mm ml m. m. - NYS Historic...

TOO 3PUTTSBURGH DAILY REPUBLICAN MATTSBURGK DAILY syx>-tr„;wait.:^ ULA. *" i! ' : Founded, in 3S.11 for the advocacy of Demo- •cr&tic principles and unswerving m allegiance t*» those principles, TSie Official Democratic newspaper of Clinton County and the City of Pittsburgh, Pilhlished evftry aiowiing except Sunday by The I^ttsburgh Republican Publishing Company, Inc., at the Eobinson's Printery, Clinton St., Pl&tMmrgh, N. Y. Ernest C. Gordon .. -—President James Bel? Burroughs...-- Vice-President Jeremiah W. fravero Sec- and Trcas, I&rtKNst S. RobifiBon. Business Manager Directors. tfaoMas F, Conway Michael 3, CaUanan SiAm B. Trombly 3mm J>eF Burrough* Vm# fc Bolr* J«fltta!*k >V, Davem Emei* tl Gordon John Ai^trong-*., —>»-„ ^^5 ''Bi^a|^ttlwic^f?.0O per year* Adyeriis- 'r iwie* OB application. „_ -aa *#co»d claws mattes' at the post B*t!sbwr*K Clinton County. NT. i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmm**-... ,U i'il JU....X 1 L ., . '.. -J - , INTERESTING P A C K ABOUT '^yrtswiiiaa^ty Gateway" to the Am- &*" raMfcdks Ml the Green Mountainfi, and the of miltary pragiareiaeaf for tational ' « M f<maded In 1T84 by Zephaniah a native of Long Island. Hie City nwr the head of Lake Champuiio, Bay, at the mouth of the » * t f m * fi^iiMtoi -*f ^ , 14M0. Itiaaimatlfulrwideij- " ileill7.lurfkK4Mtheii^hff ' * * a«iMiteml tod fruit-^rovr-; ..... -P^W—S --\^^.--..> ftratb*ttteo« Cham- *!^bar«**' ,./fe §? ; Of -i$:,,:5S»«pr|l ,"',;'.'^ iff n^aRE-'".'-ft-V'^lf.'- "iBP'fWBI prW 1 ^ ^ * S|RF*WrW~ #4*r la the home of the AMtt $choo1, and many' acfaoc^s. o/ th« atr**t* ift Uic buJ5incs« lite City are $*v*d Vitti forfeit, ~ Mttlcg* t»r asphalt and those are macadamized, them biter in a l 7 raitca of macadamized *&&** ami&<M&m of brick and wood blocks. Hie aidewalJca thitoughtfafc the residential KH* : , #w(pop» at* «£ concrete and stone. l l a a t »of lite atxgiefcs of thespesidential por- tiont $f l&M£ GUy are Jwaiered'' on either side fegrlpH #n», whldi apch *nd meet over the isenfer of tie streets, some of them being 0wr %0O years »!4, The Democratic Vlatfonn adopted at Chicago is u plain, simple statement of achievemeht uinhw Jtonocratle rule, •«. record of exceedingly important work ^ell done, of more constructive legislation urcompUMie.l than has been placed oh the isUituli' books in the same length of time in years. 3t contains a strong and ringing plank oh Americanism that will meet with the approval of every true American, to whatever party he may belong. It emphasises the principle of the protection of American interests the world, over, while &i the same time it does not place the United States in the role of an insolent dictator. It calls for ample and adequate preparedness without containing the slightest hint of a policy that the most ardent pacifists can call militarism, It sets forth, the policy of the govertiment in regard to Mexico, a policy which has receiv- ed the support of the great majority of the American people, a policy which calls for the protection of out interests without threaten- ing the annexation of Mexico* It is stratghtforwwtf, <MIKM$, kom^t expm* dm of principles, a ipm *Ulnlo*)ry ot i#ft|!'Jc moi'e t h a n s a t i s f a c t o r i l y .4acc<>^.p)yirfjM. Jtt ifc *, platform oh which uw x>ftrty> wjttfroufc Mxit slightest hesitation ot apjpjfiel^isloit, m*1m ite apical to tlte American jpeople. Naval conjstnictidn authorised during : 4&$ fifst two ,|ear« *>i WM4*QW W^m 'inoA'fm-' and a half times that authorised during the same''period' of the 'foooiwfofelfc administration, and im total mval avi^HHWtiflii m$&* $W& years'^ UcKinl^y* lioo»eV*it t$& '*&&•&)$$ to the kcrjiel, the only 'real complaint, ' ajfainsfc Wilson iw'Hm '$$•-hm~ -^$Wi^'m<i!l careful to avoid any intihiaaon is to wi|at aide we should