MODIS Terra Data and Imagery for for near real-time Applications Air Quality - Dust storms – Fires...

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MODIS Terra Data and Imagery for for near real-time Applications Air Quality - Dust storms Fires Vegetation for agricultural monitoring Floods Ash Plumes Drought Smoke Plumes Sea / Lake Ice Severe Storms Slide 2 Summary Applications highlighted AIRNow Tech Air Quality MODIS NRT imagery (AOD and MODIS True Color) are ingested in to AirNow-Tech (via GIBS); a password-protected, interactive website and decision support system developed by the EPA for managing ambient air quality and meteorological data submitted to AirNow. GMAO Global aerosol modeling Daily biomass burning emissions are derived from MODIS radiative power retrievals and cloud- cleared MODIS reflectances are the main ingredients of the aerosol forecasting and data assimilation system, GEOS-5. Run by GMAO, the Earth system models models source and sink processes for dust, sulfate, sea salt, and black and organic carbon aerosols. Global Flood Mapping - MODIS derived flood products have been used by a range of organizations. Examples of imagery being used showing floods has been shown on The Weather Channel and used by the Thai Government FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management System FIRMS sends out approximately 200 fire email alerts every day to users in over 100 countries as well as making data available online and in easy to use formats. Information from FIRMS has been used for identifying illegal clearing in protected forests (example from Belize). Madhya Pradesh and Forestry Departments in India re-distribute FIRMS data as SMS text messages to SMS alerts sent out by Forestry Departments in India Slide 3 Summary Applications in this slide deck GEOGLAM Crop Monitor Agricultural Monitoring**Terra only Global crop monitoring of maize, wheat, soya bean and rice. The system has been endorsed by the G20 Heads of State FEWSNet USGS and USAID Famine Early Warning System drought monitoring Sea / Lake Ice Monitoring Polar Geospatial Centre obtains the latest sea ice information for shipping vessels in Antarctica Chasse and Peche Using MODIS images in Worldview to see whether lakes are still frozen for spring fishing and hunting SPoRT Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center: uses LANCE MODIS data to provide near real-time information for weather and disaster applications where direct broadcast data are unavailable Slide 4 4 Slide courtesy of Adam Pasch, Sonoma Technology Slide 5 5 Slide 6 6 Slide 7 GMAO GEOS-5 Global Aerosol Forecasting Slide 8 Global Flood Mapping 070E040N (NE Pakistan) 8 Continental tile index for Asia 070E040N (NE Pakistan) date selector product/format downloads Slide 9 Selection of end users Slide 10 The Weather Channel uses MODIS imagery to show Texas Oklahoma Reservoirs 10 Slide 11 twice daily flood monitoring using MODIS images and posted them on for over 4 months from October 2011 until January 2012. We also used MODIS to trigger EO-1 flood and fire sensorweb 11 Near-real-time applications: Monitoring floods in Thailand Photos courtesy of Veerachai Tanipapit Slide 12 Slide courtesy of Jeff Schmaltz 12 Flooding in Thailand 7-2-1 Population 1 December 2011 Terra Slide 13 Data processing at SIPS in NRT (LANCE) Value Added Services End users adding value: Customized Email and SMS alerts, press releases Fire Email Alerts Visualize imagery GIS compatible data NASAs Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) 13 Slide 14 14 Global Forest Watch: tracking forest fires and haze in the ASEAN region Slide 15 Fire email alerts: help identify forest clearing in Belize. Photo courtesy of Friends for Conservation and Development, Belize) The Friends of Conservation and Development in Belize use FIRMS fire alerts to identify areas being impacted by the advancement of the agricultural frontier and where we would need to put interventions. This technology, because it comes from satellite imagery, and comes from an international source, gives us a higher magnitude of confidence for the authorities about what is taking place in the area. Left: photo taken during a reconnaissance flight, triggered by a FIRMS fire alert, showing illegal clearing in Chiquibul National Park Slide 16 16 Slide 17 Crop Monitor Interface for Crop Condition Assessments Slide from C. Justice and I. Becker-Reshef, GeoGLAM /UMD Slide 18 18 Monitoring Sea Ice to help ships in Antarctica Monitoring Lake Ice to inform fishermen and hunters Slide 19 Google Earth Basemap with LTER Locations We're trying to figure out where to go after we depart Rothera Sunday morning. Normally we would shoot straight to Charcot Island, but it seems to be deep in the ice, so an idea where the ice is, relative to our outer line stations would really help 19 th Jan 2012 ARSV LM Gould of the US Antarctic Program Charcot Island Slide courtesy of Paul Morin, PGC A B Slide 20 MODIS Bands 367 The takeaway from this is the combination of LANCE and Polarview is how we get ice conditions to the ships in Antarctica Slide courtesy of Paul Morin, PGC Slide 21 21 Slide 22 Know when your lake thaws: A how to video posted online to show spring fishermen how to use MODIS imagery in Worldview to see if the ice lake has thawed. Over 11,000 views 22 quand-votre-lac-d%C3%A9g%C3%A8le-en-quelques-clics Slide 23 USGS routinely uses MODIS NRT to create eMODIS NDVI maps for FEWS NET 23 Slide 24 NRT MODIS to Identify hail or tornado damage The LANCE API is used to collect MODIS observations, from which NDVI and NDVI change are derived. Short-term NDVI change following severe weather can be used to identify hail or tornado damage scars, when corroborated with other storm information. Providing data to the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit via WMS for use in the field. Example MODIS NDVI difference product derived from LANCE observations and shown in the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit Slide 25 Backup Material Slide 26 AirNow Tech Navigator Air Quality AirNow is Americas go to resource for current and forecasted air quality information. Significant gaps exist in the existing PM2.5 monitoring. NRT MODIS data (True Color and AOD) helps fill the gaps. 24-hr average PM 2.5 AirNow WMS HYSPLIT Trajectory NOAA ARL Terra & Aqua AOD NASA GIBS WMS 24-hr average PM 2.5 AirNow WMS HYSPLIT Trajectory NOAA ARL Terra & Aqua AOD NASA GIBS WMS 0.70 0.27 AOD Slide courtesy of Adam Pasch, Sonoma Technology AirNow Tech Navigator 2.0 Example: July 4, 2012 (visible smoke) Slide 27 Condition Synthesis Maps Covering All AMIS Crops Crop Conditions as of April 28 th, 2015 Crop condition map synthesizing information for all four AMIS crops. Crops that are in other than favorable conditions are displayed on the map with their crop symbol. (Cropland area shown is an aggregation of all cropland areas) Quick and easy to interpret crop conditions oriented for non RS community 27 Slide 28 Crop Condition Pie Charts by Crop Crop Conditions as of April 28 th, 2015 28 Slide 29 The Monthly Crop Monitor Monthly Bulletin Operational since Sept 2013 10 Slide 30 EOS Imagery Available Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) Most imagery is available within 3-5 hours of observation Supported application areas include air quality, flood monitoring, wildfire management, shipping Yosemite Rim Fire, 2013 August 20-24Sea ice near Nome, AK, 2014 April 23-28 30 Slide 31 NASA Earth Observation (EO) Data Products 31 NASA Satellite missions are based on key science questions Once on orbit, the value of the mission is multiplied by the many possibilities afforded by the data many of which were not part of the original justification for the mission Data capture and Level 0 processing EOS Data Operations Science Investigator- led Processing Systems Higher level product generation Distributed Archive Centers LANCE NRT capability Reformat Subset Re-project Visualize How-tos Guides Assimilate Forecast Infer Models The value is increased by every link in the chain.