monsanto 2004/11/11

1 Hugh Grant Hugh Grant Chairman, President and CEO Chairman, President and CEO Lehman Brothers 2004 Materials Select Conference Lehman Brothers 2004 Materials Select Conference November 11, 2004 November 11, 2004

Transcript of monsanto 2004/11/11

  • 1. Hugh Grant Chairman, President and CEO Lehman Brothers 2004 Materials Select Conference November 11, 20041

2. Forward-Looking StatementsForward-Looking Statements Forward- Certain statements contained in this presentation, such as statements concerning the company's anticipated financialstatements results, current and future product performance, regulatory approvals, currency impact, business and financial plans and approvals, other non-historical facts are quot;forward-looking statements.quot; These statements are based on current expectations and non- quot;forward- expectations currently available information. However, since these statements are based on factors that involve risks and uncertainties, the companys actual performance and results may differ materially from those described or implied by thosecompany such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, among others: theforward-such companys exposure to various contingencies, including those related to Solutia, Inc., litigation, intellectual property, company regulatory compliance (including seed quality), environmental contamination and antitrust; fluctuations in exchange ratescontamination and other developments related to foreign currencies and economies; increased generic and branded competition for the economies; company's Roundup agricultural herbicide; the accuracy of the companys estimates and projections, for example, thosecompany with respect to product returns and grower use of our products and related distribution inventory levels; the effect of and weather conditions and commodity markets on the agriculture business; the success of the companys research and business; company development activities and the speed with which regulatory authorizations and product launches may be achieved; rizations autho domestic and foreign social, legal and political developments, especially those relating to agricultural products especially developed through biotechnology; the companys ability to successfully market new and existing products in new andnewcompany existing domestic and international markets; the companys ability to obtain payment for the products that it sells; thecompany company's ability to achieve and maintain protection for its intellectual property; the effects of the company's accounting intellectual policies and changes in generally accepted accounting principles; the company's ability to fund its short-term financing principles;short- needs; general economic and business conditions; political and economic conditions due to threat of future terrorist economic activity and related military action; and other risks and factors detailed in the company's filings with the U.S. Securities factors and Exchange Commission. Undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements, which are currentforward- only as of the date of this release. The company disclaims any current intention to revise or update any forward-lookingforward- statements or any of the factors that may affect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 2 3. Non-GAAP Financial Information Non-GAAP Financial Information This presentation uses the non-GAAP financial measures of free cash flow and earnings per share (EPS) non-flow ( EPS excluding the effect of certain items. We define free cash flow as the total of cash flows from operatingflow activities and cash flows from investing activities. A non-GAAP EPS financial measure (which we sometimes non- refer to as EPS from ongoing business) may exclude the impact of restructuring charges, charges associated with the settlement of litigation, gains and losses on the sale of assets, and certain other