Mfrte-WMM$ #««•'•• ; (W « o g | ^ , . JgS^' 4he id<« is to get vote* from the »ymp«thii«ra : j ^ •;Hfel'. $700,000,000 :woir#i'' « | • . ^ f l i ducta, Uveatock -and' ;p\^c#f;;M : ':;ir»ittjAWJ : "'^m^^m^^^wm:'!'' during the jdfie' mt0» bpU not only more than double the rtc- Th« i* reapwtfully «f«t»d to tusisra. ^m abuiidant supply of pure water i* bi?ough.t fipom mountain streams and lakes ant stored in reservoirs about a mile and a half distant from the village, with more than ^pilOicient head to throw a stream over the Mgjiest building In tin City. The entire sys- tgtti is em of the bast in th« State, and the water rate is very low, as the system is ^operated economically and more than pays for itself. PUBLIC BUILDINGS—Pittsburgh is the comity seat of Clinton County, and the Clin- ioir Couttty Court House it; located ben? with An additional building to provide* quarters for the ^County Clerk, Surrogate Judge, County Treasurer, and chambers for the County Supervisors, TJie Pof.t Office is housed in a feree-story brick building localr-d in the center of the citj' on wliat is known as Custom Mouse Square. Cround has been recently actjuir'-'d i<>r the .establishi)Jenf of a Iaj-g'-' public )> n<vr \],i- mouth *A tlu- hat-ana/. JLiv<-r, {»\(-rlooJJjjg Cumberland }k>.y, v.iii'h v.itl !»<• a wiUmml and fctate nwui<>Mt} '<i the Haiti'' "i i'Jall:.- burgli. Adjojiujig th».s j»a<-i. \}\c ( iiy b;r acquired the fjtc f«,i a n< v. ( if v il.JJ !•< 1. ej-etrLfod in mwijor,\ <<{ i: t » J [t io J/.,,,u J„ Smith. The total Htn'i'ott of K.'.III- I [» ii'l'-l OH. this project be uj<pio.a, t .iitcly v oW,- 0¥X «H convkUon primary in that State. ^Mibjicaii r y wra you ready k> aay just what your iband on the var- " '''i&w&to'ti&Uiii&.k*!?*'' ••'..••.• •«^»t fee tfi« iMWtfdi *SwWWI<rti«*f* -f** ,_._ JfcttV iMt, It iMaWsrtttill* to tni«i "W* 4wt1t%iW>w i r a a t * e Wliere ifi, 1^e*el«r(g |iye .«# n s e d a t e *lwi«e feelt«f«..#« 4on't %ws*tf Joaeph 11. Choate, former ambaaaador to Cksjtt Britain aad a leading ltepublican, writ- ing in the Review of Reviews for January, !915» paidhigli tribute to the Wilson adfflniatratioit's jjolicies growing out of #KS war, He said: "If we can juiaintain our neutrality and keei> out of this war and at the same tlfiie prove. ourselves friendly to all tjie nations engaged ui it—as I think We shall under the wise and prudent conduct of President Wilson—the United States will, I believe, not only be called into consultation by the warring nations, when they are no longer able to keep up the fight, but will practically be able to dictate the terms of peace between them, one of which must, If possible, be- an -effectual guarantee against any future outbreak of the horrible spirit of mili'- tarism which has caused the present war. "Of course, the end of this war will see us by far the most powerful nation in the world, and if the policy pointed out by Secretary Daniels is mirsiied, we shall perhaps In the fullness of time become ourselves the mistress of tho seas without incurring hostility or at- tack from any nation, and shall be the great factor for preserving universal peace." Truly this in a remarkable tribute and one of the i-lnuigc-f arguments for the re-election of Woodnm Wilson that we have yet heard, 4*kTiFMl V.^^,1 > * ' ^K^ j#^**i*y^M .al* t* many mo r«>*iteMiws fciH.y, and why Oolonoi RoctfccveM: b*h>e4 •0U« i-enotlfciMiry mW*o Hai «^l|a< ea vim .