mmaculate Heart of Mary School -...

mmaculate Heart of Mary School 650 Flora Avenue Winnipeg MB R2W 2S5 P: 204.582.5698 F: 204.586-6698 I January, 2014 Newsle2er Talented Performers! Congratula*ons to all the students on their excep*onal performance at this year’s St. Nicholas Program held on December 6. The students also did a phenomenal job at the two Christmas Concerts ... Grades K3 “Super GiG From Heaven”, and the grades 48, “Christmas in the Country”. Compliments to the staff for doing such a great job in preparing the shows, and as well, to the parents who worked on costumes, props and gymnasium setup. A big bouquet to Mrs. Stanowych for coordina*ng and direc*ng the St. Nicholas program and both Christmas Concerts. Check the school website for some colourful pictures. Pylypivka 2013 ‘We Believe in the Na.vity’ Thank you to all who par*cipated in our Pylypivka (Advent) ac*vi*es. There was a beau*ful prayer service organized by grades 1,2, 3 and 4 classes at the end of November. There was very enthusias*c Christmas performers sharing their musical talents in the front foyer. There were over 60 Mary’s Angels sold and over $300.00 raised for the Marion Hour Rosary Program. As a Chris*an Service project, there was over $575 raised to ‘fill a stable’ with animals for less fortunate families in a third world country. Christmas Break The last day of classes prior to the Christmas Break is Friday, December 20. Dismissal will be at the regular *me. Classes resume on Monday, January 6, 2014. Sadochok (nursery) resumes classes on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. Julian Calendar Christmas For families that celebrate the Julian Calendar Christmas on January 7 ... if your child will be absent from school on this day please write a note to the homeroom teacher indica*ng the reason for absence. The teachers keep these no*ces on file and the student will not lose their eligibility for perfect abendance recogni*on at the end of the school year. IHMS CHRISTMAS CONCERT DVD ORDER FORM On December 18 and 19, 2013 Immaculate Heart of Mary School performed their Annual Christmas Concerts. This year’s Christmas Concerts were professionally filmed by Impact Studios. Impact Studios produces a professionally filmed / edited and packaged DVD to capture those special moments of a life*me. Great close ups, crisp wide angle shots, and clear audio all make for a precious keepsake for your family and children to have, and reminisce over, for years to come!! The DVD’s will be sold by Immaculate Heart of Mary School on a break even premise. Each DVD will be sold for $30.00 (tax included). A promo*onal highlite clip of the concert dvd’s will be on the school website in January. Ordering the DVD(s): • Orders can be placed by comple*ng the below order form and returning it to the school office. • Orders will be taken up to January 22, 2014. Dubbing (copying) of these DVD’s infringes on the Immaculate Heart of Mary School Incorporated copyrights and is illegal. IHMS CHRISTMAS CONCERT DVD ORDER FORM Name: Phone #: Grade: x I.H.M. School, 2013 Kdg. Grade 3 Christmas Concert DVD @ $30.00 = “Super Gi* From Heaven” x I.H.M. School, 2013 Grades 48 Christmas Concert DVD @ $30.00 = “Christmas in the Country” Total Enclosed = Make cheques payable to: Immaculate Heart of Mary School. Thank you for your order. }aslyvoho novoho roku! Veselyx Svqt! Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!! IHMS Carolers Spread Christmas Cheer! Christmas caroling is a treasured part of the Ukrainian culture. On January 16 a group of students will experience this beau*ful tradi*on by traveling to various homes in our community. The students will sing a few carols and recite a couple verses spreading Christmas cheer and wishing the home owners health and happiness in the New Year!

