



Transcript of monthly_dec_05

Monthly for school and families

Introduction 1 Let's celebrate this Christmas in a different way A Happy School 3 We all are just learners Charity entertainment in our school Introduction of people 6 Nelson Mandela Our Planet 9 Protection of the environment Readers' letters 11

E-monthly is published by Association For a Better world. More information:

December 2005

Introduction Monthly for school and families

Let's celebrate this Christmas in a different way Again, as every year magical December has come. Even though the temperature is usually low at this time, we feel a warmth around our hearts. We can see lights and candles everywhere, men go out to find a nice christmas tree for their home, people run from one shop to another to buy presents for everyone to make them happy… In each and every one of us there are feelings of happiness and joyful expectation and for at least a moment we forget about the troubles we might have. After all we have to ask ourselves sincerely – do we really know how to make ourselves and people around us happy? Parents usually buy enormously expensive presents for their children just to make them happy and to make up for all the hours in the last twelve months when they didn't have time to play with them. Men buy expensive dresses for their wives to fill the emptiness that has been present for last few years between them. On the other hand, women are trying to tell them that they are truly worthy of their love even if they have to use any means to express their feelings. For all our relatives the easiest way is to send greetings to their e-mail adress to avoid the feeling that we might forget anyone on the list, even if we do not really care. Certainly there are some exceptions… Does anyone stop himself/herself at least for a moment despite all our obligations and worries to think about people who might not be so happy on Christmas Day? Some of them might not have enough food to eat, some may die in hospital even though we are celebrating, some might feel cold on the street, etc. We usually don't have enough time to think of such things or we rather deny them because they don't bring any joy to us. How often do we really ask ourselves what the meaning of celebrations is? Why do we need all this extravagance, pretty words on cards and shops filled to the brim with presents. Personally I like the idea of ancient peoples – they celebrate every day when something special or precious happens to anyone of them; for example if someone overcomes fear, or if they forgive a man to whom displeasure has been shown for a long time or if they do any unselfish deed for other people. All these events are a good reason for celebration for them; a celebration because of their inner growth and the development of their personality. After all we all probably agree that inner qualities and values of man are things we appreciate the most when we look at others; therefore celebrating the development and growth of them should be important as well. Is it really so important to buy such expensive presents in December? Have you ever thought of a present whose name is forgiveness? Perhaps you could give this gift to someone you fell out with long ago in the hope of a reconciliation. Yes, it is different from all other presents and it cannot be given a monetary value. Or what about a present called Time – the perfect present that can be given to many children by their parents. Children can

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use this present in many different ways – to talk, to play with their parents, for a family trip or to visit the theatre. This present is maybe the most precious and valuable of any regardless of the child's age. This time enables us to get to know each other closely and relationships within the family become more intimate and close. These are the building blocks to make strong and lasting relationships. Please don't misunderstand - this present of time can be given to adults or elderly people as well. Once we start to think in this way we get more and more ideas about different presents we might give. And what is their best characteristic? They are free of charge and their effect and the satisfaction of a reciever are much longer than in the case of any material present. It is not easy to create a pleasant and warm atmosphere at home in which everyone can feel joy, acceptance and honesty. Many of us know feelings of alienation and cold despite a temperature of 23 degrees in the house, a christmas tree, lights, candles and a carefully prepared dinner. We cannot buy these pleasant feelings. A daughter giving a warm hug to her father or a son that says a greatful word to his mother, these are true presents. At times of 'celebration', we can find out that we do not know how to talk to each other or that we do not know much about the dearest people in our life. There is no chance for any material gift to build a bridge between our hearts because such presents are things of short duration, they can be stolen or destroyed and they cannot improve our relationships. If we reflect on this, perhaps we can change our attitude in the future at least for a bit. Maybe we will visit an acquaintance of ours and have a word with him, we might stop while passing a homeless person and give him a warm and soft scarf. In our hearts, we can keep ideas about how to make our family members happier and how to bring the family closer. Deeply in ourselves, we know how to give warmth, happiness and love to everybody in our surrounding, we just have to find the way. So let's have a happy and joyful Christmas!


