Modulhandbuch der bbw Hochschule, staatlich anerkannte ...

1 Modulhandbuch der bbw Hochschule, staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule, für den Studiengang Master Strategic Management in Logistics

Transcript of Modulhandbuch der bbw Hochschule, staatlich anerkannte ...

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der bbw Hochschule,

staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule,

für den Studiengang

Master Strategic Management in Logistics

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Theory of Science and Methods in Research ...................................................................... 3

Sustainable Corporate Management and Methods of Planning ........................................... 5

Advanced Marco Economics and International Trade ......................................................... 7

Methods of Developing Strategic Investment Decision ........................................................ 9

Strategic Personal Management, Leadership, Change- and Intercultural Management .... 11

Management strategies: strategic logistics planning .......................................................... 14

Alternative strategies for Purchasing and Supplier Management ...................................... 16

Risk Management in Supply Chain and Interfunctional Conflict Management ................... 18

Student Consulting Project (SCP) ...................................................................................... 21

Integrated Planning of Global Supply Chains .................................................................... 22

Controlling of Logistics Business-processes ...................................................................... 25

Modern Concepts of Production and Distribution logistics ................................................. 27

Strategic Management of logistics infrastructure and IT support of logistics infrastructure

management ...................................................................................................................... 29

Student Scientific Research Seminar in Logistics (SCRS I) ............................................... 32

Student Scientific Research Seminar in Logistics (SCRS II) .............................................. 33

Colloquium ......................................................................................................................... 34

Master thesis ..................................................................................................................... 35

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Module No. / Code M1

Module Theory of Science and Methods in Research

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements none

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Simona Hauert

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

Homework, written exam

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The module is in the beginning of the study program. It should give an overview

about connections and terms of economic science and research. Basic ideas of

research methods and numerous techniques and methods will be conveyed.

Theory of science and research methods prepares the students for their Master’s

thesis work, to be done the following semester. The aim is to provide an overview

of theories and methods in research. The course will provide with necessary prac-

tical skills to manage their master’s thesis.

After this course the students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of

research by:

• Formulate a thesis proposal

• Write a literature review

• Defend their thesis proposal

• Discuss someone else’s thesis proposal and thesis


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• Design a small social science research project

• Develop an outline for a dissertation

• Formulate the most suitable method for a specific research project

The techniques include data collection and analysis and forecasting techniques.

Content of module

• Introduction to theory of science

• Concepts in science (hypothesis, model, theory, correlation, definition etc.)

• The research process

• Research problems

• Research design

• Measurements

• Data sources

• Data collection

• Sampling

• Preparation and analysis of data

• Quantitative data analysis

• Qualitative data analysis

• Cross-cultural research

• Writing the final report

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Bryman, Alan: Social research methods. 3rd ed. Oxford 2008

Dalkir, Kimiz: Knowledge Management in theory and practice. Boston, Massa-

chusetts 2011

Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava; Nachmias, David: Research methods in the social

sciences. Richmond 2007

Hamparsum, Bozdogan: Statistical Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery Chap-

man & Hall/CRC. London 2003

Lawrence, J.A.; Pasternack, B.A.: Applied Management Science: Modeling,

Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making. Sussex 2002

Lewin, Cathy; Somekh, Bridget: Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Lon-

don 2004

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Module No. / Code M2

Module Sustainable Corporate Management and Methods of Pla nning

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements none

Usability of module for

other study programs

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften, MBA

Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes written exam

Alternative types of examination (e.g. Homework, lecture/ presentation, case

study), will be given by the lecturer in the beginning of the module (§ 14 RSPO).

Additional module performances (e.g. Homework, presentations, protocols etc.)

are possible as well in consultation with the lecturer in form of voluntarily module


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


This course has the objective to:

• Make students aware of the importance of a deep understanding of sustain-

able corporate development and innovations

• Increase the understanding of how companies and public government are

interrelated in addressing and solving sustainable issues

• Explain how sustainable development and innovation can be managed

Content of module

Over the past decades companies were focused on creating shareholder value.