*, jfiraulmoiss mat *#« jawtost. hmm toy WiJltatn Allen White la IH Ohic*»t» M*|*ld of JVttC U, Bald JMtf. WJtilto: Mf, »*«rr*rfns had p»ia jus g<wd money for the party an.d in J»lW re»t»d Ui* Utlo of th<s putty, it waa iat^jfai that, Colons) notwe- wlt ihoutd recognize t|)*t tlu*. AiiA 'WbOa Mr. PerWha fcpoke ill tlio Wrty councils it wka Olily v«- tur«l that *is judgment should provatf. ., . T h c h %er«3 Uvo elomeftt* IA 'the coccventKini—the genuine pufogreBsivef .ana th«|^jfjMns rcaqti^ftari^i' fhei gcn«1lne jw^fegslyCs, for dome unex- pliUnmWf! ration, iniaglrte* R«x»«ev,el( to one ot tbom, R mliiconceptlor whieH |h« . Colonel #«Uliettt(el)r «« •ww*m^0&* re««t MtMr eit|»«fi- «noe i l M W teach .thfa? J^^f *«tin to m ,#jm- in am *«0 w»*« *i#- qu<MU4MU. a# tho««. r«l*ti»« *rt« ifOir#|iU^^»lii^*#,# TAtsHiirllt.tb* •«!«•*«»• ;|tor - j>roj|r«iuay*iMn *M :ta* ' ' Uutfit *iU >!•**' WU« ^ fii.l '. fOBTHfe; ' K*f kted by P«p« N»<r t o A Jtoe, 19.- MtchMl : J. Mul«u«eB, MUrltia Dre»ld«nt of tlic CkUiol*! Ciliib,toUmm m«do a Of ta« A i ^ r of Bai«t Gregory by jB«#Ml.o>t CaratMl Farley , requested PoBti* U» eoof*r til* hijh dl.nitr .Oil iffi' tt*liue^ii mm»» of fall Splehdld MrjHoc Uie lut Ave ye*m *•' preitl* 4«at of tte Catholic Club. .... ;.• ^ -'•- ' . ^ g ^ ^ Y g j i j ^ .;;'rtf,Mr tfaan |180,(»() turned i^'..^ : .^%4.ii0^ ''.fcill'-o^t tbt «.8ng. ov*r-<a«n« and i l r e n u o ^ ^ ins, The medicine that meetp th* oe«Mh»t tones the «tom»ch, etlinu. lat«* the |Wen jie^tteiihelwwej*-* HortM l w BOJITR^JTAKB, St«itfi' iOomml»«ion *I fJiKhvfyBj A> banh N. Y,—Pursuant 1» th| i>ro- \lnm* of ^haiJtef 30, Jt»^a *l l'W», asftiftfii*W»*>y 0«*PM* «*«^ WWtj of I9ii, and OjiaHW-f ?0* W'•*? 1913, seated ptopoaal* v»l te-re- ceived''by the Mnderiigned at tfaeir office, Kfl, 6S E«*ca»ter »tpe*#, A|- b»ny. jSfi- Y., mt -fthe o'(BleW"'lPi-"M,, on Monday, ihe Joth day W. J*iy, v 1816, for th«.'il*W*dvenMtt* of ih« f o l l o w ^ tohfif'yji'.: • 'CM6ton;.f?.o%fr, ty, jRoad No. 1398: Name of Road^ itoffitbvHliB-^ranWiii County Um ;.J**pj|f r pl»nft siK^JncilioDS and eaO- S»r««» w?#iie^ it tlte 0fo«- #f -the": Cortjniaaioii, «»rt<;y O. SW)hernk*rhorn, Lyon BulldinK, 1 Daniel Street, Air jp.any.-'N,.*'. •*me eape^lal attention of bidd^hi 1a called to "QBJNpHAfj INFO: m% Bimm&Hn the i " poeal, MKxMcaUont « acreemetit, ".' ' PropoaalB for each road or cOnlract mjugt be preaented In a separate acal- ed envelope, eadftned on t^i outsldis with th? name ani numbof-i Hw roai iOr; contriicit MmiSfm JN inade. . Badi prdpoaai MUiit be i' panled by caah or', a cerUfled check payable to tb'e:.!dr4eir' , '0)('tt'e,>|Me' Coinmlaalon of Hlfhwaye for an |tm- ai now«**rl, Muat If^.Werencoi, Aj>ply "by: j t » , - hfo, « :Co rne iu mm ml m. m. Farm, eta Mi h- *oldicr«i : id th. rtilater blank f .Bor." frtart. .About Datrr^Dd S^tonal ", 'fciii<itiojij Cii4| of 'fcy.Awi •foiM to vioe, •-•IMf' iiase,. cement ' ' *' <W ollne tank aeeied.. 1 for the Hi -:FuHe*':pft^^^*^ylii|i ; to U*W&A. A. .^_, ?*&.'*q*fa^4ljijfc , men • ean /be; •trengthened and made Well t»y Tibe; Hblyoke AMoAUnal Supporter now be- ifl^ introduce^; at ^ie Jjtcatteii Brug Store. This ta tie only BHpportcr that has an *MK M it kiid tb* only Supporter that can stand all testa without xlipptb*. yoit sit doWn to regt-yourselt-Ha-hUe you are .lUnding;, walking or WtUng, this little device -weightair'esi* than 4 ounces, worn oy- er the garment, merely hooked "oh, -suppprts In a restful manner, your en- tire abdominal tract, producing bet- tier assimilation—removes all jar from all the Inter**! -prgiii*, JtiftklBg gach and every x>hit do their wort better. Doctors claim Ijiat the priftie Ca"(j«e Of the frlgnlful mortality of the afllddlo- age man today Is that they all c-Vei* i eat and Undo? ejtej'clse. that this 18 (so ho senBibie person will dispute, to . prevent the ifatat effects from those | causes you ftiti&t support yourself. jThfe proper supporting prevents ex- cessive strain "and Ihctfestse bloat ana fat. In 5 days' Uroe in your city these Bmall inen and heavy men I wearing Ihpin would not take $50 fot Hie belt if the"y could not get another, These bPlls do absolutely more thaii 1 we claim Tor them. Any man or wo- man in Platlppurgh not feeling well can call at The Arcade ttolel" and ask for M r . XV. U Burns and he. -will give >du a tree trial of the belt 16' pfovo im gj,;e|«.r'|M»fMfy .