MONTHLY MEETING ers The Utv -...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH 8 190b 8 r MONTHLY MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL A Gnat Deal of Easiness of Im- pirtaBce Wu Disposed of LIBERTY STREET TO BE PAVED Ordinance Was Inlredacvd and Patted PrcvUHfHE fw Paving of West Liber ty and for Construct of Sidewalks Other Business The r ff lar noathlf meeting of ihi City Oa Mll eoaTeaed ia the City Hall Meanly T ai There praMat Aldraea Oeo K Breeme preiMeat Beaton MB Hedges ONeill tad Wittitoet- ad Clerk J M The attautn of the mpatiag for Feb nary were and approved which all bills properly audited were a ap read aad ordered psld Reports of th aarihal 78 80 and the eelleetor 198348 were read and ordered The qaestioa of the diipoiition of- aeveral ejprvss bur li which had at the Slat Fair for la parpeae of eihibiting the water Irma Boalarare Spriaga together with- a haadseaM eeoler which was used for the parpeee of diipeasiag this famous beverage was tate ap The coaacil- kad pail a hvadred dollars for the Barpese ef adrertlsiac the water to tae Fair visitors aed mow the guei tioa shrew M t the eeoaoaty of geitiBg at- eh ta possible This quo 4ea sraa settled by a atotioa troy Al 4afBMB whkh was carried Ute eiVet that the chairman of the water geaHRJttee dispaas of the barrels the beet adTMtafe tad that the skr taraed aver to the City Aldenawa OKelll stated that the ample resMiaf aleaa North Pleaaaat- aertet alaaioriag for water ser He aeUeTe4 thy ewght to eajoy Ghee prfvitoffee mad traduced a mo tfea ta taa eiaet that the sapsriatead- aataf watatwarfca a laetnwted- la taftetlfMa the miter ef the eat ef- a eilaaetaa at the aa that UwtaafafatB ta Beaadary etreet also a aseertaia the preaaMe aaieaBt of- tevtaaataae derived free sash es- teattea with iaetruetioaa to report to- taceeaaei This otetiaa was earned bead faad beiBg low AVaeraMM OaehmM saade a awtiea to eaai ef SI IO be MHMfeffred from the lte ase toad ta edaeatieaal heed fame mad the taa treasBrer be taetraeted ta pay the aeajaaa aa they beaaase dae- IKsnaam Oaahajajt all hl bay at tilde awetlat tad WM fell ap wka ftjatallaas aad toffees which steal ef latefeet la tae preeeedla s Aa ataer Biatiaa iatradaeed by this tae aaaa ate which was a teed eat aaalraiaa af the laaace saute a repert Bean of lead Trustees tea kill the sea teefere the eeaaell aa sees M possible Ihie Btattea was carried AMeraMB leant spoke la behalf of the Bsaaafaetariax pleats ef the city withla the Jariedletiea ef the water wetks tysteas Mr Beasoa latradttced a recolBtiea MtabltohiaK a rate for stem pleats tad lee faetoriea who ase- aa aa average ef and less the 10000 per day at G cents pet 1000 galloae tad those asiag 10 COO fljalleac er mere per day oa aa 8fie4 aeata per rates to apply strictly to BsaBufactariag par pare sad ta take effect Jaauary 1 1901 The reeelatloa was eluted Upea asetiea ef AlderaMa CashBtaa the Buyer waa iastracted to Issue a- preelaasatloB ar cell for a city elects ta be held oa Taesday April 10 AB erdinaaee providing for the pat tag ef West Liberty street to the Uai- venity groaads also fcr the construe tioa of sidewalks oa both sides of the street was SUed tad passed upon in first second and third readings The council adjourned until 230 oclock Wednesday afternoon when it is understood theism ordinance proad tag for the uniform width of West Liberty street from Wen Main to Lri- ivenily grounds will lie introduced and acted upon Clears the Complexion Ortno Laxative Fruit Syrup slim late the liver snit thoroughly cleans the system sad clear the complexion of pimples and blotches It it the laxative for women and children n it is mild and pleasant and dot not or sicken Orino is much sop to pills aperient waters all ordinary cathartics as it dots not irri- tate stomach aud bowels J W WeCollum Co Cub Dell read af r flied used Tampa OMIt tit be lie The she the troy 1000 gallows gall r 1000 gallows heft gripe t h r were w take v LL Ogee l s r rebate a M f Oeeil r a rweate wet ties I alas i i eliest fiat the r gas itiNat this be l ealfested e very r was sbjt eo malt tee ave aid t t i p K It n fit > > > > ¬ + + know what all good doc tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral Ask your own doc- tor and find out will tell Cherry Pectoralyo- u how h quiets the tickling throat heals the inflamed lungs and controls the hardest of coughs Ay r Ch rwuiral It w H known In our l