Mobile Sports Group Case Studies Political


Transcript of Mobile Sports Group Case Studies Political

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Reaching Voters & Building Database – Case Study

OBJECTIVE: Reach Wisconsin Republican Christians & Republican Registered Voters across the state, especially in rural and exurban areas. We reached over 327,143 Wisconsin Republican Christians voters by Email and SMS promoting our Voter Guide and reminding people to vote…

We also sent out 3x campaigns targeting Business Executives 64,258 executives in the entire state promoting the Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition message. We also used Mobile banners ads within our Mobile News Network in Wisconsin, running ads on Fox, CBS, and ABC TV Stations using our Mobile platform technology. Over 1 million Impressions reminding voters to vote.


• All Republicans Won!• Collected over 51,000 B2B Executive email addresses to add to our

database in less than one week.• Only 43 B2B executives opt-out among 64,258 B2B Executives• Had 15% open rate targeting new prospects who were Republican

Christians, 5x times larger than the national average for Opens for new prospects.

• 95% Open Rate for SMS Text Messages –

We are very happy with the results in being able to target by zip codes, voter districts, demographics, geographic, lifestyle, consumer interest, income spending, net worth, and behavioral information. Using Interactive Marketing Services pertaining to SMS, Banner Advertising, and both Consumer & B2B Email, we save a tremendous amount of money verse sending out postcards or direct mail. We have seen positive results and plan on incorporating these programs into our national & local campaigns in 2012. Building our database is priceless!

Billy Kirkland, Faith & Freedom Coalition

SMS Text Message: Vote 6/5 for Gov. Compare the

candidates & vote for Faith & Freedom. Learn more about FFC @ To opt out reply stop

SMS Text Message: “Vote tomorrow” for Senate District 21

Compare the candidates to opt out reply stop

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Scott Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall Vote – Case Study

OBJECTIVE: We worked with Faith & Freedom Coalition during the month of May & June sending messages out targeting Wisconsin Republican Christians & Republican Registered Voters across the state, especially in rural and exurban areas across the state. We reached over 327,143 Wisconsin Republican Christians voters by Email and SMS …

We also sent out 3x campaigns targeting Business Executives 64,258 executives in the entire state promoting the Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition message. We also used Mobile banners ads within our Mobile News Network in Wisconsin, over 1 million Impressions reminding voters to vote.

Our text messages were focused on comparing the Governor candidates vote for Faith & Freedom and other text message was driving people to the polls to vote.


Scott Walker Wins!The first governor in U.S. history to survive a recall election and the first governor to have been elected twice in one term. Surviving recall elections on Tuesday were the state's Republican lieutenant governor, Rebecca Kleefisch, and three Republican state senators.

If Walker had received the same number of votes that he did in 2010, he would have lost the recall. Barrett increased his 2010 haul by 158,000 votes, but Walker gained an additional 206,000. He couldn’t have hoped for a more decisive victory. We believe our Interactive Marketing Services with SMS, B2B, Mobile Banners, and Emails targeting Republican Christians had a major part in the win, not to mention boots on the ground in the last few weeks.

Faith & Freedom Coalition

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Using SMS & Mobile Banner Advertising – Case Study

OBJECTIVE: The Wisconsin Faith and Freedom Coalition hosted a Presidential Kick-Off featuring speakers Gov. Mitt Romney, Speaker Newt Gingrich and Sen. Rick Santorum on Saturday, March 31st in Waukesha at the Country Springs Hotel. We had less than one week to promote this event, we targeted 12,544 Republican Christians within several miles of the event, with (2) SMS text messages and ran over 100,000 Mobile Banner ads promoting the event on local TV Stations using our channel partner Mobile platform technology.


• The event was a sell-out and standing room only.

Few things we took away from this campaign, the quick turn-around time you can provide with SMS verse mailing post cards, the open rates are much higher with SMS, and it’s more cost effective sending SMS over postal. Combining both SMS & Mobile Banner Advertising was a huge success. They work extremely well together.

Faith & Freedom Coalition

SMS Text Message: See Romney, Santorum & Newt 4 FREE this Sat

March 31st 10am Waukesha. RSVP or call 678-458-7355. Text stop 2 stop

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Wisconsin Recall – Case Study

OBJECTIVE: We got a call from the Republican Party August 4th at 4PM, they asked us if we could send text messages out on Monday August 8th, the day before Wisconsin Recall Vote… They sent us the Wisconsin Republican file at 7PM on Thursday Night, as you know it takes time to do an append process, we worked on the project Friday & Saturday in order to be ready to deliver SMS messages on Monday…

With limited time, we also suppressed their Republican File against our Republican File, we identified new Republican voters in our database, we also sent text messages to this group to remind Republicans to vote on Tuesday… The results;


GOP Retains Senate ControlRepublicans retained majority control of the Wisconsin Senate in a recall election that was spurred by Republican Gov. Scott Walker's agenda of cutting unionized state workers' rights. The recalls drew more than $30 million in campaign spending, fueled by millions of dollars from national labor groups, a coalition of national unions spent millions on attack ads and other campaign activity to wrest seats from the Republicans.

Wisconsin Republicans Win Recall Elections, Hold Senate!

Many factors played a role in these elections, Mobile Sports Group was selected to deliver an SMS “PUSH” Vote Message the day before the election… MSG in baseball terms, SMS was the closer. When you have 95% of all text messages being open and read within (15) minutes, you can deliver your message to get out an vote… Thanks to MSG SMS Campaign, it made a difference in the outcome.

Wisconsin Republican Party Committee

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SMS Helps Win Billings, Montana Library Initiative Case Study

OBJECTIVE:1) Get voters in Billings, Montana to vote “YES” for a new library.2) Target voters in Yellowstone County, Montana.3) Send a SMS Text Message on early Tuesday morning Election

Day to get as many registered voters to go to the polls and vote “YES” for the Library.

4) Suppress their current database against our SMS file for Yellowstone County, Montana.

5) Use Mobile Sports Group SMS Database to reach voters.

RESULTS1) Won the election2) 17,181 people voted in favor of the bond and 13,023 voted

against it, for a margin of 56.88 to 43.12 percent. Some 31,406 ballots were cast, representing 63 percent of 49,526 registered voters.

3) Considered a huge turnout during an off-election year.The last time voters were asked to build a new library, in 2002, the bond issue was defeated by a margin of 55 to 45 percent.

To reach new consumers through SMS Text Messaging, please call Mobile Sports Group at (770) 753-1477.

TEAMWORK: Mobile Sports Group, Randy Gerringa, VP Northwest Region, at MSG worked closely with the Billings Library Initiative Committee and Molly Bell, consultant from Hilltop Public Solutions to make this happen. A study completed 14 years ago concluded that the library, built in 1955 as a hardware store and parts warehouse, was “dated, worn out and unattractive.”