Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good”...

While it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching authors and titles before investing “extra time.” Many of these works you will encounter in your high school experience (some indicated by grade level); therefore, many listed are considered “classics.” For more modern and contemporary works you may want to consult Best Seller lists, Popular Contemporary lists, and specific university reading lists. Curl up with a good book! American Titles and Authors Albee, Edward Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? American Dream (10) Alvarez, Julia In the Name of Salome In the time of Butterflies (10) Anaya, Rudolfo Bless Me, Ultima (9) Angelou, Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings* (9) selected poems* (9) Arnow, Harriette Louis The Dollmaker Atwood, Margaret □ The Handmaid’s Tale* (AP) Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451* Dandelion Wine (AP) Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth Carson, Rachel Silent Spring Carter, Forrest The Education of Little Tree Cather, Willa My Antonia* Cheever, John selected short stories Chopin, Kate The Awakening* (AP) Cisneros, Sandra □ House on Mango Street* (AP) Cooper, James Fennimore Last of the Mohicans* 1

Transcript of Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good”...

Page 1: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

While it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching authors and titles before investing “extra time.” Many of these works you will encounter in your high school experience (some indicated by grade level); therefore, many listed are considered “classics.” For more modern and contemporary works you may want to consult Best Seller lists, Popular Contemporary lists, and specific university reading lists. Curl up with a good book!

American Titles and AuthorsAlbee, Edward □ Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

□ American Dream (10)

Alvarez, Julia □ In the Name of Salome□ In the time of Butterflies (10)

Anaya, Rudolfo □ Bless Me, Ultima (9)

Angelou, Maya □ I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings* (9)□ selected poems* (9)

Arnow, Harriette Louis □ The Dollmaker

Atwood, Margaret □ The Handmaid’s Tale* (AP)

Bradbury, Ray □ Fahrenheit 451*□ Dandelion Wine (AP)

Buck, Pearl S. □ The Good Earth

Carson, Rachel □ Silent Spring

Carter, Forrest □ The Education of Little Tree

Cather, Willa □ My Antonia*Cheever, John □ selected short stories

Chopin, Kate □ The Awakening* (AP)

Cisneros, Sandra □ House on Mango Street* (AP)

Cooper, James Fennimore □ Last of the Mohicans*Cormier, Robert □ I am the Cheese

□ The Chocolate War□ Beyond the Chocolate War

Crane, Stephen □ The Red Badge of Courage* (9)

DeLillo, Don □ White Noise

Dickinson, Emily □ selected poems* (10)


Page 2: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Dreiser, Theodore □ An American Tragedy

DuBois, W. E. B. □ Souls of Black Folk

Eliot, T.S. □ Wasteland* (AP)□ Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (10/AP)

Ellison, Ralph □ Invisible Man (Hum. Values)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo □ selected poetry and essays (10)

Faulkner, William □ Bear□ As I Lay Dying□ The Sound and the Fury (AP)□ “A Rose for Emily” (10)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott □ The Great Gatsby* (10)

Franklin, Benjamin □ The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Frost, Robert □ selected poems* (10)

Gladwell, Malcolm □ The Tipping Point□ Flow

Golden, Arthor □ Memoirs of a Geisha

Gunther, John □ Death Be Not Proud

Hansberry, Lorraine □ A Raisin in the Sun* (10)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel □ The Scarlet Letter* (10)□ The House of the Seven Gables

Hemingway, Ernest □ A Farwell to Arms* (10)□ For Whom the Bell Tolls*□ The Old Man and the Sea□ The Sun Also Rises□ Selected short stories (10, AP)

Hersch, Patricia □ A Tribe Apart

Hinton, S. E. □ The Outsiders* (7)

Hoff, Benjamin □ Tao of Pooh (Hum. Search)

Humes, Edward □ No Matter How Loud I Shout

Hurston, Zora Neale □ Their Eyes Were Watching God* (AP)

Irving, John □ Prayer for Owen Meany (AP)

Jackson, Shirley □ We Have Always Lived in the Castle□ selected stories (“The Lottery”) (10, Hum. Values)

James, Henry □ Turn of the Screw* (AP)


Page 3: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Jones, Ron □ The Acorn People (9)

Joyce, James □ Portrait of and Artist as a Young Man (AP)

Keller, Helen □ The Story of My Life

Kennedy, John F. □ Profiles of Courage

Kesey, Ken □ One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest* (AP)

Kingsolver, Barbara □ The Poisonwood Bible

Knowles, John □ A Separate Peace* (9)

Lawrence, D. H. □ Sons and Lovers□ Lady Chatterley’s Lover

L’Engle, Madeleine □ A Wrinkle in Time*

Lee, Harper □ To Kill A Mockingbird* (10)

