mMTkesuiiing qf (lie Tadis expedi£i©n“i& iifef J tioMs

f v ■ir < to n>a&e.s»ch. ■ returns withpirt $9%^? • .%'j$N|£, ^esidectoft^ as tl^GourtwlU 7 ,;- * “• ■„* '• .’•* 'A * 'V* ;, ; i ^ :q^er-of’Bl|g..^teiaK ->'"7 ' 1 if| /pf ;tb e' f^Ptv^ill HespeaksSpanishand Fceticilt ? eu e $ ’ '■ 7lTh©^ ^ biirnbreu^ 71 lisb and Freuclt witbflu I. ' m-'i :W |||^V ~- 7 ; :AN /^SfrC^^lENT'Of■* _ _,- 41 0 ; » j w 4 * w :™ w w 'V^V. »f » I some are line raek.-.-«. Mote. hih ) .i.^ o t’reiiclnnanj lie ficcros TOuel. of fai.ei.aiu- I „»,.,|r„,l|,„m(l<IIfi. hr.i,,L. m-efcr~ * •■■ •$ ’' ■ ■■ ^ - ''7-' Tpm^ .■'7:77V> 4 Sept. 10 —.Yesterday a Court of Com-■ ' . e^bletf ' talqHmoeonjmlertUiou^ :'. Mnnehest## ^;ftui,soahtv.tft:®j offilo 95,7-’• 7/;' - 4. 47 .’. 7- -"77':.7 x 4 4 7 7 7 ™ •:- The Grgnd Jury dr the courify of I#t 77 _. ^i^titfiiti' - ^ :j4^iy;::: Punt * ap d Aj»&colleagues, tnv^’tl'fti,''^HUi: 4(1*0 euttiog" ( IhiyAffth-.nit. 4 4 7 •’v , 774 •■ -777 7 ".1 - «' 4 * 4Areport;# ( 1 ied 0atj»off the;Empeimif j e t h - "■ tioMs <m& Dresses 'im tS i and «0 Peasoriaiile Tertis. 9flpradueej wilFfoyb?-- I.;s-g««d K,n.«--h e ba* n o o .to o lm ,™ .” . |o r a ,_ . , , js oajo/.o ,|.o op watoess i.f (to grass, loan, wa.uplroam.niaentra ilreSeaate !.,««•,I i |H,luWill»t.m.!;oatiack eaiP'iaJiopspm'pn. I saw one orthcso fof. Jj^j^ye riseto the;rtnnof77"774 Tkesuiiing qf (lie Tadis expedi£i©n“i& mM iifef J r-TboBeiWrnevai^ ed to give J*UvBo©f9tHimiptialifttj^.|isrr j to that city .uni a public dinner. StrayedHorse, iN 4 UP By iht’ suhsdHB#, m tfie secoiid” liistantr m Ihe lovViv of Lansiiig7«0Hnty o f Tpntpfeins* ft""MK»y- Hortyy edftl litackr_a star in the foreTieatl, a sear o« the left MjVsupjipsTtjL to he ; about seven years old. 3?hoever.iias lost j said lidrs^ ^an have him by pHningpro*. perty. payingjdiarges, and applyhig to . Jjtinsmx, Oct. j:? 1819. 414 Sw* .. Mill and Distillery, '. FOU SAhti OK TO LEASE, OlSEityN HEWITT,d%* ^ i^e op * 3 tfticase his Mill ant! ‘Histillery‘.-situ- ated in the village o f Ithiwm. possession to he given on the 20(h of next Januaiy. TovfOSjAer ttilt bo tiiade fenowjroa an apr. piieMiohTo^tltc^nhso It liars, .lone 49, 451197 \Y ’M .tINN7 9F •7' .-^Yalnahlo- Parm,44 J l -■-'■" 777 v// jm m s & l &s , ' 4 ' .7- 7 4 fi ONtAtNINGBOdcvesofland, part- * of lot No* 95, Ulysses- SaidFarct : the visage of Itliaea. and is of excelle ;, < ' Ajnality. ;It will lie-sold cheap, and onw .; ?f long etedit, For teifnfs, apply *to. {gi; r ..o«ner«>^«-HBatr§e-Ueiteli,'at lAobuen,pOjp ; the stihscrihet j. wito is attt noria-d Io sell tm -. •,• - * •. .'B e n m am m ,- . 7 - 7 :; \-£tham* June ®. 