A happy school Monthly for school and families

We all are just learners Is there any teacher who doesn't want to be on the top of the popularity list in his own school? To be honest, this is a secret wish of every teacher. But it is not the most important thing. When we work with young people and teach and educate them, we have to think mostly about our deeds and not about their fruits. If we work well, the results will come as a consequence. The main thing is that we think about what can we give to a learner rather than what we can get out of him. There is no other belief that makes people stronger than that we gave and did our best. It is not important just how much you know but how can you transfer this knowledge to others. Teaching means experimenting endlessly with different ways to find out what will be successful or not in the classroom. Sometimes we think we have solved a problem but immediately a second one arises. We have to be attentive to what is happening in the class. The class is our mirror. Unfortunately, there are no recipes. Classes differ between each other that is why we have to treat them individually according to their unique problems. Whatever happens we should keep flow of events in our hands as well as peace and communication. Relationships and the results we achieve within a class are directly connected to our communication skills. We have to show to a young person that we are ready to listen to him. All the time we should keep in mind that he might have some problems as well. Our attention must be focused mostly on his explanation and not so much on our answer. Love them. Believe in them. We need to have faith in their abilities and help them to see their goal and vision for the future. Many times we have to remind ourselves how important an example of our behaviour is for them. Adolescents will follow our example much easier and quicker than words or any kind of advice. Above all, we need to maintain a cheerful attitude within ourselves. We should admit that often we are too serious because we think that if we are relaxed and joyful this can damage the peace and productivity within a class. But on this point we are wrong. Joy and happiness mean an eternally youthful spirit and students like it. Teachers are privileged to teach young people, to educate them and to help them so that they will be able to make steps from where they are now to some point in the future. This is a huge responsibility and a challenge at the same time. After all we should keep in mind that we all are in one way learners throughout all our life.


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Charity entertainment in our school Three years ago we got an interesting idea while having a lecture about Africa. This idea seemed great and noble to all of us but at the same time scary and beyond reach. »Should we organize a charity in our school?« We started to work hard immediately, overcame many troubles and fears on the way – and we filled the hall with singing, dancing, words…and with a very sincere childish happiness because of the awareness that we were helping someone. By the end of the event, we had collected an enviable quantity of money for students from disadvantaged families. This year's charity entertainment was the third one we have organized. We tried to prepare an even more interesting and richer programme than we did in previous years. The preparation started in September. While attending their different subjects, students made various products that were sold on the day of the charity event. Visitors were able to buy rings, necklaces, paintings, christmas cards, jewels etc. At the same time, they were offered delicious cakes and biscuits. However this is still not the whole story. Throughout the whole of November, teachers and learners collected toys which they brought to school in order to give them to children from disadvantaged families. We donated all the toys to the Red Cross, a Mother's home, a Paediatric hospital in Maribor and to an asylum for refugees in Ljubljana. All the children showed much interest and offered great support in this kind of activity because at the end all the boxes were filled with hundreds of cars, Teddy bears, cats, jigsaw-puzzles, etc. In one way or another, the whole school was involved in the project. Approximately 280 students appeared in the performance itself which is almost one third of the school, others were making products or brought toys for charity. There is one thing that I would like to stress the most: everything would not have been possible without the enormous and unselfish support of all the teachers who were constantly motivating, preparing and assisting the students. At least 30 teachers took part in the project at some stage or other of it's realization. We would not be able to organize it as well without the understanding and support from guidance team members of our school. On the day of charity event, all our effort were fully repayed by the many visitors that responded so well to our invitation. This feeling of mutual support from all sides was marvellous and we felt really happy at the end of the day. Let me mention as well the financial part of the project. The total profit of this year's charity entertainment was greater than any of the previous ones – it was nearly £730! It means a lot of money for everyone. All the money will be spent

