Module 8 - Amazon Simple Storage Service · Don't be constantly available. ... (the root of...

1 All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever Module 8

Transcript of Module 8 - Amazon Simple Storage Service · Don't be constantly available. ... (the root of...


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

“Make Him A Monogamy Junkie”

Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

by By Gloria Lee

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Copyright © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie

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All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Module 8: The Commitment Chemical

Lesson 21: The Science Behind The ‘Future Wife’ Technique . . . . . . . 4

IMPORTANT NOTE: This technique is like a 3-legged stool . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Lesson 22: Having Fun With the ‘Future Wife’ Technique . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Step One: Give him the SPACE to chase you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Step Two: Next, make him feel like a god. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Step Three: Reward him with appreciation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Key Points To Remember: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Okay, so now that you know why the Future Wife technique works so ridiculously well, and how to do it …

… here’s what I want you to do now: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Lesson 21: The Science Behind The ‘Future Wife’ Technique

Good news: it's time get into the commitment chemical itself …

… which means it's time to introduce you to the science behind the Future Wife technique!

Just a heads up – yes, this technique works great even if you've already been married for forty years.

(I tried to come up with a cooler name for this technique that would involve ALL the ladies, married or otherwise, but for some reason I kept coming back to this one. So, if you're married already, don't let the name fool you – it works for ALL situations, married already or barely even dating.)

This technique will allow you to unleash a captivating brew of the three most powerful, commitment-phobic-blasting chemicals known to man:

o Norepinephrine: the excitement chemical that literally shuts down the area of his frontal cortex responsible for negative thoughts and judgments (biologically, he literally won’t be able to think bad things about you when you unleash this one …)

o Serotonin: the feel good chemical that has the same effect on the brain as a line of cocaine (biologically making him feel giddy, intoxicated, and ‘high’ whenever he thinks of you … which will literally be all the time, as studies have repeatedly shown that high levels of serotonin causes thoughts of the ‘desire object’ (that’s you!) to pop into his head with


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

literally OCD-like levels of obsession)

o Dopamine: the reward chemical that drives him towards you again and again like a hungry drug addict chasing a fix (biologically, dopamine stimulates the biggest reward centers in the brain, and gives him the same exact feeling about YOU that you experience when you drink a glass of wine, eat a bite of delicious chocolate, or make amazing love – it’s addictive stuff!)

So, in short:

Quite literally, this technique will erode ANY AND ALL commitment phobias a man might have, like taking a sand-blaster to a wall of old peeling paint: eroding off the crud, and revealing a new, shiny, beautiful foundation underneath.

The result?

Incredible chemistry, a feeling of heart-pounding excitement, and a completely instinctive and overwhelming desire to make you his until the end of time.

You can expect the relationship to move forwards VERY quickly when you do this.

WARNING: please don’t use this technique lightly. It works like crazy, and you could really mess a man up if you’re just doing it ‘for kicks’, or as


ONLY use this if you’re serious about this man and really, truly want to kickstart his desire to spend his entire life with YOU.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

IMPORTANT NOTE: This technique is like a 3-legged stool - all three legs are VITAL to the success of the whole thing .

So, if you take one leg away, then whole thing collapses and you get nothing.

This is all or nothing - you must do all 3 steps, in the order prescribed, for this to work.

Got it?


So, let's move on to lesson 22, where I'll give you the technique itself!


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Lesson 22: Having Fun With the ‘Future Wife’ Technique

Welcome to lesson 22. I'm going to give you the Future Wife technique now. This one's amazing.

There are just 3 (EXTREMELY SIMPLE) steps to follow.

Step One: Give him the SPACE to chase you .

Remember, incredible sexual tension, romantic chemistry and desire is built out of CHALLENGE.

And that means … yup, time to bring in the Cat String theory again.

Just pull away a little bit. Don't be constantly available. Trigger one of his 3 primal male drives by allowing him to chase you.

And he can't chase you unless you're running!

This sounds a little ‘gamey', and it is – but it's so worth it.

Here's how to give space:

Pull away just a little bit. Still be loving and sweet when you’re around … just don’t be around ALL THE TIME.

Make sure you’re living a full and exciting life of your own. This will naturally take you out of the picture a little more often, as you won’t be


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

making him the core of your existence.

Do a repeat of the Rev and Kill Kiss (hot!)

If you’re texting, Facebook chatting, or Skype chatting, let him have the final word more than half of the time. The person who doesn’t respond automatically has the power. And the person with the power gets the respect. Which creates tension. Which creates DESIRE.

Wait at least 3 hours before texting him back. It’s good to let him wonder a little bit. ‘Will she message me back? What else is she doing that’s more important than talking to ME?’ Boom.

Some of my own personal favorite things to do to give my man space include getting out of the house to go to a yoga class; visiting friends; going for a long walk with my dog; working out at the gym; or simply curling up with a good book.

Any time you’re not waiting for him to entertain you and fill you up, you’re pulling away. And that’s a good thing.

Any time you feel yourself tempted to be 100% available, remember this: to WANT to commit to you, he needs EXCITEMENT.

So if you want him to commit and be EXCITED about it (and of course you do), then step one is not a choice!

The thrill of the chase is POWERFUL adrenaline – a rush that he is biologically prepped to respond to viscerally and instinctively.

It shuts down his frontal cortex (the home of negative thoughts, fear, criticism,


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

and commitment phobia), dulls his amygdala (the root of critical thinking), and physically makes him forget any bad judgments he may previously have had about you.

Step Two: Next, make him feel like a god .

You know how I've had you focus a lot on the power of Ice compliment texts, appreciation, and acknowledgment?

