Moa Mail The Inglewood

Inglewood Fire Brigade 1935 Borough Jubilee Inglewood Hockey Club 1912 Moa Mail 27 January 2010 The Inglewood Development Trust Camp Quality began in 1985 with a camp which was attended by 22 children from throughout New Zealand. Since then it has grown to have regular camp locations situated in five areas with Taranaki area being in the Wellington/Central District. Each year more that 300 children aged from 5 to 16 years attend the camps which aim to bring fun, hope and happiness to the lives of the children living with cancer. This year 62 children along with carers were based at St Mary's Diocesan School in Stratford for the annual camp. On Friday they came to Inglewood, 150 in all in 3 bus loads to Fun Ho! Toys to see the museum and see toys being made, to Stoney Oakes to see and touch the animals, to the Maize Maze to get lost and have fun doing it, to the Fire Station where they also were able to ride in Mitch Mitchington’s ‘Little Flick’. Lunch was at TET Stadium. The day was coordinated and run by the Inglewood Lions Club. Thousands of hours each year go into raising funds and organising these programmes. Camp Quality is a totally voluntary organisation with no individual receiving remuneration. Inside: Page 2 Contact Details Page 2 Editors Comment Page 3 Sports News Page 6 What‟s on and Coming Events Page 7 Picture Gallery Issue 8 CAMP QUALITY COMES TO INGLEWOOD Little Flick was very popular So that’s how he makes the toys!! Milking

Transcript of Moa Mail The Inglewood

Page 1: Moa Mail The Inglewood

Inglewood Fire Brigade

1935 Borough Jubilee

Inglewood Hockey Club


Moa Mail 27 January 2010

The Inglewood

Development Trust

Camp Quality began in 1985 with a camp which was attended by 22 children from

throughout New Zealand. Since then it has grown to have regular camp locations

situated in five areas with Taranaki area being in the Wellington/Central District.

Each year more that 300 children aged from 5 to 16 years attend the camps which

aim to bring fun, hope and happiness to the lives of the children living with cancer.

This year 62 children along with carers were based at St Mary's Diocesan School in

Stratford for the annual camp. On Friday they came to Inglewood, 150 in all in 3 bus

loads to Fun Ho! Toys

to see the museum

and see toys being

made, to Stoney

Oakes to see and

touch the animals, to

the Maize Maze to get

lost and have fun doing

it, to the Fire Station

where they also were

able to ride in Mitch

Mitchington’s ‘Little

Flick’. Lunch was at

TET Stadium. The day

was coordinated and

run by the Inglewood

L i o n s C l u b .

Thousands of hours

each year go into

raising funds and

organis ing these


Camp Quality is a

total ly voluntary

organisation with no

individual receiving



Page 2 Contact Details

Page 2 Editors Comment

Page 3 Sports News

Page 6 What‟s on and

Coming Events

Page 7 Picture Gallery

Issue 8


Little Flick was very popular

So that’s how he makes the toys!!


Page 2: Moa Mail The Inglewood

Moa Mail is a free

fortnightly publication

delivered to households in

the Inglewood District.

Printed by The

Inglewood Development


Office 25 Rata Street

(Inglewood Information


Circulation 2600

News and Advertising


Paper Editor/Office

Richard Jordan


06 7567030


06 7567864


[email protected]

Office Hours

Daily 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Points and views expressed

in contributed articles are

not necessarily the views of

The Inglewood Development


Shade-by the River

Doesn’t the media in general have a lot

to answer for?

Last week we had the TV news really

getting stuck into a newspaper for

publishing the picture of Willie Apiata

as he was serving overseas in the SAS.

The odd thing to me is that every time

they complained about the newspaper

publishing the picture, they showed the

same picture. The TV coverage would

be infinitely greater than the original

transgression. In the same week we

were told on TV that certain drugs

were being taken off the general sales

list and would be ‘pharmacy only’.

They then went through the drugs and

listed which could be used to

manufacture illegal drugs. In other

words they were almost inviting the

‘badies’ to stock up and make their

illicit brews.

