Mmm india as a financial help for peoples


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description MMM India is community wherein members help one another. Contrary to the popular belief, MMM India is not an MLM or networking company and not a business either. There are millions of participants who are willing to provide help to the other members who are in need. All participants are giving help voluntarily. Every member will receive all the necessary information they need to know about the community. Joining MMM could be risky because any participant could lose all the money. Unlike MLM companies, MMM India does not promise or guarantee anything just to make participants trust and believe the community.

Transcript of Mmm india as a financial help for peoples

Page 1: Mmm india as a financial help for peoples


It is not impossible that one day you will be needing a financial help and the only option you

have is MMM.

This community acts like a personal bank where you can request for assistance upon reaching

expected period of time from other members who are willing to provide for the need.

MMM India works as an organization where members or participants create a huge network of

connections for mutual aid purposes.

Aside from gaining more connections and receiving financial help or aid from other members,

MMM participant s should feel more confident and at ease because they can receive more

assistance and support other than financial matters.

MMM or Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox in India was founded by Sergei Mavrodi in 2011.

This community is also available in other countries and not only in India.

There are reports that the organization are getting global and expanding rapidly.

Mavrodi is known for MMM activities since late 90’s in some countries like Russia.