^^mmKfimmmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031791/1857-10-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · , ,its icrejgu*...

LTW&msmm ^i«9mph«n|i^uo.tigij!iMing.Jn the iirf2r#«ge'rvice|f ^Sd the!? a-i -^/sq g-ijsegfti . incurr<*t;,,yliieh ; JV'Hii ru .'.-si 83«»Nf«;SfljWBfe B t t * s S oj bH i , MsH'ftft: Wi--s V" 1 " 1 ' 1 S'^ttadj JISKH hiag la <yti ilreii $il, and^ the paper '" K.Ifi 1ST* mil ose whose 'names are registe following numbers in* an *!•+: 1Sie«e--»i»iaiM>njf.-»he niost. .terrible,.ami .ago- sir MI t-»t«iaw-i*«wtt .V.t-ftO'jjq Tiirl;o Potsdam & Wtttrtowii l « i l Bo»d •8*»#?«Hia1fetef its* Wstili-tieoei^esijjtlue M i! . Btetysifttfietf anfljliweBt ii*»e#s«i«>]wt.<>t 6-« . R . ; «i«i^s%fing^liOT^* fr s ' :Wl * * »%^tml^ 0 fM s ?^^ISfeM ; «.,! i-ub lfl,45. 9 . J ro.,Jo» W c, loi| q 2»piS!Pi!*ii«AccoininiiiHafionv atriyingin: Pg, dbttht*45pf« 1 **» ls *if8Jnt M TO5ft Th i l nn})Jrfjj m&jhm$LKhi tat importance to health. Upon the liver, the| lidhifeltt feJM^th(ge PiHgf5ge , ,its icrejgu* anytmng else iEDm»srinor i^ejo-^W ifws&sflt d vfi ftS'ossrj&s disease gas*. >-, Andip .Ae iwipoti ifhose ettted by.aii ijflB«»ns*«0!»di|MWsof^®.ojaftI- 30,000, &c, to100,000, we will 'Crains-Ieave Buftalo, froiaiKxchaii^e^Sts; Depot; ..... '**sv<i"r> x-«-^r*'*^'*--v t.i -13- . tcr a lew sppjieuiions-oi mis ointment.- ine.sur- fc,viiin-»;ij»»j, •• •*•*. —..-... ,— ^ ' *i v*^ •* ^••.i^" - ^"^ I. ^~^ . j ro*iii(iiii* r " rt'dnfisft -vmiislit*^ tmd £?r*inulcs • of i xotiows^'iSsiniiUfYSt tjActspwcu -*•* •_ • ', -• TTr'l*"'" - "'^'"ffl" ^WrV'CHtel 5 !"? 11 ^!^ } healthy flesh begin to taKe the :p*aee of the dis- j 'J'.O© A". ML" EXPRESS- MAIL': ilJ S>tpr»pliig' "t J-'Xsl^iWE^S-T ^* u 1 '| charged matter;. This process, goes on more or j a ll prihcipal stations. AiriYt^ at DuVlUiric 8. ;* jSpTJHIjir*" •'*• ^ -.. ,- ' •' . ] less Tapidlynntfl the Orifice isfilledup withsound i A . M., Erie 10 »*' AM., Chiciigb U'4 n ' next mo: Hay&^f?.B^«fg£j-;S^a ; :iBK|Sj,,«€., &c, 1Ba teriaVand the>«Icer.radically cnreds- >-:. i rn" ; eoluieefiiig wirti-all Wesiernj'^outliern a lo^«Jie f ^^^io.u i W ti style He also •. WORT) 7Y> MOTHERS!. ^Srtlie.^ Llhw.'.'' : . ' ; artiele of Hair Dye for sale., iu oyder, and keeps razors of 84 , ' 6f Beady MaSe Glothin* aU f W iflf A\ WORD T+flJfpTHFRS, liiosf .fr.epue^ sufferers Jxon; l O i l S A . HS. and then-fore'.,every..mQttljc'r. should ,haye this heajirig grepatTUiqn, rpustai * at hand. It isiiu. apsolute specific f<}r s breasts, ri and : .qfijclijy iiemoves the er ' ' i. S'.ops "ikir fund of onr owrf-inaWufiteture sores wliiclusometimes disfigure the heads and whibH"«e i ofeVfd*liHePu1l).!ie«f i tlie'?o > .vestpossible| it^ ce s pf ciiildrenV ., '.'• '.', pridgl ' "• fSWT Wi 'P- »--S.UlTg r A_f;o.' ' SIGNIFiC^ , a large lot i(ii*iters for ileji aud Boys at . 35 SIGNIFICANT FACTS. •-.. This ointment is universally used ontooardthe' Atlantic and'.Pacificwhaling-'fleistas a eure.'fof bi ffei d ' h b ibte Costa, Cpats,. Goats, -..Ftpckcoats. l>. A'. SMITH &<1<»'S. | scorbutic affections, and as' the best possibteroni- ~^ ', ^ ...r'u, ,| eilv for wounds anii bViiises. Large suppMeiof rrpckcoat?, • ; t j u , Te recently-been orderedby the Sultan of- Coats, . Coats, . , Tr . T .^, . Coats,,, ., Erockcoats, . Coats, Frockeoats, Coats, Frocsc.oats, , ; - ; .poats, FrocBcoats, "" '. 'Coats, Frockeoats, Coats, Frockeoats^ » .Coats, FrockcoafsV*Coats,", Frockcoate, Coats, Fro'cWcoats, \ 'Coats, Efockcosts,"' Coat s , Frock. c o«'t g v. P o !! t s ,' Froc^Si&i Coats, ' Fr&ftcoa : 6,^ ^ Coats, Frocfieoafs, ' .Coats, Frqckf-oati ' ' . Coat s, Coaia, C6at^,"Coats, " jro c"^: e o a i s , , ; At,tlie Great Wardrobe. . - Ho. U2, Ghmnee Street, ITtica, H. Y. T> L. 'KIS6SLEY & SOS, Proprietors. ,.