«e v f|&:'iji% should- be-iilldpd to go into efect , CK^nian Van &antwwrt Bubmlta a an«Weiin R -Cominiiioion fer EmrnefB contetttlojiS and holdifif ; ib»t..«ft* ^.»F0ipo8e4 mw M&t&Oate wouhj not effect the unifonnHy whic* CwimiBaioar Etnmet dealres, . . -;' In ihe order denying -the i«?o»oaei rate scheduled the Commission hol4i that Uie need fer the increase* af- fecting the Hudson River Division' is unproven.- IWth jcegaisd to changes pn other divisions, the^ Com- missipn calls tlie ,atte»Woh of -^he railroad to obviouB dLBcriminations in the present rates on tiese .divisions and suggests that they be modified, the gchedtties now proposed, Jhowever, tfae Gommlsslon ftnds do not equit- ably eftept this modification, the Commission says tbat while ijt is JSOS- Siblo some of the miiMir divisions pf the road are not paying so far as passenger .trafllc is conecrned,^ there j* rto jttSt rdasofi why this burden shoulr' be impoeed through generally^ in- creased rates on the patrohs of the main lino where pasaeflgcr business seems on the record to be clearly, prph tabic. flLOTORCyCHSTS 0011B. JfOT MAKE CHASM. Abotit twenty motorcyclists- frbln Glens Palls, whom was accompanied by a lady passenger, enjoyed a trip Sunday over a portion of the Adiron- dack highways, It was originally iii- *endcd that the tourists should go Ausable Chasm and return, but Jate start, owing to weather coiftli- Gtwtral Inattrance And Iteal tSmU Af enti ; 76CUNTONST. there is «iirgmay: ingB% appear :gust ' . « » . « ^ , lness tfen'a clijb' .vlt|tWn;W v Jl'**l -uie.tuie^ v !or in August. » *jS 'Yoit and ^Wi *8iS| as *eW *% ia{# The pniiiipi rc-.|«oii;f of HIP National Guard of NVv, Vnjl. to Hi'- call i:-;-ue*l lasl evening by Pn i'lont Wiiroii is .vunefhirtp; of which the 1 jnpirc ;- 1 ati can \scll !«• proud. The guards- in*'!i oi Ncv Voi'K are aiuoug (lie be>t in the I nili'l :«lai••-•.. Ujeir j-tandavd of cflicienry is li'Ko and tljcu work in fraiimijr has stamped 1l)cn<;'. liciiiK proJi'i« nl cihWii tvildiejv.. While li.< >lui , v. htrli aM;i)i -• lh" giiard.-mcn i,. jnj.' ni'ur th,Ui ifiuf oi I'fi*lolling the .1'niled ,'<- !i'ii<li'i )<, I'fli'.r- I|K i'ij.'ular.N now en- ;M;>» M ' in llioi v.uil. ,i iii<!i ili{\\ ma.v reinforce Hi' i'' /-. iiii-v -f'.i'' now in .Mc'vico, it a watis- ioi'.ii'U t'< Hi' ju-ojji' o| uu ,.UtU lo iuiow that t'.i- ".T-ri: v,ill t't vc-j; cari'.ed «.-ut. ,t (1ml he will make you feel belter. Got ! Uo " s mMo thk loftB tri P <* 225 milee IV (lie booklets free at Mr. JacQues Drug * u "HfWS'hHity, Company. T,1C ' cyclists met witlt some diffl-!^ 4 culty becauoe of -the heavy storms |^ ' ' Which felled trees and littered tiavjL ,K.Hf'l.I» IKOM <'AU, slate roads wifh limbs. A farmer ; X AGB WOMEN Ill'BT threw his home Open to them during V the" heart of the storm and the women jv In. H'-U-n Hamlin, aged resident furnished a delightful dinner. lA -—*— ••* Af)Ti5«TISKW 1/ETtBHS. Ify MUK.-C1. Black. M. M. jSroga, £ J'/seph FJUtfalriek, Armond Jodoin, aged ot Brooklyn W, .y., is a l>atlent in tb<? Aliff lljdo hospital, Malone, nnffer- ing fioni in juries received when she j'n iji"l l»wii an automobile between .Mn'fiiif ,iut| .saranac Lake pariy, of «hith &he was a member . ' n c ('iM'pclled' to jump from the car m- ii isUicd to tmck down a. &(oep hill , vlitn tit biakes taiiod to work. Assisted t>y \ BOB ALEXANDER, ALICE WALUtl, AND DUTEil* " • " , AND A BEAUTIFUL mMB ROMAN RING ARTIST* •;• wlifen thfi f"i), Howard A, Jutkl, Master Georgoj J Miller, TV, H, Mooncy, Henl'y Wilson, j V ••!• WOMEN.—Miss Jciiiiie Johnson. A. G. SlflMJjCAlu, Postmaster. Special Scenery and 3^ CHANGES OF WUOmWWJ ! $ PRICES~10c, 15c, 2SkT Jtt ., *»*» -^-*#

