mn - NYS Historic ·...

t i I - It *r#I|S!llJigfefT' ,,ffioPto ' B ^ sir W£8T8 KO RED TAPE tt« OnfeaCMt to Having the m 8o**r Xeaanx* Boficrrvti to the Com talttee. 10M «taHr RH1 Is at Las* In > . tke President's Bands. ef oat iseior-at-Law. office. net Bridgp and River ,__^.„, r . ..„ ., & CONWAY, SRSSiVB Ana qotthselors-at Law. <imce „„.. ^Sfflt MS M^oers'! Block. OUnton street, ftams%rgn, N. Y. ' '-••m ,-.r^yii„,, _,—«__i—1_. i .. .... .. _ 'fj ' v fi. J. (ilARKS. V .• t'JITfOBlifEYS and Ctouhselor-at-Law office, llriet I corner Margaret and h. » Y BlcfeiJ attstjur E «^ H. P. GILlitLAND, "WUfrORfflSY . ahd Conpselor-ait-Law M Justice of the Pea«e and Coroner )3Brgaret street,. Plattpbuiigh, N. Y Also. Office WM. W. CANTVELL, i^j|pORi?EY and Ctounselorlat-Law. Office in » aJ^rmstronga Block, np one flight, second foop^d left. Entrance on ClKiton sueet. VrtNSLdW C. WATSON, ,a*TORJirET arid 'Counfeelojf-aWLaw. Special L attention given to bbslhless In Surrogate's ptlrt. Office over M'HattieSi store, Margaret gt, Plattsburdb, N. Y.j ~nRlJLfeY"«1$X3ARr (t|4aOBIitEYS aijtd Cbnnielora-at Law. Office. T£':.paHon Block, Clintcjn street. Plattsburgb, IrOHSB. EHJST. . ; PRANK N. tUOAR. I^^MEJELEIRV WOODWARD. P0roBS!ESns arid oturiselors-at-Law. Office V SSlt&iattonrt House. PlattBburgh. N. Y. Efc-'KWEfetBH. |W V. S. WOODWARD. DR. £. E. LARKIN, ICiaLN anfl Snrgejon. Office. S4 Brink- B^rhoff Street | • E. cTiTowt M.1DZ ^OTHJSlT Officii- at Residence, corner faSt Oat and BTinkerhoff streets, Platts- ' ,31. y. DR. C. W. AJRTHUR, _..... 3ICIAS and Sarkep 11 - OlSce and resi- l&'Sence. No 5 Ojlk street, corner Conch. >SOUTR. 1 to, 8 P M. Telephone connection. ,.„„, ~T7 B,TV>CH©i-S, M. D-, fjEfeSICIAN and Siarg^on. Office and resl- ^flenee, So,ftOak street Office hours—Till fcim.; l to 8 p. to., and jevenings generally, • Stsburgh. NY." r DR. FRAftK MADDEN, JttYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office md resi- j/>flenee. us Margaret Street Office hours, elOa m . and 2 to 4 p. m. , _Cial attention given fjo diseases of the Eye Iff"-- ' •_. _ _ _ i DR. W. dk, BRENAN. _ SBO»J j>en««., <suk-c«ssor to Dr. C. J. JHooneyi Everything toertalnlng to modern titfetry berformed jn r the most skillful Bher. Gas or Either administered when de- Dental parlors in VTinslaWg Block, over i National Bank, Plattfetrargh. N. Y. TTHERILLH.0USE,a W.H. HOWEL,Prop.. "Modern in all Its appointment*. ate government buildings and park . >HE ARCADE, Hotel and Restaurant, V. P. <£AUTHIER, Prop. [i$ only first-rla-ss holel in Northern New Corner Clinton and .Marion streets, PI.ATTSBCK6H. K Y ULLEY HOUSE, MARK TIERNEY, Prop. lliytheday or week at reasonable rates DUse entirely refurnished Samjile rooms. Ek-otno llglits. etc. and 10 River street, PLATTSBVROH. N Y. |V1ERICAN [ HOUSE, jLJ. OLIVETTI, Prop H River Str, P^atts5iirg^h-f^T. EUROPEAN PLAN. . jj^Sleals at all hours JTE DELMONICO, II !^i Hotel and Restaurant, fi " J. C. BLRf EE. Prop. *> , - |Protection avenue, PL\TTSBUR(m. X Y HOTEL DELAWARE" and Restaurant, QEO. E,'0OTHIER, Pr6p. fefeftlNO entirely refitted and refurnished ^rSotel Delaware, corner of Bridge and IpiStreetK. the propraetor, whip had twenty gfexpertenee in the hotel business, is pre- - to attend all wno may faWorTilm with jatronage A fln\t ^lass restSSxrant. where fcsvill be served Pram ( a in to l i p m,.. Jn- on. The best wine* and liquors alwaVs" « jGEO. TAPPAN^ tm. 1 i?J3ol$4gent for tUe C^lebia^bed i0 and Monogram Private Stock Whiskies. mri^fcers* Supplies XSCVCJiiSG <& aaifl*^Sber:ai|?t-dass htmSa | of 5qiga*s,--.. ( WASHiSGTOTf, Aug. 1«.—?>Orin|f the i presentation of memorials an.1 petitions ' to tlie «enat» at 12:12 o'clock today Chief i Clerk TOWIM of the house appeared at the ! main door with the tariff bill. Tiis m«?on ben of the senate listened attentivel> while Clerk Towlea road the retolatioi which signalized the senate triumph ovej the house in the tariff struggles, but then was no demonstration of any kind. The speaker's signature to the bill wai announced at the same time. Vice Presl dent Stevenson immediately signed th» bill, and his action was announced at i 12:17. Mr. Gorman, chairman of tboDeni ] ocratlo caucus, then suggested severa committee changes, which under the cus j torn were accordingly made. j "Old the senator from Maryland," in- i quired Mr. Chandler, "announce the ap- pointment to the vacancy on the finance committee?" "He did not," replied Mr. Gonran,. with a smile. Mr. Kyle (Pop,, Jf. D.) asked unani- mous consent for the consideration of a resolution to prohibit the sale of intoxi- cating liquors in the senate wing'of the caplto! during ; tho recess of the senate. Mr. Gormanjibjected. Then, at 12:28,^r. Harris (Dem.,Tenn.) asked that the bouse revenue bills-be read the second tima To the astonishment of everybodyy-wo senator objeotod, and the bouse bills to place'coal, iron ore, barbed wire and sugar on the free list were read. Mr. Harris then took the floor and sent to the clerk's desk and bad read a letter from Secretary jCarllsle jnst received. He felt it his duty to present this letter, be •aid. Mr. Carlisle's Estimate*. The letter of Secretary Carlisle to Sen* ator Harris reviewed the condition of the treasury and the estimated revenues Of the government for the next fiscal year. The figures showed that. Tinder the tariff bill just sent to the president the revenues would exceed the expenditures for the fis- cal year ending June 80, 1895, $16,000,- 000. The -revenue from the sugar, duty Mr Carlisle placed at $43,000,000, and from coal, iron ore'*, and barbed wire $1,000,000. If the house bills were passeel, there Would, Mr. Carlisle said, be a defi- ciency next year of $29,000,000. Mr. Berry (Dem., Ark.) on the conclu- sion of the reading of the letter'moved that the senate proceed to the considera- tion of the Iree sugar .bffl, but-J£r. Harris requested the privilege of making a state* ment He was, he said, heartily in favor of free sugar, raw and refined, but in view of the strong probability of a deficiency of between $28,000,000 atld $30,000,000, as- indicated in the letter of the secretary of the treasury, if this bill were passed, he- felt it bis duty to move to refer tka sugar and other bills to. the finance committee!' The senate/be declared, could not adjourn without" provision for revenue Buffloiei)t to overcome any threatened deficiency. Mr. Hun ton (Dom., Va.) interposed .at this pttrh't to say that be was in favor of a' revenue duty on sugar, but opposed to the one-eighth differential to the Sugar trust- On refined sugar and asked Mr. Harris -if the one-eighth were stricken out, leaving a flat 40 per cent duty on sugar, would the revenue be sufficient to prevent a defi- ciency? Mr. Harris replied that unquestionably a" fiat 40 per cent duty would produce more revenue than the $80,000,000 deficiency threatened. He was, he said, as much opposed to the differential as the senator from Virginia, but he thought the finance committee should, deal with the bill so as to effectively guard against a deficiently. "Let the Senate Decide It." < Mr. Berry, rather hotly, in reply to iMr. Harris, declared that the whole question bad been discussed and was understood and that the senate shoald and could dis- pose of the bill without reference to com- mittee. . N Let the senate decide it," said be Im- petuously, "and not bury it in committee. It passed- the bouse with only 11 dissent- ing votea The people of the country are overwhelmingly In favor of free sugar. I believe the senate should go on record. It has been charged with being a friend of the Sugar trust and opposed to fre# sugar. 1, for one," added he, "believe the senate should pass the bill as it came from the house without the dotting of an T or the crossing of a't'." ' IMr. Manderson wanted to ask Mr. Berry a ue did not vote far the eighth differential on sugar. , • ' Mr. Berry declined to yield and'said the sugar bill would be buried in the commit- tee on finance. He Wanted assurance that it would be immediately reported. Mr. Harris said, for himself, that the bills would be. considered'immediately and he would insist .upon an early report The deficiency should be provided against A reference was [made to the equal divi- sion in the finance committee of Demo- crats and Republicans, but Mr. .Harris said the vacancy could be filled if It were found necessary, and he would ask the vice president to fill the vacancy if the minor- ity would not allow the majority to pro- ceed as it desired. Mr Vest bad the floor for several mo- ments, but was interrupted by Mr. Cock- rell, who presented a conference report upon the general deficiency appropriation bill Mr. Cookxell said that the only point In dispute was the fj, 800,000 for the South- ern Pacific claims The hpuse wouldn't agree to this appropriation, and be moved that the senate insist upon Its amendment. The report w«s agreed to, except as to the Southern Pacific amendment- Mr Sherman moved that the senate re- cede from its amendment * * Mr. Cpckrell said that the amendment covered a deficit; which %bfi goTenunent was now paying inierest upon, Mr. Sher- man's motion was lost and the motion of Mr. Cockrell carrlsjd. SOv Cookrell then presented the conference report^on the sundry civil bill j Yeto Jfteriffce TftrUTBOL' Toe tariff bill wm deUrered totfcenrav ident this aft*rnooo. It U staled wit* ppeitireneM byjoembeirsof emmpmaaA otlwrt who etiiM !-«Io»ee4 to President <^^i0andtb»t bewMl no* ^eatrttw MIL te«S* tm la*"*'*** 1 , to «w **• rfo K n*2 mt> a. Haw by titn pttm&Sam&G »t£- ' wflj g n inta-teffessf- ^•^W'fKvf 30 dey» wWrN"* .til* aiigiBii^saai tr-w-m j«»«M" nejcs (Fii'orteed. 