Money Colds - University of South CarolinaEarly Frost in Tesfl&s^ Nashville, Tenn., Sept* 16. The...

Early Frost in Tesfl&s^ Nashville, Tenn., Sept* 16. The earliest frost in twelve years visited middle Tennessee last nfeht. There was a trace, except in the northern part of the state. temperature here at 6 o'clock this morning was 48. * RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. ' ® ® I *- t_ 1 ?a>» llT\« X. 1 ^ ^ iXIC Desc rUDEUWB HUUICUI MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the A ilmenfs of Horses, MoJes, Cattle, Etc. Goodfir your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cut* Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $L At all Dealers. NOTICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The Coohnhh,Newberry & LaurensR.R Announces Effective, Sunday May, 29th, iu. ^Anaincr Clhano-ps in sehprinlp.. i.yio, uie iuiw"-e ©. . > will be made. Train No.50 (Sunday Only) due to leave Columbia3:00 A.M. will be discontinued Train No.51 (Sunday Only) due to leave Laurens 4:30 P.M.,will be discotinued. up.'-"' Train No. 52, (Daily) leave Columbia union station 11:15 a. m. Leave Gervais street 1125 a- m. Leave Newberry 1:00 pj m. Leave Clinton 1:52 p. m. Arrive Laurens 2:15 p. m. This train will continue to connect Seaboard Air Line at Clinton for Atlanta and the C. & W, C, at Laurens for Spartanburg. Train No. 53 (Daily) will leave Laurens 225 p. m. connecting with C. & W. C. from Augusta and Greenwood, leave Clinton 2,48 p. m., leave Newberry$:38p. m., arrive Columbia Gervais street 5:15 p. m., and Columbia union station at 5;20 p. m. The above schedules subject to changes without notice. R A TARRER, Commercial Agt fine Your Stove Repaired. This is to let my frierds know that I will travel throughout all th Surrounding rural districts of Lex ington and fix stoves, beginning right after Christmas. If you have a stove that you think is ready for the junk dealer just wait till I call aad see it or phone me and I will 1 J rif nance you ordnu new st^vc uut ui j old one at a very small margin of cost. You will make money to see ne. "A stitch in time saves niB8," is a truthful adage, So if yon have your stove repaired before it is too late it will be a big saving to you. J. J. RIKARD, ^ 1-5,tf. Lexington, S. C. Notice to Travelers Bargains in Drummer's sample Suit Cases, Hand Bags and Trunks. Call and See Us. Moe Finklestein 1602-04 Main Street J| COLUMBIA, S. C. No. 666 Hp This it 6 prescriptioB prepared etpecUHy for MALARIA or CHILLS 6. FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and doet cot gripe or tickea. 25c jf ~~! NOTICE Mjy place or farm is for rent knoWn as the Joe Reeder place, of Pmss Roads. Have a srood U 1/ w w _ v ! school in sight and two churches. Parties desiring to rent, address J. C. Shepherd, Gaston, S. C. Route 1. Iks You a Woman? | 1^.., 1. T..i, i \ §< me noinaiis iuifiu i I FOS SALE AT ALL ORUGSISTS^ I I i I Mr. Wingard in Third Primary For House Thanks His Friends for Loyalty in Two First Elections To the people of Lexington County: The unexpected and most unusual thing has happened in our county, politics.the official count by the Executive Committee places Mr. L. W. Wise, of Pelion, and myself in a third race for the third member of Lexington's delegation in the General Assembly of South Carolina. Here and now I want to thank every voter in the county for his support and loyalty in the two pre' /-I i /-v wmmnvioc* Q f Vl O CQTT1P ttuiug ±JI ima.1 ico, ckiiu knv. , time, solicit their continued faith I unflinching zeal in my behalf. Fromj the depths of my heart I thank you. I have no fight to make against my opponent, Mr. Wise; he is a spendid man and he and I have had a pleasant campaign together. There is, however, one matter I wish to call your attention to in this third race. It is this: The other two candidates who are elected .Mr. S. E. Smith, is a resident of the lower section of the county; and