Companies create values by including stakeholders in their firm´s strategies. New

strategies are developed for the environment, employees and stakeholders in


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order to create positive self-reinforcing cycles of value creation. This requires

fundamentally different management models.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Chopra, Sunil; Meindl, Peter: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and

Operation. Harlow 2012

Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Creativity and Innovation. Boston, Mas-

sachusetts 2003

Stoner, James A. F.; Wankel, Charles (Hrsg.): Global Sustainability as a Business

Imperative. London 2010

Taha, Hamdy A.: Operations Research: An Introduction. London 2010

Winston, Wayne L.: Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. Hamp-

shire 2003

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M3

Module Advanced Marco Economics and International Trade

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Economics

Usability of module for

other study programs

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften, MBA

Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Verena Hahn

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes written exam

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


At the end of the module the students should:

• be able to understand key issues of macroeconomics (journal publications)

• be able to formulate their own research questions

The students are able to solve macroeconomic problems at an advanced level.

Content of module

The following topics will be taught:

Asset pricing; advanced preference theory such as Epstein-Zin; dynamic con-

tracts and applications; growth models, Overlapping Generations models;

Money and models of pricing and wage rigidities; economic policy and time con-

sistency, applied value at risk analysis.

This will be complemented by deepening the knowledge regarding mathematical


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and econometric to modules.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Besanko, David; Dranove, David; Shanley, Mark; Schaefer, Scott: Economics of

Strategy. New York 2007

David, Pierre A.; Stewart, Richard D.: International Logistics: The Management of

International Trade Operations. Mason, OH 2010

Hanley, Nick; Shogren, Jason F.; White, Ben: Environmental Economics: In The-

ory & Practice: In Theory and Practice. Hampshire 2006

Hill, Charles W. L.: International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace.

New York 2012

Krugman, Paul; Obstfeld, Maurice; Melitz, Marc J.: International Economics: The-

ory & Policy. Harlow 2011

Lowitt, Eric: The Future of Value: How Sustainability Creates Value Through

Competitive Differentiation. Hoboken, NJ 2011

Parkin, Michael; Powell, Melanie; Parkin, Kent: Economics. Boston, Massachu-

setts 2007

Parkin, Michael; Powell, Melanie; Parkin, Kent: Essential Economics. Boston,

Massachusetts 2012

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M4

Module Methods of Developing Strategic Investment Decision

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften, MBA

Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Mingtao Shi

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes written exam

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Content and objectives of


Strategic investments are responsible for turning the firm’s strategic positioning

into business performance and ultimately into shareholder value. Through strate-

gic investments shareholder value is created. Although such decisions are made

relatively infrequently, they are the backbone of strategy formulation and imple-

mentation. As such, investment decision-making is part of a firm’s strategy and of

vital importance to the future success of the firm.

The module gives an overview of the fundamentals of financial risk management

and provides knowledge in financial engineering and risk management. Students

get introduction to the concepts and techniques of market and credit portfolio risk

management. The most important market and credit risk models as well as the

main contents of the Basel III regulation are presented and elaborated.

The M4 programme focuses on supporting executives to develop a comprehen-


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sive understanding of investment management. Specifically, the aims to acquire a

holistic view of the investment decision-making process, to become aware of

common mistakes and to reflect on the latest techniques in investment manage-


Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(Required reading / litera-

ture additionally recom-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Abrams, Rhonda; Doerr, John: Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies.

Palo Alto, California 2010

Brealey, Richard A.; Myers, Stewart C.; Allen, Franklin: Principles of Corporate

Finance - Global Edition. New York 2013

Ford, Brian R.; Bornstein, Jay M.; Pruitt, Patrick T.: The Ernst & Young Business

Plan Guide. Hoboken, NJ 2007

Lawrence, John A.; Pasternack, Barry A.: Applied Management Science: Model-

ling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making. Hoboken,

NJ 2002

Osterwalder, Alexander; Pigneur, Yves: Business Model Generation: A Handbook

for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, NJ 2010

Ross, Stephen; Westerfield, Randolph; Jaffe, Jeffrey; Bradford, Jordon: Corporate

Finance. New York 2013

Stock, James R.; Lambert, Douglas M.: Strategic Logistics Management. New

York 2001

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M5

Module Strategic Personal Management, Leadership, Change- and Intercul-

tural Management

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften, MBA

Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

case study

Additional module performances (e.g. Homework, presentations, protocols etc.)

are possible as well in consultation with the lecturer in form of voluntarily module


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


This course addresses essential questions in international business and man-

agement. Relevant theories of the multinational enterprises, of competition, or-

ganisation, marketing, strategy, and governance are applied with a focus on spe-

cific challenges of organizing and managing cross-border and cross-cultural busi-

ness activities.