W think It U lh but birUlclit In Un world fur roucbt n4 roM KATIB l rrxKo i l- fC A Mix Hard Coughs na af Are at Bedtime wiN hasten recavery Cently laxative RETURNS ARE SLOW Assessor Colson Suggests Promptness in Making Returns County T x A ior W W Col on satH that returns AM rather slow ermine in especially in the iaines rills dj tit and a a result he is a little worried I am aware of the feet that a great many changes of ownership in real have occurred ia this district within the put year remarked Asses sot Cohon and the new owners would both themfclves end this dell uf trouble if they would make return as the time for aakiug tusk returns will expire on the 31st inst Assessor Calsa will b gln work on the books April 1 and requests im- mediate returns Hows This We offer One Hundred Dalian Re- ward tar lay of catarrh that b cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CRENEY Co Toledo O We the eniersigaed have kaown F J Chraey for the late 15 years and believe his perfectly honorable in all baiiBFH iraBssctiuns tad floancially able to carry oat any obligations wade by his tirai WALDIXO A MARVIX Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is takes later aetlag directly apoa the blood Bad mucous surfaces cf the system Testiasoaiale seat free Price 75 teat per bottle Sold by all dragjista Take Halls Family Pills for coasts patios there Park Happenings Orate Park March I The fsrmers of this seetioa are preparing their ground for planting Mr Fisher and ton of Gainesville have btrea at work oa the turpentine for PMfer A Waits The freeze slid damage to the fruit trees of this section Mr Lynch the saw sill man is do- ing a One business Sunday school has organised here and is moving along finely The school at this place was closed Friday Had uinner un the ground All attending report a Rood time Ofo W Seofleld a prominent at- torney of Gainesville was in our midst Saturday on legal business Mr Seo field is popular among his friends tart they are urging him to be B candidate for the Legislature from this county Mrs TL Johnson who has bees speeding tome time in the North isoa visit to her mother Mrs S F Waits We are having some rain which seeded wry badly Will Print Memorial Address WuxhlnKtmi March G By unanl moos consent the house bad ordered printed In the congressional record the memorial address of George W Per klnn at the funeral of the tote David U HciultTFon The ininorlal was protnfol y Mr lacy of Iowa ho charnctfrli It as Ixainlfiil and torlcal In charucttT Cured Consumption- Mr H W Ken writes My husband lay i nk for three montlin The said he had quick consumption v procured a bottle of Hallard Horehound Syrup site it eared him That was ix years io and state then we have alwayi kept a bottle in the home We can- not do without it For coughs and colds it hat no equal 2Ss 80c and Sold by W M Johnson ers c Lat I rumlI for III Itt greet I h DO- A been lasts i I h hilt I doctors I I 1 sae3kIJr ore office w I case can- not Ki cAN ally still o ESalle Clearwater tl a s ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ + ONE LIFE WAS L0 7 N BLAZE Fire In Ne nt Ci Csr tarns Nets York March Th Forty Ifroiid nn t mr ham the Mitro Stn t Uallwuy cotnmny ev- un Ilnn Iriin 01 tr t hi Iliidsou rivir have d- uy tire liar titan If tavi boon an nInyc of tho coipany llfo null Matnil JHTMHIS earn Injured a llroniaii MrloUhly Hflwetn and 10 cars of the Thirtyfourth street- cronMown Htirfan line wero In the barns and all tvre ilentniye The total damage U estimated at more then iLonoiO The fire was an exceptionally one and at UK height the flames were leaping several hundred feet In the air Several Immense gas tankn of the Consolidated Gas compa- ny located directly acrouM the Htrett were horiously threatened hy the tire and a report that they were ahout to explode sent seveial thousand specta- tors In a wild Illtlnht for wifely In the rush weveral Krsons wore hurt A man on the M coid lour was about to l e rescued when he tottered back tuft the flame and was seen no more The Ore was upiMisoil to hour orlgnalod from a short circuit I A For Imlantt and Ckildre- aHi lid Yn Han Always Boiit Bears the 50 Lose Lives In Storm Tronjem Norway March C Besides 11 fishing boats already reported miss- ing as a result of the storm several ohtcrs are unaccounted for The to- tal loss of life Is estimated at 50 The nest Cough Syrup S L Apple exprobate judge Ot- tawa roost Kansss