Mr. Shull, the other member, resides about eight miles North-west of the county-seat, leaving this community without a representative in the General Assembly. Dr. Ridgell, State Senator, lives at Bateshurg. That one of these men should reside at or near Lexington, every one must admit. This would give the people of middle section an opportunity to consult with at least one of their representatives on important matters coming before the body. He could confer with the State Senator without the least inconvenience and the other two members.residing where they do.could easily get to the court during all kinds of weather conditions. The Dutch Fork is no longer in it; but I am nearer than my opponent, Mr. Wise. . The people of the county everywhere know what I stand for; they know that I am a farmer, If I am elected, I shall do all that within me lies to represent every section and every class, honestly, fairly and squarely, ever looking to the time when our and all shall be a happy and a contented ] people. Gratefully yours, < G. E. Wingard. Lexington, Sept. 14. Guards on 83-Mile Hike « <~i j t n rril ban Antonio, beptemoer o.-ine main body of the provisional division of regular army troops and National Guardsmen, which left here this morning on an 83 mile "hike" to Austin, camped to-night at Wetrnore, nine and a half miles north of this city. The Wisconsin brigade, which took a separate route, camped at Lnexella. Are You Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough without inviting it. Some look old at forty. That is bcause they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your 1 i i i bowels regular ana your nver healthy and you will not only feel younger but look younger. When troubled with constipation or biliousness take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are intended especially for these ailments and are excellent. Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Harmon Drug Co. Tennessee Troops to The Border j Nashville Sept. 14.The Tennes! S3e troops mobilized here include two regiments of infantry and a troop of cavalry and muster 2,463 men. more than ten days ago the troops received the last items of equipment. Officers and men were delighted at the prospect of going * 1 1 T _1 to tne Doraer. is was estimated here it would take three days for troops to entrain. They are to move wherever trains are provided. He Was Worried and Hopeless. tin , T 1a! 1 r or len years i was oomereu i with kidney trouble, writes T. F. Hutchinson, Little Rock, Ark. "I was worried and had almost given up all hopes. I used five boxes of Foley Kidney Pills and am now a well man." Foley Kidney Pills drive out aches, pains, rheumatism and all kidney trouble symptoms. Harmon Drug Co. More popular than ever are shepherd plaid for suits, coats and separate skirts. Colds §! /Vishould be "nipped in the Yl| 71 bud", for if allowed to run /V i M may follow. Numerous ym If cases of consumption, pnou- j$ |l monia, and other fatal d.s- I || a cold. At the first sign of a I I8i rnlH nrnfprt VOUrself bv t'J II thoroughly cleansing your | | system with a few doses of THEDFORD'S BLACK- fi DRAUGHT 11 the old reliable, vegetable 8 f. IS liver powder. i § S [ Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, o«- I 11 Madison Heights, Va., says: I :: 1 "I nave been using Thed- I js Mi ford's Black-Draught for JL I ill stomach troubles, indiges-r/I tion. and colds, and find ittolAA im be the very best medicine In/V jA ever used. It makes an oldTjti \T man feel like a young one." O Insist on Thedford's, thejOj rt original and genuine. E-67lMn mfcV ^ I **77^ il Card of Thanks % I take this opportunity to express to the voters of Lexington County my high appreciation for the handsome vote I received for County Commissioner, in the second . primary election. To those who so loyally supported me, I shall ever be grateful, and those who saw fit , to support my opponents, I still have the highest regards. To both friends and foe, it shall be my high- ] est aim to work for the best interest . < of all the people in the County. I . am at all times ready, and stand j for the betterment of our county, j from which I was born and lived ] all my life. f Again thanking all the people for their confidence in me, (and ask) one and all come to my home where W9. can sit down and reason to- aether, not on a huried campaign which has come to a close for County Commissioner, From your servant, ^ S. Rufus Smith. \ County Commissioner. 