Monday, May 07, 2018 2018... · Sehubungan dengan emiten, Waskita Beton Precast (WSBP) mengantongi...

1 IDX Statistics Closing JCI 5,792.35 Transaction Value Regular M arket (IDR tn) 5.212 Transaction Volume Regular M arket (mn shares) 5,239 Fo reign Net B uy (Sell) (IDR bn) (842) Fo reign Net B uy (Sell) (2.62) Total M arket Capitalization (IDR tn) 6,469.88 LQ45 920.12 (1.48) (14.75) EIDO 24.57 (0.49) (13.58) IDX 21.76 (0.50) (12.40) DOW JONES 24,262.51 1.39 (1.85) S&P 500 2,663.42 1.28 (0.38) NASDAQ 7,209.62 1.71 4.44 FTSE 7,567.14 0.86 (1.57) NIKKEI 22,472.78 (0.16) (1.28) HANG SENG 29,926.50 (1.28) 0.02 STRAITS TIM ES 3,545.38 (0.85) 4.19 KLSE 1,841.83 (0.54) 2.51 USD/IDR 13,938.00 0.00 2.80 EUR/IDR 16,691.44 (0.07) 2.79 JPY/IDR 128.07 0.27 5.94 SGD/IDR 10,466.68 (0.08) 3.04 AUD/IDR 10,501.19 (0.05) (0.81) GBP/IDR 18,889.29 (0.19) 3.06 Crude Oil (USD/barrel) 69.74 7:53:01AM 15.43 Coal (USD/mn tons) 100.55 5/4/2018 (0.25) Natural Gas (USD/mmBtu) 2.73 7:53:00 AM (7.69) Gold (USD/ounce) 1,317.28 8:03:25 AM 1.11 Nickel (USD/mn tons) 14,025.00 5/4/2018 9.91 Tins (USD/mn tons) 21,230.00 5/4/2018 6.02 CPO (MYR/mn tons) 2,319.00 5/4/2018 (5.11) Rubber (JPY/kg) 179.40 7:56:38 AM (12.66) Wheat (USD/bushel) 527.50 5/4/2018 23.54 Corn (USD/bushel) 396.50 7:49:06 AM 13.04 Commodities Other Indices Closing 1-Day Chg (%) YTD Chg (%) Currency Spot Rate Rate (IDR) 1-Day Chg (%) YTD Chg (%) Price Last Transaction YTD Chg (%) Today’s Market: IHSG diperkirakan bergerak mixed dengan kecenderungan menguat. Bursa AS ditutup menguat pada perdagangan Jumat (04/05) didukung oleh penguatan saham-saham teknologi. Mata uang rupiah bergerak menguat terhadap dollar AS di level Rp 13,938. Harga crude oil naik ke level USD 69.74 per barrel, dan harga batubara naik ke level 100.55 per juta ton. 10Yr Government Bonds Yield turun ke level 6.98%. Dari dalam negeri, Survei Konsumen Bank Indonesia (BI) menunjukkan keyakinan konsumen menguat 0,6 poin pada April 2018 dibandingkan Maret 2018. Saat ini, Indeks Keyakinan Konsumen (IKK) April 2018 sebesar 122,2 poin. Sehubungan dengan emiten, Waskita Beton Precast (WSBP) mengantongi pendapatan hingga Rp2,29 triliun. Jumlah itu tumbuh 88,47% dari periode sebelumnya Rp1,21 triliun. Wijaya Karya Beton (WTON) mencatatkan peningkatan pendapatan 63,62% secara tahunan pada kuartal I/2018. Pencapaian perseroan mengalami kenaikan dari Rp729,32 miliar pada kuartal I/2017 menjadi Rp1,19 triliun. Secara teknikal indeks hari Senin (07/05), IHSG diprediksi bergerak di kisaran 5793-5885. Monday, May 07, 2018 Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research Top Buy: GJTL BoW: MYOR, LPKR, PTBA See important disclaimer at the end of this report IHSG turun sebanyak 66.4 poin (1.13%) ke level 5792.35. Sementara LQ45 turun sebanyak 13.8 poin (1.48%) ke level 920.12. Foreign net sell sebesar Rp 842.49 miliar. 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Volume JCI Index

Transcript of Monday, May 07, 2018 2018... · Sehubungan dengan emiten, Waskita Beton Precast (WSBP) mengantongi...


