MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1...

t p i1 m: wr - Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn -- " " (1 Evening Bulletin a. t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING. .INVESTMENT. -- zX JJ- - iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi m tea Irs ten w.i Hi m ten tea teM tejt mJ to. Vol, X. No. 1753. HONOLULU. TERHITOUT OF HAWAJI. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1 11)01 1'iiicn 5 Ornih. i ii Same Are for It and j. Some Against It. HENRY WATERHOUSE SAYS WAIT ANOTHER TWO YEARS 'John E. Bush Wants Municipal Gov- -j ernment Right Away People Are Ready for it Now. gclow will be found the opinions Of floino of the business men of the rlty on the subject of municipal govern- ment for the city of Honolulu. Henry Wntcrhouse Of course, muni cipal government has got to conic an J . I believe It Is something we should linfe but I mil decidedly ngalnst all this hurry In the matter. A charter for this rlty Is not nn easy thing to preparo nnd i therefore. It cannot be prepared In a hurry. Certainly, I bcllce the I.egls lnture nt Its session this month, Bhoulil take up the municipality question but. onJjV to the extent of appointing n com- mission of, say thrco members, to frame a charter for precsntatlon at the session two )oars hence. Let each one of thrsn men he paid a thousand dollsrs m more aplcco but let us have some- thing In good shape. .It Is the duty of every citizen to glvo this matUr ciSeful study. Charters of cities on the Mainland should be considered nnd the best picked out for Honolulu. Every- body must bo given equal rights If a charter Is figured out for this cltv. I do not believe a hurriedly constructed charter Is going to do us any good. If. P. Wlchman It Is my opinion ' that a munlclnnlltv Is I ho onlv nroner rm of government for a city but, like ( many others. I do not believe tbc next ICglalnturo should take any action In the mntter of adopting a charter. There will bo altogether too many matters up hftoro the Legislature to admit of the 'arcful attention n charter for this city will require. I believe tho Legislature should glvo a, proper length of time to work upon tho charter. When con slilcred by that body, It should bo gonn over timo and ngaln so that there will h no possibility of a mlstnke. Look how long It took San Tranclsco nnd New York nnd Urookljn to get char ters. The matter could not be hurried Here It Is within twenty dajs of tho first session of the Legislature nnd I, I for nno rnnnot seo thnt much has been I flu e by the charter committees. We Bhoulil go slowly so that every person I Interested may havo a chance to know every provision of tho charter. John R. Hush 1 am In favor of mu- nicipal government. I havo heard a lot of talking about postponing the ciSBlderatlon of a charter but I do not ?ee tho uso of such a course. Wo are Aiover golfg to bo any better prepared 'than wo aro at the present time. We lire not children and we are perfectly oblo to cope with tho question. I have always believed that tho power Bhould bi'wlth the people. As far as Honolulu la concerned, I bellevo In a decentrall station of tho power and a bringing of .It back Into tho hands of tho people Once more I Bay, let us have municipal government and let us have It at once. J. K. Prendergnst I do not wish to sit? now what I think of municipal gov eminent. It will bo time enough for mo to oxpress my opinion when tho charters, now In course of preparation by tho Independent Homo Tlulo and We have CimtomcrH lor Moderate Priced LOTS AND HOMES If you have such property and wish to mirket It at a reason-pric- bring It to us. AOENTS rOK Phoenix Assurance Co., OP LONDON. ESTABLISHED 118) JHcClellan, Pond Co., Tel. Main 69. Jndd Bid. '9 S- -. Republican parties, have been placed before the public fur consldciatlon. L. C. Abies I think that ten )oars from now Is plenty of time for muni- cipal government. Wo have had enough changes during the past year. It will take us a good long time to get used to these so whero Is the use of piling up a lot more changes. They wilt only contuse us nnd put us In a posi- tion much worse than the present one. If wo get municipal government now. thcro will be a lot of sharp politicians with nothing at stake, coming down hero to tell us what to do. They will end by telling us what taxes we will have to pay and will otherwise dictate tu us. John II. Wise My own prlvnto opin ion Is thnt wo have not jet arrived at the proper scan for tho consideration of a charter, but the Independents nre bound to have It. Thnt settles the imtter right there. Taking this as a foct, what Is the uso of our hanging back. Whv not go nhead and cnntrl hutc our II tl help so thnt we ran get ns n result, n charter that will work for tho good of eve.y one In the commun Ity? If It Is nn nasured fact that we aro to have a rhnr'cr, then let us have a good one. C. O. Dallentyne I think thnt to ndopt n charter at tho coming session of the Legislature would bo a very grao mistake. The next Legislature should appoint n commission to draft a charter but the mntter of adopting a charter should be tided over for n cou- ple of j ears longer or until the matter shall have been thoroughly considered Tho men on the two charter commit tees, now nt work, whllo they nrc men of brains nnd ability, have neither the tlmo to glvo nor tho facili- ties with which to work. This muni- cipal government business Is one of su- premo Importance that will not stand hurried consideration. Prank Davey I do not know Just whero I stand on this matter.. I have not given It much study. However, I am going to bo naturalized soon and then I Will put on my thinking cap. 'S WRITES TO CONSTITUENTS ON NUMBER OF MATTERS Pertaining to New TeVary Cable Bill Will Surely Pass Sounds Note of Warning. Ily the Sonoma, one of the leaders of tho Independent Homo Utile party re ceived a letter from Delegate Wilcox In which ho spoke of several matters of Importance. Ho stated that not many bills of In- terest to Hawaii had ct como up be- fore tho House but that ho was ex- pecting a batch in tho near future. It was Ills opinion that tho Pacific Ca'ilo bill would go through without any trouble. At th ctlmo of writing, Mr. Wilcox had not et received the letter In whl.-- h were contained the names of the bojs selected to take tho examination fur entrance to West Point. However, it was the Intention Immediately upon t'.o receipt of tho same, to communicate with the head of the military deptrt ment with referenco to having Major Rnnls of Camp McKlnley attend to the examination of the candidates. In closing, Mr. Wilcox stated that tho leaders of the Independent Homo Rule party should Impress on the mini's of th esenators and representatives tho fact that It will bo to their best In- terests to refrain from too radical ac tion In nil matters pertaining to tho government of tho Territory of Hawaii which It might bo their Intention to Investigate. A very great deal hid been sa'd about what a turning over of things tho Independents Intended to Institute. Rvory point should bo carefully studied before doing anything. A $0000 PURCHASE. Thtough tho agency of W. 13. lllven. tho stock broker and real estuto agent tho one-ha- lf ncro of Punchbowl slope land upon which, nt one tlmo, stood tho convalescent hospital, has been sold to I. D. Kerr for tho sum of ?,-00- 0. Tho property was owned by II M. Dow', chief clerk in tho High Sher- iff's office. Donuttnn Highly Appreciated Tho trustees nnd management of tho Ulonnlulu Rje and Ear Infirmary desire grntcrully to ncknowledgo a subscrip- tion of $250 from Mr. Sam R. Damon which comes most opportunely when tho treasury Is empty nnd will tldo tho Institution over until tho return" from proceeds of ball and other sub- scriptions como In. II. C. SLOGORTT, Surgeon In chaigr. Tho latent style nt Etinw hats will be exhibited In our store, Iwakaml, Hotel street. IS PAS MASTER IT HATERS Ex-May- or of Cleveland, Ohio, Talks of Hawaii. SAYS BUSINESS MEN SHOULD AWAKE NOW " Commodore " Gardner Explains the City Government of the Pearl of the Buckeye State. E. i;, Ilecman of Cleveland, Ohio, Is accompanied on his Huwntlnn trip by Hon. George V Gardner, who Is known In Cleveland ns "Commodore" hecnuso he lauded theie n sailor lad with an experience of five jenrs beforo tho mast. Cleveland had 2000 Inhabi- tants at that time. Now, It has 400,000 nnd, besides that Ma'k Hannn Uvea there. Commodore Ojrdner owns nil tho olevntens on I.nko Rrle nnd Inlf tho flour mitts. Ho Is n yachtsman of extensive repute on tho lakes nnd h u not worked an for jenrs except when he was Mayor of Cleveland. Ho left n good lecnrd nnd. In 1811, saw- - his favorite charter scheme go Into effect. It has slnco been copied In almost exact detail by Rochester, N. Y nnd Pittsburg I'a He thinks It would bo the best charter that could bo adopted by Honolulu. He is greatly In terested In tho efforts now being made here nnd comments on the apparent in- difference of tho business men to tho matter of framing n charter. "They pay the taxes," said Mr. Gard- ner, "nnd ought tu make the charter. In such matters jou may trust tho good business head every time, n whole lot further than you may the professional man or tho politician. Good lawyers must be hired to frame tho charter In legal form. Hut It ought to be made by a business head.. "In Cleveland, wo have what Is called a Pederal charter. It might nlso be said to be such an organization as a big commercial corporation would ndopt. The main Idea Is to centralize responsibility. The major, tho police Judge and tho treasurer nre elected by the people, as also the councllmen All the other officers nre appointive. Hrst, tho major appoints six director who meet with him twice each week as a cabinet. Theso six men aro at the head of tho departments of, Ac counts. Police, Public Works, Klro and Charities Tho major holds ofllco for two jears and, if the people are not sat- isfied with him or his appointees, they can oust the whole administration at tho end of that time. Tho major can remove n director nt any tlmo without notice nnd without cause. Tho system works well and I believe. In tho main It would suit Honolulu. "Honolulu certainly Is destined to bo a great city. If tho business men here will but study the general needs of tho city nnd go about It to secure them in the American waj they can produce wonders. Tho commercial and ma- terial growth of n town is n different matter from Its political Improvement. Political conditions are settled here and tho best brains of tho best busi ness men Bhould he directed to securing material advantages. A delegate In Congress or n lobbjlst. will not accom- plish much In this line. Congress Is n poor place to mnko much headway In nbtnlnlng results. At my home, mil- lions of dollars havo been spent In making n good harbor for Cleveland. Wo got It out of tho government but not through Congressmen or lobbjHs Tho bonrd of trado o' ""lev eland would appoint a committee of lompo tent buslniss men to formulate plans for harbor Improvement'! These wiuld be carefully and Intelligently made When finished somo plain, n man of business would take tho li'in dlo under his nrm. bonrd n tnln tor Washington nnd make straight for the Hoard of RngineerB, If the plans were good, tho thief would glvo them the stamp of his approval ar 1 Incoiporatc them In his report. "Tho business man would then go to his Congressman and havo nlm get up nt tho proper tlmo and ask for nil th" plans In tho possession of tho Rnpln ceilng Department tho Improve- ment of Cleveland harbor "The papers would accordingly como Into tho House with n scientific pis-tlg- o rather thnn a political or lobbjlst handicap. "I was down looking at Pearl Ilarlnr tho other ilay. I have trailed In all parts of tho world but that Is tho 'ncjt Inland harbor I havo ever 'Oin Tho entrnnco can bo made perfect by the United States. "Iluslness men hero havo wonderful oportunltles. Tho cable Is tho fliet great need of tho Islands, and of course It will bo but a cry short tln-- e as such matters go until one Is laid " Pretoria Mourns. Pretoria, Jan. 24. Signs of sorrow over tho death of the Queen are every- where visible. Even the burghers show a respectful sympathy. It has been suggested by Influential burghers that nn amnesty proposal would havo the effect of greatly hastening the return of peace. Probate Matter Considered Today In the estate of J Cnbrnl Medelrns, M G. Sllvn was today appointed ad- ministrator under bond of 250(, In- ventory to be filed within thirty dnjs. Tho eptltlnn of Antoue Manuel filed In October, 1900, for the appointment of a guardian for David Manuel, nn al- leged spendthrift, was dismissed todaj. Tho report of George l.ucas, mas'er In tho estate of Mary Kallmann Wide-mati- n, was confirmed this morning and cxecutoi's accounts approved Tho executoi J. M. Dowsitt II K. and P. W Mncf.irlane nre upon filing filial receipt. In tho estnto of Knn Yeek, n minor, S. K, Kn-n- e was allowed $2ii4l nttor-ncj- 's fees this morning. In tho mntter of tho gunrdlniishl p of Mnrla Carolina. Jaclnthn. Manuel. Kmclln, and George Medelros, M. 0 Sllvn was nppolnted guardian this morning under bond of $300 for each child. Tho last will and testament and co- dicil thereto of J, A. Hopper was ad- mitted to probate today Letters testa- mentary nro ordered Issued to William L. Hopper. R. Wells Peterson nnd El- len Hopper, without bonds. Inventory to be filed within thirty dajs. JAPANESE WILL HOLD BIG MASS MEETING At Japanese Primary School On Nuu- - anu Street, February 5 Object to Talk About Fire Claims Com mittee of Thirty will Be Chosen A mass meeting of the Japanese of the city will be held at 5 o'clock, Peb-rua- G, In tho Japanese primary school, Kiiunmi street, for tho purpose of further talking over the (lie claims and what action is to bo taken with leferciuo to the Legislature. The following committee has Issued tho call foi the meeting In four of the Japanese newspapers of tho city F Ozaki (chairman), K J lninnlshn, Y Suga, W. MotiiBhlge. 11, I.ekl. H K. Kawasaki. Dr. T. Katsunumii, T. Ishlknwn, G. Giiujl, Y. Klmurn nnd Y. Soga. S. Ozaki will bo chairman of 'he meeting nnd Y Soga tho secretarj-- . Dr Katsumima, T lshlkawa and others will speak. A resolution summing up tho proposed action of the committee, will bo presented for tho conslderat'nn of tho meeting. A committee of thirty will be elected to tako Into its hands evcrj thing pertaining to the Japan- ese lire claims with a view to putting these facts nnd figures Into proper shapo for presentation to the Legisla- ture. A commltteo f Japanese has alro idy called on Consul Salto to tell him of the meeting and ho has promised to be In attendance. Mr. Salto w III bo nmong tho speakers. Protest Against Present Liquor Law The mission of Dr Hussell, Senator- - elect from Hawaii, ami John Hmmeluth to tho executive ofllco jesterday was to protest In the n.inio of tho Independent party against the further Issuo of light wlno and beer licenses under tho pres- ent law. The Independents proposo tn ennct a law at this session of tho Legis- lature which will make It n deal harder foi such licenses to bo procured Tho undue of tho bill was explained to Gov ci nor Dole nnd ho was requested to uso his Inlliicnco ngalnst further grants of applications under tho pres- ent law, but would rather seo It on pa- per before passing final Judgment. Governor Dole said today, from tho explanations made by Messrs. limine-lut- h and ItiiKscl llio eotiBtileied the 'im- posed tempcrnnco law an Improvement over the present one. Ho thought, however, that It would not In possible to comply with their irepmt, ns all applications for light wlno nnd beer licenses had to bo considered In the light of tho existing lnw. Nippon Muni. Tho Nippon Maru which nrrlved this afternoon from the Orient, has COO tons of ficlght for here She will silt for tho Coast at 7 u. nt. tomorrow. raw i s Thirteen New Deputies Sworn in This Morning. COLLECTOR C. F. R. IIASSON OUTLINES THEIR DUTIES During the Slack Business of First Few Days Deputies May Help Throw Mail at Post Office. The deputies In the Chinese Itegls-tratlo- n lliirenu were qualified thin morning. The thirteen men who w'll work fur the Pederal Government 'n this capacity are. Mrssers Smithies Neelcj-- . Scott. Olds. Sims. Glhbs Mid- den Jahgers. Carroll, Spencer, Loo Joe. D. L, Akwnl and Cowan. Mr Smlthlei will have charge of the oillce nt tho Pederal brracks near the armory Loo Jce nnd Akwnl will nit as Interpreters nnd Cownn will manipulate tho tjpe-writc- i. Tho whole force will be dlrectlj re- sponsible to Division Deputy W. P Drake. The force will be kept here fn one month after which, some of the deputies will he sent to the other Isl- ands. Tho ofllco hours at tho bureau will bo from 9 to I. Two deputies and one Interpreter will bo nt the place for business nt the noon hour. This morning, tho force nppearcd be- foro Collector Hasson and wero given nn outline talk on their duties. They were reminded that their einplojer Is Undo Sam and thnt they must per- form their duties fearlessly. They wero told to let their work be nbovo crltl cism but nt no tlmo to heed or lie In- fluenced by critics If they should "Thcro hnB been so much complaint against Chinese registration hoards In other place,." snld Mr. Hasson. "Hint I want you to bo diligent nnd careful here and make a good record." Mr. Hasson expects work to be lhht for tho first few- - dajs and has accord- ingly offered the loan of two deputler to Pos master Oat to relieve the mill clerk famine In the post office The Chinese registration office con- sists of one large room divided Into thirteen separate by rail- ings Ily each Deputy, n measuring scale has been erected to take the heights of tho Chinese ns they present themselves. NOW IT IS GREAT WATER POLO GAME Teams Are Now Being Organized Dan Ranear at Head of Moveme- nt-Sport Is Most Exciting Known Calls for Big Endurance A team to play water polo Is being or ganlzed In the Healanl Club lth Din Itaiuar at the head Tho gamu has never been plnjcil hero but Is one of tho must Interesting and exciting ncquatle sports In existence. On the Coast, water polo Is very popu-ta- d nnd It Is usunllj plajed In the large Indoor swimming baths so common In San rrnnclsco. Hole, tho game will bo plajed In tho harbor In thu water between the l.i nl Moat and n diving raft about a hundred jnrds distant. It Is a game something like football but, of course, being plajed 111 deep water tho ham's nro used pilnclpally In the manipula tion of tho largo rubber lull with which tho game Is plnyed. liLHCTIllCAL CONVIiVOR. Superintendent Gcnrgo Denison of tho O It & L Co, mid n gang of men wero busy nil tho morning getting "10 electrical sugar eonvejoi nt tho rail- road wharf ready for operation. It was expected that tho mnchlno would ba in operation this afternoon and It will at oncn bo put to work In tho loading of tho steamer California!!. NEW MAP OP HAWAII. Tho finishing touches nrn being put on n now map of tho Island of Ha- waii at tho surveyor's ofllco by Draughtsman J M Donn . It will e the first contour map published of any of tho Islands In tho group and will be Miss loin Harbor has taken charge of the studio nnd pupils of Paul Plgry, the violinist. Miss Harbor is herself nn ac- complished musician. She Is making her homo with Mr. and Mrs, U. S. GUI. sent to tho lithographers within n month. Th choundnrles of all lands are shown as well as numerous other valu- able details The different elevations will bo clcnrlj shown, n feature fullj appreciated by sugar men nnd land owners. The department will take up Island of Oahu next and after that. Maul. POLICY 01s RAPID TKAN8IT. There was a rumor about the streets jesterday that tho Ilapld Transit Co Intended extending Its road Into Ma-no- a at tho request of n number of the residents, these to glvo to the com- pany a certain allotment of land When Manager Uallcntjnc was seen todnj. he Raid- - "Thero Is absnlutelj nothing In th-i- t rumor. The pollej of the Itnpld Tran- sit Co. Is to build Its lines Into the inpu- t.-, ted parts of Honolulu Not until this Is done will any tracks be built with the intention of developing other parts." Operation on lOugcr. Ptrecht. Jan 21 An operation was performed on Mr Kruger's ijes" this morning by Professors Nellen ind Dhrcjmnns The operation was per-fec- successful IK Wah Lee Wants Pay for Death of His TERRITORRY DEMURS TO THE COFFIELD COMPLAINT An Ejected Tenant at Pearl City Comes Back With a Suit for $1,000 Damages Other Court Notes. Mngoon, Thompson & Peters, for Wnh Lee, filed complaint today In n suit ngulnst Manuel Corren for dam ages In tho sum of $'1,091. Tho action Is based on the death of the plaintiff's dnimhtcr, I. in Gun, January 18, alleg ed to havo been caused by reckless nnd negligent driving on the part of Corre.i This man Is n licensed hack driver, nm' on January IB, ran down tho Chinese girl while driving on King street Tho C01 oner's Jury In the case, exonerated Correa Hatch & Sllllman for Wong Kwnl. In the case of Mong Kwnl s Lllluo'i-i-Innl- , filed j'llalntlff'H Mil of costs todnj-- , nmnuntliig to $38 GO. Charles K. Towt. by Mngoon Thompson & Peters, files Joinder In demurrer, In nn action ngalnBt tho l'n tin Sugar Co , Ltd. Frank Schaefer by his nttorney Geo Straus, files complaint against Dr. John S MrOrew, asking Judgment of $1000 damages. The complainant states that on De- cember I, 1S99. ho rented by verlnl agreement, twenty ncrcs of land nt Pearl City, belonging to the ileff iiilint, n ti,'u consideration s one- - half of the crop Heljlng on this, he planted sorghum, sweet potatoes and other truck nnd devoted much tlmo nnd labor to tho cultivation thereof. He further nlleges that In Mnrch, 1000, the defendant ejected him from the premi- ses to his consciiuent loss and damage In tho amount above named In tho matter of tho eslato of Allnn, tho accounts of J A. Mngoon, adminis- trator, wero found correct nnd approv- ed according to tho master's report Judgo HumphrejB disallowed romml-slon- s nnienintlng to nearly $100. Mr Magoon gnvo notlco of appeal to the Supremo Court. Tho Terrltorj of Haw nil, by R. P. Dole, Attorney Geenrnl, demurs tn the complaint of Mary A. Cnflleld In her suit for J2ri,000 damages The damages claimed to havo been snstnlned because of negllgenco nn tho part of the De partment of Public Works In failing tn erect guard rails along nn open cul- vert on Annpunl street. Tho demurrer elnlms the Circuit Court has no Jurisdiction of the defen- dant or of tho subject of tho nctlon ami that sulTlclont fncts nro not stated It further sets out that the claim Is not founded upon nny stntute of tho Terrlt- orj-, rulo or regulation of tho Rxecu-th- o department, nor upon contract, express or Implied with the govern- ment; nor claim referred to nny branch of tho Territorial government, nor upon Pederal. constitutional or ennctment. Notlco of nppenl and nppenl bind wero filed with tho Clerk of tho Su premo Court todaj-- , by Lorrln Andrews nttorney for plaintiff, In N S SHis Dry Goods Co, Ltd., vs. J, O Spencer nnd Jns T .Morgan. hi in Which Will Make a Firsl Appearance Satur- day Week. LEADERS OF THE PARTY TO HAVE SUPERVISE Kalauokalani, Business Managei and. Jas. K. Kaulia, Editor W. H. Kailimai Will Have Charge of Funds. When the executive committee of the Independent Home Hole party came to- gether last night It was for the pur pose of talking over the proposition ol a newspaper to represent the party and when the meeting adjourned, all the arrangements hnd been made. The llulletlli was the first to publish the resolution Introduced by .Ins. K. Kaolin at the recent convention of the delegates of the Independent Homo Rule pnrtv from nil over the Islands, which had as Its object tho establish ment of a paper to represent the native part) This resolution went thiough un.inl-mous- l) .every delegato feeling that, w Ith tho coming on of the Legislature, there should be some paper for dis- semination among the natives the Isl- ands over, which would give n full anil true report of the doings of tho ses- sion At the meeting of the executive com- mltteo last night, the whole thing was talked over The plans had been laid previous to the- - meeting In fact, as soon ns the convention of tho delegates had been completed, work was begun. At all events, "Ka Loea Knlnlalna," one of the best of the native papers, has been bought outright from D. tho former owner and edi- tor nnd the lenders of tho party them- selves to take charge of affjlrs Immedi- ately. I) Knlnunknlanl, that trustworthy member of iho Homo Itulc party. Is to be tho business manager nnd Jas. 1C Kaulia, whoso proven ability with tho pen Is known from Hnwnll to Nllhau, Is to bo the- - editor. W. II. Kalllmnl. also a leader In the Homo Rulo party, has been chosen the treasurer . The Kunkiio Home Hula" (The "In- dependent Homo Rule") which Is tho name that has been decided on. will make Its first appearance a week from tomorrow. Heglnnlng with the Mon day following, there will bo n dally Is- sue Tlie present ofllco Is at tho corner of Llllhn ami King streets but this loca- tion will soon be changed for one closer to the heart of the city so that business will bo facilitated.. With a weekly pa- per, the location did not mnko so much difference but with a dnllj-- , tho men In charge feel that tho office should bo within eiisy rench of the people. Asked this morning about tho policy of tho paper. Rdltor Knulla said- - "It will bo our nlm to bring constantly be- fore the public tho work of tho Inde- pendent Home Rule party nnd what that party stands for 'Rqunl rights to every man," will bo our watchword." THR WATRKMAN IDKAL FOUN- TAIN PKN, All sizes, all shapes. H. P. WICHUMN. A Shoe For Comfort ! How ni.tny men are trouble) with perspirinp. iVet, caused by the- - shoos being tight or by too much walking. , Wu Have Tin: Shoe which: is made to prevent prespera-- j tio-i- , it Is called the Warner Ventilating Cushion Shoe5" The shoes are neat, stylish and attractive, made in tan. iNUFACTUR EK I'lSHuUUrirMV . I MLi&LtfL-- , -- '' 4f !lflb viwd&iSJmK

Transcript of MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1...

