Module 5 Note taking · Module 5...

Module 5 Note-taking Guide (note: this guide is meant to enhance your comprehension as you read and also to help make sure that you don’t miss any of the important links embedded in the lesson! Feel free to print this out and put it in a notebook.) Task #1: Go to the discussion board (a button on the left of your screen underneath the email button) and post a message to let other students know that you are ready and willing to be their partner for the module 6 collaborative project. Cells are the basic ___________ of __________________ that make up ___________ _______________ _________________. Cells perform all the work living things need to _____________. Cells work with other _________________ to perform _________ ____________. 4 Special Characteristics all living things must share in order to be considered “alive” Click on these numbers in the lesson and finish the following statements: #1: All living things are able to _____________________________________________________________________________________ #2: All living things control ____________________________________________________________________________________ #3: All living things organize _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ #4 All living things _____________ Lesson 5.1 The Cell Should take about 120 minutes. Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

Transcript of Module 5 Note taking · Module 5...

Module 5 Note-taking Guide

(note: this guide is meant to enhance your comprehension as you read and also to help make sure that you don’t miss any of

the important links embedded in the lesson! Feel free to print this out and put it in a notebook.)

Task #1: Go to the discussion board (a button on the left of your screen underneath the email button)

and post a message to let other students know that you are ready and willing to be their partner for the

module 6 collaborative project.

Cells are the basic ___________ of __________________ that make up ___________ _______________

_________________. Cells perform all the work living things need to _____________. Cells work with

other _________________ to perform _________ ____________.

4 Special Characteristics all living things must share in order to be considered “alive”

Click on these numbers in the lesson and finish the following statements:

#1: All living things are able to


#2: All living things control


#3: All living things organize



#4 All living things _____________

Lesson 5.1 The Cell

Should take about 120 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

Unicellular organisms are those that ____________________________________________________

Ex: ______________________

Multicellular organisms are those that __________________________________________________

Ex: _____________________

Fill out the Study guide below as you take the Cell Tour:

05.01 The Cell - Cell Study Guide You may use the stop button on the

lower left hand side of the interactive at any time. To begin playing again you will need to

click the large forward arrow.

Structures that perform all of the tasks that keep an organism alive are called______________.

The tasks that the cell performs include:





On the right hand side of this chart you will fill in the name of the organelle described that performs the job

listed on the left hand side of the chart.

Organelle Job that it performs in the cell

The jellylike substance that fills the cell.

Organelles float in this.

The cell’s command center that directs all of the

cells activities. Contains genetic information.

Provides the energy for the cell. They use

oxygen taken in by the cell to release energy.

Packages and transports material within the cell.

Builds proteins

Processes materials for storage or to be

transported out of the cell.

Store and transport materials.

Contain chemicals that break down substances

in the cell.

Protective covering that separates the cell from

its outside environment.

The nucleus:

Function: _________________

Location: _________________

DNA stands for: ____________________________________________ and makes up



The Majority of a cell’s life is spent in __________________________.

Cell division takes place in 4 steps or phases that occur after _________________________.



Lesson 5.02 Mitosis

Should take about 180 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:




Centrioles are organelles found inside the cell that help with Mitosis. These helpers serve as


_______________ after they divide. Centrioles help to move chromosomes to the otherside of

the cell.

Comprehension check:

Why do cells divide?

What is Interphase?

What are the steps of Mitosis?

Meiosis allows for:



The sex cells that males produce is called the _______________.

The sex cells that females produce is called the ________________.

Without Meiosis, we would not have the __________________of organisms we have today.

On the next page, you will see Meiosis, Meiosis I and Meiosis 2. Click on each of those to answer the

next three questions.

Lesson 5.03 Meiosis

Should take about 120 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

Meiosis is a process of cell

division that



e new cells have half the

number of chromosomes

than the parent cell. The two

steps in this process are:

meiosis 1 and meiosis

Mitosis is a process that



_______________. The

chromosomes in the daughter

cells are


s the chromosomes in the

parent cell.

Summarize what is happening in the picture above:

Summarize what is happening in the picture above:

Summarize what is happening in the picture above:

What do we find in the water off of Boulder





Why is the population of Penguins declining?




Fill out (pencil over) the above. The activity will self correct. This is a great study tool!

Complicated organisms usually reproduce by ______________ ______________________.

Single celled organisms or simple organisms usually reproduce by __________ _________________ with

a process called ______________.

Explain the process of budding:



Lesson 5.04 Sexual and Asexual


Should take about 150 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

List two advantages of asexual reproduction:



List two disadvantages of asexual reproduction:



What is fertilization?



What happens to the millions of sperm that do not fertilize the egg?


The majority of complex organisms reproduce _______________. The result of this type of

reproduction is __________________ among species. That is the organisms of a population that

reproduce sexually have a combination of __________________ passed down from parents.

