Mobile app security


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Since smart phones has become so easily available that almost all the people has become aware the usefulness of it. Most of them use its applications for many purposes like for banking, payments etc .without knowing that how risky it has been. . Any unauthorized person can misuse anyone’s ID and password. But thankfully many antivirus came in this field to make it sure and completely safe

Transcript of Mobile app security

Page 1: Mobile app security

Mobile App Security

Smart phones are now a very common gadget in the whole world, people now not just access internet from these devices but also have begun to shop and make banking transactions. All of this is possible today because of various factors like big screen phones, affordable data plans and various payment gateways which have made these transactions possible. People are slowly opening up to the idea of using mobile devices for payments. Android and Apple have tons of shopping and money management apps which have actually boosted up the morale and literally brain washed people’s brain into using mobile apps for payments.

But no one paid much head initially to one simple yet critical point i.e. mobile app security. Recent study reveals that number of malicious apps in Android store has increased by over 150% which is an alarming number. What happens is, when you make any online transaction from your mobile then these bots record your passwords and customer ID’s and transfer it to the un authorized personnel who then can do what he wishes to with your money, also many people who various n number of online accounts prefer to use an app where they can store all of their passwords for well convenience but if the app is malicious then it can transfer all your passwords to the third party who can then well hack your accounts. But there is no need for raising an alarm as many leading PC anti-virus makers have entered this domain and have launched their anti-virus to protect your data and to prevent any unauthorized control over your device.

This is also a responsibility of the app makers as well to ensure there are no loose ends from their part which can be easily exploited to hack the device. Many coders tie the loose ends but not all. In fact before any app installation the owner should check for the permission their app is asking for control in their device before installing as malicious apps tends to take control of practically thing.