Modern Youth Can Learn From Vivekananda

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VIVEKANANDAI read some collections of Vivekananda and I consolidate that. May be it was useful for Indian philosophers in ethics paper and even can use in essay papers also.


All other nations in the world captured one another for certain period, soaked in a deluge of blood. But India for thousand years peacefully existed. Here activity prevailed when even Greece and Rome didnt exist. We, of all nations, of the world, have never been a conquering race and that blessing is our heritage. The globe-trotting travellers, especially foreigners, who deplored the ignorance of the eastern masses which was partly true and at the same time partly untrue. If you ask a peasant in foreign he will say whether he is a republican or democratic or conservative and he told that his religion as he belongs to particular church. In India, its just opposite when we ask a peasant about politics he ask in return What is politics? But when ask about religion he shows mark on his forehead. This land from the beginning is a SACRED LAND / PUNYA BHOOMI. Political greatness or military power is never the mission of our race. We never preached our thoughts with fore and sword. It is the land of Upanishads. Here you can see plenty of Gods with different names but it is the same one.

Features of Indian society:

The foreigners talk of politics, of the glory, of acquisition of other nations, acquisition of immense wealth poured in by trade of the power and spread of commercialism and of the glorious fountain of physical liberty. Their theme of life is political supremacy, materialism ; religion &everything become subordinate that one great theme of their life. But, ours the theme of life is spirituality, religion, God, soul, spiritual freedom, transcendental meditation and renunciation. Each peasant will know these here very well.Youths duty to conquer the world: If you see any idea of God from any other scriptures, equal to ours, they have only clan-Gods of particular race. Our path preaches always Peace, peace, peace. Our reformation is of construction to uplift the race. First educate the nation, create your legislative body and laws. The great reformers like Shankaracharya has been the slow bringing back of the Indian masses to the pristine purity of the vedantic region. Sudden changes cannot be and Shankarcharya knew it. So did Ramanuja. The only way is to bring up slowly to the highest ideal, the existing religion.

In Europe political ideas form the national unity. But here, the first plank in the making of a future India is this unification of religion. Our idea must be, to bring out the gems of spirituality to all people, which are in Sanskrit language, we should make them popular. So Knowledge is the only skin deep as civilisation is

We must be bold enough to speak about other defects but at the same time we must give credit that is due to them. It is one of the great blessings of British rule in India to eliminate discrimination. We are not united and not have will power so they made as slaves easily. Atharva Veda Samhitha says

Be thou all of one mind Be thou all of one thought to achieve a goal.

We need accumulation of will power, co ordination and bring all in one focus. Women must come forward to make big societies like western women. We always need purification of the heart. We must have a hold on the spiritual and secular education of the nation.

Education is the identical with information, libraries are the greatest Sages in the world and encyclopaedias are the Rishis. We must not quarrel with other sects. We have to carry religion door to door, along with secular education also.

Conclusion: So, as we learnt from the blessings of Swami Vivekananda.1. Follow the life of spirituality

2. Transcedental meditation

3. Firm determination

4. Respecting other races

5. Eliminating discrimination

6. rganisation

7. Co ordination

8. Renunciation Affording all the above values we can build a strong India within 2020 as our former President Dr. A .P.J. ABDUL KALAM dreams.

by N. Mahanitya


To the Youth of India by Swami vivekanada.