8«? ttiwe Is nhiSjiiKK dWUrrite, Jat©««ilj»'i*«iS3«0,- tho.rr judpmooU IMilg'-' tii*t the bill will lot 1» vtitwed. . ti, til* ilowiwsi The -be uSt^reooiTrf tbo announcesctant »!he en roWn^mrst of tbo SuSlf MO- wl^* doim ns,t™nen, ] The infijpiation oi Beprcsout ati vr ^recl Inridgo of Arkatisa* was recci rod. i.'onf faea oa the sundry civil bill were ijl&tn cted to further dla- agree. A number .< f local aad private bills wurej passed. "Ktapresantative Black '(Dera., Illk) introduced a resolution to report a 1,101 for the use of the silver In the treasnry. Tin •' Sltwtioa at Blnefleld*. WASHINI !TOS, Aug. 18.—General Bar- rios, tho Iilcaraguan minister to Great Britain, pa led at the state department to- day and w. is presented by Dr. Guzman to Secretary (taeshain. Tbo call Was purely one of oi)u tesy, but Incidentally General Barrios briefly explained to Secretary Grtsham the state of affairs at Bluofleldi from the; Nlcaraguan point ot view. Gen- eral Banfioji is on bis way from Nicaragua to Lcndojn with the purpose of negotiating an amendment to tho treaty of Managua, under Wplch Great Britain asserts the right of protecting the Mosquito Indians. The wish of the ^Nlcaraguan government is to obtajlnj a relinquishment of 01s pro- tectorate,' or if this cannot be done!entire- ly to securer such an (amendment lot the treaty as will recognize at least thje right of Nicaragua to administer the affairs of the Moaqultb reservation so far as tfiey ore national in ebaracter, giving |proper gnaranteca that the Mosquitoes shall be permitted tp manage their local affalrsr and that; their; property rights shall be conserved). {General Barrios himself does not discusatho object of hill mission far- ther than tojsay that his purpose Is! to se- cure a modjflcatlon of the treaty on the beet terms possible far htm to obtain. Aa Great Britain baa been much annoted by the mivHy up leavals at Bluefields without profiting by 1 her protectorate, it is believed she will be entirely willing to grant a moderate am jndmept of the treaty in the line of assnr ing peace in the distracted country. Another fHevelaBtf-Wilsoto X*ttar.' 1«. — President 'written a letter to "Chair- tho outcome of the tariff a personal letter; devoted iressions of regard < for the r. Wilson made, and under tancesltwill not be made \mn *4mm- I'ffffrr WASHrNGTtJN, Aug. Cleveland "hi man Wilson battle. It is largely to e: gallant fight these circu: public, nor would any reference whatever to it have been allowed to go out had Mr. ds not Inadvertantly die- The letter Is faux-pages in the president's hand 1 - ont. It was written Mon- soon as the president bad letin from the oapltol, say- caucus bad determined; its disagreement and ac- bilL its transmission to _.._ delayed until late In the day, and the n esseoger |rom the White, House handed 1: to Kim only a few min- utes after the se na*e »I11 bad been passed at 6:30 Monday evening. This president'* letter speaks feelingly of Mr. Wilson's herolo devotion io the tariff reftom fight; and to blS|unseliish sacrifice of his health, and strength to carry oat the principles sat the party., Itjdoos notdiaouss the tariff" question except I in the Indirect Way of expressing deep sympathy and regret for the personal reverse met by Mr. Wilson., Wilson's trie: closed the fi in length and writing throu day morning read a press b Ing that the ho to recede from oept the senate Mr. Wilson Po*tm! WASHINGTON, class pos,tmaste: Mastapbi Montague. NeWYork—P< Pennsylvanli iri Appointed. | Aug. 16.—The fottrth appointed today were: -Tufts College, D. T. Mrs. H. A. Darling. pWinton, James J. Bell Brltlsb Opinion of Oor Taritt LONDON, Ang. Jl6.—The woolen manu- facturer* of Bradford, Leedsi Huadersfleld and Halifax, where stocks are abnormally low and where business has been stagnant lor years, expeofc la great revival of busi- ness as a result ofj the tariff settlement in the United Stated Toe PaU Mall Gazette this afternoon says, "Bradford kept quiet daring the vicissitudes of the Wilson bill for fear of prejudicing tjbe issue, bat now that it is finally accepted rejoicings have broken forth." The Kaiser LONDON, Aug. left Graveeend on benzollern for hoi the emperor was ei and fencing display leys Sparring. 6.—Emperor William he imperial yacht So- e. At Aldershot camp tertained by a boxing In addition to bouts |SMwe«> . Ifce •Wttwm »ah^cJt» «r*MM|t, x*a*x»j«r. Mm* Viemmtim y ^ c « a t y 8Kjrtssx'i«lMe- lwr< Caia* mmk Jweenj. tlem as «tett.ttik. f , LOSpow, A n p 16.—A priVai* wasretelred bare today from Yol eayingj that seven Chihee sank In a rsomt engagement- Japanese. Thl i report l^sk And probably trose from the sta(»ment Cabled'here turn Yokohama lastj nigljt saying that nei rs had been recelvodi therje Of a battle wh cb took place on the 11th Inst between t io Japanleso and Qblnese fleets, Bind that the Chinese were jdriveo oft i Iaqulries male at thb Japanese^ lega- tion hefe fail to obtain confirmation jof the reported slnkini; of the apron Cblnese wa* vessela j, Tho engages ent referred to probably consisted in th< attacks jm^fde. acodrding to Shanghai dis jatohes ofAug. 11, by the Japanese on W el-Hal-Wei and ,»n| Port Arthur] It-was stated, hjowsrer, that the Japanese were r spotted, j i BrJUan SnbJ Ma Mastj^la VentraL j A dispatch to The TijjK* from jTlen- ttM today says i hat the ^British minister^ has issued a no tioo enjoining striot nea-j trality upon the part of jail British sub- jects in the far c ast during the progress of: the warj between China ana Japan, The dispatch idds that the French] gun- boat Lion has ai rived at Tien-tsln. It is annoumfld that Warships flying S y Sag which attempt to cross the jfakn r will be fired {on unless .notice of (their as previously been! sent (jmmand of the forts, nboat Lion will be ro- warship which is report- resent "at the .sinking of |W-Shung, and rnucb 1m- is expected from the ^French jshlp In re * The Lion jsjMkid to the peoplewhowe: intende lathe * vt-jThe xbemt editobs; Inei arrival oars in icfr as tbi .vebecn port Ei Want! eviden lander of at disaster. rescued j some of board the Kow-S lung. rllo, the I * e War l a Seal ^ Et*^ So ith African Rep Aug. 16j—The r<ibels are imurderin„ .. Boer farmers and are burning their h5me- stsads. A body oi 100 Boew is proceeding to (die relief, of t ie occupants of the jjov- ernmenti bulldini rs at Agatha, whiebTsre Tjesiegsdi by the H bellious j »> ' • . , Veddarl Weald Be UeaUnaat Oorara it. AXBANY, Aug. 16.—Theifriends <rf Senator j Commodore P. Vedder have elded to present, bis name to the BeL lioan state ooaverition as aoanaidatel lieutenaiit governt who Is ajpaemb oonrentiJMi from today: 'ftdonqt matter, except to tlon of the st»te thetiokelfc" Ex-Senator Vedder, of the ofinstitutloDal attaraugus oounfr* i aid »to bet quoted In the tkati think our lec- oul^ be represented on WajpK«r Stiojpa te'snnt Dbwm, ' BtJtTAKi, Aog> -16.—-Tho Wagner ikr shops at East Buff »lo wUl^olOee down on Saturdayj nlght.oi ing to tlie business de- pression knd absen oe of demand fpr! otos. Over 1,000 men' Till bettirown jout of work. (• r ''' 14 • r • • • 'NKW Yorx, Anj. 16.—At the ojfHoeof the Wagner oompinyin this! cl.ty'jlt.Was said fhatjit ^as no known that the shojps at East Buffalo wo aid be clised down. etBowi ^a»d-JBob>edf'- •': •' :. CmoA{jo, J Aug. ii l—Just as Matij Byi n was closi ig his ail K>n threeraenanteri<Si. the place and oaUeiout, "Hold n^ your hands!" Byari ma Ie a movement for tl ia drawer, •? r£eU one b I the robbers fired, tl e buUet striking Bysn In tbe face. ; Tie wounded man fell to nie floor, and aft r the men bad rifled tbe tiH'and.caih drawer tl ey escapee % Byan win undbub (- edlydle.1 J : }""' : J. ' proiaipt}y*t- ' Taeydoaqtj»ay]^i,^a« toldfassaso, tm* theysayJa«)saksiniftw*7^aBsiw!kTCSja RCH, ft, Y. '***** m* gaisHpa Ttmrmw** m#* between troopers,'a j spirited representation of prize ring fighting was given by two heavyweight and two lightweight cham- pions. The emperjor seemofi to heartily enjoy the exhibltlo) WIMOIUIII Will Sna TTncle^Bam. MTNNBAPOIJB, Aiig.. 16.—A. special to ,The Tribune ficonJ-Madison,; Wis., says: Tbe state of Wisconkln; is about to sne'the UnltecLStates govetajment for $7,975,000 on a claim for monitions of war, etc., furnished in iSdl) pbioh were paid for only "In part by thd United States under act of July 26, 1861 and for interest on. deferred payments. LONDON, Ang. 16. Still Sneerl ig at Gonld. -The failnre^of the Messrs. Gonld to rao > the Vigilant yester- day is still adversely icommen ted npon ou aU sides. One nawstaper says, jWe hear so much about what jthe Vigilanf can do in a bard wind that lit would bave\been only sportsmanlike to gira the SatanlU a chance of proving ber." . • x Captain JohaMa> C^art Ittrtlalt .^ LiAVENW0BT% ,ffln„ Aag^ I&—The ooort martial of Ca; tT. S. A., retired, is E. H. Crowderisaef The,evidenoe prodn son, as fa> bact as regulations by not debts. in W.-& Johnson, progress. Captain as Judge advocate, showed that John- 183, violated army luidatiiig hi* honest £sora»a*iWJiliikr ilteealyta, CINCINNATI, Ang. it—^TJbe subtreasnry here received $90,000 jrrom Loulsvlllr for whisky taken out <ft hond. The cr jom, house here reoeiTsd jsboat $76,000 for whisky exported to escape the three years' bonded limit and again wtooported and taken out of bond. XlliUattlUatl OMaHiL, Aug. 16.