Monolithically Integrated RRAM and CMOS Based In ... - NSF

Theme Article Monolithically Integrated RRAM and CMOS Based In-Memory Computing for Efficient Deep Learning Shihui Yin, Xu Han, Wangxin He, Hugh Barnaby, Jae-sun Seo Arizona State University Yandong Luo, Xiaoyu Sun, Shimeng Yu Georgia Institute of Technology Yulhwa Kim, Jae-Joon Kim Pohang University of Science and Technology Abstract—Resistive RAM (RRAM) has been presented as a promising memory technology towards deep neural network (DNN) hardware design, with non-volatility, high density, high on-off ratio, and compatibility with logic process. However, prior RRAM works for DNNs have shown limitations on parallelism for in-memory computing, array efficiency with large peripheral circuits, multi-level analog operation, and demonstration of monolithic integration. In this work, we propose circuit-/device-level optimizations to improve the energy and density of RRAM-based in-memory computing architectures. We report experimental results based on prototype chip design of 128×64 RRAM arrays and CMOS peripheral circuits, where RRAM devices are monolithically integrated in a commercial 90nm CMOS technology. We demonstrate CMOS peripheral circuit optimization using input-splitting scheme and investigate the implication of higher low resistance state on energy-efficiency and robustness. Employing the proposed techniques, we demonstrate RRAM based in-memory computing with up to 78.3 TOPS/W energy-efficiency and 84.2% CIFAR-10 accuracy. Furthermore, we investigate four-level programming with single RRAM device, and report the system-level performance and DNN accuracy results using circuit-level benchmark simulator NeuroSim. DEEP learning algorithms have shown tremen- dous success in recent years [1] for various applications including computer vision, speech recognition, language translation, etc. However, an increasing gap exists between the exponential network size growth of state-of-the-art DNNs IEEE Micro Published by the IEEE Computer Society c 2019 IEEE 1

Transcript of Monolithically Integrated RRAM and CMOS Based In ... - NSF

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Theme Article

Monolithically IntegratedRRAM and CMOS BasedIn-Memory Computing forEfficient Deep Learning

Shihui Yin, Xu Han, Wangxin He, Hugh Barnaby, Jae-sun SeoArizona State University

Yandong Luo, Xiaoyu Sun, Shimeng YuGeorgia Institute of Technology

Yulhwa Kim, Jae-Joon KimPohang University of Science and Technology

Abstract—Resistive RAM (RRAM) has been presented as a promising memory technologytowards deep neural network (DNN) hardware design, with non-volatility, high density, highon-off ratio, and compatibility with logic process. However, prior RRAM works for DNNs haveshown limitations on parallelism for in-memory computing, array efficiency with large peripheralcircuits, multi-level analog operation, and demonstration of monolithic integration. In this work,we propose circuit-/device-level optimizations to improve the energy and density of RRAM-basedin-memory computing architectures. We report experimental results based on prototype chipdesign of 128×64 RRAM arrays and CMOS peripheral circuits, where RRAM devices aremonolithically integrated in a commercial 90nm CMOS technology. We demonstrate CMOSperipheral circuit optimization using input-splitting scheme and investigate the implication ofhigher low resistance state on energy-efficiency and robustness. Employing the proposedtechniques, we demonstrate RRAM based in-memory computing with up to 78.3 TOPS/Wenergy-efficiency and 84.2% CIFAR-10 accuracy. Furthermore, we investigate four-levelprogramming with single RRAM device, and report the system-level performance and DNNaccuracy results using circuit-level benchmark simulator NeuroSim.

DEEP learning algorithms have shown tremen-dous success in recent years [1] for variousapplications including computer vision, speech

recognition, language translation, etc. However,an increasing gap exists between the exponentialnetwork size growth of state-of-the-art DNNs

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(e.g. tens of millions of parameters) and the incre-mental energy-efficiency improvement of conven-tional memory technologies (e.g. CMOS scaling)for hardware accelerator designs [2].