ID X Statistics C lo sing

JCI 5,792.35

Transaction Value Regular M arket (IDR tn) 5.212

Transaction Volume Regular M arket (mn shares) 5,239

Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (IDR bn) (842)

Foreign Net Buy (Sell) (2.62)

Total M arket Capitalization (IDR tn) 6,469.88

LQ45 920.12 (1.48) (14.75)

EIDO 24.57 (0.49) (13.58)

IDX 21.76 (0.50) (12.40)

DOW JONES 24,262.51 1.39 (1.85)

S&P 500 2,663.42 1.28 (0.38)

NASDAQ 7,209.62 1.71 4.44

FTSE 7,567.14 0.86 (1.57)

NIKKEI 22,472.78 (0.16) (1.28)

HANG SENG 29,926.50 (1.28) 0.02

STRAITS TIM ES 3,545.38 (0.85) 4.19

KLSE 1,841.83 (0.54) 2.51

USD/IDR 13,938.00 0.00 2.80

EUR/IDR 16,691.44 (0.07) 2.79

JPY/IDR 128.07 0.27 5.94

SGD/IDR 10,466.68 (0.08) 3.04

AUD/IDR 10,501.19 (0.05) (0.81)

GBP/IDR 18,889.29 (0.19) 3.06

Crude Oil (USD/barrel) 69.74 7:53:01 AM 15.43

Coal (USD/mn tons) 100.55 5/4/2018 (0.25)

Natural Gas (USD/mmBtu) 2.73 7:53:00 AM (7.69)

Gold (USD/ounce) 1,317.28 8:03:25 AM 1.11

Nickel (USD/mn tons) 14,025.00 5/4/2018 9.91

Tins (USD/mn tons) 21,230.00 5/4/2018 6.02

CPO (M YR/mn tons) 2,319.00 5/4/2018 (5.11)

Rubber (JPY/kg) 179.40 7:56:38 AM (12.66)

Wheat (USD/bushel) 527.50 5/4/2018 23.54

Corn (USD/bushel) 396.50 7:49:06 AM 13.04

C o mmo dities

Other Indices C lo sing 1-D ay C hg (%) YT DC hg (%)

C urrency Spo t R ate R ate ( ID R ) 1-D ay C hg (%) YT DC hg (%)

P rice LastT ransactio n

YT DC hg (%)

Today’s Market:

IHSG diperkirakan bergerak mixed dengan kecenderunganmenguat. Bursa AS ditutup menguat pada perdaganganJumat (04/05) didukung oleh penguatan saham-sahamteknologi. Mata uang rupiah bergerak menguat terhadapdollar AS di level Rp 13,938. Harga crude oil naik ke levelUSD 69.74 per barrel, dan harga batubara naik ke level100.55 per juta ton. 10Yr Government Bonds Yield turunke level 6.98%.

Dari dalam negeri, Survei Konsumen Bank Indonesia (BI)menunjukkan keyakinan konsumen menguat 0,6 poinpada April 2018 dibandingkan Maret 2018. Saat ini, IndeksKeyakinan Konsumen (IKK) April 2018 sebesar 122,2 poin.

Sehubungan dengan emiten, Waskita Beton Precast(WSBP) mengantongi pendapatan hingga Rp2,29 triliun.Jumlah itu tumbuh 88,47% dari periode sebelumnyaRp1,21 triliun. Wijaya Karya Beton (WTON) mencatatkanpeningkatan pendapatan 63,62% secara tahunan padakuartal I/2018. Pencapaian perseroan mengalami kenaikandari Rp729,32 miliar pada kuartal I/2017 menjadi Rp1,19triliun.

Secara teknikal indeks hari Senin (07/05), IHSG diprediksibergerak di kisaran 5793-5885.

Monday, May 07, 2018

Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment ResearchTop Buy: GJTL BoW: MYOR, LPKR, PTBA See important disclaimer at the end of this report

IHSG turun sebanyak 66.4 poin (1.13%) ke level 5792.35.Sementara LQ45 turun sebanyak 13.8 poin (1.48%) ke level920.12. Foreign net sell sebesar Rp 842.49 miliar.








Volume JCI Index


Daily Corporate and Industry News

Survei Konsumen Bank Indonesia (BI) menunjukkan keyakinan konsumen menguat pada April 2018 dibandingkanMaret 2018, meskipun terdapat sedikit penurunan persepsi untuk ketersediaan lapangan kerja pada Indeks EkonomiSaat Ini. Indeks Keyakinan Konsumen (IKK) April 2018 sebesar 122,2 poin atau meningkat 0,6 poin dibanding Maret2018. Source: IQPlus

Delegasi penasihat ekonomi Pemerintahan Trump telah kembali dari Beijing hanya dengan hasil kesepakatan untukterus melanjutkan perundingan. Trump ingin agar China mengurangi surplus perdagangan secara tahunannya den-gan AS setidaknya sebesar US$200 hingga 2020 dan tidak boleh membalas tarif yang dikenakan AS. Source: BisnisIndonesia

Pemerintah berencana untuk merevisi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018 terkait denganpenambahan alokasi subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) senilai Rp 10 triliun. Ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi bebanPT Pertamina (Persero) dalam menyalurkan BBM bersubsidi ke masyarakat. Source: Investor Daily

Ikatan Perusahaan Industri Kapal dan Lepas Pantai Indonesia (Iperindo) menargetkan komposisi komponen lokaldalam industri perkapalan nasional mencapai 50% dalamkurun waktu lima tahun ke depan. Mayoritas komponenkapal di Tanah Air saat ini berasal dari luar negeri sebesar 70% dan sisanya yang 30% dari negeri sendiri. Source:Investor Daily