—I fact t ^hat the-entira taken away from ^out offljoat^s of the gnardsj haveJUtterasta theses •no further Otmmw of thastzlkan. itk Osaafca... y " is^ow a'seteled lOawiU noibe Omaha until the tbeelttaenswho' •etifffftd t h w a l s . imlliieal aiiassa *WT*^»wai v^KvapNlPVB^a flsTAimt Pa.. A a » k-ne strlklag SJMI lalaaas itfllesaiissaiasa' ikitmnaaiBW ^^^^»» "^^p*i^^^^^" ^^ ^^^^^f^^^*^^^^^^mmjM *e^^BB^ss4^sv9^B^s^K %m^ymimmm%m} <j»» ? m iWHjiy Tor: t'» Allagai Prier LOKDof, Anglic —^A lei if K. G.M. plr Etanels Kiolly., ,._ _, f the groon s In walti: |g upon iha;Bririoe, Wales, Is repnbllAbsd today, saving thi the Prlnca of Waits direct^i him tosa; that then is not a i hadow of] foundatlo: for the re; )6rt that t ie Duke of York wa married j rsTions to his tmloh^with Prin oeesMaybfTeok. '/. \ -,__ •''' fj -[WjutbyaiiErplorioo. ,yC '. ' NKWYOBK; Aug. 16.—George Numiklo and vinpeszq Amb: ostno w e n remcivins tpa nne5tpioded olri*; age from a drill holt' thiamin sealp,-wi brosino's i fprmer,wa ajnd the ot igwhenii exploded. Numizio'i '•jterjrlbly.,; a«eratodJ while Am? 'es we're!lied With sand. The iBlfen ! t<' ^rdhiuoilioipital, ieb,wenfrl onoja ,-AEBAM Aug. j<— &mmT' < -<Bmwn BTanoock has - deniec the application -of C^rge i 3rL'iMagiB''--3S:r tbe. s^tofcto bri— a<;tton to,compel Booklyn to tttgarn iGravesendi the. property and fundilof' the township taken under ti^ annexation law •o* 180' [The. laiftf -declMli ionstl'tU'' tlonaL aa,—Tha 'eonrsntfi •it sale. islooksdfor. eato j^^t»- ^W of thepou ih India aa oongres "m 'nxm' i^es^ttMt-.,hyS'-ih'» * S. Hob m ;«ufMd th* hereon th« 122d. ' There Is talk »a new n an, nod alwt fight ••Utvia. m Cmmmi 'mm Oacsuatttse* LoWDON, Ang.'l&—A siaithaaoocOTfel aciKiigthemembeiioIthebonseof comJ i»»otis«oe»mittes whic i is coosMering'tba Irish land acts. AnaIiK>rity, v jrenresenting thaTiawa«<l*Bdlosd< has seceded. , 1 ' ' £«aUDVa«sWNs^^ «_" , beooa Bond of this onnty died at her homeheN.l8b« had rasKAed|theag»oir of aaoldler pf tbawar ^ 181*7: VW^Niir &N««(»Wwy>«& "SIS' <i*» Aa*fHrr„ ibog:- 3:&,—Wm^m- -«f '«ii»! oansartiStstitsal -eaairtB-aaB m#& timing hw». * #»®inM%.*i>ti»y o«-affl?e«ta* i£,W*$)m}i$m j Klrtn JaHt'«%h^ -*feoa-tiiewmwda «ffi*g#J qaentioji w«s turifttr 4lmmm&, As ' OB th» ordbr of f^s*)3tie<jr» was renfc) Jess)»-4'«oniB»(^ il ')'«* Srwd#a'«n*i rs*wl««pns thai the eitiw • fcjsuio rule atncadBJient, top^ther with »|1fcho«a15if£}- tutes arjd 3»n&utlnwJ'nts>, ha rfefsrlrea back to the djslos comtnlttm' wfth power to tbat commit|ie* •*& report' back i?o the conven- tion a oj>mplct*d ameudwienfc -' Mr. Bowers (Dettt.) or New York said he was tiot against'the resolution, bat he thought; that the words "report cotopletof would pjrcrent;deliate on the report. Ife asked that those words bo stricken ont^ Mr. Johnson said be did notwlsh to limit debate and so withdrew the words. Bis lisolutiOn was' then adopted, and the question of home rule will probably not be pofore i tbe loonventlon tor soitro days to come. . ; A resolution to limit the debate an wo- man suffrage Was offered, but Mr. Good- elle wished to; deliver bis two hours' speech, and theirosolution was withdrawn.. Mr. Ddty offered k resolution that the county clerks odd clerks of boards of su- pervisors; bo sent a copy of the document requesting them to report tbo cost of printing official ballots,? It was adopted. Mr. Jacobs offered: *a resolution that the comptroller be directed to pay to tbe delegates recently seated from the Sixth district and; mileage for the time they wer* deprived of 'tholr soats.^ Re- ferred. % % E, $&y tJwatfj' vuv, . tlfcer afesterWpimtv,; fm' nmm k mwmwmL t h e Freeman'* JonrKal's V^r^roas Advice. DUBLIN,, Ang. Ifi.—Wie '-.Freeman's Journal, oomsnentlng upon the rejection of the evicted te'nantei bill by the houso of lords last j night, urges Ireland to rosent this "latblprable insalt." Gpntfti&nig, The Fresilnan's Journal fsays that "peace can no longer, be preached" to the evicted tenants. j"Now.Is the time," The Free- man's Journal adds, "for # make their agltatiL_.7 ,. ..-, the poop)? to power felt in strong, united ! CMey*s»r»a Angry, . BAHTM^BS:, Aug. id—A special from Hyattsvillb says:/ "General Coxey earn* near being mobbed at Camp Lost Libcrtyi • He came for the purpose of taking awiy seven of b|ls horsos and when questioned about the; movement by one of. his men beoamo angryjand said he Was done With the scheme. ThU greatly incensed the five mem, and C^xey was obliged to beat a iiasty TO yojion6nf#oJ»oyaes. : . ijiarchl»U Iai Batlaao. 1 ; LONDO^' Aug. 16.—An expt'rfion at the New Cross postbffioe oocUiTed lit: the small stationer's store to which the pos't- office is attached. I t was cauk'ed : \*£*> quantity of gunpowder arid nltrpgy: wrapped m 'beav/'l^p^fc^^r^i^lopw: package das inserted J itf B e letter box alii .ojai«i'r€o«'#ih'n^pe*'w*i'?TOt- ten, ''In ttemory of BAvachol, Bottrdln, VaJSant-JWdiSmti^.'f^f.^ .•'".•• t^EiritaaalalCateliOft : #. .FBKSHWATEB, Isle of Wight, Aug. 16,^- The privat^mafah arranged between Mr. George J. fipuldand the Prlnoe of Wales to sail the {Vigilant and the Britannia 15 oiles to windward aid return fora.cup iffered by LordcWolverton was postponed jadefinlteli today, owing to the, fact thaj gale, of Wind)was mowing, making it A nfrsa^WpBiog tt'AdanM.: -. ADAMS, Ma^4 Aag.'''l*^-I)ri ChArles 'ell known physician here, cheated a sensation bypublicly horsewhip- ping James McLaren, ja blcyole dealer, pom he icharge^ wltt insuljting Mrs. tin. Di. Boom reoently leaned.,Mc _ asufn of money forpse in his biisl- nfss, and McLaren requested another loan,; Ich .thc^doot^r-ri^ituioojij - neaj)Etieonat«p Coxayttesi. UUB, IBBBUfBU tUPJU JiUOJ WBXB OU ' {to 5uffaIo t : jMid thiit. -they * » i of one-Iff the Coxey divisions. \ WhM iBr/FFAixfj^Angt that on the wajyto 1m& t £fa.' i th^r eif^- oftlmntered4 <8*n$':<& Coai*^iiesneM!Kt>ift5-' t, straggiiDg alobg, preserving jujst the semblanoeTof "air organised* procession. The tramps ttssdred them th.ey were. on thefrvway {to ' '" '" * " "' '" Miinanta Peilfeatlpniotairaaoalc Temple. ' (tojiyBBNEp^-'^ x%,^f^ug|,'.-i6i—Earl^' nfij t week, iprobably on Monday, the mem? bei s.of 'the Masonio ord^r in, this • loeajity' ant: the brethren, throughout the state of N e r ^ r k w l U have the pleasuiw of attend- ing the dedication of the handsome new Mswnlo t«mplewhichhas just been ereqt- edjera •;,' j .•' "•'• '• A F ^ o a of tiraMhopiw*. \ irapTAiA At»# 10.—;Rteport« from vari- ous sectlonf of western JTew York report a plague of grasshoppers, which ara devour- IngTevery vjastlge/^f yerdrnja, "Uf, m w r in* •tidoW. cattle and sheep have been turned Into! tie woods to keep them from starv- IngJOD the devastated pasture lands. ' .. Another Trotting Beerad Smashed. BtiJcrjB,; Mon:, 'Aug. 16.—Bobb* owned by Ed Pyle?of Grand Island, Ni has •^biro^'^^^ld^'iwoiK.tlM' *s%P. driven by his hjKed&r and owner, makin a mile In 0 : | 2 ^ t»e.|Best prtyious reco; 4i;helng. .ftuV' •h6ld. v :Tby Nelson, at/^' ; "' Bapfds;lh,lti% :txrr— ;' '•'.. " .*• " A Bleycla Baeord Broken. ' f .BJOITATidiAng.' .ltji^her^ooarsa-^xrln' BufTalo to'.pErlej.Pa.,^was the.soene of 1i reopjrd brehklng-•.performance.. M: Li Stlmal and FredC. Fuhrmann of the Ramblers' [BljoyoJa, club rode the course' andjreturn, a'distanoe of 200 miles, in i£ hours, 50 minutes,'80 seconds. 1.- ,w;,..,i^ ;-> .... ; —-—J» ; , .rooking For tlie pWaKichniond. » DUNKIEK, K. Y., Aug. 16 —The tng O. W. Johnson of Detroit has arrived With a full wrecking crew* to begin a search for the ill fated steamer Dean Eiohmond. It is believed tha~bodies of the seven persons lost, Tmt never recovered, will he found in « j. , " t Mande^ Kyttery Xa Fittefcursr. PITTSBUBG, "Aug. 1&—Ex-CounoUman David Morgan,was found dead at jtbe foqt Of the bluff overlooking .the Jaonqngahela «mj;tod«« H i s ' b a t »lbd;''&Aney' / wer^ missing, and from'the j^iaraottjFof his in-' Juriesit J»iiellsTad;he*as murdered by*' **«-T* v - v ; >* <> _. • • — , x , -,7 ,{ Xm*WlfnM'X*1XUfrt*m*''< i ~w_^ - **N«*ss»sj-«nW(hpw^ » eAifKHA^qi«»/Aji»il8.—TJboughtlw WtW YOBJ, Aug. 14 -Koaie ;Lsav, « ^ f n l t canners are running at their highest rears old, <Ued la -^hr Pr-abytarian bo*- bmmm%!mmr 'araabaWato / alisorntbe fm- *55?^^£*N^y»^*i r m *t*Wngjritoto the east m < -U^BfrmtrmUmmifi. ^ 1 . ' well m^Xwye. "V|7 ,* •^ *- '" ' l \ V '**aia.iiaailW : a*NM»i. t fcAjJtraAB, Aug. 16—-The Italiaa bark - * * - ^ * , Cs*tau*i:ft|*li»et turn's** , whlafc wsssisljr mm* *&*••»** ah>s PM. has *>*ar»a, part of her atrgo Vv > Bar AXtsgad Slayer t» m SUm Wtws Was attglilr fte«pee««<J—Ther Went Hiding Tosrettier, and the Horse Returned Wltb tne Xanmtc Girl'* Corp**. , HsiiNiKES, N. H. Ang., l^-Thils little tillage was thrown Into a state of wild ex- citement, today by the discovery of a poctil tar and cjnoctiountable murder, which al- most rivals the killing ot Christie Warden by Frank C. A buy in tbe Vale of > Tempo at Hanover, N. H. About 7 o'olcick last eveiaing~~Arthur McLeajnv aced .31; em- ployed in the shoe factory hero and well known In this seotion,^ehgagod a team at the livery stable of Fitf Courser, aijiid, with Miss Kettle Douglass, aagod 16, the daugh- ter of Peter Douglas^ farmer, staited for a ride In the direotiotf of Contooooofe, ovl dently the best of friends. / A Bloody Spectacle. The team did not return by midnight, and Mr. Courser Instructed a hostler to stay up and wait for it.' The stableman found a comfortable position In tfeo bam and soon fell asleep. About 6 o'clock this morning he was awakened by the noise of the Wagon coming into the stable yard. He went Out and found the carriage turned around and. tilted, partly on one sidle. On