1 Rilled While Drinking 1 i Asheville, N. C. Sept. 14..A \ message here today from Robbins- s ville says Laurence Edwards last Sun- 1 day killed Hayne Chrisp stabbing him fifteen times with a knife. The killing occurred at Stecoat Creek. Edwards was arrested. Ac- < cording to accounts Chrisp. who was < drinking, shot at Edwards, the ball < going through his hat. The stab- ( bing followed, Edwards chasing 1 Chrisp a hundred and fifty yards. j .. ^ Subscribe to the Dispatch. GIRL COULD * , JOTWORK1 How She Was Relieved from 1 Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's ( Vegetable Compound. ( Taunton, Mass.." I had pains in both sides and when my periods came I had ... to stay at home from work and suf^er a l°ng time. ® ^ne a w°man fci came to our house anc* as^e<^ my |fc|[f[||| suffering. Mother ( told her that I suf- j fered every month ( Hi and she said, 'Why ( jkJjjMlSBS don't you buy a j -...--i..I bottle of Lydia E. < Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?' My 1 mother bought it and the next month I ( was so well that I worked all the month * without staying at home a day. I am A in good health now and have told lots of ; girls about it.".Miss Clarice Morin, ' 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. i Thousands of girls suffer in silence c every month rather than consult a phy- ' sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, <headache, dragging-down sensations, ^ fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- s pound, a safe and pure remedy made £ from roots and herbs, much suffering 1 might be avoided. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine * Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful. \ i Mrs. W. 0- Jackson Dead Swansea, Sept. 14..The passing, of Mrs.W. Q. Jackson Friday night at 10 o'clock brought sadness to many hearts, for she was universally be- loved by a large circle of relatives and friends. She was ill but a short: while and death came as a shock to the entire community. Mrs. Jackson was a noble woman, a devoted wife and mother, true to the highest ideals of Christian wo- manhood. She was a useful mem-; ber of Ebenezer Methodist church,, at which place she was laid to rest Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. W. T. Patrick. She is sur: vived by her husband and the fol-; l lowing children: Mrs. E. S. Sain and Misses Julia, Ethel, Thelmaand Lois Jackson,1^ Quitman Jackson, Wiley Jackson,^Tillman Jackson and Roscoe Jackson,fall of the^Swansea section. .~ Pine-Tar Relieves A Cold Dr. BelFs Pine-Tar-Honey contains all the soothing elements of the pine forest. It heals the irritated membrane, and by its antieptic properties loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier, and what prom- f A VvA n flATTAWA A/\l ij VN iocu iv; uc a. acvac vjuiu u<as . uctrn broken up. For that stuffed-up feeling, tight chest or sore throat; take a dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-1 Honey and prevent a wearing, hack-1 ing cough dragging through the; winter. At your Druggist, 25c. » < To The Voters^of Lexington County: On the 12th day of this month you elected me to the office of Su- perintendent of Education and I take this method of thanking you for having entrusted! me with this high honor. To those who so ardently supported me I' hereby extend my heartfelt thanks! and for those who so valiantly! fought me I have no condemnation [ propose to be a servant of all the people and do that which will upDuild the educational interests of hhp flmintv Again thanking you, I am, Yours obediently; A. D. Martin. ^ A Bad Summer For Children. There has been an unusual amount )f sickness among children every- ivhere this Summer. Extra precau-; lions shonld be taken to keep the Dowels open and liver active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a fine and wholesome physic: cause no pain, lausea or griping. Relieve indiges:ion, sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, bad breath. Harmon Drug go. \7Mi_ n f\..± l.. r ^ Yilia unveil vui uy Laiiaiizisuto El Paso, Sept. 16..Villa attacked Chihuahua city with 600 men, penetrated part of the city and was driven out with heavy losses by the Constitutionalist army. The captured Villa followers were immediately put to death. Gen. Trevino! was wounded in an arm. How to Give Good Advice. The best way to give good advice1 s to set a good example. When others see how quickly you get over pour cold by taking Chamberlain's 3ough Remedy they are likely to follow your example. This remedy las been in use for many years and m joys an excellent reputation, Ob-; :ainable everywhere. Harmon Drug Zfo. I Sheriff's Sale Under Execution STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington. Erookland Bank, Plaintiff, against A. W. Martin, defendant Under and by virtue of a certain exe- ;ution lodged in my office in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry :o the highest bidder, in front of the 7ourt House door at Lexington, S. C., luring the legal hours of sale on the irst Monday in October, next, 1916', the >ame being the second day of said nonth, all of the right, title and inter- ;st of the said A. W. Martin, in and :o the following tract of real estate, to-! ,vit: "All that parcel or tract of land, sit-j late, lying and being in Piatt Springs township, No. 76, in the County of Lex- j ngton, in the State of South Carolina. :ontaining three hundred and thirty-five j icres, more or less, and naving tne 101-; owing metes and bounds: Bounded on j ;he north bv lands of Sigh tier, and fuignard, and by lands of Frank Clood- j vin, formerly of A. W. Martin; on the i, ?ast by lands of J. H. Price; on the " ;outh by the lands of W. B. Fallaw, j ind on the west by lands of W. I), | 3ound.'' Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to )av for papers. SIM. .J. MILLER. Sheriff Lexington County. Lexington, S. C., Sept. 9, 1916. 4g Money On improved farming lands i and up for long time. Intere elusive of buildings must be wo for. Write me what you have or c A. « Batesbi Summer GAL Porch Chairs and Rocker* Sea Grass Chairs,! Willow and Wicker C French grey, old ivor room Suites add coolnes* any room. Very reasona \ See lis for Your VAN M 1313-1319 Main St. SH0E WAI shop VY i\L 1420 MAI Columt BEST i F( YOUN Van-Smith Bu Com ^^AU&ss^ofJi Portland Cen Stone, Sand, Roc Plaster, Fire Bricl Etc. write us ch 1916 SPRING AN! Farmers' Medium and Hea EP.&F. I 1710 Main St. Give us that any kind of To Loan in sums of Two Thousand Dollars ist payable annually. Lands exrth double amount of loan applied :ome to see me. fONES irg, S. C I Furniture ORE! Rockers and Settees, !hairs, Rockers and Settees. 7 and white enamel Bed 5, comfort and elegance to j .bly priced. Furniture Wants \ lETRE'S Columbia, S. C. TTD^ MEN | /1I/lYj BOYS N STREET I .«* s r I 'XU^ W* v STYLES I 3R I G MEN. I ilding Material pany lildingtoteri^ j lent, Plaster, Brick >fing, Hard Wall [ cs, Flues, Linings ARLESTCN, S. C. . .*.mmmmhm D SUMMER SHOES i We are now ready for our Lexingn friends with a large stock of ices for "every day" wear as well for "high dress" occasions. We e called "The Family Shoe Store" Columbia where you get solid eather" Shoes at the lowest (Live d Let Live Prices). v vy Work Shoes a Specialty \ ft ipv ft tr rin 1 A. UAVlo : Columbia, S. C. next order for Job Printing

Transcript of Money Colds - University of South CarolinaEarly Frost in Tesfl&s^ Nashville, Tenn., Sept* 16. The...

Page 1: Money Colds - University of South CarolinaEarly Frost in Tesfl&s^ Nashville, Tenn., Sept* 16. The earliest frost in twelveyears visited middle Tennessee last nfeht. There wasa trace,

Early Frost in Tesfl&s^Nashville, Tenn., Sept* 16. The

earliest frost in twelve years visitedmiddle Tennessee last nfeht. Therewas a trace, except in the northern

part of the state. temperaturehere at 6 o'clock this morningwas 48.

* RUB OUT PAINwith good oil liniment. That'sthe surest way to stop them.' ® ® I *- t_ 1 ?a>» llT\« X. 1 ^



Goodfor theAilmenfs ofHorses, MoJes, Cattle, Etc.

Goodfiryour own Aches,Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains,

Cut* Burns, Etc.25c. 50c. $L At all Dealers.

NOTICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.The Coohnhh,Newberry & LaurensR.RAnnounces Effective, Sunday May, 29th,

iu. ^Anaincr Clhano-ps in sehprinlp..i.yio, uie iuiw"-e ©. .

>will be made.Train No.50 (Sunday Only) due to leaveColumbia3:00 A.M. will be discontinuedTrain No.51 (Sunday Only) due to

leave Laurens 4:30 P.M.,will be discotinued.up.'-"'Train No. 52, (Daily) leave Columbia

union station 11:15 a. m. Leave Gervaisstreet 1125 a- m. Leave Newberry1:00 pj m. Leave Clinton 1:52 p. m.

Arrive Laurens 2:15 p. m.

This train will continue to connectSeaboard Air Line at Clinton for Atlantaand the C. & W, C, at Laurensfor Spartanburg.

Train No. 53 (Daily) will leave Laurens225 p. m. connecting with C. &W. C. from Augusta and Greenwood,leave Clinton 2,48 p. m., leave Newberry$:38p.m., arrive Columbia Gervaisstreet 5:15 p. m., and Columbiaunion station at 5;20 p. m.

The above schedules subject tochanges without notice.

R A TARRER, Commercial Agt

fine Your Stove Repaired.This is to let my frierds know

that I will travel throughout all thSurrounding rural districts of Lexington and fix stoves, beginningright after Christmas. If you havea stove that you think is ready forthe junk dealer just wait till I callaad see it or phone me and I will

1 J rifnance you ordnu new st^vc uut ui j

old one at a very small marginof cost. You will make money tosee ne. "A stitch in time saves

niB8," is a truthful adage, So ifyon have your stove repaired beforeit is too late it will be a big savingto you. J. J. RIKARD, ^

1-5,tf. Lexington, S. C.

Notice to TravelersBargains in Drummer's sample

Suit Cases, Hand Bags and


Call and See Us.

Moe Finklestein1602-04 Main Street


No. 666Hp This it 6 prescriptioB prepared etpecUHy

for MALARIA or CHILLS 6. FEVER.Five or six dotes will break any case, andif taken then as a tonic the Fever will notreturn. It acts on the liver better thanCalomel and doet cot gripe or tickea. 25c

jf ~~! NOTICEMjy place or farm is for rent

knoWn as the Joe Reeder place,of Pmss Roads. Have a sroodU 1/ w w _ v

! school in sight and two churches.Parties desiring to rent, addressJ. C. Shepherd, Gaston, S. C.Route 1.

Iks You a Woman? |

1^.., 1. T..i, i\ §< me noinaiis iuifiu i



IMr. Wingard in Third Primary For HouseThanks His Friends for Loyalty

in Two First ElectionsTo the people of Lexington County:The unexpected and most unusual

thing has happened in our county,politics.the official count by theExecutive Committee places Mr. L.W. Wise, of Pelion, and myself in a

third race for the third member ofLexington's delegation in the GeneralAssembly of South Carolina.Here and now I want to thank

every voter in the county for his

support and loyalty in the two pre'/-I i /-v wmmnvioc* Q r» f Vl O CQTT1Pttuiug ±JI ima.1 ico, ckiiu knv.,

time, solicit their continued faithIunflinching zeal in my behalf. Fromjthe depths of my heart I thank you.

I have no fight to make againstmy opponent, Mr. Wise; he is a

spendid man and he and I have had a

pleasant campaign together. Thereis, however, one matter I wish to

call your attention to in this thirdrace. It is this: The other two

candidates who are elected .Mr. S.E. Smith, is a resident of the lowersection of the county; and Mr.Shull, the other member, residesabout eight miles North-west of thecounty-seat, leaving this communitywithout a representative in theGeneral Assembly. Dr. Ridgell,State Senator, lives at Bateshurg.That one of these men should resideat or near Lexington, every one

must admit. This would give thepeople of middle section an opportunityto consult with at least one

of their representatives on importantmatters coming before the body.He could confer with the State Senatorwithout the least inconvenienceand the other two members.residingwhere they do.could easilyget to the court during all kinds ofweather conditions. The DutchFork is no longer in it; but I am

nearer than my opponent, Mr. Wise..The people of the county everywhereknow what I stand for; they

know that I am a farmer,If I am elected, I shall do all that

within me lies to represent everysection and every class, honestly,fairly and squarely, ever looking to

the time when our andall shall be a happy and a contented ]

people.Gratefully yours, <

G. E. Wingard.Lexington, Sept. 14.

Guards on 83-Mile Hike« <~i j t n rril

ban Antonio, beptemoer o.-ine

main body of the provisional divisionof regular army troops andNational Guardsmen, which left herethis morning on an 83 mile "hike"to Austin, camped to-night at Wetrnore,nine and a half miles northof this city. The Wisconsin brigade,which took a separate route,camped at Lnexella.

Are You Looking Old?Old age comes quick enough withoutinviting it. Some look old at

forty. That is bcause they neglectthe liver and bowels. Keep your

1 i i ibowels regular ana your nver

healthy and you will not only feelyounger but look younger. Whentroubled with constipation or biliousnesstake Chamberlain's Tablets.They are intended especially forthese ailments and are excellent.Easy to take and most agreeable ineffect. Obtainable everywhere.Harmon Drug Co.

Tennessee Troops to The Borderj Nashville Sept. 14.The Tennes!S3e troops mobilized here includetwo regiments of infantry and a

troop of cavalry and muster 2,463men. more than ten days ago thetroops received the last items ofequipment. Officers and men were

delighted at the prospect of going* 1 1 T _1

to tne Doraer. is was estimated

here it would take three days fortroops to entrain. They are tomove wherever trains are provided.

He Was Worried and Hopeless.tin , T 1a! 1r or len years i was oomereu

i with kidney trouble, writes T. F.Hutchinson, Little Rock, Ark. "Iwas worried and had almost givenup all hopes. I used five boxes ofFoley Kidney Pills and am now a

well man." Foley Kidney Pillsdrive out aches, pains, rheumatismand all kidney trouble symptoms.Harmon Drug Co.

More popular than ever are shepherdplaid for suits, coats and separateskirts.

Colds §!/Vishould be "nipped in the Yl|71 bud", for if allowed to run /V

i M may follow. Numerous ymIf cases of consumption, pnou- j$|l monia, and other fatal d.s- I

|| a cold. At the first sign of a II8i rnlH nrnfprt VOUrself bv t'J

II thoroughly cleansing your || system with a few doses of



11 the old reliable, vegetable 8 f.IS liver powder. i §S [ Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, o«- I11 Madison Heights, Va., says: I:: 1 "I nave been using Thed- I jsMi ford's Black-Draught for JL Iill stomach troubles, indiges-r/I

tion. and colds, and find ittolAAim be the very best medicine In/VjA ever used. It makes an oldTjti\T man feel like a young one."O Insist on Thedford's, thejOjrt original and genuine. E-67lMn


I **77^ ilCard of Thanks


I take this opportunity to expressto the voters of LexingtonCounty my high appreciation forthe handsome vote I received for

County Commissioner, in the second .

primary election. To those who so

loyally supported me, I shall ever

be grateful, and those who saw fit ,

to support my opponents, I stillhave the highest regards. To bothfriends and foe, it shall be my high- ]est aim to work for the best interest .


of all the people in the County. I .

am at all times ready, and stand jfor the betterment of our county, jfrom which I was born and lived ]all my life. fAgain thanking all the people for

their confidence in me, (and ask)one and all come to my home whereW9. can sit down and reason to-

aether, not on a huried campaignwhich has come to a close forCounty Commissioner,

From your servant, ^

S. Rufus Smith. \

County Commissioner. 1

Rilled While Drinking1i

Asheville, N. C. Sept. 14..A \message here today from Robbins- s

ville says Laurence Edwards last Sun- 1

day killed Hayne Chrisp stabbinghim fifteen times with a knife.The killing occurred at StecoatCreek. Edwards was arrested. Ac- <

cording to accounts Chrisp. who was <

drinking, shot at Edwards, the ball <

going through his hat. The stab- (

bing followed, Edwards chasing 1

Chrisp a hundred and fifty yards. j.. ^

Subscribe to the Dispatch.


JOTWORK1How She Was Relieved from 1

Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's (

Vegetable Compound. (

Taunton, Mass.." I had pains in bothsides and when my periods came I had... to stay at home

from work and suf^era l°ng time.

®̂ne a w°man

fci came to our houseanc* as^e<^ my

|fc|[f[||| suffering. Mother (

told her that I suf- jfered every month (Hi and she said, 'Why (jkJjjMlSBS don't you buy a j-...--i..I bottle of Lydia E. <

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?' My 1

mother bought it and the next month I (

was so well that I worked all the month *

without staying at home a day. I am A

in good health now and have told lots of ;girls about it.".Miss Clarice Morin, '

22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. iThousands of girls suffer in silence c

every month rather than consult a phy- '

sician. If girls who are troubled withpainful or irregular periods, backache, <headache,dragging-down sensations, ^

fainting spells or indigestion would takeLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- s

pound, a safe and pure remedy made £

from roots and herbs, much suffering 1might be avoided.Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine *

Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for freeadvice which will prove helpful.



Mrs. W. 0- Jackson DeadSwansea, Sept. 14..The passing,

of Mrs.W. Q. Jackson Friday nightat 10 o'clock brought sadness to manyhearts, for she was universally be-loved by a large circle of relativesand friends. She was ill but a short:while and death came as a shock tothe entire community.

Mrs. Jackson was a noble woman,a devoted wife and mother, true tothe highest ideals of Christian wo-

manhood. She was a useful mem-;ber of Ebenezer Methodist church,,at which place she was laid to rest

Saturday afternoon. Funeral serviceswere conducted by her pastor,the Rev. W. T. Patrick. She is sur:vived by her husband and the fol-;

llowing children: Mrs. E. S. Sainand Misses Julia, Ethel, ThelmaandLois Jackson,1^ Quitman Jackson,Wiley Jackson,^Tillman Jackson andRoscoe Jackson,fall of the^Swanseasection.


Pine-Tar Relieves A ColdDr. BelFs Pine-Tar-Honey containsall the soothing elements of

the pine forest. It heals the irritatedmembrane, and by its antiepticproperties loosens the phlegm,you breathe easier, and what prom-

fA VvA n flATTAWA A/\l ij VNiocu iv; uc a. acvac vjuiu u<as . uctrn

broken up. For that stuffed-upfeeling, tight chest or sore throat;take a dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-1Honey and prevent a wearing, hack-1ing cough dragging through the;winter. At your Druggist, 25c.

» <

To The Voters^of Lexington County:On the 12th day of this month

you elected me to the office of Su-perintendent of Education and Itake this method of thankingyou for having entrusted!me with this high honor. To thosewho so ardently supported me I'hereby extend my heartfelt thanks!and for those who so valiantly!fought me I have no condemnation[ propose to be a servant of all thepeople and do that which will upDuildthe educational interests ofhhp flmintv

Again thanking you, I am,Yours obediently;

A. D. Martin.^

A Bad Summer For Children.There has been an unusual amount

)f sickness among children every-ivhere this Summer. Extra precau-;lions shonld be taken to keep theDowels open and liver active. FoleyCathartic Tablets are a fine andwholesome physic: cause no pain,lausea or griping. Relieve indiges:ion,sick headache, biliousness, sour

stomach, bad breath. HarmonDrug go.

\7Mi_ n f\..± l.. r ^Yilia unveil vui uy Laiiaiizisuto

El Paso, Sept. 16..Villa attackedChihuahua city with 600 men, penetratedpart of the city and was

driven out with heavy losses by theConstitutionalist army. The capturedVilla followers were immediately

put to death. Gen. Trevino!was wounded in an arm.

How to Give Good Advice.The best way to give good advice1

s to set a good example. Whenothers see how quickly you get over

pour cold by taking Chamberlain's3ough Remedy they are likely tofollow your example. This remedylas been in use for many years andmjoys an excellent reputation, Ob-;:ainable everywhere. Harmon DrugZfo. I

Sheriff's Sale Under ExecutionSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA

County of Lexington.Erookland Bank, Plaintiff,

againstA. W. Martin, defendant

Under and by virtue of a certain exe-;ution lodged in my office in the abovestated case, I will sell at public outcry:o the highest bidder, in front of the7ourt House door at Lexington, S. C.,luring the legal hours of sale on theirst Monday in October, next, 1916', the>ame being the second day of saidnonth, all of the right, title and inter-;st of the said A. W. Martin, in and:o the following tract of real estate, to-!,vit:"All that parcel or tract of land, sit-j

late, lying and being in Piatt Springstownship, No. 76, in the County of Lex- jngton, in the State of South Carolina.:ontaining three hundred and thirty-five jicres, more or less, and naving tne 101-;owing metes and bounds: Bounded on j;he north bv lands of Sigh tier, andfuignard, and by lands of Frank Clood- jvin, formerly of A. W. Martin; on the i,?ast by lands of J. H. Price; on the "

;outh by the lands of W. B. Fallaw, jind on the west by lands of W. I), |3ound.''Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to

)av for papers.SIM. .J. MILLER.

Sheriff Lexington County.Lexington, S. C., Sept. 9, 1916. 4g

MoneyOn improved farming lands i

and up for long time. Intere

elusive of buildings must be wo


Write me what you have or c

A. «



Porch Chairs and Rocker*

Sea Grass Chairs,!Willow and Wicker C

French grey, old ivorroom Suites add coolnes*

any room. Very reasona

\ See lis for Your

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SH0E WAIshop VY i\L1420 MAI

ColumtBEST i



^^AU&ss^ofJiPortland Cen

Stone, Sand, RocPlaster, Fire BriclEtc.write us ch


Farmers' Medium and Hea

EP.&F.I 1710 Main St.

Give us thatany kind of

To Loanin sums of Two Thousand Dollars

ist payable annually. Lands exrth

double amount of loan applied

:ome to see me.

fONESirg, S. C


FurnitureORE!Rockers and Settees,

!hairs, Rockers and Settees.

7 and white enamel Bed

5, comfort and elegance to j.bly priced.

Furniture Wants


lETRE'SColumbia, S. C.

TTD^ MEN |/1I/lYj BOYSN STREET I.«* s r I'XU^ W* v


ildingMaterialpanylildingtoteri^ jlent, Plaster, Brick>fing, Hard Wall [cs, Flues, Linings


. .*.mmmmhm


We are now ready for our Lexingnfriends with a large stock ofices for "every day" wear as wellfor "high dress" occasions. We

e called "The Family Shoe Store"Columbia where you get solideather" Shoes at the lowest (Lived Let Live Prices).


vy Work Shoes a Specialty \

ft ipv ft tr rin 1A. UAVlo :

Columbia, S. C.

next order forJob Printing