To bridge this gap and largely improve thememory energy-efficiency, in-memory computing(IMC) has been proposed in recent years acrossdifferent memory technologies [3], [4], [5], [6],[7], [8], [9]. IMC typically asserts multiple orall rows simultaneously to perform multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) computations of DNNs insidethe memory, e.g. along the bitlines with analogcurrent/voltage.

SRAM based IMC works [3], [4], [5] demon-strate high energy-efficiency, however typicallysuch IMC SRAM bitcells include a few additionaltransistors, which degrades density and leakage.In addition, custom peripheral circuits such asanalog-to-digital converters (ADC) incur lowerarray efficiency. Since one SRAM cell occupies150-300 F 2 (F is the feature size of a technologynode), on-chip SRAMs cannot hold all weights ofDNNs. Therefore, CMOS hardware acceleratorsinevitably involve off-chip DRAMs at the systemlevel, which results in high energy consumption.

Consequently, a number of works proposed tobring computation closer to the DRAM. DRAMbased near-memory computing proposes to addlogic in the DRAM die, however logic capabilityin the optimized DRAM process is relativelylimited. On the other hand, DRAM based in-memory computing is more challenging, becausethe conventional 1T1C DRAM read is destructive,and thus requires additional overheads such asdata copy and write back [6]. DRAM cell designswith non-destructive read have been proposed(e.g. 2T1C, 3T1C) [7], but they directly degradedensity, which is especially disadvantageous forarea-efficient DRAMs.

In addition, both SRAM and DRAM arevolatile and have increasing concerns on leak-age power in scaled CMOS nodes. To thatend, resistive non-volatile memory (NVM) hasemerged as a good alternative due to high density,non-volatility, and non-destructive read. Amongseveral well-known candidates including phasechange memory (PCM), resistive RAM (RRAM),and magnetic RAM (MRAM), this work focuseson RRAM owing to its high on/off ratio, multi-level programmability, and monolithic integration

capability.There has been only a few works that have

demonstrated monolithically integrated RRAMand CMOS for DNN hardware design [8], [9],[10]. The authors of [8] designed 180nm and40nm prototype chips with embedded RRAMarrays. However, only simple multi-layer per-cepton (MLP) has been demonstrated that re-sulted in low inference accuracy of 90.8% forMNIST dataset. An RRAM macro integrated withmulti-level sense amplifiers in 55nm CMOS logicprocess was recently reported in [9], targetingconvolutional neural networks (CNNs). However,a relatively low CNN accuracy of 81.83% ac-curacy for CIFAR-10 dataset was achieved withbinary/ternary precision. Moreover, only 9 WLsare asserted simultaneously in the 256×512 sub-array, which limits further parallelism, and arelatively complex 4-bit ADC was employedat the RRAM array periphery, degrading ar-ray efficiency and energy consumption. In [10],a monolithically integrated 3D nanosystem hasbeen presented, which connects CMOS transis-tors, carbon nanotube transistors (CNFET), andRRAM devices in different layers with inter-layer vias (ILVs). A small-scale support vectormachine accelerator has been demonstrated, butapplicability for larger DNNs has not been shown.While there has been considerable improvementin CNFET integration with CMOS or RRAM, interms of manufacturability and yield, integrationof RRAM with CMOS in commercial technologyis much superior [11].

In this work, we address such limitationsin RRAM based in-memory computing towardsenergy-/area-efficient and accurate DNN hard-ware design, using monolithic integration ofRRAM and CMOS. In particular, we investi-gate three different device/circuit techniques: (1)modulating resistance values for binary RRAMdevices, (2) peripheral circuit minimization withinput-splitting technique, and (3) multi-levelRRAM programming. We report measurementresults of 90nm CMOS prototype chip that mono-lithically integrated RRAM arrays, which exe-cutes in-memory computing operations of CNNsfor CIFAR-10 dataset.