The focus of the module M5 lies on the understanding of what leadership is and

how it may be practiced. It takes an integrative position. In the module M5, a

focus is on leadership as an interpretative and persuasive practice. Different

aspects of interpretation and rhetoric will be highlighted and an ability to interpret


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leadership as a construction of world views.

Content of module

The lectures cover the following modules: 1. Introduction, 2. Why companies go

international, 3. Standardization versus differentiation, 4. Cross-cultural man-

agement, 5. Political, economic and legal environments, 6. Dynamics of inter-

national markets, 7. Leading a multinational company.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Appelo, Jurgen: Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile

Leaders. Amsterdam 2010

Armstrong, Michael; Redmond, Kate: Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human

Resource Management. London 2011

Boyacigiller, Nakiye Avdan; Goodman, Richard Alan; Phillips; Margaret E.: Cross-

ing Cultures: Insights from Master Teachers. London 2004

Cohen, Robin; Kennedy, Paul: Global Sociology. New York 2013

Deresky, Helen: International Management: International Version: Managing

Across Borders and Cultures. Hoboken, NJ 2010

Dowling, Peter. J.; Festing, Marion; Engle, Allen D.: International Human Re-

source Management. London 2007

Hayes, John: The Theory and Practice of Change Management. Hampshire 2010

Hofstede, Geert / Hofstede, Gert Jan: Cultures and Organizations: Software for

the Mind. New York 2010

Holbeche, Linda: Aligning Human Resources & Business Strategy. Oxford 2008

Holden, Nigel J.: Cross-cultural Management. A Knowledge Management Per-

spective. Harlow 2001

Jacob, Nina: Intercultural Management: MBA Masterclass. London 2003

Rao, Nirmala: Cities in Transition: Growth, Change and Governance in Six Metro-

politan Areas. New York 2007

Rosinski, Philippe: Coaching Across Cultures: New Tools for Leveraging National,

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Corporate, and Professional Differences. London 2003

Schein, Edgar H.: Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco 2010

Schneider, Sussan C.; Barsoux, Jean-Louis: Managing Across Cultures. Harlow


Trompenaars, Fons; Prud'homme van Reine, Peter: Managing Change Across

Corporate Culture (Culture for Business). Oxford 2004

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M6

Module Management strategies: strategic logistics planning

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Tilman Eichstädt

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 7

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 210 hours

Classroom: 70 hours

Self-study: 140 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes exam

Additional module performances (e.g. Homework, presentations, protocols etc.)

are possible as well in consultation with the lecturer in form of voluntarily module


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives

and content of module

The main goal of this discipline is to teach students about principles and methods

of inventory management in supply chains and to develop skills for defining the

optimal (rational) inventory level and managing the process of inventory creation.

As the main outcome of the discipline it is expected that students will

• know the inventory management theory, contemporary opportunities and

framework of the processes creating inventory in supply chains

• are able to know different inventory management strategies

• obtain skills to determine opportunities to reduce total logistic costs and deriv-

ing from the need to achieve strategic goal


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Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by t he re-

spective teachers.

Barney, Jay B.; Hesterly, William: Strategic Management and Competitive Advan-

tage: Concepts. Hoboken, NJ 2014

Coulter, Mary: Strategic Management in Action. Hoboken, NJ 2012

Cullen, John B.; Parboteeah, K. Praveen: Multinational Management. Nashville,

TN 2007

David, Fred R.: Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Harlow 2012

Dinsmore, Paul C.; Cooke-Davies, Terence J.: Right Projects Done Right: From

Business Strategy to Successful Project Implementation. Hoboken, NJ 2005

Griffin, Ricky W.; Pustay, Michael W.: International Business. Hoboken, NJ 2012

Kilmann, Ralph H.; Covin, Teresa Joyce: Corporate Transformation: Revitalizing

Organizations for a Competitive World. Hoboken, NJ 2007

Porter, Michael E.: Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and

Competitors. New York 2004

Porter, Michael E.: Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior

Performance. New York 2004

Porth, Stephen J.: Strategic Management: A Cross-Functional Approach. Hobo-

ken, NJ 2011

Sanyal, Rajib N.: International Management: A Strategic Perspective. Hoboken,

NJ 2000

Wheelen, Thomas L.; Hunger, J. David: Strategic Management and Business

Policies. Hoboken, NJ 2007

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M7

Module Alternative strategies for Purchasing and Supplier Management

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic knowledge of Purchasing

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Tilman Eichstädt

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes written exam

Additional module performances (e.g. Homework, presentations, protocols etc.)