Transcript of mmaculate Heart of Mary School -...

mmaculate Heart of Mary School650 Flora Avenue Winnipeg MB R2W 2S5P: 204.582.5698 F: 204.586-6698I

January,  2014  Newsle2er

Talented  Performers!Congratula*ons  to  all  the  students  on  their  excep*onal  performance  at  this  year’s  St.  Nicholas  Program  held  on  December  6.    The  students  also  did  a  phenomenal  job  at  the  two  Christmas  Concerts  ...  Grades  K-­‐3  “Super  GiG  From  Heaven”,  and  the  grades  4-­‐8,  “Christmas  in  the  Country”.    Compliments  to  the  staff  for  doing  such  a  great  job  in  preparing  the  shows,  and  as  well,  to  the  parents  who  worked  on  costumes,  props  and  gymnasium  set-­‐up.    A  big  bouquet  to  Mrs.  Stanowych  for  coordina*ng  and  direc*ng  the  St.  Nicholas  program  and  both  Christmas  Concerts.  Check  the  school  website  for  some  colourful  pictures.

Pylypivka  2013  -­‐  ‘We  Believe  in  the  Na.vity’Thank  you  to  all  who  par*cipated  in  our  Pylypivka  (Advent)  ac*vi*es.  There  was  a  beau*ful  prayer  service  organized  by  grades  1,2,  3  and  4  classes  at  the  end  of  November.    There  was  very  enthusias*c  Christmas  performers  sharing  their  musical  talents  in  the  front  foyer.    There  were  over  60  Mary’s  Angels  sold  and  over  $300.00  raised  for  the  Marion  Hour  Rosary  Program.    As  a  Chris*an  Service  project,  there  was  over  $575  raised  to  ‘fill  a  stable’  with  animals  for  less  fortunate  families  in  a  third  world  country.

Christmas  Break  The  last  day  of  classes  prior  to  the  Christmas  Break  is  Friday,  December  20.    Dismissal  will  be  at  the  regular  *me.    Classes  resume  on  Monday,  January  6,  2014.    Sadochok  (nursery)  resumes  classes  on  Tuesday,  January  7,  2014.  

Julian  Calendar  Christmas  For  families  that  celebrate  the  Julian  Calendar  Christmas  on  January  7  ...  if  your  child  will  be  absent  from  school  on  this  day  please  write  a  note  to  the  homeroom  teacher  indica*ng  the  reason  for  absence.    The  teachers  keep  these  no*ces  on  file  and  the  student  will  not  lose  their  eligibility  for  perfect  abendance  recogni*on  at  the  end  of  the  school  year.  

IHMS  CHRISTMAS  CONCERT  DVD  ORDER  FORM  On  December  18  and  19,  2013  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School  performed  their  Annual  Christmas  Concerts.    This  year’s  Christmas  Concerts  were  professionally  filmed  by  Impact  Studios.    Impact  Studios  produces  a  professionally  filmed  /  edited  and  packaged  DVD  to  capture  those  special  moments  of  a  life*me.    Great  close  ups,  crisp  wide  angle  shots,  and  clear  audio  all  make  for  a  precious  keepsake  for  your  family  and  children  to  have,  and  reminisce  over,  for  years  to  come!!The  DVD’s  will  be  sold  by  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School  on  a  break  even  premise.    Each  DVD  will  be  sold  for  $30.00  (tax  included).    A  promo*onal  highlite  clip  of  the  concert  dvd’s  will  be  on  the  school  website  in  January.  

Ordering  the  DVD(s):  •  Orders  can  be  placed  by  comple*ng  the  below  order  form  and  returning  it  to  the  school  office.      •  Orders  will  be  taken  up  to  January  22,  2014.  

Dubbing  (copying)  of  these  DVD’s  infringes  on  the  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School  Incorporated  copyrights  and  is  illegal.  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐


Name:                                                                                                                                                            Phone  #:                                                                                                                                                    Grade:                                                                                                                        x    I.H.M.  School,  2013  Kdg.    -­‐  Grade  3  Christmas  Concert  DVD  @  $30.00    =                                                                                           “Super  Gi*  From  Heaven”  

               x    I.H.M.  School,  2013  Grades  4-­‐8  Christmas  Concert  DVD  @  $30.00  =                                                                                                   “Christmas  in  the  Country”                                                                                                                                                                                    Total  Enclosed  =                                                                                                                                

Make  cheques  payable  to:  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School.  Thank  you  for  your  order.  