writes This U to that I have used Ballard Hor bound Syrup for years and tits I do not hesitate to recommend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used Sold by W M Johnson Are toll of plain serviceable 350 Shoes but theyre plate always plain just as though the man who or afford to ply more than 360 didnt care Our new 360 Shoes hue all the style of a Shoe at twice the box calf enamel and patent leather Come and see our and try them L C SMITH North Side Square Gainesville Flu PteMwit take new laxative Dove not gripe or nauseate stomach and liver troubles and chronic coo tipation by restoring natural stom- ach liver and bowels Per Sale bj J W Mdulluw Co PATENT u mi or rce RCTURMCD- WmtMCCMIMV runliitt il t IT 01 lIrrt otaunni irr urfh u TI IB r SOt0 try T M eta alerts COPVRICMTS i k7- Opaoslt U 8 Patent OfTlce WASHINGTON O C all of pull 1111 h ° lrI toll III lost hl 11 2klIOJ lad 1 TIE WillS ynJ TIM the k I Iruml I eAcItICJIC tN CHARta AC TNt LOWEST I rt ant t till AllY 1 I I t I clay I Fun yttuht to- t r b t spec- tacular CASTOR idgaatue of r elf ORIWxa- tirFruit N 10 nrntttwl ld t r tp w ar b trn Ir4 s fa1aL era 0 pr l ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < = The Chattanooga Plowsa- re CropMakers We Keep All Kinds of Farming Supplies- At K1GIIT PRICES BAIRD HARDWARE COMPANY Gainesville Florida GEOS HACKER SOKM- ANUrACTDHKK4 or and Building Material CHARLESTON C SaSh feints Cord Baidfire E 2t HACKEE Prourietoi DONT Have your loved ones portrait made ta a factory by people wbo hale BO reputation tokucuta ta your eoauDuit- ltr Wtoa ym want LARGE FOB TRAIT from or tkat wU be arUatlcaUr tabbed perfect ta ttke- MM tad a Ufttfaw pleasun to you fir to JAME5 F SMITH Maker of FINE rOTO CHAPS from Locket to Life Lance ta Colon or Mono chrome TIle latest mad most artteUo BBOUBU and folders tot photo work Htaile EstaMlsa la Ht7 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSN- OTICE OK APPLICATION TAX DEEIl CNDKIt SECTION OF CHAITKlt 4 OK FLORIDA Notice U hereby that T R Hunt purchaser of No dated made application for tat deed to issue In a Alachua county Florida towlt Tp 10 K st The said land belrur axnewied at the date of cer luc te be redeemed ac Clerk Circuit Court NOTIfK FOR ITIILICATIOX- U rl tice at Kla S li ti NouVe K herriv ivft that the followln ir rtio of hi in r n- W ITBH U1N- Hi I MW t iKt f A Nf W Cl T f oMlr- N K AMi tM Ml 1KIMirt 1 i j AND GLASS I I I I ro1F order Sloe FOR Tat IOtb day of July A U 1001 ha nled IIId tenllSeatt In uftloe and bioi tordalJte wltb law Yak Ihe following property hutted In Lot bounded S hI GonJoo lit old R R trade S b Center and W by Mciia Ste the I uante ot such etnlJlealt In the name of Uarrttll SaDdt1I lib all cording to lAW deed thereon OD h da and Ibl the of Iebruarr A I II WItSlit Cu h February Ur 104 tr UII rlllr ar1 t that 1111 roale I snit rt Irtnettl tI un Iarb I ur n S 11 Ie I lie e I WCnre I lIrn li 1ttCto jIt rJottr WI v II ± i t 0 I TII Tub crua I tW J J t r tc lrlttu lJiI tb t 1 1 rte 01 CI ld hewn bt Iw of 0 I J Jc of nqU r1 anr aw lIetnI6 tl theId are to II uu ukl IlIIe lit WDIJ Jtt1 Ct Ot J eeu Ii CGI Jrdte r tNt r a life R LAWS tires the my decribed E St x rules said tsi will thWitnn raft ett s nature seat 7nb dar IAe- S hl Fla ti Uit I prwr h el llm vud trSIr baforr iC rti heir lrr IL 1 tar Is Nrwhrrn iu SM N a rrthe aitnn e In Vim tr Ulnlu lu1 4b all alnd L- I r Ntwtrtrt Flrl- V ItuI11 U Rra ter pit Tt I 11lE 1 and u 1 4rrut Ft trtJ Jacob t1ar I Ikcrrw- 1ua trrrtlr rwtttlrI rout r wflea hrr UI estate hr pled ttuthx etur hi Cuurtf lksdbuy lkrrrd a teroa talla sx aaioa etatr lereM retaken rlntts wttb 1 th do of Juae A U it ON M era I r rr e Uh cQ > > > > = > + iIr IM t virlro- I ilv uf rV rjii i T Utv LIU i ii rt t l it- n Ihimori v j If r I I T JMr J- nt HIM win Vi r r til ti i s- llftT I I H t if- IVlrt M fo uw i ili Miri Iruiir t 1lf itntlii ii t i tf- r t uMr I mi t 4 ijT- ti Nmtri M t r M i teH arts i l ul i titi I MM liilit i Kinr Ninrtien umD in Aijoiiiii 11111111 ttr u trii cite t ix ii I r Hf of l Miriv II It MIII j xa MiCriv towWt ir v tj- ThUCMbdiV Keliruarr K A- Slecl XOTICK FOR ICIIIICATIOX Land Odlce at i tr TtC I J irjnr o Notice s hereby iMver that m e Itlt the irovl l it ol the A tnf c Jiti3 riilUeil At An tot sun NYuli unit Ua kt i Ttrrt t iiili ll iii pun iiil Slate t UkUl I Ururtff M l iu oountv of HraiJIotit tic dar n it lr ih i alas iiicnt nJV for fit1 