In our in-memory computing architecture,monolithic integration of RRAM and CMOS iscrucial, since we need dense connections to all

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Figure 1. Prototype chip design with monolithi-cally integrated RRAM and 90nm CMOS technol-ogy (adapted from [14], with permission). This workpresents further energy/area optimization.

wordlines and bitlines of the RRAM array. IfRRAM and CMOS are not monolithically in-tegrated (e.g. using through-silicon-vias or sili-con interposers), the bitline and wordline delayswill be excessive and the integration densitywill be too low. Furthermore, monolithic inte-gration of RRAM with CMOS is simpler andless expensive than that with CNT [10]. RRAMprocess is CMOS fabrication compatible, withjust a few layers of oxide deposition at thecontact via at back-end-of-line (BEOL) compat-ible temperature. Typically only one additionalmask/lithography is required, allowing RRAMintegration to be low-cost.

RRAM PROTOTYPE CHIP DESIGNWe designed a prototype chip for RRAM-

based robust in-memory computing with Win-bond’s embedded RRAM technology [11], whichmonolithically integrates 90nm CMOS andRRAM between M1 and M2 (Figure 1(a)). Fig-ure 1(b) shows the pad-limited chip micrographand the core area of the chip. As shown inthe top-level block diagram in Figure 1(c), thechip design includes a 128×64 1T1R array, rowdecoder, level shifter, eight 8-to-1 column multi-plexers, eight 3-bit flash ADCs based on sevenvoltage-mode sense amplifiers (SAs), and two64-to-1 column decoders for RRAM cell-levelprogramming. The row decoder has two modes ofoperation: (1) it asserts all differential wordline(WL) signals simultaneously for binary or low-precision multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) opera-

Figure 2. In-memory computing operation of XNOR-RRAM (adapted from [14], with permission).

tion, or (2) generates one-hot WL signals for cell-level programming. Eight ADCs (shared among64 columns) and eight column multiplexers oc-cupy 20% and 12% of the core area, respectively(Figure 1(d)). In this work, further energy/areaoptimization is investigated including peripheralcircuit minimization by using higher LRS andinput-splitting scheme.

Conventional binary RRAMs cannot effec-tively represent the positive and negative weightvalues (+1 and -1) in binarized neural networks(BNNs) [12], because the high resistance state(HRS) and low resistance state (LRS) values ofbinary RRAM devices are both positive. In addi-tion, as shown in Figure 2, the activation/weightvalue combinations of +1/+1 and -1/-1 shouldresult in the same effective resistance. To thatend, we proposed to use a “XNOR-RRAM”bitcell design [13], [14] for BNNs. As shownin Figure 2, the XNOR-RRAM bitcell involvesdifferential RRAM cells and differential word-lines. The binary activations are mapped ontothe differential wordlines, and the binary weightsare mapped onto the HRS/LRS values of XNOR-RRAM bitcells. By asserting all differential WLsof the RRAM array simultaneously, all cells inthe same column are computed in parallel, whichimplements the binary MAC computations. The128×64 1T1R array effectively represents 64×64XNOR-RRAM bitcells, since one XNOR-RRAMbitcell consists of two 1T1R baseline bitcells torepresent positive/negative weights and to per-form embedded XNOR computation inside theXNOR-RRAM bitcell.

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Both the preliminary simulation results [13]and initial measurement results [14] of theXNOR-RRAM design only considered the defaultLRS and HRS values for the binary RRAMdevices, and employed a 3-bit ADC at the pe-riphery for digitizing the analog partial MACvalue. In this work, we investigate three fur-ther optimizations in monolithically integratedRRAM devices and peripheral circuits, towardsenhancing the energy-efficiency and density ofthe RRAM-based IMC systems.

First, since the default LRS value (∼6kΩ)consumes large current and the on/off ratio isrelatively high (∼150), we explore using higherLRS values (e.g. ∼12kΩ and ∼24kΩ) to evaluatethe trade-off between current reduction, on/offratio, and CNN accuracy.

