Mock Publishing Proposal for Intercultural Analysis

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  • 7/28/2019 Mock Publishing Proposal for Intercultural Analysis


    Running head: FINAL PROJECT 1

    Final Project: International Expansion Proposal

    Winston Crutchfield

    Indiana Wesleyan University

    ADM549 Intercultural and Global IssuesGBO1304DWS6

    Facilitator: Bonnie J. Straight, Ph.D

    May 13, 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Mock Publishing Proposal for Intercultural Analysis




    Acme Publishing group has decided to expand into the international market by locating a

    subsidiary publishing house in Australia. The cultural similarity, presence of an existing market,

    and access to local markets will allow Acme to establish an immediately competitive business

    using local resources. The Australian market encourages foreign direct investment and allows

    Acme to localize operations while still maintaining a high level of control that will enable the

    company to maintain a consistent brand identity and product quality. The similarity of the

    Australian culture to the home culture will ease the transition of expatriate managers. Expatriate

    managers will be selected with a strong preference for managers who are actively interested in

    the assignment and test well for overseas adaptability. Existing competitors in this market space

    are using similar strategic operations, and the opportunity exists for Acme to enter this market as

    a leader. The interest of the Australian government in bring foreign direct investment to their

    shores and the intention of Acme to use predominantly local resources means that Acme will

    enjoy the protection and resources of the local government while interacting with local

    businesses and Near East export opportunities.

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    Final Project: International Expansion Proposal

    Market analysis and decision to expand

    Acme Consolidated Book Publishing Group has experienced steady growth in the

    domestic market over the previous ten years. Each of our publishing imprints has shown

    consistent sales and garnered a measurable market share; our strongest imprint is the BlowedUp

    line of action-adventure novels, followed by our Angst young adult line, and the Fair Maiden

    fantasy romance line. Our sales volume and the size of our staff allow us to compete in the

    middle market, comparable to the market share enjoyed by Harlequin, Baen, and Hyperion in the

    same market space. Our core competency lies in growing a dedicated customer base through

    consistent development of author recognition and IP participation.

    The decision to expand into Australia with a local printing and distribution hub has

    grown out of the volume of ebook sales to that country, and the escalation of interest in physical

    copies of our products. Australian publishing trends in recent years have shown a preference for

    genre fiction characterized by an increase of 10 to 20 percent during the 1990s and 2000s (Bode,

    2010). The purpose of the expansion is to provide a local printing and distribution hub that can

    supply physical copies of our products to local retailers at a lower cost than importing products

    printed elsewhere. Local production will enable us to distribute to the Australian mass market

    and reach a larger consumer base. We have chosen to expand into Australian markets based on

    the consumption of our ebook titles in that demographic, and based on the reduction of activity

    in that country by large publishers such as Random House and HarperCollins (Matthews, 2005).

    Environmental factors

    The Australian Trade Commission describes the country as a safe destination for

    investment. The country's political and regulatory environment is stable, open and progressive,

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    providing investors with a high degree of confidence and certainty (Democratic and Politically

    Stable, 2013,p. 1). The legal system and technological infrastructure of Australia resembles

    the common law structure of other developed Western nations (Democratic and Politically

    Stable, 2013). The economic structure of Australia has been ranked second only to the United

    States, promotes strong growth opportunities, and possesses a banking system that has not

    required direct financial support (Strong Economic Credentials, 2013).

    Cultural norms in Australia are similar to other developed Western cultures. Acme will

    conduct business overseas using the same value system we have developed for our domestic

    office, with sensitivity to changes in cultural preferences. Acme values communication that is

    timely and clearly understood, transparency of business practices, production of high-quality

    content, and a commitment to support the fiction series within our imprints. Consumer reaction

    to our core values has been largely positive, and continues to drive demand for our products.

    The work of Arjoon & Rambocas (2011) suggests that positive consumer reaction to our

    reliable and interactive online presence will translate into a perception of ethical reliability and

    trust. This perception should ease transition into the local market and provide us with a solid

    foundation for local marketing. Singh, Iglesias, & Batista-Foguet (2012) draw a positive

    correlation between perceived ethicality, consumer trust, and brand success. With the success of

    Acme as a publishing house tied closely to the success of our branded imprints, a successful

    transition into the Australian market will likely depend heavily on our ability to maintain our

    current level of customer trust.