i Nft f S t Of 0 ttti Vl No H S ICirf No truer xiiiilir or it tin drliMit irai uri oM i- tduim t M iiiril infn- AT it liiltit vlc 1iti and r st4 r- iO tu f ui- i lift lee luvl K K t Ilrev Vl- fij and ui ipr i ns ia ante hiive liMtJI il i Uf t 4 their rialto in thi ui 10 r ur bel JMtlav of Muioh Wii ICIHIINSON g- Xl TKK butt ITIMIt AT10X- Lurul OltliM at Ui resvl- QNutlet l beret ir in ttit In wth the rovl lntioiil the Actuli June n riitliiiil Aii At turtle timber lands In the Mate of falf- Kofi NevuiU and Wu iii too Te extPInlnl to ali the ubi and SUM Town routitx of I Kavpttc state tf I to ihl dar Hint In tht oiroe Dt No U4 fur UP I jrchaM- ol S Section 10 In Tow S Range No 11 R an1 will to h w tbat the nought l for lt timber or than cultural iurin co and to eut ilb his bald land lecture KritNtrr and Re- Uaicritllle Kloridn on Wednetdar day of March He nattier wttrev K I Hmranueo H taker Smith Town Kl- A r and all t erM ns claiming adnr- abo e leMrlr ed lyre are te iuetMl their claltc In thl oftloe on or biters ear of March V li lUMIINSOX NOTIC OK APPLICATION n DEED UNDER SECTION OF 4 M LAWOP FLORIDA Notice U hereby then that Job purchaser of Tax Certificate No ML the 6th dar of Julr A a died certltloate In mi made ill atlon accordance wltb law Sub ce braces the follow In devrlt ed pr In Alacbua eountr Florida towfc In Se cor K St a4 Windsor The uid land being at the t the tMuance of such certificate la 1MB John Fowler Ualem aald certlOcate shall t- eordlur to law tax deed will tae the IStb dar of March A D 1986 my official UHature afti the lOtbdar of February A D IM a w Clerk Circuit Court AlacawO NOTICE or APPLICATION fM DEED UNDER SECTION 8 or CW- 4WK LAWS OF FLORIDA Notice Is hereby then tbat JJ pu chatter of Tax CertlUcate No tbe etb Julr A D IWli In nor office and has uoa for tax deed to Uiue In law Said certificate embrace tM described aitualed In AJ1- ty towlt H VJ of Nw M Sec 3 TP II R The old land being aiw Mied at tfct the twuance of aucb certificate la lav of L real L Co Unless aald certificate shall be rf cording to law tax deed will fugue itb dar of March A U IW- W ltne m mr official pJrfnature aad the d day of February A D lade S II WII Pd Clerk Circuit Court AlacbuaCa NOTICE APPLICATION TO mED UNDER SECTION H OF C- iw LAWS OF FLORIDA Notice h herebr given tbat P 1 moOd purchaser of Tax certtl l- ue dated tbe Mb dar of July Ml hart tiled Mid certificate la and baa made application to l ue In accordance with to certificate embraces the foU- jonbcd proi ertr situated In Alacba towlt Sw of Ne M Sec 34 Tp 10 SE The sand land belrur assessed at tM the of wen certificate In tbtl Coniniertlkl C I nlr ald iertlrtoHtr shall be red cording to law tat dent will l ue t tb nddi v of April A D l v- ltnes mv oniclul signature and the 1th dos of I t rk Circuit Court aohua Cft NOTICE erji Notice l heriiiy tlven that the l nan l ttlir hat iJ d notite h to miikf anal in su i oi t f blscM- thm SDMI rmif will li toads Ntfore liiouir at ti4in ra oa- IM t a rr th e e W of J FI- V Ci IIMIINSDN- NOTKK SIt U tr oaf art the iir t putiiitfutiun hereof tow u- tht fnuoty JucJfce of A ihu couBtf for an onlir to soil or leis a the n awl interest of It K Stours J E Tbomas K stofcus minors n and tg iow in dc rtcxd lot of unl The of section M InTownsUli Sout i t s R STO Feb M i e omUuaofS U J JIll A t 11Ir 1 1 t le r la 1 1 h t tile II I Iar 11 U t a It t a I I I Trroh ato IJ la I laII lltl r l lIlt t IOu 1 I trt tel I tit it 1 II I 1IILt SI- Tu I 1 loci I ur Auut I hi- m of e S I lath able Isae Cot L J 1II1t loci gab tnr tat deed sled a be While H- IllS of the 0 for W A s II U- I FOIL ItlIlhATlOcI- and Omt1 tit ralnrrilte tit aol II I Iki t1a T r 11 Ir the lu DUn 00 Cal t I 11 IJ- t C II U Uo a otWlt berets h I March II U t S 1 MSTtlt err nt t mr ul l it- d r dr 1 l ttlbN un sod 11 4r r wnrtt nt ra alt tarrrLL d I pro atria rrrl rnlt tot itrtgra1 l t bn canls F drt d nnl 1 11 Lu roes 4 brat atur tit Iia l t d the tai 11 CFl Miter tom t tbarr the u af a urea i e ui 2- nu n ptrIt th r l1 d- Ile n u ttnrt 1 II Faro Fher t land r M Fr A Jurrrr 0 M 1 Rlulalu U Flflalae table tone a n a t r j has aIN ii Lot rx eed c l se ace property r 111 t1i Flu i chruarr Ind G l I plied l 1It Jh Y IIIFlit Uf u M SCC i a Nr arc 1 Tp E IS F- U n4ntrt luiurw u Nt rrtdrn r slat 1 lan Jab Lrlnnrr alt ttt tarn x alas u g LII t ° > < > > > > > < > < < < > > > > > > > < > > > > > < > < > > > ° > +