Second, although a 3-bit ADC is relativelysimple, it still consumes a large area comparedto the RRAM array itself, resulting in low arrayefficiency. We present further algorithm/hardwareimprovements beyond the previous input-splittingtechniques [15], and employ binary sense ampli-fiers with an unified reference voltage across allcolumns, instead of ADCs at the RRAM arrayperiphery, for digitizing the analog partial MACvalues. Considering that tightly-spaced referencevoltages make flash ADCs more susceptible tovariability at low voltages, we show that theproposed input-splitting scheme actually resultsin much improved accuracy at lower supplies.

Finally, beyond binary RRAM devices, weinvestigate four-level programming with the sameRRAM devices in our prototype chip, and exper-imentally validate the density, energy and perfor-mance gains by benchmarking a CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset.


In binary RRAM devices, only two states perdevice exist, namely LRS (high conductance) andHRS (low conductance). In commercial RRAMtechnologies that are typically used for storageapplications, on-off ratio of higher than 100 hasbeen reported. Having a large on-off ratio iscertainly good, but on the other hand, havinghigh conductance value for the LRS leads to highcurrent consumption.

To that end, for a given HRS value is fixed,

Figure 3. New input-splitting scheme that allows uni-fied reference voltage for all sense amplifiers in theRRAM array periphery.

and if we have higher LRS values in binaryRRAM devices, then the current and energy con-sumption could be largely reduced. On the otherhand, compared to the default LRS, targetingLRS to have a higher resistance value can resultin wider distribution after programming or moresusceptible to non-ideal effects such as read dis-turb. In addition, and if the LRS and HRS rangesbecome relatively close, it will adversely affectthe DNN accuracy for the RRAM-based IMChardware.


Input-splitting is a method of BNN archi-tecture design for ADC-free in-memory comput-ing [15]. Input-splitting reconstructs a large BNNlayer with a network of small layers. It splits inputof a large layer so that the number of inputs persplit group is less than or equal to row countof the given RRAM array. Each split group con-structs a new small layer, and the binary outputgenerated from small layers are accumulated andsubsequently binarized with a threshold value ofzero. Then, each layer of input-split BNN can fiton RRAM array so that the array can generatebinary neuron values as output values. However,batch normalization governs that each neuronhas its own threshold value, which necessitateseach column to have a digital-to-analog converter(DAC) [4], adding a large overhead.

In this work, we modified the conventionalinput-splitting method [15] to eliminate column-wise threshold values. Batch normalization con-ducts scaling and shifting operation, and the shift-

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Figure 4. Conductance distribution is shown for four levels of RRAM device programming. Both measurementdata from prototype chip and fitted Gaussian distribution curves are shown.

ing operation generates threshold values. There-fore, as illustrated in Figure 3, we removed batchnormalization before output binarization of smalllayers. Instead, we experimentally found a properscaling factor for pre-binarization values of smalllayers. For the RRAM array with 64 rows, wefound that, by scaling pre-binarization value with1/20, most of scaled values lie in the range of[-1, 1]. As there is no shifting operation on pre-binarization value of small layers, the column-wise threshold is fixed to 0. Then, we added batchnormalization after the merge to compensate forthe loss of batch normalization on small layers.

We tested a VGG-like CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset, which has the network structureof input-128C3-128C3-MP2-256C3-256C3-MP2-512C3-512C3-MP2-1024FC-1024FC-10FC [12].Here, 128C3-128C3 refers to the convolutionlayer with 128 input feature maps, 3×3 kernelsand 128 output feature maps, MP2 refers to 2x2max-pooling, and 1024FC refers to the fully-connected layer with 1024 hidden neurons.

As we used RRAM arrays with 64 effec-tive rows, the input counts per input-split BNNlayer was set to 63 for convolution layers and64 for fully-connected layers. We used 63 forconvolution layer because we use 3×3 kernel forconvolution, and 63 is the closest value less thanequal to 64. In addition, to make the input ofconvolution layer be divided by 63, we changedthe number of channels to be an integer multipleof 7. Using Torch, we trained the input-splitBNN with the same training condition used inconventional input splitting [15]. For comparison,

we trained baseline BNN (non-split BNN), input-split BNN with column-wise threshold, input-splitBNN without column-wise threshold. The algo-rithm simulation results showed that the input-split BNN without column-wise threshold modelhas compatible accuracy (86.64%) with the base-line BNN (88.46%) and input-split BNN withcolumn-wise threshold (88.24%).

