Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil...

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Santiago, Chile | November 4-5, 2011 9 th Latin American Medical Education Workshop on Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer

Transcript of Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil...

Page 1: Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005), ... Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for Fertility Preservation, ISMH


Santiago, Chile | November 4-5, 2011

9th Latin American Medical Education Workshop on

Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer

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Page 3: Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005), ... Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for Fertility Preservation, ISMH


Aim of the meetingThe International Education Initiative on Molecular TargetedTherapy of Cancer (MTTC) was initiated in 2001 with the aim ofdeveloping content for high quality medical education foroncologists. Based on the presentations of the firstInternational Workshop on MTTC in Paris in 2002, an educationalcore curriculum has been developed, directed by the membersof the International Education Council.

This 9th Latin American Workshop on MTTC is an activity withinthe International Medical Educational Initiative on MTTC in LatinAmerica, which began with the 1st Latin American Workshop onMTTC in Bariloche, Argentina (2003) and was followed by furtherworkshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005),Pucón, Chile (2006), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2007), BuenosAires, Argentina (2008), Quito, Ecuador (2009) and Lima, Peru(2010).

A distinguished group of Latin American oncology expertsfrom different disciplines will be giving educationalpresentations on the basic mode of action and clinicalapplication of various targeted therapies.

Learning objectivesThe objectives of this workshop are:

• To understand the basics of signal transduction,angiogenesis and antibody-based therapy with regard tocancer therapy

• To understand the benefit of targeted therapy of cancer

• To relate the latest developments in the fields of signaltransduction, angiogenesis, and antibody-based therapy withregard to targeted cancer therapy

This workshop is designed to foster extensive discussion ofthe presented data.

9th Latin American Medical Education Workshop on

Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer

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Target audienceOncologists, radiation-oncologists, surgeons, pathologists.

AccreditationThe 9th Latin American MTTC Workshop (Santiago, Chile -November 4-5, 2011) will be submitted for CME accreditation byEuropean Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).

All Serono Symposia International Foundation programs are organized solely topromote the exchange and dissemination of scientific and medical information. Noforms of promotional activities are permitted. All Serono Symposia InternationalFoundation programs are made possible thanks to the unrestricted Educationalgrant received from: Centre d’Esclerosi Multiple de Catalunya, ComtecMed,Congrex Sweden, Congrex Switzerland, Cryo-Save, Datanalysis, Esaote, EuropeanSociety of Endocrinology, Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for FertilityPreservation, ISMH International Society of Men’s Health, K.I.T.E., Merck Serono,Ministry of Health of the State of Israel, University of Catania, Vall d'HebronUniversity Hospital.

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Scientific OrganizerCarlos VallejosChairman of the Latin American Education CouncilInstituto Nacional de Enfermedades NeoplàsticasLima, Peru

Scientific SecretariatSerono Symposia International FoundationSalita di San Nicola da Tolentino, 1/b00187 Rome, ItalySenior Project Manager: Francesca PellegrinoT +39-(0)6-420 413 511F +39-(0)6-420 413 677E-mail: [email protected]

Serono Symposia International Foundation is a Swiss Foundation with headquarters in 14, rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Organizing SecretariatMeridiano Congress InternationalVia Mentana, 2/B00185 Rome, ItalySenior Project Manager: Debora UrbinelliT +39 (0)6 88 595 232F +39 (0)6 88595 234E-mail: [email protected]

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José Luis Aguilar PonceInstituto Nacional de CancerologíaMexico City, México

Carlos CanelaClinica Santa SofiaCaracas, Venezuela

Andrés Felipe CardonaInstitute of OncologyFundación Santa Fe de BogotáBogotá, Colombia

Bernardo GaricocheaHospital São LucasPorto Alegre, Brazil

Jorge León ChongOncosalud and Instituto Oncologico Miraflores Lima, Peru

Hernán LuperaHospital MetropolitanoQuito, Ecuador

Clarissa MathiasNúcleo de Oncologia da Bahia and Hospital PortuguêsSalvador de Bahia, Brasil

Elizabeth MickiewiczInstituto Angel H. RoffoUniversidad de Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina

José Miguel ReyesClinica Las CondesSantiago, Chile

Latin American Education Council


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Rachel RiechelmannInstituto do Cancer do Estado de São Paulo Oncology DepartmentSão Paulo, Brazil

Carlos SilvaHospital Britanico de Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina

Carlos VallejosChairman of the Latin American Education CouncilInstituto Nacional de Enfermedades NeoplàsticasLima, Peru