Le Guin, Ursula □ The Earthsea Series□ The Dispossessed□ The Left Hand of Darkness

Lewis, Sinclair □ Main Street*

London, Jack □ selected poetry and short stories “To Build a Fire” * (10)□ The Call of the Wild (9)

Lowry, Lois □ The Giver (8)

Mason, Bobbi Ann □ “Shiloh” and other short stories

McCullers, Carson □ Member of the Wedding□ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Melville, Herman □ Moby Dick (10)□ selected short stories (“Bartleby, the Scrivener”)□ Billy Bud

Michener, James □ Centennial

Millay, Edna St. Vincent □ selected poems*

Miller, Arthur □ Death of a Salesman* (AP)□ The Crucible* (10)

Morrison, Toni □ The Bluest Eye

Pipher, Mary □ Reviving Ophelia*Plath, Sylvia □ The Bell Jar (10)

□ selected short stories

Poe, Edgar Allen □ Complete stories, selected poems* (9, 10)


Page 4: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Salinger, J.D. □ The Catcher in the Rye* (10)

Sandburg, Carl □ selected poems*

Sinclair, Upton □ The Jungle* (10)

Smith, Adam □ The Wealth of Nations

Steinbeck, John □ The Pearl (9)□ The Grapes of Wrath* (10)□ Of Mice and Men (10)□ East of Eden

Stowe, Harriet Beecher □ Uncle Tom’s Cabin*

Tan, Amy □ The Joy Luck Club*□ Kitchen God’s Wife

Thoreau, Henry David □ Walden* (10)□ selected essays (“Civil Disobedience”*) (10, AP)

Thurber, James □ “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”* (9)

Twain, Mark □ selected short stories (10)□ Life on the Mississippi□ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn* (10)□ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer* (9)

Updike, John □ selected short stories*Vonnegut, Kurt □ selected short stories

□ Slaughterhouse Five* (10)

Walker, Alice □ The Color Purple* (AP)

Welty, Eudora □ selected stories (“A Worn Path”) (Hum. Search)

White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks) □ Stuart Little□ Charlotte’s Web□ essay “One Man’s Meat”

Whitman, Walt □ Leaves of Grass* (10)

Wilder, Thornton □ Our Town* (Honors Drama)

Williams, Tennessee □ A Streetcar Named Desire* (Honors Drama)□ A Glass Menagerie

Wright, Richard □ Black Boy*(9)□ Native Son

X, Malcolm □ The Autobiography of Malcolm X


Page 5: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Non-American Titles and Authors Achebe, Chinua □ Things Fall Apart (Hum. Search)

Adams, Richard □ Watership Down (9, Hum. Values)

Aeschylus □ Prometheus Bound (AP test)□ Agamemnon (11☼)

Allende, Isabel □ Of Love and Shadows (11☼)

Anaya, Rudolfo □ Bless Me, Ultima (9)

Aristotle □ Physics (11☼)□ Metaphysics (11☼)□ Nicomachean Ethics (11☼)□ Poetics * (Hum. Values)

Augustine □ Confessions (11☼)□ Song of Roland (11☼)

Aristophanes □ Lysistrata (11☼)□ The Frogs (11☼)□ The Birds (11☼)

Aurelius, Marcus □ Meditations (Hum. Values)

Austen, Jane □ Emma (11☼)□ Sense and Sensibility (11☼)□ Pride and Prejudice* (11☼, AP test)

Bacon, Sir Francis □ selected essays (11)

Barca, Pedro Calderón de la □ selected poetry

Baudelaire □ selected poems (11)

Beaumarchais, Pierre □ Barber of Seville (11☼)

Beckett, Samuel □ Waiting for Godot (Honors Drama)

Brecht, Bertolt □ Mother Courage

Brontë, Charlotte □ Jane Erye (9)

Brontë, Emily □ Wuthering Heights* (11☼)

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett □ selected poems* (11)

Burgess, Anthony □ A Clockwork Orange (11☼)


Page 6: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Burns, Robert □ Selected poetry (11)

Camus, Albert □ The Plague (11☼)

Carey, Peter □ My Life as Fake (11☼)

Carroll, Lewis □ Through the Looking Glass (11☼)□ Alice in Wonderland* (11☼, AP test)

Cervantes, Miguel □ Don Quixote (11☼)

Chandra, Vikram □ Red Earth and Pouring Rain (11☼)

Chaucer, Geoffrey □ Canterbury Tales* (AP)

Chbosky, Stephen □ The Perks of Being a Wallflower (9)

Chekhov, Anton □ The Cherry Orchard (11☼)□ “The Bet” (11)

Conrad, Joseph □ Heart of Darkness (Hum. Values)□ Lord Jim (11☼)

Corneille, Pierre □ The Cid (11☼)

Dante Alligiere □ The Divine Comedy, specifically Inferno* (11)