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for expenses for school excursions, literature and other school materials for children from disadvantaged families. However, money was not the only reason for this project. The main thing is that we educate children in an atmosphere of mutual support and care for all people in our community. We would like to show children how noble feelings arise if you try to help others, to give what you can and do your best in any situation. And how pleasant it is to socialize, co-operate and create together. We can all learn how much we are able to do if we come together and if everyone invests some time in it. It shows how strong we are if we really want to be. Primary school Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia


Introduction of people Monthly for school and families

Nelson Mandela »Try to imagine this… one day a woman and a man of different colours will be able to sit together, to talk, to eat and listen to music. People will dance, children will play together, everybody will enjoy their part. This will be the day when people know how to enjoy the variety of other people's cultures and appreciate their common humanity.«

N. Mandela Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, politician and statesman of the South-African Republic, was one of the anti-apartheid leaders in that country. In order to gain freedom he used sabotage and guerrilla warfare and in such a way he became a hero and a model of a freedom-fighter. In his youth he lived in a clan of the Thembu tribe. Later on, he studied law. In the 1950's, he became an activist of the African National Congress (ANC) which strived for the same rights of all citizens despite their race. In 1962, he was imprisoned because he was a member of an armed cadre (»Umkhonto we Sizwe«). In 1964, his sentence was changed to the death penalty. Because of pressure from the ANCA and foreign politicians, the then President Frederik Willem de Klerk had to release Mandela in 1990. Because of that both were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. In May 1994 Mandela was elected President of South Africa. Since 1999, when his mandate was finished, he has been active in fighting against AIDS and promoting world peace. Schooling Nelson Mandela was born in July, 1918 in Umtata in SouthAfrican. At the age of seven he became the first family member who went to school in his village. He was named Mandela by his teacher. When he was nine years old his father died. When he was sixteen he started to study law and went on to complete his degree. While studying he was particularyl interested in running and boxing. Political activities Already, as a student, Mandela was taking part in some political activities against minorities of white people who rejected the political, economical and social rights of Blacks in South Africa. In 1942, he joined the African National Congress (ANC) together with Walter Sisula and Oliver Tamba. Mandela was an outstanding activist of the ANC's 'Defiant campaign' and the »Congress of

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people« where a free document consisting of a programme of abolishing reasons for apartheid was accepted. During all that time, he was running a solicitor's office with his friend where cheap and sometimes free legal advice was offered to many Blacks who would otherwise not be able to afford any solicitor's defence by themselves. He was involved also in non-violent mass demonstrations. In December 1956, he was arrested together with 150 other people and accused of treason. The judical process finished in 1961, when all the defendants were released. In 1961, he became a leader of an ANC department again and organized a campaign of sabotage against the army and the government. If the sabotage measures were not successful, he had created a plan for guerrilla activities. After 17 months of being on the run, he was arrested and detained in 1962 in Johanesburg. After two years he was given a life sentence. In the following 26 years his name became more and more well known and connected with abolishing apartheid; the slogan »Free Nelson Mandela« became a trademark for people all around the world who were fighting against rasism (apartheid). Presidency He was released from prison in 1990 and immediately he continued with programmes he had started more than 20 years bdfore. Thr first democratic elections in South Africa were held in 1974. The ANC won and Mandela became the first 'black' President of South Africa and President of the ANC. During his mandate he acquired an international reputation and respect from collegues because of many national and international reconcilation agreements. After he had retired, he became the defender of many social and human rights organizations. He received many international prizes (foremost amongst which was the Nobel Peace Prize). We can be happy that people like Nelson Mandela are carriers of new movements in different areas of life; political, cultural and the wider social arena. This is strong evidence that a human's spirit that is full of love, compassion and tolerance can overcome non-tolerance and lack of understanding of society. The most astonishing thought in Mandela's case is that it was impossible to destroy or harm his spirit even when he was behind the walls of a prison for 23 years. This just supports the fact that a human's limbs can be easily broken but it is impossible to break the power of his spirit. When we have a strong and sincere goal to work for the well-being of all humanity, we

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can trust that we will succeed. Because in this case we don't work only for ourselves but as well for others-for the world. Let's make a better world – for all our descendants and living beings on our planet.