}aslyvoho novoho roku! Veselyx Svqt!Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!!

IHMS  Carolers  Spread  Christmas  Cheer!Christmas  caroling  is  a  treasured  part  of  the  Ukrainian  culture.    On  January  16  a  group  of  students  will  experience  this  beau*ful  tradi*on  by  traveling  to  various  homes  in  our  community.    The  students  will  sing  a  few  carols  and  recite  a  couple  verses  spreading  Christmas  cheer  and  wishing  the  home  owners  health  and  happiness  in  the  New  Year!

January,  2014  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School


Re-­‐registraQon  for  the  2013  -­‐  2014  Re-­‐registra*on  forms  for  next  school  year  will  be  sent  home  on  Tuesday,  January  14.    The  deadline  for  re-­‐registra*on  will  be  Wednesday,  February  5,  2014.    Families  with  a  child  registering  for  Kindergarten  or  Sadochok  in  the  fall  of  2014  should  pick  up  a  Registra*on  Form  from  the  office.    Informa*on  and  forms  for  registering  at  IHMS  can  be  found  on  the  school  website  (  under  the  ‘Admissions’  link.  The  registra*on  /  tui*on  fee  structure  for  the  2014  -­‐  2015  school  year  is:                Registra*on  Fee:       $100.00  /  child                Tui*on  Fee:     Sadochok:     $900.00         Kindergarten:     $900.00         Grades  1-­‐8:     $1,800.00  for  the  first  child             $1,500.00  for  the  second  child           $1,300.00  for  each  addi*onal  child

School  Funding  ....  Did  you  know?    The  Government  of  Manitoba  provides  to  public  schools  a  grant  for  each  child  enrolled  in  a  school.    Catholic  Schools  receive  approximately  half  of  this  amount.    This  grant  money  is  intended  for  instruc*onal  services  and  does  not  apply  to  capital  costs  such  as  building  maintenance,  renova*ons  and  supplies.    IHMS  provides  the  beau*ful  facility,  and  the  excellent  programs  it  does,  based  on  the  following  sources  of  revenue:

-­‐ Government  Grant-­‐ Fund  Raising  and  Dona*ons-­‐ Registra*on  Fees  and  Tui*on  Fees

Cheers  to  Our  Volunteers!    ...  Barbara  Pawlyshyn  for  organizing  our  Koubassa  and  Cheese  Fundraiser....  all  the  parents  that  assisted  with  Christmas  Concert  costume  preparaFons...  Mr.  Ed  Tycholis  for  clearing  snow  on  the  playground  and  around  the  school....  Kelly  Dupak,  Candace  Skromeda,  Sandra  Copp  and  Wilson  Caetano  for  assisFng  with  the  St.  Nicholas  treat  bag  preparaFons....  Doug  Fosty,  Julian  Fosty,  Andrij  Tkaczyk,  Jason  Brennan,  Trevor  Sturgess,  Vyacheslav  Volotovskyy  and  Ivan  Fil  for  seQng  up  the  bleachers  for  the  Christmas  Concerts...  Doug  Fosty,  Julian  Fosty,  Andrij  Tkaczyk,  Jason  Brennan,  Julian  Brennan,  James  Brennan,  Vyacheslav  Volotovskyy,  Remi  Zbaraswewski  and  Ivan  Fil  for  taking  down  the  bleachers  aTer  the  Christmas  Concerts

Grades  7  &  8  Winter  Camp  As  part  of  their  outdoor  educa*on  curriculum,  the  Grades  7  &  8  students  will  go  winter  camping  to  Camp  Arnes.  Winter  ac*vi*es  such  as  snow  shoeing,  cross  country  skiing,  quinzee  building  and  cooking  bannock  on  an  open  fire  are  just  some  of  the  fun  ac*vi*es  the  students  will  get  to  experience!  The  students  will  be  depar*ng  on  Wednesday,  January  15  and  will  be  returning  on  Friday,  January  17,  2014.    The  Camp  fees  of  $190.00  are  due  on  Wednesday,  January  8,  2014.  