    Cultural profile

    Australians enjoy a structure society with many rules governing business conduct and

    formal rules dealing with unpredictable situations (Singh, Svensson, Wood, & Callaghan, 2011).

    Comment [bjs1]: When you use the place of the author, you need to put the ti

    fragment of the title in quotation marks incitation - Also, you dont need to put the

    in the citation, just the first few words, en


    Comment [bjs2]: When you have a

    quote, you need either a page number o

    number in the citation

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    Australians are a highly individualistic society with low tolerance for power distance and

    autocratic governance (Singh et al., 2011). Australias masculinity index is relatively high

    compared to other countries that share its ethnic origins and language, suggesting prescriptive

    codes of ethics and formal rules dominate the business environments (Singh et al., 2011). This

    culture is similar to other business cultures in developed Western nations, and should ease

    potential conflicts associated with establishing a printing and distribution hub.

    Worker profile

    Like many other developed countries, Australia relies on a highly diverse, relatively low-

    skilled workforce for most of its manufacturing and labor-intensive occupations (Scott-Ladd,

    Travaglione, Perryer, & Pick, 2010). This has led to increased social diversity and workforce

    migration resulting in language problems, communication barriers, lack of community support,

    and a potential increase in workforce discrimination (Scott-Ladd et al., 2010). Australias core

    workforce of skilled and educated labor is supplemented and supported by a casual and transient

    workforce that makes up fully 27% of its labor market (Scott-Ladd et al., 2010). Cultural conflict

    and stress associated with the work place account for a large number of job complaints by the

    workforce, and creates an environment with low worker confidence and job security (Scott-Ladd

    et al., 2010).

    Foreign development initiatives

    Australian attitudes to foreign direct investment have undergone a paradigm shift in

    recent years, as Australian corporations seek out Asian and European funds for use in-country

    instead of focusing on growing the local economy as a source of generating Gross Domestic

    Product (Australia FDI, 2012). Firms within the Australian market tend to focus on supplying

    local demand rather than exporting to the Asian market, and have little experience with foreign

    Comment [bjs3]: After the first citatiauthors listed, you can use et al. for the

    (Singh et al., 2011)

    Comment [bjs4]: (Scott-Ladd et al., 2

  • 7/28/2019 Mock Publishing Proposal for Intercultural Analysis



    markets (Massingham, 2013). The government is attempting to attract more foreign investment

    and manage local anxiety over foreign capital replacing domestic capital (Australia FDI,

    2012). The government desires to present a legally stable environment with a competitive

    structure, but local resistance to market evolution is sending mixed signals (Australia FDI,


    Cultural summary and communication barriers

    Australian culture shares much in common with other developed Western nations, and

    particularly to the English-speaking countries. Both the U.S. and Australia value individualism

    and communicate within a low-context environment where explicit information exchange is seen

    as normal and desirable. Both developed nations share similar workforce structures composed of

    a low-skilled workforce that tends toward career migration. One critical difference is the influx

    into Australia of a migratory workforce from a predominantly Asian background. Managers

    transitioning into the international Australian market will need to be flexible in their human

    resources management with a high tolerance for cultural ambiguity.

    Many critical workforce values are common between the Australian and U.S. markets,

    and managers transitioning to the new production and distribution facility will find common

    ground regarding attitudes toward individual achievement and power structures. One critical

    difference is the greater emphasis that Australians place on rules of conduct regarding business

    practices and the low tolerance for autocratic governance.

    Decision to go international

    The decision to expand into the international market in Australia started as a reaction to

    customer demand for our product. The Australian market for printed fiction is not restrictive, and

    companies face no market pressure to localize production of printed material, but may achieve

    Comment [bjs5]: Fine conclusion!

  • 7/28/2019 Mock Publishing Proposal for Intercultural Analysis



    economies of scale and significant shipping savings by localizing production. The major

    influence in the decision to globalize is a proactive attempt to realize cost savings through

    utilization of local resources. The production of printed publications uses no proprietary

    technology and requires no specialized resources. With local production facilities servicing the

    Australian market and the English-speaking near-East market such as Shanghai, Taiwan, and

    Singapore, an overseas production facility presents significant growth opportunities in an export-

    only strategy.

