Modern spain

Modern Spain

Transcript of Modern spain

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Modern Spain

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• .Industrial Revolution ( 1760- 1820) - New machineries Standars of living rised- People move from rural areas to the city to look for a job- Differences between poor and rich people widener.- Bad working conditions.

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• French Revolution ( 1789- 1815)- leader: Napoleon Bonaparte.- Liberal ideas. They don´t want absolute monarchs.

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Carlos IV

• He came into the throne in 1788 and his prime minister was Manuel Godoy.

• Manuel Godoy signed with Napoleon the Tready of Aranjuez in 1807 to conquered Portugal and divided it between Spain and Portugal.

• Carlos´s son Fernando was opposed to the agreement and led the Mutiny of Aranjuez in 1808. Carlos was forced to abdicate and Fernando VII became the King.

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• Napoleón didn´t keep the tready and conquered Spain( except Cádiz)

• Napoleón forced Fernando to abdicate and put his brother Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain.

• This caused an uprising in Madrid on 2 May 1808.• With the help of the British, the French were defeated in

1814 and Fernando came back as King of Spain.

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The Constitution of 1812“ La Pepa”

• Cádiz was the only place that was not under the French rule.

• A group of delegtes draw up the first Constitution in Spain.

• They signed it in 1812 and established: - Freedom of press and expression - Equeality for all - voting rights for all men over 18. - National sovereignty - a constitutional monarchy

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FERNANDO VII1814- 1833

1. ABSOLUTISM ( 1814- 1820): He abolished the constitution in 1814. He became absolute monarch.2. LIBERAL TRIENNIUM ( 1820- 1823): Rafael de Riego led a military rebellion ( liberal)3. OMINOUS DECADE ( 1823- 1833) Period of repression ( absolutism) Problem of sucession. He declared as Isabel as his heir but Carlos, his brother) was the legitimate heir.

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Isabel II

• Regents: María Cristina ( her mother) and Capitan Espartero.

• Carlist Wars between the supporters of Carlos and the supporters of Isabel.

• Spain became a parlamentary monarchy.• Her reign was characterised by political instability and

conflicto which led her exile in 1868.

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• Upper class: nobility, rich Factory owners, bankers.• Middle class: merchants, doctors, lawyers and small

landowners.• Working class: low-paid agricultural workers and

Factory workers. Their working conditions were very bad so they created to demand improvements in their wages and working conditions. THE LABOUR MOVEMENT.

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Francisco de Goya y Lucientes• 1774- 1792: leissure activities. La gallinita ciega, El pelele, La vendimia

• 1785: portraits of the royal family. La familia de Carlos IV

• 1808-1813: horrors of the War. La carga de los mamelucos, Los fusilamientos de la Moncloa.

• 1814- 1824: black paintings. Saturno devorando a su hijo, El aquelarre.

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1774- 1792

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1808- 1813

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1814- 1824