Kementerian Pertanian (Kemtan) berencana menutup keran impor bawang putih mulai tahun 2021 nanti. Impor di-hentikan seiring dengan optimisme Kemtan mencapai swasembada bawang putih pada periode tersebut. Source:IQPlus

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) melaporkan, rata-rata industri perbankan mencatat posisi rasio kecukupan modal ataucapital adequacy ratio (CAR) sebesar 23% per Maret 2018. Jika dibandingkan secara bulanan, modal bank sedikittergerus dari posisi 23,24% di Februari 2018. Namun secara tahunan, modal bank sedikit lebih besar jika dibanding-kan dengan rasio CAR sebesar 22,88% per Maret 2017. Source: Kontan

PT Berdikari (Persero) mengantongi izin impor 20 ribu ton daging kerbau dari India. Perusahaan pelat merah terse-but akan mendatangkan daging tersebut secara bertahap hingga akhir tahun ini guna membantu stabilisasi hargadaging di dalam negeri. Saat ini, rata-rata harga daging khususnya sapi masih di atas Rp 100 ribu per kilogram (kg).Source: Investor Daily

Bank Central Asia (BBCA) akan menerbitkan obligasi subordinasi berkelanjutan I dengan target dana yang dihimpunsebesar Rp 1 triliun. Dalam tahap I, perseroan akan menerbitkan obligasi dengan jumlah pokok sebanyak-banyaknyaRp 500 miliar. Source: Investor Daily

Bank Bukopin (BBKP) saat ini mencatat realisasi kredit pensiunan mencapai Rp 12 triliun per kuartal I-2018. Penya-luran kredit pensiunan tersebut sebanyak 80% berasal dari nasabah Taspen, sisanya dari Asabri. Source: Kontan

Waskita Beton Precast (WSBP) mengantongi pendapatan hingga Rp2,29 triliun. Jumlah itu tumbuh 88,47% dari pe-riode sebelumnya Rp1,21 triliun. Source: Bisnis Indonesia

Wijaya Karya Beton (WTON) mencatatkan peningkatan pendapatan 63,62% secara tahunan pada kuartal I/2018.Pencapaian perseroan mengalami kenaikan dari Rp729,32 miliar pada kuartal I/2017 menjadi Rp1,19 triliun. Source:Bisnis Indonesia

Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Syariah menargetkan rasio non performing loan (NPF) akan dijaga di bawah 3% di ta-hun ini. Target tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan realisasi NPF secara gross mencapai 3,1% per akhir Maret 2018.Source: Kontan

Bank Negara Indonesia mencatatkan pertumbuhan transaksi kartu kredit BNI pada kuartal I-2018 sebesar 9% men-jadi Rp 9 triliun dan menargetkan pertumbuhan diatas 10% pada kuartal II. Source: Kontan

Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk (SMBR), mengincar angka volume penjualan menjadi 2,75 juta ton di 2018. Hal iniseiring beroperasinya pabrik perseroan yang bisa memberikan kapasitas produksi sebesar 1,85 juta ton semen pertahun. Source: IQPlus See important disclaimer at the end of this report


Daily Corporate and Industry News

Adhi Karya (ADHI) telah disetujui oleh pemegang sahamnya untuk melakukan pemisahan unit usaha (spin off) dariDepartemen Transit Oriented Development (TOD) & Hotel perusahaan yang akan diberi nama PT Commuter Prop-erty. Source: IQPlus

Pioneerindo Gourmet (PTSP) meraih pendapatan usaha sebesar Rp121,9 miliar hingga triwulan pertama tahun iniatau naik 9,1% dari Rp111,7 miliar di tahun 2017. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penurunan jumlah total transaksi sebesar1,3% dengan total kenaikan rata-rata berbelanja naik 8% dan sisanya dari gerai baru. Tahun ini perseroan mem-bidik pendapatan usaha naik 15% dan berencana membuka 30 gerai baru dan renovasi 15 gerai lama. Source:IQPlus See important disclaimer at the end of this report


World Equity Indices

Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research See important disclaimer at the end of this report



