#MobileRevolution à SupDeWeb


Transcript of #MobileRevolution à SupDeWeb

1. #MobileRevolution 2. @AlexJubien Alexandre Jubien Mobile Strategist Pioneer of mobile 12 years ago! Apps & Mobile Startups expert Previously head of mobile at Viadeo Previously head of mobile at Deezer [email protected] Blog linkedin.com/in/ajubien @AlexJubien ThinkMobile.fr Contact: About: 3. 2015, The Year Of Mobile! 4. 2015, The Year Of Mobile! 5. Deloitte State of Mobile 2015 The only media time that is growing 6. Mobile A technology without precedent in humanity history! More activated SIM cards than people on the planet Higher adoption than the pen and the toothbrush!!! Inspiration from Mobile Guru @TomiAhonen 7. 2005 Election of Benedict XVI 2013 Ordination of pope Francis Game of differences 8. / Angry Birds Man on the moon Whats the link? 9. THE tweet by @GeorgeBray 10. Revolution Mobile has profoundly changed our daily lives, so much that its becoming an extension of our brains. 11. Why? 12. Anywhere, Anytime1 13. Even here 75% ! 14. Gender parity 15. Theres an app for that! 16. The 1st ever connected device that people have on them at all times 17. Connected COMPUTING device = Solve problems = Utility 18. Our life companion 19. Digital World / Physical World 2 20. Use of Digital / Real Life 21. Mobile is the magic wand to digitize everything, including real world! Original quote by @AjitJaokar 22. Scan physical world Goggles Google Translate Shazam Winewoo FotoTiger Gaumont Anything(?) Music Movies Wine Facial recognition 23. Augmented Reality Geolocation M-Commerce M-Payment 24. Marriage of physical and online sales Livre blanc de Kontest TAUX DE CONVERSION 50% sur le lieu de vente 3% sur site web 25. M2Store & Purchase Companion Store locator, offers / coupons, product info, price comparison Prixing Dcathlon by Vente Prive Shopkick 26. iBeacon 27. Scan & Buy Tesco Walmart Sainsburys Apple Store 28. Scan & Buy Comptoir des Cotonniers transforms 10,000 billboards into virtual shops 29. Powered by Amazon Scan & Buy 30. Immediacy3 31. 5 h TV Weather 32. 5 h TV Web 5 m Weather 33. 5 h TV Web 5 m Mobile 5 s Weather 34. Your wishes granted 5s Want to listen to a music track Need to call a work contact 5s Deezer Viadeo 35. Ease Of Use4 36. Ease of use 37. Reducing Points Of Friction 5 38. Friction Things that prevent users / consumers from moving forward 39. Anti Friction Services (the french Open Table) (french / train travels) 40. Support Video InApp LiveChat (EN) 41. Private car rental between individuals Issue = picking up keys Getaround Carkit Techcrunch: Reduce Friction, Increase Happyness 42. Hub Of Sensors6 43. Mobile is at the Heart of the Internet Of Things 6 Mega-Trends for Mobile in 2015 by Azetone 44. miCoach Adidas miCoach Sports coaching 45. Thermostat Nest 46. Adding sensors is like adding powers 47. Superpowers?7 48. Are you telepathic? 49. Call = Transmission of thought 1.0: 30 second latency (time for calling) Need to speak out loud Doesnt always work => messaging 50. When Technology meets Sci-Fi 51. Power Version Mobile powered Transmission of thought 1.0 Omniscience (Wikipdia) 0.8 Telekinesis (IoT) 0.3 Controlling time (self orga) 0.3 Predicting the future (big data) 0.1 Being invicible / healing (mHealth) 0.3 Firing lightening bolts 0 Flying 0.5 Teleportation 0.1 Collective conscience / intelligence 2.0 + 3D printing! 52. So, current phase of #MobileRevolution is about Digitalizing physical world / real life Help users / solve real life problems Give them (super)powers! 