• Kothiiss Hew! Nqtiing. Strauss! TBG «U:EA.T, WAEDR6BS WITHOUT -A -RIVAL ! T HE : wonderftil success Of the Great Wanl- "robe has beenthe absorbing, topic of' the ' mereantTie eommuiity arid the - <-iuu!it:inn of every Clothing dealer' in ;his section of the country for a nnmhe'r of year-. Xot otic suc- -ceeds ia obta'umi" such M\ imn'.otis- rtwh as T. L. KJNCSLEY ©SON. Why,' we are freiiuemly asi.e-cf, this great ditfereitce ?,. Our customers -ny that we furnish Turkey for. hospital purposes. Botji the Ointment and Pills $Midd I de iisvd in, the fpllowtrig cases: ' Chitons,. Mercurial .Eruptions,, ^.welled. Glands,. ] S;ii-.»his, Burns,' -Piles,. Sore legs,' S^ff' Joints, 1 Chapped Hands; Rheumatism, Sore BreastsvT.e,t- ] ' i r, Chimblains, Ringworm Sore heads," u'.fl-er-s, J i -slula, Salt Eiiem, §ore throats Venereal Sores, r ^>o - .it, Scalds, Sore of all kinds, woauds of all !.;nds, Lumbago, Skin diseases. . , SHfTCantioi3.—None are genuine unless the words "floliowav, New.York and London," are .discernable as a vr4iter mark' in every loaf of the boolt'of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the; leaf tS the light.-' A handsome reward will be given to; any- one-rendering such a-'-sistance as-may lead to the-' detection' of. any party or parties counter- feiting themedieiae&or vending the same, know-: ing them; to be spurious. i . . . i *** Soldi at the Manufactory of Professor Hol- loway,- SO Maiden: Lane, New Yo«3c,;and: by all respectable Drujrgists and Dealers in Medicine throughout 1 the United. States and the civilized a orid,- in pots at 35 cents, -624 cents, and $1 iac-h;- • .• -. • ••>:.- icre'is-considGrable saving by taking (superior in material, style and manufacture,) FOR A LESS L?RICB, than any oilier e!othie.r>Hi..this-city. They.isas c i r syste.iTi of tr^de is the best ever adapted b.y uny dealer. It consists in offering oar goods lior exactly ' . , .' . ' .WHAfT. THEY. At-IK WORTH, wijfcout jockeymg.or. bantei-big. . In represeuting. them f;ii;-jy, precisely .as they aro and wa'rr:inSin'g thenj- just ;is n-.f. In submitting them to 6lu-.uu!;iusi:"4.t ot" purchadsrs, faking all n-'cv's^uiry .,oi- .(If ired esplaiiai-ions, cheerf.^liy ailov i ."ht^ thc^i the beu- pfit of their. o*;a opinions, wirhout any.display of jjegiing;. and witbouc coi'stant so':i^itatio,i!3 tp buy.. a!iv.iys cudiM-.coring to :)ie larger sizes. S. B.—liirections for the fruidanee of patients '.a every disorder-are affixed-to each pot.:'.. 37-lT . :N ^OTICE is hereby given that the Co-partner- ship' heretofrfve alisting under' the name and firm of eOS()>VER &BARRETT, -was (lay dissolved by rautual consent. All- demands ainst the late firm will be settled by. JOHN »EOYER, anil t due the late firm. again y ; t*6??OVER, anil to M-homniustBe paid aW debts »£0 rtlF'-WV^ 1 witb^ajl'Tines'ib the West',' Kortli'and jKo'uth'". t Amjres. i^t. ilrie „._,_._,. —,..,„,„,„„,.. ...; Brie.jO.O'J A. M., and amves!(at.'Bullalo 10.00 -9.0« : -IPv-3?S. XIGHT EXPRE&S. Stops only;: lor h-ood-and water. Arrives at'Dunkirk li.dii P. •»!;/Erie A2.4i.i- A. Mi,eievcland- 4ilt)iA. M> . < [fircakfastv] Toledo 8i85 :A-.S1. {Bineiat;WJiicc JBigeott,] 4uid-arrive8 at Ghieagoo.00 P. M: sauie evening,;connecting as auove^ . ;•. , .' • >•• •-" 1 The abtne iTrains connectat-Clevehind for ijoluwbusj Spririfrneld, Daytoh,. Indianapoas, li3ncfJBnati-, and alL points sbutb, leaving t!leve-J land aS:foi!ows't : ' ....... ..•.;,-*,•.: Yia-ColuiUbiis, 5.15 A. JT. 'S'.OQ'.KUv 6.30P.M: Via Clyde •& Dayton, 4.40..A. : 5.1<)i IV>M'. i"or< St. ti«iis,vi Colmubus/or Cmeinnatv&MSIAVM. 3.00'P. Mi 0.3D p. M. ' •'' Cduin-viions are alsomade at Toledo with the TOLEDO, WA'B : ASEr& WESTERSTRAILUOAi;) i'or Ft. Wa\-ne t Wabash.'TeVAf Lo'ganspoH'; ik j' Fayettc, I lanriiiif, pprjjtgjield itiid; St. j>oui: rates. d'at 1 re r 8fcea : j " A:i•• : : ,a }ge^nnect. ,wjyth/flie; ff nKltfeftiMftB*^ ..;;J i stflcfc-i,ofi t ;Grepe^es,,.cQnstant}5r; op- ejy y«4«y«w, gjua.; >;',:;•,-• .