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Friday - November 4, 2011

09.00 Registration

Chairmen: C. Vallejos, Peru - J.M. Reyes, Chile

10.00 Welcome AddressJ.M. Reyes, Chile

10.05 Introduction to the Medical Education Initiative onMolecular Targeted Therapy of CancerC. Vallejos, Peru

10.15 Clinical implications of molecular targeted therapiesof cancer: where are we today?C. Baldotto, Brazil

Chairmen: W.E. Berdel, Germany - C.Silva, Argentina

10.40 Targets in the neoplastic cell, focus in cell receptorsand signal transductions: role of epigenetics B. Garicochea, Brazil

11.00 Targets of the cell enviroment: role of angiogenesisinhibition in cancerW.E. Berdel, Germany

11.20 Discussion

11.40 Coffee Break

12.00 Targeting the immune system: what’s newC. Silva, Argentina

12.20 New concepts in old targets: focusing on mechanismof resistanceH. Lupera, Ecuador

12.40 Discussion

13.00 Lunch Break

Welcome and Introduction

Biological Targets in the treatment of cancerSession I

Scientific ProgramNovember 4-5, 2011


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Chairmen: S. Siena, Italy - L. Contreras, Chile

14.00 Advances in molecular diagnosisL. Contreras, Chile

14.20 Clinical biomarkers in solid tumorsS. Siena, Italy

14.40 Clinical biomarkers in hematologyc malignanciesJ. León Chong, Peru

15.00 Discussion

15.30 End of the first day

The changing approach in treating cancerSession II

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Saturday - November 5, 2011

Chairmen: C. Vallejos, Peru - J.M. Reyes, Chile

09.00 Molecular Treatment of NETSpeaker to be confirmed

09.20 Molecular Treatment of Colorectal Cancer R. Riechelmann, Brazil

09.40 Molecular Treatment of Lung Cancer C. Mathias, Brazil

10.00 Discussion

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Molecular Treatment of Head & Neck Cancer C. Canela, Venezuela

11.20 Molecular Treatment of Breast Cancer E. Mickiewicz, Argentina

11.40 Molecular Treatment of Melanoma G. Cinat, Argentina

12.00 Discussion

12.30 Personalized medicineS. Siena, Italy

13.00 Closing remarks

13.10 End of the workshop

13.10 - 14.10 Lunch

Clinical Applications: from the lab to the clinicSession III

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Clarissa BaldottoInstituto Nacional de CâncerRio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wolfgang E. BerdelDepartment of Medicine University Hospital MuensterMuenster, Germany

Carlos CanelaClinica Santa Sofia Caracas, Venezuela

Gabriela CinatInstituto de Oncología Angel RoffoUniversidad de Buenos AiresFundación CIDEABuenos Aires, Argentina

Luis ContrerasClinica Las CondesLas Condes, Santiago,Chile

Bernardo GaricocheaHospital São LucasPorto Alegre, Brazil

Jorge León ChongOncosalud and Instituto Oncologico Miraflores Lima, Peru

Hernán LuperaHospital MetropolitanoQuito, Ecuador

Clarissa MathiasNúcleo de Oncologia da Bahia and Hospital PortuguêsSalvador de Bahia, Brasil

Workshop Faculty

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Elizabeth MickiewiczInstituto Angel H. Roffo Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina

José Miguel ReyesClinica Las CondesSantiago, Chile

Rachel RiechelmannInstituto do Cancer do Estado de São Paulo Oncology DepartmentSão Paulo, Brazil

Salvatore SienaDivisione Oncologia FalckDipartimento OncologicoOspedale Niguarda Ca' GrandaMilan, Italy

Carlos SilvaHospital Britanico de Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina

Carlos VallejosChairman of the Latin American Education CouncilInstituto Nacional de Enfermedades NeoplàsticasLima, Peru

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VenueThe workshop will take place at the:

Crowne Plaza Santiago Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 136 Santiago, Chile

LanguageThe official language of this conference will be English.Simultaneous translation will be provided:• From English to Spanish and vice versa • From English to Portuguese and vice versa

Registration feeThe registration fee is A 200,00.Registration fee for ESMO members is A 100,00.

This fee includes:• Workshop coffee breaks and luncheons• Workshop dinners • Workshop material• Certificate of attendance

The workshop will start on Friday, November 4 at 10.00 and willclose on Saturday, November 5 at 13.00

If you require special assistance (wheelchair, auxiliary aids) or specialdietary requirements, please, contact us at [email protected].

Hotel accommodationSee the enclosed hotel accommodation form.

General Information

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LocationSantiago is the capital and largest city of Chile. Chile's steadyeconomic growth has transformed Santiago into one of LatinAmerica's most modern metropolitan areas, with extensivesuburban development, and impressive high-rise architecture.Santiago is the industrial and financial center of Chile, it is theregional headquarters to many multinationals. Some internationalinstitutions, such as ECLAC (Economic Commission for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean), have their offices in Santiago. Thecity has a diverse, cosmopolitan culture.