1 IN D U Index 26,616.71 20,553.45 (456.71) (1.85) 20.59 16.09 3.88 3.92 6,696.68 6,696.68

2 SP X Index 2,872.87 2,352.72 (10.19) (0.38) 22.41 16.85 3.30 3.39 23,484.93 23,484.93

3 C C M P Index 7,637.27 5,996.82 306.23 4.44 37.57 21.76 3.80 3.98 11,295.95 11,295.95

4 SP T SX Index 16,421.42 14,785.78 (479.73) (2.96) 19.80 15.52 1.91 1.93 2,405.48 1,872.70

5 M EXB OL Index 51,772.37 45,785.41 (2,362.25) (4.79) 19.67 16.43 2.65 2.58 5,757.82 300.48

6 SX5E Index 3,708.82 3,261.86 46.63 1.33 18.31 14.21 1.63 1.69 2,957.75 3,538.35

7 UKX Index 7,792.56 6,866.94 (120.63) (1.57) 23.14 14.02 1.97 2.02 2,102.32 2,847.81

8 C A C Index 5,567.03 4,995.07 203.49 3.83 18.20 15.03 1.61 1.67 1,568.14 1,875.97

9 D A X Index 13,596.89 11,726.62 (98.04) (0.76) 19.08 13.34 1.86 1.91 1,196.45 1,431.31

10 IB EX Index 11,184.40 9,327.60 60.20 0.60 15.08 13.29 1.47 1.52 642.15 768.20

11 F T SEM IB Index 24,335.02 20,537.35 2,481.68 11.36 27.41 13.32 1.18 1.25 559.20 668.97

12 A EX Index 572.81 505.92 11.12 2.04 18.93 15.82 1.90 1.93 669.47 800.89

13 SM I Index 9,616.38 8,501.17 (478.04) (5.10) 24.59 15.50 2.59 2.61 1,082.73 1,082.95

14 A S51 Index 6,150.00 5,629.80 (2.24) (0.04) 17.90 16.22 2.09 2.17 1,782.34 1,343.89

15 A S30 Index 6,256.50 5,670.70 (11.92) (0.19) 18.90 16.70 2.00 2.08 1,939.57 1,462.43

16 SH SZ 300 Index 4,403.34 3,312.89 (256.26) (6.36) 16.57 12.60 2.05 2.02 28,154.24 4,424.89

17 SH A SH R Index 3,757.20 3,158.89 (226.25) (6.53) 16.88 12.17 1.79 1.79 31,787.38 4,995.90

18 SZ A SH R Index 2,140.56 1,734.00 (115.22) (5.80) 29.07 19.56 3.12 3.06 22,488.70 3,534.46

19 H SI Index 33,484.08 24,358.72 7.35 0.02 13.70 11.55 1.39 1.39 19,395.13 2,470.87

20 H SC EI Index 13,962.53 9,882.17 181.32 1.55 9.15 7.83 1.05 1.04 12,437.42 1,584.49

21 SEN SEX Index 36,443.98 29,823.60 858.55 2.52 24.53 18.37 3.11 3.20 61,559.13 921.36

22 N IF T Y Index 11,171.55 9,272.00 87.55 0.83 23.76 17.74 3.11 3.18 76,806.79 1,149.57

23 JC I Index 6,693.47 5,577.52 (563.31) (8.86) 24.55 14.71 2.58 2.37 6,469,876.74 462.89

24 LQ45 Index 1,132.92 915.56 (159.26) (14.75) 21.08 15.27 3.39 3.11 4,100,115.46 293.35

25 KSE100 Index 53,127.24 37,736.73 4,065.43 10.05 9.00 9.80 1.47 1.38 7,828.58 67.62

26 N KY Index 24,129.34 19,239.52 (292.16) (1.28) 19.39 16.32 1.89 1.94 391,398.78 3,591.80

27 N EY Index 376.09 307.08 (9.56) (2.67) 16.02 13.77 1.38 1.41 443,755.33 4,072.27

28 T P X Index 1,911.31 1,542.55 (46.04) (2.53) 16.33 14.05 1.41 1.44 667,474.69 6,125.31

29 F B M KLC I Index 1,896.03 1,708.48 45.02 2.51 16.40 16.43 1.67 1.67 1,117.72 283.65

30 N Z SE Index 1,539.52 1,351.24 10.53 0.70 19.27 22.33 2.03 1.96 124.82 87.68

31 P C OM P Index 9,078.37 7,499.26 (1,012.23) (11.83) 22.99 16.85 2.51 2.41 9,322.12 180.33

32 F SST I Index 3,641.65 3,189.70 142.46 4.19 11.09 14.09 1.22 1.24 586.76 440.24

33 KOSP I Index 2,607.10 2,224.91 (6.11) (0.25) 13.42 9.76 1.05 1.07 1,587,638.91 1,476.45

34 T WSE Index 11,270.18 9,895.65 (113.49) (1.07) 15.56 13.58 1.75 1.68 31,345.70 1,055.13

35 SET Index 1,852.51 1,531.68 26.16 1.49 18.91 16.18 2.08 2.13 17,838.68 562.13

36 SET 50 Index 1,223.67 976.94 40.57 3.57 17.53 16.00 2.26 2.30 12,060.37 380.05

37 VN IN D EX Index 1,211.34 716.95 42.56 4.32 18.75 17.40 2.81 2.28 2,811,259.90 123.54

A s ia / P a c if ic

A m e ric a

5 2 - W E E K C H A N G E Y T D P E R ( x) P B V ( x) M A R K E T C A P ( B n )

E u ro p e

H IG H L O W P O IN T % 2 0 17 2 0 18 E 2 0 17 2 0 18 E D o m a inC u rre n c y U S D



Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research See important disclaimer at the end of this report

L Q 4 5 In d e x

H IG H L O W P O IN T % 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 E 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 E

1 #N /A R e q u e s t i n g D a t a . . .#N /A In v a l i d S e c u r i t y#N /A #N /A #V A L U E ! #V A L U E ! #N /A#N /A In v a l i d S e c u r i t y #N /A #N /A #N /A