Page 1: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi




m: wr - Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST'MMnnHmmnHMn --" "(1 Evening Bulletina.


iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi m tea Irs ten w.i Hi m ten tea teM tejt mJto.Vol, X. No. 1753. HONOLULU. TERHITOUT OF HAWAJI. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1 11)01 1'iiicn 5 Ornih.

i iiSame Are for It and

j. Some Against




'John E. Bush Wants Municipal Gov- -j

ernment Right Away People

Are Ready for itNow.

gclow will be found the opinions Of

floino of the business men of the rltyon the subject of municipal govern-ment for the city of Honolulu.

Henry Wntcrhouse Of course, municipal government has got to conic an J

. I believe It Is something we shouldlinfe but I mil decidedly ngalnst all thishurry In the matter. A charter for thisrlty Is not nn easy thing to preparo nnd

i therefore. It cannot be prepared In ahurry. Certainly, I bcllce the I.eglslnture nt Its session this month, Bhouliltake up the municipality question but.onJjV to the extent of appointing n com-

mission of, say thrco members, toframe a charter for precsntatlon at thesession two )oars hence. Let each oneof thrsn men he paid a thousand dollsrsm more aplcco but let us have some-

thing In good shape. .It Is the dutyof every citizen to glvo this matUrciSeful study. Charters of cities on theMainland should be considered nnd thebest picked out for Honolulu. Every-body must bo given equal rights If acharter Is figured out for this cltv. Ido not believe a hurriedly constructedcharter Is going to do us any good.

If. P. Wlchman It Is my opinion' that a munlclnnlltv Is I ho onlv nroner

rm of government for a city but, like( many others. I do not believe tbc next

ICglalnturo should take any action Inthe mntter of adopting a charter. Therewill bo altogether too many matters uphftoro the Legislature to admit of the'arcful attention n charter for this citywill require. I believe tho Legislatureshould glvo a, proper length of timeto work upon tho charter. When conslilcred by that body, It should bo gonnover timo and ngaln so that there willh no possibility of a mlstnke. Lookhow long It took San Tranclsco nndNew York nnd Urookljn to get charters. The matter could not be hurriedHere It Is within twenty dajs of thofirst session of the Legislature nnd I,

I for nno rnnnot seo thnt much has beenI flu e by the charter committees. We

Bhoulil go slowly so that every personI Interested may havo a chance to know

every provision of tho charter.John R. Hush 1 am In favor of mu-

nicipal government. I havo heard alot of talking about postponing theciSBlderatlon of a charter but I do not?ee tho uso of such a course. Wo are

Aiover golfg to bo any better prepared'than wo aro at the present time. We

lire not children and we are perfectlyoblo to cope with tho question. I havealways believed that tho power Bhouldbi'wlth the people. As far as Honolulula concerned, I bellevo In a decentrallstation of tho power and a bringing of

.It back Into tho hands of tho peopleOnce more I Bay, let us have municipalgovernment and let us have It at once.

J. K. Prendergnst I do not wish tosit? now what I think of municipal goveminent. It will bo time enough formo to oxpress my opinion when thocharters, now In course of preparationby tho Independent Homo Tlulo and

We have CimtomcrH lor




If you have such property andwish to mirket It at a reason-pric-

bring It to us.


Phoenix Assurance Co.,OP LONDON.


JHcClellan, Pond Co.,Tel. Main 69. Jndd Bid.'9


Republican parties, have been placedbefore the public fur consldciatlon.

L. C. Abies I think that ten )oarsfrom now Is plenty of time for muni-

cipal government. Wo have hadenough changes during the past year.It will take us a good long time to getused to these so whero Is the use ofpiling up a lot more changes. They wiltonly contuse us nnd put us In a posi-

tion much worse than the present one.If wo get municipal government now.thcro will be a lot of sharp politicianswith nothing at stake, coming downhero to tell us what to do. They willend by telling us what taxes we willhave to pay and will otherwise dictatetu us.

John II. Wise My own prlvnto opinion Is thnt wo have not jet arrived atthe proper scan for tho consideration ofa charter, but the Independents nrebound to have It. Thnt settles theimtter right there. Taking this as a

foct, what Is the uso of our hangingback. Whv not go nhead and cnntrlhutc our II tl help so thnt we ran getns n result, n charter that will work fortho good of eve.y one In the communIty? If It Is nn nasured fact that wearo to have a rhnr'cr, then let us havea good one.

C. O. Dallentyne I think thnt tondopt n charter at tho coming sessionof the Legislature would bo a verygrao mistake. The next Legislatureshould appoint n commission to drafta charter but the mntter of adopting acharter should be tided over for n cou-

ple of j ears longer or until the mattershall have been thoroughly consideredTho men on the two charter committees, now nt work, whllo they nrc

men of brains nnd ability, haveneither the tlmo to glvo nor tho facili-

ties with which to work. This muni-

cipal government business Is one of su-

premo Importance that will not standhurried consideration.

Prank Davey I do not know Justwhero I stand on this matter.. I havenot given It much study. However, Iam going to bo naturalized soon andthen I Will put on my thinking cap.




Pertaining to New TeVaryCable Bill Will Surely Pass

Sounds Note of


Ily the Sonoma, one of the leaders oftho Independent Homo Utile party received a letter from Delegate WilcoxIn which ho spoke of several mattersof Importance.

Ho stated that not many bills of In-

terest to Hawaii had ct como up be-

fore tho House but that ho was ex-

pecting a batch in tho near future. Itwas Ills opinion that tho Pacific Ca'ilobill would go through without anytrouble.

At th ctlmo of writing, Mr. Wilcoxhad not et received the letter In whl.-- h

were contained the names of the bojsselected to take tho examination furentrance to West Point. However, itwas the Intention Immediately upon t'.oreceipt of tho same, to communicatewith the head of the military deptrtment with referenco to having MajorRnnls of Camp McKlnley attend to theexamination of the candidates.

In closing, Mr. Wilcox stated thattho leaders of the Independent HomoRule party should Impress on the mini'sof th esenators and representatives thofact that It will bo to their best In-

terests to refrain from too radical action In nil matters pertaining to thogovernment of tho Territory of Hawaiiwhich It might bo their Intention toInvestigate.

A very great deal hid been sa'dabout what a turning over of thingstho Independents Intended to Institute.Rvory point should bo carefully studiedbefore doing anything.


Thtough tho agency of W. 13. lllven.tho stock broker and real estuto agenttho one-ha- lf ncro of Punchbowl slopeland upon which, nt one tlmo, stoodtho convalescent hospital, has beensold to I. D. Kerr for tho sum of ?,-00- 0.

Tho property was owned by IIM. Dow', chief clerk in tho High Sher-

iff's office.

Donuttnn Highly AppreciatedTho trustees nnd management of tho

Ulonnlulu Rje and Ear Infirmary desiregrntcrully to ncknowledgo a subscrip-tion of $250 from Mr. Sam R. Damonwhich comes most opportunely whentho treasury Is empty nnd will tldotho Institution over until tho return"from proceeds of ball and other sub-

scriptions como In.II. C. SLOGORTT,

Surgeon In chaigr.

Tho latent style nt Etinw hats will beexhibited In our store, Iwakaml, Hotelstreet.



Ex-May- or of Cleveland,

Ohio, Talks of




" Commodore " Gardner Explains the

City Government of the Pearl

of the Buckeye


E. i;, Ilecman of Cleveland, Ohio, Isaccompanied on his Huwntlnn trip byHon. George V Gardner, who Isknown In Cleveland ns "Commodore"hecnuso he lauded theie n sailor ladwith an experience of five jenrs beforotho mast. Cleveland had 2000 Inhabi-

tants at that time. Now, It has 400,000nnd, besides that Ma'k Hannn Uvea

there. Commodore Ojrdner owns niltho olevntens on I.nko Rrle nnd Inlftho flour mitts. Ho Is n yachtsman ofextensive repute on tho lakes nnd h unot worked an for jenrs except whenhe was Mayor of Cleveland.

Ho left n good lecnrd nnd. In 1811,saw- - his favorite charter scheme goInto effect. It has slnco been copied In

almost exact detail by Rochester, N. Y

nnd Pittsburg I'a He thinks It wouldbo the best charter that could boadopted by Honolulu. He is greatly In

terested In tho efforts now being madehere nnd comments on the apparent in-

difference of tho business men to thomatter of framing n charter.

"They pay the taxes," said Mr. Gard-

ner, "nnd ought tu make the charter. Insuch matters jou may trust tho goodbusiness head every time, n whole lotfurther than you may the professionalman or tho politician. Good lawyersmust be hired to frame tho charter Inlegal form. Hut It ought to be made bya business head..

"In Cleveland, wo have what Is calleda Pederal charter. It might nlso besaid to be such an organization as abig commercial corporation wouldndopt. The main Idea Is to centralizeresponsibility. The major, tho policeJudge and tho treasurer nre elected bythe people, as also the councllmenAll the other officers nre appointive.Hrst, tho major appoints six directorwho meet with him twice each week asa cabinet. Theso six men aro at thehead of tho departments of, Accounts. Police, Public Works, Klro andCharities Tho major holds ofllco fortwo jears and, if the people are not sat-

isfied with him or his appointees, theycan oust the whole administration attho end of that time. Tho major canremove n director nt any tlmo withoutnotice nnd without cause. Tho systemworks well and I believe. In tho mainIt would suit Honolulu.

"Honolulu certainly Is destined to boa great city. If tho business men herewill but study the general needs of thocity nnd go about It to secure them inthe American waj they can producewonders. Tho commercial and ma-

terial growth of n town is n differentmatter from Its political Improvement.Political conditions are settled hereand tho best brains of tho best business men Bhould he directed to securingmaterial advantages. A delegate InCongress or n lobbjlst. will not accom-

plish much In this line. Congress Is n

poor place to mnko much headway Innbtnlnlng results. At my home, mil-

lions of dollars havo been spent Inmaking n good harbor for Cleveland.Wo got It out of tho government butnot through Congressmen or lobbjHs

Tho bonrd of trado o' ""lev elandwould appoint a committee of lompotent buslniss men to formulate plansfor harbor Improvement'! These wiuldbe carefully and Intelligently madeWhen finished somo plain, n

man of business would take tho li'indlo under his nrm. bonrd n tnln torWashington nnd make straight for theHoard of RngineerB, If the plans weregood, tho thief would glvo them thestamp of his approval ar 1 Incoiporatcthem In his report.

"Tho business man would then go tohis Congressman and havo nlm get upnt tho proper tlmo and ask for nil th"plans In tho possession of tho Rnplnceilng Department tho Improve-ment of Cleveland harbor

"The papers would accordingly comoInto tho House with n scientific pis-tlg- o

rather thnn a political or lobbjlsthandicap.

"I was down looking at Pearl Ilarlnrtho other ilay. I have trailed In allparts of tho world but that Is tho 'ncjtInland harbor I havo ever 'Oin Thoentrnnco can bo made perfect by theUnited States.

"Iluslness men hero havo wonderfuloportunltles. Tho cable Is tho fliet

great need of tho Islands, and of courseIt will bo but a cry short tln-- e as suchmatters go until one Is laid "

Pretoria Mourns.Pretoria, Jan. 24. Signs of sorrow

over tho death of the Queen are every-

where visible. Even the burghers showa respectful sympathy. It has beensuggested by Influential burghers thatnn amnesty proposal would havo theeffect of greatly hastening the returnof peace.

Probate Matter

Considered Today

In the estate of J Cnbrnl Medelrns,M G. Sllvn was today appointed ad-

ministrator under bond of 250(, In-

ventory to be filed within thirty dnjs.Tho eptltlnn of Antoue Manuel filed

In October, 1900, for the appointmentof a guardian for David Manuel, nn al-

leged spendthrift, was dismissed todaj.Tho report of George l.ucas, mas'er

In tho estate of Mary Kallmann Wide-mati- n,

was confirmed this morning andcxecutoi's accounts approved Thoexecutoi J. M. Dowsitt II K.

and P. W Mncf.irlane nreupon filing filial receipt.

In tho estnto of Knn Yeek, n minor,S. K, Kn-n- e was allowed $2ii4l nttor-ncj- 's

fees this morning.In tho mntter of tho gunrdlniishl p of

Mnrla Carolina. Jaclnthn. Manuel.Kmclln, and George Medelros, M. 0Sllvn was nppolnted guardian thismorning under bond of $300 for eachchild.

Tho last will and testament and co-

dicil thereto of J, A. Hopper was ad-

mitted to probate today Letters testa-

mentary nro ordered Issued to WilliamL. Hopper. R. Wells Peterson nnd El-

len Hopper, without bonds. Inventoryto be filed within thirty dajs.



At Japanese Primary School On Nuu- -

anu Street, February 5 Object

to Talk About Fire Claims Com

mittee of Thirty will Be Chosen

A mass meeting of the Japanese ofthe city will be held at 5 o'clock, Peb-rua-

G, In tho Japanese primaryschool, Kiiunmi street, for tho purposeof further talking over the (lie claimsand what action is to bo taken withleferciuo to the Legislature.

The following committee has Issuedtho call foi the meeting In four of theJapanese newspapers of tho city FOzaki (chairman), K J lninnlshn, YSuga, W. MotiiBhlge. 11, I.ekl. H

K. Kawasaki. Dr. T. Katsunumii,T. Ishlknwn, G. Giiujl, Y. Klmurn nndY. Soga.

S. Ozaki will bo chairman of 'hemeeting nnd Y Soga tho secretarj-- . DrKatsumima, T lshlkawa and otherswill speak. A resolution summing uptho proposed action of the committee,will bo presented for tho conslderat'nnof tho meeting. A committee of thirtywill be elected to tako Into its handsevcrj thing pertaining to the Japan-ese lire claims with a view to puttingthese facts nnd figures Into propershapo for presentation to the Legisla-ture.

A commltteo f Japanese has alro idycalled on Consul Salto to tell him ofthe meeting and ho has promised to beIn attendance. Mr. Salto w III bo nmong

tho speakers.

Protest Against

Present Liquor Law

The mission of Dr Hussell, Senator- -

elect from Hawaii, ami John Hmmeluthto tho executive ofllco jesterday was toprotest In the n.inio of tho Independentparty against the further Issuo of lightwlno and beer licenses under tho pres-

ent law. The Independents proposo tnennct a law at this session of tho Legis-

lature which will make It n dealharder foi such licenses to bo procuredTho undue of tho bill was explainedto Gov ci nor Dole nnd ho was requestedto uso his Inlliicnco ngalnst furthergrants of applications under tho pres-

ent law, but would rather seo It on pa-

per before passing final Judgment.Governor Dole said today, from tho

explanations made by Messrs. limine-lut- h

and ItiiKscl llio eotiBtileied the 'im-posed tempcrnnco law an Improvementover the present one. Ho thought,however, that It would not In possibleto comply with their irepmt, ns allapplications for light wlno nnd beerlicenses had to bo considered In thelight of tho existing lnw.

Nippon Muni.Tho Nippon Maru which nrrlved this

afternoon from the Orient, has COO

tons of ficlght for here She will siltfor tho Coast at 7 u. nt. tomorrow.

raw i s

Thirteen New Deputies

Sworn in This




During the Slack Business of First

Few Days Deputies May Help

Throw Mail at Post


The deputies In the Chinese Itegls-tratlo- n

lliirenu were qualified thinmorning. The thirteen men who w'llwork fur the Pederal Government 'nthis capacity are. Mrssers SmithiesNeelcj-- . Scott. Olds. Sims. Glhbs Mid-den Jahgers. Carroll, Spencer, Loo Joe.D. L, Akwnl and Cowan. Mr Smlthleiwill have charge of the oillce nt thoPederal brracks near the armory LooJce nnd Akwnl will nit as Interpretersnnd Cownn will manipulate tho tjpe-writc- i.

Tho whole force will be dlrectlj re-

sponsible to Division Deputy W. PDrake. The force will be kept here fnone month after which, some of thedeputies will he sent to the other Isl-

ands. Tho ofllco hours at tho bureauwill bo from 9 to I. Two deputies andone Interpreter will bo nt the place forbusiness nt the noon hour.

This morning, tho force nppearcd be-

foro Collector Hasson and wero givennn outline talk on their duties. Theywere reminded that their einplojer Is

Undo Sam and thnt they must per-

form their duties fearlessly. They werotold to let their work be nbovo crltlcism but nt no tlmo to heed or lie In-

fluenced by critics If they should

"Thcro hnB been so much complaintagainst Chinese registration hoards Inother place,." snld Mr. Hasson. "Hint I

want you to bo diligent nnd carefulhere and make a good record."

Mr. Hasson expects work to be lhhtfor tho first few- - dajs and has accord-ingly offered the loan of two deputlerto Pos master Oat to relieve the millclerk famine In the post office

The Chinese registration office con-

sists of one large room divided Intothirteen separate by rail-ings Ily each Deputy, n measuringscale has been erected to take theheights of tho Chinese ns they presentthemselves.



Teams Are Now Being Organized

Dan Ranear at Head of Moveme-

nt-Sport Is Most ExcitingKnown Calls for Big Endurance

A team to play water polo Is being organlzed In the Healanl Club lth DinItaiuar at the head

Tho gamu has never been plnjcil herobut Is one of tho must Interesting andexciting ncquatle sports In existence.On the Coast, water polo Is very popu-ta- d

nnd It Is usunllj plajed In the largeIndoor swimming baths so common In

San rrnnclsco.Hole, tho game will bo plajed In tho

harbor In thu water between thel.i nl Moat and n diving raft about a

hundred jnrds distant. It Is a gamesomething like football but, of course,being plajed 111 deep water tho ham'snro used pilnclpally In the manipulation of tho largo rubber lull withwhich tho game Is plnyed.


Superintendent Gcnrgo Denison oftho O It & L Co, mid n gang of menwero busy nil tho morning getting "10electrical sugar eonvejoi nt tho rail-

road wharf ready for operation.It was expected that tho mnchlno

would ba in operation this afternoonand It will at oncn bo put to work In

tho loading of tho steamer California!!.


Tho finishing touches nrn being puton n now map of tho Island of Ha-

waii at tho surveyor's ofllco byDraughtsman J M Donn . It will e

the first contour map published of anyof tho Islands In tho group and will be

Miss loin Harbor has taken charge ofthe studio nnd pupils of Paul Plgry, theviolinist. Miss Harbor is herself nn ac-

complished musician. She Is makingher homo with Mr. and Mrs, U. S. GUI.

sent to tho lithographers within n

month.Th choundnrles of all lands are

shown as well as numerous other valu-

able details The different elevationswill bo clcnrlj shown, n feature fulljappreciated by sugar men nnd landowners. The department will take upIsland of Oahu next and after that.Maul.


There was a rumor about the streetsjesterday that tho Ilapld Transit CoIntended extending Its road Into Ma-no- a

at tho request of n number of theresidents, these to glvo to the com-

pany a certain allotment of land WhenManager Uallcntjnc was seen todnj.he Raid- -

"Thero Is absnlutelj nothing In th-i- t

rumor. The pollej of the Itnpld Tran-

sit Co. Is to build Its lines Into the inpu-

t.-, ted parts of Honolulu Not untilthis Is done will any tracks be builtwith the intention of developing otherparts."

Operation on lOugcr.Ptrecht. Jan 21 An operation was

performed on Mr Kruger's ijes" thismorning by Professors Nellen indDhrcjmnns The operation was per-fec-



Wah Lee Wants Pay

for Death of His



An Ejected Tenant at Pearl City

Comes Back With a Suit for

$1,000 Damages Other

Court Notes.

Mngoon, Thompson & Peters, forWnh Lee, filed complaint today In nsuit ngulnst Manuel Corren for damages In tho sum of $'1,091. Tho actionIs based on the death of the plaintiff'sdnimhtcr, I. in Gun, January 18, alleged to havo been caused by reckless nndnegligent driving on the part of Corre.iThis man Is n licensed hack driver, nm'on January IB, ran down tho Chinesegirl while driving on King street ThoC01 oner's Jury In the case, exoneratedCorrea

Hatch & Sllllman for Wong Kwnl.In the case of Mong Kwnl s Lllluo'i-i-Innl- ,

filed j'llalntlff'H Mil of costs todnj--,

nmnuntliig to $38 GO.

Charles K. Towt. by MngoonThompson & Peters, files Joinder Indemurrer, In nn action ngalnBt tho l'ntin Sugar Co , Ltd.

Frank Schaefer by his nttorney GeoStraus, files complaint against Dr. JohnS MrOrew, asking Judgment of $1000damages.

The complainant states that on De-

cember I, 1S99. ho rented by verlnlagreement, twenty ncrcs of land ntPearl City, belonging to the ileff iiilint,n ti,'u consideration s one- -

half of the crop Heljlng on this, heplanted sorghum, sweet potatoes andother truck nnd devoted much tlmo nndlabor to tho cultivation thereof. Hefurther nlleges that In Mnrch, 1000, thedefendant ejected him from the premi-ses to his consciiuent loss and damageIn tho amount above named

In tho matter of tho eslato of Allnn,tho accounts of J A. Mngoon, adminis-trator, wero found correct nnd approv-ed according to tho master's reportJudgo HumphrejB disallowed romml-slon- s

nnienintlng to nearly $100. MrMagoon gnvo notlco of appeal to theSupremo Court.

Tho Terrltorj of Haw nil, by R. P.Dole, Attorney Geenrnl, demurs tn thecomplaint of Mary A. Cnflleld In hersuit for J2ri,000 damages The damagesclaimed to havo been snstnlned becauseof negllgenco nn tho part of the De

partment of Public Works In failingtn erect guard rails along nn open cul-

vert on Annpunl street.Tho demurrer elnlms the Circuit

Court has no Jurisdiction of the defen-

dant or of tho subject of tho nctlon amithat sulTlclont fncts nro not stated Itfurther sets out that the claim Is notfounded upon nny stntute of tho Terrlt-orj-, rulo or regulation of tho Rxecu-th- o

department, nor upon contract,express or Implied with the govern-ment; nor claim referred to nny branchof tho Territorial government, norupon Pederal. constitutional or

ennctment.Notlco of nppenl and nppenl bind

wero filed with tho Clerk of tho Supremo Court todaj-- , by Lorrln Andrewsnttorney for plaintiff, In N S SHisDry Goods Co, Ltd., vs. J, O Spencernnd Jns T .Morgan.

hiinWhich Will Make a Firsl

Appearance Satur-

day Week.



Kalauokalani, Business Managei

and. Jas. K. Kaulia, Editor

W. H. Kailimai Will Have

Charge of Funds.

When the executive committee of theIndependent Home Hole party came to-

gether last night It was for the purpose of talking over the proposition ola newspaper to represent the party andwhen the meeting adjourned, all thearrangements hnd been made.

The llulletlli was the first to publishthe resolution Introduced by .Ins. K.Kaolin at the recent convention of thedelegates of the Independent HomoRule pnrtv from nil over the Islands,which had as Its object tho establishment of a paper to represent the nativepart)

This resolution went thiough un.inl-mous- l)

.every delegato feeling that,w Ith tho coming on of the Legislature,there should be some paper for dis-

semination among the natives the Isl-

ands over, which would give n full aniltrue report of the doings of tho ses-

sionAt the meeting of the executive com-

mltteo last night, the whole thing wastalked over The plans had been laidprevious to the-- meeting In fact, assoon ns the convention of tho delegateshad been completed, work was begun.

At all events, "Ka Loea Knlnlalna,"one of the best of the native papers,has been bought outright from D.

tho former owner and edi-

tor nnd the lenders of tho party them-selves to take charge of affjlrs Immedi-

ately.I) Knlnunknlanl, that trustworthy

member of iho Homo Itulc party. Is tobe tho business manager nnd Jas. 1C

Kaulia, whoso proven ability with thopen Is known from Hnwnll to Nllhau,Is to bo the-- editor. W. II. Kalllmnl.also a leader In the Homo Rulo party,has been chosen the treasurer .

The Kunkiio Home Hula" (The "In-

dependent Homo Rule") which Is thoname that has been decided on. willmake Its first appearance a week fromtomorrow. Heglnnlng with the Monday following, there will bo n dally Is-

sueTlie present ofllco Is at tho corner of

Llllhn ami King streets but this loca-

tion will soon be changed for one closerto the heart of the city so that businesswill bo facilitated.. With a weekly pa-

per, the location did not mnko so muchdifference but with a dnllj-- , tho men Incharge feel that tho office should bowithin eiisy rench of the people.

Asked this morning about tho policyof tho paper. Rdltor Knulla said- - "Itwill bo our nlm to bring constantly be-

fore the public tho work of tho Inde-pendent Home Rule party nnd whatthat party stands for 'Rqunl rights toevery man," will bo our watchword."


TAIN PKN, All sizes, all shapes. H.P. WICHUMN.

A Shoe

For Comfort !

How ni.tny men are trouble)with perspirinp. iVet, causedby the- - shoos being tight orby too much walking. ,

Wu Have Tin: Shoe which:is made to prevent prespera-- jtio-i- , it Is called the

Warner Ventilating

Cushion Shoe5"The shoes are neat, stylishand attractive, made in tan.



I MLi&LtfL-- ,-- ' ' 4f !lflb viwd&iSJmK

Page 2: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi

- 4jf " 'iiijra 'y'l . v." 'jflWfl1 l..rf' ".?T" p

, ,,,r i us. - Trff'i" -- rtV " " '"t'-w- "-



r. PtTERSON J. A. Matthevw.i

Peterson & Alatlhewman,


P.O. Box ) i J KAAHUMA.NU STTBitrnoNE, Main its


DAVIS & GEARAttorneys and Counsellors at Law

looms 203, 203, 101, Judd Building.lor. Fort and Merchant Sts,. Honolulu

J. M. KANKAKUA,A.ttonioy anil Oonnsollor at

Law.Offloe: In tho Occidental Hotel,

Wer d King and Alnkea Streets,IIonein!rj.