Personal data treatment - Informative documentIn compliance with the article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196, 30 June 2003,we inform you that your personal data will be processed, with or without the use ofelectronic or automated means, via suitable tools that will guarantee security andconfidentiality. Personal data from you supplied will be communicated toContinuing Medical Education Accreditation Authorities, to agencies that will takecare of the whole accreditation process and agencies that will take care of thelogistics of the event; should we not receive the below requested data, we will notbe able to process your registration to the event. At anytime you may exercise yourrights as laid down in the art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196, 30 June 2003 ofthe Italian Law, by contacting the Data Controller Serono Symposia InternationalFoundation (Salita di San Nicola da Tolentino, 1/b - 00187 Rome - Italy) in theperson of Data Processor, Michèle Piraux.

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Meridiano C

ongress International

Att:Debora U


Via Mentana, 2/B

00185 Rom



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Serono Symposia International Foundation9th Latin American Medical Education Workshop onMolecular Targeted Therapy of CancerSantiago, Chile - November 4-5, 2011

Last Name First Name Academic Title

Institution Department


City State/Country Postal Code

Office Telephone Number(s) Mobile Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number E-mail

Registration feeThe registration fee is A 200,00.Registration fee for ESMO members is A 100,00.

Payment Payment by Bank Transfer headed to: “Meridiano viaggi e turismo S.p.A."

BANCA INTERMOBILIARE S.p.A FILIALE DI ROMA - VIA DONIZETTI, 14 - 00198 ROME - ITALY Account number: 000000003808 IBAN: IT11 C030 4303 2000 0000 0003 808 - SWIFT: BIMTITTTXXX

Payment by Credit Card Charge to the following Credit Card (Credit Card commission Fee 3,5%):

MasterCard/EuroCard Visa

Card Number Exp. Date

Card Holder Name (PLEASE PRINT) Card Holder’s Signature Date


Mail to: Debora Urbinelli c/o Meridiano Congress InternationalVia Mentana, 2/B | 00185 Rome, Italy | T +39 06 88 595 232 | F +39 06 88595 234E-mail: [email protected]

All completed Registrations Forms will be acknowledged by mail or fax.Cancellations received in writing before October 5, 2011, 50% refund.After this date no refund will be provided.


Registration Form

Page 17: Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005), ... Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for Fertility Preservation, ISMH

Mail to:

Meridiano C

ongress International

Att:Debora U


Via Mentana, 2/B

00185 Rom



Page 18: Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005), ... Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for Fertility Preservation, ISMH

Serono Symposia International Foundation9th Latin American Medical Education Workshop onMolecular Targeted Therapy of CancerSantiago, Chile - November 4-5, 2011

Last Name First Name Academic Title

Institution Department


City State/Country Postal Code

Office Telephone Number(s) Mobile Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number E-mail

For hotel reservation, please return the completed form with full prepayment of therequested nights. Hotel Reservation forms without prepayment cannot be processed. DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: September 16, 2011.Accommodation will be subject to availability and requests will be processed on “first-comefirst-served” basis.

Crowne Plaza Santiago (meeting venue)

Double room for single use Breakfast included . . . � 225,00

Double room Breakfast included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 240,00

Check in Check out (N° of nights: )Rates include city taxes.

Payment Payment by Bank Transfer headed to: “Meridiano viaggi e turismo S.p.A.”

BANCA INTERMOBILIARE S.p.A FILIALE DI ROMA - VIA DONIZETTI, 14 - 00198 ROME - ITALY Account number: 000000003808 IBAN: IT11 C030 4303 2000 0000 0003 808 - SWIFT: BIMTITTTXXX

Payment by Credit Card Charge to the following Credit Card (Credit Card commission Fee 3,5%):

MasterCard/EuroCard Visa

Card Number Exp. Date

Card Holder Name (PLEASE PRINT) Card Holder’s Signature Date

Mail to: Debora Urbinelli c/o Meridiano Congress InternationalVia Mentana, 2/B | 00185 Rome, Italy | T +39 06 88 595 232 | F +39 06 88595 234E-mail: [email protected]

Once you confirm rooms to Meridiano full penalty will be applied in case of cancellation.

Hotel Accommodation Form

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Page 20: Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer · workshops in Cancun, Mexico (2004), Trancoso, Brazil (2005), ... Fundación IVI, ISFP International Society for Fertility Preservation, ISMH

Copyright © Serono Symposia International Foundation, 2011. All rights reserved.