•;:;«. p <l.South,-' ffOkJi points; .West' u ,,. u can be obtained iii all this princip:vli5Eieket: OifiJees; in the Unites! States,.and in Buftiilo atitbe.Cpm- '^Mirry's TiokeB' "Oifide, -Exchange. Ktreet Bejiol.;- -,dso at. ! ths General Lnioui Tiefcnt .OQicci >Koi 15 ^^mmKfimmmm IJWIAiiUllNft^f Se;-b.efore. pnrcbasarg 'elsie.where, _ 0E •i* A- i-^Ti'JLtftl'I it .'•.>i-^j-».rfi'->i ;'. -10 30 a..m%§v^cij^^iqflf,^ Herktnie.r ,, littlp J'aUsj.-St, JphnsyfiRv,.^^ 'Plain, Palatine,^liagie,' Fd^i,. Aing.terdjim..^d ; i ^ j ;, i MammotSB :, At£d^iHHe Wi T^ : . . , :ung excepted.) ,,,.-,(j^$-. « s 1 00 a. m. Acc1>mniO(laiigri""sWp'pihg at all > 30.25 a.: m, : First Espr-ess^iitoppjng atOriska- ney, JplpjBe^. Vleron^T^poijilai Canastota, Chit- 3 WJ&i E- B A K E , Geiierai Agent, BuKaio.. Aug. 8, 1857. ;.i- il :2-Syl..i 1 PRICES OREATtY E. A.T'EiVBL, LOWVILLE.N.' A GrlNT For the sale of the pest Tj'ia.n Melode.o,us iu tlia-UiAtutf lSjates.^,(j Dated-Lovrviile, April 11th, JOHN COSOVER, GEO. R. BARRETT. Of Of every V ARIETYaHdSTYLE^frijifltoe plain 'Rosewood ^case's;- 'ti'tlios'e of (hehnX»st ';"" &UiM$$!i$li'M^^it^ ' ^ y in rcssfaptly s'.i;i.v]ap ;opsi,'.Ue tr.ule a_ pleasant ,=ujd aprflfjablp osAC-upaupr., jjiatoad of p burJSn anU a b,or?..-.-•... ; . . ;, ;i! , i, •Ehei^oilicx^v.hicnt.iuiSr niei with fu,,r1i- deuided .- «pprqbat4oa.^,la .jpaps g-TSt,,:^ shall coj~=tinut;..to, pursue nrii{]:the^,f)4jt;:Sl?jjiauds ,achance. " " 'S^J^^MPMh^^gfcirt*!.. Sfetttf! 4-!jlirS»y-i '•- I ' :tit ;;;:©"od^4i.rfeshj* i i:;:';.-..; , p Journal ofiice, where may be joiy.id at j hb and largest stock oi. Fashionable Furui- l ' i s t d t tl very' lowest . a liewis.coujity, and. at tlie very' lowest for.'.Cash, or-jPrompt Pay. " . . ,. ^iiy.fetiQ^'Sin §aii.aVlarge; s" ov'fif^laiu and Fiffcv ^birtj, received from fhe'very J*1l^fe|iff» ; jid Jtf&l) them it iiave rewsr.'beeis'oirrred .- K is J.JTJSi ' 'if ! or: whieh: J.etters-.Paleiit-have,-jitsti,been is Mr. Garhatt: --This-.instrument:hasit\vo>rb-ws if keys,'actingiijidepciidently sof i.each othe.iv OX ogetheriUy mcaBs-(>f the.GouplerjjJhSjg sofireods, ifeted-opon by: eaclv :sefi ofI opicrately,"ar.b'o.tH'to«!etliBr,,bv!dae,set.of y Jy.me'ans'trfi'tlus combiuationUatg-J'.eatvariety oi, ! * h b d d l i d lDf 03 p. in:, ISigit E^press ? .stjopnm^'-a| KOnu^ nefda,''Can'astota', anii ! Clutenarigo.' '•'"'' '.'.^' } "" 'Itbrfa. in., 5.00 a. m., and'7.1'0 a. "m,]..Ex^ JSffoiug Wcst^ ,arertiie^iul\" -grains rui^qn, 1.05 i>. m. Expressesgoijig East froai iSici'wJli ive on Monnays'!' ' -i .'x'-f-iv r' V-ii^i An Aecoinniydijtipn train will le^ajd 'AKMIY,' n' rt^\ ' _* ' ^I"_\. 'T'rfcT^.^ 4 -" ' *, .1M«!'*» *4 n A•'' O^ V* *"rt" ' ' " An Accommodation Train wiiUeavc.Svraeuf>e' 5,15 •p\ Y n : i.for%t1L.a t ' ! af^-rng / U?iW.Sil !t f mf 5,15 p.ni.for%tic ! i t af7MvingatTfe AU the trains are to ly? mn-bj Albany W j h i c h ' i l fi've^mitiuteW and fifty 'tWbJskq'jia^Jitei •KR,,.,-,. Accommodation, 1 44, a. m. Freight, 8 $8, a^rii:. '; ' '\~;'*.' ', m. Mail, 11 -24, a. m. . , , ., ; ,. ( Accommodation,. 844', Pr ™/ ' . I ! , -, ' - GQIKG NORTH c . ! . i. '• -.-siij vfii nt .-no;-- Express Mail, (5 15, p. m. 38* •"• 7itt<">0 « A 1 T n f?n>i!j , POST OFFICE^XOWVILIR N. Y. .;-.(« f //•!•'. -j» .iiM'i June lst ' ^ .Befd^^equaUeS to *h«U ; p ^ f $r-i woos-.o !.-.;; *! Law-. Let every purchase ^f»*»aBi»i«teV each" bottre" bas-'tlfe-name, S sts^in^lmsjind.oUier cities^asbeing tn^ ',.' i<'SeM.a^pspkUiie^i)Tiiit^>O'fgiiih -nfi WfthiW their iirfowledgfeiu-Onefof.the .•matiyKafU : thitn mslnimehi 1 ,s!'53a7J'}'»do.!K^v.jlts^*3gfe'«IOi axis .? Durability and Simplicity of GonBCrnctiiin; which features were^proiiounced.uittthe^lfateiit! Office,- Depart at 9 o'clock p. M.. Arrive 6 o do i : T !9oT. %•• '.>flkt*i&' S?r>«*W ie v-raJ as beiirtf( afimproveoieh'tj'Rpjl areileeJuiogjquali- it i i i t i e t a o f t h kidJ X W i d l c p. Arrive Q.o'clocliS-Ji **ai«6oiii*e?can't rc- r HoldenvTurin; WJ&. TStftiid®? We%t' ! MA«iHi %ut%V ^"£ -BSH^a^pggr'lirver^k'fta** ty iniinstrunienta.of.the ofthe"--iii un "-a'.. -it,-y>>u f o'l to.tas exte«aivfe.a»sortnient-of trons, a««*K»i: exliib- In the month of May. :--s ., lU H< MOULD ^ Oof ever; variety ke ^Picture WairfeSfmi&j* t either. PricaorgR; f Furuistied to-order, onthesShwteii pos«ible>ao- t-w. 