Our planet Monthly for school and families

Protection of the environment This year's late autumn was marked by many natural catastrophes. Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes occurred one after another as if on an assembly line. The worst was the catastrophe in the USA. You might not have heard yet but the USA is one of the few countries that haven't yet signed the Kjotic protocol about the protection of nature and decreasing the amount of CO2 emissions. Obviously, there is a natural law of reap and sow and we have to accept the consequences of our actions. Congressman Dennis Kucinich delivered a very stern warning to Congress when he said, »I am seriously surprised and disappointed about the shortsightedness of american politics. Military engineers have been warning people for several years about consquences that may happen if we don't strenghten control over the waters that may cause floods. As if hurricane Cathrine came on its own. No, my dear colleagues. The time came when government has to change its ineffective energetic politics. It is time to decrease the amount of petrolic and fossil fuels and increase investments in fuels which are friendly to the environment. This catastrophe is just a warning. Our government has to leave the way of war and try to find the way of peace; peace with natural environment, peace with other nations, and peace with a just economic system.« Many democratic politicians added their voice to his words. This recent natural catastrophe revealed as well some untrue myths about the prosperity of western countries and their economic driver – the USA. We were able to see many american citizens without even their most basic needs being satisfied. It was shown very clearly that the USA has many common characteristics with Third World countries despite its status as the only great power in the world presided over by it's own global despot:

• As in poor countries, victims of Cathrine's hurricane were poor; one third of the population of New Orleans lives below the poverty line. Louisiana and Mississippi have the highest number of poor children in USA – more than 50%. Meanwhile the poverty has been raising for the last four years.

• Among poor american men, there are many ethnic and racial minorities which have undergone a history of violence and discrimination

• The gulf between rich and poor is becoming deeper and deeper. At the next Congressional session, a new law will be passed – inheritance taxes on fixed proprerties are going to be cancelled. The result of this is that the top two percent of rich Americans will gain even more with a help of poor taxpayers.

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The New York Times had as it's headline how the floods and droughts in the Thirld World expose the dangers and absurdity of exploitative regimes.


Readers' letters Monthly for school and families

Dear Members of The association for a Better World! Your letter has convinced me that I am working in a good environment where I am surrounded with many positive people – from people working at the Institute of Anton Trstenjak in Ljubljana where I got your beautiful fairy tale for children and adults, »The magic knitting wool«. I read it to my seven year old granddaughter, to her mother (my daughter) and to my six year old grandson, and of course – because it is designed for adults as well – I read it to a self- help group in a centre for retired people in Kranj. The group is called 'Red roses' and I am the leader of the group. They all really liked the story. It was appropriate for this preadvent and Christmas time. Afterwards, one 95-year old lady from our group told her fairy tale. This was one of the moments which you have to experience – to feel the flow of energy and observe their mimicking. Elderly people are just like children – there can never be too much friendly words, warm hugs or especially smiles. I am really grateful that I got some information about your association from the enclosed catalogue. I do respect this miracle on our planet Earth as well – life itself, as you have written. I am surprised that I haven't heard about your project 'We are creating a better world together' in any media. It is possible that I missed it because I am not reading newspaper or watching TV regularly. I wish your many supporting members that we and our descendants will be able to gather fruits of our present acts. In 2006, I wish you all many days of fruitful deeds and lots of harmony within your families and at work. With love and gratitude,

Francka Kropovšek We will look forward to your questions, ideas and opinions. Send us an e-mail on [email protected] . Please write »monthly« in the subject box.

Creators of e-monthly

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