Transcript of MONTHLY MEETING ers The Utv -...

Page 1: MONTHLY MEETING ers The Utv - · or sicken Orino is much sop to pills aperient waters all ordinary




A Gnat Deal of Easiness of Im-

pirtaBce Wu Disposed of


Ordinance Was Inlredacvd and PattedPrcvUHfHE fw Paving of West Liberty and for Construct of SidewalksOther Business

The r ff lar noathlf meeting of ihiCity Oa Mll eoaTeaed ia the CityHall Meanly T ai

There praMat Aldraea OeoK Breeme preiMeat Beaton

MB Hedges ONeill tad Wittitoet-ad Clerk J M

The attautn of the mpatiag for Febnary were and approvedwhich all bills properly audited were

a ap read aad ordered psldReports of th aarihal 78 80 and

the eelleetor 198348 were read andordered

The qaestioa of the diipoiition of-

aeveral ejprvss bur li which hadat the Slat Fair for

la parpeae of eihibiting the waterIrma Boalarare Spriaga together with-

a haadseaM eeoler which was used forthe parpeee of diipeasiag this famousbeverage was tate ap The coaacil-kad pail a hvadred dollars for theBarpese ef adrertlsiac the water totae Fair visitors aed mow the guei tioashrew M t the eeoaoaty of geitiBg at-

eh ta possible This quo4ea sraa settled by a atotioa troy Al

4afBMB whkh was carriedUte eiVet that the chairman of the

water geaHRJttee dispaas of the barrelsthe beet adTMtafe tad that the

skr taraed aver to the City

Aldenawa OKelll stated that theample resMiaf aleaa North Pleaaaat-aertet alaaioriag for water ser

He aeUeTe4 thy ewght to eajoyGhee prfvitoffee mad traduced a motfea ta taa eiaet that the sapsriatead-aataf watatwarfca a laetnwted-la taftetlfMa the miter ef the eat ef-

a eilaaetaa at the aa thatUwtaafafatB ta Beaadary etreet alsoa aseertaia the preaaMe aaieaBt of-

tevtaaataae derived free sash es-teattea with iaetruetioaa to report to-

taceeaaei This otetiaa was earnedbead faad beiBg low

AVaeraMM OaehmM saade a awtiea toeaai ef SI IO be

MHMfeffred from the lte ase toad taedaeatieaal heed fame mad the

taa treasBrer be taetraeted ta pay theaeajaaa aa they beaaase dae-

IKsnaam Oaahajajt all hlbay at tilde awetlat tad WM fell apwka ftjatallaas aad toffees which

steal ef latefeet la tae preeeedla s Aaataer Biatiaa iatradaeed by this taeaaaa ate which was a teed eat

aaalraiaa af the laaacesaute a repert Bean

of lead Trustees tea kill the seateefere the eeaaell aa sees M possibleIhie Btattea was carried

AMeraMB leant spoke la behalf ofthe Bsaaafaetariax pleats ef the citywithla the Jariedletiea ef the waterwetks tysteas Mr Beasoa latradttceda recolBtiea MtabltohiaK a rate forstem pleats tad lee faetoriea who ase-aa aa average ef and lessthe 10000 per day at G centspet 1000 galloae tad those asiag 10COO fljalleac er mere per day oa aa8fie4 aeata per ratesto apply strictly to BsaBufactariag parpare sad ta take effect Jaauary 1

1901 The reeelatloa was elutedUpea asetiea ef AlderaMa CashBtaa

the Buyer waa iastracted to Issue a-

preelaasatloB ar cell for a city electsta be held oa Taesday April 10

AB erdinaaee providing for the pattag ef West Liberty street to the Uai-venity groaads also fcr the construetioa of sidewalks oa both sides of thestreet was SUed tad passed upon infirst second and third readings

The council adjourned until 230oclock Wednesday afternoon when itis understood theism ordinance proadtag for the uniform width of WestLiberty street from Wen Main to Lri-ivenily grounds will lie introduced andacted upon

Clears the ComplexionOrtno Laxative Fruit Syrup slim

late the liver snit thoroughly cleansthe system sad clear the complexionof pimples and blotches It it thelaxative for women and children n itis mild and pleasant and dot not

or sicken Orino is much sopto pills aperient waters all

ordinary cathartics as it dots not irri-tate stomach aud bowels J WWeCollum Co



read af r


used Tampa







1000 gallowsgall

r1000 gallows









LL Ogee






Oeeil r a rweate


I alas


eliest fiat the


gas itiNat this be l ealfested e

veryrwas sbjteomalt tee
















know what all good doctors think of Ayers CherryPectoral Ask your own doc-tor and find out will tell