N.U.T.  Day  ....  No  Uniforms  Today!Friday,  January  24  will  be  a  N.U.T.  Day!  (No  Uniforms  Today)  and  the  theme  will  be  ‘a  dash  of  clash  day’!!    Where  your  most  mismatched  outit.  Let’s  see  those  striped  pants  and  polka  dot  shirts!!

IHMS  Parents’  Guild  MeeQngAll  parents/guardians  who  have  children  aVending  Immaculate  Heart  are  members  of  the  IHMS  Parents’  Guild  and  you  are  invited  to  the  monthly  meeFngs.  The  Guild  has  a  vital  role  in  our  school  community  and  we  need  you  to  become  a  part  of  this  process.InformaFon  regarding  school  events  and  acFviFes  is  shared,  as  well  as,  updates  on  the  school  relocaFon  project.  The  next  meeFng  of  the  Parents’  Guild  will  be  on  Monday,  January  13  at  7:00  P.M..  A  child  care  service  is  provided  free  of  charge  for  parents  that  will  be  bringing  their  children.

Blessing  Holy  WaterOn  January  6th  (Gregorian  Calendar)  Ukrainian  Catholics  celebrate  the  bap*sm  of  our  Lord.  This  celebra*on  is  also  called  the  Fes*val  of  Epiphany.  On  Tuesday,  January  14,  beginning  at  9:00  A.M.  IHMS  will  have  a  prayer  service  in  the  school  gymnasium  to  bless  the  Holy  Water.  Part  of  the  prayer  service  will  also  take  place  outside,  in  front  of  an  ice  cross.All  parents  and  families  are  encouraged  to  join  us  for  the  prayer  service.  Following  the  blessing  of  the  water,  Father  Isidore,  our  School  Chaplain,  and  a  choir  of  students  will  bless  each  of  the  rooms  in  the  school.  Each  class  will  welcome  Father  to  their  ‘home’  classroom  by  preparing  a  small  table,  covered  by  a  white  cloth  with  an  icon  and  a  candle.  Students  are  welcome  to  take  Holy  Water  home.  They  should  bring  a  container  with  a  *ght  seal  to  bring  the  water  home  in.

Fr. Isidore blesses a classroom with Holy Water.

January,  2014  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School



The  IHMS  Annual  Tea  is  one  of  the  school’s  largest  community  building  and  fund  raising  events.  Its  success  is  because  of  everyone’s  personal  commitment  to  the  school.  Successful  because  of  the  *me  you  put  in  as  a  volunteer.  Successful  because  of  

your  generous  dona*ons:  food  and  baking  for  the  Tea,  selling  raffle  *ckets,  contribu*ng  dona*ons  for  the  basket  raffle.  Successful  because  of  the  family  and  friends  you  invite.  The  IHMS  Annual  Tea  is  successful  because  of  people  like  you  that  give  so  much  of  

yourselves  towards  such  a  worthy  cause  –  our  children’s  future.  Please  remember  Sunday,  February  2,  2014.  It’s  fast  approaching  and  a  Tea  Convenor  will  be  calling  and  reques*ng  your  assistance.