Chinese and Japanese Firm?.

Y. MASUDA,Portraits

Done in Crayon or OilPictures Framed In any styliFramed Pictures for sale.New Mouldings for Frames have


King and Alapai streets,Near Hinnlulu Stock Yards.



Latest Shies, - Perfect Fit.

Cleaning, Dyeing anJ Repairing, aSpecialty.

Clothes Dyed Fast Black or any colordesired.

6S H otel St., Ncnt- - Pop t


A. K. OZAWA, Maaattr.


fMoporary Of.t: Roo j upstair Spncktlt but 4

PC Til. SU

Cleaning I

LADIES SKIRTS CLE4N0Clothing Cttant d. Dved and KepilreJ

SUITS MaDP TOOtfDER-- FitjjuartntMi. 4 r Low tit Prke.

Foit Street, ncir Kukul, ani ru Orpheum Theater.

WPrkei: Clean trie one suit, li, Delne suit

architects, Contractors and Builders


Jobbing : Promptly : Attended : To.

H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersROOD! !!-- !

PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephoaa m.Om, W. Pare Tel. asgP. W. Beards'.e P. O. Boi TIf


Architects & BuildersOffice: Rooms Arlington Annex,

Honolulu, H. I.Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish

it Short Notice. 1441

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

Doalors in Luinbor and Goal

ALLEN AKOBINSOK,Clarion strnnt. ITnnnlnlu

II. F. BBRTBLMAN'SCarpenter Shop


To war of old stand. Entrance on King

strut. Orders left at either shop, or office,

t John Nott'; ':re, King street, will rr'v rromc tlr,lnn. liti'tf

Plnmbsrs, Etc.

John ii&.&m


75 and 79KingStretTELKPUONK NO 31.

MOW Is the time to got leaks tbroakagoi wen to, and yea

Roofs Put In OfrffBy oompatont wottmar..

W. H. DABTH H W.Buti.

Honolulu Sheet Metal Work!!

Galvanized Iron Skylights and YsitllatrMetal Roofing,

Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work,

Slchudl Strut, tt. Quo ant M.rctint, Bntl"AVJotbloc promptly ttudad to."M

Tel. White 41. P. O.Hox37(.

Notice to Property Owners and Builders

I wish to notify the Property Ownersand Bull ers In general, tint I am nowopen for business In the Territory StablesBlock, King M.. and am ready to givefigures on all kinds of plumbing and sewerage work. A complete line always cartied In stock.

C. H. BROWN,Telephone Main 48, Sanltarv Plumber,P. O. Box 81 1. 15"! King St.

Fine Job Printing at the BulletinOflce.


tpe g&?MNG7Wi&faBL0CC

er f&tr&i.?' .wwi ''wxt'M.Jrs&' 81 lQf'y' y &&?!!&" T"8.Special



Ladies'Wask Skirts



FROM 45c.

phone iw m. BRASCH & CO. ,,,onc '"seeffitsst5

SHREVE & CO., San Francisco,"To facilitate trade with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all goods

purchased or ordered of them, free of all charges for transportation toHonolulu, or returning same to San Francisco. Goods will be sent on

selection to those known to the firm,

references In San Francisco.

Jewelers, Gold and Silverware Manufacturers,Mnrkct f Puttt Bt., S. P.

Illustrated CATALOGUE and prices furnished upon iccelpt of request. Wethe targ'st manufactory of Jewelry and Silverware wet of New Yoilt City, andprepared to furnish special designs.

tTaiernal Directory.


1. 0. O. V.,

MeeU every Monday evening at 7:30

a Harmony Hall, King street.I.. H. i:i3, N. 0.E. II. HUNDIIY, Secretary.

All visiting brothers very cordiallynvltcd.


Meets ev.ry Wednesday evening ntf:30 o'clock, Castlo Hall, Fort street.Suiting brothers cordially tmltod to

Utend. S. J. SAI.TEU, C. C.

A. U. MUItl'lIY, K. U. S.


It. A. M.

Meets every third Thursday evening

ji Masonic Temple. All visiting com-

panions cordially Invited.A. V. Q1LKILLAN, II. P.

J. D. TUCKEH, Secretary.


Meets In Masonic Templo on tho scc--

nd Thursday evcnlcs cl each month.Ill visiting Sir Knights courteouslyavlted.


J. D. TUCKER, Recorder.

OAHU L0IX1E, NO. 1, K. of T.

Meets every I'rlday evening nt their;jtlo Hall, 420V4 Fort street, at 7:30.Members of Mystic Lodgo No. 2 ,and''.siting brothers, cordially Invited.




No. 1, A. & A. S. R.

Meets tho first Thursday In eachaonth, at Masonic Templo. Sojouru-L- g

and visiting brothers rordlully lu-

lled to attend nil meetings.W. M., FRANK IJ. AUERUwVCII.

U.LAN D. 3CRIMQEOUR, Secretary.


NO. 121, A. & A S. Rite.Stnted meetings on the Inst Monday

of each mouth, In Its hall, MasonicTemple.

L. doL. WARD, W. M.

B. B. FRIEL, Secretary.

hTwaTianlodcTe7no. 21,

F. & A. M.

Special .Meeting THIS (Friday)Evening, Feb. 1st, nt 7:30 o'clock.Work In tho Third Degree..

Members Lodgo Lo Progrcs, Pacificwodge, and nil sojourning brethrencrdlally Invited.


K. II. G. WALLACE, Secretary.


Delivered FreeTo any part of tho city

Oahu Ice andElectric Co.,


rVorks, KewalcTel., 3151 Blue. P. O. Box 600.

Birke will be delivered by courteousjrlvers to any part of oremlses desired.


Call and see us before buying


Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monu-

mental Co., Ltd.

' El '87 MAIN. I7J KINO ST.

This Week


or who will furnish satisfactory







Sole Agents fcrTerritory of



Good House on Puunui St.

$30 per month.

Cottage, furnished, in Manoa,

$30 per month.

Five Beach Lots at Waikiki,

$20 per month.




Honolulu T3

SS Laundry1



We have largely Increased our plant,machinery, etc . and have brought fromthe East an able corps of experienced laun-


Washing Flannels Our Specialty!WE GUARANTY NOT TO SHRINK TllliMI


Members Slock and Bond Exchange.


Particular attention (Ivan to pnrcbaa. asd aala l

Hawaiian Sugar Stock.Loans NagotHUd. Eaitara asd foreign Stocal

and UortJf.

403 California St.,San FraucUco, Cal. 1171


Stock and Bond BrokerM.attr ol Hawaiian Slock EicDanga.

Melnerny Block, Fort Ktreot.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Slock and Bond Brokoi

Maaibar ol tba Honolulu Stock Uicfcaajca.

Offloo Queuu atroot, opposlto UnionFood Company,

Talaptoao; 00 P.O. Boi 111

Cold Rainier beer nlwnys on hand atthe Pantheon.

Chinese New Year's takes placo threeweeks from yesterday,

Camnra & Co., wlno and liquor mer-

chants. Tel, Main 140, Alakea street.WEDD1N0 STATIONERY. Engraved

Cards, Embossing.II. F. WICHMAN.

Hart & Co. hnvo received n fresh in-

voice of Hujier's chocolnto per theZcalnndln.

Nicely furnished rooms at the Pop.ular House, 151 Fort street, from $1.00per week up.

There will be n rehenrBnl of the Sec-

ond Congregation choir at St. An-

drew's this evening.

The Nahlku meeting was yesterdayadjourned to March 23 at 10 n. m. nt theChamber of Commerce.

There was a very large attendance atthe band concert In Thomas Square lastnvcnlng. The music was excellent.

Tho Wonun'a Homo Missionary So-

ciety will meet In tho Methodist churchparsonage nt 2:30 o'clock this even-


Dr. N. Russell, member of the lowerhmifo from Olnn, llnwnll nnd John Em- -inclnth, were callers nt the Governor's!oillco Thursday.

There will be n business meeting oftho Y. P. S. C. E. In Central Unionchurch nt 7:30 o'clock this cvenlnc.A full attendance la requested.

Tnnaka, tho Japanese npcclal oITircr

who went to his home lu Japnn on avisit n short time ago. has returned nndhas ngalu taken his old position.

There was no meeting of the Mallelln.111 Club Wednesday because of thetwicr.icnt. weather. The next meetingwill lie held on Wednesday evening.

The football game between Englnntlnr.d Iolanl United, set for Saturday afternoon, has beep, postponed one weekon account of tho death of Quern Vic-t-

la.. The Rev. Alexander nnd .Mrs. Mack-

intosh are expected home In the Sierra,Fcbruniy 19. They have been away sixmonths in England nnd on tho Con-

tinent.Tho charter committees of both the

Republican nnd Independent HomeRule parties will meet In the Elitebuilding nnd Foster Hall, respectively,thlscventng.

Mr. C. E. Williams, who for manyyears has been In the undertaking busi-

ness lu the city, Is with tho HonoluluUndertaking Co. ns cmbalmcr nnd di-

rector. Tel. 179.

A meeting of tho committee of theOospcl Temperanco League will bo heldIn the Y. M. C. A. hall nt 7 o'clock Sat-

urday evening. The call has been Is-

sued by tho Chairman. J. II. II. Pierce.

The Bulletin has received 0 numberot the usual handsome and 'infill 1901

tablet calendars of tho Ocrnmnli LifeInsurance Company, dear, Ltns.m; &

Co. arc the agents for tho HawaiianIslands.

O. W. Fletcher, a special treasuryagent, arrived In tho Sonoma. Ho willturn over the onTre of the InternalRevenue Collector to Roy Chamberlainon the arrival of tho latter from the.Mainland.

Tho color work thnt tho HONOLULUPHOTO SUPPLY CO. Is offering thl.iyear Is tho prettiest thing of Its kindthnt we have over seen. It will wellpay you to drop In nt their art roomand givo them a call.

Those wishing reliable horses,drivers, new rigs, fair prL-e- s

and courteous treatment should call utthe Territory Stables. Their telephonenumber Is Main 33. They deliver andcall for rlga frco of charge.

Camarlnos receives for his refrigera-tors all the California fruits of tho Rea-

son by ovcry cold storngo stcumor. Ikalways has on hand n stock of frehipplcs, grapes, oranges, etc. Send yourorders by phone, No. Main 378.

Tho Y. W. C. A. Issues the Imitationlo any women who wish to Join theEvening Llteinry Club to meet nt th"looms of the association nt 7:30 o'clockthis evening to consider what workshall bo taken up for tho next fewmonths.

A. I). IJoak of tho Star Dairy hasbeen arrested o nthe clnrgn of distri-buting watered milk. Tho warrant forDonk hnd been out several days buttho police olllrcrs bad been unable tolocate him. He Is now nut on ball. Illsenso will enmo up for trial In a day ortwo.

Oeorgo R, Curtor, who returned In

the Sonoma nnd to whom was entrust-ed tho mission of ordering two newracing shells for tho Htnlaul BoatClub, stntes that he was unable tninnlto any arrangements In tho matter.This has placed Captain Atkinson In n

quandary as tho boats should bo building now In order to have them ready Intlmo for the season's work.

Dr. B, S. Clmpmnn, editor of thoOakland Searchlight nnd secretary ottho California State n

League who arrived lu tho Sonoma,Is to take up tho temperanco work Intho city where Francis Murphy left off.He will assist Miss Ackcrman and MissMurcutt during tho few weeks ho Is tobo lu tho city. Mr. Clmpmnn Intendsto let tho temperance excitement dlodow nn II 1 1 lo before taking up thoquestion as ho believes ho can then domoro effective work.

CHAS. D. WALKER,Deilgnar ant BulH.r ol

Yachts, Boats nd Launches I

Woikl, 6o.KINr.ST.?, O. B- - 611. T.tipbooa top







5 cent CIGAR.











Location.They are located on high ground at an

levatlon of from 200 to 500 feet, affordinginmrpassed sctnlc and marine views.

Electric Railway and Lighting.

The Electric Railway makes access most

easy, and power for lights may be had atmost reasonable rates.




StoresOn the premises of the SANITARY STLAMLAUNDRY CO., LTD., between South andQueen Streets.

Th: buildings are supplied with hot andcold water and electric lights Artesianwater. Perfect satisfaction.

For particulars, apply to

J. Lightfoot,On the premises, cr at the office of J. A.

Magoon. I724if






It is Safe .

and Efficient

TRY it !


Hollister UrugCo.FOrtT BTKEET.


i, a Hotel Street, II. I

Kapa, Calabashes, Lais, Na Halt, Hula Skirts,MlhaoMals, Fans, Shells, Seeds. Etc.. HomemadePrl, constantly on band, TE.'.EP.'IONH e,9

t)04X00000 )

Swell Ball

Costumes for

Miss JH.



Mince Meat,Cranberrv Sauce.

Plum Pudding,Cream Fruit Pudding,

Nuts, Raisins,Dates, Pop Corn,

Figs, Apples,



Water.Water will be supplied at the rate of for each lot, from our PacificHeights Water System. This Is lessthan city rates.

Inducement toTo all who will begin the of

houses within Co days, we will makeInducements In the matter of

of building over ourrailway.

& Progress




E. Killean, .1

Fresh Poha Jam,Crpam Chocolate,





lots J759each, according size and location. One-four- th

onlyInstallments suit purchases.

always cool and bracing. Worecommend this property

especially desirable and attractiveseeking choice hornsmoderate

Block, Fort Street.

CHAS. HUSTACE, King Street.

Catton, Neil! & Co., Ltfl.B1TG-IITBBIB- S

Boilermakers and Electrician.Agents for



Special Builders.erection

special trans-portation material






Prices, Terras.


Healthful andCool.


NOTICE,When want GREEN RIVEK WHISKEYdo no accept goods bearing simillarname. There is 'only one

Gcire&xi. Hi-veaj:- .

WXX1SJ3LTTdistilled by W. McCulloch, Owensboro, Kentucky. "GREEN RIVER"

the hlskey the U. S. Navy Department. "GREEN RIVER" Whl'keywas awardtY'the Gold the Paris Exposition, Take Substit-utes. For Sale In all Saloons and by



w.. "TsT. -:E3xa-:E3::r

Carriage MakerGeneral Repairing.

Painting, Bhtcksinithiiig, Trimming.Pliaotonp, Buggies Hacks Manufactured.


The Germania Life Insurance Co..HolJs foremost position in point of FinancialStrength, as shown in following exhibit

Admitted Asset Asutireauti.iASSETS CACH Jlooo

lnura-c- e

lurceCOMPANIES D'Ccinber December''19

(lermanla Lite Ins, Co !8o,T-8.i-

iun, Sf,8u6,o)4I'acllic Mutual,



Prices of range from 400 to

cash Is asked. Idat terms to

The air Iscan as being

to per-sons for aat a cost.

: : : :

- -


lt Is J.Is official of

Medal 1900. no

SOLE " &



the :

I Increate otTO


, NY

ii .anof S F 'il!.9!4







A.seu to each to make other cumpanlfsi,i,'ool luuslhai a r,n as a)M Tim (iEkMAMA.


EMMETT MAY, Manager,


In all lines commencingSaturday, September 29, 1900Bargains in Grass Cloth (various tolors), Handkerchiefs(embroidered), Heavy Pongee Silk forSults or Skirts, etc.

GOO KIM, 210 NUUANU ST, bove h

P. O. Box ,. Tlli


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Daalerl In Flna Silk, and Grata Llntna. Chines, and Japan... Gooda ol All Kind.

aio-a- ia Nuuanu atreet.

SHI'J' Ir,3lj,a)t6,

P. O. 8931' i


King Street, near Llllha (Ewa side)nuuuiuiu, I, 01, n

rilEET.3iva,iri. 249

General All Kinds Laborers Supplies,Carved Stone on hand, readv to sudd.v. h

NaaeWT. Manager,

I- -






Business Agency, ofconstantly

S. SHIMAMOTOGeneral Merchandise, Di-- y Goods, Groceries,

Jauane8e Provisions, etcMAQOON MOCK,

Bos: 886

The Bulletin,



75cts. per moot

Page 3: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi


soie- -Id





Will Sell

For One Week Only

a -




rAT 9i IRegular Price


L S. Sachs

.. J. WILLIAMS,Photographer.




Visitors are cordially tocall and Inspect our callery of life- -

Bsize royal photos, fromI. to uaie.

At tbo Old StandOn Fort Street

Just Received

..' a New Lot of . . .


DomesticiCi&ars !

t leaver Lunch Rooms.



Island Corrcsponienct Solicited.


Have removed from Mrs. Williams'Undertaking Parlors to the CORNEROF CHAPLAIN LANE, opposite the

Catholic Mission, Fort St., and would

be to meet their old customers.

i65-t- r



Merchant TailorsCLOTHINGif t

Cleaned and RepairedOUR SPECIALTY. .

FIRST CLASS WORKU.ilon St. near Hotel nou




Etc., Etc.

Set of 550 CUNTS EAOH

On sale at office of . . .



.,.; kt ,


!HBBVHHBHHlHIIHHIHHIHHHHHIIHSHHllV9EifTV?rfMff VMm h mJmII'IWWJilk-MWM iaraeons. Physicians j.nd Dentists.

W. II. Howard, M. D.


( n to i a. m.!OFFICE HOURS: 3 to 4 p. m. and

I 7 to 8 p. m.1720-- tf

Dr. Archibald N. Sinclair.











JlAPSmaps, $2.00






Key West





Capital Stock - - $100,000.

Capital, paid up, - $48,860


V. O. Achl Prosldont Jfc MsnagotM. K. NnkulliK... Vice ProsldoutJ. Makftlnai .TreasurerEnoch Jolnmon Socretary(loo. L. Deuba Auditor


Jonsh Kumalao,I,' J. Makalnal

J. W. Itlplkane.

Tho abovn Company will buy, lease,or sell In all arts of tho HawaiianIslands; and also hs houses in the Cityof Honolulu for ront. 1489-y- l

W. C. ACHI & CO.

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATECf We will I)n or Utli B.i, SitatcU

II pmts of the group.tW We will Bell Fropertlei on Season

thle Commission!)

1FFICE. 10 West King Street


Real Estate Broker.



Property In town and suburbs



Real Estate AgentAbstractor andSearcher of Title

Loans negotiatedRants collected.

Campbell Building,Merchant street.

QUADRUPLESilverPlated Ward


20 YearGold Filled Spectacle Frames

Just the thine for this climate,





Splendid Vegetables Within Short Dis-

tance of the City Good Prices

for Good Goods Can be

Done Elsewhere.

A practical exemplification )( whatthe soil of Oaliu Is capable of prodmln;;can be been at the home place of B.

Hcnrlnucs In Nmtami valley at anof COO feet above sen level.

Tho place comprises some ten aero?of land, the soil of which carrlo.1 a

large percentage of clay, ati'l 'ipoiiwhich aro grown successfully, such gar-ile- n

trii"k as sweet anil while potatoes,carrots, turnips, beets, string henus,limn beans, onions, rhubarb, celery, ?a-r-

ntc. The strawberries inlscd on theHcnrlnucs land aro large anil lusciousbut like the balance of the fruits amivegetables rnlsnl upon the place aremerely for home consumption.

In addition to the above, there iretwo acres ileotcil to the itiowth ofsorghum which la fcil to tho slcl: onthe place.

Ilcsldcs this there am two acres Inbananas and one r.rrc In plnc.ipplM,tho product from nhn h wl'h th exeep-tlo- n

of that poitlon 'co.iilrcd for fami-

ly use, finds a ready Rale. The rhu-

barb that was planted last Ap'll wasready to bo gathered In .Tuly, and oversince has constantly matured; sani';-thln- g

unheard of In the StatvSamples of the rhubarb snnt to tho

Commissioner of Agriculture and For-

estry, several days ngo. hae befn pronounced as excellent In quality, whilethe price of 2." cents per pound obt.ilne.1for the product Is certnlnly enncuras- -

Ing enough for nhy one to sectir npiece of land and cater to tho local dnmand for all hinds of gardm truck,which Is now brought from the Co.'.stin cold storage steamers.

It must not he supposed that theland In tpiestlen Is the only w uponwhich tho above results can l ob sln- -

cd, for there aro many acres elsewhereon Oaliu that Is capable of the litgbs.itstato of cultivation,


Tacomn, Jan. 20. Tho new stcamshuAthenian brings the news that the Ja-panese Government has decided to levya now tax for tho purpose of raising ntleast 22,000.000 yen additional revenuesTho plan Is mado necessary by thtlargo expenditures for military purposes In China. Viscount Wntnnabetho originator of tho new tax schemesays that tho cost of the China campaign will reach 28,000,000 yen bv thoend of March.

For defraying this expense so far thoGovernment has used tho naval mnln- -t nance, fund. Japan Intends to continue tho force of 10,000 men andtwelve war ships now employed In China, and will thus need war funds In-

definitely. Tho Increased taxes willbe chiefly on sake, beer, sugar, alcohol,kerosene and tobacco.

The Japaneso money market con-

tinues depressed and talk Is revived oftho Introduction of foreign capital byofficial Intervention. Several Ministersfavor tho schemo ot hypothecatingstato railways for tho purposo of forclgn loans, whereas Marquis Ho ob'Jects to any transaction of borrowingon security.


Vancouver, 13. C Jan. 19. Tho o

hero say that ten detectives wereIn Vancouver when the steamship Mlo-we-

sailed for Sydney, hut they miss-

ed Fat Crowo. tho Cudahy abductor,tho man they were looking for. Thopnllco hint nt having secret Informa-tion that Crowe was In Vancouver hutlearned that detectives weio hero andslipped over to Victoria, getting nboarda moment before the steamship sailedfrom that port. Cablegrams have beensent to Sydney nnd tho Honolulu pnllcohnvo been Instructed by letter to watchfor tho abductor there.


San Franclsio, Jan. 24. Tho commit-tee appointed to arrange for tho reception of President McKlnley on his visitto this city next spring held Its firstmeeting yesterday afternoon In thfoffices of Mayor Phelan. Irving M

Scott wns elected permanent chairmanot the body and Supervisor Urandcn-Btel- n

secretary, n central commltteo offive wis provided for, and tho recep-

tion was discussed ns far as posslblo Intho light of present information.

What n wonderful Discovery IsPAIN-Kllle- It not only cures tho lll.iof tho human family, hut Is also thosum remedy for horses with colic. Ithas never been known to fall In n euroof tho worst cases; nnd for spralii3.galls, etc.. It nuver falls try It onco.Directions accompany each bottle. Soldby druggists generally. Avoid substi-tutes, there Is but on Pnlii-Kllle- r, Per-ry Davis', Price 25c. and 50c.




Detail of What is Being Done at New

Local Plantation Everything

Of the Best and Up

to Date.

Tho Honolulu Plantation CompanyIs doing nn Immense nmount of work-o-

their plantation, ami, when everything Is completed, they will hae oneof the most complete sugar mills In

tho Islands.The work on their mills Is practically

completed, and will begin grinding thosecond week In February. .

Tho mill as It Is arranged will beequal to n capacity of from ISO to 200

tons per day, considerable new ma-

chinery having been added to the plantslnco the completion of the originalcontract. This has cniued a little de-

lay In th'" tlTo orglnnlly spt for start-ing grinding.

Tho plnnt consists of a 31 by "S nine-roll-

mill with crusher driven direct- -

ly by one engine, and a battery of seven lleln wntcr-tub- e

boilers, fed by Illsdon automatic feed-

ers.With this arrangement, tho cost of

labor for operating the boilers U reduced to a very low figure. These feed-

ers have been Introduced In nearly ev-

ery plantation In the group, as well asIn Cuba.

TRo boiling house is, equipped withKllby vacuum pans nml a I.llllo evap-

orator nnd wator-drlie- n centrifugals.An entirely new departure has been

Introduced in the above mill for hand-

ling tho sugar from centrifugals. ThisInnovation consists of automatic con-

veyors with dryers, which does nwaywith tho large number of men hereto-fore required In handling tho sugar aftpr It leaves tho machines.

Tho mill building Itself Is n complctosteel structure, well lighted nnd amplyventilated- -

In connection with tho mill there willho Installed n largo steel warehouse,fitted with automatic machines forstncklng nml handling bags nfter belncfilled.

Tho nbovo Is an entirely new depart-tir- o

In the sugar Industry of the Isl-

ands nnd Is well worth n visit to eonnd examine.

In connection with tho mill work nntho plantation three new plumping en-

gines arc being Installed, having nlifting nnd discharging capacity Jointlyof 30,000,000 i'. S. gallons per day. Tillentire machinery Is beln gerected bythe Rlsdon iron Works of San Fran-cisco under tho direction of 1". Schneid-er, tho local agent of the, company.


Thero wore twentyflro basket ballenthusiasts In nttciulanco at tho meet-

ing In the Y. M. C. A. last eveningwhich had for Its object, the formationof a basket ball league. Tho leaguewas organized, thoso present represent-ing eight teams. Tho first game willbo playcil on tho evening of February1C to glvo tho players a clianco to pre-par- o

themselves. (Jamca will bo play-

ed every succodlng BatunliO" evening,commencing nt 7: 15 o'clock. RalphRaymond will net as official umpirethroughout tho series nml A. .1. Coatswill ufflclato as referee. Tho playershave ilecliloil on tho 1901 rules.