Day, David □ Search for King Arthur (11☼)

Defoe, Daniel □ Robinson Crusoe (11☼)

Descartes □ Meditations (11☼)□ Rules for the Direction of the Mind (Hum. Values)

Dickens, Charles □ A Christmas Carol (middle school)□ Oliver Twist (9)□ A Tale of Two Cities (9)□ Great Expectations* (9)□ David Copperfield (11☼)□ Hard Times (AP)

Donne, John □ selected poems and sonnets*Dostoevsky, Fyodor □ Crime and Punishment (11☼)

□ The Possessed (11☼)□ The Idiot (11☼)

Dumas, Alexander □ Man in the Iron Mask (11☼)□ The Three Musketeers (11☼)□ The Count of Monte Cristo (11☼)

du Maurier, Daphne □ Rebecca (11☼)

Egyptian Love Poetry (11)

Einstein, Albert □ On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (11☼)

Eliot, George □ Silas Mariner (11)


Page 7: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

□ Middlemarch (11☼, AP test)□ The Mill on the Floss (11☼)

Epic of Gilgamesh* (11) □

Esquivel, Laura □ Like Water for Chocolate (11☼)

Euclid □ Elements (11☼)

Euripides □ Medea*(11☼)

Fielding, Henry □ Tom Jones (11☼)

Fitzgerald, Edward □ translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam* (11)

Flaubert, Gustav □ Madame Bovary (11☼)

Fontaine, Jean de la □ selected poems (11)

Forester, E. M. □ Passage to India (11☼)□ Howards End (11☼)□ A Room with a View (11☼)

Frank, Anne □ Diary of a Young Girl* (middle school)

Frankl, Viktor □ Man’s Search for Meaning* (Hum. Search)

Freud, Sigmund □ A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (11☼)

Gaardner, Jostiene □ Sophie’s World (Hum. Values)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von □ Faust* (11, AP test)

Gogol, Nikolai □ Dead Souls (11☼)□ Inspector General (11☼)□ “The Overcoat” (11)

Golding, William □ Lord of the Flies* (9)

Hamilton, Edith □ Mythology* (Hum. Search)

Hardy, Thomas □ Tess of d’Urbervilles (11☼)□ Jude the Obscure (11☼)□ Return of the Native (AP test, 11☼)

Hesse, Herman □ Siddhartha (Hum. Search)□ Steppenwolf (11☼)

Homer □ The Iliad* and the Odyssey* (11)

Hosseini, Khaled □ The Kite Runner (11☼)

Housman, A. E. (Alfred Edward) □ selected poems

Hugo, Victor □ The Hunchback of Notre Dame (11☼)□ Les Miserables (11☼)□ “The Expiation” (11)


Page 8: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Huong, Duong Thu □ Paradise of the Blind (11☼)

Huxley, Aldous □ Brave New World (AP)□ The Doors of Perception (11☼)□ Point Counter Point (11☼)

Ibsen, Heinrik □ A Doll’s House* (11, Honors Drama)

Ji-Li, Jiang □ Red Scarf Girl (11☼)

Jonson, Ben □ Volpone (11☼)

Kafka, Franz □ The Trial (Hum.Values)□ “The Metamorphosis”* (11)

Kaufman, Bel □ Up the Down Staircase (11☼)

Keats, John □ selected poems* (11)

Keneally, Thomas □ Schindler’s List (11☼)

Khayyam, Omar □ The Rubaiyat (11)

Kipling, Rudyard □ The Jungle Book (11☼)

Latifa □ My Forbidden Face (11☼)

Lessing, Doris □ The Golden Notebook (11☼)□ selected works (AP test)□ “To Room 19” (AP)

Lewis, C. S. □ The Screwtape Letters (11☼, Hum. Search)□ Out of the Silent Planet (11☼)

Locke, John □ selected essays (11☼, AP test)

Lovelace, Earl □ The Wine of Astonishment (11☼)

Lucretius □ On the Nature of Things (11☼)

Machiavelli, Niccolo □ The Prince* (11)

Markandaya, Kamala □ Nectar in a Sieve (11☼, Hum. Search)

Marlowe, Christopher □ The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (AP test, 11☼)□ Tamburlaine (11☼)□ Edward II (11☼)□ selected poems (11☼)

Marques, Gabrell Garcia □ 100 Years of Solitude (AP)

Martel, Yann □ Life of Pi (11☼, Hum. Values)

Marx, Karl □ Communist Manifesto (11☼)□ Capital (11☼)□ Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (11☼)


Page 9: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Milton, John □ Paradise Lost* (AP)

Moliẻre, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin □ Tartuffe (11☼)□ The Miser (11☼)□ The School for Wives (11☼)□ The School for Husbands (11☼)□ Misanthrope (11☼)