are possible as well in consultation with the lecturer in form of voluntarily module


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


Procurement is taking a more consultative role and is working along-side busi-

ness units to deliver shared goals. To become more strategically focused P&SM

professionals have begun to investigate what is important to the organisation and

the end customer in order to identify what delivers both customer and shareholder

value. If the students have established what the important issues are, then they

begin to understand the risks and vulnerable points and can start building a resil-

ience plan. The role of procurement is that of risk management and building ro-

bust supply chains, both upstream and downstream, that can weather disruptions

with minimal impact.

Content of module The course addresses the strategic role of purchasing and supply chain man-

agement. It also examines the impact of changes in the regulatory and policy


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environment, and the effect of new technologies and techniques on current and

future problems within the supply chain. The course will develop knowledge of

best practice in this field, and enhance the understanding of the importance of

business process and activity integration.

• Characteristics of modern supply systems as part of an integrated logistics


• Strategic management of suppliers

• Evaluation of supplying effectiveness

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M8

Module Risk Management in Supply Chain and Interfunctional Conflict Man-


Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr. Tilman Eichstädt

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 5

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 150 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 90 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes exam

Additional module performances (e.g. Homework, presentations, protocols etc.)

are possible as well in consultation with the lecturer in form of voluntarily module


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The main purpose of the program "Risk management in supply chains and inter-

functional Conflict Management" methods and methodology of construction and

application of models of representation of the economic risks, methods of analy-

sis and comparison of alternatives in terms of risk, economic risk management

techniques with the use of traditional and modern technologies. These studies are

needed to help students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use

of risk analysis and management in the supply chains.

Learning tasks of the discipline is to develop student’s knowledge and profes-

sional skills:


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• ability to freely navigate in applied studies on the analysis and management of

risks in the supply chain;

• ability to know and use in their future activities of the appropriate methods and

models to make optimal decisions in the format of the tasks of analysis and

management of economic risk in the supply chain, including -

� methods of decision-making under uncertainty

� methods of risk analysis and management based on the classical ap-

proach of the theory of risk

� methods of risk analysis and management based on the concept of utility

� methods of risk analysis and management based on the use of decision


� methods of market risk

� methods of logistics risks based on their diversification

� methods of logistics risks insurance

• The purpose is to form competence of students in management of material

flows within the business organization through arrangement an effective inter-

action of functional departments of the company and management of conflicts

arising between them.

• As a result of the discipline the student should:

� Know the approaches to the implementation of cross-functional coordina-

tion and management of internal corporate conflicts that have emerged

within the framework of management theory

� Have an understanding of typical conflict situations that arise in managing

the flow at the strategic , tactical and operational level , their causes , ob-

jects, and objects

� Be able to determine the most effective ways to implement cross-

functional coordination, prevent and / or resolve conflicts between allied

services company in a given situation

� To be able to distribute power and responsibility between the company in

the management of logistics business processes

� Have the skills to render logistical coordination mechanisms by modelling

the interaction of related services

Content of module

The topics of the discipline are:

Section 1. Best solutions in terms of risk in supply chain management

Topic 1.1. Comparison of alternatives in terms of risk to the supply chain

Topic 1.2. Method of decision tree for risk management in the supply chain

Section 2. Methods of dissipation risks in supply chain management

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Topic 2.1. Methods and models of risk transfer to the supply chain

Topic 2.2. Methods and models of risk diversification in the supply chain

Section 3. Methods of anticipation of risks and avoiding them in the supply chain


Topic 3.1. Risk management in the supply chain based on insurance

Topic 3.2. Risk management of financial leverage in the supply chain based on

the models of leverage

Section 4. Risk management in the supply chain based on the concept of utility

Topic 4.1. The concept of utility and the attributes of the neoclassical approach to

managing risk in the supply chain

Topic 4.2. Criterion EUC- expected utility in risk management in the supply chain

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are mad e by the r e-

spective teachers.