Annual  Tea  –  Main  RaffleImmaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School  Parents’  Guild  Tea  Raffle  Booklets  were  sent  home  home  on  Monday,  December  9.  As  indicated  in  the  Fund  Raising  secFon  of  the  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School  Handbook…one  of  the  fund  raising  events  is  the  Annual  Tea,  Main  Raffle.  Each  Fcket  is  $1.00.  There  are  20  Fckets  in  each  book.  Each  family  is  responsible  for  selling  a  minimum  of  3  books  of  Fckets  at  a  value  of  $60.00.  (This  obligaFon  to  sell  Fckets  does  not  include  families  that  have  paid  the  $350.00  non-­‐volunteer  fee.)  Please  keep  the  books  of  Fckets  stapled  (do  not  separate  them).  AddiFonal  books  of  Fckets  will  be  available  through  the  school  office.There  will  be  some  very  enFcing  prizes  to  be  won  in  Sellers  Draws!!  For  every  book  of  Fckets  sold,  a  family  gets  one  Fcket  in  the  Seller’s  Draw.  The  more  books  you  sell  ...  the  more  chances  you  have  to  win!!  The  deadline  to  get  your  family  entered  into  the  Early  Bird  Seller’s  Draw  is  Wednesday,  January  8.  The  Early  Bird  Seller’s  Draw  will  be  held  on  Friday,  January  10,  2014.  The  Final  Sellers  Draw  deadline  is  Wednesday  January  15.  The  Final  Seller’s  Draw  will  be  held  on  Friday,  January  17,  2014.  All  Fcket  stubs  must  be  in  by  this  date.  Sellers  names  that  are  entered  in  the  Early  Bird  Draw  will  be  eligible  for  the  Final  Draw  too.  Therefore  the  more  Fcket  stubs  you  return  by  the  deadlines,  the  greater  your  chances  will  be  of  winning  a  prize.  Once  again,  the  final  deadline  for  returning  all  Fcket  stubs  and  money  is  Friday,  January  17,  2014.  Cheques  are  to  be  made  payable  to  I.H.M.S.  Parents’  Guild.  Thank  you  in  advance  for  your  support.

Jane  McCarvill,  Main  Raffle  Coordinator  Penny  Spewak,  Main  Raffle  Coordinator



The  Basket  Raffle  CommiVees  are  planning  and  gathering  prizes  for  two  of  IHMS’s  most  successful  fundraisers:

• the  Annual  School  Tea  on  February  2,  2014  • the  Fund  Raising  Dinner  on  March  8,  2014

 It  is  because  of  your  valued  support  each  year  that  we  are  able  to  put  together  some  very  impressive  baskets!!


THEN  EVER!!!Remember….no  item  is  too  big  or  too  small.    We  are  looking  for  new  items  for  men,  women,  children  and  teens.    We  also  accept  coupons,  giT  cerFficates,  and  cash.    In  addiFon  to  your  donaFon  

we  will  be  happy  to  accept  Canadian  Tire  money.You  can  make  a  personal  family  donaFon,  or  if  you  work  for  a  

business  that  is  able  to  donate,we  can  provide  you  with  a  leVer.    These  leVers  are  available  in  the  school  office.Please  tag  items  with  your  family  name  and  

clearly  label  them  as  BASKET  RAFFLE.  They  can  be  leT  at  the  school  office  anyFme  now.

If  you  have  any  quesFons,  please  do  not  hesitate  to  contact  one  of  the  

raffle  co-­‐ordinators.We  look  forward  to  your  parFcipaFon!!

Kathy  Romaniuk    204-­‐632-­‐0618  –  Tea  RaffleSandra  Copp    204-­‐663-­‐3636  –  Tea  Raffle

Iryna  Deneka    204-­‐338-­‐4848  –  Dinner  Raffle

Win  great  Gi`  Cards!!$50  for  Boston  Pizza!

$50  for  iTunes!The  more  books  of  Tea  Raffle  Tickets  your  family  

sells  the  more  chances  you  have  to  win  sellers  prizes.  The  due  date  for  geQng  into  the  Early  Bird  Seller’s  Draw  is  

Wednesday,  January  8,  2014.

