Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher

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  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    Module 1 Face to Face Activities (Teachers Notes)

    The speaking activities in the Face to Face Lesson for Module 1.

    There are three parts, each featuring language from one of the units

    plus a short test.

    Part 1. Discussion (based on Unit 4 Multiple Intelligences)

    1.1. ActivitiesActivity 1. Looking back at Unit 4

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    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity 2. Group work: The faculty you are in - your studies - your intelligence types. . . . . . . .Activity 3. Group work: Learning styles and strategies and e-learningActivity 4. Whole class: Putting together ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 2. Discovering you partners language learning style (based on Unit 1)2.1. Activities

    Activity 1. Looking back at Unit 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity 2. Tell the class about your partners style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Activity 3. Can you become better language learners?

    Part 3. Role plays (Unit 2 Role play) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Part 4. Test Module 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 1

  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    Module 1 Face to Face ActivitiesPart 1

    1. Discussion (based on Unit 4 Multiple Intelligences) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1.1.Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity 1. Looking back at Unit 4







    Activity 2. Group work: The faculty you are in - your studies - your intelligence types. . . . . . . .Activity 3. Group work: Learning styles and strategies and e-learning

    Activity 4. Whole class: Putting together ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 2

  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    1. Discussion (based on Unit 4 Multiple Intelligences)

    Discuss multiple intelligences.

    1.1. ActivitiesActivity 1Looking back at Unit 4In Unit 4 you read about multiple intelligences: the different characteristics which can be related to each persons typeof intelligence and how these can be connected to different types of study and work.

    But lets see how much you can remember about what you read!

    1. Can you remember how many original human intelligences Gardner mentions in the text?

    2. Can you list them?3. What principle characteristics does the text mention for each human intelligence?

    4. Which two intelligence types does Gardner think are often considered important in school?

    5. Which form of human intelligence does he think is similar to linguistic intelligence?

    6. Which forms are important for anyone working in the Arts?

    7. The text discusses how different intelligences relate to different jobs. Can you remember which intelligencetype is important for these jobs? (sometimes there is more than one).






    8. What is each intelligence good at?

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 3

  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    Key1. Seven.2. Bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intra-personal, linguistic, logical mathematical,

    musical, spatial.3. Linguistic intelligence: valued in school; shows sensitivity to spoken and written

    language and the ability to learn languages; the capacity to use language to achievecertain goals.

    Logical-mathematical: valued in school, can analyse problems logically, carry outmathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically.

    Musical: shows skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.Bodily-kinaesthetic: has the potential to use the whole body or parts of the body

    (like the hand or the mouth) to solve problems or create products.

    Spatial: has the potential to recognise and manipulate the patterns of wide space aswell as the patterns of more confined areas.

    Interpersonal: underlines a persons capacity to understand the intentions,

    motivations, and desires of other people and consequently, to work effectively withothers.Intrapersonal: involves the capacity to understand oneself, to have an effective

    working model of oneself-including ones own desires, fears, and capacities-and usesuch information effectively in regulating ones own life.

    4. Linguistic and logical-mathematical.

    5. Musical.6. Musical / bodily kinaesthetic.

    7. Actor: bodily kinaesthetic/interpersonal.

    Teacher: interpersonal.Psychologist: interpersonal/logical mathematical.

    Architect: spatial.Surgeon: bodily kinaesthetic /spatial.

    Lawyer: linguistic.8. Linguistic: good at learning languages and achieving specific goals with languages.

    Logical-mathematical: good at investigating things scientifically and analysing

    problems.Musical: good at performing, creating compositions and appreciating musical

    patterns.Bodily-kinaesthetic: good at using the whole body to solve problems or create

    products.Spatial: good at recognising and manipulating space - both wide and confined

    areas.Interpersonal: good at understanding intentions and emotions and so good at

    working with other people.Intrapersonal: good at understanding yourself and so using information well to

    organise your own life.

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 4

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    Module 1 Face to Face

    Activity 2Group work: The faculty you are in - your studies - your intelligence types.

    [This activity focuses on different university faculties which the teacher could elicit from the students and write on the board at this point. This then leads on to discussion possibilities for how different faculties may attract different learning types.]

    Discuss these questions in groups.

    What do you study? What faculty are you in?

    Make a list of all the faculties in your university. Which type or types of intelligence do you think are connected to studying at each faculty?Which of the intelligences relates best to you and your studies? Is there more than one intelligence type that youcan relate to? Do you agree with your type according to Gardner?

    How similar or different are you to each other? In what way?

    Activity 3Group work: Learning styles and strategies and e-learning.

    [Activity three relates and develops this into a more specific analysis of the advantages and difficultieswhich may arise when following a self access/online language course. (The comments in the box are to provide a stimulus for discussion/additional ideas).

    This should in turn provide an opportunity to put together all the main ideas which have hopefully come up in the course of the lesson and apply them to e-learning strategies.]

    Following a language course online is very different from following a course in class!

    Discuss these questions in groups.

    1. Is this the first time you have followed an online course?

    2. Does anyone have any experience of e-learning? What subject was it in? Did you enjoy the course? Why? Whynot? Explain to the others in the group.

    3. What do you think are the positive aspects of following a course online?

    4. What worries you about this type of course?Look at these comments made by students doing an English course online.

    Which do you consider to be positive comments and which negative?Which do you agree with? Which dont you agree with?

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  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    I miss working with other students.I can study anywhere - at home or in my

    faculty.I can develop my own learning style and

    habits.I feel lonely.I feel more independent.I can choose when I work and where. I can

    study in the middle of the night if I want to.

    Nobody explains my mistakes so Im never

    sure how wrong I am!