The devastation in Haiti has been at

the top of the news. Eleven days after

the earthquake they have officially

abandoned the search for survivors

under the rubble that once was a large

city, but they are still finding people

and digging them out. Imagine being

trapped under a collapsed building for

eleven days without food or water.

What inner strength and will to live

these people have shown.

Makes you think doesn’t


Editor‟s Comments

On Friday the Inglewood Lions Club

entertained over 60 children and their

volunteer ‘buddies’ from Camp Quality

(Children living with cancer). The group

visited Fun Ho! Toys among other

places and we were very impressed, and

if the saying ’from adversity comes

strength’ needed an example these

children are it. There was much fun

being had and life was being enjoyed to

the full. The Lions and the ‘buddies

were also all smiles, well done, you

made my day.

Richard Jordan (Editor)

Page 2 Moa Mail

Inglewood Travel

Centre Cnr Rimu & Rata Sts

Phone 756 8150 / 0800482368

“Melbourne Cup Tour”

29 Oct to 3 Nov

6 days

Hill Stand tickets

Expressions Of interest

Space limited!

Call or pop in for more details

Angels of Disguise

New and Second Hand

Clothing Jewellery etc

Come and see Belinda

Wanted to Buy XL Plus

(Men's and Woman's)

I buy and sell (and sell on behalf)

43 Richmond Street

Inglewood Phone: 7567025

New stock arriving daily

(Barter Card accepted)

From the foundry furnace

these unique sand cast toys are

all hand made in the museum

foundry and for sale in the

museum shop

Open 10.00 am-4.00 pm Daily

Ph 7567030

Page 3: Moa Mail The Inglewood

The 2010 season has got underway with

the Thursday $2.00 nights, these nights

have players playing 5 consecutive games

with the results going towards a $12.00


The Taranaki Civil in-house Teams

Challenge will commence on February

2nd and continue for 5 weeks (Six teams

made up of 6/7 of the members of all

ages and abilities)

Inglewood Squash Club (Pauline Stachurski)

Page 3 Issue 8



Good opportunity for the

first home buyer or inves-

tor. Three bedroom large

home. Lock up garage

plus carport. Close to all

amenities #159121

Marina Heyburn REAA S/Person 0212269482

Christa Green REAA S/Person 021921180



MAC $65-PINE $55 per cube



Ph (06) 7566187 (Vicky)

022 6343733 (Pete)





Jim Okeroa (David Ertel)

For almost four decades, Jim Okeroa

was an integral part of Inglewood

Primary School, and for even longer than

that, a well-known member of the larger

community, including his involvement

with the Greatest Show on Earth

committee for a long period.

Now he lives around the coast at


During his teaching days here he took

his 12 and 13 year olds to Puniho to

camp and to "rough it a bit" an

experience they emerged from with

feelings of achievement and many happy


Jim's musical expertise, his sardonic wit,

his love of practical jokes and his delight

in "stirring" colleagues, pupils and friends

endeared him to many while his

knowledge and ability as an educator

gained him much respect. He remains a

legend as he approaches his next decade,

h a v i n g j u s t c e l e b r a t e d h i s

eightieth birthday.





Space Galore

17 High St East


4 + bdrm G J Gardner home

2 x dbl garage Freehold $385,000

A pilot scheme to reduce

water wastage by reducing

water pressure has

proved a marked success.

Work began in 2007 and

as a result average use

was down eight per cent

and there were 43 water

pressure-related failures

compared to 91 in

2007/08 – a reduction of

53 per cent.

In 2007 Inglewood’s water

pressure averaged 83m,

with one area having up to

160m of water pressure.

As most plumbing features

are not designed to take

these pressures, property

owners were frequently

calling in plumbers to fix

leaks, now Inglewood’s

water pressure averages


Inglewood Water

The Taranaki sporting trials club will be

holding the first event of the year on the

31 January.

This is to be held on Ashley Hill’s farm

123 Kent Road, Egmont village.

Anyone can come along and watch, entry

is free, but please no dogs.