the. ground nearby lay the dead body of Miss Do,Ugl*ss. A ragged bulletholo pierced her temple, another had crushed through the top of her head and a third through her jaw. Her clothing was cov- ered with fresh blood, ahd it was evident that she had been dead but a short time. The seat of the carriage was saturated' With blood,Iwhloh was splattered in every direction. From .the position of the body lit was clearly evident that tbe horse had jwahdjered' «p Into., the stable yard and turned around and thatthe body had fall-. en ottt.' Theiglrl** clothing was slightly d^sarringedjand there were evldenoWs, of* struggle With her slayer. The stableman' at once alarmed the nelghbbrhoodj and a searching party set out on Mcl^ean'8 trail: He was found lying faoe downward{by the roadside abpuir three-quftrters jaf iamlle fwm the village on fhe road: to'warrierf bu't was neither wounded nor unoonjfolous. HerofusedtoMyanythtogWhat^erabout ;tte shooting and was taken George: Sargent, about a mile from this iw^^uim^^^^Miio^muMMx op- heard prnin, i toward the^ina^ and the ._„-Mth#1leT[dsmWpIacewfiJ dlse^vliiejdV I|eh*iwe«p0n: with, shctoting was done has not yet* .Nothing^Jef^ileiliknowtt m* of thrlritfe,'^nt'tt lii iappo ^l)estf4h*'resulfrn£-alov^V-qifti «bti jfc^pwn, J&oweyaf, thatthe |0' been in each ether's oompan^jvei and {the young roan has nete'Jy glrV unusual attehtiofns in pilblloJ J , •'- ' .A^-Tjia^^atable'Myster* 1 ,; {{ McLean's ffAther can give ,no;;ftii3ts:to shed-light onvtbe mystery and offers no t;h^,ei' : t^;ih»^atii(e'-«of. &&• that they (jaunoraooount for OM. McLean hiU always borne algt .-tatioD.- 'He^as'ney^ahj^'sMi^ insanity, and. his strange actlohi wp\^uniMioquntapleJ f w » ' 6ppt jblit lathef da>ed, and ibsblpeiy re-' *BS|»s^to-talk.about |oe shooting] {The Douglass family is well known in thavil- lageJBn(J'\htghlJ respected. $he ^xlfiras a «t^8entl^,t|ehigb/sohoo>imiS|\ad nlany admirers. <• '••,"".-'...''if The coronor has taken chlrge,lof the bbdy4 and an- inquest wiU pr^lwBly be hel^ a* once.» McLean will' b^i-taWn'to Concord and locked, up in the jail there until he is arraigned forfa hearing- ! „Abo,tit 10 o^olbok last. night Arfchni Dbwj a resident Of Hopkijtilton. whiledyiv- ing : honm met McLean and Miss Douglass hoar W@;*S Hppkinton, apparently on tjheir Way home; • ••« i The Sargeht: about 2:30 o'>" —^-ijfia*- 1 j, AnJEnglasisr Wesof Frleht; ' TdPP*A, Ang, J6i-rH. F. Skyies; Who was-M the Santa Fe wreck at Hurdland, Mb., has made a statement which makes it reasonably to presume that Engineer Humphrey died of fright before the: two engine? came together; As tbey werei ap- proaching the Hurdland switch Skyles spoke tjo Humphrey. Just then the head- light of the: west bound train showed. Humphrey said not a word, but looked straight ahead with glassy eyes. He Was Aaail.' I \ S *( labama Miners to Besoms. •taGifAM, Ala., Ang. 16.—The Ten- nesseosboal and. Iron Railroad company announced that their, miners, who have been on a strike for four monfha, have agreed 'to go back to work on the com- pany's, terms. This gives 2,000 men em- ployment in this district;, in addition to those already at work. TJta Saturday feerlew Sold. LONDON, Aug. 16.—Mr. Beresford-Hc(pe ha*, sold The Saturday. Hevjfjir, wbiob has been almost 40 years in the Hope family. .Mr. Walter Pollock retires from the edi- :=forship. The purchaser of The Saturday :Bsview is Mr. L. H. Edmunds, • barris- ter. J •• • . . , • ! Aa Oil Strike In Colorado. , FtOMPNCE, Colo., Ang. 16.—Oil? and ^natural gas to enormous quantitJiajhave been struck on school land near Mtieral CreekJ six miles southeast of this; el' which has been leased from the state the Florence Oil and Refining company. aixtoen. Workman Buried, 1 ' { ' \B0l)A*fE8T, Ang, 16,-^fh^ » $ v Han- dlesbansj building at' Sa»thm«-Nejneth collapsed, burying Jft #dJrSmen in the rains. FiTeoftaiem/W(Br^exti$cated..Thejr w*» s*v«KdyJnjut»4.>Jt hi feared!that the others aredead. ; Paavtr Smith Waats to mghU mxmv, Aug. 16,—Ed Smith has sent instructions to X J. Quton, his backer, to try to arrange* a match with either Cor- bet* or Jackson. Smith expresses bis, wlllingnestf to put np $10,000 on the match M aetds; bet. * "^^ ^—.— „„„,.„ - A Cajaarss'lonst Coavsatloa Daadloak^, -; 04MSA, Aug. 16.—The Fifth district »puhlloan Convention is in 11 deadlock. On throne h^rad «n4 tprentythird bal-i lMtlwiaault was: Church How% M; Jsa- mm»»wrm J#*ge(^a|«-Ws«. ' "t S , .V / 1 t Jtetit tX&t't tlTT* " tStt '.pntotj. l^r-Sfvfr rawii' IttS J«i«*»g ''•**•>• p' k»' «M ar top? N"S*». V&ffl> a'se-J^JW i»®J««l W.»r-«!i-|», ^Mfftmn aofliad bair assd jfera»«««torf MTMSTSW j _ >*!.• fiatt tsiis* AB# tea* ..i«i».i«m la.jawwr t- |**3*, Was »**r|3«* r outtttepd.aaia .lag* 5&"»sfe*^*gSfessr rro4-B^afc^^^(«4^«5--*=- and e&w BSfrowaic td««n-«tl«i Eg? $£m. tso ja». A ffi*^>t^»lt m pa iit.beam of t&S KfOttTCfey firm, la ! ; *fe>F»*iTi(«l at»i 0%«t. «wr»' qra&?S;.!y 't<trm&&*, a eaugitt. H« «rn» /tSlJ. Nolan aai thsti tatton bits cut r>nd bnriKwl & bew fridge acr«BB> tl«e tbe csjntsr of chp city. <;ndrtdtll*til»tebody With gullets. It nvjisi r^d over sn| boor ft». break I into the jail. a>< •* eveyrtihtog '*»»• done ip a metbodieai is tanner. He was rocootly tv&'p, »sed from the peni- tentiary, having tterv&i to years for crtral- nally ijawiultlng a wttii an. POBKB A PBTn|Pl*:D BOOT, An Indiana Farmer SSriek 1% While Dlt«b. STraai«^ M 'ehtT Aug. I^-HMiddlelta^_ Ind., sc uthwest of bow, is greatly excited over th > finding of the petrified bwly of a man in a swamp. A -anneiri whilo dig- ging A ditch, made the discovery aboui three toil tteJow^she SaiffAcff. . H4«ucc^ed" ed in oxlhtiiiiing'tlitr holy, wljleh weighed 400 poujids. . Dr. EaJ* proBotineed Ifc't 1 "if a whllte man who' riust have weighed about tlilo' or 160 poubaswhei! ally* only disfigurements aires tn)ittt. clip off one too and one off thd nose,'; nadV by ^h» farmer's spate A del p depr» ssfbn Ilk on« sboulderflooks as If tho body jhad laid-on . a piece of wood. 01 •m : 4 1 Tired of the Basslaf Thlsttfu S^TON, Ang) pi©,;—f^o.4onssrnos' ;'fc mm Morti ' WASI of North {Dakota hasfatorcsaeiriftlett^rto; the socrotary of agriculture with regard to the damage done, tin that, state by th» Bussian .thistle, snggoBtitig that, tm de- partment send a specM aglntjto mate An examination of tho 'ivheatilei* s of•-Hmtfifr 1 ' Dakota li 1 their prose'n t oondit oi». ,Seere>V taiy Moriioii, aftor fWi.f^i*^|tb ; »2>lSf#;' ai . r4>Wi _ tho matter, ajid In view of the tovfstil^- fl]ISf#,' ' tions. Already made with •xogjjrai%^th|i|i { W ^ ^ s * ^ weed in' JL W And •IS^fetiiallhd! igiifepi^pM p : •" iMM -'* !^ide(dih>laj»*Hgge#tb&- | i,'-,/ '•l^'-^S^ tiAPOJ frefeht, eoftft houtod.,oh the I^keShsre-wiiiBAffii held up m m t bound, on the tmmSh0»^0^ !x '' Whiting. Jjjfep -ptt^-^-^^r^ ntog nt/m slow'*«w-when" olnnbed/jAboard.)- Twolof-.'ihe Ifoiversi { The -thlr-d' idei*£ pocketaeff tho mea Andtofik" of vawe. The men urn, iusti monthly isilaTieSi , f f l b ^bjutt^ in the-woods. %>*>'-'* . . , . jr .. . Were bniajec k Both -hi t . ,-wmmm^ ly A dast»y««i t ^And tfei iW<&W&£0m§mfMm Fair/ winds, , KeriBnlldls •B^l^A*?»it , , AugW-lM ; bank bulldi aif\tt:''&m\6tim&WmW&&ffi" lapsed, • bfrj pg f&mtyti&&faM$$$tiP» r - ^William fftattf: i^N»p;%rAtig. 'i left Gr'avese ad on the benzollcnj f^or home.- ooqler; westerly./to WfSJkSCiAJU AW» *Tpv* 7i% 82 Closing prices: Atchison. .Bur. * Qnine; C, 0<, C. & St L, Chesapeake <& 0 Chicago pas. Cqrdage Cotton Oil... DeL A Had.. Distiller*' Trn|t. Erie.... General ^ilectijie Hocking Valley. Lackawanna.,.. Lake Shore... Lead LoulsYille&Naish. S3H Missouri Pacl%.. 27^ Northwestern New England.. Cioalnc Qaol atlona of i S5tw Ypmc Aug. 15.^ percent Priniemercanj Bterllng-eichiflicedijllt-., T „^_»..,„_ husinessin inkers' hW«jat.«.|7Jiat1 demand and »; HMH&-^i<>rWMmi?a* rates, $*.87«@ 4.86. Coiniaercial bijls,$--" #-85Jf Silver ivHi&^U^Mi^i^S^^^mmyS^ • MetUimaSoiS^S^h0^'»m^m^M^ bends-steady. "State h o n « l | H J ^ « r « > ; . i » l ^ ^ P ' hondsfirm. , . _ ^ • x ^,f;$f^J0^, mi isotth Ataericani^siffS/.^AE. 4i am OnW««-'W l Mt.'"l.^i£f^ 1SW m J^ific^lM; RlAhmo: tors poawiHwiiin-'aaBpng -«ae- 7 ,£?MW4<3 r~'- BSU «Lf#a»l.:,i.-., .... fC-eSKs,-;i«feM#2« XS N«!W YOBK, vm 1S0J, *m Te5MPacp 0< ,.i^^=.;.*m|M« w « Ceneral >tar|cats. ^^^ . Tr Aug. **jQ$pa~*^ieiBffl western quiet and easier toteU;"city~na11|s|psM%M|i™. 4 eats, $4-0iS<at35: whaler patents, t^^^'^ff ; ^%#S£% mill pleare. $3.6 i(^<S; wiat«attaAfe^|i^^# % :a¥l#l ,- &BU. r f.-»*.-^,-.!'--- :'-•"- '«•••'*-~ K --~ WHEAT-Nc, 2 re* openefafirmeron highaj! private cables 1 n*:dry weather west, batsooa reacted under, Jocaj reaUtoingf 3Jay»„ &WL fl8l-i8fcrSeptjen*eMfta^ic. .; •; ., >B^-^ttletr state, $*©5Scij Jersey, HQBOfyi- 7p&8$£~$<o. S opened stronger ondry-weathi erand bad crop news, bat lost theadvawntn fall local offerlnKs: May, 57®fee. : Bep^lC., , ..„ ^~. OATS-Na 2 generally firaiaH tbemofsM»fe¥f%^^? September. 3^L: October, 8i&@36i£c -4$.'?«!« BEEP-Firm; fatally" SlftStg; extra rae*f,$«. •*•--«*- PORK-FttW new mwss. pmK». faarily*. .tiasis-at I ' [^ • -'t -^LABl>-Stroni: prime wefetern, steam, $8, nominal. ' 1 ' . '' '..••' BDTTSER-BMn; slate dairy, l*as«a; Kate creamery. 17@Sto. } CHEESE-Stekdy; state, large. imm®i &QGS—Firm! state «ad Peaasylranla, 1T# lfjfc.; western. J5i§@l7c. ^ SUGAR—R«w firm: fair refining, 3U*I«e4 ctntrifugal. SB utsu %o.: refined nrm, wttiw*^: goodjajmahd; cnashed. 6J4@6 y=.Mc 5 powjfelia!^ 41S-ja^c. ..-..~. aftraaPEKTINK-Quiet at MOLASSES-Firm, New - 81C£-Firm; domesucw ^||iOJV--8tsaar, sam