    I am more responsible for my own learning.

    I can contribute more to my own learning.

    I can work at my own pace.

    I like organising my own study time.I feel abandoned.

    I miss my teacher who will correct me now?I like the flexibility of this online course.I can spend more time on things that areimportant for me. I decide - not my teacher.I can learn from the key too.My teacher helps me more than controlsme.

    Access to links on the web give me morepossibility to do my own research.

    Activity 4Whole class: Putting together ideas

    [Again, this could be seen as an opportunity for students to work on fluency and not to worry too muchabout accuracy. The teacher could monitor the discussion and help with any lexical needs or difficulties.]

    Final class discussion of what each group came up with (putting together ideas). Discuss the following questions:

    What language learner strategies do you think would be the most useful to help you when you do this online course?Which intelligence types or learning styles do you think would express a strong preference for e-learning? Can you explain why?How do you think you can make the most of this online language course?

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 6

  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    Module 1 Face to Face ActivitiesPart 2

    2. Discovering you partners language learning style (based on Unit 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    2.1.Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity 1. Looking back at Unit 1






    Activity 2. Tell the class about your partners style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Activity 3. Can you become better language learners?

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 7

  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    2. Discovering you partners language learning style (based on Unit 1 Reading)

    Your partners language learning style.

    2.1. ActivitiesActivity 1Looking back at Unit 1

    [The pair work is designed to provide practise using the present simple together with adverbs + to be good at / bad at doing something.]

    In Unit 1 you read about different language learning styles - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Can you remember the

    different characteristics of each style?Student A: Ask Student B the questions below to discover his or her learning style(s).

    How do you prefer to learn languages?

    How do you remember new information?

    How do you try to understand something difficult?

    Do you prefer reading or listening?

    Does doing something help you to understand?

    What are you good at doing? / What do you do well?

    What are you bad at doing? / What do you do badly?

    What do you find easy?What do you find difficult?

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 8

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    Module 1 Face to Face

    2. Activity 2Tell the class about your partners style.

    [This section provides an opportunity to give the class information about the various conceived learningstyles - so being able to practise transforming the information into the 3rd person singular.]

    Does your partner have one specific style or is she or he have combination of more than one?

    Does he or she agree with her/his style? Why? Why not?

    Do you have similar styles or are they different? In what way?

    Activity 3Can you become better language learners?

    [This activity provides the possibility for a more open, freer class (or larger group) discussion on learning styles and strategies.]

    In unit 1 you looked at different techniques (strategies) to help you learn a language. Can you remember them? What strategies do you think are the best for you?Now look at these different strategies with your partner and discuss which strategies you like / dont like or you agree /dont agree with.Do you think some strategies are more positive than others? Which strategies do you think are the most important foryour learning style?

    I like the teacher to correct my mistakes.

    I like writing lists of new words.I like finding my own mistakes.I like talking in pairs.

    I like studying grammar.I like translating.I think films, videos and music help me a

    lot.I like guessing the meaning of new words.

    I like using English out of the class.

    I like learning new words by seeing them.I like reading books and newspapers.I like watching and listening to nativespeakers.

    I like the teacher to explain everything.I like analysing problems the teacher givesme.

    I like learning with conversation.I like taking risks in English.

    Can you add more strategies to the list?How do you think you could improve your language learning strategies for the future?

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    Module 1 Face to Face

    Module 1 Face to Face ActivitiesPart 3

    3. Role plays (Unit 2 Role play) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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    Module 1 Face to Face

    3. Role-plays (Unit 2 Role-play)

    Do a role-play similar to the one in Unit 2.

    Role A

    Start. Ask Student B why he or she looks unhappy.

    Ask student B some questions about how he organises his

    time. (Use the prompts to help you).

    where / study?

    when / study?

    study /at the weekend?

    what/ usually do / in the evening?

    do sports?how much time / spend / in the university library?

    finish your work on time?

    Help student B to organise his time - be realistic, set targets,

    make lists, get up early, use a diary

    Role B

    Explain to student A that you have got some problems

    organising your work at the university.

    Answer student As questions. (Choose one possibility.)

    at home / at university / in the library

    sometimes in the morning / usually late at night

    no never / sometimes / not often

    cook dinner, watch TV, listen to music, chat with

    friends on the phone or computer

    not often / sometimes go running / play tennis

    not much / when I can

    never / occasionally / rarely - explain why.

    Thank student A for all his/her help!

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    Module 1 Face to Face

    Te s t M o d u l e 1All the sentences below are similar to sentences in Module 1. However, there is ONE mistake in each sentence. Try tofind the mistakes and correct them. Try to do this exercise in 10 minutes!

    1. Do he study economics?Mistake.Correction. ................................................................................

    2. They no like his lessons very much.


    Correction. ................................................................................

    3. Do you have got a new car?Mistake.Correction. ................................................................................

    4. Why always she is late for lessons?

    Mistake.Correction. ................................................................................

    5. He works really hardly.




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  • 7/29/2019 Module 01 Lesson Activities Teacher


    Module 1 Face to Face

    Test: Module 1[Here is a short test based on the language introduced in Module 1 to do in class if you have time.]

    1. Do he study economics?Mistake.Correction. DoDoes he study economics?

    2. They no like his lessons very much.

    Mistake.Correction. no likeThey dont like his lessons very much.

    3. Do you have got a new car?Mistake.Correction. Do you have gotHave you got / do you have a new car?

    4. Why always she is late for lessons?

    Mistake.Correction. always she isWhy is she always late for lessons?

    5. He works really hardly.Mistake.Correction. hardlyHe works really hard.

    Cambridge-CRUI Course Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL 2010 13