Sporting trials is an extreme off road hill

climbing motor sport, which originated

in England in the 1930’s and was intro-

duced to New Zealand in 1995 by Sid

Hirst of Inglewood.

The cars are very specialised vehicles,

they are extremely responsive and ma-

noeuvrable with a high power to weight

ratio. This is the gentleman's version of

four wheel driving and even though these

vehicles are only two wheel drive and

use road tyres they have the climbing

agility that makes four wheelers envious

Taranaki Sporting Trials

Club (Mike Webber)

Page 4: Moa Mail The Inglewood

OPEN 8am to 8pm Every Day Owned and Operated by Ross and Donna Jordan

Matai Street, Inglewood Ph: 7567404

Page 4 Moa Mail

A walking we will go -

Jubilee Park Lookout (That Girl)

It doesn’t matter where you travel

there are always little gems you

discover, one such gem is our third

walk in Inglewood, Jubilee Park

Lookout, to be honest I am not even

sure whether this has a proper name

but, after years spent within the

stands of Inglewood’s Jubilee Park, I

never took any notice of the hill

behind. Entering via the main

cemetery driveway on Rata Street

we followed the drive almost to the

end. On the left hand side there is a

wooden gate with trodden grass

path beside. This is obviously a well

worn track for those already in the

know as it leads directly towards the

back fence of Jubilee Park before

taking the intrepid walker up the hill

along a wide path to a well

appointed lookout complete with

seating. The view is wonderful over

our town including vistas of the

mountain, rugby grounds, pony club

What has twelve legs, four wheels, and a pile of literary awards? The

New Zealand Book Council’s Words on Wheels tour, which sends a

wagon-load of top writers into a different region of New Zealand each

year. This year Taranaki is the location, and we are lucky enough to

host an event in Inglewood. On the bus this year is our very own local

author David Hill (teen fiction), Duncan

Sarkies (fiction), Briar Grace-Smith

(scriptwriting), Alison Wong (poetry) and

Janet Hunt (non-fiction). The group will

be in Taranaki from 12 – 18 February.

Inglewood Library ‘Words on Wheels’ (Bridget Terry)

Jubilee Park to the Mountain

and even the well screened

sewerage ponds. It was

worth the climb (under five

minutes) and I only wish we

had taken a picnic lunch to

enjoy. On the walk down

we took time to appreciate

the views of the Inglewood

Cemetery – a truly beautiful

and serene spot. There was

no bird life or native foliage

of note but who needs it

when the views are so im-

pressive, however recent

plantings of Totara and

other natives will certainly

enhance the area in coming


An important tip – don’t

forget your camera on this


Page 5: Moa Mail The Inglewood

Inglewood Guided Walk

70 people (a very impressive

crowd, one of the largest of the

series) joined the 2 NPDC staff

(one of which was our own Adele

Wisnewski) for a very warm and

pleasant 2 hour Sunday afternoon

stroll around some interesting

points of interest in town.

The walk went via from the

Railway Station (newly painted),

the Band Rotunda (under

reconstruction), the Inglewood

Town Hall (recently refurbished),

along the Percy Nops Walk, down

to the grave of Captain Trimble

(Trimble Park) at the Inglewood

Cemetery and finished on the look

out above Jubilee Park.

Page 5 Issue 8

Fritz Reuter Gallery

„Judith White and


The current exhibition celebrates

the re-emerging popularity of pastels

and includes works by a great

collection of artists, most are

Taranaki members of PANZ (Pastel

Artists of New Zealand) of which

Judith White is the President and

members of the 'Garage Group' .

Exhibition Works by Judith White,

Jan Leighton, Barry Lethbridge, Judith

Kirkland, Patricia Wood, Ida Ure,

Shirley Peck, Glenys Bloor-Howland ,

M a r g a r e t I n n e s , B a r b a r a

Anderson, Jill Turner, Fred Ellis and

Joyce Young are on display.