B W.


Corner Merchant and Nuuanu St.,nlso HOTEL ST., opposite Bethel.








Trierc isheallh indicated btA Smili'iti FactWith- - a- - Stomach-trouble- -

impossibility.- - Hrtmnn.i.iill.Kn'iffl.I ufMhe-stcm.'i- b cjivt?.it-hei!t-

Its An ideal tonic,an.d .Beverage t aids digestion.

Fop SaleEverywhere


Li& ;littlheatBRlLLIANTjg-





'HAT More Suitable '.Ninas Presentthan one of those Handsome "UP TODATE" Electric Piano Reading

We have a Complete and Hand-some Line of

Electrolier,Brackets,,HhndcH,GIoIich, Etc.


Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.Office and Salesroom,

Alakca St., Makai of Merchant St.

11. "I'HONb" ,00.

Mma, UJJ



iii$ms v-- v saw




The Angle LAmp

Another Large Shipmentof Angle Lamps.


It trrms alfrott tncrfJlUe thatUrrp could te coi enough let

tak the place cil e1trkltvon rntermt, yet uch It (he cie hh ItieASdtE HM. All of

are thftwtnf ihflrn'irfopl arj rr p'aclne them with thislamp, lint tnrrrly tecaue II coilabout a much to maintain (com I no object to some pcpie) tut, btIJ blnsr Intinlielycheaper, It Is mere trllllant anJmore reliable In the largaln It n a

ECONOMICAL reIailon In eery ore honeilt.ani Imply dementtrate that theoU'fikhlonr J lamp ai a barbar-o-

contrivance. THE ANrttr LAMP

rever moket, knell or irlvet anvroubk. I IIrMJ anJ e xtlncultiiei eatlly a C. nj It the IJulllehtfr m every ttanjpninl We



W. IIOOCiS,Treas. and .Manager

carry 11irr lamrlrom i Soup.ALSOyACOOD.flOCK4.NIAJi01NO.. L Q w

AGENTS rOK surl c I utikalliiK Oils. Clirlrhot. Alvn Ccm:M. I'.MllinJ lint l'o J.rDkki llilitt 11ltlnc. Uxh Ilirtur Llm uo.. New Him. SMlnz Machines anl lljni

Sewln? Michlnis.OUALfcKs IN AcaU'wJre. (ILisswire. Crockery Hjinitt. S,ilJle ani I rasa's, Uust, Prats ll1-l.- 4

Irunks, ValUbs, .Maillots, bales, Linoleums PowJir a 4 Caps, (icneral Mar intt an4 PlantationSurplles.

J. F. MORGAN, C. IIHOWN, r. IIUSTACli, C. II. ATIILKTON,President Vice President Secretary Auditor

HUSTACE & CO., Ltd., Queen 6t.DtAUUSIN

Firewood. Stove. Steam and Blacksmith Coal,Also White and Black Sand.


Bulletin 75c, per month.







It's no experimentwhen you insist on getting Cyrus Noble Whiskey.

Leave experimenting to others. Buy goods,that you know arc right.

For seventy years we have been trying to pro",

ducc the best possible article for the least

possible price.The-publi- c know it favorably.It holds the good trade.It costs no more than other good whiskeyIt Is pure and old.It is distilled from the best selected grain.,

It is six years in wood.It wins on merit alone.


C. PEACOCK & CO., Ltd.,


ROOM4 OFEicr, Main, jlHOSTON HullOIIO, Reidiicc,lORT SlkFIT. White, 1M1.

IIOURS- -tt A. M. TO I,

ITOJI". M.; T TO IP. M.P.O. Dox(,t SUNDAY- S-


381 Beretnnln Street

aOURS-ot- ott SUNDAY-gt- on

t to i7 to 8 Telephone Co

DR. J. T. WAY80N,

Has removed to his new office and res!Jence, Beretanla St., nearly opposite Methodlst Church.

OFFICE HOURS ?" ! ' PI0:jo p.m. to

ifilj TEL. Main 346


ijj ed his office at . . .

36 Emma StreefO-l- t A..M.1

X'JUKS 2- - 4 P.M. TULLPIIONU. 491 7- - 8 P.M. J

OR. E. C. WATERH0USEOffice and Reldence: ComerBeretanla and Mll'cr streets.

tOrrici IIOUR5. to 11 A. M.10 j p.

t 14 8 r. n.Sundays jo to m.


3EHETANMA BTItnUT fopposlto th.Hawaiian Hotel.)

Telephone r.10. 1". O. Ilox, C01.Ofllco hours: 8 to 10 a. 111.; 1 to !

ra.;l to 8 p. xn.s.Sundays, 8 to 11 ,1. m

nn. ALnpjRT o. nicholsID rx t i s t.

Office for the present with Dr. AndersonAlahea St. near Hotel.

Office Hours 8:30 to t' K. C. WALL, D. D. S.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

IDKKTTISTSLovo Dulldlng, Fort StreetHours: 9 to 4. Tclophono 431.


WIhb and Lipr DefeAtMta lor Ibl llolll.l Kalnler RMr of Mania.

No. 19 NUUANO StbkktPoiur Block. Honolulu. IIawaius tiusM.

P. O. Boi i )T. Mutual Tal.ptono ol.


Etiplanado,Corner Allen and Fort Sts., Honolulu

Gonsalves & Co.,LIMITED. --


22? Queen St., Honolulu. H. I

Hoffman SaloonNo Bt-e-r to Hum,But Beer to Beat the Band

Larou invoice On

OlympiaBeer- -


It lias'nt come to stay ; it's goingfast, but there's more com-

ing every month.

uTITeE, Prop.





- o. bk--

Page 4: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi

"?. PPB '"I jjjjfj"" ; ipr?vifi( .wi; pppig''y- - 1


Evening BulletinPabtlshed 12 cry Day except Sundn,

at 210 King Street, Honolulu,T. o( H., by the



Bntcied at the Tost Ofllco at Hono-

lulu as second class matter

SUUSCUH'TION RATES.Per month, anywhere, la U. S. .. .75

Per year 8.00

Per year, postpaid, foreign 13 00

Payable Invariably In advance.

Telephone 25G

Post OHlco Dox 718

I'lUDAY. ri:ilKUAKY 1, 1901

If all things are not sot right In Ha-

waii, It will not be the fault of the Tn-lo-

Evening Nous In pointing outv rongs.

Ilrjnn Is to visit Oom Paul. Whattimes the) will hae exploiting pessl-inlst-

theories and predicting the fallof llrltlsh and American government

Tnko him up tenderly, handle lilmvv Ith care Is the ndv Ice of Delegate Wil-

cox to his part when dealing with theOovernnr of the Territory This Isthoughtful.

Honolulu Is fast becoming a havenfor temperance workeis. .ill of whichIs highly gratlfjlng unless the ndvo-- jcatcs get so thick the) will start Infighting among themselves.

Senator Carter advocating tho use ofn machine at election This Is hard torealize Tho public will take noticehowever, that this Is a real maeh'ne.not nn Imaginary bugaboo flauntedwith the Idea of Inlliicnclug voters

The saddest feature of Queen Vlc'or-la- s

reign was that It should close In

tho midst of war and rumors of warwhen the Queen's fondest hope wisthat national peace should mark herlast das. Neither nations nor theirrulers can stay tho hand of fate.

The public Is patiently waiting thetime when the new rock crusher willhe available and tho road supervisorstarts out on his much needed cam-

paign of street Improvement Worknight and day on the erection of thiscrusher would be Justified by tho condi-

tion of the Btrects.

The Ynlo alumni of California haveestablished a free scholarship open toCalifornia hojs. This ought to sug-

gest u good example for the localnltunnl of both Yale and Harvard. Our

older university men represent a goon

deal of money nnd certainly can affordsuch a wise expenditure.

Mary Ellen I.easo again sues for n

divorce. It was only a few weeks ago

that sho announced her Intention ofgoing back homo and retiring frompolitics Tho result speaks for ltslfIt will now be In order for Mary Ellento write articles for some home Journalon tho wife nnd the home.

McKlnley Is testing tho capacity ofJudge Humphrc)8 to do nn Immenseamount of work on small pay, to Its

"full limit. And tho best of it Is theJudge. Is equal to the additional dutforced upon him. It doesn't follow,however, that the courts can get alongforever without a second Judge In thefirst circuit.

Gardner of Cleveland, O.Is n man tho chartei framers of Hono-

lulu ought to tlo to for timely sugges-

tions. If Mr Gardner tould ho pre-

vailed upon to nddrcss either or bothof tho commissions the pr.ittlcnl Ideashe could Impart would be of greatvalue to tho community as well as thecharter makers.

"I do not caro who sltR on tho

thrones. I only want to know what he

markets are." This remark of a promi-

nent Itusslan epitomizes tho spirit of

the times In every nation that boietsof "civilization." ''The maiket" Is

king, nuecn. princo. potintato nnd

over) thing else beforo whom tho pro

plo and those whom the) uphold Inhigh places bow with unvarying regu-


If nny desire exists among tho pow-

ers that bo to conduct Territorial rs

with proper regard for populardesires, tho Governor's couui.ll willgo. slow on land deals, whether It bo

sales, leases or exchanges Our land

laws are far from being acceptable andwill unquestlonabl) bo radically re-

vised In order to mako the homestad-e- r

a fact rather than tho present the-

ory. With tho Legislature about toconvene good Judgment will cause thogovernment to abut down on tho landoffice business.


Tho "wait a while' Idea still prevailsnmong some of the business men regnrdlng tho municipality. They assertthat there Is not sufficient time to thoroughly study tho situation. Thoy wantto think It over.

Tho Ilulletln would llko to nsk thondvocntes of "a more convenient seaBon " how many of them have ever at-

tended the meetings of cither of thecharter frnmlng committees? Howmany have Improved what opportunitythey have for studying tho situation ormaking suggestions? How many lnvogiven time and thought except such nsIs necessary to reach the always easyconclusion to put It off till somo othertime?

With ono exception th escsslons ofboth charter committees have In enopen to tho public. While no generalInvitation has been issued for tho gen-

eral public to nttend these meetings, ItIs safe to say that cither of tho com-

mittees would bo glad to see business

men nt their sessions nnd would In-

deed cordially rtcclve suggestions d

the outsider showed himself hon-

estly Interested and not talking ag.ilnittime to exploit a hobbj. There Is nodoubt that any and all committeemenwill Jio pleased to receive suggestionsfrom business men regarding the needsof tho city and the bcu way to fu'flllthem

I lnvo the nihocates of delay maderucIi suggestions, or do they prefer tosit back In Indifferent case, that In

eent of the charter hating shortcom-ings they may point the finger of scornnnd say "I told ou so"?

Honolulu bulsness men seem blind totho fact that n municipal governmenttnajorlt) has been elected to tho Legis-

lature. They faco n fact not a theorynnd as honest, practical, progressivecitizens should deal with the situationaccordingly.


Tacoma Evening NewsThe sugar planters and members of

the Dole oligarch) in the Hawaiian Isl-

ands have pledged the sum of $10,000 n

)ear to Mr William Ha) wood of Hono-

lulu, w ho goes to Washington, D C ,

to represent them ns a lobb)lst. Mr.

Ha) wood resigned his position ns In-

ternal revenue collector to accept thiscommission,

I'niloubtedl) be goes to Washlng'onloaded down with olllclal recommenda-tions and tistlmonlals to further de-

ceive the administration and to pull

through Congress Jobs which the plan-

ters and memb' rs of thee Dole fam-

ily compact Inve devised Chief In thisJobbery Is n public hnd gtnbblngscheme. The Hawaiian Star the Dideand mlsslonar) organ of the oligarchy,rccentl) ndvocated that fifteen acreswas enough for a homestead Thissounded ver) nlcel) and seemed to be

a fair expression of opinion, but nt

about the same time President Dole

and his appointed commissioner ofpublic lands leased 23 000 acres In onebody to one man, the same being awhole district on the Island of MaulA little later a stock company wasformed, mostly li members of tho fam-

ily compact, taking In this Identical25.000 acres along with other lands, fora cattle ranch .

Section 51 of the Organic Actamong other things provides "That nocorporation, domestic or foreign, shallacquire or hold real estate In HawaiiIn excess of 1.000 acres; and all real es

tate acquired or held by such corpora

tlon or association contrary heretoshall be forfeited nnd escheat to theUnited Stntcs."

This provision of the Organic Actmakes no difference to promoters If

they nrc enabled to show up acres onpaper nnd sell stock for hnrd cash. If

the land Is recovered by the United

States It will be the stockholders andnot the government protected pro

motors who will have paid for their ex.

pi rlencc.It should be the duty of the Presi-

dent and Congress to Investigate thoIn the Hnwnlla'i

Islands and put n check at once upon

the land grabbing schemes. Attorneysrepresenting the Dole oligarchy nronow engaged In testing the constitu-tionality of tho treasury departmentruling which disfranchised the Chlnesoresidents of the Islands which It w.uthe Intention of President Dole and theframers of the Organic Act to protect.

Tho land grnbbers and trade monopo-

lists llnd Chinese cheap lalmr n greatprotection to their Interests nnd wonderful promoters of excesslvo divi-

dends. If the public domain can benhsorbed by members of tho Dole reglmo and tho resident Chinese can beconstituted citizens of tho UnitedStates tho Independent, progressive.,lo)nl Americans who have sought forhomes and fortunes In tho "Paradiseof tho Pacific" will be placed at a

disadvantage When the Tof Hawaii beiamo a part of the

Vnlted States there was great rejoic-

ing nnd tho American settlers hoped toenjoy tho constitutional!) given lightof life liberty and tho equal protectionof the laws This the) lnvo never hadnnd never will have until President Me- -

This Is No Lead Pipe Cinch.

1 am not out to rob the publicbut simply to eatn a living In

a legitimate way. My mottoIs "HOM ST WORK AT HON-HS-


I Have Moved

my plumbing business to FtSt. opposite the Club StablesTelephone, White 3571, whereI have In stock the followinggoods :

BATH TUBS,enameled Iron and steel dad,with nlckle plated trimmings;als) wood, zinc lined.

Water Closets, Wash Out.and Syphon, jet styles.

Sinks of Pressed Steel, bothgalvanized and enameled.

Lavatories, enameled Iron,and mirble with nlckle platedtllmmlngs.

Wash Trays, enameled Iron

with wood cover.Slop Sinks, enimeled Iron.Hot Water Boilers and Stands

Water Pipe, Faucets and Trim-m'ng-

Galvanized Iron, Gut-

ters, Cornices, Stone Pipe, 1 In

Roofing, Etc.

Jobbing Promptly attended to.Estimates Furnished.Work and Materials Guaran-

teed.Your Trade Is Solicited.

JaS. Nott, Jr., Sanitary Plumber.

Kluley nnd Congress give personal attention to the requirements of the lovilnnd progressive people of the Islandsnnd cease to be hoodwinked by Piesl-ilc-

Dole and lobb)lsts like Mr. Hty-woo-

who would perpetuate the un-

natural conditions now existing .

Court's Hnd Example.The Independent.

It will be advisable for the Hoard ofEducation not to sign any book con-

tract until the Legislature has met. Thelaws relating to tho granting of con-

tracts by the different departments willbo revised nnd consequently amended,especially since tho experience thecountry has hod with Justice Frear nndSupremo Court contracts, nnd underthe new laws the rules for the grantingof contracts will be "cast Iron" nnd thepower to grant them not vested In thedifferent chiefs of departments andboards.



Nearly One Thousand Guests Call

on the Pastor of the Central

Union Church Last Evening at

His New Home, Thurston Street.

The house wanning given Iter Wil-

liam Morris Klncnld and wife In tin Irhome on Thurston uvcnuo last nightwns a most pleasant and successful so-l-

affair. The people calling, num-

bered nlmost n thousand.H. C Hump met the guests In the

reception hall and presented them tnthe host and hostess. Assisting In thertcelvlng were Itev E. S. Chapmannnd wife of California. Mrs . S. N. Cas-

tle. Mrs. E. U. Wnterhouse, Mrs. D, WWcstervelt. Mrs 1'. .1. Swnnz) nnd Mrs.W. F. Allen.

After 8 o'clock, a program of musi-

cal selections was rendered under thedirection of Miss Cnrrlo Castle.

Newton's h)mn, "Zlon, City of ourGod." was the opening selection. Fol-

lowing this was a violin solo by MissMaud Kinney. The "New Year'sH)mn" was sung by Mrs. Otis. MissH)de. Mrs. Guilford Whitney nnd MlwGrlswold. Miss Wlnno gave a mardl-gr-

by Harris.. "Holy Redeemer" by

Marchcttl. wns sung by a sextette MrsMcDonald, Miss Wlnne. Mrs. Ynndlcy,Miss Necdham, Miss Grlswold. nndMiss Yarrow. A piano duet by MissH)dc nnd Mrs. Klchards closed the pro-

gram.The )oung women of tho Christian

Endeavor Society served refreshments.


Wray Ta)lor, Prof, Koebclo and I)rRussell, Senator-elec- t from Hawaii,visited the government forest ) ester-da-

They found the 110 000 differenttrees growing finely. They also foundthat the grass, panlcum spcctnblle,from seed procured by Prof. KoebeleIn tho FIJI Islands, was growing lux-

uriantly. It has demonstrated that ItIs capable of driving out the obnoxiousHllo grass. It will therefore be propa-

gated ns an antidote ns well as for Itsown excellent forage qualtles .

Dr. Russell was greatly pleased withtho forest reserve up Nutunu. He Is nnagriculturist himself of n scientificturn, and has a first class experimentstation on his 01 an fnrm He Is a

stnunch believer In diversified agricul-

ture for liana!!.

Allele lllght t)iK Out.The steamers Ivviilant nnd W. O

Hall both arrived this morning. ThoHall has HSOO bags of sugar from C

Itrewer S. Co. which Is going Into thoIMItilnnl The lwalanl hi ought C0IS

b.igB of sugar for I A. Schaefer & Co.which goes Into the Cnllfornlan.

While coming from Kaul jesterday,tho Wnlnlealo sighted the schoonerI'annlo Allele on her wn) fiom thesamo Island She had been nut eightdi)s on her way to Honolulu. TheWnlnlealo towed her to port.

v,SM&l -- T.drnlS.VfchnuU

Ki 7 ilrjDr.Heref'ill

Tl2zVfc T.

., "."Mket at..

You weir


ElectricNew Life and

Cnrrc) to weak men anjwomen. StnJfcr' HOOK

ICT NO 7. AJJresx







Etc., Etc.

Salter& Waity,










Sterling Blue Flame Oil StovesHnvltiK closed out our old stock of the old

patterns, we are now offering ttae latestImproved Phi terns. Call and ex-

amine them

Royal and Pat. Gen. Steel Ware

In llouieholil -- nd Kitchen UtensilsIhese nre NEW GOODS nnd the QUAL-

ITY and PUICli vvll please you.

Refrigerators and Ice Chests


Of GlasswareA large stock will

IRWIN" now due.the

Lemon Squeezersand a large assortment of useful HOUSE-HOLD UlhNSILS now being opened up.

Bethel Street Household Department.


The KellySpringfield Solid

Rubber Tiresoutshines all tires at every of

comparison, and is the ONLY SOLIDRUBBER TIRE which gives universal


Don't be deceived by imitations. There is

tire as good, as lasting, or bs

satisfactory In any respect as the

Kelley-Sprlng?le- ld

Two Wired Tires.Call and get prices from us.

G. SCHUMAN,Merchant Strtet,Betwtcn Fort and Alakea Street.


JL --3r A


J'r lTHE


"The Buffet"

$12.50 per bbl.

per case,

4 dozen quarts

(j $5.00 per case,2 dozen quarts






S HOFFSCHLAEGERjl Company, Ltd. jj'


l'-- . j'V




Calabashes turned from K0.1 andother native woods.

First-cla- ss Work,Satisfaction Guaranteed.

John Maley,448 N. ST.

arrive on "W. G.

2W1RES2other point

no other




In Door

Arch Lamps.

IOO to SOO Candle Power.

tA Safe and Brilliant Method of Lighting

that you can rely on. Suitable for

Parlors, Halls, Churches or

Outside Grounds.


C. W. Macfarlanc,Manager.



Beats, any proposition ever offered tothe public before In Ilonilulu. Youcan buy an artistic modern sl room

house, first-clas- s plumbing with en-

ameled fixtures for $3000.01, right In

the heart ol the city. Electric andhorse cars within one block.

S.'tOO.OO down.$40 OO per month.

II this does'nt beat paying rent, whatdo'S?See plans and learn particulars from

Clias. E. Moore,Room 6, Mjgoon Block,

1 746-i- Merchant and Alakea Sts.


Subscribers are furnished with IronQve to six lists per week, giving an nocurnte record ot deeds, mortgageleases, releases, powers of attorn'etc., etc., which are placed on record.


A. V. GEAR,TiiM nulldlnK. Hnnoltit

W. THRUMSurveyor.


PlMntationWork n Hpnololty.

For Sole.Larue tract of land situated In Nuuanu

Valley, Honolulu, containing 20 acres,more or less, and known as the NuuanuPali S.ioon premises, with buildings andother Improvement!).

Grounds cultivated with fruit trees, etc.A bargain,

Apply to A. G. CORREA,1702-t- f 11 Kaaliumanu St

NOTICEThe following bicycles are now at the

Police Station and owners can have thembv proving prof erty and paying expensisot advertising:

Tribune, No, 4759; Columbia, No. 8204Columbia, No. oiip: bldredge, No. 247)0:Imperial, No. 14506. 1716-t- f


Tho controversy between the Hono-

lulu Hapld Transit & Land Co. ald theHawaiian Tramways Co. has been sub-

mitted to the Supreme Court upon anagreed statement of facts. The Ilapld



machines suchas plaintiff, the Tram-- catch his This machlno

ways as defendant nnd ns a result Mr. Influenced

The facts are: Said Tram- - tho manufacturer to send one toways Company, Is under franchise, lulu that Mr. place

operate a Btrcct railway In Honolulu, display,

During travels MalnlanGeorge I

contact VotingSenator Carter a natura1

except a

Transit appears fancy. caughiCarter

agreedCarter might It

On King street. It proposed to lay a I This mechanism does

double track and operate tho line will with marked ballots, It registers votes

electricity. wlth absolute nccuracy, assures abso- -

The Itnpld Transit is the lawful hold- - lute secrecy and the result of'nn elec-c- r

of a franchise granted to Clinton tlon can he obtained Immediately hfIlallcnt)no nnd others. A majority polls arc closed. This particular ma-o- f

the King street property owners chlno Is now used In many cities ami

have petitioned the Rapid Transit to towns of New York and similar ma-la- y

a railway along that street. The I chines nro used In many parts of tho

ttxccutlve Council has to j United States. In nil Instances the re-

fills, for that portion of King, between suits have met with general approval.Nuuanit street nnd Thomas Square. I Tho machine Is about Irur

Tho questions are: j feet square and ten Inches deep nnd Is

1st. Has the Hawaiian Trnmways supported by legs ,tho being a litnomnnnv. Limited, right to the tie over bIx feet from the floor. A cur- -

double track along King street nsabove described?

2d. Hns the Hawaiian TramwaysCompany, Limited, the right to oper-

ate a tramway by electricity?3d. Has the Honolulu Ilapld Tran-

sit & I.and Company thn right to lavn track on King street for more thin1700 feet?

W. Tl. Castle, and Kinney, DallnuMcClannhan nro attorney for th

Ilapld Transit Company; Holmes frStanley for the Hnwallan Tramways.



his onSenator-ele- It. Carter

tho Standard mnchine.nntlnathy for

pleco of




topthe Iny

tain Is hung so ns to form a secret ,

booth. Tho levers nre so arranged that I

the voter can cast a straight ticket ora "best man' 'split ticket. No r's-take- s

can be made ond no ono can vote

twice. I

A description fills a pamp- - j

phlct of which Mr. Carter has a limit-

ed Hut the mnchlne Itself will

bo hero In a short tlmo when SenatorCarter will place It on exhibition tor 1

the edlficntlon of tho public as vvcVTai

the law makers. M

attmmtttmtKj:mntmnntsna:mmntramttttttmitttttnntttnir J







general bookbindingLedgers, Journals, Cash Books, etc., made withSpring or Patent Backs, so as to have both pages

perfectly flat when opened. . . . Pay Roll Books,

Time Books, Sales Books, Books for Tabulation,

Order Books, Shipping Books, Note Books,' Re-

ceipt Books, Stock Books, Bank Books, PassBooks, and any kind of Book you use, will be

promptly and carefully bound in any style de-

sired, and by men have had from fifteen to

twenty years experience in the best European

and American book binderies Magazines,Newspapers, Novels, Periodicals and all old and

valuable works, such as Histories, Bibles, Scien-

tific Books, etc., Bound with greatest care andtaste. . . . Reports, Statements, By-La- Pros-

pectuses, and all kinds of Pamphlets printed and

coveied with neatness and dispatch. ::::::rulingSpeclil Ruling of every description, for ill kinds, ofblink books and stationery. No matter how com-

plex the ruling you w Ish for vour books, we havethe machines and workmen to do y.nir vvoik as wellas It can te done In San Francisco.