MULTI-LEVEL RRAM DEVICESMulti-level programming scheme

To achieve 2-bit RRAM, two more conduc-tance states are inserted between minimum andmaximum conductance levels so that the conduc-tance interval is equal between adjacent states. Awrite-verify programming scheme is iterated untilless than 2% of RRAM cells are outside the targetconductance range for each of the four levels.The maximum number of write-verify iterationsto program one RRAM cell is specified as Nmax.For each conductance state, 4,096 RRAM cells inthe prototype chip are programmed and measured.It is observed that the conductance distributionbecomes more concentrated as Nmax increases.The Nmax to achieve the target conductancerange are 15, 30, 15 and 10 for the four conduc-tance states, respectively. After programming, thepercentage of the RRAM cells that are outside thetarget conductance ranges were 0.32%, 1.32%,0.92% and 0.44%, respectively.

Inference accuracy simulationThe inference accuracy for a CNN is simu-

lated with the measured 2-bit RRAM data. How-

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ever, considering the limited measurement data(4,096 data points for each state) compared tothe total number of parameters in a CNN, wefirst fitted the probability density function (PDF)of the measured conductance data with a linearcombination of multiple Gaussians as the fittedPDF. Then, the conductance values are generatedwith the fitted PDF for a large CNN. Figure 4shows the PDF of the measured conductance andthe conductance values generated with fitted PDF.The distribution tails of the experiment data arecaptured with the fitted PDF.

Using 2-bit weights and 4-bit activations,we benchmarked the same VGG-like CNN forCIFAR-10. It is assumed that each 2-bit weightis stored into one RRAM cell. We first trainedthe CNN with the quantized training methodproposed in [16], and obtained the software base-line accuracy of 91.7%. The 2-bit weights arethen mapped to conductance states, where theconductance values of each RRAM cell are gen-erated with the fitted PDFs of the correspondingstates. The inference accuracy is simulated forthree different array size 64×64, 128×128 and256×256, where we employed flash ADCs with5-bit precision using non-linear quantization [13].


Binary RRAM based IMC energy and accuracycharacterization with higher LRS andinput-splitting

We envision that large binary CNNs aremapped onto multiple RRAM arrays, whereweights for different input channels are stored ondifferent rows, weights for different output chan-nels are stored on different columns, and weightswithin each convolution kernel (e.g. 9=3×3) arestored in different RRAM macros [3], [14]. Sub-sequently, the partial MAC results from differentRRAM macros are accumulated via digital sim-ulation. In [14], 3-bit ADC was used to digitizethe analog partial MAC values, where seven refer-ence voltages for each flash ADC required offsetcancellation in order to achieve >83% CIFAR-10 accuracy. The new input-splitting scheme pre-sented in this work substantially reduces suchcalibration overhead, since we only need binarysense amplifiers to digitize the analog partial sum,

and the same reference voltages are used for all64 columns of the RRAM array.

Another important challenge for the flashADC is that, the adjacent reference voltages arevery close to each other, especially since thepartial sum data distribution is concentrated nearzero [13]. If we lower the supply voltage, thereference voltages actually become even closerto each other, which makes it more susceptibleto process variation. On the other hand, since theinput-splitting scheme allows to have only onereference voltage for the sense amplifiers, the dig-itization is inherently more robust to variabilityand noise.

We performed chip measurements for the ex-periments of higher LRS values and the input-splitting scheme. For the higher LRS experiment,we programmed RRAM devices with differenttarget LRS values of 6kΩ, 12kΩ and 24kΩ. Forthe input-splitting scheme experiment, with thesame XNOR-RRAM prototype chip, we only useone SA out of the seven SAs that are present inthe flash ADC. This means that, when we employthe input-splitting scheme, the overall ADC areain the RRAM macro is effectively reduced by 7X.

