MODULE 6 Siberian tiger and great panda Introduction: Vocabulary and speaking 1 : Introduce some...


Transcript of MODULE 6 Siberian tiger and great panda Introduction: Vocabulary and speaking 1 : Introduce some...


Siberian tiger


great panda

Introduction: Vocabulary and speaking

1 : Introduce some animals in danger

2 : Match the words in the box with their meanings.

conservation endangered extinct habitat reserve species struggle survival wild wildlife1 a type of animal or plant ( )2 the place where an animal lives naturally( )3 protection ,especially of natural things( )4 in danger ( )5 a fighter which lasts a long time ( )






Words and Expressions








n. 保护区,保护圈adj. 灭绝的,绝种的vt. 保护adj. 理想的adj. 值……钱n. (某事发生的)准确地点;现场n. ( -s)环境,情况

Words and Expressions








adv. 同时n. 目标,目的vt. 涉及,包括vt. 产卵,下蛋n. 奇迹n. 边缘n. 首字母

Words and Expressionsbranch




n. 分支机构,办事处n. 焦点,集中点n. 能源vt. 浪费

be concerned about feed on stand for set up

关心,担心(动物)以……为食 代表建立,设立

3 Look at the reasons why some animals are becoming extinct. Which is the most important?(1)They are killed for body parts or food .(2) People want them for pets .(3) People have moved into their natural habitat .(4) They are killed by pollution .(5) They are killed by climate change .Now work in groups .Discuss your ideas with other Students .

Reading :

Step one : Leading in

1 Give some examples of the animal species now in danger .

2 Look at the pictures and try to guess what the animals they are in the picture .

3 Look at the title and guess what the passage is about .

4 Tell them some information about the animals in the pictures .

Step two : Listening

Listening to the tape and try to finish the exercises.

Choose the best answers .

1 ( )How did Jiesang Suonandajie die ?

a He froze to death b He was killed by criminals

c He had an accident in his jeep

2 ( )Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger ?

a They have lost their natural habitat b They are killed for their wool c They cannot survive at high altitude



3 ( ) What has the Chinese government done to help the antelopes ?

a It is protecting the antelope in a natural reserve .

b It has sent police to countries where “shahtoosh”

is sold .

c It has closed the border with India .

4 ( )What’s happened to the trade in “shahtoosh”?

a It has grown quickly b It has become legal

c It has become harder to sell “shahtooh”.



5 ( ) What will happen to the Tibetan antelope ?

a Its number will continue to increase .

b It may survive. c It will soon become extinct.


Step Three :Reading

Read the passage and try to find the words in the passage which mean:

1 high ground ________

2 a piece of cloth people wear on their shoulders _______

3 money you make by selling something _________




4 a group of animals which live or move together


5 to cut the skin off an animal ________

6 an order not to do something ________

7 a surprise visit (especially by police) ________

8 take away officially __________

9 hard ________

10 working together ___________








Read the passage again .Say what the numbers and dates refer to .

1 50,000:The number of antelopes left by the 1990s.

2 $5,000:The price of a shawl made from “shatoosh”

3 1975:The year when the trade ban on “shatoosh”

shawls was started.

4 138:The number of “shatoosh”shawls found in a

London shop.

5 2%: The percentage of the antelope population those shawls represented.

6 3,000:

7 5,000 metres:

8 1997:

The number of poachers caught in ten years.

The height of Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau.

The year when the antelope population started to grow again.

Step four:Work in pairs ,try to get the main ideas

of each paragraph .

Para 1:

Para 2:

Para 3:

Para4 :

Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope.A large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool.The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to be stopped .

The Chinese government began to take measures

active part in protecting the antelopes.Para 5: Progress has been made in protecting the


Step Five :Language points

1 …a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.

endanger :to cause danger to

the endangered Tibetan antelope = the Tibetan antelope that is endangered .

2 Although surprised,the poachers had an advantage

- there were more of them.

although surprised =although they were surprised ,过去分词短语做状语,表状态。

e. g :Moved to tears ,the boy stood still at the door .

Translate the sentence : 他们大为震惊,不知说什么好

Greatly shocked ,they didn’t know what to say .

3 Often working at night …,leaving only the babies .

leaving only the babies 现在分词做状语,表结果

e. g :In a few minutes ,the tiger ate the wolf ,leaving bones . The old man died,leaving his grandson a big fortune.

4 The animals are skinned on the spot and …

skin a 皮、皮肤 ( n ) b 剥…的皮 ( v )

此外: peel ( 水果等)的皮( n )、 除去…的皮( v )

e. g :Be careful ,there is a banana peel on the ground .

Look ,the monkey is peeling a banana .

bridge 桥( n ) bridge the gap 填补空白的间隙( v )

e. g :There is an old stone bridge here .

Frequent communication can bridge the gap between

parents and the children .

5 But today the government seems to be winning the battle

seem to be doing / seem to have done

seem to be doing 表示不定式动作与谓语动作同时进行

seem to have done 表示不定式动作在谓语动作之前进行

e. g :They seem to be talking in the office now .

He seemed to have known the bad news .

Step Six :Discussion

What should we do to save the animals in danger ?

Step Seven:Homework

Do the exercises in the workbook .