Transcript of mm ml m. m. - NYS Historic...




syx>-tr„;wait.:^ ULA.


Founded, in 3S.11 for the advocacy of Demo-•cr&tic principles and unswerving m allegiance t*» those principles,

TSie Official Democratic newspaper of Clinton County and the City of Pit tsburgh,

Pilhlished evftry aiowiing except Sunday by The I^ t tsburgh Republican Publishing Company, Inc., a t the Eobinson's Printery, Clinton St., Pl&tMmrgh, N. Y.

Ernest C. Gordon . . -—President James Bel? Burroughs...-- Vice-President Jeremiah W. fravero Sec- and Trcas, I&rtKNst S. RobifiBon. Business Manager

Directors. tfaoMas F, Conway Michael 3, CaUanan SiAm B. Trombly 3mm J>eF Burrough* Vm# fc Bolr* J«fltta!*k >V, Davem Emei* t l Gordon

John Ai^trong-*., —>»-„ ^ ^ 5 ' ' B i ^ a | ^ t t l w i c ^ f ? . 0 O per year* Adyeriis-'r iwie* OB application.

„_ -aa *#co»d claws mattes' at the post B*t!sbwr*K Clinton County. NT. "£

i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmm**-... ,U i'il JU....X1 L ., . '.. -J -


'^yrtswiiiaa^ty Gateway" to the Am-&*" raMfcdks M l the Green Mountainfi, and the

of mil tary pragiareiaeaf for tational ' « M f<maded In 1T84 by Zephaniah

a native of Long Island. Hie City i« n w r the head of Lake Champuiio,

Bay, a t the mouth of the » * t f m * f i^ i iMto i -*f ^ ,

14M0. I t i aa imat l fu l rwide i j -" i le i l l7 . lurfkK4Mtheii^hff

' * * a« iMiteml tod fruit-^rovr-; ..... - P ^ W — S - - \ ^ ^ . - - . . >

ftratb*ttteo« Cham-

*!^bar«**' ,./fe §?;



,"',;'.'̂ iff n^aRE-'".'-ft-V'^lf.'-

"iBP'fWBI p r W 1 ^ ^ * S|RF*WrW~

#4*r la the home of the

AMtt $choo1, and many' acfaoc^s.

o/ th« atr**t* ift Uic buJ5incs« lite City are $*v*d Vitti forfeit,

~ Mttlcg* t»r asphalt and those are macadamized,

them b i te r in a l 7 raitca of macadamized *&&** ami&<M&m of brick and wood blocks. H i e aidewalJca thitoughtfafc the residential

K H * :, #w(pop» at* «£ concrete and stone. l laat »of lite atxgiefcs of thespesidential por-

tiont $f l&M£ GUy are Jwaiered'' on either side fegrlpH # n » , whldi apch *nd meet over the isenfer of t i e streets, some of them being 0 w r %0O years »!4,

The Democratic Vlatfonn adopted at Chicago is u plain, simple statement of achievemeht uinhw Jtonocratle rule, •«. record of exceedingly important work ^ell done, of more constructive legislation urcompUMie.l than has been placed oh the isUituli' books in the same length of time in years.

3t contains a strong and ringing plank oh Americanism that will meet with the approval of every true American, to whatever party he may belong.

It emphasises the principle of the protection of American interests the world, over, while &i the same time it does not place the United States in the role of an insolent dictator.

It calls for ample and adequate preparedness without containing the slightest hint of a policy that the most ardent pacifists can call militarism,

It sets forth, the policy of the govertiment in regard to Mexico, a policy which has receiv­ed the support of the great majority of the American people, a policy which calls for the protection of out interests without threaten­ing the annexation of Mexico*

It is stratghtforwwtf, <MIKM$, kom^t expm* dm of principles, a ipm *Ulnlo*)ry ot i#ft|!'Jc moi'e than satisfactorily .4acc<> .̂p)yirfjM. Jtt ifc *, platform oh which uw x>ftrty> wjttfroufc Mxit slightest hesitation ot apjpjfiel^isloit, m*1m i t e apica l to tlte American jpeople.

Naval conjstnictidn authorised dur ing :4&$ fifst two ,|ear« *>i WM4*QW W^m i» 'inoA'fm-' and a half times that authorised during the same''period' of the 'foooiwfofelfc administration, and im total mval avi^HHWtiflii m$&* $W&

y e a r s ' ^ UcKinl^y* lioo»eV*it t$& '*&&•&)$$

to the kcrjiel, the only 'real complaint, ' ajfainsfc Wilson iw'Hm '$$•-hm~ -^$Wi^'m<i!l •

careful to avoid any intihiaaon i s to wi|at aide we should Mfrte-WMM$ #««•'•• ;(W « o g | ^ , . JgS^ '

4he id<« is to get vote* from the »ymp«thii«ra : j ^

•;Hfel'. $700,000,000 :woir#i'' « | • . ^ f l i ducta, Uveatock -and' ;p\^c#f;;M : ':;ir»ittjAWJ :

