Mobile UI/UX checklist

7 things to take care of when building an awesome mobile app Mobile UI/UX checklist

Transcript of Mobile UI/UX checklist

Page 1: Mobile UI/UX checklist

7 things to take care of when building an awesome mobile app

Mobile UI/UX checklist

Julia Afanasieva
на этот слайд пененесена информация из черной презентации, которая ниже по тексту, чтобы было удобно править.
Julia Afanasieva
на этот слайд пененесена информация из черной презентации, которая ниже по тексту, чтобы было удобно править.
Julia Afanasieva
Гена, я добавила из Степыной презентации, как ты просил Value Proposition слайд 7, Engagement model слайд 9, BOT strategy- слайд 11. Перенесла текст из кейстори Селектика со слайдов с черным фоном в этот шаблон. И оформила таблицы Domain Expertize и Technology слайды 24 и 25.
Julia Afanasieva
на этот слайд пененесена информация из черной презентации, которая ниже по тексту, чтобы было удобно править.
Page 2: Mobile UI/UX checklist


Your app icon should make your app easily recognizable in the sea of others. Remember the apps you use every day – you can notice them in a huge list of app icons on the screen. It’s worth it putting some thought and effort in creating a custom design, shapes and colors to really stand out.

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Studies show that HD product images in mobile application interfaces can increase mobile conversion by as much as 9%! Avoid cheesy stock images, people have learned to ignore suits shaking hands. Photo quality is important, creating “attraction” in the sense of polish and professionalism.

Having zoom-in photos is a great idea to give your users a better look at the product. Pick a default image that is shown in full size and display clickable thumbnails that produce enlarged images.

Don’t just show a single image, show as many as you can – from different angles. Check out the felling axe image from Best Made Company on the right.

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Make sure your targets are easy to tap.

Apple’s iPhone Human Interface Guidelines recommends a minimum target size of 44 pixels wide 44 pixels tall.

Microsoft’s Windows Phone UI Design and Interaction Guide suggests a touch target size of 34px with a minimum touch target size of 26px.

Nokia’s developer guidelines suggest that the target size should be no smaller than 1cm x 1cm square or 28 x 28 pixels.

Image by UXmatters

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Image by Mailchimp

There’s no sense in pixel-perfecting your CTAs and buttons if other elements cover them on the screen, or the colors mix up to become tough to read. There’s a fun and effective technique of checking whether your buttons and calls to action are visible on the screen: The Squint Test. It’s quite literal – display your design on screen and squint your eyes (close them partially to distort your vision). The CTA or buttons should still be visible.

“Don’t squint too much, or they’ll stay that way”.

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Using 10 pixel Ver dana made sense back in the days when screens were 640 pix els wide. Today it is a mis take. The recommended font size is 14px or even 16px and above. Don’t make your users pinch to read the text.

“16 pixels is not big. It’s the text size browsers display by default. It looks big at first, but once you use it you quickly realize why all

browser makers chose this as the default text size.”

Usability expert Oliver Reichenstein,“The 100% Easy-2-Read Standard”

And, of course, proofread your copy. For an app interface, being well-written is just as important, as being well-designed and engineered. Bad copy is bad user experience.

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PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE REFLOW IS SEAMLESSModes matter. Make sure it all looks and works equally good no matter how your user interacts with the app. Designing for device orientation brings various challenges and requires careful thinking. The experience must be as unobtrusive and transparent as possible, and we must understand the context of use for this functionality.

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IMAGE GALLERY IS A SWIPABLE CAROUSELArrows and buttons may be a bad idea, since interaction with them can be tough on smaller screens.

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