    Global objectives

    In developing an international production facility and developing the companys imprints

    in the overseas market, Acme desires to grow a loyal customer base within the international

    market and set precedent for the protection of our intellectual properties within the international

    legal environment. Growing a loyal customer base in the Asian and near-Asian markets such as

    Australia means building a degree of trust between the company and the market. A customer-

    centric approach manages this relationship by focusing on the benefit to the customer, along with

    shared values (Chang & Lewis, 2009). Over time, this relationship fosters an increasing degree

    of customer loyalty which serves as the basis for mutually beneficial transactions that contribute

    to a successful business (Chang & Lewis, 2009).

    Developing countries harbor an enormous creative potential for translating intellectual

    properties into other cultures, attaining a high rate of success while preserving the essential

    elements of the property (Pager, 2013). Developed countries see a high degree of risk in

    exporting their properties to developing nations, while the targeted nations chafe at restrictions

    imposed by the country of origin, seeing them as nationalistic (Pager, 2013).

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    To be sure, production of copyrighted content as a global commodity remains skewed in

    favor of developed countries. Yet developing countries increasingly figure not just as

    consumers of imported media (whether authorized or not) but also as producers and

    exporters. The creative industries they harbor have become important drivers of

    economic growth (Pager, 2013, p. 242).

    Establishment of local production facilities not only provides the intellectual properties with

    legal protection based in the local judicial system, but affords an authorized outlet for tapping

    local creativity that can add value to the brand.

    Environmental assessment

    Scanning the projected business environment identifies global, regional, and national

    factors that will affect the interests of the company (Deresky, 2011). Other companies in this

    market space have already performed intensive analysis of the business environment, and Acme

    can reduce its own risk by taking the role of follower and limiting our own investigation

    (Deresky, 2011). The Australian government is a stable political environment with a growing

    economy that is attracting foreign investors (Democratic, 2013). The publishing industry is an

    unlikely target for nationalization of either facilities or technology, as it is not a vital industry.

    The current market focuses on small publication runs consisting mainly of magazines and trade

    publications; multinational players in this field are Houghton-Mifflin and MacMillan, who both

    focus on academic publications in this market. Competition in the genre fiction market is limited

    to a few publishing houses, all of which are currently using an export-only strategy to compete in

    this market.

    Entry strategy

    Comment [bjs6]: With a block formayou do not use quotation marks

    But you need the location of the quote

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    Because Acme wishes to establish itself as a local player within the Australian market, it

    has opted for an aggressive entry strategy requiring a large investment and affording a high

    degree of control. Acquiring an existing publication facility will afford Acme easy access to

    distribution networks and provide an immediate level of acceptability while allowing rapid

    market entry with our established imprints (Deresky, 2011). The high control of management

    afforded by establishing a fully owned subsidiary will allow Acme to ensure quality control,

    intellectual property support, and to realize the largest profits from its investment (Dyhr-Ulrich,

    Boyd, & Hollensen, 2012).

    Establishing a subsidiary grants instant credibility to Acme and affords immediate access

    to local markets utilizing local resources and labor. Having a local publishing house will give

    Acme a competitive edge compared to other companies in this market space by affording access

    to an extended exporting network. The high degree of control this strategy provides allows Acme

    to establish consistent brand identity and improve the value and recognition of the label.

    Organizational structure and reasoning

    Acme Publishing is ready to move from a simple export model to establishing a local

    production facility in Australia. The limited scope of this move means that the company will be

    reorganizing into a domestic structure plus foreign subsidiary (Figure 1.0). This structure will

    enable the parent company to retain control over the intellectual properties and ensure a

    consistent level of quality in both development and production. Heading financial, production,

    and human resources issues under a centralized vertical structure will enable the home office to

    enact and enforce uniform policies in both the domestic and foreign offices, providing consumers

    with uninterrupted service and no perceptible change in quality. The key deciding factor in favor

    Comment [bjs7]: ?

    Comment [bjs8]: Parallel structure:2 sets of parallel phrases:to ensure

    quality of control and

    intellectual property support, andto realize the

    or 1 phrase and 3 parallel phrases:

    to ensure

    quality of control,

    intellectual property support, andrealization of the

    Comment [bjs9]: 666 words

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    of this structure is the brand messaging power of a single marketing program executed

    consistently in both foreign and domestic markets.