53. Mobile Marketing & Apps : The paradigm shift 54. Apps Cest l que a se passe ! La relation cre est trs forte Icne sur lcran daccueil Appli utilise rgulirement = faire partie de la vie du consommateur Prsence lesprit / visibilit 55. Apps VS Site mobile Un faux dbat ? Une question de degrs dengagement Avoir un site adapt aux mobiles est INDISPENSABLE! Editer une application est rflchir (stratgie) 56. Installer une app est un effort norme On le fait si : Elle nous est utile Notre usage sera dans le temps Gain / goodies Entertainment 57. Qui utilise lapp dune marque ou dune enseigne ? 58. Jusqu rcemment, chec des marques - Pourquoi ? 59. App = Produit 60. Rsolution de problme et utilitaire = Pense produit 61. Raison des checs Au dbut, les apps ont t perues comme un nouveau canal de communication marketing Le produit nest pas le mtier des agences de comm ni des services marketing Avoir une app pour avoir une app / rue vers lor Et une app, il faut la marketer Donc on se retrouve faire le marketing du marketing 62. MarComm VS Product Marketing / Communication Product / Service Seller Builder Customer User Image Usage Oprations phmres / Campagne Dure de vie produit / long terme Canaux de communication Fonctionnalits 63. Why Build products that people Love! (and effectively use) (Digital) Product Management 64. What Comprendre les besoins, problmes et dsirs des utilisateurs Trouver et dvelopper des solutions qui les satisfont Effort permanent, volution continue Growth, Love, Money Why Build products that people Love! (and effectively use) (Digital) Product Management 65. WhoWhat Comprendre les besoins, problmes et dsirs des utilisateurs Trouver et dvelopper des solutions qui les satisfont Effort permanent, volution continue Growth, Love, Money Why Build products that people Love! (and effectively use) Product Manager UX & Design Tech, R&D, innovation Marketing, Product Mktg, Sales Stratgie, Business, Finance (Digital) Product Management 66. Mthodologies produit: Marketing quali + conception + dev Lean Startup, Customer Development, Design Thinking, Agile Interviews utilisateurs Prototypage, Beta test Diffrent de : Marketing quanti Product Marketing Etude de march Focus groups Mthodes Marketing classiques WhoWhat Comprendre les besoins, problmes et dsirs des utilisateurs Trouver et dvelopper des solutions qui les satisfont Effort permanent, volution continue Growth, Love, Money How Why Build products that people Love! (and effectively use) Product Manager UX & Design Tech, R&D, innovation Marketing, Product Mktg, Sales Stratgie, Business, Finance (Digital) Product Management 67. (Digital) Product Driven Companies + The Startup Kids 68. Back to marketing / Quelques exemples 69. Brand Content = Flops ? Volkswagen Polo Parfum Chanel Allure 70. Positionnement dcal Image & notorit Flop de lapp (?) ROI ? 71. Oasis La Chuuute ! Jeu gratuit / succs car en phase avec la cible Part intgrante dune des plus incroyables oprations multicanal de cette dcennie Le jeu tout seul naurait probablement pas donn grand chose 72. Oasis La Chuuute ! Sequel, produits drivs, co-branding, Dclinaison / autres apps mobiles 73. Exemples (encore) plus intressants 74. Chok! Chok! Chok! Hong-Kong, la Gamification de Coca-Cola 75. Pub 2nd cran / Jeu Objectif : Maximiser lexposition du spot et le buzz RDV TV quotidien 22h et diffusions surprises (cran pub, cinma, ) Points cls : Vie de tous les jours, Interactivit dans le monde rel, Goodies Chok! Chok! Chok! 76. Van Cleef & Arpels Collection de bijoux et app Une journe Paris Itinraires romantiques avec passages par les boutiques ! Dispo dans toutes les langues, markete auprs des touristes Points cls : Utilitaire, Monde physique, Vraie vie 77. Points cls : Utilitaire, Compagnon de vie Infos sur lAppStore : Long terme Structure interne ddie (SSII) Qqs problmes dexcution cpdt 78. Go McDo Points cls : Utilitaire, Monde physique, Rduction de la friction Gnration de chiffre daffaire Inventaire / annonce Le cot de lapp est ngligeable par rapport aux frais dinfrastructure ! 