Transcript of mn - NYS Historic ·...

Page 1: mn - NYS Historic · t i I - It *r#I|S!llJigfefT',,ffioPto' B^sir W£8T8 KO RED TAPE tt« OnfeaCMt to

t i I - It

*r#I|S!llJigfefT',,ffioPto' B ^ s i r W£8T8 KO RED TAPE tt« OnfeaCMt t o H a v i n g t h e m 8 o * * r

X e a a n x * Boficrrvti t o t h e C o m t a l t t e e .

1 0 M « t a H r RH1 I s a t Las* I n

> . t k e Pres ident ' s B a n d s .

ef oat

iseior-at-Law. office. net Bridgp and River

, _ _ ^ . „ , r . . .„ . , & CONWAY, SRSSiVB Ana qotthselors-at Law. <imce

„ „ . . Sfflt MS M oers'! Block. OUnton street, ftams%rgn, N. Y. ' '-••m ,-.r^yii„,, _ , — « _ _ i — 1 _ . i.. . . . . . . _

'fj ' v fi. J. (ilARKS. V .• t'JITfOBlifEYS and Ctouhselor-at-Law office,

llriet I corner Margaret and h. » Y

BlcfeiJ attstjur

E « ^ H. P. GILlitLAND, "WUfrORfflSY . ahd Conpselor-ait-Law M Justice of the Pea«e and Coroner )3Brgaret street,. Plattpbuiigh, N. Y

Also. Office

WM. W. CANTVELL, i j|pORi?EY and Ctounselorlat-Law. Office in

» aJ^rmstronga Block, np one flight, second f oop d left. Entrance on ClKiton sueet.

VrtNSLdW C. WATSON, ,a*TORJirET arid 'Counfeelojf-aWLaw. Special L attention given to bbslhless In Surrogate's

ptlrt. Office over M'HattieSi store, Margaret gt, Plattsburdb, N. Y.j

~nRlJLfeY"«1$X3ARr (t|4aOBIitEYS aijtd Cbnnielora-at Law. Office. T£':.paHon Block, Clintcjn street. Plattsburgb,


I^^MEJELEIRV WOODWARD. P0roBS!ESns arid oturiselors-at-Law. Office V SSlt&iattonrt House. PlattBburgh. N. Y. Efc-'KWEfetBH. |W V. S. WOODWARD.

DR. £ . E. LARKIN, ICiaLN anfl Snrgejon. Office. S4 Brink-

B ^ r h o f f S t r e e t | •

E. cTiTowt M.1DZ ^OTHJSlT Officii- at Residence, corner

faSt O a t and BTinkerhoff streets, Platts-' ,31. y .

DR. C. W. AJRTHUR, _..... 3ICIAS and Sarkep11- OlSce and resi-l&'Sence. No 5 Ojlk street , corner Conch.

> S O U T R . 1 to, 8 P M. Telephone connection.

,.„„, ~ T 7 B,TV>CH©i-S, M. D-, fjEfeSICIAN and Siarg^on. Office and resl-^flenee, So, ft Oak street Office hours—Till fcim.; l to 8 p. to., and jevenings generally, • Stsburgh. NY." r

DR. FRAftK MADDEN, JttYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office md resi-j/>flenee. us Margaret Street Office hours,

elOa m . and 2 to 4 p. m. , _Cial attention given fjo diseases of the Eye

Iff"-- ' •_. _ _ _ i DR. W. dk, BRENAN.

_ SBO»J j>en««., <suk-c«ssor to Dr. C. J. JHooneyi Everything toertalnlng to modern

titfetry berformed j n r the most skillful Bher. Gas or Either administered when de-

Dental parlors in VTinslaWg Block, over i National Bank, Plattfetrargh. N. Y.


"Modern in all Its appointment*.

ate government buildings and park .

>HE ARCADE, Hotel and Restaurant,

V. P. <£AUTHIER, Prop. [i$ only first-rla-ss holel in Northern New

Corner Clinton and .Marion streets, PI.ATTSBCK6H. K Y

ULLEY HOUSE, M A R K T I E R N E Y , P r o p .

l l i y t h e d a y or week at reasonable rates

DUse entirely refurnished Samjile rooms. Ek-otno llglits. etc.

and 10 River street, PLATTSBVROH. N Y.


H River Str, P^atts5iirg^h-f^T.

EUROPEAN PLAN. . jj^Sleals at all hours



Hotel and Restaurant, fi " J. C. BLRf EE. Prop. *> • , -

|Protection avenue, P L \ T T S B U R ( m . X Y

HOTEL DELAWARE" and Restaurant,

QEO. E,'0OTHIER, Pr6p. fefeftlNO entirely refitted and refurnished ^ r S o t e l Delaware, corner of Bridge and IpiStreetK. the propraetor, whip had twenty

gfexpertenee in the hotel business, is pre-- to attend all wno may faWorTilm with jatronage A fln\t ^ lass restSSxrant. where fcsvill be served Pram ( a in to l i p m,.. Jn-

on. The best wine* and liquors alwaVs"



1 i?J3ol$4gent for tUe C lebia bed

i0 and Monogram Private Stock Whiskies.

mri fcers* Supplies XSCVCJiiSG

<& aaifl*^Sber:ai|?t-dass htmSa | of 5qiga*s,--..

( WASHiSGTOTf, Aug. 1«.—?>Orin|f the i presentation of memorials an.1 petitions ' to tlie «enat» at 12:12 o'clock today Chief i Clerk TOWIM of the house appeared at the ! main door with the tariff bill. Tiis m«?on ben of the senate listened attentivel> while Clerk Towlea road the retolatioi which signalized the senate triumph ovej the house in the tariff struggles, but then was no demonstration of any kind.

The speaker's signature to the bill wai announced at the same time. Vice Presl dent Stevenson immediately signed th» bill, and his action was announced at

i 12:17. Mr. Gorman, chairman of tboDeni ] ocratlo caucus, then suggested severa committee changes, which under the cus

j torn were accordingly made. j "Old the senator from Maryland," in-i quired Mr. Chandler, "announce the ap­pointment to the vacancy on the finance committee?"

"He did not," replied Mr. Gonran,. with a smile.

Mr. Kyle (Pop,, Jf. D.) asked unani­mous consent for the consideration of a resolution to prohibit the sale of intoxi­cating liquors in the senate wing'of the caplto! during ;tho recess of the senate. Mr. Gormanjibjected.

Then, at 12:28,^r. Harris (Dem.,Tenn.) asked that the bouse revenue bills-be read the second tima To the astonishment of everybodyy-wo senator objeotod, and the bouse bills to place'coal, iron ore, barbed wire and sugar on the free list were read.

Mr. Harris then took the floor and sent to the clerk's desk and bad read a letter from Secretary jCarllsle jnst received. He felt it his duty to present this letter, be •aid.

Mr. Carlisle's Estimate*. The letter of Secretary Carlisle to Sen*

ator Harris reviewed the condition of the treasury and the estimated revenues Of the government for the next fiscal year. The figures showed that. Tinder the tariff bill just sent to the president the revenues would exceed the expenditures for the fis­cal year ending June 80, 1895, $16,000,-000. The -revenue from the sugar, duty Mr Carlisle placed at $43,000,000, and from coal, iron ore'*, and barbed wire $1,000,000. If the house bills were passeel, there Would, Mr. Carlisle said, be a defi­ciency next year of $29,000,000.

Mr. Berry (Dem., Ark.) on the conclu­sion of the reading of the letter'moved that the senate proceed to the considera­tion of the Iree sugar .bffl, but-J£r. Harris requested the privilege of making a state* ment He was, he said, heartily in favor of free sugar, raw and refined, but in view of the strong probability of a deficiency of between $28,000,000 atld $30,000,000, as-indicated in the letter of the secretary of the treasury, if this bill were passed, he-felt it bis duty to move to refer tka sugar and other bills to. the finance committee!' The senate/be declared, could not adjourn without" provision for revenue Buffloiei)t to overcome any threatened deficiency.

Mr. Hun ton (Dom., Va.) interposed .at this pttrh't to say that be was in favor of a' revenue duty on sugar, but opposed to the one-eighth differential to the Sugar trust-On refined sugar and asked Mr. Harris -if the one-eighth were stricken out, leaving a flat 40 per cent duty on sugar, would the revenue be sufficient to prevent a defi­ciency?

Mr. Harris replied that unquestionably a" fiat 40 per cent duty would produce more revenue than the $80,000,000 deficiency threatened. He was, he said, as much opposed to the differential as the senator from Virginia, but he thought the finance committee should, deal with the bill so as to effectively guard against a deficiently.

"Let t h e S e n a t e D e c i d e I t ." < Mr. Berry, rather hotly, in reply to iMr.

Harris, declared that the whole question bad been discussed and was understood and that the senate shoald and could dis­pose of the bill without reference to com­mittee. . N

Let the senate decide it," said be Im­petuously, "and not bury it in committee. It passed- the bouse with only 11 dissent­ing votea The people of the country are overwhelmingly In favor of free sugar. I believe the senate should go on record. It has been charged with being a friend of the Sugar trust and opposed to fre# sugar. 1, for one," added he, "believe the senate should pass the bill as it came from the house without the dotting of an T or the crossing of a't'." '

IMr. Manderson wanted to ask Mr. Berry a ue did not vote far the eighth differential on sugar. , • '

Mr. Berry declined to yield and'said the sugar bill would be buried in the commit­tee on finance. He Wanted assurance that i t would be immediately reported.

Mr. Harris said, for himself, that the bills would be. considered'immediately and he would insist .upon an early report The deficiency should be provided against

A reference was [made to the equal divi­sion in the finance committee of Demo­crats and Republicans, but Mr. .Harris said the vacancy could be filled if It were found necessary, and he would ask the vice president to fill the vacancy if the minor­ity would not allow the majority to pro­ceed as it desired.

Mr Vest bad the floor for several mo­ments, but was interrupted by Mr. Cock-rell, who presented a conference report upon the general deficiency appropriation bill Mr. Cookxell said that the only point In dispute was the f j , 800,000 for the South­ern Pacific claims The hpuse wouldn't agree to this appropriation, and be moved that the senate insist upon Its amendment.

The report w«s agreed to, except as to the Southern Pacific amendment-

Mr Sherman moved that the senate re­cede from its amendment * *

Mr. Cpckrell said that the amendment covered a deficit; which %bfi goTenunent was now paying inierest upon, Mr. Sher­man's motion was lost and the motion of Mr. Cockrell carrlsjd. SOv Cookrell then presented the conference report^on the sundry civil bi l l j

N « Y e t o Jfteriffce TftrUTBOL' Toe tariff bill wm deUrered totfcenrav

ident this aft*rnooo. I t U staled wit* ppeitireneM byjoembeirsof emmpmaaA otlwrt who etiiM !-«Io»ee4 to President <^^i0andtb»t bewMl no* ^eatrttw MIL

te«S* tm la*"*'***1, to «w **• rfoKn*2 mt> a. Haw by titn pttm&Sam&G »t£-' w f l j g n inta-teffessf- ^ • ^ W ' f K v f 30 dey» wWrN"* .til* aiigiBii saai tr-w-m j«»«M" nejcs (Fii'orteed. 8 « ?

t t i w e Is nhiSjiiKK dWUrrite, Jat©««ilj»'i*«iS3«0,-tho.rr j u d p m o o U IMilg'-' t i i * t the

bill will lot 1» vtitwed. . t i , t i l * ilowiwsi

The -be uSt^reooiTrf tbo announcesctant »!he en roWn mrst of tbo SuSlf MO- wl^*

doim ns,t™nen, ] The infijpiation oi Beprcsout ati vr ^recl Inridgo of Arkatisa* was recci rod. i.'onf faea oa the sundry civil bill were ijl&tn cted to further dla-agree. A number .< f local aad private bills wurej passed. "Ktapresantative Black '(Dera., Illk) introduced a resolution to report a 1,101 for the use of the silver In the treasnry.

