Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players...

Monopoly Game Design Document Alex Jimenez

Transcript of Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players...

Page 1: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.


Game Design Document

Alex Jimenez

Page 2: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

Table of Contents

Contents1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 

1.1 Game Overview ............................................................................................................... 3 

1.2 Vision Statement .............................................................................................................. 3 

2 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................... 4 

2.1 Game board ..................................................................................................................... 4 

2.2 Gameplay Objects ........................................................................................................... 5 

2.3 Gameplay Events ............................................................................................................ 5 

2.4 Gameplay Systems .......................................................................................................... 6 

2.5 Gameplay Flow ................................................................................................................ 7 

3 Sample Mockups ....................................................................................................................... 8 

3.1 Token Select Screen ....................................................................................................... 8 

3.2 Main Screen ..................................................................................................................... 8 

3.3 IDLE TIME Screen ........................................................................................................... 9 

3.4 Rolling Dice Screen ......................................................................................................... 9 

3.5 Unowned Property Screen ............................................................................................. 10 

3.6 Auction Screen .............................................................................................................. 10 

3.6 Trade Screen ................................................................................................................. 11 

3.6 Jail Screen ..................................................................................................................... 11 

4 Asset List ................................................................................................................................. 12 

Page 3: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

1 Introduction

1.1 Game Overview

Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

This happens in a variety of ways: buying up numerous pieces of rentable property, trading property, building structures on property, and generally being as cunning of a player as you can be.

The game ends when all but one player is unable to clear their bankruptcy through mortgaging/selling his/her property.

1.2 Vision Statement

The game should, ultimately, fulfill the following criteria:

● The game is digitized faithfully. Little to no gameplay changes/differences should exist.

● The core experience of traditional Monopoly should be received by the player.

Page 4: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

2 Gameplay

This digitized version of Monopoly contains a range of objects, systems, and events that are encountered through gameplay.

2.1 Game board

Page 5: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

2.2 Gameplay Objects

● Object: Dice (two). Rolled by pressing (Right shoulder button) on their icon when it is the player’s turn. These dice have a tumbling animation. Through an RNG, both dice perform a landing animation and end with a visible cumulative number ranging from 2-12.

● Object: Money. Used to buy property, buy structures, pay other players for rent, as well as pay for detrimental effects from card draws. The player can receive this object by having other players pay them rent or receiving beneficial effects from card draws. Any money the player has goes into their bank account.

● Objects: Community Chest cards and Chance cards. Objects that are single-drawn from the stack that corresponds to the type of card space the player landed on. Animation of a card flipping over to reveal what it is. Action takes place according to whatever is on the card.

2.3 Gameplay Events

● Event: Buying property. A player-controlled action that occurs when a player lands on an unowned property and chooses the “buy” option in the UI popup. The cost of the property is deducted from the player’s bank account value and the player receives ownership of that property.

● Event: Auctioning property. A player-controlled action that occurs when a player lands on an unowned property and chooses the “auction” option in the UI popup. A menu pops up with the property being auctioned, it’s base price, the current bidder, the current bid price, and two options reading “bid” and “fold”.

● Event: Landing on owned property. Causes the current rent cost to be subtracted from the bank account value of whoever landed on it and added to the bank account value of the owner. If the player landed on their own property, no bank account values are to be changed.

Event: Trading property. Any player, NPC or otherwise, may initialize a trade on their turn with another player. A UI pops up and the player can choose what he would like to trade in regards to property(s) and/or money. An internal decision- maker will be put in place for NPCs that contains thresholds for viable trades. (i.e. 250$ for a property that was bought for $100 would definitely land a deal for NPC/NPC or PC/NPC trade.)

Page 6: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

● Event: Bankruptcy. When a player’s bank account value reaches zero/a negative number, a icon will appear and flash on their player plate in the player list. This is where the mortgaging system becomes important to the game as well as the selling property event.

2.4 Gameplay Systems

● System: Movement. Carried out according to the number on the preceding dice roll. A player’s piece is animated through the board in a clockwise fashion with short pauses in between tiles. Backwards movement never occurs.

● System: IDLE TIME. When 2 complete rounds pass (all 4 players have gone twice since the start of the game/ the last IDLE TIME), then a IDLE UI pops up and no actions can be taken. This last for 8 seconds and gives the player times to assess the current situation without distraction. After the time is up, play resumes.