items. The specific items that are excluded from, and result in, our non-GAAP EPS financial measure are clearly identified as suchnon- in this presentation. The presentation of free cash flow and EPS excluding the effect of certain items isEPS intended to supplement investors understanding of our operating performance. These non-GAAP financialnon-investors measures may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies. Furthermore, these non- non- GAAP financial measures are not intended to replace net income (loss), cash flows, financial position, or (loss), comprehensive income (loss), as determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted inaccounting the United States. The non-GAAP financial measures used in this presentation are reconciled to the mostnon- directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP and can be found at in the end of this presentation. Fiscal YearIn this presentation, unless otherwise specified references to years, or to fiscal years, 2001 through 2006 referencesare on a fiscal year basis and refer to the 12-month period ending August 31.12- Trademarks Roundup, Roundup Ready, Bollgard, Bollgard II, YieldGard, VISTIVE and the Monsanto, Imagine and vineVISTIVE logo are trademarks owned by Monsanto Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries. All other trademarksowned are the property of their respective owners. 2004. Monsanto Company. All Rights Reserved.3 4. Overview One Year After Investor Day, Momentum Builds From Higher Base Free Cash FlowEPS Diluted Earnings per Share on an Ongoing Basis $ millionsNov-11-2004 GuidanceNov- 11- Nov-11-2004 Guidance Nov- 11-Nov-11-2003 GuidanceNov- 11- $1,000 $2.20 Nov-11-2003 Guidance Nov- 11-$2.00 $800$1.80 $600 $1.60 $400 $1.40 $200 $1.20 $0 $1.0020032004 2005F 2006F 20032004 2005F2006F 4 5. Overview Seeds and Traits Continue to AccelerateGross Profit Roundup and Other Glyphosate-Based Herbicides All Other$ millions Seeds and Traits$2,700$2,400$2,100$1,800$1,500$1,200 $900 $600 $300$0 2003 20042005F 5 6. Overview Momentum in Field Propels Earnings GrowthEarnings per Share$1.95 to Diluted EPS on an Ongoing Basis$2.09 $1.77to $2.00 $1.90$1.80 $1.6110% growth $1.60$1.4210% - 18%growth $1.4013% growth $1.20 $1.00 200320042005F2006F 2006F is GAAP basis (i.e. ongoing basis is expected to equal GAAP basis) GAAP6 7. Overview Earnings Growth Expected to to Contribute to Free Cash Flow GenerationFree Cash Flow$ millions$1,200$1,000 $800 $600$999M$400$646M $600M$581M $500M to$500M to $75M$200 $600M $600M$0 2001 2002200320042005F2006F 7 8. Overview Return on Capital Goals Reflect Continued Improvement in Working CapitalReturn on Capital ROC Percentage12%p* 100 b ent10% vem improbp* 130 ment ove impr10% 10%p* 8% 60 b ent9%9% 1em prov im7.7%7.7% 6% 6.1% 6.1% 4%2%0%2003 20042005 Goal 2006 Goal * basis points8 9. Momentum and Acceleration Biotechnology Is Most Rapidly Adopted Technology in History of AgricultureGlobal Monsanto Planted Biotech Acres Acres in millions180Canola 160Cotton 140Corn 120Soybeans 10080604020 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Source: Monsanto estimates9 10. Momentum and Acceleration Value Shift from Chemicals to Seeds and Traits in Motion Industry Sales Estimates19962003 2008F$7.5 Billion$8.4 Billion $9.2 Billion $3.6$2.6 $4.4 $0.1$3.8$1.3$3.5$3.0 $2.7 Crop Chemicals Germplasm Biotech TraitsSource: U.S. 1996-2003 Doane AgroTrak & Seed Studies; 2008 Monsanto Estimate1996-10 11. Momentum and Acceleration Value Shift Is Starting to Take Place from Other IndustriesWater andSoil Value Shift Value ShiftNutrients Human Value Shift Value Shift Health Animal Value Shift Value Shift Nutrition Crop Value Shift Value ShiftChemicals Seed 11 12. Momentum and Acceleration Now Commercializing Inter-Company Corn Hybrids from Industrys Most Diverse Genetic Pool6-to-8 year process6-to-8 yearLate 1990sEarly 2000s TodayAcquired 36 major cornCrossed genetic lines Launching new hybridsbreeding programs across acquiredfrom inter-company (12 countries x average of 3companies crossescompanies per country)TemperateTemperateSub-Tropical Sub- Sub-Tropical Monsanto corn TropicalTropical germplasmflows globally Sub-TropicalSub-Sub-Tropical TemperateTemperate 12 13. Momentum and AccelerationEarly, Major Investment In Seeds Captured Value ShiftMonsanto Brand Share Monsanto Licensed Share Monsanto Genetic Market Share in U.S. Corn Seed 60% 49%48%45% 43% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2001 20022003 2004Source: Monsanto Estimates 13 14. Momentum and Acceleration Market Potential for Biotech Traits Highlights Continued Growth OpportunityTotal Available Market in Acres Soybeans Cotton Corn Key Markets RoundupRoundup Bollgard IRoundupYieldGard YieldGardReadyReadyand II Ready CornRoot- Borer wormUnited States 70M10-15M 6-8M 50M 30M-40M15-20M Brazil50M - -20M 15M5M Argentina 30M - - 5M4M1M India - -10-15M- - - Australia - 0.5M-0.8M 0.5M-0.8M- - -BiotechAcresPlanted 2004Remaining71% 66% 35%22% 57% 7%71% Available66% 35%22% 57% 7% Market 14 15. Market Expansion Available Market for Roundup Ready Corn Is Growing Key Market Acres U.S. Brazil Argentina Key Market Acres U.S. Brazil ArgentinaContributing Platforms 20MAvailable Market 50M 5M 20MAvailable Market 50M 5M GenomicsPercent Penetrated (2004)33%0% 0%Percent Penetrated (2004)33%0% 0%1Regulatory Processes Conventional BreedingEuropean Union Molecular 22 products in regulatory queue Breeding under Directive 2001/18; 11 from Monsanto Crop Analytics Roundup Ready corn (NK603) Biotechnology approved for importation and whole corn feed in July 2004 NK603 Novel Food approval in October 2004Argentina NK603 approved for planting in Argentina in July 2004 Application for stacks in queueDiscoveryPhase 1 Phase 3 Phase 4Phase 2 Launch Proof of Concept Adv. Development Pre-Launch Pre-Early Development 15 16. Market Expansion EU Approvals Will Continue to Expand Global Market Potential2 Monsanto Has 11 out of 22 Applications in EU QueueApplication ImportCultivation Food and Feed1. Yieldgard Rootworm XX** 2. Roundup Ready Canola XX* 3. YieldGard Plus XX 4. Roundup Ready Corn/ YieldGard XXCorn Borer Stack (NK603/MON810) 5. Roundup Ready Corn (NK603)X 6. Roundup Ready Corn/ YieldGardXCorn Borer Stack (NK603/MON810) 7. Roundup Ready Cotton XX X* 8. Bollgard CottonXX X* 9. Roundup Ready Fodder Beet X10. Roundup Ready Sugarbeet X11. Roundup Ready Corn/ YieldGard XXRootworm Stack (NK603/MON863) X Indicates application in queue *Approved under Novel Food Regulation Regulation **Pending under Novel Food Regulation 16 17. Market Expansion Grain Channeling Offers Farmers Market Options3 Grain Channeling in the U.S. Business Approach Website indicates to farmers which elevators in their area accept biotech grain not yet approved for import into the European Union Communication and education program under way Percent of growers citing grain marketing concerns has dropped from roughly 60% to nearly 30% in past year* *Based on Roundup Ready corn surveys taken in fall of 2003 and spring of spring2004 in Eastern Iowa/Northern Illinois region 17 18. Second-Generation Traits Upgrades in Technology Raise the Bar -- Roundup Ready Flex Cotton Key Market Acres U.S. Australia Key Market Acres U.S. AustraliaContributing Platforms0.5M 0.8M Available Market 10M-15M10M-0.5M 0.8M Available Market 10M-15M Genomics 0%Percent Penetrated0% 0%Percent Penetrated0%1Expanded Window of Application Conventional Breeding Molecular Expanded window of over-the-top application Breeding - Increased margin of crop safety Crop Analytics - More flexible weed control Increased grower convenience Biotechnology Reduced need for specialized spray equipment Over-the-top window of applicationRoundup Ready Flex CottonRoundup Ready Cotton(< 4 lf.) EmergenceLaybyPreharvest Harvest DiscoveryPhase 1Phase 3Phase 4Phase 2 Launch Proof of Concept Adv. Development