• "'^m^^m^^^wm:'!'' during the jdfie' mt0»

bpU not only more than double the rtc-

Th« i* reapwtfully « f « t » d to tusisra.

m̂ abuiidant supply of pure water i* bi?ough.t fipom mountain streams and lakes a n t stored in reservoirs about a mile and a half distant from the village, with more than ^pilOicient head to throw a stream over the Mgjiest building In tin City. The entire sys-tgtti is em of the bast in th« State, and the water rate is very low, as the system is ^operated economically and more than pays for itself.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS—Pittsburgh is the comity seat of Clinton County, and the Clin-ioir Couttty Court House it; located ben? with An additional building to provide* quarters for the ^County Clerk, Surrogate Judge, County Treasurer, and chambers for the County Supervisors, TJie Pof.t Office is housed in a feree-story brick building localr-d in the center of the citj' on wliat is known as Custom Mouse Square.

Cround has been recently actjuir'-'d i<>r the .establishi)Jenf of a Iaj-g'-' public )> n<vr \],i-mouth *A tlu- hat-ana/. JLiv<-r, {»\(-rlooJJjjg Cumberland }k>.y, v.iii'h v.itl !»<• a wiUmml and fctate nwui<>Mt} '<i the Haiti'' "i i'Jall:.-burgli. Adjojiujig th».s j»a<-i. \}\c ( iiy b;r acquired the fjtc f«,i a n< v. ( if v il.JJ !•< 1. ej-etrLfod in mwijor,\ <<{ i:t» J[tio J/.,,,u J„ Smith. The total Htn'i'ott of K.'.III- I [» ii'l'-l OH. this project be uj<pio.a,t.iitcly voW,-0¥X

«H convkUon primary in that State.

^Mibjicaiir y wra you ready k> aay j u s t w h a t your iband on t h e var -" '''i&w&to'ti&Uiii&.k*!?*'' • • ' . . • • . •

•«^»t fee tfi« iMWtfdi *SwWWI<rti«*f* -f** , _ . _ J f c t t V i M t , I t iMaWsrtttill* to tni«i "W* 4wt1t%iW>w iraat * e Wliere ifi, 1^e*el«r(g | iye .«# n s e d a t e *lwi«e feelt«f«..#« 4on't %ws*tf

Joaeph 11. Choate, former ambaaaador to Cksjtt Britain aad a leading ltepublican, writ­ing in the Review of Reviews for January, !915» paidhigli tribute to the Wilson adfflniatratioit's jjolicies growing out of #KS war, He said:

"If we can juiaintain our neutrality and keei> out of this war and at the same tlfiie prove. ourselves friendly to all tjie nations engaged ui it—as I think We shall under the wise and prudent conduct of President Wilson—the United States will, I believe, not only be called into consultation by the warring nations, when they are no longer able to keep up the fight, but will practically be able to dictate the terms of peace between them, one of which must, If possible, be- an -effectual guarantee against any future outbreak of the horrible spirit of mili'-tarism which has caused the present war.

"Of course, the end of this war will see us by far the most powerful nation in the world, and if the policy pointed out by Secretary Daniels is mirsiied, we shall perhaps In the fullness of time become ourselves the mistress of tho seas without incurring hostility or at­tack from any nation, and shall be the great factor for preserving universal peace."

Truly this in a remarkable tribute and one of the i-lnuigc-f arguments for the re-election of Woodnm Wilson that we have yet heard,

4 * k T i F M l V . ^ ^ , 1 > * ' ^ K ^ j#^**i*y^M

.a l* t* many mo r«>*iteMiws fciH.y, and why Oolonoi RoctfccveM: b*h>e4 i « •0U« i-enotlfciMiry mW*o H a i « ^ l | a < ea vim .*, jfiraulmoiss m a t * # « jawtost. hmm toy WiJltatn Allen W h i t e l a IH Ohic*»t» M*|*ld of JVttC U, Bald JMtf. WJtilto:

Mf, »*«rr*rfns had p»ia jus g<wd money for the party an.d in J»lW re»t»d Ui* Utlo of th<s putty, it waa iat^jfai that, Colons) notwe-wlt ihoutd recognize t|)*t tlu*. AiiA 'WbOa Mr. PerWha fcpoke ill tlio Wrty councils it wka Olily v«-tur«l that *is judgment should provatf. ., . Thch %er«3 Uvo elomeftt* IA 'the

coccventKini—the genuine pufogreBsivef .ana th«|^jfjMns rcaqti^ftari^i' fhei gcn«1lne jw^fegslyCs, for dome unex-pliUnmWf! ration, iniaglrte* R«x»«ev,el( to b« one ot tbom, R mliiconceptlor whieH |h« . Colonel #«Uliettt(el)r «« •ww*m^0&* re««t MtMr eit|»«fi-«noe i l M W teach .thfa? J^^f *«tin

to m ,#jm- in am *«0 w»*« *i#-qu<MU4MU. a# tho««. r«l*ti»« i« *rt«

ifOir#|iU^^»lii^*#,# TAtsHiirllt.tb* •«!«•*«»•

;|tor - j>roj|r«iuay*iMn *M :ta* ' ' Uutfit *iU >!•**' WU«

^ • f i i . l ' .