Complete the self check and then add the correct answers below:

This form of reproduction is dependent upon the process of meiosis: ___________________

This form of reproduction creates exact copies of the parent: __________________

Fission and Budding are examples of this type of reproduction: _____________________

This type of reproduction creates variety in populations: ______________________

The ability to reproduce many young quickly is an example of: _______________________

Sperm and eggs combine in the process of: _________________________

_________________ are structures found in a cell’s nucleus (center) and are made of ______.

Chromosomes __________and_____________ during mitosis and meiosis. A sex cell created by

meiosis, either sperm or egg, has _______the ___________ of chromosomes as the parent cell. When

sex cells join, they create new cells with half the chromosomes from each individual and therefore, a

________of ____________________ from each parent.

1. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. This

material is found in


_______________. DNA tells the cell how

______________________and also determines the

______________________of an individual.

2. DNA is made of __________ ____________ (the

two long units you see) and are bonded together.

These two strands twist to form DNA. This structure resembles a ladder and is called a

________ ____________.

3. Traits are ______________ ________________or characteristics of individuals. Traits are

things we are able to see like: hair color, eye color, or behavior.

4. Genes are ____________ of _______ which contain _____________ for each specific trait an

individual possesses. A person inherits different genes from each parent. An individual may

resemble their parents because of their inherited genes.

Lesson 5.05 DNA: Introduction to Heredity

Should take about 180 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

Write the descriptions of the following words on the lines. The descriptions can be

found by rolling your mouse over the inverted pyramid.













Define the following words:







Complete the self check in the lesson and then record it here:

How do Lions and Elephants show patterns

of inheritance?




Genotype describes the ___________

_____________ ____________ of an individual. A person’s genotype tells us exactly what

____________ _________ ___________. You cannot see someone’s genetic makeup.

Genotypes are _____ ______________.

Phenotypes are the _________________ __________ of an

individual which the individual’s genes have expressed.

Gregor Mendel

Why is Gregor Mendel sometimes considered to be the King of








What is an Allele?




What is Incomplete Dominance?




Lesson 5.06 Genotypes and Phenotypes

Should take about 120 minutes.

Read the lesson and fill in the blanks:

Polygenetic means:




This accounts for the variety of traits we see in organisms like the

pea plant.

What is Co-Dominance?





Note from Mrs. Miller………

Recessive Alleles are always

shadowed by dominant alleles.

A recessive allele is written as

a lower case letter like this:


The only way a recessive allele

will show in an organism’s

phenotype is if the organism

does not have a dominant


Dominant Alleles always

overpower the recessive


If an organism carries a

dominant allele in its

genotype, it will express it in

its phenotype no matter what

its other allele might be.

A dominant allele is written as

an upper case letter like this:


Let’s say that you inherited the

dominant allele for brown eyes

from your dad and the

recessive allele for blue eyes

from your mom.

Your genotype would be: Bb

Your phenotype would be

brown eyes because brown is


5 toes = Dominant allele (T)

4 toes = Recessive allele (t)

Look at the picture of the Elephant family. If I told you that the mother elephant has four toes, and the

father elephant has four, could you predict what their baby elephants would have? Roll your mouse

over the picture and explain your answer here:




What is a Punnet Square? _______________________________________________________________

Why would we want to use a Punnet Square?



Read down the page to see how we would use Punnet Squares to predict the genotypes of the baby

elephants, then complete the activity below to practice what you have learned.

Explore a combination with one parent having the genotype Ee (detached earlobes) and the

other parent having the genotype ee (attached earlobes).

E e

Remember that: e

E = detached earlobes

e = attached earlobes e

What percent chance does the offspring have of having the phenotype of attached earlobes?

What percent chance does an offspring have of possessing the phenotype of detached earlobes?

Check your answers by clicking on the check answer button.

Lesson 5.07 Predicting Genotypes

and Phenotypes

Should take about 120 minutes.

The family tree below shows the family history of a certain kind of dog.

This tree shows what kind of color and hair type runs in the dog’s family. This chart is used to show

__________ ______________ of specific traits. We call this type of chart a Pedigree Chart. Pedigree

Charts are popular tools used by dog and horse breeders.

We also use pedigree charts to ________________ the ______________________ that a parent will

pass a specific gene on to their child.

One disease that is of great concern for certain populations is ___________ __________

_______________. This disease causes an individual to make abnormal red blood cells shaped like a


Sickle Cell Anemia is a ___________ allele, so in the presence of the dominant allele (for the normal

cell), the individual will not have the disease. However, if an individual inherits ______ ____________

alleles, they will have the disease.

What is the purpose of a pedigree chart?



Note from Mrs. Miller:

There is a practice sheet (found in the lesson) that I highly

recommend you do. There will be a question about this on your

test. The answers are found under the check answers link at

the end of the lesson!

What are Scientists predicting may happen to Africa by




How are bananas, tomatoes and cows possible solutions to this problem?




What is Bioengineering?



Describe Cloning here:




Describe Artificial Selection here:




Lesson 5.08 Biotechnology and


Should take about 180 minutes.

Describe Genetic Engineering here:




How is the Labradoodle an example of Artificial Selection?



How is the sheep an example of cloning?



What is a disadvantage of cloning?



What are some advantages to Genetic Engineering?




What are some disadvantages to Genetic Engineering?