1S19. . nOb - iueuuu^s a ^ qpymo s.o.y-, u«»t rying the other straight out, to avoid the wuh ^ Ha l ^ o # . J..MI t o f f i J S y N I I&ttt, easnsofid aitasR." f c p t gpatdigs .nslpaa»l w,iidod8;; T )* s tw 5 V a, m -i))ecl, took ilin, up;|a.iB * are ar pight-angles; <he5,r.a»ga 0 ,w w|,w I,.a W k <t™|,pod ftftjswvd, *M VT •:h, '^ -IIT ' •I •'*** 8 U[i ivilluMH ilisuiminting. A" lanan Ms ™ 3 doie-hrii mdmodt, and wiih'llio wrH> a ,n,atnre of 4,,.an,a,* and SI WP , - e^ ^ d t easp. - - I. European^ TlusidarP das nnnpd vrfHa, S .|>lie co 41 ,,o„!p of phro iv pnrpicl ntul.; o 1 i 1 k' |>;iii l o i ' i , IVw | on t Uit-nv wilh lliu’SV;t-sl Indies, ^y.rpgnlnp traders. rThey bring dry goods and gro« eeries o f every deseripfion, and (ajte in 1return, in ales, oatiie.hides, tallow, jerked yaiselo gre always -sure of k freigbt: «ar% rying mules is vecy-jirilfitabie; a vesselj»f >rtrt a _ •»» - 1^ 1* * | , A /wT^ « A « j families of 4Bprlu»n»'. -or: rB.^cuthuuQtfty.Vo side iiere. nb\y/ :| t ties on a penjasuha, about 30O yards vvide a t the naiHOwest 1 fended.-' . A ruinous Midi -extends across noW 'flanked by a tlitcli. ■-/ AngoHt ura* vas once of great commerce andviclies. W tm re httsFern a great falling off since it changed masters- T h e gra.nd object of this governnieut"is the captuie of Cat;rar eas; the capbaf Will be rcmoved tiim> in ThMFventi ’T te w a^iiFpR ff this- govwa- ■ incut| will be easily cotigeiyed~nvlicn it is known that the people _pay 4 no taxes, 7e repn&li.e-ift- deepiy indebted totlie tneTehanls ; and thp dattesTon goods imported;,ai*e not paid in cast»,i)ut passed to its cvedit in aceouiil.— Gyeaf jealposy exists berween, the 8jih0 iards.and English, wliieti is kept alive liv ednUnuai recmuinaikm .4- \Ve found the Europeans who had entered the ser rvice, uniyer.saiiy disgnsia^Sptjfc; tli<‘ of-, •iieeri had only received SIff for avyear?s- ’Servicesi, Tltelf;lrmiou consists of ,poor Tyesff iheeff ^wdbuut. sail-, anti a coiiplr’ of ^?»HE .sijrisetfber infoii tns the public, $j ltdoffprs a good Exposed in a Sicfeiy eltmatc;yvith -out biedieine jar smgeons, many o f these -pcmrr^low^^o4d^n—atti+niely^gtave^ Few ftave money to; pi;ocdre (hf csotn forts of ..a Sick bed, aad many die liter^ljy. of* :fa«tine.. wrj^Ai^aiiited with sever al Etiglishinen of the;-sc»Y;ice, 'gentleinen, anTmenifffialdeatmm;7fhdv imff been tip the rivVr witli Boliyar, bat, in eonseqiience ftf hafd ifcatment7were come off \vitboatJeave7V§ocie (v in (fils eountr M m m t \ codtpmth.vte.on’short notice^ tbosc vfho mpy 'vvaMlr fee7d^ Bot havd on ||ii% ^^dki 53 ^|r|jij(ttoj'|Sflw rceeivedjn exchjtnge tor lm'niture. ;. ‘: soUcits. a doiitittuance o f t&cir pati'od'age. g- )■ '■ -■ •- ^ ' ‘•■74' dOHN WHITOY. T , itthnca, Hetdbof 12t h, ri 8i 9. n l 13—3 w • FOIi the West Indies,, and accomplish the voy age in » ftw days/ ,Were there merchants of oapital here, some handsome voyages but no contract can be safely made with them: itwouid requi re too long to retail a eai go.. Every kind of goods is Extremely -tlear. Flour, will co.ihkiand g20 per bar- Tel.