'nirw >.& ijmitmi : 4 ~ii:<- >. ••• !!!•-,.!! Of-esery piitorh attd^^fa'cityvconfeis^g.ciif the, he if,::i» &X*^»v? l-.-id-^h: Vii-> O? ltOW***0—Trtldili.) !h :'.--.•-.(>; ,.'1- ;jjs',uo!i TxiPbAflraEBoWiStRES. 1 : -.fi n.).-!•:•:. ej*ly^ the'whole ! b"ody suffeis'.' 1 . Tens^o'f tbt(U's^h : die 'annually ^Qf'dy^eiiicrjr'ffiSPrhcea,' 'Cfl'fbniu (3onslipa\ioti, 'aM'otfiSr dilease^ of these \yyte idemic'is'apheh'oinpnbii & r iiiedijbme. By* !s M^ Ipffiiig^thep'rinteVl directiiiriiB^ tSeimQsJrtilai'min^ Jed.' ;A,»WQfiD TO. "Dhe.loeal debility -and i s r e g u j a s i s ^ F t t h f t , Ithe especial aunoyaneesiof. thfe weaker ; !Sje»,,,anflj hih h lted l shjorten ! i j e a r ^ .mustbe tftjrijie, it H'i" »e roadilv admit ^s-is'onVlfW f 6fesf ! ofey^atl ^ubKe.'in boinr.f) -J/IJ <.fajrf' J ,ti The instruments will be carfqllv bb'x se^it to any depot in this city., free_oX.cl)irg^ p y j , j which, when neglected,' always ,shjo.rten !ije, t ,ar^ ; ;relieved,iOT-;tlie time ;beilfg, .*nd prevented for h f l J d b thorough alterative. tlie iest remedy. , known Jai.the igorldjvr. thefollow- !j.stlnna.. . ^.I^i».J^41^qBa l56wel complaints Dropsy Coughs "• ' Rbilit^ "' Indigestion' H Influe^a v '' .Qostiveness complaints - Lowness'of spirit .'j}j'spepsia**'~'"Hea<!aches Piles, Worms of all 'juhds,: Stonfe ^and Gravel," Secondary symptoms 'Venereai^AflSiS'cfBns. ••••'• -. •:• •'• ". •<.;••:. : ords " HOMOWKIII, New '~Yorlc and'Jlo •aire discernifeie as a Wdter'-m^rii iii exejf the book dire'fe'tiohs around;'Melt pot'br'bo'.t f the same may lie plaihly : Men 'by• foldingthe '•afto-the liifh'i". 'A handsome reward — :mi -- givenlS'anT'oiie' rehderiyg sueh.ipformatioii a^ may- lea#t(/-the detection of any' : party or' jJir^ ^jes counterfeiting the medicines or veriaicgtaiS "same, kiiowirrg-tbeft robe spurious, .it. U . .. '*«* Sold' at the' Manufactory, of Professor HOLLOWAT, 80 Maideji7 Lane,;$ew York, and l»y all-respectable Druggists, attd Dealess-in »ed- g iljzed world, in boxes and§]ie l ach. •_•:-.:-. r. -. .'-M.-I.-H: i T "fggT SCherg; Jsa- .considerable, saying by iak ihg ,t-be-.-liiarge-«ao.oi!.-!i.- •••-.- ; <."•-• .-"; ( ' •"' "' : NjiBirrrUh-etstiQusfor the ^iid»nee' of .pafi tientain every disor.de'r.arattfiiscd,to each *M>S. . ft". ,«*inse '.«it 1.1 ei'ifi:: /,4,. '..[\ ill . -1V : .-- ii« « I'J^.'ll'.-l.I ,'-i >O r . j l . •'•' ' l-.li; -lrii." n4-JiLkinds of Photogra'phSj J3L- Daguerreotypes taken'-a with aecumcyj andi^Uspatch.; jbil&tktw'iV&f •i'v'ivrif- : dexcri'ption fhba ; ii48ai or enlarged to an f. Hestre'd size »• LowvilloJaa. 2-7, .1857.'!-. - .- •in7-iK']-J62?if •_•• g ^ t ^ g Q a?ifeutai landloisefulq -:o ^!B5as8lar.l .Selfi ik*«)Oiiir era, at ! Htij n<term858urprisKigly.'lq*i' ^nVoU-rtptwreSr^eaBy Etjis^6.e^"j)6te.f8 the; i 'gubh"Q'.;niore''.'tIisn.|;'20; TSiEi-SUBSCREJERS iipin the •eut ? 7.'yiterg'.i|s Y virtues'' ..have" ^b'e'en; jl'Opge^t it lAmong tneir assortment, may flie use of the -Earmeiv— ; .witli pV6|^aWntion.; J ^ ...;,.;,..;,: -^ .. 5^°KE&iS.theI'ame.o.f-.iiif Article'oveV'aWjjae (territory,! nuhjerfljusimitistioha Kave spruijgitjto 1 eiistence spunotfs in quality and inert i to 1 femapp^: ejrer;»«ki >>; five to one hundred.dollar ^pr oag hoap ,-A % 4*S> getUKgj^l W"^ s !^ rf^>" aeribers in,his.own and .adjoining fffi^bfge- r h oo'ffs,' for the' 6esf f !anU moH popijTiir' Finnlf -'S .outlay, no capital required of agents. A ; nSgm», ; !j .tirte newplaniis^ppp^os^d^W - son can puecje^l "iU'rnaTdit<plt a igetu'jy ........p.-.y. p.^j.^.jyj,,^^ ™. who desires it, on receipt .of return postage. -*'-> 1 -J—'• >iU-£- iun not;-' -and ' Jfew' Y«rle b e j o g a ^ g j ^ j ^pJf Siness centre of this continent, no. &rn»e»;.'iiie- dress § ^ : HALL & WEST, Pablishcrsr New Yoric Citr. : »These;pencilssupp'Uedittf;fliBtradft;at k i p r * b l j f e i ?

