

;;: - nar1c D A Johnson) ' '- - Senior Hoo.Boo, OE'kep»ler ' . _

_t,ç__ nnIor oo-HooO Mora 'Boum, ORñ&rff'cnoto; O4G-flOU O1I

i t Jabbcrwoc1eo H ugig. ó328BwaF

.'t: - Arcanop4 A McEii on4 'J1Wa

Gurdon, O P Pannewitz-529L Waltep Dill Batø, Oiaage, Texas.

. 5292 ;EmrnetIBlOCkBuhien Orange, Texa .

- ö2O3lIerman Hinedale BieeeIi3 Aurora StafJou O - ---5ø4 Jobnuinmorßa1d Bonner, Houston, Tas _5i4tr_2. p296 StepbanThomaa.Edward, Orangerexa .

;- :6296 ]dwaH Log E!IlaonI'etÏl-. .

- 5298 Joeepb HowaxdJ.abfl Orangi, Tt' -- : 1 - ---'-

-: L;- , :

- 6 Orauge,Ee

,, ' . -

ph SchneiderL' Jenka.

kÈ%. : :

kto.:"!'./W L 1 ._.

an,O . ;leveland, OOlevoland Oleeliùd;O

oO-- :'eland,0,Akron,O -

'elai4o. -

wcaetIo,Palòyèlaitd,;O -


.;,, -

Pae :

r --E . :


-------- .. '- : e; -

.- -.--. -- '«-.- ..-. ;.4__;. ....... ..... t-t-t.

. - ; -, . ., .-__4. 1 ,-

4 FOR ThE NWHANbÓÒc.:: : .. .- . . -

, If you h&ve not already done so, fill out flloNing blank pomptly and forward to theSorlvenote,' We wantevery name and ddressln the Hand-Book exactly corrt'ths ''eai


\ -, .. Z--. 't i-., DOT-TOUÇH THiS SHEETWITH A PEN . .-

- - .. H 1 UNTIL YOU HAVE RA*Y 1E ON IT- -


.: -.- .- -.. .- .


i -

I Number ,SkV\t.d I


1 No 2 My It'll Name is_--, . -. , . : ........ : - - ' 1 t: .

i:.., ..

: -


No 3 office, or place I can be found, is-

Street address____________________________________

,.. , tI -

%'r ..,

- -:: -j--- Town.. - -ç LStatc ¶

Jk . - - r - ,

,, '.J,. .. -.

", .-( j _,J. -,* , . -. f . -1*

l L -..4 ¿; t»1r




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-.-. __rL r? ,.--...-

,;.J. .4.. ;-14 UlA_9'.

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ness signature . r-t'. . -

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