In Figure 5, we show the comparison of thebitcount values from the BNN algorithm (i.e.ideal partial sum values) and the measured ADCoutput values using 12kΩ LRS target, for boththe conventional scheme with 3-bit ADCs and theinput-splitting scheme with binary SAs. As wecompare the 1.2V and 0.8V supply results, it canbe seen that the ADC output values become lessaccurate at 0.8V. However, with a single referencelevel, the input-splitting scheme still maintainsmore robust operation even at lower voltages.

As shown in Figure 6, the energy-efficiency(TOPS/W) of RRAM-based IMC increases withhigher LRS values and with lower supply volt-ages. The CIFAR-10 accuracy values for theVGG-like CNN with voltage scaling are reportedin Figure 7 with different LRS values for boththe input-splitting scheme with binary SAs andthe conventional scheme with 3-bit ADCs. For theconventional scheme with ADCs, it can be seenthat the CIFAR-10 accuracy degrades by a largeamount when the supply voltage scales below thenominal 1.2V. This is due to the fact that that theseven reference voltages for the flash ADC areseparated only by a small voltage value, which

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Figure 5. Measured ADC output results compared with bitcount values from BNN algorithm.

Figure 6. Energy-efficiency with voltage scaling forRRAM IMC with different LRS values.

aggravates with lower supply voltages, incursmore ADC output errors, and adversely affectsthe DNN accuracy.

For the input-splitting scheme, there is onlyone reference voltage used by all eight senseamplifiers for 64 columns, the SA operation ismore robust against voltage scaling, noise andvariability. As a result, Figure 7 shows thathigh CNN accuracy is maintained for the input-splitting scheme for 12kΩ/24kΩ LRS values,down to 0.8V supply. The input-splitting schemealso shows higher accuracy for cases when RBL

Figure 7. CIFAR-10 accuracy with voltage scalingfor RRAM IMC with different LRS values and input-splitting scheme.

voltage is around 0.6-0.7V (high gain region forSA with differential NMOS input) for bitcountvalues near zero, e.g. higher supply with 6kΩLRS and lower supply with 24kΩ LRS value.

The conventional scheme [14] achievesenergy-efficiency of 20.8 TOPS/W at 1.2V supply(Figure 6), while achieving 83.5% accuracy withbinary CNN. Jointly optimizing the use of higherLRS value of 12kΩ (24kΩ) and the proposedinput-splitting scheme effectively enabled voltagescaling down to 0.8V without any additionalaccuracy loss, improving the energy-efficiency by3.1X (3.8X), achieving 64.5 (78.3) TOPS/W.

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Table 1. CNN simulation results with 2-bit RRAM fordifferent RRAM array sizes.

2-bit RRAM based CNN acceleratorperformance benchmarking with NeuroSim

2-bit RRAM could further increase the inte-gration density for the CNN accelerator. The per-formance benchmarking for 2-bit RRAM basedCNN accelerator is conducted in NeuroSim [17],where the aforementioned VGG-like CNN is uti-lized. We assume that eight columns share oneADC in the RRAM array, and there are a total ofeight ADCs in the RRAM array periphery. Theinference computation is processed layer by layer.Table 1 presents the benchmarking results withdifferent RRAM array sizes.

First, the inference accuracy drops as the arraysize is increased, since the ADC precision isfixed at 5-bit. This is attributed to the fact thatthe partial sum distribution becomes broader withlarger array size, and therefore quantization loss isincreased. It should be noted that the conductancevariation of 2-bit RRAM only leads to smallaccuracy drop when comparing the accuracy withADC quantization only and with both ADC quan-tization and RRAM conductance variation.