- ■•'..' ;' . - ' . .. '7 -_7-_ ■tiie bsnvks of the Oronocb in a few years, small- sk my means ores - Utmd that » ill -prmittee sugar, eqffee> cotton, tobacco and eliin.ate is so inild. that the expense of feeding and clothing negroes is Jmall f and T a bl’d got yeUspnst Uovernnienl is too vteak to pro: teefits citizens ; and,so long as this is 7‘ . ease, piopert^jvill bhjipf®mw^r~^m 4 mniYners, custtrnts, ainf si'dirgtort o f 7 tire .’.people,, ares Aoo Widely different .from burs. r’lTbereTis B® latChcws from the army. Boliver-is ai present in iS^tffFoCs Tktrc in a prosperous state.'. His cause is gam ing ground rapidly among the peojilc.— drcn af^ brottghfmp in complete ig^ntm-; .,; TJiere hppem:s. .to4:bo--;nw-'Wistitie^-; - 4dn»-bf.,--)?4nl4i7-q<^h'ernl:- H oft# .^een •ganthliflg^t7the; same iaftie 4wfth ’ one v n f '.I d s ;-*dnt^ApQn.;'gtddiFFOtoOji-’ fernih ^of . pet'AecT e , q i i ; % . :^ooy -'#^^^..11015^ edinuifesioos in the army* L7fhe^ goveFnor . Tiextvo^^ly sanguiom*y^ai^Foften puts men to-deai h wblrani^^44i#lycii^4oi!-mff >iii|ry. ;v h^Nscd% 1 ^iiestiOn #heWi# a la # .: ^cyists; .except ’ tlie; ■ wili4 o f ; flh iiy a ^ :!Whp: j s 7 abs|olnte;diei.atqr..7 '7. ;••■ '--• '7 .■•■ .•;.<.•..._■ - Cbngr#s:bas been some nront bsjn ses-- 4 7 7 otir t<IejiHeyaiTPs: on a .constitution, l o r 1 |fdoey;ffo^#,of siiighf -;.7--I4 :F<>rsa]e4at4beboofe-storeof^ • - . • _ ; - ~ - +j- - •• - • - . • - -♦: -g-~?y •' .■ which they havcrtaken oiirs as a model; The noaiinai pay o f a inember Js $4 aalay7 and.a imlipJt of beef diid bread. . .'niey ^oeel^nblMh^d^^e^ih^ fafferrx7 74 paid a visif to Ui # 7 M :at-ino7 :<iie' s^eeond7 neOirmrarHl,:W;hb’li^ -jbngOljthrtty^bhHlflok^ anil has a fine _e^i]mnd4 |bg Ie,i^mn^#e4.(^idarrac#s7 iyn#vbiifie-*' jo|v:Uinnt 1y; -Hboisi;# . ; -7470mdb(;i7 p h ^ 4 ^^ ^ and all fvitids 'of military^ storesi7 7 The inrtriols; hn-WefBf^aekbowjfidge. that .they have no general who can eompare \viil ldi|in poitit of taleois i and sayjijis.jaston Mng Wit:h#t4snppHe54from bis“ govern^ jnfeht. The brig Hussar, fimriijLondon, arrived here h fewidays ago with 29 offl- 4eers and .IffO men fbr the P|dTiot army>-7 They Were,immediatejy^Vo'mbark‘^7witbi about 49p mbt*e> IVobi Margapitta, in the brig Bpliveiy '447 47 4 ,- . ;-. ;■ SudA^u iStJi «3i%»st;4-fThis day. at 2 o’e|o(dE,loet#istitutionpf adoptyd and signed^^oiid tlie dise^ eammOs TbaVe-nqtrlear Iflic those oF the Urtited Statcs. 7 Tn (5 na-- wd force of 4i»c 'sel^ebtppb^d-nf:jbfrg^^BbotteTg4 aid .-.gdpdmats*'"'’ bad been engage d lot (htrdinneff and tho 1 toasts had bt en ari anged. 