Tin •' Sltwtioa at Blnefleld*. WASHINI !TOS, Aug. 18.—General Bar­

rios, tho Iilcaraguan minister to Great Britain, pa led at the state department to­day and w. is presented by Dr. Guzman to Secretary (taeshain. Tbo call Was purely one of oi)u tesy, but Incidentally General Barrios briefly explained to Secretary Grtsham the state of affairs a t Bluofleldi from the; Nlcaraguan point ot view. Gen­eral Banfioji is on bis way from Nicaragua to Lcndojn with the purpose of negotiating an amendment to tho treaty of Managua, under Wplch Great Britain asserts the right of protecting the Mosquito Indians. The wish of the ^Nlcaraguan government is to obtajlnj a relinquishment of 01s pro­tectorate,' or if this cannot be done!entire­ly to securer such an (amendment lot the treaty as will recognize at least thje right of Nicaragua to administer the affairs of the Moaqultb reservation so far as tfiey ore national in ebaracter, giving |proper gnaranteca that the Mosquitoes shall be permitted tp manage their local affalrsr and that; their; property rights shall be conserved). {General Barrios himself does not discusatho object of hill mission far­ther than tojsay that his purpose Is! to se­cure a modjflcatlon of the treaty on the beet terms possible far htm to obtain. Aa Great Britain baa been much annoted by the mivHy up leavals at Bluefields without profiting by1 her protectorate, it is believed she will be entirely willing to grant a moderate am jndmept of the treaty in the line of assnr ing peace in the distracted country.

A n o t h e r fHevelaBtf-Wilsoto X*t tar . ' 1«. — President

'written a letter to "Chair-tho outcome of the tariff

a personal letter; devoted iressions of regard < for the r. Wilson made, and under

tancesltwill not be made

\mn *4mm-


WASHrNGTtJN, Aug. Cleveland "hi man Wilson battle. It is largely to e: gallant fight these circu: public, nor would any reference whatever to it have been allowed to go out had Mr.

ds not Inadvertantly die-The letter Is faux-pages in the president's hand1-

ont. It was written Mon­soon as the president bad

letin from the oapltol, say-caucus bad determined;

its disagreement and ac-bilL i t s transmission to

_.._ delayed until late In the day, and the n esseoger |rom the White, House handed 1: to Kim only a few min­utes after the se na*e »I11 bad been passed at 6:30 Monday evening. This president'* letter speaks feelingly of Mr. Wilson's herolo devotion io the tariff reftom fight; and to blS|unseliish sacrifice of his health, and strength to carry oat the principles sat the party., Itjdoos notdiaouss the tariff" question except I in the Indirect Way of expressing deep sympathy and regret for the personal reverse met by Mr. Wilson.,

Wilson's trie: closed the fi in length and writing throu day morning read a press b Ing that the ho to recede from oept the senate Mr. Wilson


class pos,tmaste: Mastapbi

Montague. NeWYork—P< Pennsylvanli

iri Appointed. | Aug. 16.—The fottrth appointed today were: -Tufts College, D. T.

Mrs. H. A. Darling. pWinton, James J. Be l l

B r l t l s b O p i n i o n o f O o r T a r i t t

LONDON, Ang. Jl6.—The woolen manu­facturer* of Bradford, Leedsi Huadersfleld and Halifax, where stocks are abnormally low and where business has been stagnant lor years, expeofc la great revival of busi­ness as a result ofj the tariff settlement in the United Stated Toe PaU Mall Gazette this afternoon says, "Bradford kept quiet daring the vicissitudes of the Wilson bill for fear of prejudicing tjbe issue, bat now that it is finally accepted rejoicings have broken forth."

T h e K a i s e r

LONDON, Aug. left Graveeend on benzollern for hoi the emperor was ei and fencing display

leys Sparring. 6.—Emperor William he imperial yacht So-e. At Aldershot camp tertained by a boxing

In addition to bouts


. I f c e

•Wttwm »ah^cJt» «r*MM|t, x*a*x»j«r. Mm* Viemmtim y ^ c « a t y 8Kjrtssx'i«lMe- lwr<

Caia* mmk Jweenj. tlem as «tett.ttik. f

, LOSpow, An p 16.—A priVai* wasretelred bare today from Yol eayingj that seven Chihee sank In a rsomt engagement-Japanese. Thl i report l^sk And probably trose from the sta(»ment Cabled'here turn Yokohama lastj nigljt saying that nei rs had been recelvodi therje Of a battle wh cb took place on the 11th Inst between t io Japanleso and Qblnese fleets, Bind that the Chinese were jdriveo oft i

Iaqulries male at thb Japanese^ lega­tion hefe fail to obtain confirmation jof the reported slnkini; of the apron Cblnese wa* vessela j,

Tho engages ent referred to probably consisted in th< attacks jm fde. acodrding to Shanghai dis jatohes ofAug. 11, by the Japanese on W el-Hal-Wei and ,»n| Port Arthur] It-was stated, hjowsrer, that the Japanese were r spotted, j i

BrJUan SnbJ M a Mastj^la V e n t r a L j A dispatch to The TijjK* from jTlen-

ttM today says i hat the ^British minister^ has issued a no tioo enjoining striot nea-j trality upon the part of jail British sub­jects in the far c ast during the progress of: the warj between China ana Japan,

The dispatch idds that the French] gun­boat Lion has ai rived at Tien-tsln.

It is annoumfld that Warships flying

Sy Sag which attempt to cross the jfakn r will be fired {on unless .notice of (their

as previously been! sent (jmmand of the forts, nboat Lion will be ro-

warship which is report-resent "at the .sinking of |W-Shung, and rnucb 1m-

is expected from the ^French jshlp In re * The Lion jsjMkid to the peoplewhowe:

intende la the * vt-jThe xbemt editobs; Inei

arrival oars in

icfr as tbi

.vebecn port Ei

Want! eviden lander of

at disaster. rescued j some of board the Kow-S lung.

rllo, the

I*e War la Seal ^ Et*^ So ith African Rep

Aug. 16j—The r<ibels are imurderin„ .. Boer farmers and are burning their h5me-stsads. A body oi 100 Boew i s proceeding to (die relief, of t ie occupants of the jjov-ernmenti bulldini rs at Agatha, whiebTsre Tjesiegsdi by the H bellious

• j »> ' • . ,

Veddarl Weald Be UeaUnaat Oorara it. • AXBANY, Aug. 16.—Theifriends <rf Senator j Commodore P. Vedder have elded to present, bis name to the BeL lioan state ooaverition as aoanaidatel lieutenaiit governt who Is ajpaemb oonrentiJMi from today: ' f tdonqt matter, except to tlon of the st»te thetiokelfc"

Ex-Senator Vedder, of the ofinstitutloDal

attaraugus oounfr* i aid »to bet quoted In the tkat i think our lec-

oul^ be represented on

WajpK«r Stiojpa te'snnt Dbwm,

' BtJtTAKi, Aog> -16.—-Tho Wagner ikr shops a t East Buff »lo wUl^olOee down on Saturdayj nlght.oi i n g to tlie business de­pression knd absen oe of demand fpr! otos. Over 1,000 men' Till bettirown jout of work. (• • r ''' 14 • r • • •

'NKW Yorx, Anj . 16.—At the ojfHoeof the Wagner oompinyin this! cl.ty'jlt.Was said fhatjit ^as no known that the shojps at East Buffalo wo aid be clised down.

etBowi ^a»d-JBob>edf'- •': •' :. CmoA{jo,JAug. ii l—Just as Matij Byi n

was closi ig his ail K>n three raenanteri <Si. the place and oaUeiout, "Hold n^ your hands!" Byari ma Ie a movement for tl ia drawer, •? r£eU one b I the robbers fired, tl e buUet striking Bysn In tbe face. ; T ie wounded man fell to nie floor, and aft r the men bad rifled tbe tiH'and.caih drawer tl ey escapee % Byan win undbub (-edlydle.1 J : }""' : J. '

proiaipt}y*t-' Taeydoaqtj»ay]^i,^a« toldfassaso, tm*

theysayJa«)saksiniftw*7^aBsiw!kTCSja RCH, ft, Y. '***** m* gaisHpa Ttmrmw** m#*

between troopers,'a j spirited representation of prize ring fighting was given by two heavyweight and two lightweight cham­pions. The emperjor seemofi to heartily enjoy the exhibltlo)

W I M O I U I I I W i l l Sna TTncle^Bam. MTNNBAPOIJB, Aiig.. 16.—A. special to

,The Tribune ficonJ-Madison,; Wis., says: Tbe state of Wisconkln; is about to sne'the UnltecLStates govetajment for $7,975,000 on a claim for monitions of war, etc., furnished in iSdl) pbioh were paid for only "In part by thd United States under act of July 26, 1861 and for interest on. deferred payments.

LONDON, Ang. 16.

S t i l l Sneer l i g a t G o n l d .

-The failnre^of the Messrs. Gonld to rao > the Vigilant yester­day is still adversely icommen ted npon ou aU sides. One nawstaper says, j W e hear so much about what jthe Vigilanf can do in a bard wind that lit would bave\been only sportsmanlike to gira the SatanlU a chance of proving ber." . • x

Captain JohaMa> C^art Ittrtlalt . ^ LiAVENW0BT% ,ffln„ Aag^ I&—The

ooort martial of Ca; tT. S. A., retired, is E. H. Crowderisaef The,evidenoe prodn son, as fa> bact as regulations by not debts.

in W.-& Johnson, progress. Captain as Judge advocate,

showed that John-183, violated army

luidatiiig hi* honest

£sora»a*iWJiliikr ilteealyta, CINCINNATI, Ang. it—^TJbe subtreasnry

here received $90,000 jrrom Loulsvlllr for whisky taken out <ft hond. The cr jom, house here reoeiTsd jsboat $76,000 for whisky exported to escape the three years' bonded limit and again wtooported and taken out of bond.

XlliUattlUatl OMaHiL, Aug. 16.—I

fact t hat the-entira taken away from ^out offljoat s of the gnardsj haveJUtterasta theses •no further Otmmw of thastzlkan.

itk Osaafca... y" is^ow a'seteled lOawiU noibe

Omaha until the tbeelttaenswho' •etifffftd thwals. imlliieal aiiassa * W T * ^ » w a i v^KvapNlPVB^a

flsTAimt Pa.. A a » k - n e strlklag SJMI l a l a a a s i t f l l e s a i i s s a i a s a ' ikitmnaaiBW ^^^^»» "^^p*i^^^^^" ^ ^ ^^^^^f^^^*^^^^^^mmjM *e^^BB^ss4^sv9^B^s^K

%m^ymimmm%m} 4 » <j»»?m iWHjiy

Tor: t'» Allagai Prier LOKDof, A n g l i c — A lei

if K. G.M. plr Etanels Kiolly. , , . _ _,f the groon s In walti: |g upon iha;Bririoe, Wales, Is repnbllAbsd today, saving thi the Prlnca of Waits direct^i him tosa; that then i s not a i hadow of] foundatlo: for the re; )6rt that t ie Duke of York wa married j rsTions to his tmloh^with Prin oeesMaybfTeok. ' / . \ -,__

• ' ' ' fj -[WjutbyaiiErplorioo. ,yC '. ' NKWYOBK; Aug. 16.—George Numiklo

and vinpeszq Amb: ostno w e n remcivins tpa nne5tpioded olri*; age from a drill holt' thiamin sealp,-wi brosino's i fprmer,wa ajnd the ot

igwhenii exploded. Numizio'i '•jterjrlbly.,; a«eratodJ while Am? 'es we're!lied With sand. The iBlfen!t<' ^rdhiuoilioipital,

ieb,wenfrl onoja

,-AEBAM Aug. j<—&mmT'<-<Bmwn BTanoock has - deniec the application -of C^rgei3rL'iMagiB''--3S:r tbe. s^tofcto bri— a<;tton to,compel Booklyn to tttgarn iGravesendi the. property and fundilof' the township taken under t i^ annexation law •o* 180' [The. la i f t f -declMli ionstl'tU'' tlonaL


'eonrsntfi •it sale. islooksdfor.

ea to j^^t»- ^ W

of thepou i h India aa oongres "m 'nxm' i es ttMt-.,hyS'-ih'»

* S. Hob m ;«ufMd t h * hereon th« 122d. ' There Is talk

»a new n an, nod alwt fight

••Utvia. m Cmmmi 'mm Oacsuatttse* LoWDON, Ang.'l&—A siaithaaoocOTfel

aciKiigthemembeiioIthebonseof comJ i»»otis«oe»mittes whic i is coosMering'tba Irish land acts. AnaIiK>rity,vjrenresenting thaTiawa«<l*Bdlosd< has seceded. ,

1 ' ' £ « a U D V a « s W N s ^ ^ «_" ,

beooa Bond of this o n n t y died at her homeheN. l8b« had rasKAed|theag»oir

of aaoldler pf tbawar ^ 181*7:

VW^Niir &N««(»Wwy>«& "SIS' <i*»

Aa*fHrr„ ibog:- 3:&,—Wm^m- -«f '«ii»! oansartiStstitsal -eaairtB-aaB m#& timing hw». * #»®inM%.*i>ti»y o«-affl?e«ta* i£,W*$)m}i$m j Klrtn JaHt'«%h^ -*feoa-tiiewmwda «ffi*g#J qaentioji w«s turifttr 4lmmm&, As ' OB th» ordbr of f s*)3tie<jr» was renfc) Jess)»-4'«oniB»(^il')'«* Srwd#a'«n*i rs*wl««pns thai the eitiw • fcjsuio rule atncadBJient, top^ther with »|1 fcho «a15if£}-tutes arjd 3»n&utlnwJ'nts>, ha rfefsrlrea back to the djslos comtnlttm' wfth power to tbat commit|ie* •*& report' back i?o the conven­tion a oj>mplct*d ameudwienfc -'

Mr. Bowers (Dettt.) or New York said he was tiot against'the resolution, bat he thought; that the words "report cotopletof would pjrcrent;deliate on the report. Ife asked that those words bo stricken ont^ Mr. Johnson said be did notwlsh to limit debate and so withdrew the words.