That's because, to a man, these three things are like crack-laced honey to a bee: irresistible.

When you make him feel like King Kong, he automatically wants to give you the universe.

That's just how men are wired: when he wants you (which you've ensured with Step One!), he feels instinctively drawn to protect you and provide for you.

And that means he wants to do EVERYTHING he can think of to charm you, impress you, and put a big goofy smile on your face.

The best way to make your man feel like your own personal god has nothing to do with literally worshipping him (that would be creepy!)

Instead, I'm talking about appreciating him out loud for something SPECIFIC to HIM.

I recommend texting, emailing, or simply coming up behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around him, and whispering one of these little gems in his ear:


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Appreciation statements for his drive and talents:

I love how driven you are.

I believe in you.

You’re so strong.

I feel like you can do anything.

You’re amazing at what you do.

I have so much respect for you.

People just look up to you.

You’re a natural leader.

Appreciating his looks and body:

Wow, you look so handsome today!

I love being wrapped in your strong arms.

You look so HAWT in that suit … I think I’m getting a little hot and bothered … oh my.

Even when you just wake up, you’re still ridiculously sexy.

Okay, this is totally unfair. How can one person look so good all the time??

Oh my god, you weren’t kidding about working out. Wow.


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Module 8

Nice butt : )

There’s something about you in a pair of jeans. Makes me blush every time ;)

This one works best with a cheeky smile, and in a public place where there are other women around … OMG, women just can’t keep their eyes off you. I’d better show them you’re MINE … and I’m not sharing! (Then do something playful, like grab his butt and lean in for a kiss.)

Appreciating how he treats you:

You’re so good to me.

I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

Seriously?! How are you real?? It’s like someone thought up the perfect man for me. It’s insane.

I’m so grateful for you.

Thank you for the gift of you.

I love how gentle you are with me.

You’re a good man.

Your playful side is so sexy.

I love how kind you are.

I love how you are with (the dog, the kids, our friend’s baby.)


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

You always know how to make me laugh.

You are the funniest guy I know.

Just looking at you makes me weak in the knees.

You turn me on more than anyone I’ve ever known.

I feel like with you by my side I can do anything. You make me feel so supported, like there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Respecting him as a leader and a man:

You’re just a natural leader.

Stop being so good at everything!! You’re making the rest of us look bad! (playful smile)

Is there anything you can’t do?! ;)

I’m always on your side.

I can always count on you for the best advice.

You make me feel so safe.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.

I would trust you with my life.

You always know exactly what to do. No wonder other guys look up to you.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

It’s so sexy how smart you are.

These might sound corny or cheesy just reading them on paper like this, but let me be clear:

Most men are starving for this kind of appreciation.

Say one of these to your guy and mean it, and you will see him MELT before your eyes into a puddle of tearful, sobbing gratitude on the floor right in front of you.

Not kidding.

In fact, most women have literally no concept of just how valuable this kind of acknowledgment and appreciation is to a man.


Because almost NO men get appreciated for these things.

And yet these are all topics so close to a guys' heart.

When you know how to make him feel like king of your universe in this way (after following step one first – important!) trust me when I say he's going to want to give you the WORLD.


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Module 8

Step Three: Reward him with appreciation when he moves in the right direction .

This is a little bit like dog training : )

I mean, if you're training a dog to sit, you can't watch his butt hit the mat …

… and then toss him a cookie three days later.

You've got to reward him the second he moves in the right direction.

(Otherwise how is he meant to know he's on the right track?)

Now, don't get me wrong:

This is in no way derogatory to men.

It's simply the science of behavioral change.

It's knowing how to manipulate the brain chemicals that drive the behavior of every man, woman, child and animal on the planet, to create the result that will serve both of you the best.

(He's happy when you're happy. You're happy when you're getting your needs respected and met. It's win-win.)

So here’s what I mean:

When your man makes a move in the right direction, let him know IMMEDIATELY that he’s doing the right thing.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Tried and tested ways to do this, to trigger the strongest rush of dopamine and serotonin in his brain, include:

‘You were so amazing to cuddle with last night in bed. I love the way it feels when you wrap your arms around me. It feels like nothing and nobody in the world can hurt me when I’m in your arms.’

‘Thank you so much for dinner last night! Sharing dessert with you afterwards was my favorite part … you looked so sexy with whipped cream on the end of your nose ;)’

‘You choose the BEST movies. You always know what I’m in the mood for. PS: I particularly liked how you bought the exact candy I was craving. Thank you so much!’

‘Oh my god, I was so turned on by you last night. You sure know how to make me tremble.’

‘Last night was the best night of my life. I love having sex with you more than anything. I’m a bit sore today … in a good way’ (sexy wink and a smile)

‘I woke up with a huge smile on my face today … and I think you know why! Thank you for knowing my body almost better than I know it myself ;)’

Key Points To Remember:

- I know I said this before, but it bears repeating: this technique needs all three steps to trigger the exact rush of chemicals you want in his brain. Doing just one step, or just two (or mixing up the order) will not work.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 8

Just follow the recipe as it’s laid out. It works.

- When you get to Step Three, remember to appreciate every little step in the right direction. (Just think of it like training a dog. If you want a dog to do a backflip through a hoop, you don’t wait until the dog can do it perfectly before rewarding him. You shower that dog with cookies every time he makes ONE MOVE in the right direction. For best results, do the same with your man.)

Okay, so now that you know why the Future Wife technique works so ridiculously well, and how to

do it …

… here’s what I want you to do now:

Go to the downloads section for this module, and access the worksheet for Module 8.

Open it up, and follow the instructions inside.

Then, come back to the program and move on to the next module, where I’m going to teach you about the Honesty Chemical!