4 t is said that | Lord Catbeai t is busily employedin iWgd- | tiating a^nrffy wh[i theEniperorlwTJios- sia, for tbti matiial admission,‘o f produce' atSd goods ini o( he two cotmrries, and hopes are catertainrd mat m e dcsirabie end wilt bo aceomplished. ■ -' ••- 7 . --jr7sp'.'7 ...... ; 7tl^egotiat|unsj’? says, .one* of the letter* receiyetl in ,t m cdy, ‘*me still carried on belvyevh Uic-British Hovernment and tliait, o f Spain, fcr ihe supply o f a quantity o f specie, rJi olmhly in o f the expiraiion 0 fTi 9 Afet4 *csttdctbig the Bank o f Engludd troiu cash [mymcnts.; 4 4 !b® proposal, was in the first instancc, that nine, and subsequently ten millions should • ilm convcyed Jfi;om dfavana, or-Vera Gi'uss, in Sfifish shtpyof w-Vr, 11 ithi'Vto'nothiii.g. ■ has been definitely determined:;'; but i t: seems,. IVoin the progress'which has been made in the Ot'^liafion. that Spain is her-- self, at the ph'sent, tuoinent, too much in Want ofgoid uml stiver, Ihafnone ean Im • spared by her for the,use of this eountry, until next.year.dt tlie cadies(*,,‘• . Earl 1of Dalhousie, governor of ISsbva- ; From iiie Ziwidm.rAtor&ns. ClitoMcdtf \ . ; •• V :> 7 . ^ ' SepL O* . ,-7 ft 7 ’ *• v ' * for tlie sufferers at Manehester liave beea dpenedrntltbat plane, at 4fiverpn6if NfoWj-*^ |mrtf;and Bury St. Edmond’s as well -an in 7he Metropoiis.~The 7 Cb»omon Copflt-v mfoftlreTgitymfLgmltmT^ Re imipHeTbiff- this day take this subject Into tUeir coO- sidei ation ; imd the result wi|l* no doubt, pi'ovo- in4tb«_niei3( ::satisfaijtory-iiia'naeiv ' ' :iioWy««iyfel^By’:’% -J Magistrates pndTYeoiriaBt^ of Manchester . . 1 . a#.Vte.^kd.1 wliir^BoiM# Til.' tiffs 107. _...L ti,opolis.-— tf tic; Court of Hbmmon 'Eotitv- ' oil is anttttally elected by the Houseliohk * t ■^rs 6 f th-e-city'^df'Lmiddnr aftd diay there- i - foTciie ednsiilered as represent ipg-^-pretty - j ekaetiy 4lie settHme^ bfThe 1 Kty :7 -W¥. j shall in t his inanner be enabled toseewhafc ; B^opoytionllielnumberiofiftos^wW tiiiok 'With fke Uovd < Mayor of liOudon.and tlie • of the ebnduct c£ both. . It is gratifying to. perceive thht otic , boimtyy theh abroad t ditelso disfingulsUediA - pagt ooThis oecasian,; Bit* Bobery, IfH- Xftn’filpflpr' flinm P«pio th tltii miiWlnn* nt*- SouthWalk, -Ii#;b#n-;|bii69pmt'dh|;'aili^Ter v ftmtn Lord Hetmli^gat :|W^eji4 E fkw. same plaee^ toHie in which he‘,kls<K«ates his readiness to ’’ 1 returnAmpn|p4liein, to support: phy tmja**. -thke^ij^fit'iotidl- expressioo of their son- liRpOits. . Wliett^ the proper, oppojrlunity oeurs, a t-thc various ineetings wltictiwiti"— tirke plaee through the greatest part oY? 4 , theedtint^y thftiaagua^ofpurTes'peeta'-*,: *'\ ble countrymeif a i home will, as has hitb- 1 those abroatl. v... ttysho^dbovebecn di|gl;ftbed"b > p ^ # ' $ * j;7 a -cold* blooded, and disgusting ei ueltyi o f 7 ' ’ xvhiol^P;Veajiy flo^pot reeolieet any to iv * ; ..ifleeyexampiei:.- 7 7 7 7 ' ' 7 - ;4>..'. .! _ 7j. 47;77-4 77 .- --•. ■ '-7 W . ■ 7 :. 4K