Transcript of ^^mmKfimmmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031791/1857-10-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · , ,its icrejgu*...

Page 1: ^^mmKfimmmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031791/1857-10-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · , ,its icrejgu* anytmng else iEDm»srinor i^ejo-^W ifws&sflt d vfi ftS'ossrj&s disease gas*. >-,

LTW&msmm ^i«9mph«n|i^uo.tigij!iMing.Jn the

iirf2r#«ge'rvice|f ^Sd the!? a-i -^/sq g-ijsegfti. incurr<*t;,,yliieh;

JV'Hii ru .'.-si 83«»Nf«;SfljWBfe Bt t*sS ojbH i ,

MsH'ftft: Wi--s V"1"1'1 S' ttadj JISKH hiag la <yti ilreii $il, and^ the paper'" K.Ifi 1ST* mil

ose whose 'names are registefollowing numbers in* an

*!•+: 1Sie«e--»i»iaiM>njf.-»he niost. .terrible,.ami .ago-sir MI t-»t«iaw-i*«wtt .V.t-ftO'jjq Tiirl;o

Potsdam & Wtttrtowii l«i l Bo»d •8*»#?«Hia1fetef its*Wstili-tieoei^esijjtlue Mi!. Btetysifttfietf anfljliweBt ii*»e#s«i«>]wt.<>t 6-«

.R.; «i«i^s%fing^liOT^* fr s':Wl* *»%^tml^0fM s?^^ISfeM ; «.,! i-ublfl,45.9.Jro.,Jo»Wc, l o i |

q 2»piS!Pi!*ii«AccoininiiiHafionv atriyingin: Pg,d b t t h t * 4 5 p f « 1 * * » l s * i f 8 J n t M TO5ft

Th i l n n } ) J r f j j m&jhm$LKhitat importance to health. Upon the liver, the|l i d h i f e l t t feJM^th(ge PiHgf5ge

, ,its icrejgu* anytmng else iEDm»srinori ^ e j o - ^ W ifws&sflt d vfi ftS'ossrj&sdisease gas*. >-, Andip .Ae iwipoti ifhose

ettted by.aii ijflB«»ns*«0!»di|MWsof^®.ojaftI-30,000, &c, to 100,000, we will

'Crains-Ieave Buftalo, froiaiKxchaii^e^Sts; Depot;

. . . . . '**sv<i"r> • x-«-^r*'*^'*--v t.i -13- . tcr a lew sppjieuiions-oi m i s ointment.- i ne . su r - fc,viiin-»;ij»»j, •• •*•*. —..-... , —^ ' *i v*^ •* ^••.i^" - " I. • ~ . j ro*iii(iiii*r " rt'dnfisft -vmiislit*^ tmd £?r*inulcs • of i • xotiows 'iSsiniiUfYSt tjActspwcu -*•* •_ • ', -•

TTr'l*"'" - "'^'"ffl" ^WrV 'CHte l 5 ! "? 1 1 ^!^ } healthy flesh begin to taKe the :p*aee of the dis- j 'J'.O© A". ML" EXPRESS- MAIL': ilJS>tpr»pliig'"t J- 'Xsl^iWE^S-T ^* u • ' ° 1 ' | charged matter;. This process, goes on more or j all prihcipal stations. AiriYt^ at DuVlUiric 8.

;* jSpTJHIjir*" •'*• -.. ,- ' • ' . ] less Tapidlynntfl the Orifice is filled up withsound i A. M., Erie 10 »*' AM., Chiciigb U'4n' next mo:Hay&^f?.B^«fg£j-;S^a ;:iBK|Sj,,«€., & c , 1BateriaVand the>«Icer.radically cnreds- >-:. i rn" ; eoluieefiiig wirti-all Wesiernj'^outliern alo^«Jief^^^io.u iW t istyle He also •. WORT) 7Y> MOTHERS!. ^Srtlie. Llhw.'.'': . ' ;artiele of Hair Dye for sale.,

iu oyder, and keeps razors of

84 , '

6f Beady MaSe Glothin* aUf W i f l f

A\ WORD T+flJfpTHFRS,liiosf .fr.epue^ sufferers Jxon; l O i l S A . HS.and then-fore'.,every..mQttljc'r.

should ,haye this heajirig grepatTUiqn, rpustai *at hand. It i s i i u . apsolute specific f<}r sbreasts, riand : .qfijclijy iiemoves the er ' '

i. S'.ops"ikirfund

of onr owrf-inaWufiteture sores wliiclusometimes disfigure the heads andwhibH"«eiofeVfd*liHePu1l).!ie«fitlie'?o>.vestpossible| it^ces pf ciiildrenV ., '.'•'.',pridgl ' "• fSWT Wi'P- »--S.UlTgrA_f;o.' • ' SIGNIFiC^

, a large loti(ii*iters for ileji aud Boys at .


SIGNIFICANT FACTS. •-..This ointment is universally used on tooard the'

Atlantic and'.Pacificwhaling-'fleistas a eure.'fofb i ffei d ' h b ibte

Costa, Cpats,. Goats,


l>. A'. SMITH & <1<»'S. | scorbutic affections, and as' the best possibteroni-~^ ', ^ • ...r'u, ,| eilv for wounds anii bViiises. Large suppMeiof

• rrpckcoat?, • ; t j u , T e recently-been orderedby the Sultan of-Coats,. Coats,

. ,Tr.T.^, . Coats,,, • .,Erockcoats, . Coats,Frockeoats, Coats,Frocsc.oats, , ;- ;.poats,FrocBcoats, " " '. 'Coats,Frockeoats, Coats,Frockeoats^ » .Coats,FrockcoafsV*Coats,",Frockcoate, Coats,Fro'cWcoats, \ ' C o a t s ,Efockcosts,"' C o a t s ,Frock.co«'tgv. P o !! t s ,'

Froc^Si&i C o a t s ,' Fr&ftcoa:6,^ ^ C o a t s ,

Frocfieoafs, ' . C o a t s ,Frqckf-oati ' ' . C o a t s ,

Coaia, C6at^,"Coats, • " j r o c" : e o a i s ,, ; • At,tlie Great Wardrobe. . -

Ho. U2, Ghmnee Street, ITtica, H. Y.T> L. 'KIS6SLEY & SOS, Proprietors.

,.• Kothiiss Hew! Nqtiing. Strauss!