Pre-Launch Pre-Early Development 18 19. Second-Generation Traits Broad Licensing Will Accelerate Roundup Ready Flex Cotton Launch Key Market AcresU.S. Australia Key Market AcresU.S. AustraliaContributing Platforms 0.5M 0.8MAvailable Market 10M-15M 10M-0.5M 0.8MAvailable Market 10M-15M Genomics 0%Percent Penetrated 0%0%Percent Penetrated 0%2Field Trial Update Conventional Breeding Molecular Over 200 field trials conducted in 2004 Breeding Crop Analytics 8 cotton seed companies participating in trial program Biotechnology Cotton States launching exclusively on a second-generation trait platformResults from the Field Results from the FieldComing in January 2005 Coming in January 2005 DiscoveryPhase 1Phase 3 Phase 4Phase 2Launch Proof of Concept Adv. DevelopmentPre-LaunchPre-Early Development 19 20. Stacking Stacking Biotech Traits Adds Dimension to Market Potential Monsanto U.S. Biotech Intensity Index*Average number of biotech traits per biotech acre1.6Cotton (2 Traits) 1.5 Corn (3 Traits)1.5 Soybeans (1 Trait)1.4 1.3 1.21.2 1.1 1.0 1 199619971998 1999 2000 2001 2002 200320042005F2006F U.S. Biotech Margin Opportunities Corn Cotton16 million 52 million10 million 1.242 million1.5biotechbiotech == biotech intensity biotechintensityX Xmarginmargin Acres indexacres indexopportunitiesopportunities20 * Monsanto traits only 21. Pipeline Pipeline Products Reach New Markets and Expand Base in Corn, Soybeans and Cotton Feed Food Yield High Lysine Corn Low Linolenic Soy Drought Tolerant Corn, Soy, Low Linolenic/Mid-Oleic SoyCotton Enhanced High Lysine Corn Low Linolenic/Mid-Oleic/LowSaturate Soy Cold Tolerant Corn Improved Protein Soy Enhanced High Lysine Corn Improved Protein Soy Nitrogen Utilization Corn(Beta Conglycinin) Omega-3 Soy(Stearidonic acid)Commercialized Agronomic Traits YieldGard RoundupYieldGard Corn BorerReady Corn, RootwormBollgard I & IISoy, Cotton Corn Cotton 2nd GenerationRoundup Ready YGCB II Corn YGRW II Corn Agronomic Traits Flex Cotton21 22. Pipeline 2005 Launch of VISTIVE Soybeans Marks First- Generation Output TraitKey Market Acres U.S. Brazil ArgentinaKey Market Acres U.S. Brazil Argentina Contributing PlatformsTBD Available Market5M TBDTBD Available Market5M TBDGenomics Percent Penetrated0%0% 0% Percent Penetrated0%0% 0% 1VISTIVE Low Linolenic SoyConventionalBreedingMore stable soy oilMolecular requiring lessBreeding hydrogenation: reduces/eliminatesCrop Analyticstrans fatsBiotechnology Yield parity and stacked with Roundup Ready trait Linolenic acid < 3% Linolenic 18:3Linoleic Oleic SatsStd SoybeanVISTIVEDiscoveryPhase 1Phase 3Phase 4 Phase 2 LaunchProof of Concept Adv. Development Pre-LaunchPre- Early Development22 23. Food Traits Preparing for 2005 Launch of First-Generation Output Trait VISTIVE Soybeans Key Market AcresU.S. Brazil Argentina Key Market AcresU.S. Brazil ArgentinaContributing PlatformsTBDAvailable Market 5M TBDTBDAvailable Market 5M TBD GenomicsPercent Penetrated 0%0% 0%Percent Penetrated 0%0% 0%2VISTIVE Product Line 3 Step Change Improvements Conventional Breeding Low Saturates Molecular Breeding with Mid OleicMid Oleic and Low Lin Crop Analytics and ReduceLow Lin BiotechnologyLow Saturated FatLinolenic andImprove Soy OilImprove Flavor & Shelf CardiovascularLife withEliminateHealth OxidativeTrans-fatsStabilityTransgenicBreeding BreedingPhase 1Phase 2 2005 DiscoveryPhase 1Phase 3 Phase 4Phase 2Launch Proof of Concept Adv. DevelopmentPre-LaunchPre-Early Development 23 24. Pipeline Drought Stress Tolerance One of Potential New Agronomic TraitsKey Market AcresU.S. Brazil ArgentinaKey Market AcresU.S. Brazil Argentina Contributing Platforms TBD Available MarketTBD TBD TBD Available MarketTBD TBDGenomics Percent Penetrated 0%0% 0% Percent Penetrated 0%0% 0% 1Drought ToleranceConventionalBreedingPricing depends on choice Yield protectionMolecularof market on all acres toBreeding protect againstStack with weed and insect water deficitsCrop Analytics control