Transcript of mMTkesuiiing qf (lie Tadis expedi£i©n“i& iifef J tioMs

f v■ir < ■

to n>a&e.s»ch. ■

returns withpirt $9%^? • .%'j$N|£,■ ^ e s id e c to f t^ as tl^GourtwlU

• 7 ,;- * “• ■„*'• .’•* ' A *'V* ;,; i ^ :q^er-of’Bl|g.. teiaK


' 1

i f | /pf ;tb e ' f^Ptv^illH espeaksSpanishand Fceticilt ?eue$’ '■ 7lTh© ^b iir n b r e u ^ 71

lisb and Freuclt w itbflu I. '


: W || |^ V

~- 7 ; :AN /^SfrC^^lENT'Of■* _ _,-

4 1 0 ;» j w 4 * w :™ w w™ ' V ^ V . »f » I some are line raek.-.-«. Mote. hih) .i.^ ot’reiiclnnanj lie ficcros TOuel. of fai.ei.aiu- I „»,.,|r„,l|,„m(l<IIfi. hr.i,,L. m-efcr~

* •■■ • $ ’' ■ ■■ ^ - ''7-'

T p m ^ .■'7:7 7 V> 4Sept. 10—.Yesterday a Court of Com-■ '

. e^bletf' ta lq H m o eo n jm lertU io u ^:'. M n n e h e s t# # ;ftui,soahtv.tft:®j

o f f i l o 9 5 ,7 - ’• 7/;' -4.4 7 .’. 7- -"77':. 7 x 4 4 7 7 7 ™ •:- The Grgnd Ju ry dr the courify o f I # t 7 7 _ .

^i^titfiiti' - ^ :j4 iy;::: Punt * apd Aj»& colleagues,

tnv^’tl'fti,'' HUi: 4(1*0 euttiog" (

IhiyAffth-. nit. 4 4 7 •’v , 7 74 •■ -7 7 7 7".1 - «' 4 * 4A report;# (1ie d 0atj»off th e ; Empeimif j

e t h - "■

tioMs <m& Dresses' i m t S i and «0 Peasoriaiile T e r t is .

9flpradueej wilFfoyb?--

I.;s-g««d K,n.«--h e ba* n o o .to o lm ,™ .” . |o ra ,_ . „ „ , , „ j s o a j o / . o ,|.oop w a to e ss i.f ( to grass, loan,

w a.u p lroam .n iaen tra ilreSeaate ! .,« « •,I i | H, luWill» t.m .!;oatiack

eaiP'iaJiopspm'pn. I saw one orthcso fof.

J j^ j^ y e riseto the;rtnnof77"774Tkesuiiing q f (lie Tadis expedi£i©n“i&mM iifef J

r-TboBeiW rnevai^ed to give J*UvBo©f9tHimiptialifttj^.|isrr j to that city .uni a public dinner.

StrayedHorse,iN 4 U P By ih t’ suhsdHB#, m

tfie secoiid” liistantr m Ihe lovViv o fLansiiig7«0Hnty o f Tpntpfeins* ft""MK»y- Hortyy edftl litackr_a star in the foreTieatl, a sear o« the left MjVsupjipsTtjL to he

; about seven years old. 3?hoever.iias lost j said lidrs^ ^an have him by pHningpro*. perty. payingjdiarges, and applyhig to

. Jjtinsmx, Oct. j:? 1819. 414 Sw* ..

Mill and Distillery,'. FOU S A h ti OK TO L E A SE ,O lS E it y N H E W IT T ,d % * ^ i^ e op* 3 tfticase his Mill ant! ‘Histillery‘.-situ- ated in the village o f Ithiwm. possession to he given on the 20(h o f next Januaiy. TovfOSjAer ttilt bo tiiade fenowjroa an apr. piieMiohTo^tltc^nhso

I t liars, .lone 49, 451197\Y’M.tINN79F

•7' .-^Yalnahlo- Parm,44J l -■-'■" 7 7 7 v / / j m m s &l &s, ' 4 ' .7- 74 f i O N tA tN IN G B O d c v e so fla n d , p art-