Brewer, Ann M. / Button, Kenneth J. / Hensher, David A.: Handbook of Logistics

and Supply-Chain Management (Handbooks in Transport). Oxford 2001

Chase, Richard B.; Jacobs, F. Robert: Operations and Supply Chain Manage-

ment. New York 2013

Chopra, Sunil; Meindl, Peter: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and

Operation. Harlow 2012

Gaither, Norman; Fraizier, Gregory: Operations Management. Hoboken, NJ 2001

Heizer, Jay; Render, Barry: Operations Management. Harlow 2013

Lambert, Douglas M. / Stock, James R. / Ellram, Lisa M. / Grant, David B.: Fun-

damentals of Logitics Management. New York 2005

Waller, Derek L.: Operations Management: Supply Chain Approach. Boston,

Massachusetts 2003

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M9

Module Student Consulting Project (SCP)

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements none

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 12

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 360 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

Written report

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The Student Consulting Project is a practical project where Student can practice

their skills in identifying, analysing and solving a real business case in the rele-

vant industry.

Content of module The content for the SCP bases on a practical internship. The tasks are mutually

developed by the participants and the lectures.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Polonsky, Michael Jay / Waller, David S.: Designing and Managing a Research

Project: A Business Student's Guide. London 2010

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.


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Module No. / Code M10

Module Integrated Planning of Global Supply Chains

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes Exam or alternative examination.

Alternative forms of examination: e.g. homework, lecture / presentation, case

study, are evaluated exercises and oral exams. These alternative forms of verifi-

cation are announced at the beginning of the semester by the lecturer given

(Mandatory Event module power).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


• Planning as a tool of logistics integration in the context of supply chain man-

agement. Overview of the basic concepts and their elements. Definition of the

planning process as one of the key processes of SCM concept

• Strategic planning in logistics. Factors determining the strategy

• Concept of planning

• Key areas of planning in logistics

• Organizational structures and business roles in the planning process

• Information technology support in logistics planning. Planning tools and infor-

mation systems


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• Logistics planning in terms of demand – supply management strategies. Inte-

grated planning techniques in the context of operational philosophies

• Methodology for improvement of logistics planning

• External integration in planning. Necessary conditions for the establishment of

joint planning processes. Methods of cooperation in the logistics planning be-

tween companies

Content of module

Most practical logistics management tasks are inherently optimization problems.

Among these are design and development of efficient logistical network, supplier

and logistics provider selection, material flow and inventory management, master

planning, distribution and replenishment planning, vehicle routing, scheduling of

warehouse activities, manpower scheduling and many others.

This course aims at forming practical skills for modelling supply chain and logis-

tics management activities using large-scale mathematical programs and solving

these problems using modern optimization tools.

Main topics of the course are:

• Practice of optimization’s application for supply chain and logistics manage-


• Overview of mixed integer programming method and algorithms for solving

MILP problems

• Case studies of using optimization models for logistics and supply chain man-

agement problems at different levels

• Techniques for modelling logistical constraints and objectives

• Model data preparation techniques and tools

• Database integration and reporting

• Sensitivity and scenario analysis

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendation s are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Monk, Ellen / Wagner, Bret: Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning. Boston,

Massachusetts 2012

Murphy, Paul R.; Wood, Donald: Contemporary Logistics. Hoboken, NJ 2014

Schönsleben, Paul: Integral Logistics Management: Planning and Control of

Comprehensive Supply Chains. London 2003

Stadtler, Hartmut; Kilger, Christoph: Supply Chain Management and Advanced

Planning: Concepts, Models, Software and Case Studies. Heidelberg 2009

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Waters, Donald: Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management.

London 2010

Wisner, Joel D.; Tan, Keah-Choon; Leong, G. Keong: Principles of Supply Chain

Management: A Balanced Approach. Mason, OH 2011

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M11

Module Controlling of Logistics Business-processes

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge in Controlling

Usability of module for

other study programs

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften, MBA

Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes exam

Alternative types of examination (e.g. Homework, lecture/ presentation, case

study), if they are mandatory evaluated exercises, will be given by the lecturer in

the beginning of the module (§ 14 RSPO).