fOBTHfe; '

K*f kted by P«p«

N»<r t o A Jtoe, 19. - MtchMl : J. Mul«u«eB, MUrltia Dre»ld«nt of tlic CkUiol*! Ciliib, toU mm m«do a Of ta« A i ^ r of Bai«t Gregory by jB«#Ml.o>t CaratMl Farley , requested PoBti* U» eoof*r til* hijh dl.nitr .Oil iffi' tt*liue^ii mm»» of fall Splehdld MrjHoc Uie l u t Ave ye*m *•' preitl* 4«at of tte Catholic Club. ....;.•

^ -'•- ' . ^ g ^ ^ Y g j i j ^ .;;'rtf,Mr tfaan |180,(»() turned i ^ ' . . ^ : . ^ % 4 . i i 0 ^ ''.fcill'-o^t tbt

«.8ng. ov*r-<a«n« and i l r e n u o ^ ^ ins, The medicine that meetp th* oe«Mh»t tones the «tom»ch, etlinu. lat«* the |Wen jie^tteiihelwwej*-* •


St«itfi' iOomml»«ion *I fJiKhvfyBj A> banh N. Y,—Pursuant 1» th | i>ro-\lnm* of ^haiJtef 30, Jt»^a *l l'W», as ftiftfii*W» *>y 0«*PM* «*«̂ WWtj of I9ii, and OjiaHW-f ?0* W ' • * ? 1913, seated ptopoaal* v»l te-re­ceived''by the Mnderiigned at tfaeir office, Kfl, 6S E«*ca»ter »tpe*#, A|-b»ny. jSfi- Y., mt -fthe o'(BleW"'lPi-"M,, on Monday, ihe Joth day W. J*iy,

v 1816, for th«.'il*W*dvenMtt* of ih« follow^ tohfif'yji'.: • 'CM6ton;.f?.o%fr, ty, jRoad No. 1398: Name of Road^ itoffitbvHliB-^ranWiii County Um

;.J**pj|frpl»nft siK^JncilioDS and eaO-

S»r««» w?#iie^ i t tlte 0fo«- #f -the": Cortjniaaioii, «»rt<;y O. SW)hernk*rhorn, Lyon BulldinK, 1 Daniel Street , Air jp.any.-'N,.*'.

•*me eape^lal a t tent ion of bidd^hi 1a called to "QBJNpHAfj INFO: m% Bimm&Hn the i " poeal, MKxMcaUont « acreemetit, ".' '

PropoaalB for each road or cOnlract mjugt be preaented In a separate acal-ed envelope, eadftned on t^i outsldis with th? name ani numbof-i Hw roai iOr; contriicit MmiSfm J N inade. . Badi prdpoaai MUiit be i' panled by caah or', a cerUfled check payable to tb'e:.!dr4eir','0)(' tt'e, >|Me' Coinmlaalon of Hlfhwaye for an |tm-

ai now«**rl, Muat If^.Werencoi, Aj>ply "by: j t » , - hfo, « :Corneiu

mm ml m. m.

Farm, eta

Mi h-*oldicr«i : id th. rtilater

blank f .Bor." frtart.

.About Datrr^Dd S^tonal ", 'fciii<itiojij

Cii4| of 'fcy.Awi •foiM to vioe,

•-•IMf' iiase,. cement

' ' *' <W ollne tank aeeied.. 1 for the Hi

- : F u H e * ' : p f t ^ ^ ^ * ^ y l i i | i ; t o

U*W&A. A. .^_,

?*&.'*q*fa^4ljijfc , men • ean /be; • t rengthened and made Well t»y Tibe; Hblyoke AMoAUnal Suppor ter now be-ifl^ introduce^; at ^ i e Jjtcatteii Brug Store. This ta t ie only BHpportcr that has an *MK M it kiid tb* only Supporter that can stand all testa without xlipptb*. yoit sit doWn to regt-yourselt-Ha-hUe you are .lUnding;, walking or WtUng, this little device -weightair'esi* than 4 ounces, worn oy­er the garment, merely hooked "oh, -suppprts In a restful manner, your en­tire abdominal tract, producing bet-tier assimilation—removes all jar from all the Inter**! -prgiii*, JtiftklBg gach and every x>hit do their wort better. Doctors claim Ijiat the priftie Ca"(j«e Of the frlgnlful mortality of the afllddlo-age man today Is that they all c-Vei*

i eat and Undo? ejtej'clse. that this 18 (so ho senBibie person will dispute, t o . prevent the ifatat effects from those | causes you ftiti&t support yourself. jThfe proper supporting prevents ex­cessive strain "and Ihctfestse bloat ana fat. In 5 days' Uroe in your city these Bmall inen and heavy men

I wearing Ihpin would not take $50 fot Hie belt if the"y could not get another, These bPlls do absolutely more thaii

