Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)

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Transcript of Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)

  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    What is monetary policy Monetary policy is atool used by the central bank to managemoney supply in the economy in order toachieve a desirable growth . The central bankcontrols the money supply by increasing anddecreasing the cost of money, the rate ofinterest.

  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    In a Narrow Sense: Monetary Policy meansmonetary matters and decisions of a countrywhich aim at controlling the volume ofmoney, influencing the level of interest rates,

    public spending, use of money and credit etc.

    In Broader Sense: It includes all thosemonetary and non monetary measures and

    decisions which influence the cost and supplyof money.

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    This policy statement, traditionallyannounced twice a year, through which theReserve Bank of India seeks to ensure pricestability for the economy.These factors include - money supply,

    interest rates and the inflation. In bankingand economic terms money supply is referredto as M3 - which indicates the level (stock) oflegal currency in the economy.

    Besides, the RBI also announces norms forthe banking and financial sector and theinstitutions which are governed by it.

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    1. Expansionary - Under an expansionarypolicy, policy makers increase the moneysupply in the system by lowering interestrates. This is done mainly to boost economic

    growth and decrease level of unemployment.

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    2. Contractionary -In contractionary policy,the cost of money is made dearer byincreasing the rate of interest, which in turnhelps in reducing the money supply in the

    system and combat inflation. Thus, whileexpansionary policy is followed to boost theeconomic growth, a contractionary policy isadopted to deal with an overheated economysituation.

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    Economic growth -increase capital formation Exchange stability -stability of balance of

    payment Full employment -increase production

    Price stability - to eradicate inflation anddeflation.

    Credit control -increase and decrease interestrates

    Reduction in economic inequalities -distribution of income and wealth.

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    1. Bank Rate of Interest 2. Cash Reserve Ratio

    3. Statutory Liquidity Ratio

    4. Open market Operations 5. Margin Requirements

    6. Deficit Financing

    7. Issue of New Currency

  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    Bank Rate of Interest It is the interest ratewhich is fixed by the RBI to control thelending capacity of Commercial banks .During Inflation , RBI increases the bank rate

    of interest due to which borrowing power ofcommercial banks reduces which therebyreduces the supply of money or credit in theeconomy .When Money supply Reduces itreduces the purchasing power and therebycurtailing Consumption and lowering Prices.

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    Cash Reserve Ratio CRR, or cash reserve ratio,refers to a portion of deposits (as cash) whichbanks have to keep/maintain with the RBI.During Inflation RBI increases the CRR due to

    which commercial banks have to keep agreater portion of their deposits with the RBI .This serves two purposes. It ensures that aportion of bank deposits is totally risk-freeand secondly it enables that RBI controlliquidity in the system, and thereby, inflation.

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    Statutory Liquidity Ratio Banks are required tokeep a given proportion of its deposits ascash with is called liquidity ratio

    Banks are required to invest a portion of theirdeposits in government securities as a part oftheir statutory liquidity ratio (SLR)requirements . If SLR increases the lendingcapacity of commercial banks decreasesthereby regulating the supply of money in theeconomy.

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    It refers to the buying and selling of Govt.securities in the open market . Duringinflation RBI sells securities in the openmarket which leads to transfer of money to

    RBI.Thus money supply is controlled in theeconomy.

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    During Inflation RBI fixes a high rate ofmargin on the securities kept by the publicfor loans .If the margin increases thecommercial banks will give less amount of

    credit on the securities kept by the publicthereby controlling inflation.

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    Deficit Financing It means printing of newcurrency notes by Reserve Bank of India .Ifmore new notes are printed it will increasethe supply of money thereby increasing

    demand and prices. Thus during Inflation, RBIwill stop printing new currency notes therebycontrolling inflation.

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    During Inflation the RBI will issue newcurrency notes replacing many old notes.

    This will reduce the supply of money in theeconomy.

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    A) Instruments B) IntermediateVariables or

    operating targets(Because they come inbetween targets and


    C) Objectives of


    i) Quantitative


    CRR, SLR, OMO Bank Rate

    Repos and Reverse


    ii) Qualitative


    Margin requirements

    Consumer credit


    Rationing of creditiii) Moral Suasion

    Quantity of money,

    Interest rates


    Bank credit,

    Exchange rate etc.

    Indicative variables (a

    sub-set of intermediate


    Forex reserves,

    Stock indices, etc.

    Price stability


    Exchange rate


    Financial stability,

    Full employment etc.

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    Fiscal policy is used by the governments toinfluence the level of aggregate demand inthe economy, in an effort to achieveeconomic objectives of price stability, full

    employment and economic growth.

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    Fiscal policy is thedeliberatemanipulation ofgovernment

    purchases, transferpayments, taxes, andborrowing in order toinfluencemacroeconomicvariables such as

    employment, the pricelevel, and the level ofGDP

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    Net taxes are taxes paid by firms andhouseholds to the government minus transferpayments made to households by thegovernment.

    Disposable, or after-tax, income (Yd ) equalstotal income minus taxes.

    Y Y Td

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  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    Adding Net Taxes (T) and Government

    Purchases (G) to the Circular Flow of Income

    When government enters the picture, theaggregate income identity gets cut intothree pieces:

    Y Y Td

    Y C Sd

    Y T C S

    Y C S T And aggregate expenditure (AE) equals:

    AE C I G

  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    A governments budget deficit is thedifference between what it spends (G) andwhat it collects in taxes (T) in a given

    period:Budget def G Ticit

    IfG exceeds T, the government must

    borrow from the public to finance thedeficit. It does so by selling Treasury

    bonds and bills. In this case, a part of

    household saving (S) goes to the


  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    Removal of unemployment -increases govt.expenditure and reduces taxes.

    Maintenance of economic development-increase the rate of capital formation

    Maintenance of price stability- reduceaggregate demand by reducing expenditureand increasing direct and indirect taxes.

    Reduction in economic inequality- moretaxes on rich

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    1. Govt. Expenditure policy

    2. Taxation policy

    3. Deficit financing 4.Rationing

    5. Public Debt policy

    6. Pump priming-increase in investment of

    private sector through govt.

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    1. Increase in Imports of Raw materials2. Decrease in Exports

    3. Increase in Productivity


    Provision of Subsidies

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    1.Decrease in public expenditure

    2. Increase in public debts

    3. Increases in taxes 4. Surplus budget policy-expenditure is less

    than its revenue

  • 8/22/2019 Monetary and Fiscal Policy(Final)


    The Monetary Policy regulates the supply of money

    and the cost and availability of credit in the economy. It deals with both the lending and borrowing ratesof interest for commercial banks. The Monetary Policyaims to maintain price stability, full employment andeconomic growth. The Monetary Policy is differentfrom Fiscal Policy as the former brings about achange in the economy by changing money supplyand interest rate, whereas fiscal policy is a broadertool with the government. The Fiscal Policy can be

    used to overcome recession and control inflation. Itmay be defined as a deliberate change in governmentrevenue and expenditure to influence the level ofnational output and prices.