Montaigne, Michel de □ selected essays

Neruda, Pablo □ “Enigma” and selected poems (11, Hum. Values) “Mindwalk”□ “Ode to My Socks” (AP test, Hum. Values)

Nietzsche, Friedrich □ Twilight of the Idols (11☼)□ Birth of Tragedy (11☼)□ Beyond Good and Evil (11☼)

Nordhoff, Charles □ Mutiny on the Bounty (11☼)

Nuruddin, Farah □ Secrets (11☼)

“One Thousand and One Nights” (11) □

Orwell, George □ Animal Farm* (9)□ 1984* (11☼)

Ovid □ Metamorphoses (11☼)

Pascal, Blaise □ Pensées (11☼)□ selected essays “Man in the Universe” (11)

Pasternak, Boris □ Doctor Zhivago (11☼)

Paton, Alan □ Cry the Beloved Country (11☼)

Plato □ Ion (11☼)□ Meno (11☼)□ Gorgias (11☼)□ Apology (11☼)□ Crito (11☼)□ Phaedo (11☼)□ Symposium* (11☼)□ Parmedides (11☼)□ Republic* (Hum. Values)

Plautus □ Pot of Gold (11☼)□ Four Comedies (11☼)

Plutarch □ Lives (11☼)

Pushkin, Alexander □ “The Bridegroom” (11)

Q’ran □ (11, Hum. Search)

Racine, Jean □ Andromache (11☼)□ Phédre (11☼)


Page 10: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Rand, Ayn □ The Fountainhead (Hum. Values)□ Atlas Shrugged (11☼)

Remarque, Erich Maria □ All’s Quiet on the Western Front (11☼)

Rostand, Edmond □ Cyrano de Bergerac (11)

Rousseau □ selected essays (“The Social Contract”) (11☼)

Rushdie, Salman □ Midnight’s Children (11☼)

Saadawi, Nawal el □ Woman at Point Zero (11☼)

Schiler, Johann □ William Tell (11☼)

Scott, Sir Walter □ Ivanhoe (11☼)

Shakespeare, William □ Othello* (11), selected sonnets (9-12)□ Romeo and Juliet* (9)□ Macbeth* (AP)□ Hamlet* (AP)□ Much Ado About Nothing* (AP)□ A Midsummer Night’s Dream* (11☼) □ The Merchant of Venice (9, Hum. Search)□ The Taming of the Shrew* (9, AP)□ Julius Caesar (9)□ Twelfth Night (11☼)□ King Lear (Hum. Values)□ The Tempest (11☼)□ As You Like It (11☼)

Shaw, George Bernard □ Pygmalion (AP test, Honors Drama)

Shelley, Mary □ Frankenstein (AP)

Sheridan, Richard □ School for Scandal (11☼)

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander □ One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch (11☼)

Sophocles □ Oedipus Rex* (11)□ Antigone* (11☼)

Spenser, Edmund □ selected sonnets (11)

Stevenson, Robert Lewis □ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (11☼)□ Treasure Island (11☼)

Stoker, Bram □ Dracula (11☼)

Strindberg, August □ The Father (11☼)

Suri, Manil □ Death of Vishnu (Hum. Search)

Swift, Johnathan □ Gulliver’s Travels* (11☼)□ “A Modest Proposal” (11)


Page 11: Monson’s Suggested Reading List · Web viewWhile it is impossible to read everything “good” or valuable, these titles comprise some significant literary works. I suggest researching

Tacitus □ Annals (11☼)

Terence □selected comedies (11☼)

Thackeray, William □ Vanity Fair (11☼)

Tolkien, J. R. R. □ The Hobbit* (9 Ch.)

Tolstoy, Leo □ War and Peace (11☼)□ Anna Karenina (11☼)□ “How Much Land Does a Man Need” (11)

Vega, Lopé de □ Star of Seville (11☼)□ selected plays (11☼)

Verne, Jules □ Around the World in Eighty Days (11☼)□ Journey to the Center of the Earth (11☼)□ 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (11☼)

Virgil □ Aeneid (Honors Latin, AP test)

Voltaire, Francois □ Candide (11☼, AP test)

Weisel, Elie □ Night (9)

Wells, H. G. □ The Invisible Man (Hum. Values)□ The Time Machine (11☼)□ War of the Worlds (11☼)

White, T. H. □ Once and Future King (11☼)

Wilde, Oscar □ Picture of Dorian Gray* (11☼)□ The Importance of Being Ernest (AP)

Woolf, Virginia □ Mrs. Dalloway (11☼)□ selected works* (Ap test)

Zola, Emile □ Germinal (11☼)□ L’Ouvre (11☼)

* denotes Monson’s recommendation to read because you are likely to encounter the work and/or the author in collegiate classes.