    Control of global brand identity

    Multiple foreign markets and global branding has traditionally been dealt with in a

    decentralized manner that spread managerial decision making across their respective domestic

    markets (Egelhoff, 1988). Egelhoff says, the increasing growth in global interdependency can

    best be exploited by global strategies, where the appropriate unit of analysis for strategic

    planning and management is the global market for a product instead of multiple domestic

    markets (p. 2). In the past, this situation has been dealt with using a matrix structure, which was

    expected to become a dominant multinational structural strategy, a trend which has failed to

    emerge in favor of structures with a more dynamic ability to respond to environmental

    fluctuation at the national level (Egelhoff, 1988).

    Control of production

    Herbert (1984) states that the decision to engage in international business hinges on

    operational issues such as production, financing, and selling that have already been decided

    within the organizational structure of the business. With the impact of foreign sales and product

    diversity already having been accounted for by the design structure of the company, Acme will

    be free to deal with the interorganizational differences and system boundaries that are the natural

    result of doing business over great distances (Herbert, 1984). Using a subsidiary to deal with

    local logistical issues allows the company to operate at the local level while bringing to bear the0

    greater resources of the parent company to deal with additional foreign market opportunities and

    challenges (Herbert, 1984).

    Case study: Carrefour

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    In the macro scale, Carrefour is a global retailer that has successfully penetrated the

    Asian market by adapting its methodology to the local environment while presenting a strong

    global brand identity (Chinomona and Sibanda, 2013). Carrefours case study is relevant to the

    Acme expansion project because of the environmental similarity of circumstance except for the

    difference in scale between the retailer and Acme. Entering the Asian market, Carrefour faced

    intense competition from local retailers, government regulations that limited available business

    opportunities, and an entry strategy that relied on an alliance with access to extensive distribution

    networks (Chinomona and Sibanda 2013). Carrefour leveraged their existing economies of scale

    and brand recognition against these challenges to create a profitable business venture.

    Carrefours glocal strategy pertained to the idea of approaching each market differently,

    understanding and responding to local needs, which include the needs of final and intermediate

    customers, competitors and the macro environment (Chinomona and Sibanda, 2013, p. 52).

    Determining need for international management

    Acme is facing a limited need for international management to oversee operations in the

    Australia facility. When the need for managers with international competencies is limited in

    scope or volume, the position is best filled by personnel who have expressed an interest in

    intercultural management and can be trained in the necessary technical skills (Harvey,

    Novicevic, and Speier, 2000). Corporations with global operations embedded into their

    organizational processes and overall strategy have a greater need for managers with intercultural

    experience and competencies (Harvey et al.). Companies with a predominantly domestic focus to

    their operations have a small domestic focus that is suited to ethnocentric human resource

    management practices (Harvey et al.). Filling management positions with personnel that are

    Comment [bjs10]: 549 words

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    actively engaged with host-country culture will provide country-specific contextual adaptations

    along the necessary business paradigms (Harvey et al.).

    Management selection process

    Potential managers will be specifically evaluated with a variety of techniques designed to

    test suitability for international management. Assessment prediction techniques have been shown

    to be reliable as indicators of future success in international management when correctly applied

    (Moses, 1973). The assessment process can be intensive and expensive, and limits the candidate

    pool due to the logistical problems of applying the screening; a screening process is most suited

    to small companies drawing from a limited pool of potential managers with a highly specialized

    degree of required knowledge (Moses). Early application studies suggest that a limited screening

    process provides a significant indicator of the effectiveness of further training procedures

    pertaining to selection of international management (Moses).

    Companies that use tests to determine the suitability for conducting business abroad are

    undecided on the specific qualities that make up the key indicators for the test, but once key

    indicators are chosen, candidates who score high do well with their international assignments

    (Multinational, 1971). Some parameters for the testing include the candidates personality,

    intelligence, aptitude, interest, and achievements (Multinational). Companies that have used

    testing in the past give the results varying degrees of weight in determining candidate suitability,

    and sometimes do not follow up with scientific validation of the results (Multinational).

