Mobile Fire-Rescue Department EMS Division EMS Chief AED PRESENTATION.

Mobile Fire-Rescue Department EMS Division EMS Chief AED PRESENTATION

Transcript of Mobile Fire-Rescue Department EMS Division EMS Chief AED PRESENTATION.

Mobile Fire-Rescue Department EMS Division

EMS Chief


What Are AEDs? Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) allow Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) allow

trained lay rescuers to successfully deliver trained lay rescuers to successfully deliver defibrillation even before EMS can arrive. defibrillation even before EMS can arrive.

AEDs are safe, effective, lightweight, durable, AEDs are safe, effective, lightweight, durable, low maintenance and easy to use.low maintenance and easy to use.

AEDs interpret heart rhythm and determine if AEDs interpret heart rhythm and determine if a shock is required. The unit a shock is required. The unit prompts the rescuer to deliver the prompts the rescuer to deliver the shock, if necessary. An AED will shock, if necessary. An AED will NOT shock someone who does not NOT shock someone who does not need defibrillation.need defibrillation.

The heart stops abruptly and unconsciousness follows

Usually caused by Ventricular Fibrillation (abnormal chaotic heart rhythm which causes the heart’s pumping action to quickly stop). Not the same as heart attack

Results in death if not treated immediately

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

The ONLY known solution for


Most Sudden cardiac arrests occur in the home

Where Do Most Sudden Cardiac Arrests Occur?

Work SitesWork Sites AirportsAirports ChurchesChurches Event CentersEvent Centers Anywhere large amountsAnywhere large amounts

of people congregateof people congregate

followed by public locations, followed by public locations, such as:such as:

340,000 people die each year from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) - that is about 900 per day!

90% of SCAs occur outside of the hospital

Less than 5% survive SCA

If AEDs were more readily available, approximately 50,000 lives could be saved each year

The Impact of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Be a Strong Link in theChain of Survival

Early Defibrillation

Early Defibrillation

What Can YOU do to Help?

You are Covered by Law: Alabama’s Good Samaritan Act Federal Cardiac Arrest Survival Act (CASA)

A person experiencing an SCA is clinically dead. Use of an AED to resuscitate can do no additional harm

Perceived standard of care

Proving medical causation is extremely difficult (who caused the death)

What About Liability?

Get the Patient to the Hospital