2 A D R O I J 1 , 6 4 0 2 , 6 5 0 1 , 3 9 5 (2 2 0 ) (1 1 .8 3 ) 9 .0 6 6 .9 0 1 .2 6 1 .0 2 5 2 , 4 5 6 .9 8

3 A K R A I J 4 , 5 1 0 8 , 0 2 5 4 , 5 1 0 (1 , 8 4 0 ) (2 8 .9 8 ) 2 8 .1 1 1 7 .2 6 3 .3 7 2 .1 3 1 8 , 1 0 6 .2 7

4 A N T M I J 8 3 0 9 6 0 5 9 5 2 0 5 3 2 .8 0 - 5 4 .4 9 0 .8 1 1 .1 0 1 9 , 9 4 5 .5 3

5 A S I I I J 7 , 2 5 0 9 , 1 5 0 7 , 0 5 0 (1 , 0 5 0 ) (1 2 .6 5 ) 1 7 .8 2 1 3 .9 5 2 .7 2 2 .1 3 2 9 3 , 5 0 5 .7 6

6 B B C A I J 2 2 , 0 2 5 2 4 , 7 0 0 1 6 , 8 0 0 1 2 5 0 .5 7 2 3 .1 7 2 0 .8 3 4 .1 1 3 .6 3 5 4 3 , 0 2 6 .5 8

7 B B N I I J 7 , 4 7 5 1 0 , 1 7 5 6 , 3 5 0 (2 , 4 2 5 ) (2 4 .4 9 ) 1 3 .5 6 8 .8 2 1 .8 7 1 .3 0 1 3 9 , 3 9 8 .7 1

8 B B R I I J 3 , 0 3 0 3 , 9 2 0 2 , 7 3 5 (6 1 0 ) (1 6 .7 6 ) 1 5 .3 4 1 1 .2 7 2 .6 7 1 .9 9 3 7 3 , 7 3 7 .8 0

9 B B T N I J 2 , 6 5 0 3 , 8 9 0 2 , 3 0 0 (9 2 0 ) (2 5 .7 7 ) 1 2 .4 9 7 .7 8 1 .7 5 1 .1 2 2 8 , 0 6 3 .5 0

1 0 B J B R I J 2 , 0 6 0 2 , 9 9 0 1 , 9 2 0 (3 4 0 ) (1 4 .1 7 ) 1 9 .2 0 1 3 .1 8 2 .3 1 1 .8 4 1 9 , 9 7 4 .3 6

1 1 B M R I I J 6 , 6 2 5 9 , 0 5 0 5 , 9 0 0 (1 , 3 7 5 ) (1 7 .1 9 ) 1 8 .0 9 1 2 .4 2 2 .2 4 1 .6 2 3 0 9 , 1 6 6 .6 7

1 2 B M T R I J 5 6 5 7 5 5 4 7 8 (2 5 ) (4 .2 4 ) - - 0 .8 8 - 8 , 0 2 2 .2 2

1 3 B R P T I J 2 , 2 7 0 2 , 7 2 0 1 , 3 7 5 1 0 0 .4 4 2 2 .3 4 1 8 .0 5 2 .1 6 1 .1 7 3 1 , 6 8 8 .7 1

1 4 B S D E I J 1 , 5 9 5 1 , 9 6 5 1 , 5 6 0 (1 0 5 ) (6 .1 8 ) 6 .6 2 9 .8 4 1 .2 9 1 .1 2 3 0 , 6 9 8 .4 8

1 5 B U M I I J 2 5 0 4 1 2 1 6 6 (2 0 ) (7 .4 1 ) 2 .5 7 2 .9 8 - - 1 6 , 3 4 4 .7 3

1 6 E X C L I J 1 , 8 3 0 4 , 0 6 0 1 , 8 0 5 (1 , 1 3 0 ) (3 8 .1 8 ) 8 5 .1 6 2 2 .3 4 1 .4 6 0 .8 8 1 9 , 5 5 8 .9 7

1 7 G G R M I J 6 7 , 2 0 0 8 6 , 4 0 0 6 1 , 9 2 5 (1 6 , 6 0 0 ) (1 9 .8 1 ) 2 0 .8 0 1 5 .3 9 3 .8 2 2 .7 9 1 2 9 , 2 9 8 .7 1

1 8 H M S P I J 3 , 2 8 0 5 , 5 5 0 3 , 2 3 0 (1 , 4 5 0 ) (3 0 .6 6 ) 4 3 .5 4 2 7 .8 2 1 6 .1 3 1 0 .7 1 3 8 1 , 5 2 3 .2 9