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Content and qualification

objectives of module

For the dealing with processes, organisations and cooperation relationships, sys-

tems and instruments in management support are necessary. The aim of the

module is therefore to introduce management concepts as well as the therein

contained management instruments of controlling and their application possibili-

ties. This module gives students various subsystems of logistical management,

such as the system of cost reckoning, the aims systems and the planning system.

They will be able to apply diverse instruments for these systems as in bench-

marking, budgeting and performance management, The students gain knowledge

control of important concepts and management instruments of controlling and

their application possibilities.


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The students will be able to validate such instruments.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Berk, Jonathan / DeMarzo, Peter: Corporate Finance. Harlow 2013

Fettke, P.; Loos, P.: Reference Modeling for Business Systems Analysis, 2006

Griffin, Ricky W.; Pustay, Michael W.: International Business. Hoboken, NJ 2012

Long, Douglas: International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management. Nor-

well, Massachusetts 2003

Schary, Philip B.; Skjott-Larsen, Tage; Mikkola, Juliana H.: Managing the Global

Supply Chain. Copenhagen 2007

Welch, Ivo: Corporate Finance: An Introduction. Harlow 2008

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M12

Module Modern Concepts of Production and Distribution logi stics

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge of Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Tilman Eichstädt

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes exam

Alternative types of examination (e.g. Homework, lecture/ presentation, case

study), if they are mandatory evaluated exercises, will be given by the lecturer in

the beginning of the module (§ 14 RSPO).

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of

module -

Content of module

The course consider the following topics:

• Modern concepts of production logistics: overview.

• Internal material flow management

• «Just-in-time» and «Just-in-Sequence» systems as a philosophy of continu-

ous improvement of production logistics.

• Lean Production: main objectives and key elements of the concept. Lean Pro-

duction Tools.

• Synchronized production systems.


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• Integration of basic and sustaining processes in the flexible manufacturing


• Main ideas of the “continuous improvement” production concept “KAIZEN”

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Gourdin, Kent: Global Logistics Management Second Edition: A Competitive Ad-

vantage for the 21st Century. Oxford 2006

Nahmias, Steven: Production and Operations Analysis. New York 2013

Rushton, Alan; Croucher, Phil; Baker, Peter: The Handbook of Logistics and Dis-

tribution Management. London 2010

Waters, Donald: Global Logistics and Distribution Planning. Strategies for Man-

agement. London 2003

Wood, Donald F.; Barone, Anthony P.; Murphy, Paul R.; Wardlow, Daniel L.: Inter-

national Logistics. New York 2002

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M13

Module Strategic Management of logistics infrastructure an d IT support of

logistics infrastructure management

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements Basic Knowledge in Logistic Management

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

90 minutes exam

Alternative types of examination (e.g. Homework, lecture/ presentation, case

study), if they are mandatory evaluated exercises, will be given by the lecturer in

the beginning of the module (§ 14 RSPO).

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The main objective of the course “Strategic logistics infrastructure management”

is the following:

• Students’ comprehension of logistics principles applied to the management of

logistics infrastructure (including: super infrastructure warehouse network,

storage facilities and separate warehouse)

• Knowledge how to plan inventory transactions

• Familiarity with the development of outsourcing concept of logistics services

on domestic and foreign markets


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• Ability to navigate current trends in warehousing and logistics infrastructure

• Proficiency of the methods of models of business processes in logistics infra-


Content of module

The educational target of the program is to make the students able to create the

corporate logistic infrastructure development strategy according to the principal

strategic framework of the company.

in transportation -

• understand the role of the corporate transport strategic planning

• know the general approach to strategic planning in transportation

• understand the structure of transportation costs

• learn the methods of express-evaluating of the project proposals in transporta-


• have the skill in “cost-profit” evaluation of transport projects

• understand the role of the “green logistics” factor in the transport planning

• know the methods of calculation the necessary transport fleet capacity

• have the skill to use the main indicators of the transport fleet utilization

• understand how to make a choice between private fleet and for-hire transpor-


• know the principles of choosing the proper mode and carrier on the market

in warehousing -

• learn how to calculate the necessary number of warehouses in the company’s


• know the methods of the warehouses’ location

• understand the advantages and disadvantages of different options of the

warehouse operation (own, leased, etc.) and factors influencing the appropri-

ate decisions

• be able to choose the rational distribution system within the warehousing net-


• have the skill in developing the general scheme of the warehouse

• understand the principles of the warehouse loading-unloading zone design

• know how to identify the necessary warehouse square and capacity (as a

whole and for particular zones) considering the business development pros-


• be able to develop the warehouse technological process basing of the ware-

house profile and goods nomenclature

• have the skills of selecting the warehouse equipment

• learn the methods of developing the variants of the general planning of the

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main working zones and selecting the optimal options