Perforating, numbering, blocking and ge eraljobbing work In paper jnJpiteboard. Fancy boxes,paper decora Ions, fancy gilt bevel cards, mems, andIn fact, everything in thecird, paper and leather line


dingPocketbmks, card cases, cigar cases, and every kindof article de I red lettered and gilded.

EL r t work:View albums of all sizes and styles Photo mounts,Fancy card cases. Fancy curio covers, etc.

m a.and





etcOld and new maps and clurts lined and canvasmounted for durability and preservation. Paste-

board boxes for pigeon holes in shelving made In allthe latest styles.

artistic printingOf every description at prices as low as goodwork can be done for. . . . Bill heads, letterheads, envelopes, circulars, dodgers, posters,books, pamphlets and all kinds of commercial and

society printingcrc. r Kr r v sv r r. ri .;ri ri .jri w. if. iJ!.








Page 5: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi


fswjrr-- Wf' &ifw"jimmB(HMv fy." '"SW??IPSWift 1 ! '




'Cain GuujJesInnn Mnt--

IW) IN LARGE VARIETY.-- 'tltolnlk-.-

'i Black and galvanised, In any

' Mft. X men to .4 men wick.

arteDlston's make; a big supply


and OilsRope

Manila and Sisal from H Inch to 6


lowsj Rice Plows and Breaking Plows.!


f Fort St., Bank.

1 & Co. have just received a- of the RYEI direct from the Wm.

& Son, of 1751'iw








Kniveson hand.





BarkHorn fisa.m

opposite Spreckels


Macfarlaneshipment celebrated HUNTERjSVHISKY, distillers,Lanahan Baltimore.

w si w fit fit fit fit fit fit fit st fit fit s si st st st st si n fit st si w ,v. st r t, w

W !KTHBfJPiWIt .A l'Bf 1

15 I

:iqgled roofs










BlctnTc Books



T7l7"ctll. nXTiolxols Oo.,






" VI.w





Wii', ,









Real Estate


Pacific Surety

J1 Guarantee Department"8UE BOND8 TO GUARANTEE

, , the faithful discharge of the duties of'A .Ntonagers, Secretaries, Cashiers, Book- -

keepers, Clerks of Banks, Salesmen,'1 AptnM. Offife-me- Officers of Soci

eties and Lodges, Employees of theUnited States Government of the Cus-

toms and Internal Revenue and PostOffice Departments,Collectors,Drlversof Delivery Wagons, Watchmen,Snipping Clerks, Travelling, Sales- -

k' men, Contractors, Paymasters In the

Army and Navy, Importers and ex-porters, Railroad and Street RailwayEmployees, Administrators, Executors,Assignees, Receivers, and all peisons

A holding positions of trust.I Casualty

Poltclcaot tho Company CoverPlate Glass, Including Lettering andEmbossing, and Plate Glass Mirrors.

uollers, Indemnifying the In- -

sured against loss or damage to pro- -

I ptyt or for accidental bodily Injuryor death, and covering periodical


, j GEAR, LANSING & CO., Agents,

There is in store for yon


Delicious Mince, Cream

and other flavored pies

Same as yonr Mother

used to make.

Doughnuts that are the talk of the

town because everybody wants them.

Chocolate Eclairs

Lady Fingers

Cream Puffs

And a full line of pastry for the

Holidays made fresh every day.


Come and see us at




J. Oswald Lutted,


JAN. 2, 11)01

California Feed Co., Ltd.Agents, ARABIC


GENTLEMEN:We tale great pleasure in stat- - j

t'71.7 that the Iron Koof you painted &

for us with your "A IIA MC" Ilcfrig- - jjj

crating I'aint is giting the very hat s

satisfaction ; cc are sure it rcduc ?.5

cd the temperature fully IS degrees.We consider it a good article for (jcooling iron roofs. You can make IS

any use of this you lile, ami at 5perfect I bcrty to refer anybody to us tt

I'otirg very truly,HUSTACE A CO., LTD.

W. II. IIOOOS, Manager.


I can Mult InQUALITY nnd











Henry May & (Jo.

Boston Block, Fort Street

24 Telepliones 22.

Just In perS. S. "Zealandla"

Fresh Eastern & Coctail OystersFresh Golden Gloss Bloaters,

Red and White Cabbage,Fresh Finen Haddies,


bating Chocoliites,

Grenh.igens' Chocolate Creams,and a lot of other delicies too num-

erous to mention.

COME AND ShE US.Deliveries leave daily to WaikikI

and Palatini, and the best of atten-tion guaranteed.







Furnlttlictl or UnfurnlHliccl.ROOM 11, MAGOON BLD.,


NOTICE.Mr. H. II. I'nlno Is not authorized to

collect any hills whatsoever In behalfof tho Evening Ilullctln or tho DulletlnPublishing Co. from this date.


Honolulu, Jan. 30th 1001.

THIS PAPER ra'tfJ:llsln? etncy. 64 anj 6j, Mrrchints Exdianet. SanFrncUcu.(.'allfornll.wbercontrctl for aJytillslnr

11 i flM (0.



And Finds Affair in Excellent Condi-

tion Treasurer and Manager

Report Election of


At a meeting of the Palolo Land &

Supply Co. held In the Model blocknt 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon,

for the ensuing year wereelected and the reports of tho managernnd treasurer, showing the companyIn good circumstances, were read. Thefollowing officers were elected: A. lCooke, president nnd manager; M. D.

Monsarrat, lcc president; V. U How-

ard, treasurer; Harry Armltage. sere- -tnry. The Hoard of Directors will liecomposed of the nboe named officerstogether with C. II. Cooko and T. Mc- -

Cants Stewart.The treasurer's report showed stoe!;

to the value of $20,i)Wi sold Blncc No-

vember 29. 1SDD, nnd tho company stillIn possession of 400 shares of treasurystock, et unsold. There nro also 150

shares of subscribed stock. Tho realestate was tallied at less than tho firstcost of the company, yet tho lois andgnln account shows n substantial Kilnor J10,2"i.l2 for the period. Tho totalestimated profits to December 31. 1301.Is $30,475.12. The total Indebtednessof tli ecompany Is $77,178.37 to nfNelwhich, there Is duo tho company fromland sales, $2fi,C90.t4. Tho companyhas stock for sale to the nluc of $S5,-00-

Tho available dividends at once.If Btock were realized upon would bo$7.82t.f.3 nnd the amount available) fordividends from receipts from land salesIs $2,43.4D. This would leave a bal-

ance of $2).230.C5.

Tli eninnager's report deals with sur-

veys, roads, land sales, rock creshernnd pipe nnd water system. Tho road-wa-

have been staked out and 0110 nndone-ha- lf miles cleared of rock. Over$1,320 was spent last ear for roads

One hundred and twenty ncrcs havebeen placed on the market Blnco July'1. lOOO. There hne been thirty-seve- n

agreements made for tho sale of 7ft

lots (about twenty-fiv- e acres), amounting to $37,878. All the front lots nlongtho Walalea road hae been Bold toIntending builders and not to speculators.



What They are Doing and What They

Intend to Do Military Bill will

Have Some Important Pro-

visions as to Term of Service.

l'rom now until the il Instnnt, oneor more of the comianles nf tho

Guard will be drilling nt the drillshrd nlgbtly. in order to nacli n highstnto of perfedlon In Kohllcrly Ijcarlng,steadiness, silence In tho runks andmaintaining coireet distances. All thiswill bo considered as jiait of tho com-

petition drill and w III bo marked

Next Sunday, a competitive shootwill take place nt the butts betweenthe tennis of ten men each, selectedfrom Co. I), tho tenm mnklng tho low-

est scoio to entertain tho members ofthe company on Tuesday night.

Within the nenr future, a pistol shootwill take place between tho ofllccrs oftho regiment. The regiment Is In

of 300 rllles of tho Springfield(1S07 model), which Is tho very lateitgun Issued.

A measure will como up before theLegislature, whereby tho term of enlistment will be two years tnstend ofone. After a soldier Mas served Ills twojeurs (if enlistment, he will have theprivilege of for a perlolof one year.

This Is only one section of the billthat Is to be presented. Another section proWdcs that the tlmo of service offield officers shall bo three years Instead of two, and tho length of Bonlcrcof line ofllccrs heretofore one year,shall be extended to two years.

The measure also provides for the or-

ganization of a hospital and slgntlcorps, in too competitive drill winchtakes placo February 22d (Washing-ton's lllrthdny), threo prizes will becompeted for by the different compan-ies comprising the rclmuit. Tho firstprize will consist of u handsomo cup,while the other prizes will ho In sub-

stantial coin of the realm.As was tho case last ear, tho com-

petitive drill will consist of the com-

plete manual of arms and will bo con-

ducted by L'. S. Army ofllccrs who w illnwnrd tho prizes.

J .Oswald I.nttoil, proprietor of tlieNew KnKlnncl IlaKcry, lias purcliasciltho Orplieum hotel from tho Into ow-ner. Mr. I.ntteil expe'ts to open n res-

taurant near the hotel liullilliiK l afew ilas.

JvJIiYiiViViViV 1 iViVji' cu r6jlGESSLER'S: morning

--- MAGIC 5 headaches: HEADACHES. whileIE WAFERS : dressing.m't.W.'I.W.'ffHi. w f t "


Hot baked beans at noon every day atthe Pantheon.

Our borseshoer Is an expert. Honolulu Stock Yards Co.

Tako a ride on the electric cars upPacific Heights. Faro 6 cents.

Camara & Co. can now be found onAlakca street between Kins and Mer-chant.

A five room cottage on Dmma streetIs offered for sale. See I'or Sale col-


A seven room cottage on Klnaustreet Is for rent. See Tor Rent col-


A notice to th ccredltors of the estateof Jas. A. Hopper appears under NewToday.

Oaliti Lodge, No. 1, K. of I'., meetstonight at 7:30 In Castlo Hall, Portstreet.

See Morgan's column for an excel-

lent opportunity to Invest In fine busi-

ness property.Know how sublime a thing It Is to

ride a Tribune nnd bo famous forsound Judgment.

Tho Walker Cyclcry has tho cheap-

est blcyclo storo In Honolulu. Take alook at their stock.

The names of the newly elected ofl-

lccrs of Kahuku Plantation appear un-

der "New

Tho weekly edition of tho I'vcnlngIlullctln gives a complete summary oftho news of tho day.

Among tho passengers In tho Nip-pon Mam nre Cnpt. V. V. Wlldo andA. J. Mcnocal of tho U. S. Navy.

The Nippon Maru brought but six-

teen through cabin pasetigers. Six-

teen In tho steerage nro for Honolulu.

The of the Hepubl1-ca- n

party on municipal charter met lastnight nnd worked until 2 o'clock thismorning.

When the Iwalanl left Hawaii therewere "000 bags of sugar at llonukaaand C000 bags at Pacific mill ready forshipment.

Walter 13. Wall was commissioned byGovernor Dole today as Surc)or fortho Territory of Hawaii, to succeedW. V. Alexander, resigned.

Miss Ackermnn and Miss Murcutt,the two around tho world missionaries,held n street meeting last night. Thesemeetings will bo continued nightly.

Tho enso of A. I). Doak tho StarDairy man arrested yesterday, came upfor trial In the Police Court this fore-

noon but was continued until tho SthInst.

Free Instruction In photography isoffered by the HONOLULU PHOTOSUPPLY CO. Think of It Cameras at25 per cent below list with free Instruc-tion as to their use.

Among the passengers for Knunl Intho Miknhala yesterday were tho fol-

lowing: Mrs. Otto Iscnbcrg ,I)r. nndMrs. Sandow, II. P .Ilaldwlh. Miss Annie Dlackstadt nnd W. G. Cooke.

The new ofllccrs of tho Star DairyCo., Ltd.. elected nt the last mtclingof stockholders are: President L. I..McCnndlcss; vice, president, Sarah .1.

Cirare; secretary nnd treasurer, J. A -fred Magonn, and auditor, I.. II. Dee.

Tlio big essel will not get away forIlllo before Monday as the sugar Is notgoing Into her ns fast as was expect-ed, although she Is working foro andaft nnd taking sugar from tho ware- -

house on one sldo and tho steamer Iwa-

lanl on tho other.Tomorrow nt noon, lunch plates for

twelvo Invited guests, will ho servedon tho Btcnmer Cnllfornliin. II. Alx-and- cr

Isenberg. representing the agentsof tho new lino of freight steamerswith Captain Morrison, will bo thehosts. Thoso present will bo tho rep-

resentatives of tho big sugar agencies

The annual reports of tho PaloloLand & Improvement Co., Ltd., showthat concern to bo In good shape, andtheir prospects as bright as any landdevelopments In tho city. Since Julv1. 1900 there have been 70 lots sold for(17,000 pa) able on tho Instalment plantho balances of amounts due aro draw-ing Interest at G per tent. With thorentals from rlco and taro lands an 1

tho leaso of their rock crusher to theHonolulu Rapid Transit & Iind Co.a good Income on tho Investment isevident.



j Olympia !

o : Another New Shoe, a purely

o HrL- - English Style, Sensible,

90K Comfortable, Dur- -


VHfefeBk able, Style"" S that never before

was shown in this City, and manufactured only

by HANAN & SONS.They shape to the foot, need no breaking

in, are progressive, from progressive people.


Mardi"UXJX 4lw' O




Our Dressmakerdesign create at your order.


uj!ttmn!::n::n:ua::!::t::!t:::::!!j:::m::::::Ka:mm:::t:ufJt:!::::m::mt:t!t:. .. . .

uunn sectional dooK-cas- e

ivoll 1 op



will and


meand the Cunn Desks

Ofricojss.?tr Desks Two Carloads

Just Received

Now Dunlinr I nnrtP MnndHomo I'lnl

The Coyne Furniture Ltd.I. O.IIOX621. PROGRESS HI.OCK. PHONC. 971



Macey Desks


manufactured by the FRED. MACLY DESK CO., Grand Rapids.Michigan, consisting of



BOOKKEEPERS' JChairs.. Sectional Bookcases, Cabinets, Etc.


H. HACKFELD & Ltd.Excluwlvc DculcrH, lluwollan Territory

(Consult WANTS-i- n To-riav-'s Bulicun


ivtv t cadt avrnjsxrrf








Honolulu, February l, looiZ



C Bftwtf icCoaicitw..


twl I'UMJt Oil .( C ooo.rmHtmai PlinutlonCa ntiwAHiwtlUn AgrlcultuMlCo t ,000,000nawimn su io.( t.jiM joHiwiliin Sugar CoHonotnu MiRir CoHonnkaa Sugar CoHaku Sugar Co ,.Kahuku Plantation CoKamaloSugCo LtJ aKamalo Sug Co. pdupKlrtclPlantCo.LtJ.aKind P.Co.LtJ rlupKttahutu Sugar CoKoloa Sugar Co .Kona Sugar Co . iMaunalel Sugar Co.aMaunaltl Su Co r J upMcUry4tSuCo.,L4.a

" ' M upNahlku Sug Co. Ltd as

Onom SugirCo

t up

Ookala Sugar Plan CoOlaa Su. Co, LtJ ,a)OlaiSuCn.lti pi upOlowalu Corrrany ,Paauhau Su. Plan CoPacific Sugar MillPaU Plantation CoPtpwkeo Sugar CoPioneer Mill CoWataiua Agr Co , atWalanae CompanyWailuku Suear CoWalmanalo Sugar CoWalrnca Mill Co

MISCELLANEOUS.WllJerSteamhlp CoIntrltlan4 Steam N Co)Hawaiian Llrctrlc CoHon RaptJT AtUnJCoHon. Strain LaunJry.

TCo,LtiMutual Tctf phonf CoMakahaCoffreCo Li.piUahu .

Hawaiian 6 perHawaiian Ciov, 5 per crnti .HawriPolSav4HprcH1I0R K,Co.6pfrccntnon. Kip j irnni,Ew 6 per cent,.Kahuku PlantOahu & Lani cOaliu Plantation ApeOlaa 6 pc. .


CirlUlHi (J up


I 000,

t 000,000500,000500000ft) 000




I.O If, 5001,650,000



t, 500,000150,000;

5000,0001500000.750.000T 50,000'


fl f o,oool too4,500,000 loo

jooono tooTan oool toot 1,000 loo115,000 too

500.000 too500.0001 tootso.ouo) too150000' 00 tooijooo 15

t)9,"uo40.00UI too

Hv & LanJ Co. coo.ooo1 100Propla'i c tt H t g Co 150,000! too


Gov crnt











SALES Kllicl A. Hawaiian Gov . 5, 5o8; Ookalj, 5I7.J5.






to imc: i.oo10


Halstead & Co;;

Stock andBond Brokers.

Money Advancedon Sugar Securities.

407 Fort Street,Members HonoluluStock and Bond Exchange.


Tho roRiilar monthly meetlnR of tbrdirectors of tho Preo KlmlerRarten anjClillilrcn's Aid Association was held intho Y. M. C. A. this morning.

It was reported that the nttenflancrnt all tho kindergartens was very gooiSlid that tho health of tho children lanttendntiee had been very much better.

Tho Smith street Kindergarten hisboon trans7erred to tho basement ofKnunlalino ehureli and thorn nro thirty--

six children In attendance, .lintprevious to moving, $40 worth of Ki-ndergarten materials wcro stolen fromIts rooms.

i:erytlilng nt tho Castlo Ilomi Is go-

ing on smoothly nnd tbero nro ninechildren enjoying tho privileges of IneInstitution.

Tho nnmo of Mary Castle has beengiven tho dny nursery all plans forwhich hao now been laid. Tho nur-sery will open February 8. Tho ladlearo anxious to receive donations 01money, furniture, cribs or anythingof a similar nature to bo used In Inenursery.

Tho special commltteo on tho founda-tion of kindergartens In tho publteschools reported to tho effect that a pe-

tition had been sent In to the Hoard orEducation, asking that one kindergar-ten bo established In connection withtho public schools of Honolulu In

with the provisions of Sectloa20 of tho Schol I.nws. '

Tho kindergarten calendar for thepresent year is out.

Fine Job Printing atOmen.

aaaasaaasasQo Toeeeeeeeeeee

the Bulled






Page 6: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi


,- n-


I HffiUn. brokers una hood. A

ill HID Free Cure for Baldness. ALEXANDER & BALDWIN,fwrvi

MNK IIS n I.Prevents Hair Falling Out, Remoes Dan 'ruff, Restores Pre-



Hair Nitu a! Color, Stops Itching and H. P. BALDWIN PresWGray to J. B. CASTLE... ist -.

Remotes Luxu Giowth to Ey.brows, Eye-



is J. P. Cooke Treasuli iAt My Speaker Henderson and Shining Scalps. W. O. SMITH Secretary and yCudL'

1 M7f


in Favor of TRIAL PACKAGE FREE TO ALL. Sugar Factors and

-- Commission Agenft""

l .,T

New Shops




--OaC00X000 00000000

I am now fully prepared for all

sorts of

Carriage and

Wagon Manufacturing

and Repairing,

P. O. BOX 512.



Painting and

Tr mming



- t,



Schedule for Custom House Appropria

tionResolution to Provide for

Payment of the Public Debt

Money for Surveys.

Siicclal CorrespondenceWashington. Jan. 19. Senator Clerk

of W) timing today Introduced a bill

nmcndlUK section 92 of tlio Hnwallan

Act of ailmlbslun so ns to read as fol

Ions: .

"Sec. 92. That tho following officers

shall receive tho following nnnual s.

to bo paid by the United States:The Governor. $5,000; the Secretary of

the eTrrltory. $.1,000; the Chief Justiceof the Supremo Court of tho Territory

j.r.00; tho Associate Justlcca of thoSupremo Court, $3,000 each, and theJihIros of tho Circuit Courts. $1,000

rach. The salaries of the said Chief

Justice nnd tho Associate Justices of theSupreme Court, and the Judges of the

Circuit Courts ns above provided shallbo paid by the United States; the Unit-

ed Stntes district Judsc, $",000; theUnited Stntes Marshal, $2,500; the

United Stntes District Attorney. $1,500.

And tho Governor shall receive annually. In addition to his salary, the sum

of $300 for stationery, postage and In-

cidentals; also his traveling expenses

while absent from the capital on l

business, anil tho sum of $2,000 an-

nually for his private secretary."

Secrctnry Gapo today transmitted to

Coni;rcss nn estimate of tho expense1)

of collecting customs duties at vorlomports of tho United Stntes for the fiscalyear endlnc June 30. 1002. For Hawaii

tho estimated Items of expense nro

named ns follows:1 Collector ,001 Deputy 2.700

1 Deputy 2.000

1 Chief Exnmlner 2,000

1 Examiner & r 2.000

1 Deputy Col. & Clerk 1..W0

1 Examiner i.S1 Deputy Collectois & Clerks.... S.0U0

1 Wclphcr l.l'JO1 Examiner '2 Clerks S.OO'J

2 Deputy Collectors & Clerks.. 2.400

7 Clerks S.IOrt

12 Inspectors 13.3.10

5 Inspectors r'.1S7

2 Clerks 2.000

12 Clerks 12.'f1 Deputy Collector 200

1 Foreninn 7"0

1 Stennurnphcr ''',!)

0 laborers U-'O

Total IS3.1H2

Tho Senate yesterday passed the billIntroduced for tho creation of giilipm ts

of entry nnd delivery In tho Territoryof Hawaii. Tho bill provides:

That such places In tho customs ills-

trlct of tho Territory of Hawaii as thoSecretary of tho Treasury mny from

time to time deslgnato shall be sub-por- ts

of entry and delivery, and s

offlcers shnll bo stationed at st'chsub-por- ts with authority to ontt-- r andclear vessels, rcceUo duties, fees tnilother moneys, nnd perform such otherservices and recctvo such compcnratUmns In the Judgment of tho Secretnry oftho Treasury tho exigencies of com-

merce may require."Speaking of tho measuro todny, Delo- -

gato Wilcox said ho regarded It ns nbeneficial ono and that he would tirgoUs adoption by tha House.

Delegate Wilcox has had severalconferences with members of the Cali-

fornia delegation relative to tho Pa-

cific cable bill which passed tho "3en-a- tn

at tho first session of this Congressnnd which Is before tho Ilousos nsamended by tho House Commltteo onForeign Commerce. It Is the Intentionof Mr. Wilcox nnd tho California representatives to mnlco nn effort to havetho bill passed at this session and theywill request Speaker Henderson toginnt their recognition tor tho purposoof calling It up for passage.

Tho Illvor and Harbor bill passed theHouso with no provision for Havall.Intho fienntc Mr. Perkins of Californiawill propnso nn utnondmont npnn.prlatlng $25,000 for anrvcyB of liaibnri In

tho Territory.

Delegnto Wilcox this weok consultedSpeaker Henderson upon tho advisabil-ity of Introducing n resolution .o rn,- -

vldo for the appointment if a Congressional Committee to visit Hawaii toroport upon land conditions nnd repoitn desirable form of land legislation.Tho Speaker ndvlsed Mr. Wilcox to defer action In tho matter and discourag-

ed tho plan of hnvlng n CongressionalCommission, which, ho enld, wouldBlmply nlTonf a pleasant 'rip and psi- -

slbly no practical results, Tho Speakersuggested that tho people of Hawaiithrough their delegate proposo n sitU-facto-

system of land legislation.o

Mr, Dalzell has Introduced a Jointresolution In tho House providing;That In the execution of tho agreo- -

jssrtssm. imsmmm - f$im

wkmw& $wfmWF x Zflfe--,

mmvWMKB8MBKmK.x-- w W,..J!Wy3ILI.K. R1VA.

Famous French Contralto.Thoso who loslnu their hair or liavo

parted with their locks can huc It re-

stored by a remedy tha U sent free toall. A Cincinnati nrm nas concimiF:--

that the best way to umUnco peoplothat hair can be ct on any bead Uto let them try It and oco tor tnem- -

selves. All sorts of theories nave ucenadvanced to account for railing nair.but after all. It Is tho lemedy wo nrafter, and not the theory, l'coplo, whonpf.ll mor., hair, or nie anxious to savewhat they have, or Horn sicitness, - lrie(,uruu or omer causes wire nu i"'-- "

hair should at once send their namennd address, to the Altenhelm MedicalDispensary 239 ltutterncld Illdg.. Cin-

cinnati, Ohio, l'. S. A., encloslHR astamp to cover postage, nnil they

win rnrwnnl nreiiald by mall, a sulil- -

clent freo trial package of their reme-

dy to fully prove Its remarkablo actionIn quickly removing nil trace of dan-

druff and scalp diseases and forcing anew growth of hair.