1 9 IC B P I J 8 , 2 0 0 9 , 2 7 5 7 , 9 0 0 (7 0 0 ) (7 .8 7 ) 2 7 .3 1 2 3 .0 3 5 .3 1 4 .4 2 9 5 , 6 2 7 .6 5

2 0 IN C O I J 3 , 0 9 0 3 , 8 9 0 1 , 8 3 5 2 0 0 6 .9 2 - 1 4 .7 4 1 .1 6 1 .4 4 3 0 , 7 0 3 .2 9

2 1 IN D F I J 6 , 3 5 0 9 , 0 0 0 6 , 3 0 0 (1 , 2 7 5 ) (1 6 .7 2 ) 1 6 .1 7 1 2 .1 7 2 .1 5 1 .6 3 5 5 , 7 5 5 .7 1

2 2 IN D Y I J 3 , 6 2 0 4 , 6 3 0 7 3 5 5 6 0 1 8 .3 0 3 .5 0 6 .6 4 1 .2 7 1 .3 0 1 8 , 8 6 0 .9 0

2 3 IN T P I J 1 7 , 0 0 0 2 3 , 9 5 0 1 5 , 5 5 0 (4 , 9 5 0 ) (2 2 .5 5 ) 4 3 .4 5 2 8 .3 2 3 .2 9 2 .3 9 6 2 , 5 8 0 .9 4

2 4 J S M R I J 4 , 1 2 0 6 , 7 7 5 4 , 1 1 0 (2 , 2 8 0 ) (3 5 .6 3 ) 2 1 .1 1 1 4 .6 4 3 .0 8 1 .7 4 2 9 , 9 0 2 .4 3

2 5 K L B F I J 1 , 3 9 0 1 , 7 9 5 1 , 3 9 0 (3 0 0 ) (1 7 .7 5 ) 3 2 .9 6 2 5 .2 3 5 .9 6 4 .4 2 6 5 , 1 5 6 .4 2

2 6 L P K R I J 4 2 0 8 5 0 3 9 8 (6 8 ) (1 3 .9 3 ) 1 8 .0 9 9 .7 9 0 .4 9 0 .4 6 9 , 6 9 6 .6 1

2 7 L P P F I J 9 , 6 0 0 1 5 , 9 5 0 8 , 4 7 5 (4 0 0 ) (4 .0 0 ) 1 5 .2 9 1 3 .3 4 1 2 .5 3 7 .5 5 2 8 , 0 1 2 .0 1

2 8 M N C N I J 1 , 2 5 5 2 , 0 5 0 1 , 2 0 0 (3 0 ) (2 .3 3 ) 1 1 .7 8 1 0 .3 0 1 .8 6 1 .6 5 1 7 , 9 1 6 .5 1

2 9 M Y R X I J 1 3 6 1 9 8 1 0 1 2 6 2 3 .6 4 - - - - 1 1 , 7 9 1 .6 4

3 0 P G A S I J 1 , 9 3 0 2 , 8 6 0 1 , 3 6 5 1 8 0 1 0 .2 9 2 0 .7 7 9 .8 6 0 .9 9 0 .9 9 4 6 , 7 8 6 .1 1

3 1 P T B A I J 3 , 3 5 0 3 , 5 7 0 1 , 8 1 0 8 9 0 3 6 .1 8 5 .7 9 8 .4 3 1 .9 1 2 .2 7 3 8 , 5 9 4 .2 1

3 2 P T P P I J 2 , 2 2 0 3 , 3 7 0 2 , 1 9 0 (4 2 0 ) (1 5 .9 1 ) 1 1 .2 6 7 .9 6 1 .4 3 1 .1 0 1 3 , 7 6 3 .7 7

3 3 P W O N I J 5 6 5 7 2 5 5 5 5 (1 2 0 ) (1 7 .5 2 ) 1 7 .6 2 1 2 .1 1 3 .2 0 2 .1 8 2 7 , 2 1 0 .1 8

3 4 S C M A I J 2 , 3 3 0 3 , 0 1 0 1 , 9 3 5 (1 5 0 ) (6 .0 5 ) 2 7 .2 4 2 0 .3 0 9 .3 0 7 .0 4 3 4 , 0 6 8 .3 3

3 5 S M G R I J 9 , 0 0 0 1 1 , 7 7 5 8 , 6 0 0 (9 0 0 ) (9 .0 9 ) 2 9 .1 4 2 2 .7 0 2 .0 3 1 .7 5 5 3 , 3 8 3 .6 8

3 6 S R IL I J 3 3 0 4 1 4 2 9 6 (5 0 ) (1 3 .1 6 ) 7 .6 6 4 .7 2 1 .1 8 0 .9 1 6 , 7 4 9 .2 2

3 7 S S M S I J 1 , 2 8 5 1 , 7 9 5 1 , 2 8 5 (2 1 5 ) (1 4 .3 3 ) 1 8 .1 5 1 2 .3 6 3 .5 4 2 .6 3 1 2 , 2 3 9 .6 3

3 8 T L K M I J 3 , 7 3 0 4 , 8 4 0 3 , 5 2 0 (7 1 0 ) (1 5 .9 9 ) 1 9 .8 6 1 5 .7 8 4 .7 4 3 .5 8 3 7 5 , 9 8 3 .9 9

3 9 T P IA I J 6 , 1 7 5 6 , 6 7 5 4 , 1 4 0 1 7 5 2 .9 2 2 3 .8 1 2 2 .0 9 4 .7 4 4 .4 3 1 1 0 , 1 2 1 .9 9

4 0 T R A M I J 2 8 8 4 3 2 6 9 9 0 4 5 .4 5 - - - - 1 4 , 2 9 3 .8 4

4 1 U N T R I J 3 3 , 6 2 5 4 0 , 5 0 0 2 2 , 8 7 5 (1 , 7 7 5 ) (5 .0 1 ) 1 7 .8 4 1 3 .7 8 2 .9 1 2 .4 5 1 2 5 , 4 2 5 .7 9