• have the skills of modelling of the main warehouse processes

• be able to develop the warehouse management organization schemes

The students should not only learn the theory but also prepare a team-developed


Within the program the cases are presented and discussed based.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literatu re containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Adamo, J.-M.: Data mining for association rules and sequential patterns. Sequen-

tial and parallel algorithms, 2001. (Technology)

Bryman, Alan / Cramer, Duncan: Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS 12 and

13: A Guide for Social Scientists. New York 2004

Gourdin, Kent: Global Logistics Management Second Edition: A Competitive Ad-

vantage for the 21st Century. Oxford 2006

Inmon, William H.: Building the Data Warehouse. Indianapolis, IN 2005

Laudon, Kenneth C.; Laudon Jane P: Management Information Systems Manag-

ing the Digital Firm (10th Economy Edition; Paperback 2008)

Stock, James R.; Lambert, Douglas M.: Strategic Logistics Management. New

York 2001

Tilanus, B.: Information systems in Logistics and Transportation. Pergamon 1997

Wirtz, B. W.: Electronic Business, 2001. (General)

Zodge, Milind D.: Building Data Warehouse. North Charleston 2011

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.

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Module No. / Code M14

Module Student Scientific Research Seminar in Logistics (S CRS I)

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements none

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

case study, homework, presentation

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The educational target of the Workshop is to make the students able to create a

corporate strategy.

Content of module This program consists of two sections: “Warehousing” and “Transportation”. This

block of the course covers only “Warehousing” section.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations a re made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Polonsky, Michael Jay / Waller, David S.: Designing and Managing a Research

Project: A Business Student's Guide. London 2010

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.


Strategic Management in Logistics – Double Degree

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Module No. / Code M15

Module Student Scientific Research Seminar in Logistics (S CRS II)

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements none

Usability of module for

other study programs Modules with the same content at graduate level

Responsible for module Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 60 hours

Self-study: 120 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

case study, homework, presentation

The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


The educational target of the Workshop is to make the students able to create a

corporate strategy.

Content of module This block of the course covers only “Transportation” section.

Instruction and learning

methods of module Lectors, e-learning, case studies, group work, presentation


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Polonsky, Michael Jay / Waller, David S.: Designing and Managing a Research

Project: A Business Student's Guide. London 2010

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.


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Module No. / Code M16

Module Colloquium

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements

Usability of module for

other study programs

Responsible for module Prof Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 6

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 180 hours

Classroom: 15 hours

Self-study: 165 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points


The result of the exam will be differentiated by grades (according to § 16 RSPO).

Weighting of grade in final

grade According to § 23 RSPO in consideration of the ECTS

Qualification objectives of


Content of module

Instruction and learning

methods of module


(Required reading / litera-

ture additionally recom-


Literature containment and further recommendations are made by the r e-

spective teachers.

Because of frequent new releases of textbooks each current version is to

be selected.


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Module No. / Code M17

Module Master thesis

Duration of module One Semester

Type of course

(Mandatory, optional, etc.) Mandatory Event

Frequency of module offer Each year

Admission requirements

Usability of module for

other study programs

Responsible for module Prof Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer

Language of instruction English

Number of allocated

ECTS-Credits 18

Total workload and their

composition (e.g. self-

study + contact time)

Workload overall 540 hours

Type of examination /

requirement to award

credit points

Weighting of grade in final


The module grade is the weighted arithmetic mean of the Mandatory Event mod-

ule and other services. Other module performance can be rated at up to 10 credit


The overall grade of the Master examination is the weighted arithmetic mean of

module grades and the grade of the final exam. The weight corresponds to the

proportion of ECTS of the total number about 120.

Qualification objectives of


Content of module

Instruction and learning

methods of module


(required reading / addi-

tional recommended read-



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