THE: wonderftil success Of the Great Wanl-"robe has beenthe absorbing, topic of' the

' mereantTie eommuiity arid the - <-iuu!it:inn ofevery Clothing dealer' in ;his section of thecountry for a nnmhe'r of year-. Xot otic suc-

-ceeds ia obta'umi" such M\ imn'.otis- rtwh as

T. L. KJNCSLEY ©SON.Why,' we are freiiuemly asi.e-cf, this great

ditfereitce ?,. Our customers -ny that we furnish

Turkey for. hospital purposes.

• Botji the Ointment and Pills $MiddI de iisvd in, the fpllowtrig cases:' Chitons,. Mercurial .Eruptions,, ^.welled. Glands,.] S;ii-.»his, Burns,' -Piles,. Sore legs,' S^ff' Joints,1 Chapped Hands; Rheumatism, Sore BreastsvT.e,t-] ' i r, Chimblains, Ringworm Sore heads," u'.fl-er-s,

J i -slula, Salt Eiiem, §ore throats Venereal Sores,r^>o-.it, Scalds, Sore of all kinds, woauds of all

!.;nds, Lumbago, Skin diseases. . ,

SHfTCantioi3.—None are genuine unless thewords "floliowav, New.York and London," are.discernable as a vr4iter mark' in every loaf of theboolt'of directions around each pot or box; thesame may be plainly seen by holding the; leaf tSthe light.-' A handsome reward will be given to;any- one-rendering such a-'-sistance as-may • leadto the-' detection' of. any party or parties counter-feiting themedieiae&or vending the same, know-:ing them; to be spurious. i . . . i

*** Soldi at the Manufactory of Professor Hol-loway,- SO Maiden: Lane, New Yo«3c,;and: by allrespectable Drujrgists and Dealers in • Medicinethroughout1 the United. States and the civilizeda orid,- in pots at 35 cents, -624 cents, and $1i a c - h ; - • • .• -. • ••>:.-

icre'is-considGrable saving by taking

(superior in material, style and manufacture,)FOR A LESS L?RICB, •

than any oilier e!othie.r>Hi..this-city. They.isascir syste.iTi of tr^de is the best ever adapted b.yuny dealer. It consists in offering oar goods liorexactly ' . , .' .

' .WHAfT. THEY. At-IK WORTH,wijfcout jockeymg.or. bantei-big. .

In represeuting. them f;ii;-jy, precisely .as theyaro and wa'rr:inSin'g thenj- just ;is n-.f.In submitting them to 6lu-.uu!;iusi:"4.tot" purchadsrs, faking all n-'cv's uiry .,oi- .(If iredesplaiiai-ions, cheerf.^liy ailovi."ht thc^i the beu-pfit of their. o*;a opinions, wirhout any.displayof jjegiing;. and witbouc coi'stantso':i^itatio,i!3 tp buy.. I» a!iv.iys cudiM-.coring to

&§:)ie larger sizes.

S. B.—liirections for the fruidanee of patients'.a every disorder-are affixed-to each pot.:'.. •

37-lT .

:N^OTICE is hereby given that the Co-partner-ship' heretofrfve a listing under' the name

and firm of eOS()>VER & BARRETT, -was(lay dissolved by rautual consent. All- demands

ainst the late firm will be settled by. JOHN»EOYER, anil t

due the late firm.

again y;t*6?? OVER, anil to M-homniustBe paid aW debts



witb^ajl'Tines'ib the West',' Kortli'and jKo'uth'". t

Amjres. i t. ilrie „ ._ ,_ ._ , . —,..,„,„,„„,.. ... ;Brie.jO.O'J A. M., and amves!(at.'Bullalo 10.00

-9.0«:-IPv-3?S. XIGHT EXPRE&S. Stops only;:lor h-ood-and water. Arrives at'Dunkirk li.diiP. •»!;/Erie A2.4i.i- A. Mi,eievcland- 4ilt)iA. M>.<[fircakfastv] Toledo 8i85 :A-.S1. {Bineiat;WJiiccJBigeott,] 4uid-arrive8 at Ghieagoo.00 P. M: sauieevening,;connecting as auove^ . ;•. , .' • >•• •-" 1

The abtne iTrains connectat-Clevehind forijoluwbusj Spririfrneld, Daytoh,. Indianapoas,li3ncfJBnati-, and alL points sbutb, • leaving t!leve-Jland aS:foi!ows't:' . . . . . . . • ..•.;,-*,•.:Yia-ColuiUbiis, 5.15 A. JT. 'S'.OQ'.KUv 6.30P.M:Via • Clyde •& Dayton, 4.40..A. :5.1<)i IV>M'. i"or< St. ti«iis,viColmubus/or Cmeinnatv&MSIAVM. • 3.00'P. Mi0.3D p. M. ' • ' ' •

Cduin-viions are also made at Toledo with theTOLEDO, WA'B:ASEr& WESTERSTRAILUOAi;)i'or Ft. Wa\-net Wabash.'TeVAf Lo'ganspoH'; ik

j ' Fayettc, I lanriiiif, pprjjtgjield itiid; St. j>oui:


j " A:i•• : : ,a

}ge^nnect. ,wjyth/flie; ff n K l t f e f t i M f t B * ^ ..;;Ji stflcfc-i,ofit;Grepe^es,,.cQnstant}5r; op-ejy y«4«y«w, gjua.; >;',:;•,-• . • ; : ;« .



points; .West 'u, ,.u

can be obtained iii all this princip:vli5Eieket: OifiJees;in the Unites! States,.and in Buftiilo atitbe.Cpm-' Mirry's TiokeB' "Oifide, -Exchange. • Ktreet Bejiol.;--,dso at.!ths General Lnioui Tiefcnt .OQicci >Koi 15

^^mmKfimmmmIJWIAiiUllNft^fSe;-b.efore. pnrcbasarg 'elsie.where, _

0E•i* A- i-^Ti'JLtftl'I it .'•.>i- j-».rfi'->i

; ' . -10 30 a..m%§v^cij^^iqflf,^

Herktnie.r ,, littlp J'aUsj.-St, JphnsyfiRv,.^^'Plain, Palatine,^liagie,' F d ^ i , . Aing.terdjim..^d