Here’s  How  an  IHMS  Family  Can  Help  ...***  Food  donaFons:         If  you  have  suggesFons  about  who  we  can  approach,  regarding  food  donaFons  please  contact  Patricia  at  204-­‐930-­‐7857    or     [email protected].  Superstore  Gi*  Card  donaFons  are  greatly  appreciated.  ***Volunteering:   We  need  your  helping  hands.    Volunteer  informaFon  was  sent  home  in  December.    Volunteer  shi*s  will  be  confirmed  in  early  January.  ***AdverFsing:   The  posters  adverFsing  the  Annual  Tea  will  be  available  a*er  Christmas  from  the  school  office.    Please  assist  us  by  picking  one  up  and     posFng  it  in  a  prominent,  high  traffic  area.    ***Raffles:   Don't  forget  to  sell  your  Tea  Raffle  Tickets.    The  Tea  Raffle  Tickets  were  sent  home  in  December  and  the  Fcket  stubs  and  money  is  due     January  17  (at  the  latest)..    Let's  sell  every  Fcket!    The  prizes  are  very  generous!    Don't  forget  about  donaFons  for  the  Basket  Raffle!    We  have  a  huge  job  in  front  of  us  and  we  can  do  it  as  long  as  we  all  work  together.    Most  importantly,  remind  your  friends  and  family  to  come  and  join  us  on  our  special  day  -­‐  Sunday,  February  2,  2014.      Happy  New  Year!  Donna  Sikorsky  &  Patricia  Maruschak  -­‐  Tea  Co-­‐Convenors

Volunteers  Making  a  Difference!Thank  you  to  following  ladies  who  have  stepped  up  into  leadership  roles  to  coordinate  the  2014  Annual  School  Tea.  Tea  Co-­‐Convenors:   Donna  Sikorsky  &  Patricia  MaruschakMain  Raffle  Coordinators:   Jane  McCarvill  &  Penny  SpewakBasket  Raffle  Coordinators:   Sandra  Copp  &  Kathy  Romaniuk

Guidelines  for  Dressing  WarmStudents  are  encouraged  to  dress  warm  for  going  outside  during  the  recess  breaks.    Here  are  some  basic  guidelines  for  dressing  warm  in  cold  weather.-­‐  Cover  all  parts  of  the  body.-­‐  Stay  dry.-­‐  Dress  in  layers.

-­‐  Footwear:    wet  feet  become  cold  quickly.    Keep  your  feet  dry  by  wearing  appropriate  winter  boots.-­‐  Accessories:    Wear  a  hat  at  all  *mes  ...  70%  of  heat  loss  is  through  your  head.    Ear  bands  are  not  a  subs*tutes  for  hats.    Waterproof  gloves  or  mibens  lined  with  a  synthe*c  insula*on  are  effec*ve  insulators.    Scarves  or  neck  tubes  provide  extra  coverage  for  the  cheeks  and  nose.Students  are  expected  to  go  outside  during  the  recess  breaks  and  should  be  dressed  appropriately  for  winter  condi*ons.    The  lunch  hour  is  the  longest  recess  and  the  students  will  spend  approximately  30  minutes  outside.

Calendar  Planning-­‐There  are  no  classes  on  Monday,  January  20  for  a  school  inservice.-­‐The  Annual  School  Tea  is  on  Sunday,  February  2,  2014.-­‐There  is  a  four  day  weekend  on  Friday,  February  14  (Catholic  Schools  Day)  -­‐     Monday,  February  17  (Louis  Riel  Day).-­‐There  are  no  classes  on  Friday,  February  28  for  a  school  inservice.-­‐The  Annual  Fund  Raising  Dinner  is  on  Saturday,  March  8,  2014.-­‐Ukrainian  Week  is  March  24-­‐28  ...  the  Ukrainian  Concert  is  on  March  27.-­‐Spring  break  is  March  31  -­‐  April  4.    Classes  resume  on  April  7.