Bis lisolutiOn was' then adopted, and the question of home rule will probably not be pofore i tbe loonventlon tor soitro days to come. . ;

A resolution to limit the debate an wo­man suffrage Was offered, but Mr. Good-elle wished to; deliver bis two hours' speech, and theirosolution was withdrawn..

Mr. Ddty offered k resolution that the county clerks odd clerks of boards of su­pervisors; bo sent a copy of the document requesting them to report tbo cost of printing official ballots,? It was adopted.

Mr. Jacobs offered: *a resolution that the comptroller be directed to pay to tbe delegates recently seated from the Sixth district and; mileage for the time they wer* deprived of 'tholr soats. Re­ferred.

% % E, $&y tJwatfj' vuv, . tlfcer a fester Wpimtv,;

fm' nmm k mwmwmL

the Freeman'* JonrKal's V^r^roas Advice. DUBLIN,, Ang. Ifi.—Wie '-.Freeman's

Journal, oomsnentlng upon • the rejection of the evicted te'nantei bill by the houso of lords last j night, urges Ireland to rosent this "latblprable insalt." Gpntfti&nig, The Fresilnan's Journal fsays that "peace can no longer, be preached" to the evicted tenants. j"Now.Is the time," The Free­man's Journal adds, "for # make their agltatiL_.7

,. ..-, the poop)? to power felt in strong, united

! CMey*s»r»a Angry, . BAHTM^BS:, Aug. id—A special from

Hyattsvillb says:/ "General Coxey earn* near being mobbed at Camp Lost Libcrtyi • He came for the purpose of taking awiy seven of b|ls horsos and when questioned about the; movement by one of. his men beoamo angryjand said he Was done With the scheme. ThU greatly incensed the five mem, and C^xey was obliged to beat a i i a s ty T O yoj ion6nf#oJ»oyaes . : .

ijiarchl»U Iai Batlaao.1 ; LONDO^' Aug. 16.—An expt'rfion at

the New Cross postbffioe oocUiTed lit: the small stationer's store to which the pos't-office is attached. I t was cauk'ed :\*£*> quantity of gunpowder arid nltrpgy: wrapped m 'beav/'l^p^fc^^r^i^lopw: package das inserted J itf B e letter box al i i .ojai«i'r€o«'#ih'n^pe*'w*i'?TOt-ten, ''In ttemory of BAvachol, Bottrdln, VaJSant-JWdiSmti^.'f^f.^ . • ' " . • •

t^EiritaaalalCateliOft : #. .FBKSHWATEB, Isle of Wight, Aug. 16,^-

The privat^mafah arranged between Mr. George J. fipuldand the Prlnoe of Wales to sail the {Vigilant and the Britannia 15 oiles to windward a id return fora.cup iffered by LordcWolverton was postponed jadefinlteli today, owing to the, fact thaj

gale, of Wind)was mowing, making i t

A nfrsa^WpBiog tt'AdanM.: -. ADAMS, Ma^4 Aag.'''l*^-I)ri ChArles

'ell known physician here, cheated a sensation by publicly horsewhip­ping James McLaren, ja blcyole dealer,

pom he icharge^ wltt insuljting Mrs. tin. Di. Boom reoently leaned.,Mc_

asufn of money forpse in his biisl-nfss, and McLaren requested another loan,;

Ich .thc^doot^r-ri ituioojij -

neaj)Etieonat«p Coxayttesi.

U U B , I B B B U f B U t U P J U J i U O J W B X B O U ' {to 5uffaIot

:jMid thiit. -they * » i of one-Iff the Coxey divisions. \

W h M iBr/FFAixfj Angt

that on the wajyto 1m&t£fa.'i th^r eif -oftlmntered4 <8*n$':<& Coai*^iiesneM!Kt>ift5-'

t, straggiiDg alobg, preserving jujst the semblanoeTof "air organised* procession. The tramps ttssdred them th.ey were. on thefrvway {to ' '" ''" * " "' '" Miinanta

P e i l f e a t l p n i o t a i r a a o a l c T e m p l e . ' (tojiyBBNEp^-'^ x%,^f^ug|,'.-i6i—Earl^' nfij t week, iprobably on Monday, the mem? bei s.of 'the Masonio ord^r in, this • loeajity' ant: the brethren, throughout the state of N e r ^ r k w l U have the pleasuiw of attend­ing the dedication of the handsome new Mswnlo t«mplewhichhas just been ereqt-edjera •;,' j .•' "•'•

'• A F ^ o a of tiraMhopiw*. \ irapTAiA At»# 10.—;Rteport« from vari­

ous sectlonf of western JTew York report a plague of grasshoppers, which ara devour-IngTevery vjastlge/^f yerdrnja, "Uf, m w r in* •tidoW. cattle and sheep have been turned Into! t i e woods to keep them from starv-IngJOD the devastated pasture lands. '

. .

Another Trotting Beerad Smashed. BtiJcrjB,; Mon:, 'Aug. 16.—Bobb*

owned by Ed Pyle?of Grand Island, Ni has •^biro^'^^^ld^'iwoiK.tlM' *s%P. driven by his hjKed&r and owner, makin a mile In 0 : | 2 ^ t»e.|Best prtyious reco;

4i;helng. .ftuV' •h6ld.v:Tby Nelson, at/^';"' Bapfds;lh,lti% :txrr— ;' '•'.. " .*• "

A B l e y c l a B a e o r d B r o k e n . „ ' f

.BJOITATidiAng.' .ltji^her^ooarsa-^xrln' BufTalo to'.pErlej.Pa.,^was the.soene of 1i reopjrd brehklng-•.performance.. M: Li Stlmal and FredC. Fuhrmann of the Ramblers' [BljoyoJa, club rode the course' andjreturn, a'distanoe of 200 miles, in i£ hours, 50 minutes,'80 seconds.

1 . - • ,w;,..,i^ ; ->. . . . ;—-—J»

;, .rooking For tlie pWaKichniond. » DUNKIEK, K. Y., Aug. 16 —The tng O.

W. Johnson of Detroit has arrived With a full wrecking crew* to begin a search for the ill fated steamer Dean Eiohmond. It i s believed tha~bodies of the seven persons lost, Tmt never recovered, will he found in

« j . , "

t M a n d e ^ K y t t e r y Xa Fittefcursr. PITTSBUBG, "Aug. 1&—Ex-CounoUman

David Morgan,was found dead at jtbe foqt Of the bluff overlooking .the Jaonqngahela « m j ; t o d « « His 'bat »lbd;''&Aney'/wer^ missing, and from'the j^iaraottjFof his in-' Juriesit J»iiellsTad;he*as murdered by*' * * « - T * v • - v; • >* <>

_ . • • — , x , - , 7 ,{ Xm*WlfnM'X*1XUfrt*m*''<i

~ w _ ^ - **N«*ss»sj-«nW(hpw^ » eAifKHA^qi«»/Aji»il8.—TJboughtlw WtW Y O B J , Aug. 14 -Koaie ;Lsav, « ^ f n l t canners are running at their highest

rears old, <Ued la -^hr Pr-abytarian bo*- bmmm%!mmr 'araabaWato/alisorntbe fm-

* 5 5 ? ^ ^ £ * N ^ y » ^ * i r m *t*Wngjritoto the east m< -U^BfrmtrmUmmifi. ^ 1 . ' well m^Xwye. " V | 7 ,*

• *- '" ' l \ V'**aia.iiaailW:a*NM»i. t fcAjJtraAB, Aug. 16—-The Italiaa bark - * * - ^ * , Cs*tau*i:ft|*li»et turn's**

, whlafc wsssisljr mm* *&*••»** ah>s PM. has * > * a r » a , part of her atrgo

Vv >

B a r AXtsgad S l a y e r t» m SUm Wtws W a s

at tg l i l r fte«pee««<J—Ther W e n t Hiding

Tosrettier, a n d t h e H o r s e R e t u r n e d

W l t b t n e Xanmtc Girl'* Corp**.

, HsiiNiKES, N. H. Ang., l^-Thils little tillage was thrown Into a state of wild ex­citement, today by the discovery of a poctil tar and cjnoctiountable murder, which al­most rivals the killing ot Christie Warden by Frank C. A buy in tbe Vale of > Tempo at Hanover, N. H. About 7 o'olcick last eveiaing~~Arthur McLeajnv aced .31; em­ployed in the shoe factory hero and well known In this seotion,^ehgagod a team at the livery stable of Fitf Courser, aijiid, with Miss Kettle Douglass, aagod 16, the daugh­ter of Peter Douglas^ farmer, staited for a ride In the direotiotf of Contooooofe, ovl dently the best of friends. /

A Bloody Spectacle. The team did not return by midnight,

and Mr. Courser Instructed a hostler to stay up and wait for it.' The stableman found a comfortable position In tfeo bam and soon fell asleep. About 6 o'clock this morning he was awakened by the noise of the Wagon coming into the stable yard. He went Out and found the carriage turned around and. tilted, partly on one sidle. On the. ground nearby lay the dead body of Miss Do,Ugl*ss. A ragged bulletholo pierced her temple, another had crushed through the top of her head and a third through her jaw. Her clothing was cov­ered with fresh blood, ahd it was evident that she had been dead but a short time. The seat of the carriage was saturated' With blood,Iwhloh was splattered in every direction. From .the position of the body lit was clearly evident that tbe horse had jwahdjered' «p Into., the stable yard and turned around and thatthe body had fall-. en ottt.' Theiglrl** clothing was slightly d^sarringedjand there were evldenoWs, of* struggle With her slayer. The stableman' at once alarmed the nelghbbrhoodj and a searching party set out on Mcl^ean'8 trail: He was found lying faoe downward {by the roadside abpuir three-quftrters jaf iamlle fwm the village on fhe road: to'warrierf bu't was neither wounded nor unoonjfolous. HerofusedtoMyanythtogWhat^erabout ;tte shooting and was taken

George: Sargent, about a mile from this

iw^^uim^^^^Miio^muMMx op-heard prnin,

i toward t h e ^ i n a ^ and the ._„-Mth#1leT[dsmWpIacewfiJ dlse^vliiejdV I|eh*iwe«p0n: with, shctoting was done has not yet* .Nothing^Jef^ileiliknowtt m* of thrlritfe , '^nt'tt lii iappo ^l)estf4h*'resulfrn£-alov^V-qifti «bti jfc^pwn, J&oweyaf, thatthe |0 ' been in each ether's oompan^jvei and {the young roan has nete'Jy glrV unusual attehtiofns in pilblloJ J ,

•'- ' .A^-Tjia^^atable'Myster*1,; {{ • McLean's ffAther can give ,no;;ftii3ts:to

shed-light onvtbe mystery and offers no t;h^,ei':t^;ih»^atii(e'-«of. &&•

that they (jaunoraooount for OM. McLean hiU always borne algt

.-tatioD.- 'He^as'ney^ahj^'sMi^ insanity, and. his strange actlohi wp\^uniMioquntapleJ f w » ' 6ppt jblit lathef da>ed, and ibsblpeiy re-' *BS|»s^to-talk.about | oe shooting] {The Douglass family is well known in thavil-lageJBn(J'\htghlJ respected. $he ^xlfiras a «t^8entl^,t|ehigb/sohoo>imiS|\ad nlany admirers. <• • '••,"".-'...''if

The coronor has taken chlrge,lof the bbdy4 and an- inquest wiU pr^lwBly be hel^ a* once.» McLean will' b^i-taWn'to Concord and locked, up in the jail there until he is arraigned forfa hearing- !

