Module 8 Unit 2 Everyone must be unique.. Great inventions in 20th century Atomic bomb.

Module 8 Unit 2 Everyone must be unique.

Transcript of Module 8 Unit 2 Everyone must be unique.. Great inventions in 20th century Atomic bomb.

Page 1: Module 8 Unit 2 Everyone must be unique.. Great inventions in 20th century Atomic bomb.

Module 8

Unit 2

Everyone must be unique.

Page 2: Module 8 Unit 2 Everyone must be unique.. Great inventions in 20th century Atomic bomb.

Great inventions in 20th century

Atomic bomb

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Great inventions in 20th century

Space shuttle Manmade satellite

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Great inventions in 20th century

TelevisionAspirin —the pain killer

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Great inventions in 20th century

aeroplane computer

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Great inventions in 20th century

Mobile phone internet

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cool 酷hacker 黑客nylon 尼龙AIDS 艾滋病talk show 脱口秀Utopia乌托邦)


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Arrange them in the order of their significance

Atomic bombSpace shuttleManmade satelliteTelevisionAspirin-the pain killerAeroplaneComputerMobile phoneinternetCloning

Which one is the most important and why?


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Fast reading

Main ideas of each paragraph.Para 1 ___________________________________

Para 2 ___________________________________

Para 3 ___________________________________

Para 4 _________________________________

Para 5 _________________________________

The definition of cloning and where it happens.Two major uses of cloning.

The birth and death of Dolly.

Controversy brought by Dolly

The great impact of Dolly.

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• Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

• A. cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants.

• B. Scientists can clone animals as well as plants now.

• C. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal.

• D. Cloning made a valuable influence on medical research.

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1.Main idea of cloning:________________________________________2. T or F

A pigeon pair (龙凤双胞胎) is an example of

natural clone ( T or F).

The definition of cloning and where it happens.

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Which of the following are natural clones?

Dolly the sheep A strawberry plantGrowing new plants


A strawberry plant


Natural cloneone that occurs from the “parent ” in a natural form of cloning without human help.

Man-made cloneone that produced through human intervention( 介入 ) .

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What are the two major uses of cloning?

How does the author compare cloning plants and animals?

1.To produce commercial quantities of plants .

2.It is valuable for research on new plant species and medical research on animals.

Cloning plants: _________________________Cloning animals: _________________________ _________________________


complicated, difficult to undertake, failed

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Time: _____________Place: _____________Scientist:___________


Ian Wilmut

The determination and patience paid off

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The determination and patience of the scientists paid off

A. Only another six months and the house will be paid off.

B. He turned out to be the first in the test, all his hard work finally paid off.

C. All the witnesses have been paid off , sothey don’t say what they know.

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True of false

1.Four female sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep.

2.Electricity is needed in the procedure.

3.Sheep B provides a somatic cell for the clone.

4.The lamb is the exact copy of sheep A.





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What encouraged the whole scientific world?

Then came the disturbing news…

Cloning scientists were cast down…

Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species…

Altogether Dolly lived for 6 years…

The fact that she seemed to develop normally.

The trouble

upset, annoying

disappointed, disheartened

decided or based by chance

in all

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The impact of Dolly the sheep

Her appearance raise a storm of _________ and had a great impact on the _______ and public ___________. It opened everybody’s eyes to the __________ of using cloning to cure ______________ and even produce ___________ .



serious illnesseshuman beings

The cloning of Dolly is ____________controversial

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Arguments on cloning

1.Evil leaders2.Religious leaders3.Some governments4.Scientists5.Other countries

like China and UK

A. Continue to accumulate evidence

B. Clone themselves to attain their ambitions

C.Reform legal systems and forbade research

D. Raised moral questions

E. Wonder whether cloning will help or harm us




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What is the writer’s attitude towards cloning?

A. The writer is against cloning.

B. The writer is in favor of cloning.

C. The writer is indifferent to cloning.

D. The writer is impartial to cloning.

The writer didn’t state any personal opinion about cloning. It gives different points of view and doesnot try to persuade the reader to a particular point of view. It leaves the reader to make up his or her own mind.

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Will cloning help or harm us?

In my opinion…From where I stand…I hold the view that…As far as I am concerned…I would never accept the idea that…Personally,…I don’t think it is…

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Languages Points

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1. It is a way of making an exact copy of …

请将这身份证复印 4 份 .

Please make four copies of this ID card.