    Selection criteria for international management

    Acme intends to use standardized testing procedures to evaluate suitability of candidates

    for international management positions. We will test the ability of candidates to adapt to foreign

    cultural norms, the technical ability and knowledge of the candidates, and the familiarity of the

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    candidates with the policies and procedures of the company. Only candidates that show an

    intense interest in operating as international managers will be considered for the position. The

    expatriate compensation package will include a 15% increase in compensation benefits designed

    to allow the manager to maintain a consistent standard of living with his peers and deal with the

    additional expense of living and working overseas. The company will pay foreign income taxes

    for the expatriate employee, and the employee will accrue benefits as if employed in the home

    country. A standard allowance will be given to expatriates to pay for family expenses related to

    relocating as if the expatriate were married with two children. The assignment will be for an

    undetermined period of time until local management can be found and trained, and time served

    overseas will be equated to time served at home for purposes of advancement and seniority.

    The purpose of the compensation package is to ensure that expatriate employees have

    access to the same level of resources as they have at home. It the companys position that time

    served overseas will not only fill a necessary function but increase the employees skill set and

    value to the company.


    Acme has identified multiple overseas markets in which the company could be extremely

    competitive or establish a leading market share. These markets require the investment of

    additional capital and the establishing of an international market presence. The use of a

    subsidiary has been identified as the most efficient and competitive means of market entry.

    Australia has been selected as the host country because of its significant presence in our market

    and the similarity of the culture. Expatriate employees will be used for the initial establishment

    of the business in order to ensure consistency of product with the home company. Acme believes

    these actions will lead to a viable presence in the overseas publishing market.

    Comment [bjs11]: This discussion coexpanded further -- accounting for taxes

    differential, family issues, time back in th

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    Arjoon, S., & Rambocas, M. (2011). Ethics and customer loyalty: Some insights into online

    retailing services.International JournalOof Business & Social Science, 2(14), 135-142.

    Australia FDI regime must change for Asia success. (2012).International Financial Law

    Review, 31(11), 7.

    Bode, K. (2010). Publishing and Australian literature: Crisis, decline, or transformation?.

    Cultural Studies Review, 16(2), 24-48. Retrieved from

    Chang, J., & Lewis, C. (2009). Loyalty in Media Sharing Websites: The Case of Universal

    Music Group.Journal of Internet Business, (7), 21-41.

    Chinomona, R., & Sibanda, D. (2013). When global expansion meets local realities in retailing:

    Carrefour's glocal strategies in Taiwan.International Journal Of Business &

    Management, 8(1), 44-59. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n1p44

    Democratic and Politically Stable. (2013). Australian Trade Commission. Retrieved from

    Deresky, H. (2011).International management: Managing across borders and cultures (7th ed.).

    Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

    Dyhr-Ulrich, A., Boyd, B., & Hollensen, S. (2012). Financial performance of entry

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    Journal of Business & Management, 7(24), 12-28. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n24p12

    Egelhoff, W. G. (1988). Strategy and structure in multinational corporations: A revision of the

    Stopford and Wells model. Strategic Management Journal, 9(1), 1-14.

    Comment [bjs12]: In APA format, first word of a title or subtitle, plus name

    acronyms, are capitalized

    Check all titles

    Comment [bjs13]: In APA format, first word of a title or subtitle, plus nameacronyms, are capitalized

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    Harvey, M. G., Novicevic, M. M., & Speier, C. (2000). An innovative global management

    staffing system: A competency-based perspective.Human Resource Management, 39(4),


    Herbert, T. T. (1984). Strategy and Multinational organization structure: An interorganizational

    relationships perspective.Academy Of Management Review, 9(2), 259-270.


    Massingham, P. (2013). Cognitive complexity in global mindsets.International Journal Of

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    Matthews, S. (2005, January). Trends in books and reading. APPREB. Retrieved from

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    Pager, S. A. (2013). Accentuating the positive: Building capacity for creative industries into the

    development agenda for global intellectual property law.American University

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    Singh, J., Svensson, G., Wood, G., & Callaghan, M. (2011). A longitudinal and cross-cultural

    study of the contents of codes of ethics of Australian, Canadian and Swedish

    Comment [bjs14]: The first word in should be capitalized

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    corporations.Business Ethics: A European Review, 20(1), 103-119. doi:10.1111/j.1467-


    Singh, J., Iglesias, O., & Batista-Foguet, J. (2012). Does having an ethical brand matter? The

    influence of consumer perceived ethicality on trust, affect and loyalty.JournalOof

    Business Ethics, 111(4), 541-549. doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1216-7

    Strong Economic Credentials. (2013). Australian Trade Commission. Retrieved from