Mobile Design in the Weeds @MobdUP

@philohme The mobile design uprising Phil Ohme 27 July 2013 Design Strategist & Interaction Designer, Intuit Mobile Design in the 1 Video at


From The Mobile Design Uprising ( Conference at San Diego State University -- Video of this talk (with these slides interwoven) is available at -- From when the Apple AppStore first launched back in 2008, we have had the official HIG (Human Interface Guidelines, for mobile apps. It told us what to do to ensure that your app would not only pass Apple screeners to be on the AppStore, but also what really makes a killer app -- so killer that Apple would think about featuring it. But what gems are hidden in the HIG? It is after all a daunting 219 pages. Do you know the mistake 95% of companies make in regards to the launch image (aka "splash screen") in iOS apps)? Do you know exactly how many icons and how many pixels in dimension need to be provided just to submit an app? In the last year, Google has published their version of the HIG, called Android Design, that goes a long way towards taming the "wild west" of Android apps. Is it enough? What's a "dp" (density-independent pixel) and what does that mean for the actual pixels of assets I need to submit to Google Play for my app? -- Besides all of that, what even makes a good mobile icon? What metaphor should I use for navigating through my app? Can I design the next Instagram for Video superstar app? Get the answers to all of these questions and more at the "Mobile Design in the Weeds" workshop at Mob'd Up with @philohme. -- 27 July 2013

Transcript of Mobile Design in the Weeds @MobdUP

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What do you want to get out of this workshop?

• What are some words you use when in the “weeds”?• Pixels

• AppStore submission

• AppStore rejection

• Detailed horror stories

• Platform use of audience (phone):• iPhone - 90%

• Android - 10%

• Windows Phone - 0%

• Blackberry - 0%

• Feature Phone - 0.01% (1 person)


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What the heck is “dp” though?

• Density-independent pixel (dp)

• A virtual pixel unit that you should use when defining UI layout, to express layout dimensions or position in a density-independent way.

• The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen, which is the baseline density assumed by the system for a "medium" density screen. At runtime, the system transparently handles any scaling of the dp units, as necessary, based on the actual density of the screen in use. The conversion of dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160). For example, on a 240 dpi screen, 1 dp equals 1.5 physical pixels. You should always use dp units when defining your application's UI, to ensure proper display of your UI on screens with different densities.


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but why?• To make objects appear roughly the same size on various

screen sizes

• A set of four generalized sizes: small, normal, large, xlarge

• A set of four generalized densities: ldpi (low), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high), xhdpi (extra high)

• Illustration of how Android roughly maps actual sizes and densities to generalized sizes and densities (figures are not exact):


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App Icons / Launcher Icons

• iOS - name it whatever you want

• Android - must be the same name (just in different folders)• Over-invest• Don’t reuse your iOS icon for Android• Same but different


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In Summation

• iOS and Android matter• Specs & getting into the nitty-gritty• iOS uses pixels (px)

• Android uses density independent pixels (dp)

• Don’t make a splash, use natural launch images• The app icon - over-invest, for each platform• A better way for getting Ratings and Reviews• Android version numbers and “Tasty Treat” nicknames• User Interface Guidelines• Apple HIG

• Android Design

• Flat vs. Deep, Skeuomorphic vs. Stylized


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The mobile design uprising

Thank You!


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