4 2 U N V R I J 4 5 , 3 5 0 5 8 , 1 0 0 4 4 , 5 5 0 (1 0 , 5 5 0 ) (1 8 .8 7 ) 6 0 .8 9 4 5 .2 0 8 2 .4 4 6 0 .4 6 3 4 6 , 0 2 0 .5 0

4 3 W IK A I J 1 , 3 7 0 2 , 4 2 0 1 , 3 6 5 (1 8 0 ) (1 1 .6 1 ) 1 1 .5 5 8 .5 1 1 .1 7 0 .8 8 1 2 , 2 8 8 .8 3

4 4 W S B P I J 3 7 0 5 1 0 3 3 6 (3 8 ) (9 .3 1 ) 1 0 .5 6 7 .6 0 1 .4 7 1 .0 7 9 , 7 5 3 .6 3

4 5 W S K T I J 1 , 9 5 0 3 , 1 5 0 1 , 7 7 5 (2 6 0 ) (1 1 .7 6 ) 7 .3 8 6 .2 1 2 .1 4 1 .4 5 2 6 , 4 6 9 .1 1

M A R K E T C A P(B n )L Q 4 5 In d e x

C H A N G E Y T D P E R (x ) P B V (x )4 -M a y -1 8

5 2 -W E E K


Macro data

Source: Bloomberg, Sinarmas Investment Research See important disclaimer at the end of this report

D escript io n 1-D ay (%) 5-D ays (%) 1-M o nth (%) YT D (%)

Property (1.00) (4.97) (11.09) (8.47)

Basic Industry (0.92) (0.10) 3.30 11.85

Trade (0.10) (1.97) (2.46) (3.22)

Finance (2.20) (1.37) (7.47) (10.05)

M iscellaneous Industry 0.01 2.20 (1.59) (9.36)

Consumer (0.96) (3.30) (10.63) (18.49)

Infrastructure (0.25) (1.33) (4.43) (13.33)

Agriculture (1.66) (6.23) (8.83) (4.31)

M ining (1.45) (4.11) (5.68) 9.03

A pr-18 M ar-18

1.09 3.61

3.41 3.40

0.10 0.20

126.00 128.06

F OR EX Spo t R ate 1-D ay (%) 1-M o nth (%) YT D (%)

USD/IDR 13,945.00 (0.04) (1.28) (2.80)

USD/CNY 6.36 (0.14) (0.93) 2.26

USD/EUR 0.84 (0.05) 2.96 0.31

USD/JPY 108.90 0.20 (1.96) 3.48

USD/SGD 1.33 0.09 (1.59) 0.23

USD/AUD 1.33 0.12 2.24 3.68

USD/GBP 0.74 (0.11) 4.31 (0.27)

( in %)







Inflation M oM (in %)

Foreign Reserves (in USD bn)

Secto rs

Eco no mic Indicato rs

Inflation YTD (in %)

Eco no mic P arameters

Inflation YoY (in %)

Indonesia 5-Year Government Bonds Yield

Indonesia 10-Year Government Bonds Yield

Indonesia 15-Year Government Bonds Yield

Lending and D epo sit R ates




Upcoming IPO


Rights Issue

2016 2017 2018


GDP Growth (%, YoY) 5,0% 5,2% 5,4%

Exchange rate (USD/IDR) 13307 13300 13500

Inflation (%, YoY) 3% 4,3% 3,5%

3 Months SPN (%) 5,7% 5,2% 5,3%

Indonesian Crude Oil (USD/barrel) 40 45 48

Oil Lifting ( thousands barrel/day) 829 815 800

Gas Lifting (thousands, BOE/day) 1.18 1.15 1.2

Total State Budget (in IDR trillion) 1556 1714 1878


State Budget See important disclaimer at the end of this report

Picks of The Day


MYOR belum berhasil break Resistance 3.130 dan berpeluang menguji Support 3.110, 3.060 dan 3.000 dalam jangka pendek.Namun, jika MYOR berhasil break dan bertahan di atas Resistance 3.130 maka MYOR akan mencoba Resistance 3.170, 3.220 dan3.250. MYOR dilihat dari Indikator MACD masih mengindikasikan pola Reversal.

Entry point : 3.000 — 3.050Exit point : 3.110 (3.7%), 3.130 (4.3%)Stop Loss : 2.970 (-1.0%)


LPKR belum berhasil break Resistance 440 dan berpeluang menguji Support 390, 365 dan 345 dalam jangka pendek. Namun, JikaLPKR berhasil break dan bertahan di Resistance 460 maka LPKR akan mencoba Resistance 480, 500 dan 525. LPKR dilihat dariindikator Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Uptrend.