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2. … when twins identical in sex and appearance …1). 这就是我们去年住过的旅馆。 This is the identical hotel we stayed last year.2). 你的相貌和她的一模一样。 Your appearance is identical to/ with hers.3).The two words are identical in meaning. 这两个字的字义完全一样。 the same… as

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3. It is a difficult task to undertake. = to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult

vt. 着手做 , 从事 , 进行 ; 担任 , 承担1). The scientist undertook the experiment. 那位科学家做了这项实施。2). I will undertake the responsibility for the failure. 我愿意承担这次失败的责任。3). The lawyer undertook a new case. 那个律师接了一个新的案子。

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即时练习: 完成下列句子。 (1) He will _________ __ _______ next

month ( 去旅行 ).

(2) He __________ __ ____ ____ ( 承担一项 新任务 ).

undertook tasknewa

aundertake journey

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4. Then came the disturbing news that

Dolly had become seriously ill.

• 表示方位、时间、或方式的副词或介词短语, 如 then, now, here, there, up, down, in,

away, off, out, in the room, on the wall

等,置于句首时,句子倒装。• On the paper appeared the handwritten sign.

• Out rushed the children.

• Away went he.


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disturb vt. 扰乱 , 使不安 , 弄乱 disturbed adj. 被乱的 ,

disturbing adj. 令人不安的 / 烦扰 即时练习: 用 disturb, disturbing, disturbed 填空。 (1) I’m very __________ about Alice. (2) Don’t _________ the papers on my desk. (3) This country is in a ____________ state. (4) What ____________ news it is! (5) A light wind ___________ the surface of the water.





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5. Cloning scientists were cast down to find… 使沮丧

1). Don’t be so cast down. Just keep up

your spirits.

不要这么沮丧 , 打起精神来!2). The girl cast down her eyes when she

was blamed for breaking the vase.

3). Don' t cast away these old papers;

they might be useful.

feel down / blue

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将下列句子译成英语(1) 听到这个消息他很沮丧。 ___________________________________

(2) 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。 __________________________________


He was cast down to hear the news.

Finding out the truth made him

cast down.

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6. Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of

objections and had a great impact on

the media

a storm of: sudden violent outburst or display of

strong feeling 常指感情猛烈爆发或强烈表现 泪如雨下 a storm of tears

a storm of applause /cheers/ abuse /criticis


暴风雨般的掌声 / 暴风雨般的欢呼声 / 辱骂 / 评击

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objection n.

1). I feel a strong objection to _________ early.

2). Do you have any objection to ___________

the window?

3). My main objection to the plan is that it costs

too much.

getting up

my opening

object vi.

1). We object to being treated like this.

2). I object to the plan.

3). I object that he is too young to take that


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I object that he is too young

to take that position.

Tell me the names of the

objects in this room.

Her only object in life is to

be a fashion model.

The word “apple” is used

as the object in the






object v.

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impact n.

1. 冲击 , 撞击 , 碰撞,冲击力 , 撞击力 [U]

The impact of the stone against the

windowpane shattered the glass.

石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。 2. 影响 ; 作用 (+on) = great effect

The book made a great impact on its



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7. Some began to reform… and forbade …

forbid vt. 禁止,不准,不许 forbade /forbad, forbidden, forbidding

1). Smoking should be forbidden in public


2). They forbid us from going out.


sth. doing to do from doing sth.

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(1) The school _________________________

( 禁止学生吸烟 ).

(2) He is forbidden to _______________.

( 进入这个房间 ).

forbids the students to smoke

enter the room

• 禁止拍照 Forbid photograph/ No Photos

• 禁止吸烟 Forbid Smoking/ No Smoking

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8. … continue to accumulate evidence of… accumulate vt. 积累 , 积聚 1). He accumulated fortune by hard work. 他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。2). The purpose of education is not just accumulating information. 教育的目的不仅仅是积累知识。 vi. add up

3). Dust accumulated during my absence. 我不在期间灰尘积聚了起来。

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be bound to 注定;有义务做明天天气一定会变好。The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.

我觉得有必要对你说,你酒喝得太多了。I feel bound to tell you that you are drinking too much.

be bound to do sth. 有两个义项:注定,一定会法律责任或义务做某事。

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Use the proper phrases to fill in the blanks:

cast down pay off in favour of

from time to time be bound to

1. She was _________ by her husband’s death.

2. My uncle comes to have dinner with us

________________ .

cast down

from time to time3. He has been working so hard at his lessons,

so he ___________ pass the exam this time.

4. Finally his efforts ________.

5. All of them were strongly __________ the project.

is bound of

paid off

in fovour of

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1.differ from/with2.make an exact copy identical to/with sth. in…4.a straightforward process5.undertake off7.make a breakthrough8.cast down9.disturbing news

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10. 引起反对11. 有巨大影响• 打开眼界• 引起道德问题• 禁止研究• 积累大量证据

10. raise a storm of objections11.have a great impact on• open one’s eyes• raise moral questions• forbid research• accumulate abundant evidence