CherryPectoralyo-u how h quiets the ticklingthroat heals the inflamedlungs and controls thehardest of coughs

Ay r Ch rwuiral It w H known Inour l W think It U lh but birUlclitIn Un world fur roucbt n4 roM

KATIB l rrxKo i l-

fC A


Hard Coughsna af Are at Bedtime wiN

hasten recavery Cently laxative


Assessor Colson Suggests Promptnessin Making Returns

County T x A ior W W Col onsatH that returns AM rather slowermine in especially in the iainesrills dj tit and a a result he is alittle worried

I am aware of the feet that a greatmany changes of ownership in real

have occurred ia this districtwithin the put year remarked Assessot Cohon and the new ownerswould both themfclves end this

dell uf trouble if theywould make return as the time foraakiug tusk returns will expire on the31st inst

Assessor Calsa will b gln work onthe books April 1 and requests im-

mediate returns

Hows ThisWe offer One Hundred Dalian Re-

ward tar lay of catarrh thatb cured by Halls Catarrh Cure

F J CRENEY Co Toledo OWe the eniersigaed have kaown

F J Chraey for the late 15 years andbelieve his perfectly honorable in allbaiiBFH iraBssctiuns tad floanciallyable to carry oat any obligations wadeby his tirai


Wholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure is takes lateraetlag directly apoa the blood

Bad mucous surfaces cf the systemTestiasoaiale seat free Price 75 teatper bottle Sold by all dragjista

Take Halls Family Pills for coastspatios

there Park HappeningsOrate Park March I The fsrmers

of this seetioa are preparing theirground for planting

Mr Fisher and ton of Gainesvillehave btrea at work oa the turpentine

for PMfer A WaitsThe freeze slid damage to the fruit

trees of this sectionMr Lynch the saw sill man is do-

ing a One businessSunday school has organised

here and is moving along finelyThe school at this place was closed

Friday Had uinner un the groundAll attending report a Rood time

Ofo W Seofleld a prominent at-torney of Gainesville was in our midstSaturday on legal business Mr Seofield is popular among hisfriends tart they are urging him to beB candidate for the Legislature fromthis county

Mrs T L Johnson who has beesspeeding tome time in the North isoa

visit to her mother Mrs S FWaits

We are having some rain whichseeded wry badly

Will Print Memorial AddressWuxhlnKtmi March G By unanl

moos consent the house bad orderedprinted In the congressional record thememorial address of George W Perklnn at the funeral of the tote DavidU HciultTFon The ininorlal wasprotnfol y Mr lacy of Iowa hocharnctfrli It as Ixainlfiil andtorlcal In charucttT

Cured Consumption-

Mr H W Kenwrites My husband lay i nk forthree montlin The said hehad quick consumption v procureda bottle of Hallard Horehound Syrupsite it eared him That was ix yearsio and state then we have alwayi

kept a bottle in the home We can-not do without it For coughs andcolds it hat no equal 2Ss 80c andSold by W M Johnson


LatI rumlI for







A been






doctors I




oreoffice w


case can-not

Ki cAN




ESalle Clearwater











Fire In Ne nt Ci Csrtarns

Nets York March Th Forty

Ifroiid nn t mr ham the MitroStn t Uallwuy cotnmny ev-

un Ilnn Iriin 01 tr t

hi Iliidsou rivir have d-

uy tire liar titan If tavi boon

an nInyc of tho coipanyllfo null Matnil JHTMHIS earn Injureda llroniaii MrloUhly Hflwetn and10 cars of the Thirtyfourth street-

cronMown Htirfan line wero In thebarns and all tvre ilentniye Thetotal damage U estimated at morethen iLonoiO

The fire was an exceptionallyone and at UK height the

flames were leaping several hundredfeet In the air Several Immense gastankn of the Consolidated Gas compa-ny located directly acrouM the Htrettwere horiously threatened hy the tireand a report that they were ahout toexplode sent seveial thousand specta-tors In a wild Illtlnht for wifely

In the rush weveral Krsons worehurt A man on the M coid lour wasabout to l e rescued when he totteredback tuft the flame and was seen nomore The Ore was upiMisoil to hourorlgnalod from a short circuit

I AFor Imlantt and Ckildre-

aHi lid Yn Han Always BoiitBears the

50 Lose Lives In StormTronjem Norway March C Besides

11 fishing boats already reported miss-ing as a result of the storm severalohtcrs are unaccounted for The to-

tal loss of life Is estimated at 50

The nest Cough SyrupS L Apple exprobate judge Ot-

tawa roost Kansss writes ThisU to that I have used BallardHor bound Syrup for years and titsI do not hesitate to recommend it asthe best cough syrup I have everused Sold by WM Johnson