Mile HUa. U'J Avenue ues iji"uiElysccs, the famous Parisian Contral-to whose wonderfully luxuriant tressesadd charm to n most bewitching per-

sonality says: "I procured a set of theFoso remedies while touring the Statennd they actually caused my hair togrow anew. We have In Paris, such

a bewildering array of hair dressingr clrnnrx vn mUSt CO tO tl'.O

States for one thnt will make the hairT for several eiitiuajin, willcent postage, they

MvasTnXlobiiglltwerrCsrwltcheh, mall a their

to keep up appearancesff

happy i remarKauio

ment of tho United In YOU WANTlutlon of July 7. 189S..tho seercmry ui

tho Treasurj shnll pay of tho public

debt of the republic of Hawaii law-

fully existing nt the date of the pass-ag- o

the resolution now subject

to pament. which may hereafterbecome subject to payment, nn nmount

not exceeding $1,000,000. nfter deduct-I- n

5 tho sum rf quired pay tho depos-

itor In tho Hawaiian Postnl Savings

Hank, as provided In tho act of April

13, 1P00. together with such amountas mny bo necessary pay any ac-

cruing Interest on tho above

for which the I'nltcd Statesmay be llablo under tho resolu-

tion, nnd the additional sum of $20.-00-

or so much ns may be required,

ii.iv the expenses Incurred In carry

ing out tho purposes of the resolution,

nnd so much money ns snail uo ncci-- s

sarv for these tevernl purposes Is ap

proprlatcd out of the treasury tho

United States.j. a. nnncKONS.


London, January l6. According to theHerald, which cliims to have reliable In-

formation, Sir Thomas Upton's ntw chal-

lenger, the Shamrock II, will hav a draftof ig feet 8 Inches, beam 2i test 6 Irenes,and her length over all will be 136 feet.The lead weight Is be oljhtv five tons.Designer Watson relieves that a beamsuch he has the Shamrock II Is

belter for pfrtormance man metf, (Vol wlili-l- i irave the Valkvrle III.

It Is a nollcraDie laci, says meHerjld, that the new challenger and theBritannia, the Prince of Walts boat, haveexacly the fame team dimensions, thoughthe fn lia more than two feet moredrift than the Prlrce's nlj yacht. It Is

evident from the dlmenlons that Wat-

son has gone a measure to the canoelype of midship section, more like the Ju-

bilee than any of our other Americanoits.It Is also quite evident that the vacht

now building by Denny Brothers of Dum-

barton Is lc powerful than those telnghullt nn this slJe. and It Is uul certain,

her tllmtnslos, that sue will not beable to cairi quite the sail plan of eitherthf l.awson or the Belmont syndlc-it-e

boat, but, while she may le penalized inthis rep? t, she gilns In another Impor-

tant direction n having less displacement,le-- s wetted su'fice. and, all things else

mini. Oip thniiM nulie as easllvdriven ui der her canvas as the hrger andmore powerful boats with their greatersail spreadj

The latest gos-d- concerning the Sham-

rock II is to the effect trat thewoikofconsiructlrg her Is proceeding atnight, a large gang of specially selectedwnrkmtn being engiged her. Thesemen leave when the day workmen arrive,anJ the shed In which the work Is beingdone Is then locked and sealed Workwas beg n whlie the yard was c oeJ forthe Yeai I oil Jays, the keel then be-

ing secietlv cast. Ninety-liv- e tons of leadwere used In the keel. A number offrames are now In position.

Thi ! Jf the Singer In mlllluns of

homes snows 'he mpreccdented suc-

cess of theso K ' sowing machine.

It Is convincing proor that tho Slnyurexcels In all kinds of family sewing

and art needle work. All our sewingaro of the best construction,

beautifully decorated, and are mountedon selected woods In finely finished

cabinets of njtlstlc design, U. n,

agent, IC',4 street


ono. N. TIIATCIIEIt.Prominent Hallway Offlclal.

say that with the Foso remedies my

hair Is now more luxuriant than It everwas and am to feel that It Isall my own nnd cannot fall off to em-

barrass mo."Oco. N. Thatcher, of Covington. Ky..

it s A., n nromlncnt railway omcl.ilwhose duties arc very exacting wasrapidly losing all his hair. He says:

"I was getting so bald nnd such nshining mnrk for my friends that I wasforced Into using nair rcnicuics.

.i dozen or more before i rauacross tho Foso ircntmcni hihi "glad to say thnt I was well rewarded.My entire scalp Is now thickly coveredwith long dark hair of tho naturalBhndo and I know beyond question thatthe Foso remedies cnuscd this resu.t.I do not hesitate to lend my name nndInfluence to these thoroughly trust-worthy hair growers."

Write todny for n free trial . ii in mniioii securely sealed in "plain wrapper so that It may bo triedprivately at home.

Tho remedy cures Itching nnddandruff, sure signs of approachingbaldness nnd keeps the scalp healthynnd vigorous. It also restores grayhair to natural color and producesthick and lustrous eyebrows and eye-

lashes. Dy sending your name nnd ad-

dress to tho Altenhelm Medical Dispensary, 2389 Ilutternelil llilliuing. vjmclnnnii, unio, u. a. A., enclosing a 2,; hn,i years b?cn

stamp to coveryou prepaid free trial of

I am to

States Joint rcao- - jp

of Jointor







as given


m-- r












A CompleteV




in the Territory of Hawaii,

you will subscribe for the






LEGISLATURE, complete re-

ports will be published by


FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and Superintending

Eiectrical HydraulicKNOINKKU,

PJfttro-HytlraulI- p Power TrnnsmlulcnRKPORT3 AND KSTlMATEdFUKNiaHKD. . . .

With Catton-No- ll Co., Quoon street.f)fflro riBTt tol'ov .aico. 1JJ


Brick and Stone WorkManufacturers of Doors, Sashes an

Frames, Bllrds, Mouldings, Brackets, andAll Kinds of Wood Work, Finish TurningEtc, Etc.

KAWAIAIIAO ST.. KEWALO.Tel. White 1221. P. O. Box 552.

J.4 ALES T. TAYLOB,M.Aa. Soc.C. B.


Hydraulic Engineer.800 Judd lllock. Toln. 638,

Honolulu Iron Works CImproved and modern BUQAU MA

CIIINIJIIY of every capacity and descrlptlon made to order. Holier wortand RIVETED PIPES for Irrlgatlotpurposes a specialty. Particular attontlon paid to JOD WORK, and repslrtexecuted at shortest notlc.


Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar (J

Olaa Sugar o.

Haiku Sugar Co.Pala Plantation Company.Nahlku Sugar Company.Klhcl Plantation Co.Hawaiian Sugar Co.Kahulul Railroad Company.

The California and Oriental rr:


HONOLULU.Commission Merchant


iTbi tmPUnlatl'ilCo.tha Wilalua Acrlcutnvtl Co., L 1,1To Kortala Suraf Cort Walanaa Surar ftlll Co.ita Fulton Iron Woiki, Si. loall, Ba.Tti Standard Oil Co.1 bo Go. f, Dlaka btaan Poapi.Aatton'a Cantrlfuffata.

Toa England Lllo Inioranc Co. JTna jEna I Ira Int. Co. of Hartford, SataTna Alllanca Aaiuranca Co. of Loniaa,

.& Irwin &8




Western Sugar Refinery Co.Francisco.


Works,Daldwln LocomotivePhiladelphia, l'enn.. U. A.




S. S.


ijNewell Universal Mill Co. (Natloa.

Cano Shredder), New York. U. aN. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical FertlT

zers. inAlex. Cross & Sons, high grata t

tlllzers for Cane and Coffee.Reed's Steam Pipe Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOR SALEParafflne Paint Co.'s P. & D. Paten

and Papers; Lucol and. LinnOils, raw and boiled.

Indurtne (a cold-wat- paint),white and colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement LUi

and Bricks. '

UaAAfJljifggUlLJfjiilMgk h

rLJJbHJ and &LA," i


New England Mutual Lib IiSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON,

.Etna fire Insurance CoMPAr

of Hartford.vm. 6. Irwin & L


Wm. O. Irwin.. President and MantriClaus Sprockets Vice Preside.1W. M. award ..Second Vice PresldetH. M. Whitney Jr. .... Treas. and ftGeo. J. Ross Audll

Sugar FactQiAn

Jommission Agonutainis o in



BIEWBi C0., IiQuaan tUaal. Honolulu U.l '

forHawaiian Agricultural Company, Anartaaui V.J

Conpany. Oolcala Sujrar Plant. Co.. Onoaaa Si I

Co,. Hononu Suear Co , Walluku Sural Co , ai j

Sajtr Co . Halaakala Ranch Co.. MoTotal RattlPlantar'a Una San Fr 2aco Paclrat tai. Srift Co.'a Lloa ol Boaton Packata

IJST OF OFFICERSO. M. Cooke. Presldont: Georce

Robortsou, Manager) E. F. BlshtTreasurer aad Secretary; Cot. WAllen, Audit ir; P. C. Jones, HjJWi'house. Ono. R. Oartnr, Dlrortnn

Importers andCommissionMerchants --Asi


AGENTS FO- R- .The Lancashire Insurance Co. f'The Balolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Engine Co.Domestic Sewing Mad, ne. E



Is a prettyood paper for

$2.50 per an-

num, preferablyIn advance.





who use Its

umns GET




HAWAII SHIMPO SHThe Pioneer Japanese Printing office

The Publisher of "HAWAII SHIMPt-- tha only dally Japancia paper publisha

In tha Territory ol Hawaii , . ,." .

Y. SOGA, Editor.C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor

J6T Editorial and Printing Office, rKing bridge, King street. P O. Box (,

Page 7: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi

lLines of Trarel.

Jceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.The steamers of this line trill arrive and leave this port as hereunder:')FROM SAN FRANCISCO.MARIPOSA Feb. 9


KIERRA Mch. 12





J.ocal Boat.)



Local Doat.

In' connection the sailing ot the abovo steamers the agents ire prr- -tred to Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any rolliad from San Francisco to all points In the United States, and New

ptf by any steamship line to all European ports.


run ruAin&n i'jiiivjul,iiio

rai. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

talal and Oriental Steamship Co. t Tojo Kisen Kaisha

, Bittmri of lb ftbori conptntM will call t Honotulu and Imt tbti port oo or about ita ...4oaiaa DaiowntDiioniait

For Jaoan and China:,,,., , , February 8

., ...February 16

otMaru ,..... February s6la'Janelro March 6

4L , March ttSt Mftru .......March ai

for central Information ipiy

! Hackfeld &


Co., Ltd., Agents.

iti-tatal- m Royal Mail Stoarasliip Company.

nl ih abeva rjnnlni la with 1h CANADIAN CO.Vane ativer. B. C and W.. and talllnr at C. and; '..... '.. ..-- . n ..

11 it at liumiabUabu on or aooui ine aaiei wow miia tikiH Vancouver and victoria, b. c.

riftana andVsis! Feb. 16

attimoo.. Mar. 16

raidcra.... Arrll tjj"WK May 11

June 8

fworooa-- llckata lnuad Iron Honolulu totr(4i l ftnaral loformatloo, apply to





FOR SANFeb.Feb.Mch.

SONOMA Mch.Mch.Apr.Apr.






Stataa For and

Davlcs & Co., Aftcnts.

American-Hawaiia- n Co.


ftp. S. Hawaiian be dispatched on or beforeijjary 15 for Francisco, en to Honolulu

be followed by 6. S. Orefionlan. March loadine.received at company's wlvtrf, Street, South

apply to

HACKFELD & LTD.,Agents, Honolulu

Jr For turtlier particularstyP. MORSE,t General Freight

Her'tf Steamship Company




lenYouWaqt aigUP .

- - BLjvery, Boarding


le 'Phone, 477, j 'Phone,, 319 and Ttt.


llm BALLAST!!f White Black1 In Quantities to



furnished bv the dar's

H. R HITCHCOCKnt St In M. D. Monsarrat's




all Incoming




i ' wlth'Evenlng Bulletin, 21080.

W. LARSEN, M'fr.

j$ CABTWRIGH'Manager ot

fHujtible Asaunnce

for thecAf aruauaH

I airvcKt xiar

PHILLIPS kleads Importer and Jobbari

mind Dry

io t and


COMMISSION imino Btreela

e, l







For San Francisco:Nippon Maru t1VI0 dt 1

Cnptic .America Maru ..Muchriiyol Peking , March 8

March 16

ifmra Una. connection PACIFICSvdntv. N. S. Victoria. C. Honolulu Brisbane. .t.






11Mlowera, . ...Mar. 1

Ao'vigl,,... 10Wa .... May 8

.. ... June s

United tad Unroot. Fralarbt

Thco. H. Ltd., Gcn'l

S. S.. Direct Service between


will NewSan route








and SandSuit


Dump CartsNotice.





Life Scwu



Qneen Struts.

Qnetn Bon'


FebruaryJaneiro February



SYDNEYVictoria Vancouver (B.C.):

Warrlmoo ....Feb.....April




from York

Feight B.ooklyn,



E. U







Business Men

Can SaveMany Hours


San FranciscoPortfandTHE TRAINS DAiLY



Only THREE DAYS to Chicago.Only FOUR DAYS to New York.Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buffet, Smok-

ing and Library Cars, with BuberShop and Pleasant Reading Rooms.

Dining Cars (MealsFree Reclining Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.

J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,U5 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent,No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A.,

147 Omaha, Nebraska.

0. R. & L. Co.TIME TABLE.

From and After January 1, 1K49.TKAlNtt.

STATIONS. D.llr D.ll,luunruaj i. aun. illr i. sua. LUllj Dtll

A.M. Mi. A.M. PM.Hgooiatu rio 11.0s 3:il 5:10P..I1 City..,. So 9 4l 11:40 lcwamiii,., )1 lODl la,oo J 6.10Wltn... 10, so 4.41f.lllu..,. n:jS :40Kibuku : illSTATIONS Dally(Inw.rd) 1 Sua. Daily Dally

AJ4. A.M. VM.Stfiuka JiH .... .otWtlalua..,, 0:1a .,.. SOValanaa .,, flio ..,, IIIMIII ,, jus IIOS 4.Piatl City , 0.11 I.01 ISO 4:s

odoibiu 15 I.OJ laoP. C. HMXTn, Gen'l Faan. ,t Tloket

Agent.i. P. Dhniwvc. HnrmrlntAndnnl.

Mrs, Annis Montague Tomer,

WINTBRJ5EASON.Vocal Studio, " JYllanon "720 Beretanla street; Tel. 1114. ifa7-t-f

K. K. KAA1,Teacher of ' ,itar, Mandolin, Zlth

Ukulele and Taro Patch.

Orders to bo left care of Wall, Nicln

Subscribers to the BUL-LETIN not receivitiq trw? pa-

pers promptly will confer afavor by notifying tbe 'Bust-nes- s

dice, Telephone 156.

' rtCv - ' .WHSS ffftppfT5 " 'fJoH




The calendar for February term ofthe Circuit Court has been issued. Itcarries a list of 249 civil cases. Therearc fifteen divorce nnd separationcases. The criminal division Is leftto be filled by the' Grand Jury. Thecalendar Is blank on all odd numberedpages leaving convenient snaco forlawyers 'and reporter's memoranda.Following is the calendar complete except criminal cases to bo added by theGrand Jury.

The otllclnla of the court are: Hon. A.S. Humphreys. First Judge, presiding;J. A. Thompson, Clerk; H. I. Dole, At-

torney General; J. W .Cnthcnrt. Depu-ty Attorney General; A. XI. Drown,High Sheriff.

Jury Wnlveil.Following air tho Jury waived civil

causes, numbering 24:.1. JI. McChcsney v. A. M. Drown,

mnrRhnl, replevin, two.Uchrtni: & Dutzke v. W. S. Kdlngs,

nspumpslt.J. M. Vivos v. N. -- . I.nlz, assumpsit.JI. Dornndo v. M 1!. Knmoalll, dam,

ages. The same against JJ. It. Cast-nnh- a

and Crlsplno da Catnnrc, thrcoIn all.

J. 51. Vlvns v. Isabella Dcttcncoiirt,assumpsit.

Jamcn Hanlon v. J. VIvlchaves, as-sumpsit.

J. Vascnnccllos v. Itebeccn A. Doddnnd It, W. Cnthcnrt, executors, as-sumpsit.

T. U. 5Iossmnn v. H. It. :incfarlnnoet nl assumpsit.

I Ahlo v. Wnlnlun Agricultural Co.,quieting title.

II. II. Parker v. l'alea. trespass.H. II. Parker v. K. K Dull, trespass,F. I'.lhln V. Pnlnn. IrpntnanJohn Dull v Paler, trespass.William Henrv v. Pnln of Ilawnll v. Pmln nlillnr.

nnd nbettlng.H. 51. I.CVV V. W. K. Azlilll. nnsiimn.

9.Ah Quon v. Fong Ah Quon, assump

sit.Decker & Ilurnette v. Robert Par

kcr Lewis. ntsiinniRlt.II. It. Hitchcock v, Leo Tour. as

Riunpslt.II. Vnmam o et al v Loltnnr., ns


Civil Jury Lint.There nre two hundred nnd ten civil

causes for tho Jury ns appears

Prlscllln K. Hasslnger et al. v. Hel-en D. King et al., ejectment.

T. II. Mossmnn v. C. Montlng, as-sumpsit.

henry Smith v. Hamakua Mill Co.,ejectment.

Hanakaulanl Holt v. Hamakua MillCo.. ejectment

J. D Holt v. Kaulii. ejectment.C. Uatchclor v. C. U. Wnson, Mar-sha- l,

trespass.Tuck Chow v. 5Iakee Sugar Co., as-

sumpsit.C. K. laukea v. D. Cnrtwrlght ct al.,

quieting title.In ro Kjttnto of Nnllmu N'notwt, or-

der refusing probate of will.Katun v. Uwn 1'lantntlon Company

et al., trespass.S. Ahml v. Annie Wnller ct nl

quieting title,Sol. Knuat v, John K, Sumner ct nl

malicious prosecution.T. W. Hobron v. Cnns. I. Helm, as-

sumpsit.Frank I.lllls v. Jnmes Cnrty, dam-

ages.51. XI. Colin v .L. H. Dee, nssumpslt.I.uika KUInnhe v. 11. It. .Macfnrlnne

et nl.. ejectment.5Inry i Tlbbets v S. 51. Damon ct

nl. Trustees, Sung ct nl v. Marlon XI. Lim-

ing, nctlon on contrnrt.J. A, XIngoon v. - Xlarks, assumpsit.Knupcnn Knimana v. J. II. XInmnu-nu- .

malicious prosecution.Knng Wing Clicw v. A. XI. Drown

nnd C. F. Chllllngwnrth, trespass.A It. Tltlow v. Albert ytho et al.,

assumpsit.Gulstan It. Itopert, Trustee, v, Sol.

Kauai et al., ejectment.II. It. Hitchcock v. Hawaiian Tram-way- s

Co., Ltd., dnmnges.John Kalklkl v. Xalellehua, eject-

ment.Schweitzer & Co. v. Chns. J. Fishcl,

assumpsit.II. J. Harrison v. A. XI. Drown,

replevin.T. It. Xlossmnn v. S. XL Damon et

al.. Trustees, quieting title.K. K. Prcmlergnst v. Peter XIar-ti-

ejectment.Naomi Knalhuo v. Kalnnlhuln, as-

sumpsit.John Loeffler v. Pnlamn Co.opera-tlv- o

Grocery Co., assumpsit.V. Ah In v. John K. Sumner, as-

sumpsit.J. P. Xlendoncn v. Georgo Markham,

ejectment.L. L. XlcCandless r. Snmuel An-

drews, quieting title.J. O. Carter et nl Trustees, v.

et al.. ejectment.Knplolnnl Kstnte, Ltd., v, A. S.

Cieghorn, ejectment.Republic of Hnwall v. Oahu Ilallway

H. Land Cnmpnny, debt.Hnttlo K. Lewis v James J. Dyrno

et nl.. nssumpslt.Xlnhoahon v. Tnl Dun, ojcetment.Fred Wiindenbcrg v. Keaumnku,

ejectment,Samuel Andrews, v. Knlkona, eject-

ment.Wong Chnn Akann v. J, F. Colburn,

trespass.T. II. Xlossmnn v. Krnlly P. Jtidd et

al.. quieting title.Robert Lovy v. T. D. Clapliam, tres-

pass.Hcpubllc of Hawaii v. Oahu It. & L.

Co., assumpsit,T. V. King v. Chas. 8. Desky, debt.I Ahlo v. 5Iow Viien, ejectment.Sing Chong & Co. v. Lin Hop Wal

Co., ejectment.O. F. Oouvela v. Thos. It. Wnlkor ct

nl, trustees, trespass,W. C. Aehl v. Haul, ojcetment,

V. It. Cnstlo. tniBteo, v. KnplolnnlKstato, Ltd,, ojectmont.

C. K. C. Ilooko v. K. Singer et nl.,ojcetment.

C .K. C. Ilooko v. XI. Carter, cjoct-men- t.

C. K. C. Ilooko v. J. O. Young, as-sumpsit.

Knplolnnl Kstato, Ltd,, v. KaucohoRanch Co., Ltd., et at., ejectment.

C. K. C. Ilooko v. Tho Queen's Hos-pital, ejectment.

II. XL Mist v. Kaplolanl Kstato, Ltd,,ejectment.

Lucy K. Pcabody v. II. R. XIacfar-lan- o

ct al., quieting title.Sister Alhertlna, trustee, v. Kaplola-

nl Kstato, Ltd., et al., ejectment.Sister Albcrtlna, trustee, r. Knplola-n- lKstatc, Ltd., ct al., ejectment.

Kancoho Ranch Co., Ltd., v. KmallaAklona et nl., ejectment.

Heela Agricultural Company, Ltd.,v, Frank Pahla, ejectment.

Jnmes Armstrong v. XIary XL Judd,ejectment.

XIary II. Atchcrly ct nl. v. KaplolanlKstatc, Ltd., ejectment.

G. C. Aklna v. Xtnlla Kimlmii et nl.,ejectment,

C. K. C. Ilooko v. XIary XI. Seaburyet al., ejectment.

Lucy K. Penbody v. S. XL Damon ctnl., quieting title.Lucy K. Penbody v. Kmlly P. Judd ctnl., quieting title.

John II Kstnte, Ltd., v. It, KalilnuXIclci, ejectment.

N'clllo A. Cooko v. Ilolllster DrugCo.. Ltd., ense.

Fnnny Strnuch v. Cecil Drown, eject-ment.

S. II. Knlnmakco v. Henry Wlmrtonct nl., quieting title.

E. II. F. Wolter v. F. II. Iledwnrd,nssumpslt.

tnnrles lloesch v. Charles II. Wilier,Reduction.

Leo Lnwlon v. C. F. Chllllngnorth,trespass.

V. J. Testa v. J. P. Kahahnwal et al.,assumpstt.

8. Fushlma v. C. Tnylor, false Im-prisonment.

In ro Kstnto of Annlo N. Holoknhikl,order granting probate of will,

A. W. Maclean v. Klthtglshl, tres-pass.

l.eong Duck v. Knlanlhuln et al.,ejectment.

Tong Keo Co. v. Scottish U. & N.Inenrtinnn Cn nnititmnatt '

Tong Koo Co. v. Trnnsatlantlc Flrei"'1'! I'noaokalBnl. ejectment.Insurnncn Co.. nsRiimtmlt. Polun V. . II. Hi

I. II. IliiniR v. S. Ahml. assumpsit.SlnR ChonR & Co. v, Hoynl Insur-nnc- o

Co., ChnnR v. Itoynl Insurance Co.,

nssumpslt.Wo Fnt v. Greenwich Insurance Co.,

assumpsit.Leo Tit v. Chow Keo ct nl., eject-

ment.C. F. Jenno v. Campbell & I'cttus,

assumpsit.0. 13. Doardman v. Fireman's Fund

Insurance Co., nssumpslt.1. .II. Nutting v. Henry II. Worth-InRto-

assumpsitKaplolanl Bstate, Ltd., v. n. Peck

& Co., Ltd., ejectmentKaplolanl Estate, Ltd., v. W. It. Cns-

tlo ct al., ejectmentChas. Ah Foo v. Bcottlsh U. & N.

Insurance Co., assumpsitKaplolanl Estate, Ltd., v. Lorrln A.

Thurston, ejectmentT. It .Mossman v. S. D. Dole ct al.,

trustees, quieting title.Lucy K. Pcabody v. S. D. Dolo et

al.. trustees, quieting title.Otoml v. nijui KomntBo, breach of

promlso of marrlaRC.C. Drown, administrator, ,v, Tho

Dqultablo I.lfa Assurance Society ofNew York et nl., assumpsit

QuonR Snm Keo & Co. v. AetnaCo., nssumpslt

CJuonR Son Keo & Co. v. Alllnnco As-

surance Co., nssumpsltChu Uon v. Alllnnco Assurance Co.,nssumpslt

Yco Wo Chnn & Co. v. Itoynl Insur-ance Co.. assumpsit.

Yeo Wo Chan & Co. v. The OerrnanAlllnnco Insurance Co. et nl., nssump-slt.

Yeo Wo Chnn & Co. v. HnmburR-Ilrcme-

Flro Insurnnco Co., nssumpslt.KonR SlnR Chnn & Co. v. Alllnnco Co..nssumpslt

WonR Cnow v. Clermnn Alllnnco Insurnnco Co.. assumpsit

1 eo Wo Chan & Co. v. Insurnnco Co.of North America, nssumpslt.

eo wo ennn & Co. v. InsurnncoCompany of North America, assumn- -

BltYeo Wo Chnn & Co, v. Insurnnco

Company of North Amerlcn, assump-sit

Abigail K. Knlllelm v. Lowell Ku-pa-

damages.Rosamond Naylor v. Orphcum Com-

pany, assumpsit.Yeo Wo Chnn & Co. v. Alllnnco

Co.. nssumpslt. .Yeo Wo Chan & Co. v. Alllnnco

Co., nssumpslt.Look Chong v. Alllnnco Assurance

Co., nssumpsltLook Chong v. Alllnnco Assurnnco

Co.," assumpsitLook Chong v. Scottish U. & N.