In terms of chip area, 256×256 array showssmaller chip area compared with 128×128 arraydue to the increased array efficiency. However,only small chip area increase is observed whenarray size is reduced to 64×64. Comparing with128×128 array, for 256×256 array, chip area isreduced as less subarrays are needed. It can beexplained by the fact that in 64×64 array, theperiphery circuit size is reduced due to lowermaximum column partial sum current, therefore,the array efficiency does not drop significantlycompared with 128×128 array.

For the read latency and dynamic energy

consumption, comparing with 128×128 array,64×64 array needs more partial sum accumula-tions between subarrays, which leads to higherlatency and energy consumption. For 256×256subarray, the large column current leads to sig-nificantly higher ADC energy consumption andtherefore the overall energy consumption is in-creased. Besides, the larger column partial sumcurrent leads to larger transmission gate (TG) sizein the multiplexer, which induces higher latencyfor the decoder to drive the TG gate capacitor.

CONCLUSIONIn this work, we demonstrated RRAM based

in-memory computing with 90nm CMOS proto-type chips that monolithically integrated RRAMand CMOS in different vertical layers. Usingdevice-/circuit-/algorithm-level techniques, boththe energy-efficiency and density of binaryRRAM based IMC hardware improved substan-tially, achieving up to 78.3 TOPS/W and 84.2%accuracy for CIFAR-10 dataset. Experiments with2-bit RRAM demonstrate sufficient separationbetween four conductance levels, and show higherCNN accuracy up to 128×128 RRAM array size.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe are grateful for chip fabrication support

by Winbond Electronics. This work is partiallysupported by NSF-SRC-E2CDA under ContractNo. 2018-NC-2762B, NSF grant 1652866, NSFgrant 1715443, NSF grant 1740225, JUMP C-BRIC and ASCENT programs (SRC programssponsored by DARPA), and the Nano-MaterialTechnology Development Program through theNational Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT (NRF-2016M3A7B4910249).

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Shihui Yin is currently working towards the in the School of Electrical, Computer andEnergy Engineering at Arizona State University. Heis a student member of IEEE.

Yandong Luo is currently working towards the in the School of Electrical and ComputerEngineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He isa student member of IEEE.

Yulhwa Kim is currently working towards the in the Department of Creative IT Engineeringat Pohang University of Science and Technology. Sheis a student member of IEEE.

Xu Han is currently working towards the Ph.D. degreein the School of Electrical, Computer and EnergyEngineering at Arizona State University. She is astudent member of IEEE.

Wangxin He is currently working towards the in the School of Electrical, Computer andEnergy Engineering at Arizona State University. Heis a student member of IEEE.

Xiaoyu Sun is currently working towards the in the School of Electrical and ComputerEngineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He isa student member of IEEE.

Hugh Barnaby is a professor in the School of Elec-trical, Computer and Energy Engineering at ArizonaState University. His research interest includes devicephysics and modeling, microelectronic device/sensordesign and manufacturing, and analog/RF/mixed-signal circuit design. He is a fellow of IEEE.

Jae-Joon Kim is a professor in the Department ofCreative IT Engineering at Pohang University of Sci-ence and Technology. His research interests includeneuromorphic circuit and system, low power VLSIdesign, and flexible device/circuit design. He is amember of IEEE.

Shimeng Yu is an associate professor in the Schoolof Electrical and Computer Engineering at GeorgiaInstitute of Technology. His research interests are na-noelectronic devices and circuits for energy-efficientcomputing systems. He was a recipient of the NSFCAREER Award in 2016, the IEEE Electron DevicesSociety (EDS) Early Career Award in 2017, and theSemiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) YoungFaculty Award in 2019. He is a senior member ofIEEE.

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Page 10: Monolithically Integrated RRAM and CMOS Based In ... - NSF

Monolithic 3D Architectures

Jae-sun Seo is an assistant professor in the Schoolof Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering atArizona State University. His research interest in-cludes energy-efficient hardware design for machinelearning and neuromorphic computing. He receivedthe IBM Outstanding Technical Achieved Award in2012 and the NSF CAREER Award in 2017. He isa senior member of IEEE.

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