● System: Jail. A tile on the bottom-left corner that a player’s token is visibly poofed to whenever they are told to. After a turn of waiting, a UI pops up with 2 options. The first choice is “post bail” which, when pressed, subtracts 50 dollars from the player’s bank account value. The dice icon is then activated and can be rolled, moving the player out of jail. The second button is “roll for doubles” which is a turn-based repeatable action allowing the player to roll the dice hoping with an end goal of rolling a double number after which the player is moved out of jail according to that roll.

System: Bank account. The total amount of money a player has in their possession. This value is very flexible and can be added to as well as subtracted from in a variety of ways that are listed listed in the Money object section. The value of a player’s bank account is labeled in the player list next to them.

● System: End Turn. When a player is done completing actions, either by choice or by force, they may end their turn by pressing (Left shoulder button).

Page 7: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

2.5 Gameplay Flow

The following flow diagram is a complete gameplay flow.

Page 8: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

3 Sample Mockups

Below are some sample screen mockups to convey the general location of items.

3.1 Token Select Screen

3.2 Main Screen

Page 9: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

3.3 IDLE TIME Screen

3.4 Rolling Dice Screen

Page 10: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

3.5 Unowned Property Screen

3.6 Auction Screen

Page 11: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

3.6 Trade Screen

3.6 Jail Screen

Page 12: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

4 Asset List

What follows is a list of assets currently required of the project.

Type Asset Name Particle "Go to jail" Poof Music A song for the main menu Music A song for general play #1 Music A song for general play #2 Music A song for general play #3 Music A song for general play #4 Music A song for general play #5 Music A song for IDLE TIME/pausing Menu/UI Main Menu Menu/UI Short Line property card Menu/UI Main play screen UI Menu/UI Auction UI Menu/UI Buy Property UI Menu/UI Sell Property UI Menu/UI Mortgage Property UI Menu/UI Trade Property UI Menu/UI Build Structures UI

Animation Money transfer from player to/from player/bank

Animation Token movement Animation Clock wind down 3D Art Monopoly Board 3D Art Six-sided Dice 2D Art PACK Chance cards 2D Art PACK Community Chest cards 2D Art Thimble 2D Art Iron 2D Art Tophat 2D Art Dog 2D Art Battleship 2D Art Wheelbarrow 2D Art Shoe 2D Art Racecar 2D Art Money 2D Art Thimble ownership 2D Art Iron ownership 2D Art Tophat ownership 2D Art Dog ownership 2D Art Battleship ownership 2D Art Wheelbarrow ownership 2D Art Shoe ownership 2D Art Racecar ownership 2D Art Base overview clock 2D Art Mediterranean Avenue property card 2D Art Baltic Avenue property card 2D Art Oriental Avenue property card 2D Art Vermont Avenue property card 2D Art Connecticut Avenue property card

Page 13: Monopoly - · Monopoly is a game in which players have one objective: cause the other players to lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

2D Art St. Charles Place property card 2D Art States Avenue property card 2D Art Virginia Avenue property card 2D Art St. James Place property card 2D Art Tennessee Avenue property card 2D Art New York Avenue property card 2D Art Kentucky Avenue property card 2D Art Indiana Avenue property card 2D Art Illinois Avenue property card 2D Art Atlantic Avenue property card 2D Art Ventnor Avenue property card 2D Art Marvin Gardens property card 2D Art Pacific Avenue property card 2D Art North Carolina Avenue property card 2D Art Pennsylvania Avenue property card 2D Art Park Place property card 2D Art Boardwalk property card 2D Art Reading Railroad property card 2D Art Pennsylvania Railroad property card 2D Art B. & O. Railroad property card 2D Art Short Line Railroad property card 2D Art Electric Company property card 2D Art Water Works property card 2D Art Dice icon 2D Art Playstation Cross Icon 2D Art Playstation Square Icon 2D Art Playstation Circle Icon 2D Art Playstation Triangle Icon 2D Art Start Icon 2D Art Select Icon 2D Art Left directional pad icon 2D Art Right directional pad icon 2D Art House 2D Art Hotel 2D Art "M" - Mortgaged property indicator icon 2D Art Bankruptcy alert picture