* o f lot No* 95, Ulysses- S a id F arc t

: the visage o f Itliaea. and is of excelle ;, <' Ajnality. ;It will lie-sold cheap, and onw .; ?f long etedit, F o r teifnfs, apply *to. {gi;

r ..o«ner«>^«-HBatr§e-Ueiteli,'at lAobuen,pOjp ; the stihscrihet j . wito is attt noria-d Io sell

t m -. •,• - * •. . 'B e n m a m m , - .7 - 7 :; \-£tham* June ®. 1S19. . nOb -

iu e u u u ^ s a ^ qpymo s.o.y-, u«»t rying the other straight out, to avoid wuh ^ Ha l ^ o # . J..MI t o f f i J S y N I I&ttt, ea sn so fid aitasR." f c p t lu gpatdigs .nslpaa » l w,iidod8;; T )* s tw 5 V a, m -i))ecl, took ilin, up; |a. i B *are ar pight-angles; <he5,r.a»ga 0,w w|,w I,.a W k <t™|,pod ftftjsw vd, *MV T •:h, ' ^ - IIT ' • I • ' * * * 8 U[i ivilluMH ilisuiminting. A"lanan Ms ™ 3 doie-hrii mdmodt, and wiih'lliowrH> a ,n,atnre o f 4,,.a n ,a ,* and SI WP , - e^ ^ d t easp. - - I .E u ro p e a n ^ T lu s id a rP d a s nnnpd vrfHa, S .|>lie c o 4 1,,o„!p o f p h ro iv pnrpicl

ntul.; o1 i1k' |>;iii lo i'i , IVw | on t Uit-nv wilh lliu ’SV;t-sl Indies, ^y.rpgnlnptraders. rThey bring dry goods and gro« eeries o f every deseripfion, and (ajte in

1 return, in ales, oatiie.hides, tallow, jerked

yaiselo gre always -sure o f k freigbt: «ar% rying mules is vecy-jirilfitabie; a vesselj»f> r t r t a _ •»» - 1^ 1* * | , A /wT^ « A « j

families of 4Bprlu»n»'. -or: rB. cuthuuQtfty.Vo side iiere. nb\y/ :| t ties on a penjasuha, about 30O yards vvide at the naiHOwest

1 fended.-' . A ruinous M idi-extends across noW 'flanked by a tlitcli. ■-/ AngoHt ura* vas once o f g rea t commerce andviclies. W t m r e httsFern a g rea t falling off since it changed masters- T h e gra.nd object of this governnieut"is the captu ie o f Cat;rar­e a s ; the c a p b a f Will be rcmoved tiim> in ThMFventi ’T te w a ^ iiF p R ff this- govwa- ■ incut| will be easily cotigeiyed~nvlicn it is known th a t the people _pay 4no taxes,

7e repn&li.e-ift-deepiy indebted totlie tneTehanls ; and thp dattesTon goods imported; ,ai*e not paid in cast»,i)ut passed to its cvedit in aceouiil.— Gyeaf jealposy exists berween, the 8jih0 iards.and English, wliieti is kept alive liv ednUnuai recmuinaikm . 4 - \Ve found theEuropeans who had entered the ser

rvice, uniyer.saiiy d isgnsia^Sptjfc; tli<‘ of-, •iieeri had only received SIff for avyear?s- ’Servicesi, Tltelf;lrm iou consists of ,poor Tyesff iheeff wdbuut. sail-, anti a coiiplr’ o f

^?»H E .sijrisetfber infoii tns the public,


ltdoffprs a good Exposed in a Sicfeiy eltmatc;yvith -out biedieine jar sm geons, many o f these -pcm rr^low^^o4d^n—atti+niely^gtave^ Few ftave money to; pi;ocdre (hf csotn forts of ..a Sick bed, aad many die liter^ljy. of* :fa«tine.. w rj^ A i^ a iiite d w ith sever al Etiglishinen of the;-sc»Y;ice, 'gentleinen, anTmenifff ialdeatmm;7fhdv imff been tip the rivVr witli Boliyar, bat, in eonseqiience

ftf hafd ifcatment7were come off \vitboatJeave7V§ocie (v in (fils eountr

M m m t\

codtpmth.vte.on’short notice^ tbosc vf ho mpy 'vvaMlr fee7d^ Bot havdon | | i i % ^ ^ d k i 53^ |r |j i j ( t to j ' |S f lw

• rceeivedjn exchjtnge tor lm'niture. ;. ‘:

soUcits. a doiitittuance o f t&cir pati'od'age.g- )■ '■ ■ -■ •- ^ ' ‘•■74' dO H N WHITOY.T , itthnca, Hetdbof 12t h, ri 8 i 9. n l 13—3 w