Insurance Co., nssumpslt 'Chung Ming v. Alllnnco Assurance

Co., assumpsit.Tuck Yuen & Co. v. Insurance Com-pany of North America, nssumpslt.

Tuck Yuen & Co. v. Allnnco As-surance Co., nssumpslt.

Tuck Yuen & Co. v. Cireonwlch In-surnnco Company, nssumpslt

Lum 8y Hoo v. Alllnnco AssurnncoCo.. assumpsit .

Snm Ylck v. Alliance Assurnnco Co.,assumpsit

Maco Donvlllo v. Orphcum Companynssumpslt.

H. It Worthlngton v. L. D. Nutting,assumpsit

Ynn Nan Tong v. Alliance Assur-nnco Co., nssumpslt. -

Wong l.eong Too Co. v. Svca Insur-nnco Company, nssumpslt.

Fook Chnn Wo v. Alllnnco Assur-nnco Co., nssumpslt

San Chong v. Now Zealand InBiir-nnc- o

Co.. nssumpslt.Wing Wo Tnl & Co. v .Alllnnco

Co., assumpsit.Wing Wo Tnl & Co. v. Itoynl Insur-

nnco Co , nssumpslt.Ozal.l Shnltcn v. Union Assurnnco

Co., trespnss.Yoo Hop v, Now Zealand Insurnnco

Co., nssumpsltHonolulu Investment Co., Ltd,, v.

M .Knil Unnunn et nl., quieting title.flow Chong ct nl. v. Royal Insurnnco

Co., nsHumpslt.Lin Wo Chnn Co. v Now Zealand

Insurnnco Co., nssumpsltLeong Ylck Co. v. Now Zealand In-

surance Co., assumpsitAhl et nl. v. Now Zealand Flro In-

surnnco Co., nssumpslt,Kaplolanl Kstnto .Ltd.. v. H, J, Reld,

summnry possession of land.Okl & Oka Company v. Wilson &

Whltehouso et nl., assumpsitM. Suzuki v. Hiram Purdy, assump-

sitJ. L. Ilnwland v. Dyron O .Clark,

assumpsitLllluokalanl Domlnls v. C. D. Wilson,

ejectment.Eugeno Avery v. Tho Hawaiian Ga-

zette Co., damages.

J. O. Carter et at. v. inong Chock ctal.y ejectment.

umemoto UmeJIro v. Kumamoto Im-migration Co. ct al., assumpsit.

Agnes Xlclntyrc v. K. XI .Nakulna,


assumpsit.Chco Kit v. Lee Lung, trespass.Kugene Avery v. W. C. King, mall

clous prosecution.Chang Yau v. Chlng Hong Co., eject

ment.In re Extension of Mllllanl Street to

llnlcKnuwlla Streett appeal by trus-tees Dlshop Kstnte.

Lcong Shoe v. New Zealand Insur-ance Co., assumpsit.

Kamaka Kckauoha v. Schr. RobertLowers, dnmnges

In re Extension of Mllllanl Street,nppeal by Wllllnm 0. Irln.

I. E. Hnrrub v. John Emmcluth,trespass.

Kmmn XI. Nakulna v. J. II. Schnnck,trespnss.

Henry Zerbo v .The Honolulu To-bacco Co., Ltd., assumpsit.

51, Ilda v. C. I). Wood ct nl., assump-sit.

Helen A. Holt et at. v. Andrew Coxet al., quieting title.

Aslu Drown v. Andrew Ilanntster,trespnss,

Xlarla J. Almeida . V. J. Testa, ns-sumpslt.

Sol. Xlnhelona v. Luke Kalolo'tt,quieting title.

Kealakaa r. Kahaokamoku, quietingtitle.

M. O. Sllvn v. J. A. XIagoon, admin-istrator, assumpsit.

E. S. Cuntm v. Hawaii Land Co.,Ltd., assumpsit.

)l HoffHclilnegcr & Co. v. G. C.Aklna et nl., assumpsit.

Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., v. C. 8.Desky, assumpsit.

Fred Meyer v. I). K. Nnono et nl.,case.

E. XI. Nnkulnn v. Fanny Strnuch

ones, ml- -

mlnstrntor, nssumpslt.W. .1. Coclho v. Robert Grieve Pub-

lishing Company, libel.Lovejoy &. Compuny v. Wnlklkl

Dench Compnny. Ltd., assumpsit.Elizabeth K. Dooth v. Kahuku Plan-

tation Compnny, ejectmentF. D. Cnrvnlho v .Wm. Snvldgo nnd

Joseph Frlns, nssumpslt.II O. Hall & Son v. Pnlawnl Valley

& Upland Development Association,assumpsit

Oehrlng & Dutzko v. W. W. Aha-na- .assumpsit.

George D. Kapuln v. Hawaiian Ga-zette Company, Ltd., libel.

S. Fukuda v. John II. Wilson andL. M. Whltehousc, assumpsit

J. Alfred Magoon v. Wm .11. Corn-wel- l,

assumpsitYoung Tong v. Laura K. Halualanl,

assumpsitTom Wal v. Yin Hlng Company,

damages.William Palkull v. T. R. Lucas, as-

sumpsitIlolllster Drug Co.. Ltd., v. John F.

Colburn. assumpsit.Oehrlng & Dutzko v. T. Horltn, as-

sumpsitWilliam I Peterson v. F. Pacheco,

malicious prosecution.Hong Keo & Co. v. Nottj Zealand In-

surnnco Company, assumpsitKwong Lee Yuen v. Wing Mow et

at., assumpsitOehrlng & Dutzku v. Leo Chu, ns-

sumpsltAknnn v I). Kul. nssumpslt.Tong Chong Chan v. New Zealand

Insurance Company, nssumpslt.David Dayton. Gunrdlnn, v. Helen

K Itolnnd et nl., ejectment.Oehrlng & Dutzko v. W. W. Ahnna.

assumpsit.Charles K. Towt v. Konn Sugar

Company, Ltd., dnmnges,Wong Hut Nnm v. Chock Sing, as-

sumpsit.Mary A. Cofllcld v. Territory of Ha-

waii, case.Franz Duchholz v. W. It Castlo,

nssumpslt.Choy Look See v. Roynl Insurnnco

Company, nssumpsltChoy Look Seo v. Scottish Union fc

fsntlonal Insurance Company, nssum-pslt

'tin Wo Chnn Company v. InsurnncoCompany of North America, assumn- -

BitW, W. Ahnna v. Insurnnco Comnnnv

of North America, assumpsit.Wong Kong In v. Union Assurnnco

Society, assumpsit.Wing Man Yuen Compnny v. Nor-

wich Union Flro Insurance Society.nssumpslt.

Wing Mnn Yuen Company v. Scot-tish U. & N. Insurnnco Company, as-sumpsit.

Pol Knn v. Svca Insurnnco Com-pnny, nssumpslt

Sing Chnn Company v New ZealandInsurnnco Company, assumpsit.

W. J. England v. M. C. Amana, as-sumpsit.

The Divorce List.Thcro nro fifteen divorce nnd n

cases .entitled ns below:Rita C. Towksbury v. Irving Q.

Towk8bury.Mnnoel Fernandez v. Alcxnndrlna

Fernnndcz.Marin dns Santos v. Joso do Alireu.Stella Nunes v. Leonard Nuncs.Kola K Marqucz v. Francisco D. A.

Mnrquez.Ilerthn St. Clair v. John St Clair.Mary A. Evans v. Wllllnm Evans.Vlrglnln M. iJinrnster v. Milllo

Lnncnster.Emma Smith v. William M. Smith.K. K. K. Kelllkunln v. J M. Kelll-kual- a

(k).J. Nown Kannulu v. Lucy K. Knna-ulu- .

Knhalnu (w) v. Nobrcgn v. Sylvnno do

Nobrega.C'nrlnno Dartlett v. Ward S. Dart-lct- t

Joseph K. Clark v. Alible K Claik,

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY.Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund the money If It

falls to cure. E. W. Orove's algnatureIs on each box. 25 cents.


The ever popular Rainier boer Is be-

coming a household word and "willyou have a glass ot Seattle," Is moraoften heard than anything else. TheCriterion Saloon has the beer on tap crIn bot'let.

Legal Notices.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. FIRST CIRCUIT,Teirltoryillfawili. At &mtn. In ptobt Intri mitlef of ihecs(4to((jlrUo J RfKl . lite ofnntiuiu. document puipm-ii- to t th last willand testament of iIJ JecrJ. having iVn erwnt- -J to m'J court, totcther l'h a rtltion for the re-

bate lhert)f, an J for the Ittuance of letters tetamenia'y to jonn a, Attio luvinr been tileJ. NoticeU hereby t?len that Frliay, te th day of March, A,0 laot, at to o'clock a m , of uli dy, at the CourtRoom of sjIJ Court, fn tM JuJIclary HullJlne, Monolu'u, be anJ the same hereby HarivinteJ the timeani place for proving uU mIII ani hearlnff taliaprllcatlon,

Honolulu, January tgth, toot.Bv the Court,

GEORGE LUCAS,t?reb i 8,tj.ti Clerk.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. nwT rmrriT nrthe Territory of Hawaii In probate, at chamber.In the matter of the ettjte ol Chine Tal, late ofHonolulu, Oahu. dectaeJ, Intestate iMItlon havingteen fileJ by Chani? au Tal, friend of said Infeitite,pray In jr that letter of administration upon said es-tate bi Issued to him, Notice Is hereby ghtn thatMonday, the tth Jay of February, AD. iQot, at too'clock a m , In the JuJkUry fluitJlnjjr. Honolulu. IsappMnted the time ani place of hearing said petition,when and heri a I person t concerned may appearandshowcause, If any ihe hae, hy sati petitions nuld not be granted.

Honolulu, January 16 1901Ey the Court,

(,D KtLLETT.JR.,J. T DE DOLT, ESQ.. Clerk.

Attorney for petitioner. ttii-.i- t Jan i,i).t,tIV THE CIRCUIT COURT. FIRST CIRCUIT.

Territory n( awall. In probate, at clumber. In thematter n the estate of Jamei Dudd. ta of Honolulu,Oahu, deceased. The petition and accounts of theexecutor and executrix of the will r,f ald Joceased,wherein they ask th4t their accounts be examined andapproved, and that a final order be made of distri-bution f the property err.ainint? In their hands to theprsons thtrcto entitle J, and discharging them fromall further ieponslbllity as such executor and execu-trix hating th s day beet MeJ It Is ordered, thatMonday, the i8t Ja ct I ebtuary. A V., loot, at tenn'cloik a.m., at chamber, tn the Court House, atHi fiotutu, be and he ami hereH Is appointed a thetime and place for hearing laid pe Itlon ani accounts,and that all person Interested may ihen an J thereappear and show cause. If any they have, why thesame should not be granted

Datid Honolulu, Januar 10, toorUy the Ccurt,

J. A. iflOMfSON,DAVIS & GEAR. Clerk.

Attorne) s for the Execufr.TH-J- i.F,t,i

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.The unler&lenei hlvlnr hern Julv arrolnt.i Al

mjn n.a'crnl thecil'teot Jam. Hutching,, late otHta'itulu, UlanJ nf Oahu drctaeJ nlce It here-by riven to alt re,.ontarrrnf their calm, jejln.tthe estite ot ,IJ Jamct Hutching.. JecciseJ. JulyAuiiienucaiej wnctinr teturea rv mortgage or otnrrwle. to the ur Jir.lgneJ at M$ nflice on Qu.rn .treetIn the city ot Honolulu Island ot Oahu. llh n litmrnthi trom the date hereof, or thty u III be foreverKirrti, anJ all rv.iont InJetteJ in thetttafea'thereb tetiu-te- li make ImrreJiate rament totheunjer tcnei,

rRLDbMICK WALDUnN.A JmlnlMrator ot the e.tale ot Jamel Hutchlncy,

jeceattj.Honolulu. Jan. 10. . . trti ,t

Administrator's Notice.The unJrrilenei having been dulv aDenlntei aj- -

mlnl.tratots Mlth tti. Kill annexed ot theettateofLau Ttcung.otherftlselauChong, formerly f Hono-lulu, Hawaii, late tit Hong Kong, deceaej, herebygive notice to atl creditor, to rreae Itselr claim,,duly authenticated and with rroper tuchrrs,ll anyexiii, een 11 ineciaim 1, vcurej ry tnongag. upnreal extate. t)them.h ,aldunderfgned. at the ofticeof Wing Wo Tal, Nuuinu street, near King, In aldHonolulu, within ,lv month, from thlt Jat, of publi-cation, and if ,a'd claim, bt not rr.sented within ,uchlime, they that be forever barred. All rerton, in-

debted to sal J e.tate are r.qrested to m.ka Immediatepayment to said undersigned at said office

Dated, January list, loot,IAU YIN,IAU TONO.

Admlnlstralori with the wltl annexed.

Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure.

IN ACCORDANCE with the provl-slon- s

of a certain mortgage made by JuliaKaumealanl w) and Lukela Kaalmanu, ofPunaluu, Koolauloa, Oahu, to W. RCastle, Trustee of Honolulu, Oahu, datedFebruary 19. 1807, recorded liber 174, page3S9, notice Is herebv given that the mort-gagee Intends to foreclose the same forcondition broken, t : ofInterest when due. Notice Is likewise giventhat after the expiration 0' three weeksfrom the date of this notice, the propertyconveyed by said mortgage will be adver-tised for sale at pu MIc auction at the auc-

tion rooms of Jas. H. Morgin, In Honolulu,on Saturday, the gthsdtv of February,iqoi. at 12 o'clock noon of said dav.

Furthc particulars can be had of P. L.Weaver.

DalcJ Hcnclulii. January 11. 1001.W. R. CASTLE, Trustee,


The premises covered by said mortgageconsist of : ( I L.C. A. , 43 5 5 to atWalono, Koolauloa, Oahu, 0 acre;(2) L.C.A.. 27 R P.. ii2 to Namohalaat Walalee. Koolauloa, 96-1- 00 acre ; (j)lla jfios to Lniponl fnumaiu, Koo-lauloa, 75-t- oo jcre ; (41 L.C.A., 3&S0 toPuka'oheau at said Paumalu, ss-t- oa acres(?) L.C.A., 43O1J to Kaahamot at saidPaumilu, 2 io acres j (C) L.C.A,438ito Kahalku at said Paumalu. 67-1- acie ;(7) L C.A., 4347 to Kualwa at said Wal-ono, 1 44-1- acres; (8) R.P., 6705 L.C.A.;8cH to Klamana at Punaluu, 5 acies ; (0)Houielot conveeJ to Lukela Mortgagorby deed of Keawl, his mother recorded Inllbrr 122, rage 356 ; (10) L.C.A , 4437 toKalwl at Puheemlkl, Koolauloa, 3;; acre;(11) L.C.A., 3724 to Maiahl at said Puheemlkl, acre; (12) R.P., 3053 (Gr)to Kaalmalu et al at said Puheemlkl, 45

00 acres; (13) L.C.A. , 4372 to Kalul-ah- lat said Walono. 2 20-1- 00 acres ; (14)

L.C.A , 4352 to Koo at said Walono, 67-i- co

acres; (15) UC.A.. 3878, R.P.. 7'59 toPuuwaawaa at salj Walono, 2acres ; (G) L.C.A.. 3717 R.P., 6578 toMau-l- e at said Walono. 2 62-1- acres ;(17) L.C.A., 5243 R. P., 4850 to Kalkainaat said Walono, 1 00 acres ; (18) L.C,A., 4353 H.P 30 to Kawal at said Wal-ono, 2 00 acres, 3 apanas; 19 L.C.A.,8G62 land at Kaaleo, 703 3 an.ina.

I73i-ja- n 11,18,7;, t


TCLEPIIONH-AtAI- N .'8.Comer Hotel and Union Sts.

Up-to-da- te Macks andResponsible Drivers





Pantheon Shaving Parlor

James SheridanMlnno Timor,

40 years practice, rrfeiences !f delred.All kinds of Musical Instruments I unedand Repaired. Oflice with the Hawaiianiron Fence and Monument C'v, 179 to 180

. Mng at, ries. occidental nctei.Tel., 654. 82.3m Lincoln Block

Corporation Notices.

NOTICE.Notice Is hereby given that HO SEC

has this day soli to the undersigned BInterest of his store, with all general mer-chandise therein, situate In Kakaako. AVdebts on or before this day will be settled!by said Ho Seu.

HO YEE CHO.January 28, loot. 1751-l-


has succeeded to the nlanlnr mill htntnMof the Enterprise Mill Co., Ltd., Alatoaand Richards streets, and tespectfulv soli-

cits the patronage of all former customersof the latter mill company.


ASSESSMENT NOTICB.h,vviiiuium, ic iiticux iiuiurcu uuu U1B

FoufthAssessment of j per cent or two satone-ha- dollars per share on theCapltrfStock of THE INTER ISLAND TbXB- -UKAPH CO., LTD., Is due and payabtaJuly 1st, at the oflice of the underslmed,lii Fort street. J.H.FISHER.Actg. Treas. Inter Island Telegraph C.Limited.

Honolulu, June 1. toco. moNOTICB.

A partnership has been formed on thelist, dav nf Dec. 1900, by and betweenthe (ol ou Ing person to wit:

KWOCK HOON, HOW SIIO. KWOOCSAU, LING HOP, KUM ClIOW, LLK HOP.FAI Yi.U, CIILW YIN and SIU TIN domebusiness unJer the firm nam; of CHEWWO CHONG CO. atPauoa, Island ofOahu, Territory of Hawaii. Tliemtureof business Is the planting, buying and,selling of Taro, Pai-a- l or Pol.

CHEW WO CHONG CO.Honolulu, Jan. 8th, tool.

. I73V4".i8.25,eElection olf Officers.THE PORTUGESE MUTUAL BENE-f- itSociety of Hawaii at Its tepilar annual

meeting, held at Honolulu on January 13th1901, electeJ as Its officers for the currentyear the following gentlemen :

V. O. Telxelra PresidentJoao d' Abreu, Jr.,M.J R. Sllva SecretaryA. G. Silva Treasurer

Hoard of Directors: Jose Paulo Ulas,Thomaz Carvalho, Sr..F. G. Jardlm, Abe!S. Najclmento and T. Carvalho, Jr.

Hoard of AuJItors : Joao J, llarbozi.J. de Medelros C. A. Vlelra, J. C. Quin-tal and A. R. Sllva.

M. J, R. SILVA.17S2-- U Secretary.

Election of Officers.At the annuil meeting of the SocIeJjJc

P. de Santo Antonio Uenovelance of Ha-waii held the 2nd of December, 1900, thefollowing officers were duly elected for theensuing year:

J T. FiEueredo PresidentF. AvelroJ. P. Rodrlgues TreasurerM.T. Furtado Secretary

DIRECTORS.Antonio I. Sllva, Jr., M. A. Sllva,S. B. Arruda. J. Correa,

J. J. Carroca.M. I FURTADO,

Secretary.Honolulu. January 3i, 1001. 172-t-

Election of Officers.At the adioutned annual Meeting of the

Slureholders of the PIONEER MILLCO., LTD., held thlsdivat the office ofMessrs. II. Hackfeld S: Co.. 10a.m., the following Officers were electedtor the ensuing year:

raui sennerg rresi dentH. A. IsenbergH Schultze - TreasurerF. Klamp SecretaryW. Pfotenhauer ..Auditor

The above named O te s with the exception of the Auditor, and

F. W. Macfarlane,J. A. McCanJIess,H. Focke.

cons, lute the Board ofF. KLAMP,

Secretary.Honolulu. January loth. 1001. 17s rrt

BY AUTHORITYPound Maister'8 Notice

of Estrays.Notice Is hereby elven. that the ani malt

described below have been Imnnundrd lathe Government Pound at Maklkl, Koiu,Island of Oahu, and unless the pound feesand damages are sooner satisfied, will besou at tne uate nereunder named, accord-In- s:

to law :Jan. 27, 1001 1 brown stallon. brand m- -

discrlbable, white spot on forehead, witfchalter, all feet black and sore on left hlnlee.

Jan. 27, 1901 -- 1 red horse, brand "Wardon rigni ninj lejr, white stripe a fore-head am! sore on back.

Jan. 28, 1001 1 red hoise. brand "2" oaright hind leg, white stripe on forehead.right hind foot white, the rest black amfall shoddeJ.

Jan. 28, 1901 1 red horse, brand "JOB"on right hind leg, white spots on back.white spot on forehea I, black left frostfoot, the rest white and all shodded.All owners of the above described tit'

mals are hereby notified that I will sellthem at public auction on Saturday, Fch16, 1001, at 12 m., If not called for beforethat date, K. KEKUENE,175' 3t Pnundmaster.

Sealed Tenderswill be received at the office of the SuperirrtenJent of Public Works until Saturday.February 2, 1901, at 12 o'clock noon, foethe printing and binding of the AnnualReport of the Department of Public Worldfor the perloJ ending December 31,100c.

The bids must be as follows:Plain matter prr printed page.Figures and reaJIng matter without rote-pe- r

page.Rules and figures per page.The aboe l to Include papercoren.

with title.Edition 500. Type, small Pica; TtblfA,

Lone Primer.Paper to be letter A Book 44 lb.No bid, except In accordance with the:

above, will be considered.Any further Information may be ob birr-

ed upon application to the Chief Cleric. Tthe Department,

The Superintendent of Public Works flo-

es not bind himself to accept the lowest orany bid.

J. A. MCCANDLESS,Superintendent of Public Works-Publ-


Works' Office,January 30, 1901, 1751-s- t


Page 8: MMnnHmmnHMn Tzmm& utwvi JCv Bulletint p i1 m: wr-Tzmm& utwvi w JCv iavi ' 'VST' MMnnHmmnHMn--" " (1 Evening Bulletin a.t B Ovws IT IS A PAYING..INVESTMENT.--zX JJ-- iQiaiftaifaiFainF&ifEsPaifQi

PPpga mwmbtfRgfflj lipftpif ywumtflipp in ! 111 hi in mrzzr


Wt',1 T



Wm. u. Ih


Bun rranciico .doe-nl- i Tnu. NrtadNational, Hank op Ban Frasciuco

Sab Frasoihoo Tlio Nevada NatloD.Bank of San Francisco.

Loudon Tbo Union Bank of LondciLtd.

Nw YonK American Exchange IS

Uonal Bank.Cbioaoo Merchant Nationai BankPaws Credit Lyonnala.BcRLin Droadner Bank.Honkono and Yokohama

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nw Zealand and Aurtrjllu Id)of New Zealand.Victoria and Vancouvbb Bank t

BrltUu North Amorlut.Tnuatt i General Baton udEickuueBuiia

Depoltti Received, Loans made onSecnrlty. flommercLl and TrtTtltri

Credits Inntd. Bllli of Exchange boughd told.

CoixiCTiom Pbomtot Aooogimro Fo

EiUbUih.d 1858


Transact n General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in all the principal citiesof the world.

Interest allowed after Jnlj1, 1898, on fixod deposits 7

day notico 2 per cent., (tliir-for-

will not bear intoresiunless it remains undis-turbed for ono month), 3months 3 per cent, 6 montlu3& por cent., 12 .months 4

per cent.

Pioneer Building antLoan Association.

ASSETS, DEO. II, 181t, 11I,(TTJB

Mone loaned on approved ecnrlttABavingaBank for monthlr depotlUHouses built on the monthly Install

men', pis'.Twentieth Serl of Stock li art

opened.OFFICERS T. F. Lansing, Pre

dent; B. 13. R,oso, vice President; C. IGray, Treasurer; A. V. Dear, SecretaryDIRECTORS T. F. Lansing, 8. t

Hose, A. V. Gear, A. W. Keech, HenrSmith, J. L. McLean, J. D. Holt, O.Gray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. GEAR.Bocretatv

Chamber of Commerce rooms.Office Hours- - 12:301:80 p. an

mwmQK .


Savings Deposits will breceived and interest allowed by thtBank at four and one-ha- lf per centper annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Rop

elation may be obtained on appllcatlmOfflco at bank building on Merchai

street.BISHOP A CO.

Tfje VoohHmB Specie Ban


SuHcrlbri Capital Yen .4,000 oo.Paid Up C.plul Y.n 18,000 octServed Funi Yen S.i)o,oot

Heil Office, Yokohama.

The Dank buys and receives for collection Dills of Exchange, Issues Draft,and Letters ot Credit, and transacta general banking business.

UtTERFST ALLOWEDOn Fli.4 Deposit (or 1 asocial, a iSf aaasl p. .On Flit! Depollt lot 6 noslai, jji "Oa Flie4 tor 1 bo., i

Bunch ot th. Yokohama Sped. Bank,

Few Repaoiic Baitdipg. ill nm si.. Hcioltii

Art Embroidery Taught.Lessons in ART EMBROIDERY will

be given by Mrs. H. H. Williams at theCity Furniture Store, Fort streetFirst Class stamping done



On WashlnRton s lllrthdny. theio IsLo bo n tlirn; lornerul race In shellsbetween trews siltctul fiom mcmbeisof tho Hcalanl and Mjrtlo club mem-

bers.Tho captains of tho trows aro A. V

Judd, Jack Atkinson nnd Carl RhodesIn Judil's boat will bo himself. Oil'Sorenson, Jim I.Iod and tlthcr GeoJlartln, Fred Chuich or John Water-hous- e.