„Abo,tit 10 o^olbok last. night Arfchni Dbwj a resident Of Hopkijtilton. whiledyiv-ing:honm met McLean and Miss Douglass hoar W@;*S Hppkinton, apparently on tjheir Way home; • ••« i

The Sargeht: about 2:30 o'>" —^-ijfia*-1

j , AnJEnglasisr Wesof Frleht; ' TdPP*A, Ang, J6i-rH. F. Skyies; Who

was-M the Santa Fe wreck at Hurdland, Mb., has made a statement which makes i t reasonably to presume that Engineer Humphrey died of fright before the: two engine? came together; As tbey werei ap­proaching the Hurdland switch Skyles spoke tjo Humphrey. Just then the head­light of the: west bound train showed. Humphrey said not a word, but looked straight ahead with glassy eyes. He Was A a a i l . ' I • • •

\ S *(

labama Miners to Besoms. •taGifAM, Ala., Ang. 16.—The Ten-

nesseosboal and. Iron Railroad company announced that their, miners, who have been on a strike for four monfha, have agreed 'to go back to work on the com­pany's, terms. This gives 2,000 men em­ployment in this district;, in addition to those already at work.

TJta S a t u r d a y feerlew Sold . LONDON, Aug. 16.—Mr. Beresford-Hc(pe

ha*, sold The Saturday. Hevjfjir, wbiob has been almost 40 years in the Hope family.

.Mr. Walter Pollock retires from the edi-:=forship. The purchaser of The Saturday :Bsview is Mr. L. H. Edmunds, • barris­ter. J •• • . . , • !

A a Oi l S t r i k e I n C o l o r a d o . , FtOMPNCE, Colo., Ang. 16.—Oil? and

^natural gas to enormous quantitJiajhave been struck on school land near Mtieral CreekJ six miles southeast of this; el' which has been leased from the state the Florence Oil and Refining company.

aixtoen. Workman Buried, 1 ' { ' \B0l)A*fE8T, Ang, 16,-^fh^ » $ v Han-dlesbansj building at' Sa»thm«-Nejneth collapsed, burying Jft #dJrSmen in the rains. FiTeoftaiem/W(Br^exti$cated..Thejr w * » s*v«KdyJnjut»4.>Jt hi feared!that the others aredead. ;

Paavtr Smith Waats to mghU mxmv, Aug. 16,—Ed Smith has sent

instructions to X J. Quton, his backer, to try to arrange* a match with either Cor­bet* or Jackson. Smith expresses bis, wlllingnestf to put np $10,000 on the match M aetds; bet.

* " ^ ^ ^ — . — „„„,.„ -A Cajaarss'lonst Coavsatloa Daadloak , -; 04MSA, Aug. 16.—The Fifth district

»puhlloan Convention is in 11 deadlock. On throne h ^ r a d «n4 tprentythird bal-i lMtlwiaault was: Church How% M; Jsa-mm»»wrm J#*ge(^a|«-Ws«.

' • "tS , . V

/ 1 t

Jtetit tX&t't tlTT* "

tStt ' .pntotj. l^r-Sfvfr rawii'

IttS J«i«*»g ''•**•>• p ' k»' «M a r top? N"S*». V&ffl> a'se-J^JW i » ® J « « l W.»r-«!i-|», ^Mfftmn a o f l i a d bair a s s d jfera»«««torf MTMSTSW j _ >*!.• f iatt t s i i s * A B #


..i«i».i«m la.jawwr

t- |**3*, Was »**r|3«*rs» outt t tepd.aaia .lag* 5&"»sfe*^*gSfessr


and e&w BSfrowaic td««n-«tl«i Eg? $£m.

tso j a » . A ffi*^>t^»lt m pa iit.beam of t&S KfOttTCfey firm, l a

!;*fe>F»*iTi(«l at»i 0%«t. «wr»' qra&?S;.!y 't<trm&&*,a eaugitt. H« «rn» /tSlJ. Nolan aai thsti tatton bits cut r>nd bnriKwl & bew fridge acr«BB> tl«e tbe csjntsr of chp city. <;nd rtdtll*til»te body With gullets. It nvjisi r d over sn| boor ft». break I into the jail. a>< •* eveyrtihtog '*»»• done ip a metbodieai is tanner.

He was rocootly tv&'p, »sed from the peni­tentiary, having tterv&i to years for crtral-nally ijawiultlng a wttii an.


An Indiana Farmer SSriek 1% While Dlt«b.

STraai«^ M 'ehtT Aug. I^-HMiddlelta^_ Ind., sc uthwest of bow, is greatly excited over th > finding of the petrified bwly of a man in a swamp. A -anneiri whilo dig­ging A ditch, made the discovery aboui three toil tteJow^she SaiffAcff. . H4«ucc^ed" ed in oxlhtiiiiing'tlitr holy, wljleh weighed 400 poujids. . Dr. EaJ* proBotineed Ifc't1

"if a whllte man who' riust have weighed about tlilo' or 160 poubaswhei! ally* only disfigurements aires tn)ittt. clip off one too and one off thd nose,'; nadV by ^h» farmer's spate A del p depr» ssfbn Ilk on« sboulderflooks as If tho body jhad laid-on . a piece of wood.



:4 1 Tired of the Basslaf Thlsttfu S^TON, Ang) pi©,;—f o.4onssrnos'




' WASI of North {Dakota hasfatorcsaeiriftlett^rto; the socrotary of agriculture with regard to the damage done, tin that, state by th» Bussian .thistle, snggoBtitig that, tm de­partment send a specM aglntjto mate An examination of tho 'ivheatilei* s of• -Hmtfifr1' Dakota li 1 their prose'n t oondit oi». ,Seere>V taiy Moriioii, aftor fWi.f^i*^|tb;»2>lSf#;' ai.r4>Wi„ _ tho matter, ajid In view of the tovfstil^- f l ] I S f # , ' ' tions. Already made with •xogjjrai%^th|i|i { W ^ ^ s * ^ weed in' JL W And •IS^fetiiallhd! igiifepi^pM p: •" iMM -'* !^ide(dih>laj»*Hgge#tb&- | i,'-,/ ' • l ^ ' - ^ S ^

tiAPOJ frefeht, eoftft houtod.,oh the I^keShsre-wiiiBAffii held up

m m

t bound, on the tmmSh0»^0^!x'' Whiting. Jjjfep -ptt^-^-^^r^

ntog nt/m slow'*«w-when" olnnbed/jAboard.)- Twolof-.'ihe Ifoiversi { The -thlr-d' idei*£ pocketaeff tho mea Andtofik" of vawe. The men urn, i u s t i monthly isilaTieSi , fflb bjutt

in the-woods.

%>*>'-'* . . , . j r . . . Were bniajec k Both -hi

t. ,-wmmm^ lyAdast»y««it And tfei iW<&W&£0m§mfMm

Fair/ winds,

, KeriBnlldls •B^l^A*?»it,, AugW-lM;

bank bulldi aif\tt:''&m\6tim&WmW&&ffi" lapsed, • bfrj pg f&mtyti&&faM$$$tiP»r -

^William fftattf: i^N»p;%rAtig. 'i

lef t Gr'avese ad on the benzollcnj f or home.-

ooqler; westerly./to


* T p v *

7i% 82

Closing prices: Atchison.

.Bur. * Qnine; C, 0<, C. & St L, Chesapeake <& 0 Chicago pas. Cqrdage Cotton Oil... DeL A Had.. Distiller*' Trn|t. Erie.... General ilectijie Hocking Valley. Lackawanna.,.. Lake Shore... Lead LoulsYille&Naish. S3H Missouri Pacl%.. 27^ Northwestern New England..

Cioalnc Qaol atlona of

i S5tw Ypmc Aug. 15. percent Priniemercanj Bter l lng-e ich i f l i ced i j l l t - . , „ T „ ^ _ » . . , „ _ husinessin inkers' hW«jat.«.|7Jiat1 demand and »; HMH&-^i<>rWMmi?a* rates, $*.87«@ 4.86. Coiniaercial bijls,$--" #-85Jf Silver ivHi&^U^Mi^i^S^^^mmyS^ • MetUimaSoiS^S^h0^'»m^m^M^ bends-steady. "State h o n « l | H J ^ « r « > ; . i » l ^ ^ P ' hondsfirm. , . _ ^ • x ^,f;$f^J0^,

mi isotth Ataericani^siffS/.^AE. 4i

am OnW««-'WlMt.'"l.^i£f^ 1SW

m J^ific^lM;

RlAhmo: tors poawiHwiiin-'aaBpng -«ae- 7 ,£?MW4<3 r~'-

BSU «Lf#a»l.:,i.-.,....fC-eSKs,-;i«feM#2« XS


vm 1S0J,

*m Te5MPacp 0 < , . i^^=.; .*m|M«



Ceneral >tar|cats.

^^^ . T r Aug. **jQ$pa~*^ieiBffl western quiet and easier toteU;"city~na11|s|psM%M|i™.4™ eats , $4-0iS<at35: whaler patents , t ^ ^ ^ ' ^ f f ; ^ % # S £ % mil l pleare. $3.6 i(^<S; w i a t « a t t a A f e ^ | i ^ ^ # % : a ¥ l # l ,-&BU. r f.-»*.-^,-.!'--- • :'-•"- '«•••'*-~K--~

WHEAT-Nc, 2 re* openefa firmer on highaj! private cables 1 n*:dry weather west, batsooa reacted under, Jocaj reaUtoingf 3Jay»„ &WL fl8l-i8fcrSeptjen*eMfta^ic. .; •; ., >B^-^ttletr state, $*©5Scij Jersey, HQBOfyi-7p&8$£~$<o. S opened stronger ondry-weathi

erand bad crop news, bat lost theadvawntn fall local offerlnKs: May, 57®fee.: B e p ^ l C . , , ..„ ^~.

OATS-Na 2 generally firaiaH tbemofsM»fe¥f%^^? September. 3^L: October, 8i&@36i£c -4$.'?«!«

BEEP-Firm; fatally" SlftStg; extra rae*f,$«. •*•--«*-PORK-FttW new mwss. pmK». faarily*.

.tiasis-at I ' [^ • -'t -^LABl>-Stroni: prime wefetern, steam, $8, nominal. ' 1 ' . '' '..••'

BDTTSER-BMn; slate dairy, l*as«a; Kate creamery. 17@Sto. }

CHEESE-Stekdy; state, large. imm®i &QGS—Firm! state «ad Peaasylranla, 1T#

lfjfc.; western. J5i§@l7c. ^ SUGAR—R«w firm: fair refining, 3U*I«e4

ctntrifugal. SB utsu %o.: refined nrm, wttiw*^: goodjajmahd; cnashed. 6J4@6 y=.Mc5 powjfelia!^ 41S-ja^c. ..-..~.

aftraaPEKTINK-Quiet at MOLASSES-Firm, New

- 81C£-Firm; domesucw