• FOIi

the W est Indies,, and accomplish the voy­age in » ftw d a y s / ,Were there merchants of oapital here, some handsome voyages

but no contract can be safely made with them: itwouid requi re too long to retail a eai go.. Every kind o f goods is Extremely

-tlear. Flour, will co.ihkiand g20 per bar-Tel.- ■•'..' ;' . - ' . .. '7 -_7-_

■tiie bsnvks of the Oronocb in a few years, small- s k my means ores - Utmd that » ill

-prmittee sugar, eqffee> cotton, tobacco and

eliin.ate is so inild. that the expense of feeding and clothing negroes is Jmall f and

T a bl’d gotyeUspnst Uovernnienl is too vteak to pro: teefits citizens ; and,so long as this is 7 ‘

. ease, piopert^jvill bhjipf® m w ^r~^m 4 mniYners, custtrnts, ainf si'dirgtort o f 7 tire .’.people,, ares Aoo Widely different .from burs.

r’lTbereTis B® latChcws from the army. Boliver-is ai present in iS^tffFoCs Tktrc

in a prosperous state.'. H is cause is gam­ing ground rapidly among the peojilc.—

drcn af brottghf mp in complete ig ntm-; .,; TJiere hppem:s. .to4:bo--;nw-'Wistitie -;- 4dn»-bf.,--)?4nl4i7-q<^h'ernl:- H o ft# . een • ganthliflg^t7the; same iaftie 4wfth ’ one v

n f'.Id s;-*dnt ApQn.;'gtddiFFOtoOji-’ fernih ^of . pet'AecT e , q i i ; %. : ooy -'#^^^..11015^ edinuifesioos in the army* L7fhe goveFnor .Tiextvo^^ly sanguiom*y^ai^Foften putsmen to-deai h wblrani^^44i#lycii^4oi!-mff

>iii|ry. ;v h^Nscd% 1 iiestiOn #heW i# a l a # .: ^cyists; .except ’ tlie; ■ wili4 o f; flhiiya^:!Whp: j s 7 abs|olnte;diei.atqr..7 '7. ;••■'--• '7 .■•■.•;.<.•..._■ -

Cbngr#s:bas been some nron t bsjn ses--4 7 7 otir t<IejiHeyaiTPs: on a .constitution, l o r

1 |fdoey;ffo^#,of siiighf -;.7--I4 :F<>rsa]e4at4beboofe-storeof^

• - . • _ ; - ~- +j - - •• ♦ - • - . • - - ♦: -g -~?y • ' .■which they havcrtaken oiirs as a model; The noaiinai pay o f a inember Js $4 aalay7 and.a imlipJt o f beef d iid bread. . .'niey

^ o e e l ^ n b l M h ^ d ^ ^ e ^ i h ^ fafferrx7 74 paid a visif to Ui # 7 M :at-ino7 :<iie' s^eeond7 neOirmrarHl,:W;hb’li -jbngOljthrtty^bhHlflok anil has a fine _e^i]mnd4 |bg

Ie,i^m n^#e4.(^ idarrac#s7 iyn#vbiifie-*'

jo|v:Uinnt1y; -Hboisi;#

. ; -7470mdb(;i7 p h ^ 4 ^ ^ ^

and a ll fvitids 'of military^ storesi7 7 The inrtriols; hn-WefBf^aekbowjfidge. that .they have no general who can eompare \viil ld i|in poitit of taleois i and sayjijis.jaston

Mng Wit:h#t4snppHe54from bis“ govern^ jnfeht. The brig Hussar, fimrii jLondon, arrived here h fewidays ago with 29 offl-

4eers and .IffO men fbr the P|dTiot army>-7 They Were, immediatejy^Vo'mbark‘ 7witbi about 49p mbt*e> IVobi Margapitta, in the brig Bpliveiy '4 4 7 4 7 4 ,- . ;-. ;■

S u d A ^ u iS tJ i «3i%»st;4-fThis day. at 2 o’e|o(dE,loet#istitutionpf adoptyd and signed^^oiid tlie dise^eammOs „ TbaVe-nqtrlear