79. miCoach Adidas miCoach Suivi entrainement sportif Points cls : Utilitaire, Vraie vie, Addictif, Objet connect, Prsence lesprit 80. Nivea Sun (Brazil) Panneau solaire et chargeur dtacher dans le magazine 81. Nivea Sun Kids (Brazil) Alarme si lenfant sloigne trop du parent 82. Nivea Sun Kids (Brazil) Utilitaire, Rsolution de problme Vraie vie, Monde physique Objet connect et Superpouvoir Protection ad / Protection soleil 83. Peugeot 84. MyPeugeot 85. Link MyPeugeot 86. Peugeot Points cls : Utilitaire, Monde physique, Objet connect, Rduction de points de friction (tmoin lumineux !) Stratgie : App = service compagnon du produit, qui suit le cycle de vie Personne(s) ddie(s) / Investissement dans le temps Innovation, avantage concurrentiel, fidlisation, linternational 87. Peugeot Mais ce ne sont que des prmices Qqs problmes dexcution Pendant ce temps l, Google dveloppe des voitures qui se conduisent toutes seules 88. ThinkMobile = ThinkProduct 89. Ressources intressantes Lien Slideshare SVPG.com 90. Now what? Future of #MobileRevolution? 91. 1st, are EM Countries left apart? 92. Facebooks next billion Zero data charge USSD Facebooks plan to find its next billion users: convince them the internet and Facebook are the same! 93. Android One Suited for EM Markets Fluid Android experience On entry level hardware < 100 $ http://www.android.com/one/ 94. EM Countries Money transfer by SMS, no bank account 95. EM Countries Grain prices by SMS 96. When mobile tech helps fight hunger in the world 97. An increasing part of major global innovations will happen in EM Countries 98. Now what? 99. Tablet revolution? 100. Tablet revolution? => already passed 101. Transport TV Info/news Cinema Enterprise Art Travel Cooking Health Banking Education Music Press Books Security Tourism Games Shopping Army Fashion 102. Transport TV Info/news Cinema Enterprise Art Travel Cooking Health Banking Education Music Press Books Security Tourism Games Shopping Army Fashion Mark Andreessen on Why Software Is Eating the World 103. Transport TV Info/news Cinema Enterprise Art Travel Cooking Health Banking Education Music Press Books Security Tourism Games Shopping Army Fashion Mark Andreessen on Why Software Is Eating the World 104. Disruption 105. ? ? ? ? ?? 106. Becomes our IDs Breaking news: 1st drivers license on mobile in Dubai 107. Becomes our means of payment 108. Just a matter of time. What else? 109. Computers are getting closer to our bodies 110. Google Glasses (nope not yet!) 111. Smart Watches 112. Speech recognition 113. Mind control 114. Computers are about to integrate our bodies 115. Electronic tatoos 116. ID chips 117. So, will we become machines? 118. Intermediate step: interact with machines that look like us 119. Intermediate step: interact with machines that look like us 120. Ultimate man-machine user interface 121. The scary slides 122. Lets get scared 123. An company at the forefront of: Mobile Information Artificial Intelligence Biotech Robotics 124. We are afraid of Google Googles secret strategy appears 125. Dont be evil (phew!) 126. Transhumanism 127. The ultimate man-machine interface is no interface! 128. www.sarifindustries.com Augmented man: 129. So, are you ready to become machines? 130. What will lead us to accept this? 131. Remember the PaceMaker 132. Self regeneration, 3D printing of body parts, rejuvenation of our bodies, And what about 20 more years of life in good health? 133. The man who will live 1,000 years is already born Laurent Alexandre TEDx Paris 134. Merci ! Alexandre Jubien Mobile Strategist Pioneer of mobile 12 years ago! Apps & Mobile Startups expert Previously head of mobile at Viadeo Previously head of mobile at Deezer [email protected] Blog linkedin.com/in/ajubien @AlexJubien ThinkMobile.fr Contact: About: