Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors...

DNI NOM COGNOMS MODEL DE TASQUES CERTIFICAT DE NIVELL B1 ANGLÈS B1 Temps: 60 minuts Reading Comprehension Instructions - DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. - Write your name and surname in CAPITAL LETTERS within the space provided. - Do NOT use pencil. - Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. - When time expires, stop writing and hand in this booklet. Information This section consists of 3 tasks. I have read and understood the Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 1 Candidat

Transcript of Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors...

Page 1: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.







Temps: 60 minuts

Reading Comprehension


- DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. - Write your name and surname in CAPITAL LETTERS within the space provided.- Do NOT use pencil. - Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.- When time expires, stop writing and hand in this booklet.


This section consists of 3 tasks.

I have read and understood the instructions above

Signature: Absent

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 1

Candidat nº

Page 2: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.


Read this essay about Child Labor. Choose the most suitable option (A, B or C) for each question.


Child labor refers to the employment of children. This practice is illegal in many countries. In rich countries it is considered as a human rights violation.

Child labor goes back a long way in time. During the Victorian era, many young children were made to work in factories and mines and as chimney sweeps. Child labor played an important role in the Industrial Revolution. Charles Dickens worked at the age of 12 in the Blacking Factory, while his family was in debtor’s prison. In those days, children as young as four were employed in production factories with dangerous working conditions.

With universal schooling and the introduction of concepts like human rights and child rights, slowly child labor fell into disrepute. The first general laws against child labor, the Factory Acts, were passed in Britain in the first half of the 19th century. Children younger than nine were not allowed to work.

Poverty is the main reason why child labor exists. Children bring in additional income which is much needed and so parents send them to work. Child labor is common in poorer parts of the world. Children may work in factories, sweatshops, mines, fields, hotels, match factories, or in households. Some children work as guides for tourists and may end up getting sexually abused by them as happens in places like Goa and Kerala.

As many children work in the informal sector they manage to escape the scrutiny of the labor inspectors and the media. According to UNICEF, there are an estimated 158 million children aged 5 to 14 engaged in child labor worldwide. In 1999, the Global March against Child Labor, the movement, began. Thousands of people marched together to spread the message against child labor.

The march, which started on January 17, 1998, built immense awareness and culminated at the ILO Conference in Geneva. It resulted in the draft of the ILO Convention against the worst forms of child labor. The following year, the Convention was unanimously adopted at the ILO Conference in Geneva.

Child labor is still widely prevalent in India. It is estimated that there are between 70 and 80 million child laborers in India. Though there are laws banning child labor they are blatantly ignored even by educated and well-informed people. Young children not

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 2

Page 3: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

yet in their teens often work for 20 hours a day in sweatshops and are paid only a pittance.

In many developed countries, there is a move to boycott goods and products made by employing child labor. Child labor is a cruel practice. Childhood is a time to play and be carefree, enjoying the company of other children. A child is not equipped to work like an adult so this evil practice should be banned and the government should see that no child is deprived of an education because of poverty.

Q1. Child labour is….

a. forbidden everywhere

b. allowed in some countries

c. is a legal practice

Q2. During the Industrial Revolution…

a. kids from 12 were employed

b. kids younger than 12 were employed

c. kids were not allowed to work

Q3. Why do parents send their kids to work in poor countries?

a. Because it’s a tradition

b. because they are unemployed

c. because they need extra money

Write your answers here

Q1 Q2 Q3

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 3

Page 4: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Temps: 45 minuts

Listening Comprehension


- DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO.- Write your name and surname in CAPITAL LETTERS within the space provided.- Do NOT use pencil.- Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.- When time expires, stop writing and hand in this booklet.


This section consists of 3 tasks.There are 24 items. Each item scores 1 point.Listen carefully to the instructions on the recording.You will listen to each recording twice.You must answer the questions while listening to the recordings.I have read and understood the instructions above

Signature: Absent

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 4

Page 5: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.


Listen to some information about Branding. Complete the sentences with one word from the extract. Write your answers in the space provided below. Instructions have been recorded. You will listen to the extract twice.


Q1. Branding is both rational and ……………………

Q2. People forget brands if they make a single …………………….

Q3. A brand will success if it ……………………..

Q4. Harley-Davidson stands for …………………………

Q5. Starbucks has created its own ………………………..

Write your answers here






Temps: 80 minuts

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 5

Page 6: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.



- DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO.- Write your name and surname in CAPITAL LETTERS within the space provided.- Do NOT use pencil.- Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.- Write your answers within the word limits. - Under or overlength answers will be penalized.- When time expires, stop writing and hand in this booklet.


This section consists of 2 tasks.Each task scores a maximum of 20 points.

I have read and understood the instructions above

Signature: Absent


Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 6

Page 7: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Today you have interviewed two people for the post of receptionist. Your manager is in a meeting and has asked you to leave a note on your impressions. Write a note dealing with:

Their experience Your impressions Your opinion on the best candidate

Write between 90-110 words.





















Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 7

Page 8: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.


You are attending an English course but you are not happy with the teacher because he is always late and speaks Spanish too frequently. After talking with your classmates you decide to write the director of the language school an email telling him/her about the situation and asking for a solution. Include suggestions.

Write between 100 and 140 words.





















Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 8

Page 9: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Temps: 20 minuts



- DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO.- Write your name and surname in CAPITAL LETTERS within the space provided.- Do NOT use pencil.


This section consists of 3 tasks.The first task is not evaluated.Tasks 2 and 3 score a maximum of 40 points.

I have read and understood the instructions above

Signature: Absent

Prova de certificació de competència lingüística Pàgina 9

Page 10: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.



Why do people choose to shop in places like these? Which one do you prefer? Why?


Comment on the following sports. Explain the ones you like and dislike, the ones you have practiced or you would like to practice and give reasons for your choice.

Prova de certificació de competència lingüísticaPàgina 10

Page 11: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Rúbrica 1: Evaluación de la competencia oral. Tarea 1: Monólogo. NOMBRE: ………………………………………………………………….. Nº CANDIDATO/A ………………

CATEGORY Very good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) (0)Phonological competence

The candidate speaks smoothly, with little hesitation that does not interfere with communication. His/Her pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate.

The candidate speaks with some hesitation, but it does not usually interfere with communication.His/Her pronunciation and intonation are usually clear/accurate with a few problem areas

The candidate speaks with some hesitation, which often interferes with communication. His/her pronunciation and intonation sometimes make it difficult to understand him/her.

The candidate hesitates too often when speaking, which often interferes with communication. There are frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation.













Grammatical competence

The candidate shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms and attempts some complex grammatical forms.

The candidate shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms.

The candidate shows sufficient control of simple grammatical forms.

The candidate uses basic structures, making frequent errors.




The candidate uses a range of appropriate vocabulary and expressions.

The candidate uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions, but makes some errors in word choice.

The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions , making some mistakes.

The candidate uses only basic vocabulary and expressions, making frequent mistakes.



Discourse competence

The candidate stays on task and produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. Contribution is relevant despite some repetition.The candidate uses a range of cohesive devices.

The candidate stays on task most of the time and produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite hesitation.The candidate uses basic cohesive devices.

The candidate tries to stay on task and produces responses which are characterized by short phrases and frequent hesitation.

The candidate uses few cohesive devices.

The candidate’s purpose isn’t clear, needs a lot of help communicating and usually does not respond appropriately or clearly.The candidate does not use cohesive devices.




The candidate tries to speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy using an appropriate register according to the situation.

The candidate finds it difficult to speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy with little prompting and support.

The candidate speaks with little conviction, clarity and courtesy and needs prompting and support.

The candidate doesn’t speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy requiring constant prompting and support.



Prova de certificació de competència lingüísticaPàgina 11

Page 12: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

GLOBAL SCORE: …………………..

Rúbrica 2: Evaluación de la competencia oral. Tarea 2: Diálogo. NOMBRE: …………………………………………………………………………….. Nº CANDIDATO/A ………………………

CATEGORY Very good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) (0)Phonological competence

The candidate speaks smoothly, with little hesitation that does not interfere with communication. His/Her pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate.

The candidate speaks with some hesitation but it does not usually interfere with communication.His/Her pronunciation and intonation are usually clear/accurate with a few problem areas

The candidate speaks with some hesitation, which often interferes with communication. His/her pronunciation and intonation sometimes make it difficult to understand him/her.

The candidate hesitates too often when speaking, which often interferes with communication. There are frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation.













Grammatical competence

The candidate shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms and attempts some complex grammatical forms.

The candidate shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms.

The candidate shows sufficient control of simple grammatical forms.

The candidate uses basic structures, making frequent errors.




The candidate uses a range of appropriate vocabulary and expressions.

The candidate uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions, but makes some errors in word choice.

The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

The candidate uses only basic vocabulary and expressions, making frequent mistakes.



Discourse competence

The candidate stays on task and produces coherent stretches of language despite some hesitation. S/he respects turn-taking and keeps interaction going effectively.The candidate uses a range of cohesive devices.

The candidate stays on task most of the time and produces acceptable stretches of language despite hesitation. S/he tries to respect turn-taking.The candidate uses basic cohesive devices.

The candidate tries to stay on task and sometimes fails to produce acceptable stretches of language because of hesitation.S/he fails to respect turn-taking.The candidate uses few cohesive devices.

The candidate’s purpose isn’t clear, needs a lot of help communicating and usually does not respond appropriately or clearly.The candidate does not use cohesive devices.




The candidate tries to speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy using an appropriate register according to the situation.

The candidate finds it difficult to speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy with little prompting and support.

The candidate speaks with little conviction, clarity and courtesy and needs prompting and support.

The candidate doesn’t speak with conviction, clarity and courtesy requiring constant prompting and support.



GLOBAL SCORE: …………………..

Prova de certificació de competència lingüísticaPàgina 12

Page 13: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Rúbrica 3: Evaluación de la expresión escrita. Tarea 1: XXX NOMBRE: …………………………………………………………………………….. Nº CANDIDATO/A ………………………

CATEGORY Very good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) (0)



ic c




Lexical Competence

Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis.Errors do not impede communication.

Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis.While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.

Uses everyday vocabulary occasionally appropriately, while overusing certain lexis.Errors are noticeable and it is sometimes difficult to determine meaning.

Uses basic vocabulary reasonably appropriately.Errors impede meaning.













Grammatical competence

Uses a range of some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control.Errors do not impede communication.

Uses some grammatical forms with a good degree of control.While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.

Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control.Errors are noticeable and it is sometimes difficult to determine meaning.

Uses simple grammatical forms with some degree of control.Errors impede meaning.



Organisation and cohesion

The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of liking words and cohesive devices.

The candidate can organise ideas and present them using the appropriate linking devices, but with some difficulty. The text is organised and cohesive, but there are some errors.

The candidate has some problems when organising ideas. The text is quite connected and coherent, using basic linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices.

The candidate finds it difficult to organise and present his/her ideas. Linking devices are not present or they are not used correctly. As a result the text is neither organised nor cohesive.









Content All content is relevant to the task.Target reader is fully informed.

Irrelevances and/or omissions may be present. Target reader is informed.

Minor irrelevances and/or omissions are present. Target reader is partially informed.

Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task is present. Content is totally irrelevant and target reader is not informed.










Format The candidate uses the correct register. Paragraphs are effectively used to structure the text and the conventional features of text type are correctly used.

An attempt is made to use the correct register. Paragraphs are used to structure the text and some of the conventional features of the text type are used correctly.

. The candidate has difficulty using the correct register. Paragraphs are not used effectively. Errors are widely made in the use of features of the text type.

The candidate doesn’t produce a text with a format appropriate to the context. Paragraphs are not used correctly and the features of the text type are not used.



GLOBAL SCORE: …………………..

Prova de certificació de competència lingüísticaPàgina 13

Page 14: Modelo de Tareas B1 Inglés - Flo Web viewHarley-Davidson stands for ... but makes some errors in word choice. The candidate uses limited vocabulary and expressions, making some mistakes.

Rúbrica 4: Evaluación de la expresión escrita. Tarea 2: XXX. NOMBRE: ……………………………………………………………………….. Nº CANDIDATO/A ………………………

CATEGORY Very good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) (0)



ic c




Lexical Competence

Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis.Errors do not impede communication.

Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while occasionally overusing certain lexis.While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.

Uses everyday vocabulary occasionally appropriately, while overusing certain lexis.Errors are noticeable and it is sometimes difficult to determine meaning.

Uses basic vocabulary reasonably appropriately.Errors impede meaning.













Grammatical competence

Uses a range of some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control.Errors do not impede communication.

Uses some grammatical forms with a good degree of control.While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.

Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control.Errors are noticeable and it is sometimes difficult to determine meaning.

Uses simple grammatical forms with some degree of control.Errors impede meaning.



Organisation and cohesion

The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices.

The candidate can organise ideas and present them using the appropriate linking devices, but with some difficulty. The text is organised and cohesive, but there are some errors.

The candidate has some problems when organising ideas. The text is quite connected and coherent, using basic linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices.

The candidate finds it difficult to organise and present his/her ideas. Linking devices are not present or they are not used correctly. As a result the text is neither organised nor cohesive.









Content All content is relevant to the task.Target reader is fully informed.

Irrelevances and/or omissions may be present. Target reader is informed.

Minor irrelevances and/or omissions are present. Target reader is partially informed.

Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task is present. Content is totally irrelevant and target reader is not informed.










Format The candidate uses the correct register. Paragraphs are effectively used to structure the text and the conventional features of text type are correctly used.

An attempt is made to use the correct register. Paragraphs are used to structure the text and some of the conventional features of the text type are used correctly.

The candidate has difficulty using the correct register Paragraphs are not used effectively. Errors are widely made in the use of features of the text type.

The candidate doesn’t produce a text with a format appropriate to the context. Paragraphs are not used correctly and the features of the text type are not used.



GLOBAL SCORE: …………………..

Prova de certificació de competència lingüísticaPàgina 14