Are toll of plain serviceable 350Shoes but theyre plate always plainjust as though the man who or

afford to ply more than 360didnt care

Our new 360 Shoes hue all thestyle of a Shoe at twice the boxcalf enamel and patent leather Comeand see our and try them

L C SMITHNorth Side Square Gainesville Flu

PteMwit takenew laxative Dove

not gripe or nauseatestomach and liver

troubles and chronic cootipation by restoringnatural stom-ach liver and bowelsPer Sale bj J W Mdulluw Co

PATENTu m i or rce RCTURMCD-

WmtMCCMIMV runliitt il t IT01 lIrrt otaunni irr urfh uTI IB r SOt0 try T M etaalerts COPVRICMTS i k7-

Opaoslt U 8 Patent OfTlceWASHINGTON O C


ofpull 1111

h ° lrItoll III

lost hl


2klIOJ lad 1






Iruml I


rt ant ttill








Fun yttuht to-

tr b





idgaatue of r




10nrntttwl ld t r

tp w ar b trn Ir4

s fa1aLera


pr l













We Keep All Kinds of

Farming Supplies-



Gainesville Florida



and Building MaterialCHARLESTON C

SaSh feints Cord Baidfire

E 2t HACKEE Prourietoi

DONTHave your loved ones portrait madeta a factory by people wbo hale BOreputation tokucuta ta your eoauDuit-ltr Wtoa ym want LARGE FOBTRAIT from or tkat wUbe arUatlcaUr tabbed perfect ta ttke-MM tad a Ufttfaw pleasun to you firto

JAME5 F SMITHMaker of FINE rOTOCHAPS from Locket to Life

Lance ta Colon or Monochrome TIle latest mad most artteUoBBOUBU and folders tot photo work

Htaile EstaMlsa la Ht7



made application for tat deed to issue In a

Alachua county Florida towlt

Tp 10 K stThe said land belrur axnewied at the date of

cer luc te be redeemed ac

Clerk Circuit Court


S li tiNouVe K herriv ivft that the followlnir rtio of hi in r n-

W ITBH U1N-Hi I MW t iKt f

A Nf W Cl Tf oMlr-


Ml 1KIMirt









ro1F order



TatIOtb day of July A U 1001 ha nledIIId tenllSeatt In uftloe and bioi

tordalJte wltb law YakIhe following property hutted In

Lot bounded S hI GonJoo lit old R Rtrade S b Center and W by Mciia Ste

the I uante ot such etnlJlealt In the name ofUarrttll SaDdt1Ilib allcording to lAW deed thereon ODh da

and Iblthe of Iebruarr A III WItSlit



Ur 104

tr UII rlllr ar1 tthat 1111 roaleIsnit rt Irtnettl tI un IarbIur

n S11 Ie I



lIrn li 1ttCto jIt rJottr WIv II ±

it 0I

TII Tub crua I


t r tc lrlttu lJiItbt1

1rte01CI ld hewn btIw of 0 IJ Jc of nqUr1 anr aw lIetnI6 tltheId are toII uu ukl IlIIe lit WDIJ Jtt1 CtOt J eeu

Ii CGI Jrdte









rules saidtsi will

thWitnn raft ett s nature seat7nb dar IAe-S

hl Fla


UitI prwr h el llmvud trSIr baforr iC rtiheir lrrIL 1 tar

Is Nrwhrrn iuSM N a

rrthe aitnn e In Vimtr Ulnlu lu1 4b allalnd L-


r Ntwtrtrt Flrl-V ItuI11 U Rra ter

pit Tt I

11lE1 and u

14rrut Ft trtJ Jacob t1ar IIkcrrw-1ua trrrtlr rwtttlrI rout r wfleahrr UI estate hr pledttuthx etur hiCuurtf lksdbuy lkrrrd ateroa talla sxaaioa etatr lereM retakenrlntts wttb

1 th do of Juae AU it ON










> >





iIr IM t virlro-I ilv uf rV rjii i

T UtvLIU i ii rt t l it-

n Ihimori v j Ifr I I

T JMr J-nt HIM winVi r r til ti i s-

llftT II H

t if-

IVlrt M fouw i ili Miri Iruiir t

1lf itntlii ii t i tf-r t uMr I mi t 4 ijT-ti Nmtri M t r M i teHarts i l ul i titi I MM

liilit i Kinr Ninrtien umDin Aijoiiiii 11111111 ttr u triicite t ix ii I r Hf ofl Miriv II It MIII j xaMiCriv towWt ir v tj-