IHM  School  Annual  Fund  Raising  Dinner!!Saturday,  March  8,  2014

Every  family  in  our  school  community  is  encouraged  to  mark  this  date  on  their  calendar  and  support  this  important  fund  raising  event  for  the  school.  This  wonderful  evening  takes  place  at  Holy  Eucharist  Parish  Centre  and  will  include  a  spectacular  meal  catered  by  Bergman's  Restaurant,  one  of  Winnipeg's  finest  restaurants.  Wine,  fabulous  prizes,  as  well  as,  an  aucFon  room  will  also  be  featured.  All  proceeds  from  the  Dinner  will  be  directed  towards  the  academic,  spiritual  and  cultural  programs  at  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School.  Tickets  for  the  Fund  Raising  Dinner  are  available  in  the  school  office.  Tickets  are  $110  each  which  includes  at  $40  charitable  contribuFon  receipt.  

Calling  all  IHMS  students!!!    The  Cat  in  the  Hat  has  leG  a  message  for  the  students  at  IHMS.  This  year,  every  month,  there  will  be  a  different  Dr.  Seuss  quote  on  the  wall  by  the  Resource  Room  on  the  main  floor  corridor.  -­‐    Sadochok  to  Grade  3  students  find  out  which  Dr  Seuss  book  the  quote  is  from.  During  their  free  *me,  students  read  through  Dr.  Seuss  books  (mom  and  dad  can  help).  When  they  find  the  quote,  they  fill  out  a  ballot  and  enter  the  monthly  draw.  -­‐    Grades  4-­‐8  students  find  the  book  that  has  the  monthly  quote.    They  fill  out  a  ballot  and  enter  the  monthly  -­‐    draw  by  wri*ng  a  few  sentences  about  what  they  think  that  the  quote  means.-­‐  At  the  end  of  every  month  a  name  will  be  drawn  from  each  bucket  (a  Grades  S-­‐3  bucket  and  Grades  4-­‐8  bucket).  The  student  name  that  is  drawn,  that  has  found  the  correct  book,  will  win  a  prize!!  

***  Congratula*ons  to  the  December  winners  ...  Krys*n  Skakun  (Grade  1)  and  Thomas  Steur  (Grade  6)!!

Charitable  Receipts  for  TuiQon  Charitable  receipts  may  be  issued  for  a  por*on  of  the  Kindergarten  to  Grade  8  tui*on  fees  that  are  in  excess  of  the  pro-­‐rated  “cost  per  child”  calcula*on.    These  receipts  would  be  issued  in  February.    Sadochok  fees  are  considered  childcare  and  are  therefore  not  eligible  for  a  charitable  receipt.    Before  and  AGer  School  Program  Fees  are  also  considered  a  child  care  expense  and  not  eligible  for  a  charitable  receipt.

Catholic  High  Schools’Open  House  Schedule

St.  Boniface  Diocesan  High  School:   7:30  P.M.,  February,  12,  2014   www.sbdhs.netSt.  Mary’s  Academy:   7:00  P.M.,  January  28,  2014   www.stmarysacademy.mb.caSt.  Maurice  School:   7:00  P.M.,  February  13,  2014   www.stmaurice.mb.caSt.  Paul’s  High  School:   7:00  P.M.,  January  14,  2014

IHMS  is  now  on  Facebook  and  Twi2er.  Visit  the  school  website  at  and  click  on  the  Facebook  and  Twiber  links.  “Follow  Us”  right  on  the  front  page  to  get  started.  Stay  up  to  date  on  important  school  

events  and  get  daily  updates  on  what  is  going  on  at  IHMS.

January,  2014  Immaculate  Heart  of  Mary  School


                                   CongratulaQons  to  ...

...  Kennedy  Shymko  (Gr.  2)  and  her  7-­‐8  year  old  Novice  Girls  Hockey  Team  that  won  gold  at  the  2013  Christmas  Challenge  Hockey  Tournament!  ...  Eryn  Sitar  (Gr.  5)  and  her  Phoenix  U11  Girls  Soccer  Team  that  won  the  Domino's  Christmas  Classic  2013  Soccer  Tournament  over  the  holidays!