Iflic those oF the Urtited Statcs.7 T n (5 na--wd force o f 4i»c'sel^ebtppb^d-nf:jbf rg^^BbotteTg4 aid .-.gdpdmats*'"'’

bad been engage d lot (htrdinneff and tho 1 toasts had bt en ari anged. 4 t is said that | Lord Catbeai t is busily employedin iWgd- | tiating a^nrffy wh[i theEniperorlwTJios- sia, for tbti matiial admission,‘o f produce' atSd goods ini o( he two cotmrries, and hopes are catertainrd mat m e dcsirabie end wilt bo aceomplished. ■ -' ••-7 . --jr7sp'.'7 ...... ;7tl^egotiat|unsj’? says, .one* o f the letter*

receiyetl in , t m cd y , ‘* me still carried on belvyevh Uic-British Hovernment and tliait, o f Spain, fcr ihe supply o f a quantity o f specie, rJi olmhly in o f the expiraiion 0 fTi9 Afet4 *csttdctbig the Bank o f Engludd troiu cash [mymcnts.; 4 4 !b® proposal, was in the first instancc, that nine, and subsequently ten millions should •

ilm convcyed Jfi;om dfavana, or-Vera Gi'uss, in Sfifish shtpyof w-Vr, 11 ithi'Vto'nothiii.g. ■ has been definitely determined:;'; but i t : seems,. IVoin the progress'which has been made in the Ot'^liafion. that Spain is her-- self, at the ph'sent, tuoinent, too much in Want ofgoid uml stiver, Ihafnone ean Im • spared by her for the,use o f this eountry, until next.year.dt tlie cadies(*,,‘ • .

E arl1 o f Dalhousie, governor o f ISsbva- ;

From iiie Ziwidm.rAtor&ns. ClitoMcdtf \ ..; •• V :> 7 . ' SepL O* . , - 7 f t 7 ’ *• v ' *

for tlie sufferers at Manehester liave beea dpenedrntltbat plane, a t 4fiverpn6if NfoWj-* |mrtf;and Bury St. Edmond’s as w e l l -an in 7he M etropoiis.~The7Cb»omon Copflt-v mfoftlreTgitymfLgmltmT^

Re im ipH eTbiff-this day take this subject Into tUeir coO- sidei ation ; imd the result wi|l* no doubt, pi'ovo- in4tb«_niei3( ::satisfaijtory-iiia'naeiv ' '

:iioW y««iyfel^B y’:’% -JMagistrates pndTYeoiriaBt^ of Manchester . .1 .a#.Vte.^kd.1w liir^BoiM # Til.' tiffs 107. _...L ti ,opolis.-—tf tic; Court of Hbmmon 'Eotitv- ■ 'oil is anttttally elected by the Houseliohk * t

■^rs 6f th-e-city'^df'Lmiddnr aftd diay there- i- foTciie ednsiilered as represent ipg-^-pretty - jekaetiy4lie se ttH m e^ bfThe1Kty:7 - W ¥. jshall in t his inanner be enabled toseewhafc ;B^opoytionllielnumberiofiftos^wW tiiiok'With fke Uovd < Mayor of liOudon.and tlie •

o f the ebnduct c £ both. ’. It is gratifying to. perceive thht otic ,

boimtyy theh abroad t ditelso disfingulsUediA - pagt ooThis oecasian,; Bit* Bobery, IfH -Xftn’filpflpr' flinm P«pio th tltii miiWlnn* nt*-SouthWalk, -Ii#;b#n-;|bii69pmt'dh|;'aili^Ter v ftmtn Lord Hetmli^gat :|W^eji4 E fkw. same plaee^ toHiein which he‘,kls<K«ates his readiness to ’’

1 returnAmpn|p4liein, to support: phy tmja**.

-thke^ij^fit'iotidl- expressioo of their son- liRpOits. . Wliett^ the proper, oppojrlunity

oeurs, a t -thc various ineetings wltictiwiti"— ” tirke plaee through the greatest part oY? 4 , theedtint^y thftiaagua^ofpurTes'peeta'-*,: *'\ ble countrymeif a i home will, as has hitb- 1

those abroatl. v...

t ty sh o ^ d b o v eb ecn di|gl;ftbed"b > p ^ # '$ * j;7

a -cold* blooded, and disgusting ei ueltyi o f 7 ' ’ xvhiol^P;Veajiy flo^pot reeolieet any t o iv * ;..ifleeyexampiei:.-7 7 7 7 ' '7 - ;4>..'. .!

■ _ 7j. 47;77-4 7 7.- ■” --•. ■ ' -7 W. ■ 7 :.4K