ThUCMbdiV KeliruarrK



XOTICK FOR ICIIIICATIOXLand Odlce at i tr TtC IJ irjnr o

Notice s hereby iMver that m eItlt the irovl l it ol the A tnf cJiti3 riilUeil At An tot

sun NYuli unit U a kt i Ttrrtt iiili l l iii pun iiil Slate

t UkUl I Ururtff M l iuoountv of HraiJIotit ticdar n it lr ih i alasiiicnt nJV for fit1 iNft f S t Of 0 tttiVl No H S ICirf No

truer xiiiilir or it tindrliMit irai uri oM i-

tduim t M iiiril infn-AT it liiltit vlc 1iti

andr st4 r-

iO tu f ui-i lift lee

luvl K K t IlrevVl-

fij and ui ipr i ns ia antehiive liMtJI il i Uf t 4

their rialto in thi ui 10 r ur belJMtlav of Muioh


Xl TKK butt ITIMIt AT10X-Lurul OltliM at Ui resvl-

QNutlet l beret ir in ttit Inwth the rovl lntioiil the ActuliJune n riitliiiil Aii At turtletimber lands In the Mate of falf-Kofi NevuiU and Wu iii too TeextPInlnl to ali the ubi and SUM

Town routitx of I Kavpttc state tf Ito ihl dar Hint In tht oiroe

Dt No U4 fur UP I jrchaM-ol S Section 10 In TowS Range No 11 R an1 willto h w tbat the nought l

for lt timber or thancultural iurin co and to eut ilb hisbald land lecture KritNtrr and Re-Uaicritllle Kloridn on Wednetdarday of March

He nattier wttrev K IHmranueo H taker SmithTown Kl-

A r and all t erM ns claiming adnr-abo e leMrlr ed lyre are te iuetMltheir claltc In thl oftloe on or bitersear of March



purchaser of Tax Certificate No MLthe 6th dar of Julr A adied certltloate In mi

made ill atlonaccordance wltb law Sub cebraces the follow In devrlt ed pr

In Alacbua eountr Florida towfcIn Se cor K St a4Windsor

The uid land being at the tthe tMuance of such certificate la 1MBJohn Fowler

Ualem aald certlOcate shall t-

eordlur to law tax deed will taethe IStb dar of March A D 1986my official UHature afti

the lOtbdar of February A D IMa w

Clerk Circuit Court AlacawO


4WK LAWS OF FLORIDANotice Is hereby then tbat J Jpu chatter of Tax CertlUcate No

tbe etb Julr A D IWliIn nor office and hasuoa for tax deed to Uiue In

law Said certificate embrace tMdescribed aitualed In AJ1-ty towlt

H VJ of Nw M Sec 3 TP II RThe old land being aiw Mied at tfct

the twuance of aucb certificate la lavof L real L Co

Unless aald certificate shall be rfcording to law tax deed will fugueitb dar of March A U IW-

W ltne m mr official pJrfnature aadthe d day of February A D lade

S II WIIPd Clerk Circuit Court AlacbuaCa



iw LAWS OF FLORIDANotice h herebr given tbat P 1

moOd purchaser of Tax certtl l-ue dated tbe Mb dar of JulyMl hart tiled Mid certificate laand baa made applicationto l ue In accordance with tocertificate embraces the foU-jonbcd proi ertr situated In Alacba

towltSw of Ne M Sec 34 Tp 10 SEThe sand land belrur assessed at tM

the of wen certificate In tbtlConiniertlkl C

I nlr ald iertlrtoHtr shall be redcording to law tat dent will l ue ttb nddi v of April A D l v-

ltnes mv oniclul signature andthe 1th dos of

I t rk Circuit Court aohua Cft


erjiNotice l heriiiy tlven that the l

nan l ttlir hat iJ d notite hto miikf anal in su i oi t f blscM-thm SDMI rmif will li toads Ntfore

liiouir at ti4in ra oa-

IM t a rr th

e e W



SIt U tr oafart the iir t putiiitfutiun hereof tow u-

tht fnuoty JucJfce of A ihu couBtffor an onlir to soil or leis a the nawl interest of It K Stours J ETbomas K stofcus minors n and tgiow in dc rtcxd lot of unl Theof section M InTownsUli Sout it s R STO

Feb M i e omUuaofS


J JIll


11Ir 1 1 t ler



h t

tileIIIIar 11 U t a

It ta



ITrroh ato




laII lltl r llIlt





trt tel I titit

1 II I


Tu I




ur Auut I


m ofe S I





gabtnr tat deed










As II U-


FOIL ItlIlhATlOcI-and Omt1 tit ralnrrilte


aolII I

Iki t1aT r

11 Ir

thelu DUn 00 Calt I 11 IJ-

t C II U Uo a otWlt

beretsh I March II U t



MSTtlterr nt tmr ul l it-

d rdr1 l ttlbN


11 4r rwnrtt nt


alttarrrLL d I pro

atriarrrl rnlt tot itrtgra1l t bn canls F drtd nnl 1 11 Lu roes 4

brat atur


Iial td the

tai11 CFlMiter


t tbarr the u afa


eui 2-

nu n ptrIt th r

l1 d-

Ile n u ttnrt 1 II FaroFher t

land rM



Jurrrr 0 M

1 Rlulalu U Flflalae

tabletone a


a t


jhas aIN ii











i chruarr IndG

l I



Jh Y IIIFlit Ufu M SCC i a

Nr arc 1 Tp E IS F-

U n4ntrt luiurw u Ntrrtdrn r slat 1

lan JabLrlnnrr altttt

tarn x

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