1 we claim Tor t hem. Any man o r wo­man in Plat lppurgh not feeling well can call at The Arcade ttolel" and ask for Mr. XV. U B u r n s a n d he. -will give >du a tree trial of the belt 16' pfovo

im gj,;e|«.r'|M»fMfy .«evf|&:'iji% should- be-iilldpd to go into efect , CK^nian Van &antwwrt Bubmlta a

an«WeiinR-Cominiiioion fer EmrnefB contetttlojiS and holdifif ;ib»t..«ft* ^.»F0ipo8e4 mw M&t&Oate wouhj not effect the unifonnHy whic* CwimiBaioar Etnmet dealres, . . -;'

In ihe order denying -the i«?o»oaei rate scheduled the Commission hol4i that Uie need fer the increase* af­fecting the Hudson River Division' is

unproven.- IWth jcegaisd to changes pn other divisions, the^ Com-missipn calls tlie ,atte»Woh of -^he railroad to obviouB dLBcriminations in the present rates on tiese .divisions and suggests that they be modified, the gchedtties now proposed, Jhowever, tfae Gommlsslon ftnds do not equit­ably eftept this modification, t he Commission says tbat while ijt is JSOS-Siblo some of the miiMir divisions pf the road are not paying so far as passenger .trafllc is conecrned,̂ there j * rto jttSt rdasofi why this burden shoulr' be impoeed through generally^ in-creased rates on the patrohs of the main lino where pasaeflgcr business seems on the record to be clearly, prph tabic.


Abotit twenty motorcyclists- frbln Glens Palls, whom was accompanied by a lady passenger, enjoyed a trip Sunday over a portion of the Adiron­dack highways, It was originally iii-*endcd that the tourists should go Ausable Chasm and return, but Jate start, owing to weather coiftli-

Gtwtral Inattrance And Iteal tSmU Af enti


there is «iirgmay: i n g B % appear :gust ' . « » . « ^ , lness tfen'a clijb' .vlt|tWn;WvJl'**l -uie.tuie^v!or in August. » *jS

'Yoit and ̂ Wi *8 iS | as *eW *% ia{#

The pniiiipi rc-.|«oii;f of HIP National Guard of NVv, Vnjl. to Hi'- call i:-;-ue*l lasl evening by P n i'lont Wiiroii is .vunefhirtp; of which the 1 jnpirc ;-1ati can \scll !«• proud. The guards-in*'!i oi Ncv Voi'K are aiuoug (lie be>t in the I nili ' l :«lai••-•.. Ujeir j-tandavd of cflicienry is li'Ko and tljcu work in fraiimijr has stamped 1l)cn<;'. liciiiK proJi'i« nl cihWii tvildiejv.. While li.< >lui , v. htrli aM;i)i -• lh" giiard.-mcn i,.' ni'ur th,Ui ifiuf oi I'fi*lolling the .1'niled ,'<- !i'ii<li'i )<, I'fli'.r- I|K i'ij.'ular.N now en-;M;>» M' in llioi v.uil. ,i iii<!i ili{\\ ma.v reinforce Hi' i'' /-. iiii-v -f ' . i ' ' now in .Mc'vico, it i« a watis-ioi'.ii'U t'< Hi' ju-ojji' o| uu ,.UtU lo iuiow tha t t ' . i- ".T-ri: v,ill t ' t vc-j; cari'.ed «.-ut.

,t (1ml he will make you feel belter . Got ! U o " s mMo thk lof tB t r i P <* 2 2 5 m i l e e I V (lie booklets free at Mr. JacQues Drug * u "HfWS'hHity, j » Company. T,1C' cyclists met witlt some diffl-!^

4 culty becauoe of -the heavy storms | ^ ' ' Which felled trees and littered tiavjL

,K.Hf'l.I» IKOM <'AU, slate roads wifh limbs. A farmer ; X AGB WOMEN Ill'BT threw his home Open to them during V

the" heart of the storm and the women j v In. H'-U-n Hamlin, aged resident furnished a delightful dinner. l A

-—*— ••* Af)Ti5«TISKW 1/ETtBHS. Ify

MUK.-C1. Black. M. M. jSroga, £ J'/seph FJUtfalriek, Armond Jodoin,

aged ot Brooklyn W, .y., is a l>atlent in tb<? Aliff lljdo hospital, Malone, nnffer-ing fioni in juries received when she j'n iji"l l»wii an automobile between .Mn'fiiif ,iut| .saranac Lake pariy, of «hith &he was a member . 'nc ('iM'pclled' to jump from the car m- ii isUicd to tmck down a. &(oep hill

, vlitn t i t biakes taiiod to work.

Assisted t>y \



• ; •

wlifen thfi f"i), Howard A, Jutkl, Master Georgoj J Miller, TV, H, Mooncy, Henl'y Wilson, j V

••!• WOMEN.—Miss Jciiiiie Johnson. A. G. SlflMJjCAlu,


Special Scenery and


! $ PRICES~10c, 15c, 2SkT Jtt

., *»*» -^-*#