Entry point : 400 — 420Exit point : 440 (10%), 460 (15%)Stop Loss : 365 (-8.8%) See important disclaimer at the end of this report

Created with AmiBroker - adv anced charting and technical analy sis sof tware.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May


















LPKR - Daily 5/4/2018 4:10:00 PM Open 418, Hi 420, Lo 398, Close 420 (0.5%) MA(Close,50) = 481.62



Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May



20LPKR - MACD(12,26) = -14.98, Signal(12,26,9) = -9.96



80LPKR - Stoch %K(15,3) = 15.59, Stoch %D(15,3,3) = 14.59

15.5873 14.5926


70LPKR - RSI(15) = 19.05


Created with AmiBroker - adv anced charting and technical analy sis sof tware.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May 1,800
























MYOR - Daily 5/4/2018 4:05:00 PM Open 3060, Hi 3060, Lo 2860, Close 3050 (-0.3%) MA(Close,50) = 2,752.80



Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May-50

0 50

100 150MYOR - MACD(12,26) = 66.08, Signal(12,26,9) = 59.47

66.0769 59.4658


80MYOR - Stoch %K(15,3) = 77.78, Stoch %D(15,3,3) = 77.24

77.7778 77.243


70MYOR - RSI(15) = 69.73


Picks of The Day


GJTL telah berhasil break Resistance 845 dan berpeluang melanjutkan pengautan dan menguji Resistance 890, 920 dan 935dalam jangka pendek. Namun, Jika GJTL gagal break dan bertahan diatas Resistance 890 maka GJTL akan mencoba Support di845, 810 dan 790. GJTL dilihat dari indikator Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Reversal.

Entry point : 845 — 855Exit point : 890 (5.3%), 920 (8.9%)Stop Loss : 810 (-4.1%)


PTBA belum berhasil break Resistance 3.400 dan berpeluang menguji Support 3.300, 3.250 dan 3.200 dalam jangka pendek.Namun, jika PTBA berhasil break dan bertahan diatas Resistance 3.440 maka PTBA akan mencoba Resistance 3.480 dan 3.530.Indikator Stoc osc mengindikasikan pola Uptrend.

Entry point : 3.000 — 3.060Exit point : 3.140 (4.7%), 3.170(5.7%)Stop Loss : 2.970 (-1.0%) See important disclaimer at the end of this report

Created with AmiBroker - adv anced charting and technical analy sis sof tware.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May



















GJTL - Daily 5/4/2018 4:14:00 PM Open 810, Hi 880, Lo 800, Close 855 (5.6%) MA(Close,50) = 829.70



Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May



50GJTL - MACD(12,26) = -4.65, Signal(12,26,9) = 3.22

-4.65136 3.21988


80GJTL - Stoch %K(15,3) = 35.91, Stoch %D(15,3,3) = 29.21

35.9133 29.2054


70GJTL - RSI(15) = 51.80


Created with AmiBroker - adv anced charting and technical analy sis sof tware.

May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May 1,800




























PTBA - Daily 5/4/2018 4:11:00 PM Open 3350, Hi 3390, Lo 3230, Close 3350 (2.1%) MA(Close,50) = 3,131.80



May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 Feb Mar Apr May-100



200PTBA - MACD(12,26) = 46.44, Signal(12,26,9) = 56.90

46.4419 56.9013


80PTBA - Stoch %K(15,3) = 60.35, Stoch %D(15,3,3) = 51.03

60.3532 51.0267



PTBA - RSI(15) = 55.00


PT Sinarmas SekuritasSinarmas Land Plaza Tower 3, 6th Fl.Jl. M. H. Thamrin no. 51Tel: +62 21 392 5550Fax: +62 21 392 Research TeamHEAD OF RESEARCHEvan Lie HadiwidjajaBanking, AutomotiveTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] EQUITY ANALYSTWilbertConsumer Goods, Plantation, Pulp and PaperTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] ANALYSTRichard SuhermanCommoditiesTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] ANALYSTRichardson RaymondProperty, Industrial EstateTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected]

RESEARCH ASSOCIATEPaulinaRetail, CementTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] ASSOCIATEAnthony AngkawijayaConstruction, Petrochemical, HealthcareTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] ASSOCIATEKenji FanataTelecommunication, Tobacco, Poultry, MediaTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected] ANALYSTEddy WijayaTel: +62 21 3925550 Ext: [email protected]

DISCLAIMERThis material is issued by PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, a member of Indonesia Stock Exchanges, represent the opinion of PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, derived its judg-ment from sources deemed reliable, however, PT Sinarmas Sekuritas and its affiliated cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness. PT Sinarmas Sekuri-tas or its affiliates may be involved in transactions contrary to any opinion herein or have positions in the securities recommended herein and may seek orwill seek investment banking or other business relationships with the companies in this material. PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, its employees and its affiliates,expressly disclaim any and all liability for representation or warranties, expressed or implied, here in or omission there from or for any loss how so everarising from any use of this material or its contents or otherwise arising in connection there with. Opinion expressed in this material are our present viewand are subject to change without notice. For further information please contact our number +62 21 392 5550 or fax +62 21 392 2320.