traits enhancesmargin opportunity Yield enhancementBiotechnologyon all acres through improved water useCost savings on irrigated acresDiscoveryPhase 1Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 2LaunchProof of Concept Adv. DevelopmentPre-Launch Pre- Early Development24 25. SummaryA Clear Focus To Deliver On CommitmentsForecasted 10 percent to 18 percent EPS growth from ongoing business in 2005Seeds and traits growth drivers with products, geographies inhand Free cash flow generation is solidCash being returned to shareowners in dividends, sharerepurchases, investments Monsanto is unique among technology companies with this level of leadershipFunding own growth with substantial returns to shareowners Significant first mover advantage commercially Proven, highly productive new product pipelineManagement team is dedicated to delivering on commitments and is building track recordGuidance is commitment, not aspiration 25 26. Questions? 26 27. Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial MeasuresReconciliation of Free Cash FlowFiscal Year 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 12 Months Ended 12 Months Ended 12 Months Ended 12 Months Ended$ MillionsAug. 31, 2001Aug. 31, 2002 Target TargetAug. 31, 2004 Aug. 31, 2003 $740 $855Net Cash Provided (Required) by Operations$850 $900 $1,000$1,261$1,128 Net Cash Provided (Required) by Investing Activities$(665)$(482) $(274) $(350) - $(300)$(400)$(262)$75 $581 Free Cash Flow $500 - $600$600$999 $646 $123 $(711)Net Cash Provided (Required) by Financing ActivitiesN/A N/A $(243)$(502) $198 $(130)Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash EquivalentsN/A N/A $756$144 Reconciliation of Non-GAAP EPS Fiscal Year 2005$ per share 12 Months Ended 12 Months Ended Target Aug.31, 2004Aug. 31, 2003Net Income (Loss) $0.99 $0.26 $2.16 - $2.29 Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principle -- $0.05-- Income (Loss) Before Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change $0.99$0.31 $2.16 - $2.29 Restructuring Charges Net$0.10$0.36 - Estimated 2004 Discontinued Operations and Related Restructurings Net $0.02$0.05 - Solutia PCB Litigation Settlement Expense Net -- $0.96-- Goodwill Impairment Charge for Global Wheat Business$0.24 -- -Tax Benefit Related to Loss on Wheat and Barley Business----$(0.39) Net Income (Loss) from Ongoing Business $1.61$1.42 $1.77 - $1.90 27 28. Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Reconciliation of Return on Capital12 Months 12 Months$ Millions Total Monsanto Company and Subsidiaries: Ended Ended Aug. 31, 2004 Aug. 31, 2003 Operating Profit After-tax (excluding certain items)$ 475 $ 417 Average Capital6,191 6,846 Return on Capital 7.7% 6.1%Operating Profit After-tax (excluding certain items): Net Income $ 267 $68 Net Income Adjustments for certain items, after-tax: [Interest ExpenseNet X (1 38% Tax)] Expense(1Restructuring Charges Net9826Discontinued Operations and Related Restructuring ROC =415Adjustment of Goodwill 64 Average [Equity + Short-Term Debt +Short-Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principle 12 Long-Term Debt - (Cash - $125M)] Long-$125M)]PCB Litigation Settlement Expense Net252 Ongoing basis Interest Expense -- Net 6769 Represents estimated combined federal and state statutory tax (1) Tax on Interest Expense -- Net (at 38% tax rate) (25)(25)rates for the United States. Operating Profit After-tax (excluding certain items) $ 475 $ 417 Average of beginning balances, from September 1, and ending balances, from August 31, of each fiscal yearAs of Aug. 31,2004 2003 2002 Average Capital: Short-Term and Long-Term Debt $1,508 $1,527$1,919 Shareowners Equity5,2585,156 5,258 Cash and Cash Equivalents (1,037)(281)(137) Cash for Operations 125125125 Total Capital5,8546,527 7,165 Prior Period Capital 6,5277,165 Average Capital $6,191 $6,846 (1) Represents estimated combined federal and state statutory tax rates for the United States.28