; i ^ j;, i MammotSB: , A t £ d ^ i H H e Wi T^ : . . ,

:ung excepted.) ,,,.-,(j^$-. «s1 00 a. m. Acc1>mniO(laiigri""sWp'pihg at all

> 30.25 a.: m,:First Espr-ess^iitoppjng atOriska-ney, JplpjBe . Vleron^T^poijilai Canastota, Chit-


WJ&i E- BAKE, Geiierai Agent, BuKaio..Aug. 8, 1857. • ; . i - • • il :2-Syl..i



AGrlNT For the sale of the pest Tj'ia.nMelode.o,us iu tlia-UiAtutf lSjates.^,(j

Dated-Lovrviile, April 11th,JOHN COSOVER,GEO. R. BARRETT. • OfOf every V ARIETYaHdSTYLE^frijifltoe

plain 'Rosewood case's;- 'ti'tlios'e of (hehnX»st

';""&UiM$$!i$li'M^^it^ '

^ y in rcssfaptly s'.i;i.v]ap ;opsi,'.Ue tr.ule a_pleasant ,=ujd aprflfjablp osAC-upaupr., jjiatoad of pburJSn anU a b,or?..-.-•... ; . . ;,;i!, i,

•Ehei^oilicx^v.hicnt.iuiSr niei with fu,,r1i- deuided.- «pprqbat4oa.^,la .jpaps g-TSt,,:^ shall coj~=tinut;..to,pursue nrii{]:the^,f)4jt;:Sl?jjiauds ,achance.

" " 'S^J^^MPMh^^•• gfcirt*!.. Sfetttf! 4-!jlirS»y-i '•-

• I ' : t i t ;;;:©"od^4i.rfeshj*ii:;:';.-..;

, pJournal ofiice, where may be joiy.id at jh b and largest stock oi. Fashionable Furui-

l ' i s t d t tl very' lowest. a

liewis.coujity, and. at tlie very' lowestfor.'.Cash, or-jPrompt Pay. " . . ,.

^iiy.fetiQ^'Sin §aii.aVlarge; s" ov' fif laiuand Fiffcv ^birtj, received from fhe'very

J * 1 l ^ f e | i f f » ; j i d Jtf&l) them itiiave rewsr.'beeis'oirrred

.- K is J.JTJSi ' ' i f !

or: whieh: J.etters-.Paleiit-have,-jitsti,been isMr. Garhatt: --This-.instrument:hasit\vo>rb-ws

if keys,'actingiijidepciidently sof i.each othe.iv OXogetheriUy mcaBs-(>f the.GouplerjjJhSjg

sofireods, ifeted-opon by: eaclv :sefi of Iopicrately,"ar.b'o.tH'to«!etliBr,,bv!dae,set.of yJy.me'ans'trfi'tlus combiuationUatg-J'.eatvariety oi,! * h b d d l i d

lDf 03 p. in:, ISigit E^press?.stjopnm^'-a| KOnu^nefda,''Can'astota', anii! Clutenarigo.' '•'"'' '.'.^'}" "

'Itbrfa. in., 5.00 a. m., and'7.1'0 a. "m,]..ExJSffoiug Wcst^ ,arertiie^iul\" -grains rui^qn,

1.05 i>. m. Expressesgoijig East froai iSici'wJli

ive on Monnays'!' • ' -i .'x'-f-iv • r' V-ii iAn Aecoinniydijtipn train will le^ajd 'AKMIY,'n ' rt^\ ' _* ' ^I"_\. 'T'rfcT . 4-" ' *, . 1 M «!'*» *4nA •' ' O^ V* *"rt" ' ' "

An Accommodation Train wiiUeavc.Svraeuf>e'5,15 •p\Yn:i.for%t1L.at'

!af^-rng/U?iW.Sil!tf mf5,15 p . n i . f o r % t i c ! i t a f 7 M v i n g a t T f eAU the trains a r e to ly? m n - b j Albany W j

h i c h ' i l fi've^mitiuteW and fifty 'tWbJskq'jia^Jitei


Accommodation, 1 44, a. m.Freight, 8 $8, a^rii:. '; ' '\~;'*.' ',m.Mail, 11 -24, a. m. . , , ., ; ,.(Accommodation,. 8 44', Pr ™/ '

. I !

, -, ' - G Q I K G N O R T Hc . ! . i. '• -.-siij v f i i n t . - n o ; - -

Express Mail, (5 15, p. m.

38* •"•

7itt<">0 « A 1 T n f?n>i!j ,POST OFFICE^XOWVILIR N. Y.

.;-.(« f //•!•'. -j» .iiM'i J u n e l s t '


.Befd^^equaUeS to *h«U ; p ^ f$r-i woos-.o !.-.;; * ! Law-. Let every purchase

^f»*»aBi»i«teV each" bottre" bas-'tlfe-name,

Ssts^in^lmsjind.oUier cities^asbeing tn^ ' , . '

i<'SeM.a^pspkUiie^i)Tiiit^>O'fgiiih -nfiWfthiW their iirfowledgfeiu-Onefof.the .•matiyKafU

: thitn mslnimehi 1 ,s!'53a7J'}'»do.!K^v.jlts^*3gfe'«IOi axis .?Durability and Simplicity of GonBCrnctiiin; whichfeatures were^proiiounced.uittthe^lfateiit! Office,-

Depart at 9 o'clock p. M.. Arrive 6 o d oi : T !9oT. %•• '.>flkt*i&' S?r>«*W ie v-raJ

as beiirtf( afimproveoieh'tj'Rpjl areileeJuiogjquali-it i i i t i e t a o f t h k idJ X W i d l

c p. M« Arrive Q.o'clocliS-Ji **ai«6oiii*e?can't rc-r

HoldenvTurin; WJ&. TStftiid®? We%t'!MA«iHi%ut%V ^ " £ -BSH^a^pggr'lirver^k'fta**ty iniinstrunienta.of.the

ofthe"--iii un "-a'.. -it,-y>>uf o'l

to.tas exte«aivfe.a»sortnient-oftrons,

a««*K»i : exliib-

I n the month of May. :--s .,lU H<

MOULD ^Oof ever; variety ke^Picture WairfeSfmi&j*

t either. PricaorgR;

fFuruistied to-order, onthesShwteii pos«ible>ao-

t-w. • 'nirw >.& ijmitmi :4 ~ii:<- >. ••• !!!•-,.!!Of-esery piitorh attd^^fa'cityvconfeis^g.ciif the,he

if,::i» &X*^»v?l-.-id-^h: Vii-> O? ltOW***0—Trtldili.) !h :'.--.•-.(>; , . ' 1 -

; j j s ' , u o ! i TxiPbAflraEBoWiStRES. 1 : -.fi n.).-!•:•:.