With the closure of O & B Equipment we are now Inglewood‟s stockists of

Tedder tynes Mower blades Cat pins

Lynch pins Hydraulic hose and fittings Bolts and nuts

Specialists in repairs to PTO shafts

‘Rural Delivery’ by Joyce Young

‘Irises’ by Barry Lethbridge

Better to remain silent and be

thought a fool, than to speak and

remove all doubt

Two empty rabbit cages were stolen

from the former Childcare Centre

at 32 Kowhai Street over the

weekend of 19-20 December. There

return would be appreciated as the

children are missing not having the

rabbits around. Could anyone who

has any information please contact

the Inglewood police.

A bank is a place that will lend you

money, if you can prove that you

don't need it

A clear conscience is usually the

sign of a bad memory

Behind every successful man is his

woman. Behind the fall of a success-

ful man is usually another woman

A diplomat is someone who can

tell you to go to hell in such a way

that you will look forward to the


Rabbit Cages

The voices in my head

may not be real, but they

do have some good ideas!

Page 6: Moa Mail The Inglewood

What‟s on and

Coming Events

Judith White and Friends

Fritz Reuter Gallery

Open to 21 February

Open Daily 10.00 am-4.00 pm

Taranaki Maize Maze

Upper Egmont Road

Weekends and Public Holidays

Taranaki Sporting Trials

31 January

123 Kent Road

Egmont Village

Classic Car Show

Inglewood High School

6 February 11.00 am-3.00 pm

Marriage Course

Mamaku Centre, Mamaku Street

Starts 7 February

Call Neil Chesterton 7568914

‘Words on Wheels’

Inglewood Library Saturday 13

February 11.00 am to 12.00 noon

Americarna Inglewood

24 February

3.00 pm-9.00 pm

‘Leading Ladies’

Cue Theatre

March 23-April 3

Inglewood Lions Taranaki Maize Maze is again open

for business.

This is the ninth year of operation and 2010 will see

visitors challenged to a bigger and better maze. The

maize is planted in mid-October, and after designing

the maze club members mark out the design and

remove maize plants to form the tracks.

This year’s Maze Maize is situated on Upper Egmont

Road (towards the mountain from Egmont Village).

Lions members

are rostered to

operate the

maze, all work

b y c l u b

members is

v o l u n t a r y ,

totalling about

1000 hours

e a ch y e a r .

Inglewood Lions

have run Maize Mazes since 2002 and in that time

have donated over $100,000 to the community,

recipients include Taranaki Hospice, Taranaki Alpine

Cliff Rescue, Taranaki Search and Rescue, Taranaki

Surf Life Saving, Plunket and the Inglewood

Volunteer Fire Brigade.

This year the Maize Maze is made up of 3 Mazes of

varying difficulty with 22 points of reference to

locate and is the largest maze yet with 3.2 hectares

of maize with tracks cut in, plus there is the cube

test puzzle to try and solve.

The maze is open on weekends and public holidays,

weather-permitting, and also available by

arrangement for schools and other organisations

during the week.

For further information contact

Inglewood Information Centre 06 7567030

Taranaki Maize Maze

Page 6 Moa Mail

Taranaki Maize




Kids Days

Great Family


Special Open


Wednesday 27 January

Thursday 28 January

12.00 noon to 5.00 pm

Also open on weekends and

public holidays, weather-

permitting, and also available by

arrangement for schools and

other groups during the week.

Adults $6.00/Children $4.00

Further info

Inglewood Information Centre


Page 7: Moa Mail The Inglewood

Fritz Reuter Opening - Camp Quality-Inglewood Walk

Page 7 Issue 8

Judith White with some of her ‘Friends’

Anne Jordan with Graham and Jennie Meads

Part of the 50 strong group that attended the


Some of the children from Camp Quality at

Fun Ho! Toys

Katie Underwood (Camp Quality ‘Buddy’) in

front of her granddad at Fun Ho!

Little Flick was in great demand

The Inglewood walk group hear about the

Inglewood Flagpole

The Fun Ho! ‘garden gnome’

The Inglewood General Store in the Adelaide

hills, South Australia

Who said the aussies were slow!, they even

stole our name

They only have one pub though

The motorbike may have only taken one at a

time but it sure was popular

Page 8: Moa Mail The Inglewood

Page 8 Moa Mail