'1 his trcw Is known ns the.Married Men's crew.

Resides Atkinson thero will bo DanRcnear, Paul Jnrrett nnd Wllllo Soperfn the becond boat, which will be know nas tho Slnglo Men's crew Tho MngagedMen's crew will consist ot Merle John-

son, nert Webster nnd Fred West, be-

sides Carl Rhodes, who will bo coirhtuid captain.

The dlstanco to bo rowed has not jethecn settled but active training will befccgun this week. Tho prlzo will he a

dinner to bo paid for by tho losingrrow.

ArtlBtlc work Is tho forte of ourdepartment. If an especially

nice Job Is wanted In workmanship and

material, glvo us a trial.


Shipping Facts of

many Distant snoresYrjarzrjkrjrjLTjirjLrjtrxrATjtrA

Tlio Ulnck Dlnmond Coal Companjrecently brought suit In the United

States District Court to recover dam-

ages In tlio sum of J17.150.17 from thCalifornia Shipping Company, owneisof tho ship May Flint, for the loss of a

cargo of coal at the time of the collisionof tho May Flint nnd the battleshipIon a on September Sth In San Fran-cisco Bay.

Tho British tramp steamer Carmarthenshire which came Into port heren short time ago for supplies arrUednt Tort I'irlo on January lOth. It will

be remembered that she was on herway from Tacoma to the aboe port,when she encountered one of the most

sevcro storms that has prevailed on

this portion of tho I'aclflc ocean formany years.

It has been decided that the new

Orlentnl steamship line. In connection

with the Oregon Ilnllroad nnd Naviga-

tion Company, will he operated by the

Portland and Asiatic Steamship Com-

pany. The first of the four 10.000 Ionsteamers to be delivered to the new

company will be the lidrapura. which

It will receive at Hongkong on Febru-ary 21st.

Advices of January lGth fro-- r Washington, state that Robert Moiar of thefirm of Moran llrothrr the Seattleshipbuilders, who Is In Washington.has received word that the clt of Se

attle will not carry out the contempli!cd Btrcet extension, whlih would compel tho firm to raze on- - t Its shops

In view of this decision at the city,the firm will accept th" nwarl of thecontract to build one of 'he sheathedbattleships authorized by I'ongrois Instyear.

A cable to the New York World fromLondon savs When Oeorge L, Watsonlanded at Southampton from his trialtrip on "Tonj" Drexel's new steamjnclit. he was Invited to Inspect andreport upon the Quern's new jachtwhich already has cost $1 500.000 and la

still considered unseaworthy. Watson,according to report nt the Portsmouthdockvard, being asked what should hedone with the Queen's ncht, replied Inhis blunt Scotch way, to the consterna-tion of the Admiralty big wigs: "Putevery one responsible for her construc-tion aboard, take her twenty miles outto sea nnd sink l.T." Rut falling thisheroic measure, she Is to be handedover to the Admiralty as a dispatchboat.


Notice to Creditors.The tnJf rilcnei havlnt? iVn Julv arrolnlei Ex

?cutort anJ bxecutrlx rer?ct tly nf the estate ulJam A Hornr. JeceawJ late of Honululu. Ojhunone is n.rerv Ken to mi creJiiors to prcsveni instrclaims JKilntt sild Jamrs A Hotpf Ju'y authenticated hIiIi rtortr ouchcrs, If ar rxKi, even tf theClaim Is curt;J tv morteice uron real estate to tin;underliTneJ at their utnee on I irt sirett llonolu uOahu within ".Ix months from tha Jae f lit f rtpuMlcation hrreof. or they will re ftrevcr barred

Hon. lulu Oahu Obruarvist A 1) , 1001,WILLIAM L. HOI'PbRE WILIS PfcTERS'JN. anJfcLLLN HOPPER

Fxecitors anJ bxecutrlv of the estate of James AHopper JeceascJ l sji4t'Hw


At the Annuil Meetine of the Stockholders of the KAIIUKA PLANTATIONCOMPANY, hell January 28, 1901, ihefollowing officers were elected to serve forthe ensuing yeir:

James H. Castle PresidentJ. P. CookeW. R. Castle, Jr., . SecretaryC. Bolte TreasurerGeorge F. Davles Auditor

W. R. CASTLE. JR.,i75Wt Secretary.



Fresh Invoices of HuYLERSCHOCOLATES per the



Graduate W Optician

Has returned to Honolulu and openedoffices for the examination of the eye forglasses and tilling prescriptions. Uonvplete facilities for grinding lenses and mal

Ing repairs. Factory on the piemlses.ROOMS 206 AND 207,



It is a case where, honestwork brings its own rewaid.king BROS., who have latelygone into the photographicbusiness, as a branch to theirArt Store, are meeting wit"remarkable success, in theKodak Finishing Department

This is due to following themottoe : " A thing worthdoing, is worth doing well."The result is, everyone whoknows the dilterence, is satis-

fied.To those who don't know,

an invitation is extended tolook into the matter.


120 Hotel Street,Corner of Union.

Stock Broker Says

Stocks are Firmer

One of the best known of the stockbrokers of the city, speaking of thogeneral standing of stocks In tho city

at the present time .said to a Bulletinreporter this morning "I am glad to

tell voti that the period of Inacltlvlty In

stocks which we have Just passed

through Is being superceded by a gen-cr-

upward tendency nnd a tendencyto firmness. I do not anticipate niay

boom ns a great many of tho stock bro-

kers think we are going to have.

"It Is my opinion that ono stnblestock at n time will pick up and thengradually rise. People have got allover their liking for booms for a greatmany were 'pinched' In the last one we

had nnd now, every man studies over

the situation most carefully before ho

makes n move. This. ou can well see,

tends toward moderation nnd modera-

tion In one field, means death to booms

nnd life to n gradual upward ascent.'


Wichita. Kans.. Jan. 23 Miss PiulIne LcwelllngH econd daughter of thelate (lovernor Levvelllng, was brutaliv

hand women members of the Alpha

Tlieta Mil Socletj of the Wlihlta Highfaihool. Iho littus. A. T M., wereburned across her forehead with ni-

trate of sliver and the doctors have In-

formed Miss I.i'wtlllng that tho scarscannot be removed The letters are InGreek.

Miss l.ewelllng allowed the reportersto look at the stars tonight They are

of nn Inch deep. When ask-

ed for the details of tho ha7liig, sho re-

fused to disclose the names of any oftho women who took pnrt In tho Im-In- g

nnd would not even tell when orwhero It happened.

The school board will have the jnungwomen ai rested If they can find outtheir names. To this action the vic-

tim takes radical exception and sajsshe does not want them punished

It was all done in fun nnd shewas ver yanxlous to Join tho Alpha Ue- -

ta Theta Mil no matter how severetheir initiation ceremonies.


Salem. Or.. Jan. 21. Tho RepublicanSenatorial caucus held at the Capitolthis evening vvns attended by thirty- -eight members of the Legislature. Onemember sent a letter of regret nnd expressed his Intention to be governerby the nctlon of the caucus. Nothingwas done to Indicate the position of thecaucus choice for Senator. The Demo-

crats. 1'opullsts. etc., held a caucus alsoand decided to cast their party voto to-

morrow for William Smith of IlakerCity for Senator.

It Is quite ev Ident thnt the Senatorialballot tomorrow will result In no elec-

tion. It appears that the Republicansupport will bo divided among Cnrbctt.Mcltrldo nnd Hermann. Both houses ottho Legislature havo been workinghard all the afternoon, a large number!of bills hnvlng been Introduced.


Slnco the uoik of building tho seweroutfall oft Kakaako has got out Intoilcep wnter, a good deal of blasting Insbeen found necissary. Tho concussionof the exploding giant powder kills a

great many fish nnd, ns n result, thebridge leading out to where tho mennro working Is thronged with natlesand .lapnneso who go nftcr tho stunnedand dead fish r.s they eomo to tho sur- -

faco of the water after n blast.Sometimes n great many fish nro got

In this way and ngaln, but few. Sincetho outfall has been used, sharks arebeing found ery frequently In theneighborhood, w hero they como to feedon the offal pumped Into tho sea.


Blectton ot OfficersAt the annual meeting of the stockhold-

er of the PLOLO LAND & IMPROVE-MENT CO., LTD.. held at the office ofthe Company. January 31, tool, the fol-

lowing officers were e'ected tor the ensu-ing yeir:

A. F. Cooke President & ManagerM. D. MonsarratHarry Armltag SecretaryW. L. Howard TreasurerR F. MearJmore AuditorDirectors: C. II. Cooie and T. ts

Stewart Attorney with the abovenamed officers constitution the Hoard ofDirectors.

HARRY ARMirAOE,2743-- Secretary, l'.L.&I.Cn.. 1 td

Blcction of OfficersA' a meeting of the stockholders of

DAIHY CO., 11 D.. held In Room2 M lgonn building on MonJ iy the 28thday ot J.inuary, irpi, the folhwlng per-

sons were elected to serve for the presentyear:

L. L. McCandless PresidentSarah J Grace vice l'reldentAlfred Magoon . Sectetary&l reasurerAuditor-- - L. H. Dee,Tie ahive named persons constitute the

Board of Directors.J ALFRED MAGOON,

l74Vlt Secretary.

,? 'J' v '' 'J'ttv "J1 'J v 'j 'I' 'if '1' 'J 'I1 'J 'J'ttttt v

BULLETINCan satisfy your wants

; ; .f you mention them in its







TuesJiy ....WeJnetcUy



Saturday.. .

Sunday .....Monday ....



i o

t 46

t 19

1Ho4 It

p. fn

iO it11. 1

P11 si

I 1

t.i1 l

'"4 II


p m

4 IS

! l

6 if


8 ot


9 14




6 IS


9 40

13 c8


0 J9

Full Moon on tho 3d nt G:C0 n. m.The tides at Kahulul and IIUo occur

about an hour earlier than at Honolu-lu

Tides from tho United States Coastand Geodetic Survey Tables.

Hawaiian Standard Tlmo Is lOh, 30mslower than Greenwich time, being

that of the meridian ot 157 30. Thetime whlstlo blows at 1:30 p. m., whichis the same as Greenwich Oh, 0m.

Musters of vessels sailing from thisport for San Francisco will find theroa branch of tho U. S. HydrographlcOftUo located In tho Merchants' Exchange, whero Is maintained for theirntncflt freo of charge, completo senof charts ind direction's of tho world.Latent information can bo obtained re.

gjrdlng lights, dangers to navigationand all matters of interest to occinemmcrce.


Steamers due and to sail for the nextthirty days nro ns follows:

ARRIVE.Steamers. From. Due.NIPPON MARU Yokohama ..Feb. 2

China 3. F Feb. f.


RIO I)i: JANEIRO Yokohama. Feb. 12

WARRIMOO-Sjdn- oy Feb. 11

DORIC S. F. Fob. 1C

AORANGI Victoria Feb. 10

ALAMEDA Sydney Feb. 18

SIERRA S. F. Feb. 19

COPTIC Yokohama Feb. 13


DEPART.Steamers. For. Due.NIPPON MARU S. F. Feb. 2

CHINA Yokohama Feb.RIO DE JANEIRO-- S. F. Feb. 12

MARIPOSA S. F. Feb. 13

WARRIMOO Victoria Feb. 11

DORIC Yokohama Feb. 10

AORANGI Sydney Feb. 10

ALAMEDA S. F. Feb. 18

SIERRA Sydney Feb. 19

COPTIC S. F. Feb. 19

NIPPON MARU Yokohama... Feb. 20

A government transport from SanTranclsco, carrying mall, Is duo abouttho 9th nnd 23d of each month.

Weather llureau, Punahou. February1. Temperature Morning minimum,CI; Midday maximum, 73.

Ilaromctcr nt 9 a. m. 29.93. Tailing.Rainfall 0.01.

Do w Point GIF.Humidity nt 9 n. m. E9 per cent.Diamond Head Signal Station. Feb

ruary 1, Weather clear; Wind SW,

ARRIVALS.Thursday. January it

Stmr J. A. Cummins, Searie, fromwindward Oahu norts.

bchr Adele, Dudoit, 8 days fromKauai.

Stmt Walaleale. Plltz, from Kauai withaoco bags sugar.

rriuay, reo. 1.HUt Benecla Bowes, 15 days from San

Francisco, general catgo to F. A. Schaefer.Am schr Muriel, Chfeson. 49 days f om

Newcastle with coal to Hind Rolph &Co. .. ..

Stmr Ualanl, Gregory, from Hawaii.Stmr W. G. Hall, Thompson, from

AhuUinl.TKK Nippon Mam, Green, 10 day-fro-

the Orient, pass and mechdse to HHacUfeld & Co.

DEPARTURES.Thursday, January 3t.

OSS Zealandla, Dowdell, for SanFrancisco.

OSS Sonoma, Van Oterendorp, forPago Pago, AucUland and Svdney.

TKK HongUong Maru, Fllmer, for the'Oriental ports.

Am bUtn Juhn Smith, for the Sound Inballast.

Stmr MlUahala, Pederson, for MaUa-wel- l.

'Stmr Kauai, Bruhn.for Nawlllwlll.

FrIJay, Peb 1.

Gas schr Maiolo. KulUahl, for Kauai.PASSKNOERS DEPARTED.

For Kauai, per stmr MlUahala, Jan. )i.Mrs. Otto isenberg, Dr. bandow and

wife, H. P. Baldwin, Annie HI tckstadt,1 onv Sagstetter and W. G. .

For Kauai, per stmr Kauai, Jan. 31. - NLownesand Miss Ne file

Mnll for CoiiHt.The Nippon Mam from the Orient d

this afternoon. The Slrrra from tinColonl'S Is due to arrive tudiy. Ihepostal authorities will send a mall oneich steamer, but the steamer whichleaes iM for aan tr.incico, win c r ythe bulk of the m.a I. Although the ea- -

landia left yesterday alrcrdy a good suejmail has piled up in the post ollice for theCoast.

Should the Sierra get In tills after oon


she get very quicU dlspitchand, as shewill liave hut little freight to dlschirgeand but a small quantity of sugar to taUe

on, she should not be delated here longerthan twelve or fift'en hours.

The Nippon will probably taUe aboutthe same length of time to discharge asshe usually brings a large Oriental cargofor this port.

Swum Atshorc lop Pun.Last Sunday the crew of the steamer

Iwalanl swam ashore at Wilplo Gulchfor a little vacation. Hie weather wastoo rough to lower a boat so the men tooU

chance with the ro.Us. None of themwere hurt. On Monday morning they returned to worU,

"Murlel'H First Trip.

The new schooner Muriel, CaptainChafeson, from Newscastle, arrived

after a trip of w days The vesselIs owneJ by H'nJ Rolph & Co. anJ after,dlscrnrglng her coal, she will load sugarfor San Francisco.

WANTS.,Adt. 1. (il tctumn ttntf 4 nurttJIt tmll 4 ,. 0.4 t.ftrff..; M 44.ll fw

imttthtnt 9 ttKtt ... ttJt, 43 44. ft rtr. nttktsnJ 60 ttnti o.r numtb. Hit 11 tbi rrr.ftttf

tvtr effitfj lb pttiptt . Honolulu,


CTrNOORAPMER llll SPIRE TIME DURINGJ bu.lne.. hours des res lo attend to anotrte

firm's enrresnnnd.niII , Bulletin r,ITice

at 15 per m nthmi-I- t

IN JIELKY--CJ can (ret Ihem atM F LLCAS, 10) Motel St. F'n. Eneravlna;

and en.rrellng don. Ito.MOTICE TO B' tLDERS-T- he Union Capress Co

- nas wnii r Aru mle.




ANTEP-- A b,rlr Apply C. Mot- -

leno, wercnint at . near n 't;,'iwWANTED TO REN -- Hojs. nt 6 or t moms

would try turnilur. 'IK" BulletinOfflce, m'-i-

tlANTED To rent . t "1 hors. poer Mler," Apply VINCtN f and BELTER.


Typewriters, Luna and Plan'atlon



any nationality, Whit. Help a

VOUNO MAN, s'enoeraclier and trtewrlter, alI one Address "AN " Bulletin Office;

WANTFDWATCHESto repair by lewder ot Mvv years experience Ju.l received a fine I ne ot

nove'l'es. O DIETZ. Ill Nuuanu SI l?o8 It



THF OWL LUNCH AND OYSTER ROOW --I served n the Oietl onw Try his

lemons Ham and hgg Sandwiches and Coffee CorNuuanu and Hue streets WM LUCAS, Proprietor,


ID PAPFPS TO r XCII NGF for clean Cotton Wat;. Aippiv at umc mnj-i- i



TO between Pllkol an!Keinmnkii ? rn m indiumi kitchen ana ram

rnnm foimry n cupicJ pv a i Mrnck HtntJio.r month Arr'VtoC.. H Collins Kin;; street rrumnu nil'tt

FOR KENT A nUely furnl heJ be J room aniIn prlav famll Apply ja Here

Unta M , near Pumping Station njf U

COR RENT PurnlshtJ rooms lor entlemenquire at ISa. 4 ISorri vineafi st



FOR RTNT A otttase s?x6i, rorner KawahtuoCool st'eets. Aptly H I on. Ulihop Bank

HOUSES IET Furnl ure lor tale In allthe ctv ATKINSON. Maeoon

runt itrcet




TO LXT Sefton House will furnished room withb urJ st near Pilkol. mfr tmo

HOUSE TO RENT on the corner of Maklkl an4Avenue AppK on premise iTil'tm

TO WENT Furnlahei room. GarJen Lane EnquireMrs McConnel. off Union street, No oGarJen

Lane. M'



DESIDENCE PROPERTY. FOR SALHstlon the In Nuuanu Valle. corner of

JuJJ ana Linna streets int lunr premises con-

sisting of about four acres of lanJ co erel with beau-tiful lan. trees and plants A no pliilJ residenceto cot aiesicnmrlett barn and servants' Quarter.all In first class condition Tor further particular

lo HAWAIIAN TR"5T & INVLbTMENTK51: IV leieonone, 4 icqinriat ith-i- t

FR ALr On Emma !!, r im cottage fur-

nished complete, sanl arv ptumMne: th'ouKhout.Tor particulars apply o Chas h Monre. room 6,Maguon Hlock, Alakea ani Merchant Sts iTH-t- l

HOUSE & LOT. right In town, only iloo. I II19 Kin. M

HOUSE & LOT, Wllcux tract, rrw home, lot Coxrnly $ terms easy p H (lunette, w

Klnj itreet

FOK SALE OK LEASE-- A Jelllne houseani lot, centrally loca'eJ, ulthln fn e Mocks

of th.p-s- t lotrxi)i suitable for Doctors orDentists cflic.anJ J.tlllnir ir for a business Ice.llnJ Mrni $ to. rtr ironth rolv to ((CAM LAN- -S IMj& cp itli-t- f

FOR SALE OR KENT The (u nl ure of a roomltme. rented at lis coper month Apply ot

I Wl r fVr'Jent.l Uriel

AS PAN of thoroufht-rc- hay horsts, 6 ani . )earsyears oli. .Wo a StuJrbaker surrey

ani et of slnslj ani Jouble harness Apply 19 HM Mott'Smltn. roro .o-- Juil Hullilng 1749-i-

COR 'ALEI cheap cooi a new Can b.Wheelers, jr. Vinear4 St

Pianoseen at Mrs


ITOR SAI C Choice Fruit Trees from riorlia. con- -1 stinff of Peaches, Pears Plums, Apricots

lipanese persimmons Mulberries, Ltc, ofkinis cown bv llarIJa oTiwers ani mot IKelv tofrutt tn this climate AJiressBuonO Claik, man-

ager Clark Farm W'ab1aa Oahu ,T.6twCORr Apply S W JORDAN

T4 II ' Tort St

on YEAR LEAC Chlnatovn, rental only lio a4iU montjl I' II llurnetic )a King St

HOtl' L AND TWO LOTS- - Kalulanl Tract, onl)I'll llurnette, )o king St

rOK SALE-O- ne ea h 4 ani 6 horsepowerM ETZ Pt ni kLROSEXE O L EXG1XES.

Inquire rJ EwlflUTH. 141 king St

FOR SALF A few Imrortei milch cowsM VIVAS ijS.

aLE Cheap family harness ani anopen pugjty. rtppiy 10

WILLIAM SAVirCEtoo Merchant St

THE b"t t cent clear In (own Is th. "COLONEL'I to be hai at the Myrtt. Cigar neat to Or- -

.Ml kinds of Manila cigars a specially

pOR SALE Futnltureof cottagenear towl. wnn or renting collage.

WILLIAM SAVID',E&6 Merchant St.

tTOR SLE Leasehoti QurenHonolulu Works

Splendid Warehouse LocallrnApply WILLIAM SAVIDCE,



Jaranee been signed aboardNorveglanshlp Prince Albert.

gasoline schooner Eclipse sailsafternoon iuauena

ports.Sonoma broucht largest ship

ment storage goods broughtto part.






(new)itli-l- f


pOR mare,




on 'reet..4 years to run,near Iron

lo & CO ..06 street

crew hasthe

The thisat 5 0 ciocit lur ana no

naThe the

of cold evertilsA sU feet tiger sharU was caught by

Japanese lishermen near Diamond iiraaonWednesday.

The Navy slips ind wharves will beturned over to the Navy Department ontne nrst or .vurcn.

The birU Kalulanl will probably getaway for Sau Francisco by TutsJay, tak-ing a full loaJ of sugar.

1 he erection of the derrlcU for the bor-

ing of the artesian well on the naval re-

servation w is heLii yesterday.WorU has begun on the salvag of the

little scliomer MoUlhana which wentasho'e at Walanae two ve;ks ago.

Captain Higlund of the Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navleitlon Company lias beenconh to his home for several days withaseveie cold.

The new barltentlne Benecla. Bowescommander, arrived yesterday afier spreJyvoyage of lifie n days from San Francisco.She brought a larre general cargo and adeck load of 1917 bales of hay. I tie newvessel Is a beauty and w as muc h admiredyesterday' This Is her fitst trip here.

llverythlng In the lino of job print-ing la what may bo obtulned fiom thoJob olllco of Tho i:enliig Uiilletln. Sta-

tionery, blanks, ledgers with patentHat opening backs, blank books of allsorts, pamphlets, books 01 an) thingthat can bo turned out by n job olllcoIs right In om line OUe us a trialnext tlmo you nre oidcilng.

Tho nnnual meeting of the C. Diew-c- r

Itate, Ltd., which was to haetaken plnco ycsteitlay was adjourned,subject totho tall ot tho ptesldent.


The "ZEALAND1A" brought us a shipment of



845. OOB. O. HALL & SON, Ltd.,

Hall Building, Corner Fort and King Streets.


11 05 Queen Street

At PublicAuction

At my salesroom,



A fine piece of business propertysituated directly opposite the ware-house ot W. G. Irwin & Co. onMerchant St., and near tlfe fineStangenwald and Judd buildings.

This is an excellent opportunityfor investment in first-clas- s otfice orbusiness property.

Jas. P. Morgan,Auctioneer.


FOR 1901 !

flie Hawaiian News Co.

Ltd., have on exhibition

their stock of OFFICE AND


and make your selection.




FOR SALE!HOUSE WITH LO l Co ft. by aco

ft. House contains six rooms,lanal, bath-roo- clothes closets,and china closet. Built entirely ofNor' west and almost new.

HOUSE LIKb IHE FIRST, withlot 60 ft. by 120 ft.

LOTS WITHOUT HOUSES.High ground. Excellent neighbor-

hood. Near both new and old carlines. Large trees.

Inquire of C. BOLTE,19 Merchant Street, or of

MRS. HENUkY,i740-l- f Pensacola Street,


Constantly on Hand.




Metropolitan Meat &LIMITED.


Navy Contractors





Co., ItKeeps Constantly on Hand

MILLER & LUX'S Prime Beef. MuttPorU and Veal. The Standard Meatsthe Coast. Nothing better to beiad. 'are Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islai

FISH Salmon. Halibut. Trout.SturzSole, Smelt. Shad, Carp. RocU Cod,uass, iwrawtisn, Gratis, btc.

POULTRY AND GAME TurUevs.G.Chickens, Quail, Canvas BacU, Mall.Teal, Sprig, Brant, Belgian HareEtc.

SMOKFD MEATS Hams. Bacon S.ages, fresh every day. Tongues, UlKerf, fctc. Also sweet Bread, arCakes' Liver, Tripe, Cakes' FeetHeads, Etc.

DUTTLR. Eggs, Cheese, PicUles, Ch.chow, Sauer Kraut. Apples, Pears, Gr.Potatoes, Onions, Cabbage. A fll suiof Fruits and Vegetables.

OYSTERS Fancy,shell or cans.


Hardly a thing that you wlslbut what Is to be had at our marUet.

Telephone Main g.19.


SanitationWhile putting new fita,res ir

your bath-roo- at Iestconsider using


Design and prices on a,-- '

cation to

Lewers & CofikLIMITED.

k04Sf004VOtHenry Waterhou?

& Co.





Careful Attention






large small





New Goods Received by IveiiAT THE


P.O. BOX 535. S.W. LfcDl