ej*ly the'whole!b"ody suffeis'.'1. Tens^o'f tbt(U's^h:die 'annually Qf'dy^eiiicrjr'ffiSPrhcea,' 'Cfl'fbniu(3onslipa\ioti, 'aM'otfiSr dilease^ of these \yyte

idemic'is'apheh'oinpnbii &riiiedijbme. By*!sM^Ipffiiig^thep'rinteVl directiiiriiB^ tSeimQsJrtilai'min^


;A,»WQfiD TO."Dhe.loeal debility -and i s r egu ja s i s^F t th f t ,

Ithe especial aunoyaneesiof. thfe weaker;!Sje»,,,anfljh ih h l t e d l shjorten ! i jear^

.mustbe tftjrijie, it H'i" »e roadilv admit^s-is'onVlfW f6fesf ! o f e y ^ a t l^ubKe.'in boinr.f) -J/IJ <.fajrf'J , ti

The instruments will be carfqllv bb'xse^it to any depot in this city., free_oX.cl)irg^

p y j , jwhich, when neglected,' always ,shjo.rten !ije,t,ar^;;relieved,iOT-;tlie time ;beilfg, .*nd prevented for

h f l J d bthorough alterative.

tlie iest remedy., known Jai.the igorldjvr. thefollow-

!j.stlnna.. . .I i».J 41 qBal56wel complaints DropsyCoughs "• ' R b i l i t ^

"' Indigestion' HInflue^a v ' '

.Qostiveness complaints - Lowness'of spirit.'j}j'spepsia**'~'"Hea<!aches Piles, Worms of all'juhds,: Stonfe and • Gravel," Secondary symptoms' V e n e r e a i ^ A f l S i S ' c f B n s . • • • • ' • -. •:• •'• ". •<.;••:. :

ords "HOMOWKIII, New '~Yorlc and'Jlo•aire discernifeie as a Wdter'-m^rii iii exejfthe book dire'fe'tiohs around;'Melt pot'br'bo'.t fthe same may lie plaihly: Men 'by• • folding the'•afto-the liifh'i". 'A handsome reward — : m i--givenlS'anT'oiie' rehderiyg sueh.ipformatioii amay- lea#t(/-the detection of any': party or' jJir^

^jes counterfeiting the medicines or veriaicgtaiS"same, kiiowirrg-tbeft robe spurious, .it. U .

.. '*«* Sold' at the' Manufactory, of ProfessorHOLLOW AT, 80 Maideji7 Lane,;$ew York, andl»y all-respectable Druggists, attd Dealess-in »ed-

giljzed world, in boxesa n d § ] i e l a c h . •_• : - . : - . r . -. . ' - M . - I . - H : i T

• "fggT SCherg; Jsa- .considerable, saying by iak ihg,t-be-.-liiarge-«ao.oi!.-!i.- •••-.- ; <."•-• . - " ; ( ' •"' " ': NjiBirrrUh-etstiQusfor the ^ i id»nee ' of .pafitientain every disor.de'r.arattfiiscd,to each *M>S. .


,«*inse '.«it 1.1 ei'ifi:: /,4,. '..[\i l l . - 1 V : . - - i i « « I ' J ^ . ' l l ' . - l . I , ' - i >O r . j l . •'•' ' l - . l i ; - l r i i . "

n4-JiLkinds of Photogra'phSjJ3L- Daguerreotypes taken'-awith aecumcyj andi^Uspatch.;

jbil&tktw'iV&f •i'v'ivrif-:dexcri'ptionf h b a ; i i 4 8 a i

or enlarged to an f. Hestre'd size

»• LowvilloJaa. 2-7, .1857.'!-. - .- •in7-iK']-J62?if •_••g ^ t ^ g Qa?ifeutai landloisefulq -:o !B5as8lar.l .Selfi

ik*«)Oiiirera, at

! Htij n<term858urprisKigly.'lq*i'

^nVoU-rtptwreSr^eaByEtjis^6.e^"j)6te.f8 the;i'gubh"Q'.;niore''.'tIisn.|;'20;

TSiEi-SUBSCREJERSiipin the•eut?7.'yiterg'.i|sY virtues'' ..have" ^b'e'en; jl'Opge t

it lAmong tneir assortment, mayflie use of the -Earmeiv—;.witli pV6|^aWntion.; J ^ . . . ; , . ; , . . ; , : -^

.. 5^°KE&iS.theI'ame.o.f-.iiif Article'oveV'aWjjae(territory,! nuhjerfljusimitistioha Kave spruijgitjto1

eiistence spunotfs in quality and inert ito1

femapp^:ejrer;»«ki >>;

five to one hundred.dollar

pr oag hoap ,-A % 4*S> getUKgj^l W"^s!^ rf^>"aeribers in,his.own and .adjoining fffi^bfge-rh oo'ffs,' for the' 6esff!anU moH popijTiir' Finnlf -'S

.outlay, no capital required of agents. A;nSgm»,;!j

.tirte new planiis^ppp^os^d^W -son can puecje l "iU'rnaTdit<plt a


........p.-.y. p.^j.^.jyj,,^^ ™.

who desires it, on receipt .ofreturn postage. -*'->1-J—'• >iU-£-i u n

not;-' -and 'Jfew' Y«rle b e j o g a ^ g j ^ j ^ p J fSiness centre of this continent, no. &rn»e»;.'iiie-

dress § ^: HALL & WEST, Pablishcrsr New Yoric Citr.: »These;pencilssupp'Uedittf;fliBtradft;at k i p r *

b l j f e i ?